Aug10 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve August 2010 Finance © Cabanas Health Golf tips From AshdownKeith Gardening gardeningLandscape revived mostMakebarbequeHealthyeatingtheofyour£Sterling

Page 2 to your August issue. Anyone hot? The only place to be right now is in water, at any given opportunity. I think my children may start to grow fins. Don't get me wrong, I love it! It's been an interesting month, we met with young entrepeneurs, Karan and Maria Kumar, who showed us their various business ventures, had a lovely afternoon in the new look Cabanas, it was well worth the boat journey across the Ria Formosa lagoon to Cabanas beach, a first for me and the family. In the evening the boardwalk was buzzing with people, eating, drinking and taking in the lovely view. We visited the Geo Jardim garden Centre, a little delight, with the new owner Diogo's enthusiasm and knowledge, it's sure to be a success. As usual we bring you golf tips, a scumptious dish, health advice, sporting news and much, more. Have a lovely, safe summer Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIAL cO-ORdInATORS Richard Bassett Snr. AdvERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTAnT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink+ dessert and coffee €8.50 SpecialitieS incluDe Fresh local seafood • cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey pluS MucH MucH MORe! Rua da liberdade n.º 126 FuSeta • OlHÃO • algaRve telephone 289 798 045 etaSuF

Page 4Let us know your thoughts. 5WHAT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 8PEOPLE Meet Karan and Maria. 10ARTS Churchill the Musical. 11ARTS Katrina Rose exhibits. 12HEALTH Healthy Barbeque food. 15HEALTH Swimmers Ear. 16PLAcES Geo Jardim garden centre. 18cABAnAS A revived village. 20PROPERTy EastAlgarve thrives. 24PROPERTy Rroperty of the month. 27HOME Furnishingwith naturals. 28HOME Using the colour wheel. 32FOOd Restaurant O Monte. 36gARdEnS Landscape planning. 39EnvIROnMEnT Fuel Tax. 42FInAncE A one dollar story. 44FInAncE Make the most of your £. 46SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 48SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 46BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER A science fiction novel. 47cLASSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 32 8 36 CONTENTS 181627

Page 4 Email: Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO call 281 971 484, email or see our or see our map on the back page Hairstyling in Your OwnHome. Cut and Blow Dryfrom 15 euros. Colour, Cut and Blow Dry from32 euros. Professional Stylist with over 15 yearsPrompt,experience.reliable serviceTelephone George 916 765 082 Hello, I am a bit of a foody, I have been cooking authentic Chinese Food for my friends and Familly for over 25 years, I have eaten chinese food in most of the UK Tiger Cities ( thosewith Chinatowns) ie London, Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham, but tonight my wife and I have found a treasure, I have just eaten the best Chicken and Kashew nut dish I have ever tasted in my life! Her indoors said the same about her Beef and Onions. We shared a spring roll starter, had two glasses of beer and two glasses of wine, two main courses to die for, coffee, and a bill of 23 euros. Life gets no better! Where were we, Sao Bras De Alportel, a new place almost next door to a famous Chicken Grill, quite near to O Parafuso Hardware shop on the Tavira road leaving S.Bras called JIN YUAN.Doyourselves a favour, find it! Bob Whalley therapy,MassagesBioenergeticforprevention,recoveryorrelaxation.CallRowenaon Remember, you can now read the East Algarve magazine online. For back issues, business listings and readers comment, have a look www.eastalgarvemag.comatYoucanalsobecomeafanonfacebookandkeepintouchwithpeopleinandarounfYOURarea,theEastLookupEastAlgarveMagandjoinin,chatandmeet! lcaRveRYaMb,beeF & tuRkeY, pluS all tHe tRiMMingS Sundays from 1.00pm bOOking aDviSeD OnlY 10€ 3 course option available for only 14€ Fridays,SteaknigHtfrom6.30pm * RuMp €8.50 * Rib eYe €10.00 * SiRlOin €13.00 * 16Oz t-bOne €19.50 (48 hours notice for t bone) all steaks come with home made chips,onion rings, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes,peas, and a choice of sauces. for Painting!An Introduction tocoloured pencil.Saturday Workshop10.00 to 17.30call 926 710 067only 25 Euros PAlMISt I will read not onlyall that is in yourpalm, but show youhow one can benefitfrom this 289 845 561 or 916 389 810

mOnTe gORDO - The 4 elements of the zodiac, 18/08, 19/08, 21/08, 22/08, 22h30, monte Gordo casino. OexHibiTiOnSLHãO-Photography, Ria For mosa by Helio Ramos, until 31/08, real marina hotal and spa. SãO bRáS De aLPORTeL - Flurovision Display of Work by iskender Hoffman, norman Jainrath, Pez e Joi, until 31/08, 18h0000h00, Gallery Flurovision. SãO bRáS De aLPORTeL - moments exhibtion of Paintings by Octavio Lourenco, until 31/08, alportel museum. SãO bRáS De aLPORTeLPainting exhibiton, nostalgia For my homeland by maria madalena Gaspar, until 31/08, 17h00, munici pal Gallery.

aSPORTLCOuTim - Sailing ascent and Descent of the guadiana, 28/0829/08, Guadiana river. TaViRa - 19th mar azul Race, 29/08, tavira island.

Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. Moncarapacho 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sun days of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila nova de cacela: 3rd sunday of the month. castro Marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month.

2010 BANK HolIDAYs AND FEsTIvAls Here’s your handy cut out & keep guide to the 2010 bank holidays and festivals, with compliments of east algarve magazine. Carnival/Shrove Tuesday 16 Feb maundy Thursday 1 apr good Friday, 2 apr easter Sunday 4 apr Liberation Day (Sunday) 25 apr Labour Day, (Saturday) 1 may Corpus Christi, (Thursday) 3 Jun national Day in Portugal, (Thursday) 10 Jun assumption Day, (Sunday) 15 aug Republic Day, (Tuesday)..............5 Oct all Saints’ Day, (monday) 1 nov independence Restoration Day, (Wednesday) 1 Dec immaculate (Wednesday)Conception, 8 Dec Christmas eve........................... 24 Dec Christmas Day, (Saturday) 25 Dec amuSiCLCOuTim - music in the square, 11/8, 18/08, 25/8, Praca da repub lica, t 281 540 500. mOnTe gORDO - V.R STO. an TOniO theatre company, 12/08, 13/08, 20/08, 25/08, 22h30, monte Gordo casino. TaViRa - music in the Churches, 14/08, 21/08, 28/08, 19h00, cha pel of santa ana and misericordia church. mOnTe gORDO - michael Jackson Dance Tribute, 11/08, 15/08, 26/08, 22h30, monte Gordo casino.

OFeSTiVaLSLHãO-Shellfish Festival - 10/08 - 15/08, 19h30 - 01h30, 8 euros, Olhao. manTa ROTa - Seven Suns Seven moons, until 19/08, 22h00, manta rota. TaViRa - 33rd Luz De Tavira international Folk music Festival, 27/08-28/08, 21h30, largo da Praca da republica. TFaiRSaViRa- 7th Fair of bric a brac and antiques, 21/08 - 29/08, 19h00-01h00, rua do cais. WHy nOT? TaViRa - entertainment, until 31/08, 22h00, Praca da republica. LOuLÉ - Whit night, 28/08, city centre. CaSTRO maRim - medieval Days of Castro marim, 26/08-29/08, castle. Don't miss the spectacular Olhão Shellfish festival, 10th-15th august Page What’s on Your guide to what's on, in and around the East Algarve this month. Have fun! Things to do this AugustMARKETS

“no” to A22 tolls say Algarve’s Mayors Manuel da luz, the president of Portimão town council, has threatened to join forces with other mayors of the algarve and take the Government to the supreme court should they agree to bring in tolls on the a22 via do infante. the mayor told lusa news agency that the introduction of motorway tolls “would have a tremendous impact” on the algarve. not only because the via do infante represents the only alternative to the “deadly” and extremely basic en 125, but also because of the negative impact tolls would have for tourism in general, as well as the economic fabric of the algarve”, da luz explained –claiming that hundreds of small to medium-sized regional businesses that use the a22 on a daily basis for the distribution of their goods and services would be adversely taffected.hePortimão mayor added that he had already appealed to his counterparts in other algarve boroughs to support court action, particularly as “the whole region is smarting due to the loss of 10.000 tourist stays over the last decade”.

Mosquitos have reportedly invaded the east algarve. Plagues have been swarming in areas such as monte Gordo and vila real de santo antonio in the last few weeks. tourists were left with no option but to leave the monte Gordo campsite because of the infestation. the particular species mosquitos, however, do not spread disease. "the species develops in brackish water, such as that found in estuaries and marshes, and does not present a health risk. however, they have been described as a real nuisance”, according to the vila real Public service department. the water authorites are attempting to solve the problem and prevent future plagues, but this would involve the creation of a drainage system and use of biological larvacide in specific areas before the mosquitos hatch. a spokesman for vila real de santo antónio câmara said: “the city council is reinforcing pest control in all public spaces, especially in green areas. after this incident, the use of biological larvicide will be used more frequently to prevent the breeding of the mosquito larvae.”

News Page 6

Algarve stadium could go “private”

The running of the algarve stadium – recently dubbed a “white elephant” – could soon be handed over to a private company. the plan comes as a way of easing the burden of high maintenance costs, currently paid for by loulé and Faro town halls. Originally built for football matches during the “euro 2004” championship, the stadium has rarely been used since – only now and then to stage concerts, fairs and annual sports events, like the “taça da liga” (Football league cup), or “rali Portugal”. nevertheless, maintenance costs –paying grounds staff, and paying off bank loans – are claimed to be as much as three million euros per year (1.5 million for each town hall). it’s an “unsustainable situation”, says loulé’s mayor seruca emídio – thus a public tender is due to go out within the next six months to find a private group or company to take over the concession for running the place. according to Faro mayor macário correia, there are already three groups interested in taking over; one Portuguese, one brazilian and one aspanish.llthree are amenable to paying the local councils an annual fee and promoting their own events –on the basis that events of regional or national interest must also have preference.


Page AFFORDABLELIVINGONTHEEASTERNALGARVE Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool, Bar and Restaurant, Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVISITSBy AppOINTmENT ONLy Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L Olhão SaoAlportelBras Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 N270 125 122 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Martinlongo BarrancoVelho PortellaCorchadeMoncarapachoCachopoFonteBispodo Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L RotaManta VISIT OUR SHOwHOmE 2 BEDROOmS, 3 BATHROOmS, FULLy FURNISHED pLOTS AVAILABLE • RE-SALES wEEKLy RENTALS, SHORT AND LONG TERm UNIqUE TImBER HOmE FOR SALE OpEn 7 days a wEEk Located between Olhão and pechao on the En 2-6 Call now to place your order: Tel 937 809 074 - 937 809 065 - 289 703 020 Set lunch menu, 11.00-15.30 Authentic Indian food at it's best! enjoy your food inside, or out on the terrace. Good parking facilities. Quality food • Excellent service • Good prices taviraauction Aladdin´s Cave New & Used discount store Looking for a reasonably-priced sofa or washing machine? Want to get rid of your bed to make room for a new one? Convert all your unwanted goods into cash! remember, we want to buy your used furniture and household items, either one piece, or an entire household. Just give us a call! FaRO n125 Mte Gordo aTaviraGranplazauctionspetroltation TaVIRa Open Mon-sat 10am-6pm Tel 00351 916 138 059 00351 916 138 060 Email At Aladdin's cave, we buy, sell, and trade furniture and household items every day so our inventry is always fresh. You never know what you'll find when you visit our store. We deal in most everything you find in a house and home: white goods, furniture for all rooms, furnishings, linens, pictures, light fittings, lamps and decorative items. Since we are buying every day, our selection is always changing, so it pays to shop often. if you can't make it to our store, call us any time to find out if we have what you're looking for. Keep in mind that these are one of a kind items, and when they're gone, they're gone, but there is always something new arriving soon, so keep checking with us. Timing is EvEry Thing!

