RealVila magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve August 2011 Places © HealthFocus on Golf tips From insectGrowAshdownKeithyourrepellant Gardening MusicTaviraholeMaculardefinedHostel
Page 2 This month we bring you a bumper 48 page issue. Let's hope you can find time to relax and enjoy it. We met up with Neil and Emily Richardson and watched them carry out a meticulous removal in incredible heat, talk to a couple, the owners of Urbidynamic who are merging his building services company with her property management company based in São Brás. We also visited the superbly renovated Fuzeta beach, from where we bring you a succulent fish dish courtesy of Crispim restaurant. As usual you have the latest sports news from Chris and health advice from Gareth. Also there's part two of how to grow your own herbs, furnishing inspiration from Frontera and Tavira Auction, plus much more! Please continue to send us your comments and suggestions, we really appreciate your feedback. Have a great summer! Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIAL cO-ORdInATORS Richard Bassett Snr. AdvERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTAnT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve N E il & Emily Rich AR dson R emovA ls “Caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” Tlm. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 (UK local) Email: Website,8800TAViRAREmOVAlS&STORAGElOCAl,NATiONAl&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem
Page 4nOTIcE BOARd Let us know your thoughts. 5WHAT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7HEALTH Macular hole defined. 10BEAUTy Hair makeover of the month. 11ARTS Ernesto Mies; Idyllic islands. 12PLAcES Tavira Music Hostel 14PLAcES Free parties in Cabanas. 16FOcUS On Vila Real de Santo António. 18PROPERTy Moving into a brand new property. 20PROPERTy Property of the month. 25HOMES Dining room furniture. 28FOOd From Mesa do Cume. 31gARdEnS Grow your own Mosquito repellant. 34PEOPLE Operation Florian lands in São Brás. 36EnvIROnMEnT The high cost of organic Veg. 40FInAncE UK retirement law. 43SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 44SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 46BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER This month's book review. 46cLASSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 283631 CONTENTS 12 16
The Quinta da Fonte do Bispo, Santa Catarina, Tavira received an anonymous donation for the "CASA FLOR DAS DUNAS" Associaçao Oncologica do Algarve Faro Oncology fund run by Doctor Maria de Lurdes who accepted the 1200 Euros to help this worthy cause. The AOA believes it is important to have a hostel for the patients undergoing radiotherapy, as they come from different parts of the Algarve. The patients have daily treatment for 4 to 6 weeks and travelling everyday is very tiring for them. This hostel will allow the rest and compliment therapy whilst in treatment. The ground has already been donated by Faro City Hall. This project will cost approximately 1 million Euros.TheQuinta owners support a variety of charities and also promote art and craft workshops, so it was appropriate that when Doctor Maria received the donation she was able to view the mosaic workshop run by Kathi Veninga. Participants of the Tuesday mornings workshop can make a variety of items from coasters to lamps or garden ornaments using ceramic, glass and stone tiles.
Page 4 Email: Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira us This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO Call 281 971 484, email or see our or see our map on the back page LCARVERYAmb,bEEf & TuRkEY, pLus ALL THE TRimmings sundays from 1.00pm booking AdVisEd onLY 10€ 3 course option available for only 14€ sTEAknigHT fridays, from 6.30pm * Rump €8.50 * Rib EYE €10.00 * siRLoin €13.00 * 16oz T-bonE €19.50 (48 hours notice for T-bone) All steaks come with home made chips, onion rings, mushrooms,grilled tomatoes, and peas. More beginners Pilatesclasses starting inSeptember in Tavira.Find out moreinformation and bookyour place with Carolynon 964 547 651 / September,Fromestrelasalgarve.cominfo@August3to2GaleriaLadorainFuseta,jointexhibitionwithAnaluisaGirom,ValentinGomesandyoungartistsfromthedrawingcompetition.Openingtimesdailyfrom19h,opening
Quinta Fonte doBispo and QMgarden centerboot sales arecancelled forAugust due tothe hot weather Page 5 emergency help 112 Faro hospital 289 891 100 Faro bombeiros 289 888 000 national civil protection 214 247 100 tavira Gnr 281 329 030 tavira PsP 281 322 022 Olhão Gnr 289 701 457 national forest protection 117 emergency social security 144 EMERGENCY NUMBERSPage What’s on Your guide to what's happening in and around the East Algarve this month, have fun! Things to do this AugustMARKETS Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. Moncarapacho 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila nova de cacela: 3rd sunday of the month. castro Marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month. 2011 BANk HoLidAYS ANd FESTivALS Here’s your handy cut out & keep guide to the 2011 bank holidays (in red) and festivals, with compliments of east algarve magazine. Jan 01 2011 Sat new Year´s Day mar 08 2011 Tues Shrove Tuesday apr 22 2011 Fri .......................................good Friday apr 24 2011 Sun easter apr 25 2011 mon Freedom day Portugal may 01 2011 Sun labour Day Jun 10 2011 Fri ..................................... Portugal Day Jun 23 2011 Thu Corpus Christi aug 15 2011 mon assumption Day Oct 05 2011 Wed ................. Republic Day Portugal nov 01 2011 Tue all Saints´ Day Dec 01 2011 Thu independence Day Portugal Dec 08 2011 Thu immaculate Conception Dec 25 2011 Sun ............................... Christmas Day Don't miss the Olhao Sea food Festival, 10th - 15th august almuSiCCOuTim - music in the square, 03/10/17/24th of august. TaViRa - Orquestra do algarve, 27/8, 22h00, carmo church. TaViRa - entertainment in the square. throughout the month, 22h00. S.B.exHiBiTiOnSDealPORTel- "Cores em movimento" Paintings by eduardo Dias, 02-31/08, municipal Gallery. S.B De alPORTel - "Design and Oficio", 04-21/08, centro de artes e Oficios. alCOuTim - Sculpture by Fernando Colaco, 04-31/08, casa dos conde. OlFeSTiValSHãO-Seafood Festival, 10th15th, 19.30-01.30, 8 euros adults, 3 euros children under 12, Jardim Pescador. TaViRa - in Honour of our lady of Deliverance, 14/8, 21h30, church of n.sra do livramento. TaViRa - Petiscos da Ria, 19/821/08, cabanas de tavira. TaViRa - 34th luz de Tavira international Folk music Festival, 2627/08, 21h30, largo de republica. TmaRkeTSaViRa-expoluzia, 06-11/08, 18h00-02h00, santa luzia seafront tavenue. aViRa - 8th Fair of antiques and Brickabrac, 18-24/08, 19h00 -24h00, rua do cais. S.B De alPORTel - intercultural market, 21/08, 20h30, Jardim da verbena. WHY nOT TaViRa - 7th Festival of non-european cinema, 05-15/08, cloisters of the covenent of carmo. S.B De alPORTel - 19th motor cyclist gathering, 12-14/08, 17h00, Fonte Ferrea Park. CaSTRO maRim - medieval Days of Castro marim, 25-28/08. alCOuTim - music, circus and hu mour, historical centre, 10/09, 21h00.
In august works start on loulé’s helicopter pad extending and rremodelling.enovations will include the construction of a new, two-floor multi-purpose building that will have rooms for crews, a reception and communications centre, among other facilities. One of the main goals is for to better cater for the people working at the heliport to support the search and rescue aircraft, namely the inem medical emergency helicopter which has a 24-hour team permanently on hand to man rescues with the help of the national civil Protection authority. investment in the work has been estimated at €722,000, 70 percent of which is to be footed by the POvt land improvement Operational Programme. the work must be completed within a period of 360 days.
Macário Correia ‘I have never been in favour of tolls, not now not ever’
Work startsheliportLoulé’soninAugust
Castro marim câmara has announced details of their programme of events planned for naugust.oitesdo
News Page 6
Faro’s Psd mayor, says he is not swaying his opinion according to the government’s political party Farocolours.mayor responded to attacks from the press and anti-tolls activists regarding his latest position concerning the introduction of tolls on the a22. macário correia, was one of the main faces in the algarve opposing the previous Ps government’s decision to implement tolls on the ha22.owever, in recent weeks, the Psd politician came under attack for saying that tolls in the algarve were “inevitable”, with several local newspapers reporting that he had changed his opinion regarding the impact of tolls on the economy to favour the new Psd government. in a statement macário correia said: “i am being attacked for saying that the inevitability of tolls is a result of the worsening economic climate Portugal is “facing.tosay that circumstances haven’t changed recently is simply not true. this government is dealing with a worse financial situation, with the country’s public finances having clearly deteriorated of late, and i can understand its tconcerns.”ollsare now expected to be introduced in the algarve from september, after the initial date of april 15 announced by the previous government, which halted the plans after its dissolution. macário correia then made a point of stressing that he was against the tolls now, just as he was in 2004/2005 when the subject was under discussion by the then Psd “government.ihavenever been in favour of the tolls, not now not ever,” said the Faro mayor. “so, to say that i’m swaying my opinion according to the government’s party colours is wrong. but it may have suited some people to say it. “several times i said this year that i didn’t believe the Psd was taking the right attitude,” he added that he had been sending the message out since 2004 that tolls in the algarve were an “injustice” and would lead to “serious problems”. he concluded his statement by saying that he had recognised the “obvious reasons” that led to the measure. “is this a condemnable act? let’s all take responsibility.”
revelim will see Fado singers, Flamenco dancers and folklore groups providing more traditional entertainment. dJs will also be staging events to appeal to a different Performancesaudience.willtake place at the colina do revelim de santo antónio, with the medieval festival of castro marim, this year from 25 to 28 august. For further information about events in castro marim, please call 281 510 740.
