Apr11 East Algarve Magazine

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Water gardens magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve April 2011 People © Health Focus on Golf tips FromAshdownKeith Gardening Cork products The secret law of fromCarolynCatchattractionupwithBrownEstrelas

Page 2 www.eastalgarvemag.com ...to your April issue of the East Algarve Magazine. This month we give you a fascinating insite to the world of essential oils with Caroline McCutcheon from Harmony Essences and up with Carolyn Brown to hear about her latest venture with Fitness Estrelas. We Focus on the incredible products available from Pelcor, all made from the amazing natural product cork. Our regular gardening feature from Mark tells you all you need to know about water gardens, and this months food page are particular favourites of mine, Chicken Korma and Chicken Tikka Masala, from the Taj Mahal Indian Restaurant in Pechão. With Golfing tips from Benamor Golfs Keith Ashdown, Health advice from Gareth Bullock, and excellent safety tips from Jeff Sweet about buying online, this month's issue is as packed as ever... Enjoy! Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIAL cO-ORdInATORS Richard Bassett Snr. AdvERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTAnT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink+ dessert and coffee €8.50 SpecialitieS incluDe Fresh local seafood • cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey pluS MucH MucH MORe! Rua da liberdade n.º 126 FuSeta • OlHÃO • algaRve telephone 289 798 045 etaSuF

Page 3www.eastalgarvemag.com 4nOTIcE BOARd Let us know your thoughts. 5WHAT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 8HEALTH The secret law of attraction. 9HEALTH Famous deaf people. 10 BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER Introducing the Bookclub. 11ARTS Raymond Dumas, Master of Marble. 12PEOPLE Catch up with Carolyn Brown. 14PEOPLE Caroline McCutcheon. 16FOcUS On Cork. 18PROPERTy Property prices. 20PROPERTy Property of the month. 25dIREcTORy Your directory of advertisers. 28FOOd From The Taj Mahal, Pechão. 31gARdEnS Water gardens. 35TEcHnOLOgy Buying safe on the Internet. 38EnvIROnmEnT Tackling Rising Damp. 39FInAncE Currency exchange. 42SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 43SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 46cLASSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 14 28 31 CONTENTS 164216


Yoga emailWednesdaysMondaysclasses10.30to11.45and5pmto6.15.Contactno913075555orhazel.devine@ ntlworld.com Ballroom and Argentine Tango classes, Mondays, price and hour to be confirmed call 916 984 177 The lemon Treemasters Golftournament is to beplayed on 4th June2011.For details callRobert on 966 439564 or Ray on 289999 250 Closing date1st May 2011

Page 4 www.eastalgarvemag.com Email: info@eastalgarvemag.com Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our websitewww.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page lcaRveRYaMb,beeF & tuRkeY, pluS all tHe tRiMMingS Sundays from 1.00pm bOOking aDviSeD OnlY 10€ 3 course option available for only 14€ Fridays,SteaknigHtfrom6.30pm * RuMp €8.50 * Rib eYe €10.00 * SiRlOin €13.00 * 16Oz t-bOne €19.50 (48 hours notice for t bone) all steaks come with home made chips, onion rings, mushrooms,grilled tomatoes, and peas. Algarve Auctions In order to comply with Portuguese legislation Algarve Auctions has ceased trading and the business has moved to new premises at Barrabes trading as JeMs Showroom. To find us take the roundabout on the R270 and then take the turnoff to Moncarapacho on the M514. Turn 1st at the signs for PublicidadesRV and Quinta Madeira. Follow the road round to the left and take the first turning on the right. Pass through the large wooden gates, turn left and then first right and we are the second showroom on your left. If you have any difficulties please ring James on 919 767 066. We look forward to seeing you soon.



SulCare move to new premises in Almancil The team of Sulcare, the specialist for products and services for the so-called "Golden Age" moves to new premises from Loulé to Almancil. From the 18th April their own customer car park makes the access even better access than the previous address in Loulé. Up until 15th April all exhibits are sold at greatly reduced prices. They focus is in providing for the areas of accessible housing and the of mobility but also the supply of products nursing and homecare. Their new coordinates are: 37Grad 5 '34.87 "N, 81' 29. 01" W, Address: Sitio da Igreja, Polo Empresarial Almancil, 3A, 8135-017 Almancil



Casa das Portas is a unique shop in the heart of Tavira, the most beautiful town in the Algarve. Visit the shop and experience first-hand not only the extraordinary images of the town created by the owner, Jane Gibbin, but also the ever changing collection of beautiful things ethically sourced from Portugal and around the world.


OexHiBiTiOnsLHãO-Variousalgarve artists, 15/4-15/06, 10h00-18h00 caldas de monchichique. OdanceLHãO-contemporary dance show, 29/04, 21h30, municpal auditorium. sfesTiVaLsãOBRásde aLPORTeL - festi val of the flower torches, Open ing of the streets for viewing of the flower carpet, 24/4, 09h15, tel 289 840 000, www.cm-sbras.pt. cassPORTTRO maRim -Treasure hunt in alta mora, 10/04, 09h00, 12 euros per person, tel 965 284 657, www.arcdaa.com faiRs & maRkeTs OLHãO - fair of the sea and nautical activities, 07/04 -10/04, Jardim Pescador Olhanense, tel 289 700 191, www.cm-olhao.pt wHy nOT TaViRa algarve chefs forum, hotel vila Gale albacora, 19/04, tel 281 821 232, www.e-gosto.com/acf Page 5 on Your guide to what's on, in and around the East Algarve this month. Have fun! Things to do this AprilMARKETS Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. moncarapacho 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila nova de cacela: 3rd sunday of the month. castro marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month. don't miss the most important tradition in são Brás de alportel. easter sunday is celebrated with a procession of flower-adorned torches borne by men singing. Bedspreads in the windows, garlanded balconies and an amazing carpet of flowers covering a kilometer of streets. One of the most beautiful and authentic processions in the country. Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and information:www.casadasportas.cominfo@casadasportas.com

V.R.musicsTOanTOniO - show, crazy caberet, 14/17, 21h00, casino de monte Gordo. OLHaO- Pedriumo Barrossa, 24/04, 21h30, municipal auditorium


Storms Batter

The East Algarve

News Page 6 www.eastalgarvemag.com


Business owners are being encouraged by tavira câmara to add their details to an online map of the area. the map already has detailed street plans and notes areas of historical and cultural importance. now, the câmara is calling on local businesses to add information and photographs to the map to increase trade in the iarea.nterested businesses can submit text and up to six photographs for free, to camara@cm-tavira. pt with details to include details about their business such as house specialities in the case of restaurants, cafes and bars or other elements that characterise their company. a spokesman for tavira câmara said: “We hope to encourage the promotion of local traders while also enhancing the information that is available for visitors.” to view the map, please visit http://mapas.cm-tavira.pt

Thousands of drivers turned out last saturday to show their anger over looming motorway tolls in the algarve. Organisers say more than 8000 drivers took part in the event, showing their anger, along with bikers from Faro’s “moto clube”. the demonstration lasted more than three hours and involved four processions a number of locations, which all came together on the four-lane junction joining the a22 with the a2, jamming traffic in all directions. the protest was called by the civic movement 'algarve – Portagens na a22 não' and the commission for a22 users. three local mayors took part: desidério silva (social democrat (Psd), albufeira), manuel da luz (socialist (Ps), Portimão) and Faro’s Psd mayor macário correia. also present among other public figures and businessmen was left bloc deputy for the algarve, cecília honório. meantime, João vasconcelos, head of the commission for a22 users has announced a blockade of all roads to Faro airport on 15th april (the day the tolls are due to come into force). but, before that, there’s also to be a new demonstration on the Guadiana bridge – scheduled for 8th april. this one is designed “to alert spanish neighbours” to the issue.

Barril beach near santa luzia and Pego do inferno just north of tavira suffered damage during the recent heavy rain and storms. the anchor graveyard at barril beach has lost several metres of beach exposing the bases of some of the anchors. it is a good opportunity to see the specially made anchors which were used to hold the nets in place as the tuna fishermen harvested their catch. Whilst visiting the beach look out for the rare broomrape that emerges from the silt bed of the salt marshes at this time of the year. the yellow flowering parasitic plant is completely lacking chlorophyll and is therefore totally dependent on other plants for nutrients. broomrape seeds remain dormant in the soil, often for many years, until stimulated to germinate by certain compounds produced by living plant roots. Pego do inferno waterfalls, some five kilometres north of tavira and a popular haunt for summer visitors, flooded to a height of approximately three metres with part of the viewing gallery washed away and large amounts of debris including large quantities of bamboo canes now littering the sides of the ravine. c hris Wright

Page 7www.eastalgarvemag.com TeasFlavours&hop 60 varieties of tea, exclusive coffees, hot chocolates, and much more! Need a touch of home? home made fairy cakes & Muffins Visit us at Tavira Gran Plaza, 1st floor, Food Court taviraauction Aladdin´s Cave New & Used discount store Looking for a reasonably-priced sofa or washing machine? Want to get rid of your bed to make room for a new one? convert all your unwanted goods into cash! remember, we want to buy your used furniture and household items, either one piece, or an entire household. Just give us a call! FARO N125 Mte Gordo AuctionTaviraGranPlazaTAVIRAStationPetrol Open Tues-Fri 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-1pm Tel 00351 916 138 059 00351 916 138 060 Email www.taviraauction.comdebbie@taviraauction.com At Aladdin's cave, we buy, sell, and trade furniture and household items every day so our inventry is always fresh. You never know what you'll find when you visit our store. We deal in most everything you find in a house and home: white goods, furniture for all rooms, furnishings, linens, pictures, light fittings, lamps and decorative items. Since we are buying every day, our selection is always changing, so it pays to shop often. if you can't make it to our store, call us any time to find out if we have what you're looking for. Keep in mind that these are one of a kind items, and when they're gone, they're gone, but there is always something new arriving soon, so keep checking with us. Timing is EvEry Thing!

