Dec10 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve December 2010 Olive oil © Taviralights Health Golf tips FromAshdownKeith Gardening Christmasplants Focus on Facts about you! Free tasting Moncarapchoin


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EDITORIaL cO-ORDInaTORS Richard Bassett Snr. aDvERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTanT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTED By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras DISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink+ dessert and coffee €8.50 SpecialitieS incluDe Fresh local seafood • cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey pluS MucH MucH MORe! Rua da liberdade n.º 126 FuSeta • OlHÃO • algaRve telephone 289 798 045 etaSuF

Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & DESIgnER Richard

Wecome to the December issue. How the year has flown by! I've been Christmas shopping, at a few of the delightful Christmas Bazaars around. The local crafts and produce are especially ideal as an unusual, unique gift. We also found some time to visit Casa do Polvo Tasquinha, who bring you a stunning Octopus dish, and Geoff and Christine at SBA Computer shop. We have the usual golfing advice, health tips, finance, sport and an interesting book review by Chris Wright featuring a guide to Olhão. This month we focus on Tavira's Christmas lights, which are all new this year. We hope you have a fabulous, stress free Christmas, thankyou to all our advertisers and feature writers for their help and support during 2010. We'll be back in 2011, have a happy and prosperous new year, warm regards from the East Agarve Team. Bassett Bassett

Page 4Let us know your thoughts. 5WHaT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7PEOPLE Meet the ownera SBA Computers, based in São Brás. 10THEaTRE Ebenezer Scrooge This is Your Life! 11TaSTIng LIQUID gOLD Olive oil tasing in Moncarapacho. 12HEaLTH 48 facts about YOU. 15PEOPLE Cara's hair & beauty salon. 16FOcUS On Tavira this Christmas. 18PROPERTy Unraveling some taxing problems. 20PROPERTy Property of the month. 24PLacES Ayamonte animal sanctuary. 25HOME Christmas decoration. 28FOOD From Casa do Polvo Tasquinha. 31gaRDEnS Plants for Christmas. 34TEcHnOLOgy Help from SBA computers. 35EnvIROnMEnT Cool heating. 38FInancE Up to date finance news. 42SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 44SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 46BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER This month's book review. 47cLaSSIFIEDS Grab a local bargain. 281516 CONTENTS 73125

Page 4 Email: Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO call 281 971 484, email or see our or see our map on the back page Across Decemberinchristmasboarder,bigthefairAyamontewithiceskatingrink,fromthe3rdoftillthe9thofJanuary lcaRveRYaMb,beeF & tuRkeY, pluS all tHe tRiMMingS Sundays from 1.00pm bOOking aDviSeD OnlY 10€ 3 course option available for only 14€ Fridays,SteaknigHtfrom6.30pm * RuMp €8.50 * Rib eYe €10.00 * SiRlOin €13.00 * 16Oz t-bOne €19.50 (48 hours notice for t bone) all steaks come with home made chips, onion rings, mushrooms,grilled tomatoes, and peas. Furniture Fronterawill be closed forChristmas from 18thDecember and willopen again on 3rdJanuary 2011. ChristmasHappy Clinical Pilatesas featured inNovember issue,correct914numberphone131694 Arco bAr, TAvirA's oldesTre-opensbAr n Friday 13th december, Arco bar, Tavira's oldest bar re-opens it's doors. We'll be there to wish new owner Kyle all the best, and join him for a drink and a dance, between 18.00 and 02.00. ocated in the centre of town, next to the Wine Museum, for further information call 07754635252 New Barbers in Sao Bras Why not try the new barbers in Sao Bras, opposite the old EcoMarche Tel Mario on 916 750 399


Have fun! Things to do this December 2010

keep guide

Luz De TaViRa - christmas con cert by the Tavira Band, 17/12 sanTa caTaRina - christmas concert by the Tavira Band, 18/12 OLHÃO - christmas concert by the santo amaro De Oeiras choir, 18/12, 21h30, main church Olhão.

Page What’s on Your guide

MARKETS Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. Moncarapacho 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila nova de cacela: 3rd sunday of the month. castro Marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month.

OLHÃO - childrens musical, "as adventures Da Banda Do Joao Rato", 18/12, 16h00, muncipal auditorium.



TfesTiVaLsaViRa-festivities in Honour of our Lady of Deliverance, 26/12, 15h00, chapel of nossa senhora do livramento. maRkeTs anD faiRs V.R.sTO.anTOniO - christmas market, 12/12, 10h00-17h00, cacela velha. s.B.De aLPORTeL - craft market - 12/12, 10h00-17h00, municipal market. to what's in around the East Algarve this month. BANk HOlIDAYS AND FESTIvAlS cut & to 2010 bank holidays and with compliments of east algarve magazine. Tuesday 16 feb Thursday 1 apr good friday, 2 apr easter sunday 4 apr Liberation Day (sunday) 25 apr Labour Day, (saturday) 1 may corpus christi, (Thursday) 3 Jun national Day in Portugal, (Thursday) 10 Jun assumption Day, (sunday) 15 aug Republic Day, (Tuesday)..............5 Oct all saints’ Day, (monday) 1 nov independence Restoration Day, (Wednesday) 1 Dec immaculate (Wednesday)conception, 8 Dec christmas eve........................... 24 Dec christmas Day, (saturday) 25 Dec WHy nOT TaViRa- Portugal Dakar challenge, the craziest race in the World, 27/12. 60 teams spread between 55 cars, one truck and 4 motorbikes covering 5000kms. t.213 196 040. OLHÃO - new year's concert with carlos guilherme and ana serro, 01/01, 21h30, municipal auditorium.

sDance.B.DeaLPORTeL- christmas Dance Production by the munici pal Dance school, 18/12, 16h00, cine-theatre.

TmusicaViRa- "autumn Tones", 04/12 & 18/12, 22h00, casa do Povo, sta estevao. s.B.De aLPORTeL - christmas concert, 11/12, 21h30, cine-the atre.





TTHeaTReaViRa-Timeless Tales-But With space!, 03/12-04/12, 21h30, espaço da corredoura.

TsPORTaViRa- 17th Portuguese inter national championships, Table Tennis, 17/12-19/12, dr. eduardo mansinho municipal Pavilion. TaViRa - athletics competition - 3rd s.silvestre Vila de santa Luzia, 18/12, 16h00,santa luzia, av eng duarte Pacheco.

Here’s your handy

TeXHiBiTiOnsaViRa-"The1st Republic in Tavira: Transformations and con tinuities", until 31/12, municipal museum and Palacio da Galeria. TaViRa - centenary of the Re public Books and memories, until 31/12, municipal library. TaViRa - Letters and colours, ideas and authors of the Republic, until 31/12, municipal library. s.B.De.aLPORTeL - "alportelart '10", until 30/12, municipal Gallery. TaViRa - exhibition "city and Rural Worlds", until 18/06/2011, municipal museum and Palacio da Galeria.

Quelfes much needed childcareopens.facility

Anew creche has opened in Quelfes near Olhao. named noah's ark, the creche accepts infants from three months to three years old. the standard and facilities of the creche are reportedly of such good quality that it is already full to its capacity of 58 children. more establishments are planned throughout Portugal due to the demand of working parents. the facility is run by the tempus association and a secondary school in essex, england. the uK school has supported the creche by donating toys, baby wipes, musical instruments and puzzles, also funding plastic fencing to be installed to secure the children.

The blue tongue virus has affected herds of sheep in alcoutim, castro marim and Faro. recently, herds are being tested for the virus in loule, although there are no results confirmed as yet, the out come of positive infection appears to be likely. it is rumoured that the virus is being transmitted by mosquitos.

Body found The body of an unnamed missing German tourist has been discovered. the man went missing last June apparently on his way to meet family at the alcoutim crafts fair. the body was discovered in a revine by a hunter approximately ten days ago. the hunting season has only just commenced, which explains why it took so long to find the man, as the area is only really visited by hunters. it is thought that the man got lost.

News Page 6

Study says that hoteliers should tailor their designs to suit the elderly. "hotels must focus on attracting senior tourists, particularly in the low season, to help combat seasonality, the curse of the algarve region" claims Wilson Zacarias who is gathering information to serve as a recommendation to the architects and promoters of hotel projects on what is needed in the design or renovation of units to attract the elderly. “the floor-plans and facilities of hotels in the algarve are not generally tailored to the needs of the elderly”. he goes on to suggest two simple considerations: select armchairs that are not too low and install sturdy banister rails. Wilson told the lusa news agency that he compares the algarve to the state of Florida, usa, a venue for many elderly people to holiday or live. the climate, security and good medical care are among the factors most privileged by public seniors, who are demanding, usually wealthy and travel mostly in spring or autumn. making algarve hotels more attractive is the basis for his doctoral thesis that he is developing at the instituto superior técnico, using data compiled from visits to six luxury hotels in the region. senior tourism is still a niche market, largely untapped and for a number of years it will be one of the major markets in the hotel industry, since life expectancy is increasing. the architect believes that besides being able to contribute to evening out the seasonal characteristic of the algarve, the commitment to senior tourists "opens the possibility that some elderly people may decide to move permanently to the region."

Virus Algarveamongstspreadsheep.

Senior Tourism on the Increase



This is the story of how chance conversations can lead to opportunity, development, change and opportunity for individuals and partnerships. this is how sba computers was conceived, grown and delivered in sao bras with christina and Jeff sweet and their Portuguese partner Filipe mata. christina & Jeff sweet found their home in sao bras de alportel in 1999. however, it took another 7 years before they would move to their home on a permanent basis and another 4 years to complete their ‘6 month project’ on their house, turning it into a home. christina and Jeff has both had busy lives in the uK; christina ran her own training company and nvQ assessment centre, providing training in social care and management to local authorities, Private and voluntary Organisations and writing books on the subject. she had previously been a social worker and a nurse spending a total of 43 years working in the field of care. Jeff spent over 36 years working for the mOd before taking early retirement in 2006 along with christina. his main claim to fame during this time was the selling of the royal Yacht britannia and closing down of the cruise missile base at Greenham common. he tells us that they had to leave the doors open on the missile silo’s so that the russian satellites could fly over and confirm that they were still empty. in all the time that Jeff and christina have had a home in sao bras, Jeff has had the yearly villa christina Golf cup where his family and friends have come every september to play 5 days of golf. in 2009, we were all talking in the garden when his cousin Paul started talking about his company in the uK, mius (mount international ultra sound) which he has owned and run for over 12 years. mius supply reconditioned ultra sound machines in the uK to vets and medical establishments. in this discussion, Paul suggested that Jeff and christina could import these to Portugal and sell them; the benefits for the Portuguese would be fantastic as a brand new ultra sound machine can cost up to £120K and they could sell the same machine, reconditioned and with a years guarantee from 16,000€. ultra sound is used to ‘see’ babies in the womb and many other applications where a ‘look’ inside the body is needed in more detail than an X-ray. and so the story began there on that day in september. christina and Jeff already knew Filipe and knew that he was a very good computer technician although, at that time, Filipe owned a pet store in sao bras. they knew they would need a technician and decided to approach Filipe to find out if he would like to train to be their technician for the ultra sound machines as his knowledge and skills would be what were needed for these machines. he agreed and christina and Jeff arranged to go to the uK to Gloucester to undertake

SBA Computers – Sao Bras De Alportel - this is how the story began!

