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Richard Bassett
Richard Bassett
Richard Bassett Snr.

Call 961 700 200 or email info@eastalgarvemag.com

3,500 copies printed. All advertisers are issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets.
Richard Bassett
All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein.
The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication

... to your December issue! This month we travel from Vila Real de Santo António to Faro to bring you new places to visit and try. First up is Meio Limão, the cutest organic Mini Supermarket you'll ever find. We meet owner Pi to find out how she and her partner came to open their store, and about the products they have to offer. Also in VRSA, we take you to the countries largest Nativity scene and find out who's behind this incredible creation. In Olhão, we meet Filipe and wife Mafalda, owners of the wonderful Padaria Kubi Doce. Read their story on how they came to open one of the most popular bakeries in town. In Faro we visit the orphanage Refúgio Aboim Ascensão. All this plus finance news, gardening, health news and much more. We welcome your comments, please email us on info@eastalgarvemag.com
Richard Bassett, Editor

The finest art in the Algarve
Gallery address: Travessa Jacques Pessoa 8, Tavira, 8800-374

Call: 962 012111
Email: taviradartes @ gmail.com
Follow us: taviradartes tavira.dartes

Learning Portuguese
A guide to stress and how to deal with your x in the Portuguese tongue
As indicated in earlier articles, the Portuguese language benefits from a few basic guidelines which govern how words are spoken.
The overriding rule is to place the stress on the penultimate syllable, unless the word ends in I, L, R, U or Z, in which cases the stress is on the last syllable. Any deviation from this will be indicated by an accent which shifts the emphasis to the location of the accented letter. These forms of accent include the Acute, as in ‘pronúncia’ (pronunciation) the Circumflex as in ‘bêbado’ (drunk) the Grave as in ‘sòmente’ (only) and the ubiquitous Tilde or Til as in ‘televisão’ (TV). The numerous Portuguese words which end with the nasal sounding ÃO, further illustrate the point, as in ‘açâo (action,) ‘traduçâo (translation) etc.
Turning to the ‘X’ factor, the X in English (Sheesh in the Portuguese Alphabet) is voiced in two ways; as ‘EKS’ in EXEMPTION or as ‘Z’ in XENOPHOBIA.
But the multi-faceted Portuguese X is pronounced in no less than 5 different ways.
1The first applies mainly to words imported from English where the English sound is
retainedExamples include - FAX, fax - TÁXI, taxi, (note the acute accent which ensures the first syllable is accentuated instead of the last - a neat illustration of the stress rule referred to above), and SEXO, sex. But beware, ‘SEX.’ in Portuguese, is an abbreviation of SEXTAFEIRA meaning Friday and thus pronounced ‘sesh’ as explained in 3. below.
2Where an X starts a word, then its sound is similar to the English ‘sh,’ as in the case of um XIMXIM (DE GALINHA) a chicken casserole, or XENOFOBIA (for the avoidance of doubt pronounced SHENOFOBIA unlike its English counterpart, Xenophobia, mentioned above).
When caught between two vowels X can similarly be pronounced ‘sh', as illustrated by another dish, TROUXAS (DE OVAS) poached egg yokes (apparently in sweetened water and topped with syrup). Another example is TAXA meaning fee, rate or tax (contrast its pronunciation of TASHA with that of TÁXI explained in 1. above).
sounds like ey’sh as in SEXTA-FEIRA, Friday, (see 1 above).
4 A fourth category also comprises an X between vowels but the resultant sound is an ‘s’; this can be found in the definite past or perfect tense of the verb ‘trazer’ - to bring - thus, I brought ‘TROUXE.’ (this form is also present in its imperfect and future subjunctives vis. Trouxesse and Trouxer.)
5 The remaining sound of our Portuguese X is that of a ‘z.’ Typically this occurs when a vowel follows immediately after ‘Ex’ as in EXERCÍCIO, exercise, and EXÉRCITO, army.
A further variation occurs where a word commences with EX followed by a consonant as in EXCLAMAR to exclaim and EXPLICAR to explain. In such cases EX
To conclude, on a lighter note, it is worth commenting on the multiple uses, worldwide, of the letter X. They cover a broad spectrum. In the classroom a pupil’s incorrect answer may be cruelly highlighted by the dreaded X! Road signs forbid entry with a threatening X. Reference to a former partner as their ‘eX’ has a derogatory undertone. The function of X in Algebra is to denote an unknown entity in an impenetrable equation. But redemption is at hand; these dispassionate uses are more than offset by its universal application as a shorthand for love and kisses XXXXX.
Até a próxima e Feliz Natal; and of course Happy Xmas.
Meet the owners of the organic mini market in Vila Real de Santo António, Meio Limão

Slowly, slowly there is a shift towards becoming more aware of what we put into our bodies. In the past, nutrition and ideas about health and in particular health food, was reserved for an older (dare I say wiser) crowd, now though, this generalisation is dated.
With the aforementioned old notions in mind, we visited the organic mini-market in Vila Real de Santo António. We were fully expecting to be greeted by an older genre. Lucky us, we were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by the vibrance and youth of Pi Amaro.
Pi Amaro and her partner Dinis Rosa are both 30 years of age, and belong to the younger, health conscious, generation. Pi was born and raised in Altura, Dinis, was born and raised in Vila Real de Santo António. Until recently, the couple were living in Lisbon, Pi was a dancer and Dinis was studying photography and film. The uncertain period of lockdown brought an opportunity for the pair to move back to the Algarve.
The shop was once an art shop belonging to Dinis’ mother. However, it had seen better and brighter days and had closed its doors years ago. For Pi and Dinis, it quickly became a project to restore, revamp and create what is now Meio Limão.

Pi explains to us that she sees the shop as more of an extension of her own kitchen and that she looks at food in a different way to most, when we hear her talking about nutrition I am reminded of how much akin it is to how Hippocrates viewed it. She ends it with some very wise words, saying she prefers to spend a little more money on quality, healthy organic food and in return have no medical bills to pay for.
We notice a beer that is brewed locally in neighbouring Castro Marim, to which Pi explains that they are always on the lookout for locally produced and grown products. The quality of local products is better, fresher and it creates a diverse and healthy market.
This makes sense, nearly every single supermarket we go to will have more or less the exact same supplies as all the others.
There is very little that is unique or different or stands out in any way. The diversity is missing from the global chains, it has all become rather generic.
The range of products really sets this mini supermarket apart from others. There is a surprising selection of grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, cleaning products, seaweeds, flours, oils, fresh products and veggies, soaps, chocolates, an entire selection of Asian products, Gluten free products and even CBD products.
When we ask about the future, we are told that Pi and Dinis will expand their place, in fact behind the scenes work is already in progress to add a kitchen. They have plans to offer freshly made takeaway foods, focusing on organic and macrobiotic nutrition. This will hopefully become a reality in February. Follow their FB page (Mercearia Bio - Meio Limão) to keep updated.
Address: Rua Almeida Garrett, nº11, Vila Real de Santo António. Tel: 928 074 126
Email: mercearia.meiolimao@gmail.com

Pure & Clean
Itried every home remedy known to Google, there was no way I could get the musty smell out of the 25cm memory foam mattress I had dragged out of the basement. Even the guaranteed to work combination of sunshine and baking soda, was a failure. After days of full on scorching Portuguese summer sunshine, the mattress still smelled musty, and now it also had 2 bird poops on it. I had already resolved myself to the fact that I would have to spend €600 to replace the mattress and get a new one, but I couldn't help shake the feeling that this was insane, sending an otherwise perfectly good and new mattress to the landfill and having to spend so much money on a new. I was not looking forward to the hassle of getting a van to dump the old mattress, finding the perfect new one and more importantly, getting it delivered to the remote location where home is. Remote as in, I have officially given up on ever receiving a parcel or package to my home address... Not being able to shake the feeling of absolute waste in all the ways possible, I resorted to Google one more time and, together with the help of Google Translate, stumbled upon a cleaning service here in the Algarve that cleans... Mattresses!!!
Delighted and over the moon I rang Pure&Clean and explained everything to the friendly, wonderfully helpful and fluent in English Joana. After listening to my concerns and describing the mattress, a double and thick memory foam one, Joana assured me that yes, the mattress could indeed be cleaned, guaranteeing me it would be free of the musty smell and the price quoted was tiny, a fraction of what a new mattress costs. An appointment was quickly made. Within a few days Joana and her partner, João, came to my house with their special equipment and cleaning products and I learnt the ins and
outs of mattress cleaning. Their approach involves 3 steps, the same method is used to clean sofas and chairs.