Worrying headaches explained by our health expert Gareth Bullock. CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •SwedishAyurvedicmassage,Quiromassage,massage, • Traditional Thai massage & Shiatsu •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders. •Carpal Tunnel treatment Catherina pauwels, tel: 281 321 700 or 963 706 624 largo do Cano 29, tavira, next to the Fire station Mail: catherinapauwels@clix.pt Page 8 www.eastalgarvemag.com Health If you can learn to understand the secret law of attraction, you can use it to begin creating the life you truly desire. i refer to it as “secret”, because even though a lot of people are now familiar with the term, they don’t really grasp what it’s all about. and even more, they don’t have a clue how to use this secret law of attraction to work in their life. so in that sense it remains a secret, or mystery, to them. the secret law of attraction is constantly at work, just like the other universal laws, such as the law of gravity. since it’s going to affect your life regardless, it is certainly in your best interest to learn how to “unlock” this secret so that it works to your advantage! in order to do this, you need to start with your intentions. Your intentions are very important when it comes to attracting your desires. Whenever you set an intention, you are choosing to bring into or create something in your life. For example, you could set the intention to have a yearly income of 6 figures. Or, you may intend to own a brand new bmW. You might intend to land your dream job. When it comes to this secret law of attraction, “setting your intentions” is how you create your life deliberately. Following are 5 powerful steps to help you begin to attract your desires: secret law of attraction step 1 make sure your intentions are very clear. One of the biggest mistakes people make is setting vague intentions. this inevitably leads to vague results, at best. set your intentions with clarity. For example, if your intention is to attract the car you desire, be very specific about the make, model, year, colour, etc. secret law of attraction step 2 Write down your intentions. there is something very powerful psychologically when you commit it to writing. When it’s just a thought, it isn’t very real. Putting it to paper changes that. Write it out with all the details included. secret law of attraction step 3 Picture it as if you already have it. visualization is very powerful if you do it in the present tense. consider what you life would be like if you had that bmW right now. how would you feel as you drove it? how would it sound? What would it smell like? Would you be excited as you show it off to your friends? elicit those emotions as you visualize. secret law of attraction step 4 take action whenever you feel inspired. Often when people set their intentions they begin to wonder “how” it’s going to come about. the universe will work all that out, but it nudge you with inspiration to take certain actions. if you feel that nudge, act on it! if it feels like something you “have” to do, it’s not inspired. inspired action will never feel tedious. secret law of attraction step 5 Put a quick halt to negative thoughts and feelings. this is really important. You can’t attract your desires when your negative thoughts and emotions are repelling them. Pay attention to how you think and feel every day, and shift them to something positive when needed. the secret law of attraction doesn’t need to be a mystery. if you follow these steps regularly, you will find that the universe will respond favourably to your intentions. the secret law of attraction will help you create the life you’ve always desired! if this interests you, then you should definitely look at the book ‘the secret’, by rhonda byrne. gareth Bullock The Bowen Technique The Secret Law of Attraction

Spring is nearly here and this month we decided to have a bit of fun here at CAT-Centro Auditivo de Tavira and find out more about famous people that throughout the years suffered or suffer from hearing loss!

Beethoven Thomas edison spock Ronald Reagan Barbra streisand Bono

BeeTHOVen While being deaf didn’t stop him from writing one of the greatest pieces of music ever produced, it did stop the famous composer from hearing his great achievement in all of its glory. Perhaps if he had access to modern hearing aids, he would have been able to create even more brilliant works before he died. however, while listening to vibrations with his ear against the floor had worked for him, today you’d probably just look silly making music that way. THOmas edisOn lost most of his hearing at the age of 12 years old, edison went on to patent more inventions than anyone else in history, including the invention of the silent film. Well this is nothing to sneeze at, one can’t help wondering if we could have gotten sound films earlier if edison had the drive to create them. sPOck Would spock wear a hearing aid? With those big ears, it would only seem logical. especially since leonard nimoy, the actor that played him is currently 80 years young and has tinnitus. the character ‘spock’ is well into his hundreds, so there is a good chance that his green blood isn’t the only thing keeping his hearing going. ROnaLd Reagan did you know that when ronald reagan got his hearing aids, the resulting publicity dramatically increased the demand on the hearing healthcare industry? almost overnight the processing time for hearing aid fittings went from days to weeks. in contrast, when President bill clinton got his hearing aids the industry was hardly affected at all. BaRBRa sTReisand singing diva, movie star and political activist, barbra streisand has suffered from tinnitus (ringing ears or ear noise) since the age of seven. according to the independent, a british newspaper, barbra believes her volatile temperament stems from her hearing affliction, which disrupts her sleep and affects her balance. BOnO u2 lead singer, bono, describes his hearing problem in his lyrics. bono derived his name from a hearing aid store in his hometown of dublin, ireland which had a sign that read “bonavox hearing aids.”

www.eastalgarvemag.com Page 9

Famous Deaf People

Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 - Tavira - Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail: lizbeaupied@yahoo.com

Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16, Tavira Tel 281 323 199 lizbeaupied@yahoo.com

T here are three book clubs going here at a lura dos livros; two are for women and one is for men and, well, we're looking for more people. each group meets once a month to discuss a common book that one member has selected. there are nibbles, wine and tea, and after a quarter of an hour devoted to chit chat and catching up, everyone settles down to a discussion of the book led by the person who selected it. it sounds a bit boring stated like that...it is anything but. the conversation is animated, at times a bit heated, and always enlightening. in February the men got together over a curry from the take-away down the block to talk about "the roads to santiago" by cees nooteboom. this history/ travel book covers 1,000 years of spanish civilization including art, politics and architecture, and while some found mr. nooteboom's prose over-worked and flowery (perhaps a casualty of translation? the original is in dutch), others thought it an enjoyably thorough treatment of spain's rich and complex culture. next they'll be reading Jonathan Franzen's first novel, "the corrections", a humorous and heartbreaking take on american family life, and will follow that with "the secret scripture" by sebastian Onebarry.of the women's groups read "the leopard" by Giuseppe di lampedusa. the novel is set in sicily during the mid 1800's, a time when italy's aristocracy was on the wane, and captures the last great days of one family. the author based his novel on the life his own grandfather. some of you may have seen the film adaptation from 1963, directed by luchino visconti and starring burt lancaster. there was some scepticism among the book group's members regarding the casting of that particular actor in the the role of the prince; everyone had very definite ideas of what don Fabrizio looked like and mr. lancaster was thought to be a peculiar choice. the dvd is now circulating and i await a final verdict. in the meantime, they'll be meeting again to talk about andré brink's book, "an instant in the Wind", an historical novel set in eighteenth century south africa and involving the romantic relationship between a white woman and a black ex-slave. they'll follow that up with a non-fiction work called "the hare With amber eyes", by edmund de Waal, a british ceramic artist. this is his first book, and in it he explores the history of his family through the history of a collection of wood and ivory carvings, and wonders "whether objects hold memories". the third book club recently read "the crimson rooms", by Katherine mcmahon. this english novel, set in london between the wars, sparked a lively discussion as it addressed such themes as women choosing work over marriage, the british home children, and keeping up appearances after the money has gone. a veteran of the first world war is accused of murdering his young wife and a woman solicitor must do battle against a chauvinistic court system that seems more concerned about the insult of admitting women to the profession than about giving the accused a fair trial. next they'll be reading a biography of the lover of edward vii, "mrs. Keppel and her daughter", by diana souhami, and after that the latest by david mitchell, "the thousand autumns of Jacob de Zoet". if you would like to join one (or more?) of these groups you will be most welcome. the only obligation is reading the book and, when it's your turn, providing a light snack. Often one or two others chip in with a bit of something, and i've always got an extra bottle of wine in the back. You can email me for more information at lizbeaupied@yahoo. com. here is usually a break during summer months, and then all begins again in ave a good month, Elizabeth Beaupied Flowers in the attic by Virginia Andrews. dos Livros

Tavira's only english l bookshop.anguage Best selection of fiction and non-fiction used and new, strong local interest section, including bi-lingual dictionaries, Algarve nature, etc. Fantastic books for children.

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Bookloverscorner Lura

From raymond’s ‘atelier’ in lagos charming birds, lifelike fish and animals emerge. some are full of life and movement, reminiscent of the wildlife seen in early French cave paintings. his trees have similar archaic features, their sturdy branches and flattened foliage resembling the Garden of eden as portrayed in medieval paintings. taking his inspiration from many generations of previous artists, raymond’s sculptures are described mstyle.’but‘contemporaryastimelessinountedonlocal beach pebbles that have been chosen with painstaking care, combs the algarve’s coves and open stretches of sand. Other inlaid pieces of his artwork incorporate different kinds of stone creating intricate landscapes and entertaining plates of food. skilfully worked with a variety of cutting and smoothing tools, the task requires physical exertion, artistic skill and unimaginable amounts of patience.tudying initially at art schools in Paris, including ecole superieure des rtes modernes,’ raymond also trained in Portugal under the guidance of sculptress, vera Gonçalves. his first major exhibition was held isbon at Galeria de azeitão in Particularly admired for the tactile finish of his smoothly polished enus figures, the material aymond uses exemplifies Portuguese marble at its best.

Raymond Dumas, Master of marble

The thrill of live theatre

Words KainCarolyn A valuable natural resource, Portugal is the fifth largest exporter of marble in the world, mining fine quality stone in and around estremoz and borba in the alentejo. selecting only flawless pieces, French sculptor, raymond dumas creates heirloom objects of great beauty on display at Galeria cortereal in Paderne. marble is a metamorphic substance made from limestone heated by the earth’s core millions of years ago. varieties in beige, pink and green are mined in the alentejo but due to its value as an export it is frequently referred to as Portugal’s ‘white gold.’

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Uptias nobit, cum raectur reprecu ptates eatiand endandae prepreper Voluptate omnim nos sandicipic tem faciunt officium et harum quae

I n december 2009 we met carolyn brown, the owner of estrelas, the company that provides mobile massage and beauty services. this month she’s looking forward to launching her brand new studio and treatment centre in tavira,with Pilates classes, yoga classes, personal training plus a variety of massage and beauty ctreatments.arolynisa body control Pilates certified teacher, and she explains that Pilates teaches us to 're-set' our body and use it in the way nature intended. during our lives, whether through laziness, over compensating, or just simply bad posture, the way our body works becomes unatural and unbalanced. as well as strengthening your core abdominal muscles, Pilates will improve your posture, balance and coordination. it can help relieve back pain and increase tone, strength and flexibility. For golfers, Pilates can add an extra 10 yards onto your stroke! carolyn’s expertise as a Personal trainer encouraged several of her friends to get into shape, reminding her of the immense pleasure she gained from helping people feel better about themselves. it was that and her own passion for healthy living and exercise that motivated her to launch Fitness estrelas. Personal training works perfectly for anyone wanting to lose body fat, tone up, get fitter, feel better about themselves and regain energy, but are lacking the motivation to do it alone. she currently has several clients that have had recent success with an individually designed program, including training twice a week, daily exercise and nutritional advice plus weekly weigh-ins and measurements.

