July10 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve July 2010 Environment © Tavira Health Golf tips From AshdownKeith Gardening Annuals for hot climates re-visited Stay safe in the sun Taking care of your air

Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIaL cO ORdInaTORS Susan Purvis Richard Bassett Snr. advERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTanT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink+ dessert and coffee €8.50 SpecialitieS incluDe Fresh local seafood • cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey pluS MucH MucH MORe! Rua da liberdade n.º 126 FuSeta • OlHÃO • algaRve telephone 289 798 045 etaSuF

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Summer is finally here, the kids are off school for three months and I will probably go a little insane. As Tavira celebrated Saint Johns day in June, I took a stroll around the town to admire the beautifully decorated streets, and whilst on my travels visited a couple of places that I hadn't seen before out of curiosity. We feature a fresh summer dish from Museu do Vinho, met up with Ana, owner and chef from Anas restaruant in Moncarapacho, and find out more about Dr Ken Hamiltons Chiropractic proceedures. We bring you the usual helpful gardening advice from Mark O Shaunessy, how to keep safe in the sun from Gareth Bullock, Elizabeth's book review and all the sporting news from Chris Wright. I hope you find time to visit Tavira this month, as you will see in the What's on guide, there is plenty to see, and do. Have a relaxing, sun soaked July.

Page 3info@eastalgarvemag.com 5WHaT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 8PEOPLE Meet the owner of Bar da Ana. 10HEaLTH Pain relief through Chiropractic. 12HEaLTH Stay safe in the sun. 14HEaLTH Soccer horns and hearing. 16PLacES QM garden centre revisited. 18TavIRa We re-visit Tavira. 20PROPERTy Permission to build. 22PROPERTy UK property news. 25PROPERTy Rroperty of the month. 27HOME Making a mood board. 28HOME Keep a cool home in summer. 30FOOd From Museu do vinho. 34gaRdEnIng Annuals for hot climates. 39EnvIROnMEnT Air care. 40FInancE $1million coin. 42SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 44SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 46BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER Featuring writer Lisa Selvidge. 47cLaSSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 11 30 34 CONTENTS 18 8

Page 4 info@eastalgarvemag.com Email: info@eastalgarvemag.com Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our websitewww.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page We returned to Edinburgh from Faro at theweekend after a two week holiday in the Algarve.Over the last 25 years we have thoroughlyenjoyed our holidays in Portugal and thanks toyour magazine 'East Algarve' we were able toexperience yet more lovely restaurants. Whilstthere we visited Quinta Fonte Do Bispo where wemet Richard, Mesa do Chefe where we met John,Emma and Deanna, and Restaurant'O Monte'where we had a long chat with Tito and Claudia.We love reading the magazine, Regards, Cairns We are a internationalsmallgroup of tennis players, socialplayers (men andladies), and we would like to attract more players, either temporary(tourists, people who stay here in the winter, or are here for some weeks) or more permanently. Weplay all year long (exceptwhen it rains, of course) on the tennis courts at Pedras da Rainha Cabanas/Conceicao.inIfyouarenotamemberofthePedras`SportsClub(someofusarenot),thenyoupayfor2hours`tennis5Euros.WenormallyplayMondaysandFridaysfrom10.0012.00o`clock. Check out thenew range ofglass furnitureat FronteraFurnitureontheEN125Rememberto clear your clutter. Try the boot fair at Quinta Fonte do Bispo, over 30 cars there last month. see their ad on the back page Sat 10th July Starts 6pm OnlY 8€ p/p includes meats and salads ball Sat 17th July 7.30pm includes cold buffet and salads, Music & dancing OnlY 9€ p/p Human snakes and ladders Sat 24th July 7.30pm includes cold buffet and salads, Music & dancing OnlY 9€ p/p Remember, you can now read the East Algarve magazine online. For back issues, business listings and readers comment, have a look www.eastalgarvemag.comatYoucanalsobecomeafanonfacebookandkeepintouchwithpeopleinandarounfYOURarea,theEastAlgarve!LookupEastAlgarveMagandjoinin,chatandmeet!

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 5 What’s on Your guide to what's on, in and around the East Algarve this month. Have fun! Things to do this JulyMARKETS Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. Moncarapacho 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila nova de cacela: 3rd sun day of the month. castro Marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month. 2010 BANK HOlIDAYS AND FESTIVAlS Here’s your handy cut out & keep guide to the 2010 bank holidays and festivals, with compliments of east algarve magazine. Carnival/Shrove Tuesday 16 Feb maundy Thursday 1 apr good Friday, 2 apr easter Sunday 4 apr Liberation Day (Sunday) 25 apr Labour Day, (Saturday) 1 may Corpus Christi, (Thursday) 3 Jun national Day in Portugal, (Thursday) 10 Jun assumption Day, (Sunday) 15 aug Republic Day, (Tuesday)..............5 Oct all Saints’ Day, (monday) 1 nov independence Restoration Day, (Wednesday) 1 Dec immaculate (Wednesday)Conception, 8 Dec Christmas eve........................... 24 Dec Christmas Day, (Saturday) 25 Dec TavimuSiCRa- music in the Churches, 01/7-31/7, every saturday 19h00, t 281 320 500.

SãSPORTOBRáS De aLPORTeL- na tional Downhill Cycling Championship, 10/7-11/7, cerro do botelho. v. R. STO. anTóniO - guadiana international Trophy, 30/7-01/8, 21h15, s l benfica, Feyenoord and aston villa, sports complex.

TaviTHeaTReRa-6th international The atre and Street arts Festival *Ce nas na Rua*, 01/7-15/7, 22h00, various venues, t 281 320 500.

TaviRa - metamorphosis of Habitability, 17/7-06/8, casa das artes de tavira. CaCeLa veLHa - (Casa azul), im ages of Tavira, until 28/07 12h00 to 22h00, aspects of the historical town of tavira rendered in coloured pencil and oil by mike Fernandes, closed on tuesdays, (between ta vira and vila real de santo antónio) off the en125, t 926 710 067

TaviDanCeRa-La Salamandre, Street theatre Company, 15/7, 22h00, roman bridge, tavira.

Over 170 classic cars will be passing through São Brás. The cars will be following a route through various towns between 09/07 and 11/07. For details call 917 555 858 www.algarveclassiccars.com

SãO BRáS De aLPORTeL - Kurt elling, 17/7, 21h30, Jardim de verbena. TaviRa - Concerts, 16/7-21/7, 22h00, Praca de republica t 281 320 500. LOuLe - international Jazz Festival, 17/7-31/7, loule. TaviRa - Jazz at the Palacio Da galeria, 28/7-31/7, t. 281 320 500. v. R. STO. anTóniO - Divina Comedia, 28/7-31/7, 22h30, monte Gordo casino, t 289 310 000

OLHãO - natalie Cole, 16/7, 22h30, real marine hotel and spa.

TaviFiLmRa - european Film Festival, 16/7-25/7, cineclube de tavira

SãexHiBiTiOnSOBRáSDeaLPORTeL - Flu rovision, uv arte Lounge Por, by analavory Project, until 31/12, 18h00-24h00, Galeria Flurovision, rua luis bivar 94.

TaviFeSTivaLSRa-3rdFestival of the Ria of Oysters and Other Shellfish, 16/7-18/7, 18h00-01h00, Jardim das Oliveiras. TaviRa - 21st City of Tavira Folk music Festival, 09/7-10/7, 21h30, bela Fria multipurpose sports Facility. aLCOuTim - Festival of genera tions, 17/7, multipurpose facility inter-vivos. TaviRa - 20th Santo estevao Folk music Festival, 17/7, 21h00, Former multipurpose sports Facility.

Over 900 school children from the district of tavira gathered in the town's main square on tuesday 7th June, to perform a rousing rendition of the national anthem. this year sees the centenary of the ending of the constitutional monarchy on the 5th October 1910. President of tavira camara, Jorge botelho, speaking to the east algarve magazine, said, "We are very proud of our younger generation and it is important that they have a sense of pride in their nation. We now teach the national anthem in all our schools and today we have gathered together for an early celebration of Portugal day (June 10th)."

Worship in

S t vincent’s anglican chaplaincy – the church of england in the algarve, have recently started to offer worship in tavira. at the recommendation of the bishop of Faro, d manuel, they now offer monthly evening Worship at nossa senhora de carmo, the chapel within the grounds of the vila Gale albercora, in the heart of the ria Formosa, each 2nd sunday at 6pm. the first service took place in early may and saw the chapel nearly full as over 50 people gathered to worship, and to witness the swearing in of the two chaplaincy Wardens, sandra Wilkinson from moncarapacho and Joyce daffey from luz. Fr bob bates the chaplain of the central and eastern congregations will be chaplain also of the new church, and has said how privileged he and his people felt to be able to use this historic place of worship; how delighted he was at the generosity of the local roman catholic Padre and bp manuel; and how welcoming the hotel, and its manager bruno martens had been. initially it is planned to offer a time of prayer and music at the end of the day, but it is hoped that the chaplaincy will be able, as the numbers attending grow, to extend the services offered. he hoped that locals and visitors alike would take advantage of this opportunity to find the church of england alive and active in tavira. Fr bob is the chaplain to existing congregations at almancil and near sta barbara de nexe, but says that, “We are well aware that there is a need to offer our services to folk further east than our present cover. We have people making weekly journeys westward from tavira to be with us, and they have commented on the need for us to look to offering something more local. in addition, the location of the church we are now using will lend itself to times of study and activity sessions and will give us a new location for Wedding blessings and special services. a close working relationship with the hotel will allow us to use more than just the chapel, for instance the next service on 11th July will allow us to attend our service at 6pm before retiring to the hotel bar to watch the World-cup final!”. there is a buffet available for 20€, please call for more information. For further details contact Fr bob on 289 366 720 or 918 502 570.

MisscrownedTavira The Final of miss tavira was held at the meeting room night club in tavira at the end of last month. Once again a there was a huge turn out, to see sofia Grácio (second from left) crowned miss tavira, with elena cazaciuc (far left) and inàs martins (far right) runners up. tito and claudia (also pictured), owners of the meeting room said that all the girls were fantastic, and thanked everyone for making it such a fabulous night.

