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The buyer of your property could be anywhere in the world

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East Algarve

Call 961 700 200 or email info@eastalgarvemag.com
3,500 copies printed. All advertisers are issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets.
JesseOwen Bassett
... to your January edition, which is also our 14th Anniversary issue. This month we join the man behind REFOOD Tavira to find out how this fantastic project works, and we can tell you from experience, both how impactful it is and how much effort goes into supporting the community. We also visit Restaurant Cantarinha do Guadiana to get a real taste of Alcoutim, meet Gabriel from Senescal Brewery in Castro Marim. We check the levels of the Dam at Odeleite and hear about All Insurance, Ricardo Chaves' latest endeavour. For the new year we introduce two new columns; Amanda's Portuguese lessons, and Veronica; an American in Portugal.
All this plus finance news, gardening, health news and much more. We welcome your comments, please email us on info@eastalgarvemag.com

Unipessoal Lda
Richard Bassett, EditorTASTE THE DIFFERENCE!

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The family-run Amesbury Abbey Group offers an elegant retirement in country house style at Monte da Palhagueira.
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The Odeleite River & Dam
We're sure you've heard the expression used when it rains in the Algarve 'Well, it's needed'. Well... it was, and it still is!
The heavy rains have had a good impact on the accumulated water levels of East Algarve reservoirs, Odeleite dam has risen from 29.54% to 49.60% and the useful volume rising from 15.82% to 39.78%, according to Águas do Algarve. Water levels at Beliche have improved its levels from 22.93% to 40.85% and the useful volume from 13.75% to 33.80%.
Pedro Monteiro regional director of Agriculture, highlighted the importance of the rains recorded for crops, whether intensive or rainfed, but also for animal pastures and beekeeping, as bees carry out pollination for vegetation to produce honey. Despite this increase in water storage, the Algarve "is still far from even close to a desirable situation, because it started from a situation that, in terms of booking levels, was very low." It is still very necessary to continue saving water, to prevent shortages from happening in the near future.

If learning Portuguese has always been on your 'to do' list, you're probably at the same stage of actually doing something about it as I am. This month we introduce Amanda who will be writing a series of lessons for beginners... which will hopefully encourage us to learn more.
Here we are once again in a new year full of ambition and expectation!
Did you make a new year’s resolution? Going to the gym? Going on that diet or even starting that new business?
Whatever it was, you have to agree that there is nothing like the new year to give us the boost we need!
If you are living in Portugal maybe you have decided that this is the year you are going to learn Portuguese!
Learning some basics may not be as hard as you think!
I learned the basics of the language very quickly and in just 6 months I was fluent! Back then there was no internet or apps. I just had a “Teach Yourself” book, TV, Radio and most importantly - people to speak to!
I have now been living in Portugal for thirty three years and have been teaching foreigners for over fifteen.
Now I want to teach you!
The upside is that I have been where you are now. I didn’t know how to speak Portuguese when I moved here. I wasn’t even sure what verbs and adjectives were!
But I managed to learn!
So, to start with we will be publishing a lesson a month to help you get by in everyday situations, just enough to inspire you and make you want to learn more!
If you are living here it is only fair that you at least make an effort to learn, the Portuguese appreciate it and are very flattered when people show an interest in their culture. Maybe you've been living in Portugal for a while, but found learning the language difficult? Maybe you have just moved here. Whatever your circumstance, now is the right time to start learning!
So… what if I told you that I could teach you 20 words that you won’t forget, right now?
You possibly wouldn’t believe me right? So here is a good hack!
Portuguese is a latin based language, that means that there are hundreds of words you already know.

These words are called cognates. Cognates are words that look and sound similar across languages, and also have a similar or even the same meaning. Take a look! action - ação
administration - administração attention - atenção creation - criação competition - competição
Do you see what is happening there? All the words in English ending in 'tion' are very similar in Portuguese and they mean the same!
Let’s take a look at a few more activity - atividade authority - autoridade capacity - capacidade city - cidade
community - comunidade
electricity - eletricidade

All the words above ending in 'ity' are very similar to words in Portuguese, and have the same meaning, this time they end in 'dade' There are more!
conclusion - conclusão decision - decisão discussion - discussão division - divisão explosion - explosão expression - expressão television - televisão version - versão vision - visão
The words ending in -sion are similar too. I will tell you a little secret. Grasping the basics is not as hard as it might seem at first. It all depends on how you are taught.
I have ways of making you speak! To get the pronunciation guide for the above or for more information on courses and workshops please contact: portugueseinsixweeks@gmail.com

A Taste of Alcoutim

Owned and run by mother in law Isabel and son in law Tomé, Cantarinha do Guadiana is genuinely a passionate family affair. When we arrived, we were warmly greeted by Isabel's husband holding one of Tomé's twin boys and Tomé's wife holding the other twin. We were led to the rear part of the restaurant that has been recently refurbished in a cosy, rustic and inviting style, where we had the pleasure of getting to know the family.

Isabel Ribeiros was born in the first hospital ever built in Alcoutim, this place is where she was raised, where her heart is and where her passion for cooking comes from.

Isabel was brought up eating real food when vegetables, fish and meats were all gathered and produced locally. Variety was abundant as dishes changed with the season and everything was made from scratch and fresh. Frozen foods and shortcuts did not exist and to this day, have no place in her kitchen. Together with her son in law, Tomé Pereira, dishes from the past are recreated in the kitchen of Catarinhas. The recipes are authentic and native to Alcoutim, some have been passed down through generations and others acquired by simply spending time listening to older generations and recording what they recall making. Many are so specific, you will not find them listed anywhere except in family homes of Alcoutim and in this restaurant.
Tomé is originally from Fuseta, not only shares a love for food and cooking, but also a love for Alcoutim cuisine and his mother in law. Luckily for the entire family, they can stand the heat of the kitchen. The two joined forces and have worked side by side in the kitchen since
At Restaurant Cantarinha do Guadiana in Vila Real de Santo António, you´ll find the Heart and Soul of Alcoutim cuisine at this family run establishment.

the opening of Cantarinha do Guadiana in 2019. While their food and restaurant has won awards, been on television, been written about in guides and seeing famous Portuguese faces is quite common, the emphasis has always been and will always be on authenticity and family. Both Isabel and Tomé explain how important it is to them that their customers feel at home in their restaurant, that they feel they are welcome and part of their own extended dining table.

Along with the unique menu, the wine list is well worth a mention too. Tomé has a nose for finding special, rare wines. Many of the wines are from small producers and are limited productions. Sometimes, especially during these darker and colder days, we need a little comfort, a place that is inviting and homemade food that is cooked from the heart. The simple elements that warm and nourish the soul. We recommend you try Cantarinha do Guadiana, please make a booking in advance.
Address: Avenida Da República loja 4, Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal. Telephone: 281 547 196

Email: cantarinhadoguadianavrsa@gmail.com

Introducing “Portugal Life”, a new column about sharing life in the “Far East” of the Algarve.

Veronica, an American Expat, shares her experiences through a variety of mediums including print, internet and videos and now a new monthly column here in the East Algarve Magazine.
She enjoys sharing her travel adventure, tips & tricks, as well as real estate advise and helping those who want to move to Portugal through her YouTube Channel called “American in Portugal”.
Veronica moved from California to Portugal in 2017 as part of a dream she shared with her husband to retire early and move to Europe. After exploring the options and a reconnaissance trip they decided that

Portugal and the Algarve was the best fit for their needs.
When asked why they chose Portugal she explains that “the climate is like California; the beaches are beautiful, and the people are so friendly and kind.” The ease of travel through Europe by car or from the Faro airport sealed the deal. The pair began a travel blog in 2007 to document their travel experiences to fund their retirement travels through Europe. Veronica’s husband passed away before their final move, so she reminds us all that
“tomorrow isn’t promised” and reminds us to “live your life today and enjoy every moment”. Carpe Diem.
Veronica made the tough decision to continue their dream alone. After spending months driving and exploring every possible town in the Algarve (those which checked her list), she purchased a home in Vila Real de Santo António (VRSA). She dubbed VRSA the “Far East” of the Algarve (VRSA faces the Guadiana River, which is the border to Spain). During the pandemic a new future arose
when she was recruited to sell real estate. Veronica obtained a California Real Estate License in 2008 and trained agents as part of her last job before she retired in the Algarve, so her experience caught a recruiter’s eye. This was a great fit since she couldn’t travel and was stuck inside with all of us during the lockdown. After seeing how the inside of real estate differed vastly from the California model, she left the company to make informational videos to protect the buyer here and help connect people to reputable agents and resources.
Veronica explained “I was surprised that there isn’t title, escrow or hazard disclosures available here and that professional home inspections, appraisals and other important processes are not standard in a cash purchase”. She feels directed to this new calling to use her experience to help others avoid pitfalls in purchasing a home. She shares her love of Portugal and expat life in Portugal with slice-of-life videos, travel videos as well as informational videos. This new calling helped her and the expat community to connect in a way which she says, “enhances the sense of connectivity and eases the process and transition for many who move here”. She is here to help and recommends watching her free videos and play lists on YouTube about Life in Portugal or Moving to Portugal at @ AmericanInPortugal. She is also on the “Good Morning Portugal” Show with Carl Mumford, the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:00am live or the YouTube channel plays the video on demand at any time after the live show.
Her blog is TravelingQueen.com and you can reach her by email at info@ americaninportugal.com if you’d like personal recommendations or need assistance. All her videos are free, and she has additional private content if you subscribe to her free monthly subscriber list. She is available for private consultations (only 4 per week so email in advance).

