California Buildings News Q3 2021

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10 California Buildings News • Q3 2021

Tech-Enhanced Buildings...

Helping Managers Cope with Dramatic Changes

Building managers will spend an estimated $20 of data analytics, health/wellness, and climate impact billion-plus this year on operational software, with techforecasting/mitigation.” centric California likely leading the way. They will spend Data analytics and systems that unlock the power of data much more on various gadgets, from all platforms and sources like sensors, smart door locks, within a company are becoming “People want to feel confident that better filtration, intelligent essential, the report notes. “It their workspace is safe. I think technology restrooms and security devices. is only second to project mansuch as IAQ sensors will help people feel Thanks to the pandemic, smart agement ...the crude oil of our building operations need to get business.” more comfortable in their workplaces,” much more intelligent to cope The COVID-19 pandemic Sam Shapiro, Able Services. with numerous changes in the “accelerated demand for techway we work or occupy facilities. nologies that support tenant According to a just-released engagement, the touchless expeUrban Land Institute report, “Technology is now viewed rience, and health and wellness factors,” the report said. as the way to remain competitive in every business product, California-headquartered Able Services marketing chief service, and operation— and even more so, as a means to Sam Shapiro says, “People want to feel confident that their challenge the status quo and lead market change. As one workspace is safe. I think technology such as IAQ company said, ‘We are increasing our [adoption] capacity in sensors will help people feel more comfortable in their order to be ahead of the curve and lead the transformation workplaces. People never really inquired about their air in the real estate sector’.” quality prior to COVID unless they had allergies or some The report continued, “Proactive real estate companies pre-existing conditions.” are adopting property technologies in all business areas — Sonia Miro, Kearny Real Estate Company’s director fundamental management and financial streams, design and of property management for the San Diego region, said construction, leasing/tenant relations, as well as newer areas that providing adequate air filtration is a major concern. (Continued on page 12)

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