TaviraTavira children sing out

Photograph eduardo mourato SaferSummerThis Aspecial police task force have been draughted in to help protect residents and tourists in the algarve this summer. eighty officers will add to the current force, in a safe summer campaign. areas covered include villa real de santo antonio, Olhão, and tavira. Officers will patrol car parks and retail outlets to combat the increasing crime during these months. victor rodrigues, the regions PsP commander said that "the officers come from several specialist departments, but have now been transferred to active and intense policing in areas with the highest number of tourists during the summer months". last summer between July and september, the PsP registered a 7 percent reduction in crime.

News Page 6 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Page 7info@eastalgarvemag.com AFFORDABLELIVINGONTHEEASTERNALGARVE Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool, Bar and Restaurant, Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVISITSBy AppOINTmENT ONLy Caliço Park a L ga R ve PORT uga L Olhão SaoAlportelBras Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 N270 125 122 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Martinlongo BarrancoVelho PortellaCorchadeMoncarapachoCachopoFonteBispodo Caliço Park a L ga R ve PORT uga L RotaManta VISIT OUR SHOwHOmE 2 BEDROOmS, 3 BATHROOmS, FULLy FURNISHED pLOTS AVAILABLE • RE-SALES wEEKLy RENTALS, SHORT AND LONG TERm UNIqUE TImBER HOmE FOR SALE

Just like Mama used to make

Traditional, home cooked food is on the menu at this family run restaurant in Moncarapacho.

Ana started her professional life in her late teens, as a waitress in a well known apart hotel near tavira. she soon acquired an interest in dishes created by the hotels renowned chefs. sneaking into the kitchen every time she could, noting the tricks and tips used by the professionals she admired. at that time ana dreamed to have her own professional kitchen, but the time wasn’t right. it came together in 1988 when she opened a traditional tavern, in tavira’s countryside. there she experimented with the ingredients and flavours shown by her former teachers. For ten years ana acquired a natural touch and fair success in the algarve’s traditional gastronomy, even giving name to the famous “bacalhau da ana” (cod fish ana’s style). in 1996 ana found the perfect place for a new project in moncarapacho. the structure had some problems and after a complete rebuild, ana opened her dream place in 1999 at #22, Praça da republica. soon, with business growing, ana realised that she needed help managing the place, and invited her daughter laura for the job. laura brought a fresh twist to the place, having previously worked in a beach bar and restaurant. the “da ana” restaurant takes pride in traditional, exquisite meals and wines from all the best Portuguese wine regions. the menu includes meat dishes such as grilled lamb chops, lamb with chickpeas and stewed chicken with vegetables, charcoal bbQ of iberian pork and much more. in the sea food area we suggest you to ask what the Оpoque dish is. although they have the salmon with herbs, garlic octopus and “bacalhau da ana” throughout the entire year, the most exquisite dishes are prepared with the sea sonal fish and shellfish. if you fancy a light meal try the salads, special toasties or the “tapas”, finishing with a big bowl of ice-cream. Whether you want to sit and watch the world go by with a beer on the esplinade, or have the full blown Portuguese dining experience in the restau rant, you will not be disappointed. Bom apetite!

Page 8 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Page 9info@eastalgarvemag.com TradiTional HoME MadE PorTuguEsE Food Home made cousine * dishes of the day natural Juices * Milk shakes * specialist Coffees rEsTauranT & snaCK Bar MonCaraPaCHo Praça da república n.°22, Moncarapacho Tel 965 634 294 People

Dr. Ken hamilton wants people to know that there is an alternative to drugs or surgery, for most neuromusculo-skeletal conditions. his focus is not only on relieving pain but also in improving function. this is something that is appreciated by the many sports enthusiasts in the algarve as he regularly treats golfers, tennis players, football players, and professional cyclists. chiropractic utilizes manual manipulations of the spinal column to correct misalignments in the spine. this is done in a gentle manner usually without pain or discomfort. in addition to the chiropractic adjustments that the clinic offers, they are excited to be the only centre that utilizes the automated hill flexion-distraction chiropractic table. this unique table has been proven to be very effective in treating lumbar disc hernias, back pain, and sciatica. another treatment offered is trigger Point therapy. by relieving the “knots” found in your muscles, this provides great relief and also speeds up the recovery process dr. hamilton received his doctor of chiropractic degree from the well respected life chiropractic college West, in california. he has several

Page 10 info@eastalgarvemag.com

No pain, just gain

Drugs or surgery are not the only solution for pain relief. Chiropractic is the world's leading form of alternative therepy. Meet Dr.Ken Hamilton who tells us more.

Page 11 Health info@eastalgarvemag.com Dr. Ken Hamilton, D.C. Quiroprático / Chiropractor Cuidado Quiroprático consiste na correcção natural da coluna (subluxação vertebral) e do Sistema Nervoso utilizando as mãos. Reabilitações - Tratamentos Coluna - Músculos - Articulações Cuidado Quiroprático consiste na correcção natural da coluna (subluxação vertebral) e do Sistema Nervoso utilizando as mãos. Chiropractic is the world’s leading form of alternative therapy for neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions. CHIROPRACTIC HELPS WITH: · LOW BaCK Pain · neCK Pain · HeRniaTeD DiSCS · neRve Pain · HeaDaCHeS anD migRaineS · POOR POSTuRe · FROzen SHOuLDeR · eLBOW anD WRiST Pain · SCiaTiCa · Knee Pain · FOOT/anKLe Pain · SCOLiOSiS · OSTeOaRTHRiTiS · SPORTS inJuRieS · auTO aCCiDenTS · WHiPLaSH algarve chiropractic centre mob: 922 113 384 - Tel: 289 997 004 Clinics located in estói and Quinta do Lago, with ample convenient parking facilities. dr. Ken Hamilton doctor of chiropractic (USa) €25 OFF THIS OFFER ONLY appLIES FOR NEw aduLT paTIENTS. pLEaSE pROducE THIS advERT aT THE TIME OF YOuR TREaTMENT. years of international experience and has decided to settle in tavira with his wife sue. dr. hamilton and his staff take a different approach to most chiropractors in two important ways. Firstly, in addition to spinal manipulation, he focuses on rehabilitation. secondly, he also does not believe in excessive office visits to treat a problem. most conditions can be treated in 8-12 visits. Once patients are better, they often opt to return for some follow up maintenance, just as they would get a regular tune-up for their car. children, to adults, to the elderly, can all be found the chiropractic clinics. not only does the doctor take a different approach to each patient, the type of treatment varies quite differently depending on the age of the patient. he recalls a recent patient in his mid forties, who came into the clinic last month. he needed a cane and the help of another person to help him walk. On the fourth visit, the patient arrived at the clinic without any help and without needing his cane. he is progressively getting better and will not require any drugs or surgery. the doctor says that on average, he refers only 3-4 patients per year for surgery. this is something that he is very proud of. algarve chiropractic centre, formerly centro Quiropratico de estoi, has been serving the people of the eastern algarve for over 10 years. the primary clinic is conveniently located in estoi just opposite the centro de saude, with plenty of free parking available. dr. hamilton has also recently opened a second clinic in Quinta da tlago.oschedule an appointment, please feel free to call the clinic at 922 113 384 or you can call dr. hamilton directly at 914 137 493 in case of an emergency.

There’s no doubt that sun kissed skin makes you look healthier and even gives you a feel good boost – but that golden glow could come at a pretty hefty price. scarily skin cancer is on the rise in the over 50s. a study by cancer research uK has found that people in their 60s and 70s are five times more likely to be diagnosed with malignant melanoma that their parents were 30 years ago. and our life long love of the sun is to blame. the majority of skin cancers are caused by repetitive sun burn and over exposure to the sun. so by the time you reach your 50s the chances are your skin has already experienced some damage –especially if you got sunburned to get a tan when you were younger. the good news is though that skin cancer survival rates have vastly improved in the last 25 years and are higher than for any other cancer. so if you’re vigilant, you can still enjoy the sun and stay safe too. Prevention slapping on the sun cream won’t just protect your from the harmful uv rays which cause skin cancer, it could also help to slow down the ageing process and help you ward off wrinkles. everyone should be wearing a minimum sPF 15 sun cream. the sPF protects you from the uvb rays which burn and damage your skin, while the uva protections prevents ageing skin damage. the higher the sPF the better it will protect you, so make sure you buy the right protection for your skin type. most brands include a guide on the back of the bottle explaining which sPF suits you whether you’re fair, medium or dark skinned. apply a generous amount of cream frequently, every two or three hours, particularly after physical activity or going in the water. but for fair or ageing skin make sure you apply a little more sun cream than usual. Spot the signs the key to successful treatment for skin cancer is to catch it early – so keep an eye on any moles, sores or lesions. skin cancer doesn’t just develop from a mole, broken or damaged skin that doesn’t heel, can be a risk too. it’s important to be aware of the different types of skin cancer such as melanoma and non-melanoma. malignant melanomas are less common than non-melanoma skin cancer but they are the most dangerous. they form in moles and the outer layer of your skin. lookout for them on the backs of your legs where they’re most common. it’s an area that’s not exposed to the sun often and a place you’re likely to forget to apply sun cream to.

info@eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 Health

Stay safein the sun

If you’re thinking about getting yourself a tan this summer please be aware of the risks before you hit the beach.

B: border - the edges of your mole are irregular, blurred or jagged.

C: colour - the colour of your mole is uneven with more than one shade.