With the success of All Finance Matters, Ricardo Chaves has now teamed up with Marta Alvarenga to create All Insurance.

Marta has worked in the insurance business for 22 years, the majority of which has been in Faro at the main office of Tranquilidade, one of Portugal's oldest existing companies, having opened in 1871. She began her career firstly as client assistance, then office manager, then a group manager of brokers. In 2017 Tranquilidade closed all of their offices and franchised them out to brokers and Marta went on to own the franchise in Faro.
The brand new 'All Insurance' are now part of All Finance Matters, but work exclusively with Tranquilidade, meaning they are backed by over 150 years of experience.
The office in Tavira (close to Hotel Vila Galé and opposite the All Finance Matters office) officially opens in January, and Marta is joined by Vera Martins who has worked for All Finance Matters for three years. Their main aim is to be more like an insurance consultant. This means more than just providing insurance, but more importantly, the correct insurance. Many clients think they are covered, but in actual fact may not be for certain activities. Being affiliated with Tranquilidade also means they can offer the best prices too.
As their existing clients consist of many foreign residents, they offer a free translation for all main documents into English. All Insurance can also visit you on-site if necessary, or even Skype call if you are out of the country.

Contacts: Telephone: 915 600 600 / 939 923 360
Email: tavira@allinsurance.pt Website: www.allinsurance.pt


Everyone is welcome, all nationalities, beginners and experienced, to play golf croquet on our lawns at Pedras da Rainha in Cabanas de Tavira. If you want to come and meet us you will be made very welcome any Wednesday or Sunday morning after 10:00 and your first time is free, or for more information contact us by email.

Email: contact@pinkflamingocroquet.com

Av. Min. Duarte Pacheco 62, Vila Real do Santo Antonio.

Tel: +351 910 316 397

The soft power of Thai Massage

It´s believed that our body remains healthy if we maintain the energy balance in our body in relation to the energy of the universe. If there is an energy imbalance, the body will get sick. We Massage to treat back pain, Severe Office Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, neck and shoulder pain, scapula pain, knee pain, These injuries from exercise can be treated without surgery.

'Exclusive' or 'Not Exclusive', that is the question!
Stephan Schade from Twin Key Real Estate offers his professional advice on whether or not you should use multiple agents to sell your property

So I have found the professional broker or even brokers I trust, the next question is now whether I should sign an exclusive contract with one broker or a not-exclusive one with several brokers? Also here there are arguments for and against, first a small overview:
• Only one contact person, all activities bundled in one person.
• No disputes possible regarding the distribution of the commission.
• Agent is more motivated in the sale as he knows that he will not "go away emptyhanded", his investment of money and time in the property will "bear fruit" in any case. He
feels responsible for the sale.
• No multiple listings on the internet, most buyers interpret these as negative, along the lines of "why does the property need so many estate agents? There must be something wrong!"

• Avoidance of irritation for the buyer due to different details (one estate agent lists different square metre figures than the others, or even worse, several different details regarding year of construction, number of rooms, garage, etc.; worst case: different prices!!!). All this leads to potential buyers feeling deterred and ruling out the property directly!
• Usually lower commission than with nonexclusive contracts.
• Bound for the duration of the contract, even in case the broker turns out not to be the right
one (e.g. does not work professionally).
• In the event that a broker turns out not to be professional, you have direct alternatives. Disadvantages:
• As a rule, higher commission than with exclusive contract.
• Several contact persons. In case of changes, you have to inform all agencies and check if the changes have been implemented (e.g. price changes, etc.).
• There are often discrepancies between the different agencies in the description of the property (different square metres, year of construction, prices, etc.). This often leads to exclusion among buyers (they get confused about the different infos and stay away from

the property).
• Multiple listings on the internet (buyers: "why does the owner need so many agencies? Something is wrong with the property").
• Commission disputes possible: buyer contacts different agents for the same property and even does viewings with them. Afterwards both agencies claim the full commission as it is "their" client. Already happened more than once!
• Each agent feels no responsibility, "if I don't take care of the sale, well then one of the other agencies will."
• Not much motivation: the agent knows that the probability of selling the property decreases with each additional agency: with two agencies it is 50%, with three agencies it is 33%, with 4 agencies it is only 25%, etc.
As you can quickly see from the lists, the arguments "pro" exclusivity outweigh the arguments for non-exclusivity, but unfortunately there is still a lot of resentment towards an exclusive contract, quite unjustifiably as you can see above.
As a big argument against exclusivity and in favour of non-exclusivity, sellers always cite the fact that the circle of buyers becomes larger with each agency, because each agency has "its own" buyers. In order to evaluate this argument, one needs to know how buyers behave and where they "hang out." The vast majority of buyers nowadays move around on the internet. The times when prospective buyers used to press their noses against the window panes of the agencies are
long gone. The internet is THE medium, also and especially for buying real estate. This is especially true for international buyers, i.e. prospective buyers who do not come from the country where the property is located. In our case (here in Portugal) we are talking about buyers who come mainly from Central and Northern Europe, but also from Eastern and Southern Europe, North America, South America, partly also from Asia and even Africa. More than 90% of these buyers do not know any local estate agent with whom, on top of it, they may have been working for many years. The customers search for suitable properties on property portals, by which agent these are offered plays a rather subordinate role (even if of course a certain percentage prefers well-known brands, this does not mean that they buy exclusively through them; only a very small percentage (in the single-digit range) do so). This in turn means that buyers do not feel tied to a single agent, but on the contrary, are completely free to search for their dream home, regardless of which agent it is listed with. Let's assume, however, that a buyer has already looked at several properties with an estate agent and trusts him. He now finds a suitable (exclusive) property on the internet with another estate agent. There are now two possibilities that can happen: 1) he contacts the exclusive agent and buys through him, or 2) he contacts "his" agent and asks him to help him to buy this property. What definitely won't happen is that this buyer will forget about his dream home and will just limit himself to the offers of "his" broker. Either way, the seller will
not miss this buyer, regardless of whether he gives his property exclusively to one agent or offers it through 10 agents. However, it is more likely that the buyer will refrain from contacting him if he notices that the same house appears x times with different estate agents ("why does the seller need so many estate agents? There must be something wrong with the property"). Exclusivity does not mean "being tied to an estate agent", but "exquisite", "extraordinary", "special". And who doesn't like to buy something exclusive, special, extraordinary, exquisite? It is also quite often cited that with an exclusive contract, the owner can no longer sell to friends, acquaintances, etc. himself. My recommendation: Simply inform all potential buyers (the aforementioned friends, acquaintances, family, neighbours, etc.) and if no one comes forward within 3 or a maximum of 4 weeks, then give it exclusively to an estate agent, because then no one from this circle is interested. However, if someone does come forward, then most estate agents are quite prepared to take this interested party out of the exclusivity (i.e. you can sell the property to this buyer without having to pay the commission), or you sell directly beforehand without involving an estate agent. So in the end everybody must decide on his own what to do, but in terms of advantages and disadvantages it seems to be clear which is the better way regarding exclusivity. I wish you all the best for 2023 and a happy deciding!
Campo Martires da República 8800-378 Tavira

Opposite the PSP Police station Tel. 281 324 305 EMAIL: geral@artina.pt
Oils, Acrylics, Water Colour, Washes, Brushes, Canvasses and more!


A huge range of fabrics, wools, threads, zips, buttons and sewing equipment.

Large selection of picture frames.
Thousands of items to decorate and beautify for the hobbyist.