CLAssEs TUESDAY 10.00 hours –

hours Quinta

the treatment room in tavira provides several therapists working throughout the week. One day will be dedicated to physiotherapy/rehabilitation treatments with mika, other days different types of massage, facials, beauty treatments and eyelash extensions. For the month of may, there will be a daily promotional treatment offer. estrelas still provides its services at a number of places throughout the east algarve, including the Pousada's in tavira and estoi, colina verde, the Golden club hotel in cabanas as well as smaller hotels and b&b's. they also provide services for villa companies and numerous private clients. added to all this, there is beach estrelas on the ilha de tavira, and spa Party estrelas, pampering parties for the girls! in summing up her goal for Fitness estrelas, carolyns ambition is to make her customers feel great, add years to their lives, and life onto their years. We wish carolyn and her team great success in her new venture. if you would like to contact her for an appointment, or just some friendly advice, you can do so on; (+351) 964 547 651 or email info@estrelasalgarve.com for massages/treaments (+351) 968 24 036 or email info@estrelasalgarve.com Studio 15.00 Fonte do Bispo 16.00 Fonte do Bispo

Page 13www.eastalgarvemag.com

hours Quinta

(new beginners class starting 12th April) WEDNESDAY 19.00 hours Studio THURSDAY 15.00 hours Studio FRIDAY 11.00 hours Studio SATURDAY 10.00 hours Studio 11.00 hours – Studio (intermediate) (Please call in good time to reserve a place as classes are up to 8 people, If possible bring your own mat. Monthly and 3 monthly packages will be available). ADvAnCEDPosITIons WE ARE hERE

Success & love in the Algarve. Meet Dennis and Teresa who form a hard working, loving partnership. C aroline worked in social work in london for some years, and then studied counseling and healing. she became interested in the bach flower remedies when she realised they could help her to heal her own health problems. she studied and became a bach flower remedy practitioner and worked for several years with flower remedies, as a counsellor and healer. during this time she worked with a variety of people – victims of domestic violence, african refugees who had suffered trauma, and people with addictions. through her work she became aware of the effectiveness of flower remedies to help the healing process in a gentle and deeply benevolent way. she moved to Portugal in 2002, at first visiting intermittently and then from 2005 full time. caroline continued her healing work in london and Portugal using bach flower remedies and others. she also began using music in her healing work. then one day while in her garden a wild orchid caught her attention. she couldn’t stop thinking about the flower, so in the end she decided to make an essence from it. this was the first flower essence she made there. she had previously learned the physical process of making essences, and also how to meditate and tune into the spirit of the plant. this is how you ascertain the flower’s healing vibration. after meditating with this flower she realised it’s vibration brought confidence and self esteem. this became the first essence she produced in Portugal, and is now the major essence in her ‘self love’ remedy. The flower essences although she had never intended to make her own flower remedies, she began to make other essences from flowers in her garden and the surrounding hills. she also used music in the process, composing a song for each essence which carried it’s vibration in sound. caroline used the essences on volunteers who recorded their impressions of the essence and whether it had helped them or not. altogether more than 40 people were involved in the project, so that she was able to assess how effective different essences were. since that time she has gone on to refine the essences, and now have a basic set of twenty five, and five flower essence sprays. How they work have you ever listened to a beginner practising a musical instrument that is out of tune? this is a good definition of disharmony. that is what you feel like on an energetic level when you are not well. by not well i do not mean just physically sick. You may be sad, angry, bitter, anxious, exhausted or bored. the vibration that comes from you will announce how you feel, even if you do not want it to. Flower essence work in a subtle yet powerful way to change the way you vibrate.

A gift... in essence

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Just like a violin we all resonate- but how often are we in tune? Flower essences use the vibration of a particular flower to balance your vibration. so if you are sad and grieving essence of healing will help you release the heartache, shed your tears, and start to heal. if you feel bitter, unable to forgive someone, essence of Grace can help you to transform resentment and find a new way of being. if you feel weak and overwhelmed, essence of strength can help you discover inner strength and poise. caroline sells the essences individually and in sets of five. You can buy a set of five essences that all have the same basic vibration, such as a set of essences for Peace. the essences for Peace all carry a basically peaceful vibrationan energy that calms thing down. and yet each essence addresses a different kind of peace - the peace of deep tranquillity of soul, the peace of relief from mental worry, the peace of settled contentment, the peace of simplicity for those whose life is too complicated, and the peace of deep healing calm for those who shake with grief. Philosophy of Harmony essences caroline never envisaged the essences as a commercial venture, and this is not why she made them. she made them to contribute in her own way to the vibration of healing which our planet needs. this is a vibration we can all experience by healing ourselves - by getting back in tune. the essences were a gift given to me by the flowers in my garden, a gift she is happy to share with others. if you feel out of tune, and she'sould like to try a flower essence give her a call. she's happy to give you a free consultation to help you ascertain which flowers can help you. caroline mccutcheon, tel 289 438 164, harmonyessences@googlemail.comemail: BeautycombinedEnglishCarahair&beautysaloninTavira,underneaththearchesnearthetrainstation.SpringinToEaSTEr,wiThThEulTimaTEmakEovErThereismoretoanti-ageing,thananightlyfixoffacecream.Treatyourskintotheanti-ageingfacial,withSwedishback,neckandshouldermassage.1½hours45eurosDon'TlETYourhanDSgivEThEgamEawaYThiSmonThonlYFacialincludes:-antiageinghandnourishingtreatment,limitedspaceavailability,callinadvancetoavoiddisappointment.therapist,michellemcCreadiehasworkedinsomeofthetopbeautysalonsincludingSteineroflondonandwasSpamanagerontheprincess&Carnivalcruiselines.Tel.964456228

Photographs provided by Pelcor Cork is the bark of the cork oak (Quercus suber l), a noble tree with very special characteristics that grows in mediterranean regions such as spain, italy, France, morocco, algeria and, most particularly, in Portugal, where there are more than 720 thousand hectares of cork forests, as well as a cork industry of considerable economic importance. it is an astonishing tree, very longlived and with an enormous capacity for regeneration. it can live on average 150 to 200 years, despite

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its bark being stripped around 16 times during its lifetime, at nine-year cintervals.ork-this vegetable tissue which is harvested with such care, has unique and incomparable qualities which no ingenious human has yet managed to imitate or improve: • Very light • impermeable to liquids & gases • elastic and compressible • an excellent thermal and acoustic insulator • incombustible • Highly abrasion resistant

Focus on

cORk HaRVesTing the life cycle of cork as a raw material starts with the extraction of the bark from cork oaks, the socalled harvesting or stripping which is carried out during the most active stage in the annual growth of the cork, from mid-may or early June to the end of august.

but it is, above all, a material that is one hundred per cent natural, recyclable and biodegradable, three essential qualities in a more environmentally friendly and less polluted modern society.

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however not many people know that it takes 25 years for cork oak trunk to start to produce cork and be profitable. each trunk has to reach a circumference of 70 cm when measured at 1.5 metres from the ground. From then on, the cork can be harvested from the tree for on average 150 years. the first stripping, which is known as "desbóia", produces cork of a very irregular structure which is too hard to be easily handled. this is the so-called virgin cork which will be used for applications other than cork stoppers (flooring, insulation etc.), since its quality is far from that necessary to manufacture stoppers. nine years later, the second harvest produces material with a regular structure, less hard, but still not suitable for cork stoppers - this is known as secondary cork. it is from the third and subsequent harvests that the cork with the best properties is obtained, suitable for the production of quality corks, since its structure is regular with a smooth outside and inside. this is the socalled "amadia" or reproduction cork. From then on, the cork oak will supply good quality cork every nine years for around a century and a half, producing, on average, 15 to 16 bark strippings throughout its life. the stripping of the cork oak is an ancient process that can only (and should only) be done by specialists, the debarkers, since much manual skill and experience is required in order not to harm the tree. thanks to Pelcor, rua Padre sena neto, nº 48, 8150-909, s.b. de alportel, website www.pelcor.pt email: geral@pelcor.pt t. 289 841 175



T ime has come for Portugal to face the music although lisbon still is in economic denial, in the coming months it is in for a rude awakening. the latest events are not positive for real estate. increasing uncertainty usually puts buyers off and the prospect of a prolonged period of high interest rates can add to downward pressure on property hprices.ighinterest rates are here to stay for the foreseeable future, even if a new government would swiftly implement eu-backed budget measures and structural economic reforms. Financial assistance from the ecb/imF will come with strings attached. it will strip away government control of key fiscal policies for years to come, but it will also ensure a long overdue economic reform which politicians were unwilling to push through. it will cause more pain in the short term, but Portugal will come out of it in a much better condition. still Portuguese politicians continue to insist that they would not need to seek financial assistance. not that it matters much for the financial markets. in style with roman law – guilty until proven innocent – they have already given their verdict judged by the euro-era high yields on government bonds. the current yields are unsustainable for Portugal. however, even with a bailout there is no guarantee interest rates will come down soon, as both Greece and ireland saw their cost of borrowing jump sharply in march. Portuguese banks also have been affected by Portugal’s sovereign the of the owner


the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are

of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property www.eastalgarvemag.com propertypressureDownwardon How to obtain information about projects of pools or future developments near your property.