First is a surface pre-treatment, which involves a spray and scrub. The pre-treatment spray disinfects and kills mites and other bacteria and fungus.
Second step is to treat surface stains.
The third step is the deep clean which is done with a special machine, which looks a little like a large Henry hoover. Except it is filled with a special detergent and simultaneously pushes the detergent into the mattress while sucking it out at the same time.
The three step process is done on both sides and then the mattress is put upright where it can air and dry. The drying takes about six hours in summer and about twelve hours in winter time. The total cleaning time takes about an hour, mine was a little less as the mattress was, other than the musty smell and two bird poops, new and free of stains. My own mattress took under six hours to dry as it was a warm summer day, it looks brand new, no musty smell and the two stains are gone as well. Needless to say, I am delighted and saved myself a lot of money.
After all the cleaning I found out how and why Joana and João started their company and got into the cleaning business. Both were born and raised in Olhão and were finding it increasingly difficult to make enough money with their jobs to support their small family of three. Not wanting to move away from home, as many of the younger generation members do, João started digging to find a much needed gap in the market. His deep dive and research paid off when he found that there were no specialised and professional home furniture cleaning companies in the East of the Algarve.
It's now been two years since the couple started their venture. They love their
profession, making a big difference to people and the quality of their lives, they amaze their customers with the results of their work and, like with me, get big smiles in return.
Joanna and João first opened during the pandemic. During this time, they had many call outs for complete disinfection and sanitation of houses and apartments, they still get the odd request, but mainly life and requests have turned back to normal.
The requests that come in are typically for cleaning mattresses of all sizes, materials and thicknesses, carpets and rugs which include Persian silk and ones made of natural fibres such as sisal and sea grasses, curtains, sofas, chairs and car interiors are also much requested. They also provide waterproofing services for all materials, particularly useful if you have dogs, cats, children or for clumsy friends and family members. Waterproofing outdoor furniture is recommended every 6 months and of course if you are into camping, you'll know how important it is to keep your tent weather tight.
Joana and João will soon be expanding their business and offering the hire of cleaning equipment and they will release their own line and brand of special cleaning detergents. Their top tip is to not wait too long if there is a spill, stain or accident. It is best to call them straight away as the chances of a complete removal are higher when the stain is fresh. Odours and stains become more stubborn with time.
The best way to contact them is by phone or by message them on FB. Pure&Clean are based in Olhão and operate in the entire of the Algarve. All their work comes with a guarantee.
Contacts: Joana and João Lourenço Pure&Clean Tel: 914 253 600 FaceBook: Pure&Clean

Sweet Sensations

Kubi Doce is a 'Padaria' located on the EN125 in Olhão serving the highest quality fresh bread, cakes and confectionary.

Owned by award winning pastry chef
Filipe Martins and his wife, Mafalda Sengo, the couple have a very interesting story. They are both from Olhão, although randomly met skydiving in Alentejo.
They originally had three bakeries, but decided to sell them all in 2018.
Filipe had become frustrated because customers weren’t interested in trying new recipes, preferring to stick to traditional recipes, which Filipe found uninspiring. He was always looking to try new ideas, more healthy and tastier.
After selling up, Filipe went to work at the catering school in Faro as a pastry chef.
He would then go on to fund trips abroad to learn different techniques and how to make cakes and pastries from all over the world. His travels took him to places like Barcelona, Paris, Italy and New York.
The couple had kept one store which they used for storage, and before long previous customers were calling and asking for his pastries and cakes, realising that after all, his new recipes were both healthier and more flavourful, because he didn’t use white sugar or white flour.

Coming up to Christmas they had a queue of people waiting outside their shop asking for the cakes that Filipe had thought they didn’t want.
At this point, they now only had the small shop they'd kept for storage and less than 10 regular customers. They only opened 2 days per week as Filipe was still working as a pastry chef. It

was as much as a hobby than anything else, Filipe used this opportunity to offer his new creations to customers to taste, simply because he enjoyed the science of making cakes, pastries, breads and confectionary using his newly learned methods, and adding his own creativity.

Now came the turning point. The Bakery got robbed and the couple literally lost everything. At the same time, a new shop became available in a more prominent location. The decision was made to create Kubi Doce and they spent every penny they had on the new shop.
Kubi Doce is now reaping the benefits from Filipe's travels and experiences. He creates many cakes and pastries from all over the world. One example is a healthy chocolate cream (their version of Nutella) named Kubitella. He now makes all types of creams including Peanut and Lime, Almond and Coffee, Almond and Vanilla and of course Kubitella. Even the decor of the store was inspired by his travels; a very contemporary 'warehouse' look.
As well as Pastries, Cakes, Sweets, Chocolates and bread (90% from sour dough), they also sell Coffees, Cappuccino's and Hot Chocolate. Cooked lunches are available and change daily, including Pizza, Fresh Hamburgers, Hummous with Salad and Roast Beef.

The gamble has now paid off, as Kubi Doce is one of the most popular Padaria's on Olhão. It has a very relaxed and friendly ambiance, with helpful staff. We hope you get a chance to visit Kubi Doce and meet Filipe and Mafalda. You'll find a place full of different colours, flavours and smells, a real sensory treat.
Contacts; Tel: 911 900 117
Email: kubidoceconfeitaria@gmail.com
Address: Estrada Nacional. 125 Urbanização Vila formosa Loja 114 8700 Olhão.

Travessa Almirante Candido dos Reis 139, Tavira 8800-318 Telephone: +351 963 882 952 Facebook: Franganario Tavira

Ruy Barros

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The family-run Amesbury Abbey Group offers an elegant retirement in country house style at Monte da Palhagueira.
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Our exceptional care team treat all our residents with respect, dignity and friendship, and our nursing home has a warm, family atmosphere. Each individual aspect of our nursing care is designed to give our residents the best possible quality of life and the highest standards of 24-hour care.
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We visit the largest Nativity Scene in Portugal, to meet the creators and find out how this incredible display is put together each year
This year marks the 20 year anniversary of the miniature nativity scene in Vila Real de Santo António. What started off as a mere 20 metres of a nativity scene now spans across a vast 240 metres.

While writing the word miniature, it seems a bit of an oxymoron as it is nothing short of monumental, grand scale and colossal. It is the result of the combined effort of just 4 people. All 4 have been working 12 hour days since October 30th to have the scene perfected by 01 December when it opens to the public.
We were allowed to take a look behind the scenes and get to know the skilled creators of the masterpiece.
(Left to right below) work
the municipality of VRSA and while it is not funded or paid for in any way, they have been given the space and leave to work on this most special project.
The four friends tell us stories of how each year the scene expands a little and new sets and additions are added on. The nominal entrance fee of €1 for adults is used and reinvested to buying materials for the next year.

The material used to carve the intricate tiny pieces and used to sculpt the larger buildings is insulation material, sheets Styrofoam. Each piece is hand carved and painted by patient, steady hands. The attention to detail is astounding, some pieces can take 30 days alone to create and build.

We are told that Mary and Joseph are moved each day from the 1st to the 25th, as they travel and make their way to the manger. Not only do they move, but pay close attention to Maria's belly throughout the 25 days… it grows a little each day until she reaches full term!
The 3 wise men also are not to be missed, just like with Mary and Joseph they are moved a little each day until they reach the manger on the 6th of January. Each of them carry and bear their gifts for the baby Jesus.
If you get a chance to speak to the four creators, please do so, they have a wealth of knowledge and will share with you some of the inside jokes and realities. This year for instance, you'll notice that the water in the river is lacking, this mirrors the current
situation, where the drought has impacted the East of the Algarve to such a degree that many and most natural streams and river are very low, if not completely dry.
Many of the pieces and scenes within the scenes are automated and based on typical Algarvian traditions. It is fascinating to watch each story unfold and see bits of recognisable local heritage. You will even see plenty of teeny tiny bacalhau being cured along with flocks of pigeons and doves flying overhead. It is a work of art, genius, love, creativity and wit, and can genuinely be appreciated by all. As mentioned, entrance for adults is €1, entrance for children is half priced.
For more information about the nativity scene, please check the Facebook page of the VRSA municipality

Tickets are currently on sale for three performances of a new and humorous play. Being staged in São Brás during December, the international cast of twelve actors transport the audience to Lisbon, Paris and Wewelsburg Castle in Germany.

Surrealists on stage
Lisbon in 1940 was an important city for many refugees allowing them to escape from WWII in Europe to the USA. The famous surrealist painter Salvador Dali and his domineering wife boarded a passenger ship on the quayside of the River Tagus. Despite the threat of U Boats they crossed the Atlantic to arrive safely in New York. In the same year the artist Max Ernst and his fiancé Peggy Guggenheim made a similar journey by seaplane. The play is focused on the activities and bizarre love lives of these eccentric people.
Interests such as astrology, the spiritual world and attending séances played an important role in surrealism. It first began in Paris as a literary movement which fascinated Portugal’s most acclaimed modern poet, Fernando Pessoa, a key character in the play. It is a ‘must see’ opportunity for anyone interested in this productive period of literature and art. It is partly set in Lisbon’s famous Café Brasileira, a preferred meeting place for intellectuals and artists. The audience is also introduced to Picasso and cabaret artist Josephine Baker living in occupied Paris. The intriguing plot is based on fact involving the French Resistance, the disappearance
of Mussolini and Picasso’s most famous painting, Guernica. Throughout the play there are projections of more than 20 paintings as they are referred to in the dialogue.
‘Cinderella and the Surrealists’
Written and Directed by Carolyn Kain.
Friday December 9th Evening performance at 7-30 pm
Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th Matinees at 5-30 pm
Tickets 10 euros for Amigos, 12 euros for general public Profits to São Brás Bombeiros

Telephone 966 329 073 to reserve a seat
Photography Peter Kain
Everyone is welcome, all nationalities, beginners and experienced, to play golf croquet on our lawns at Pedras da Rainha in Cabanas de Tavira.