Perfectly positioned in an upmarket and gated condominium within a 10 minute stroll from the centre of Tavira, is this well constructed and beautifully appointed 3 bedroom / 4 bathroom detached villa (150 m2) offering sea views, multiple terraces, a Jacuzzi, landscaped gardens, a private swimming pool, a large garage and a basement of 103 m2 with numerous possibilities (gym, cinema, additional accommodation, etc). Viewings are highly recommended.


From Property Expert Robert Bijker, Happy Homes Algarve

If you own a property it is good to know your rights, especially if your property is located in the countryside where boundaries of land are not always well documented. The same is true for right of way. Today we discuss ‘adverse possession’, a way to acquire property by using/occupying it for a period of time, by which the title of ownership changes without compensation to the actual owner. Not only individuals can be an adverse possessor, but also companies and the government.
In order to acquire legal title of property owned by someone else, certain law requirements have to be met and the adverse possessor must have been using the property (or part thereof) exclusively as if he were the owner, out in the open for everyone to see and on a continuous basis, without permission of the actual owner for a period of 15 to 20 years with the intention to keep the property solely for oneself.
This is not only the case for abandoned properties, but also applies to properties that are occupied by the actual owner or the owner’s tenant. Think of a neighbour who has begun using part of the land of the adjoining property. He may have built or extended a terrace, garage or other outbuilding on your land or has begun using it for farming.
What can you do to prevent the unlawful use of your property? You can put up a fence or a gate. But if you are not going to be there for another 10 – 20 years, the fence may have been broken or worse, removed. You will need to visit your property from time to time to check if all is in order. If you find someone is making use of your property, you need to immediately dispute your neighbour’s use of your property. But if your have a good relation with the neighbour who has started using part of your land for farming, you can consider giving them permission to use the land. This has to be in writing and acknowledged by the trespasser. By claiming you are the rightful owner and acknowledgment from the trespasser, you can avoid that this person can make a successful claim to your property in the future.
What may be legally permissible is not necessarily ethically right. In any case, it is better to be safe than sorry. Once adverse possession is completed, the claimant has full legal title to the property. If you have doubts about your own property rights, contact your estate agent or your lawyer in case you feel you must take legal action to protect your interests.
Robert Bijker Director

Wearedelightedtobringtoyouanother exclusivelisting,asuper4orcouldbe5 bedroomvillainaquietcountrylocation withalargeplottoexplore,alovelypool areaandsplendidviews.

Agoodsizedfamilyhome,outinthe countryandenjoyinganelevatedlocation withexcellentviews.Quietandpeaceful settingwithalargenaturalplotwithina shortdistanceoftown.

Exclusively available with RussellDecoz, Lda. A superb nearly new 2 bedroom villa in a modern minimalistic farmhouse style, built in 2005 and totally refurbished in 2021 providing a comfortable and light living space all on one level. Walking distance to the village.

TheVillaiswelllocatedwithinthelargeplot, sittingtotherearandlookingdownovera lovelynaturallandscapedottedwithmature dryfruittreessuchasoliveandcarob.

This beautifully captured image of the anchor cemetery, full of detail and colour, it’s truly captivating and a fitting tribute by Annette
McGuire,to Tavira’s historic fishing tradition.
Submitted to the Facebook page: ‘Algarve Amateur Photography Group’

Photographer: Annette McGuire
Location/Camera: Barril Beach, Santa Luzia, Tavira, Samsung Galaxy A12 phone

Photographer's comment: The past is always present in Portugal. I am always reminded of whose foundation I am building on in my life. No one knows who put the first anchor on the Praia do Barril, but as it grew it became a memorial to those who lived, worked and struggled to sustain their families. When the storms come in life, it's important to find our anchors in the past to keep us true to who we are and where we come from.
Price: By request
Price: 328.000€

Since 1986 (AMI 431)
Travessa das Cunhas, nº 29, 8800-372 Tavira, Faro (+351) 281 324 115 Tlm. 00351 963 660 971 Email: geral@algarvila.com www.algarvila.com

East Algarve Magazine
Our regular meet-ups are proving to be a great success, here's a list of up-coming events
Our first seven events in Tavira, Olhão, Cabanas and VRSA have all been a resounding success. It's been wonderful to see and listen to people making new friends and arranging to meet outside of the group. It is also a great opportunity to share your experiences, and gain from others. There has been a lot of information about various businesses discussed, from favourite Indian restaurants, a particularly good real estate agent to a great Portuguese teacher. Each month we will meet at a designated venue in or around Tavira. There will be a second meet up towards the end of the month somewhere else in the East Algarve; Cabanas, Olhão, Fuseta, Monte Gordo or Vila Real.
'East Algarve Magazine International Meet-Ups' facebook group has been set up and is where the latest updates will be posted. The group already has over 500 members.

The Meet-Ups are free of charge and anyone is welcome to join the events. The next one is on the 12th January in Olhão and on the 26th we are back in Tavira, check Facebook for locations. Dates are subject to change, please also check Facebook or email for updates.
All events start at 6pm. If you have any questions or suggestions just join the facebook group, or email info@eastalgarvemag.com



Iwould say that painting came to me and not the reverse; I never had this vocation. Passionate nonetheless about old paintings, colour and beautiful interiors, I decided, for my job as a decorator, to take a few drawing lessons in order to perfect my projects for my clients. Taking a liking to this training, often encouraged by the different teachers, I let myself be guided over the years and I decided to join a renowned Parisian copy shop. But it was from my meeting with Mr. Philippe Lejeune, a former student of Maurice Denis, that I took a turning point in my professional career, to devote myself entirely to painting; "you have talent, but it will not be enough, you will have to work!"
From now on, his words will never leave me and will carry me for many years to advance in this
painstaking journey that represents the profession of painter. Rigor, patience and perseverance will become my daily life. This desire for every day is now rewarded, since painting is my profession in its own right.
It is portraits, still lifes and interior views - echoes of my old job - that remain my favorite subjects. Like Rembrandt, Sorolla, Fantin Latour or Sargent to name a few, I play with light, without which my painting has no existence.

New collection now exhibiting in Tavira D'Artes Gallery.

... and we weren't even looking! Hank and Carina's story of how they came to love and live in Olhão

Welcome to our monthly column celebrating Olhão. After exploring Portugal top to bottom from Braga to Tavira enjoying so many coastal and inland locations in our RV, we decided Olhão was the place to buy our home to celebrate our “golden years”. Olhão was not on our radar at first. In fact, the discovery of Eastern Algarve was a pleasant surprise with the scale of development so much less than areas to the west. A chance winter rental introduced us to Olhão, a place we quickly found attractive for many reasons.
“Walkability” is, above all, a main highlight and each month I will introduce you to places only steps away from our front door.

Questions, Comments or Suggestions for new columns? Email us at hankryan2003@yahoo.com
We hope you will enjoy our column!
FLAT N’ HAPPY… (***)
This month, our aim is to explore why we value “walkability” so much here in Olhão. Besides our home location here allowing easy strolling access to three large supermarkets plus the Olhão Mercado, we love the fact that most of Olhão is without hills to climb up and down. No doubt the steep streets in places like Lisbon or nearby Tavira can be fun to explore. However, by mostly sticking to the “flats” here in Olhão we hope this low impact exercise routine will keep us walking longer as we navigate our “golden years” here in Portugal. There are two other elements worth noting that make walking here such a joy.
We feel safe here. Throughout Portugal, crossing streets where the striped “zebra” markers exists (think of the Beatles “Abbey Road” album cover), means drivers must be aware and stop to allow pedestrians safe passage from one side to the other. These “zebra crossings” exist in

many countries around the world with varying levels of effectiveness. On a recent trip to Asia, we found these markings to be almost completely ignored making crossing busy streets a real challenge.
Our experience here in Olhão is that almost all drivers are very respectful. Rarely do we find ourselves being challenged. In fact, often we need to disguise our intentions to cross so drivers don’t need to stop short when it is just as easy for us to wait for them to clear the intersection before we begin to cross. This second element may seem mundane,
but something that is sorely lacking in the US, my home country, makes all the difference here. Clean accessible and free to use bathrooms are easy to find, whether in public buildings like the Mercado or in large local markets. That often turns what would be a short journey into extended walks feeling comfortable along the way.
Here’s how this goes; I appear at your local business here in Olhão every month delivering a smile and your copy of the Eastern Algarve

Magazine. More often then not, you smile back with a friendly thank you. It seems like, and I hope I’m right, that you agree I’m showing up offering a pretty darn good monthly (163 issues and counting!), a collection of art and photos and stories about cool places and people here in the eastern Algarve including Olhão.
I have shared well over a thousand of these quick exchanges over the past fourteen months and as my monthly delivery routine appears to be welcomed with your smiles, that suggests I’m exactly where I should be doing what I should do!
To increase that sense of feeling more at home here, getting to know others and especially locals is important. There is no magic wand to make that happen quickly, especially when the language challenge limits conversations. I hope contributing with our column each month for the past year featuring Olhão makes for a positive step forward. It is often challenging to figure out what to write about each month, but it
is always big fun for me, as a small business person in my earlier life, to be able to highlight how individuals here strike out to make their own dreams come true.
The photos of Domino’s, Cafe Luna (with their Saturday afternoon live music offerings), and (just opened), Chez Henriette are just a few examples of how Olhão individuals put everything on the line to open and operate their small businesses.