This dynamic team are a force to be reckoned with. only here for a short time, but already running four successful, diverse businesses.

Eastern promise

We recently met with an intriguing couple, totally different personalities, he's indian and she's Portuguese, a dynamic team. in their short time here in the algarve, they have successfully managed to open four completely different, thriving Karanbusinesses.byprofession, is a mircosoft certified system engineer. his wife, eulalia maria Kumar, is a wonderful people loving person. they met in tunbridge Wells in 2005, where she worked as a front of house manager for a charming hotel. maria has spent her whole life in the hospitality trade and fell in love with Karan instantly. they later married in india, stopping off to see maria's family on the way home. it was Karan's first time in Portugal, and initially was not over impressed. they both worked in the uK for many years, for various companies. in november 2009 maria decided to visit her family in Portugal to tell them exciting news of her pregnancy, sadly though, maria lost their baby. Karan couldn't get off from work but planned to join her later. the last winter in scotland, where he was working, was horrendous, so as soon as the opportunity came, Karan flew to Portugal to see maria and escape the bad weather. as soon as he stepped off the plane into the sunshine, Karan knew he was here for good. For him it was heaven. he decided that quality of life was important to him, and after speaking with maria, they both agreed to make Portugal their home. the timing seemed perfect, and they immediately found a business in Olhão for sale, a small cafe bar, in a perfect location, opposite the ria Formosa natural park. they decided to go for it, although they had never even heard of Olhão before. they fell in love with the place instantly. after running

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Page People

the cafe for a while, they heard of another business opportunity, a huge shop in the centre of town, an investment opportunity, too good to let go. so, they opened the shop, selling clothes, bridal wear and fashion accessories. as if two shops weren't enough, Karan was missing his computer work, so when another shop became available nearby, he couldn't help himself but to open an internet shop, also repairing pc's, and mobile phones. Karan, who is originally from india, was craving the cuisine he was brought up on. after sampling the food at various indian restaurants and being dissappointed, he thought why not open my own? by coincidence, they were living next door to a Portuguese restaurant in Pechao. he spoke to the owner and reached an agreement to rent the premises, and the taj mahal was born. maria told me they couldn't have done it without the help of her brother antonio, a great friend, who has sadly passed away. maria takes great strength from his memory, although she misses him deeply. the couple are frimly settled here in the algarve, by day, maria runs the cat and Kayak cafe, by night she helps out at the restaurant. Karan spends the day at the computer shop, and recently bought maria a gorgeous siberian husky puppy named maya. the couple feel like they are on a never ending honeymoon, but are extremely hard working and dedicated to their businesses. take time to meet this charming couple at the cafe or computer shop. better still, visit them for a curry, the food at the restaurant is outstanding, you can sit inside or in the gardens, the staff are very attentive and the curry is the best i've tasted in a long while. to contact the restaurant, cafe, or internet shop, please see the advert for the taj mahal restaurant on page 8 for details.


From left to right: Victoria morris, David Sutton-Thompson, Trevor Holman, Damian King, Sylvy Wilks, Ralph Keenan

Page 10 Arts

ChurchillThe Musical

Described as the biggest show the algarve has seen for the last ten years, 'churchill - the musical' will have its World Premiere on Friday 1st of October 2010 at the lagoa auditorium. With the stage play written by derek charles ash and trevor holman, and sixteen new songs - lyrics by derek and music from trevor who has lived and worked in moncarapacho in the eastern algarve for the last 8 years, the show portrays both the public and private life of sir Winston churchill, from his loving marriage to clemmie through to his retirement from all forms of public life, giving an insight into the world of the man voted: ‘the Greatest briton to have ever lived’. an emotional rollercoaster of a show with an onstage cast of 50 actors, singers and dancers, a backstage crew of 25, West end standard sets and scenery, over 150 costumes and wigs brought from the uK and with one of uK theatres top lighting designers, this is without doubt the 'West end comes to the algarve' the show stars Jonathan reynolds who is currently playing the lead in '42nd street' in the uK, and sarah Pryde, also currently on stage in the uK playing the female lead in 'les tmiserables'.heshowis being directed by ray Jeffery whose track record in the world of musical theatre is second to none. Winner of the prestigious 'Waterford trophy' a record 26 times, ray has directed over 1,700 stage musical productions including the 'off london' World Premieres of 'la cage aux Folles', 'billy elliot', 'Fiddler on the roof' and the world famous 'les miserables'. to use ray's own words upon reading the stage play of ‘churchillthe musical’ for the first time and hearing the music: 'Wow! What a piece! amazing!' sir cliff richard, a fan of the show having read the stageplay and heard the music said: 'my very best wishes to everyone involved in the premiere performance of 'churchill - the musical'. it's a brave and imaginative project and i hope there's an exciting and successful future in store.' the red carpet World Premiere on Friday 1st of October at the lagoa auditorium will be followed by a week long run of evenings and matinees between the 2nd and the 8th of October tickets for this ground breaking show for the algarve are selling fast with the opening night almost sold out before the tickets were even printed, so we recommend you order yours as soon as possible by either logging onto the show’s website at: or by telephoning 282 342 936

East Algarve residents take part in a West End and broadway standard musical.

Open 7 days per week from 3pm until late. the exhibition ends on september 13th. Contact details: Website email:

Page 11 Arts

Words Carolyn kain Photograph peter kain

Katrina Rose Breaking free from blue

A collection of paintings by artist Katrina Rose is being displayed at the Art Bar on the seafront in olhão.

Working mostly with acrylic paints she has recently been challenging her application skills, diversifying into pen and ink, charcoal, pastels and aquarelle. Growing confident with working in new mediums, it will be interesting to see where her artistry goes next? the art bar in Olhão is attractively refurbished. it is just east of the municipal market on the opposite side of the road.

Katrina has been invited to showcase her work in many algarve locations but this is the first occasion it has been seen in the eastern algarve. the delightful collection - produced by an artist who began painting while she lived in england – is well worth aviewing.resident in almancil since 2005, Katrina’s exhibition demonstrates developments in her style and subject matter. Pictures range from sky, sea, land and townscapes to a series of recently produced still-life nstudies.otably an artist who has embraced every diverse aspect of the colour blue, there are paintings of the cornish coast, scottish highlands, northern spain and venice’s seawater lagoon. moving on from there to Portugal’s whitewashed villages in the alentejo, she has produced beautifully executed street scenes tinged with soft blue skies dabove.ubbed as ‘the lady who paints the blues’ – as opposed to billie holliday, the lady who sang them – Katrina has moved on from her obsession, embracing a much wider colour palette. choosing to represent local fruit and vegetables, as seen in algarve markets, there are red pomegranates, shiny citrus, gleaming peppers and smooth, skinned, light-brown onions.

summer time is BBQ time, but that doesn't mean eating!unhealthyHerearesomesolutionsforahealthysummerdiet

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 Health

Vegetables are an excellent low calorie, low fat choice for healthy barbecue foods for summer. they can either be placed directly on the grill, wrapped in foil, or made into kebabs. before grilling, the vegetables can be marinated in olive oil with lemon juice, garlic or other herbs and spices for about 15 minutes. to make grilled vegetable kebabs, cut the vegetables into approximately 1 inch cubes, and thread them onto a wooden or metal skewer. some vegetables, such as tomatoes, cook much faster than others, so for best results when making kebabs, combine vegetables that have similar cooking times. it is best to avoid cooking meat and vegetables together on the same skewer, because the vegetables cook faster, and the center of the meat may turn out undercooked.

Some fruits and vegetables that work well for grilling include: corn on the cob, red and green bell peppers, Zucchini or other types of summer squash, sweet red onions, mushrooms, eggplant, Pineapple, cherry tomatoes When cooking vegetables directly on the grill, cut them into large pieces, so they don't fall through. turn them to prevent burning and brush with marinade as they cook. corn on the cob can be placed directly on the grill or wrapped in foil. to speed up cooking time, steam the corn briefly first, then place it on the grill to brown it. Ways to grill Potatoes

Potatoes are another great choice for the grill, and they can be prepared in a number of different ways. Potatoes in their jackets can be wrapped in foil and placed on the grill, or if the heat isn't too intense, directly on the coals. to avoid having the potatoes turn out too dry, place about a tablespoon of olive oil along with some salt, pepper, herbs, or spices on the foil before wrapping the potato. Whole potatoes will cook in about 45-60 minutes. to grill potatoes more quickly, cut them lengthwise into six or eight wedges, or crosswise into thick slices. these pieces can be cooked directly on the grill or in a grill basket. they should be turned while cooking to prevent them from burning. thinner slices of potato can be cooked in foil packets. Place the potato slices on a piece of foil, drizzle with oil and add onions, garlic, peppers, or other desired seasonings, and wrap securely. sliced potatoes wrapped in foil packets cook in about 25 minutes. use caution when opening the foil packets after grilling, because they may contain scalding hot steam. Fish and Seafood salmon is an excellent healthy choice for a summer barbecue. it can be grilled either whole or cut into filets. if grilling a whole, fresh salmon, it should be cleaned, gutted, and scaled. cut slits every two inches and season with onions, lemon, salt and pepper, or herbs. Wrap the salmon in foil and leave an opening for the steam to escape. cook a 5-7 pound salmon for 20-30 minutes, or longer for a larger fish; it will be flaky when foods for barbecues


Page CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •Swedish •Local•Lymphaticmassage,Quiromassage,Reflexology,drainage,TraditionalThaimassage,massageforlegsandfeetorneckbackandshoulders. Catherina pauwels, ilse Brenner tel: 919 660 211 or 963 706 624 in the Centre OF tavira Mail: Dr. Ken Hamilton, D.C. Quiroprático / Chiropractor Cuidado Quiroprático consiste na correcção natural da coluna (subluxação vertebral) e do Sistema Nervoso utilizando as mãos. Reabilitações - Tratamentos Coluna - Músculos - Articulações Cuidado Quiroprático consiste na correcção natural da coluna (subluxação vertebral) e do Sistema Nervoso utilizando as mãos. Chiropractic is the world’s leading form of alternative therapy for neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions. CHIROPRACTIC HELPS WITH: · LOW baCK Pain · neCK Pain · HeRniaTeD DiSCS · neRVe Pain · HeaDaCHeS anD migRaineS · POOR POSTuRe · FROzen SHOuLDeR · eLbOW anD WRiST Pain · SCiaTiCa · Knee Pain · FOOT/anKLe Pain · SCOLiOSiS · OSTeOaRTHRiTiS · SPORTS inJuRieS · auTO aCCiDenTS · WHiPLaSH Algarve chiropractic centre mob: 922 113 384 - Tel: 289 997 004 Clinic located in estói, with ample, convenient parking facilities. dr. Ken Hamilton doctor of chiropractic (USA) Broadband Algarve Internet via Satellite Access the Internet even where phone lines cannot SpecialPackagesreachtosuiteveryonediscountsfor afpop members (00351) 918 771 381 (00351)(Vic)918851 232 (Stephanie)