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Page 19 debt crisis. interbank lending has dried up and the capital markets for the last year and a half have been shut. they have become the fourth largest user of emergency liquidity from the ecb after ireland, Greece and spain. like elsewhere in europe, Portuguese banks are undercapitalized and need to improve their capital ratios. this limits their capacity for new loan origination. higher funding costs for banks also lead to rising interest rates on loans and mortgages. many mortgages in Portugal have floating rates based on 3 or 6 months euribor. the ecb has indicated it will raise interest rates in april, hurting disposable income of families with this type of mortgage. the higher cost of mortgages is here to stay and it is likely these cost will increase in the next 6 to 12 months. during a normal economic cycle it is normal for interest rates to go up to prevent an economy from overheating. but in Portugal the economy is not growing, it is contracting. higher interest rates are a brake on economic activity and are not a friend of property prices. therefore it is likely for property prices to come down further. however, if you think prices in 3 to 5 years time will have recovered, does it really matters to wait for prices to fall a bit further if you can purchase some properties now at a discount of 10 - 30% to the asking price? Robert Bijker Land & Houses Algarve –yellow

www.eastalgarvemag.com Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira eapr@iol.pt • eapm@iol.pt www.east-algarve-property-rentals.com • www.east-algarve-property-management.com By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS

Page 20 fromvalue!StunningReduced€385,000to€295,000 Property of SUPER comfortable VILLA on one level with a Pool

Page 21info@eastalgarvemag.com the month and Carport sitting in 1.340m² of fenced gardens. RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * Spacious open plan lounge/ dining room * fitted & equipped country kitchen * utility kitchen/ laundry * bedroom with en-suite shower room * 2nd bedroom * full bathroom * 3rd bedroom at present used as dining room * large South facing covered terrace * BBQ * Pool with underwater lighting and cover * beautiful mature, irrigated garden with lawns and a pond * double carport * workshop * Gas central heating * air conditioning (heating & cooling) * ceiling fans * wood burner in the lounge with heat vents * SAT-dish and telephone line with ADSL installed * double glazing * shutters * property fenced and gated * very private * good access * good central location! Reduced from 385.000€295.000€to Ref: 1182V LocATIon; near Moncarapacho www.algarve-pt.com

Page 22 www.eastalgarvemag.com MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL geral@estealgarve.com WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI APARTMENT- NEIGH. MONTE GORDO - Type T2, ground floor with only one apartment above , residential area, front patio facing the bird reser vation and salt pans of Sapal, lovely garden w/ palm tree (total uncovered area: 90m2). Walking distance to Monte Gordo and long sandy beach. € 127.500 HOUSE - NEIGH. "QUINTA DA RIA" GOLF COURSE - Wonderful loca tion within a few mins of 3 golf courses, 10 mins from Tavira. Type T3 + 2 bath. w/ garage, consists of one floor, built in 1983. Lovely garden with an area of 412m2 that is fenced. Beautiful view of the country side and small sea view. € 190.000 ▲ ▲ company ami 7673 Office: Tel/fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 emaiRwww.algarvemantaproperties.comsaLes:enTaLs:www.algarvemanta.ptL:sarah@algarvemanta.ptcasa anibal R/c loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 Vila nova de cacela Tel 964 652 754 email: jean.marc@clix.pt PROPERTYMAINTENANCEGardenandPoolmaintenance(Jean-Marc)Professionalwallpreparation,interiorandexteriorpainting(Batista) ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN Ref: 1095 €150.000 euros generous fully furnished and equipped apartment in very good condition situated only 200m from the beach of manta Rota. fantastic for rental invest ment and resale. Large lounge/dining room, two double bedrooms, bathroom, equipped kitchen and veranda. close to facilities. Ref 1096 €235.000 euros Beautiful fully furnished three bedroom ground floor apartment with private pool.fully equipped modern kitchen, generous lounge with patio doors to pool area, three double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. front and rear patio. approx 7 mins on foot to beach. FANTASTIC INVESTMENTS FOR RENTALS

2 Bed Villa, Sta Catarina, €135,000 Ref: 2006102 A very reasonably priced villa in the hills of Santa catarina, with fantastic views. owners have completed the build and are selling at a very low price to allow the new owner to finish the project: pool, external terracing, landscaping, water tank and driveway. This is reflected in the reduced selling price. Just a 2.5km drive to all local amenities.


1 bedroom Apartment, Tavira €89,950 Ref: 2095913 This large penthouse, located in an urbanisation just 2 km from the centre of Tavira. Kitchen, lounge/ dining room, one bedroom, bathroom and terrace. All furniture is included. The condominium has a communal pool, tennis court and gardens. Great opportunity to own an apartment in Tavira, close to all amenities, beaches and with fantastic rental potential. Reduced from €99,500 to €89,950 Recently Reduced from €185,000 to €130,000

Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. 45 Mins from Faro International airport, 2km from railway station. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool (15m x 15m), Bar and Restaurant, Mini Market, Petanque, Laundry service and postal service plus Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVisiTsby AppoinTmenT only Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L • ploTs AVAilAble FRom 100m2 • neW Homes FoR sAle • RenTAls WiTH opTion To bUy • yeAR RoUnD RenTAls • sHoRT AnD lonG TeRm • FinAnce opTions AVAilAble • ResAles 2011 Fees inclUDeD Restaurant, bar and pool. Page 23www.eastalgarvemag.com HoUse oF THe monTH only €25.000 HoUse oF THe monTH only £20.000 2 bedroom Apartment, Tavira €130,000 Ref: 2105477 This private condominium is a rare find in the centre of Tavira, due to having a swim ming pool, children’s play area, and under ground parking. This apartment comprises of two bedrooms, bathroom, lounge/dining room, kitchen and a terrace. Great as a family get away, permanent home or for holiday rentals. currently reduced from €185,000 to an amazing €130,000 truly an opportunity not to be missed. LwL Properties.com, Rua 1º de Maio, nº14, 8800-360 Tavira Office: 00351 281 327 656, Lisa: 00351 910 019 604, Leen : 00351 910 019 605 voip: 02070999193 Email: info@lwlproperties.com Web: www.lwlproperties.com

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 24 Frontera combines great design and quality with fantastic value for money. Bringing style into any home, whatever your requirements or budget. From a coffee table to a complete furniture pack. EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e-mail: WeekendsMondayTlm:Tel:www.furniturefrontera.co.ukwotswot@furniturefrontera.co.uk289392461911911909toFriday,10am5pmbyappointmentonly Need to rent out your property fast and need a high quality furniture Ourpack.new Investors Packs start at €6,995 for a two bedroom property. Includes professionalPINESALEphotographyONALLSANTAFEFURNITUREWhileStocksLast Live Life in Comfort monday to friday 10am - 6pm saturday 10am - 5pm 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. linenwarehouse@sapo.pt • www.linenwarehousealgarve.com The widest selection of linen and towels in the Algarve Ruffle, green B I gg E r Cotto N f I tt E d sh EE ts IN soft wh I t E Cotto N MAN ufAC tur E d IN Portug AL N ow AvAILABLE IN s I z E s 100 x 200, 160 x 200 AN d 200 x 200. N E w sto C k A rr I v IN g E v E ry thr EE w EE ks fro M th E uk . INCREASENOinI.V.A.

www.eastalgarvemag.com Page 25 N EIL & E MILY R IC h AR dson R emovA ls ONLINE SHOPPING NOW AVAILABLE T L m. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese c hamber of c ommerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 (UK local) Email: neilandem@sapo.pt Website www.ne-internationalremovals.comApartado166,8800TAVIRAREMOVALS&STORAGELOCAL,NATIONAL&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem Home Inspired by stunning blue, from Frontera. For more details see their advert left. outtheofBlue 1 Cambridge Bed from 525 euros 2 Turquoise Cushions 10 euros each 3 Moritz available in a variety of colours and sizes including sofa beds. Prices start from 795 euros 20JMASTERJOINEROINER&GENERALMAINTENANCE...yearsexperienceoffittingKitchens,Floors,Doors,Decking,Locksetc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 masterjoiner@hotmail.co.uk

WEDNESDAY UNTIL SUNDAY FROM 10.00 HR - 17.00 HR MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED WINTER CLOSURE FROM CHRISTMAS UNTIL 1st OF FEBRUARY • LOCATION: ALCARIA DO CUME, RN 397, TAVIRA - CACHOPO • WEB: WWW.MESADOCUME.NET • PHONE: 281326144 / 912725745 Restaurant Mesa do Cumemesa do cume TABLE ON THE TOP"Part of the fun is getting there". O Suplemento "Highly recommended" 1-2-3 Algarve "Enjoy the feeling of having entered a world, where allthe senses are gratified." Good Life AL FRESCO DINING TERRACE WITH SPECTACULAR VIEWS EXCITING SERRA DRIVE 40 MIN. NORTH OF TAVIRA REFRESHMENTS, COFFEE, HOMEMADE CAKES, LITTLE APPETIZERS MARKED WALKING TRAILS, MAPS AVAILABLE DELIGHTFUL & AFFORDABLE MENU, WHICH INCLUDES EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN CHOICES Internet /Wi-Fi Free for Custumers Historic Riverside, Kids Corner Rua Gonçalo Velho 16/18 8800-349 Tavira, Algarve - Portugal Tel - 00351 - 281 381 www.taviralounge.com034 Cosy and Modern Lounge space in tavira Main Courses from €7 • Homemade Tapas • Vegetarian Food Homemade desserts • Milkshakes, Ice Creams & Smoothies • Cocktails Closed sundays during Autumn, winter & spring Mon-ThursOpen12h-24hFri&Sat12h-02h QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUIZ NIGHT AT QUINTATHE EVERY ATEVENING,WEDNESDAYQUIZSTARTS8.30,Foodfrom7.00 SPECIAL QUIZ 8.50€,AVAILABLE,MENUOR7.50€IFPRE-BOOKED We would like to thank and congratulate Terry and Andy for collecting OVER 15,000€ for charities over the last three years call 281 971 484 Page 26 www.eastalgarvemag.com ' Mrs ComfortMincedSteakHomemadeT'sPies&Onion,Steak&Kidney,Beef&Onion,Chicken&Vegetable,Chicken&Leek,CottagePie&PorkPiesTel968620057Emailchelepops72@hotmail.comfoodtoyourdoor

