California Buildings Q2 2022

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Design & Operation of Office, Multifamily, Hospitality, Medical and Government Facilities

Q2 2022 • $5

Making Workplaces More Flexible Designs That Make It Easier to Adapt to Post-COVID Realities

Special Features... n Better IAQ Measures Suppress COVID n Security Innovations n SF Architecture Designs Win AIA Awards

Contents 6

Creating Spaces That Attract and Inspire Employees Data Can Help Create Safer IAQ

Reinventing Better Downtowns?


ISC West: Security Product Awards

Supply Chain Construction Issues

If the workplace math of fewer employees in the office per week occurs as expected, then downtowns are either going to become much better or much worse. If office days are reduced by half, then cities will generate much less revenue because employees won’t be lunching, happy-houring, entertaining or shopping nearby as much. Fewer will stay late to see a performance. Armies of salespeople who used to call on customers in workplaces will become mere regiments...and so on. If nothing is done to reinvent downtowns, they will decline, and the more they decline the more they will spiral down. Cities were hollowed out and ghettoed after World War II in the big flight to the suburbs and malls. Some cities like San Francisco were reinvented with commercial growth as skyscrapers rose over old industrial sites. But...what if downtowns that are primarily offices become more residential, tourist and conference-focused? There has been a good deal of talk among urban planners in California and elsewhere about converting more commercial space into residential. More people would return to downtowns with such conversions. Hotels would fill up again. Cities’ revenues would revive and so would the small businesses that serve food and create useful services and interesting retail. Amusing towns attract leisure and commercial travel and conferences. Commercial-to-residential conversions would help alleviate the housing shortage. Instead of venturing into dystopian landscapes, people would look forward to visiting or living in downtowns. Massive LA Residential Conversion? A recent RAND study concluded that “approximately 2,300 potentially underutilized commercial properties that, if fully utilized for residential purposes, could produce approximately 72,000 to 113,000 units of housing in Los Angeles County, depending on the mix of unit sizes.” Commercial-to-residential conversions in California cities like LA would require “robust citywide policy that provides by-right project approval, greatly increased density, and reduction in or elimination of parking minimums,” says RAND. “Additionally, because of the complex nature of many adaptive reuse projects, policy should specify clear alternative building code requirements and lock in codes and code guidance for the life of a specific project at the time of approval,” RAND concludes and recommends using incentives, not mandates, to motivate the inclusion of affordable units in such projects. Many players in the private and public sector have to come together, players that are often in conflict, so commercial-toresidential conversions will not be easily achieved on a large scale, but promise good outcomes on a case-by-case basis. — Henry Eason



Association News: AIASF Awards, BOMA Supports Energy Efficiency, IFMA Degree Program at UCI

New California Projects Debut




Industry News: New Skyline CEO, Crafts Pros in Demand, CA Schools of Architecture Rank High

TO EDITOR Comments on articles? Suggestions? Contact

California Buildings Team Henry Eason, Editor Ellen Eason, Publisher & Associate Editor Contributing Editors Ken Cleaveland, Public Affairs Advocate Bob Eaton, Roberts Hospitality Jessica Handy, CodeGreen Solutions Rich Lerner, Construction Consultant Michael F. Malinowski, AIA, President, Applied Architecture Inc. Katherine A. Mattes, Real Estate Consultant Steven Ring, Fulcrum Real Estate Development Carlos Santamaria, CEES-Advisors

Advertising Information Ellen Eason, 415.596.9466 © Copyright 2022 Eason Communications LLC PO Box 225234 San Francisco, CA 94122-5234 Copyright © 2022 by Eason Communications LLC, publisher of California Buildings News. The publisher assumes no liability for opinions expressed in editorial contributions to the magazine or third-party quotations within articles. The publication is not responsible for claims in advertisements. Printed in the U.S.A. Cover image credit: Getty Images.

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4 California Buildings • Q2 2022

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More Construction Cranes Swing Over SF, LA Maintains Steady Construction Activity The number of cranes on the San Francisco skyline has incrementally increased. The large majority of cranes are allocated to residential and mixed-use developments, with industrial and commercial projects accounting for the remainder. New residential developments in the Marina and Nob Hill neighborhoods reflect the city’s critical need for housing, reports the construction consultancy firm Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) Meanwhile, the number of cranes in Los Angeles remains unchanged. Multi-family residential and mixed-use projects account for 67% of the city’s cranes. The count for cultural and civic projects has slightly increased to 8% of the cranes, and healthcare and hospitality sectors rose 6% and 8% respectively. The cranes dedicated to transportation projects accounts for around 8% of the local count. Cranes for commercial work remain steady, representing 4% of the count. Photo: Adobe Stock.

RLB’s on-the-ground picture of construction activity in 14 key North American markets and data-driven insights into the industry shows, “While the surge of the COVID-19 Omicron variant is subsiding, pandemic-induced problems remain. Supply chain issues continue to plague all levels of the construction industry, from raw materials to finished products, as pent-up demand for building supplies grows. A spike in fuel prices and a shortage of truck drivers are still slowing overland transit of goods, a condition exacerbated by lack of warehouse space. Significant recent events—the Russia-Ukraine war and inflation—are now compounding the current picture. The conflict in eastern Europe is likely to affect costs and availability of some key materials; Russia is a major producer of copper and aluminum. Inflation is on the rise, pushing prices across the board higher. “It’s a complicated situation,” said Julian Anderson, FRICS, President of RLB North America. “While the bipartisan passage of the $110 billion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a major step forward, it remains to be seen how inflation will affect its implementation.”

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6 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Workplaces of the future must meet higher standards of safety, health and well-being if they are to attract people. The package of articles on pages 6-9 addresses some of the requirements and details challenges that will be met by more successful building managers.

Creating Spaces That Attract & Inspire Employees Shifting from “Me Space” to “We Space” By Sarah Brengarth and Brian Corbett

One of the most important lessons we learned from the pandemic is that the value of human connection is irreplaceable. People are seeking community and looking to reconnect in purpose-driven spaces that inspire. The open office's one-size-fits all solution is no longer seen as an acceptable answer for an ideal work environment. We must be more intentional by creating places that offer employees the choice of when, where, and how they want to work. As we approach our flex-work world, we consider the workplace as a network of spaces designed to support a variety of work modes. Gensler-designed workplaces offer a network of spaces designed to support a variety of work modes. Above: Twilio office in San Francisco. Opposite page: Yahoo offices. Photos courtesy of Gensler | Jason O'Rear Photography.