If you want to come and meet us you will be made very welcome any Wednesday or Sunday morning after 10:00 and your first time is free, or for more information contact us by email.

Av. Min. Duarte Pacheco 62, Vila Real do Santo Antonio. Tel: +351 910 316 397

The soft power of Thai Massage It´s believed that our body remains healthy if we maintain the energy balance in our body in relation to the energy of the universe. If there is an energy imbalance, the body will get sick. We Massage to treat back pain, Severe Office Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, neck and shoulder pain, scapula pain, knee pain, These injuries from exercise can be treated without surgery.


How to choose your Real Estate Agent?
So how do I find the right broker?
In general, two criteria are essential:
1) I must trust the broker
2) The broker must work professionally
Criterion 1 cannot be evaluated objectively, it is a feeling. I have to have a good "gut feeling" that I am in the right hands. Have a conversation with the brokers you are considering and choose the one with whom the feeling is "right“.
Criterion number 2 can be evaluated more objectively, but it is not easy for an outsider either. Does he or she work professionally because he or she has already sold many properties? And at what number does "many" start? Or because he looks after many properties? Is he professional because he wears a suit? Because he belongs to the agency of a well known brand?
Because my neighbour/friend/acquaintance recommended him? So what should I look for when choosing?
The following points should be fulfilled by the agent or the broker and the agency: a) He should have a clarifying consultation with you at the beginning. He should answer all my questions, explain the entire sales process (if wished), explain the "do's and don'ts" when selling a property, what to look out for during viewings and generally invest some time in you and your property for this conversation. He should also be able to answer questions satisfactorily, not only about the price with which he values my property (see last month's article), but also about how he gets to the price or, as we have already seen earlier, how he gets to the price range. If he prefers to present a written price assessment later, this speaks for him, not against him! The price range should be realistic (in order to be able
to judge this, one must of course have done one's "homework" (see last month's article). A deviating price assessment is not negative per se, as long as he can justify it.
Caution, warning lights should go on if he has a price "ready" directly without a big inspection, or if he cannot offer a price range himself, but the one I have quoted "is correct" and he asks you to sign the brokerage contract directly. The more the estate agent asks, the better it is. The time frame in which you would like to sell should also be included, this is very important for correct pricing!
b) The more properties he has already sold, the greater his experience, but not necessarily a guarantee that he will work professionally. You should also ask whether he has sold these properties personally or whether it was his agency or colleagues who sold them.

c) Even after signing the brokerage contract, he should "look after" you and at least find
Your personal contact for a success ful sale of your local property!

What our clients say about us (sellers):
S Stephan was extremely reliable and always prompt What impressed us most was his realistic assessment of the sales price.

K+S Steiner
My warm thoughts go back to Stephan Schade, who sold my house in 2020 His skill, sincerity and honesty made me completely calm during the selling process
Eva Norén
time now and then to inform you about the status of the sale. With a property portfolio of up to 20 or 30 properties per agent, this can be managed. An agent with 40 or even more properties in his portfolio will not be able to find this time. Professional and personal support is practically no longer possible or only very reduced in terms of time.
d) Punctuality is the courtesy of kings (Louis XIV). Nowadays not only of kings, but also and especially of real estate agents. Not necessarily a sole criterion for exclusion, but many drops hollow the stone....
e) Appearance: under no circumstances should the man/woman of your choice appear at an appointment (whether with you or a buyer) in a jogging suit or similar. A well-groomed appearance is an absolute must. Ideally, a suit is the order of the day, but something more casual will also do (also depends on the climatic situation).
f) Accessibility: one of the main reasons why private sellers are less successful than estate agents is their accessibility or lack thereof. It is therefore all the more important for an estate agent to be available at short notice. And if he is in the middle of a conversation and cannot answer, he should at least call you back on the same day (please make sure that you have not a „private number" on your mobile phone, otherwise with the best will in the world he will not be able to call you back). The same applies to e-mails. Sometimes these end up in the spam folder, but a thorough broker also looks at this from time to time!
g) Another indication of his professionalism or
that of his agency are the properties offered by his agency on the internet. Photos are the first contact a potential buyer has with the property. Before he reads through any text, he looks at the photos and sorts the property into the „it-is a-possibility" or the "rubbish bin" folder. Photos are therefore very important! They should obviously have been taken by a professional photographer and not by the estate agent himself with his mobile phone. This can often be seen in the photos themselves (lack of sharpness, incidence of light, etc.), but also in what is depicted.
If you see rooms with lowered blinds, open toilet lids, untidy rooms, underwear, etc., or if nothing at all is visible, these are clear signs of amateur work. You should not work with an agency that lacks such basic knowledge, no matter how nice the employee is.

h) A professional also advises you on measures to make the sale of my property easier/better. What can/should or even must be done to significantly increase your chances of a speedy or even value-increasing sale (e.g. renovations, repairs, homestaging, etc.) and, in the best case, even has contacts to appropriate service providers.

i) Does belonging to a big, well-known brand automatically make him a professional? Definitely NOT! It increases the likelihood that he has received some training, but it is not a guarantee. And there are enough training seminars online these days from neutral providers and institutions.
j) Ideally, I can get experience with this broker from friends, neighbours, acquaintances,

etc., if they have already worked with him. However, it is advisable to get more than one or two opinions.
k) Last but not least, a professional should not be afraid to confront me with unpleasant truths, e.g. regarding my own price assessment, condition of the property, chances of sale, etc.. If well-founded, this only speaks for him/her. However, as the owner, you must also be professional enough to accept the differing opinion and at least consider that the professional could be right! If you decide to embark on the adventure of "selling your property" with an estate agent, you should be aware that this game is a team game. Even the best estate agent will fail if you, the owner, sit back and think that the agent will "rock the stage". Of course, he will take on many, not to say most, of the tasks, but it will not be entirely without you. The most important of your contributions here is price fixing. He could be a "super broker“, but if I set the price at twice or three times the market price? How is he supposed to present your house well at viewings if I don't clean it, don't tidy it up, but am present at viewings and say things that are counterproductive for the sale? It only works together and it's best to let the professional take the lead (and if you really trust him, it is the best you can do to have success). For that, you as the owner just have to make sure in advance that you are also working with a professional. But with the above points, you now have a guide that makes it easier to "back the right horse".

From property expert Robert Bijker, Happy Homes Algarve

It’s that time of the year again when we reflect on the past year and provide an outlook for the property market in the year ahead, 2023.
After two years of uncertainty people fully embraced the freedom to travel in 2022 resulting in an excellent year for the hospitality sector and property market alike. For most homeowners of self-catering accommodation in the Algarve rental income is at an all-time high and the year is not even over yet! Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the more people spend quality time in the Algarve the higher the number of prospective buyers. This is reflected in another record breaking year for the real estate market.
With property prices rising during the 1st half of the year due to strong demand we now see prices coming off their highs. There are good quality/value properties on the market, but there are also many overvalued properties which are not selling. The supply of new and resale properties continues to fall short of demand. However, because interest rates are rising to combat inflationary pressures, buyers can borrow less than they could a year ago when interest rates were low. If they are unable to make up the difference, they must either adjust their requirements or postpone their property purchase. After a long period of price increases one can only welcome a period where the market cools down a bit. As a result of higher interest rates the economists of the ECB are expecting property prices in Europe to fall on average by 10% over a period of 24 months. This is good news for buyers, but the risk for sellers is that the market will have moved on by the time they are ready to lower their asking price. Depending on the size of the price reduction the property can still be overvalued as the market circumstances have changed. For home owners who need to sell it is better to stay ahead of the curve as this increases
the likelihood of a successful sale.
The main reason for the market's cooling is rising interest rates as a result of high inflation. It’s not that interest rates are high historically. It is more a matter of adjusting the overvaluation of financial assets in general as a result of the ECB's extreme and artificially low interest rate policy that is now behind us. Because property values are less transparent due to poor and delayed statistics, while also being less liquid, they lag in price adjustment to changes in interest rates compared to other financial assets traded on stock exchanges on a daily basis. To put this in perspective using a sector whose market value is the most prone to interest rate movement, rising interest rates have had a devastating effect on the market evaluation of technology companies who were unprofitable. Their sky high valuation was more based on a story and the willingness of investors to provide money to gain market share as long as they were spending/burning money to get there. Due to rising interest rates the share prices of these companies have been decimated as investors focus on income generated now and not potential future income. Properties may be overpriced but they can generate income/ cash flow now, if needed. When determining valuation, the generation of cash flow (rent) should not be under estimated regardless of the property being your permanent residence or not.
Real estate is known to be a good hedge against inflation, which is quite reassuring in the current high inflation environment we are in. Those who have a mortgage against their property will find that inflation erodes the value of the mortgage over the years. It seems inflation in Europe has peaked, however, this doesn’t mean that the inflation problem is behind us as it remains well above the ECB’s 2% target. Therefore, more interest rate hikes cannot be ruled out and rates may stay high for a prolonged period until inflation is more in line with the ECB’s inflation target. In Portugal, the majority of homeowners with mortgages have a floating rate based on Euribor for 6 or 12 months. As rates have gone from minus 0.5% to 2.8%, the interest component of the monthly repayment has gone up dramatically. On a mortgage of €150.000 this means an increase of €412.50 per month and causes financial stress for families at a time when their purchasing power is already eroded due to high inflation. Normally, a shakeout of weaker or overleveraged businesses, as well as homeowners who over borrowed, is part of the economic cycle. However, this did not happen during the pandemic as the Portuguese government offered financial support and tax holidays for businesses and individuals alike and banks put a moratorium in mortgage repayments for those who needed it. Will they again offer a lifeline to homeowners who struggle with the repayment of their mortgage? This may seem farfetched, but maybe it is not. The Spanish government is already considering relief measures for one million families with an income below €25.200 per annum. This, in addition to extending the
repayment period of the mortgage by 7 years, cuts the increased financing cost in half. Will Portugal follow?
On the other hand Portugal is a very popular destination for expats looking to relocate. It has a pleasant climate and plenty of sunshine, good internet connections, good medical facilities, low crime rates and relatively low cost of living. This, in addition to the various financial incentives make it highly likely that foreigners will continue to settle in Portugal in 2023.