So this month’s column is simply to say thank you to our valued readers. I hope the months to come offer new opportunities to create stories you’ll enjoy. If we miss the mark, I know the rest of the publication will easily make up the difference.
For our full introduction, see our first column online in the December 2021 issue. ( https://www.eastalgarvemag.com/ )
Fine Print – We choose to focus on businesses here in Olhão where we have actually been customers first. Any future advertising from these businesses that supports Eastern Algarve Magazine is purely coincidental :-) (***), I could not resist using my altered version of the “Flat and Happy” title I saw on a recent post by Expats Everywhere. Search on YouTube for their excellent videos that cover the challenges and benefits here in Portugal for visitors and those looking to re-locate.
Ask the Expat
Yes, it's me again stargazers, Ida Dannae, telling you sea urchins what 2023 will throw up on you. Being the premium astrologer and cockney psychic of the Algarve Expat scene, from Catford to Monte Gordo, the true zodiac queen, I’ll grab you by your crystal balls and rub them clean!
Still, trussed up from your turkey? Old Nostradamus said this year is going to be full to the shitter with stuffing, so I’m pulling out my herbs, third eye cap, and some rubber gloves on, in case it gets messy… Ready or not, let's dive in!

March 21 to April 20
Yes, you first and you always think you are right! Calm your ass down, you are scary like Mariah Carey! You live from obsession to obsession, but can be an angry, pessimistic old bottomless pit, you tit!
This year, dare to say the L word you loathe and see who your real allies are. The rest, chuck them on the fire, but be careful you don’t set alight to yourself, you raging damn Ram!
Don’t wear black, as it depresses you and brings out your demons. Wear yellow, for luck, like a gentle flame, read gentle, you lighter!
April 21 to May 20
Don’t say no, you stubborn old bull! Yes, you like to be alone, but you are a beggy old tool!
You’ve always got something in your mouth, so how about this year, you digest it? I digress, in other areas you need to say ‘yes’ more, not less!
Oh, don’t you say ‘no’ again or I’ll call the smash and grab. Seriously strike, for opportunity knocks, or you’ll end up on the chopping block.
This year, wear white for luck and surrender your self-hostage flag! Avoid red, like those compulsions inside your boiling head!
May 21 to June 21
Oh you are so busy aren't you, you two-faced Martyr! No wonder you are wearing yourself ragged, bust and bag it!
You're like a swan lake! Gliding on the surface, scrambling beneath… Focus on the frenzy of trying to be the dog's bollocks or the air won’t reach your Betty Swollocks!
Your lucky colour this year is navy! Take it as a reminder for the discipline to stop your militant wavy ways.
Don't wear orange or your fruit will get too juicy for two to bite, yes, even that manic twin. Pack it in!
June 22 to July 22
Oh, you emotional old shelly, keep it in, don’t we? Oh stop overthinking touchy and pop your head out once in a while?
You like to be around people so don’t end up in the pot like a crabby chowder! 2023 has morose moments, so don’t put too much water in your pan, just savour the fresh flavour. Wake up and taste a new shore. Come on now, don't be a blistering chore. Avoid the colour yellow as it will piss on your parade. Instead, go for silver, light reflecting off of your pearly shell. Give them hell!
July 23 - August 22
What are you not lacking? Pride! Stop being such a drama queen and so la-di-da! Now sit in your lion's lair for some home truths.
Let sleeping lions lie! They were in the past because you passed them so call off the pursuit. You're too ferocious to please everyone and you seldom do!
Put your claws away and save the hunt for your biggest foes. You have enough!
Wear gold for luck, but don't be brassy and cheap. Discretion is key. Avoid pink, because for you it is as play pretend as a pastel parasol!

August 23 to September 22
You Virgos are meticulous and live for patterns and routine. Make something nice and don't be like the worst of your signs, iller than a serial killer! Make craft not cries!
Yes, you like perfection, but stop dreaming! Do it! And stop blaming others! You are to blame, dental flosser!
Stop sulking Suzie, smile, and avoid the bitter boozy.
Your lucky colour is earthy green, so go plant it like a bean! Avoid the colour scarlet, or you'll end up wobbling on the scene and frothing like a fiend!

September 23 to October 23
Oh, you are such a mushy treacle tart. But stop worrying about what they think of you, you are far too faint of heart! Rome wasn't built in a night, so Carolyn, head towards your fading light! Yes, you struggle with stress but stop whipping yourself my masochistic mess!
Wear pink and white, cos, like you old softie, it'll be alright at the night. Avoid the colour blue, it is too melancholy for such a sentimental old fool.
October 24 to November 22
Oh here we are again moody stinger, sometimes your rage is fit for Jerry Springer!
Passions are not jealousies, so inhale and learn to relax your thrashing tail!
There are deep waters in your brooding rage so don't let your grudges bring you to the fisherman's daughter!
Your lucky colour is black, mysterious like the night, is where you find your might. Avoid those pale hues as they will leave you puking and sick.

November 23 to December 21
Impatient as ever, you go hell for leather. Before you go flaming the arrow first, set smaller targets rather than take
Not all advice is good and not all people are as genuine as you may think. Enjoy our 'bad advice' column from the expert we have all met, know and love... the Expat.
on an entire earth!
It is okay to show emotions, oh warrior one! 2023 needs more poetry and ding-dong, so, before you launch yourself headfirst into a puddle, don't crack your skull on shallow muddle.
Oranges are glorious hues and allow you to contemplate, I love you. Avoid black, as it is like what you are hiding, yes, those deep dark secrets.
December 22 to January 20
Goals this, goals that, focus on something specific you arse hat!
The alignment is lucky for you this year, so lighten up Chuck and ascend from your underworld!
Stop rebuffing and ask for help, your selfreliance gnaws and bites! Your sarcasm is
getting wearing, so redirect your snarky glaring. Have you ever seen a goat on a boat? Be the first and open to sailing uncertainties, or you'll sink horny destinies.
Your lucky colour is indigo, so in you go! Avoid lemon hues in your bitter tonic.

January 21 to February 18
Bewareious! Get your head out of the clouds, you can't see your confusion from inner delusion! You floaty fairy, your airy makes others wary!
You are visionary, but not when you sip too much of the solitude sherry.
Simplify and don't complicate, it will only lead to being stuck, resentment, joyless hate! Go for the colours happy and psychedelic, it'll make you more angelic! Avoid the hue of brown, or your shit'll frown!

February 19 to March 20
Little fishy, don't swim too deep, or you'll descend into choppy waters where the sharks shall seek.
Simplify, or you'll batter your impulsive head. Do dream, but don't rely on promises that pull you under, all in fools gold wonder!
Self-reliance and agility won't scupper, else you'll end up as someone's fish supper. Cheer yourself will the hue of coral, warm and shallow without quarrel. Avoid the colour green. It is full of watery weeds and bottom feeds.
Dedication that is Lager than Life, might be a bit of a word play, yet, befitting the owner and craft brewer of Senescal beer.