Page 27www.eastalgarvemag.com RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R.4deOutubroR.dasSalinasR.PrimeirodeMaio R.Primeiro R.JoãoAriasR.dasFreiras R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE WITH FRENCH SPECIALITIES PRIVATE DINING ROOM AVAILABLE & WARM PATIO EATING AREA LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF TAVIRA, ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM VILA GALE AND PORTA HOTELSNOVA RestauR ant & tapas baR santa luzia Menu includes; Octopus rice with prawns, sea food, tuna steaks, new zealand lamb chops, spare ribs and steaks etc. AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE EVENTS Open 12:00-11:00pm Closed Tuesdays Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, No 8 8800-545 Santa Luzia, Tavira, Algarve tel +351 281 328 527 a beautiful restaurant with tradition, art and culture. english speaking staff. Situated on the Guadiana River you will enjoy the magnificent view on the estuary and the best grilled fresh fish. Our specialities are Arroz de Marisco (Shellfish Rice), Cozido à Portuguesa e Arroz de Lingueirão. Estrada da Ponta da Areia Vila Real de Santo António Tel +352 281 541 853 GSM: 967 044 406 GPS: 37º 10’ 51.27’’ N 4º 24’ 35.21’’ W

Food Serving authentic Indian food at it's best, The Taj Mahal restaurant is located on the road from Pechão to Olhão (EN2-6). Page 28 www.eastalgarvemag.com Photograph Richard Bassett TajIndianMahalRestaurant wHy nOT jOin us fOR OuR sPeciaL easTeR weekend menu fOR OnLy 15€ pp mEnU ENTRADAS: onion Bhaji, chicken parcels, Prawn parcels, Vegetarian parcels PRATOS: chicken Tikka Masala, LAmb Rogan Josh, Fish Bhuna, Makkani Paneer ACOMPANHAMENTOS: Saag Aloo, Tarka Daal SOBREMESA: Heart of the Taj For details or reservations, call 289 102 197 or 937 809 065 Pictured: chicken Tikka Masala, chicken Korma, Samosa's, onion Bhaji, rice and Ice cold Lassi.

Page 29www.eastalgarvemag.com Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail info@beirariotavira.com www.beirariotavira.com LivE Music EvERy FRidAy with Gary vasey "The Performer" oEKARAoKEvERysATuRdAypenMon-Frifrom 6.00pm, sat/sun from 12.00, FuLL BAR Food MEnu AvAiLABLE. iHomedishes,Pastaplanas,daily,sHomesPEciALiTiEs:madesoups,alads,Freshfishsteaks,cata-vegetariandishes,madedesserts,rishcoffee.ExTEnsivERAnGEoF winEs & PoRTs. sundAy RoAsT LuncH: Roast Rib of Beef, with all the trimmings €9.50. THREE couRsE sPEciAL €15.00 RE-oPEninG THuRsdAy, 17TH MARcH OPEN 7 DAYSWEEKA Indian Restaurant Between olhão and Pechão on the En 2-6 call now to place your order: Tel 937 809 074 - 937 809 065 - 289 703 020 set lunch menu, 11.00-15.30 Authentic Indian food at its best! Enjoy your food inside, or out on the terrace. Good parking facilities. Quality food • Excellent service • Good prices

Page 30 www.eastalgarvemag.com RONALDO’S BAR Tuesday afternoons Boules - pétanque, 3pm Afternoon teas, home made cakes available daily Tuesday night, Soup, bangers & mash €7.00 Wednesday night, 3 course indian buffet €8.50 Thursday night, Soup shepherds pie €7.00 Friday night, Fish, chips & mushy peas €8.50 Saturday, Steak, chicken & mushroom pie €7.50 Sunday, lunch, Soup, roast pork or chicken €8.50 Telephone, 912 827 058 Faz Fato RonALDo’S casa Pasto Fernanda corte Antonio Martins campo Golf Monte Rei Vila nova de cacela TAVIRAn125 V.R.S.A Easter Sunday 24th April, EASTEr bonET compETiTion, LivE muSic by Tó dA coSTA mEnu veg Soup prawns, roast beef, vegetables cheesecake or cream pudding vegetarian€10.00optionp/p Bar & r estaurant Mont Belo Caliço Park, Vila nova de Cacela, only 10mins from tavira. Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L Alcoutim Lagos ALGARVE doVilaBispo Aljezur SilvesLagoaMonchiquePortimao Albufeira Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim 120 120 120 268 268 267 267 267 266 266 2 120 125 125 IC4 A2 A2 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IC4 125 125 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 1124 24 124 124 124 1 125 9 124 11 24CarrapateiradeBarãoS.JoãoBordeira MexilhoeiraGrande Barão de S.Miguel RaposeiraFigueiraBudens BensafrimLuzMarmeleteBarrancadaVaca Rogil FólaCaldasMonchiquede Odiáxere Estombar Porches Pêra Guia Alte Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe Ferreira AlcantarilhaS.BartolomeudemessinesAlgoz Tunes Paderne Boliqueime FonteBispodo Caliço Park RotaManta reGular eVents Quiz, Music, Karaoke & Car boot sale(1st saturday of each month. 10am) Mini Market stock ing a selection of uK products. Pool table & Dart board. english Breakfasts from 4.95€. Fish & chips in homemade beer batter with mushy peas 5.95€. sunday roast dinner - Beef & Pork with crackling and all trimmings 8.95€ or 5.95€ for children (from 1pm to 4pm every sunday). Homemade cheesecakes. Contact montbelo@hotmail.co.uk tel 927 364 157 or 927 168 059 Fri 5th - Teddy Boys Band . 2 course meal 12€ Sat 30th - Gary Vesey. Curry night. 3 courses 12€ Lunchtime, Home made lasagne, Shepherds pie €4.50 and various snacks available! STArTEr And FiSH & cHipS €4.50 SErvEd ALL dAy FridAy

Water gardens, are a type of man-made water feature. a water garden is defined as any interior or exterior landscape or architectural element whose primarily purpose is to house, display, or propagate a particular species or variety of aquatic plant. although a water garden's primary focus is on plants, they will sometimes also house ornamental fish, in which case the feature will be a fish pond. although water gardens can be almost any size or depth, they are typically small and relatively shallow, generally less than twenty inches in depth. this is because most aquatic plants are depth sensitive and require a specific water depth in order to thrive. the particular species inhabiting each water garden will ultimately determine the actual surface area and depth required. When the aquatic flora and fauna is balanced, an aquatic ecosystem is created that supports sustainable water quality/water clarity. elements such as: fountains, statuary, waterfalls, boulders, underwater lighting, lining treatments, edging detailing, in-water and bank side planting and watercourses can be Every garden, no matter what size, should have at least one citrus tree.

LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: geogardim@gmail.comwww.geojardim.comTel:281961189 OlhãoTo TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira EN125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTRO DE JARDINAGE m Water gardens

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Page 32 www.eastalgarvemag.com Gardens combined with the pool to add visual interest and integration with the local landscape and environment. Water gardens, and all water features in general have been a part of public and private gardens since ancient Persian gardens and chinese gardens. Water features have been present and well represented in every era and culture that has included gardens in their landscape and architectural environments. up until the rise of the industrial age, that introduced the modern water pump, water was not re-circulated, but was diverted from rivers and springs into the water garden, exiting into agricultural fields or natural watercourses. Water features were historically used for plant and fish production for food purposes as well as ornamental aesthetics. though a water garden is restricted to a particular type of natural or man-made water feature, used for a relatively specific purpose or intended use, there are many other types of water feature types, styles and designs in the chinese art of Geomancy (Feng shui) there is nothing more ideal that having a source of moving water in your house or out in the garden for the perfect balance of ying and yang. however even without adhering to the principles of Feng shui a water garden can drastically transform your landscape and the ambiance of your outdoor living areas. Water gardens have the ability to add beauty and tranquillity to your landscape for you to enjoy, relax and unwind. Water gardens are also called aquatic gardens. the term water garden is encompassing for it could refer to a backyard pond, a fishpond or an gardenecosystempondwith waterfall, a pondless waterfall or a decorative multilayer fountain tucked in the deck or in the garden or any source of waterscape that is integrated to the landscape. choosing the Right water garden there are numerous types of water garden or water features that you can integrate in your landscape or inside your home. a water feature can be a small tabletop fountain or a container water garden, or a fish pond or a large man-made lake in the middle of a park. there are a few types of water features that you can use for a water garden. Fountain scapes are decorative features that you can incorporate in your garden. they can be in the form of small tabletop fountains, stand-alone fountains, container water gardens, spitters and bubbling urns and other fountains that need a direct supply of water and current to operate. stand alone fountains are gaining popularity among apartment dwellers and compact residential homeowners as it's an easy and effective way to have a water garden. container water gardens are also a very good option for indoor water garden or as an accent piece on a flower garden. spitters and bubbling urns are perfect features to add to your landscape. these are quite large and have to sit over a direct water line for the feature to "spit" and "bubble" out water. the water is re-circulated by the use of a small pump. these water features are an inexpensive way to create a water "Pondless"garden.

Waterfall is a water feature that has a waterfall without the pond. You can enjoy the beautiful elements of a natural waterfall without the hassle of maintaining an actual pond. You can build the waterfall against a garden wall using natural stones. add some marginal plants and your waterfall without a pond is all set. You need a pump for water to circulate and re-circulate. You could turn the motor pump off during the night to save energy. this water feature for a water garden is generally easy to maintain. an ecosystem fishpond is your best option if you care to help mother nature provide food and shelter to the wildlife in your garden. this is not to say that your garden will open up to virtually every kind of animals (tame or wild). the ecosystem pond encompasses the birds, butterflies, algae, bacteria and fishes that thrive in such set up. You need a pond, man-made or otherwise to start an ecosystem pond. the major elements of the pond are: a pump for the circulation of water to help oxygenate it. a filtration system that includes both, mechanical and biological filters. a biological system includes plants that can remove excess nutrients from the water. excess water nutrients are feeds for algae. Plants will also provide the surface area for the good bacteria to adhere to and propagate. a mechanical filter will free the pond water of unnecessary debris to prevent the accumulation of organic matters on the pond's basin. Fish and aquatic plants are the necessary components of an ecosystem fish pond. What good is a fish pond if there are no fishes? aquatic plants are necessary to act as biological filters and as a source of nutrients for the good bacteria that thrive in the pond as to help oxygenate the water. rocks and gravel are essential to a fish pond too. the small gravel would do well as pond flooring while the larger rocks can line the pond. the rock and gravel can absorb the uv breakdown and provide surface area for the good bacteria to process and eliminate excess nutrients in the water.

