1 minute read
... to your January edition, which is also our 14th Anniversary issue. This month we join the man behind REFOOD Tavira to find out how this fantastic project works, and we can tell you from experience, both how impactful it is and how much effort goes into supporting the community. We also visit Restaurant Cantarinha do Guadiana to get a real taste of Alcoutim, meet Gabriel from Senescal Brewery in Castro Marim. We check the levels of the Dam at Odeleite and hear about All Insurance, Ricardo Chaves' latest endeavour. For the new year we introduce two new columns; Amanda's Portuguese lessons, and Veronica; an American in Portugal.
All this plus finance news, gardening, health news and much more. We welcome your comments, please email us on info@eastalgarvemag.com
Unipessoal Lda
Richard Bassett, Editor