Page 8 People

On returning to Portugal, christina and Jeff and Filipe began creating a division in Filipe’s pet shop for the ultra sound machines. Whilst undertaking this, they begin to think about Filipe and computer repairs. the current shop was not really suitable for repairing computers as with a pet shop there is dust, and this was really where Filipe’s heart lay, not in pet food and pet supplies. the decision was made; a new shop that would enable Filipe and Jeff to look after the computer repairs and ancillaries and have the ultra sound machines within a clean environment. and so, sba computers was born. now located in rua antonio rosa brito, sao bras de alportel, they have been open for 2 months. this is very near the market in town and in the same road as the 2 large paper shops just up from the cork hroundabout.owever,sba is much, much more than just a computer shop. they have a large format printer which can create canvas pictures from photographs. the client brings in the photograph either digitally or the photo (which can be scanned) and sba will produce a wonderful canvas fully framed picture from this. Prices start at 29€. Great presents either personally or for others, guaranteed to last at least 100years. sba can also produce a4, a3 and a1 sizes in canvas or photographic paper and can scan up to a3; they do not however, undertake the small size development or printing that photographic shops produce. Filipe can visit client’s homes to give advice on their needs, to sort out problems with their computer set up and internet and they are happy to give advice on your needs at the shop. We can also design web pages. the shop has wi fi if you need to access on your computer and you can use their computer to access the internet also at a small cost. so this story that began in the garden of christina’s and Jeff’s home in 2009 has produced 3 businesses each of which can serve the community in a positive and beneficial way, sba computers, mius Portugal and Portugal-canvas. Prior to opening sba, the people of sao bras and surrounding areas needed to travel to have their computers repaired or buy spares, inks or even a new computer. now, sao bras has their own. sba computers mission statement is – a personal touch. Wherever you come from, they can service your needs. Filipe is Portuguese however, speaks perfect english. Jeff and christina speak perfect english, with imperfect Portuguese, and are desperately learning the language. they would be pleased to see you at their shop and see how they might help you. SBa computers, Rua antonio Rosa Brita, no 32, 8150-118, Sao Bras De alportel. Phone: 289 489 850 Web:

the training along with Filipe. it was only on the day of the journey they found out Filipe had not been on a plane before and never been out of Portugal. they ensured that he was well looked after on the journey. he also got to see snow whilst in uK as they landed in cardiff and the snow was still around in the mountains. they managed to take Filipe to have a look at this and have a pint of Guinness whilst sitting at a table at the pub covered in snow and to see some more of Wales including cardiff castle.

Page PeopleAFFORDABLELIVINGONTHEEASTERNALGARVE Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool, Bar and Restaurant, Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVISITSBy AppOINTmENT ONLy Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L VISIT OUR SHOwHOmE 2 BEDROOmS, 3 BATHROOmS, FULLy FURNISHED • NEw HOmES FOR SALE • RESALES 2011 FEES INcLUDED • yEAR ROUND RENTALS • SHORT AND LONG TERm • RENTALS wITH OpTION TO BUy • FINANcE OpTIONS AVAILABLE • pLOTS TO RENT FROm 100m² Restaurant, bar and pool.

A fascinating new display at Galeria Corte-Real This spirit of the Past is certainly a lot nicer to look at than eamonn andrews ever was, but that doesn’t stop her giving scrooge a hard time in aperitivo Performance Group’s adaptation of the old dickens favourite “a christmas carol”. aperitivo’s quirky version, called bah humbug!, is set in the depression years of the 30s, but the general drabness of those times is enormously enlivened by the various spirits of Past, Present and Future. the entry of the glamorous spirit of the Past into scrooge’s dingy bedchamber, warmed by one meagre army blanket and redolent of yesterday’s soup, is enlightening in more ways than one. aperitivo have introduced a tree of life motif into their spirits. the Past bears a tree in blossom because, as she says, we always look back to the past as the springtime of our youth - a time when we were young and blooming, when all the colours were clear and bright. rachel swarte, who plays the part, certainly embodies that idea, combining all the freshness and beauty of her mere 16 years with a stage presence and assurance appropriate to a spirit who is infinitely rold.achel also embodies the spirit of aperitivo, which is a multinational theatre group. although aperitivo’s plays are always basically english, all the different nationalities – six in this production – get a chance to speak their own language. rachel, who comes from dutch/German parents, speaks four languages fluently, three of which get an airing in her role as spirit of the Past. bah humbug! will be performed at the museum in são brás on 10th and 11th december, at the holiday inn, armação de Pera on the 15th december (dinner theatre), and at the teatro al masrah in tavira (diagonally opposite the cine-teatro in the centre of town) on the 17th december. for more information contact: info@hialgarve.com96-6329073admin@amigos-museu-sbras.orggmail.comaperitivoperformancegroup@aperitivo:museumsãoBrás:Holidayinn:282-320260 the Past, played by rachel swarte.

Page 10 Arts

Ebenezer Scrooge –This is Your Life! david littlewood as ebenezer scrooge is cowed by the spirit of

Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and information: For all creatednotanduniqueshoppingChristmasyourandtrulyuniquegiftideasCasadasPortasisashopintheheartofTavira,themostbeautifultownintheAlgarve.Visittheshopexperiencefirst-handonlytheextraordinaryimagesofthetownbytheowner,JaneGibbin,butalsotheeverchangingcollectionofbeautifulthingsethicallysourcedfromPortugalandaroundtheworld.


Tasting liquid Gold

Following last months focus on Olives, we were contacted by the owners of Monterosa, producers of Extra virgin Olive oil, based in Moncarapacho and invited to taste their extra-ordinary olive oil.

Set in a stunning 20 hectares of olive groves, the amazing palm tree lined drive took my breath away. the press is actually a roman ruin, restored seven years ago. Greeted by the owners, we were taken into the olive groves where the team of pickers were hard at work. We then spoke about the different types of olives and the tasting process was explained to us. i must admit that i'd never really taken much notice of the different types of oil, but after tasting the difference, choosing my olive oil in future will never be the same. the variation in taste is quite incredible! monterosa offer free tasing for groups of 2-20 people (by appointment), or with lunch for around 15 euros per head. You are guaranteed to be made welcome, and enjoy an experience you'll remember for a long time to come. for more information or directions, call 289 790 440, or visit their website

9your smell is unique: Your body odor is unique to you — unless you have an identical twin. even babies recognize the individual scents of their mothers.

Following my article in the October edition, I was contacted by vera Sousa who runs a Clinical Pilates class in

13your nose remembers 50,000 scents: it is possible for your

8your brain can store everything: technically, your brain has the capacity to store everything you experience, see, read or hear. however, the real issue is recall — whether you can access that information. yOuR senses you might be surprised at the amazing things your various senses can accomplish.

Ihope you have enjoyed the articles i have written this year for the east algarve magazine and have tried out some of the treatments and advice i have featured. Pilates, Water, exercise, healthy eating, all very important, but not as important, especially at this time of year, as remembering family & friends and people less fortunate then ourselves. as we indulge ourselves in the seasonal festivities, remember to include those on their own and those who struggle with daily challenges life throws at them. You may be alright, but there is always someone nearby who is not. if doing something for someone else makes you feel good, then next year you have the chance to feel amazing. have a wonderful december and i wish you a very happy and healthy 2011. as long as we make efforts to take care of ourselves and live healthy, there is a good chance that our bodies will serve us well for a long time. Our bodies truly are amazing. You might be surprised at what your body is capable of after reading these 50 weird facts about the human body: THe BRain complex and poorly understood, the brain is what makes everything work properly. The body may be kept alive, but without the brain, a person can’t truly live. Here are some interesting and weird facts about the brain.

7The brain changes shapes during puberty: Your teenage years do more than just change how you feel; the very structure of your brain changes during the teen years, and it even affects impulsive, risky behavior.

2your brain has huge oxygen needs: Your brain requires 20 percent of the oxygen and calories your body needs — even though your brain only makes up two percent of your total body weight.

1The brain doesn’t feel pain: even though the brain processes pain signals, the brain itself does not actually feel pain.

10Humans use echolocation: humans can use sound to sense objects in their area using echolocation. it is thought that those who are blind develop this ability to heightened effectiveness.

12Women smell better than men: Women are better than men at identifying smells.

48 Facts You!about

5your brain operates on 10 watts of power: it’s true: the amazing computational power of your brain only requires about 10 watts of power to operate. 6a higher i.Q. equals more dreams: the smarter you are, the more you dream. a high i.Q. can also fight mental illness. some people even believe they are smarter in their dreams than when they are awake.

11adrenaline gives you super strength: Yes, with the proper response in certain situations, you really can lift a car.

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 Health

380% of the brain is water: instead of being relatively solid, your brain 80% water. this means that it is important that you remain properly hydrated for the sake of your mind.

4your brain comes out to play at night: You’d think that your brain is more active during the day, when the rest of your body is. but it’s not. Your brain is more active when you sleep.

311/4 of your bones are in your feet: there are 26 bones in each foot, meaning that the 52 bones in account for 25 percent of your body’s 206 bones.

32it takes more muscles to frown than to smile: scientists can’t agree on the exact number, but more muscles are required to frown than to smile.


HowRePRODucTiOnweasaspecies reproduce offers all sorts of interesting weird facts. Here are some of the weirder things you might not know.

20sex can be a pain reliever: even though the “headache” excuse is often used to avoid sex, the truth is that intercourse can provide pain relief. sex can also help you reduce stress.

BODy funcTiOns

23your feet can produce a pint of sweat a day: there are 500,000 (250,000 for each) sweat glands in your feet, and that can mean a great deal of stinky sweat.

18Babies always have blue eyes when they are born: melanin and exposure to ultraviolet light are needed to bring out the true color of babies’ eyes. until then they all have blue eyes.