7 California Buildings • Q2 2022

So, how is this people. Teams want accomplished? By to reconnect, which is shifting workspaces more than chatting and from “me space” to socializing. While those “we space.” With most activities are important, employees coming into we are seeing teams the office two to three choreograph their days a week, clients are collaboration. By hostmoving away from owning community days ership at assigned and having departments desking and shifting scheduling their meettowards dedicated ings to occur on the team neighborhoods. same day every week, Our new hybrid schedemployees want their ules will decrease the time spent in the office demand on seat count, to be productive and freeing up valuable real meaningful. "The new flex-work office must go beyond the residentialestate to create a variety That said, beyond inspired workplaces of the past decade, and shift to a of spaces, tailored to function, successful better support employee workplaces must also hospitality mindset, viewing employees as valued guests." needs: distraction-free spark joy and create spaces that support deep focus, stations for socialization, opportunities for engagement. To achieve this, considerhybrid-ready collaboration, and wellness spaces. ing an office’s experience must be at the core of our design While there is a myriad of reasons that drive people to thinking. The new flex-work office must go beyond the return to the office, one common thread is that people miss (Continued on page 24)

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8 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Data Can Help Create Safer and Greener Indoor Air By Ruairi Barnwell and Andrew Blauvelt There is still uncertainty about returning to offices and schedule, requires a more focused attention to real-time other public spaces, but at the same time it’s clear California energy adjustments. Historically, energy efficiency was a and the rest of the world are going to have to learn to live priority. But safety and comfort for the inhabitants must with the ongoing impact of the pandemic. be factored in as well. A cleaner building might have higher This reality requires a hard focus on indoor building energy usage, but looking through the lens of holistic buildair quality and occupant safety. A bright ing management means not only ensuring point in all this is the acceleration of energy usage is optimized, but spaces technological advances for data compicontinue to be safer and healthier for California continues to lead lation and risk mitigation strategies. occupants. the nation in clean energy for Environmental, Social and Meeting energy management rules buildings, passing the first Governance (ESG) initiatives and in light of more ESG initiatives will statewide building code in the recent COP26 regulations around accurequire these kinds of automated, U.S. that strongly incentivizes rate reporting on progress towards robust platforms that detail and report corporate sustainability goals are spurprogress. California continues to lead all-electric construction. ring air quality interest in the marketthe nation in clean energy for buildplace. Global enterprises, tech firms and ings, passing the first statewide buildreal estate investment trusts are increasing code in the U.S. that strongly inceningly embracing the concept of healthy metrics for buildtivizes all-electric construction. Requirements for building ing performance ecosystems. efficiencies are tightening up to meet public health, climate, There’s also been a shift in perception about new baseand clean energy goals for both newly constructed and renolines for carbon footprints. The new hybrid work environvated buildings and will go into effect next year. ment, in contrast to the traditional nine-to-five occupancy (Continued on page 26)

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9 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Future of Indoor Air Quality in the Age of COVID By Danny Murtagh In the waning hours/days of the pandemic as we progress back to the office and a more flexible work schedule for some, the requirements for maintenance and approach to indoor air quality (IAQ) have been enhanced, but many of the requirements are just an adjustment of traditional means and methods having been in place for years. 1) Performing the required maintenance and repairs on mechanical systems is now more front and center in the minds of building managers and operators. 2) Things like enhanced filtering with higher MERV ratings, more frequent replacement of filters to offset the loading of dirt and resistance through the filters, 3) Higher levels of outside air into the buildings where physically possible or higher levels of MERV filtering where more OSA (outside air) introduction is not readily available. Keeping in mind that where ambient conditions get hot and humid, building design may limit the times that introducing more OSA is physical possible while maintaining comfort conditioning. 4) Keeping the interiors of HVAC systems cleaner and more dust free. 5) Painting (sealing) unfinished surfaces inside HVAC rooms and areas. 6) Adding a sanitizing step on a scheduled basis to assure no laden germs or bacteria. 7) Increase maintenance frequencies to assure quality outcomes. 8) Keeping up with the maintenance of water borne systems with proactive water treatment and testing. 9) Deploying IAQ censoring in the office and inside the HVAC systems to constantly check the standard IAQ metrics like temperature, humidity, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, VOCs, and other constituents we gather to determine indoor air quality and efficacy. 10) Adding germicidal treatment systems, (things like UV-C and Ionization systems, upper air UV), as they become practical and appropriate with high levels of efficacy. 11) Dynamic filter technologies are here and maturing, so the day is coming to really enhance the filtering.

12) Adding portable or fixed germicidal systems inside the tenant spaces where they can have a higher efficacy and impact on local populations, where virus is spread. Deploying these types of portable systems within the offices, can have a much higher effect on limiting the spread of virus and bacteria where the transmission is occurring. 13) Increased janitorial services to sanitize surfaces after hours. 14) Business culture changes like making it more than acceptable to work from home or take time off when the seasonal cold and flu season takes hold. Stop the spread! For ages, it has been an expectation to come to work, no matter how you feel. These seasonal cold and flu viruses are very transmissible and affect all coworkers in the office. If you are not in the office when you’re sick, then it stands to reason that you will substantially reduce spreading it. Keep your cold/flu to yourself. 15) Using common sense in life. Old-world courtesies that used to be the normal. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough; wear a face covering when coughing and sneezing; don’t vilify those who suffer from seasonal allergies or chronic scratchy throats. 16. Remember in life, we do build our immunities by exposure to things, starting at birth so don’t be afraid to live in the world and likewise when a global pandemic hits, use your common sense or suffer the consequences. There are certainly more things we can do as we go forward, but many of the things that make it possible to deliver a higher quality or IAQ occur in design and development of new buildings and code requirements. Can we stay focused on building better systems into the future? Or will this wane as the pandemic wanes? This is a question and the most important lesson or outcome we can have to effect better future outcomes. Once a building is designed and built, the patterns are set and much more difficult to alter or improve. In a society where codes and standards supported by the state and local jurisdictions can help steer developers in the right direction, while allowing them to decide, has a much higher chance of failure every time. n

Murtagh is vice president for engineering at BXP in San Francisco.

Photo: Adobe Stock.

