2 minute read

HOMES Live a greener home life


How green is


your home? There are many things you can do to live a greener lifestyle and often 1Fill the dishwasher with every use. Dishwashers use more 8Reduce phantom power. This is power used by appliances save money at the same time. Here energy the less they have in them. By running it with only full loads, you could save an estimated 100 and other electronics that are plugged into the wall but not powered on. Cut down by unplugging are our top tips to a greener home. pounds of carbon dioxide and not your mobile phone, iPod, microto mention a load of cash. waves, and computers when not

2in use.. Fix leaks! As soon as you spot a leak at your house, fix it or contact your plumber to do 9Use what’s outside to make the inside greener. Next time 10Place a lid on the saucepans when cooking and save energy and money with every meal. so. Leaky toilets can waste 30 to you have a light rain at your house, 50 gallons per day per toilet, and put your houseplants outside to leaky taps can waste 15 to 20 gal- give them a refreshing shower. lons per day. 3Don’t leave the water on while brushing your teeth. Did MASTERJOINERyou know that running the water for three minutes while you are JOINER & GENERAL MAINTENANCE... brushing your teeth can waste up to three gallons of water? 20 years experience of fitting Kitchens, Floors, Doors, 4Use reusable cleaning tools such as rags and natural Decking, Locks etc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central brushes. This eliminates one-use wipes and cheap sponges. Save 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 masterjoiner@hotmail.co.uk old towels and/or T-shirts, cut them into squares, and use them as cleaning rags. 5Use discretion when judging if something in your wardrobe is dirty or not. Just wearing it once or if you simply pulled it out of STEPHEN FREEMAN the drawer doesn’t mean it’s dirty. This alone could cut your wash loads in half! 6Fill your fridge! Food retains cold better than air does, so Professional painter and a full fridge works less to keep it cool than does one that is practically empty. decorator 7Turn off all unnecessary lighting. When you leave a room, be sure to turn off the light (and other ✤ Specialist in wallpaper hanging ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered appliances). Install a motion sensor on lights, especially in places where you only pass through, such 289 841 896 mob 912 780 72 1 email stephenfreeman@sapo.pt as stairways, halls, etc. 11Recycle - Recycle your glass, plastic, paper, cardboard and metal. No excuses!

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