2 minute read
REFOOD aspires to a new world, where everyone has the food they need; where all the food produced goes first to feed people; where citizens actively participate in the management of the community’s precious resources, and where everyone assumes their power, right and obligation to transform the world into a better place.
The photo above was taken on a normal day in Tavira. Admittedly, it's not my best, however, on this occasion, the subject is what's most important. The sign on the door simply says 'REFOOD'. What goes on behind those doors is something not too short of incredible. Out of curiosity, and the idea of running a charitable article for the new year's issue, we decided to contact REFOOD to find out if there was anything we could do to help... and of course to find out a bit more about them.
We were invited to visit on a Friday evening at 9.30. Once there, we were met by Sandro Santos a volunteer who runs REFOOD Tavira, along with his wife Sandra Santos. So what's it all about? Basically, Sandro and his team (also volunteers) collect food from local supermarkets which is close to its sellby date, and distribute it to locals who are in need. This food, which is perfectly good, would otherwise the thrown away; an awful waste and furthermore, at a cost. Sounds simple, right? Actually, the operation is complicated, and as you'd expect, involves a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy... let alone a huge amount of time and effort.
Sandro opened the REFOOD Tavira on the 26th of June 2022. It took two years of planning and they currently help 20 families per day.

The small distribution point is currently donated free of charge and the local Câmara pay €2,000 per year towards electricity and water, everything else is from donations.
Sandro works his regular 9-5 job, then an evening job, before working at REFOOD five nights a week. On top of this, every Wednesday he's in Santa Luzia where he delivers food to 25 families.

The evening begins by sorting out the donated food into containers ready for distributing. He has a list of families (previously evaluated) who come along to collect their allocated food (although nobody is ever denied food). They arrive with carrier bags and leave with them full of groceries for the week, including... everything from prepared foods, meat, fruit, vegetables, yoghurts, baked goods, salads, herbs, pasta, eggs and bread. Currently they collect donations from both Pingo Doce's, Continente, Minipreço and ALDI, all in Tavira. They also receive donations from local takeaways including O Tacho and Casa da Avó, and bakeries such as Padaria Porta Nova, Padaria Vila Doce, Pastelaria Trigo d'Ouro and Pastelaria & Padaria Venezuela.
During our visit, Sandro and the team handed out a total of 16 packages which helped 44 people. Once the food has been given out, it's off to the supermarkets to collect the next donations. We joined Sandro at Continente where we collected four trolleys full of food, then onto Pingo Doce for another two. It was now 11 o'clock, but the evening wasn't over yet. ALDI, Minipreço... and then any left over cakes are taken to the local Bombeiros. Finally, to avoid any waste at all, any bread that is too hard to be given away is fed to the local chickens.
Over the Christmas period, many local businesses, restaurants and schools, along with Tavira 2nd chance and the Rotary Club helped with donations for a special Christmas dinner.

Currently Sandro has enough food to take care of the families in need. Soon however, he will be moving to a new premises close by. He will be in need of assistance painting and furnishing, so any carpenters or painters willing to assist would be greatly appreciated. The work that Sandro does, in the time available, really does beggar belief. After spending the evening volunteering, we were left truly touched and in awe of his dedication and hard work devoted to helping ordinary people, no different to me and you.
Of course REFOOD are happy to accept donations and welcome volunteers. In particular, plastic food containers as well as 'bags for life' are always needed.

Contacts: Facebook: 'REFOOD TAVIRA'

Telephone: 964 161 902
Email: sandrocarepa@sapo.pt