Nov14 East Algarve Magazine

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EastAlgarve M










The Best Guide to the Eastern



Indigo Biofeedback.


A great tip from James Beesley.

11/14 €1 from newsagents


Junior from Restaurant O Castelo, Tavira.


32 hour endurance race.

Houseplants Gardening

If it seems too good to be true it probably is. Don’t risk your wealth. We need to talk.

289 350 150

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EastAlgarve M your November issue. With Halloween gone and the shops full of Christmas goodies, I hope you're enjoying cosy nights in, in front of the fire. This month we bring you a world's first! The Maxi Endurance 32 is the first ever 32 hour endurance race, here in the Algarve! We introduce Junior, owner of Restaurante O Castelo in Tavira, who is fast becoming the King of the steaks. We have part two of our photography class which is also an opportunity to enjoy some stunning photos of the East Algarve. Regular features include a complete guide to growning house plants from Mark O'Shaughnessy, a great golf tip from James Beesley, professional at Monte Rei, plus an abundance of financial and property advice as usual. We hope you enjoy this issue, and as ever, your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Drop me a line at Editor








PUBLISHER & DESIGNER Richard Bassett EDITOR Richard Bassett EDITORIAL CO-ORDINATORS Richard Bassett Snr. ADVERTISING Call 961 700 200 or email DISTRIBUTION 3,500 copies printed. All advertisers are issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication

Unipessoal Lda



Contents 32



Things to do this month. Local news.

Let us know your thoughts.

Indigo Biofeedback.

Homeopathy for your pet. Part two of our photography class.



Junior and family from O Castelo. The worlds first 32 hour race. Your land registration.

Property of the month. House plants.



Finance news from Ricardo Chaves.

The latest from Chris Wright. Golf tips from James Beesley.

Grab a local bargain.

News from Blevins Franks.

What’s on

Things to do this Month A few must see events happening this month!


Castro Marim: 2nd Saturday of the month. Estoi: 2nd Sunday of the month. Moncarapacho: 1st Sunday of the month. Monte Gordo: 4th Saturday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th Sundays of the month. ANNE KAASA 18 November 19:00 Os Agostos. The Norwegian pianist Anne Kaasa's repertoire extends from Bach to the contemporary. She has been described by the French musical magazine Le Monde de la Musique as “a pianist that stands out in the crowded world of soloists by the depth of her interpretations, the fluidity of her playing, as well as the precision and the delicacy of her touch”. Os Agostos, Rural Tourism / Agritourism Sítio dos Agostos, C.P.195 A 8005-401 Santa Barbara de Nexe 289 999 147

São Brás de Alportel: 3rd Sunday of the month Sta Catarina: 4th Sunday of the month. Tavira: 3rd Saturday of the month. Vila Nova de Cacela: 3rd Sunday of the month. Loulé: Every Saturday.

CHRISTMAS VILLAGE 28 November - 6 January 10:00 - 20:00 Praça do Marquês de Pombal, Vila Real de Santo António, The Christmas Village will capture your imagination and will appeal to adults and children with its wide range of entertainment, music shows and live dance in partnership with local groups and associations. Praça do Marquês de Pombal 8900 Vila Real de Santo António

Where to pick up your copy of the East Algarve magazine As always, the East Algarve magazine can be picked up from advertisers for free; however, the magazine will also be available at the following locations for a only 1€ per copy. OLHÃO Quiosque do Mercado News Agent on the corner of the Market, Av 5 Outobro, 107, 8700 Olhao SANTA BARBARA Paulina’s Supermercado Santa Barbara de Nexe – 800 Faro Tel 289 999 145 ALTURA Tabacaria Alagoa, Rua Da Alagoa – Rotunda 8950-411

SÃO BRÁS Newsagent next to SBA Computers. Casa Rui, Rua Antonio Rosa Brito, no 36 SANTA CATARINA Quinta Fonte Do Bispo On the EN 270 near Santa Catarina, Tel 281 971 484 MANTA ROTA Papelaria Marta, Manta RotaTel 281 952 680

FUSETA Crispim Restaurant and Cubanito’s Bar (opposite the ferry boat station) Rua da Liberdade no 126 Fuseta, Tel 289 798 045 MONCARAPACHO The Newsagent Kiosk CONCEIÇÃO Tabacaria Nova Loja Rue 25 de Abril, Ed Casa Nova, Loja M 8800-061

CABANAS Papelaria Mares, Rua Da Fortaleza, 67, 8800-591 Cabanas Tel 281 370 220 Pedras Da Rainha Reception, Cabanas, 8800591, Tel 281 380 038

V.R.S. ANTÓNIO Papelarte Elisabete Drago S. Rodriques Noronha R. Min Duarte Pacheco, Lote 1 – Loja B Tel 281 544 614

MONTE GORDO Talisma Bar Pastelaria Vasco De Gama (in the main square in Monte Gordo, opposite the Casino)





he “Vase of Tavira”’, an Islamic heritage of that municipality and the ex-libris collection of the Museu Municipal de Tavira, was lent to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, to integrate the temporary exhibition “Le Maroc Medieval - Un Empire de l’Afrique à l’Espagne”, which can be visited daily until January 19, 2015, in the Hall Napoléon. The exhibition which is organized by the Louvre Museum and the National Museums Foundation of Morocco, includes a varied set of objects, from various sources, particularly from Portugal. This vase is one of the most iconic objects of the Islamic period in Portugal, dated from the late 11th Century or the beginning of the 12th Century AD.



aro council has made a further 73 car parking spaces free to use, but Tavira has gone one better. The goal of the Faro measure, unsurprisingly, is "to improve the parking in the city centre" starting in the middle of November on the Avenida Eng Joaquim Lopes Belchior off the Largo de São Francisco. "Cars may now park along the northern edge of this road," and the council will start marking out the free slots this coming week. Over in Tavira all on-street car parking fees have been suspended as the row between the council and the car parking concession holder has resulted in a whole new deal being sought by the council. The 'free to park' opportunity started last Friday to the cheery delight of shoppers and visitors but is not part of any new policy by the council which still views car parking revenue as a positive thing, despite shoppers and

diners who refuse to use the city due the car parking fees that are charged. Tavira council subcontracted the collection of car parking fees and maintenance of the parking ticket dispensers in 2000, but "because of a default, the council moved forward with the termination of the contract.” The council does warn that this “free ride” will not last forever, because its "municipal services are, at this stage, arranging for the opening of a new public tender for granting the supply, installation and operation of metered parking in parking zones." Thus, the service will be suspended only "until the conclusion of the new contract" which, based on past performance of Tavira’s speed of negotiation, may be in several years’ time. In the meantime, previously irritated shoppers may return and the restaurants will benefit from customers enjoying a leisurely meal without worrying about their parking ticket running out of time.