We also expect investors to continue seeking alternative investment opportunities such as real estate due to low interest rates on savings accounts. Although interest rates on savings accounts have gone up since a year ago, they are well below the level of inflation. Expect the search for yield to continue in next year. Lastly, there are some changes in 2023 regarding short term holiday lets. If you own a property that is available for short term holiday rentals, in 2023 you need to report your monthly rental income to the tax department by the latest on the 5th of the following month (this was the 12th). Furthermore, whether you have rental income or not, you must report to the tax department every month. Additionally, at the beginning of the year you need to register the new invoicing series for 2023 at the tax department before you can issue rental invoices. We expect 2023 to be a busy
year and with a bit of luck we’ll see the war between Ukraine and Russia end and benefit from the peace dividend. Our multilingual consultants at Land & Houses Algarve – Yellow Homes have been living in the Algarve for a great many years and are experts in walking you through each step of the buying and selling process. We are currently looking to add quality properties all across the Algarve for both our Portuguese and International buyers. Why not contact us today?
Robert Bijker DirectorLand & Houses Algarve – Yellow Homes www.landandhousesalgarve.com www.landandhousesalgarve.de
Tavira Office
Rua Dr. José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira Tel: 281 320 281 Fax: 281 321 901 (AMI – 6232)
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Showing an all too familiar, but touching scene, often seen on the streets of Olhão, Pauline has captured elements that give this image its quality, charm and emotive connection.
Submitted to the Facebook page: ‘Algarve Amateur Photography group’

Location/Camera: Olhão, Phone 11

Photographer's comment: Olhão makes me feel at home like no other town in the Algarve, especially the authenticity of the old quarter. The narrow streets, the typical houses, sometimes renovated, sometimes almost in ruins. The history of an important fishing town speaks to me, not like a museum or a tourist attraction, but still fully alive in many different ways.

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Born in South West France in Biarritz, and Gabriella spent quite a significant part of her life in London. Her love of art has always been a key motivator. The complexity of the creative process drove her curiosity leading her to study Art History at the University of Warwick for her BA. She says 'I didn’t realise then that one day I would be creating my own paintings!
Moving to Tavira was very significant for me as it was here I made my first collection of artworks and I’ve not stopped painting since!
Tavira and the Algarve is such a great source of inspiration for me, I am always in search of new textures and colours such as those found in the calçada flooring, the architectural structures, the rooftops, the rustic doors, and the beautiful natural surroundings'.
Gabriella has a mixed style between figurative and abstract art combined into one semi-abstract style. She describes It 'as a way of bringing an exterior view into interior décor. The neutral tones of my work are a conscious decision to decorate my clients’ homes in a contemporary style. When people view my work, I want them to see through their own eyes their own memories and experiences of life rather than them deciphering what I aim to represent'.
Gabriella-artalgarve.com Algarvart.gk@gmail.com

... and we weren't even looking! Hank and Carina's story of how they came to love and live in Olhão

Welcome to our monthly column celebrating Olhão. After exploring Portugal top to bottom from Braga to Tavira enjoying so many coastal and inland locations in our RV, we decided Olhão was the place to buy our home to celebrate our “golden years”.
Olhão was not on our radar at first. In fact, the discovery of Eastern Algarve was a pleasant surprise with the scale of development so much less than areas to the west. A chance winter rental introduced us to Olhão, a place we quickly found attractive for many reasons. “Walkability” is, above all, a main highlight and each month we will introduce you to places only steps away from our front door. Questions, Comments or Suggestions for new columns? Email us at hankryan2003@yahoo. com. We hope you will enjoy our column!
Olhão Restaurants – Welcome To Your Gastronomic Paradise!

Carina and I admit we share a dilemma, albeit a pleasant one. Which Olhão restaurant do we choose to walk to enjoy a tasty lunch or dinner out?
On one 500 meter stretch of Avenida 5 de Outubro from the police station walking east to the two sushi restaurants, there are 32 different full service eateries! This is only counting the restaurants facing south on that street, not the almost equal number of establishments located on the streets behind this “restaurant row” together with those surrounding the Mercado buildings on both sides! Go ahead, take this walk. Bring an open mind and your appetite! You’ll likely agree that it is not easy to choose where to enjoy lunch or dinner! The Restaurant Ria Formosa photo to the right shows just one of the options. Server Antonio Santos works the daytime crowd. (more about Ria Formosa below). Here is a challenge. We’ll buy you coffee if you can identify any other location in Portugal that has such a concentrated and diverse grouping of restaurants all on one easily walkable street!
Taken together, all these eateries, plus new entries further west at the Marina Ria Centre and Marina Village make up what is clearly
an unparalleled “gastronomic paradise”, attracting so many locals along with tourists enjoying their vacation.
Strolling by the gatherings of people eating together outside these restaurants, often with
ten or more at a table, is always fun. Located within several of these places are very large open dining areas. Gaze inside and you’ll often see everyday Olhão community life at its best. These huge rooms are where gathered
families, friends or co-workers fill every chair. To witness them all enjoying eating and sharing time together is, well, wonderful!
So You Want Cataplana?

In Spain, paella is the featured entry on almost every menu there. If there is one dish that Portugal and especially here in the Algarve, calls its own, Cataplana is it. The term “cataplana” actually refers to the shell shaped copper cooking utensil that consists of two concave halves joined by a hinge and two side clasps that seal the ingredients inside. These cooking tools ensuring that all the flavours and aromas are retained and blended together. Here in Olhão, seafood Cataplana is featured on a LOT of menus and one local place we’ve heard about even features lobster, but sometimes meat is part of the presentation. Check out the number of places that offer this
entry! If you haven’t already enjoyed this meal often served for two, we have a few suggestions.
Here in Olhão, along that amazingly walkable 500 meter stretch noted above, 15 of the 32 restaurants offer cataplana. We decided to visit three of those places, Ria Formosa Restaurant, Farol and Real Petisqueira, to sample their cataplana entries. Hey, somebody had to do it :-)
Please note, we are not qualified as expert food critics and we don’t pretend we can fairly claim which of the three entries you will enjoy the most. Aiming to enjoy high quality seafood in Olhão is not a high risk gambit. They were all great in our opinion. The cost for a cataplana for two entry is currently 35 euros and up. Make this your “meal of the day”! Perhaps it is worth aiming for a late lunch because you will likely still be full after this meal even at dinnertime!
In addition to Antonio at the Ria Formosa Restaurant, Joaquin Do Brigo do Vale represented owners Zong Hou Hu and Ji Hu during our visit to Real Petisqueira.

At the new Farol Restaurant, owner Pedro Domingues (second from left in the photo), welcomes customers together with hosts Eduarda Rodrigues, Alexandro Lopez and Lucas Justo.

Eulalia Leonardo (not pictured), attends to kitchen duties.
Hungry for more?
Here is the list of the 15 restaurants on the south facing Avenida 5 De Outubro “restaurant row” that feature cataplana: Ria Formosa, Delicia de Olhão, Real Petisqueira, Kinkas, Lagar Mar, Sabores da Ria, Prazeras, Barra Nova, Farol, Horte, Terra Mar, Piteu da Baixa Mar, O’ Franguinho, Mare Shrimp & Stuff and Galo.
For our full introduction, see our first column online in the December 2021 issue. ( https:// www.eastalgarvemag.com/)
Fine Print – We choose to focus on businesses here in Olhão where we have actually been customers first. Any future advertising from these businesses that supports Eastern Algarve Magazine is purely coincidental :-)

Ask the Expat
Not all advice is good and not all people are as genuine as you may think. Enjoy our 'bad advice' column from the expert we have all met, know and love... the Expat.
This month, Ask The Expat goes undercover in a topsecret society meeting. In full espionage mode, I even wore shades, a black cap, a false beard, a big gold mediation, and old school Davidoff 'Coolwater' aftershave!