Health Page
Gareth advises us on taking care of ourselves, whilst keeping fit in the sometimes, something happens to a client and freind of mine that sparks the idea of what to write about next. in this particular instance, going back to uK for a hip replacement ended up with something very different indeed. so i think if you have never heard about this, it is well worth educating yourself. right place, right time, thank goodness....
FRequenTlY aSkeD queSTiOn aBOuT maCulaR WhatHOle:is a macular hole? a macular hole is a small break in the macula, located in the center of the eye's light-sensitive tissue called the retina. the macula provides the sharp, central vision we need for reading, driving, and seeing fine detail. a macular hole can cause blurred and distorted central vision. macular holes are related to aging and usually occur in people over age 60. are there different types of a macular hole? Yes. there are three stages to a macular hole: Foveal detachments (stage i). Without treatment, about half of stage i macular holes will progress. Partial-thickness holes (stage ii). Without treatment, about 70 percent of stage ii macular holes will progress. Full-thickness holes (stage iii). the size of the hole and its location on the retina determine how much it will affect a person's vision. When a stage iii macular hole develops, most central and detailed vision can be lost. if left untreated, a macular hole can lead to a detached retina, a sight-threatening condition that should receive immediate medical attention. is a macular hole the same as age-related macular degeneration? no. macular holes and age-related macular degeneration are two separate and distinct conditions, although the symptoms for each are similar. both conditions are common in people 60 and over. an eye care professional will know the difference. What causes a macular hole? most of the eye's interior is filled with vitreous, a gellike substance that fills about 80 percent of the eye and helps it maintain a round shape. the vitreous contains millions of fine fibers that are attached to the surface of the retina. as we age, the vitreous slowly shrinks and pulls away from the retinal surface. natural fluids fill the area where the vitreous has contracted. this is normal. in most cases, there are no adverse effects. some patients may experience a small increase in floaters, which are little "cobwebs" or specks that seem to float about in your field of vision. however, if the vitreous is firmly attached to the retina when it pulls away, it can tear the retina and create a macular hole. also, once the vitreous has pulled away
from the surface of the retina, some of the fibers can remain on the retinal surface and can contract. this increases tension on the retina and can lead to a macular hole. in either case, the fluid that has replaced the shrunken vitreous can then seep through the hole onto the macula, blurring and distorting central vision. macular holes can also occur from eye disorders, such as high myopia (nearsightedness), macular pucker, and retinal detachment; eye disease, such diabetic retinopathy and best's disease; and injury to the eye. is my other eye at risk? if a macular hole exists in one eye, there is a 10-15 percent chance that a macular hole will develop in your other eye over your lifetime.
What are the symptoms of a macular hole?
macular holes often begin gradually. in the early stage of a macular hole, people may notice a slight distortion or blurriness in their straight-ahead vision. straight lines
•Carpal Tunnel treatment Catherina pauwels, tel: 281 321 700 or 963 706 624 largo do Cano 29, tavira, next to the Fire station Mail:
•All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •SwedishAyurvedicmassage,Quiromassage,massage,
Page 8
What are the risks of surgery? the most common risk following macular hole surgery is an increase in the rate of cataract development. in most patients, a cataract can progress rapidly, and often becomes severe enough to require removal. Other less common complications include infection and retinal detachment either during surgery or afterward, both of which can be immediately treated. For a few months after surgery, patients are not permitted to travel by air. changes in air pressure may cause the bubble in the eye to expand, increasing pressure inside the eye.
How is a macular hole treated? although some macular holes can seal themselves and require no treatment, surgery is necessary in many cases to help improve vision. in this surgical procedure-called a vitrectomy--the vitreous gel is removed to prevent it from pulling on the retina and replaced with a bubble containing a mixture of air and gas. the bubble acts as an internal, temporary bandage that holds the edge of the macular hole in place as it heals. surgery is performed under local anesthesia and often on an out-patient basis. Following surgery, patients must remain in a face-down position, normally for a day or two but sometimes for as long as two-to-three weeks. this position allows the bubble to press against the macula and be gradually reabsorbed by the eye, sealing the hole. as the bubble is reabsorbed, the vitreous cavity refills with natural eye fluids. maintaining a face-down position is crucial to the success of the surgery.
• Traditional Thai massage & Shiatsu •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders.
What if i cannot remain in a face-down position after the surgery? if you cannot remain in a face-down position for the required period after surgery, vision recovery may not be successful. People who are unable to remain in a face-down position for this length of time may not be good candidates for a vitrectomy. however, there are a number of devices that can make the "face-down" recovery period easier on you. there are also some approaches that can decrease the amount of "face-down" time. discuss these with your doctor. Bullock Bowen Technique
Health or objects can begin to look bent or wavy. reading and performing other routine tasks with the affected eye become difficult. Page 9 Fisioclube FUZETA › Osteopathy › Phsychotherapy › Global emailRe-educationPostural(RPG)›NutritionalTherapy›IrisDiagnosisTel962777701duarte@fisioclube.netwww.fisioclube.netHOlIsTIcTHeRaPyextend your beauty • semi permanent eyelash extensions • Perfect for the beach or pool • No more messy mascara! • Full set just €40 Call for an appointment in Tavira or at your home Tel 926 563 738 email: snappydannie@yahoo.comafter
Page 10 BeautyArts
Makeover of the month
linDa SaYS: "a style that a hairdresser manages to achieve in the salon would be nice to be able to do myself at home too, i am delighted with the whole experience". congratulations to linda having recently celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary, she has a new look which she is very pleased with, many thanks to George, once again.
After the great success of 1st makeover page, we welcome once again, George Allen, The Hair Studio in Cabanas, with this month’s model Linda. G eorge advised linda, that to achieve her goal, he could work on what was really an original style that had just become little flat, although in good condition, using the right cut and colour work. he added light blonde slices combined with golden blonde to give the right depth, this was applied to the roots (90per cent white), wrapped in foil with conditioner and took just 35 minutes. George then put in some heavy layers to add texture and blast blow dried linda’s hair to achieve this very fashionable, modern style. this look was created from George’s head funk styling range from the hair studio starting from 7 euros. aPPROximaTe COST 42€
linda saw our makeover page last month and having lived in the east algarve for many years and always used a local salon, with the obvious language difference, she decided to contact George. she had always taken in a picture of a style that she liked. linda said “it was a great experience and good to be able to feel at ease, chat to George and explain just what it was i wanted”. linda had asked George for a modern style which she could manage herself.
style.anbleinatcanwithlanPmainiCTuReDleFT:indahappyalookshere-createhome.SeT:aflexi-cutenablesalternative HAIR STUDIOThe HAIR STUDIO ● CREATIVE HAIR LADIES & GENTS LADIES CUT & BLOW DRY 18 INCREGROWTH€COLOUR,CUT&BLOWDRY42€ GENTS WET CUT 9 € WE ARE OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND CONCEIÇÃO DE TAVIRA TEL 916 765 082 HALF HEAD FOILS, INC CUT & BLOW DRY 47 € WASH & BLOW DRY 9 PERMS,€ INC & BLOW DRY 38 € BenamorCabanasgolf ConceiçãoTavira We are here na b hop Open 10 until 5, 10 until 6 on Thursdays. Closed Wednesdays. english greeting cards available, all only 2€
Page 11 Arts
Words KainCarolyn Photos KainPeter Anew series of paintings at Galeria corte-real in Paderne captures the coastal beauty of the algarve’s sandbar islands. located offshore between Faro and tavira, forming part of the ria Formosa nature reserve, their simplicity and stunning panoramas grasped the attention of German artist, ernesto mies. For most of the year the islands are visitor free, allowing fishermen and locals to carry on their daily routines without interruption. instead of roads and traffic there is the gentle rippling of the sea as the tides lap in and out. ernesto – who is normally based in seville - came across the islands quite by chance and was enchanted and inspired by their natural, unspoiled charm. in his series of unpretentious paintings the scenery is saturated with colour that is true to life. he conveys atmosphere using a minimal style that fits the modesty of the location. educated at the university of bonn and düsseldorf’s academy of art, his work has been exhibited widely in Germany and andalucia and as part of a collective at academie des beaux artes de Paris. Galeria corte-real is open from thursday to sunday from 11am until 5pm signposted from Paderne, boliqueime & Ferreiras tel: - 918 980 199 & 912 737 762
Extending a special invitation to the opening of a major new exhibition at Galeria Corte-Real in Paderne.
www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 12
Culture & travel Places
A conceptnew in
Sant'Anna guest House is their first project, a short walk from the roman bridge. in their first week of opening they laid on a free live concert with singer ricardo marques, within the grounds for their guests. each room has been decorated with different musical theme (eg the beatles, the doors, bob marley) and is truly a fun place to be. it's been a brave move, and we wish them great success.
in difficult financial times, some say only the strong will survive. not necessarily! innovation and forward thinking can also prevail.
introducing their guests to the the abundance of historical architecture and beauty the area has to offer, at an affordable price. Why music is important for a Guest house? tavira is alive with bars and musical events all year round. the local city hall are dedicated to bringing a huge variety of music and other cultural activities to the center of town.