25a full bladder is about the size of a soft ball: When your bladder is full, holding up to 800 cc of fluid, it is large enough to be noticeable.

27a sneeze can exceed 100 mph: When a sneeze leaves your body, it does so at high speeds — so you should avoid suppressing it and causing damage to your body.

33When you take a step, you are using up to 200 muscles: Walking uses a great deal of muscle power — especially if you take your 10,000 steps.

17Babies are stronger than oxen: On a pound for pound basis, that is. For their size, babies are quite powerful and strong.

19 most men have regular erections while asleep: every hour to hour and a half, sleeping men have erections — though they may not be aware of it.

•Swedish pauwels, ilse Brenner tel: 919 660 211 or 963 706 624 in Centre OF tavira Mail: nose to identify and remember more than 50,000 smells.

Page 13 Health CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy

14your hearing decreases when you overeat: When you eat too much food, it actually reduces your ability to hear. so consider eating healthy — and only until you are full.

21chocolate is better than sex: in some studies, women claim they would rather have chocolate than sex. but does it really cause orgasm? Probably not on its own.

29Bones can self-destruct: it is possible for your bones to destruct without enough calcium intake.

26you probably pass gas 14 times a day: On average, you will expel flatulence several times as part of digestion.

The things our bodies do are often strange and sometimes gross. Here are some weird facts about the way your body functions.

16your teeth are growing before birth: even though it takes months after you are born to see teeth, they start growing about six months before you are born.

28coughs leave at 60 mph: a cough is much less dangerous, leaving the body at 60 mph. that’s still highway speed, though.

muscuLOskeLeTaL sysTem find out what you didn’t know about your muscles and bones.

30you are taller in the morning: throughout the day, the cartilage between your bones is compressed, making you about 1 cm shorter by day’s end.

22earwax is necessary: if you want healthy ears, you need some earwax in there.

•Local•Lymphaticmassage,Quiromassage,Reflexology,drainage,TraditionalThaimassage,massageforlegsandfeetorneckbackandshoulders. Catherina

15your sense of time is in your head: how you experience time is all about your perception. some speculate that stress can help you experience time dilation. apparently, time manipulation isn’t just for superheroes.

24Throughout your life, the amount of saliva you have could fill two swimming pools: since saliva is a vital part of digestion, it is little surprise that your mouth makes so much of it.

42male uterus: Yeah, men have one too — well sort of. the remains of this undeveloped female reproductive organ hangs on one side of the male prostate gland.

48Only humans shed emotional tears: every other animal that produces tears has a physiological reason for doing so.

43appendix: Yep, your appendix is basically useless. While it does produce some white blood cells, most people are fine with an appendectomy.

46you can’t tickle yourself: Go ahead. try to tickle yourself.

35Bone can be stronger than steel: Once again, this is a pound for pound comparison, since steel is denser and has a higher tensile strength.

We have a number of body parts that are, well, useless. Here are some facts about the body parts we don’t actually need.

41female vas deferens: a cluster of dead end tubules near the ovaries are the remains of what could have turned into sperm ducts.

39Vomeronasal organ: there are tiny (and useless) chemoreceptors lining the inside of the nose.

Page 14 Health

34your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body: compared to its size, the tongue is the strongest muscle. but i doubt you’ll be lifting weights with it.

36coccyx: this collection of fused vertebrae have no purpose these days, although scientists believe it’s what’s left of the mammal tail humans used to have. it may be useless, but when you break your coccyx, it’s still painful.

37Pinkie toe: there is speculation that since we no longer have to run for our dinner, and we wear sneakers, the pinkie toe’s evolutionary purpose is disappearing — and maybe the pinkie itself will go the way of the dodo.

38Wisdom teeth: this third set of molars is largely useless, doing little beyond crowding the mouth and sometimes causing pain.

40most body hair: While facial hair serves some purposes, the hair found on the rest of body is practically useless and can be removed with few ill effects.

Here are a few final weird facts about the human body. 44your head creates inner noises: it’s rare, but exploding head syndrome exists.

45memory is affected by body position: Where you are and how you are placed in your environment triggers memory.

RanDOm WeiRD BODy facTs

47Being right-handed can prolong your life: if you’re right-handed, you could live up to nine years longer than a lefty.

unnecessaRy BODy PaRTs


Page People

Meet Cara Wilson, owner of Cara's hair & beauty salon and Michelle McCreadie who is responsible for all beauty treat ments. The salon is close to the train sta tion in Tavira... underneath the Arches! In 1930 bud Flanagan wrote the song that was to make him and chesney allen world famous. eighty years later ‘underneath the arches’ in one of the main routes leading from the train station into tavira town centre is where you will find the english hair and beauty salon cara cara Wilson, with husband mark, settled in tavira seven years ago after having travelled extensively plying her trade as a top class hairdresser. “We love tavira and have built our own home a few kilometres out of town. this is a wonderful place for our young son alfie and we’re very happy here.” said cara who trained in her home town of norwich. since then cara has undertaken numerous refresher courses at london academies as she feels it is important to keep abreast of ever changing techniques in hairstyling. in fact, cara will shortly be attending another course in england. christine Wright, one of many satisfied customers, said, "i've lived here for five years and at last i've found a hairdresser who not only understands my requirements but is so easy to talk to." the salon is now expanding and michelle mccreadie has recently joined as a beauty therapist. michelle trained at scotland’s prestigious mary reid international beauty academy before working for steiner of london where she was quickly promoted to spa manager on the Princess & carnival cruise lines. incidentally, mary reid herself trained under the legendary elizabeth arden. michelle said, “i worked in albufeira for five years before coming to the beautiful and tranquil town of tavira with its quaint squares and meandering passageways. after work i really enjoy sitting by the river with my cup of coffee watching the world go by.” michelle now offers new and exciting treatments which include the sole delight Foot treatment with pedicure, exotic hand ritual with manicure, eye collagen treatment, swedish massage, acrylic nail extensions, Waxing and eyelash/ brow tints. here at cara’s you will be pleasantly surprised at the extremely reasonable prices with cara & michelle guarantying you a five star service. the salon is proving very popular and we are actively looking to add to the team so if you are a hairdresser we would love to hear from you”, said cara as yet another happy customer stepped out from ‘underneath the arches’. cara & michelle wish all their clients a very Happy christmas and healthy new year!

MINI PAMPER DAY - Swedish back, neck & shoulder massage, Booster Facial, File & Polish. 60 minutes ONLY €40 DELUXE PAMPER DAY - Swedish back, neck & shoulder massage, Aroma Expert Facial, Manicure or Pedicure plus Wash & Blow Dry 100 minutes ONLY €60 SUPREME PAMPER DAY - Swedish full body massage, anti-ageing Facial, Eye Collagen Treatment, Exotic hand ritual, Sole delight pedicure plus Wash & Blow Dry 4 hours ONLY €120

SPEcIaL cHRISTMaS OFFERS Treat yourself or a loved one to a PAMPER DAY. Gift Vouchers available.


on Tavira

This is a special year for the christmas festivities in the district council of tavira. the christmas lights have all been replaced by new ones, even in the small villages. For this reason the council has decided to turn the lights on in november, the 26th to be exact, and the lights are to be simutanuously switched on in every town and village in tavira.

cHRisTmas anD neW yeaR PROgRam in TaViRa enTeRTainmenT in THe ciTy sQuaRe. 01/28 december - grand christmas Raffle 08 december - Live nativity scene at casa andre Pilarte 3pm - 6pm 10 december - arrival of father christmas 10am 11 december - 10am- 1pm street entertainment 11am - Orchestra Ritmos of the algarve 3pm - 6pm inflatables and live nativity scene 13/27 december - street markets by the river gilao. 18 december - 11am - Dance demonstration by acaT 21 december - 3pm- 6pm, inflatables 22 and 23 december - 10am street entertainment, father christmas and face Painting 3pm-6pm inflatables 3.30pm - 6pm nativity scene 24 december - 10am - 1pm inflatables, bouncy castles etc associations Program 17 december - chapel of saint sebastiao, christmas auditions for the students of the music academy of Tavira 9pm 19 december - carmo church , concert by Banda musical Tavira c4pmhapel of saint sebastiaochristmas concert by the music


Photographs by Richard Bassett lights sponsored by academy of Tavira 9pm 21 december until 8 January 2011 - ribeira market - giant crib made from 5000 pieces of recycling by the Live science association of cHRTaviraisTmas cOnceRTs. 18 december - carmo church, choir group of Tavira, vOces caelestes - the most beautiful christmas songs. 9.30pm 20 december - misericordia church - "O natal no Jazz", sofia vitoria and Julio resende, 6pm 21 december - misericordia church - christmas Organ Recital with miguel Jaloto "in Festo natavitatis domini Jesu christi" 6pm 22 december - misericordia church - ludovice ensemble - eduarda melo, soprano "natal Barroco", music vocal and instruments of g.P Telemann and g.f Handel 236pmdecember - misericordia church - "adeste fidelis", mary had a bay oh Lord!, ana Paula Russo soprano and carlos gutkin on guitar 6pm 24 december - misericordia church - "upon a star" Teresa card De menezes, soprano and carmen cardeal plays the Harp 3pm neW yeaR ceLeBRaTiOns 31 december - republic square new year celebrations from 11pm 1 January 2011 - spectacular firework display and music on the river Gilao, 00h neW yeaR PROgRam 1 January - carmo church, "farewell to the old year and greetings to the new year" with Quartet of Tavira 9.30pm 2 January - cine Theatre XXV1 festival of charolas " city of Tavira" 2.30pm

of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property taxingUnravelingwww.eastalgarvemag.comsomeproblems The youryouPredialCadernetacanhelptodeterminepropertytax.