Page 33www.eastalgarvemag.com QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 In need of retail therapy?Discover a unique shopping experience, in beautiful, relaxed surroundings, with friendly staff! New stock arriving Weekly. Why not visit us for all your Home and Garden inspirational ideas, and enjoy complimentary tea or coffee saturday 16th April 10am - 4pm afpop FAmiLy FUn DAy Everyone Welcome This months C Ar 10am-2pm30thSaturdaySABootle,April For your Health, Wealth & Happiness we are now stock ing a fabulous range of organic, GM and Gluton free Speciality Food lines tH e Be S t S to CK e D UK WANDorlD F ooD Br AND SH op IN t H e eAS t AlGArve? massive selection of wall art ndonesian teak sculpture and bowlsOutdoor living & lifestyle Aquatic plants A range of the elagent Ascalon Furniture now in stock at prices not to be missed! • Great oNe DAY discounts off all plants, garden furniture and tools, garden sundries and wall art • Free advice from plant experts (check for times) • Free to enter Crazy Golf competitions • Games and challenges for all ages • easter egg Hunt (check for times) • tastings • refreshments • Meet our sponsors who will be joining in the fun: Medal Insurance, Mestre r aposa Security Windows, Imperius Asset Management and of course the teams from afpop* and QM *afpop is portugal’s largest foreign residents’ Association

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Building a Pond the first thing that you should consider when building a pond is to decide on its location. the allotted space would dictate the size of the pond to be built. the next consideration is whether you want a water garden pond or a koi pond. a water garden pond is your basic ecosystem pond where you can put in some goldfish and water plants. a koi pond limits the amount of aquatic plants to be put in the pond as they eat the plants. a regular water garden pond is ideally 600mm deep while a koi pond needs to be 900mm to 1500mmdeep. there's no need for you to dig and slave to build your pond as there are pond kits available in the market. Pond kits are available from sizes that could hold up from 850 litres gallons of water up to an impressive 49,000 litres. an 850 litre- fish pond is about 1200mm by 1800mm by 450mm deep. Plant choices Water garden plants are divided into 3 main categories: submerged, marginal, and floating. submerged plants are those that live almost completely under the water, sometimes with leaves or flowers that grow to the surface such as with the water lily. these plants are placed in a pond or container usually 1–2 ft (0.30–0.61 m) below the water surface. some of these plants are called oxygenators because they create oxygen for the fish that live in a mpond.arginal plants are those that live with their roots under the water but the rest of the plant above the surface. these are usually placed so that the top of the pot is at or barely below the water level. Floating plants are those that are not anchored to the soil at all, but are free-floating on the surface. in water gardening, these are often used as a provider of shade to reduce algae growth in a pond. these are often extremely fast

peaceanddimensionprojectcertaingarden,waterreasonForgrowing/multiplying.whateveryourforbuildingafeatureinyouryouwillbethatthefinishedwillbringanewtothegardenbringyouasenseofandwellbeing. Mu ddyhands Gardening Service s Tel: 00351963905615 E Mail: Contact:Website:mark.oshaughnessy@hotmail.co.ukwww.muddyhands.moonfruit.comProfessionalLandscapeDesignGarden&PoolMaintenanceConsultancy&AdviceEastAlgarve/AyamonteAreaRHSQualified/Horticulturalist Mark O’Shaughness y Gardens

APRIL SPECIALS ✶ Internet Phones €20 ✶ Kaspersky Anti Virus €40 ✶ Uninterrupted Power Supply €59 ✶ 18.5" Wide Screen Acer/LG from €120 ✶ HD Webcam, see the difference €49 opening Hours 9.30-1.00 & 3.00-6.30 closed Sunday and Monday ShOPPiNg ONLiNE

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3. Only use secure shopping sites. secure sites use something called ssl and is usually identified by the display of a padlock or other icon in the address bar. in addition, the website url should start with "https://" this ensures the data you submit like your credit card information are being encrypted as it travels across the web. 4. use a credit card instead of debit card. if the worst does happen and your account information is stolen or intercepted the worst they can do is run up charges on your

This months topic is how to shop carefully online. online shopping is just a way of life these days. most people don't even think twice about using their credit cards to make a transaction with some online entity, but that complacency could be costly if you aren't careful. shopping online can be a perfectly safe experience, but there are a few things to keep in mind when doing it. living in Portugal means that we cannot always get the ‘things’ that we need and have to resort to buying from uK or other places and we often look on the internet to meet the needs we have. the following hints and tips may help you to keep safe when shopping on line. 1. check your surroundings. You wouldn't go into a shady looking store that didn't appear safe, so you shouldn't trust your online security with a website that doesn't feel right. While appearances aren't everything, you should do a little extra homework if the site doesn't look very professional 2. keep your computer secure. run anti-virus software and keep your operating system and browsers updated to secure your internet connection. if your computer is up to date and you're using a secure connection you greatly minimize the possibility of a security breach.

Page 36 www.eastalgarvemag.com Technology Urb. Parque da Azinheira, Lote 3, R/C Dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel Tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 Tel/Fax : +351 289 845 385 email: harmoclima@sapo.pt www.harmoclima.pt Solar hot water Air-conditioning Heat pumps Central heating Under floor heating Solar Photovoltaic General plumbing Swimming pools Water treatment Energy advice ENGLISH SPEAKING SPECiALiSTS iN credit card, but with a debit card they can drain your bank account. in addition, credit cards are easier to dispute fraudulent charges and offer additional protections a debit card does not. 5. Be wary when clicking on ads. You see something that looks interesting and then click on it to learn more, but some sites host their own ads that send you to a site you weren't expecting. 6. Be vigilant when it comes to checking statements. if you do any online shopping it's vital to go over your financial statements every month. thieves will simply do a test charge of a Pound or two to see if the card works and may not take a lot of money until weeks or months down the road. so if you see any unusual charge it's best to address it immediately before more damage can be done. and Finally... if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is! shopping online can certainly be convenient, but you do have to be careful. With a little common sense you should have nothing to worry about when making that next transaction. happy shopping, Jeff Sweet, SBA computers Broadband Algarve internet via Satellite and broadband TV Discounts for afpop members Affordable Monthly Subscriptions UK TV through any broadband connection (min 2Mb download required) (00351) 918 771 381 (00351)(Vic)918851 232 (Stephanie) www.broadband-algarve.net www.broadbandalgarve.co.uk enquiries@broadbandalgarve.co.uk POTenTiaL Risks • Buying goods that aren’t delivered • Goods that don’t match the description • Possible Delays and hassles with • Poor after sales service • Misuse of your credit card details. OuR suggesTiOn fOR safe PaymenT • Deal with reputable Sellers • Pick good sellers. • Look for evidence of a physical address and telephone contact details. • Don’t judge a person or a company solely by their web site • check sellers privacy policy and returns policy. • Use an appropriate, safe means of online payment to get some protection against non-delivery.

Page 37www.eastalgarvemag.com swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the Fibreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvable. FenCing arOund pOOls are sOOn tO be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarde designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarde creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers and pOOl enClOsures. •PREFAbRICATED SWIMMING POOLS LESS ExPENSIVE AND FAST bUILDING •dlw deliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WhIRLPOOLS AND SPAS. •wOOd line wOOden pOOls in Or abOve grOund. •FILTER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT swiM-arte E.N. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email swimarte@hotmail.com We speak: English, German, Dutch and Portuguese


Typical example of rising damp in a house system Hermitage Museum non and cost effective rising damp

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in our homes from DrymatMartinSystemsTel962 435 572 Faro to Western Algarve Gavin Tel 968 386 896 Faro to Eastern Algarve To see how you can benefit from torisingprotectionongoingfromdampandobtainadviceandanoobligationdampsurveycontact: Rising damp problems? RisingTacklingdamp An update on an effective cure!

way to combat the curse of

n an earlier article we wrote about water that enters our homes in the form of damp rising through the foun dations and up through the walls and floors, causing costly damage and resulting in humid and dank living conditions. damp in this form is caused by a lack of any adequate horizontal damp proof course or waterproof membrane in the walls and foundations and is not nor mally an easy problem to eradicate. rising damp permeates the buildings structure over time and then leaks out of the walls to create the char acteristic flaking paint and plaster with the growth of salt crystal bands. When the water in the ground containing soluble salts rises up from below by capillary action the salts are left behind as the water evaporates on the inner and outer faces of the walls surface. these eruptions of ground salts causes the decorative wall finishes of our homes to be severely disfigured with costly remedial repairs regularly needed. these problems are mainly aesthetic, however it is pos sible that structural damage could result from extensive rising damp and of course a damp mouldy environment can pose a health risk to the occupants, as identified in the uK and other northern european countries. the latest technical developments by a German com pany drymat systems, have however made it possible to treat this problem in a very cost effective, permanent and non invasive way. the patented technology uses very low power, low-frequency electromagnetic waves that change the charge polarity of the ions in the water to become equal to that of the ground, the water is subse quently over time (9 – 27 months) drawn back down into the ground and the capillary rise of the water upwards is prevented in the future. the system can be used for all types of masonry and does not require any construction work or the drilling of holes or the insertion of chemicals into the wall and foundation structure and with its very low power con sumption and tested design life span of the system of 20 years (as guaranteed by the manufacturer) represents both a long term and cost effective rising damp solution. the system now already installed in more than 35 loca tions in Portugal has already been successful in com bating rising damp in both the traditional solid and thick walled constructions some 35 – 40% of installations and in modern buildings from 3 to 30 years old using cavity wall type construction some 60 – 65% of installations. the level of moisture content detected in the walls of the homes so far treated with the system has in the first period of 9 to 12 months from installation dropped by 30 to 60% from the conditions originally measured and will continue to drop during the treatment period of up to 27 months before entering the long term protection phase where further rising damp will be prevented. For those seeking reassurance before committing to an installation, customer references are available. For further information or a free no obligation survey please contact, 968 386 896.

