June10 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve June 2010 © Pegoinfernodo GolfHealthtips From AshdownKeith Gardening What to grow in a Mediterraneanclimate A visit to Reiki Massage&

I would like to give Christopher Wright a special thank you for all his help this month.

Well, May has been hectic and flown by, with my husbands, sons and my birthday in succession. We did find time to visit Pego do Inferno, a beautiful waterfall just outside Tavira. If you've not been there yet, June is the perfect time to visit. We took a drive up to Restaurant Mesa do Cume in the hills of Alcaria, with breathtaking views and stunning food, it was a delightful afternoon. This month we feature a lovely, unusual gift shop, Casa das Portas in Tavira. Ladies, be warned, you'll need hours to browse here.






Relax and enjoy your June edition. I'd love to hear from you if you find the articles interesting, or even visit some of the places featured. Oh yes, something big is happening this month, apparently it involves football... luck all the teams!

Page 2 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIaL cO ORdInaTORS Susan Purvis Richard Bassett Snr. advERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTanT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve Call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our website www.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page LCARVERYAmb,bEEf & TuRkEY, pLus ALL TRimmings sundays from 1.00pmbooking advised OnLY 10€ 3 course optionavailable for only 14€ sTEAk nighT fridays, from 6.30pm Rump €8.50 Rib EYE €10.00 siRLOin €13.00 16Oz T-bOnE €19.50 (48 hours notice for T-bone) All steaks come with home made chips, onion ringsmushrooms, grilled tomatoes,peas and a choice of sauces.

guesthouse, & BI st R o FONTE DO BISPO DO BISPO

Page 3info@eastalgarvemag.com Projectcasa E Algarve 180x176.indd 2 8/2/10 12:25:15 Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink+ dessert and coffee €8.50 spECiALiTiEs inCLuDE fresh local seafood • Cataplanas • specialseafood rices • fish noodles • fresh grilledfish • filet in mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• french veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey pLus muCh muCh mORE! Rua da Liberdade n.º 126 fusETA • OLhÃO • ALgARVE Telephone 289 798 045 ETAfus

Page 4 info@eastalgarvemag.com 5nOTIcE BOaRd Let us know your thoughts. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7WHaT’S On The complete World cup schedule. 8PEOPLE Meet Jane from Cas das Portas. 10PLacES A new organic farm shop. 11EvEnTS Tavira's first Hog convention. 12HEaLTH Reiki and Massage. 13HEaLTH tips to protect your teeth. 14HEaLTH Bluetooth & hearing aids. 16PEOPLE Miss Tavira 2010. 18a vISIT TO Pego do inferno. 20PROPERTy Capital gains tax. 25PROPERTy Property of the month. 27HOME Choosing the right builder. 30FOOd From Mesa do Cume. 34gaRdEnIng What to grow in a mediterrainian climate. 39EnvIROnMEnT Cleaning up oil spills. 40FInancE Investing in green projects. 42SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 44SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 46BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER Featuring writer Dtephen Frey. 47cLaSSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 30 34 18 8

Country and Western night sat 3rd July 7.30pm bbQ beef, potato wedges, bean relish, with line dancing OnLY 8€ p/p

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 5info@eastalgarvemag.comEmail: info@eastalgarvemag.com Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO Call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our websitewww.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page St Vincents Anglican Chaplaincy will host a Hog Roast on 11th June at 7pm at Q.M.Garden centre in Sta Barbara de Nexe. Tickets are 16 euros children half price. There will be a cash bar. Vegetarian dishes are available if pre-ordered. The evening is in aid of St vincents Chaplaincy and its associated charities,. For further information or to book tickets please contact elspethflood@sapo.pt or 289 999 335 or 917 539 790 or 289 841972 or 915 547 621 or susanmgstorer@sapo.pt. Numbers are limited, so please book early. Thanks for your article about water, health, in EA Magazine May. It is very interesting. It explains how much water to drink, dependent on weight: divide the weight in pounds in half. That makes the ounces of water one should drink. But: Since I am Dutch I don't understand the english ounces. How much is 1 ounce? In liters? (Maybe more readers don't knowthis.)Dear Sir, thank you for your email, there are 33.81 ounces in a litre, therefore, if you need to drink 80 ounces of water, it would be the equivalent of 2.36 litres.We are glad you found the article interesting, Best wishes, EAM. "Don't hobble around in pain, book TreatmentBowenwithGarethtoday!"Seethehealthpagesfordetails

nIght sat 26th june, 7.30pm sing and dance to all the popular songs of Queen with Jake. OnLY 7€ p/p price includes chicken curry and rice. sat 10th July starts 6pm OnLY 8€ p/p include meats and salads

Good Morning, May I first congratulate you on your Apriledition & especially your feature on Fuseta! ButI also agree with you that maybe it is a secretplace that shouldn't be shared with too many...I have an appartment in Fuseta & I am planningon spending more time there in the near future.I am also a fully qualified Irish DancingTeacher. I would be very interested in startingclasses in the Eastern Algarve for bothchildren & Adults. If anyone out there would beinterested in such classes, please contact me atlindareynolds@eircom.net

chris Wright O n June 11th, various shops and artists of tavira are organizing a charity evening in the centre of the city to benefit the intergenerational center of the Quinta Pegada in tavira a center that cares for the oldest and youngest members of our icommunity.nawarmand friendly atmosphere you can browse the stalls and buy various products, listen to live music, eat or drink. For those who don't like football it will be a fun way of avoiding the first match of the world cup and help raise some money for a good cause. those already definitely participating so far are casa das POrtas art, crafts, Gifts and accessories. Primeira linha decoration and Furniture, mOdarte brand clothes, a lurO dO livrOs international books both new and secondhand. Ferreinha Jewelry and clocks, cheZ carOle et manuel French Gourmet shop, Wine bar and tea lounge. the artists who already confirmed are elsa neWtOn ceramics, micK mundY Painter, ricardO eGuitarist.verydonation will be welcome and a portion of the total proceeds of the evening will be given to the centre Quinta Pergada currently in Youbuilding.willfind the feast on the left bank of the rio Gilão in tavira, travessa do trem, between the roman and militar bridges. come enjoy yourselves on June 11th from 6pm till late. it's for a good cause! For any further details, please call 96 031 79 73.


Y our name is sammy mcilroy, you’re 17-years old and an unknown from east belfast. it is 10.00am on saturday morning 6th november 1971 prior to the big ‘derby’ match between manchester city and manchester united and you’ve just been told that you will be making your debut. sammy, last of the ‘busby babes’, scored one and set two up in a 3-3 thriller at maine road, which instantly endeared sammy to united fans. and some of those fans were in the audience at the Porta nova hotel, tavira last monday to hear sammy talk about his life and career. sammy mcilroy mbe, he was honoured by the Queen in 1986 for his services to football, gave a highly entertaining and informative talk followed by a question and answer session. sammy, a highly respected manager, is now in charge at morecambe who narrowly missed out on promotion from the 2nd division this season. a raffle raised 100euros for the junior section of sporting clube de Olhanense.

T he Fisheries society of the algarve have set the foundation stone for the first fish processing and freezing factory in the port of Olhão. the ceremony took place on 31st may, and was attended by the secretary of state for Fisheries and agriculture, luis medeiros vieira. three contracts were signed at the event for the first and second phases of the installation. the area of shellfish production will be 16 hectares and will produce an estimated 2,000 tons of mussels, oysters and scallops. the investment of 3.5 million euros will create 50 jobs on the premises and an estimated 250 indirect jobs. more than 75 per cent of production is intended for export to spain, italy and Japan.

First factoryfishforOlhão


P sd deputy mendes bota has appealed to the Government not to sign the deep Off-shore “bacia do algarve” drilling contract, close to the ria Formosa natural park and covering a maritime area that stretches from Quarteira to monte tGordo.hecontract involves the Portuguese state and a consortium formed by spain’s “repsol” and Germany’s “rWe” power giant. in an interview with tsF radio, bota said “if the algarve’s beaches came to be destroyed by a black sea (of oil), it would signal the end of Portuguese tourism”. in other words, huge risks are being taken for minimum benefits. “the false idea that the country could become rich from oil is being created, along with the notion that we will have cheaper oil and petrol. it’s all bogus because everything that may be extracted will belong to the consortium and private businesses involved – and they’ll put their “profits” on to the market price” he claimed.


News Page 6

george allen talks to Sammy mcilroy

Charity fun evening

Friday, 11 June 2010 South Africa v Mexico, Gp A, 15:00 Uruguay v France, Gp A, 19:30 Saturday, 12 June 2010 South Korea v Greece, Gp B, 12:30 Argentina v Nigeria, Gp B, 15:00 England v USA, Gp C, 19:30 Sunday, 13 June 2010 Algeria v Slovenia, Gp C, 12:30 Serbia v Ghana, Gp D, 15:00 Germany v Australia, Gp D, 19:30 monday, 14 June 2010 Netherlands v Denmark, Gp E, Japan12:30vCameroon, Gp E, 15:00 Italy v Paraguay, Gp F, 19:30 tueSday, 15 June 2010 New Zealand v Slovakia, Gp F, 12:30 Ivory Coast v Portugal, Gp G, 15:00 Brazil v North Korea, Gp G, 19:30 WedneSday, 16 June 2010 Honduras v Chile, Gp H, 12:30 Spain v Switzerland, Gp H, 15:00 South Africa v Uruguay, Gp A, 19:30 thurSday, 17 June 2010 Argentina v South Korea, Gp B, Greece12:30vNigeria, Gp B, 15:00 France v Mexico, Gp A, 19:30 Friday, 18 June 2010 Germany v Serbia, Gp D, 12:30 Slovenia v USA, Gp C, 15:00 England v Algeria, Gp C, 19:30 Saturday, 19 June 2010 Netherlands v Japan, Gp E, 12:30 Ghana v Australia, Gp D, 15:00 Cameroon v Denmark, Gp E, 19:30 Sunday, 20 June 2010 Slovakia v Paraguay, Gp F, 12:30 Italy v New Zealand, Gp F, 15:00 Brazil v Ivory Coast, Gp G, 19:30 monday, 21 June 2010 Portugal v North Korea, Gp G, 12:30 Chile v Switzerland, Gp H, 15:00 Spain v Honduras, Gp H, 19:30 tueSday, 22 June 2010 France v South Africa, Gp A, 15:00 Mexico v Uruguay, Gp A, 15:00 Greece v Argentina, Gp B, 19:30 Nigeria v South Korea, Gp B, 19:30 WedneSday, 23 June 2010 Slovenia v England, Gp C, 15:00 USA v Algeria, Gp C, 15:00 Australia v Serbia, Gp D, 19:30 Ghana v Germany, Gp D, 19:30 thurSday, 24 June 2010 Paraguay v New Zealand, Gp F, Slovakia15:00vItaly, Gp F, 15:00 Cameroon v Netherlands, Gp E, Denmark19:30vJapan, Gp E, 19:30 Friday, 25 June 2010 North Korea v Ivory Coast, Gp G, Portugal15:00vBrazil, Gp G, 15:00 Chile v Spain, Gp H, 19:30 Switzerland v Honduras, Gp H, 19:30 Saturday, 26 June 2010 Winner Gp A v Runner-up Gp B, Winner15:00 Gp C v Runner-up Gp D, 19:30 Sunday, 27 June 2010 Winner Gp D v Runner-up Gp C, Winner15:00 Gp B v Runner-up Gp A, 19:30 monday, 28 June 2010 Winner Gp E v Runner-up Gp F, Winner15:00 Gp G v Runner-up Gp H, 19:30 tueSday, 29 June 2010 Winner Gp F v Runner-up Gp E, 15:00 Winner Gp H v Runner-up Gp G, 16R, 19:30 Friday, 2 July 2010 Quarter Final Wnr Gp E/R-Up Gp F v Wnr Gp G/R-Up Gp H, QF, 15:00 Wnr Gp A/R-Up Gp B v Wnr Gp C/R-Up Gp D, QF, 19:30 Saturday, 3 July 2010 Quarter Final Wnr Gp B/R-Up Gp A v Wnr Gp D/R-Up Gp C, QF, 15:00