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Covering the If the owner

you are

whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home.

he first forms of public taxation in Portugal were levied in the 17th century when a comprehensive income tax was introduced to finance the war against spain. Over centuries this system has been continuously reformed and only in 1989 the taxation was remodelled to its present form showing a very strong resemblance to the system of the 17th century, creating a system of corporate income tax (irc) and Personal income tax (irs). it was not until 2003 when the reform of property tax introduced two new codes, as we know them today: the municipal tax charged when a property changes ownership (imposto municípal sobre transmissões de imóveis, or imt) and the second code being the municipal tax of real estate (imposto municípal sobre imóveis, or imi), commonly known as council ttax.oday, the evaluation of the Portuguese taxation code of properties is based on various objective parameters: the construction price per square meter, total construction area, location, level of quality and comfort and last but not least the age of a property. the taxable value of any property, urban or rustic, is then calculated with the help of these parameters according to correcting coefficients. the outcome of this calculation is the taxable patrimonial value of a property (valor patromonial, or vP). each owner of a property can find the patrimonial value on the so-called caderneta Predial, which is the document showing the registration of your property at the local Finance department. under the header of ‘dadOs de avaliaÇÂO’ you will find the patrimonial value of your tproperty.aking this patrimonial value, you will be able to calculate the council tax that you are paying,



Page 19 once or twice a year. in principle the council tax is calculated with a percentage of the patrimonial value of your property. Owners of for instance a purely urban property (e.g. an apartment, or townhouse) pay, depending on each council and the year the property has been registered in their name, between 0.4% to 0.8 % of the patrimonial value of their property as council tax. Owners of a rural property (e.g. a plot of purely agricultural land) pay 0.8% of the patrimonial value as council tax. exceptions only exist for urban or rural properties owned offshore. Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira • • By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS

here the applicable percentage amounts to 5%. if you are resident in Portugal and the property is your first habitation, you can request exemption of your council tax for 3 or 6 years, depending on the value of the vP. if the vP of your property is above 236.250,00 € you cannot apply for exemption. last but not least, on contrary to many stories that go around in the algarve, please be conscious that there is no relation between the Patrimonial value of your property and capital gains tax. the patrimonial value purely exists to define the applicable council tax of your property, or to calculate the property transfer tax (imt) in case the purchase price of a property is lower than the vP. in this case the patrimonial value will be used for the calculation of the property transfer tax. Land & Houses algarve –yellow



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Page RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * Villa built in 1998 * covered area 168m² * spacious L shaped lounge/ dining room * wood burning fire * fitted & equipped kitchen * laundry * master bedroom with en-suite shower room * 2nd bedroom * full bathroom * large South facing covered terrace * BBQ * fibreglass pool with underwater lighting and insulation cover * double carport * fenced and gated * gravelled areas * plenty of parking space * mature irrigated gardens with lawned area * fruit trees * vegetable patch and greenhouse * wood shed and workshop area * mains water * gas fired central heating with wall mounted radiators * A/C * ceiling fans * SAT-dish * internet * telephone * private fossa * good access from tarmac country road. Was 385.000€ nOW 349.000€ Near Moncarapacho REF: www.algarve-pt.com1182V Well built and beautifully maintained one level Villa sitting in 1.340m² of landscaped gardens

Page 22 MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI APARTMENT - NEIGH. MONTE GORDO - Approx. 1 km from & easy cycling / walking distance to the beach of Monte Gordo and casino, 3 kms from VRS António and its Marina. T1, on 3rd floor w/ lift, in a new urbani sation w/ cafe, laundry, mini-market and access to a pool (on payment of condominium). A/c. Private storeroom on top floor. PRICE - EUROS 93.000 VILLAS CLOSED CONDOMINIUM NEIGH. MONTE GORDO - Within a few mins from VRS António and Monte Gordo with its beautiful beach. Communal swimming pool and parking space. Type T2 and T3, EACH- with 2 floors, back patio w/ BBq and front patio w/ per gola. Loft, equipped kitchen, large sitting room, 2 bathrooms, garage. PRICE - EUROS 255.000 ▲ ▲ East servicesAHomeAlgarve&Gardenfullrangeofcleaningandmaintenenceforhome,gardenandpoolForApromptFriEndlysErvicE Tel 00351 912 977 218 East Algarve magazine PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FROM ONLY €55, UP TO €275 FOR A FULL PAGE if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us on info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200.ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative,pleasecallsteveBoothon967190218 as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers. company ami 7673 Office: Tel/fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 emaiRwww.algarvemantaproperties.comsaLes:enTaLs:www.algarvemanta.ptL:sarah@algarvemanta.ptcasa anibal R/c loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 Vila nova de cacela Ref 1071 €160.000 fantastic modern luxury develop ment situated close to the river, marina and shops of the town of Vila Real de santo antónio (border town to spain).This apartment has an enormous veranda of 61.10m2 has views of the river and the town. apartment with two bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, two bathrooms, living room, fully equipped top quality kitchen. There are a number of apartments, studios from 78.000, 1 beds from 105.000, 2 beds from 120.000 and 3 beds from 150.000 euros. This development must be viewed as it is breathtaking.PRices RecenTLy ReDuceD!

Page Broadband Algarve Internet via Satellite Access the Internet even where phone lines cannot reach Packages to suit everyone Special discounts for afpop members (00351) 918 771 381 (00351)(Vic)918851 232 (Stephanie) ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN sale,OverAUCTIONSALGARVE&SALESBarrachaSãoBrás1,000itemsforeachandeveryweek.Antiques,furniture,householdgoods,etc.,alwaysavailable.ForintakeofitemspleaseringfirstTel919767066algarveauctions@hotmail.comStaCatarinaEN270SaoBrasBarrachaOpenMon9am-4pmWeds10am-1pm,2.30pm-4pmSat9am-1pm ServIng You And Your gueStS WIth ComPlete SAtISfACtIon In mInd 00 351 913 692 170 or uK 0161 298 4800 rentAlS & ProPertY mAnAgement Let us make renting easy. management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •laundry•meeting•24/7 helpline •Bill Payments•guest Services; golf leisure trips & transfers Online shopping now available See website for details–International & Portuguese newspapers and magazines • Fresh bread daily • Large range of British brands • Frozen foods • Fresh fruit and vegetables • Beers wines & spirits • Special offers Secondhand bookshop adjoining mini market Mini Mercado Guerreiro, Corotelo, Sao Bras de Alportel, 8150-029 Tel: - 289 843 920 Email: -

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 24 N E il & Emily R I ch AR d S on .R emovA l S ONliNE sHOppiNG NOw availaBlE T L m. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese c hamber of c ommerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 (UK local) Email: w ebsite,8800TaviRaREmOvals&sTORaGElOCal,NaTiONal&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem 20JMASTERJOINEROINER&GENERALMAINTENANcE...yearsexperienceoffittingKitchens,Floors,Doors,Decking,Locksetc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 The asociación Protectora de animailes de ayamonte is a temporary home to many abandoned dogs, kittens and cats but for some the centre has become their permanent home. this immaculately clean and well run centre cares for some 240 cats and dogs who are well fed and segregated according to their needs. the organisation receives no state or local authority funding and relies entirely on donations and fund raising activities. centre manager, Phil Wren said, “every dog & cat is doctored, vaccinated, micro-chipped and given a pet passport before leaving here. it all costs money as we strive to maintain a high level of care”. Phil is dedicated to the cause as can be shown by his personal involvement with corola. two year old corola, with her sad brown eyes, was found in villa blanca close to death and suffering from horrendous injuries. a compassionate vet in lepe agreed to halve the normal €1400 bill and fourteen plates and screws were inserted into her frail body. mo edmunds, one of a band of passionate supporters said, “money is a major concern and without the support of the expat community both in spain & Portugal we could not survive. We desperately need more help.” last year over 400 dogs were successfully adopted with many of them going to Germany. On average thirty animals per month travel by van whilst, thanks to airberlin and their flight attendants, who freely give up their rest days to accompany the animals, some fly to their new homes. Only recently a bitch and her five puppies together with two kittens were winging their way from Faro to dusseldorf. maica van Poelje, President of the organisation, works tirelessly to spread the message and is constantly lobbying politicians to take a more proactive interest in the centre. “We rescue many dogs, some of whom are kept on small balconies and suffer deformities to their legs and we’ve even rescued a dog that was set on fire.” said maica. the sanctuary is desperately looking for more support not only in raising funds but also for the Friday afternoon dog walking session. “many of the dogs have never been on a lead before so it is important to introduce them to the experience with a gentle walk through the beautiful pine forest ,” Phil added. if you feel you can help please contact Phil Wren on (0034) 693 543 665 or email wrenphil@yahoo. com. Website: in Portugal you can contact maureen edmunds on 959 053 615 or email: mo_b.unique@ Corola is a lucky girl! There is a remarkable animal sanctuary hidden away amongst the pine trees on a hillside just north of Ayamonte. Page 25 Frontera combines great design and quality with fantastic value for money. Bringing style into any home, whatever your requirements or budget. From a coffee table to a complete furniture pack. EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e-mail:,10am5pmbyappointmentonly We have a wide variety of furniture and accessories for delivery before Christmas. Xmas Closing 18th December Open Again 3rd January 2011 Happy Christmas Live Life in Comfort monday to friday 10am - 6pm saturday 10am - 5pm 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. • The widest selection of linen and towels in the Algarve Valencia, Red NEW BLANKETS,STOCKWINTERNOWIN!SILENTNIGHTELECTRICBLANKETS,FLANNELETTESHEETS,HOTWATERBOTTLESANDFLEECYUNDERBLANKETS


on page


1&2 Tuscany Oblong Raspberry Red Cushion and Mor roco Regal Red Cushion both €24 each, from a range of soft furnishings in a variety of styles and colours. 3 D216 Chairs. These unusual "Z" shape chairs covered in faux leather are available in cream, chocolate, white, red or black. These chairs are €150 each and compliment a complete range of stunning contemporary glass furniture. 4 Manhattan solid wood dining table is finished in a natural lacquer for a simple and classic look. The table can be brought with either the wooden chairs as shown or rollback chairs in a choice of 4 classic colours - Black, Brown, Red and Cream. Fixed top table €345, Chair €115 each. Part of a range of living/dining furniture. 5 A range of bar stools now available in a variety of styles and co lours. Prices range from €59-€89 each.