French by birth and raised in Brazil, Gabriel was living and working in the UK with his Portuguese wife. Being a trained musician and travelling around the country with his band, from one hamlet to another, is where he met his second passion, ale (naturally his first passion is, of course, his wife).
Gabriel appreciated the craftsmanship of the local ales and the many different varieties. Eventually travelling took its toll, a permanent position was acquired in a pub closer to home. In 10 years time, he worked his way up to be the bar supervisor. From the ins and outs of specialised ales, maintaining the equipment, to the politics of larger international brewers, all was learnt and knowledge acquired for the unknown future.
In 2019, with the family expanding, the cost of living rising in the UK and the desire to be back to a sunny country, Gabriel and his family of 4 took the leap and moved to Portugal. It was just before the first lockdown.
Being blessed with a combination of not being able to sit still and extreme attention to detail, it was during this period where Gabriel decided to pursue his passion. Behind the walled village of Castro Marim, Gabriel got busy making his own liquid gold. During this quiet time and in his garage, Gabriel sourced ingredients and experimented with local products such as carob, oranges and figs, adding spice and giving his brew a taste of the Algarve and creating 8 speciality beers; Royal IPA, Cardinal Ale, Marshall Porter, Templar Stout, Lager Delight, Algarvian Sunrise, Mystic Brew and Tripel Kings. Experience, creativity, patience and passion culminated into officially recognised success as Senescal was recently announced as the winner of the National Craft Beer contest in the category of Best Portuguese Craft Lager, with the Mystic Brew, a Dunkels Bock with organic figs.
If you want to sample bottled passion, Senescal can be found at these locations:
Castro Marim: Velho Cavalinho Taberna Medieval (bottles and draught); Mercado Local - Tourist Information Centre (bottles)
Vila Real de Santo António: Bar-Bistro Latté (bottles); Mercearia Meio-Limão (bottles); Jossy’s The American Burger (bottles); 3 Marias - Restaurante (bottles)
Cabanas de Tavira: Wild Thing - Wine, beer and healthy food (bottles and draught)

Tavira: Café Bar 22 (bottles, draught soon); Sabores da Terra (bottles); Coisa Linda (bottles)
Faro: Veru - Beerhouse & Tapas (draught, bottles soon)
And of course, at the Medieval Festival of Castro Marim. Contacts;
Website: www.senescal.pt Telephone: +351 969 899 201
Email: master@senescal.pt Facebook: 'Senescal Brewery'

REFOOD aspires to a new world, where everyone has the food they need; where all the food produced goes first to feed people; where citizens actively participate in the management of the community’s precious resources, and where everyone assumes their power, right and obligation to transform the world into a better place.
The photo above was taken on a normal day in Tavira. Admittedly, it's not my best, however, on this occasion, the subject is what's most important. The sign on the door simply says 'REFOOD'. What goes on behind those doors is something not too short of incredible. Out of curiosity, and the idea of running a charitable article for the new year's issue, we decided to contact REFOOD to find out if there was anything we could do to help... and of course to find out a bit more about them.
We were invited to visit on a Friday evening at 9.30. Once there, we were met by Sandro Santos a volunteer who runs REFOOD Tavira, along with his wife Sandra Santos. So what's it all about? Basically, Sandro and his team (also volunteers) collect food from local supermarkets which is close to its sellby date, and distribute it to locals who are in need. This food, which is perfectly good, would otherwise the thrown away; an awful waste and furthermore, at a cost. Sounds simple, right? Actually, the operation is complicated, and as you'd expect, involves a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy... let
alone a huge amount of time and effort.
Sandro opened the REFOOD Tavira on the 26th of June 2022. It took two years of planning and they currently help 20 families per day.

The small distribution point is currently donated free of charge and the local Câmara pay €2,000 per year towards electricity and water, everything else is from donations.
Sandro works his regular 9-5 job, then an evening job, before working at REFOOD five nights a week. On top of this, every Wednesday he's in Santa Luzia where he delivers food to 25 families.

The evening begins by sorting out the donated food into containers ready for distributing. He has a list of families (previously evaluated) who come along to collect their allocated food (although nobody is ever denied food). They arrive with carrier bags and leave with them full of groceries for the week, including... everything from prepared foods, meat, fruit, vegetables, yoghurts, baked goods, salads, herbs, pasta, eggs and bread. Currently they collect donations from both Pingo Doce's, Continente, Minipreço and ALDI, all in Tavira. They also receive donations from local takeaways including O Tacho and Casa da Avó, and bakeries such as Padaria Porta Nova, Padaria Vila Doce, Pastelaria Trigo d'Ouro and Pastelaria & Padaria Venezuela.
During our visit, Sandro and the team handed
out a total of 16 packages which helped 44 people. Once the food has been given out, it's off to the supermarkets to collect the next donations. We joined Sandro at Continente where we collected four trolleys full of food, then onto Pingo Doce for another two. It was now 11 o'clock, but the evening wasn't over yet. ALDI, Minipreço... and then any left over cakes are taken to the local Bombeiros. Finally, to avoid any waste at all, any bread that is too hard to be given away is fed to the local chickens.
Over the Christmas period, many local businesses, restaurants and schools, along with Tavira 2nd chance and the Rotary Club helped with donations for a special Christmas dinner.

Currently Sandro has enough food to take
care of the families in need. Soon however, he will be moving to a new premises close by. He will be in need of assistance painting and furnishing, so any carpenters or painters willing to assist would be greatly appreciated. The work that Sandro does, in the time available, really does beggar belief. After spending the evening volunteering, we were left truly touched and in awe of his dedication and hard work devoted to helping ordinary people, no different to me and you.
Of course REFOOD are happy to accept donations and welcome volunteers. In particular, plastic food containers as well as 'bags for life' are always needed.

Contacts: Facebook: 'REFOOD TAVIRA'

Telephone: 964 161 902
Email: sandrocarepa@sapo.pt
Expert currency advice
By Rachel Canales from GC Partners
For property sellers, there is nothing more important than ensuring your money gets back to your home bank account as quickly and easily as possible. Here is one simple thing you can do to have things run a little smoother. Advise your lawyer how you wish to receive the proceeds of your sale before deed. If you wait until after deed, you may receive a cheque to deposit or a wire transfer into your Portuguese bank account.
Both scenarios would require you to visit
your branch in person and then arrange a wire transfer to your home bank account. Additionally, if you exchange the proceeds of your sale with your Portuguese bank, you may not be told the exact exchange rate or amount you will get in your home currency, until after the transfer takes place. Some banks may also send euros to your home bank account, therefore, meaning your home bank will exchange the euros at a less favourable rate.
The GC Partners difference
Advise your lawyer to transfer the proceeds of
y ma de simple
your property sale directly to us after opening an account. This way you are guaranteed easy access to your funds and a great exchange rate, meaning you will know how much will be transferred to your home account. You can also speak to one of our experienced currency specialists who has in-depth market knowledge and can keep you up to date on market movements.

Check out our Trustpilot reviews, our 4.9 out of 5 star rating is one of the highest in our industry “Following the sale of our property in Portugal and two personal recommendations, I received extremely helpful assistance from both Rachel and Joe. They stayed in touch throughout the sale. I found it easy to understand GC Partners procedures and the transfer of funds from Portugal to UK was made very quickly. I would highly recommend their services.” Margaret
Taking care of your money at every step – our dedicated currency specialists offer a simple and fast way to move money abroad – as well as great exchange rates for over 125 currencies. We have had an office in Portugal since 2005, so understand the local market well. You and your money are in safe hands.
Call us today on +351 282 768 137 and +44 (0) 203 974 4738 or email Rachel.Canales@ GCPartners.co to find out more about the currency services we offer or find out more online at www.gcpartners.co.
Global Currency Exchange Network Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, FRN 504346. Registered as a Money Services Business, regulated by HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”) under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017. Registration number is 12137189. Registered in England and Wales, Company number 04675786. Registered Office 3rd Floor, 20 Dering Street, London, England, W1S 1AJ