Page 7info@eastalgarvemag.com


What’s on place our regular guide, this month we've got all the World cup fixtures to ensure you don't miss a game. on World cup Special



Wnr Gp F/R-Up Gp E v Wnr Gp H/R-Up Gp G, QF, 19:30 tueSday, 6 July 2010 Semi Final Winner Q/F 1 v Winner Q/F 3, SF, 19:30 WedneSday, 7 July 2010 Semi Final Winner Q/F 2 v Winner Q/F 4, SF, 19:30 Saturday, 10 July 2010 third PlaCe Play oFF Loser SF1 v Loser SF2, 3rd, 19:30 Sunday, 11 July 2010 Final Winners SF1 v Winners SF2, F, 19:30 guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO HalfHappy!time All House Spirits, wines,and beers are HALF PRICE during all Portugal and England games in half time For more details call 281 971 484, for directions see our mapon the back page.


ane Gibbin bought a home in tavira in 2002, having fallen in love with this beautiful community on the ria Formosa several years earlier. although trained as an artist she was working as a Psychotherapist in Wales. tavira was a place of calm where she could come to unwind, and as she spent more time here she began to rediscover her artistic roots. combining a talent for photography and a love of small architectural details, she would wander the streets of tavira photographing the doors, windows, tiles and trim designs of houses all over town. setting off early in the day before the sun’s rays became too bright, she would often spend the entire morning systematically covering one street after another recording her subjects. Frequently she would have to return to a house to capture her images because, on an earlier pass, a car, a moto, or some other object would be impeding her view. as time passed, and as older homes were bought up and torn down to make way for more modern residences, Jane was dismayed to discover too often that the only thing remaining of many of these antique details were the photos she had taken. to help fund what started out as a hobby but had become a mission to preserve, somehow, these rapidly vanishing treasures, Jane came up with a plan; to produce quality posters and bookmarks and make them available for sale at a local bookshop, dos livros. in July of 2005 at the tavira book Fair, and pleased to provide Jane with a very public venue from which to launch her venture, Portas de tavira. the images were an immediate success... not only did tourists appreciate the beauty of these lightweight souveniers, the people of tavira themselves

A truely unique gift shop in the heart of Tavira, read about the origin of this gem, Casa das Portas.


Gifts to adore

Page 8 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Written by elizabeth Beaupied

Page 9info@eastalgarvemag.com quickly became enamoured of their doors. Jane put a framed poster on an easel at the front of the stall and small crowds would gather as people began recognizing and then pointing out to others their neighbor’s door, better yet the door of an aunt or grandparent long gone, or best, their own! their eyes would find Jane’s, shyly oftentimes, and they would share their discovery with her. it wasn’t unusual for the same peope to return night after night with family and friends in tow, to show them what they’d found. her initial success emboldened Jane to begin printing limited edition prints of the doors, devising new compositions and broadening her range to include windows and then tiles. my store was too small to properly display the growing collection, and in 2007 Jane bought the old shoe repair shop located in the middle of the best restaurant corridor in all of the algarve. With a light touch she converted a wonderfully cavernous space full of arches and niches into a beautifully lit gallery called “casa das Portas”. it is a space brimming with art, gifts and good feelings. showcasing not just her own art but also ceramics from some of Portugal’s most gifted artisans, and sourcing Fair trade handcrafts, jewelry and other accessories from around the world, Jane has created a unique business that celebrates the small details. Open year round, except for January, and now with a yourselfgladopportunityyouwww.casadasportas.com.website,haven’tvisitedyettakethetodoso...youwillbeyoudid,andyou’llfindreturningoften. 24

Casa das Portas is a unique shop in the heart of Tavira, the most beautiful town in the Algarve. Visit the shop and experience first-hand not only the extraordinary images of the town created by the owner, Jane Gibbin, but also the ever changing collection of beautiful things ethically sourced from Portugal and around the world. Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and information:www.casadasportas.cominfo@casadasportas.com

An organic farm shop with a difference opens near Castro Marim.

JUNE EVENTS 8/6 22/6 Poetry night 10/6 24/6 Jam session, free drinks for musicians 11/6 18/6 25/6 DJ set 12/6 19/6 26/6 Live concerts 7/6 14/6 21/6 28/6 Dinner with a documentary film , Algarve and the sea, fishermen of the sea, Tuna fish, retrospective 2009 9/6 16/6 23/6 30/6 Cinemusic, showing Hard Days Night, Control-Joy Division, Woodstock, Pink Floyd live

Page 10 Places info@eastalgarvemag.com

A taste of rural Portugal

We in the uK and some other european countries are very aware about organic farming and the benefits it can bring not only to our health, but better tasting food and to the environment we live in. but now we have the chance to enjoy those benefits here in the east algarve with the services offered by the new venture set up in castro marim. the Quinta da Fornahla is an organic farm shop with a difference. Officially opened this year as a catavento which is a cultural and recreational association, the Quinta has been producing food in the natural way for over 3 decades and now is officially a member of the system agricultura biologica. as a family run farm the concept has been to bring together farming and tourism, offering people who visit a chance to experience the traditional Portuguese way of life first hand. there is a restaurant which offers food and drink with a relaxed atmosphere and a farm shop in which you can purchase fresh locally grown organic produce. also there are a number of small farm building that have been converted into houses for people to stay at, enjoying a more relaxed and varied holiday whilst enjoying the local wildlife which is associated with organic farming. and with the Quinta da Fornalha being situated in an area surrounded by nature reserves the visitor always has something to see. as an addition to the more traditional side of the farm the cafe is having evening events which will include live music nights and film nights. here you will be able to watch or listen to an evening of entertainment that as you would expect is tailored around the farms concept of a more cultural way of thinking. currently the farm shop is selling a variety of produce ranging from fig jams, quince jellies, rock salt, herbs, olive oil, dried figs and fig truffles and for those who enjoy a tipple there is even aquardente de figo all of which is available every day in the shop. also there are freshly grown vegetables from muddyhands available on saturdays between 10.00am and 2.00pm. so why not pop in and have a look for yourselves. For more details and directions, contact mark o'Shaughnessy on 963 905 615, or email oshaughnessy@hotmail.co.ukmark.

Page 11 Events info@eastalgarvemag.com

RONALDO’S Monte Novo Faz Fato Tel 912 827 058 Open 11-30 till late Sunday barbeque from 5-30 buffet6.30pmWednesdaypmeveningIndian HOME MADE PIES, STEAK PIES STEAK & KIDNEY, CHICKEN & MUSHROOM, CORNISH PASTIES LAMB CURRY, CHICKEN CURRY To eat in or take away Hamburgers /Fish & chips Tuna SaturdayTHURSDAY/salmon/steaksMORNINGCOFFEETIMEForchildren'scharityPortugueselessons11amto1pm BAR                                                             Photograph gary Sutherland light up Tavira

Tavira’s first ever Harley Davidson Convention organised by the Algarve Chapter of the Harley Owners Group, attracted over 200 bikes.

The gleaming, customised machines created tremendous interest from both young and old. an aerial acrobatic display by light aircraft enthralled the crowd whilst a torch light procession of bikes paraded through tavira’s historic centre and over the bridges on the saturday evening. mark stephens, who has lived in the algarve for thirty years, was delighted with the turnout. “We are very social animals and next February will celebrate our 10th anniversary. We recently had a wonderful weekend at the sevilla horse Fair”. the algarve chapter has over sixty members and tavira camara has given its backing to the event for future years. further information: tel. 913 684 477 or email: tavira@algarvechapter. com



the next major motorcycle event on the calender is the Faro international rally on the 15th/18th July that annually attracts over 30,000 bikers and visitors. www.motoclubefaro.pt



peace, joy…very often, i mix different techniques of massage, spiritual healing, etc. in the same treatment, so the most important is what the patient needs, not the protocol… What do you have the most success in treating? maybe neck and back pains, muscle tension, stress and depression What changes in the body that makes reiki so effective? as a very subtle energy, reiki works gently in the body, balancing the chakras (energy centres) and removing the blockages which create illness.i think reiki is also very welcome now, because it helps us to deal in a different way with all the challenges we have to face, and it reminds us that the spiritual dimension of life should not be ignored. Where can people have treatments with you? i work in different places, most of them in the loulé area, and i also do home visits. We have just opened a treatment room at the tennis club raposeiras. tell me more about the treatments

info@eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 Health

Our health expert Gareth Bullock meets Cristina, and finds out more about her work. This month i had a very interesting few hours learning all about reiki and ayurvedic massage. i am still looking to introduce more professionals to these pages, so if you want to see yourself on these pages, just make contact with me (details at the end of this interview). anything to do with health that will be interesting to our readers will be considered. enjoy the warmer weather and remember to always use sun cream. What is your name? i’m cristina duarte Where do you originally come from? i’m originally from the north of Portugal, near Porto. how long have you lived in the algarve? i’ve been living in the algarve for 20 years. What languages do you speak? Portuguese, of course, French, english (not perfect) and spanish. What treatments do you offer? reiki, shamballa and different massages, like ayurvedic massage explain more about reiki please. reiki is the Japanese word for “universal energy”. it’s a technique for stress reduction and relaxation, which also promotes a healing energy working on every level – physically and emotionally. What does reiki treat really well? it is very effective with stress and depression, for example, because it helps to balance the emotional body, it can help with physical problems too, because it accelerates the body’s healing process. reiki is a loving energy we receive from the universe, and i should say it gives us what we are prepared to accept from it. What is ayurvedic massage? ayurveda translates as “knowledge of life” and is an ancient system of healing practiced in india for over 5000 years. this massage can improve relaxation, flexibility, blood circulation…, leaving us feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. What makes you and treatments with you different from all the rest? not easy to answer that…in fact, i try to help others to reach the same i wish for myself, as balance, harmony,

8 Know the side effects of medicines. side effects of some medicines indirectly affect your dental health.

6 don't smoke. smokers are 4 times more likely to develop gum disease than non smokers.