Page 13info@eastalgarvemag.com CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •Swedish •Local•Lymphaticmassage,Quiromassage,Reflexology,drainage,TraditionalThaimassage,massageforlegsandfeetorneckbackandshoulders. Catherina pauwels, ilse Brenner tel: 919 660 211 or 963 706 624 in the Centre OF tavira Mail: catherinapauwels@clix.pt PhysiotherapistRehabilitationTrainer ria siertsema ced. Profissional c-022387072 tm. 933 887 riasiertsema@raketnet.nl980Pre-andpostoperativerehabilitationallmuscle,skeletalandorjointproblemssportsinjurieslymphaticdrainage nEW: neuromuscular taping cLInIcS: housevisits: mobile practice colina verde, sitio de maragota santa barbara de nexe Quinta do lago speaking 4 languages non-melanoma skin cancer is more common but can easily be treated. it usually appears areas that are regularly exposed to the sun such as your head, neck, hands and forearms. these may form as a small, round or flattened lump on your skin or sometimes as a persistent scaly spot. they can often bleed and in some cases, can look like an eczema type patch. aBCD rule if you’re worried about a mole, follow the simple abcd rule.

D: diameter - the diameter of the mole is bigger than 7mm. get help With skin cancer, time is of the essence, so it’s extremely important to get anything suspicious checked out. if you are suspicious about one of your moles then visit your GP. Get a partner or friend to check your back regularly. a healthy dose of sun it might seem confusing – but you actually need a certain amount of sunlight to stay in great health –especially as you get older. vitamin d is essential for healthy bones, teeth and a fully functioning immune system. Your best source of vitamin d is sunlight, which is turned into vitamin d in your skin. to get your quota you need to spend time in the sun each day with no sun cream on. a few minutes is fine, but any longer and you should protect yourself with an sPF 15 minimum. don’t wait to hear of a friend dying before you get scared of that funny mole of yours, check it out, respect yourself and enjoy every day. if you are a doctor or GP and can provide the service of a mole clinic, please can you make contact so we can print your details in our next issue? thank you, Gareth tm. 912 540 071

TheRoomFitting Ladies Quality Clothing Famous brands in excellent condition at affordable prices Sizes 6 to 24. Bring us your unwanted ladies' clothing, and if accepted, receive 50% of the selling price when sold. New and pre-owned, quality ladies' clothing NOW IN STOCK, NEW HAMMOCKS ONLY €40 Open Mon to Fri 10.00 - 14.00 ALSO: English Greetings cards & Avon thefittingroom1@hotmail.comwww.thefittingroom1.com +34 690 817 770 Unit 1, 1st Floor Indoor (fruit & vegetable) market AYAMONTE

a: asymmetry – the two halves of your mole do not look the same.

Page 14 info@eastalgarvemag.com Health T he british hotel chain Premier inn banned vuvuzelas saturday after english soccer fans blowing the noisy plastic horns kept a manager awake at a hotel in newcastle. but the horns are also being blasted for their alleged health risks. critics say all those fans blowing vuvuzelas cause such a racket that fans might have trouble hearing announcements if a stadium needs to be evacuated. vuvuzelas have also been blamed for spreading illness."vuvuzelas have the potential to spread colds and flu, as a lot of breath goes through the vuvuzela," said dr. ruth mcnerney of the london school of hygiene and tropical medicine. she said people expel tiny droplets of saliva when they blow a vuvuzela, and that these droplets can carry germs that cause colds and flu. the particles are small enough to stay suspended in the air for hours, and can be breathed in by other fans, she said. and then there is the threat to fans' and players' hearing: the sound produced by a vuvuzela has been measured at 127 decibels - louder than a lawnmower (90 decibels) or a chainsaw (100 decibels), according to a press release issued by a leading hearing aid manufacturer. extended exposure to just 85 decibels is enough to cause permanent hearing loss, according to the release. When the decibel level rises about 100, hearing loss can occur in as little as 15 minutes. it's not just while sitting in the stands at a match that hearing damage can happen," In honor of the ongoing World Cup this month we bring you an interesting article from a hearing health blog we follow:

Vuvu what? Could soccer horns cause hearing loss?

Page 15info@eastalgarvemag.com audiologist robert beiny said in the release. "Our ears can be exposed to damaging noise levels when in the pub surrounded by excited cheering fans, or even while at home, with people often turning the sound on the television up very loud in order to create an atmosphere when watching from their sofa." so, soccer fans, take along some earplugs - even if you're not headed to south africa! Kelly Roberts, Tavira hearing centre For all your TourisT services eastern, central & Western algarve We oFFer: Golf●airport Transfers accommodation●Dining eco●Walking & cycling Tours Deep sea Fishing Water activities Transport and Tickets to Water Parks, ...and much more WWW.asKalGarve.coMTel.:917728509info@askalgarve.com TAXI & COACH HIRE TAXIBUS TeasFlavours&hop 60 varieties of tea, exclusive coffees, hot chocolates, and much more! Need a touch of home? home made fairy cakes & Muffins Visit us at Tavira Gran Plaza, 1st floor, Food Court RONALDO’S Monte Novo Faz Fato Tel 912 827 058 Open 11-30 till late Sunday barbeque from 5-30 buffet6.30pmWednesdaypmeveningIndian HOME MADE PIES STEAK PIES, STEAK & KIDNEY, CHICKEN & NHamburgersToCORNISHMUSHROOM,PASTIESLAMBCURRY,CHICKENCURRYeatinortakeaway/Fish&chipsTuna/salmon/steaksFISH&CHIPIgHTEvERYFRIDAY BAR                                                             taviraauction Aladdin´s Cave Good Quality 2nd hand furniture Living Room FuR nituR e tabL es and Chai R s ✣ bedRoom aCC essoR ies ✣ White goods g aR den ✣ m i RRoR s ✣ g ames ✣ b ooks and v ideos ✣ dis C s ✣ aRt ✣ a ntiques EvE rything you n EE d to Furnish a h om E give us a call anytime; 00(351) 916 138 www.taviraauction.com059 We are happy to make an OFFeR on your HOuSe CLeaRanCeS & SingLe iTemS FaRO N125 Mte Gordo aTaviraGranplazauctionStationpetrol TavIRa NEEd TRaNSpORT? We arrange it for you... price per hour 00351 916 138 059 (English) 0034 660641237 (all languages) NExT aucTION 19.06.10 Doors open 9am, Auction at 10am Viewing & TAke in DAys Monday-Friday, 10am-1pm

QM centreGardenrevisited

T he Qm Garden centre is a favourite place for me to go with my family, unwind and pick up some favourite goodies, birthday presents, cards and always something new. it's now eighteen months since we first met owners malcolm and isabelle, and we still receive a warm welcome from them and the staff with every visit. malcom has totally transformed the garden centre, and there is definately a new look to the business, something for everyone, offering more than just a garden centre. i know when we visit, i browse in peace, while my children enjoy the 18 hole grass mini golf course. malcolm now stocks beautiful, teak sculptures and garden furniture, fire pits and chimneas, all at great value prices. Perfect gifts, or even better, a lovely piece for your own home. the shop is well stocked with every thing you can think of, tools, books, candles, cleaning products, and not forgetting the huge range of english food products. there is also a clear ance section for bargain hunters. to add to this, there is now a large, refurbished, fully stocked aquatic re tail area, found amoungst the many plants, pots, soil and pine bark. i fully recommend paying the Qm garden centre a visit, there is ample park ing, a friendly welcome and even a complimentary cup of tea and coffee for all. What more could you ask for? You will be sure to pick up a bargain or two, meet new people, oh and not forgetting, you can usually pick up the east algarve magazine there!



Eighteen months after featuring the QM garden centre, it continues to evolve, bringing new and exciting products to their customers.

byPhotographs BassettRichard

Page 17info@eastalgarvemag.com QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 Visit our refurbished Aquatic retail area 18grasshole mini golf Adults only 3€ Half price childrenfor

It's been a year since we last focused on tavira, so we thought another visit was in order with the 24th of June being sao Joao day. the town looked so beautifully decorated, especially the bandstand, that we couldn't resist showing any of you who may have missed it. st John's day “sao Joao”, is the highlight of tavira's calendar. the fun spills out into the streets, which are decorated with balloons and paper arches, where people dance around the city's small squares and the homemade altars that are dedicated to the saints asking for 'Good Fortune'. a delicious range of traditional foods including caldo verde (cabbage and potato soup), sardinha assada (grilled sardines), bread and red wine are available. Whilst there, we took a pleasent stroll around the magnificent Pousada Graca. the Graca convent in tavira was once the convent of the cloistered augustinian nuns, which was founded by King d sebastiЛo around 1569. it stands on the castle hill on the site of what was once most likely the Jewish quarter. its most noteworthy features are the 16th and 17th century renaissance cloister, the facade facing the main square and the central staircase, both in baroque style. archaeological traces of islamic origin were discovered during the restoration work. as a result, the plans were changed to include the finds in the building, where they are now partially visible from the bar. the design includes a multi-purpose hall (in the old church). the pousada is now a luxury hotel, perfectly combining the old and new and offering peace, beauty and tranquility in the heart of the town. On our stroll we passed through a small tunnel where on your left, there has been a recent excavation of a medievil dwelling, this location was recently excavated

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Photographs by Richard Bassett

Pageinfo@eastalgarvemag.com revisited

by the tavira archaeological association and it is believed to have been the medieval residence of a noble family of the town, called 'corte-reais". supported by the Portuguese crown, the family gained fame for exploring the north-easten coast of america at the end of the 15th century. the archaeological excavations resulted into discovering islamic and Pheonician items, in future, these artefacts will become part of the collection of a museum. a little further on, near the tourism office, we were invited into the church of mercy, just down the hill from the castle, and it was a jaw dropping moment as we entered from the bright sunny street into the dark church, our eyes adjusted slowly to reveal amazing architecture, and simply stunning detail in the decoration. the 16th century misericordia church with a beautiful renaissance door and carved high altar are amazing. You might be discreetly asked for a donation on your exit, but it's definatley worth it, photos can be taken without the use of flash. see the what's on guide as there's a lot happening in tavira this month, street theatre, concerts and much more, all free!