Gavin stevenson-bennett on

in St. Petersburg Russia The modern,

installation at the


wall Before and after

The big picture

o verseas holiday hom eowners and permanent residents of foreign coun tries often feel they are at the beck and call of the exchange rate. and the questions they ask are often the same. What moves the rate to extreme volatility? Why is it differ ent every time we look at it? how can we protect our long-term assets or plan ahead? the global economic downturn has certainly had a major adverse impact on exchange rates, and compared to two or three years ago, you will be getting far fewer euros for your ster ling. so if you receive a pension from the uK or have to pay an overseas mortgage or condominium fees, then it’s best to protect yourself from exchange rate fluctuations as much as possible. the foreign exchange market, being one of the most developed in the fi nancial world, has a daily turnover of billions in all currencies. volatility is mainly caused by events happening in the country of that currency, and comes back to simple supply and demand. it figures that if there are more sellers in the market than buy ers, then the currency will go down. likewise, it will go up if there are more buyers than sellers. however, other events that happen in the world also contribute to move ment and volatility. For example, the current political instability in the mid dle east has an impact on oil pro duction, which is paid for in us dol lars, so this could have an effect on the demand for that currency. Other factors such as interest rate move ments (as predicted soon in the uK for instance) will also influence the demand for currency. schargeohow do you guard against ex change rates? high street banks can of course handle your currency trading for you. however, they are not specialists in this field of finance, their rates are not that competitive, and they charge you to send the funds abroad. by using a specialist currency broker however, you can save far more money on your trans actions, at times up to 4 or 5 per acent.good example of this is a british person buying a property abroad for 200,000 euros. the bank will offer them a rate of 1.1700, which means they have to part with £170,940. the rate from a currency broker is Peter Rexstrew of Premier FX looks at how global political and economic factors affect the exchange rate.

www.eastalgarvemag.com Page 39 Finance Premier FX E Algarve 208x292.indd 2 12/10/10 16:29:39

Page 40 www.eastalgarvemag.com Finance Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 e-mail: advogados.law@mail.telepac.pt or mail@taviralawyers.com Website: www.taviralawyers.com Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications poRTUGUese, enGlisH, spAnisH AnD FRencH speAkinG soliciToRs oFFeRinG clienTs THe beneFiTs oF locAl RepResenTATion. always far nearer the market rate however, and in this case the rate they would give the client is 1.19, mean ing the sterling required would be £168,067. that means a saving of £2873 for the client: a big dif ference. and that’s not including the fee that will be charged by the bank to send the currency. the same principle applies to people who have to make small regular payments, taking money out of a sterling account in the uK and transferring it into euros. it is possible however to fix rates for a given term so that you are protected against wild exchange rate fluctua Whichtions. is why it makes sense to talk to a specialist cur rency broker. all of these types of firms hold segregat ed client accounts with uK high street banks, ensuring your money is safe, and have to be regulated by the Fsa and hmrc customs and excise. sterling as a currency is still vulnerable on the foreign exchange markets and if the uncertainty in the uK economy continues, then we could see further weak ness in the currency. On a positive note we may again see it above 1.20 but this could only be for a short while. there are volatile times ahead in 2011 – so perhaps now is the time to start planning ahead currency-wise.

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From breach of contract, property and boundary disputes, tax implica tions (inheritance/capital gains), to Portuguese wills, Fiscal Representa tion and much more, the legal team at Lita Gale is well versed in local legal issues, and able to deliver the results you are looking for. Lita Gale also offers investigative services, working closely with experienced in telligence providers, sourcing vital information for legal battles, includ ing civil investigations, asset tracing, and tracing defendants, debtors or witnesses. Able to find an answer to any legal doubt you may have, and to help in life’s little hiccups, including accidents and personal injury, employment issues, traffic offences, and more serious criminal charges, such as GBH, fraud, rape and domestic violence, Lita Gale International Solicitors enjoy a very high success rate. “We don’t play to lose,” Lita confides, “I’m like a dog – I’ll lose my teeth before I let go!”


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- Contabilidades, Lda. enGlisH sPeaKinG aCCountants All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito Chartered accountant rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila GalÈ taVira Hotel tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 222 luis.de.brito@mail.telepac.pt Gabigest 0044oralgarve289798254912650767lOndOn(0)2074042899

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Real Report Ltd Fiscal PrivateRepresentationInvestigationsLondon|Lisbon|Madeira|Algarve

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Desde violação de contrato, litígios referentes a propriedade e delimi tação, implicações fiscais (herança/mais-valias), a testamentos portu gueses, representação fiscal, e muito mais, a equipa legal na Lita Gale tem excelentes conhecimentos das questões legais locais e é capaz de proporcionar os resultados que o cliente espera. A Lita Gale disponibiliza também serviços de investigação, trabalhando em estreita colabora ção com informadores experientes, obtendo informações vitais para batalhas legais, incluindo investigações civis, localização de bens e de arguidos, devedores ou testemunhas. Com capacidade para encontrar uma resposta para qualquer dúvida legal que o cliente possa ter e de ajudar nos pequenos percalços da vida, incluindo acidentes e aciden tes pessoais, problemas de trabalho, infracções rodoviárias e acções penais mais graves, como ofensas corporais graves, fraude, violação e violência doméstica, a Lita Gale International Solicitors goza de uma elevada taxa de sucesso. “Não jogamos para perder,” confidencia Lita, “Sou como um cão – perderei os meus dentes antes de largar!” apolónia 67 289 Fax: 020 7404 2966 England Wales property and boundary disputes, tax implica gains), to Portuguese wills, Fiscal Representa legal team at Lita Gale is well versed in local deliver the results you are looking for. Lita Gale services, working closely with experienced in sourcing vital information for legal battles, includasset tracing, and tracing defendants, debtors an answer to any legal doubt you may have, hiccups, including accidents and personal injury, traffic offences, and more serious criminal charges, and domestic violence, Lita Gale International high success rate. “We don’t play to lose,” Lita I’ll lose my teeth before I let go!” contrato, litígios referentes a propriedade e delimi fiscais (herança/mais-valias), a testamentos portu fiscal, e muito mais, a equipa legal na Lita Gale conhecimentos das questões legais locais e é capaz de resultados que o cliente espera. A Lita Gale disponibiliza investigação, trabalhando em estreita colabora experientes, obtendo informações vitais para investigações civis, localização de bens e de testemunhas. Com capacidade para encontrar qualquer dúvida legal que o cliente possa ter e de percalços da vida, incluindo acidentes e aciden de trabalho, infracções rodoviárias e acções como ofensas corporais graves, fraude, violação Lita Gale International Solicitors goza de uma “Não jogamos para perder,” confidencia Lita, perderei os meus dentes antes de largar!” de Brito


•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

•16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

•European seniors tour player/member 2003;2004;2005

More expert tips from Benamor's resident professional, Keith Ashdown. iron play

1 note ball positions: 1, Pitching wedge 2, Seven iron 3, Four 2iron 3

•European tour player member 1968 - 82

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A.

This swing is the same with every full iron shot, the ball position with irons 3,4,5 should be left of centre in stance, irons 6,7,8,9 centre of stance, wedges slightly right of centre. irons being shorter in length than woods, the arc of the swing is much more upright and describes more of a circle instead of the wide oval arc of the woods. the wrists also break much earlier in the back-swing with irons. accuracy is more important than distance, there is a reason for having the ball at a point level with the middle of the feet, it is to hit down on the ball, hitting the ball first and taking turf afterwards. the ball runs up the face of the club when struck so backspin is obtained, if the ball position is off the left foot as with the driver, you would either hit the ground first or you would hit the ball on the upswing, which results in topping it, as you generally do not hit the ball low enough to ensure a good shot, there would then be no back spin on the ball and it would run like a snooker ball with top spin. concentrate on hitting down and through, never force your iron shots, if you cannot reach the green with a number 6 iron, take an easy 5. good golfing, Keith

Page 42 www.eastalgarvemag.com

Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

Page 43www.eastalgarvemag.com SERViNG YoU AND YoUR GUESTS WiTH CoMPLETE SATiSFACTioN iN MiND 00 351 913 692 170 or UK 0161 298 4800 www.smartavillas.com RENTALS & PRoPERTY MANAGEMENT Let us make renting easy. Management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•Enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •Laundry•Meeting•24/7 Helpline •Bill Payments•Guest Services; Golf Leisure Trips & Transfers email: info@cabanasgolfshop.com website: www.cabanasgolfshop.com Tel 00351-281 327 885 Tlm 00351-915 424 642 banas a C Golf Shop golf course cabanas conceiçãoTavira we are here s C G Sh p New location •Introduction clinics •GVB clinics •Private lessons •Play with the pro •Putt clinics •Thursday friendly competition •Saturday morning “walk-in” training •Dutch, English and German spoken Call Bart: +351 925459558 or Simone: + 351 965317686 www.east-algarvegolf.com

fc PORTO - cHamPiOns eLecT the month started off with Olhanense losing their first home game (3-0) to an impressive Fc Porto side that looks set to claim the championship title well before the season ends in mid may. One could not fault Olhanense’s commitment or effort as they tried to stem the Porto advance. in the second half, when Falcao hit the post and carlos Fernandes produced a miraculous clearance off the line it appeared that Porto could be in for another frustrating night, especially as Olhanense were now All the latest local soccer news from Chris Wright.

Olhanense fans enjoy Madeira

Page 44 www.eastalgarvemag.com Sport

Alarge party of supporters - young, old, Portuguese, british & belgium - spent five days in madeira recently. two coaches left Olhão at midnight for the journey to lisbon, to board the flight to Funchal before being met and escorted to their 5star tivoli hotel. a fully packed itinerary included a tour of the island and thankfully the temperatures had returned to normal as the previous week madeira had registered the coldest temperatures since 1972. even so, the peaks were still covered in snow which proved great fun for young and old alike! Other highlights included the visit to the são vicente caves that were created by lava flows some 890 thousand years ago and an evening of folk dancing & singing with a local group wearing traditional madeiran costumes. a fabulous time was spent with the fans of marítimo and in particularly the evening in their clubhouse where the group enjoyed the marvellous hospitality of their hosts. last year the Olhanense fans raised €1200 for the madeira disaster appeal and the islanders were keen to show their appreciation. despite the heavy 4-0 defeat to marítimo nothing could detract from a wonderful adventure.

www.eastalgarvemag.com Page 45 Sport




East algarve hosts all terrain championships

there were thrills and spills in the hills north of tavira as the clube automóvel do algarve held their all terrain annual championships. various classes including buggies, quads, motorcycles and cars competed for the prestigious trophies. navigating a route that started in the hills near Zimbral the vast array of vehicles negotiated off road tracks that took them up through beliche, azinhal and then north to Odeleite before turning north-west to finish at martim longo. auto section winners were Filipe campos & Jaime baptista, driving a bmW X3. João lopes on a suzuki ltr 450 savoured victory in the quad bike section and sérgio silva, on a Polaris rZr 800s, bagged first place in the buggy section. tavira council hosted the event with a parade on the saturday followed by the presentation ceremony in Praça da república on the sunday evening.