Page 13 Health info@eastalgarvemag.com CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •Swedish •Local•Lymphaticmassage,Quiromassage,Reflexology,drainage,TraditionalThaimassage,massageforlegsandfeetorneckbackandshoulders. Catherina pauwels, ilse Brenner tel: 919 660 211 or 963 706 624 in the Centre OF tavira Mail: catherinapauwels@clix.pt PhysiotherapistRehabilitationTrainer ria siertsema ced. Profissional c-022387072 tm. 933 887 riasiertsema@raketnet.nl980Pre-andpostoperativerehabilitationallmuscle,skeletalandorjointproblemssportsinjurieslymphaticdrainage nEW: neuromuscular taping cLInIcS: housevisits: mobile practice colina verde, sitio de maragota santa barbara de nexe Quinta do lago speaking 4 languages available at the raposeiras tennis club? When will they open? the raposeiras tennis club is a very nice place at the top of the hill, in bordeira, and all the treatments are available there. the treatment room just opened in may, and everyone is very welcome there. You can have tennis lessons, get a massage, have a coffee. it is a great place to be. What do treatments with you cost? the treatments cost around 50€ What is your phone number? 914 069 719 thank you cristina, i hope our readers find treatments with you as interesting and satisfying as many have from the therapists introduced on these pages. Please make contact with me if you would like to be featured on these pages. the east algarve magazine is a very popular magazine and reaches a very large audience, so is the perfect medium for getting yourself known. Follow up a feature with a couple of adverts and see your business really take off. Call me gareth Bullock on 912540071.

4 invest in an electronic toothbrush. 5 use your teeth only for chewing food. cracking nut shells, chewing pen caps and tearing off clothing tags can crack enamel, dislodge fillings or loosen teeth.

7don't clinch or grind teeth. the pressure from clinching or grinding can add an additional 250 pounds of pressure per square inch of teeth. clinching and grinding causes premature receding of gums and accelerates gum disease.

10 See a dentist twice a year. a dentist can detect dental problems, and fix them before they get worse.

2 eat teeth damaging foods sparingly. Popcorn kernels, ice lollies, and ice cubes can crack your teeth. carbonated drinks erode tooth enamel. coffee and tea stain your teeth. 3 Floss daily. a simple, but highly effective way to healthy teeth.

9 don't ignore other health problems. some stomach conditions can erode tooth enamel.

1Brush Correctly. brush your teeth for 3 minutes. When you brush, position the head of the toothbrush toward your gums at a 45 degree angle. move the brush back and forth gently in short strokes.

10 Tips to help protect your teeth

Bluetooth and Hearing Aids

Page 14 info@eastalgarvemag.com Health W ith the increasing advances in modern technology, there are many things that are slowly becoming possible. People with hearing loss can now continue to enjoy the benefits and convenient lifestyle provided by the mobile ttechnology.hereissomuch modern technology is doing to further improve peoples' lives. now, countless new gadgets and accessories for existing equipment are rolled out across the market to provide further coziness and significance to life. now, there is no handicap or physical defect that can hinder people from enjoying what modern gadgets have to offer.

With the development and wide-scale use of the bluetooth technology, it is possible to facilitate connectivity between different types of gadgets. because cellular phones are the most commonly used wireless device by mankind, every possible transactions are being coursed wirelessly through mobile phones.

When bluetooth technology was introduced in the market, many gadget users and techies were amazed at how transferring of large and special data could be performed without any wire. now, pictures, music files and other data can be interchanged between cellular phones. not only that, wireless phones can also receive and transfer data from computers and other enabled and compatible objects wirelessly. this is the advantage and usage of the bluetooth technology.

With the advent of Bluetooth hearing aids, it is now possible to still enjoy using wireless phones for lengthy airtime talks.

Quiroprático / Chiropractor Cuidado Quiroprático consiste na correcção natural

Dr. Ken Hamilton, D.C.

da coluna (subluxação vertebral) e do Sistema Nervoso utilizando as mãos. Reabilitações - Tratamentos Coluna - Músculos - Articulações Cuidado Quiroprático consiste na correcção natural da coluna (subluxação vertebral) e do Sistema Nervoso utilizando as mãos. Chiropractic is the world’s leading form of alternative therapy for neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions. CHIROPRACTIC HELPS WITH: · loW BaCK Pain · neCK Pain · herniated diSCS · nerve Pain · headaCheS and migraineS · Poor PoSture · Frozen Shoulder · elBoW and WriSt Pain · SCiatiCa · Knee Pain · Foot/anKle Pain · SColioSiS · oSteoarthritiS · SPortS inJurieS · auto aCCidentS · WhiPlaSh algarve chiropractic centre mob: 922 113 384 - tel: 289 997 004 Clinics located in estói and loulé, with ample convenient parking facilities. dr. K. Hamilton doctor of chiropractic (USa) €25 OFF THIs OFFER ONly ApplIEs FOR NEw AdulT pATIENTs. plEAsE pROducE THIs AdvERT AT THE TImE OF yOuR TREATmENT. For all your TourisT services eastern, central & Western algarve We oFFer: Golf●airport Transfers accommodation●Dining eco●Walking & cycling Tours Deep sea Fishing Water activities Transport and Tickets to Water Parks, ...and much more WWW.asKalGarve.coMTel.:917728509info@askalgarve.com TAXI & COACH HIRE TAXIBUS

Page 15info@eastalgarvemag.com to introduce further improvements to the already amazing features of modern hearing instruments, manufacturers have spent considerable amount of investment and efforts for the research and development of the bluetooth technology. now, this wireless system is integrated within modern and more sophisticated hearing iaids.fbluetooth has been much too useful in wireless phones, you definitely could hardly imagine how useful it can be when combined with hearing aids. the major concept in the use of bluetooth is now adopted to be useful in hearing devices. now, hearing aids can be connected with mobile phones, computers and other gadgets wirelessly. What is more exciting about this is that hearing impaired people would not need any other special hearing aids to be able to communicate through telephone conversations via the mobile phone. and every step within the process can be done hands-free. What is more advantageous in the use of bluetooth in hearing aids is that such hearing devices are made more efficient and more effective. Yes, the user can hardly distinguish the difference between normal and healthy hearing and using hearing instruments to facilitate restoration of the sense of hearing. Just like buying other hearing devices, you do not need to search unlikely places to be able to purchase a hearing device using bluetooth technology. You can easily find such gadgets in hearing equipment retailers and in other specialty shops. truly, bluetooth hearing aids would be of great help to everyone.

ALSO: English Greetings cards & Avon thefittingroom1@hotmail.comwww.thefittingroom1.com +34 690 817 770 Unit 1, 1st Floor Indoor (fruit & vegetable) market AyAMONtE Photograph

Page 16 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Richard Bassett

Miss Meeting2010,Taviraattheroom

A full house enjoyed a fantastic evening on the 15th of may, with all eight girls putting on a fabulous show. it had everything from stunning costume changes and fashion shows, grand entrances on a harley davidson motorcycle, to dance routines to lady Gaga's 'bad romance' and michael Jackson's 'thriller'. the girls pictured (from left to right) sofia Grácio, andrea costa, elena cazaciuc, eva branquinho, liliana vicente, inàs martins, ana soraia, ana soares, were the final eight competitors. On the far right is fashion designer Paulo Fernandes who also designed and made the girls costumes. also pictured in the show producer tomé, on the far left. the Grand Final Gala is scheduled for June 26th, and if the first two shows are anything to go by, it is sure to be something special. Why not come along and say hello, as i will be part of the judging panel. the meeting room is located near the Gran Plaza shopping centre in tavira. they are open sundays, mondays and thursdays from 22h00 - 04h00, and Fridays and saturdays from 22h0006h00. For further details contact barmeeting@gmail.com

Tavira's premier night club, the Meeting room, saw the judging for the 2nd stages of the Miss Tavira 2010 competition. 10.00 - 14.00 eduardo mourato

TheRoomFitting Ladies Quality Clothing Famous brands in excellent condition at affordable prices Sizes 6 to 24. Bring us your unwanted ladies clothing, and if accepted, recieve 50% of the selling price when sold. New and pre-owned, quality ladies clothing Open Mon to Fri

Page 17info@eastalgarvemag.com AFFORDABLELIVINGONTHEEASTERNALGARVE Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool, Bar and Restaurant, Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVISITSBy APPOINTmENT ONLy Caliço Park algarve P ortugal Olhão SaoAlportelBras Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 N270 125 122 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Martinlongo BarrancoVelho PortellaCorchadeMoncarapachoCachopoFonteBispodo Caliço Park algarve P ortugal Rotamanta 2 BEDROOmS, 3 BATHROOmS, FULLy FURNISHED E x CELLENT FINANCE PAC k AGE AVAILABLE PLOTS AVAILABLE • RE-SALES • WEEkLy RENTALS UNIqUE TImBER HOmE FOR SALE