Vase of Tavira shown in the Louvre

Free car parking in Tavira until further notice

JeM's S h o w r o o m

Second hand goods

Tel 919 767 066

Email: Opening times: Mon-Thurs 9h-13h / 15h-18h Saturday 9h - 13h At the Old Mushroom Factory São Brás de Alportel EN270 To Tavira

Chicken Luis To Lidl

a re h e r

We are singers, musicians and conductor of the East Algarve International Shanty Choir and looking for enthusiast men who would like to sing together with us. At the moment we have over 40 members, 2/3 of them women, so time has come for a right balance! Musicians (f/m): accordion, violin, guitar, flute, etc.,: feel heartlily welcome to join us! We rehearse in Santa Luzia, Tavira, in café kate-Kero, every thursday, 17.00 h. What is it all about? Who once comes to listen, will stay.......... Have a look on our website for all information and call us! Koos en Rineke East Algarve International Shanty Choir tel.926684061




Old Wood store


Blues, Soul & Rock 'n Roll! Every Thursday from 9.30pm, Liz Fletcher every Friday See page 12 for details


Nov.29th 10.00-1300 The Old Market Tavira In aid of the abandoned animals cared for at Canil de San Francisco Loule Want to sell anything- to rent a table 10 euros Ring Cynthia 281324795 or Pat9192387

Antiques & collectables auction

Wednesday 19th November Starts 7.00 pm. Viewing Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th 09.30 - 5.30pm.

General auction

Saturday 6th December Starts 10.00 am. Viewing Thursday 4th & Friday 5th 09.30 - 5.30pm






The modern lifestyle and daily demands have been increasing the body’s overall stress reactions, affecting our health and wellbeing. Fisioclub Fuzeta introduces Indigo Biofeedback - quantic therapy.

ffects of excessive stress has been scientifically proved and well documented in a wide range of medical publications to be a factor in any disease, as it alters biochemistry and neurological functions, can weaken the immune system, the digestive system and affect emotions. Excessive stress is, very often, the primary cause of a disease and can have many factors in its origin, such as: mental and emotional causes, trauma, allergies, hereditary causes, unhealthy living patterns; therefore, the increase and lack of stress management can cause disease.

The Quantum Therapy, through INDIGO Biofeedback System, is a completely non-invasive and gentle therapy. This powerful stress management support system allows relaxation and increases the ability for the body to recover its balanced state, when it is retrained to the healthier patterns of a relaxed state, the process of selfregeneration can happen naturally. This is a technological therapy which analyzes and harmonizes all stress factors that may cause diseases and health problems, retraining the body to achieve its perfect balance and restore your health. The sessions are relaxing and soothing. Everyone can

benefit from biofeedback. The quantum therapy provides a great help in many problems, such as: stress reduction, release tension and nervousness; anxiety, depression, insomnia and sleep problems, improving the emotional balance and a better mental state; in cases of chronic fatigue; helps to relieve pain, such as headaches (migraines), muscular tension and pain; circulatory problems; rebalance hormones; weight loss, to quit smoking, and improve health and well-being. Visit Fisioclube to find out more about this treatment, we can improve your quality of life. Duarte Arrais, Fisioclube

TELEPHONE +351 924 358 959 OR +351 281 321 189 EMAIL:

· Massage · Face and body treatments · Laser fat system · Hand and feet spa · Eyelash extension · Waxing · Makeup · Permanent hair removal (progressive) · Nutritional consultation · Acupuncture · Quantum therapy · Reiki · Balance of Chakras · Multidimensional therapy ADDRESS: Rua Almirante Cândido dos Reis, N. 239 - 8800-318 Tavira. (Close to the Repsol petrol station and old balsense factory)


HARMONY massage and aesthetics boutique PEDICURE + MANICURE + MINI FACIAL + BACK MASSAGE FOR ONLY 25€ It`s HARMONY time

Rua 25 de Abril lote 2 r/c esquerdo, inside the Santiago clinic, near the court. Tavira, Telm: 914 653 900

Fisioclube FUZETA


› Osteopathy › Physiotherapy › Global Postural Re-education (RPG) › Nutritional Therapy › Iris Diagnosis › MicroKenesitherapie › Neuromuscular Balance › Auricular Therapy › Neural Therapy › Therapy Taping › Cupping Therapy › Quantum Therapy

Tel 962 777 701



Pets Corner

HOMEOPATHY The first article in our our pets corner from Dr. Jaun Diaz and Novavet, Tavira.



r. Juan Diaz introduces homeopathy, a science that is now available for your pet. Definition of Homeopathy The word ‘homeopathy’ is made up of the Greek words ‘omoios’, meaning ‘similar’, and ‘pathos’, meaning disease. Homeopathy is therefore a medical science that is based on the principles of similarity that is; a medicinal substance which has proven to cause a particular symptom in a healthy person will cure a sick patient suffering from the same symptom. Brief history of Homeopathy The principle itself was first mentioned by Hippocrates, then by

FOR YOUR PET Paracelsus and later by others but, it was a physician named Samuel Hahnemann back in the 1800´s that really tested homeopathic remedies in healthy people. He published a complete account of his theories for the first time in his book Organon of the Art of Healing in 1810. The book contains 294 aphorisms within which he develops the laws of his medical system. Later he published the book Materia Medica Pura in which all the pharmacological substances that he and his students had proved on themselves and others were included. After collecting the symptoms of these pharmacological substances, Samuel Hahnemann proved their curative effect among the sick. The Homeopath A Classical Homeopath bases his prescription according to the totality of the symptoms of the

patient, including his peculiarities, personality traits, predispositions, reactions to temperature, likes and dislikes, family history, medical history, etc. He will also consider the sickness that affects the patient and how it affects him/her, physically, emotionally and mentally. Some homeopathic remedies are known to have a curative action on specific diseases others have powerful healing effects on particular organs. Great relevance is given on how the disease behaves in a particular patient and how this patient reacts under this specific ailment. This we call the modalities of the symptoms. After gathering all this data and according to the intensity and quality of this information a strategy is chosen and based on this strategy the prescription is given. The differences

The conventional approach tends to focus exclusively on the main physical ailment without considering its peculiarities or the peculiarities of the patient. However homeopathy takes into consideration the patient as a whole, it therefore seeks to understand the effect of the pathology on the whole patient. Conventional medicine believes that it must fight the disease bearing factor which it sees as the main cause for disease, homeopathy believes that it must strengthen the organism’s defence mechanism in order to be able to fight the imbalance. Drugs used in conventional medicine can sometimes have great undermining effects on the patients health, also called side effects, while the homeopathic remedies have none.


EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT, LIVE BLUES, SOUL & ROCK 'N ROLL, Starts 9pm, with Andre, Richard and a medley of ELVIS songs from RichArd junior. EVERY FRIDAY, LIZ FLETCHER Irish guitarist & vocalsist 9.30pm EVERY SATURDAY, PARTY NIGHT, SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT OFFERS!

in tavira town, located next to the tavira island ferry, open 5pm-2am Wednesday & Thursday, 3am friday & saturday tel ange: 933 150 044, rich: 961 700 200 email:

pink flamingo bar


Villas from: £140,000 Ι Apartments from: £95,000

DESIGNED FOR THE OVER 55’S Monte da Palhagueira offers 33 houses and apartments, exclusively designed for the over 55’s. Set within a traditional village development of 22 acres, just 20 minutes drive from Faro International Airport, the village nestles in the tranquil and picturesque hillside of Gorjões, Faro in the Algarve. EXCELLENT FACILITIES The village offers many unique features, including its own own Anglican Church, public restaurant, tennis court, two swimming pools and an ornamental lake, all set within traditional village surroundings, bounded by stone walled lanes and terracotta tiled buildings. COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND In addition, village properties all have access to British trained medical staff, on duty at all times, via an aid call system linked to the village nursing home. MAKE AN ENQUIRY For further information please contact Clive Roberts on ++351 289 990900 E-mail: Ι Web: Monte da Palhagueira Village, Gorjôes, 8005-488 Sta. Barbara de Nexe, Algarve, Portugal. Part of the Amesbury Abbey Group, Church Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire SP4 7EX

Côrte-Real The Algarve Gallery



Fisherman’s Cat, Fuseta. These cats make great subjects sitting in the shade just waiting to be photographed. Get in close and fill the frame.