I n most countries planning permission is needed to construct a new home or to extend an existing one. in the algarve the rules for construction are in the Pdm (Plano director municipal) of each council which is based on the PrOt – algarve (Plano regional de Ordenamento do território do algarve). the PrOtal was revised in 2007. councils have implemented this in their new Pdm’s and rules and regulations for construction have been adjusted accordingly. the ministério do ambiente (responsible for ecological areas, ren) also made adjustments based on the new PrOtal and issued a new law in august 2008 with an amendment in november 2008. When you submit a project for the construction of a new house, extension, swimming pool or garage there are various departments involved in the process depending on the classification of the land, e.g. ran (reserva agrícola nacional) and ren (reserva ecológica inacional).tappears that many homeowners and prospective buyers are unaware of how the new PrOtal is interpreted by - in this case – areas in Forrenexample, the regulations allow an implantation* of 250m2 on land classified as ecological (ren) for both reconstruction and extensions as long as it is in accordance with other existing laws. (* implantation area = the total sum of covered area of habitation, annexes, pool, uncovered terraces etc. where rainwater can not directly infiltrate the soil). this seems a simple process, but it is not. however, within the many rules and regulations ren still has after the update, new opportunities can be found to achieve what previously seemed impossible.

choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property info@eastalgarvemag.com The ins and outs of planning permission, from property expert Robert Bijker. Permission to build

as independant real estate agents, we

advice when you



Page 20


Covering the whole of the Algarve can you with unbiased decide to purchase a and can introduce you to a wide

Page 21 this brings many advantages. it was not uncommon for families having to move with the arrival of a new born child because permission to extend the property was not granted. if the existing implantation area is less than 250m2, with planning permission the property can be extended. the resulting cost savings for owners are significant as moving places is a costly affair and can be used to (part) finance an extension. in addition, this rule should also increase the marketability of detached houses without pool and / or garage etc. For instance, a prospective buyer who only is interested in purchasing a villa with pool would in the past not consider viewing a property without one. in addition, it offers the possibility for homeowners to legalize unauthorized extensions as long as they stay within the total of 250m2 of implantation. needless to say that selling a property with an illegal extension is more difficult to sell and in most cases the vendor will not be able to realize its full potential. in other words, it makes sense to completely legalize a property. if you would like to receive information about these laws, the amendments and how this relates to your property, do not hesitate to contact us. We can also introduce you to a wide choice of reputable architects and lawyers if and when needed. Robert Bijker Land & Houses algarve –yellow www.landandhousesalgarve.comHomesRuadr.JoséPiresPadinha1788800-354TaviraaMI6232Tel:281320281Fax:281321901 info@eastalgarvemag.com Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira eapr@iol.pt • eapm@iol.pt www.east-algarve-property-rentals.com • www.east-algarve-property-management.com By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS


Mortgage lending continued its spring rise into May, according to the British Bankers' Association (BBA).


Page 22 info@eastalgarvemag.com East Algarve magazine PROMOTe yOUR BUsiness wiTH Us FROM OnLy €55, UP TO €275 FOR A FULL PAge if you would like to promote your busi ness with the east algarve magazine contact us on info@eastalgarvemag.com or Tel 961 700 200. if you would like to meet with a representative, please call Steve Booth on 967 190 218 (Sao Bras) or Kim allen on 927 168 059 (Tavira) as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers. Serving You and Your gueStS With Complete SatiSfaCtion in mind 00 351 913 692 170 or uK 0161 298 4800 www.smartavillas.com rentalS & propertY management Let us make renting easy. management packages tailored to suit your needs advertising•enquiries & Bookings •payment Collection•Cleaning •laundry•meeting•24/7 helpline •Bill payments•guest Services; golf leisure trips & transfers The number of mortgages ap proved for house purchases rose to its highest level so far this year. a total of 36,709 loans were ap proved by the major banks for peo ple buying a property during the hmonth.owever figures from hm revenue & customs (hmrc) show that com pleted property sales have been flat for the past three months. sales in may stood at 73,000, just 1,000 up on the number sold in both march and april. though higher than a year ago, the figures mean that sales so far this year are still running at less than half the level recorded in the same pe riod during 2006, 2007 or 2008. 'Pay off borrowing' the bba, whose members account for 75% of new mortgage lending, said it was the third month in a row of rising mortgage approvals. households continue to pay off debts, according to the bba "the low interest rate environment is resulting in customers choosing to reduce or pay off borrowing, par ticularly personal loans, rather than saving," said the bba's director of statistics, david dooks. re-mortgaging accounted for the lion's share of loan approvals with 24,626 taking out new or replace ment loans on their existing property. the number of home loans approved for house purchases had been 35,729 in april, up 685 on march.

Source http://news.bbc.co.uk UK

MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL geral@estealgarve.com WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI TOWNHOUSE TAVIRA Restored, maintaining character, traditional roof. 3 floors (186,72m2). Terrace-29.26m2 nice view), sitting room, arch to dining area, kitchen w/ breakfast area. 2 patios(12.42m2) . 2 beds w/ wardrobes, loft w/ 2 rooms, shower room, bathroom, exterior wc. EUROS 275.000 PLOT OF LAND TAVIRA Situated in a small urbanisation within walking distance to tavira centre, with beautiful view, w/ an apaprox. area of 500m2. Approved project for a villa w/ 2 floors ( 4 bedrooms - all en suite), swimming pool and garage. EUROS 175.000 ▲ ▲ EastAll&BuildingAlgarveGardensgeneralBuildingworkundertaken Full refurbishments • Tiling Plumbing • Joinery Roofing • Painting Etc. Generalmaintenancegarden Decking • Patios • Planting For A prompt FriEndlysErvicE Tel 00351 964 508 128 ian.shaw72@hotmail.co.ukemail Page 23info@eastalgarvemag.com Company ami 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 SaLeS: www.algarvemantaproperties.com RenTaLS: www.algarvemanta.pt emaiL: sarah@algarvemanta.pt Casa anibal R/C loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 vila nova de Cacela Ref: 1015 Tavira Fantastic new development of apartments located in the prime zone of Tavira overlooking the river gilão. Situated 5 mins from the historic centre and comercial area of Tavira. The development is para dise for families, retired couples and is also designed to be wheelchair friendly. indoor and outdoor pools, reception, snack bar, gardens, play park, security, spa wellness and beauty centre, home assis tance services, medical business centre and activity programs for leisure and nature experiences. One, two, and three bedroom apartments, penthouses and assisted villas. one beds from 126.200 euros. Features include, equipped kitchens, solar water heater, electric shutters, lift, pre installation of air con and alarm, 10 year builders guarantee, parking place in garage per apartment. brilliant investment.

* the eastern algarve undoubtedly an unrivalled location to be treasured. With ivernico, building it right from the start is our motto because it is the very core of the way we do business. awareness that we are judged each and every day by the quality of our Properties. belief in the eastern algarvian market . if you are planning a trip to the algarve, we would be pleased to show you the properties we are developing without obligation. “maravista”

* Own a spacious luxurious property.

ivernico are offering you such villas in The eastern algarve - a location where you can:

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these 3 bed detached villas are designed for indoor-outdoor living. Own private Pool; covered terrace; extra large balcony; sea views over a lush green valley; On the southern perim eter monte rei Golf course newly built 4 bed villa with private pool and sea views. it is one of the most delightful luxury detached villas for sale between es toi & moncarapacho; equal distance to sao bras and Olhão in the heart of the eastern algarve contact Noel & Bridie O'Donoghue 00351 969495567 email noel@ivernico.com website www.ivernico.com http://picasaweb.google.com/nodonoghue3/

Fonte Santa, Cacella “Bella vista”

“vale verde” Ribeiro Do alamo “vista elite”

Visualise a villa where everything you have ever dreamed about becomes a reality. Choose from 4 different style of properties, from Golf neighbourhoods, to sea views, Privacy locations, Beaches, to Rural surroundings, Nature reserves to Green valleys, there is something for the most discerning of clients. the Opportunity is now... live your dreamemail: info@algarve-property-for-sale.net

4 bed detached villa on the outskirts of cacella village - and 1 mile from the extensive beach and golden sand dunes of Praia manta rota. sea views from all rooms a very large detached luxury villa on a plot of approx 1500m2. this 4 bed villa project with sea views is between estoi & moncarapa cho; and central to sao bras and Olhão in the heart of the eastern algarve.

* sample the 'real' algarve.

* enjoy the more attractive elements of tourism.

Located in the centre of "TheTavira,mostbeautifulcityintheAlgarveregion" Page 25info@eastalgarvemag.com Property of the month RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * Town centre location * new 1, 2 and 3 bed apartments * each with a closed garage and some with additional parking space * some of the apartments come with an attic room large enough to make into 1 or 2 more beds and an additional bathroom * All prepared for wall mounted a/c units, central vacuum * Fitted with hobs, ovens, water heaters, fridge/freezer, dish washer and washing machines * Lifts to garage parking from all floors * Mains services, including gas * safe, closed environment with video entrance system * Childrens play area * Pool with sun terrace AnD MORe…. From 125.000€only LocationReF:1252ªTavira 1 bedroom was 152.000€ nOw 125.000 € (£104.000) 2 bedroom was 185.000€ nOw 145.000 € ( £120.000) 2 bed + 1 was 220.000€ nOw 175.000 € (£145.000) 3 bedroom was 218.000€ nOw 175.000 € (£145.000) 3 bed + 1 was 250.000€ nOw 197.500 € (£163.000) Rates worked out at approx 1.21 euros = £1.00 – RATes VARy DAiLy These brand new apartments offer amazing value.

Page 26 EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e mail:www.furniturefrontera.co.ukinfo@furniturefrontera.com Tel: 289 392 461 Tlm: 911 911 909 Monday to Friday, 10am Saturday & Sunday, 10am Frontera combines gre and quality with fanta for money Bringing style into a whatever your require budget From a coffe a complete furniture p Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm Saturday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm 27 estrada de vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. linenwarehouse@sapo.pt • www.linenwarehousealgarve.com The widest selection of linen & towels in the Algarve Available in 5 colours with co-ordinating curtains Special Promotion Beachtowels was 15€ now 10€ while stocks last

Your new decorating scheme starts here!

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 27

Step 1 Choose your base colour. Whether it's for flooring or a walla, your base colour represents the largest area of colour in your room, so it's important to add a large sample of it to your moodboard. adding carpet samples helps you think about texture, too.