Tavira Hostels and guest Houses found a number of investors interested in renting out their apartments. they manage both blocks or individual apartments, specifically located in the old town, preferably with an old architectural style to make them stand out from the modern hotels tavira has to offer.
introducing Tavira's brand new music Guest House, in the center of Tavira's old town, offering Music and culture an affordable price.
Tavira Hostels and guest Houses, a company born and bred in tavira, have come up with a whole new concept in travel. their destinations promise to link historical cities with music. their first project has turned a block of predominantly empty apartments into a lively, buzzing guest house. their aim is to attract a different type of traveller to the historical city of tavira. Offering culture at the highest level, they are
Page each apartment has a different musical theme, bringing colour and fun to the guest houe
Page 14 Party infreeforCabanasParty Saturday 6th august DJ FáBiO Palma Saturday 13th august DJ JaY ThursdayD 18th august DJ SaturdayDHannY27th august DJ withk-CellVjDraft every night events sponsored by: Disco Club The meeting room and The marina bar, quasimodo's, Copacabanas, gelateRia Formosa, Pizzeria Roma & Vitaminas.
Well known Sea-Front Bar in the prestigious Old Village of OlHaO is available for sale for €12,000 priced low for a quick sale (furniture, fix tures, goodwill and stock incl.).
The only Café-Bar in between 10 busy restaurants and licensed till 4am. Be ing sea-front and the first bar in the row to the 5 star Hotel Real marina the price is low. a good investment opportunity or a start up project which will bring guaranteed profit in future. lease is 5 years renewable as are all standard leases are in Portugal. The Biggest event of the year is next month from 10th aug - 15th aug, daily sales are around €1200-€1500. Check the singers performing at this event 6 days of total havoc! Callawiki/bandslco/133986949948662’sperformanceincludesbiggestartistsandintheworldlikeeurope
Photographs by Richard Bassett
manuel cabanas, where you can see works from local artists and vtradesmen.ilarealde santo antónio is one of three municipalities that make up the 'baixo Guadiana' region, known for their beautiful environment, where sun, sea, river, mountain and friendly people co-exist. local fauna and flora characterise the region that, imprative for a sustained ecosystem; which includes many marshes and dunes, which are important habitation for the reproduction of crustaceans and bivalves. the two protected areas, ria Formosa natural Park and the natural marsh reserve of castro marim and vila real de santa antónio span 20,489ha and are abundant with with
his month we visit vila real de santo antónio, situated on the river Guadiana, which divides the algarve from spain. if you stand on the far eastern edge of vila real you can easily see the spanish coastline and the impressive bridge connecting Portugal and spain. this bridge was built in the early 1990s and has made a huge difference to the congestion in and around the town, because people can now drive straight to spain instead of waiting for the ferry. it’s very easy to find your way around as the town is laid out on a grid system, and a great place for exploring the many traditional cobbled streets. the main road runs from monte Gordo to vila real, and the avenida da república runs along the front of the town, adjacent to the rio Guadiana riverfront. Once along the front, you can take a stroll, or sit and watch the boats coming and going in the marina along the attractive main road, which is laid out with trees, wonderful sculptures and water features. Just off the main road you will find 'Praça marqués de Pombal', vila real’s main town square, a beautiful area which is edged with orange trees and populated with low white buildings, shops, cafes and restaurants. behind the square there is a space called the centro cultural antónio aleixo, which used to be the old market. today it is used for temporary exhibits and events. there is also a museum, museu de
Focus on Vila Real de sponsored by Santo António ● Sky sports and sports TV for all your sporting events! ● All English products and staff. ● Portuguese spoken! ● Full English breakfasts. ● Quiz or Bingo nights Fridays. ● Enclosed Patio to the rear. Find us 100 mtr from the Apollo hotel between the church in square Open from 9.30 am till 1am Monday till Saturday, Sunday 12pm till 1am TEl 281 543 182 ThE Only EngliSh BAr in V.r.S. AnTOniO
hundreds of different species of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles and plants. Follow the road out from the end of the main avenida towards the beautiful beach which stretches back past far as monte Gordo. representing this region and coordinating the aims of the three municipalities, there is a non-profit making organisation called 'Odiana'. created in december 1998, Odiana is committed to making its contribution towards the sustainable economic and social development of the region and emphasises its potential and natural beauty. a relaxing way to see this eastern end of the algarve (and the western end of spain) is to take a boat trip along the Guadiana to alcoutim. it passes through some beautiful countryside and changes from the very flat scenery around vila real, to a backdrop of rounded hills with lush vegetation and a few houses here and there, until you arrive at alcoutim. here you can see castles on hilltops on both banks of the river, as reminders of the past. vila real is a relaxed and peaceful town. there are many shops, ranging from the modern to those selling traditional goods, something for all. it’s beautifully quaint, with lots to see and do, particularly for those who like to potter around and absorb the local culture. enjoy a drink or meal from one of the many cafe bars and restaurants dotted around the many delightful streets.
Page 18
as independant real estate agents, we
to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property Save yourself money by keeping up to speed with the changes in property law Moving into a brand-newproperty
A ll of us have moved at one time or another into a new property in our home countries, but moving into a new home in the ‘algarvean’ sun is for most a dream come true and quite a life experience. stress levels are therefore higher and basic things can be easily forgotten. Where to find the right sheets, cutlery or furniture you can easily figure out and are quite fun (at least for the females amongst us), but here are some tips you should keep in mind when it comes to moving into a brand-new, never lived in property: First of all, when you buy a newly built property, test it! check all electrical appliances, doors, ventilators, windows. check if the bathroom pipes not are dripping. especially when it comes to never lived-in properties you can be almost certain to find some snags. anticipate it and do not panic. all newly built properties come with a five-year-guarantee on the building and a two-year guarantee on electrical appliances. make a snag list of problems during the first couple of days and pass it on to the builder, estate agent or your Property management company. most of the times problems can be solved fairly quickly and piece of mind can settle in again. Second, double check the address of your property before ordering furniture to avoid delivery problems. Often house numbers do change after completion of a building in a new development and you definitely want to avoid the delivery van leaving again with your new sofa. Third, i know the temptation is huge to furnish your apartment as soon
Covering the whole of the Algarve can provide you with unbiased when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied We currently have over 700 available and would be very pleased
of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We
Sixth, in most newly build properties the utilities must be connected in your name. this is one of the 1st things to do after completion. if needed your lawyer, agent or property manager can deal with this on your behalf saving you time for other matters. Seventh, set yourself daily targets, organise your bedroom quickly as a retreat and try not to get too ambitious in the first couple of days, as you will only end up knackered. last but not least, sit down and have a drink. music and a gin-tonic are great stress relievers! Sandra Swoboda Land Houses Algarve yellow www.landandhousesalgarve.comHomesRuadr.JoséPiresPadinha1788800-354TaviraAMI6232Tel:281320281Fax:281321901
Page 19 as you receive the key. be aware that in some newly built buildings elevators will be only working as soon as the condominium (management) company is chosen and the management contract with a maintenance company for the elevator is signed. Fourth, get a handyman to assist you with shelves and light fittings. You can find many advertisements of english, German or French speaking handymen in local magazines. alternatively ask your agent for contacts. Fifth, keep the manuals of all appliances in one place. When a problem occurs in the future you can try to resolve it yourself quickly and beat those error messages on your boiler (i bet most owners have come along an error message ‘F5’ on their boilers, haven’t you?)
– Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira • • By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS
Property of the Something special in the countryside!!! Three bedroomed Quinta, Studio,
Page 21 month Pool with beach-end, Zulu-hut and outdoor kitchen. RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * 3 beds * Studio * Pool with beach-end * Zulu-hut with outdoor kitchen * Garage * Sauna * Hot-tub * Gym * 5.460m² of land with garden * Split level Quinta renovated in traditional style * 220m² of covered area * 35m² garage * various terraces * courtyard * roof terrace * 3 baths * 4 spacious bedrooms * open plan lounge/dining room & country kitchen * lovely country views! * Wood floors in the bedrooms * 3 A/C units * wood burner * private borehole * 3 water heaters * water softener * SAT-dish * telephone line & alarm installed * furniture negotiable. GOOD rental income. PRiCe: 480.000€ (negotiable) REF: 1317Q LOCATION: 2.5km from Stª www.algarve-pt.comCatarina
Page 22 MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI APARTMENT - VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO - On the 3rd and top floor with lift, large spacious 4 bed apartment with lovely views across to the river and salt pans. In a new residential area, close to the shops, public transport, spanish border, etc. A/c, ultra sound system. Large terrace with BBQ (18m2). Communal roof terrace. 155.000 EuROS APARTMENT - MONTE GORDO -2 Bed apartment, on ground-floor with 1 apartment above, small front patio facing the bird reserva tion and salt pans, garden with palm tree and plants to rear (total area of 90m2). In a resi dential area, walking distance to Monte Gordo village with a beautiful beach, bus stop and 3 Kms from V.R.S.António. 127.500 EuROS ▲ ▲ Top Floor 3 Bed Apartment, private roof terrace €140.000 ref: 2095519 Reduced from €165,000. Spacious 3 bed apartment in Mato de Santo Espirito, 10 mins from Tavira. 3 beds, two bathrooms, lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, storage, and private roof terrace with stunning views over Tavira and the Ria Formosa. Other features include air-conditioning and double glazed windows, entry phone, underground garage and elevator. LwL, Rua 1º de Maio, nº14, 8800-360 Tavira Office: 00351 281 327 656, Lisa: 00351 910 019 604, Leen : 00351 910 019 605 voip: 02070999193 Email: Web: Outstanding 5 bed villa with annex €675,000 ref: 2134658 Reduced from €745,000. From first glance this villa is typically Portuguese, however in side you will find a balance of contemporary, and traditional features. Renovated using quality materials. 5 beds, 5 baths, 2 lounges, dining room, kitchen and an annex. Private walled plot with beautiful gardens and ter races. Near the village of Santo Estevão, with café’s, restaurants and shops. large 3 bed apartment € 180.000 ref:2244674 Spacious three bedroom apartment in Quinta do Foz, just a five minute walk from the centre of Tavira. Comprising of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, garage and private ter race with sea views. This apartment is only five years old, and would make a fantastic rental property, holiday home or permanent home. TAVOFFNEWiCEiNiRA SANTO ESTEVÃO TAViRA TAViRA REDUCED REDUCED ToEN270Tavira To Lidl Old Woodstore ChickenLuis Jem's S howroom Second hand goods Tel 919 767 066 Email: Opening times: Mon-Thurs 9h-13h / 15h-18h Saturday 9h - 13h At the Old Mushroom Factory São Brás de AlportelWeare here
Page Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. 45 Mins from Faro International airport, 2km from railway station. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool (15m x 15m), Bar and Restaurant, Mini Market, Petanque, Laundry service and postal service plus Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVisiTsby AppoinTmenT only Caliço Park alga RV e PORT ugal • ploTs AVAilAble FRom 100 m² • neW Homes FoR sAle • RenTAls WiTH opTion To bUy • yeAR RoUnD RenTAls • sHoRT AnD lonG TeRm • ResAles 2011 Fees inClUDeD Restaurant, bar and pool. only €25.000 DisCoUnT FinAnCe AVAilAble only £20.000 sHoWHome15% DisCoUnT FinAnCe AVAilAble ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN Company ami 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 anibal R/C loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 Vila nova de Cacela TaViRa €155.000 Ref 1199 new instruction, a two bed modern family home close to the town of Tavira, 5 mins walk to the shops, cafes and local amenites of Porta nova Tavira. good size living room with patio doors to the rear patio and BBq, Fully equipped kitchen, 2 good sized double beds, shower room and bathroom. Roof terrace and sunroom which easily could be a 3rd bed or office. From the terrace there is an ocean view. Vila Real de Stº antonio Centre €92.000 Ref 1198 Traditional modernized & re fitted house in the centre of Vila Real de Stº antonio in the bustling border town to Spain. a wide selection of restaurants, cafes and shops. a few minutes walk to all facilites and the marina. large roof terrace 54m2. Bedroom, a large open plan lounge/ kitchen of 28.93m2 and shower room. Cute little one bedroom house which is traditional on the outside but has modern finish inside.
www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 24 Page 25 Furniture made for Real Life Visit our showroom to find affordable furniture that’s made for real life*. Our furniture is good quality that won’t disappoint you, so why not come in and look around Pictured Top: 150cm Breton Oak Bed (mattress extra) €649, Breton 2 drawer bedside €199 Pictured: Barcelona Leather Sofa, 2 seater €429, 3 Seater €619 and sofabed €779 All photography from actual installations, not *disclaimer Our furniture can cope with many things but if you dance on our tables wearing Tavira FURNITURE DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE the store where we combine new & used Open Tues-Frl 10am-5pm Sat 10am-1pm t: 916 138 059 916 138 060 We now offer a Carpet and Rug cleaning service, call for details.
Page 26 Home MASTERJOINER&GENERALMAINTENANCE... 20 years experience of fitting Kitchens, Floors, Doors, Decking, Locks etc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central KitChens - DOOrs - lOCKs - FlOOrs - warDrObes - shelvesFurniture - shOwer sCreens - DeCKing - pergOlas... & MuCh MOre! 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 A selection of dining furniture from Tavira Auction and Frontera Furnishing. For contact details see left, for Tavira Auction: 3 Constable solid oak table & 6 cream chairs €425. 4 Texas table and 4 chairs €350. Available while stocks last!www.neilmarksphotography.comcourtesy5&1,2Images StyleDinein
Page MixedMixedLUNCHTIMESPECIALMENUGrilledFish€5.50ChickenPiriPiri€5.00Grilledmeat€5.00spECiALiTiEs inCLudE fresh local seafood • Cataplanas • specialseafood rices • fish noodles • fresh grilledfish • filet in mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• french veal steak • duck breast in orange and honey pLus muCH muCH moRE! Rua da Liberdade n.º 126 fusETA • oLHÃo • ALgARVE Telephone 289 798 045 ETAfus opEn foR LunCH & dinnER rated no.1 tripinrestauranttaviraonadvisor guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO ELVIS vs cliff richard Saturday 13th August Call 281 971 484 for details. Book your tickets NOW!
Food A special dish, from a special place. Stir fried chicken and vegetables with sweet chilli sauce, from Mesa do Cume, the restaurant with the best views in the East Algarve For reservations Call 281 326 144 Page 28 Photograph BassettRichard doMesaCume'Tableonthetop' Vegetarian version also available; grilled chili tofu and stir fried vegetables with sweet chilli sauce.
This magnificent all sealed tourist drive runs through the beautiful mountain region of the Eastern Algarve. Driving this route gives a great opportunity to explore the traditional Portuguese Serra and it’s fantastic scenery. The all-round trip Tavira-Alcaria do CumeSt.Catarina (and visa versa) offers not only sensational panoramic views but also reaches the highest point of East Algarve at Restaurant Mesa do Cume, ‘Table on the Top’. Here you will be warmly welcomed by the proud owners, Antonio & Maria. Their lush green garden coupled with views all the way to the coast and a delightful menu makes this restaurant a must to visit whilst exploring the Serra.