Page 14 Health done. salmon filets can be cooked directly on the grill. Oil the grill first to prevent sticking, and turn the filets once while cooking. shrimp is delicious barbecued, and can be grilled on a skewer. marinate the shrimp before grilling for about 10 minutes, and baste with marinade while on the grill. incorporating these tasty and healthy barbecue foods into your menus helps avoid the usual fat-laden cheeseburgers and other unhealthy foods. lighten up the family cookouts and try some of these tips at the next sbarbeque.hrimp,rich in protein, selenium and vitamin b12 must be properly selected and stored to maintain their freshness. here are tips on how to cook raw shrimp the healthy way. health benefits before we look at how to cook raw shrimp, let’s look at their health benefits. shrimp is an excellent source of selenium. You would be surprised that it’s an excellent source of protein, which is low in fat and acalories.mere four ounces of shrimp provides you with 23.7 grams of protein, which is close to half the rda for protein with 112 calories and a fat content of hardly a gram. let it be known that shrimp is also rich in vitamin d and vitamin b12. Selecting and Storing. to ensure cooking shrimp that are fresh and uncontaminated, follow these selection and storage tips. Which to choose? Fresh or frozen shrimp? if you would like to keep your shrimp for a long while, then you could go for the frozen variety. Frozen shrimp can last up to a month with proper storage. Fresh shrimp, on the other hand, start losing their freshness after a few days. how do you determine whether shrimp are fresh or not? You want to choose shrimp that have firm bodies with their shells intact. avoid shrimp that have black spots on the shell. this is a sign that the shrimp is losing its freshness. also stay away from shrimp with yellowing shells, which is usually an indication of chemical being used to bleach the shell. another good way of determining the freshness of shrimp is by smell. shrimp with a saltwater smell are fresh. avoid buying shrimp that smell unpleasant. avoid buying shrimp that are prepackaged, as you would not be able to get a good indication of its freshness through smell. to store, refrigerate the shrimp soon after buying. if that’s not possible, and it would take you hours before you could refrigerate them, ask for a bag of ice for temporary storage. Otherwise, place them in a cooler if you have one in your car. One way of extending the freshness of shrimp is by freezing them. to do this, wrap the shrimp nicely and place them in the coldest part of the refrigerator (not too close to the door). to defrost shrimp, place them in a bowl of cold water or defrost them in the refrigerator itself. avoid defrosting at room temperature or by placing them in a microwave oven. doing so could lead to a loss of nutrients through the loss of moisture. Proper defrosting allows for evenness in cooking and keeps out bacterial contamination. it would also kill any bacteria when the shrimp is cooked. Cooking shrimp could be cooked with the head and shell intact. they can be removed after cooking. cooking with the shell on allows you to enjoy the full flavor of shrimp via the shell, which traps taste-giving moisture. healthy ways of cooking shrimp include baking, boiling and grilling. there’s no short supply of shrimp cooking recipes on the internet. small and medium-sized shrimp take about 3 to 4 minutes to boil. a large shrimp would take from 5 to 8 minutes and a jumbo shrimp would take above seven minutes. large shrimp are suitable for grilling and baking. marinating them first for a few hours would be a good idea. an oven temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit would be suitable for baking, but would take a few minutes longer than grilling. if you must lightly fry shrimp, use olive oil. now that you know how to cook raw shrimp, why not try some tonight? gareth Bullock

you splashed, and


wimmer’s ear or otitis externa is an infection or inflammation of the external ear and ear canal. swimmer’s ear is usually caused due to excess exposure to water. When the ear drenches wet in water, moisture penetrates the waterresistant layer and the skin becomes soft and wrinkled when they remain in water for a long period of time. bacteria and fungi are able to exist on the surface of such water exposed skin without any harmful effects. but if there is a break in the skin's normal barrier, these bacteria from contaminated water or objects placed in the ear can easily slip inside the skin, causing swimmer’s ear. some of the various signs and symptoms that could mean the pain in the ear is swimmer’s ear can include itchy or painful ear, sensitivity to ear movement, decreased hearing, yellowish or milky discharge coming out of ear, swelling in the ear or lymph nodes on the neck and sensation of fullness in the ear. mild swimmer’s ear can be treated with a few drops of white vinegar placed in both ears. Put a few drops of vinegar in one ear and leave it in the ear canal for about five minutes before turning the ear down in order to drain the solution. it is advisable to repeat this twice a day for three days. it is most effective against any fungal or bacterial infection as the acetic acid inhibits the growth of bacteria. but if the symptoms continue a doctor’s visit is recommended. to avoid the relapse of swimmers ear we recommend applying some oil before getting in the pool to avoid water flushing out protective oils in the ear, after a swim turn the head and gently pull the ear in different directions to drain any water left inside and then gently wipe the outer ear with a soft towel, avoid swimming in dirty or polluted waters and even if you unwillingly do so, be safe and wear earplugs when you swim and avoid poking your ear with fingers or sharp objects. We hope these tips will keep your ears in super shape all summer! For more information and contact details see advert below.


Page Health

Swimmer's Ear swam, now you have swimmers Ear!

More than a garden centre

A very special place, Geo Jardim is a must for garden lovers.

Page 16

Places T he newly transformed Quinta Palmeiras garden centre is over 25 years old, and is rumoured to be the first in the algarve. the previous owners decided to sell and diogo's heart ruled his head when it came to deciding whether he should pursue it or not. the opportunity to buy the garden centre was a dream come true for him, the place always gave him a special feeling. diogo mota, who is from the north of Portugal, came to the east algarve six years ago to study golf course maintenance. he previously worked for over eight years for a variety of gardening companies in the West of the algarve. he started the Geo Jardim com pany in 2008, which mainly provided specialist work, irrigation, construc tion, and garden maintenance, so it seemed a natural progression for di ogo to take over the garden centre, the businesses went hand in hand. his interest in plants began during a work spell in holland. diogos de cision to move to the algarve was based on the large amount of rain fall in the north. much to his surprise, the garden centre has proven to be a very over whelming experience. he thrives on the daily contact with the variety of customers, sharing his knowl edge and years of experience. he also kept the original staff from the centre. the lady photographed with diogo is d aurora, who planted the huge palms twenty five years ago. he tries to have a large variety of plants, such as Palms and cycas, a large variety of ornamental plants and trees, cactus and aquatics. the centre boasts a large specimen of trees that are, in the case of the Ol ive tress, a thousand years old. the fruit trees are fifteen to twenty years old, therefore you don't have to wait for them to mature and produce good fruit, it can be sampled straight away. You will also find a large se lection of aromatic herbs, and wild strawberry plants. as well as all the plants and trees, you will find every thing you need for healthy growing plants, pots, bark and fertiliser. the centre is also a represntative of um brosa, who create innovative shade creations, sails for example. diogos main goal for the future is to get more involved with commu nity projects such as schools for example. he also wants to organise workshops and create a leisure area at the centre for families to come. diogo wants people to come and enjoy the ambiance of the place, re lax, take a stroll, read a magazine, ask him technical questions and to be more than just a place that sells plants. Quinta Palmeiras is a unique place in the east algarve, a true landmark and well worth a visit.

Page LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V IND o • W ELC om E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: Tlm: +351 918 841 766 Tel: 281 961 189 oTolhão TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira EN125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTR o DE JARDINAGE m



Cabanas, a former fishing village is approximatley five kilometres east of tavira. the village derived it's name from the huts (cabanas) that were erected during the early 18th century by the tuna fishermen to store their fishing gear in, they then eventually built houses for themselves as well and the fishing village of cabanas de tavira was born. it also forms part of the lagoons of the ria Formosa nature reserve. cabanas undertook a major facelift this year. the new boardwalk now offers great views across the lagoon, and backed by numerous bars and restaurants, cabanas is becoming a stylish place to be. cabanas is also blessed with a glorious beach. reaching the beach can be an adventure- you need to take to the water. small 9 or 10 person ferries go backwards and forwards to the island. it is only one euro return, under 10's go free. they run frequently and you don;t need sea legs. it takes a couple of minutes and you won't get wet. it is actually possible to swim across if you're feeling brave. Once on the island you follow the boardwalk out past a well-positioned beach café, with great views back to the mainland or out to sea. the beach disappears off into the distance so no problems finding a quiet spot. if you enjoy a good walk, turn left and you will eventually be rewarded by the sight of the village of Fabrica, far away across the lagoon. high on the hill, the church and fortress of cacela velha can be seen. as in tavira, the low tide sees the locals wading in the lagoon, collecting shell life for their family dinner or to sell.

Photographs by Richard Bassett

Fishing still plays a major role in the economy of cabanas but for the last 30 years tourism has also played an ever increasing role. What was, until a few years ago, a small, sleepy

village with a handful of cafés, is now a very popular tourist resort. as with any popular area, new apartments and houses are springing up around cabanas, but, certainly at the moment, it hasn't detracted from the character of the town. the avenida ria Formosa runs the length of the lagoon and since the waterfront work completed this year, there are parking bays along the front and most of it is one way which has eased the traffic problem considerably. With freshly cobbled roads and pavements there is safely room for the numerous cafes and restaurants to have tables outside and it is very sereen. a boarded walkway runs the entire length of the avenida (starting at the fishing port at the western end) and has seats and sunshades at intervals - great for taking in the view and listening to nothing but the water lapping around the boats. at the eastern end there is a shady area, frequented by campervans and just beyond, green fields and trees and a 17th century fort. the fort, são João da barra , was originally built in 1656 by conde val de reis. it has since been restored and is now privately owned. to the west of cabanas lies the 'Octopus capital' of the algarve - santa luzia! in latter years the fishermen of the village turned their talents wholeheartedly to catching octopus and to this day lower clay pots to the sea bed in the shallower waters to lure the octopus in. Octopus is considered quite a delicacy although it can be an acquired taste! cabanas is a delightfully 'chilling' place where any sense of 'urgency' simply disappears! the view across the calm, crystal clear waters of the lagoon to the beach, with brightly coloured fishing boats along the waters edge, really is picturesque. revived

REAL ESTATE LIVE, INVEST AND ESCAPE GOLF PROPERTIES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES LHV-927PLOTS Covering the whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property From property expert Robert Bijker. thrivesAlgarveEast TOvCOUnTRywnV2 Villa LHV-1045 €150.000 T2 apartments with pool & garage in Tavira centre LHa-1023 from €145.000 V2 Villa LHV-1102 €165.000 T3 apartment with large patio 2km outside Tavira LHa-974 €160.000 V2 Villa LHV-1096 €199.000 T2 top floor apartment in resort - LHa-1018 €199.000 V3 Villa LHV-1001 €219.000 T3 apartment with large roof terrace Tavira LHa-1007 €220.000

E ven though the east algarve has seen many new developments being built over the past 5 years, it remains largely unspoilt. august is always the busiest time of the year, just look at the traffic. also some beaches get crowded but there are also many stretches still little frequented, you just need to work a bit harder to find them. in the eastern algarve, tavira is still generating a lot of interest for many good reasons. the past ten years saw the opening of the 4 star vila Galé hotel in tavira, the albacora hotel owned by the same group and more recently the opening of the convento da Graça in the center of tavira, a lovingly converted convent. On the Quinta da ria golf course the robinson club opened a 5 star hotel resort. in Germany robinson is one of the market leaders of quality tourism. various new golf courses have opened of which the monte rei Golf & country club is without doubt the most exclusive and cosmopolitan development of its kind in the eastern algarve. last year saw the opening of a

Page 20

Page 21 large commercial center in tavira, the Gran Plaza which also boasts 5 cinemas. these developments have helped opening up the eastern algarve and will continue to do so. catching up with demand, in recent years many new restaurants and bars have opened offering ample tchoice.hereal estate market is still slow and there are still many attractive properties on the market. buyers who have postponed their purchase decision due to economic uncertainty are still looking for the right property to come along when stability returns. to give you an idea of what you can buy for your money, we have made a selection of houses in the country side versus properties in town which have been reduced in price and are good value for money (see top of opposite page). if you are interested in rental income from your property, these properties could offer a yield north of 5% per annum, which looks favourable in comparison with 5 year government bond yields (u.K., Germany, holland, France) varying between 1,6% to 2,1%. if you believe property prices to increase 10% in 5 years time, your total return could be north of 7% per annum over the period. if you would like to receive more information about these properties or would like to make an appointment for a viewing, please contact our office. Robert Bijker Land & Houses Algarve –yellow www.landandhousesalgarve.comHomesRuadr.JoséPiresPadinha1788800-354TaviraAMI6232Tel:281320281Fax:281321901 Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira • • By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS

