Internal Newsletter May/June 2013

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WELCOMING ✎ transition party June 28th Cocorico 7pm

TERM 13/14 AIESEC LC Bandung Internal Newsletter May/June 2013 Edition

EuroXpro Before I start the story, I really want to say to AIESEC in Bandung and AIESEC in Indonesia, to give me the opportunity to attend best conference ever abroad. Every year, AIESEC International has regional conference to discuss about Exchange and Leadership based on the the region of every entities. Start from two months ago, AIESEC International was held conferences in Singapore for Asia Pacific region, Lebanon for Middle East and North Africa region, Turkey for Western and North America including Central Eastern Europe Region and Colombia for Iberoamerica Region. As the Current Local Committee President, I was attending the biggest XPROs called Euroxpro which is hosted by AIESEC in Izmir, Turkey. EuroXpro being the biggest international AIESEC conference because this conference was combined two big region which is Central Eastern Europe & Western Europe & North America Region. It is a 7 days conference from 10th – 17th April 2013 in Korumar Hotel Delux, Kusadasi, Turkey. The objective itself for this conference is to create a global network partnership, direct interaction with global partner and generating new strategies to create a single move for ther future journeys. Most of participant who came to this conference is Local Committee President or Member Committee Executive Board elect and Current. Day 0 of this conference we were gathered in the biggest place of Izmir called Izmir International Fair (similar like Jakarta Convention Centre) to have the biggest global village and present our country roll call. There were 67 countries which is present their local things. We can try any drinks, foods, or any gifts which is belong to every country. In the same day, we also have the pre – opening event called Global Youth Business where we have the chance to meet Junior Chamber International and it was a surprise when they told us about the similarities and partnership that JCI and AIESEC International had. There was also sessions from the an turkish entrepreneur, Turkish airlines, etc. The next day, is the official day of the conference. The agenda was so hectic. We have to wake up before 7 AM and will be finish at 3 AM. But the session delivery was great. Because we have a lot chance to learn from other entities and creating exchange partnership. We also have new insight to develop our current product of exchange and change our leadership mindset as well. Actually, this is my first international conference experience and what I can say is every AIESECers should join international conference of AIESEC. Because they will know and learn from other entities and global partner directly.

Inspiring Unileader AIESEC LC Bandung had just made a cooperation with one of reputable companies in Indonesia, Unilever. AIESEC had an agreement to assist the company to organize one of their famous events in Bandung. The event is called Inspiring Unileader. Inspiring Unileader is an activity undertaken by the reputable company, Unilever. This activity is carried out to spread positive impact for youth in Indonesia, also as a media for Unilever to promote their programs that are aimed for university students. This event was not just a seminar, but in here, students can also get insight about Unilever more. Besides, there were also a talkshow which included five brand ambassadors from five different reputable universities in Bandung, talking about Leadership in University Students’ Environment. The main speaker for this event was Willy Saelan, the HR Director of Unilever Indonesia, he was speaking for ‘Creative Leadership in an International Careeer’.

(June 7-9 2013) Lembang, it was a loooong journey and efforts for all the members, especially those who applied higher role of AIESEC in Bandung, until the very first local conference for all executive & strategic board, university board, and management board. It was started on January 2013, Agung Bimo Listyanu elected as the local committee president of AIESEC in Bandung 13/14. Then completed all the 17 members of strategic board on May 18 2013; which consist of local committee president, vice presidents, and directors of 6 universities. This local planning meeting’s objectives are to prepare all the management & university board to concept and plan the whole term’s activities, programs, projects, and other event to make huge impacts for the next term; 2013/2014. Also all of the delegates got to know another members from different universities and learn how to synergize among all the functional, to grow as one entity, AIESEC Local Committee Bandung, Indonesia. Based on its name, some of the delegates shared that they thought it might become really complicated and tiring. But thanks to the people behind it all. The local planning meeting was facilitated by 11 facilitators, organized by 5 wonderful women, and chaired by Mbak Widi, ex-MCP of AIESEC in Thailand, MCVP Communication of AIESEC in Indonesia, and LCVP of AIESEC in Ubaya (former of AIESEC in Surabaya) who always smile and brought the hype during the conference. On the first day, all the delegates were pro-actively participating in the get-to-know games, a while after we’d started to analyzed the condition of AIESEC Bandung in this past 5 years. On the second day, the atmosphere of curious and spirit empty glass who’s ready to be filled were around. We discussed about the customer centric management, and as the climax, we had the opening of 3 projects based on exchange of Unpad, UPI, and ITB there. It was so hype, roll danced with all the EPs, watched the documentary video of the projects made by the EPs, even they (the EPs) performed the Saman dance. Not losing the hype, we continued the LPM with gather the master plan. What a huge day! The third day of LPM, it was the long-awaited part of planning…. the presentation of Master Plan that will be used for the next whole term’s compass of synergy. We ended up the day with compiled all the ideas of why we should be together. Keep up the spirit, and let’s seize the first of July, the beginning of our leadership journey. Local Planning Meeting of AIESEC in Bandung, the fun way to ally as one entity.

LocalPlanning Meeting

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