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Enjoy this months selection of furnishings, inspired by the festive season, from Frontera Furniture. details their advert 25.

more see

Page 24 RestauRant & snaCK BaR MOnCaRaPaCHO Please Call for evening meal reservations During winter months34294 Bar & r estaurant Mont Belo Caliço Park, Vila nova de Cacela, only 10mins from tavira. Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L Alcoutim Lagos ALGARVE doVilaBispo Aljezur SilvesLagoaMonchiquePortimao Albufeira Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim 120 120 120 268 268 267 267 267 266 266 2 120 125 125 IC4 A2 A2 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IC4 125 125 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 1124 24 124 124 124 1 125 9 124 11 24CarrapateiradeBarãoS.JoãoBordeira MexilhoeiraGrande Barão de S.Miguel RaposeiraFigueiraBudens BensafrimLuzMarmeleteBarrancadaVaca Rogil FólaCaldasMonchiquede Odiáxere Estombar Porches Pêra Guia Alte Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe Ferreira AlcantarilhaS.BartolomeudemessinesAlgoz Tunes Paderne Boliqueime FonteBispodo Caliço Park ga PORT uga Rotamanta reGular eVents Quiz, Music, Karaoke & Car boot sale(1st saturday of each month. 10am) Mini Market stock ing a selection of uK products. Pool table & Dart board. english Breakfasts from 4.50€. Fish & chips in homemade beer batter with mushy peas 5.50€. sunday roast dinner Beef & Pork with crackling and all trimmings 8.95€ or 5.95€ for children (from 1pm to 4pm every sunday). Homemade cheesecakes. House wine 1€ caneca 2€. Contact tel 927 364 157 or 927 168 059 Xmas day, 3 course meal plus coffee & mints 25€ p/p. New years eve, hot & cold buffet & entertainment. 10€ p/p. GARDENTAVIRA H ea T e D R es T au R an T To CabanasTo GilaoRiver mini preco EN125 we are here To Continente WinTeR sPeciaL 2 course gourmet dinner, mix & match, changing daily €9.95 sunDay ROasT 2-courses €9.95, served from 1pm 'till late, booking recommended HaPPy HOuRs mon-sat, 15.00-19.00, Beer & Wine €1.00, all other drinks 25%Off Tel. (00351) 281 327 381• mob. (00351) 910 044 654 • Website neW yeaRs eVe PaRTy 4 cOuRse DinneR with LiVe music, €29.95 Limited seats available, don't miss out!

Food located on the water front in Santa luzia is this beautiful restaurant, full of tradition, art and culture. This stunning Octopus dish is one of their many specialities. For details or reservations call 281 328 527, or see their advert opposite. Page 28 Photograph BassettRichard Casa do TasquinhaPolvo

RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 iNTERNaTiONal CUisiNE wiTH FRENCH spECialiTiEs pRivaTE diNiNG ROOm availaBlE & waRm paTiO EaTiNG aREa lOCaTEd iN THE CENTER OF TaviRa, ONly 5 miNUTEs FROm vila GalE aNd pORTa NOva HOTEls RestauR ant & tapas baR santa luzia Menu includes; Octopus rice with prawns, sea food, tuna steaks, new zealand lamb chops, spare ribs and steaks etc. AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE EVENTS Open 12:00-11:00pm Closed Tuesdays Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, No 8 8800-545 Santa Luzia, Tavira, Algarve tel +351 281 328 527 a beautiful restaurant with tradition, art and culture. english speaking staff. Page ROmaN BRidGE Rua dos Cais Rua dr, Jose pires padinhaRepúblicadaraçap Câmera unicipalm FinançasTA v IRA new years eve speCial Menu rua Dr. José pires padinha, no2, 8800, tavira tel +351 281 321 642 email: Mixed Starters Ham, cheese and prawns Soup creme of chicken and pigeon Main course Lamb Shanks with vegetables and rice Dessert choice of Alfarroba cake or figs Wine Quinta Mendes Pereira (douro), Water and Juice coffee, Porto and champagne Price per person 60.00€ see the Fire wOrKs FrOM Our river restaurantsiDe

Page 30 OpEN 7 days a wEEK located between Olhão and pechao on the EN 2-6 call now to place your order: Tel 937 809 074 - 937 809 065 - 289 703 020 set lunch menu, 11.00-15.30 Authentic Indian food at its best! enjoy your food inside, or out on the terrace. Good parking facilities. Quality food • Excellent service • Good prices Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail For your work Christmas party or just a great night out with family and friends join us at the Beira Rio Restaurante and the Black Anchor Irish Bar for all your festive celebrations. Friday, 17th Dec, Christmas Party Nights - €15 Hot Buffet followed by music & dancing Sunday, 19th Dec, Christmas Special Sunday Lunch. Mulled wine, music & dancing. Santa Arriving from North Pole at 5.00 pm. Monday, 20th Dec, Christmas Carol Sing Along Wednesday,Night 22nd Dec, Christmas Party Night - €25 Three Course Dinner followed by music & dancing Thursday, 23rd Dec, Christmas Party Night€15, Hot Buffet followed by music & dancing Christmas Eve, Open from 12.00, food served all day. Early Bird Dinner Special (3 course) from 5.00pm until 8.00pm, €20,00 per person Christmas Day Closed Boxing Day Sunday Lunch Special – Open from 12.00pm. New Years Eve, New Years Eve Dinner with music and dancing. Ring in the new year with friends and family at the Beira Rio. See Tavira’s amazing fireworks display. €30.00 per person LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THROUGHOUT NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Situated on the Guadiana River you will enjoy the magnificent view on the estuary and the best grilled fresh fish. Our specialities are Arroz de Marisco (Shellfish Rice), Cozido à Portuguesa e Arroz de Lingueirão. Estrada da Ponta da Areia Vila Real de Santo António Tel +352 281 541 853 GSM: 967 044 406 GPS: 37º 10’ 51.27’’ N 4º 24’ 35.21’’ W

DifferentSomethingforyourgarDen. Peak Pedra Cast Stonework ColumnsBenches,OrnamentalproductsandArchitectural.Urns,Statues,Tables,Pedestals,andWaterFeatures. Visit our Web Site for ideas and pictures. Email:gmail.compeakpedra@ phone Keith 919 915 815

Plants for

Gardeners spend a lot of time looking at the overall picture, and by way of a change it's good to get down and examine plants at really close quarters. christmas

Garden plants with a christmas theme... POinseTTia (euPHORBia PuLcHeRRima) euphorbia pulcherrima is a shrub or small tree, typically reaching a height of 0.6 to 4 m (2 to 16 ft). the plant bears dark green leaves that measure 7 to 16 cm (3 to 6 inches) in length. the colored bracts— which are most often flaming red but can be orange, pale green, cream, pink, white or marbled—are actually leaves. the colors come from photoperiodism, meaning that they require darkness for 12 hours at a time to change color. at the same time, the plants need a lot of light during the day for the brightest bcolour.ecause of their groupings and colors, laymen often think the bracts are the flower petals of the plant. in fact, the flowers are grouped within the small yellow structures found in the center of each leaf bunch, and they are called cyathia. the species is native to mexico. it is found in the wild in deciduous tropical forest at moderate elevations from southern sinaloa down the entire Pacific coast of mexico to cuipas and PoinsettiasGuatemala.are popular christmas decorations in homes, churches, offices, and elsewhere across north america. they are available in large numbers from grocery, drug, and hardware stores. in the united states, december 12 is national Poinsettia day. in areas outside its natural environment, it is commonly grown as an indoor plant where it prefers good morning sun, then shade in the hotter part of the day. however, it is widely grown and very popular in subtropical climates. as this is a subtropical plant, it will likely perish if the night-time temperature falls below 10 °°c (50 °°F) so is not suitable for planting in the ground in cooler climates. likewise, daytime temperatures in excess of 21 °c (70 °°F) tend to shorten the lifespan of the plant. the poinsettia can be difficult to induce to reflower after the initial display when purchased. the plant requires a period of uninterrupted long, dark nights for around two months in autumn in order to

Page Gardens

THe cHRisTmas cacTus christmas cactus have been kept as a holiday houseplant since the 1800's. early breeders crossed schlumbergera truncata with schlumbergera russelliana creating the beginnings of the hybrid plants you see Growingtoday.medium christmas cactus are best grown in a peat based potting media. by this we mean a potting soil that has more peat moss in it than anything else. lighting christmas cactus will do best in bright indirect light. Placing the plant near any window... or below a skylight should do nicely. For those of you with light meters this equates to 1500 to 2500 foot candles. long term direct sunshine can stunt the plants growth and burn the leaves. if you put your plant outdoors for the summer... be sure to place it in a shady location. temperature christmas cactus are quite tolerant to temperature. they will survive in temps as low as 35 degrees and as high as 100 degrees... both of which we don't recommend. normal house temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees is perfect. Watering and Fertilizing christmas cactus are not a true cactus... which rarely need watered. christmas cactus fit closer to the category of a houseplant. When the soil is dry to the touch... its time to water. christmas cactus don't require much in the way of fertilizing. Feeding your plant 2 to 4 times per year is sufficient. use any high quality feed that reads 20-20-20 on the label. if you have lived with your christmas cactus for a few seasons and know when the plant sets bud... stop feeding a month before buds appear. if not, stop feeding by the end of PruningOctober.yourchristmas cactus it is best to prune your christmas cactus after it has finished flowering. Pinch your plant back 1 or 2 leaves (the leaves are called phylloclades). either cut the phylloclades at the joint with scissors, a sharp knife, or pinch with your thumbnail and index finger. Pruning helps the plant to branch out which should increase your bud count the following season. it also helps to promote new root growth. re-flowering your christmas cactus christmas cactus are what they call thermo-photoperiodic. in short this means bud set is triggered by a combination of day length and temperature. When day length is approximately equal to darkness... the plant knows its time to grow buds. the secondary trigger that most hobbyists miss is temperature. chilling the plant at 50 to 60 degrees for a week or two should cause the plant to start setting buds.

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Page 32 Gardens develop flowers. incidental light at night during this time will hamper flower production. When watering it is important to allow the plant to drain out any excess water. having a poinsettia sit in water can do harm to the plant as it prefers moist soil to direct water.

THe cHRisTmas ROse (HeLLBORus nigeR) according to legend, a young shepherdess named madelon was tending her sheep one cold and wintry night. as she watched over them, a group of wise men and other shepherds passed by, bearing gifts for the newly born Jesus. madelon wept, because she had no gifts to bring the newborn King, not even a simple flower.... an angel, upon hearing her weeping, appeared and brushed away the snow to reveal a most beautiful white flower tipped with pink - the christmas rose. these evergreen perennials grow 12 to 15 inches tall and have shiny, dark green leathery leaves. each flower stalk bears a single 2 to 4 inch white bloom although these plants from southern europe and asia are durable and easy to grow, a few steps must be taken to ensure that these plants will flourish. unfortunately, the roots of the christmas rose are poisonousthey should be planted in partial shade or preferably under deciduous trees, which allows them to receive sunlight in winter. be sure to provide some protection from strong winter winds! they require deep, fertile, well draining but moist soil. the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline. set the plants about 12-15 inches apart into the garden in early spring. the soil should be generously enriched with peat moss, leaf mold, or compost before planting. christmas roses have a deep growing root system, so the roots should be planted downward, rather than spread out below the soil surface, and the crown of the plant should be an inch below the soil surface. apply a one inch layer of mulch around the plant. every spring remove old, tattered foliage and feed the plants with a balanced water soluble fertilizer.