Boat, Parque Natural da Ria Formosa. Using the background: the boat in the distance fills what would have been an empty space.

Enjoy these stunning images taken in the East Algarve and also learn some great tips in our second photograpy class; Get In Close - Fill The Frame.


his article highlights a simple but effective technique for really lifting your pictures: The Tight Crop. Simply put it means filling the viewing frame with the subject making it the most significant part of the photograph. Filling the frame from edge to edge leaves little doubt as to the intended subject. It sounds obvious but is always overlooked. What you think you see and what the camera sees are entirely different. While your eye and brain just see the subject, the camera sees absolutely everything. The result is the subject looks very small surrounded by much unwanted edge detail. How often do you hear: “it just seemed so much bigger/nearer when we were there” as someone shows their photographs. This is the reason why. The solution is to get in close, and then get closer still. Just keep moving forward until the subject really fills that frame. It can almost touch the edge. Look at the subject, look at the background, and move in a few steps more. Where it is impossible to physically move forward then use the zoom. The same rule applies - zoom until there is no unwanted detail around the edge. Finally if you cannot really get close enough then use the background and positively incorporate it in the picture. Try it. This technique will become second nature and you soon will soon see it makes an instant difference to your pictures. Take a few bold steps forward. See how you get on Roland Imi LRPS

Market Stall, Olhão. The frame is totally filled with produce leaving no doubt as to the intended subject.

Luz Do Triunfo, Fuseta. A classic example of the tight crop – no distracting background whatsoever.



Introducing the owners of one of Tavira's most popular, family run restaurants.


O Castelo I

f it’s fantastic service, top quality and value for money that you are looking for we would highly recommend a visit to the fabulous O Castelo Restaurant, situated on the main street in Tavira. We were delighted to introduce Junior, Georgia and their adorable son Gabriel, the young family opened their business in May 2012 and due to hard work and a policy of providing a top class service to their clients, they have had tremendous success. Junior is originally from Campo Formoso in Brazil and after leaving school he came first to the Alentejo Region in Portugal, then to Tavira in 2001. Georgia also from Belohorizonte, Brazil came to Portugal in 2005, they met and fell in love. Junior explained that his father had offered them a business proposal back in Brazil but they had wanted to settle in


beautiful East Algarve and have their own business here. Junior has previously worked at the prestigious Monte Rei Golf Club and gained “The University of Life� with invaluable experience in the highest of customer service standards that is insisted on. With a little help from friends to organize the kitchen, they opened in May 2012. The restaurant is overlooked by the stunning Santa Maria Church in Tavira, and has a very warm and welcoming feel. They are now enjoying a thriving restaurant where, although it is possible to find a table free on the night, booking is advised as they are very busy with clients, both locals and visitors, all returning time and time again. Their Speciality Dishes are the delicious Steaks. Sirlion, Strip Loin, Entrecote and Aberdeen Angus, all the highest quality


People cuts from America, Argentina and Ireland. Together with fish dishes, (the swordfish and salmon steaks are fabulous) they also offer cataplanas, prawns in a garlic sauce, chicken kebab, to name but a few of the dishes on the appetising menu. It is a first class place, whether it’s a romantic meal for two or for groups and parties. They are now, it is fair to say, renowned for their sumptuous steaks, which have prompted fantastic reviews on trip advisor (See right). Junior is delighted that they have achieved more than expected at this early stage, all during a difficult time globally. Junior puts it down to the highest quality fresh ingredients, professional, friendly service and fantastic value for money, We wish them much, well deserved success for the future, a delightful young family. O Castelo is open for lunch from 12 – 3 pm and dinner from 7 – 10 pm Closed Saturday lunchtime and all day Sunday. Email: Telephone: 915 087 614 Closed January and The 1st week of February for holidays.


TRIP ADVISOR COMMENTS "Excellent!" (June 2014) First visit to this Restaurant, very impressed. Had Shrimp & garlic starter and then picanha, best steak we have had! Will be back. Congratulations Junior and staff. Reservation essential. "Always Superb" (June 2014) Once again another absolutely superb meal provided by Junior, the Brazilian chef. He really does know how to cook beef, and he understands what "well done" means. The Brazilian option, with black beans and fried banana is, for me, the best. We have never had a disappointing meal here, but you must book if you want the best service, "Best restaurant in Tavira" (June 2014) Great quality steaks cooked with great skill by the infectiously enthusiastic owner and his friendly and welcoming staff, what else do you need to be the best? Ate here 3 times while in Tavira couldn't quite resist steak on each occasion (different types) due to their excellence Nothing seemed to be a bother to the staff who were friendly, knowledgeable and welcoming A must visit place if ever in Tavira

What’s on



EN 125 - Sítio da Calçadinha 8800-067 CONCEIÇÃO DE TAVIRA LAT 37.147541° LONG - 7.613504° 281 370 962


Words Ange Heapey Photos Richard Bassett

TR4110P1 Fogão VicToRia


The Worlds First 32 hour Endurance Race and World record event.

Maxi Endurance


he Spanish company Maxi Endurance and the Autodromo Intenacional do Algarve have signed a five year deal to celebrate the longest race in motorsport, in its first 32 hour non-stop edition, at the challenging track located in Portimao, held from the 12th to 14th December. Each and every participant joining Maxi Endurance 32 hours shall be a pioneer and history will record those who accept the challenge of the longest race in the world, after almost 100 years of standstill when speaking of endurance events. The registration for the event opened on the 1st April 2014 and currently there are around 25 teams registered. The main reason for the agreement was due to the


interest in the Portuguese track to host the event as it is a challenging circuit for endurance events. The Autodromo Intenacional do Algarve is considered by many drivers as one of the most thrilling racing tracks around the world. Its modern facilities, up and down slopes and differentiating corners will test even the most seasoned drivers and teams and, at the same time, their racing cars. For the enthusiast of great challenges, strategy and, in short, endurance races have now a new reference from now on to prove their merits. The race is open to multiple vehicles such as GT cars, from different categories, gasoline or diesel touring cars, and FIA Prototypes and Radicals performing similarly.