Page info@eastalgarvemag.com Visit Pego do Inferno

The algarve is known the world over for its sun, sea & sand but some seven kilometres north-west of tavira are the less well known cooling fresh waters of Pego do inferno, literally translated as hell’s Pool. travelling out of tavira on the cachopo road you are soon immersed in the rural life as it probably was over fifty years ago. Orange groves abound whilst the local inhabitants still harvest the tall bamboo canes that spread out along the river bank. along the valley of asseca you can find different types of sedimentary rocks that allow us to go back nearly 320 million years in time to reconstruct the geologic history of this fascinating area. in the more recent Pleistocene geological period of over 50,000 years ago the rock formations were created by the inter-action of the waters, rich in calcium bicarbonate, and the sediment washed down from the mountains. From fossilised remains it is clear that hippopotamus, bison and rhinoceros once roamed these lands. the well documented Pego do inferno waterfall is but a small part of the two kilometres series of waterfalls which are part of the river that finally flows into the river Gilão. the mystical Pego do inferno may derive its name from the ancient legend that tells of a team of oxen, who with their handlers, fell into the pool never to be seen again. another legend refers to the existence of tunnels linking it to the rivers Gilão and Guadiana. today the peace and tranquillity surrounding these waters gives the visitor a chance to savour an eco-system that has evolved over many centuries. the area is a wonderful example of the fertile barracol mountain vista with its luxuriant landscape of wild grape, european dewberry, wild olive and bay laurel. until a few years Pego do inferno was only accessible by trekking up the river valley but can now be reached by a series of wooden

walkways & bridges. there are picnic areas and in summer a small kiosk is open for the sale of refreshments when the pool is a great favourite with families who enjoy swimming in the crystal clear waters. spring and autumn, after the rains, are the best times to enjoy the spectacle of the waterfall when you may be lucky enough to see a kingfisher, cirl bunting, common waxbill or cetti’s warbler. You might also catch sight of the common toad, marbled newt, small salamander, moorish gecko and the mediterranean pond turtle. in terms of mammals the area is home to the mole, algerian mouse, dormouse, hedgehog, brown hare and the elusive least weasal. Whilst many people enjoy Pego do inferno, very few are aware of the quieter but equally impressive falls just a short walk away. leave your vehicle in the car park and return the way you have come but carry straight on at the ‘t’ junction. Follow the track with its lemon trees on either side for approximately one kilometre. after passing Quinta bonita on your right take the track that bears to the left. in a few hundred metres look to your right where the waters cascade over the impressive rock formations. an ideal spot in summer for a quiet picnic while bathing one’s feet in the cool mountain water. refreshed you can either return the way you have come or continue on, crossing a small ford, to a tarmac road. turn left and continue to the next crossroads and turn left again back to the car park. total distance is approximately 2.5 kms. hoW to get there From the motorway (a22) take the tavira exit. at the first roundabout take the 3rd exit to santa margarida. after a few hundred metres turn left and follow the winding road for 3 kms. continue over the crossroads to your destination. From tavira take the cachopo road for 4 kms and follow the signs.

Pageinfo@eastalgarvemag.com Visit Pego do Inferno

•repair work, extension and renovation cost other than normal maintenance cost. (You can only deduct invoices issued 5 years prior to the sale, unless the property is owned by a company). before making these deductions, you need to adjust the purchase price of your property upwards for inflation (official rates). the whole Algarve

as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property info@eastalgarvemag.com Made a profit on the sale of your property? Don't forget you may be liable to pay Capital gains tax. Property expert Robert Bijker explains. gainsCapitaltax

of the

•imt tax (previously known as sisa)

Page 20


•legal fees at time of purchase, e.g. lawyer, notary, registration.

P roperty prices in the algarve have been under pressure due to the economic downturn, just like about everywhere else in the world. if you have been able to sell your property in this still slow market and made a profit you need to report this to Finanças and pay capital gains tax, even though your gain may be less than you expected. in Portuguese this is called ‘mais valias’. if and how much you need to pay depends, as Finanças makes a difference between residents and non-residents and whether the property is your permanent residence or second home. there are a number of items that are allowed to be deducted before calculating your capital gains tax:

•commission estate agent.

Page 21 as a non-resident you must settle with Finanças and it is advisable to file a tax return regardless of having made a profit or not. You pay a flat rate of 25% over the total gain after the above mentioned inflation correction and deductions. if you are a resident you have the option to reinvest the proceeds from the sale in case you sold your main residence. as long as the equity* (*proceed from sale, less mortgage if applicable) from the sale is reinvested you do not have to pay capital gains tax. this was only for reinvestment in Portugal, but under pressure from brussels this has changed. since 2007 you are free to reinvest throughout the european Furthermore,union. you are allowed to purchase a property up to two years before the sale or two years after the sale to be exempt from capital gains tax. if you do not 100% reinvest, you are taxed on a pro rata basis. capital gains derived from investments (equities, real estate) are considered as income and as such charged at a progressive rate when you are a tresident.hefinance department will not inform you that you need to pay capital gains tax before a certain date. You need to report the gain in the year following of the sale as part of your normal income filing, some time during the second half of april till the end of may. Robert Bijker Land & Houses algarve –yellow www.landandhousesalgarve.comHomesRuadr.JoséPiresPadinha1788800-354TaviraaMI6232Tel:281320281Fax:281321901 info@eastalgarvemag.com Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira eapr@iol.pt • eapm@iol.pt www.east-algarve-property-rentals.com • www.east-algarve-property-management.com By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS

Page 22 info@eastalgarvemag.com PRoPeRTy SALeS And PRoPeRTy RenTALS Manorofall property www.manor-park.comManorparkPropertiesLda,Headoffice– Almancil estrada de Vale do Lobo, Sitio das escanxinas, CP 947 A, Apartado 3207, 8135 -903 Almancil , Algarve, Portugal, Tel: +351 289 391 info@manor-park.com303AMI2198MAnoRPARKPRoPeRTIeSLdA taviraauction Aladdin´s Cave Good Quality 2nd hand furniture Living Room FuR nituR e tabL es and Chai R s ✣ bedRoom aCC essoR ies ✣ White goods g aR den ✣ m i RRoR s ✣ g ames ✣ b ooks and v ideos ✣ dis C s ✣ aRt ✣ a ntiques EvE rything you n EE d to Furnish a h om E give us a call anytime; 00(351) 916 138 www.taviraauction.com059 We are happy to make an oFFer on your houSe ClearanCeS & Single itemS FARO N125 mte Gordo AuctionTaviraGranplazaspetroltation TAvIRA TRANNEEdspORT? We arrange it for you... price per hour 00351 916 138 059 (English) 0034 660641237 (all languages) NExT AucTION 19.06.10 Doors open 9am, Auction at 10am Viewing & TAke in DAys Monday-Friday, 10am-1pm Serving You and Your gueStS With Complete SatiSfaCtion in mind 00 351 913 692 170 or uK 0161 298 4800 www.smartavillas.com rentalS & propertY management Let us make renting easy. management packages tailored to suit your needs advertising•enquiries & Bookings •payment Collection•Cleaning •laundry•meeting•24/7 helpline •Bill payments•guest Services; golf leisure trips & transfers

MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL geral@estealgarve.com WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI HOUSE - TAVIRA In the centre of the town, on 1st floor with a lovely façade, type T3, includes very large private terraces and nice views of the town. In need of modernisation. EUROS 240.000 HOUSE -TAVIRA - Charming 3 bedroom house, in the rustic style, sit uated in beautiful surrounding in the countryside side w/ stunning views of the sea. Approx. 5.900m2 of land with lovely garden and small plunge pool, approx. 20 mins from coast and Tavira. EUROS 285.000 ▲ ▲ EastAll&BuildingAlgarveGardensgeneralBuildingworkundertaken Full refurbishments • Tiling Plumbing • Joinery Roofing • Painting Etc. Generalmaintenancegarden Decking • Patios • Planting For A prompt FriEndlysErvicE Tel 00351 964 508 128 ian.shaw72@hotmail.co.ukemail surroundedattic,lounge,kitchen,3withtownhousestyleduplex2beds,baths, by green areas and a swimming pool. situated on elevated position with panoramic sea and countryside views. TavIRa reF: a 3269 145 000€ rua 1° de maio, 30-a, 8800-360 tavira, Portugal tel. +351 281 324 684 Fax: +351 281 324 685 Website: www.imo90.com email: imo90tavira@gmail.comsOciedadedemedimObiliÁria,ldalicencano764-amirealestateaGencY reF: v3270 SanTa caTaRIna reF: v3273 265 000€ north of tavira, peaceful countryside land with 21 000 sQm with mature trees and a ruina. cOncEIÇÃO reF: l0414 traditional house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms with fireplace, garden of 1 300 sQm with swimming pool, bbQ are and flowers. TavIRa luxury apartments a closed condominium with swimming pool, 2 beds, bathroom, fitted kitchen, lounge and balcony. Garage, children’s play ground. 213 000€ 114 000€ As a well established company, our Property Management services are tailored to meet the individual needs of the client. Whether your property is large, small, in the hills or by the sea, your home will be treated as if it were our own! Client testimonials are available on request. For a friendly and informal chat to discuss your requirements and our services, please call on the number below. Tel: + 351 91 908 1052 Email: trust@world.net.pt A family run business, offering a friendly service, carried out with professionalism and integrity! Page 23info@eastalgarvemag.com From

Page 24 info@eastalgarvemag.com Company ami 7673 office: tel/Fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 emailrentalwww.algarvemantaproperties.comSaleS:S:www.algarvemanta.pt:sarah@algarvemanta.ptCasa anibal r/C loja B, estrada da manta rota 8900-038 vila nova de Cacela East Algarve magazine PROMOTe yOUR BUsiness wiTH Us FROM OnLy €50, UP TO €250 FOR A FULL PAge if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us on info@eastalgarvemag.comortel961700200.ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative,pleasecallSteveBoothon967190218(SaoBras)orKimallenon927168059(tavira) as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers. DENNISINTERIORSFITZPATRICK Rua Orlando Ribeiro 10, 1 Esq, Tavira 8800-365 Mob: 00351 961 844 788 Email: interiors.art@sapo.pt ALL OUR BEDS ARE SUPPLIED WITH A GOOD qUALITY, DELUxE, MEDIUM SPRUNG MATTRESS €470only4’pmistrallusbed6” dark brown or black pvc , with gas lift. includes mattress Also AvAilAble is A lArge rAnge of contemporAry lounge And dining room furniture. Deluxe Mattress:12.5 gauge rod edge spring. Mixed fibre spring protector pad, 700g polyester pad. Damask cloth, Hand tufted finish. 8.5 inches deep with breathers and handles FOR SALE – VENDE SE Caravan at Campismo da Fuzeta Hobby prestige 4 berth 7.95m luxury caravan with 240cm pergola double skirt awning with curtains. Extras including • kitchen equipment • furniture • flooring • window shade • bbq & satellite dish LEAVE ON SitE OR tAkE AwAy Tel – 916 809 555 or + 44 7711 823111 FantaStiC reduCtionS, must be sold, closed condominium in central tavira with shared pool, garage, children’s play area, generous public areas, lift, equipped kitchens and pre installation of air conditioning. very close to facilities, restaurants, and the beautiful old town on your doorstep. uP to 20% reduCtionS made on the previous prices PreviouSly From 185.000-250.000 euroS, noW 2 BedroomS From 145.000 euroS and 3 BedroomS From 175.000 euroS For more information please contact us.