Page QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: Tlm: +351 918 841 766 Tel: 281 961 189 OlhãoTo TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira en125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTRO DE JARDINAGE m In need of retail therapy?Discover a unique shopping experience, in beautiful, relaxed surroundings, with friendly staff! Christmas has arrived at QM, Christmas crackers, cards and wrap, lots of gift ideas, come and be inspired, and enjoy complimentary tea or coffee Massive car boot sale, Sunday 12 Dec, please call to book spaceMassive selection of wall art Indonesian teak sculpture and bowls Outdoor living & lifestyle Aquatic plants Inspiration and ideas for your Garden

SBa computers christina Sweet Tel: 289 489 850

This is our first column East Algarve Magazine and we will be writing an article each month giving hints and tips on computer care and use.

This month it is about the need for computers to be clean ‘in side’. We have many custom ers who come to our shop and tell us that there computer has ceased working or is working very tslowly.hisis often based solely on the in side of the computer having a great deal of dust inside. computers at tract dust due to static created and because they have fans inside which draw in the dust to the inner work ings. Dust can cause the entire computer to have serious problems: • Power Pack ceases working due to dust • cooling fans attract dust which then becomes hard and causes •overheatingdustcan create static electricity and short circuit on printed circuit boards and everything else in the Oncecomputerdust has eroded certain parts of the computer, they have to be replaced or the purchase of a new computer may be necessary. many of our customers tell us that they clean their computers regularly •by:hoovering from the outside of the •computercleaning the outside of the com •puterusing a hairdryer to blow out the •dustdusting with paint brushes this is very worthwhile; however, it will not clean the inside of the com puter effectively. computers need to be cleaned internally at least every 12 months by a professional. en suring that this is done will give the computer a much longer life and will ensure that it works effectively for the user. to the left is a picture of the inside of a computer which came in to be cleaned. Once cleaned, it worked again perfectly and the owner was really concerned that they would have to replace the entire computer prior to this.

Keeping your computer clean and in good working order

for the

Page 34 Technology


For complete discretion, ducted systems are also nowadays avail able which utilise flexible tubing within ceiling voids to deliver warm/ cool air to vents in the walls.

fan-coil systems these are a kind of hybrid technol ogy, using a similar principle to air conditioning but instead applied to heated or cooled water circulat ing inside the units, together with a fan. due to their simplicity, fan-coil units are more economic to install, and are commonly wall-mounted or floor-standing but may also be con cealed behind walls/ceilings. Water-based systems For many people, water-based sys tems (such as radiator, underfloor heating or fan-coils) bring the most comfortable ambience to a home. but for these we must also consider which source of heating is preferred. a solar system can be used, for ex ample, to provide free heat to a wa

cool heating

even algarve homes need to be warm in winter, and to day's energy-saving systems offer several dual-purpose means to heat and cool your home effectively and efficiently. dual-pur pose systems make both practical and economic sense, and there are several very different systems to consider. air conditioning – heating & cooling today's highly-efficient air-con sys tems use 'inverter' technology to achieve energy savings of up to 40% compared to models of just a few years ago. these Grade-a sys tems are a little pricier than their less sophisticated cousins, but the energy savings they offer (i.e. lower electric bills) will prove well worth while long-term, especially with year-round use. heating with air-con is instant, effective, and systems are generally easy to install with minimal disruption. air-con is also among the least expensive against other heat ing & cooling systems in terms of purchase cost and installation. air conditioning can heat and cool your home via several types of sys tem. traditional wall-mounted units are the simplest, but there are also floor-standing units available which offer the advantage of delivering warm air at a lower level, thereby heating the room more uniformly.

Our air is a very precious resource. People, animals, plants and birds all depend on clean air to live.


Page 36 Environment Aqua Pura lda since 1989 Quality poolcovers delivered in 2 days! now available d.I.Y. Solar covers eastern Algarve 967 456 305 Western Algarve 967 025 urb. Parque da Azinheira, lote 3, r/C dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 tel/fax : +351 289 845 385 email: Solar systems Air-conditioning heat pumps Central heating under floor heating Central vacuum systems general plumbing Swimming pools Wind generators ENGLISH SPEAKING SPeCIAlIStS In ter tank, then a pump to circulate the warmed water around underfloor pipes or radiators. the limitations of solar systems are that they only heat and don't cool; and obviously they rely on the sun, so therefore require a back-up system (electric or gas). conversely, solar might be consid ered as a viable addition to an ex isting radiator or underfloor system, offering a free alternative/back-up to its usual heat supply. the algarve winter, with its many cool but sunny days, offers excellent conditions for solar solutions. air-to-water systems For heating and cooling, an 'air-towater' system is state-of-the-art and offers an ideal solution. these operate in principle much like an air-con system, using an external heat pump unit which takes the out door ambient air and concentrates or 'upgrades' its temperature, then transfers this heat to water circu lated underfloor or to radiators. so effective is this process that its coP rating ('coefficient of Performance') is between 3-4, in other words for every 1kW of electricity fed into the system, at least 3kW of heat energy is produced. such a system there fore operates at a significantly lower running cost than a gas bolier. re markably, mitsubishi's new ecodan system is so efficient that it can generate heat even if the outdoor temperature drops below zero – a virtual impossibility in the algarve's climate, but a performance factor which is stirring much interest and rising sales in the uK. ironically, as today's building stan dards improve, and algarve homes become far better insulated against heat loss, so it becomes more nec essary to keep them cool in summer. With energy-efficiency as the watch word, dual-purpose systems are the way forward. article supplied by Penguin –specialists in air conditioning, solar, pool & underfloor heating. Tel: 289 092 595. Email:

Page swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the FiBreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvaBle. FenCing arOunD pOOls are sOOn tO Be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarDe designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarDe creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers anD pOOl enClOsures. •PREFAbRIcATED SWIMMING POOLS LESS ExPENSIVE AND FAST bUILDING •Dlw DeliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WHIRLPOOLS AND SPAS. •wOOD line wOODen pOOls in Or aBOve grOunD. •FILTER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT swiM-arte E.N. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email We speak: English, German, Dutch and Portuguese

Page 38 Finance

Changes for your Currency

This is the question that is being asked by a lot of people, especially the Foreign affairs minister luis amado said “concerns over fellow eurozone struggler ireland has intensifiedpushing Portugal's risk premiums to their highest levels since it adopted the euro. if Portugal fails to tackle its economic challenges the alternative option is eventually leaving the teuro.”heWall street Journal, states that Portugal is the strongest of the “PiiGs” (Portugal, italy, ireland, Greece and spain), but being the “best of the rest” does not hide the fact that high labour costs have made it uncompetitive. Figures from the Organisation for economic cooperation and development (Oecd) show that labour costs of the PiiGs rose 30% between 2000 and 2008 whereas unit costs in Germany were flat. higher unit labour costs make the PiiGs countries less competitive than their rivals in northern europe, increasing unemployment, decreasing tax revenue and raising debt levels. to become competitive again, labour costs need to come down around 30%; but any government attempting to do so would not survive long. in normal circumstances, countries that become uncompetitive devalue their currency; not an option inside the eurozone. the only options are a re-structuring of the eurozone area with a stronger currency in the northern countries, or a full scale acrisis.nd the Portugal news throws a bunch of figures at us, with a wonderful article by brendan de beer trashing the concept that Portugal is next in the firing line. Just look at these figures: GdP is the Gross domestic Product (how much money the country generates internally); the 10 year bond is a coupon that the country issues that pays the bearer a fixed interest; and debt as a percentage of GdP is the amount that the country owes to other countries as a percentage of what the country generates in revenue. Looking at the whole picture, Portugal does not seem to be that bad. 10 year bonds: Greece 11.5%; ireland 8.3%; Portugal 7%; spain 4.58%; italy 4.18% budget deficit (% of GdP): Greece 15.4%; ireland 14.4%; uK 11.4%; spain 11.1%; latvia 10.2; Portugal d9.3%ebt as a % of GdP: Greece 126.8%; italy 116.0%; belgium 96.2%; hungary 78.4%; France 78.1%; Portugal 76.1% the mainstream media has consistently misrepresented facts in order to shape public opinion; in this case we believe that they need to focus attention away from the us dollar and the uK Pound, as they are most at risk from the crumbling of the financial system. hundreds of banks in the u s. have gone bankrupt just this year – we don’t read about that. Portuguese banks are amongst the safest in europe and their accounts indicate that they are earning 4 million euros a day – from normal banking business, not by dabbling in Portugalderivatives.has been reporting positive growth for the last few quarters, but this will be adversely affected by the austerity package and spending cuts that have just been introduced. What would happen if the euro did eject Greece, ireland, spain and Portugal? i believe that if that happened, confidence in the fiat currencies of the world would collapse and each country would have to issue a new currency, based on something more than “faith in the government”. i would suggest that a partially Gold backed currency would flourish in these circumstances, that is why china, russia, india and a host of other countries are snapping up the Gold being sold by western countries. they see the smoke signals given off as all paper currencies burn. here’s a little secret that the mainstream media will not tell you: if all countries had to issue a Goldbacked currency, Portugal would have one of the strongest, assuming that a fractional reserve system was used. look at the following table which is based on recent Wikipedia data to confirm this fact. a huge percentage of Portugal’s foreign reserves are in Gold, and only a small amount is in paper or fiat currencies. as long as Portugal does not sell its Gold like canada and the uK, we should do very well thank you.