Considering the company of dripping and greased slimeballs, that was quite apt.
I was informed of a possible 'Studs go hustle' seminar, for international wise guys and gigolos of all ages seeking to hit it big in the Algarve. A market of ripe ExPat wealth, divorced, widowed, bored housewives.
We were informed about this 'incredible meeting of minds' by a tip-off by Cindy who found the biro date on a suspicious company card. Her distress is being a victim of sending 75k of her pension to a high-calibre Aussie-born conman. Lulled into the trap, he was sending her widowed Shirley Valentine Vila Real fantasies wild, except he was a pimp with a fetish for extortion.
He split, leaving Cindy with a course of reserve antibiotics. Her voice choked on Videotime "he promised highly exclusive fine wine on his yacht, to be a devoted lover, but all I got was an exclusive STI and a bust purse!"
Though it is out of our East Algarve territory, it seemed to be worth the trip to nearby Vilamoura and to pay €100 to attend the meeting in the darkly lit cocktail bar 'Ménage à Trois'. It was as eye rolling as the names of the yachts at that marina. Yukky. Surely this meeting can't be real I think nervously, opening the heavy door, wad of money ready in hand.
Though I carelessly stumbled on to the stained silver zebra print velvet chaise longue, as I couldn't see through my faux Ray Bans, and after nearly hitting my head on the garish erotic sculptured candle-sticks, a greasy slicked back haired man, offered me a cocktail. 'Hey, if you are like me, you need one of these, bro'!
'What is it? I ask, looking at the rancid concoction. 'D*mbf*ck', but if you are, you won't be when you've left here bud', he said, slapping my back so hard, my foaming juice spilled over my too-tight jeans. I am worried
about the hidden mic in my boxer shorts!
I think, how enraged they would be if they realised my XX chromosomes, under my drag king get-up, a false beard, and practiced 'husky' Barry White voice. Fearful I hope they don't find me out!
The meeting begins, under sweltering candlelite, smelling like a Chippendale locker room with their legs spread wide for 'ball space'. Thankfully, and expectedly, the 'presentation' finishes prematurely, so the ratty 'broskis' cheer in awe.
The magazine is more interested in speaking to the group and the Q&A, which begins amid playing 50 Cents Candyshop. One is left wondering which of these testosterone-fueled dirtbags have genuinely made out like bandits in this school for gold-digging hustlers?
The crowing of the cocks begins… One man claims whilst stalking his prey, he worked as a window and pool cleaner, at an 8-bed Quinta. He ensured the husband would be coming back, to discover his wife in the throes of passion, by having his 'comrade' place a tip-off at that golfing club.
Needless to say, the divorce was as quick as the sudden marriage. And when the 'boating' accident happened, while his seventy-year-old lover couldn't swim, he was cracking open the champagne, sitting on a cool mill! It wasn't his fault there were no life jackets on board, and at 28, he was a strong swimmer he chuckled!
The host interjects, if done correctly, swindling doesn't have to come close to anyone dying, he says kindly.
He describes his model as a more fool-proof style of gold-digging. Offering the group a plate of cheeseballs, Simon quips, it is all about charm and seduction, where declaring love is no crime!
Another man, Carlos agrees! After his divorce, all he searched for on Tinder were two homecooked meals, a clean house, and a place to stay, as he weighs-up multiple options. He sniggers, call it compensation for 'having me'!
Amar, a bulky bodybuilder gormlessly attempts to rap, 'any hoe looking to get these muscles, got to be aware this stud gonna play to hustle', to which a slighter male named Savaric, asks
about the rules for 'gay for pay' eyeing Amar up and down.
A man called Brad flexes his knuckles and 'wants to hear no more of this shite' as the tension escalates so I ask 'has anyone made a long-term relationship out of their scam?'
A guy called Johannes answers and laughs! Yes, his cougar is well on her lead! A lonely divorcee, now under his thumb, he boasts, she has no friends or savings left, so he will probably do a runner soon!
Everything is in my name and she pays for my prostitutes! We even had to go on the run, after he smashed up her best friend's house who warned her he was a 'bad un'.
Isolated, his 'good girl' sold her house and now it's all in my name", he proudly declares. "And she is not even allowed a phone unless she is ordering my drugs from the coast of Morocco", he says wisely.
After more chest-beating, more Goldschlager, and Pirate-like catcalls, I come across 'Pierre', chuckling about his latest scam with a 'daft cockney tart called Cindy'.
I take his card with his brand new number. Cindy might like this!
Having risked my nostrils, sanity, and passage amongst these machismo monsters, I exit as the drunken roaches gyrate to bad house music. Let's say one night near this harem of shysters, surely anyone could smell their BS mile off?
Ladies, please remember these swindlers are out there when you start typing the transfer!
If they are still at the bar, the GNR has been tipped off. What are you going to do bad boys, when they come for you!? Let's hope it bloody hurts and is served kisser first!

As usual we like to bring you a selection of Christmas lights from the East Algarve. With our deadline to send the issue to print approaching, we only have Olhão and Faro currently switched on... ENJOY!

A HAVEN for children in need
The doors of the Refúgio Aboim Ascensão are open 24/7, 365 days a year, ready to help better the lives of abused, abandoned and neglected children

This month we visit Refúgio Aboim Ascensão, a private internationally recognised non profit Christian Charity Organisation, working to better the lives of abused, abandoned and neglected children under the age of six.
Since 1985, Refúgio’s specialised model of care ‘Emergencia Infantil’ dedicated to infants and young children at risk, has earned numerous national and international awards. Dr. Luis was also awarded the prestigiousDiana Princess of Wales Award in 1998 and was also made an honorary member of the council of the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children), in 1992 and remains a role model for infant care around the globe,. His work has been compared to that of pioneering Benjamin Whall founder of the NSPCC at the end of the 19th century.
Refúgio Aboim Ascensão was founded in 1933 in Faro, by Manuel de Sande Lemos, in recognition of his uncle Rodrigo’s will. It was Rodrigo Aboim Ascensão, who founded The Protective Association of Early Childhood in
Lisbon in 1901.
It was initially established as a breast milk support centre for single mothers, then a medical service for newborns and premature infants. The founder’s primary goal “Support for Early Childhood” has been the institutions technical and methodical focus over the years, and since 1985 the Refúgio has undergone a number of changes with regard to its facilities, social framework, and clinical and teaching services for children temporarily living at the Refúgio.
Based on agreements made with the ‘Ministries of Social Security, Justice, Health, Education and the Municipality of Faro’, the Refúgio is now a major centre for temporary emergency protection – the first to be created in Portugal for at risk children of both sexes, from newborns to six years of age.
The Refúgio derives no income or profit from its programme and heavily relies on donations.
The Emergencia Infantil program, created by director Luis Villas-Boas on August 1st, 1985, was an effort to continue the child protection reconstruction work begun at the Refúgio, to
benefit children at risk.
Emergencia Infantil’s primary aim is the rapid re-integration of a child to its natural family. As the first and primary temporary centre for child protection in Portugal it aims to reconnect children with their families whenever possible, if not, it facilitates alternative family arrangements such as adoption, but only upon the competent court’s decision when it is not possible for children to return to their families.
Over the years Emergencia Infantil’s unique and effective model of intervention has been recognised nationally and internationally for its ability to help children as they have - ‘the right to be loved’.
Refúgio Aboim Ascensão has participated and promoted seminars, meetings and conferences for both European and International participation, such as the International Children’s Forum in 1997, which included participation of 57 countries. It continues to voice the rights of abused and neglected children and with benefit of early intervention to help children who are at risk.
The Refúgio is a very friendly and welcoming
place, hosting many children’s events and visits from special guests and friends from the community. You are more than welcome to visit them at any time and see for yourself the amazing work and environment that they have created for the children; the latest arrival was a baby girl who was just a few days old.
Providing professional care services on a 24 hour 365 day a year schedule, therapists and technicians of varying specialities form part of a weekly schedule including evening, weekend and holiday rotations to ensure quality care on a continual basis. The team consists of;
3 Occupational Therapists,
2 Physiotherapists, 1 Speech Therapist,
1 Medical Doctor, 3 Psychologists, 9 Childhood Educators, 3 Social Workers.
Upon entering the Refúgio, each child receives an individual assessment by the professional therapy team and a programme of care is designed for them, depending on their specific needs. Therapists work with

children in order to enhance and develop their sensor motor, cognitive interaction and communication skills.