Expert financial advice
We wish all readers a healthy and happy 2023! Below you can find some of the dates that you need to put in your diary, concerning taxes in Portugal.
Please remember that before you submit your Personal Income Tax (IRS) you need to perform some tasks as per the new habits acquired in the previous years: tasks like validating or registering invoices at the tax portal, are now procedures that became part of the routine of all taxpayers. Your role is important in determining your IRS deductions, therefore check the tax calendar, to make sure you don’t lose any deductions or pay any fines.
JANUARY: If you have a business activity which was VAT exempt under article 53, but in 2022 you exceeded the VAT threshold, then you need to change your VAT status until the 31st of January. Likewise, if you were paying VAT but did not exceed the threshold in 2022 and wish to become exempt, the same deadline applies.
If you have a rental contract and are not obliged to issue monthly rental receipts, you have until the 31st of January to declare the yearly rental income for 2022. For your info, the VAT threshold in 2022 was 12.500€ and this limit will increase in 2023 to 13.500€. The VAT threshold is applicable to your business income, irrespective of how many activities you may have.
FEBRUARY: Each taxpayer has until the 25th of February to query, report and verify invoices. To do this you should access the e-Factura portal and access to your personal page, where you should verify if all your invoices have been properly communicated. If you find any failure, or any invoice is not recorded, you can add these invoices to your file. It is also important to check in which category your invoices are recorded and move them into the appropriate section (ie health, education, etc) otherwise the deduction will not be accepted. These procedures need to be performed for each household expenditure holder, including dependents.
It is also important to update or register your household for tax purposes, before 15/02. Please note that this can be very important, not only for tax purposes, but for other related matters, such as inscription at schools, kindergarten, etc and or other tax benefits you may be entitled to.
MARCH: If you became resident in Portugal in 2022 and want to apply for the Non-Habitual Residency scheme, you have until the end of March to submit your application at the tax portal.
During March, you also need to check your e-fatura page at the tax portal and if you feel the information is not correct, you can challenge the calculations made by the Tax Authorities. In other words, your tax deductions will be summarised here, under family general expenses, healthcare expenses, training and education expenses, charges with property for permanent residence, invoices VAT and costs with foster homes; if your total invoices is not consistent with the one totals shown in the portal, you have this two week window to contest it. Please note that it’s necessary to check this for each taxpayer.
APRIL: You can submit your IRS (Personal Income Tax) declaration for 2022, from the 1st of April, until the end of June. This means that all declarations can be submitted during these three months, irrespective of your income category (employment income, pension income, self-employment income, rentals, etc).
Please note that all residents, include NonHabitual Residents, need to submit a tax return, even if they didn’t receive any income or don’t have any tax to pay. If the information on your foreign source income is not yet available before the 30th of June, you can file for an extension and submit the tax return later at no cost.
All non-residents that have income from Portuguese source (ie property rentals, sale of a property, etc) also need to submit the tax return.

MAY: Payment of the first installment of the IMI council tax. If in your case, the council tax is lower than 100€, this will be the only payment date you need to remember. If it is higher, please look for other installment dates in August and November.
JUNE: Do not forget to submit the IRS (Personal Income Tax) for 2022 by the end of June. Please remember that if you do not deliver your IRS on time, or if you fail to meet some of the deadlines above, you may lose some or all your tax deductions. Late delivery of your IRS may also cancel your IMI (Council Tax) exemption.
JULY: If you are entitled to a tax refund, the settlement must be made by 31st of July. This is the deadline for the Tax Authorities to pay you.
AUGUST: If you have IRS tax to pay, you should make the payment no later than the last day of August, providing you have delivered the tax return within the time limits. If the tax return was submitted after the deadline, payment may be made until 31st of December (fines and interest will apply). The second installment of the IMI council tax is due this month. This is applicable for all those where the yearly IMI payment is higher than 500€ per taxpayer.
SEPTEMBER: If you have AIMI (additional council tax) to pay, this needs to be paid by the end of September. Remember, you are liable for AIMI payment all properties owned by companies. Individual owners are only exempt from AIMI, in the first 600 thousand Euros worth of property (based on the tax value and not in the commercial value).
NOVEMBER: Payment of the third and last instalment of the IMI council tax. This is applicable for all those where the yearly IMI payment is higher than 100€ per taxpayer.
RECURRING DATES: Please remember that if you have a business activity, you are obliged to issue invoices up to five days after providing the service or receiving the funds. And all the monthly invoices need to be reported to the tax authorities (SAFT file) also by the 5th of each month, although there is a tolerance of 3 days. Please be aware that the limit date used to be the 12th and the tax authorities will be more strict with from 2023 and fines for late issuance of invoices or late submission of the monthly invoice file, will be applicable. This deadline also includes the invoices related with your rentals (AL). Each month you also need to issue your monthly rental receipts in case you have a rental contract registered. The car tax needs to be paid by the last day of the month when the car was registered. Please do not forget this as the fines are high in this case.
If you have a business activity, please remember that each quarter you need to submit a social security declaration, to ascertain how much social security you will pay each month in the following quarter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us; tax planning is critical and you and your company, cannot afford surprises. Contact our office to discuss your personal situation and avoid any unnecessary fines.
Keep up to date with our Finance expert, chartered accountant Ricardo Chaves from All Finance Matters.

We’ll look after your tax a airs while you look after your lifestyle
Expert financial advice
by John Alden, Managing Partner at Private Client Consultancy
Another new year is upon us, so before I get started, may I first take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new year. Did you ‘get done’ all the things you promised yourself you would this time last year? How about the things that were carried over from the year before? What are your new plans? I know, I know… we all do it, don’t we. We promise ourselves we will do it this year, but life sweeps us away in so many directions that it’s often hard to stand still and take a deep breath before moving forward. Especially after the few years we have just come through.
With all that said, it really is time to dig our heels in and get things done. Financial goal planning can seem complicated to some, especially if you need help figuring out where to start. It’s almost a cultural norm these days to set New Year’s resolutions, so why not take advantage of that by setting financial goals for yourself?
I would like to ask you, “what are your personal financial goals for the next decade?” Do you want to retire by age 50? Or maybe you’re planning to start a family and be ready to take on having a child by the time you
Whatever your personal financial goals are, you’ll have to think about them and make some decisions right now, or at least in the next few years.
The good news is that your future is in good hands! With the proper planning and the right personal finance advice, you can achieve your dreams in the next decade. Soon enough, you’ll be able to look back and see what you did to get yourself to where you are today. The worst thing you can do however, is not have a plan at all. In this article I will be providing you with some personal finance advice for 2023 that you can start implementing today – or at least start thinking about. What’s the latest regarding Personal Finance Advice?
Debt - You’ll want to pay attention to your debts before your investments. Your debt is what you have to pay back, while your investment is what you can let mature and eventually sell and make money on in the future, if that’s your plan. Pay off your debts as soon as possible because they’ll ruin your financial planning for the rest of the year if you leave them. Plus, your debts should be low and negligible to use the money you’re saving to make more investments. By making sure that your most expensive debts are first, you’ll be able to make more significant investments and earn a higher return on them. And, if you have small debts, you can use the money you’re saving up to make more significant investments in 2023.
Focus on your emotions
Don’t be an emotional investor. It’s important to remember that your investments are only one part of your financial plan for the year 2023. It’s also important to remember that you’re investing in the future. By keeping excitement in check, you can save yourself from making investment mistakes.
What to focus on in 2023
The simple answer is to focus on what financial goals will benefit you and your family. Focus on where you are now and where you would like to be regarding your finances.

I. Keep an eye on the significant financial goal or picture (where you want to be in ten years).
II. Look at what you need to do to get there and do it!
III. Take the steps and actions needed to reach your financial goals. Focus on the positive vibes that come from any of the financial goals you have achieved! Don’t let your mistakes cause you to stop trying to achieve financial success but learn from them. Every goal you reach will help you get to the next goal and the next. Don’t let someone else negatively impact the financial goals that you have set. This can cause stress and can divert your attention away from your primary financial goals for the future.
It’s imperative to know that financial planning is not as simple as creating a goal; it works as an entire system. It is a system that involves reminding yourself of what your goals are and the plans you have to achieve them –and then take the necessary action to work towards them.
I can help you get started. Contact: john. alden@pccwealth.com
The worst thing you can do however, is not have a plan at all. In this article I will be providing you with some personal finance advice for 2023 that you can start implementing today – or at least start thinking about.