Page 25info@eastalgarvemag.com Property of the month Spacious Estâvão.villabedroomedthreeinSantoPool,Threeen-suites,largesunroom&seaviews. rUSSell & DeCoZ real eState Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: propertyrussell@mail.telepac.pt aMI license nº 870 - Member of apeMIp nº 1178 av. Maria lizarda palermo 43a, 8700 - 081 Moncarapacho, algarve, portugal super spacious 3 bedroom villa. * 3 en-suites, cloaks * sitting room * kitchen / diner * enclosed terrace / sun room running the entire length of the property * detached garage with laundry room * 10 x 5 mtr pool * sea views from walled mature garden area of 1570m2 * irrigation system * excellent access directly from country tarmac road into garage or parking bay * walking distance to town * Feature brick open fire in lounge * guttering * Air cavity under all roofs for storage or insulation.. * Chlorine pool with stone surround * under water lighting * ladrilho patio with bar-b-q. Very good value property. 285.000€ Ref: 1237V Location santo estâvão

info@eastalgarvemag.comPage 26 Tel: 289 392 461 or 911 911 909 info@furniturefrontera.com www.furniturefrontera.co.uk Our living solutions combine great design and quality with fantastic value for money Bringing style into any home, whatever your requirements or budget From a coffee table to a complete furniture pack Monday to Friday, 10am 6pm Saturday & Sunday, 10am 5pm Furniture Frontera, EN125 near Fuzeta *Soft furnishings only available with furniture packs ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY, INSTA &LLATIONIVA Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm Saturday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm 27 estrada de vale d’eguas - almancil t. 289 396 385 • e. linenwarehouse@sapo.pt • www.linenwarehousealgarve.com The widest selection of linen & towels in the Algarve Available in 5 colours with co-ordinating curtains Special Promotion Beachtowels was 15€ now 10€ while stocks last

We've all heard the stories about so called cowboy builders, nightmare tales of unfinished work. Here is a small guide to choosing a builder that we hope you find useful.

2Why did you choose him, price, personally recommended, or references?

3Was the work finished on time? if not, why? reasons outside of builder’s control such as bad weather should be ignored.

You have your 3 quotes from each potential builder so choosing the one you are going to trust with your remodelling, new garage, extension etc. should be easy, shouldn’t it? unfortunately most homeowners would consider this the end of their search for a builder when in fact what you should be doing next is the second most important if your home improvement project is to run smoothly (what’s the most important? You will find the answer at the end of this article). When asking a builder for a quote you should always ask him to include with his reply, the name, address and phone number of the job he is currently working on as well as the last two jobs completed. if you have your quotes but didn’t ask for references, do it now. Why do you need to check references when surely the cheapest quote should get the job? Perhaps your cheapest quote has a habit of adding the dreaded extras on to his final bill where as your second quote does not. Perhaps your dearest quote always finishes his jobs ahead of schedule and time is of the essence to you. try to visit at least one of the jobs from each of the three references just to confirm that the work was carried out and your builder hasn’t just given you the phone numbers of his Writecousins!down your questions before visiting or telephoning. this will ensure you ask the same questions of each builder and you will be able to spot any patterns emerging. using a sheet of a4 write your questions in a column to the left and divide the rest of the page into 3 columns putting the names of the references at the top of each. do this with 3 sheets, one for each builder.

4did the final bill match the original quote? if not, why?

5have you had to call him back to correct any faults? if so, was the work done promptly?

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 27

6did the builder provide adequate on-site supervision?

1how would you rate your experience with this builder? how did you rate the builder’s communication skills?

8Would you use this builder again? Once you have your 3 sheets of answers, see if any major problems choosing your builder: Is the Cheapest quote the best?

your questions should include but are not limited to:

7did the builder maintain a safe, neat and tidy site?

Page 28 info@eastalgarvemag.com Homes 20JoMASTeRJoIneRIneR&GeneRALMAInTenAnCe...yearsexperienceoffittingKitchens,Floors,doors,decking,Locksetc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! eastern Algarve & Central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 masterjoiner@hotmail.co.uk N EI l & Em I ly R IC h AR dson R emovA ls “caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” t lm. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 ( u K local) Email: neilandem@sapo.pt w ebsite www.ne-internationalremovals.comApartado166,8800TAvIRAREmOvAls&sTORAGElOcAl,NATIONAl&uK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem are staring you in the face. For example, builder 1 never finishes on time and builder 2 always has a large list of extras to add on to his final invoice, where as builder 3 finishes early and within his quote. builder 3 is the obvious choice even if he is charging a few hundred extra. it’s not always going to be that obvious and sometimes the answers importance will be dependant on your personal circumstances. an example of this would be say, builders 1 and 3 tend to leave the site in a bit of a mess while builder 2 always puts everything away and makes sure the site is reasonably safe. not a problem if you live alone but if you have kids, will they be able to play in the garden at weekends with tools laid around, ditches left exposed etc? checking the references of your potential builder’s should always be a major factor when choosing the builder for your home improvement work, second only to making sure they sign a building contract before work commences. if everyone got into the habit of checking references then your average builder would be much more obliging in settling any disputes that arise with clients because he would know that his next customer is likely to be talking to this one in the coming weeks. ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN

With seating both inside the Bistro and on the Bougainvillea shaded terrace, relax and while away the hours with a choice from the carefully selected wine list and a plate or three of Tapas from the extensive menu. Tapas & Wine BisTro neW LunchTime speciaL - cover, mixed Tapas and gLass of Wine €8.50 per head Telephone 289 792 087 ◊ inTernaTionaL Tapas ◊ neW LunchTime mixed Tapas pLaTe ◊ superB Wines ◊ sTone Baked, hand made pizzas ◊ daiLy speciaLs Board ◊ Take aWay pizzas open for Lunch 12pm-2.30pm and dinner 7pm-9.30pm (cLosed sunday eve and aLL day monday) NEw BAR FOOd MENu Samples, Sirloin Steak Baguette, fried onions, chips, salad and Fishmayonnaisegarlic€7.00.inBeerBatter, chips and salad €6.50. KARAOKE Saturday night LivE MuSiC through-out Summer wORLd Cup FEvER! Open every day from 12.00pm during world Cup. ExtRA SCREENS iN COuRtyARd PICCOLA ITALIARistorantePICCOLA ITALIA Cucina Tradizionale Italiana Italian Tradicional Cuisine Cucina Tradizionale Italiana Italian Tradicional Cuisine Fechado aos Domingos / Closed on Sundays Sítio do Peral 289 842 112 PICCOLA ITALIAPICCOLA ITALIA Cucina Tradizionale Italiana Sítio do Peral são Brás MesquitaTavira Peral estoi Moncarapacho or mobile 00351 919 240 607


There are places to eat, there are restaurants, and then there's Mesa do Cume, a unique dining experience! from Mesa do Cume camembertBaked

maria and tony would love you to come and visit their unique restaurant on top of the beautiful hills above tavira. there you will find a special ambiance, stunning views along with special flavours to enjoy on the outstanding terrace. the baked camembert, a flavour of the serra, is a vegetarian dish which also appeals to meat lovers. the sauce gives this dish its special flavour, made from marmelo, stiff quince jam, herbs and aguamel. aguamel is a byproduct of honey. marinated figs, a house speciality, are also added and the melted cheese is topped with hazelnuts, served with jasmin rice and vegetables. all their dishes, entrees and homemade desserts have their own unusual, special flavours. together with the ambience and amazing views, it is a worthwhile escape from the hustle and bustle of the coast for a few hours. Why not spend a day in the serra, take a walk before or after your meal. this friendly couple can advise you on the best routes, which are also signposted. mesa do cume is on the road out towards cachopo from tavira, a splendid drive through the hills until you reach the top, approximately 30 minutes. it is a special experience, more than the usual trip out for lunch or dinner, don't forget to take your camera, it is breathtaking! For details see their advert above right.

Page 30 info@eastalgarvemag.com

mesa do cume TABLE ON THE TOP Discover the serra Mesa do Cume / Table on the top Mesa do Cume is a modern restaurant nestled at the highest point in the serra of Eastern Algarve, situated half an hour drive from Tavira. We would like to invite our guests for an unique experience, enjoying a beautiful scenic drive up the mountain, enjoying the serra with its traditional lifestyles and beautiful nature. DELIGHTFUL AND AFFORDABLE MENUS, ALSO OFFERING EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN CHOICES • REFRESHMENTS, COFFEE, HOMEMADE CAKES, LITTLE APPETIZERS • AL FRESCO DINING TERRACE WITH SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW • MARKED WALKING AND MOUNTAIN BIKING TRAILS , DESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ALL OUR FOOD IS HOMEMADE, FRESH AND VERY TASTY These attractions makes your Mesa do Cume experience a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Open 10am - 10pm, till end Sept (October till end May, 10am-5pm) MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED • Location: Alcaria do Cume, RN 397 Tavira – Cachopo • Phone: 281 326 144 / 912 725 745 • Web: www.mesadocume.net • E-mail: mesa.do.cume@sapo.pt ÒEnjoy the feeling of having entered a world where all the senses are gratifiedÓ Good life ÒPart of the fun is getting thereÒ O SuplementoÒHighly recommendedÓ 1-2-3 Algarve RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 INTERNATIONAl cuIsINE wITH FRENcH spEcIAlITIEs pRIvATE dINING ROOm AvAIlAblE & wARm pATIO EATING AREA lOcATEd IN THE cENTER OF TAvIRA, ONly 5 mINuTEs FROm vIlA GAlE ANd pORTA NOvA HOTEls Al- ar-roba RESTAURANT tAvirA A traditional Portuguese restaurant in the center of Tavira, serving typical Portuguese food, in warm and surroundings.friendly RomanbridgePost office CamaraTavira Wehereare RiverGilaoRua da Liberdade 72 8800-408 Tavira Tel 281 107 488 964 013 www.restaurantealfarroba.com623 Page 31info@eastalgarvemag.com