Page 22 East Algarve magazine PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US fROM ONLY €55, UP TO €275 fOR a fULL PagE if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us on or Tel 961 700 200. if you would like to meet with a onpleaserepresentative,callStevebooth967190218(Saobras) as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers. SErvINg You ANd Your guEStS WIth ComPlEtE SAtISfACtIoN IN mINd 00 351 913 692 170 or uK 0161 298 4800 rENwww.smartavillas.comtAlS&ProPErtYmANAgEmENtLet us make renting easy. management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•Enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •laundry•meeting•24/7 helpline •Bill Payments•guest Services; golf leisure trips & transfers Specialists in the up and coming investment area of the East Algarve Over 1000 properties available of all types Office phone/fax: 00351 281 95 28 20 Mobile: 00351 911041862 Sales: Rentals: Email: AMI Agents licence number: 7673 Ref: 1021 ¤120.000 Furnished ground floor apartment in a complex on the gorgeous beach of Manta Rota, it has a double bedroom, a bathroom, lounge and equipped kitchen. The veranda is facing the beach access road, and has an ocean view, south west facing to really make the most of the sunshine. This area rents well, good for golfers. Ref: 1017 ¤395.000 Fantastic semi-detached fully furnished house, situated on the dunes of Praia da Lota wonderful beach just 2 mins on foot. Unlimited views of the ocean. Large garden areas with private pool and BBQ area. Fully air conditioned, three double bedrooms, basement garage, lounge with fireplace and equipped kitchen. For full details and photos go to the website. PT Mobile 964 424 348 UK Mobile 07531 737 895 Email: Website: aLSO 200m2 buiLDing PLOT FOR SaLe WiTH PLanning FOR 2 HOuSeS CaLL FOR inFO HOUsE FOR saLE in the east algarve new build, 2 bed semi, finished to high standard, fully furnished, air con,sat tv, frontline location, fire place, with wood burner,outside kitchen, 2 terraces, alarmed, solid wood kitchen with granite tops, stunning water front location, must be veiwed, also left hand drive smart car included. ONLY €129,950


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Visualise a villa where everything you have ever dreamed about becomes a reality. Choose from 4 different style of properties, from Golf neighbourhoods, to sea views, Private locations & Beaches, to Rural surroundings, Nature reserves to Green valleys, there is something for the most discerning of clients. the Opportunity is now... live your dreamemail:

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Page 24 Property of RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * Renovated Manor house with 2 bedrooms * Cottage with 4 bedrooms * Cottage with 2 bedrooms * House in construction / ruin 150m2 * 2 boreholes * Natural stone simple pool * electricity * double garage and work shop * 1.1 hectare of land (more available if required) * additional ruin available * 2 x 5,000 ltr cisterns OnLy 480.000€ negotiable MON 1256Q Location São Brás de www.algarve-pt.comalportel

A spacious 2 bedroom manor house that has been renovated, a 4 bedroom cottage, a 2 bedroom cottage and house in construction - all needing work, 2 boreholes, natural stone pool, double garage & workshop. The perfect place for those who want to be away from it all, and looking either at an extended family home, or property for commercial

MON 1244V Location Moncarapacho. Very attractive 4 bedroom villa in 2000m2 of gardens. Being sold part furnished. 360.000 Euros



MON 882V, Location Olhao. fantastic opportunity... LaRgE 4 bedroom villa with gardens & garage on 458m2 plot. 260.000 Euros

MON 1243.V Location fuseta. 11 bedroom house in fenced plot of 1250m2. great Buy - got to be seen. 325.000 Euros

MON 1189V, Location Laranjeiro. Bargain. Nearly new 3 bed villa, sea views in fenced plot of 900m2, outline consent for pool. REDUCED from 290.000 to 278.000 Euros

MON 1193V. Location Pechao. Very impressive 4 or 5 bed family home with pool and c. 5880m2 of gardens and advocado orchards. Built to last. REDUCED fROM 795.000 TO 695.000 Euros RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email:

the month

MON fIN01. Location Moncarapacho. Building plot with approved plans for large 4 bedroom villa - plot of 1200m2 with lovely sea views. REDUCED fROM 120.000 TO 105.000 Euros

Page 26 MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI VILLA - CABANAS - Beautiful 3 bed + 3 bathroom bungalow style house, lovely sheltered s. pool w/ large terrace, attractive private gar den (366m2) , spacious roof terrace, in a quiet urbanisation within walk ing distance to Cabanas, Conceição train's station, golf course and 3 kms from Tavira. EUROS 299.000 STUDIO / APT. - CABANASWith a spectacular view of the lagoon and beach, front line location, in the centre of Cabanas. On 2nd floor, ter race w/ 16.50m2, in need of TLC. Sold furnished and equipped. EUROS 93.000 ▲ ▲ ImobiliáriaGonçalves East MaintenanceBuildingAlgarve&GardenAlltypesofbuildingandgardenmaintenence,poolcleaningandpatiosjetwashed.ForAproMptFriEndlysErvicE Tel 00351 964 508 128 ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMANA LSO AVAILABLE Plot with 345m2 of land located 3km from Altura 55.000€. Plot with 9.000m2. Fantastic sea view 6km from Altura beach, 120.000€ Plot of land with 18.000m2 of land plus a ruin with 345m2, located 10km from Tavira. 75.000€ House under construction on a plot of land 5.000m, 3 bedrooms 2 en-suite, 3 wc's, kitchen, living room 7km from Manta Rota beach. 350.000€ Tel 965 657 205 Carlos Gonçalves Urb. Alvano Henrique Gomes, Lote 10, Loja B 8900-067, Vila Nova de Cacela. AMI- 5200

Page Home space, with our expertise, for classic, rustic, or contemporary personalised ambiences. More than 16 years of experience in interior design, creating lifestyle concepts, with a team of highly accomplished professionals, in personal contact with clients, to create beautiful solutions to interior design. Rua Jacques Pessoa, 28 A. 8800-350, Tavira Tel.: (+351) 281 381 650 Fax: (+351) 281 381 926 Telm: (+351) 965 771 Furniture, curtains, upholsterer, renovations, interior projects, hotels decoration, store decoration Furnishingwithnaturals If you plan to decorate your home in the near future, be inspired by this natural colour theme, from Primeira linha, Tavira.

PRimaRy COLOuRS all colours, with the exception of white, come from primary colours. blue, yellow and red are primary colours. combinations of these three colours produce other colours. mix all three together in equal amounts to produce black. SeCOnDaRy COLOuRS mix equal amounts of two primary colours to create secondary colours. the results are violet (red blue), green (blue yellow) and orange (red yellow). TeRTiaRy COLOuRS mix one primary colour with larger amounts of another primary colour to create tertiary colours. For example, mix one part blue with two parts red to make red-violet. Warm and cozy colours Warm and cozy colours, located on the lower left side of the colour wheel, convey a message of togetherness and strength. varying shades of red are commonly found in dining rooms and libraries, but are becoming popular in kitchens and bedrooms as well. Pure orange is an extremely warm colour. it's very hard to tone down and is often used as an accent colour only.

ReLaTeD COLOuRS related colours are located next to each other on the colour wheel. these colours produce a less contrasting effect than complementary colours.

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 28 Choose the perfect colour scheme with the colour wheel. Home nEIL & E MILy R IC h ARDS on .RE mo VA l S “Caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” T L m. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the b ritish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 (U k local) Email: w ebsite,8800TaVIRaREMOVaLs&sTORaGELOCaL,naTIOnaL&Uk

The Colour Wheel

The colour wheel is a valuable tool that can help you decorate your home. the colour wheel identifies colour families and how they relate to each other.

COOL anD SOOTHing COLOuRS cool and soothing colours, located on the left side of the color wheel, provide a sense of calm. as you may have noticed, most hospitals and doctors offices decorate with green. Green is one of natures most prominent colours and blends easily with any room. blue is generally a peaceful color. light blue can make a room appear bright and refreshing, while a deep blue can create a sober mood. use blue in any room of the house. violet is getting more and more recognition due to its connection to romance. violet is also being used in bedrooms and living rooms to communicate an air of serenity.

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COmPLemenTaRy COLOuRS complementary colours are located opposite each other on the colour wheel; for example - red and green, yellow and violet. each colour brings out the richness in the other. When using complementary colours, one colour should be subtle and the other colour should be more dominant. For example, an intense, dark violet should be paired with a medium to light yellow.

neuTRaL COLOuRS neutral colours include shades of white, grey and black. neutral colours are the easiest colours to use for one obvious reason; they blend easily with most surroundings. builders typically use neutral colours on the interior of a home to accommodate the wide range of tastes a new homeowner might have. neutral colours can be stylish and dramatic. For instance, black and white are neutral colours that create a wonderful palette for additional colours.

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Once the home to some of the finest maturing Alentejo grape varieties, these genuine old French oak wine barrels have been given a new lease of life thanks to the unique approach of Algarve Wine Designs. Page 29

Re-treated and re-born, these robust, solid oak barrels have undergone exceptional transformations resulting in a variety of beautiful and traditional additions to any home or business.

Meticulously hand crafted, the innovative designs pay homage to the classic and majestic oak barrel, making them accessible and stunning in everyday

Page 30 EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e Tel: 289 392 461 Tlm: 911 911 909 Monday to Friday, 10am Saturday & Sunday, 10am Frontera combines gre and quality with fanta for money Bringing style into a whatever your require budget. From a coffe a complete furniture p Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm Saturday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. • The widest selection of linen & towels in the Algarve Available in 5 colours with co-ordinating curtainsand cushions Available in 3 other colours and co-ordination runner

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Food Chilliprawns A beautiful dish from Restaurant o'Monte, located in the charming Quinta velha village, Cabanas. To make a reservation call 915 384 220 Page 32 Photograph Eduardo Mourato

Page tapas & wine Bistro Telephone 289 792 087 Rua do Carmo; No15, Moncarapacho, 8700-096, Olhão Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail NEw FishmayonnaisesaladfriedSteakSamples,FoodBARMENuSirloinBaguette,onions,chips,andgarlic€7.00.inBeerBatter, chips and salad €6.50. KARAoKE Saturday night LivE MuSic throughout Summer SpEciALiTiES:Homemadesoups,Salads,Freshfishdaily,Steaks,cata-planas,vegetariandishes,pastadishes,Homemadedes-serts,irishcoffee.ExTENSivERANgE oF wiNES & poRTS. SuNdAy RoAST LuNcH: Roast Rib of Beef, with all the trimmings €9.50. THREE couRSE SpEciAL €15.00 ROMan BRIdGE Rua dos Cais Rua dr, Jose pires padinhaRepúblicadaraçap Câmera Municipal FinançasTAVIRA traditional portuguese restaurant in tavira speCialising in Cataplanas Fish dishes: Salt Cod, Sea food rice, Sea devil rice, Tuna steak and Swordfish. Meat dishes: Steak on the stone, Kebabs, Leg of lamb. 'international tapas' & 'Fantastic House wines 5 euros a litre' sangria (1 litre jug) 7.50 summer sizzler 10% off any lunchtime bill (mon-Fri) and 10% off your final bill for orders placed between 6.30pm and 7.30pm (mon-Fri) open every luncH 12-2.30pm and every evening 6.30-10pm nOw aIR COndITIOnEd rua Dr. José pires padinha, no2, 8800, tavira tel +351 281 321 642 email:

Page 34 mesa do cume TABLE ON THE TOP Discover the serra Mesa do Cume / table on the top Mesa do Cume is a modern restaurant nestled at the highest point in the Serra of Eastern Algarve, situated half an hour drive from Tavira. We would like to invite our guests for an unique experience, enjoying a beautiful scenic drive up the mountain, enjoying the Serra with its traditional lifestyles and beautiful nature. DELIGHTFUL AND AFFORDABLE MENUS, ALSO OFFERING EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN CHOICES • REFRESHMENTS, COFFEE, HOMEMADE CAKES, LITTLE APPETIZERS • AL FRESCO DINING TERRACE WITH SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW • MARKED WALKING AND MOUNTAIN BIKING TRAILS , DESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ALL OUR FOOD IS HOMEMADE, FRESH AND VERY TASTY These attractions makes your Mesa do Cume experience a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Open 10am - 10pm, till end Sept (October till end May, 10am-5pm) MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED • Location: Alcaria do Cume, RN 397 Tavira – Cachopo • Phone: 281 326 144 / 912 725 745 • Web: • E-mail: ÒEnjoy the feeling of having entered a world where all the senses are gratifiedÓ Good life ÒPart of the fun is getting thereÒ O SuplementoÒHighly recommendedÓ 1-2-3 Algarve RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 InTERnaTIOnaL CUIsInE wITH FREnCH spECIaLITIEs pRIVaTE dInInG ROOM aVaILaBLE & waRM paTIO EaTInG aREa LOCaTEd In THE CEnTER OF TaVIRa, OnLy 5 MInUTEs FROM VILa GaLE and pORTa nOVa HOTELs Al- ar-roba RESTAURANT tAvirA A traditional Portuguese restaurant in the center of Tavira, serving typical Portuguese food, in warm and surroundings.friendly Romanbridgepost office CamaraTavira wehereare RiverGilaoRua da Liberdade 72 8800-408 Tavira Tel 281 107 488 964 013 www.restaurantealfarroba.com623