Mountain tourist drive meets 'Table on the Top' 17.30
Open Wednesday to Sunday 1st June -1st October : 10.00 - 22.00 ( break
- 18.30) 1st October - 1st June : 10.00 - 17.00 For winter closure period please check website • Location: Alcaria do Cume (halfway Tavira/Cachopo) • Web: •Phone: 281326144/91 2725745 is open for lunch and during summer, for dinnerMesa Cumedo We also serve coffee, cakes, drinks & nibbles MesaRestaurantdoCume TABLE Tavira doAlcariaCumeBarrancoVelho AlcariaCachopoFria Sao Bras de Alportel N 120 N 397 N 270 25 km Tavira - Alcaria do Cume 22 km Alcaria do Cume - St Catarina 19 km Alcaria do Cume - Cachopo Santa Catarina N 2 RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 iNTERNATiONAl CUiSiNE WiTH FRENCH SPECiAliTiES PRiVATE DiNiNG ROOm AVAilABlE & WARm PATiO EATiNG AREA lOCATED iN THE CENTER OF TAViRA, ONly 5 miNUTES FROm VilA GAlE AND PORTA NOVA HOTElS Fine Dining inSão MenuInternationalPortugueseBrás&CuisineLunch7,50¤tastingbyreservationAsurprisewillbeofferedifrecommendedbyEastAlgarvemagazine OPEN: Mon-Fri: 12:00-15:00 & 19:00-22:00 Saturday: 19:00-22:00 - CLOSED ON SUNDAYS ADDRESS: Rua Gago Coutinho. 45/47 8150-151 SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL Tel: 00351/289 098 520 mobile: 00351/918 028 086 Email: GPS: N.37.151526° / W.7.888505°
Page 30 Italian restaurant Vila Real De.s. antónio • Kebabs • Pizzas • Pastas • Salads TAKE AWAy VilaAVAilABlERua5deOutubro,Nº38,RealdeSantoAntónio Tel 281 542 222 ECoNoMIC MENU 6,90€ Starter: Garlic bread Main: Choice of kebab, Pizza, Pasta or (validDrink/coffee/dessert)SaladforlunchMondaythroughSaturdayexceptholidays)SPECIALPrICESForGroUPbookINGS. Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail LivE Music MONdAys with MichAEL & ZEcA FRidAys with GARy vAsEy "ThE PERFORMER" KARAOKE with GEd on sATuRdAys Open Mon-Fri from 6.00pm, sat/sun from 12.00, FuLL BAR FOOd MENu AvAiLABLE. ihdishes,Pastaplanas,daily,shsPEciALiTiEs:omemadesoups,alads,Freshfishsteaks,cata-vegetariandishes,omemadedesserts,rishcoffee.ExTENsivERANGEOF wiNEs & PORTs. suNdAy ROAsT LuNch: Roast Rib of Beef, with all the trimmings €9.50. ThREE cOuRsE sPEciAL €15.00
U nfortunately, the answer is no. simply planting juniper shrubs, rosemary, or citronella grass or any other plant at the back door won't stop mosquitoes from buzzing around the patio during the dinner hour. What will keep insects like mosquitoes and gnats away are the essential oils contained in the plant's leaves, which are obtained by crushing the are a variety of both wild and cultivated plants that repel mosquitoes. almost anywhere you go, it is reasonable to find several plant species that you can use to ward off these pesky critters. Plantbased mosquito repellents are especially useful for people who spend a great deal of time outdoors. it is important to note that it is compounds found within the plants that do the repelling. these compounds need to be released from the plant to unlock the mosquitorepelling qualities. depending on the species of plant, they can be released by, either crushing, drying, or infusing the plant into an oil or alcohol base that can be applied to skin, clothing, or living spaces. Others are best used as a smudge, which releases the compounds in a smoke. Just standing near living plants that repel mosquitoes is often not effective. below are separate lists of wild and cultivated plants that are known to repel mosquitoes: Cultivated Plants That Repel mosquitoes citronella Grass (cymbopogon nardus) is the most popular cultivated plant used for repelling mosquitoes. its oil, citronella oil, is the primary ingredient in most natural insect repellents sold in stores. Products applied to the skin are most effective. it grows in tropical regions. Pelargonium citrosum also known as the mosquito Plant is a genetically engineered geranium hybrid with a unique characteristic: it repels mosquitoes! it is easily grown as a potted patio plant, and easily enjoyed for its attractive foliage and sweet lemony scent, as well as for its mosquito repelling powers. it produces a leafy, attractive, foot-tall plant during its first season. the mosquito Plant was created by a dutch botanist, who genetically incorporated traits of the chinese citronella grass into a scented african geranium. the resulting cultivar still had the growth and habit of the geranium, and its sweet lemony citronella scent. citronella is the substance in citronella candles, which have long been used to deter mosquitoes. it doesn't harm them, but they don't like citronella and avoid it. it is most effective as a repellent if you crush a few leaves and rub them on your skin. this releases the citronella and a sweet cperfume.atnip(nepeta cataria) is a common garden plant that can be used to repel mosquitoes. the crushed plant can be applied directly to the skin or the dried plant can be infused in an oil, such as olive oil. additional cultivated plants that repel Peppermintmosquitoes: (Mentha piperita) Urban legend or truth? Are there really plants that repel insects that can be planted in your garden or around the patio to prevent mosqui toes from hanging around where you wish they didn't?
repellentsNaturesmosquito Gardens Mark O’Shaughness y
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) marigolds (Tagetes spp.) lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) garlic (Allium sativum) Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) the basic recipe is as follows: take 2 cups of catnip leaves or 1 cup of rosemary leaves, stems removed and crush in a mortar and pestle. alternatively you can use a rolling pin to crush the leaves. Place the leaves in a clean jar. Fill the jar with 3/4 cup of rice vinegar or vodka, or if you use oil, 3/4 cup of jojoba or almond oil. let the mixture sit for a couple of weeks, gently stirring at least once a day. strain mixture into another clean jar and your homemade bug spray is ready to make its debut! Wild Plants That Repel mosquitoes vanilla leaf (achlys triphylla) is a plant native to the northwest and Japan. indigenous peoples were known to hang bundles of the dried plants in and around their dwellings to keep mosquitoes and flies away. the plant can be rubbed on the skin fresh or dried to deter tmosquitotosmudgeusedthesegrouping).samespp.)mWormwood,smosquitoes.agebrush,andugwort(artemisiaareinthegenus(plantallofspeciescanbeasanaromaticthatisknownbeaveryeffectiverepellent.hecrushedleaves can also be applied directly to the skin. these species grow in the drier habitats of the west, including the plains, deserts, and mountainous Pineappleregions. weed (matricaria matricarioides) is a common weedy species that grows all over north america. it can be found growing in lawns, edges of roads, and other disturbed areas. the aromatic crushed plant can be applied to the skin to help repel mosquitoes. additional wild plants known to repel mosquitoes: nodding onion (Allium cernuum) Wild bergamot (Mondarda fistulosa) Snowbrush (Ceonothus velutinus) Sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina) Cedars (Thuja spp.) it’s important to note that insect repellents applied to the skin generally only last one to two hours. Frequent re-application is necessary. also, when utilizing wild plants, internally or externally, always be sure to correctly identify the plant you are going to use. it is best to utilize field guides and work with someone who knows the plant well to avoid accidentally using a poisonous look-alike. additional Tips on Repelling mosquitoes in addition to using mosquito repelling plants, you may want to consider some other factors that can help keep mosquitoes away. mosquitoes find their prey by following carbon dioxide and other components that animals breathe out. many outdoors-people have noticed that mosquitoes have a greater attraction to people that have been eating processed, sugary foods, and less attracted to people eating more of a natural diet such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. the processed food diet may make your odour and blood chemistry more attractive to mosquitoes. You can choose to eat less processed foods and sugars during the mosquito season. additionally, diets high in garlic and onions have been noted to help reduce the attraction of mosquitoes. and finally we must remember that although many people swear by these natural remedies to keep insects away, they are not always guaranteed to work and in many occasion have now scientific facts to back up the claims made. i can only suggest that you try them for yourselves and see if you like many others find a more natural cure to the irritating seasons that we endure living in our warmer climate.
Page 32 Gardens
Mu ddyhands Gardening Service s Tel: 00351963905615 E Mail:
Page LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 e-mail: QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 In need of retail therapy?Discover a unique shopping experience, in beautiful, relaxed surroundings, with friendly staff! New stock arriving Monthly. Why not visit us for all your Home and Garden inspirational ideas, and enjoy complimentary tea or coffee DUE TO BAWEATHERHOTUGUsTCAROOTsAlEIsCANCEllED Indonesian teak sculpture and bowlsAquatic plants Inspiration and ideas for your Garden
Page 34 People WEBSiTE DESiGN AND HOSTiNG:- All iN, ONly 275€ Opening Hours 9.30-1.00 & 3.00-6.30 Closed Sunday and Monday ARE yOU:• Running a small Business • Running a large Business • Selling your house • Renting your house • Or would you just like your own web site PACKAGE iNClUDES:• All Graphics • Website address • One year web hosting • Custom web design • Up to 6 pages, more pages available • An instant contact form • Up to 10 email addresses Computer shop + photos to Canvas on the 9th July 2011 an Operation Florian van arrived with adam Orr from lancashire Fire brigade, laden with equipment for the bombeiros of são brás, the first donation from Operation Florian to an eu country. nidia amaro, the President of the sao bras bombeiros and Flavio deputy President welcomed adam Orr & charlie clarke. along with nidia amaro were Joel, commandant, the President and deputy President of the camara, clive Jewel and lisa Greenough from the british consul in Portimao, christina & Jeff sweet (who contacted Operation Florian on behalf of the bombeiros) and alex from the bombeiros who has been a wonderful contact throughout achieving this momentous occasion. a huge thank you to all fundraisers for raising €2,800 which covered all of the costs of the transport; and a big thank you to all the community who attended these events to help raise the funds. Operation Florian lands in São Brás Uk Fire Service Humanitarian Charity working to promote the protection of life communitiesamongstinneed,worldwide,provideequipmentfortheBombeiros!