Page 32 info@eastalgarvemag.com sítio do canal. tlm. 917 536 135 / 918 646 544 (gas station santa Barbara de nexe 400m. up and 300m. left by the well.) This www.sennas.euForchoices.manyfromdegreesorwineswwelcome.feelwillcosyordrink,bodywelcomesbAR-bIsTROevery-forjustasometapasadinner.Theatmospheremakeyouathomeandehavedifferentbyglassbottle,zeroHeinekendraftandothermoreinfovisitOpen from 17.00h, sunday from 16.00h closed onandwednesdaysThursdays ROmAN bRIdGE Rua dos cais Rua dr, Jose pires padinhaRepúblicadaraçap âmerac unicipalm FinançasIRAvTA traditionalrestaurantamerica@sapo.ptrrestaurantportugueseintavirauaDr.Josépirespadinha,no2,8800,taviratel+351281321642email: speCialising in Cataplanas Fish dishes: Salt Cod, Sea food rice, Sea devil rice, Tuna steak and Swordfish. Meat dishes: Steak on the stone, Kebabs, Leg of lamb. \\\\ Themeeting room TAVIRA' S NIGHTCLUBPREMIER Contact us by FACE BOOK & HI5 barmeeting@gmail.com SUNDAY, MONDAY & THURSDAY 22H00 » 04h00 W I T H S E V ER A L E N T E RT A I N ME N T S FRIDAY & SATURDAY 22H00 » 06h00 FREE ENTRY SUNDAY & MONDAY L OU N GE B A R Have a drink with us in our MINIMUM 1 DRINK POLICY of 5€ THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Res ta ura nt O Monte Quinta Velha QVillage uinta Velha Village C on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 C0 on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 0 TAVIRA DISCOBAR beautiful and comfortable CABANAS DE TAVIRACABANAS DE TAVIRA Romantic Restaurant Come to discover a typical and Charming Village Delicious Food A Pleasant and Romantic Atmosphere For a suitable price....... Fall in love againFall in love again Dinner from 18h30 until 23h30 - closed Tuesday Lunch only with reservation – from 6 to 40 persons

Page 33info@eastalgarvemag.com 12,50€ (unlimited) Drinks not included Children under 8 years - 50% A beautiful restaurant located in Tavira's Gran-Plaza shopping centre. Situaded away from the food hall on the second floor, with unique, stunning, coastal views. 281 322 021 | sushimishmish@vodafone.pt HotSushiand cold dishes FriedShrimpand breaded Grilled to order Wok (sautéed vegetables, meat, shrimp, cuttlefish, mussels and other delights of the sea) A selection of Seasonal fruits Various desserts available Take Away available courtFood2nd floor We are here                                  We are receiving more and more enquiries from businesses in Spain regarding advertising, and would like to re-introduce a section for Ayamonte and the surrounding areas. You can pick up copies of the East Algarve Magazine from any advertiser. For more information: Call 00351 961 700 200 or email info@eastalgarvemag.com In Spain

whatgrowto in a Mediterraneanclimate

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If you're loking for some inspiration for what to plant this summer, Mark O'Shaughnessy gives us some ideas. This question has been asked by many a keen gardener in england about what plant can we grow in a hot, dry climate. this month i will deal with some climbers we can grow and all of these are available to buy from your local nurseries although you might need to search a little harder for some of them, but they are worth the effort. the term mediterranean is used to describe the climate synonymous with the region surrounding the mediterranean sea although it is not exclusive to this region; mediterranean climates are found in Portugal, california, australia, new Zealand, england and south africa, in addition to the ‘true’ mediterranean regions of spain, France, italy, Greece and turkey. What is a mediterranean climate? a mediterranean climate is made up of a long, hot summer with little rainfall and a mild, rainy winter; however, the amount of rainfall in a particular region may vary considerably and some countries may experience colder and wetter winters than others, although both regions may be described as having a mediterranean climate. typical mediterranean eco-systems occur 30 – 45 degrees latitude in the northern hemisphere and 30 –40 degrees latitude in the southern hemisphere although, as mentioned above, areas of Portugal, england, california, australia, new Zealand and south africa may have climates described as mediterranean due to the position of the Gulf stream. Growing climbers in a mediterranean hclimateowrefreshing it is to sit under an arbour on a hot summer morning under a canopy of leafy vines! and if these vines produce gorgeous, fragrant flowers or delicious grapes as well as cooling shade-- well, all the better. You may, in fact, find that the temperature under a shady arbour is about 10 degrees F. cooler than sunny areas of your garden. the Pink trumpet vine (Podranea ricasoliana) is a south african native that loves the sun and heat. it grows slowly at first and must be tied to the arbour or trellis. but as it grows older its growth speeds up. needs moderate water. the trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) from the eastern u s. is a self-attaching vine with bright yellow and orange blossoms. this vine can grow as much 40 feet in one year! because it is such a vigorous grower and can become invasive, it is best planted in a large container beside the trellis or arbour. it is tolerant of a variety of soil conditions and of heat and cold. needs moderate water in summer.

hall’s honeysuckle (Loncera japponica) is another vine with trumpet shaped flowers that does very well in the desert. like the three we have already listed, it grows fast, fast, fast. it can be invasive, but its fragrance is heavenly in the spring and early summer! tolerates poor soil conditions, hot weather, and needs little to moderate water. it should be cut back in winter. Clematis With proper care the fastgrowing clematis will grow in a hot, dry climate. Plant it by a trellis in a sheltered corner and keep the roots cool. tip: place a large flat rock or piece of tile over the root zone so the soil beneath does not become hot. needs ample water. in winter it may look dead, but it is not, as spring weather will prove. Plant Cat’s Claw (Macfadyena unguis-cati) and stand back! this vine will grow up and over a three story building in no time. it selfattaches, even to sizzling hot walls, to create a tracery of delicate green vines and leaves. Yellow flowers

Cape honeysuckle, (Tecoma capensis) the trumpet Creeper (campsis radicans)

Page 35info@eastalgarvemag.com Gardens QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 appear in the spring during a short blooming season. this central american native tolerates drought extremely well but it can be very invasive and difficult to eradicate once it is established. lilac vine (Hardenbergia violacea) is one of our personal favourites because it blooms in late Winter to early spring -- which is summer and early Fall in its native australia. lovely purple flowers -- almost wisteria-like-- announce that spring is coming. needs moderate water, partial shade and a trellis to climb on. Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) is among the very best climbing plants to use on pergolas and arbours in hot, dry climates. this south african native needs little water to maintain its luxurious growth all summer long. and grow it does -- climbing to as much as 25 feet in one season! because it is both beautiful and a sun-lover, wholesale nurseries have developed new hybrids with a variety of yellows and orange blossoms. new growth may suffer damage in cold winters, but will come back in spring. Will need to be tied to arbour, initially. it can also be grown as a shrub. Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) is long-lived and produces impressive amounts of blooms in lilac, white, blue, and lavender-pink in summer. better yet, it needs only moderate water and tolerates alkaline soil. You may have to add chelated iron if the plants develop chlorosis, a condition where the leaves turn yellow but the veins stay green. needs frequent pruning to train into shape, but not much fertilizer.


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Bougainvillea grows beautifully in the warm-winter areas providing summer-long brilliant color in reds, pinks, golds and oranges. can be grown as an annual in areas where winter temperatures fall below 30 F. new shrub forms suitable for planters are now available. low water usage once established. note: take special care not to disturb the roots when you plant bougainvillea: the root ball is easily damaged and the damage will kill the plant. install grapes (Vitis Vinifera) at your arbour and you have can your shade and great food, too! several varieties grow well in a hot, dry climate, including the ‘thompson seedless’, ‘Golden muscat’ and the ‘alden’. the ‘Golden muscat’ needs some shade because its leaves will sunburn. Grape plants require strategic pruning and constant soil moisture in the spring to produce ample fruit. they are, however, drought tolerant if producing an abundance of grapes is not your goal. Gravelly, fast draining soil is Forimportant.more about grapes suitable for your garden, visit your local nursery or go on a wine-sampling road trip to the commercial wineries in locations throughout Portugal. algerian ivy (Hedera canariensis) can be either a ground cover or vigorous climbing vine -- or both. it is a fast grower that will climb up and over anything in its way. While it needs little water once established, this native of north africa and the canary islands needs some shade in the afternoon; its large dark green leaves may sunburn. the more delicate english ivy (hedera helix) is generally more suitable for hanging planters or patio pots than for installation in the ground. One english ivy cultivar, however, the ‘baltica’ is fairly hardy. its small white-vein leaves turn a purplish hue in cold iweather.hopethis gives you some inspiration to try some of these climbers in your garden, and next month i will help add some more colour to the garden with some annual plants.

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Coastal environmentalists keep sorbent mats in their oil spill kits, but what goes on at sea to remove or clean up oil spills? alternative oil cleanup methods like in-situ burning, the use of human hair mats, straw bales and even feathers have been used for oil spill cleanup. Oil containment booms and Oil askimmersccording to the environmental Protection agency's (epa.gov) and Oil spill response, december of 1999, the first course of action when an oil spill occurs is to use a floating barrier called a containment boom. these keep the oil from spreading further out into the sea until it can be removed by other means. because the water conditions at sea are difficult to control, this oil spill containment tray is simply a temporary measure, until the oil can be skimmed away, diverted, dispersed or otherwise removed. since oil floats, the next means of controlling oil spills comes in the form of oil skimmers. these devices come in many forms and are designed to lift the oil from the top surface of the water, to be transported to a safer nlocation.aturalOil spill cleanup materials Once the bulk of the oil has been contained and removed, sorbents (short for absorbent) are applied to the surface of the water. the best sorbents are those that attract oil and repel water. One us company makes sorbent mats out of donated human hair for cleaning up oil spills. Other materials may also be used, like sheep's wool, corn cobs, peat moss, sawdust, straw, hay and dfeathers.ispersing agents and biologic agents for removing Oil the use of dispersant chemicals to remove oil from waterways is hotly debated. some of these chemicals are quite toxic, but the affect they have upon wildlife, compared to the damage an oil spill can cause, has not been established. their use is limited because of the controversy. biologic agents that “digest” oil in the water, are also hot topics. enzymes and microorganisms that consume oil are used in bioremediation techniques like bioaugmentation and biostimulation. some of these methods result in the oil combining with other material and falling to the sea bed where the damage may be far greater and could last a lot longer. burning the Oil spill under very specific conditions, and with the approval of several authorities, oil spills are sometimes burned away. the environmental impact is taken into consideration, and it's used most often as a lastditch effort. in-situ burning is rarely used for controlling marine spillage, because of its negative impact on ocean life. disaster cleanup isn't likely a topic that comes up at the dinner table, but for coastal families dealing with an offshore oil spill, oil spill kits are a wise investment. Knowing how the ePa handles oil spills can help citizens take helpful action. as

high as Constantlynecessary. controls both Chlorine and pH levels. 100% GERm & ALGAE FREE POOL Intelligent,COVERcost effective pool cover systems INVISIBLE covers available SAVES ON... WATER HEATING, DEHUmIDIFICATION, EVAPORATION Jürgen Knappe 919 500 www.redox.com.pt700 FREE POOL WATER TESTING kIT FOR EVERy CALLER, WHILE STOCkS LAST REDOx FüR PERFEkTES hältPOOL-WASSERdasChlornivau so niedrig als möglich und nur so hoch wie Gemeinsamnötig. wird Chlor u. Ph-Wert automatisch kontrolliert u gesteuert. EntfeuchtungsparenPUendeIntelligentePOOL-ABDECkUNGEN-undkostenspar-SystemeNSICHTBAREOOL-ABDECkUNGENHeizenergie,u.Verdunstung. Oil spills & undersea well leakage As the BP deep sea rig spews oil, we review some cleanup methods. info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 39 Environment

and Global Warming scams deflect you from your core-beliefs about Environmental Protection: Consider investing in Green Projects. Environmentalists Fight Saving your time and solving your problems Sítio da Couta, Edificio Moagem - Loja A 8900 - 027 Vila Nova de cacela Tel 281 951 108/ Tlm 962 831 105 email www.jst.ptjst.doc@sapo.pt