10 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Top-Flight Security Products Recognized at Trade Show of your building or constructing a new facility, the COMPACT Every year the Security Industry Association makes it series enables a healthy, accessible environment. easier for building managers to better protect their facilities The prestigious Judges’ Choice Award was presented by awarding recognition to some of the best judged security to Hakimo for the Hakimo products on the market. Alarm Monitoring 2.0 The 2022 winners were product, submitted in the named in Las Vegas at Commercial Monitoring the SIA New Products and Solutions category. Solutions (NPS) Awards, Samuel Joseph, the flagship awards co-founder and CEO of program presented in Hakimo, said, “Hakimo partnership with ISC West Alarm Monitoring 2.0 uses recognizing innovative AI to solve the top two security products, services problems faced by moniand solutions. toring stations and SOCs: Top among the access control false alarms winners at the ISC West and tailgating detection. show floor was Allegion Hakimo reduces false – LCN, receiving the 2022 Attendees learn about new products at the ISC West trade show. alarms by 80%+, has the Best New Product Award. Photos above and below left courtesy of the show. best tailgating detector in the New products are reviewed industry with <1% false positives and provides an integrated by a panel of judges with extensive industry experience, and commercial monitoring solution.” in 2022, following significant deliberations, the 30 judges Additionally, ASSA ABLOY received the SIA NPS Merit presented awards for technologies covering 25 product and Award, which recognizes an individual or company who, service categories. Allegion – LCN received the Best New through their support of the SIA NPS Awards, demonstrates Product honor for its LCN 6400 COMPACT Series Operators a commitment to the vision and mission of the program, product, submitted in the Access Control Software, Hardwire, contributes to its success and promotes the advancement of Devices & Peripherals – Wired category. SIA and the security industry overall. SIA is the leading trade The LCN 6400 COMPACT Series low energy automatic association for global security solution providers, with over operator helps your facility meet basic needs related to 1,200 innovative member companies representing thousands accessibility and touchless access on interior openings. of security leaders. Learn more at Whether upgrading a single opening, renovating a portion

2022 SIA NPS Award Winners

Best New Product Award Winner: Allegion LCN – LCN 6400 COMPACT Series Operators

Judges’ Choice Award

Winner: Hakimo – Hakimo Alarm Monitoring 2.0 SIA NPS Merit Award • Winner: ASSA ABLOY

Category Awards Access Control Devices & Peripherals Hardware – Wireless Winner: Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) – AVA 3.0 – Autonomous Verified Access With STAN Honorable Mention: LiftMaster – Smart Access Hub Access Control Software, Hardware, (Continued on the next page)

Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), winner in the Access Control Devices category, and Red Hawk Casino at ISC West.

11 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Acoustical Doors Beautifully Blend Form and Function Krieger’s high-performance acoustical doors are custom-built to enhance the sound quality of performance spaces, protect against unwanted outside noise, and beautifully complement your architectural design.

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Devices & Peripherals – Wired Winner: Allegion – LCN – LCN 6400 COMPACT Series Operators Honorable Mention: ASSA ABLOY (HES) – HES KS200|KS210 Series Server Cabinet Locks Biometrics Winner: Touchless Biometric Systems – TBS 3D FLY Commercial Monitoring Solutions Winner: Hakimo – Hakimo Alarm Monitoring 2.0 Communications and Networking Solutions Winner: Siklu – MultiHaul TG Node N366 Convergence and Integration Solutions Winner: Dell Technologies – Dell Validated Design Solution for Computer Vision Design, Diagnostic and Installation Tools Winner: LifeSafety Power – SD16 Smart Output Board Emergency and Mass Communication Systems Winner: Databuoy Corporation – Geofob Mobile Panic Button

Emerging Technologies Winner: Untwisted Tech – Untwist Tool V2 Honorable Mention: RaySecur – MailSecur + C-CURE Environmental Monitoring Systems Winner: IPVideo Corporation – HALO IoT Smart Sensor 3C Hosted Solutions Winner: i3 International – Ai Cloud Identification Management and Credentialing (Non-Biometric) Winner: LEGIC Identsystems (wholly owned subsidiary of dormakaba) – LEGIC Connect Go (product shown left) Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solutions (Physical) – Wired Winner: Senstar – Senstar Symphony Sensor Fusion Engine Honorable Mention: Quanergy System, Inc. – QORTEX DTC 3D LiDAR Perception Software Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solutions (Physical) – Wireless Winner: ARGUS Perimeter Security Solutions – ARGUS LuxGuard Key/Equipment Assets Management Solutions Winner: BioConnect – BioConnect Trust Platform for Small Spaces (Continued on page 24)

Sponsored Report

12 California Buildings

Don't Play the Telephone Game with Your Emergency Communications Have you ever played the telephone game? You know, VoIP is great for general telephony in your building, but it’s where you sit in a circle and one person starts by when it comes to emergency communications it’s not usually whispering something in their neighbor’s ear and by the code compliant. Issues like caller identification, being able time the message gets around to the last person in the to call back into an elevator cab and battery backup cause circle it doesn’t really resemble the original? That’s kind most VoIP systems to fail emergency elevator phone inspecof what’s happening in the telecom industry with FCC tion. Not to mention most IT teams aren’t in favor of others Order 10-72a1. In my world, there’s been a lot of chatter having access to their internal network. about the “FCC mandate” and We’ve all become so how it is impacting copper/ dependent on that little analog/plain old telephone mobile device we carry in service (POTS) phone lines. our pocket, and that same It’s interesting what informacellular technology is a tion people hold on to (and perfect solution for emergency what they don’t), so let’s communication, especially in talk about what the FCC your elevator. Not only does actually said. it leverage the mobile netIn August 2019 the FCC work, it is a completely issued an order removing code-compliant solution the burden of complying for both the International with two regulations passed Building Code (IBC) and in 1996 and allowed certain the American Society of telecom companies the opporMechanical Engineers (ASME). Kings III technicians ensure that phone systems are workable and code compliant. tunity to no longer service Another advantage to traditional phone lines. So while cellular over other options there was no actual, “you have to stop servicing POTS lines” is access to FirstNet®, the only nationwide high-speed decree, there is impact to those using copper lines. One of broadband communications platform built with and for the most immediate, since telecom companies are no longer first responders. It’s a communications fast lane with a maintaining the lines, is deteriorating service. The second dedicated network capacity and resilient hardened connecwould be significantly higher phone line costs. In fact, we’ve tion. In addition, the FirstNet network reaches locations seen up to $1,200 on California customers’ phone bills. where coverage is often spotty or difficult. And then, of course, there’s always the (highly likely) Old habits are hard to break, but while the old techpossibility that one day your phone could just stop working nology is no longer being supported, there are better altogether. So, while not a mandate, landline replacement options with even greater benefits. And newer technolois very much a timely issue warranting your attention, with gies are creating opportunities that will enable to you to: special care given to your emergency phone lines. w Increase safety and reliability So what are the best options since now more than ever w Mitigate risk and liability exposure we need reliable communication? Voiceover Internet Protocol w Improve tenant experience (VoIP) is the most common option we hear discussed. w Reduce costs.

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13 California Buildings • Q2 2022

LEGIC Connect Go

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NECA Gives Rosendin Top Awards For LA Projects Rosendin, the nation’s largest employee-owned electrical contracting company, is proud to recognize its Southern California teams for earning 12 prestigious industry awards in two years. The Los Angeles County Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), awarded Rosendin with the 2022 Electrical Excellence Awards for Rosendin’s work on landmark projects: SoFi Stadium, Shoreline Gateway, LA City College, and the new Apple store at The Grove. NECA’s 2022 Electrical Excellence Awards are presented to top electrical companies for outstanding work on projects in Southern California that exemplify a commitment to workmanship, professionalism, and innovation. Above: Century Grand, a Rosendin project. Photo courtesy of Rosendin.