32h The promoter’s objective is to contain costs effectively, by limiting the number of tires during the race in accordance with the supplier and without compromising safety. The entry fee, including hotel and catering for eight people for three days, will also make a noticeable contribution towards alleviating costs. For drivers and teams this race means accepting a new challenge with respect to other endurance events, which have barely changed over the past century. All the vehicles taking part in the Maxi Endurance 32, taking into account it is the first race, will increase the value for collectors and the drivers will go down in history as heroes, after responding to this demanding challenge in

motorsport. Each and every team joining Maxi Endurance 32 shall be a pioneer of a historic milestone accepting the challenge of racing in the world’s longest race, becoming the first participants in this epic challenge called Maxi Endurance 32 in Portimao and they all will deserve to go down in motorsport history. For the racing enthusiast, it is an opportunity to see these endurance cars race on a great spectator’s circuit both in day and night racing and also be there to be involved in this world record in motorsport. Call: +351 282 405 642 for tickets or see



Your land registration Expert advice from Robert Bijker.


he municipality of Tavira has started with the updating and digitalisation of the land register as part of the national system called SiNErGIC (Sistema Nacional de Exploração e Gestão de Informação Cadastral) for the use and management of cadastral information. The main objective is to clearly document the exact delimitations of a property by integrating existing and new cadastral information for the purpose of future land planning policies, public works and a range of other governing policies such as the environment. What started as a pilot program in Loule in 2013 has been rolled out throughout the Algarve in municipalities where such registers previously did not exist. The introduction is implemented in three stages with the Algarve being the first, followed by central Portugal and the north will be the last to implement the new system. Property owners have time until the 24th of July 2015 to register for free, thereafter there will be a charge. All types of property must be registered. If you own a property which is part of a condominium the administrator of the condominium will make the registration. In all other cases the homeowner or their representative will have to make the registration. All land must have landmarks with the initials of names of the current owner of the property. SiNErGIC has an instruction folder available with instructions the demarcation of a property. (a copy can also be obtained from our offices) The registration of your property must be done in your local


Company AMI 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 Mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2

parish and you need to bring your identification and a copy of the caderneta predial (Tax registration document of the property). If your property has an urban and a rustic article, you need to bring both. Note, as there has been a consolidation of various parishes new articles have been allocated. If you have online access to the Finanças website, you can print out the document with the new number. Alternatively you can visit your local tax office or contact your lawyer. A team of SiNErGIC will then define the exact delimitations of your property which includes a visit to your property, after which there is no room for disputes. A new unique property number (NIP) will be allocated to make future transactions easier and clearer. Hand in declarations to your local Parish Council. For registration and/or questions, here is a list of parishes and contact details: Freguesia de Cachopo Telephone & Fax: 289 844 112 Rua Ordem de Santiago, 40, 8800014 Cachopo E-mail: Freguesia de Conceição e Cabanas de Tavira Conceição Telephone & Fax: 281 370 989 Rua 25 de Abril, 7, 8800-061 Conceição TVR E-mail: Cabanas Telephone & Fax: 281 370 297 Avenida Ria Formosa, 18, 8800-591 Cabanas TVR Freguesia de Luz de Tavira e Santo Estêvão Luz de Tavira Telephone & Fax: 281 961 285 Rua Nossa Senhora da Luz, 1, 8800-113 Luz TVR E-mail: Santo Estêvão Telephone & Fax: 281 961 305 Rua Central, 3, 8800-506 Santo Estêvão TVR E-mail: Freguesia de Santa Catarina Fonte do Bispo Telephone & Fax: 281 971 183/ 281 971 946

Casa Anibal R/C loja B, Estrada da Manta Rota 8900-038 Vila Nova de Cacela



HOUSE TAVIRA, €220.000 Ref 1613 • 4 Bedrooms • Lounge with fireplace • Air conditioned • Patio with bbq • Garage and drive • Roof terrace

Rua Gago Coutinho, 16, 8800-166 Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo Freguesia de Santa Luzia Telefone e Fax: 281 381 820 Morada: Rua de Angola 8800-539 Santa Luzia TVR Correio eletrónico: geral@ Freguesia de Tavira (Santa Maria e Santiago) Santa Maria Telephone & Fax: 281 322 445 Rua José Joaquim Jara, 65, 8800353 Tavira E-mail: Santiago Telephone: 281 322 452 Fax: 281 323 360 Largo Tabira de Pernambuco, 8800-456 Tavira E-mail: Owners who are involved in short term holiday letting need to be aware that in addition to the Alojamento Local (AL) license they will also have to go to the tax office to register the letting as an activity and must do so before the 27th of November 2014. This is new legislation. The aim of the

VILLAGE HOUSE NEAR GOLF €215.000 Ref 1606 • Heated private pool • Three double bedrooms • Bungalow • Two patios • Large kitchen • Internet, air con and fans

government is to widen the tax net, but the good news is that you will be able to lower your tax rate from 28% to less than 4%. The new legislation also brought a change in the invoicing and reporting of rental income to the tax department. You will now have to issue an invoice for the rental income in the month that you rented out the property and report it the following month to the tax department. There are more important changes to address regarding this matter but due to limitation of space, ask your property manager/lawyer. Lastly, the government has appointed ASAE for the inspection of holiday rental properties. If they find that a property is not properly licensed, registered or find any other infraction, a fine will be issued. From the proceeds 60% will go to the government with the balance to ASAE. Robert Bijker Director Land & Houses Algarve – Yellow Homes Rua Dr. José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira Tel: 281 320 281 Fax: 281 321 901 (AMI – 6232)


MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438

Rui Horta Law Office


CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761

LAWYER Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Maintenance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications



VILLA - CABANAS - Spacious brand new 3 bedroom villa w/ spacious patio and roof terrace, situated within a charming small, welllooked after, quiet complex w/ access to s. pool. € 375.000 *** ENERGY CLASS - A


APARTMENT - VILA REAL SANTO ANTÓNIO - 1 bed. apartment situated within walking distance to the Guadiana river , marina and town centre. Close garage in basement. €110.000 ***ENERGY CLASS - C

Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 Mobile Phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: or Website: Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal

Monte da Eira, Tavira.


Financing – Return on the investment


Ref.: 120871085-44


Ref.: 120871043-986

Cabanas, Tavira.

Moncarapacho – Pés do Cerro.

Single story detached house w/2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 3 bathrooms and garage, with spectacular views of the coast and privacy to enjoy the peace and quiet of the area. From €175,000

Apartments in a tourist development with many amenities From €100,000


1 bedroom apt, balcony, near the Boardwalk. Beautiful views. Pool From €175,000 Ref.: 120871058-164

Vila Nova de Cacela Caliço A L G A R V E




Manta Rota Beach

5 famous golf courses only15 minutes away

Close to several riding schools €28,000




24h Security, Daytime reception, Free internet access, Post service, Laundry, Petanque. Tavira, Vila Real & Spain: 11km, Faro airport 45 mins. Sea views, 5km from the coast.

Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031

RESTAURANT, BAR & POOL GPS: N – 37º 11' 12" W – 007º 33' 00"



Property of the month

Villa with 2 bedrooms, Garage, hot tub and superb Sea views - sitting in 2.000m² of land with garden and trees. PROPERTY REQUIRED

São Brás, Estoi, Moncarapacho, to Tavira area, please call or email.



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* Private borehole * cistern * water softener * solar water system with electrical back-up * 380V electricity with cheap rate * alarm system, telephone * SAT-dish * septic tank with soak-away * woodburner * Air conditioning * Remote controlled iron entrance gates * garden lighting * carport * garage * part fenced/ walled * Hot tub * Lovely mature garden with orchids, roses, vines, palms, fruit trees * garden pond * automatic irrigation system * Gas house * storage room * Guttering * To be sold part furnised! LOCATION: Moncarapacho REF: 1225V PRICE:


AMI License nº 870 - Member of APEMIP nº 1178 Av. Maria Lizarda Palermo 43a, 8700 - 081 Moncarapacho, Algarve, Portugal



AMI 8799

LwL, Nº40a, Rua 1º de Maio, 8800-360 Tavira Office: 00351 281 327 656, Voip: 02070999193 Email: Web:

Three Bedroom Modern Villa with Pool – Conceição de Tavira €295.000 Ref. 3200929

Lovely One Bedroom Villa in country setting with Pool Tavira - €190.000 Ref. 3515268

This cosy one bedroom villa is set in tranquil location, with relaxing scenery. It has been built to a good standard, with all comforts. The big plot of land provides several fruit trees, and special retreats. Although it’s located in the country, the property is only 7 km away from Tavira, where you will find all facilities such as shops, cafés, and restaurants. It is well worth a visit!

