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to London where he joined the Metropolitan Police.
Before he died, Dad attained the rank of Inspector – a far cry from a Derbyshire coal mine where his brothers worked. Dad was an accomplished sportsman as well as coaching various teams in football, cricket, and rugby. Dad was number one batsman for the Metropolitan Police and was often still at the crease, having scored over 100, when number 11 bat came out. In those days, there were no thigh pads and other protective gear when playing cricket. So, the constant bashing from cricket balls on his thigh took its toll. Cancer is caused by many factors including physical shock to the body. His left leg was amputated, and Dad died at home where we nursed him through the ravages of this horrid disease that was hardly ever heard of in 1976. Cancer took hold of his brain and I remember him hallucinating – it wasn’t pleasant. There was no help from nurses or doctors at home nearly 50 years ago. Despite his illness, Dad was planning his return to work – in a new role as a sports coach at Hendon Police College in London.
I am blessed with Dad´s resilience and optimism and tackled my own cancers head on. I dealt with each of the four episodes according to what my intuition was telling me, my training and knowledge of how the mind and body work together.
In 2015 when given less than 12 months to live with a stage IV diagnosis, I immersed myself in further study and acted so that my body would heal itself.
Cancer is not the only condition potentially reversible and avoidable. Every condition mentioned above and more, can be potentially reversed – or better still, avoided!
Whilst every physical body is different, and therefore individual protocols will vary, here are some key factors to consider and review in your own life.
I used to love sitting in my Nan´s kitchen watching her bottle the organic produce which granddad grew on the allotment or listen to her natural recipes on how I might minimise my teenage acne.
Never once do I remember anyone in the family having a cold or the flu. Mum used to give us a daily orange vitamin C supplement and we used to enjoy our regular smoothie milkshake drinks complete with a raw egg mixed in to enhance our protein intake.
We learned at school about the way farmers rotated their crops and left a fallow year for the soil to recover. Pesticides were rarely used; animal husbandry was good and the nutritional value in food was high. We´d drink from streams and rivers and play out until late in the fresh open air, climbing trees and getting dirty.
Our body developed high levels of immunity from illness and disease. If anyone did catch a cold, they would stay at home and keep germs to themselves, following a commonsense approach to wellness. I recall hearing that we should feed a cold and starve a fever! It was extremely rare to see anyone overweight when I was growing up. According to CRUK In 2020 Cancer Research UK (CRUK – pronounced crook) state on their website that the cancer survival rate is now 50% and that obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer after smoking.
Source: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org
New health conditions have appeared in recent years caused, in my humble view, because of many factors including environmental toxicity, poor soil and low nutritional value of crops, over use of injecting hormones into livestock, the high levels of processed ´fast ‘foods and day to day stresses and strains of life.
Elaine Godley is a multi-award-winning health and wellbeing mentor who supports clients worldwide virtually from Portugal elaine@ elainegodley.com

You have just moved to Tavira. You are retired and you want to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body. Well, the Academia Sénior of Tavira can help you fulfill that wish. For your healthy body you can practice TaiChi, Qi-Gong, aqua-gym and belly dancing. Once a week the walkers group will find scenic places for you to discover more about the countryside around Tavira. Your healthy mind will want to learn the Portuguese language and the Academy offers beginner and intermediate classes. To learn more about your new country, there is a cultural history class at a slightly more advanced level.
Once your Portuguese is good enough to hold a pleasant conversation, the academy