Premier FX E Algarve 208x292.indd 2 12/10/10 16:29:39 Page 39 Finance

As time has evolved personal currency transactions have become greater and greater. there are millions of commercial currency transactions every day. these could be money transfers, cash for holidays, cards and transactions through banks currency brokers have also come to the forefront of “public Foreign exchange life”. it became generally obvious that rates from the high street banks were uncompetitive and that the man in the street was not getting any value for money. as people became more aware of the affordability of the holiday home market it became essential for savings to be made on currency ttransactions.hebiggest change to this was currency brokers. they still needed banks to provide banking facilities and exchange rates but the rates were more competitive because of the bulk purchases they were able to make. all the banks did was move the Foreign exchange sector to a corporate banking structure and made the currency broker a customer rather than the individual in the high street. this has worked well for both sides. the broker is able


This is the question that is being asked by a lot of people, especially the communityexpatriateand people in the Uk who have currency

Page 40 Finance Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: or website: Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications pORTUGUESE, ENGLISH, SpANISH AND FRENcH SpEAkING SOLIcITORS OFFERING cLIENTS THE BENEFITS OF LOcAL REpRESENTATION. info@algardoc.comwww.algardoc.comalgardocumentsSkype(+351)tAlgarDocumentsINCLUSIVEaskquestionsuspexperience!notmatriculation.licenseslicenses,BuildingfromproblemsofWe&LICENSESpErmItScantakecareallyourlicenseorqueries,Drivers’licenses,permits,pooltourismtocarWhybenefitfromourleasecontactwithyourandforafreeALLquote.el.913182499contact:TSEOCLGARADumnto offer a much more specialised service and offer greater savings for the client. this can be savings on big purchases such as property buying but it can also make savings for people who have to fund regular monthly payments such as overseas mortgages and pension payments. there are such tools as forward buying where a rate can be agreed for a future transaction. this is particularly useful if you need to pay for something on a future date such as goods abroad or a completion date on a property. at least you know how much it is going to cost and you will not have to worry about exchange rate fluctuations, which alone can cost. exchange rates move every second of the day and Foreign exchange markets can be volatile. the art of buying your currency is trying to take as much strain out of the transaction as possible. it’s always hard to find the top of the exchange rate, believe me it’s easier to find the lowest point of it! so therefore perhaps the use of a currency broker is a sensible option. at least they are pretty informed of what’s going on in the emarket.venafter the world economic crisis people will still have commitments abroad and companies will look to do more business throughout the world, therefore exposing themselves to currency risk. it’s something that will always be there so it’s a good idea to make it as easy as possible if you would like to receive information on our anticipated sterling / euro exchange rate range for the week, which we send out every monday then please visit and click on subscribe newsletter on the home page or call Premier FX for an informal no obligation chat. it may save you money in the long run! Tel + 351 289 358 511 or +44 (0) 845 021 2370.

largar!” Luís de


Page Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 apolónia 67 Tel: 00351 289 798 254 or 912 650 767 Fax: 289 813 287 202 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4DP Tel: 0044(0) 207404 2899 Fax: 020 7404 2966 LITA EmergencyGALEAuthorofGuidetoPropertyinPortugal&InternationalWills Regulated by the Law Society of England & Wales Real Report Ltd Fiscal PrivateRepresentationInvestigationsLondon|Lisbon|Madeira|AlgarveFrom breach of contract, property and boundary disputes, tax implica tions (inheritance/capital gains), to Portuguese wills, Fiscal Representa tion and much more, the legal team at Lita Gale is well versed in local legal issues, and able to deliver the results you are looking for. Lita Gale also offers investigative services, working closely with experienced in telligence providers, sourcing vital information for legal battles, includ ing civil investigations, asset tracing, and tracing defendants, debtors or witnesses. Able to find an answer to any legal doubt you may have, and to help in life’s little hiccups, including accidents and personal injury, employment issues, traffic offences, and more serious criminal charges, such as GBH, fraud, rape and domestic violence, Lita Gale International Solicitors enjoy a very high success rate. “We don’t play to lose,” Lita confides, “I’m like a dog – I’ll lose my teeth before I let go!”

taxa de sucesso. “Não jogamos para perder,” confidencia Lita, “Sou

um cão – perderei os meus dentes antes

- Contabilidades, Lda. enGlisH sPeaKinG aCCountants All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito Chartered accountant rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila GalÈ taVira Hotel tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 222 Gabigest

Desde violação de contrato, litígios referentes a propriedade e delimi tação, implicações fiscais (herança/mais-valias), a testamentos portu gueses, representação fiscal, e muito mais, a equipa legal na Lita Gale tem excelentes conhecimentos das questões legais locais e é capaz de proporcionar os resultados que o cliente espera. A Lita Gale disponibiliza também serviços de investigação, trabalhando em estreita colabora ção com informadores experientes, obtendo informações vitais para batalhas legais, incluindo investigações civis, localização de bens e de arguidos, devedores ou testemunhas. Com capacidade para encontrar uma resposta para qualquer dúvida legal que o cliente possa ter e de ajudar nos pequenos percalços da vida, incluindo acidentes e aciden tes pessoais, problemas de trabalho, infracções rodoviárias e acções penais mais graves, como ofensas corporais graves, fraude, violação e violência doméstica, a Lita Gale International goza de uma elevada como de Brito

5) Forget your bad shots. 6) enjoy your golf. 7) timing your shots correctly, please remember that the faster your swing, the quicker your hip action must be at the top of the swing which is a very difficult thing to do if you are not in regular practice and your muscles not trained to it. swing with rhythm.

•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K.

Page 42

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A.

1) relax your muscles 2) remember, that rhythm and harmony in mind are essential 3) When you play round, concentrate on hitting through the ball and forget all about your swing. 4) never allow tension in mind or body.

Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

•European seniors tour player/member 2003;2004;2005

End of year expert tips from Benamor's resident professional, keith Ashdown.

8) have regular lessons with your P.G.a Proffessional. those are the eight keys to real enjoyment of golf, for playing the game well, gives spice to the simple pleasures that everyone must feel on a golf course. Playing a round of golf means a walk of seven or eight kilometres in fresh country air. For 3 hours or so a golfer is surrounded by natures beauty which changes with the seasons. Playing shots exercises every muscle in the body, this game of golf builds character by teaching self endurancecontrol and courage. no wonder so many doctors play golf,and recommend it as a tonic for aches, pains and worries. as i have written in 2010 to me golf is the finest game in the world and if all my articles have helped you to enjoy your golf, my purpose has been fulfilled. merry christmas and a happy new year and may you have many enjoyable rounds and plenty of birdies in 2011

•16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

•European tour player member 1968 - 82

Final advice for 2010

email: Website:info@cabanasgolfshop.comwww.cabanasgolfshop.comaddress:Rua25deabrilnr18aconceição,TaviraalgarvePortugal Tel 00351-281 326 939 Tlm 00351-915 424 642 Benamor golf cabanas Tavira Wealturaare here banas a C Golf Shop Page THIS MONTHS OFFER Brand new premises, fronting the N125, Open early December 25% off Polo Ralph Lauren, Men'sclothingcollection MATO DE SANTO ESPIRITO Tel 281 370 180 Tlm 919 466 962. Sport bar, English football A.T.M (cash machine) &AnaCafe Restaurante OPEN EVERY DAY 6 AM TILL LATE! Breakfast lunch evening meals snacks Portuguese dishes • Fresh fish daily • Dish of the day • English dishes • Roast dinners and Sunday roast • English fish and chips • All day English breakfast • Fresh bread daily TakeCakes/confectionaryawaymealsavailable Tavira Lounge Food - Drinks - Gifts - Internet Internet/Wi Fi Grátis para Clientes Zona Histórica Ribeirinha T Bem vindo 1WelcomeHorárioOpeningHours130<>0200 RGonçaloVelho Ponte RomanaRioGilãoC M Tavira Centro Jardim Praça da República Tavira LoungeFood - Drinks - gifts - internet internet /Wi-Fi Free for HistoriccustumersRiversidekidscorner Rua gonçalo velho 16/18 8800-349 tavira algarve - portugal tel - 00351 - 281 381 www.taviralounge.com034 cosy and Modern lounge Space in tavira • Dish of the day • Homemade tapas • vegetarian Food • Homemadedesserts • Milkshakes - ice creams • cocktails • Specials : Mojito andccaipirinhalosed:Sunday autumn / Winter

Page 44 Sport

taviraauction Aladdin´s Cave New & Used discount store Looking for a reasonably-priced sofa or washing machine? Want to get rid of your bed to make room for a new one? convert all your unwanted goods into cash! remember, we want to buy your used furniture and household items, either one piece, or an entire household. Just give us a call! FaRO N125 mte Gordo aTaviraGranplazauctionspetroltation TaviRa Open Tues-Fri 10am-4pm saturday 10am-1pm Tel 00351 916 138 059 00351 916 138 060 Email At Aladdin's cave, we buy, sell, and trade furniture and household items every day so our inventry is always fresh. You never know what you'll find when you visit our store. We deal in most everything you find in a house and home: white goods, furniture for all rooms, furnishings, linens, pictures, light fittings, lamps and decorative items. Since we are buying every day, our selection is always changing, so it pays to shop often. if you can't make it to our store, call us any time to find out if we have what you're looking for. Keep in mind that these are one of a kind items, and when they're gone, they're gone, but there is always something new arriving soon, so keep checking with us. TIMI nG IS EvEry ThI nG ! TeasFlavours&hop 60 varieties of tea, exclusive coffees, hot chocolates, and much more! Need a touch of home? home made fairy cakes & Muffins Visit us at Tavira Gran Plaza, 1st floor, Food Court

november proved to be a month of mixed fortunes for Olhanense as they recorded three 1-1 draws against maritimo, naval & beiramar. more a case of points dropped than points won as they squandered opportunities which resulted in the team slipping to seventh place with fifteen points in the Premier liga. in the bWin league cup an emphatic 4-1 home win over 2nd division Oliveirense was watched by 2,314 fans, the largest crowd in the competition this season. a brace of goals from the diminutive lulinha, on loan from brazilian team corinthians, plus one each from ismaily & rui duarte gave the home side a comfortable win. the algarveans, who played benfica away in the league on the 3rd december, will be returning to lisbon in January to do battle at the estádio da luz in the third phase of the league cup. benfica, Porto, braga & sporting were seeded when the draw took place for the four leagues of four teams. Olhanense will play twice away and once at home whilst all four seeded teams get the advantage of two home games each! Olhanense travel to second division aves on the 2nd January, take on league champions benfica (away) on 19th January and finally have a home game with maritimo (madeira) on the 29th/30th January. the top team from each group qualifies for the semi-finals. PORTugaL cuP VicTORy this competition, equivalent to the Fa cup in england, saw Olhanense reach the final 65 years ago when they lost 1-0 to sporting lisbon. more All the latest soccer news from Chris Wright.

