Mar11 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve March 2011 People © HealthFocus on Golf tips FromAshdownKeith Gardening Grow your own Citrus trees MeetHeadachestheowners of Cabanas Golf Shop Milreuruins

Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIaL cO-ORdInaTORS Richard Bassett Snr. advERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTanT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink+ dessert and coffee €8.50 SpecialitieS incluDe Fresh local seafood • cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey pluS MucH MucH MORe! Rua da liberdade n.º 126 FuSeta • OlHÃO • algaRve telephone 289 798 045 etaSuF

Page 2 your March issue of the East Algarve Magazine. Well, it's my favourite time of the year, not too hot and we're happy to be saying Ciao, Ciao to the cold weather. This month is Carnival time, so look out for details of Parades in our What's on guide, last year Tavira pulled out all the stops and put on a wonderful show. This month we introduce you to the owners of Cabanas Golf shop, and also Catherina Powells from Tavira. Health expert Gareth tells us all you need to know about headaches, and Mark O'shaughnessy gives us the low down on Citrus trees. We Focus on the amazing Mileu Ruins near Estoi, and of course, hear from our regular contributers, Chris Wright and Keith Ashdown. We hope you enjoy this issue, and as ever, look forward to receiving your comments or suggestion at

Page 4nOTIcE BOaRd Let us know your thoughts. 5WHaT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7HEaLTH All you need to know about headaches. 9aRTS Twelfth night. 11aRTS The Shape of Spring. 12PEOPLE Meet Catherina Powells. 14PEOPLE Introducing the owners of the Cabanas Golf Shop. 16FOcUS On The Milreu ruins. 18PROPERTy Property searches. 20PROPERTy Property of the month. 25HOME Accessorise in Blue. 28FOOd From Da Anna's restaurant. 31gaRdEnS Growing your own Citrus trees. 35TEcHnOLOgy Internet phone calls. 38EnvIROnMEnT Portugals renewable energy. 39FInancE Currency exchange. 42SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 43SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 45BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER This month's book review. 46cLaSSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 92812 CONTENTS 163126

Page 4 Email: Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO call 281 971 484, email or see our or see our map on the back page lcaRveRYaMb,beeF & tuRkeY, pluS all tHe tRiMMingS Sundays from 1.00pm bOOking aDviSeD OnlY 10€ 3 course option available for only 14€ Fridays,SteaknigHtfrom6.30pm * RuMp €8.50 * Rib eYe €10.00 * SiRlOin €13.00 * 16Oz t-bOne €19.50 (48 hours notice for t bone) all steaks come with home made chips, onion rings, mushrooms,grilled tomatoes, and peas. Clear yourBispo,QuintaBootCluttersaleevery4thSundayatFontedotel281971484fordetails PILATES CLASSES Pilates classes will be starting in March, run by Carolyn Brown, the owner of Estrelas, the company that promote a healthier, happier and more fulfilling lifestyle through massage, beauty treatments, fitness classes and personal training. Pilates is a form of exercise that emphazises the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. One of the best things about Pilates is that it works so well for a wide range of people, including athletes, dancers, golfers, all ages of every ability, including those in stages of rehabilitation. Pilates works to improve flexibility, strength, balance and coordination as well as relieving back pain. YOrkShIrETErrIErLOST!NearMoncarapacho(hotelVilaMontearea)onNovember16.Dogisabout3.5kilos,male,withbigears,notale,blackback,speaksrussian, if you whistle he always will respond, his name is Tyson. If somebody knows or saw a man walking with the dog, please call 962-790-096 or email I will be very greatful! Thanks everybody who helps me to find my dog. New Barbers in Sao Bras Why not try the new barbers in Sao Bras, opposite the old ecoMarche tel Mario on 916 750 399 Mosaic Workshop tuesdays in the Quinta fonte do Bispo Fridays in the andalusian restaurant for inspiration and ideas visit our new www.elmundomosaico.comwebsite!