Page • Shushi • Hot and cold dishes • Shrimp • Fried and breaded • Grilled to order • Wok (sautéed vegetables, meat, shrimp, cuttlefish, mussels and other delights of the sea) • A selection of Seasonal fruits • Various desserts available Take away available A beautiful restaurant located in Tavira’s Gran-Plaza shopping centre. Situated away from the food hall on the second floor, with unique, stunning, coastal views. Telephone 281 322 021 E-mail sushimishmish@vodaphone.ptFoodcourt2ndfloorWearehere 24 RestauRant & snaCK BaR MOnCaRaPaCHO 34 294 RONALDO’S BAR                     The place in the hills with a view, Monte Novo, Faz Fato PARTIES AND RECEPTIONS CATERED FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT, INDIAN BUFFET €8.00 THURSDAY NIGHT, CHAMPAGNE, SHEPHERDS PIE AND FILM €6.00 FRIDAY NIGHT, FISH, CHIPS & MUSHY PEAS €8.00 SATURDAYS, CHICKEN & MUSHROOM PIE €7.00 TELEPHONE, 912 827 058


Page 36

LeT'S STaRT DeSigning. i'm sure that you already have a few great ideas and plans for your landscape but now is the time to expand your possibilities and vision and to gather as many ideas as First,possible.asite analysis will not only generate some great ideas, it will also eliminate the possibility that any necessary elements have been overlooked. now, take a real good look at some of the different landscapes in your area and community. look at your neighbors' gardens.

LeTS PreparationDeSign.and

measuring your Landscaping Plot. some people can find measuring their plot accurately a bit difficult and intimidating. so the first step in this process is to make measuring as easy as possible. You may or may not be aware that you can usually get a map or site survey of your property from either your builder, developer, or at your local county records office. this is or should be a to-scale drawing plan of your house and plot. Generally, the map won't be the scale you will use in designing but transposing the scale is pretty simple. (We'll talk about scale in a minute.) more than anything, we'll use this map in landscape planning, as a design aid for accuracy, to see the "real" shape of your plot, and for locating utilities and property lines. make sure the house is where it's supposed to be on the map by checking the distance from the house to the street. and make sure that the north arrow is pointing north and all other measurements are correct. if the information on the map is correct, you already have a base landscape plan to work with. Keep it handy for accuracy and reference. if a map isn't available or if you just prefer, you can do your planning on a graph paper fairly easily. You can purchase single sheets of graph paper at art supply or office supply stores. but buy more than one sheet. Just in case. check the grids on the graph paper to make sure that they match the scale you would like to use in your landscape design. most designers prefer to work with landscape plans drawn to a scale where 1 cm = 1m or 1 cm = 5m. this means that every 1m (or 5m) of actual measure equals 1 cm on your plan. use a scale that will ensure that your entire landscape will fit on one single sheet of paper. it will be necessary to take a measurement of your entire plot perimeter to know this. the easiest way to accurately measure a landscape is to start in either the front or back garden. it really doesn't matter which. but for the sake of this article let's just say we'll start the design in the front garden. measure from the front corners of the house to the front property lines and from the front corners of the house to the side property lines. mark these measurements on your graph paper. now you have the exact location of your house on your lot. From this starting corner, measure the exterior walls and all angles of your house and draw them onto your graph paper. Once you've done this you'll have an exact template of your house and front garden. next, measure from the back of the house to the back property lines. don't forget to include measurements of sidewalks, decks, driveways and any other permanent elements on the property. if there are existing trees, shrubs, or anything that you wish to keep, measure and place them accurately on your landscape planning template as well. there, now you have a base design to work with. but before you begin landscape planning, take a trip to the nearest copy machine and make four or five copies of your base plan. trust me on this. You might mess up, change your mind, or want to do several different design variations.

Without proper planning, your new landscape can be more work than it has to be and could take away from the beauty of your home and property.

This article covers all aspects of do it yourself landscape design from measuring your plot to planting, all based on mostly outline designing on paper. however, you can still use a lot of this information if you're using landscape software. i've tried to keep this as simple as possible.

QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve

1 the information you gathered from your site analysis.

4 23/3/10 18:40:25 don't get hot under the collar this august. Get yourself down to QM, and chill out with our cool offers ✶ 3 FOR 2 on aLL bags of potting soil etc. ✶ buy 1 geT 1 free on all trees. ✶ FanTaSTiC OFFeRS on all flowers, shrubs and bedding plants. ✶ HaLF PRiCe on all cacti and succulents. ✶ CLeaRanCe TabLe from only 50c ✶ n.a.S. fruit juices, 1 litre bottles for €1 ✶ Pg TiPS 80 bags €2.99 ✶ aLL PaTaK'S cooking sauces 2 FOR €5 ✶ Full range of SaLaD DReSSingS in stock! ✶ large HaLF PRiCe tool section! ✶ lot's of craft products and childrens activities PRiCeD aT OnLy 50c to clear ✶ Only €3 for adults and HaLF PRiCe for children! GaRdEnsHOpalladin's Cave Mini Golf MassIVE CLEaRanCE and spECIaL OFFERs! Mon-Sat 9-5 Sun 9-12ish +351 289 999 613 +351 963 099 224

the first step in planning uses a designers "trick" called a bubble graph. at this point you're not interested in the exact size or shape of each activity area. this is just a simple rough sketch of the various activity areas using loose shapes (or bubbles) to identify each area. begin this step by using one of the copies of your base plan or by placing a fresh sheet of tracing paper over your base plan. this is still in the planning stage so don't be afraid to wad it up, throw it in the trash, and start over (now you can see why you made several copies of your base plan). use a soft lead pencil for easy erasing and for trying a lot of different ideas. begin drawing the different elements of your landscape design by first keeping only two things in mind.

2 how you will move through your garden or garden to get from one place to the next. take a walk through your garden and plot out the natural paths of movement you will use to get to sheds, gates, pools, play areas, etc. this is where you need to place paths or walk ways on your plan. sketch them down. For added interest, you may want to make your paths curvy and not straight. curves add a sense of motion and smooth, graceful, natural flow to the landscape. remember that the edges of your paths can also be used as borders for flower beds and gardens and to separate different areas or themes. its all starting to come together now isn't it. at this point you should already have the theme, themes, style, or styles in mind that you gathered from the different ideas resources mentioned above. You may or may not have considered the specific plants you plan to use. this is O.K.. the placement, size and spacing of plants is more important than the actual plants at this point. For instance, you might say this is where i want a tree for shade or this is where i want a hedge to screen out noise or neighbours, or this is where i want a flower bed, or…etc. You get the picture. however, you may want to check out some guidelines for plant selection which you can locate in any good planting guide either now or in future reference. if you go there now just keep what you learn in mind until it's time to actually select plants. 180x130 04-10.indd

What are your likes and dislikes of these? What plants and types of plants work? Which ones don't? as many ideas as you can. rinternet.emember


though, the key to using other peoples designs isn't in finding the perfect design to fit your garden. it's in using parts of all the ideas you find. a good time to consider the theme or themes, and style or styles that you will follow in your design. the general form your landscape takes will be a direct reflection of whatever you choose. the style of your home should definitely be an influencing factor of landscape planning. styles and themes are different. different styles may be considered formal, informal, english, victorian, etc. themes or theme gardens on the other hand revolve around a specific subject or passion. i'll point out here that any garden style can have its own theme or themes. Your local library, books, and your neighbors' gardens are all potential sources for other great ideas. maSTeR PLanning.

Page 38                        Gardens

1 take your design to one or all of the irrigation suppliers in your area and ask them to help you. many irrigation suppliers will help you with your design. some for free or for a very small price.

i would like to note here that one of the biggest problems that people have in designing their own landscape is the inability to see and design beyond what already exists. as you've been drawing you've probably attempted to use existing site conditions as they are and design around them. there's nothing wrong with this but try and remember that you are designing a new landscape here and you can change almost anything to create your dream landscape. use some of the ideas in the landscape planning books and references mentioned nabove.owis the time to consider if you need to change any slopes or grades to accommodate for drainage or any of your activity areas. can you change any slopes or grades to create new activity areas? do you need retaining walls, terracing, or stairs? how about small hills? make these changes as you see necessary. O.K. now that you have all the necessities and "have to's" in place, let's look at some of the frilly details. We're almost to the point of creating your final master plan and transposing your bubble graph into a real working design. the following elements will help you to define, separate, create different "rooms", and create themes for your landscape. although these elements can be considered as "filler", they are the focal points, character, and points of interest that your whole design will revolve around. Water features, ponds, garden statues, garden decor, gazebos, arbors, bridges, and decks should now be given some consideration. if up to this point you've had spaces that you've wondered what will go here and what will go there, these could possibly fill those spaces. You can create entire "rooms", themes, and separations around these elements. now you may feel that i've gone about this process all backwards but my experience with home owners and do-it-yourselfers has proven that placing the necessities first and designing around them works best. You may now need to make a few adjustments to walk ways and such to make everything fit O.K.together.nowgo out into your garden and try to visualize how it will look. can you see it? how does it feel? using stakes and string, paint, or even laying a rope or water hose along lines can help to visualize the final layout. take notes and make changes now because we're almost ready to do the finished design. THe maSTeR PLan. O.K., now you basically have your landscape plan. We're going to clean it up a bit and put it to scale. this will be the genuine "blueprint" that you will follow. trace your final design to the scale you've chosen onto a clean sheet of paper or onto another one of your base plans. show all your base plan elements like property lines, house, walk ways, and existing structures and plants that you want to keep. add in new areas and label materials and structures which will be added. the next step is choosing plants which fit in your landscape and that will fit the needs gathered in your site analysis. if you're already familiar with plants this should be fairly easy. but whether you are or aren't familiar with plants, i suggest you check out a plant selection book to help with this . Place plants into your design and label them for reference. Your design is done. now that your design is done there is one more step that needs to be taken care of. and although this is the last step it will be one of the first project you do now that you know where everything goes. this last step is the layout of your irrigation and sprinkler system. don't design this part of the plan onto your master landscape planning sheet. either use a piece of tracing paper or make a copy of your master design and use it.