Rosendin’s 2022 NECA Awards include: u Shoreline Gateway – Electrical Excellence: Residential over $5M. Rosendin provided design/build work on the 35-story, 315-unit building; the tallest residential building in Long Beach. The project included three retail areas, a state-of-the-art gym, and a rooftop pool. u LA City College Da Vinci Hall - Electrical Excellence: Audio/Visual under $500K u The Grove Flagship Store – Apple - Electrical Excellence: Commercial between $1-5M u SoFi Stadium 5G Oculus Upgrade – Electrical Excellence: Commercial under $1M. Rosendin installed new electrical panels and infrastructure for 5G capabilities on the Oculus Video Screen, which was located 60-feet off the ground. As the leading voice of the $170 billion electrical construction industry, NECA works with over 70,000 electrical contracting firms to provide education and training, safety resources, business development, advocacy, labor relations and more. Rosendin is a proud supporter of NECA and promotes a diverse and inclusive workforce for skilled and unskilled workers interested in construction, engineering, technology, office management, and other career paths.

14 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Taming Supply Chain Construction Challenges By Ken Pinto

Missing pre-promised completion dates makes builders look bad (and feel even worse) and the main reasons include material or labor delays. However, these historic and cyclical hiccups can be altered for the betterment of all.

Complexities in California California energy codes impact the way builders build. Solar panels, fire resistant roofs, fresh air intakes for HVAC systems, and soon, all electric houses, necessitate plan revisions. Unfortunately, not all builders are adept at change, and adamantly avoid change for changes sake. The most common reaction when faced with change is denial. Builders will cement their position and combat proposed changes for as long as possible, understanding that change will force the development of new supplier relationships and contract negotiations. But waiting to pivot until the last minute comes at a cost — not all that dissimilar to credit card interest. The longer you wait to pay, the more expense you accrue. To avoid added fees associated with late ordering, builders are realizing that early adoption not only provides a longer runway, it Photo: Adobe Stock

provides better opportunity to be at the front of the line to establish valuable supplier relationships. For example, when industry organizations signal changes, such as continuous exterior insulation or 240-volt chargers for all garages, builders can begin to source, negotiate, and plan to purchase products, calculate quantities, and earmark dates needed. The supply chain does not begin until orders are placed so if the order comes late in the build, timelines will be negatively impacted, and related costs will increase. Fortunately, builders have greater influence over the effective use of labor and materials than previously imagined. The key is to provide information for advanced demand planning to increase suppliers’ ability to serve and supply planned jobs. By collaborating with materials suppliers to map out plans as a team, builders can ensure the right materials arrive at the right place, at the right time, and experience a decrease in supply chain hiccups. As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work.

From Manufacturer To Jobsite When materials don’t show up on time, stress mounts, giving

installers an excuse to avoid your job site and fill time elsewhere. These seemingly small hiccups chip away at valuable relationships and cost builders, who hold properties, more money. After enduring this myself, I met with an LBMer (lumber and building material supplier) and asked what we did that cost him money. He gave me an earful about a subcontractor who was not paying his bills, was ordering materials the day before he needed them, and often changed the order after originally submitted. The LBMer further shared how challenging the subcontractor to communicate with and that he was rude to front office staff. Stunned, I asked if the subcontractor’s behavior was affecting my prices and product availability. His response told me it undoubtedly was. Ouch! Afterwards, I began paying that specific LBMer direct using a 10-day invoice-free payment. He was elated and it cost me nothing aside from a new purchase order (PO) and set up in our system. The valuable, albeit painful, lesson taught me to get ahead of potential crises using collaboration at every touchpoint within a supply chain, and to make necessary changes that are good for all involved.

Reduce Tire Tracks The current truck driver shortage is amplified in CA due to driving restrictions such as weight limits and trailer length. Although CA serves as the largest port of call for shipped materials deliveries, it may be surprising to learn that the raw materials and components from Asia are often driven to manufacturing plants outside of CA, assembled, and trucked back into the state as finished goods. (Continued on page 26)

16 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Association News

SF Architectural Awards Highlight Rich Design Leadership AIA San Francisco (AIASF) recognized 2022 AIASF Design Awards honorees in April reflecting a diverse range of project types that highlighted the Bay Area’s rich history of design leadership. Award recipients included Perkins&Will, Gensler, Faulkner Architects, JENSEN Architects, Field Architecture, EID Architects, Mork-Ulnes Architects, Michael Hennessey Architecture, S^A | Schwartz and Architecture, Axelrod Design, Aidlin Darling Design, Sidell Pakravan, JaJaCo, SAW // Spiegel Aihara Workshop, San Francisco Public Works, Bureau of Architecture, David Baker Architects with Cervantes Design Associates, Group, 4 Architecture, Research + Planning, Inc., Integrus Architecture, CMG Landscape Architecture, and WRNS Studio. In addition, AIASF’s People's Choice Awards in Architecture, a collaboration with the Center for Architecture + Design, awarded one project in each of two categories: projects with budgets over and under $10,000,000. This year’s recipients included the Harvey B. Milk Terminal in the “Over $10M” category, a project by Gensler in joint venture with Kuth Ranieri, HKS, Woods Bagot, ED2, KYA, and Hamilton + Aitken Architects, and the Brisbane Library in the “Under $10M” category, a project by Siegel & Strain Architects and Karin Payson architecture + design. The People's Choice Awards expands the AIASF Design Awards program to provide the public the opportunity to recognize excellence in architectural work in and by the San Francisco Bay Area design community.

Perkins&Will received the Honor Award in Architecture for the 1 De Haro project, a mixed use project and San Francisco's first cross-laminated timber structure. Photo: David Wakely.

The Harvey B. Milk Terminal at SFO received the People's Choice award in the Over 10M category. Photo: Jason O'Rear.

“This year’s Design Celebration was particularly meaningful, as it was the first time our community gathered together in-person in over two years,” commented AIASF Executive Director Stacy Williams. "It was great to honor the people and firms who contribute so much to our shared built-environment and help shape our city into a vibrant, sustainable, and equitable place with every new project.” The AIASF Design Awards submissions are divided into three main categories—Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Unbuilt Design—with three optional concentrations for Commendations that give special acknowledgment to projects that further encompass the values of good design within the context of Historic Preservation, Social Responsibility, and Urban Design. (Continued on the next page)

17 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Siegel & Strain Architects and Karin Payson architecture + design won the People's Choice award in the Under 10M category for the Brisbane Library. Photo: Cesar Rubio.