- concert By The Orquestra Do algarve, 11/03, 21h30, municipalcouncil tavira t. 281 320 500, carmo church. TaViRa - concert by Rodrigo Leão “instrumental” 25/03 21h30 municipal council tavira t. 281 320 500, cine-teatro antónio Pinheiro. OLhãO - Ricardo Ribeiro,19/03 21h30 t. 289 710 170, municipal auditorium. TaViRa - spring concert with marenostrum, 25/03 22h30 casa do Povo de sto. estêvão

TexhiBiTiOnsaViRa - group exhibition “Loads Of almond Trees” until 21/03, casa do Povo de santo estêvão. TaViRa - santa Luzia - exhibition Of comic strips On The Life Of aristides sousa mendes, santa luzia civil Parish multipurpose hall, 01/03 - 31/03 09h00 - 17h30 inter national Paremiology association aLcOuTim - exhibition Of Photography Of The heritage Of The municipality Of alcoutim, 04/0331/03 municipal council alcoutim t. 281 540 500 V.R.DancesTOanTOniO - celebrations Of The 6Th anniversary Of The Dance company “splash”, cul tural centre antónio aleixo 19/03 21h30, municipal council v r. sto. antónio t. 281 510 001 LsPORTOuLé-The excitement of the world Rally championship - wRc is back, with the classifying stages being held in the algarve. The Vodafone Rally of Portugal, the most important motor sport event in Portugal, is already one of the flagship events for the pro motion of tourism in the country, and one of the most lucrative. 25/03 - 27/03, the Portuguese automobile club t. 219 429 187 5 4th 5th 3rd saturday nova de cacela: 3rd sunday Marim: 2nd saturday catarina: 4th sunday

Page What’s on Your guide to what's on, in and around the East Algarve this month. Have fun! Things to do this March 2011 BANK HOlidAYs ANd FEsTivAls here’s your handy cut out & keep guide to the 2011 bank holidays (in red) and festivals, with compliments of east algarve magazine. MARKETS Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. Moncarapacho 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes:


of the month. vila

of the month. castro

of the month. Jan 01 2011 sat new Year´s Day mar 08 2011 Tues shrove Tuesday apr 22 2011 Fri good Friday apr 24 2011 sun easter apr 25 2011 mon Freedom day Portugal may 01 2011 sun Labour Day Jun 10 2011 Fri Portugal Day Jun 23 2011 Thu corpus christi aug 15 2011 mon assumption Day Oct 05 2011 Wed Republic Day Portugal nov 01 2011 Tue all saints´ Day Dec 01 2011 Thu independence Day Portugal Dec 08 2011 Thu immaculate conception Dec 25 2011 sun christmas Day elvis Vs cliff Richard at Quinta Fonte do Bispo, 26/03, call 281 971 484 or see back page for details. LcaRniVaLOuLé-06/03 - 08/03, av. José da costa mealha, 15h00 sãO BRás De aLPORTeL - Pa rade of revellers and Floats, 08/03, av. da liberdade, 15h00 TaViRa Parade of Floats, 06/03 and 08/03, rua do cais e rua José Pires Padinha, 15h00

sundays of the month. Tavira:

V.R.TheaTResTOanTOniO - commemo rations Of World Theatre Day“cabaret” - Theatre/Dance/magic show, 26/03 22h00 antónio aleixo cultural centre.

OLhãO - susana Travassos, 26/03 21h30 t. 289 710 170 munici pal auditorium.

of the month. Sta

A series of talks aimed at raising awareness within the british community of consular services available to them will be presented by the british consulate of Portimão, with the help of partner organisations on march 16 in ttavira.heevent has been organised jointly by the british consulate Portimão, the uK department for Work and Pensions, afpop and the algarve tourism board (erta). talks during the event, which will be held at the hotel vila Galé albacora in tavira between 5pm and 7pm, will focus on a range of issues, from what the consulate can and cannot do for you, to pensions and benefits and other matters of interest to algarve residents. clive Jewell, the british consul Portimão, will be discussing the role of the consulate and the residence, notarial and legalisation services it offers, while michael reeve, the ceO of afpop, will talk about the benefits of membership, building links and bridges and supporting partner organisations.

Castro Marim connection with Praia Verde

Castro marim municipality is planning to build a large square and a road to link the village with the council’s Praia verde beach to promote the area as a tourist destination for the spanish. mayor José estevens told lusa news agency that the aim of this project is “to turn this new square into a ‘visiting card’ for our neighbours from the spanish region of andalusia. We want to take advantage of the short distance between us to promote castro marim.” he said the municipality is currently working on a detailed plan for the new square, which is expected to cover an area of about seven hectares. “We will soon start redesigning the exit of castro marim towards Praia verde. it will be an avenue that will reach out from the new square,” added José estevens. he stressed that the village is very close to the spanish region of andalusia, which he considers “a tourist market with huge potential that has not been properly explored”. the new avenue will have four lanes, cycle paths and walkways and should take about 12 months to be completed. costs are estimated at approximately €1 million and the municipality has submitted an application for eu funds to pay part of the work.