2 ask a landscape or irrigation contractor to design it. some contractors have a design service. as you finish up your project, remember to place sleeves for irrigation, lighting, etc. under paths, patios and other permanent fixtures. if heavy equipment will be used to deliver, or carry materials, it is best done before any new lawn or sod is installed. and the last thing installed should be your ground cover and lawn. there you have it. a simplified, step by step guide to landscape planning. the only decisions you have to make now are what materials you want to use. brick, flagstone, or gravel for paths? mulch or gravel for flower beds? etc. i hope this helps

Environment Page Aqua Pura lda since 1989 Quality poolcovers delivered in 2 days! Now available d.I.Y. Solar covers Eastern Algarve 967 456 305 Western Algarve 967 025

The Fuel Tax

Taxes on transportation fuels have been promoted as a way to reduce pollution and the possibility of global warming and to conserve energy. due to the economy of scale, petrol & diesel are cheaper to produce and distribute, but higher taxes on fossil fuels makes them just as expensive as other fuels such as natural gas, biodiesel or electric batteries, at a huge cost to the consumer in the form of inflation as transportation costs rise to transport goods all over the Proponentscountry. claim that cars should pay for the roads they use and ar gue that the user tax should not be applied to mass transit projects, en couraging use of buses and trains. a fuel tax (also known as a petrol, gasoline or gas tax, or as a fuel duty) is an excise tax imposed on the sale of fuel. in most countries the fuel tax is imposed on fuels which are intended for transportation but fuel used to power agricultural vehicles, and/or home heating oil which is similar to diesel are taxed at a differ ent, usually lower, rate. in the uK a pink dye is added to the fuel that is easily seen by excise agents in the exhaust fumes. in the united states, the fuel tax receipts are often targeted at trans portation projects so that the fuel tax is considered by many a user fee which is fed back into improving the road system. in other countries, the fuel tax is a source of general reve nue that the government uses for its own pet projects. the uK has his torically had the highest fuel tax that was originally conceived to reduce the number of miles driven by private motorists and to reduce the speed at which they drive. many people see it as a punishment dished out by the liberals that has been hijacked by all parties as a general double-taxing of a necessary commodity. because of the relatively inelastic nature of demand for fuel (one of those clever mba phrases meaning the demand doesn’t change much when the price changes) in the short run the tax will be an effective source of revenue. in the long run, however, the demand may be more elastic, as people gradually adjust their con sumption of fuel; that is, over a pe riod of years, people will use less as Its

Role in energy policy

Peste Control® do Algarve


Peste Control has been exterminating: cockroaches, rats, ants, termites, fleas, woodworm, mosquitoes, wasps, pine tree caterpillar, palm weevil infestations (if the client would like, we also can cut the palm tree down and take it away), etc. We are a dynamic company working with a professional team of specialists in the field of disinfection, controlling plagues according to the recommendations and normal standards laid down by the OMS the world wide Health Organisation and Health Ministry, in order to provide the highest hygienic and sanitary levels. We are at your disposal to give you free quotations for disinfecting areas where you have unwanted guests. Since1980

Pest Control services

Peste Control has been exterminating: cockroaches, rats, ants, termites, fleas, woodworm, mosquitoes, wasps, pine tree caterpillar, palm weevil infestations (if the client would like, we also can cut the palm tree down and take it away), etc. We are a dynamic company working with a professional team of specialists in the field of disinfection, controlling plagues according to the recommendations and normal standards laid down by the OMS the world wide Health Organisation and Health Ministry, in order to provide the highest hygienic and sanitary levels. We are at your disposal to give you free quotations for disinfecting areas where you have unwanted guests. Since1980 Peste control has been exterminating: cockroaches, rats, ants, termites, fleas, woodworm, mosquitoes, wasps, pine tree caterpillar, palm weevil infestations (if the client would like, we also can cut the palmtree down and take it away), etc. We are a dynamic company, working with a professional team of specialists in the field of disinfection, controlling plagues according to the recommenda tions and normal standards laid down by the Oms - the World-Wide health Organisation and health ministry, in order to provide the highest hygienic and sanitary levels. We are at your disposal to give you free quotations for disinfecting areas where you have unwanted guests. the price increases (by switching to more fuel-efficient cars, public tran sit, cycling, walking, consolidating trips, carpooling, or traveling less). however, whether the demand for fuel is high or not in the long run is an empirical question (we will see by experience how the future will af fect it), and the people’s reaction to price rises may change over time, for example, as new technologies and products which are substitutes and/ or compliments become available. many european countries such as the uK, France, and italy use a fuel tax to decrease dependence on fossil fuels (that often have to be imported and affect the balance of payments negatively), reduce traffic and reduce pollution. You may recall that in a previous issue of the east algarve magazine, whilst debunking the global warming fraud in govern ment sponsored scientific studies, we supported the Portuguese Gov ernment’s stand on fuel price con trols and wind farms, not for global warming prevention, but for balance of payment issues. in some regions of the world, differ ences in fuel taxes between coun tries result in a significant level of cross-border purchasing of motor fuel. this is particularly true in eu rope, where large differences in fuel taxes, coupled with minimal or no border controls, encourage drivers to cross borders for the sole pur pose of filling up their tanks with fuel. some states, such as luxembourg, andorra, Gibraltar, have strategi cally reduced fuel tax rates to attract more cross-border fill-ups, which ul timately increase tax revenue. most countries' customs regulations per mit the duty-free import of the con tents of a vehicle's built-in fuel tank, but there are exceptions. singapor ean customs officials check the fuel gauges of vehicles leaving singa pore and require that the fuel tank be at least three quarters full, in order to limit the importation of lower-taxed fuel from malaysia. recently, gas stations in argentina near the brazil ian border list two different prices for gasoline, one for cars with argentin ian license plates and another one for foreign plates, to restrict brazilian drivers from crossing into argentina to fill up, to prevent the generation of long lines at the gas stations and driving gas prices up.

Pólo Empresarial, loja 2 C, 8135 Almancil Tel: 289 395785 * Fax: 289 395266 *

Peste Control® do Algarve

Pest Control services

Pólo Empresarial, loja 2 C, 8135 Almancil Tel: 289 395785 * Fax: 289 395266 *pestecontrol@mail

Page 40 Environment urb. Parque da Azinheira, lote 3, r/C dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 tel/fax : +351 289 845 385 email: Solar uCentralhAir-conditioningsystemseatpumpsheatingnderfloorheating Central WindSwimminggsystemsvacuumeneralplumbingpoolsgenerators ENGLISH SPEAKING SPECIAlIStS

Page swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the FiBreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvaBle. FenCing arOunD pOOls are sOOn tO Be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarDe designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarDe creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers anD pOOl enClOsures. •PREFAbRiCATEd SWimming POOLS LESS ExPEnSiVE And FAST bUiLding. •Dlw DeliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WhiRLPOOLS And SPAS. •wOOD line wOODen pOOls in Or aBOve grOunD. •FiLTER inSTALLATiOnS And EQUiPmEnT swiM-arte E.n. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email We speak: English, german, dutch and Portuguese

One Silver Dollar

Page 42 Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: or website: Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications pORTUGUESE, ENGLISH, SpANISH AND FRENCH SpEAKING SOLICITORS OFFERING CLIENTS THE BENEFITS OF LOCAL REpRESENTATION. Finance 289 360 578 (Boliqueime) 281 325 842 (Tavira) renewal?dueInsurancefor Home l Motor l Health l Travel l Commercial l Funeral Plans l Marine The Overseas Insurance People visit for more information > Policies designed to meet your requirements as an Expatriate > Understand your insurance policy, with policy summaries in English > Superior service, from experienced professionals > Call Lloyd & Whyte today to secure your quote. Lloyd & Whyte International Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK. Specialist Expat Insurance Services Home - Motor - Health - and more . . . In 1870 in the mid-west of the usa, a cowpoke strode into a saloon and tossed a silver dollar onto the bar. the barkeep slid a bottle of bourbon across to him and he mozied over to the card table to enjoy his drink as cowpokes did. meanwhile, over in new York, new York, a latter day yuppie strode out of the bank and into the hotel, where he took out a crisp new One dollar bill and waved it at the barman. he too took a bottle of bourbon and slid over to the snug in the corner and joined the group of bankers discussing the day’s events. a silver dollar was worth the same as a $1 Fastbill. forward to 2010 and imagine that you had a $1 note and a silver dollar in your pocket. suppose you went into a bar and offered the barman the $1 bill for a bottle of bourbon, what would be his reaction? now suppose you showed him the silver dollar, he would take that from you and give you a bottle of bourbon and a few $1 bills in change. a silver dollar is now worth $17 bills or more. think about this for a minute; it suggests that inflation in real terms over the last 140 years in $1 bill terms is 1,700%. One thousand seven hundred percent! Why do i say “real terms”? because silver is real money, $1bills are Fiat currency that can be (and are) printed at will by the u s. Government. a few strokes on a computer keyboard at a bank and money is created out of thin air, nobody worked for it, it just appeared in somebody’s account. if you think this sounds like fraud, you are probably correct, the only point to remember is that the law can be changed by the same people who are creating the money. so the best we can say to be sure of being correct is that it is an immoral system. now those of us who can remember the 50’s will remember a loaf of bread in the uK being 11d (11 old pence) which in current terms is less than 5p. a decent loaf of bread is now over one uK Pound, so inflation in england just since the 50’s is at least 2,000%, so we can’t go pointing fingers at the u s a if there is a moral to this story it is that you must protect yourself when you see accelerating price rises; it is a sure sign of inflation. there is no possibility of deflation taking place, as it does not suit the central bankers; they will fight tooth and nail to prevent it. hyperinflation is our greatest enemy at the moment; it can wipe out a generation’s saving in a few months, forcing retirees back to work in their old age. in our opinion the best way of protecting oneself is with silver coins; but then we are not investment advisors. Richard E Bassett. Gonna tell you a little story!!!!!!

jurídicos a particulares e empresas. É nosso objectivo satisfazer com sentido prático as necessidades dos nossos clientes, em estreita colaboração com os mesmos, garantindo uma satisfação plena no que se refere aos seus interesses e estratégias de Assumimo-nosdesenvolvimento.como

• Direito dos Negócios Apoiamos e aconselhamos juridicamente os nossos clientes nos seus negócios e investimentos. Expressamo-nos em Português, Inglês, Castelhano e Francês.

• Representação fiscal

CMYCYMYCMYMCK 7/12/10 11:38:03 AM

The mere legal advice tends to be free of charge, for reasons of solidarity and pedagogy and for which we believe we should set an example. specialise in preventive advocacy, conflict management and negotiated solutions. We act across the broad legal and commercial spectrum but particularly & CRISTINA FERNANDES – SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS DE RESPONSABILIDADE LIMITADA (LTCF) Encontra-se registada no Conselho Geral da Ordem dos Advogados pela inscrição 2/2000 de 5 de Rigor,Janeiro.competência, e um elevado sentido ético e social são os valores que norteiam esta sociedade, os seus advogados e Prestamoscolaboradores.serviços

• Compras e vendas (desde a negociação, promessa, escritura, apoio fiscal e elaboração de contratos de consumo)


• Representação fiscal

• Compras e vendas (desde a negociação, promessa, escritura, apoio fiscal e elaboração de contratos de consumo)

The mere legal advice tends to be free of charge, for reasons of solidarity and pedagogy and for which we believe we should set an example. We specialise in preventive advocacy, conflict management and negotiated solutions. We act across the broad legal and commercial spectrum but particularly in the following areas: Commercial and Corporate Law Property Rights, Real Estate and Construction Law Conflict arbitration Labour Law Central and Local Government Regulations Criminal Law Family, Estate, Testamentary, Probate and Inheritance Law Tax and Fiscal Law Purchase and sales (from the negotiation, offer to sell/purchase, deed, tax support and drafting of consumption contracts) Fiscal representation • Business law provide legal support and advice to our clients on both business and investment matters. In addition to Portuguese, we can conduct business in English, Spanish (Castilliano) and French. SOCIEDADE DE RESPONSABILIDADE LIMITADA (LTCF) constituída em 2000. Encontra-se registada no Conselho Geral da Ordem dos Advogados pela inscrição 2/2000 de 5 de Rigor,Janeiro.competência, responsabilidade e um elevado sentido ético e social são os valores que norteiam esta sociedade, os seus advogados e Prestamoscolaboradores.serviços


• Direito penal • Direito da família e sucessões • Direito fiscal

• Direito societário e comercial

• Direitos reais, imobiliário e construção

• Resolução/arbitragem de conflitos

uma sociedade competitiva, sólida e dinâmica, inserida numa região, também ela, cada vez mais aberta aos negócios e às novas oportunidades. Page 43

• Direito laboral • Direito administrativo

• Direito laboral • Direito administrativo • Direito penal • Direito da família e sucessões

• Direito dos Negócios Apoiamos e aconselhamos juridicamente os nossos clientes nos seus negócios e investimentos. Expressamo-nos em Português, Inglês, Castelhano e Francês.