The Design Awards program incorporates the fulfillment of sustainable design principles into all categories. In existence for nearly half a century, AIA San Francisco's Design Awards program recognizes the outstanding achievements in architecture and design of Bay Area individuals and organizations. It celebrates exceptional architectural design as well as the work of allied professionals from afar who contribute to our local built environment's framework. The program serves

to inform the public of the breadth and value of the architectural practice. Serving the Bay Area for over a century, AIA San Francisco (AIASF), is committed to enhancing the quality of life in the Bay Area by promoting excellence in architecture, design, and the built environment. AIASF represents members practicing architecture, as well as allied community professionals in San Francisco and Marin counties.


Association News

California Buildings • Q2 2022

UC Irvine to Offer IFMA’s Facility Management Classes The University of California, Irvine Division of Continuing “The IFMA Foundation is dedicated to elevating the FM Education Facilities Management Certificate Program has profession to a career of choice around the world through its been accredited by the Facility Management Accreditation Global Workforce Initiative,” said Bob Dills, IFMA Foundation Commission (FMAC) of the IFMA Foundation as a Facility Chair. “The RDP accreditation is important to academic Management Registered Degree institutions, enabling them to offer Program (RDP). The IFMA quality facility management “The RDP accreditation is important to Foundation accreditation education and prepare students academic institutions, enabling them to offer assures that programs meet for the FM jobs of today and the quality facility management education and standards to produce graduates future. On behalf of the founprepare students for the FM jobs of today and ready to enter the facility mandation, I’d like to commend the the future." — Bob Dills, IFMA Foundation agement (FM) field leading the University of California, Irvine for way in innovation, emerging their forward-thinking educational building technologies, and anticofferings and for meeting the ipating the safety, health and well-being of facility occupants. global demand of skilled labor in the field.” The IFMA Foundation’s accreditation process adds critical “UCI’s long-standing alliance with IFMA underscores value to academic programs in the FM discipline. Developed our commitment to providing job-ready skills that help facilby technical professionals from the International Facility ity professionals move their career forward,” said Angela Management Association (IFMA), the FMAC criteria focus Jeantet, Senior Academic Director of Education, Business, on what students experience and learn. FMAC accreditation Engineering and Life Sciences. “Our reputation for creating reviews look at program curricula, faculty, facilities, and instiacademic programs that align with industry needs means that tutional support and are conducted by teams of highly skilled students will be well trained and prepared to succeed in professionals from industry, academia, and government. the workforce.”

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20 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Association News

BOMA International Supports Energy Efficiency Bill The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International has endorsed bipartisan legislation expanding the maximum allowable amount businesses may borrow through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 504 Certified Development Company (504/CDC) loan program for energy efficient investments and upgrades. The bill, introduced by U.S. Representatives Jason Crow (D-Colo.) and Don Bacon (R-Neb.), is titled the Small Business Energy Loan Enhancement Act (H.R. 6921) and has been referred to the House Small Business Committee. The legislation would nearly double the loan amounts available to small businesses making energy investments through the Small Business Administration’s 504/CDC loan program, increasing the maximum amount from $5.5 million to $10 million. The program provides small businesses with longterm, fixed-rate, low-cost loans that can be used to finance renovation and retrofit projects, as well as the purchase of

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major fixed assets, such as land, equipment and machinery. Among the small businesses that will benefit from this legislation are commercial properties seeking to increase operational efficiency through capital-intensive investments, particularly older building stock. The average age of a commercial building in the United States is more than 50 years old. To meet the rapidly evolving needs and expectations of today's tenants, the commercial real estate industry faces a growing demand to operate more energy efficient, technologically enhanced buildings. However, commercial real estate companies often do not have capital for crucial and extensive retrofit and renovation projects, many of which exceed the current 504/CDC loan cap of $5.5 million. The Small Business Energy Loan Enhancement Act would put the necessary funding within reach. Boosting Small Business’ Energy Use Goals “BOMA International is proud to endorse the Small Business Energy Loan Enhancement Act and applaud the leadership of Representatives Crow and Bacon to significantly expand access to funding through the Small Business Administration,” said BOMA International President and Chief Operating Officer Henry H. Chamberlain. “This legislation is a game changer for small businesses, including commercial properties, nearly doubling the funding available for critical investments that can deliver modern, smarter and more energy efficient buildings and move the needle on carbon reduction.” “The groundbreaking Small Business Energy Loan Enhancement Act will provide much-needed financial resources for commercial buildings to invest in vital renovations and retrofits that both increase operational efficiency and help the commercial real estate industry advance its sustainability objectives,” added BOMA International Chair and Chief Elected Officer Mark Dukes, BOMA Fellow, CCIM, RPA, senior vice president of Asset Management at Physicians Realty Trust. “BOMA International commends Representatives Crow and Bacon for their work to expand the funding available for property professionals to move forward with necessary investments that will modernize the built environment.” n

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22 California Buildings • Q2 2022

New Projects One-Time Orange County News Printing Plant Reinvented Through innovative adaptive reuse, the former Orange County newsroom and printing facility of the Los Angeles Times is now an expansive creative campus that maintains a majority of the existing, 450,000-square-foot plant structure while offering contemporary office space — thanks to the work of Del Amo Construction and Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects. Along with SteelWave and 5 Ronin, Phase 1 of The Press in Costa Mesa was recently completed.

Photo credit: Matthew Milllman.

Del Amo Construction served as the general contractor leading the transformation of The Press and bringing the vision of EYRC, SteelWave and 5 Ronin to life. A strategy of “selective subtraction” was utilized throughout the project to introduce daylight, fresh air, and views. This included the removal of roof panels and covering walls to expose the underlying skeletal structure. Elements such as canopies and monolithic concrete walls gesture to the origins of the former production space—an active newsroom and printing plant that operated from 1968 to 2010 and since decommissioned in 2014.

“The conversion of the former printing press facility into a modern, creative office campus was well-suited for our team’s depth of experience in the area of adaptive reuse,” said Mitch Hudson, Chief Operating Officer at Del Amo Construction. “It was a pleasure to collaborate with both EYRC and SteelWave. Our teams worked well together, along with our subcontractors, to come to creative solutions that ensured all of our goals were met within the established project budget.” The Del Amo Construction team, led by Hudson, closely coordinated with the development and design teams as well as the city and other government agencies to preserve the integrity of the original site while bringing it up to today’s health, safety and building code standards. This included significant remediation from ink and fuel tanks that were found on the site as well as ensuring the entire property was compliant with all current ADA requirements. “The Press is a human-scaled, creative campus with a rich history, positioned at the heart of Orange County’s newly energized business corridor,” said EYRC Partner Patricia Rhee, FAIA. “It’s so exciting to see the transformation of The Press and how it’s signaling a new life for this massive industrial complex — its emergence from years of disrepair.”