PenaLTy miss PROVes cOsTLy the following week Olhanense travelled to v setúbal on a wet, miserable day but nothing could dampen the spirits of the 400 travelling fans who made the journey north. many were in fancy dress creating a sea of red & black which made the day a real carnival occasion. the two cities also have a strong cultural link owing to their historic ties to the fishing industry and this was the city where, one Jose mourinho was born forty-eight years ago. Olhanense only had four defenders to chose from so suarez, andré micael, mexer & carlos Fernandes were automatic selections. after a nondescript first-half manager daúto Faquirá must have read the riot act at half-time! Olhanense re-started with much more purpose and on fifty-two minutes Paulo sérgio’s surging run into the box was halted when ney santos bundled him over in the box. referee andré Gralha had no hesitation in pointing to the spot. skipper rui duarte stepped up but keeper diego guessed correctly diving to his right to palm the shot way. Olhanense were now in the ascendancy but their inability to convert their superiority into goals has cost them dearly this season. the 0-0 draw kept them in mid table. LiVeRPOOL’s cOnQueRORs ueFa europa league quarter-finalists sc braga were next to visit the Jose arcanjo stadium. as early as the eighth minute a stunning volley from Paulo sérgio was acrobatically saved by artur but from then on braga took control. alan opened the braga account five minutes later. the visitors were awarded a very dubious penalty in the final minute of the game. Keeper ricardo baptista was shown a red card when tv replays clearly showed that there had been no contact with the player. One of several very poor decisions by the officials. the 2-0 defeat was only Olhanense's second at home this season.

starting to look dangerous themselves, with veteran striker djalmir going close to giving dauto Faquira’s side a shock lead. Porto finally made the breakthrough when belluschi controlled the ball on his chest and sent a stylish volley looping over ricardo baptista and into the net from the edge of the box. One soon became two. Falcao showed his goalscoring instinct by turning past two defenders and sliding an accurate shot in off the post. a typically forceful run from hulk led to the third goal as his powerful shot from a tight angle was stopped by baptista but the ball bounced along the line to allow the lurking Falcao an easy tap-in.

fORTHcOming fixTuRes sixth placed P.Ferreira are the visitors on the weekend of the 9th/10th april whilst league champions benfica are in town over the weekend of 30th april/1st may.

For further information contact: chris Wright tel. 916 504 903 (christopher.wright@hotmail.co.uk) or emily richardson tel. 939 486 870 (neilandem@sapo.pt)

The towns and villages of Eastern Algarve are in close proximity to each other and are linked with a cycle track that stretches along the Algarve’s glorious coastline. Saddle up to explore the charming side streets that are lined with local bars, cafes and shops. Traverse the pathway of the natural park of the Ria Formoso and see its stunning fauna and flora. Pedal your way to one of the many golden sandy beaches and take in the rays. There's no better eco friendly, healthier way to enjoy all of this, than on a bike from East Algarve Bike Hire. East Algarve Daily Hire Prices Euros Day 3 7 Days 15 Days €10 €25 €50 €90 Prices include: bicycle, lock, helmet, repair kit, pump, maps & rucksack. Free Delivery & collection Service between olhão and Monte Gordo oR BooK on LInE!


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appreciate, serious offers

foreign or Pt reg cars, vans, jeeps, motorcycles, boats, motor-homes, nonrunners, accident damaged, with or no docs. Cash. 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 SERVICES cars returned to uk, from €150 + exps. Can be MoT'd and returned, tel 914 160 823. for painting and decorating, please contact Dennis, the professional. Tel: 915 424 642. gardener/Pool cleaner/Rubbish Removal, Established business, Good rates no job too small, All areas Tel: 912 304 757 music duo, Available for restaurants, bars and hotels; Tel 917 332 068 Marketing & Point of sale also included together with stock. €85.000 Renewable five year lease with low fixed monthly rent. Please Call Ged on 00351 916 596 359 american fridge freezer (Whirlpool) ice and cold water dispenser (White) excellent condition 700€ o.n.o 289 846 206 mob.922134429 small freezer old but good worker under unit type 12€ mobile 922 134 429 Outside wooden table seats 8/10 open 198x100 80€ mobile 922 134 429 isuzu diesel 2.5td flatbed (metal). one tonne truck 5 seats impeccable. 4.950€.tel 939 069 933 Toyota mr2 roadster special import (midship runabout) convertable. U.K. reg hence 3.950€ tel 919 907 118 computer desk- Antique style pine. new.135€. tel 939 069 933 inflatable rib with 15 hp outboard good condition €2000. Tel.917 997 805 Basic open boat 4.3m including 15hp 2 stroke Yamaha outboard and trailer. 1700€. Tel. 281 962 505 2 sofa's, high Backed, Marks and spencer. 175€. 289 422 732 TemPuR electric Bed and TemPuR matress 200x100x20cm, exhibition sample, 1150€ (regular price 2450€), Tlm. 964 805 111 or 289 417 243 solar Panels for hot water, brand new, only 20 available 250€ each, call 916 596 359



on 2 levels,standing in

gardens with


Free classifieds Page 46 www.eastalgarvemag.com PLumBing, TiLing, PainTing, dRy Lining Bathroom/kitchens full/part renovation. Quick efficient service. All work guaranteed. Call 917 587 685 or 289 991 023 man and Large Van available good rates for removals or Ikea trips etc Joe 911 956 149 Palm reading service. Tel 916 389 810 solar Panels supplied, fitted and repaired, free surveys, energy certs also supplied, call 916 596 359 masTeRjOineR / caRPenTeR & general maintenance. solid experience of fitting Kitchens, Doors, Locks etc 926 615244 - 281 328 648 stephen freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email stephenfreeman@sapo.pt The Plumber Tel: Mike vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACTIVITIES scottish country dancing at the Casa do Povo Moncarapacho, Thursdays 5.30 ~ 7.30PM.Tel 289 791 998 or 914 798 833 or email mabstansb@iol.pt mosaic workshops in Quinta Fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit www.elmundomosaico.com caR BOOT saLe Every 4th sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every Wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta Fonte Bispo T. 289 845 561 car boot sale, 1st sat of each month from 10am. Mont' Belo restaurant, Calico park. contact 927 364 157 FOR SALE fiat punto 1995 good condition, 700€ 964 348 856 marcelo nice bar in the centre of Tavira, 25.000€ Rent: 260 euro p/m Tel. : 00351 968 596 386 or 00351 967 545 086 TOucH fOR HeaLTH, The complete edition. A practical guide to natural health with Acupressure Touch. new condition, unused. 10€. LexmaRk Printer, old but in working order. 5€. 289 792 024 or e-mail normanda1@sapo. pt small property management business for sale. Easily managed by a couple. Low investment for a good return. Email enquiries only:- po1953@hotmail.co.uk sky plus box 160gB in white with remote 60€ Tavira Tel 912 304 757 sky digi box with remote 30€ Tavira Tel 912 304 757 fiat Palio weekend new engine Portuguese reg 1500€ Tavira Tel 912 304 757 Table top fridge in white 20€ Tavira Tel 912 304 757 samsung dual sim mobile as new 50€ Tel 912 304 757 solar energy shop for sale Loule solar Energy suppliers of solar Energy Products, solar Panels for hot Water & Electricity. Fantastic Location in Loule, Training Provided if required & Continued Product support, BusinessacLassifiedsRefReeforprivateadvertisers,adsarefreeforOnemOnTHOnLy. email your ads to info@eastalgarvemag.com (maximum 9 words) if you would like more information on advertising in this magazine please call: 961 700 200 PROPERTY FOR RENT Tavira area Long term rentals, various properties for rent 1-2-3 beds from 325€ per month. Joe 911 956 149 Properties required for rent long & short term. Contact Kate; 926 360 484 - kateelse@ yahoo.co.uk moncarapacho area. Long term rent, small 1 bedroom property, own private garden. 300€ per month + utilities. Tel: 289 798 360 Villas,cottages required in Moncarapacho, Estoi & sao Bras for potential clients. Contact Kate; 926 360 484 kate@carnivalproperties. co.uk Long term rental wanted 1 Person is looking for a house with little garden to rent. Around santa Luzia +/- 10 Km Please call : 91 626 99 29 spacious modernised cottage. Conceicao opposite Benamor Golf. 350pcm. Tel. 919623308

PROPERTY FOR SALE one bedroom apartment for sale,with garden. Tavira. Phone: 281 952 861. Luz de Tavira Beautifully restored Quinta (farmhouse) outskirts of village. Covered area 303m2 3500m2 land & pool. Fully fenced & rural but & beach.Must viewed to around 575,000€, Tel 00351 281 961 179 mobile 912 873 038 mobile home 3 years old Calico park 2 bedrooms 1 ensuite sep.Bathroom a/c. Decking. sky 56,000 euros ono inc fees paid until 2012 contact Rod (mobile) +0044 7963744072


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Page www.eastalgarvemag.com hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the en270 near Sta catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website bwww.qtfontebispo.comOOtSaleevery4th Sunday caRveRYSundays from 1pm booking advised from OnlY €10 Quiz nigHt every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm Steak nigHt every Friday, from OnlY €10 from 6.30pm Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HaWeReeRe RegulaR eventS Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in thecountryside of tavira. Restaurant openseven days a week, pool, tennis and Wi-fi. MaRcHeventSpecialSelviSvs cliFF Foremailemail10-12.30,3D-€15SaturdayRicHaRD26thMarch3coursemealp/pDoorsopen19.30DecOupagetuesday15thMarch€8,includesallmaterialschristinelegg@btinternet.combeaDingtuesday22ndMarch10-12.30,€12,includesallmaterialschristinelegg@btinternet.comfurtherdetailsonanyoftheaboveevents,call281971484

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