Cup success Olhanensefor

RONALDO’S BAR Monte Novo, Faz Fato Christmas Lunch 25th Dec New Years Eve 31st Dec Faz N125VilaCampoCorteCasaRONALDO’SFatoPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacelaTAVIRA V.R.S.Aoh, where's the map? For reservations call 912 827 058 Follow that star... To ronAldo's Aperitif: Port wine Turkey,GarlicSoupPrawnscranberrysauce&stuffingFreshVegetables Christmas pudding with Brandy Sauce SitCoffeeMinceTriflepies&MintsCrackersdowntoeat,2pm 15€ Per person 15€ Per person Aperitif: Port wine GammonPrawnsor Beef FreshVariousVegetablessweetsMincepies Coffee & mints Champagne at Midnight Watch the fireworks from our terrace, weather permitting Food served from 8pm

TRansfeR WinDOW OPens in JanuaRy the January transfer window is just around the corner and Olhanense might be a selling club as various teams are coming in for midfielder Paulo sergio, according to the president isidoro sousa. "there are various clubs interested and not just in Paulo sergio. there are three or four other players at the moment," declared sousa. "anything is possible. if it's viable for the club, and an exit financially benefits the club, then it also has to be good for the player." cHRisTmas PResenTaTiOn DinneR the Olhanense expat supporters Group are holding a PresentatiOn dinner on Wednesday 15th december at the restaurant Fonte nova, Pechão. €20 per head for a 3 course meal inclusive of wines, beers & soft drinks. Olhanense President isidoro sousa has confirmed that he will be present together with manager daúto Faquirá & several players. the group will present a cheque, the proceeds of programme/badge sales and a christmas draw, to be used for the junior sports section at the club. neXT HOme game nacional, beaten by Olhanense in the Portugal cup, are the visitors for the final game before the christmas break. sunday 19th december, under floodlights, with kick-off at 6.15pm. latest information can be obtained at or contact chris Wright 916 504 903 email: richardson 939 486 870 email: Page 45 Sport recently, the last time Ohanense had overcome Premier liga opposition in this competition was 23 years ago when they beat académica 5-1. nacional, making the long trip from madeira, were delayed eight hours as their scheduled flight from Funchal to lisbon was cancelled, due to the natO summit, and they did not arrive at their hotel until midnight. the visitors were all at sea for the first-half and at the break Olhanense should have been at least three goals to the good. but they only had Fernando alexandre’s thirteenth minute penalty to show for all their efforts. vinicius was in commanding form in midfield while Paulo sérgio, who is attracting the attention of spanish la liga side sevilha, was a constant threat upfront. as half-time approached the home side were awarded another penalty but this time Fernando alexandre’s spotkick was well saved. despite being reduced to ten men, when adilson was sent-off, the home side hung on to their 1-0 lead for the last fifteen minutes. in the 5th round Olhanense will once again travel north to meet the winners of the benfica/sp.braga tie being played on the 12th december.

christopher.wright@hotmail. or emily

Books many people fail to realise the varied history and culture that Olhão has to offer. aPOs, the association for the protection of the cultural and environmental heritage of Olhão, has recently published a superb glossy forty page booklet in Portuguese and english. it charts the town’s history from roman times, through the arabic occupation, and onto the pivotal emancipation of Olhão when the local people staged the first successful uprising against the French occupation on the 16th June 1808. Portugal’s King João vi (17671826), exiled in brazil, received the good news of the French army’s expulsion from a group of local fishermen who battled the atlantic ocean on board a simple ‘caíque’ (ancient fishing boat). as well as a concise and very readable record of the town's maritime past, there are excellent details about the historical buildings of the town accompanied by a first class guide map that details an easy walking tour. buildings you would walk past without a second glance now take on a new significance. my favourite section is about the intriguing legends of Olhão, which records the stories that would have been told & retold around many a fireside over the centuries. arraúl, the 20th son of a guard of hercules’ pillars and the only survivor of the city of atlantis, is reputed to have created the ribbon of sand dunes that form the ria Formosa and protects this part of the algarve. a fascinating tale of his adventures when atlantis was swept away by the tumultuous waves. the legend even says he loved sardines and had the magic power of being able to grill them under the water! menino dos Olhos Grandes, the boy with the big eyes, and a legend for smugglers make fascinating reading but, in my opinion, the most captivating tale is about Floripes. the handsome young woman often appeared near a tidal mill near where the boats now depart for the islands. the only person who dared to go to this place at night was a middleaged drunk who often fell asleep. the woman in white would approach him and sit by his side. he told his friends but none were brave enough to join him. he promised a young friend, who was getting married, a plot of land as a wedding gift if he would join him. they went to the mill and waited for the clock to strike midnight……. if you want to know how the story ends you will need to buy this book which retails at €2 in most newsagents in Olhão and at the mad hatters riverside bar in tavira. if you have problems getting a copy email who will be pleased to help. Website: www. chris Wright A Lura dos Livros Lura dos Livros Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 - Tavira - Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail: Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16, Tavira Tel 281 323 199 A wide and eclectic range of new and used books in the English language, as well as a generous helping of used and collectable books in portuguese and French. Also a wonderful selection of children’s books. Special orders and book finding service available. Gift certificates. Page 46 If you are looking for a perfect Christmas gift for an aged relative or friend with a great sense of humour, look no further. Olhão: a town and its mystical past

Free classifieds Page We tow caravans from A to B with our British registered 4x4 and can also move items in our Iveco van. Please call or email if you need our help. tel. 913041835 Dave & Anette solar Panels supplied, fitted and repaired, free surveys, energy certs also supplied, call 916 596 359 masTeRJOineR / caRPenTeR & general maintenance. Solid experience of fitting Kitchens, Doors, Locks etc 926 615244 - 281 328 648 stephen freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. a CT ivi T i E s Body control pilates. Coming soon. Classes, personal training programmes, nutrician advice. Prepare your body and your mind. Watch this space. clinical Pilates classes By a physiotherapist, in Ervanária Bem-me-Quer, Moncarapacho.1st lesson free! Class in Portuguese and English. Contact: 914 131 694 scottish country Dancing at the Casa do Povo Moncarapacho, Thursdays 5.30 ~ 7.30PM.Tel 289 791 998 or 914 798 833 or email yoga lessons, mondays 10.30-11.45 contact hazel devine 913 075 555 mosaic workshops in Quinta Fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit caR BOOT saLe Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta fonte bispo Tel 289 845 561 car boot sale, 1st Sat of each month from 10am. Mont' Belo restaurant, Calico park. contact 927 364 157 FOR sal E electric golf trolley bag and clubs 916002859 910211225 fOR saLe,suzuki BuRgman 250 cc scooter Portugese plates 20,000 kms great runner price 1250€ ono Jeff 281 952 844 suzuki swift 2002 UK reg. Taxed & MOT til Aug 2011. Absolute Bargain at €1,500. Tel George on 927312174 mini moke, port reg, to renovate, special edition, 1500€, 965133234 metal computer Desk for sale silver colour BusinesscLassifieDsaRefReeforprivateadvertisers,adsarefreeforOnemOnTHOnLy. email your ads to (maximum 9 words) if you would like more information on advertising in this magazine please call: 961 700 200 20€. Keith 289791159 fiRePOWeR 4ft Football Table, New 75€ Tel. 281324356 alba DVD player, silver UK plug vgc 15 euros, Tavira area 281327434 computer speaker sound system 2.1 vgc Tavira area 15 euros 281327434 Opel (isuzu) flatbed truck. 5 seats. air con. used privatley. superb cond. tel 919907118. 5950 euros Honda HRV, Pt reg, LHD, Lady owner, immaculate condition call 963 099 224 or 289 999 613 mitsubishi space star glx, year 2000, excellent condition, electric windows, air con, very spacious car, €4350.00 Tel 964 508 128 Hardwood logs.(OAK) delivered loule/tavira area.Tel 919907118 mercedes smart car, portuguese registered, 4700 euros. year 2000, 40,000 km, with history Tel 964 508 128 citroen Relay. MWB Van, UK reg, 2003, Ply lined, tow bar, all docs supplied, ideal for return trip to the UK, 1500€, 916 596 359 p RO p ERT y FOR RENT Holiday villa to rent in Santo Estevao near Tavira - Sleeps 10, See www.ownersdirect. Contact Patrick@ or 00447970 276926 stunning 2 & 3 bed apartment’s for long term let in Tavira, Quality furnishings, balcony and BBQ. 898 575 p RO p ERT y FOR sal E Bargain | estoi - Two rustic plots with exceptional sea view. Tel 912 244 516 TaViRa T2 Colina Assêca to sell Ocean view. 965 259 260 five bedroom villa in Foupana, between Moncarapacho and Santa Catarina. 7080 sq meters of fertile land ideal for vegetable gardening. Electric gate , 140 meter drive way lined with 20 Palm trees. 50 various fruit trees all producing fruit. Air con, Fireplace. Paperwork all legal and up to date. Reduced from 550,000 euros to 450,000 o.n.o Tel 914 480 590 mobile home 3 years old Calico park 2 bedrooms 1 ensuite sep.Bathroom a/c. Decking. sky 62,000 euros ONO inc fees paid until 2012 contact Rod (mobile) +0044 7963744072 wa NTE d satellite dish minimum size of 1.4m with LNB and fixings. Tel George on 927312174 approx 130 sq metres of paving/stone slabs/ interlocking bricks or similar for terrace. Tel George on 927312174 your unwanted construction materials, Restoring a ruin, need all types of materials, anything considered. If possible, send photos 910082765 - your unwanted foreign or Portuguese reg vehicles or boats, Anything considered. Cash on the spot, 24/7. Part time work, anything considered. tel 927114911. musicians & entertainers wanted Promoter with 15yrs experience, looking to set up agency. If you are interested lets talk. Tel 962 825 697 Household petsitter required on an adhoc basis. Few hours/days per month as necessary. Must be an animal lover, strict nonsmoker and not scared of large dogs! English speaking necessary.Contact Stephanie on 918 851 232 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 s ER vi CE s english Lady,Help with, Shopping, Meal Prep. Personal care, NVQ qualified. House and pet sitting. Own transport. Tel. 913046569, Olhao. Palm reading service. Tel 916389810 maintenance man / gardener / labourer has spare hours each week. Tel 911 933 226

Page hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the en270 near Sta catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website bOOt Sale 4th Sunday of the month caRveRYSundays from 1pm booking advised from OnlY €10 Quiz nigHt every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm Steak nigHt every Friday, from OnlY €10 from 6.30pm Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HaWeReeRe RegulaR eventS Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in thecountryside of tavira. Restaurant openseven days a week, pool, tennis and Wi-fi. Special eventS italian nigHt, Sat 13th november, Food, music & dancing XMaS bazaaR, Sat 20th november, 10.30-4pm,arts, crafts, jewelry etc, Stalls OnlY €10, please call for bookings SupeR Quiz, Sat 27th november, 3 course meal, fun and dancing, call for information. cHaRitY Sale Sun 5th December, call for pacHRinformation.iStMaSRtYnigHt Sat 11th December, 2 course meal, call for information. DOn't MiSS Out! book your cHRiStMaS DaY luncH and neW YeaRS eve ball nOW!

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