La Jolla Arts and Cultural Museum Expanded Overlooking the Pacific coastline in the community of La Jolla, California, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego­— best known as MCASD—has been expanded, renovated and reinvented as a major cultural center and celebration of internationally renowned artists. With its official reopening in this month, the world will witness the $105 million redesign led by Annabelle Selldorf, FAIA, of Selldorf Architects—and the less conspicuous yet equally elegant building systems engineered by Buro Happold. Coming at a time of increased commissions in the cultural sphere globally for the multidisciplinary consultants at Buro Happold, the MCASD project debuts a number of innovations behind the new galleries, installations and public events. Key contributions to quadrupled exhibition spaces include a pioneering alternative to conventional heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems that significantly reduces ductwork and dropped ceilings. Using radiant and forced-air equipment, the displacement system handles both heating and cooling with rapid response to changing needs, (Continued on the next page)

23 California Buildings • Q2 2022

yet it uses conventional mechanical equipment. The visually subtle solution, applied by Buro Happold based on systems made by manufacturer AirFloor™, is a perfect complement to the work by Selldorf Architects, which the LaJolla Light says, “celebrates and makes sense” of MCASD’s architectural history, “connecting the styles of original architect Irving Gill with those of architects who renovated the museum in later decades.” Within all the galleries, the unique air systems supply spaces through understated wall reveals, allowing for needed airflow without impacting the design. In fact, it creates a unifying and seamless solution for a building that has undergone several renovations and expansions over the years. It also delivers the carefully tuned climate that is essential in modern galleries. (See photo at left.) Photos: Nicholas Venezia, courtesy of Selldorf Architects.

Riverside County Facility Becomes Magnet School for Arts The $38 million reconstruction of the 71,277-squarefoot Menifee Valley Middle School was just completed by C.W. Driver Companies. The project transitioned the campus to a magnet school focused on visual and performing arts. The renovation incorporates critical aspects of an art-focused middle school, the addition of two new classroom buildings, restorations to the Visual and Performing Arts Center, construction of an open-concept library and repairs to existing locker rooms. Roughly 15 miles north of Temecula, the project consisted of the reconstruction of temporary portables into new, permanent classrooms and lab spaces that create a centralized academic courtyard and cohesive community. To support Menifee Valley Middle School’s transition to becoming a visual and performing arts magnet school, a new music and choir space, as well as a renovated stage in the Visual and Performing Arts Center, were added. The campus introduces outdoor learning areas as well as active learning spaces optimized for use in the arts, music and sciences known as Flex Labs. “By leveraging decades of K-12 construction experience, we were proud to deliver a cutting-edge campus that will serve the growing Menifee community both now and well into the future,” said Eric Metzger, project manager at C.W. Driver Companies. “The tactful modernization of Menifee Valley Middle School allows for the space to adapt as educational and enrollment needs evolve over time.” In order to increase student academic performance, research-based lighting design was carefully considered.

Large windows adorn the classrooms, allowing for abundant natural light. The school’s new library includes a flexible plan configuration, collaboration spaces to facilitate group work and soft seating areas for students seeking a quiet, comfortable place to study. On the athletic front, renovations to existing locker rooms include ADA upgrades, AV improvements and a washer/dryer addition. The campus features a clean and contemporary façade that is energy efficient and comfortable for students and staff. “We carefully considered and incorporated input from our school community during the planning and construction phases of the reconstruction,” said Dr. Jennifer Root, superintendent at Menifee Union School District. “The result is a beautiful, collective effort from which we will teach and encourage students to live out the district’s vision of 'Engaging Young Minds for Limitless Futures' for years to come.” Photo credit: Zach Benson Photography.

24 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Creating Spaces That Attract & Inspire Employees (Continued from page 7) residential-inspired workplaces of the past decade, and shift to a hospitality mindset, viewing employees as valued guests. Many companies are shifting their operational policies to respond to this new perspective.

heavily sought after, companies are now investing in outdoor spaces to support a variety of functions. Office buildings are being designed with unprecedented amounts of green space, while shade structures with automated rain sensing louvers, integrated lighting, and collaboration technology are popping up on company campuses everywhere. Inside, the trend continues, with clients welcoming plants and looking to integrate them into the workplace on a grand scale.

"Now, as employees have the freedom to work from anywhere, we must reimagine how to engage with our local communities."

Flexible workspace at Zendesk office in San Francisco. Photo courtesy of Gensler | Jason O'Rear Photography.

One example is to evolve the traditional receptionist role to a dedicated team that proactively supports employees and visitors’ needs from their arrival to their departure. Spatially, this means we no longer need an isolated, highwalled reception desk and waiting area. Thereby allowing us to reimagine the entire entry experience, for ways to create dynamic and activated spaces that can host internal and external community events. And this new mentality extends beyond the office walls. For the first time California’s outdoors are being embraced as an integral part of our workplace ecosystem. After constructing make-shift outdoor meeting spaces during the pandemic, which proved to not only be successful but

Overall, companies and employees are embracing this new flex-work lifestyle, but we must also take note of the undeniable impact it has had on our local businesses and communities. Restaurants, coffee shops, and business districts were previously supported by a five-day-a-week customer base. Now, as employees have the freedom to work from anywhere, we must reimagine how to engage with our local communities. Going forward we hope to see more companies making a proactive effort to incorporate the local economy into the workplace, hiring local artists for murals, hosting pop-ups featuring local makers or incorporating local vendors into their food program. By integrating the surrounding community into the fabric of the workplace, we create a layer of authenticity which in turn creates a sense of hometown pride. Our world has changed, and so has the office. Companies embracing these new ways of thinking are leading the way to a future where the workplace has purpose. n

Brengarth is Gensler Design Director in San Francisco and Corbett is Gensler Studio Director in San Jose.