Modern villa located in Conceição de Tavira near the beach of Cabanas. It has an outdoor space just right to be easy to maintain, and lock up and leave. It is in a great location close to all amenities, café´s, shops and restaurants. The beach is just a 10 minute walk away. This would make a great investment opportunity for someone looking for a permanent home, or a holiday/rental property.


Four Bedroom Villa with Pool & Sea Views – Estoi €695.000 Ref. 3574565


Lovely villa in a great location, spectacular panoramic sea views. Ideal for those of you that like to be private, but close to all amenities. Very good sized reception rooms, and bedrooms, with high ceilings, making it bright and airy. The external look is very Colonial with the many pillars along the front terraces of the property. The gardens have been beautifully landscaped, and host many different trees, shrubs and plants. This would make a great for full time home, or a holiday home.



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Houseplants A basic guide to growing plants indoors.


ouseplants are sold in many different places, such as at florists, greenhouses, nurseries, home improvement centres, craft fairs, flea markets, and even out of a truck in a parking lot. Plant quality and guarantees, along with price are important factors to consider when making a purchase. QUALITY There are several things to look for when shopping for a healthy plant. Begin by inspecting the leaves carefully. They should have the right colour, shape and size and be free of blemishes or brown edges. Also, the lower leaves should not be pale or yellow. A good specimen should not look leggy or sparse. It should have a good, balanced shape and not to top heavy. Look closely at stems and leaves for any signs of insects or disease. Finally, look at the pot and soil.


If roots are growing through the drainage holes or are seen at the soil surface, the plant has probably outgrown its pot. If you choose this plant, special care will be needed when transplanting into a larger pot. If you are unfamiliar with the plant, a proper label will be important too. NOW YOU HAVE A NEW PLANT, WHAT’S NEXT? It is a good idea to keep a new plant away from other plants for 2-3 weeks. This will protect the other plants from possible attack by any insects or disease you might have missed. Most houseplants are tropical or sub-tropical in origin. Often, they have been grown in greenhouse conditions or even outdoors in southern climates. If plants have not been acclimatized, they may go through a period of shock. Often, plants drop some leaves or some leaves may yellow, when first brought into a new environment. This

adjustment period should not last more than a few weeks. During this time, keep the plant relatively cool to help minimize water loss through its leaves. Check the soil regularly to determine when to water. Also, do not fertilize at this time, since the plant is adjusting to lower light and humidity conditions. HOUSEPLANT NEEDS Foliage plants can be a beautiful addition to a home or office. They are often grown for their attractive foliage, since most would require greenhouse conditions to produce flowers. Several factors influence your success with indoor plants. The key factors for plant growth are light, temperature, humidity, and water. Take time to read about their individual requirements and then try to match their needs to your indoor setting. PROPER LIGHT Light is essential for plant growth and can be one of the most limiting



factors for success with houseplants. Both the amount and the quality of light are important. Light intensity refers to brightness and is measured in foot-candles, which is defined as the amount of light that one candle produces, measured one foot away. Outdoors, the amount of sunlight that is cast may be 10,000 - 12,000 foot-candles. Indoors, the amount of light that enters the room is only a small amount. While most plants will perform best with bright light conditions, some plants can tolerate moderate to low light conditions. While light intensity is measured in foot-candles and can be evaluated by using a light meter or photographic exposure meter, you can also follow these general guidelines. Low Light North window: a few feet away; East/ West window: 3-10 feet away; South window:15-20 feet away Medium Light North window: directly in front; East/ west window: a few feet away; South window: 3-10 feet away High or Bright Light East/west window: directly in front; South window: up to 5 feet away Direct South window: directly in front


Keep in mind that light conditions change throughout the seasons. Several factors can influence your light intensity and duration. For example, the sun is higher on the horizon in the winter (increasing the brightness indoors) and lower on the horizon in the summer (decreasing the brightness indoors); surrounding trees and shrubs may block sunlight with their leaves in summer, but allow for more light during the winter after their leaves have fallen off. Light duration refers to the number of hours of light that falls on a plant in 24 hours. In low light conditions, plants can benefit from increasing the duration of light. Duration of 14 - 16 hours is sufficient. Do not expose plants to more than 16 hours of light since they need a rest period too. Also, be aware that flowering response in some plants is influenced by daylength and should be considered when supplementing the available light. Light quality refers to the wavelengths of light. Plants need blue and red wavelengths for photosynthesis. For flowering, they also need infrared light. TEMPERATURE Most foliage plants prefer day temperatures between 65 degrees

and 75 degrees with night temperatures usually 5 to 10 degrees lower. Avoid extreme temperature changes, such as cold and hot air blasts from windows, radiators, heating and air conditioning vents. Take special care near cold window panes too. Cold glass can damage foliage. WATER NEEDS How much water a plant needs is influenced by several factors. Not only is the individual plant size and species important, but also the growing conditions. Light, temperature, humidity, container type, container size, and finally soil type all influence the speed of growth and therefore the amount of water needed. It is best to look up individual plant types for their watering needs. Typically, you will see the following descriptions under water requirements: plants enjoy constantly moist, but not soggy wet soil; plants prefer to have soil allowed to dry moderately between watering; or plants prefer very slightly moist soil at all times. The succulents and cacti have differing needs during their growth cycle. HUMIDITY During the winter, most homes

Words: Mark O'Shaughnessy


have less than 30 percent humidity and some houseplants may suffer. Humidity can be increased with a humidifier. Setting plants on pebbles in a water-filled tray increase humidity too. Make sure the pots are not sitting directly in water. Another technique is to group plants together which improves the humidity immediately surrounding them. Misting plants does not always work well. The humidity level is affected for only a short time and repeated misting is necessary. While some plants tolerate misting, other plants do not. With too much misting, the incidence of disease may increase. HOLIDAY WATERING Most houseplants can survive being left for a couple of weeks with some preparation. Water all pots thoroughly before you leave. Plants in large pots will be fine left in a shady room. Those in smaller pots, the very pot bound and plants that enjoy humidity will do better in the bath, lined with an old towel soaked in water. If direct sunlight falls on your bath, shading the window will also

help. FEEDING Many plants will grow without feeding, but flowering plants are very hungry and will do best when given a weekly dose of liquid feed. When moving plants into bigger pots, add a few granules of slowrelease fertiliser to the compost, but follow the manufacturer's guidelines to avoid overfeeding.