Get the look Get it right and this look is fresh and inviting; get it wrong and the effect can be cold and harsh. the base colours are pure white and creamy buttermilk tones, but make sure there's a big expanse of mid-brown, such as wooden or natural flooring, or leather sofas, to warm it up. rugged textures are a must, as are bold red accents in the fabrics and accessories.

Step 3 Create mood with accessories. these will really set the tone for your scheme –go for accessories which share a vibrant accent colour (say, cherry red, as here) and stick to a single theme; maybe vintage, or country or eastern. don't get carried away and mix up different styles, or your scheme will end up looking messy rather than eclectic.

Step 2 add an accent. this is more important than some people think. do you go for a dramatic contrast, or an accent just a few tones away from your base colour? use your moodboard to play around with options and layer up the board with swatches and scraps. this is where your mood board comes into its own.

Turn an idea into a visual plan for your project

How to make your moodboardown

Page 28 info@eastalgarvemag.com Homes 20JMASTERJOINEROINER&GENERALMAINTENANcE...yearsexperienceoffittingKitchens,Floors,Doors,Decking,Locksetc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 masterjoiner@hotmail.co.uk N EIL & E MILY R I ch ARDS on .R emovA l S “caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” T L m. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 ( u K local) Email: neilandem@sapo.pt w ebsite www.ne-internationalremovals.comapartado166,8800TavIRaREMOvaLS&STORaGELOcaL,NaTIONaL&uK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN Stay cool in your home this summer If you think the warm weather is all that heats your home in summer, you may be surprised. The most common sources of internal heat gain are; appliances, electronic devices, and lighting. be aware from where the heat is comming. now if you have air conditioning, use it wisely. don’t put lamps, televisions or other heat-generating appliances next to your air-conditioning thermostat, because the heat from these appliances will cause the air conditioner to run longer. the heat they produce will make it think your house is warmer than it really is, and your system will run harder than it needs to. unless you absolutely need them, turn off incandescent lights and heat-generating appliances. replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents; they produce the same light but use a fifth the energy and bheat.yreducing the amount of heat in your home, you will have to use less energy to cool it.

With seating both inside the Bistro and on the Bougainvillea shaded terrace, relax and while away the hours with a choice from the carefully selected wine list and a plate or three of Tapas from the extensive menu. Tapas & Wine BisTro noW open sunday evenings and neW earlier opening Time of 6.30pm ThroughouT July and augusT Telephone 289 792 087 ◊ inTernaTional Tapas ◊ superB Wines ◊ sTone Baked, hand made pizzas ◊ neW ChalkBoard menu, neW dishes added daily ◊ Take aWay pizzas open for lunCh 12pm-2.30pm and dinner 6.30pm-9.30pm (Closed all day monday) NEW BAR FOOd MENu Samples, Sirloin Steak Baguette, fried onions, chips, salad and Fishmayonnaisegarlic€7.00.inBeerBatter, chips and salad €6.50. KARAOKE Saturday night LIvE MuSIC through-out Summer WORLd Cup FEvER! Open every day from 12.00pm during World Cup. ExTRA SCREENS IN COuRTYARd PICCOLA ITALIARistorantePICCOLA ITALIA Cucina Tradizionale Italiana Italian Tradicional Cuisine Cucina Tradizionale Italiana Italian Tradicional Cuisine Fechado aos Domingos / Closed on Sundays Sítio do Peral 289 842 112 PICCOLA ITALIAPICCOLA Cucina Tradizionale Italiana Italian Tradicional Cuisine Sítio do Peral são Brás MesquitaTavira Peral estoi Moncarapacho or mobile 00351 919 240 607 garden seating available & Parties catered for! Open from 12 O'clock Saturdays Bar open every day from 6.30pm

Served in a Passion fruit sauce, this light summer dish is brought to you by Restaurante Museu do Vinho, situated in the heart of Tavira.

salmonGrilled Well known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent food, restaurante museu do vinho offer an international menu, with French specialities. You will also find (as the name suggests) a large selection of Portuguese wines For contact details and a map, see their advert on the opposite page.


Page 30 info@eastalgarvemag.com

mesa do cume TABLE ON THE TOP Discover the serra Mesa do Cume / Table on the top Mesa do Cume is a modern restaurant nestled at the highest point in the serra of Eastern Algarve, situated half an hour drive from Tavira. We would like to invite our guests for an unique experience, enjoying a beautiful scenic drive up the mountain, enjoying the serra with its traditional lifestyles and beautiful nature. DELIGHTFUL AND AFFORDABLE MENUS, ALSO OFFERING EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN CHOICES • REFRESHMENTS, COFFEE, HOMEMADE CAKES, LITTLE APPETIZERS • AL FRESCO DINING TERRACE WITH SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW • MARKED WALKING AND MOUNTAIN BIKING TRAILS , DESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ALL OUR FOOD IS HOMEMADE, FRESH AND VERY TASTY These attractions makes your Mesa do Cume experience a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Open 10am - 10pm, till end Sept (October till end May, 10am-5pm) MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED • Location: Alcaria do Cume, RN 397 Tavira – Cachopo • Phone: 281 326 144 / 912 725 745 • Web: www.mesadocume.net • E-mail: mesa.do.cume@sapo.pt ÒEnjoy the feeling of having entered a world where all the senses are gratifiedÓ Good life ÒPart of the fun is getting thereÒ O SuplementoÒHighly recommendedÓ 1-2-3 Algarve RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 INTERNaTIONaL cuISINE wITH FRENcH SpEcIaLITIES pRIvaTE dINING ROOM avaILaBLE & waRM paTIO EaTING aREa LOcaTEd IN THE cENTER OF TavIRa, ONLY 5 MINuTES FROM vILa GaLE aNd pORTa HOTELSNOva Al- ar-roba RESTAURANT tAvirA A traditional Portuguese restaurant in the center of Tavira, serving typical Portuguese food, in warm and surroundings.friendly Romanbridgepost office CamaraTavira wehereare RiverGilaoRua da Liberdade 72 8800-408 Tavira Tel 281 107 488 964 013 www.restaurantealfarroba.com623 Page 31info@eastalgarvemag.com

Page 32 info@eastalgarvemag.com sítio do canal. tlm. 917 536 135 / 918 646 544 (gas station santa Barbara de nexe 400m. up and 300m. left by the well.) This www.sennas.euForchoices.manyfromdegreesorwineswwelcome.feelwillcosyordrink,bodywelcomesBaR-BISTROevery-forjustasometapasadinner.Theatmospheremakeyouathomeandehavedifferentbyglassbottle,zeroHeinekendraftandothermoreinfovisitOpen from 17.00h, Sunday from 16.00h closed onandwednesdaysThursdays ROMaN BRIdGE Rua dos cais Rua dr, Jose pires padinhaRepúblicadaraçap âmerac Municipal FinançasTA v IRA traditionalrestaurantamerica@sapo.ptrrestaurantportugueseintavirauaDr.Josépirespadinha,no2,8800,taviratel+351281321642email: speCialising in Cataplanas Fish dishes: Salt cod, Sea food rice, Sea devil rice, Tuna steak and Swordfish. Meat dishes: Steak on the stone, Kebabs, Leg of lamb. \\\\ Themeeting room TAVIRA' S NIGHTCLUBPREMIER Contact us by FACE BOOK & HI5 barmeeting@gmail.com SUNDAY, MONDAY & THURSDAY 22H00 » 04h00 W I T H S E V ER A L E N T E RT A I N ME N T S FRIDAY & SATURDAY 22H00 » 06h00 FREE ENTRY SUNDAY & MONDAY L OU N GE B A R Have a drink with us in our MINIMUM 1 DRINK POLICY of 5€ THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Res ta ura nt O Monte Quinta Velha QVillage uinta Velha Village C on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 C0 on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 0 TAVIRA DISCOBAR beautiful and comfortable CABANAS DE TAVIRACABANAS DE TAVIRA Romantic Restaurant Come to discover a typical and Charming Village Delicious Food A Pleasant and Romantic Atmosphere For a suitable price....... Fall in love againFall in love again Dinner from 18h30 until 23h30 - closed Tuesday Lunch only with reservation – from 6 to 40 persons

Page 33info@eastalgarvemag.com                                  We are receiving more and more enquiries from businesses in Spain regarding advertising, and would like to re-introduce a section for Ayamonte and the surrounding areas. You can pick up copies of the East Algarve Magazine from any advertiser. For more information: Call 00351 961 700 200 or email info@eastalgarvemag.com In Spain • Shushi • Hot and cold dishes • Shrimp • Fried and breaded • Grilled to order • Wok (sautéed vegetables, meat, shrimp, cuttlefish, mussels and other delights of the sea) • A selection of Seasonal fruits • Various desserts available LUNCH 10,50� (unlimited) DINNER 12,50� (unlimited) Take away available A beautiful restaurant located in Tavira’s Gran-Plaza shopping centre. Situated away from the food hall on the second floor, with unique, stunning, coastal views. Telephone 281 322 021 E-mail sushimishmish@vodaphone.ptFoodcourt2ndfloorWearehere

Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana species) Four o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa)

Page 34 info@eastalgarvemag.com

annuals generally able to tolerate very hot conditions, but they do usually require additional moisture.