Page Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 6pm Saturday 10am - 5pm 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. • The widest selection of linen and towels in the Algarve Hilton,Teal ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT 3 TOG GOOSE FEATHER & DOWN DUVETS ARE NOW IN STOCK. X-LARGE BEACH TOWELS NOW IN, 13.50€ EACH , MED SIZE 9.00€ EACH NO iNCREASEini.V.A. EVENING MENU Tuesday night, Grilled Salmon and salad €7.00 Wednesday night, 3 course indian buffet €8.50 Thursday night, Meat Lasagne and salad €7.00 Fridays, Fish, chips & mushy peas, SErVEd aLL day Saturday,€8.50Steak chips and salad Sunday€9.50lunch, Soup, roast pork or chicken €8.50 Telephone, 912 827 058 Faz N125VilaCampoCorteCasaRONALDO’SFatoPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacelaTAVIRA V.R.S.A RONALDO ’S BARsandwichesVariouschipspotatoes,aOmeletesHamburgersBeefPorkChickenChickengrilledChickenTunaSalmonMENULUNCHSteaksSteaksbreastwingslegsChopssteaksllservedwithorandsaladtoastedThursday11th august SOSbyWITHPrESENTaTIONMEaL7pm5€p/p,Serviceforresidenceandlongtermtourists.Nomisunderstandingphonebecauseoflanguagebarriers! Sunday 21st august MUSIC WITH kELLy Bring dancing shoes sit down 1.30 pm MENU, Veg Soup Prawns, roast beef, Vegetables, Cheesecake or cream Vegetarianpuddingoption€10.00P/P Saturday 27th august CHarIT y QUIz FOr IncludesEntryStartsBOMBEIrOS7pm,10€p/pmeal,plus5€forBombeiros.raffles&Prizes
A recent study by research ers at the university of cal ifornia-davis reported that u s. shoppers who consis tently choose healthy foods spend nearly 20 percent more on grocer ies. the study also said the higher price of these healthier choices can consume 35 to 40 percent of a lowincome family's grocery budget. that's bad news for public health. it's also bad news for the organicfood market, since organics usually carry the highest price tag of all the healthy stuff out there. eventually, analysts keep telling us, demand for organics will set the wheels in motion that will drive prices down. but eventually never seems to come. even though organ ics sales are growing by about 20 percent a year -- almost 10 times the rate of increase in total u.s. food sales, according to the nutrition business Journal -- these cleaner, greener products still carry a hefty hpremium.owmany shoppers have to jump on the organic bandwagon before we actually see prices fall? how long will that take? and what's the gov ernment's role in all this? it depends who you ask. Be Fruitful and multiply the organic market we know today began evolving in the 1960s and '70s, when rising environmental awareness led to a backlash against pesticides and increased demand for "green" products. Over the last 20 years, the market has flourished, gaining enough stature to merit the introduction of nationwide u s de partment of agriculture certification standards in 2002. (those guidelines have been attacked by some for be ing too weak; some producers also cause confusion by claiming to be "natural" or "sustainable" without being certified.) today, roughly three-quarters of conventional grocery stores carry natural and/or organic food, ac cording to a 2002 Food marketing institute study. restaurants across the country, from the high end to the greasy spoon, are plunking organic ingredients onto their menus. still, organics represent only about 2 per cent of the food industry, both in the u.s. and worldwide. and less than 10 percent of u s. consumers buy organic items regularly, according to survey data from nutrition business Journal and the hartman Group, a research firm specializing in the natural-products market. the $10.8 billion industry may be booming, but it's not even close to overtaking conventional sales. this is in part because of plain old economics. according to basic eco nomic principles, in the short term, as demand grows, prices climb along with it; this small supply and growing demand is what's now get ting us, say, $4 quarts of milk. but in the long term, if the market con tinues to expand, consumption of organics should reach a higher plane where the cost per unit of processing, marketing, and distrib uting products is much lower. in other words, organic producers will build economies of scale. that price break, in turn, "could bring many more consumers into the market,"
Page 36 Environment
The high(still)costorganicoffood
Simple economics tells us that the ongoing demand for organic foods should drive prices down. So why aren't they getting more affordable?
Page swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the Fibreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvable. FenCing arOunD pOOls are sOOn tO be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarDe designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarDe creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers anD pOOl enClOsures. •PREFAbRICATED SWIMMING POOLS LESS ExPENSIVE AND FAST bUILDING •Dlw DeliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WhIRLPOOLS AND SPAS. •wOOD line wOODen pOOls in Or abOve grOunD. •FILTER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT swiM-arte E.N. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email We speak: English, German, Dutch and Portuguese
caremonthlyorweeklyDaily, ContaC ts: Property management: 916 781 www.urbidynamic.com916Construction:070781094 says thomas dobbs, a sustainableagriculture economist at south da kota state university. trouble is, no one seems to know for sure when that will happen. that's because there are still so many exceptions to the rules, says steven blank, an agricultural econ omist at uc davis. most organic farms in the u s., for instance, are still small, often family-run opera tions that don't necessarily fit the economy-of-scale model, because they don't usually have high distri bution costs that could be cut as demand rises. many rely on farmers' markets, community-supported ag riculture, and other small-scale dis tribution channels. "We're too local and hands-on for high distribution to change our costs significantly," con firms sarah coddington, co-owner of Frog hollow Farms in northern acalifornia.ndwhen the little guys grow delicate crops like peaches and plums that have to be handpicked, blank says, they can't reach the same economies of scale as farmers who harvest mechani cally -- their labor costs are too high. "if we have a bumper crop, everything costs more to do," says coddington. Frog hollow's tree-ripened fruits have developed a nationwide repu tation, and a single, succulent peach can run more than $3. but gener ally, "it" fruits from small farms are not the ones causing a strain on the bank account. most organic fruits and vegetables -- the largest sector of the organics market -- are only 10 to 30 percent more expensive than their conventionally grown counter parts, and dobbs says many people are willing to pay that kind of markup for better produce. Where econo mies of scale could really make a difference is in the world of frozen produce, processed foods, and ani mal products.
Page 38 Environment Broadband Algarve Internet via Satellite and broadband TV Discounts for afpop members Affordable Monthly Subscriptions (00351) 918 771 381 (Vic) (00351) 918 851 232 (Stephanie)
Villa management makes sense. One of the most important aspects of owning a property abroad is knowing that it's in safe hands. We regularly inspect your property and keep records of our Knowingfindings.thatyour property is in good hands is a comforting feeling. We have the package that will fit your needs, clear and without any surprises. N Othi N g is imp O ssible! unipessoal lda p managementroperty Page 39 Urb. Parque da Azinheira, Lote 3, R/C Dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel Tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 Tel/Fax : +351 289 845 385 email: Solar hot water Air-conditioning Heat pumps Central heating Under floor heating Solar Photovoltaic General plumbing Swimming pools Water treatment Energy advice ENGLISH SPEAKING SPECIALISTS IN Aqua Pura Lda since 1989 Quality poolcovers delivered in 2 days! Now available D.I.Y. Solar covers Eastern Algarve 967 456 335 Western Algarve 967 025 those items typically cost 50 to more than 100 percent more than their conventional counterparts, accord ing to a 2002 usda study. in a sur vey conducted by colorado-based Walnut acres -- which bills itself as america's first organic-food com pany -- price was a major barrier for nearly 70 percent of shoppers who didn't usually buy organic items. so to win these folks over, do or ganic producers have to start offer ing cheap cheese and budget bon bons? dobbs makes a surprising es timate: if just one-third of american shoppers bought organic foods on a regular basis, most prices would come down to that 10 to 30% mark up we're seeing on produce today. still seems expensive, but dobbs says a third of u s. consumers could afford to buy at today's prices if we chose to. the reason we can afford more than we think? We're already paying that much -- and more -- for supposedly cheap food. "it's a matter of the public really knowing what they get when they buy organic," blank says. the nec essary increase in demand, he adds, is likely to happen only if shoppers develop a pro-organic philosophy before they ever set foot in the store.
Page 40 Finance Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 Luís de Brito - Contabilidades, Lda. accountantsspEnglishEaking All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito chartered accountant Rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ Esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila galÈ taViRa hotEl tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 Gabigest T ime for a break: the ecJ ruling may make it easier to justify mandatory retirement in britain, experts said. setting a mandatory age at which all workers must retire could also be acceptable if it is done to encourage the promotion of a younger workforce, employment lawyers claimed after a european court of Justice decision last week. the ruling in the German case Fuchs v land hessen gives greater “wriggle room” to employers looking to reinstate a compulsory retirement age after the uK Government abolished it in april, age campaigners said. Gerhard Fuchs, a state prosecutor made to retire at 65, believed he should not have been forced out and took his case to the German courts, which referred it to europe. he lost his case. the ecJ ruling paves the way for british employers which are in favour of a retirement age to build up “evidence” for the uK courts on why they believe a mandatory cut-off point is necessary for their company. Owen Warnock, partner at eversheds law firm, said: “For the first time the ecJ has said that preventing disputes with older employees over their continued fitness for service is a A toerworkerscompaniescouldretirementcompulsoryagebejustifiedintheUktopreventdisputesbetweenandolderoverwheth-theyarefitenoughwork,expertshavewarnedfollowingaEuropeanruling.