PRUNING Most plants are easy to look after. Pinch off dying flowers with your thumb and forefinger and remove any damaged or yellowing leaves. Remove wayward branches with secateurs if necessary. CLEANING Dust can quickly build up on leaves this isn't only unsightly but also prevents plants from growing properly. Clean with a piece of cotton wool dipped in water. HOUSEPLANT PESTS If the plant is lacking in vigour, check for tufts of white fluff. This is either mealy bug or woolly aphid, pests that suck the sap of houseplants. Remove with an organic soft soap spray. Tiny limpet-like bugs on stems or leaves of plants are a sign of sap-sucking scale insect. Rub off by hand with a piece of cotton wool. Fine webbing at the tips of plants and yellow speckling on leaves is a symptom of tiny red spider mites. They thrive in a warm, dry atmosphere - cut off the affected parts and mist around the plant to prevent another outbreak.


Expert financial advice By Gavin Scott, Senior Partner, Blevins Franks


Sometimes Plain Vanilla Is Best

ou’ve invested in equities £1.5bn was invested in total, which investing in UCIS funds and similar and bonds, should you are domiciled in the British Virgin products in recent years, and found now consider alternative Islands and Isle of Man. that three out of every four sales to assets? Another high profile case is that of retail clients were unsuitable for the You may have seen funds advertised an Australian firm which placed investor. which sound more interesting itself into voluntary administration in It warned: “These assets may and seem to offer better returns, February 2013, and suspended its sometimes appear to offer better such as investing in overseas eight funds. One of them invested returns with less volatility than property developments, student in Australian mortgages, with an more usual investment types but accommodation, timber and fine wine. estimated fund size of £2 billion. they are often actually higher-risk It can be tempting, but for most The UK’s Financial Conduct investments. For example they may investors, plain vanilla is best. It is not Authority (FCA) has had concerns be illiquid, difficult to value and just a question of sticking to tried and about a number of UCIS funds and prices may be volatile.” tested investment assets, but also how they have been marketed. Last In the FCA’s view, UCIS and close of investing in regulated products year it reported that consumers have substitutes are unlikely to be which do not have complex, hard to lost substantial amounts of money suitable for the vast majority of retail value structures. investors. Funds which invest in nonRegulation is very important traditional scheme assets when considering a fund. are known as Unregulated Look at what body is Collective Investment regulating the fund itself, Schemes (UCIS). and evaluate the regulation A variety of these schemes of the adviser making the have been on offer over the recommendation - they last decade or so, particularly should carry a high degree in the offshore market. of regulation and only Unfortunately many of them recommend authorised have been suspended or funds from reputable liquidated, leaving investors jurisdictions. without access to their funds. You should only use Before the credit crunch advisory firms which hit, it seemed everyone carry out due diligence on was talking about student everything they consider accommodation and recommending to their ground rent funds. Many clients, and preferably advisers sold them and they have not advised clients were on the panel of many to invest in funds that have life assurance companies. subsequently failed. But being popular does not In summary, if it seems to make them safe, and funds be too good to be true, it have failed. probably is. Don’t risk your For example, a well-known wealth. UK property investor To keep in touch with the Rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ Esq. 8800-360, suspended its eight funds latest developments in Tavira. Near VILA GALÈ TAVIRA HOTEL in July 2013, citing market the offshore world, check liquidity and pressure from out the latest news on our Tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 222 investors wishing to redeem website www.blevinsfranks. their investments. Around com


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Expert currency advice

Premier FX's Account Manager Cathryn Evans keeps us up to date with the latest currency news.

Managing your international payments


s we had a mini heat wave in October and saw the summer appear again we saw the GBP/EUR go from the high 1.28 down to the 1.24’s and then back up again, Sterling also lost significant ground against a wide range of currencies. So what caused this? The key driver for this has been the realisation that rises in UK interest rates are not likely to happen any time soon as UK inflation data came in below expectations. The economic figures in Germany are on the market's radar and as the Eurozone is the UK’s largest trading partner it could suffer from any economic downturn in Europe. Something to keep in mind if you have any transfers, whether large or topping up your bank account in the next few months, is the UK general election in May 2015. With the recent by-election performance by UKIP – and the possibility that they could become the power brokers in a hung parliament,

this would increase the likelihood of a vote on the UK’s membership of the EU, and we have just seen in September with the Scottish vote, how it unsettles the market. At Premier FX we can help you secure your rate, whether it be for 6 months or 2 years, we can fix rates to remove that uncertainty for you, we can talk through your options and what best suits your needs. Whilst we don’t have a crystal ball to see what is going to happen, we can give you advice and the latest news on what the market is doing to help you make that decision, we won’t baffle you with jargon - the information we give you will be clear and concise. You can find our weekly newsletter at or, if you prefer, on Facebook under Premier FX, where

you will also find the daily interbank rates. I have read many reports on where we are seeing the GBP/EUR going, they range from 1.10 to 1.30, what we have to remember is that we live in an ever-changing world and the exchange rates can reflect this, any economic data that comes out can affect the markets. Whether you are looking to set up a regular payment or making a one off transfer, with no bank charges, and no minimum amounts, Premier FX is on hand to help; we are here to make your currency transactions stress free and simple. Premier FX is authorised by the FCA (530712) and regulated by HMRC. CONTACT: Cathryn Evans Tel: + 351 289 358 511

"I have read many reports on where we are seeing the GBP/ EUR going, they range from 1.10 to 1.30"


Expert financial advice

Keep up to date with our Finance expert, chartered accountant Ricardo Chaves from All Finance Matters.

New rules for Local Lodging


rom the 27th of November there are tighter regulations being brought with regard to private holiday lettings. In fact the decree-Law 128/2014 recently published, creates independent regulations for local lodging (AL - Alojamento Local). For the purposes of its application, the new law contains a definition of local accommodation establishments as “those which provide temporary accommodation services to tourists against payment”, in one of the following forms: • Houses; • Apartments; • Lodging establishments (hostels fall within this form). Hostels are regulated, in particular, in article 14, which provides that only lodging establishments where the majority of accommodation is in the form of dormitories (rooms with four beds or more or with bunk beds) may use the name “hostel”. Please note that, hostels must meet not only the general requirements for local accommodation, but also comply with their own specific regulations. This new law imposes a number of obligations on those who normally rent their apartment or house for tourists. One obligation which is worth emphasising is that the


property owner must register this activity at the local tax office. This means that a complete Business Registration needs to be made at the tax office and a copy of the form issued by the tax authorities, needs to be presented at the local municipality confirming the business activity registration. Please note that this presentation needs to take place within 30 days following the legislation coming into force on 27 November 2014 and is mandatory in order to get the license number (Alojamento Local). It’s important to say that those that already have a license number, acquired under the prior statutes (as of 2008) also need to fulfill the requirement and start the activity at the tax office giving notice to the local municipality. This AL number must then be included in your adverts at Real Estate, Portals and other marketing material. The small print also says you must have an AL plaque outside your front door and an official complaints book. If the property owner is non-resident only his fiscal representative can register his local lodging activity at the tax office. If no Fiscal Representative exists, this might be the chance to appoint one to handle

these matters. We strongly advise our clients to stay legal and compliant with these rules and regulations because not only the fines are very high (starting at 2.500€ for private individuals) but also because these law opens an opportunity to mitigate the tax currently paid on rentals. Rentals under this law will be taxed at 3.75% opposed to the normal 28% rate. In fact this type of activity receives a special treatment under the ‘IRS - Simplified Regime’ and tax is calculated on sales, in other words property owners are only taxable on 15% of the invoiced income. No expenses can be claimed as opposed to the traditional rentals where some expenses are deductible, but the law simplifies the procedures and as the tax is 25% of this 15%, it means the owner would be paying only 375€ per each 10.000€ of rentals. Just like any other business the property owner will register for IVA (VAT) and if business exceeds €10,000 yearly income, must collect IVA from your customers. Tourist related activities, currently charge 6% IVA (the lowest rate). Quarterly IVA declarations must be done over the internet, however as most of the business expenses include IVA at 23%, it is possible to recover the IVA