The All Sports project is an initiative of Portugal Social Innovation 2020 and CRESC Algarve 2020, partnerships for impact. It had the support of four social investors and the European Union.
The regional project supported children aged 6 to 14 years with special educational needs and was free of charge. Participating municipalities were Tavira, Vila Real de Santo António and Castro Marim. The aim was to combat exclusion for those with special needs in sports, to empower them, promote inclusion and encourage participation in sports activities. It was instrumental in overcoming the constraints associated with this integration and to establish the basis for these children to be involved, included and accepted in sports activities. The project created the opportunity to integrate in sports practices and activities such as trampolines, acrobatic gymnastics, football, skating and personal training in gymnasiums and outdoors, with peers free of educational needs. This was facilitated by partnerships with gyms and sports clubs in the aforementioned municipalities.
The concept was based on a set of factors (material and immaterial, know-how, economic and institutional), the objective of inclusion and overcoming the paradigm that is currently based only on integration.
The aim of this project was to reduce the presence of physical rehabilitation programmes for children with special educational needs attending sports activities. Simultaneously promoting sports practice with peers and with the adaptation of equipment and materials and training of sports professionals for a truly inclusive sports practice.
The evaluation of the results of the All Sports was carried out using a quad-experimental design, with pre- and post-intervention evaluation, using as an instrument to measure the functionality of the participants the International Classification of Functionality (ICF) 2004, namely the adaptive behaviour scales and quality of life assessment
in intellectual and developmental disability. Although the ICF is not directly a political instrument, the information collected is used to develop social policies and political changes aimed at strengthening and supporting the participation of individuals. Its use can contribute positively to the establishment of policies by providing information that will help establish health policies, promote equal opportunities for all and support the fight against discrimination against people with disabilities.
This project lasted two and a half years, and ended in December. It was conceived preCOVID-19, and developed during a pandemic, and must be adapted to the new social and health circumstances that have been imposed.
The evaluation scale was performed by qualified professionals in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Clinical Psychology, from the team of therapists of the SER Igual Association. It was applied to all participants at random, at the beginning and at the end of the project.
The target was 45 children with disabilities and educational needs, who improved in the level of functionality and cognitive and emotional aspects by at least 60% through inclusive sports. Inclusive sports practice is understood for children with educational needs who do not have the opportunity to integrate in sports practices with peers without special needs. We had 46 children practising sports. 45 obtained more than 60% advancement in the mentioned aspects.
Data shows we see that the largest percentage of our population are male children with autism. It is these children who have the greatest difficulty in engaging in sports in sports clubs, mainly due to their difficulties in sensory processing and social and relational abilities, which makes it difficult for them to be with peers, react to unexpected sounds, more intense lights and whose motor coordination is in deficit.
It was also found that some participants left the chosen modality, to practise other modalities outside the project. This indicates that at a community sports club level, there was a greater openness for the reception of children
and young people with social, relational and intellectual difficulties. Most of them entered swimming, basketball, and hip-hop. The method applied in terms of training was more effective at a ratio of 1:1. Also at the level of the football modality it was found more effective to put psychology of sport to the coaches of the partner club, since in 2021 there were complaints from the managers about changes in the behaviour of athletes and increased school difficulties reported by parents.
The training provided to the PTs was by the technical team (occupational therapist and physiotherapist), the gym and trampoline teacher (by the physiotherapist and occupational therapist) and the coaches of the football club by the sports psychologist.
We also found that some of the children with anxiety symptoms were showing learning difficulties at school and that there had been an abrupt change in their daily routines and as such they were not able to organise themselves and resume their life normally.
We were able to perceive that in 2021, more than 10 children reduced the frequency of their therapies, in favour of participation in the project, which helped to achieve a familiar financial harmony.
With the end of the project, we cannot finance the frequency of sports free of charge as we have done in the last two years. We are hopeful that there may be social investors who want to continue to promote and sponsor the All Sports project, as well as seek new social investors who want to promote social inclusion through sports.
Have you heard of the Association SER Igual?
Associação SER Igual is a non-profit association for handicap people and with Public Utility that is helping children, teenagers and their caregivers to get better life quality and helping change the paradigm of inclusion in East Algarve.
Please visit us on our FB page (@SerIgualPT) and IG (@igual.ser) and make an appointment to geral@seronline.pt or by phone 918180020. I thank you once again for your attention and to look out for our next article.

Sara de Melo Castanheira is an expert in Occupational Therapy and Quality of Life. She is also the Technical Director of SER Igual, an Association of special rehabilitation services in Tavira
When I grew up no one spoke about cancer, diabetes, allergies, ME, MS, fibromyalgia, and other auto-immune challenges. This is because cases were extremely rare.
In 1976 my father died prematurely at the young age of just 46 from a rare bone cancer, although Mum claimed it was cricket that killed him. I now believe she was right. More on this later in the article. In the 1970s the survival rate from cancer was just 24% according to Cancer Research UK.

Uncle Reg, Dad´s brother, received a diagnosis of ´sugar ‘diabetes, Auntie Margaret, Mum´s sister, completed suicide brought on by medication and grief, my mother died from the effects of multiple medications, my granddaughter died following her MMR jab at the age of 17 Months and I have endured four different cancers including stage IV (stage V is death). All these conditions were potentially avoidable. I find myself now on a life-long quest to support individuals to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, so they don´t have similar sad stories within their family. Mum told me never to marry a sportsman. She said I would always be poor because equipment can be expensive, and I’d never see my husband because he would be playing his chosen sport. My Dad was a keen sportsman and played every weekend and in-between his police shift work at every opportunity. In 1960 he moved our family down from Derbyshire
to London where he joined the Metropolitan Police.
Before he died, Dad attained the rank of Inspector – a far cry from a Derbyshire coal mine where his brothers worked. Dad was an accomplished sportsman as well as coaching various teams in football, cricket, and rugby. Dad was number one batsman for the Metropolitan Police and was often still at the crease, having scored over 100, when number 11 bat came out. In those days, there were no thigh pads and other protective gear when playing cricket. So, the constant bashing from cricket balls on his thigh took its toll. Cancer is caused by many factors including physical shock to the body. His left leg was amputated, and Dad died at home where we nursed him through the ravages of this horrid disease that was hardly ever heard of in 1976. Cancer took hold of his brain and I remember him hallucinating – it wasn’t pleasant. There was no help from nurses or doctors at home nearly 50 years ago. Despite his illness, Dad was planning his return to work – in a new role as a sports coach at Hendon Police College in London.

I am blessed with Dad´s resilience and optimism and tackled my own cancers head on. I dealt with each of the four episodes according to what my intuition was telling me, my training and knowledge of how the mind and body work together.
In 2015 when given less than 12 months to live with a stage IV diagnosis, I immersed myself in further study and acted so that my body would heal itself.
Cancer is not the only condition potentially
reversible and avoidable. Every condition mentioned above and more, can be potentially reversed – or better still, avoided!
Whilst every physical body is different, and therefore individual protocols will vary, here are some key factors to consider and review in your own life.
I used to love sitting in my Nan´s kitchen watching her bottle the organic produce which granddad grew on the allotment or listen to her natural recipes on how I might minimise my teenage acne.
Never once do I remember anyone in the family having a cold or the flu. Mum used to give us a daily orange vitamin C supplement and we used to enjoy our regular smoothie milkshake drinks complete with a raw egg mixed in to enhance our protein intake.
We learned at school about the way farmers rotated their crops and left a fallow year for the soil to recover. Pesticides were rarely used; animal husbandry was good and the nutritional value in food was high. We´d drink from streams and rivers and play out until late in the fresh open air, climbing trees and getting dirty.
Our body developed high levels of immunity from illness and disease. If anyone did catch a cold, they would stay at home and keep germs to themselves, following a commonsense approach to wellness. I recall hearing that we should feed a cold and starve a fever! It was extremely rare to see anyone overweight when I was growing up. According to CRUK In 2020 Cancer Research UK (CRUK – pronounced crook) state on their website that the cancer survival rate is now 50% and that obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer after smoking.
Source: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org
New health conditions have appeared in recent years caused, in my humble view, because of many factors including environmental toxicity, poor soil and low nutritional value of crops, over use of injecting hormones into livestock, the high levels of processed ´fast ‘foods and day to day stresses and strains of life.
Elaine Godley is a multi-award-winning health and wellbeing mentor who supports clients worldwide virtually from Portugal elaine@ elainegodley.com

We have an explosion of poor health across all generations. What´s going on and how can we fix it?
You have just moved to Tavira. You are retired and you want to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body. Well, the Academia Sénior of Tavira can help you fulfill that wish. For your healthy body you can practice TaiChi, Qi-Gong, aqua-gym and belly dancing. Once a week the walkers group will find scenic places for you to discover more about the countryside around Tavira. Your healthy mind will want to learn the Portuguese language and the Academy offers beginner and intermediate classes. To learn more about your new country, there is a cultural history class at a slightly more advanced level.
Once your Portuguese is good enough to hold a pleasant conversation, the academy
Offering a large number of courses and activities, the Academia Sénior of Tavira recently celebrated its nineteenth year

offers anthropology, history of philosophy, botanics and if you like acting, there is also a theatre group.

Your creative side will be pleased to know that there is a painting class and a handicrafts class.
Towards the end of last year the Academia Sénior of Tavira celebrated their nineteen years of existence. It was given its own legal identity on the 16th of November. Before that it had been a branch of the Faro Senior University.