UK's retirement law put in doubt
By louisa Peacock, Telegraph Jobs editor
Page author of emergency guide to property in portugal & international 0044oralgarvewills289798254912650767lOnDOn(0)2074042899 lita gale SOLICITORS Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 e-mail: or Website: Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications poRTUGUese, enGlisH, spAnisH AnD FRenCH speAkinG soliCiToRs oFFeRinG ClienTs THe beneFiTs oF loCAl RepResenTATion. 'legitimate aim’ to justify compulsory retirement.“Ourresearch shows the majority of uK employers are not planning to try and objectively justify a retirement age through the courts now it has been abolished, but this ruling may mean employers re-examine this.” however, mr Warnock said the ecJ did not spell out the grounds on which the fitness to work justification would be acceptable, making it “unclear” how british employers could use it. the Fuchs ruling was also a public sector case about a specific part of German law, so it “remained risky” for uK private sector employers wanting to apply the approach of the ecJ, mr Warnock said. “the approach would have to be tested in uK case law to clarify how it can work,” he said. some companies will be willing to take the risk, however. the abolition of the retirement age raises concerns for many employers about how to get rid of an older worker whose performance has deteriorated –without getting into a dispute that ends up at tribunal. employers have also warned that workers approaching 65 who decide to stay on are effectively taking jobs from young people who would have otherwise been recruited or promoted. One in four organisations surveyed by the chartered institute of Personnel and development said the abolition of the retirement age would mean they recruit fewer cpeople.hrisball, chief executive of the age and employment network, said: “this [ruling] could encourage more employers to seek to establish employer-justified retirement ages than have done previously. and more worryingly, it could open the door for employers to put forward questionable arguments about the fitness of older workers as a reason to retire them off early.” but claire dawson, partner at russell, Jones & Walker, which acts on behalf of employees, said: “employees should take comfort in the fact that it would be wrong for employers to think they now have a carte blanche to introduce compulsory retirement ages. "the decision clearly stated that national courts would have to make a critical assessment of the arguments and evidence used by employers to support a retirement age. mere generalisations would not be sufficient.”
Players use Colina Verde for pre-season training
The algarve’s only Premier league football side Olhanense start the new campaign with a trip to lisbon on the weekend of the 13th/14th august to take on a sporting side now managed by domingos Paciência, former boss of ueFa europa league runners-up sc braga. sporting have brought in sixteen new players including ricky van Wolfswinkel (ex.utrecht) & diego capel (ex.sevilla) for 9million euros. Olhanense have also been busy in the transfer market but with a playing budget of a mere 1.4million euros their acquisitions have been much more modest. new signings include brazilian midfielder cauê (ex. leixoes), goalkeeper Fabiano (ex. américa de natal, brazil), defenders luis Figueroa (ex.unión española) and luís Filipe (ex-benfica) together with midfielder mateus (ex.vila nova, brazil), forward salvador agra (ex. varzim) and exciting loan signing Wilson eduardo (sporting). Olhanense have been using the impressive new football pitch at the colina verde Golf & sports resort at maragota near moncarapacho. Pre-season friendlies have included a victory over Football league newcomers crawley town 2-1, a 1-0 defeat at 2nd division belenenses and a stirring 2-1 win over championship new boys brighton & hove albion at the Jose arcanjo stadium. seven hundred brighton fans converged on Olhão where they were warmly welcomed by the expat supporters Group who had produced a souvenir match day programme and commemorative scarf for this special occasion. Groups of Olhanense and brighton fans took the ferry to ilha de armona for a leisurely and convivial lunch at restaurante a tres. brighton have recently moved into their new 120million euros stadium at Falmer, have signed two players for 3.7million euros and with season ticket sales of over 15,000 and 2600 corporate packages sold their future looks very bright. On the other hand the vagaries of Portuguese football mean that while the likes of Porto, benfica & sporting get richer with 100% television coverage the teams lower down the pecking order such as Olhanense will continue to struggle. steve Gibbon, commercial executive of brighton & hove albion in the community said, “We’ve had a wonderful day. armona island is like a tropical paradise and the party continued at the stadium. the Olhanense fans are a great bunch and made us so welcome”. second-half goals from matt sparrow (brighton), an own goal from brighton’s latest signing romain vincelot (ex. dagenham & redbridge) and a rasping volley from Olhanense's impressive salvador agra two minutes from time settled the issue. Further partying after the game brought to a close a fantastic day that will long be
All the latest sports news from Wright.Chris
Page 42
Sport A tough start for Olhanense
remembers by all those present. as one brighton fan said, “We’ll be back!”
Olhanense’s closest rivals v setúbal, a mere 290kms to the north, are the first home opponents on the weekend of the 20th/21st august. the following weekend Olhanense have a long trip north to take on rio ave. anyone interested in travelling to either sporting or rio ave should contact emily richardson on 939 486 870.
GREEN JERSEY FOR MARK CAVENDISH Mark cavendish, from the isle of man, took his career total to twenty stage wins with victory on the 21st and final stage of the tour de France, the 95-kilometre route from creteil to the champs-elysees. the green jersey is given to the leader of the points classification. at the end of each stage, points are earned by the riders who finish first, second, etc. more points are given for flat stages and fewer for mountain stages. Overall winner of the famous yellow jersey was 34-year-old cadel evans who became the first australian to win the tour de France. earlier in the tour Portuguese rider alberto rui costa, he came sixth in last year’s volta ao algarve, had given his movistar team its first win in the tour de France when he comfortably won stage 8.
Page Sport
FiRST HOme game
James Eugénio CURTAINS & SOFT FURNITURE CURTAINS & SOFT FURNITURE WE MEASURE! WE MAKE! WE FIT! Hand sewn, made to measure curtains, Complete range of window furnishings, Furniture re-upholstered all in our workshop! FARO TAVIRAEN125 RoundaboutCube DocePingoAldi BANKBPI EN125, Edificio Cubo N.o 65C 8700-248 OLHAO, ALGARVE Tel/Fax; 289 701 380 Tlm 91 885 12 09 Tlm 91 364 14 82 Email; QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUIZ nIGHt at tHE QUInta EVERY ATEVENING,WEDNESDAYQUIZSTARTS8.30,Foodfrom7.00 SPECIAL QUIZ 8.50€,AVAILABLE,MENUOR7.50€IFPRE-BOOKED New contestants are always welcome, entry only 2 euros per person, each table recieves a bottle of wine. call 281 971 484 see our map on the back page inTeRnaTiOnal FOOTBall aT THe algaRVe STaDium Wednesday 10th august sees Portugal, including the likes of nani (manchester utd), raul meireles (liverpool) and real madrid’s cristiano ronaldo, Fábio coentrão and ricardo carvalho take on luxembourg. Kick-off is 9.00pm and tickets at 10 & 20 euros are available through the Portuguese Fa website at Brighton & Olhanense fans on armona island
•European seniors tour player/member 2003;2004;2005 common faults and their causes
2 Position of the ball too near the right foot and club-head facing right. 3 You could be locking the wrists too much, and caused by having both hands on grip too much to the left of shaft. good golfing, Keith Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.
iF YOu aRe TOPPing THe Ball. 1 ball could be too far forward at address, causing you to hit the ball as the club is ascending too steeply. 2 lifting up shoulders when swinging back. 3 You could be standing too far from the ball. 4 dipping left shoulder too much on the back swing, causing you to pull up at impact. iF YOu aRe HiTTing Ball TOO lOW OR Digging THe CluB inTO gROunD 1 usually caused by leaning body too far forward at impact. 2 also can be caused by too much weight on left foot at top of the swing. 3 both hands on grip too much to right of shaft, causing the club face to be closed at impact. iF YOu aRe SOCkeTing/ SHanking. 1 turning shoulders to the left on the downswing, making the club-head come down outside to in. 2 hands could be too far in front of the ball at address, also standing too close. 3 usually caused by opening the face going back and then rolling wrists up at impact.
•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A.
•16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s) •Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)
Page 44Some
iF YOu aRe PuSHing Ball OuT TO THe RigHT. 1 You are probably not getting the club-head in soon enough, and leaving the club-face open at impact. make sure that your stance is square. Give a little more pressure with thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and hit a little more with right hand.
More expert tips from Benamor's resident professional, keith Ashdown.