Blue Daze (Evolvulus glomerata) Castor Bean (Ricinus communis Cockscomb) (Celosia argentea)

many gardeners that have a hot and dry climate to deal with often shy away from colourful annuals as they think they will not do well without constant watering and will require too much maintenance. there are, however, many annals that love just such a climate. the table below shows a sample of annuals that can take the heat. a combination of the varieties of annuals listed in the second table to the right can be great choices for those people living in hot, dry climates. these heat and drought tolerant annuals provide a wide variety of colours, sizes, shapes and textures, enough to meet the needs of any gardener. even with annuals that like a hot, dry climate, gardening in such conditions can be challenging. Water restrictions can thwart the efforts to provide adequate moisture to your plants so you need to be cognitive of the usual restrictions in your area. no matter what your climate, matching the types of flowers you plant to the climate in which they will be growing is one of the best ways to ensure a healthy garden and a healthy environment. annuals provide season long colour to your garden and can be started from seed or purchased pre-grown from your local garden centre. most types of annuals can be started right from seed by using seed boxes. start your seeds indoors in well drained soil and make sure they have plenty of light as well as Annuals

Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) Dahlia (Dahlia species and hybrids) Fan Flower (Scaevola aemula)


African Daisy (Dimorphotheca) Annual Vinca (Cataranthus roseus) Calliopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria) Cosmos (Cosmos species) Creeping Zinnia (Sanvitalia procumbens) Dusty Miller (Senecio cineraria) Gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella) Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) Gloriosa Daisy (Rudbeckia hirta) Gold Medallion (Melampoddium paludosum) Moss Rose (Portulaca grandiflora) Snow-on-the-Mountain (Euphorbia marginata) Spider Flower (Cleome hasslerana) Verbena (Verbena species) Zinnia (Zinnia species)

Hyacinth Bean Vine (Dolichos lablab Joseph’s) Coat (Amaranthustricolor)

Mexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha) Mexican Heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia) Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia) Moon Vine (Ipomoea alba) Morning Glory (Ipomoea species) Salvia (Salvia species) Silk Flower (Abelmoschus manihot Starflower) (Pentas lanceolata) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

annuals best suited for hot and dry climates and when they have established a rooting system they are quite tolerant to dry conditions.

Annuals for hot climates

enough water. after the seedlings have gotten a good start indoors, they are then replanted outside in the garden. For those who do not want to grow their annuals from seed, seedlings can be bought directly and transplanted immediately. this approach is generally more expensive, but it provides a quicker time between planting your flowers and enjoying them. When it comes to putting our annuals in the garden, make sure they are planted with the tops of the roots just below the soil surface. if you have bought pre grown plants, make sure that the entire container is removed along with any paper or plastic. if our seedlings are in peat pots, then remove the top edge of the pot before planting. if the seedlings have any buds or flowers on them, they should be pinched off when the seedlings are planted. this will promote greater branching and help the plant grow stronger. after the seedlings have been transplanted, the plants should be given a good watering. it is particularly important to provide lots of water in the first few weeks, since the plants are still developing their root structure during this time. it is essential to provide adequate moisture to get the plants off to a good start. even after planting, most annuals require from 2.5 to 4 cm of water every week to thrive. With even more water may be needed in very hot climates. annuals need to establish a deep root system and they can only do this if they receive sufficient amounts of water. deep root growth comes from thorough and deep watering and will produce lush thriving plants. the best methods for achieving this deep and thorough watering are soaker hoses and drip irrigation. in addition, these methods of watering avoid water splashes on the foliage, which can serve as pathways to fungal infections. another important aspect to healthy annuals is proper mulching. mulch the bed before you put the plants in with 5 to 7.5 cm of pine bark or pine straw. mulching serves to conserve the moisture contained in the soil and to reduce the growth of weeds. a good layer of mulch will shade the seeds of weeds and prevent them from sprouting. mulch provides a natural form of weed control and thereby eliminates the need for hand weeding or harsh chemicals to control the growth of weeds. different annuals have different fertilization needs. When you buy your seeds or plants, find out what those are and make note. then during the growing season make sure you provide the fertilization that is necessary for each type of plant. One of my favourite plants to grow in a hot climate is the african daisy which is the name commonly used to describe a group of different bedding plants. all of which come from south africa, sport a mass of

Page 35info@eastalgarvemag.com Gardens

LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: geogardim@gmail.comwww.geojardim.com Tlm: +351 918 841 766 Tel: 281 961 189 OlhãoTo TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira en125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTRO DE JARDINAGE m

Page 36 info@eastalgarvemag.com                        Gardens daisy-like flowers (unsurprisingly!), and require similar conditions to grow successfully. daisy flowers, typical of the asteraceae botanical family, create a clear mood and design direction. they appear out of place in lush, tropical settings, typified by plants with massive leaves and large garish flowers. they are more suited in my view to the sparser, restrained style of a mediterranean, dry climate agarden.tleast three genera answer to the name of african daisy, with a number of species and varieties belonging to each genus. these are arctotis, Osteospernum, and dimorphotheca. all are hardy to light frosts, are fairly pest resistant, and must be grown in well-drained soil. While requiring regular water through the long hot summer, they do best, especially in heavy soils, with deep, occasional irrigation. therefore, in their cultural needs, as well as in design terms, they associate better with mediterranean type plants, than with tropical or sub tropical ones. all need full sun to flower. arctotis hybrids the most common arctotis found in gardens are hybrids that grow 30cm (1ft) high and wide. the foliage varies according to the variety from a dull green, to bluish-grey. the leaves are slightly rough and hairy. the symmetrical flowers are some 7cm (3in) wide, in shades of white, pink, yellow, orange, and red. arctotis is most effective when massed as a ground cover, but is not to be relied on in cold-winter areas or boggy soil. the plants tend to become bare and leggy, so regular clipping is essential. my suggestion is to prune away the flowers even when about 25% remain on the plant. Osteospernum fruticosum this is a trailing plant to about 25cm (10 in) tall, covering about a meter in width. it is somewhat course and untidy in appearance, and so is unsuitable for small, intimate niches. it can be excellent though in spaces where a sprawling look is in order. the flowers are very similar in shape and size as those of arctotis, coming in purple or white. to maintain bushiness, regular clipping is important, as is the occasional cutting-back to growing points towards the woody base of the plant. this should only be carried out during the growing season. a taller version of this african daisy is Osteospernum ecklonis. there are a number of varieties of this species available, most notably the relatively compact “Passion”. this variety has pink, purple, or white flowers, with sky blue centres. Dimorphotheca sinuata this african daisy, sometimes known as cape marigold, is a fine annual for warm summer, and mild winter climates, creating a lovely floral display in white, pink or purple at the end of the winter and the spring. it could however, become invasive in certain areas. african daisy plants associate best in the flowerbed with plants belonging to the same botanical family; the similar flower shapes creating unity in the garden composition. excellent companions for them amongst others are Felicia, bidens, chrysanthemums, Gazania, and brachycome. now i hope this helps with some ideas for you to create that extra piece of colour in your garden, and remember don’t be afraid to try any of these annuals in your flower beds, because with the right plants your garden will have a bright vibrant feel all summer long. Cockscomb (celosia argentea) zinnia (Zinnia species) Cosmos (cosmos species) gloriosa Daisy (Rudbeckia hirta)

CLean aiR TiPS use the car less: cars are one of the major sources of air pollution. Walk or ride your bike, take a bus, carpool to school, combine trips. avoid spray products: aerosol spray products put harmful chemicals in the air. such products include hairspray, furniture polish, cooking sprays, bathroom cleaners, air fresheners, antiperspirants, in secticides, and craft sprays. When air is a very precious resource. People, animals, plants and birds all depend on clean air to live.

Up.in . the . Air Our

Environment Perfect pool water Jürgen Knappe • Apartado 71 • 8400-481 porches • São Brás Tel./Fax 289 845 800 REDOx FOR pERFECT pOOL wATER Keep Chlorine levels as low as possible, but as high as Constantlynecessary. controls both Chlorine and pH levels. 100% GERm & ALGAE FREE pOOL Intelligent,COVERcost effective pool cover systems INVISIBLE covers available SAVES ON... wATER HEATING, DEHUmIDIFICATION, EVApORATION Jürgen Knappe 919 500 www.redox.com.pt700 FREE pOOL wATER TESTING KIT FOR EVERy CALLER, wHILE STOCKS LAST REDOx FüR pERFEKTES hältpOOL-wASSERdasChlorniveau so niedrig als möglich und nur so hoch wie Gemeinsamnötig. wird Chlor u. ph-wert automatisch kontrolliert u gesteuert. EntfeuchtungsparenpOOLUendeIntelligentepOOL-ABDECKUNGEN-undkostenspar-SystemeNSICHTBARE-ABDECKUNGENHeizenergie,u.Verdunstung. choices we make every day can make a positive difference to our air quality, both indoors and out. all of earth's oxygen is produced by photosynthesis, the process plants use to combine water and carbon dioxide to create glucose (their own food) and oxygen. an average tree absorbs ten pounds of pollutants from the air each year, including four pounds of ozone and three pounds of particulates. the Gulf Oil spill disaster has re sulted in warnings to local beachside residents to stay at home and switch their air conditioning units to the re-circulate mode; the air has become toxic with the gaseous emissions and from the chemicals used to disperse the oil. this gives us pause for thought about our own local environment and how we treat it.

Pest Control services

Breathing clean air helps us stay healthy. the Environmental Kids Club - Air page, you can learn about things that cause air pollution and what you can do to keep the air clean. the Trail of the missing Ozone: byOzoneTheindex.htmlhttp://www.epa.gov/ozone/science/missoz/Causes,Effects,andSolutionstoDepletion,inanillustratedbooklettheEPA. 4 Clean Air: havegamesimpactaboutsheetsHerekids.org.uk/airquality.htmlhttp://www.clean-air-youwillfindaseriesofinformationforages5to11,tohelplearnourplanet'sairandmankind'suponit.Therearealsoaseriesofandpuzzlestohelpyoulearnandsomefun... Air Activities: nairactivities.aspstate.md.us/CitizensInfoCenter/kids/cleahttp://www.mde. print and Color the Birds: coloringhttp://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/kids/bird-

THinK aBOuT THe BiRDS! no one knows for sure how many birds in total there are in the world. scientists figure there are about 10, 000 different kinds or species. Over 1200 of those species are fac ing extinction. the bee hummingbird is the world’s smallest bird. it weighs less than a tpenny.helargest bird is the ostrich, but it can only run, not fly. the bird with the largest wingspan is the wandering albatross. its wings can spread more than 10 feet or 3 metres wide – that’s greater than the height of a regulation basketball net from floor to rim! the black-capped chickadee has an incredible memory. it can re member where it stored seeds for almost a month at a time.