The academy kindly organises end-of-term lunches where you will be able to mix with both Portuguese and international members and enjoy some sumptuous Portuguese dishes.
The annual fee for all of these classes is just 80 euros. This is possible because when the
academy became independent from Faro Senior University in 2003, Tavira council provided a building for the academy to use. It must also be noted that the committee and all the teachers are enthusiastic volunteers who donate their time for free. Maria Cassilda, who teaches anthropology and Portuguese for beginners, explained why she volunteered. “I just love to share my knowledge with others.” This is truly appreciated by the students who have joined the academy to learn about subjects that interest them. As for the foreign students, not only do they learn a new language, they have the opportunity to integrate into Portuguese society. Or, as Alexis, who is from Scotland, enthusiastically stated: “The Academy opened the Portuguese world for me.” Contact; Tel. 00351 281 321 692
Email: reservas@benamorgolf.com or Telephone +351 281 320 880. 2 hour slots available from 08:00 through to 18:00 (finishes at 20:00) Bookings can be made up to one week in advance.


A Quick Post Holiday Pamper
Christmas is over again. Days of fun, enjoyment, lots of tasty food, late nights and perhaps more make-up than usual. With these tips you can give your skin a much needed boost after the holidays!
I always use warm towels during my face treatments. My clients think it's wonderful?!? You can easily do this at home to give your skin a quick boost. Take a guest towel and wet it. Wring it out and place it in the microwave for a minute. Carefully take it out of the microwave, because the cloth can get very hot! Then place the guest towel on your face as hot as you can handle it and leave it for a while. The heat stimulates blood flow, giving your skin a boost. If you have several guest towels, then put a few in the microwave, so that after your first cloth has cooled down, you can immediately grab a new one. This is a very simple way to give your skin a boost. Also... drink more water, watch your diet and go outside more. After the holidays, which mainly take place indoors, nothing is better than going out into nature. Take a nice beach or forest walk. Alegria Beauty Salon is nice to walk in to make one appoinment for Protein facials. For more info, contact me on whatsapp.

10 Lucky Plants for 2023
It is time to start again, a fresh beginning with new chances and the opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Bring a little positivity into your home with these green, auspicious plants. With all the love in our hearts, we wish our readers a Beautiful, Wonderful, Happy and Lucky New Year.
Snake Plant
Sansevieria trifasciata
Sage Salvia officinalis

One of the best indoor plants to keep negative energies away. It earns its “good luck” stripes by keeping bad influences away. As the herb of immortality, domestic virtue, health, and wisdom it was one of the sacred ceremonial herb of the Romans.
Burning its holy leaves cleanses a space or environment of negative energy, to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing. Keep your sage happy by watering regularly, but avoid overwatering as sage hates wet roots. Prune after flowering to maintain an attractive shape and encourage lots of new growth.
This plant is among those good luck plants that promote positivity. The reason is that Snake plants absorb harmful gases from the air and absorb toxins from your surroundings. They purify the air inside your home. When you have a clean and green environment, you get a better focus at your work, so you tend to be more productive.

According to Feng Shui teachings, they are the perfect plant to attract money, prosperity, and good energy. The plant is thought to give off a strong protective energy and shield the home from negative chi energy.
Chinese Money Plant
Pilea peperomioides
Pilea peperomioides symbolises the wish for financial stability and wealth.
It was originally believed to bring good luck, money and fortune to its owner. Because the large, circular leaves stack on top of each other, they look like coins. This is where the idea of money comes from. This little plant does more than just look amazing, it could actually bring you good fortune too!
Your Pilea prefers bright to medium indirect light. It can tolerate low light, but it may become leggy and dull. Avoid extended exposure to direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. It likes to be watered once a week.

Orchids Phalaenopsis orchids
One of the most beautiful lucky plants are also known as ice cube orchids. They need just three ice cubes a week for watering! These orchids need humid and warm conditions. They don’t like to be overwatered. Put your orchid in a shady spot with bright light for best results. They will flower for months and, with a bit of luck, will also re-flower.

The orchid was a popular plant in ancient Japan and was considered a symbol of wealth by the royalty. Plants were kept in temples and often painted on scrolls. The orchid is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to your home. Orchids are also thought to bring love and good fortune to you. It is believed that they help you find a good life partner. In feng shui, orchids symbolise good relationships, happiness, and better fertility.
Arrowhead Plant Syngonium podophyllum

Has a distinctive leaf, which changes from the typical arrow shaped form to one with five lobes as it matures.

The five lobes represent the five elements: water, fire, earth, wood and metal. This gives it the perfect balance of Yin Yang. The plant is also thought to cleanse the air, as so many lucky plants do. Place an arrowhead plant on a desk to bring thoughts of new ideas and to provide inspiration. Keep this plant happy by providing it with bright indirect light.
Braided Money Plant
Pachira aquatica
This tree often comes as a group of five trees braided or twisted together. To maintain the shape or to guide the trunks into a braid yourself. The braid is thought to attract wealth and good luck. It is also thought of as an air purifier.

Money trees prefer bright, indirect light and moderate-tohigh humidity. Direct sunlight can lead to leaf scorching, but the plants can do relatively well in low light. Exposure to too many drafts, though, may cause leaf loss. Heater vents and hot, dry air also need to be avoided.

Golden Pothos Epipremnum aureum

According to feng shui, the heart-shaped glossy leaves of golden pothos attract wealth, it brings luck and happiness.
This lovely plant is thought to bring wealth, prosperity, good health and good fortune to your home or office. The plants are also believed to maintain purity in the air.
Place in a southeast area of your home. Scientists say that keeping a plant near a computer, TV or WiFi router will absorb radiation that they emit.
Give this money plant bright, indirect light and be careful of too much sunlight.

Jade Plant Crassula ovata
There are many succulent plants that are also considered lucky plants to keep in the home. Jade plant, or crassula ovata is one of them. This succulent is also known as lucky plant, dollar plant, and money tree. The small round leaves of the plant look like coins. This is a very popular, and easy to care for house plant. It is thought to bring wealth and good fortune to its owners. People often give it as a housewarming gift for this reason. One tricky part of growing a jade plant indoors is that they really do like a lot of sunlight. Give them the sunniest window you can.

Rubber Plant
Ficus elastica
Are thought to attract abundance, good fortune and wealth. The round leaves are said to symbolise money and prosperity
According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the rubber plant's round leaves make it an ideal candidate to be placed in a corner in order to soften the sharp angles. The wealth corner of the home is particularly suitable. Also, the rubber plant improves indoor air, as it is a natural air purifier the indoor variety can be kept at a moderate size by keeping it slightly pot bound and with careful pruning. Indirect light is best for plants grown inside.
Lucky Bamboo
Dracaena sanderiana
This household plant is easy to care for and grows well in indirect sunlight. Many think it’s a real bamboo plant. But it is a type of tropical water lily. The lucky bamboo plant is one of the most popular Feng Shui plants, said to bring good luck and prosperity to the place where it is grown. It is also known to enhance the flow of positive energy in the home and office when placed in the right direction. The lucky bamboo plant represents the element wood and the red ribbon tied around it represents the element fire. It is known to create a sense of balance and safety in life.
Most people growing lucky bamboo indoors will also have their lucky bamboo growing in water. If your lucky bamboo is growing in water, make sure to change the water every two to four weeks.

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You can now check availability and book directly through our website www.quintadovalegolf.com or contact us by email info@quintadovalegolf.com

V i s t a s R u i S i l v e s t r e r e s t a u r a n t a t M o n t e R e i G o l f & C o u n t r y C l u b , h e a d e d b y C h e f R u i S i l v e s t r e , o f f e r s a c o m p l e t e g o u r m e t e x p e r i e n c e – f r e s h , l o c a l l y s o u r c e d i n g r e d i e n t s u s e d t o c r e a t e t h e f i n e s t g a s t r o n o m i c d e l i g h t s , a w e l c o m i n g a m b i e n c e , u n c o m p r o m i s i n g l e v e l s o f s e r v i c e a n d s t u n n i n g v i e w s o v e r r o l l i n g h i l l s , t o t h e A t l a n t i c O c e a n R u i ’ s s t y l e o f c o o k i n g r e p r e s e n t s a r e t u r n t o c u l i n a r y e s s e n t i a l s A r e s p e c t f o r n a t u r e , p u r e t a s t e s , g e n u i n e a r o m a s a n d s u p e r b f l a v o u r s .
R e c o g n i s e d w i t h a M i c h e l i n s t a r i n t h e M i c h e l i n G u i d e s i n c e 2 0 2 0 , V i s t a s R u i S i l v e s t r e b e c a m e t h e f i r s t s t a r r e d r e s t a u r a n t i n t h e E a s t A l g a r v e r e g i o n , e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e l o c a l a r e a a s a d e s t i n a t i o n f o r g a s t r o n o m y l o v e r s

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Website www vistasruisilvestre com