Exclusive Homes Algarve Premier Portuguese Property For Sale

paid on overheads. Some of the related business costs include IVA that can be recovered or used to reduce your bill, such as: • Telephone, internet and, tv • Electricity • Laundry and other Hospitality services • Condominium expenses • Maintenance, refurbishment or repairs of the property • Cleaning, gardening, etc If the above situation appeals to you, please contact us, we aim our expertise and know-how to work in your benefit, keeping you tax compliant while paying only the legal minimum. Please feel free to visit us for a friendly chat and find out more about the tax strategy that might be more effective on your specific situation. Ricardo Chaves

AMI 0319

Golden from 55,000€

Available now for sale

Available now for sale

Conceição de Tavira from 80.000€


Quinta do sobral 295,000€


Available Property Details now for sale PROPERTIES

ON RIGHTMOVE Rental and property management agent Property Details NO MANAGEMENT FEE (with full rental package) Fantastic villa with four bedrooms, three bathrooms (one with hydro massage bath), very spacious and air conditioned. Has a private pool and a spacious garden.

Fantastic villa with four bedrooms, three bathrooms (one with hydro massage bath), very spacious and air conditioned. Has a private pool and a spacious garden.

The master bedroom has AC, a super king size bed and a closet and a private bathroom with shower and a double sink. The second bedroom also has ac and a super king size bed. All first floor rooms provide a lit balcony, and the fourth floor of the rest has just lit the garden.

Tel: 00351 281 370 719 There are two living rooms, one with ac and lit the terrace and garden. A large well equipped kitchen, and a covered outside with a large dining Rua 25 de Abril nº19A 8800-061 Conceição de Tavira table and BBQ terrace. And a beautiful swimming pool (45m2) for a more

The master bedroom has AC, a super king size bed and a closet and a private bathroom with shower and a double sink. The second bedroom also has ac and a super king size bed. All first floor rooms provide a lit balcony, and the fourth floor of the rest has just lit the garden.

There are two living rooms, one with ac and lit the terrace and garden. A large well equipped kitchen, and a covered outside with a large dining table and BBQ terrace. And a beautiful swimming pool (45m2) for a more relaxing day.


relaxing day.


Property Details

Fantastic villa with four bedrooms, three bathrooms (one with hydro massage bath), very spacious and air conditioned. Has a private pool and a spacious garden.

The master bedroom has AC, a super king size bed and a closet and a private bathroom with shower and a double sink. The second bedroom also has ac and a super king size bed. All first floor rooms provide a lit balcony, and the fourth floor of the rest has just lit the garden.

There are two living rooms, one with ac and lit the terrace and garden. A large well equipped kitchen, and a covered outside with a large dining table and BBQ terrace. And a beautiful swimming pool (45m2) for a more relaxing day.




Less slip,

more grip

At last... an efficient way to avoid slippery floors with Slip Doctors.


ntroducing Paul Barker and Stuart Hepworth, owners of Slip Doctor, here in the East Algarve. Paul, owner of P.G.Barker Construction and developments, has been doing building work here in the Algarve for 10 years. Being a builder Paul knows the prices for

retiling unsafe floors are upwards of €40 a square meter, not to mention the disruption and mess for days or weeks. The Slip Doctors treatment can be done for a fraction of the price and in a matter of hours! It is Quick, Clean and Efficient. Stuart Hepworth bought the

We all know about safety in the pool.


What about safety around the pool and shower area?

franchise of Slip Doctors for Portugal and the coast of Spain (from Ayamonte to the French border, including the mediterranean islands). He approached Paul with the idea that they start and run the business here in Portugal, using the already well established P. G. Barker Construction and developments company. It is the first Franchise here in Portugal or Spain for this product. Slip Doctors has been going since the mid-eighties and made in the USA. The product is virtually invisible to the eye and uses a mild blend of chemicals that makes the tile surface non-slip when wet. Before any application, the floor must be inspected and a friction coefficiency test taken, before a small test area can be treated to evaluate the dilution ratio of the product needed. The friction co-efficiency test is performed using a SCOF machine, readings are taken before and after treatment. Slip Doctor also have products to treat marble, stone, ceramics, baths and showers. They also treat wood and laminate flooring. For further details call 968 158 642 or email

WET SLIPPERY TILES CAUSE THE MOST INJURIES The majority of tiles found around pools and shower areas are normal every day ones becoming dangerously slippery when wet. One only has to see young children splashing and running around the pool area to understand the possible injuries this can generate.

Slip Doctor’s unique anti slip treatment protects you from litigation regarding health & safety. It’s not a paint but an anti-slip treatment which is virtually invisible to the eye.

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SWIM-ARTE IS A SWIMMING POOL COMPANY WITH OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning.

Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE ON THE FIBREGLASS POSTS. THESE POOL FENCES ARE EASILY REMOVABLE. FENCING AROUND POOLS ARE SOON TO BE A NEW REGULATION IN PORTUGAL. LUGARDE designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. LUGARDE creates high quality products at acceptable prices.





BELOW: new manager Jorge Paixão with Olhanense SAD Vice-President Igor Campedelli

Officials given police escort after controversial match against Farense

Internationals to local community sport


All the latest local sports news from Chris Wright.

ortugal’s new boss Fernando Santos saw his team grab a last minute winner away to Denmark in their vital EURO 2016 qualifier. It was that man Cristiano Ronaldo, who got the all important goal in Copenhagen and thus equalled the record of twenty-two goals in competitive UEFA qualifiers and finals. He joins Hakan Sükür (Turkey) and Jon Dahl Tomasson (Denmark) in the list of top scorers in official matches organised by UEFA. So if superhero CR7 scores on the 14th November, when Portugal entertain Armenia at the Algarve Stadium, history will be made and you could be there. Watch out for special tickets deals for the opportunity to see the internet sensation who has surpassed one hundred million Facebook followers which puts him almost thirty million ahead of arch rival Lionel Messi! Ronaldo is the most followed athlete on Facebook and Twitter With six of his posts generated more than €370,000 for watchmakers Tag Heuer. The commercial power of Ronaldo, who also has 30.5m Twitter followers, was demonstrated when he posted six messages over two days advertising the Tag Heuer watch brand which received 34.9m Facebook hits and 2.4m likes.