To achieve this development many different objectives and techniques are applied such as Neuro development, Sensorial Integration, Hydrotherapy, Baby Massage, Postural Alignment and Activity Training, amongst many others.
The Refúgio’s psychotherapy programme consists of 3 clinical psychologists who have the appropriate material for diagnosis and therapeutic interventions.
The Objective
Their main purpose is to provide children a safe, structured, happy and healthy environment, while giving them tools to develop confidence and self esteem for the future and ultimately, to either return them to their biological parents or an adoptive one after a court decision and social security services select a candidate.
It has the capacity for 95 children, plus special emergency protection for an additional 5. Non profit making, they appreciate the many forms

of assistance that they receive from local, national and international supporters, their work would not be possible without those contributions.
They welcome many forms of volunteer work to enable them to provide the best possible care for the children. If you would like to be considered for a volunteering position, please do contact them to discuss the best way the children can benefit from your help.
“We endeavor to provide a superior quality of life for infants and children needing shelter and protection. This work, however, would not be possible, if we were not in receipt of the support from the community, businesses and citizens throughout the country. It is with their financial contributions Refúgio Aboim Ascensão is able to provide the enhanced care abused and neglected children need”. If you are interested in helping them continue this work they would appreciate your consideration, and ask you to get in contact with them through their website www.refugio.pt, or please, as we did, visit them yourself.
Very many thanks to everyone at The Refúgio Aboim Ascensão it is a truly special place.
Expert currency advice
If you have a private pension, it will normally be paid into an account in your home country. You then have the option to transfer this to a foreign bank. Small fluctuations in the exchange rate could impact the amount you receive, but if you manage your currency transfers, schedule recurring payments, or fix your exchange rate, your money could end up going further.
Make big savings on fees
International transfers can be costly. If you transfer your money overseas with your UK bank you could be charged anything from £10
to £40 for each transfer. It does not sound like much on a €400,000 transfer to buy a house, but the costs can add up e.g., charges from £120 to £480 a year, especially if you are transferring money every month for your pension or to pay your mortgage. However, if you use a specialist FX provider you can cut out these costs by transferring your money to your UK bank account in Sterling, removing the international payment costs and saving yourself money.

Fix the exchange rate
If you want to budget and plan ahead knowing exactly how much you will receive every
month, a Forward Contract could be a great option for you. You can fix your exchange rate up to 24 months in advance which offers peace of mind as it minimises the risk of adverse currency market movements. You buy your currency at a fixed rate by paying a small deposit and the exchange rate is secured, and the currency held for you until you pay the balance in the future.
For monthly mortgage and pension payments GC Partners offer the option to drawdown on the contract.
For example, a client sells 10,000 GBP on a forward contract for 10 months at 1.15 (total contract is 11,500 EUR). They then pay a deposit of 1,000 GBP. Every month the client sends 1,000 GBP and 1,150 EUR to their Portuguese account until the end of the contract at which time the deposit will be sent.
Set up a standing order
Once you have decided how much you need to transfer each month, you can set up a standing order with your UK bank to an FX provider. We process and send the foreign currency to your bank in time for your mortgage payment, meaning a payment will be made even if you forget! You can do the same for your pension payment, once converted, funds will be sent to the bank account(s) of your choice. This is called a recurring or regular payment service.
The GC Partners Difference
Why not ask us for an FX health check, it can be completed in only a few minutes, and you might be surprised at the savings you can make. Contact us on +351 282 768 137 and +44 (0) 203 974 4738 or email your currency specialist Rachel.Canales@GCPartners.co, visit us online at www.gcpartners.co or in person at one of our offices.
GC Partners have an experienced and friendly local team in Portugal and offices worldwide. They will help you maximize your returns when it comes to your foreign currency exchange requirements. They have a rating of 4.9 out of 5 on TrustPilot, which is one of the highest in the industry.

Expert financial advice
Keep up to date with our Finance expert, chartered accountant Ricardo Chaves from All Finance Matters.

In the 2023 State Budget proposal the Portuguese Government introduced the taxation of cryptoassets (this exceeds the concept of cryptocurrencies), and short-term capital gains (up to one year) with cryptocurrency transactions to be taxed at 28%, but not all gains are liable to tax. Here are the proposed changes for 2023 and how these may affect you (part two, read part one in the November issue online).
I receive crypto as part of my salary, how is this taxed?
The cash equivalence of income in kind will now apply in situations where the income takes the form of a crypto asset. This means that in case the crypto is received as a payment, then it will be taxed under the income category rules (salary if it refers to salary, business income if it refers to business, etc). These assets will only be liable for capital gain tax if they are sold within less than a year and if there is a gain.
In case I use crypto-assets to buy a house, how does the IMT apply?
The value of the crypto-assets given in exchange
Duty Code) must be considered for the purposes of calculating the deed value and therefore the IMT – Property Transfer Tax, will be based on this value.
My income comes from my activity of buying and selling cryptocurrencies. How do I declare?

If this is a repeated and continued practice, then you need to report this to the tax authorities and register your business activity, declaring the income as a sole trader.
Can I offset losses?
If you made losses the negative balance calculated in each year, related to the sale of crypto assets, can be carried forward for the following five years, if you opt for the inclusion of this income in Category G and chose aggregating this income to your other income, in order to be taxed at the progressive tax rates
Do Crypto Assets Pay Stamp Duty?
The State Budget for 2023 proposes to tax “free transmissions of crypto assets, when they are deposited in institutions in Portugal or, if they are not deposited, if the author is domiciled in Portugal, in the case of inheritance by death, or if the beneficiary is domiciled in Portugal, in the case of other free transmissions”. Stamp Duty will be applicable at a rate of 10%, of free transmissions of crypto-assets, understanding as cryptoasset any digital representation of value or rights that can be transferred or stored electronically. using distributed ledger or similar technology.
What are the rules for determining the taxable value of crypto assets for Stamp Duty purposes?
It is expected that the valuation will be determined in accordance with the official quotation value, if any and this will be the value declared by the inheritor/ beneficiary.
How are legacy crypto assets taxed?
As the stamp duty will only apply to crypto assets deposited in Portugal, there is tax on inheritances by death when the author of the transfer is resident in the country. In the case of donations, it applies if the beneficiary is also domiciled in the national territory. In both cases the rate will be 10%. As it happens currently with shares or securities,
the withdrawal of crypto-assets that have been subject of a free transmission cannot be authorised, without the respective Stamp Duty having been paid.
When is crypto-assets considered to be located in national territory?
In what concerns to residency rules, the State Budget 2023 determines that crypto-assets deposited in institutions with headquarters, effective management or permanent establishment in the national territory are considered situated in Portugal, or, in the case of non-deposited crypto-assets, in successions upon death, when the author of the transmission is domiciled in national territory; in other free transmissions, when the beneficiary is domiciled in national territory.
Do commissions charged for providing cryptocurrency services (so-called intermediaries) pay stamp duty?
The State Budget for 2023 includes the taxation of Stamp Duty, at 4%, in commissions and fees charged by or with the intermediation of crypto-asset service providers. This means that CASPs (Crypto Asset Services Providers) will have to pay stamp duty at a rate of 4% on the transactions they intermediate and on the commissions they charge.
This means that CASPs domiciled in Portugal to will have to settle this tax. If the commissions are charged by service providers not domiciled in Portugal, this responsibility will fall on CASPs domiciled in the national territory that have intermediated the operations and on fiscal representatives who are mandatorily appointed in Portugal, if the operations have not had any intermediation in Portugal.
I bought NFT (non fungible token). Do these rules also apply?
Yes, an NFT is included in the definition of cryptocurrency provided for in the IRS Code.
Do I also declare income with stacking (crypto interest)?
The proposed State Budget for 2023 did not establish any specific rule for this income, therefore this income will only be taxed if it results from business and professional income (taxed under category B – sole traders).
Please feel free to send any tax questions you may have to info@allfinance.pt

Expert financial advice
by John Alden, Managing Partner at Private Client Consultancy

We all have financial goals and aspirations in life. Yet often, these goals can seem out of reach. In today’s complex financial environment, achieving your financial goals is not always as straightforward as we would like them to be.
This is where financial planning can help. Designed to help secure your financial future, a financial plan seeks to identify your financial goals, prioritise them, and then outline the exact steps that you need to take to achieve those goals.

In this article, we take a look at what financial planning involves and explain why it is important.
So, what exactly is financial planning?
In a nutshell - financial planning involves evaluating your current financial situation, determining your short and long-term financial goals, and then creating a strategic plan to meet these goals. The overall objective is to create an ongoing plan that incorporates a process that will support your current and your future requirements. The aim is to also provide you with peace of mind in relation to all your finances.
financial situation is unique to them, and every financial plan will be different. However, you can expect a financial plan to review the current state of your finances as you begin the process of listing your main financial goals. This will provide you with a specific a roadmap that details how you can achieve the goals you’ve set, explore your own attitude and tolerance to the financial risks you are happy to take in attaining those goals, and provide projections of your possible future wealth.
While it’s possible to create a basic financial plan yourself, it’s a good idea to develop a plan with the help of a qualified specialist. I will take the time to discuss your current situation and your personal goals in detail with you, and then put together a customised financial plan that is tailored to your requirements. One of the main benefits of doing this is that it prompts you to list your goals for the future. By clearly identifying and prioritising your financial goals, you can better understand how each financial decision you make impacts your life.
Everyone’s financial goals are different. For example, your main financial goal may be to save up enough money to live comfortably in retirement. Alternatively, it may be to save to send your children to a top school. No matter how specific your financial goals are, a tailored financial plan can be constructed with your personal goals as the key focus.
This is where I can be of assistance. I will be able to help you determine exactly how much you need to save and invest on a regular basis to achieve your goals. I will also be able to make recommendations in relation to the best asset classes and investments that will help you achieve your goals.
Financial planning can also bring clarity to your financial affairs. It’s an ongoing process, and it involves reviewing your finances on a regular basis, it can give you an idea of whether you’re on track to meet your goals. Therefore, I would ensure to book review meetings with you to discuss your goals plus any changes that may have happened since our previous meeting. By regularly analysing your financial situation and monitoring your progress towards your goals, you’ll have a much better understanding of where you’re at and what you need to do going
forward. By helping you see clearly where you are financially, I can help take the stress out of the ‘managing your finances’ process.
Moreover, financial planning is a dynamic process meaning that your plan can be adjusted as your goals and priorities change. You may not always know what the future will hold, and your goals could change due to changes in your circumstances. However, with a sound financial plan in place, you can relax knowing that whatever happens, you’ll be able to weather any life changes. A financial plan isn’t simply a static document, but instead, a tool that can be used to help you make adjustments to your finances as your life evolves.
Finally, another reason that financial planning is important is that it is holistic in nature. For example, instead of viewing your savings, investments, and pensions in isolation, it will consider all aspects of your financial situation together. In addition, the financial planning process will also consider a number of important personal finance areas that are often neglected including:
• Tax planning: tax considerations are an integral part of any financial plan. By structuring your finances tax-efficiently, financial planning could reduce the amount of tax you pay over your lifetime substantially.
• Risk protection: insurance plays a vital role in any financial plan as it can help protect you from the unexpected. Without adequate risk protection in place, unnecessary hardship could be placed on the people that are most important to you.
• Inheritance tax (IHT): IHT is complex and can cost you a considerable sum of money if not planned for early. A financial plan will consider IHT and help you plan ahead to minimise liabilities.
In conclusion, financial planning offers many benefits. Not only can it help you achieve your financial goals, but it can also provide you with a great deal of clarity and peace of mind in relation to your finances.
To find out more, or if you have any questions about financial planning, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My details can be found on the accompanying page.