Peste Control has been exterminating: cockroaches, rats, ants, termites, fleas, woodworm, mosquitoes, wasps, pine tree caterpillar, palm weevil infestations (if the client would like, we also can cut the palm tree down and take it away), etc. We are a dynamic company working with a professional team of specialists in the field of disinfection, controlling plagues according to the recommendations and normal standards laid down by the OMS the world wide Health Organisation and Health Ministry, in order to provide the highest hygienic and sanitary levels. We are at your disposal to give you free quotations for disinfecting areas where you have unwanted guests. Since1980

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LinKS aBOuT CLean aiR EpA Kids: http://www.epa.gov/kids/air.htm

Pest Control services

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Peste Control has been exterminating: cockroaches, rats, ants, termites, fleas, woodworm, mosquitoes, wasps, pine tree caterpillar, palm weevil infestations (if the client would like, we also can cut the palm tree down and take it away), etc. We are a dynamic company working with a professional team of specialists in the field of disinfection, controlling plagues according to the recommendations and normal standards laid down by the OMS the world wide Health Organisation and Health Ministry, in order to provide the highest hygienic and sanitary levels. We are at your disposal to give you free quotations for disinfecting areas where you have unwanted guests. Since1980 Peste control has been exterminating: cockroaches, rats, ants, termites, fleas, woodworm, mosquitoes, wasps, pine tree caterpillar, palm weevil infestations (if the client would like, we also can cut the palmtree down and take it away), etc. We are a dynamic company working with a professional team of specialists in the field of disinfection, controlling plagues according to the recommenda tions and normal standards laid down by the Oms - the world-wide health Organisation and health ministry, in order to provide the highest hygienic and sanitary levels. We are at your disposal to give you free quotations for disinfecting areas where you have unwanted guests. choosing products, consider air spray pumps, solids, sticks, and gels instead. these are more envi ronmentally friendly choices, and can work just as well. Choose water-based paints: Oil-based paints and varnishes con tain chemicals that evaporate into the air. Water-based latex paints are less toxic and less polluting and easier to wash off of your hands and Plantbrushes.native trees and plants at home and in your community: trees and plants absorb chemicals from the air and give oxygen back into the air. native trees and plants re quire less water. trees and plants also provide habitat for birds and wildlife! Bring the outdoors indoors with houseplants: indoor plants help clean the air by absorbing harmful chemicals and giving back oxygen, just like plants outdoors. One potted plant per 100 square feet will clean the air in an average home. bamboo Palm, dra caena, english ivy, and snake Plant are a few good air cleaners.

Page 38 info@eastalgarvemag.com Environment urb. parque da azinheira, lote 3, r/C dto, 8150-054, São Brás de alportel tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 tel/fax : +351 289 845 385 email: harmoclima@sapo.pt www.harmoclima.pt Solar systems air-conditioning heat pumps Central heating under floor heating Central vacuum systems general plumbing Swimming pools Wind generators ENGLISH SPEAKING SpeCialiStS in



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A t first glance you might think that the coin has a “collectors rarity value” but you would be wrong, the coin sold for precisely the value of the Gold it consists of. can you imagine what would happen if you tried to sell somebody a one euro coin for four euros? You would get laughed out of the Weroom.have become used to the fact that a coin represents a value far greater than the underlying value of the metal; but it wasn’t always so. many coins issued in the early sixties and before were made of pure copper or of a silver alloy and their actual value is significantly greater than their face value. it is news to most people that the uK Government made a killing when they converted to the new currency; they took in the old silver coins and replaced them with coins manufactured from very cheap alloys. in the usa, pre 1963 nickels, dimes and quarters had a significant amount of silver in them and it has become is a dollar not a dollar? Tel 281 951 108/ Tlm 962 831

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Page 41info@eastalgarvemag.com Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: advogados.law@mail.telepac.pt or mail@taviralawyers.com website: www.taviralawyers.com Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications pORTUGUESE, ENGLISH, SpANISH AND FRENCH SpEAKING SOLICITORS OFFERING CLIENTS THE BENEFITS OF LOCAL REpRESENTATION. Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 algar v estnecod a pprove d official documents important al g a nemucodevr t s approoved fficial documents important al g a nemucodevr t s approoved fficial documents important info@algardoc.comwww.algardoc.comSkypetaaskppermits,fromlicenseWeaLICENSESNdpErmItScantakecareofallyourproblemsorqueries,drivers’licenses,Buildingpoollicenses,tourismlicensestocarmatriculation.Benefitfromourexperience!leasecontactuswithyourquestionsandforafreeaLLINCLUSIVEquote.lgardocumentsel.(+351)913182499contact:algardocumentsrDocumentsAlgA AlgA rDocuments big business buying and selling these coins, particularly due to the current state of the world economy, wherein people are fast losing confidence in paper money. We are back to our favourite topic again: precious metals. anybody who followed up on our suggestion of buying silver and Gold coins in november 2009 will have seen significant gains (silver was $9 per ounce now it is $19 and Gold was $700 per ounce and now it is $1250). is it too late to invest now? let’s ask the “experts.usdollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply. but the u s. Government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many u s dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost.” -ben bernanke, remarks to the national economists club, 11/21/2002. inflation anyone? Protect yourself now! A One Million Dollar Coin, but it sold at auction for Four Million Dollars!!! Only five were made, Queen Elizabeth II has one of them.

4 hitting from the top of the swing with your right hand may cause your slice, as it makes you fall back onto the right foot at impact.

•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

6 Picking the club up with the right hand may be the trouble, instead of a wide sweep back.

More expert advice from Benamor's resident professional!

10 stopping on the ball instead of hitting through.

Pro stats

1 Faulty stance or grip. Feet should be square- and make sure both v's in your hands are pointing to the right shoulder.

7 hands may be too near your head at the top of swing, causing the hands to come ahead of the club too much.


2 make sure left shoulder is well round, and the club taken back inside. if your left shoulder does not come well round, so that you are looking at the ball over your left shoulder, your club will be taken outside on the back swing, causing you to come across the ball.

m any golfers slice the ball, why? below i am giving you 15 reasons, one of these or more, could be your problem.

Tournament History:

Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K.

5 another fault may be too much weight on the left foot at the top of the swing.

13 taking club outside line of flight on back-swing would cause your slice, and is often the result of lifting the right elbow up on the back-swing.

•Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

Page 42 info@eastalgarvemag.com

15 ball could be teed too far forward, with hands behind club head. For me, i say that number 14 is the most important tip i can give you, (golf is in the hands), if you use your right hand your slices are gone (see pictures). if you're still slicing after reading this, come and have a lesson with me. call 281 320 880 to book. Good golfing, Keith P.s don't forget these tips are for right handed players. Keith ashdown, P.g.a. Resident professional  Tip slices.resultingcricketmethod,incorrect14,strokeinbig  Tip 14 & 3, good position, try to practice

12 hands too low at address, often causes an outside to in swing.

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A.

Tipthis.14 & 3, correct method, notice right hand passes left hand.

3 On the down-swing make sure your right shoulder stays back until after the ball has been hit.

Tip 14 & 8, shouldersmethod.incorrectnoticeclubfaceandopen.Thisshotisdefinatelygoingrightoftarget. 

•16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

11 hands could be too much behind club-head at address.

8 the right shoulder may turn too quickly on the downswing.

14 not using your right hand enough at impact and playing it like a cricket stroke.

9 can be caused by opening the club face straight away on the back-swing.

Page 43info@eastalgarvemag.com email: Website:info@cabanasgolfshop.comwww.cabanasgolfshop.comaddress:Rua25deabrilnr18aConceição,TaviraalgarvePortugal Tel 00351-281 326 939 Tlm 00351-915 424 642 Benamor golf Cabanas Tavira Wealturaarehere banas a C Golf Shop THis MOnTHs OFFeR LAke BALLs OnLy 50 cents Callaway, nike, srixon, Titleist

Page 44 info@eastalgarvemag.com The latest news from Chris Wright. Sport ManagementunderNOWNew The Mad Hatters Riverside Bar Open every day Noon till Midnight Sunday Breakfast 9.30 am till Noon Imported Beers Old Specked NewcastleJohnGuinnessHenSmithsBrownBoddingtons Ciders MagnersStrongbowVintageBulmers 43 Th R The Mad haTTers riverside Bar “MAD HATTeRs” by the TelcentrebridgemilitaryintheofTAViRA.00351281323886 OPen DaiLY unTiL LaTe WaTCH aLL WORLD CuP maTCHeS in a FuLLY aiR COnDiTiOneD BaR DRAUgHT BeeRs & CiDeRs: guinness, John smiths, sagres, strongbow CiDeRs: Magners and Magners Pear DRAUgHT & BOTTLeD BeeRs from €1 gRiMsBy COD, CHiPs, MUsHy PeAs, BReAD & BUTTeR AnD POT OF TeA €6, sUPeRsize FOR €8. PUB FOOD seRVeD AnD ALL DAy engLisH BReAkFAsT. CALL TO ARRAnge eARLy Tee TiMe BReAkFAsT.

Benfica fans celebrate in Tavira In early June i was in the casa do benfica café in Praceta das bernardas, near the PsP Police station in tavira when i noticed they would be celebrating the 16th anniversary of their formation on the eve of Portugal day. rushing home to my long suffering wife i tentatively broached the subject of an evening among masses of benfica supporters who would no doubt be celebrating their team’s championship triumph after a gap of four years. “but we won’t know anybody! We’ll be like fish out of water”. how wrong could we be. “there’s my fruit & veg man, Jose manuel, from the market!” my wife exclaimed. emily & neil richardson were surprised to see their neighbours from santo estevao and barbara hiskett was soon chatting to people she had previously only had a nodding acquaintance with. i teamed up with Guido, a police officer in tavira, for a chat about the new manager at Olhanense where Guido coaches one of the junior teams. the large permanent marquee at the campo do Ferias & exhibition centre was the perfect setting for this large gathering. a bouncy castle for the children, whilst fans enjoyed their meal. President luis Perdigão welcomed everyone, then introduced ‘Guests of honour’ bruno verissimo, the Olhanense goalkeeper, and livramento, a midfield player with Paços de Ferreira. both players, from tavira, signed autographs & had their photographs taken long into the night with fans.