Ronaldo's Facebook followers could fill Real Madrid's Bernabeu stadium 1,170 times. Portuguese managers and players also feature heavily in the UEFA Champions League with José Mourinho’s Chelsea team looking in fine fettle as they also take the English Premier League by storm. There are six Portuguese coaches in charge of Champions League teams - more than any other country - in addition to Mourhino there is André Villas-Boas (Zenit St Petersburg), Leonardo Jardim (Monaco), Marco Silva (Sporting Lisbon), Jorge Jesus (Benfica) and Paulo Sousa (FC Basel) whilst England has…none! The surprise team in the Premiership is Southampton who sold a staggering €106m worth of players in the summer - Luke Shaw (Manchester United), Calum Chambers (Arsenal), Adam Lallana, Dejan Lovren & Rickie Lambert (Liverpool) - but new manager, former Dutch international, Ronald Koeman and 31 year-old Portuguese captain José Fonte have worked wonders including the 8-0 thrashing of Sunderland. Down in the relative obscurity of Portugal’s Segunda Liga, SC Olhanense are battling yet another crisis. Defeated at home 1-3 by local rivals Farense, thanks to three incredulous refereeing decisions

- two penalties and a sending off the team travelled to FC Porto ‘B’ where they were well and truly taken apart in a 7-0 drubbing. Within days manager Antonio Conceição had departed and former Farense boss Jorge Paixão handed the reins. A 4-2 defeat in the Portugal Cup resulted in seven changes, including a new captain Semedo, for the visit of Beira-Mar. The 0-0 stalemate at least closed the leaking defence that had conceded fourteen goals in three games. The player who captained Olhanense when they were promoted to the Primeira Liga in 2009 has left the club by mutual consent. 36 year-old Rui Duarte was passionate about his football and was a great motivator who led his team by example. On a much brighter note it was a privilege to watch Olhanense Under 15s youngsters beat Farense 2-0 thanks to goals from centreforward Diogo Áles and Carlos. Coach Guido Silvestre a PSP police officer in Tavira, has built a team that produces a high level of skill and commitment which augers well for the future of Olhanense football. Iuri Dias was the pick of the home side and is a name to watch out for in the future. Olhanense maintain third place behind leaders V.Setúbal and Portimonense.

Walking Football. Octogenarian referee Gordon Linford (4th from right) with fitness coach Christine Wright.



alking Football for the over 50s continues to attract increased interest. Two former England internationals Tony Adams (ex-Arsenal) and Paul Konchesky (Leicester City) were taught by Tavira resident Christine Wright, when she was

head of Physical Education at Eastbrook Comprehensive School in Dagenham. Christine has taken on the role of fitness coach and her experience of dealing with top athletes ensures that the senior citizens are suitably warmed up and in prime condition as aged muscles



anuel Pinto dos Santos, known throughout his football career as Sanfins, died on the 11th October at the grand old age of 92. He was the last surviving member of the FC Porto team that beat Arsenal in a friendly in 1948. Nothing special about that you might think, but imagine the esteem a club would have to be held in by its opponents if the victors commissioned an intricate ninefoot trophy in honour of a solitary friendly win. So it was that Arsenal, shortly after their record equaling sixth League triumph, embarked on a short tour of Portugal in May 1948. The Gunners were reckoned to be the most powerful team in Europe, if not the world and the Portuguese, a passionate soccer nation, were still smarting from a 10-0 hammering dished out by the

creak into action. The group has recently welcomed its first German and Portuguese players plus several new members who have never played football before. For more information contact: Christopher. or phone 916 504 903.

English in an international match the previous year. Arsenal easily defeated Benfica 4-0 and then moved north to take on The Dragons in front of a capacity 20,000 crowd at the Estádio do Lima. Despite it being a friendly, few gave the home team any chance as Arsenal fielded a strong team including Joe Mercer and Wally Barnes but without the Compton brothers, Leslie being injured and Denis given leave to put in some cricket practice before a forthcoming Ashes series in England that summer. However, in the broiling heat and dazzling sunshine, the visitors appeared to have underestimated their opponents. In the ninth minute a 30-yard thunderbolt from Antonio Araujo sailed into the top left hand corner of George Swindin’s goal via the post. Then Porto’s 16-stone forward Correia Dias scored twice to give the 


Sport home side a 3-0 lead at the interval. Arsenal reduced the deficit through Rooke midway through the secondhalf and Jones added a second with time running out. The game reached boiling point and the atmosphere was electric with the crowd whistling loudly for the game to finish. At the end the fans threw their seat cushions in the air, at each other and on to the track surrounding the pitch. Having restored the nation’s pride, FC Porto decided to create a trophy called The Arsenal Cup and requested that all important jewellers in Portugal put in tenders for the monumental icon, which was estimated, initially, to cost 70,000 escudos, though it is likely to have cost far more than that when finally completed. Such was the clamour in Porto that 60,000 escudos had been raised by public subscriptions within a few months of the game – about €250,000 today. To describe it as “cup” is possibly one of the biggest understatements in football. The unique and quite magnificent


trophy, and equally intricate presentation cabinet, is currently displayed at the FC Porto Museum. Weighing 250kg, it contains 130kg of pure silver and is 2.8 metres tall. Other material such as gold, enamel, crystal, fine wood, marble and velvet were also used in its production. The trophy itself is entirely silver and consists of three sculptured figures of women rising on tiptoe holding the cup, with three athletes reaching towards the cup looking

to drink the wine of the victory. It is housed within a glass cabinet with a wooden frame, supported by four silver dragons allowing the trophy to be viewed from all angles and the piece has many silver cherubs and figures holding up plinths. On the top is a silver sculpture which includes an athlete, kneeling and controlling a lion. In his right hand the athlete holds a flame aloft while in his left hand he holds the flag of FC Porto. Behind the athlete and dominating the entire piece is the figure of victory. In a brief history of FC Porto on the club’s official website the win is still celebrated as a pivotal moment for FC Porto: “the 3-2 victory over Arsenal, at the time known as the best team in the world, was a proof of the blue and whites potential.” Sanfins, who scored forty-three goals for FC Porto in 106 appearances, played that year for FC Porto as they did the double over Olhanense, winning 7-3 in Porto and 4-1 in Olhão. Porto finished 5th and Olhanense 11th (14 teams).

How to maximise your distance off the tee. This months tip from James Beesley, professional at Monte Rei.


Pro stats

hy is the Driver so hard to hit? It moves faster through impact than any other club which allows it to produce the most distance, but also requires impact to be more precise. It is the longest club in the bag, and therefore much more difficult to achieve the desired impact. This is because the ball is further away from the player and the clubhead speed is at its highest. It is the lowest lofted full swing club. Less loft means less forgiveness if the ball is not struck from the centre of the Name: James Beesley face. From: Liverpool, England Centre of contact Club: Monte Rei Golf influences ball speed & Country Club and therefore the Position: Golf Professional distance that the ball Turned Pro: 2012 off Scratch Background: BA Business Studies will travel. A golf club Degree, University of Liverpool. which is too long for a Associate of Science Degree in Golf player will tend to lose Management, Keiser University. consistency of strike Played for Club, District and and cause an erratic University Golf Teams. shot pattern. Off centre

strikes with a driver can result in a loss of ball speed by up to 9mph. 141mph ball speed = 264 metre carry 132mph ball speed = 240 metre carry If you feel that you may be losing distance with your driver, firstly apply face tape or impact spray to the club and hit 4 - 6 shots. The club is likely to be too short if the strike pattern is more towards the toe of the club. If the strike marks are scattered around the clubface, the driver may be too long. The optimal driver length will produce consistent strike marks towards the centre of the face. Before purchasing a new driver, it is important to go to a qualified PGA Professional to have a dynamic custom fit as the correct driver length will allow the player to optimise their ball flight and distance without losing accuracy. For individual, group or playing lessons or a Titleist Custom Fitting call +351 281 950 950 or email at Lessons include all equipment hire, golf balls & water. James Beesley


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