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most of the faults listed below could be caused by forcing the shot and losing the rhythm. cultivate a rhythmic swing and most of these faults will go. Page 45 •Introduction clinics •GVB clinics •Private lessons •Play with the pro •Putt clinics •Thursday friendly competition •Saturday morning “walk-in” training •Dutch, English and German spoken Call Bart: +351 925459558 or Simone: + 351 965317686 Bart van der Wind Golf Academy EAST ALGARVE GOLF SERVING YoU AND YoUR GUESTS WITH CoMPLETE SATISFACTIoN IN MIND 00 351 913 692 170 or UK 0161 298 4800 RENTALS & PRoPERTY MANAGEMENT Let us make renting easy. Management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•Enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •Laundry•Meeting•24/7 Helpline •Bill Payments•Guest Services; Golf Leisure Trips & Transfers
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debut novels tend to have a real thrust and drive to them, as this book does (though its technically Winman’s second, the first didn’t get published) for the first half which bowled me over. they can also want to say a lot, sometimes too much.
‘W hen God Was a rabbit’ has been described as a love story between a brother and sister. now if you are like me you might be worried that this is headed into incest territory, but fear not, it is nothing of the kind. i would describe this book as a coming of age meets family saga in which we follow the lives of eleanor maud (aka elly) and her big brother Jo as they grow up with secrets they share, and discover the highs and lows of life both together and separately and the special bond they have between them. i would also says it’s a book of friendship and the people who come into our lives no matter for how long or short a time and make an impression. this might sound like a vague summing up of the book but one of the joys i found, and i did find this a really good read, whilst turning the pages was discovering who or what was around every corner. it’s also about time, and as we follow the family we too see the world events unfold around them from the late 1960’s until more recent years and covers things from family secrets, loves and loses and such subjects as John lennon and diana’s death to 9/11. so it’s really about two people through time. sarah Winman is without question a very exciting new writer that i think we all need to keep our eyes on. her prose is rhythmic and i found the first hundred pages simply unputdownable (cliche alert, sorry) as we meet elly and her family and the cacophony of characters in her life. seriously, the characters are marvellous. i did wonder if Winman, being from an acting background, has simply created a list of the sort of characters she has wanted to play.
Whilst Winman doesn’t do this i did find that when a friend of elly and Joe’s was kidnapped in dubai (in the middle of the book) and plastered all over the news, i started wondering just how much could happen to one family even in the most random or distant of ways. this happened again when John lennon gets shot… on elly’s birthday, and this occasionally seemed a touch too much. then again sometimes that is life isn’t it? it by no means ruined the book at all, it just took a tiny bit of the magic off. there’s a warmth in this novel which is quite unlike any other i have read and it lingers. so as i was saying all in all i really, really, really enjoyed ‘When God Was a rabbit’. it’s a book you gulp down for the first half and then watch unfold more delicately in the second. it’s one that deserves to be read, so i hope you will. it’s a book you won’t forget and, if you are like me, will grow and grow on you after it finishes. Which novel have you read recently which has rather bowled you over? We welcome your suggestions. ADS if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us at:
Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 - Tavira - Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail:
Page 46 Books
Tavira's only Englishbookshop.Language fiction local dictionaries, Algarve nature, Fantastic books children.
Winman’s swift way of summing them up in a is genius. no matter how little time a character is called into this world they are fully fleshed out be it in a single sentence or paragraph. the level of humour in ‘When God Was a rabbit’ was something i wasn’t expecting and is a tool Winman uses well particularly if things are getting quite dark, which the book does do quite a lot. i did find it interesting that the opening line is ‘i divide my life into two parts’ because to me this is a book of two halves and is also where it becomes telling that this is a debut novel.
Free classifieds Page Written translations - Portuguese/English and vice-versa, Day to day Portuguese lessons available in Tavira, For more information please contact Adelina on 963 758 520 / mix and match: For holiday rental bookings, meet and greets, cleaning, laundry: Tel 965 688 018 Wanted lHD PRT reg hatchback with air con and must be reliable.When responding please enter subject heading (prt reg) or email will not be opened. Reply email HOuSe SiTTing, Reliable,trustworthy couple offer house and pet sitting service Kev and Michele 00351910955987 housesitting. Computer support, very low prices Tel: 919 444 788 email: qualified nurse for home nursing care. Basic hygiene, wound care, ear syringing, basic foot care, and many others. Sarah - 961 154 352 or Hand painted tiles to order. House names, Portuguese scenes etc., please call Corinne926 672 740 Cars returned to uk, from €150 + exps. Can be MOT'd and returned, tel 914 160 823. For painting and decorating, please contact Dennis, the professional. Tel: 915 424 642. mOT for english registered vehicles, hassle free, Pick and drop service available Same day MOT €200 call 965 493 464 Victor music Duo, Available for restaurants, bars and hotels; Tel 917 332 068 man and large Van available good rates for removals or Ikea trips etc Joe 911 956 149 Palm reading service. Tel 916 389 810 maSTeRJOineR / CaRPenTeR & general maintenance. Solid experience of fitting Kitchens, Doors, Locks etc 926 615244 - 281 328 648 Stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACT i V i T i ES Scottish Country Dancing at the Casa do Povo Moncarapacho, Thursdays 5.30 ~ 7.30PM.Tel 289 791 998 or 914 798 833 or email mosaic workshops in Quinta Fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every Wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta Fonte Bispo T. 289 845 561 BusinessaClaSSiFieDSReFReeforprivateadvertisers,adsarefreeforOnemOnTHOnlY. email your ads to (maximum 9 words) if you would like more information on advertising in this magazine please call: 961 700 200 PROPERT y FOR RENT Tavira area Long term rentals, various properties for rent 1-2-3 beds from 325€ per month. Joe 911 956 149 2 Bed apt for rent long term walking distance to Tavira. Modern & with good terraces. Kate 926 360 484 2 Bed apt for rent short or long term walking distance to Tavira. Modern & with good terraces. Kate 926 360 484 PROPERT y FOR SA l E apartment for sale in Faro-central, new, t1, 90€, - mob.967 059 204. Plot in St.Barbara De nexe-Faro, 2000m2, 60.000€-tel.967 059 204 French wine bar and Bistro in Tavira, along the river, Unique product, unique spot, Turn-key business. Tel. 00 351 96 031 79 73 WANTED Wanted Bikes 27-28" One male and one female. Good condition. Reliable and trustworthy couple required to manage townhouse in Tavira. Duties to include meet and greet, laundry and cleaning for ocasional guests. References required. Please contact No agents or management companies avon - Oriflame - Yves Rocher Resellers Wanted - Tel. 91-981.74.90 Wanted all types of construction materials, leftovers, etc 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted foreign or Pt reg cars, vans, jeeps, motorcycles, boats, motor-homes, nonrunners, accident damaged, with or no docs. Cash. 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted Entertainment acts for new Agency in the East Algarve, all acts considered, call 918 250 501 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 SERV i CES PlumBing, Tiling, PainTing. Kitchen/ bathroom full/part renovations. All work guaranteed. Please call 289 991023 or 917 587 685. lee price, pebble mosaic artist,precast pebble mosaics, tables, pools, patios, bathrooms. Art teacher at the art school in Olhao,private art school, prices from 100€ Tel 926 750 668 FOR SA l E Washing machine 12 months old, 1000 spin speed. 195€. 289 422 732. zanussi dishwasher, very good condition. 145€. 289 422 732. 2 gas cookers, old but working. 30€ each. 289 422 732. Set of 3 suitcases €50, Tel. 932 000 430 keter kennel for large dog €50, Tel. 932 000 430 english Reg vehicle, Mazda bongo friendee, P registration, 8 seat people carrier, converts to overnight camper. Excellent condition, full service history. Reliable, diesel, automatic, comfortable drive. Suit someone travelling back to UK, lots of storage room. Tel 289 998 350 mobile 936 153 322 Fogo montana log fire little used. cost 900€ accept 175€ tel 939 069 933 nearly new Silver Cross 3 in 1 pram in Charcoal 250€ ono tel: 912 258 090. lawn Bowls, set of 4, Taylor spectrum yellow size 2H. VGC with bowls bag. €45. Tel: 281 324 597. lawn bowls, set of 4, Taylor vector turquoise size 00H. VGC with carrier. €45. Tel: 281 324 597 Sky HD box vgc 50€ Tavira 281327434 Pair of brand new speaker stands,ideal for surround sound system 20€, Tavira 281 327 434 Cafe Bar in Olhao, Front line with Sea views, to include fixtures and fittings, excellent location, nearest cafe to Five star Hotel, a real Bargain for someone with time and enthusiasm, Lease 12,000, rent 700 pcm, Tel 931 462 615
Page hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO for information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the En270 near sta Catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website www.qtfontebispo.combooTsALEEvery4th sunday (August cancelled) CARVERYsundays from 1pm booking advised from only €10 Quiz nigHT Every Wednesday, meals served from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm REsTAuRAnT open Tues-sat, serving light lunchtime meals, and an international menu during the evenings. diners are welcome to enjoy our facilities. Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HEREAREWE REguLAR EVEnTs Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in the countryside of Tavira. ELVIS vs cliff richard NOW!yourout,Don't13thSaturdayAugustmissbookticketsCAllFORDETAilS