in the following areas: • Commercial and Corporate Law • Property Rights, Real Estate and Construction Law • Conflict arbitration • Labour Law • Central and Local Government Regulations • Criminal Law • Family, Estate, Testamentary, Probate and Inheritance Law • Tax and Fiscal Law • Purchase and sales (from the negotiation, offer to sell/purchase, deed, tax support and drafting of consumption contracts) • Fiscal representation • Business law We provide legal support and advice to our clients on both business and investment matters. In addition to Portuguese, we can conduct business in English, Spanish (Castilliano) and French. LOCALIZAÇÃO LOCATION Largo das Sete Ruas, 1-B 8800-604 TAVIRA - PORTUGAL T (+351) 281 325 593 F (+351) 281 326 geral@ltcfadvogados.pt583 R.DETRÁSDOSALAMOS LARGODASSETERUAS R.DASFREIRAS R.JOÃOARIASR.DASSALINAS LIBERTÁRIO TEIXEIRA

jurídicos a particulares e empresas. É nosso objectivo satisfazer com sentido prático as necessidades dos nossos clientes, em estreita colaboração com os mesmos, garantindo uma satisfação plena no que se refere aos seus interesses e estratégias de Assumimo-nosdesenvolvimento.como uma sociedade competitiva, sólida e dinâmica, inserida numa região, também ela, cada vez mais aberta aos negócios e às novas oportunidades. LIBERTÁRIO TEIXEIRA & CRISTINA FERNANDES – SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS DE RESPONSABILIDADE LIMITADA (LTCF), was founded in 2000. Lawfirm registered in the General Bar Council under nr. 2/2000, 5 January. Consistency, capability and responsibility, combined with strong ethical and social commitment, are the primary values of this company, as well as of its principals and staff. We provide legal advice to both commercial enterprises and individuals. It is our aim to satisfy our customers’ needs in a practical manner and in close cooperation with them, in order to deliver an optimum result which reflects their current interests and their future development strategies. We pride ourselves on being a competitive company, solidly and dynamically established in our region, with a keen awareness of the business interests and opportunities there.


VilaHotelGalé ÁREAS DE ACTUAÇÃO O mero aconselhamento jurídico é tendencialmente gratuito, por questões de solidariedade e pedagogia de que devemos ser exemplo. Dando por princípio uma especial ênfase à advocacia preventiva, gerindo conflitos e procurando soluções consensuais, não deixa esta sociedade de abordar praticamente todos os ramos do direito.

• Direito fiscal

• Direitos reais, imobiliário e construção • Resolução/arbitragem de conflitos 7/12/10 11:38:03 AM


LIBERTÁRIO TEIXEIRA & CRISTINA FERNANDES – SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS DE RESPONSABILIDADE LIMITADA (LTCF), was founded in 2000. Lawfirm registered in the General Bar Council under nr. 2/2000, 5 January. Consistency, capability and responsibility, combined with strong ethical and social commitment, are the primary values of this company, as well as of its principals and staff. We provide legal advice to both commercial enterprises and individuals. It is our aim to satisfy our customers’ needs in a practical manner and in close cooperation with them, in order to deliver an optimum result which reflects their current interests and their future development strategies. We pride ourselves on being a competitive company, solidly and dynamically established in our region, with a keen awareness of the business interests and opportunities there.

foi constituída em 2000.





Direito societário e comercial

ÁREAS DE ACTUAÇÃO O mero aconselhamento jurídico é tendencialmente gratuito, por questões de solidariedade e pedagogia de que devemos ser exemplo. Dando por princípio uma especial ênfase à advocacia preventiva, gerindo conflitos e procurando soluções consensuais, não deixa esta sociedade de abordar praticamente todos os ramos do direito.

Page 44 Finance Make the most of your £ sterling With the currency exchange so important to expats, sterling exchange are here to help. S t e r l i n g E x c h a n g e No CommercialcommissionExchange Rates No Minimum Transaction Size Free International Transfers House Pensions,Purchase/SalesMortgages& Regular Payments foreignexchangemadesimple For more information speak to Colin Morris on Tel: (00351) 289 358 784 Mob: (00351) 917 777 533 or email Edificio Vilamarina, Loja 50, 8126-914 Vilamoura Call Kyri Giorgi-Coll on 020 7329 9977 or email info@algardoc.comwww.algardoc.comalgardocumentsSkype(+351)tAlgarDocumentsINCLUSIVEaskquestionsuspexperience!notmatriculation.licenseslicenses,BuildingfromproblemsofWe&LICENSESpErmItScantakecareallyourlicenseorqueries,Drivers’licenses,permits,pooltourismtocarWhybenefitfromourleasecontactwithyourandforafreeALLquote.el.913182499contact:TSEOCLGARADumnS terling exchange is the uK’s fastest growing currency provider, saving you hundreds if not thousands of pounds by proactively and continually assessing your currency needs whilst monitoring the worldwide economic and geopolitical outlook. Whether you are purchasing a property overseas, importing a vehicle or have a commercial requirement for currency or changing euros back to pounds, sterling exchange are here to help. the main benefits of using our services are: • Free transfers for all clients. • Fix your rate for up to 2 years ahead. • Free account opening facilities in europe. • Funds delivered free of charge. • commercial rates for any size •transaction.24hourclient service department based in the heart of london’s financial district with over 20 years market experience, and with our Portuguese office based on vilamoura marina, sterling exchange is in a prime position to offer you a cost effective alternative to your bank’s foreign exchange offerings. Our dedicated team of specialist currency planners and analysts are on hand 24 hours a day to offer up to the minute market information and explain how it may affect you. the combination of free account facilities, free currency planning services and no commissions as well as free transfers to all of our clients, enables us to offer you a complete and easy to use solution to all your currency needs. i look forward to speaking with you in the near future to explain how i can provide you with a service that is second to none. You can contact us at our london soffice:terling exchange limited 45 ludgate hill, london ec4m 7Ju 020 7329 9977 Fax: 020 7329 9332 For further details, please see the advertisement below. colin Morris

Page Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 Luís de Brito - Contabilidades, Lda. accountantsspEnglishEaking All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito chartered accountant Rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ Esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila galÈ taViRa hotEl tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 Gabigest apolónia Tel: 00351 289 798 254 or 912 650 767 Fax: 289 813 287 202 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4DP Tel: 0044(0) 207404 2899 Fax: 020 7404 2966 LITA EmergencyGALEAuthorofGuidetoPropertyinPortugal&InternationalWills Regulated by the Law Society of England & Wales Real Report Ltd Fiscal PrivateRepresentationInvestigationsLondon|Lisbon|Madeira|Algarve

From breach of contract, property and boundary disputes, tax implica tions (inheritance/capital gains), to Portuguese wills, Fiscal Representa tion and much more, the legal team at Lita Gale is well versed in local legal issues, and able to deliver the results you are looking for. Lita Gale also offers investigative services, working closely with experienced in telligence providers, sourcing vital information for legal battles, includ ing civil investigations, asset tracing, and tracing defendants, debtors or witnesses. Able to find an answer to any legal doubt you may have, and to help in life’s little hiccups, including accidents and personal injury, employment issues, traffic offences, and more serious criminal charges, such as GBH, fraud, rape and domestic violence, Lita Gale International Solicitors enjoy a very high success rate. “We don’t play to lose,” Lita confides, “I’m like a dog – I’ll lose my teeth before I let go!”

Desde violação de contrato, litígios referentes a propriedade e delimi tação, implicações fiscais (herança/mais-valias), a testamentos portu gueses, representação fiscal, e muito mais, a equipa legal na Lita Gale tem excelentes conhecimentos das questões legais locais e é capaz de proporcionar os resultados que o cliente espera. A Lita Gale disponibiliza também serviços de investigação, trabalhando em estreita colabora ção com informadores experientes, obtendo informações vitais para batalhas legais, incluindo investigações civis, localização de bens e de arguidos, devedores ou testemunhas. Com capacidade para encontrar uma resposta para qualquer dúvida legal que o cliente possa ter e de ajudar nos pequenos percalços da vida, incluindo acidentes e aciden tes pessoais, problemas de trabalho, infracções rodoviárias e acções penais mais graves, como ofensas corporais graves, fraude, violação e violência doméstica, a Lita Gale International Solicitors goza de uma elevada taxa de sucesso. “Não jogamos para perder,” confidencia Lita, “Sou como um cão – perderei os meus dentes antes de largar!”

•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

Page 46

Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

Golf, to the newcomer or beginner

F irst of all, equipment. Golf can be cheaper than most other games. if you can afford the best, by all means do so, but there is no need for the beginner to buy a full set of fourteen clubs and an expensive bag, many golf shops can provide second hand or new cheap clubs. basic needs are Woods no's 3 and 5, irons no's 5, 7 and 9, sandwedge, Putter and small bag. You cannot possibly teach yourself golf. by not starting with basic lessons from a P.G.a Qualified Professional, you only make your golf more expensive in the long run, do not be in too much of a hurry to play 18 holes, the time spent in learning and practice will pay big dividends and add enjoyment to the game. Firstly, every part of your body, arms and legs must be relaxed, but once you have learnt how to relax, and hold the club firmly, yet not so tightly as to cause tension, practice on your own can help to make your hands strong yet flexible, and talking of hands, i will always remember sir henry cotton telling me the importance of the hands in golf. i was fortunate enough to be an assistant Professional to the great man from 1967-1971. it's ironic that more than forty years later, i am the Professional at the last course he designed, here at benamor. i learnt so much from him, we used to play a lot together, and just watching the master in action was a fantastic learning process for me. he had without doubt, the best pair of hands i have ever seen on a golf club. One thing he told me to practice, was to squeeze a squash ball or rubber ball as an exercise to strengthen the fingers. a very good tip for you readers. he also practiced a lot of one handed shots, if you can play with one hand, it is easy to play with htwo.enry stressed that arms, hands and fingers give 85% of the power Finally, end this months article, something for you beginners to think about. if you play poorly one day, forget it. if you play poorly the next time out, review your fundamentals of grip, stance, aim and ball position. most mistakes are made before the club is swung. if you play poorly for a third time, come and have a lesson with me. call benamor reception 281 320 880 to book. half an hour costs 32.50 euros and 1 hour costs 50.00 euros. Good golfing. Keith Ashdown

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A.

•16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

Try to practice feet together shots. use a 7 iron, off low tee, with half swing. This exercise will give you the feeling of using your hands and knees, not your body.

More expert advice from Benamor's resident professional!

