California Buildings Q1 2022

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4 California Buildings • Q1 2022

Leveraging Technology to Empower Elders in Senior Housing Communities By Tammy Ng

Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for senior living communities, but has signaled the widespread adoption of technology to assist with resident communication and engagement. During the initial phases of the pandemic, the use of technology to promote the health of residents in senior housing was at the forefront. While this is still heavily prevalent amongst architects and developers, senior living providers are now leveraging technology to empower its residents. Contrary to the belief that technology is counterintuitive to providing resident-centered care, an increasingly high-tech senior living environment encourages residents to regain a sense of control of their lives. A technology-forward senior living design concept can ultimately lead to an increase in the following ways.

Connectivity Social isolation has been one of the conditions seniors face as they age, which studies have shown have led to a significant decrease in their overall health. This lack of social and community interaction has only intensified with the Shelter-In-Place orders enforced during the pandemic. Technology is allowing seniors to maintain a connection with

their community. Working in tandem with the increased accessibility to tablets and computers, largely due to their video calling capabilities, allows seniors to stay connected with friends and family, particularly, amidst visiting restrictions imposed by COVID-19 restrictions. This has impacted interior design, where there is a focus on providing meeting spaces and semi-enclosed booths in common areas for guests to make these virtual calls. Furniture has been selected to create a sense of privacy and it also includes the capability of charging the electronic devices.

Autonomy Seniors today are becoming more technology-savvy. In this new pandemic era, seniors are learning to use new technology to interface with everyday errands, whether it is using a tablet to hold a telehealth appointment with the doctor or a smartphone to request groceries to be home-delivered. Further, part of what seniors are seeking in assisted living facilities or senior housing communities is a program of activities to help structure their days. Announcing the program schedule to residents has become widely accessible through the integration of app-based services and smart flat screens located in lobby areas. Now, guests can gather all (Continued on page 30)

Vivalon community includes common areas for socializing and activities, contributing to a sense of connectivity. Images courtesy of MBH Architects.

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