Daúto Faquirá has been unveiled as the new manager of sc Olhanense. Olhanense President, isidoro sousa, said, “We have negotiated a twelve month contract with the option of a further year. We are confident that the new backroom team will take the club forward”. daúto Faquirá’s new technical team consists of nuno Presume, former manager of rio maior & Fatima, diamantino Figueiredo as goalkeeper coach and Gil henriques who will headup the scouting department. helder rocha, who recently led the Olhanense youth team to the algarve championship, completes the quartet. daúto Faquirá is keen to develop home grown talent but will still rely on loan signing from some of the top clubs to strengthen his squad. Whilst at v.setubal he signed a young unknown, cissokho, from French league side Gueugnon. the talented cissokho was snapped up by Porto in January 2009. he went straight into the first team squad of Jesualdo Ferreira's championship winning side that also reached the champions league quarter-finals. French club Olympique lyonnais stepped in and paid €15 million for the young star. he played 30 games for lyon last season and was on the subs bench for France in the World cup qualifier against the irish republic. it is hoped daúto can spot similar young talent and help Olhanense improve on last season’s position of 13th in the Premier liga. neW SeaSOn the 2010-11 liga sagres season gets under way on the weekend of the 14/15th august. Once again benfica, sporting & Porto will be doing battle at the Jose arcanjo stadium, Olhão whilst the local ‘derby’ with newly promoted Portimonense (Portimão) will attract much interest. next month there will be a special feature on Olhanense with details of how you can join this friendly club and its large group of expat supporters.


New boss Olhanenseat

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Elizabeth Beaupied from book shop A lura dos livros, Tavira features lisa Selvidge. In 2008 lisa selvidge edited a wonderful anthology of prose and poetry about southern Portugal titled "summer times in the algarve". that book's collection of inspired authors gave the reader several viewpoints from which to consider how life has evolved along the southwestern seaboard of iberia using non-fiction profiles of local people, original poetry and short fiction (and in one instance futuristic fantasy) to put across their visions of the algarve. ms. selvidge included one of her own short stories, "the big doll", about dona maria's attempts to keep the wild boars out of her vegetable garden, and the affect that her solution has on her new neighbors, the blonde and beautiful foreigners who are restoring the house opposite. What is a midnight lullabye to dona maria...all that clanging and banging helps her to sleep by reassuring her that the "doll" is doing it's job...is a nightly cacophony that is keeping her new friends from getting any sleep at all. in a new book of her own short stories, "beyond the sea", published by montanha books in 2010, ms. selvidge includes "the big doll" and 11 others in an interconnected verbal tableau that fixes us firmly in the western algarve. From the arrival at Faro airport of two young british women looking forward to a much needed holiday in luz, to the property scout from a big london firm exploring the mountains of monchique looking for still more land to exploit, to the hippy family in their hillside compound who share a multigenerational hankerin' for hash, the reader travels from the coast to the hills and back down again as characters appear in each other's tales, and the disappearance of madeleine mccann is a black thread running throughout. the cultural gap so perfectly illustrated by the disparate attitudes of dona maria and her neighbors toward her big doll is another connecting thread in this work. in "On the beach" a young Portuguese waiter and one of the young women staying in luz embark on a holiday romance that is doomed to disappoint both; essentially the same age, he is a carefree beach bum when not at work, still living with his mom and without much hope of improving his life due to limited education and very low wages. she is a school teacher living on her own and able to afford a holiday away (albeit with the advantage of free accommodation).

A Lura dos Livros Lura dos Livros Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 - Tavira - Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail: lizbeaupied@yahoo.com Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16, Tavira Tel 281 323 199 A wide


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"the Wall" 's hippy family up in the hills have asperations for a young Portuguese neighbor girl, of which her father would surely not approve. lisa selvidge is a keen observer of this gap, making "beyond the sea" not only a good read, but an interesting one as well. have a good month, Elizabeth Beaupied and eclectic range and as a generous helping of and portuguese and French. Also a wonderful selection of children’s Special book finding


collectable books in

Free classifieds Page 47info@eastalgarvemag.com p RO p ERTY FOR S a LE PLOTS at alportel nr s, bras for sale with planning for 3 bedroom villas with pools price 95,000€ each OnO contact uK number 01622 683200 (office) or email j.baker@jbgaragedoors.co.uk p RO p ERTY FOR RENT azinhal, near Castro marim eastern algarve village location, newly renovated furnished cottage t1. holiday or long term let, near Golf courses, beach, and spanish border. tel: 281 495 836 email: terry.wendy@hotmail.com villa in S. Bras do alportel, long term let,new 3 bed+1 study, pool, 3000m2 gardensto professionals/retirees only, €2000 pm (long term only) 915 014 259 airbus65@ gmail.com moncarapacho area, two bedroom apartment, short term between June and sept., pets allowed, tel: 914 837 208 FOR S a LE DOWnHiLL mOunTain BiKe for sale, contact 289 845 080 for +info SaTeLLiTe DiSH 1 mtr.Oval 15€ tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 exTeRiOR DOOR with security glass and grille brown aluminum with keys plus 2 double opening matching windows with shutters bargain 150€ the lot. tel.289846206 mob.922134429 TenT TWO PeRSOn (neW)plus two sleeping bags 2 ring and grill camp cooker and various pots and pans 75€. tel.289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 eLeCTRiC FRuiT JuiCe exTRaCTOR (russell hobbs) 15€.tel.289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 eLeCTRiC STRimmeR Flymo used twice only 15€, tel.289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 ROunD STainLeSS STeeL KiTCHen SinK with separate integrated drainer (brand new) 80€ tel.289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 FReezeR LeC under counter 500w. Old but good little worker 3 shelves 45€ tel.289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 iSaBeLLa CaRavan aWning, for twin axle. 600 ono terl 919 175 070 LaRge uRn made in two pieces 99€ phone for details 915 856 564 RuSTiC Dining TaBLe 1m50 x 90cm with 6 ladderback chairs 140 euros. tel 281 531 124 BenCHSaW, surface/thicknesser planer, extractor. 240v. 350ono. 289 849 088 SOCiaL TenniS, cabanas/conceicao. mon. and Fri. 10-12. contact thea van Oostveen 281 – 951 854. SOLaR HeaTeD WaTeR system new, still in box, suitable for a 3 bed. house. half the r r.P. only 1500 euros. Professional installation can be arranged. call 915 929 895. HeaTeD TOWeL RaiL chrome ladder design.new, stiill in box.half the r r,P. only 100 euros. call 915 929 895. STainLeSS SinK with drainer and waste fittings. new, still in box, only 50 euros. call 915 929 895. BaTHROOm FiTTingS all new, still in boxes. towel rails, soap dishes, etc. can arrange very good price for job lot. call 915 929 895. CanOPY- 3 metres square with all fittings. cost 750 euros accept 300. euros 281 531124 wa NTE d Wanted unwanted building materials; wood, posts, bricks, blocks, cement etc. also any heavy duty garden furniture required; stone type table & benches or w.h.y? tel George, 92 731 2174 Wanted, waiter/waitress, dynamic, enthusiastic to work for the French wine bar & gourmet shop in tavira, Full time, 4 months - 800€ a month, must speak fluent english and Portuguese call 960 317 973 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 Wanted 3 bed house for long term rental in s.bras/sta catarina area. tel 961 700 200 QuaLiFieD nuRSe (british trained) available to provide home care and nursing services. Please call sarah on: 961 154 352 or 289 723 269 SER v I c ES Cakes by vicki tel vicki: 917 000 969 e-mail:vicki.roden@sapo.pt Peak pedra for your garden stonework i.e. Planters, statues, Pond surrounds, Water Features, architectural columns and Pedestals. email:peakpedra@gmail.comwww.peakpedra.eu, Transmission-meditation, every tues 6-8pm in Giao/moncarapacho, also other time possible, tel: 914 837 208, www.shareinternational.org Plumbing,tiling,painting,dry lining bathroom/kitchens full/part renovation. Quick efficient service. all work guaranteed. call 917587685 or 289991023 Tarot readings tel: 935 088 336 Portuguese lessons Centre of Tavira, all levels,14 € p/h. For personal and productive lessons contact Sophie, Tel 965 165 605. Stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email stephenfreeman@sapo.pt Bay-bee. baby equipment for hire. Tel: Hazel 967 693 076 The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ac TI v ITIES Yoga lessons, mondays 10.30-11.45 contact hazel devine 913 075 555 mosaic workshops in Quinta fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit www.elmundomosaico.com CaR BOOT SaLe Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta fonte bispo Tel 289 845 561 Bar for Sale Centre of tavira Well established bar located in the center of Tavira with a large passing trade. opportunity,ExcellentLeasehold onlY 18,000 euros Tel 918 502 029 Bar for Sale Centre of tavira Well established bar located in the center of Tavira with a large passing trade. Excellent opportunity, Leasehold onlY 18,000 euros Tel 918 502 029 CLaSSiFieDSaReFReeforprivateadvertisers,BusinessadsarefreeforOnemOnTHOnLY. email your ads to eastalgarvemag.cominfo@ (max to 9 words) if you would like more information on advertising in this magazine please call: 961 700 200

Page info@eastalgarvemag.com hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the en270 near Sta catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our websiteBOOwww.qtfontebispo.comtSale4thSundayof the month caRveRYSundays from 12.30pm Booking advised from OnlY €10 Quiz nigHt every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm SteaK nigHt every Friday, from OnlY €10 from 6.30pm Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HaWeReeRe upcOMing eventS JulY SaT 3 COunTRY anD WeSTeRn nigHT – bbQ beef, potato wedges, bean relish, with line dancing 9€ SaT 10 BuDDieS BBQ party 8€ to include meats and salads Sun 11 WORLD CuP FinaL 8.30pm – snacks in the bar SaT 17 July maSKeD SummeR BaLL – cold buffet, salads SaT 24 July Human SnaKeS & LaDDeRS Game night– fun night Sun 25 CaR BOOT SaLe RegulaR eventS Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in thecountryside of tavira. Restaurant openseven days a week, pool, tennis & Sauna.

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