Winning Security Products (Continued from page 11) Law Enforcement/Public Safety/Guarding Systems Winner: Evolv Technology – Evolv Express 4.0 Lock and Key Solutions Winner: Medeco – Medeco CLIQ Local Manager Mobile Solutions (Connected) Winner: LiftMaster – myQ Community Web Platform + Mobile App 2.0 Smart Home Solutions Winner: Deep Innovations – PoolScout Threat/Risk Management Software Applications Winner: RightCrowd – RightCrowd Access Analytics Unmanned – Drones & Robots for Security Winner: Turing AI – Turing AI Mobilized Video Security Platform

Video Analytics Winner: Calipsa – Calipsa Pro Analytics Honorable Mention: Vintra – Vintra IQ Video Surveillance Advanced Imaging Technologies Winner: Axis Communications, Inc. – ARTPEC-8 Video Surveillance Cameras Winner: Bosch Security and Safety Systems – FLEXIDOME IP 8000i – X Series Honorable Mention: Vicon Industries – Roughneck Pro 32MP Multi-Sensor Video Surveillance Data Storage Winner: Seagate Technology – Exos CORVAULT



California Buildings • Q2 2022

Security Products Krieger Specialty Products' Door & Window Products Since 1936, Krieger Specialty Products has been a leading manufacturer of specialized door and window products for acoustical, blast resistant, bullet resistant, radio frequency shielding, thermal shielding, tornado, and hurricane applications. Built to your precise specifications, Krieger doors and windows have been the choice for premier buildings in California and throughout the world. Learn more at or call 562-695-0645.

LEGIC Connect Go Enables Secure Mobile Credentials 24/7 LEGIC Connect Go enables access control solution providers to easily and quickly deploy smartphonebased services without their own 24/7 service backend. It provides mobile credentials without the need to know users in advance. This allows end-users to serve themselves by requesting or purchasing credentials anytime, anywhere and on-demand. It enables makers of contactless locks to sell NFC/Bluetooth enabled locks not only with smartcard keys, but also ready-to-use QR codes giving users instant mobile residential access. Learn more at connect

KastleSafeSpaces: Bring Workers Back Safely Kastle Systems is the leader in “Managed Security,” an end-to-end approach for servicing clients’ security needs, taking long-term responsibility of their security package and operations. The company created KastleSafeSpaces to get workers back to work safely in the COVID-19 era by integrating its access control system of touchless technologies for doors, turnstiles, elevators and more, with employee health screening protocols, social distancing and contact tracing to reassure workers they are returning to their offices safely. To learn more, visit www.kastle. com or call 415-962-1300.


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26 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Supply Chain Challenges (Continued from page 14) As a residential builder, I wondered why light fixtures and door hardware weren’t delivered on the same truck as they are frequently scheduled for install on the same day. It sounds simple, but another way to positively impact supply chain is to optimize truck deliveries through consolidation, such as having light fixtures and hardware delivered the same day. Builders reduce tire tracks into a job site, limit expense, and can also have a positive

impact on the environment. Taming the supply chain does not require complex algorithms or major overhauls. It instead can be affected by supplying advance notice of SKUs and Date Needed data, collaboration with materials suppliers and subcontractors, and optimization of deliveries to the job site, all of which can return jobs to promised timelines and keep them on schedule. n

Data & Safer Indoor Air (Continued from page 8) According to a Utility Dive report, the California Energy Commission estimates that the 2022 Energy Code new rules will result in $1.5 billion in consumer benefits over the next three decades, as well as reducing 10 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the different KPIs around what makes a building healthy—the level of particulates and CO2, air change rates, effectiveness of abatement technologies— can be difficult if data must be laboriously compiled from systems that don’t communicate with each other. Integrating an energy management solution is integral to identifying and allocating energy resources in the context of maintaining comfortable, high-performing environments. As tenants become more sophisticated about what kind of buildings they want to be in, the question becomes how is sustainability and safety information disclosed in a transparent manner? Operators need standardized metrics to move forward, with reporting on energy allocation tied to occupant comfort and sustainability goals. Conveying real-time air quality transparency in a visual format can create trust and assurances of safety. Air quality monitoring systems that provide a complete picture of building conditions in one place through a cloud-based, easy-to-view format helps building operators make better decisions. An intelligent analytics platform that collects, organizes, visualizes and analyzes building performance data streams optimizes air quality and occupant comfort while balancing energy allocation. Six years ago we (DLR Group) installed air monitors in our offices as part of a research and development initiative for our air quality analytics technology. This investment provided voluminous data, later donated to the Harvard School of Public Health’s CogFx study which centered on productivity, health and wellbeing for high-performing

Pinto is the author of “How Much Is the Milk?”, a practical roadmap for business leaders interested solving supply chain issues and founder of KENZAI USA, an international supply chain solutions company.

workspaces and to indoor environments in general. The most recent discovery related to the study is that building occupants want to see that data, and they want to see it now. While always available to our employees, it was essentially buried on our intranet. Now it’s highlighted and easily accessible in front-of-house kiosks, so employees and guests can understand exactly what kind of air quality they are walking into, in real-time. People appreciate having air quality information at their fingertips. This R&D initiative evolved and grew into an intelligent air quality analytics platform with the world’s largest database of third-party verified real-time air quality data. Integrated with a powerful energy management information software that pulls in vast analytics about building occupancy and energy use, the platform uses predictive modeling and automation to create efficiency and nimble, real-time adjustments. While we are still seeing turmoil in commercial real estate with the global pandemic, there is also a sense of confidence in how safety has shifted innovation and accelerated trends. People will expect healthier spaces. This reality is going to become a competitive issue for attracting and retaining talent, become an appealing tenant amenity, and will create stakeholder collaboration. How building operators publicly disclose real-time data and a new focus driving accountability and outcomes will ultimately result in carbon emissions reductions. We need to evolve, and buildings that balance smart with healthy are a great start. n

Barnwell is DLR group principal and smart buildings leader, and Blauvelt is VP of sales for Atrius at Acuity Brands.

Industry News

27 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Skyline Construction Appoints Jessica Carps as CEO Accomplished Manager Is One of the Industry's Few Female CEOs Skyline grew from $175M to $700M+ in revenue. Skyline Construction recently named Jessica Carps Chief “I am grateful for the opportunity to lead Skyline Executive Office of the San Francisco-based firm. She was through our next phase of growth and look forward to the first female leader to hold the COO title and to join working closely with the team Skyline’s Board of Directors. to continue our history of Carps has been recognized success,” said Carps. for driving company growth “Skyline is a special orgathrough a focus on people and nization, and I believe our operational excellence. performance is due in large An industry veteran with a part to our commitment to background in management people, operational excellence, consulting, manufacturing, and innovation. As we expand and accounting, Carps brings a across North America, I expect unique perspective to a changthat combination will make us ing industry. As one of the first one of the most respected and female leaders with a track sought-after commercial interecord of championing women rior construction companies in and diversity, and of oversight the industry.” for the company’s Employee Under her leadership, Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Skyline has already grown program, Jessica promises to from a local general contracensure Skyline remains a tor to a national firm with people-driven organization. Skyline Superintendent Erik Russell with CEO Jessica Carps. nine offices, while working With only 3.25% of ENR’s with Fortune 500 companies across multiple geographies. Top 400 Contractors being female-led, Carps is paving Carps succeeds David Hayes who has served as CEO and the way for the future of the industry. During her Chairman of the Board since 2005. seven-year tenure, which included three years as CFO,

Two California Schools Rank High Among World’s Best in Architecture The University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, Los Angeles were ranked 8th and 18th respectively in the twelfth edition of QS World University Rankings by Subject, an independent comparative analysis of the performance of 230 Architecture schools across 47 countries. The pre-eminent Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) takes first-place while Delft

University of Technology in The Netherlands leapfrogs University College London (UCL) to take second. In total, 38 Architecture departments around the world have improved their rank this year, while 125 have remained unchanged and 49 have declined. The world’s most improved Architecture school is China’s Tianjin University, which jumps 13 positions to place 37th globally. The U.S. was said to be the world’s best country to study architecture for the number of top-100 programs, followed by the UK in second and Australia in third. Above: UC Berkeley campus. Photo: Adobe Stock.