Sara de Melo Castanheira is an expert in Occupational Therapy and Quality of Life. She is also the Technical Director of SER Igual, an Association of special rehabilitation services in Tavira

It´s the season of music, lights, food, fairs and familiar meetings. It’s the season to experiment different flavours and foods. Christmas is here and then will come the New Year´s Eve.
But for little Elf this is a very challenge season. Little Elf has a divergent way of feeling things. His brain is neurodivergent so he feels and sees things in a different way. It is not a wrong way, but is a specific and unique way of seeing life and behaving, and it´s ok to be different!
Little Elf has what we Occupational Therapists call, a sensorial processing disorder (SPD). And it means that he has a condition that affects how his brain processes sensory information (stimuli). Sensory information includes things you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. SPD can affect all of your senses, or just one. SPD usually means you're overly sensitive to stimuli that other people are not. Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Like many illnesses, the symptoms of sensory processing disorder exist on a spectrum. In some children, for example, the sound of a leaf blower outside the window may cause them to vomit or dive under the table. They may scream when touched. They may recoil from the textures of certain foods. But others seem unresponsive to anything around them. They may fail to respond to extreme heat or cold or even pain. Many children with SPD start out as fussy babies who become anxious as they grow older. These kids often don't handle change well. They may frequently throw tantrums or have meltdowns. Little Elf with his sensory processing disorder is oversensitive to things in his environment. Common sounds may be painful or overwhelming. The light touch of a shirt chafes his skin. He is a little bit uncoordinated, bumping into things. It is hard for him to engage in conversation or play with other children and he might avoid other kids even when he wants to play with them.
Sensory processing problems are commonly
seen in developmental conditions like autism spectrum disorder. Can you recognise near you, children like little Elf?
I´ll give you some tips so you can engage and better understand neurodivergent kids, like little Elf, especially in festive seasons like Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The more we comprehend the more we include.
Kids who are melting down over the holidays do not mean that they are trying to ruin your fun or embarrass you, or even that you are a bad parent (if you have a kid like little Elf). It also doesn't mean that the kid is a bad child or that he needs to learn a lesson, or that he´s defiant and refuses to listen or even that he hates you. His behaviour may mean that he is overstimulated and needs a break, there´s a lot of new people and he is feeling overwhelmed, or even that he needs your attention. It also means that his brain is feeling flooded at that moment with emotion, and he can´t think logically, and you need to take him to a safe space to let these feelings out.
For kids like little Elf, Elf´s best gift is someone joining his “world” and engaging with him through his world. Little Elf finds comfort in the familiar and repetition. Little Elf always tells the truth, so sometimes he can be inconvenient without noticing it and he takes things very literally. Little Elf struggles with “turn taking” and always wants to win. Socialising can be physically draining and cause a `social hangover` to this Little Elf. Little Elf wishes people saw his great communication even when he can´t speak correctly, but can read perfectly or create dialogues between his toys. Not everyone likes people looking at them, and so Little Elf avoids looking to people and looks to the floor. Christmas jumpers are not for everyone and for our Little Elf he really struggles wearing different textures. Little Elf thinks that if he likes something, everyone else will like it too. Little Elf knows when he needs a personal space at a party, so if you see him going to a corner you know what he is going through. Loud music, lights, crowds and decorations cause overload to this elf. It is hard for him to manage what
others give to him when he is unable to control it – Little Elf likes to control everything in his life so he can predict what is going to happen, so that he can avoid a sensory overload. Elf finds change hard and he needs to bring order in whatever way he can! Little Elf only eats specific food, because his sensory issue affects the way he sees and feels food. Social skills require practice for this elf, and sleep can be difficult sometimes. Sometimes Little Elf seems to ignore others. But it´s not true… he is just 100% engaged in one thing at a time.
Too many “little Elfs” are still excluded from their peers at school, parties or even in their friend´s family, because they are not understood.
If you have a “little elf” at home or you know a family with a kid like this little elf, please share this article and introduce them to Associação SER Igual in Tavira. We have a team of experts in Sensory Integration Evaluation that can help to best comprehend what´s happening in those little elf´s world.
How can you know more about us and help SER Igual Association grow?
Associação SER Igual is a non-profit association for handicap people and with Public Utility that is helping children, teenagers and their caregivers to get better life quality and helping change the paradigm of inclusion in East Algarve.
1-By sharing this article, you help spreading the name of SER Igual, so more people can contact us.
2-You can sponsor one of our social projects or patronise a child from our Association and help him/her to carry out their therapies.
3-Please visit us on our FB page (@SerIgualPT) and IG (@igual.ser) and make an appointment to geral@seronline.pt or by phone 918180020.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you. Vows of prosperity, friendship and health!
I thank you once again for your attention and be aware of the next article.
Istarted my first business in the late 1970s which was very successful in kitchen design, retail, installation, and manufacturing, reaching a turnover close to £2million.
In 1986 things went wrong. I lost everything and then experienced a period of 12 years within corporate employment in the City of London.
Starting as an administrator for a consultancy firm within an accountancy practice, I progressed through several roles and firms to become CEO of a law firm and COO of a business consultancy with over 220 team members, and subsequently ran many projects as an interim director and business mentor where I empowered teams to achieve greater efficiency and productivity.
During my corporate period, I graduated with an MBA in Legal Practice from Nottingham Law School and have since become a 3 times Amazon #1 best-selling co-author winning multiple awards for my work in health and behavioural psychology.
I love hosting my own business and health podcast and have mentored thousands of individuals and organisations to become more effective, productive, efficient, and healthier. The link between everything I’ve undertaken is BEHAVIOUR.
Understanding how we behave is the single biggest key to managing a business, developing relationships, and optimising health and wellbeing.
My expertise in the DISC model of behavioural profiling has grown enormously over the years, and I believe I am the only person to use DISC with a specific and unique approach to guide business owners in how to improve results in their personal life as well as within their teams, in all areas of their business, extending to clients and suppliers and in matters of health and wellbeing.
Born with a rare kidney disease and told, when finally diagnosed in my early twenties, that I would be on medication for life, I awoke to natural wellbeing strategies in my midforties which I used to beat the ‘incurable’ disease.
Damage caused by the medication I was
taking for over 20 years, combined with both work and personal stress, led to my third, and most serious, cancer diagnosis in 2015. The picture shows me receiving oxygen within a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Oxygen kills cancer (sugar feeds it).
I beat stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in a record 14 weeks and now mentor individuals how to avoid their own serious health challenges, or how to reverse them if they are in crisis.
My expertise in behavioural psychology led me to create a unique health recovery programme. The programme is also available for those wishing to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing on a pro-active basis to avoid a serious diagnosis.
I’ve designed a version of the most widely used DISC personality profiling model in the world, to identify and incorporate health and wellbeing alongside the traditional behaviour patterns. This means that when you use DISC in your organisation or your family, you will gain additional information to improve your health as well as your behaviour and relationships within your tribe. To my knowledge, no other profiling system offers this unique perspective.
Before my late Mother transitioned in December 2015, she held my hands tightly and made me promise to further develop my expertise in DISC and tell everyone how to avoid serious illness and disease or reverse it if in crisis. I am doing my best, Mum!
I have often been referred to as a high achiever and I blurred the lines between work and a balanced life in the past.
Over the years I’ve studied and put many health strategies in place for myself, alongside running various enterprises and raising a family. I’ve never been ill as such - merely inconvenienced. I am blessed with a positive outlook and an extremely resilient personality. Taking responsibility for our own health and well-being is very important for us all, especially with the breakdown of the healthcare systems worldwide.
Aged 65, I now find myself in a wonderful position. My life and business experiences
blend with my qualifications in health, nutrition, psychology and business, ongoing study, training, common sense, and a direct approach to problem solving.
This combination provides a unique canvas to co-create business performance and wellness strategies with individuals, families, and corporate teams.
However you are celebrating this Christmas, take a look at how you and others are behaving and what the implications might be for health and wellbeing. How we behave determines how healthy we are, or not!
And here is a little recipe for a pick-me-up if you need more energy around 11am or the 3pm slump which some people encounter (if this is you, then review what you are eating for break and lunch).