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SC Olhanense

A club with a fascinating history and a bright future by Chris Wright.

coverage, the expat fans have been featured on three tv channels, has helped to spread the word. chris Wright said, “We now have over 200 members of the Group which has been welcomed with open arms by the wonderful Portuguese supporters in Olhão. the trips to away games are incredible, we have been to coimbra, Porto, lisbon, leiria, Gondomar and Figueria da Foz. in december we had a memorable five day trip to madeira to play maritimo and we were therefore devastated to see the loss of life in the floods earlier this year.

teach each other football songs and with organiser João Ferriera playing his clarinet there is very little chance of grabbing any sleep!” emily & neil richardson, who run a removal business, have made many new friends, “it is not only the football that we enjoy but the whole cultural experience. some of the Olhanense fans are fishermen who live on the islands of armona & culatra. they have organised boat tours and bbQs for us and welcomed us into their communities.” the expat Group produce their own match day programme in english which has become a collectors item amongst the Portuguese and the lapel badge featuring the union flag & the Olhanense logo is much sought after. Former police officer & aston villa fan John Freeman is another keen convert, “i have travelled all over the uK with the villa but i have never met a more passionate and friendly group of people than the Olhanense supporters. Young & old, they all mix in and have great respect for their opponents and their followers.” larry & vicki bawden had never been to a football match before moving to tavira but are now total converts with larry’s photographic skills much in demand. in may a vital home win over leixões ensured Premier league survival and the fans were in jubilant mood. two of those fans were 15 year-old bill Green and his 14 year-old brother Fred who flew over from manchester especially for the game. their grandmother Pam Pardo, who with husband Zé runs the restaurante Fonte nova in Pechão, said, “they are avid Olhanense fans and couldn’t miss this important match. they left home in congelton, cheshire at 5.00am on Friday and returned home on the monday morning”. the players and management team are very approachable and after some games, manager Jorge costa was known to stop his car outside the local café and buy all the fans a drink; now there’s an idea that the mega rich players and managers in the uK might adopt! President, isodoro sousa is the driving force behind the club’s regeneration. earlier this year he was re-elected for a further two years and with new manager daúto Faquirá now at the helm the club is looking forward to celebrating its centenary in 2012 in some style. admission prices compared with those in the uK are extremely good value for money, so if you like your football and want to join or you are just visiting and want to savour a new experience then why not contact: emily richardson at neilandem@ (tel. 939 486870) or c (tel. 916 504903)

Page 48 Sport S


porting clube Olhanense was founded 98 years ago in the small fishing village of Olhão. the club was the first from the algarve to reach the top division back in 1941 but since 1975 they had been in the 2nd division, or lower, until promotion fifteen months ago. Propelled into the Premier league they now compete against some of europe’s top teams such as benfica, sporting & Fc Porto. chris Wright recalls that when he joined the club five years ago the office staff were amazed that he was prepared to travel all the way from tavira, a distance of 12 miles, to watch the team! With crowds numbering just a few hundred and the team languishing in mid table there was an air of despondency amongst the football mad fans of the area. With the election of new President isodoro sousa and the appointment of ex Porto legend Jorge costa, an air of optimism wafted around the José arcanjo stadium for the first time in many years. two seasons ago chris was joined by fellow expat brian evans and several friends. as the club started to climb up the league the expat members spread the word about the wonderful fans and their hospitality. more expats joined at the start of last season and gradually the numbers have grown. media and tv Page 49 \\\\ Themeeting room TAVIRA' S NIGHTCLUBPREMIER Contact us by FACE BOOK & HI5 SUNDAY, MONDAY & THURSDAY 22H00 » 04h00 W I T H S E V ER A L E N T E RT A I N ME N T S FRIDAY & SATURDAY 22H00 » 06h00 FREE ENTRY SUNDAY & MONDAY L OU N GE B A R Have a drink with us in our MINIMUM 1 DRINK POLICY of 5€ THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Res ta ura nt O Monte Quinta Velha QVillage uinta Velha Village C on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 C0 on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 0 TAVIRA DISCOBAR beautiful and comfortable CABANAS DE TAVIRACABANAS DE TAVIRA Romantic Restaurant Come to discover a typical and Charming Village Delicious Food A Pleasant and Romantic Atmosphere For a suitable price....... Fall in love againFall in love again Dinner from 18h30 until 23h30 - closed Tuesday Lunch only with reservation – from 6 to 40 persons A2-0 win against the Posh and a narrow defeat 1-2 by championship promotion favourites Forest have been the highlights of Olhanense’s pre-season campaign. new signings include former benfica goalkeeper moretto, Jorge Gonçalves (ex. v.Guimarães) a talented wing forward, midfielder Fernandes alexandre (ex. leixões) and brazilian centreback márcio Garcia. a blend of youth and experience with attacking flair will hopefully auger well for the algarveans who commence their league campaign with a home game against v.Guimarães on monday 16th august kick-off 8.15pm. home venue is the José arcanjo stadium, (behind mcdonalds on the en125) Olhão. On the weekend of 28th/29th august Olhanense are at home to u leira. see or for full details. On the weekend of 11th/12th september the team travels to lisbon for the battle with sporting and the following weekend local rivals Portimonense, promoted last season, visit Olhão. exciting times indeed. Peterborough United & Nottingham Forest


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Page 50

Martin Peters stumbles upon an odd light that morphs into ablack oval. Swallowed up by the shape, he finds himselfinside a AlienUFO.creatures perform unimaginable experiments on him.As Martin evolves into a fraction of the man he once was, morehorrors await him as he is transported to an abandoned buildingwhere cruel games, at his expense, are played. Martin succumbs tounknown viruses, then different aliens raid the building and take himto their own version of hell. Machines invade his mind and memory,and his body is sealed with a substance. Finally, Martin is returnedto Earth, left in the high mountains of Spain.Martin is found and taken to a hospital where specialistsdiscover that his condition is something not of this world. Humansnow poke, prod and test his unconscious body. When he awakensand becomes stronger, he realizes he is now in another prison,where his “mentors” will hold him, at any cost, to discover secretsthat may be locked inside his subconscious.Will Martin escape from his prison-like existence? And whoshould he fear most, captors from another world or his own?

martin Peters who has either been rescued or abducted by aliens. the aliens fear him; make no attempt at communication and only approach him when fully armed. he sleeps on the floor and is treated little better than an unwanted pet. With his body rejecting the alien food he becomes weaker, slowly he degenerates even further due to unknown viral agents attacking his immune system. months pass, any interest the aliens may have originally shown is long gone, he is just there! time has not been kind to him, alien viruses have attacked his body, eaten into it, he makes a grotesque figure, with an appearance that would frighten the hbravest.isbroken body is submitted to tests, machines invade mind and body, eventually near to death he is returned to earth. now a new battle ensues as doctors struggle to save his life. regaining consciousness he has no memory of who he is or what has occurred, time passes and his body becomes fitter but memory takes longer. Fully recovered he wants to return `home`, however his `mentors` are determined to hold onto him, convinced there could be secrets of the aliens locked deep inside his hsubconscious.eescapesfrom his prison like existence and five years later, he is struggling to exist, with his health breaking down even further due to the continuing invasion of alien viruses. it’s a dark storyline, but a cracking read. From the author the idea for `edge of my mind` came to me whilst re-watching War of the Worlds, it struck me that the image of the alien in literature is usually characterised in three ways, the hippy type, here to help. the abduction with medical experiment, taking over our body and minds type and take over the world type. i was intrigued by an idea of a storyline where the aliens are ordinary beings, involved with their own life, with emotions, different from ours possibly, but real never the less. i also thought the concept of an alien capturing, then showing no interest in the human amongst them, compelling. they did nothing to hurt, but they also did nothing to help, they were indifferent. running alongside is a second storyline regarding the doctors and specialists on earth. amazed by martin’s trauma and intrigued by the obvious alien induced illness they are desperate to have their theories proved. Whilst the story is adult science fiction ,it does contain powerful emotional upheaval, despair and trauma and should appeal to a much wider readership than just the s/F reader. the august book review is of a novel edge of mind by stuart Warner Phelps. stuart from birmimgham, lives in azinhal, a small village north of castro marim, where he has lived with denise for the last five years. he had stimulating career in catering, head chef, then catering manager, eventually owning his own restaurant, situated on the Poeta Emiliano da Costa +351 281 323 199 38

Author Stuart Phelps creates human and alien characters whohave agendas of their own, leaving readers to wonder who isgood and who is evil. The result is a scary, suspenseful good read.Phelps is a writer, musician, and artist. He is currently writing hisnext novel and lives in a seaside village in Portugal. Publisher’s website: EdgeOfMyMind.html E Eloquent Books U.S.

E EDGE oF MY MIND---Now here is a believable science fiction novel, could it be based on fact?

Free classifieds Page p RO p ERT y FOR sa LE 2 year old Townhouse, 3 DBLE B/rooms, 1 en-suite 2 shower rooms + W/C. Large Lounge, Kitchen, Dining Room, Garage. Sat TV, A/C, Solar H/W and roof Terrace. 205,000€, Moncarapacho Tel: 289 791 122 Mob: 916 401 482 2 bed, 2 bath award winning apartment. Large roof terrace, AC, Fitted wardrobes. Fully Fitted kitchen, Walking distance to Tavira. Quiet location. Excellent investment, holiday or residential opportunity. €120,000. E Mail for pictures Detached Ruin (75m2) situated in quiet lane with easy access to Sao Bras. €25.000 Tel 919 907118 / 919 237 496 p RO p ERT y FOR RE n T Chalet for holiday rentals in Faro, 2 beds, pool, gym, 1km from city center paula.inka@ +351 289825062 Villa 3 bed pool garage garden furnished near moncarapacho €1150,- per august 965 776 743 or Private Rental 2 year old Townhouse in Moncarapacho, Fully furnished. 3 Dble beds, 1 en-suite 2 shower rooms + W/C. Lounge, Kitchen, Dining Room, Garage. Sat TV, A/C, Solar H/Water, 2 Terraces. No Pets.Long Term only. Contact Tel: 00351 289 791 122 FOR sa LE Two person tent /two sleeping bags/2 ring and grill camp cooker/various pots and pans 75€. Tel 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 electric fruit juicer Russel Hobbs 10€. Tel 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 Satellite Dish 1 mtr.oval 10€.Tel.289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 Classic 1988 VW golf Cabriolet PT Reg Inspection Jan 11, Good engine and tyres, Radio/CD Colour Navy/Black Roof. 2000€ o.n.o Email Tel: 289 791 122 Fibreglass truck top suit nissan,toyota etc. 1.5m x 1.5m. 350€ tel 919907118 Ford Fiesta 1.2 Techno Auto.New radiator,tyres battery.€1850 tel 919 907 118 bikinis End of line.s,m,and l. all @1.50 others 2 7€. Tel 281 531 124 Triumph Spitfire, 1971 in perfect eye catching condition, Pt MOT. stored last 5 years, 2,500€. Tel 919 262 494 for full details. CLaSSiFieDSaReFReeforprivateadvertisers,businessadsarefreeforOnemOnTHOnLy. email your ads to eastalgarvemag.cominfo@ (max to 9 words) if you would like more information on advertising in this magazine please call: 961 700 200 wan TE d Wanted an existing business or a Quinta which may be extended and remodeled to a small business (6 to 15 rooms). franck. Tél : +33 (0) 1 57 66 20 66 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 Wanted 3 bed house for long term rental in s.bras/sta catarina area. tel 961 700 200 QuaLiFieD nuRSe (british trained) available to provide home care and nursing services. Please call sarah on: 961 154 352 or 289 723 269 s ERVICE s maintenance man / gardener / labourer has spare hours each week. Tel 911 933 226 Champagne breakfast Service info: mob. 967 545 086 Cakes by vicki tel vicki: 917 000 969 Tarot readings tel: 935 088 336 Stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email bay-bee. baby equipment for hire. Tel: Hazel 967 693 076 The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. a CTIVITIE s yoga lessons, mondays 10.30-11.45 contact hazel devine 913 075 555 mosaic workshops in Quinta Fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit CaR bOOT SaLe Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta fonte bispo Tel 289 845 561 Car recovery/transporter as new used once easy to use, like aa/rac recovery. includes ramps/straps/and light board, €495 yamaha r6, 2001,very clean,nice condition 12m mot, new tyres, lots of extras, €2999 mercedes sprinter 311 cdi long wheel base high top, lots of tax and mot,very clean tow bar/bull bars e/windows and mirrors,€4395 Suzuki gsxr 600, 2000, nice bike just had full service inc oil, brakes paint, new race can and standard,12 months mot, €2895. Left hand drive smart car, air con, tiptronic box, cd player, lots of history, alloys long mot, €2995. baR For Sale, CENTRE OF TAVIRA, Well established bar located in the center of Tavira with a large passing trade. Excellent opportunity, Leasehold ONLY 18,000 Euros Tel 918 502 029 LaRge baR For Sale In the centre of Tavira, to include all fixtures and fittings: 2 x Plasma TV's and music equipment, Leasehold, Price Negotiable Tel 916 573 194

Page hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the en270 near Sta catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website bOOt Sale 4th Sunday of the month caRveRYSundays from 12.30pm booking advised from OnlY €10 Quiz nigHt every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm Steak nigHt every Friday, from OnlY €10 from 6.30pm Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HaWeReeRe YOga every Wednesday and Friday, 6.30-8pm 1St SeSSiOn FRee WORMOSaickSHOpeverytuesday,10-12amOnlY5euROS RegulaR eventS Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in thecountryside of tavira. Restaurant openseven days a week, pool, tennis and Sauna.

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