28 California Buildings • Q2 2022

Industry News

Skilled Crafts Professionals Earn Good Salaries Skilled craft professionals continue to earn high wages, according to NCCER’s 2022 Construction Craft Salary Survey. More than 135 commercial, industrial and residential construction companies across the U.S., representing over 337,000 employees, participated in the survey. The individual craft areas reported provide average annual salaries, not including overtime, per diem, bonuses or other incentives. Of the 41 construction positions surveyed, average annual salaries ranged from $49,920 to $98,965. Project supervisors and project managers topped the list, earning over $90,200 and $98,900 respectively. Professions earning more than $65,000 include HVAC technician, commercial electrician, instrumentation fitter, boilermaker, industrial maintenance mechanic, pipefitter, rigger, millwright, industrial electrician, pipe welder, surveyor, construction site safety technician, electronic systems technician, mobile crane operator, plumber, combo welder, tower crane operator, instrumentation technician and power line worker.

Additionally, eight more craft areas made more than $60,000 per year. The most significant pay increase was power line worker, up 25% from previous years, with plumber a close second at a 23% increase. Since many craft professionals receive additional pay incentives, their take-home pay is typically much greater than the incomes reflected. This survey is one of many resources NCCER and its Build Your Future initiative offer to promote construction careers and help build a pipeline of qualified craft professionals. Complete results are available at research. The organizations that take part in NCCER’s survey do so voluntarily, and all specific company information remains confidential. Only positions which received enough responses to calculate a valid average are included. NCCER is an education foundation created by the construction industry to develop standardized curriculum and assessments with portable credentials and certifications for skilled craft professionals.

Bay Area Rents Still Down, Other Areas Way Up According to the Yardi Matrix Report on multifamily trends in 2021, “Between March 2020 and December 2021, asking rents in Matrix’s top 30 metros rose by $194, or 13.5%. By metro, however, the differences are stark. Asking rents have increased by 20% or more in nine of the top 30 and 10% or more in 19 of the top 30. Meanwhile, only four metros, largely coastal centers — San Jose, San Francisco and New York, as well as Midland, Texas — have current asking rents below pre-pandemic levels. Sheltering in place and working from home have loosened the link between home and work and limited the cultural advantages of large cities. “That led to a migration from high-cost Photos: Adobe Stock.

gateway centers in the spring of 2020. Where households are going can be seen by rent growth data. The top choices are the South and Southwest. Between March 2020 and December 2021, asking rents grew by 31.1% in Phoenix, 28.5% in Tampa, 28.2% in Las Vegas, 22.9% in Atlanta, 21.4% in Orlando, 20.7% in Raleigh-Durham and 20.6% in Charlotte.” CBRE reported that last year broke all records with investments in the fourth quarter of 2021 of almost $150 million, a whopping 73% year-over-year quarterly hike. Analysts there reportedly expect the ongoing economic recovery, job creation, wage growth, and household formation to support continued strong demand.

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29 California Buildings • Q2 2022

PAC-CLAD | Petersen NEW PVDF Ore Finishes PAC-CLAD’s NEW Ore finishes provide the look of natural metal patinas with the durability and consistency of a PVDF finish. Unlike expensive and unpredictable natural metals, these 16 beautiful finishes will not tarnish, discolor or rust. Available on PAC-CLAD wall and roof panels, coil and sheet in aluminum and steel. Consult a PAC-CLAD representative for warranty and lead times.

Reliable Controls tests every product it manufactures to ensure compatibility with previousgeneration controllers. The all-new RC-FLEXair® is no different! You can add it to Ethernet networks that host previous-generation controllers without the need to purchase costly third-party gateways or accessories. To further future-proof your investment, the RC-FLEXair features an open-source Linux operating system renowned for its cybersecurity resilience and global community of programming support. Learn more now at

Kings III's Emergency Monitoring Reduces Risk and Mitigates Liability Exposure Elevator malfunctions are inevitable. Entrapments coupled with health emergencies and a wide spectrum of passenger reactions can quickly become an ongoing headache. Kings III helps you reduce risk and mitigate liability exposure via its class leading emergency monitoring for help phones in elevators, stairwells, parking structures and more. Its concierge level service helps you manage tenant experience, while also reducing your risk and liability with valueadded benefits not common in the monitoring space. For more information, visit

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Waterproof With No VOCs! Strataflex® is a peel-and-stick, sheet membrane is designed for use on interior or exterior surfaces that require waterproof protection. Strataflex features a 2” double stick lap joint that creates a water-tight seal, allowing for immediate flooring installation as soon as it is applied. Strataflex is certified Clean Air GOLD and contains no VOCs in compliance with CDPH Standard Method v1.2 for private office, school classroom, and singlefamily residences. The ultimate solution for apartments, condominiums, restaurants, bathrooms, kitchens and any commercial or residential installations requiring waterproof protection. Visit to learn more.

30 California Buildings • Q2 2022


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Energy Secretary Pitches Clean Energy In California U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm traveled to Southern California to showcase how President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will increase access to clean energy sources and deliver an equitable transition to benefit all pockets of the nation. Secretary Granholm was joined by U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz, M.D. (CA-36) in Palm Springs, the Salton Sea and Imperial Valley for a series of listening sessions with local community members and leaders where they heard first-hand from frontline communities grappling with public health impacts of climate change and historic disinvestment. At the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, the Secretary was joined by U.S. Representative Mike Levin (CA-49) where she provided an update on the Administration’s ongoing efforts to responsibly manage the nation’s spent nuclear fuel.

Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh later joined Secretary Granholm in Los Angeles to tour a workforce training site and clean tech incubator of innovative startups that is helping to accelerate an inclusive clean energy economy. Secretary Granholm closed out her visit, on Earth Day, with a visit to Santa Monica where she observed the city’s enviable sustainability and energy efficiency measures, including the living building that houses the new City Hall East (shown above).

Santa Monica City Hall East. Image courtesy of Buro Happold. Rendering by Frederick Fisher & Partners.

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