May 1-10 2018 Belarus Čareja — Bielaja Carkva
ABOUT US Belarusian Architecture Students' Association together with Belarusian Union of Architects, Belarusian Union of Designers and local community of villages Čareja and Bielaja Carkva (White Church) continue to develop cultural and educational projects whose aim is students’ and specialists’ creative and professional development. International architecture school SESAM Ex Nihilo is an unprecedented event in architectural, design and educational spheres in Belarus. Not only Belarusian and foreign students together with professionals will exchange experience and skills, but will realize mutually created ideas, while integrating Belarus into a global market of architectural design. We offer your company cooperation and support.
SESAM (Small European Students Architecture Meeting) origins EASA — European Architecture Students Association — is an international network which connects hundreds of architectural schools and thousands of students that specialize in architecture, urbanistics, design and arts. EASA is organized by initiative youth that doesn’t just sit around and is a vehicle of progress in architecture and architectural education. In 2016 we (Minsk architects) successfully organized and conducted spring architecture school SESAM Terra Incognita in which 90 students and professionals from Belarus, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Germany, Poland, France, Algeria, Ireland, Armenia, Finland and Switzerland participated. For 7 days, under the guidance of Belarusian and foreign tutors, 8 groups were exploring Minsk, its history and culture on different levels so that they could see the capital from perspective of foreigners and, as the result, present a couple of photo and model exhibitions, as well as the architectural form — camera obscura. The news about the school was quickly spread on the whole EASA network. We decided not to stop and organize a new, more large-scale and colorful architectural school SESAM Ex Nihilo.
LOCATION Čareja- Bielaja Carkva (White Church) Čareja is known in history since 1464 when a monastery was built there. In the end of 15th century the village became one of the most important Sapega’s family estates and in 1599 The Holy Trinity Church was built in a nearby village Bielaja Carkva which has been preserved to these days. In 2017 the festival SPRAVA was held in Bielaja Carkva and in 2018 a cultural centre and an art residence will be built in Čareja.
we’ll be here
DATES May 1- 10, 2018
The idea 76.3% of population of Belarus lives in towns and cities. The number of people in villages keeps getting smaller and smaller. Schools, kindergartens, cultural centers and libraries in villages are closing every year. In the middle of nowhere, one hundred architects will search for the ways to bring life back in the villages, and villages — back to the life. To make it together from nothing. Ex nihilo.
Белая церковь Черея
FORMAT The event consists of 3 parts: џ lectures by historians, anthropologists, sociologists
and architects; џ workshops; џ final exhibition and festival involving the local community. Participants will get an opportunity to explore Belarus which is not urbanized, learn how to work with local communities, investigate landscape and learn how to work with territory and do not harm its natural beauty and ecological integrity. Result: festival of music and land-art. Audience coverage Participants: 100 students+ 30 tutors and coordinators, 500 guests. The information about the event has been already spread on 3000 people from international architectural community. Reports about the school will be published in architectural magazines in Europe and countries of Commonwealth of Independent States , as well as Belarusian social media.
TIMELINE November 18, 2017 — Presentation of the Architectural School at the EASA Intermediate Meeting of National Contacts in Oulu, Finland December 7, 2017 — presentation of the School in Minsk, open-call for tutors May 1-10, 2018 — Architectural School SESAM Ex Nihilo 2018, Belarus May 20, 2018 — presentation of the results of the Architectural School in Minsk October 2018 — presentation of the results of the School at the EASA Intermediate Meeting of National Contacts in Bulgaria
April, 30 «zero day»: meeting and arrival
May, 2 workshop fair, the first working day, lectures
May, 1 workshops presentation, opening ceremony
May, 4 workshops, lectures
May, 3 workshops, integration evening
May,6 workshops
May,5 workshops, lectures, musical evening
May, 8 workshops, excursion
May, 10 workshops presentations, closing ceremony, festival
May, 9 last day of workshops May, 7 workshops
Partner benefts: џ Increase in brand recognition of your company in the џ џ џ
professional community; an opportunity to declare itself in the international market of design and construction; formation of a unique reason for corporate social responsibility of your company; with the support of the implementation of one of the projects, a sponsoring company also creates its portfolio; contribution to the development and support of Belarusian regions within the framework of the UN initiative; a direct impact on the prestige of the company: creative and intellectual youth while participating in such events will see who influences the development of the future
Opportunities for promotion: џ џ conducting of company’s actions and events within џ
џ џ џ џ
the framework of the international school; placement of advertising and information materials on SESAM 2018 resources: site, leaflets, booklets, banners; publications in European architecture and design magazines photo and video reports; mention in press releases; links in social networks and information resources of our partners.
Contacts: Andrei Krokhin: +37529 3241623 Nasta Tulayeva: +37525 9434477
Facebook: VK: Instagram: sesam_2018_ex_nihilo