Page 40 info@eastalgarvemag.com Finance Luís de Brito - Contabilidades, Lda. accountantsspEnglishEaking All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito chartered accountant Rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ Esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila galÈ taViRa hotEl tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 luis.de.brito@mail.telepac.pt222

I n this day and age we hear a lot of chat about carbon trading, caps, emissions and other terms related to reducing carbon emissions. the negative press that these terms have generated may have put you off investing in environmentally friendly investments, but we suggest you look at a related investment that definitely does have a good effect on our planet: timber Weinvestment.knowthat trees absorb carbon dioxide and release Oxygen into the atmosphere and we know that forests are being demolished at an accelerating rate. Planting trees specifically for harvesting in a controlled program can help to slow down the deforestation, and learning good husbandry will benefit the local communities and provide a continuing income. as some of us lose faith in the value of our currencies, worry about the stock market and get little or no return from our bank deposits, we are looking for an investment that will survive a currency crash and preserve a portion of our wealth – and we suggest that the international market for good hard wood will support the price well during an economic downturn in the short term and in the long term, as oil becomes more expensive, makers of plastic and metal furniture and other manufactured goods will be forced to revert to wood. to give you an idea of the returns that can be made from hardwood forestry, we reprint this report from Frederick cubbage (email: fred_cubbage@ncsu.edu). timber investment returns were estimated for the principal exotic and selected native species in the southern cone of latin america and in the southern united states. exotic eucalyptus plantations in south america were most profitable, with internal rates of returns (irrs) ranging from 13% to 23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine, with irrs from 9% to 17%. average loblolly pine plantation returns in the us south were less profitable, with an irr of about 9.5%, and natural forest management in the south had irrs of Trading

Don't let the bad press surrounding Carbon


Page 41info@eastalgarvemag.com Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile Phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: advogados.law@mail.telepac.pt or mail@taviralawyers.com Website: www.taviralawyers.com Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications PORTUGUESE, ENGLISH, SPANISH AND FRENCH SPEAkING SOLICITORS OFFERING CLIENTS THE BENEFITS OF LOCAL REPRESENTATION. Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 algar v estnecod a pprove d official documents important al g a nemucodevr t s approoved fficial documents important al g a nemucodevr t s approoved fficial documents important info@algardoc.comwww.algardoc.comSkypetaaskppermits,fromlicenseWeaLICENSESNdpErmItScantakecareofallyourproblemsorqueries,drivers’licenses,Buildingpoollicenses,tourismlicensestocarmatriculation.Benefitfromourexperience!leasecontactuswithyourquestionsandforafreeaLLINCLUSIVEquote.lgardocumentsel.(+351)913182499contact:algardocumentsrDocumentsAlgA AlgA rDocuments 4% to 8%. subtropical native species plantations of the best araucaria and nothofagus species had reasonable financial returns, with irrs ranging from 5% to 13%. subtropical or tropical native forests had fewer commercial timber species, and had much lower growth rates and returns. their irrs were less than 4%, or even negative for unmanaged stands. state subsidy payments for forest plantations or for timber stand improvements increased irrs somewhat and reserving areas for environmental protection reduced their irrs slightly. including land costs in the cash flows decreased these internal rates of return substantially. natural stand returns in latin america were much less than those of plantations, but management of those stands offered better rates of return than only holding the land. as you can see, there is a significant variation in the yield from investing in various species of tree, but your investment advisor should be able to help you with your selection. Back

G olf, i would say is 60 percent, a matter of temperament. it is a game to be enjoyed, too much worry and tension can kill the joy of it. Golf is not a drudgery, so enjoy every minute of the game. it is heartbreaking to see people going around a lovely golf course looking worried. if a player comes in from his round full of rage and despair he might just as well have stayed at home and helped with the washing Golfup. is much governed by mental outlook. i remember a golfer who tried a club from my shop in england, hit a bad shot, and returned it saying that it did not suit him. three months later, without recognising it, he tried the same club. he hit a some good shots with it, said it was a much better club than the one he tried before, and straightaway bought it. another golfer kept bringing in a club to have the grip altered, one day a little thicker, the next day a little thinner. after about a week he brought it in again and said it was just a shade too thick, about

Pro stats

2 inches from the top. i had been very busy that day and did not have time to alter it before he came into the shop and helped himself to the club, thinking it had been changed. after his round he called out to me "Kieth, the grip is perfect, thank you very much." to me, golf is the funniest game in the world, next time you play, enjoy your round. i am sure if your mental approach is good so will your final score be. Good golfing, Keith ashdown, P.g.a.professionalResident

Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe. •Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A. •16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s) •Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

Benamor's resident professional offers his invaluable, expert advice!

Mental Approach

Page 42 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Page 43 email: Website:info@cabanasgolfshop.comwww.cabanasgolfshop.comaddress:rua25deabrilnr18aConceição,taviraalgarvePortugal tel 00351-281 326 939 tlm 00351-915 424 642 Benamor golf Cabanas tavira Wealturaarehere Brand new set of MAsTeRs golf clubs 199€. Only for the month of May banas a C Golf Shop THis MOnTHs OFFeR info@eastalgarvemag.com R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.DrSilvestreFalcão R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R.4deOutubroR.dasSalinas Av.DomManual1R.PrimeirodeMaio R.Primeiro de Maio R.R.JoãoAriasdasFreiras R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReisR Alm CandidodosReis RA aliaRodgues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R DomPaio Pe es Co re a TravessadaFonte bAR iN tAViRA Smoking bar with the largest selection of draft beers in Tavira. LiVE MuSic EVERy FRiDAy. NicE FRiENDLy AtMOSpHERE, OpEN FROM 11AM-2pM Rua Poeta Emiliano da costa TElEPhonE 916 573 194 HAppy HOuR-7pM-9pM. ONE FREE DRiNk witH tHiS ADVERt ManagementunderNOWNew The Mad Hatters Riverside Bar Open every day Noon till Midnight Sunday Breakfast 9.30 am till Noon Imported Beers Old Specked NewcastleJohnGuinnessHenSmithsBrownBoddingtons Ciders MagnersStrongbowVintageBulmers 43 Th R The Mad haTTers riverside Bar “MAD HATTeRs” by the TelcentrebridgemilitaryintheofTAViRA.00351281323886 oPen untildailylate WatCh all World CuP matCheS in a Fully air Conditioned Bar DRAUgHT BeeRs & CiDeRs: guinness, John smiths, sagres, strongbow CiDeRs: Magners and Magners Pear DRAUgHT & BOTTLeD BeeRs from €1 gRiMsBy COD, CHiPs, MUsHy PeAs, BReAD & BUTTeR AnD POT OF TeA €6, sUPeRsize FOR €8. PUB FOOD seRVeD AnD ALL DAy engLisH BReAkFAsT. CALL TO ARRAnge eARLy Tee TiMe BReAkFAsT. PReMieRsHiP, LeAgUe AnD CUP FOOTBALL, TAViRA R UgBy CLUB



World CuP the World cup in south africa will be dominating the sporting scene for the next month with england among the favourites to lift the trophy. they start their campaign on the 12th June against the usa. On the 21st June Portugal will meet north Korea, a re-enactment of that classic game in the 1966 finals, when north Korea raced into a 3-0 lead but were finally beaten 5-3 with the great eusebio scoring four. in the same group Portugal will also play FiFa top ranking nation brazil. can minnows new Zealand create a shock against the italians? Germany look to have an easy passage against serbia, australia & Ghana but will the loss of ballack prove crucial? memorable visit to madeira to play marítimo last december. next season kicks off on the weekend of 15th august. Programme reCeiveS toP revieW the expat group produce their own football programme and it was recently featured in the 72 page FOOtball PrOGramme mOnthlY. the magazine, circulated worldwide, has a section on continental programmes written by chris ashbridge. the magazine wrote, “……and now for the best bit, an english language programme issued by sc Olhanense recently promoted to Portugal’s top division. the programme contains editorial of varying length including international news, match reports and a quiz. there are lots of statistics & the squads, which are fully numbered, together with a colour team photo of Olhanense. there is even a table of attendances which is surprising given that exact attendances are hard to find in the Portuguese press. in all, a unique type of programme”. clubs in Portugal do not produce programmes as there are three daily football papers - bola, record & O Jogo - which give all the football news you could ever want. the programmes for the matches against benfica, Porto & sporting have even appeared on e bay!

Jorge CoSta leaveS manager Jorge costa, who captained Porto to the ueFa champions title under Jose mourinho in 2004, has left Olhanense after his contract expired at the end of the season. Jorge costa said, “i’ve had two wonderful years here but there are new challenges i wish to pursue”. Fans will be forever grateful to him as he led the team to the 2nd division title in 2009.

torQuay united FC adoPt olhanenSe memBerShiP SCheme tony mchale was so impressed with the membership system in operation at the Olhão based club that he sent details to torquay united who play in the english Football league division 2. in Portugal members pay a monthly subscription and then pay a reduced admission price to enter the ground on match days, spreading the cost over the whole season, instead having to pay everything upfront for a season ticket. rob stanley, stadium manager at torquay’s Plainmoor Ground said, “We are the first football league club to launch such a scheme. the feedback i have received so far has been extremely encouraging. tony played a big part in the idea coming to fruition with the information he supplied and i am very grateful to him”.