Elaine Godley, MBA, O.A.Dip(Psych) is a multi-award winning Health and Wellbeing Mentor and Master Health Coach https:// linktr.ee/ElaineGodley


An incredible 2597€ was raised during a 24 hour croquet marathon for the local Bomberiros. We were invited along for the presentation of the cheque
At 9.30 the morning of Saturday 24th September, I wondered whose bright idea this was. Then I remembered, it was Dusan Turcer & mine. Still at 10am on Sunday we would be finished. The two of us had agreed to play croquet continually for 24 hours to raise money for the VRSA Bombeiros. A brilliant organisation who deserve all the help we can give them. So spot on 10am on our lawns at the ACC at Benamor Golf we hit the first ball of many that we would strike over 24 hours.
Benamor Golf had given us tremendous support in installing floodlights around the lawns so that play could continue throughout the night, plus power so we could make hot drinks. Without their help this task would

never have been undertaken.
So 1 minute down, only a lot more to go. People continued to come to play & support us during the day, music was loud, food was arriving. It was almost like a party, albeit a very long one. Our youngest member even came to play. We elected to take a 15 minute break every 3 hours so the “comfort break” wasn’t rushed, very important not to hurry this. At 11am a group of ladies from the Pink Flamingo Croquet Club arrived, holding a large donation from their members. The time they spent playing with us flew by with lots of laughter ensuing, especially after tackling the infamous Buggy Bar.
As the afternoon & evening came so more people arrived & the lawns were busy. At 6pm, noodles, perfect to keep us going through the night. Then at midnight, curry! This was going
well & only 10 hours to go. Jacob & Sam Morgan gave up their Saturday night, plenty of jokes with them around.
The most brilliant group of people turned up throughout the night & early morning to keep us going, especially when the temperature dropped & we were cold. Jake got his first experience of croquet at 4am. He has potential! Watching the sun rise knowing there were only a few more hours to go is wonderful. Finally at 6am bacon sandwiches! So delicious.
As the clock counted down more people arrived & the lawns were full. Finally 10am struck, Dusan & I had completed the 24 hour croquet marathon.
In total we raised 2597€. Huge thanks to everyone who donated & helped. Will we do it again next year??? Definitely.
Email: reservas@benamorgolf.com or Telephone +351 281 320 880.
2 hour slots available from 08:00 through to 18:00 (finishes at 20:00)
Bookings can be made up to one week in advance.
Christmas at Alegria BEAUTY SALON

Christmas time at Alegria Beauty Salon! December is upon us once again and we are very busy to make everyone feel special for their upcoming Christmas days
The beauty industry has resurrected after the last of Covid-19 restrictions. Our clients are ready to sit back, relax and enjoy our beauty services, as they are tired of sitting at home and doing beauty routines by themselves.

To celebrate this upcoming month, Alegria Beauty Salon offers a prize to win every day for her clients! Every day? Yes, you read that right… By using the Rituals Advent Calendar, we are able to give our clients a present every day. How to win? Easy… Just book your appointment in the month of December, and you will have a chance to win one of the many prizes!

Christmas Cactus
A Christmas Cactus has attractive red, pink or white flowers that appear in winter, perfect for bringing some cheer inside. It’s best not to move the plant when in bud, as this can cause bud drop. For the rest of the year, give it a bright spot on an east or west facing window sill, water when the soil feels dry, and feed every two weeks. In summer, Schlumbergera will thrive outside in a shady spot and cuttings can be easily taken.

Poinsettias are the Christmas classic, but for those wanting something a little different, check out our suggestions. Plus, we have added a guide to finding the best Poinsettias to ensure they make it through and even beyond the festive season.
Amaryllis flowers are typically grown as winter houseplants to add a pop of colour to wintery days. The trumpet-shaped blooms come in reds, pinks, and whites. As the plant is growing and flowering, water whenever the top 2 inches of soil become dry.

Paperwhite Narcissus
These delicate flowers are the colour of snow, but will add warmth to your holiday decor. They bloom best from fall to spring, making Paperwhites perfect for the cosy season ahead.


This holiday-coloured beauty will enjoy a warm and bright spot in your home and a bit of extra humidity. The flowers are actually a modified leaf called a bract, surrounding a spike of tiny flowers. The bright colour can last in your home for months. The charming, heart-shaped silhouette of the Anthurium reminds us of what Christmas is all about.

Bromeliads are decorative for a few reasons during the winter months. Some species have green glossy leaves that compliment the glitz and glitter of the season's golds and silvers. Other species have grey or silvery foliage that are striking in a backdrop of evergreen. Many bromeliads also have bright red, festive flower spikes.
Check the flowers
Many plant buyers confuse the bracts for the poinsettia flower. You should check the centre of the flower and look for the yellow colour. The yellow indicates that the flower is nice and fresh—a good way to know it's healthy and lasts much longer. The flower centre shouldn’t be fully open either. Poinsettias should have plenty of leaves. If you see a bunch of leaves on the surface of the soil, it could have been overwatered or underwatered.
Look for any yellow leaves, too many yellow leaves on the plant when you buy it could mean it’s been stressed.
Check the stems
Check the number of flower stems, you want as many stems as possible. This way, you’ll get a nice, full poinsettia.
Avoid broken stems or leaves
Poinsettias are often displayed on nursery and store shelves very close together so it’s hard to see the form if you don’t pick it up and give it a look. If the stems are broken, it often means that the plant was damaged during transportation or while waiting for purchase at the store.

Sleeve or foil wrapping Check the plant for mildew. Some-

times, the lower leaves will have powdery mildew.
And lastly, look for a full looking plant
Turn the plant around in a full circle to determine how full you want them to look, check from all sides.
Care Tips Exposure
Keep your poinsettia in bright light. Your plant will last longer if it’s in bright, natural light.
Poinsettias are Succulents, but they like a little moisture, during their bloom cycle. You have to find the balance between not too wet and not too dry.
When watering, make sure that none of the water sits in the container. The water that sits in the bottom of the container could overwater the poinsettia and cause root rot.

East Algarve Magazine
Our regular meet-ups are proving to be a great success, here's a list of up-coming events
Our first seven events in Tavira, Olhão, Cabanas and VRSA have all been a resounding success. It's been wonderful to see and listen to people making new friends and arranging to meet outside of the group. It is also a great opportunity to share your experiences, and gain from others.
There has been a lot of information about various businesses discussed, from favourite Indian restaurants, a particularly good real estate agent to a great Portuguese teacher.
Each month we will meet at a designated venue in or around Tavira. There will be a second meet up towards the end of the month somewhere else in the East Algarve; Cabanas, Olhão, Fuseta, Monte Gordo or Vila Real.

'East Algarve Magazine International Meet-Ups' facebook group has been set up and is where the latest updates will be posted. The group already has over 500 members.

The Meet-Ups are free of charge and anyone is welcome to join the events. The next one is at the Maria Nova hotel rooftop bar in Tavira on the 15th December and on the 22nd December we are at bar Nora Velha in Tavira. Dates are subject to change, please check Facebook or email for updates.

All events start at 6pm. If you have any questions or suggestions just join the facebook group, or email info@eastalgarvemag.com

V i s t a s R u i S i l v e s t r e r e s t a u r a n t a t M o n t e R e i G o l f & C o u n t r y C l u b , h e a d e d b y C h e f R u i S i l v e s t r e , o f f e r s a c o m p l e t e g o u r m e t e x p e r i e n c e – f r e s h , l o c a l l y s o u r c e d i n g r e d i e n t s u s e d t o c r e a t e t h e f i n e s t g a s t r o n o m i c d e l i g h t s , a w e l c o m i n g a m b i e n c e , u n c o m p r o m i s i n g l e v e l s o f s e r v i c e a n d s t u n n i n g v i e w s o v e r r o l l i n g h i l l s , t o t h e A t l a n t i c O c e a n

R u i ’ s s t y l e o f c o o k i n g r e p r e s e n t s a r e t u r n t o c u l i n a r y e s s e n t i a l s A r e s p e c t f o r n a t u r e , p u r e t a s t e s , g e n u i n e a r o m a s a n d s u p e r b f l a v o u r s .

R e c o g n i s e d w i t h a M i c h e l i n s t a r i n t h e M i c h e l i n G u i d e s i n c e 2 0 2 0 , V i s t a s R u i S i l v e s t r e b e c a m e t h e f i r s t s t a r r e d r e s t a u r a n t i n t h e E a s t A l g a r v e r e g i o n , e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e l o c a l a r e a a s a d e s t i n a t i o n f o r g a s t r o n o m y l o v e r s