Page 44 info@eastalgarvemag.com

The latest news from Chris Wright. Around 5,300 fans packed into the José arcanjo stadium. Olhão ground for the vital relegation battle against leixões. two of those fans were 15 year-old bill Green and his 14 year-old brother Fred who flew over from manchester especially for the game. their grandmother Pam Pardo, who with her husband Zé runs the restaurante Fonte nova in Pechão, said, “they are avid Olhanense fans and couldn’t miss this important match. they left home in congelton, cheshire at 5.00am on the Friday and returned home on the monday morning. i think they‘ve used up all their pocket money for the next six months but they had a tremendous time” . centreforward djalmir got the all important goal in the 1-0 victory to ensure that champions benfica, Porto & sporting will again have to do battle on the south coast. Joining them next season will be Portimonense, the first time for 21 years that two teams from the algarve have featured in the top flight. the last game of the season at P.Ferriera in north Portugal resulted in a 2-2 draw with djalmir once against scoring the all important goals. the 34 year-old has scored twelve goals in seventeen games since returning from injury. his strike rate was bettered only by cardozo (benfica) and Falcao (Porto). Over 300 guests helped Olhanense celebrate its 98th anniversary with a dinner at the prestigious ria shopping centre. club President isidoro sousa paid tribute to the support of the expat community who have travelled all over Portugal, including madeira, following the team. a large cheer was reserved for João Paulo Ferreira who received the ’supporter of the Year award’. Ferreira organised many away trips including the

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 45 swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for eURoPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the FiBreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvaBle. FenCing arOunD pOOls are sOOn tO Be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarDe designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarDe creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers anD pOOl enClOsures. •PReFAbRICATed SWIMMInG PooLS LeSS exPenSIVe And FAST bUILdInG •Dlw DeliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WHIRLPooLS And SPAS. •wOOD line wOODen pOOls in Or aBOve grOunD. •FILTeR InSTALLATIonS And eQUIPMenT swiM-arte e.n. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 email swimarte@hotmail.com We speak: english, German, dutch and Portuguese





Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16, Tavira Tel 281 323 199 A wide and eclectic range of new and used books in the English language, as well as a generous helping of used and collectable books in Portuguese and French. Also a wonderful selection of children’s books. Special orders and book finding service available. Gift certificates. info@eastalgarvemag.com

Page 46

Elizabeth Beaupied from book shop A Lura dos Livros, Tavira features writer Stephen Frey. stepehn Frey’s novels of intrigue in the world of high-finance are for anyone who has read every John Grisham novel and still wants more. like Grisham, who’s courtroom dramas often include complex legal procedures that are easily understood by the lay person, Frey writes “financial thrillers” whose plots are as interesting as they are involved, including the right amount of detail that gives the reader “just enough so that they know he knows what he’s talking about (and probably a lot more that he doesn’t talk about)”, as one reviewer puts it. unlike Grisham, who gave up his practice to concentrate full time on his writing career, Frey has kept his day job at a private equity firm. he says it’s not unusual to “...literally get an idea for a book when i’m negotiating a transaction on the phone or in a conference...”

Books BOOK


From his first novel, “the takeover”, published in 1995, through “the insider”, “the day trader” and others, he has given us works filled with hostile takeovers, political and financial sabotage, and murder. in 2005 he wrote “the chairman”, the first of four books featuring christian Gillette, the newly named chairman of everest capital, one of the world’s largest private equity firms. “the Protoge”, “the Power broker” and “the successor” complete that series, and it takes very little imagination to insert bear-sterns, Goldman-sachs, the blackstone Group... you pick the villian that ran off with 30% of your retirement fund and billions of your tax dollars... into his narratives of psychopathic machinations. through his fiction, Frey shows how these brilliant criminals’ greed and total lack of scruples have manipulated and continue to manipulate the financial world. he does this in such a captivating way that before you know it, the story you began at bedtime has taken you to 5am and you still don’t want to stop reading. but if you have to open your shop at 10 you should. have a good month. Eilzabeth Beaupied Lura dos Livros Lura dos Livros Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 Tavira Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail: lizbeaupied@yahoo.com

BiBliograPhy the takeover (1995) the inner sanctum (1997) the vulture Fund (1997) the legacy (1998) the insider (1999) trust Fund (2001) the day trader (2002) silent Partner (2003) shadow account (2004) the chairman (2005) the Protégé (2005) the Power broker (2006) the successor (2007) the Fourth Order (2007) Forced Out (2008) hell’s Gate (2009)

Painter & decorator 30 years experience, reliable with competative prices, all work considered tel 965 840582. expat mature well educated lady seeks employment contact 0034 676234603

Free classifieds Page 47info@eastalgarvemag.com ClaSSiFiedSareFreeforprivateadvertisers,Businessadsarefreeforonemonthonly. email your ads to informationinfo@eastalgarvemag.comifyouwouldlikemoreonadvertisinginthismagazinepleasecall:961700200 p RO p ERT y FOR s A l E 2 bed top floor apt 5 mins walk from Gran Plaza in tavira. Fully furnished, great sea views 2 large balconies. 125,000 uK£. tel George on 92 731 2174. 2 Bed villa (private sale) tavira Perogil, 160m2, stunning view, Fully equipped. tel: 919 990 363 p RO p ERT y FOR RENT azinhal, near Castro marim eastern algarve village location, newly renovated furnished cottage t1. holiday or long term let, near Golf courses, beach, and spanish border. tel: 281 495 836 email: terry.wendy@hotmail.com luxury large 3 bed apt, with roof terrace, sea views, walking distance to tavira centre available short term or long term lets. contact dani on 926563738 Property to rent, Private villa in ayamonte, pool, pagola, terrace and games room, sleeps 7, lovely views call +34 690 817 770 loule, large 4-bed house, rural location. tel 916 542 703 email dave@casa-tranquila. com FOR s A l E transit van for sale. uK reg, v plate. lWb hi-top. tax & mOt til nov 10. recent service, new belts and brakes. Good tyres. £1,850 Would px cheap Pt reg. car. tel George, 92 731 2174 toyota mr2 convertable has air con. Pristine condition. 5000€ would P/X for merc. tel 919 237 496 mule Cart totally renovated 795€. can be seen at Qm Garden centre,tel 919 907 118 electric mosquito zapper unused 15€. tel bill 963 663 075, tavira new kids´ 4ft FirePoWer table football game €70. near-new double bed/single bunk above + mattresses €150, Wii game & stepboard remote missing €75 tel: 281 324 356 Satellite dish 1 mtr. Oval 20€. tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 exterior door with security glass and grille brown aluminum with keys plus 2 double opening matching windows with shutters bargain 150€ the lot. tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 Folding single bed with mattress 25€.tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 outside shower with wooden slat base chrome tap and rose 30€. tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 new 2x2 person tents, 2 sleeping bags camp cooker and various pots and pans 75€. tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 Fruit juice extractor russell hobbs full 25€ tel. 289 846 206 mob.922 134 429 Ford Fiesta 1.2 techno automatic 16v. 1996 superb condition. 1850€. tel 919 907 118 table, chairs & double bed for sale. contact Paul 917 728 509 w ANTE d Wanted unwanted building materials; wood, posts, bricks, blocks, cement etc. also any heavy duty garden furniture required; stone type table & benches or w.h.y? tel George, 92 731 2174 Wanted, waiter/waitress, dynamic, enthousiastic to work for the French wine bar & gourmet shop in tavira, Full time, 4 months - 800€ a month, must speak fluent english and Portugeese call 960 317 973 general handy man Wanted, english speaking. Own transport required. must be able to offer flexible working hours to support property rentals in tavira area. tel:912 988 076 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 Wanted 3 bed house for long term rental in s.bras/sta catarina area. tel 961 700 200 s ER v I c E s

art-for-rent exhibition, every 3th or 4th sunday, Olhao. www.70x70.net Catering service by professional chef, bbQ's & parties, shopping, cooking, dishwashing, large portable grill supplied. call mark on 967 890 058 tarot readings tel: 935 088 336 Portuguese lessons Centre of Tavira, all levels,14 € p/h. For personal and productive BuSineSS for Sale Specialising in BritiSh produCtS & golf Shop * Approx 120 m2, shop and storage space. * set in a residential and tourist location, in the Huelva region, this shop still has much scope for growth. * sale due to alternative expansion (long term lease). * Fixtures and fittings could be sold separately. (shelving, fridge and freezers etc under offer separately or included in business) telephone +34 600 260 770 or +44 1143 601 061 anon.3541@yahoo.com lessons contact Sophie, Tel 965 165 605. Stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email stephenfreeman@sapo.pt Bay-bee. baby equipment for hire. Tel: Hazel 967 693 076 the Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. A c TI v ITIE s yoga lessons, mondays 10.30-11.45 contact hazel devine 913 075 555 mosaic workshops in Quinta fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit www.elmundomosaico.com Car Boot Sale Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta fonte bispo Tel 289 845 561 Bar for Sale Centre of tavira Well established bar located in the center of Tavira with a large passing trade. ExcellentLeaseholdopportunity onlY 18,000 euros Tel 918 502 029

Page info@eastalgarvemag.com hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO for information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the En270 near sta Catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website www.qtfontebispo.com bOOT sALE 4th sunday of the month CARVERYsundays from 12.30pm booking advised from OnLY €10 Quiz nighT Every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm sTEAk nighT Every friday, from OnLY €10 from 6.30pm Alcoutim Lagos ALGARVE SilvesLagoaMonchiquePortimao Albufeira Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira 120 0 267 267 267 266 266 120 125 125 IC4 A2 A2 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IC4 125 125 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 124 124 124 1124 24 124 124 124 1 125 9 124 11 24 S.João MexilhoeiraGrandeBensafrimLuzMarmelete Rogil FólaCaldasMonchiquede Odiáxere Estombar Porches Pêra Guia Alte Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe Ferreira AlcantarilhaS.BartolomeudemessinesAlgoz Tunes Paderne Boliqueime FonteBispodo hAREWEERE upCOming EVEnTs JunE Sat 5th BuddieS raCe night. 7.30pm, spaghetti and meatballs with homemade tomato and basil sauce followed by profiteroles with chocolate sauce.10€ p/p including entry into racing, followed by music and dancing Sat 11th Start oF World CuP all major games will be shown live in our bistro and others on request. Sun 12 the first game for england v uSa 15:30 Sat 26 Queen night, sing and dance to all the popular songs of Queen with Jake –7€ price includes chicken curry and rice. Sat 27 Car Boot Sale JuLY Sat 3 Country and WeStern night – bbQ beef, potato wedges, bean relish, with line dancing Sat 10 BuddieS BBQ party 8€ to include meats and salads Sun 11 World CuP Final 8.30pm – snacks in the bar Sat 17 July maSKed Summer Ball – cold buffet, salads Sat 24 July human SnaKeS & ladderS Game night– fun night Sun 25 Car Boot Sale REguLAR EVEnTs HALF TImE HAPPy! All House Spirits, wines, & beers are HALF PRICE during all Portugal and England games in half time Conditions apply

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