President of the erta nuno aires will also be present to discuss the plans of the algarve tourism board for the summer season ahead, while finally darryl english from the department for Work and Pensions will be divulging essential information about what help is available from the uK if you are living in Portugal. clive Jewell said: “i am very pleased indeed to have this opportunity to join with the department of Work and Pensions, afpop and the algarve tourism board for this event and i hope that british residents in the eastern part of the region will take advantage of this opportunity.”


Two masked men attempted to rob an atm machine from the intermarché supermarket in são brás de alportel in the early hours of February 22 but failed. the robbers used a digger stolen from a construction site in the area. according to a spokesman from intermarché, a strap was placed around the atm and while the digger lifted the machine into a van, the strap broke. the men then fled the scene. according to Gnr police, 18 robbery cases involving atm machines have taken place in the algarve and alentejo since the beginning of 2010. so far, police estimate robbers have made off with €500,000.

News Page 6

British consulate reaches out to residents in the East NewAlgarvefortrainsthe

Algarve’s railway system is to welcome new, “more modern and comfortable” trains during the first half of the year. the 11 new diesel-run trains will each have 164 seats, including 40 in first class carriages, and be air hconditioned.owever,the new additions will mean a 5% increase in ticket prices for passengers. comboios de Portugal, cP, the entity that manages trains in Portugal, said: “the new trains provide superior conditions and, in actual fact, train fares in the algarve are 5% cheaper than the rest of the country.”

Quinta do vale golf club, the signature seve ballesteros course on the banks of the Guadiana river will be the venue for a Wine and food tasting evening on 26th march 2011 at 6.30pm. the evening will be presented by claire larson of rotary club estoi Palace, and the proceeds from the evening will go towards purchasing another shelter box which is claire’s chosen charity. shelterbox is a disaster relief charity that provides shelter, warmth and dignity to those who have been affected by disasters worldwide. they deliver boxes of aid, each of which provides a family with quality survival equipment to use while they rebuild their homes. shelterbox response teams accompany the boxes into disaster zones, responding to earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, cyclones, tsunami or conflict. the cost to fund a fully packed box, including delivery anywhere in the world, is € 750. this is our target for the night, to raise enough to buy another box. how many bought from f/raising in Port so far. the Wine and food tasting is being organised by barry dawson, another rcePi member and member at Quinta do vale golf. he has an ambition to hold more wine tasting events throughout the year in various golf clubs in the algarve to raise the awareness of shelterbox and at the same time introduce people to one of the most popular pastimes here in Portugal, discovering and drinking wine. in a country of so many wine regions and so many good wines we are spoiled for choice so what better way to enjoy fruits of the vine and at the same time help those less fortunate than ourselves. the evening will consist of tasting four wines from the alentejo region and will be accompanied by tastings of food chosen especially to compliment each other. claire will introduce each wine in turn and describe the way in which to enjoy it, what flavours can be tasted and which grapes have been used in its production. chef steve davis at Qdv who will be preparing the food for the evening has kindly agreed to provide their services on a non profit basis to help promote the event and will prepare four different accompaniments for the wines. there will be a free prize draw for a bottle of the evenings wine and to follow a raffle for which there will be several very good prizes donated by de cidade Palmeiras resort, cara's hair and alura dos livros and Quinta do vale. tickets will be on sale from the reception at Qdv, tel 281 531 615 or from barry on 281 952 525 and are priced at 12.50 euros each. entrance only by ticket.

Page News

Wine and food tasting event for a very worthy cause

The Bowen Technique

Aheadache is something that everybody experiences once in a while. there are many ways how you can go through a headache and it comes with different pain sensations. almost 90% of all headaches are tension headaches caused by stress, sickness or distress in the muscles because you are taking a certain position for a period of time. You can have a headache on different locations in your head. You can have a headache right side of your head or on the back side of your head. however, most often it is central on the top of your head. When you have a headache it is in 99% nothing to worry about as it will pass by. but when do you know when to worry and when is it normal? sometimes people will start worrying because they have a headache for a few days that just won’t go away. they might be worried sick and even think it is a brain tumour. although brain tumours also cause headaches, these are more specified to a certain action as sneezing, pressing or keeping your head upside down. When there is a continuous headache there commonly nothing seriously hwrong.owever, when you have frequent headaches on the right side of your head or on other places, that might be a symptom of migraine or chronic headaches. both conditions are also quite serious because they cause distress and discomfort but they are not life threatening. a migraine is a neurological disorder and needs to be diagnosed by your doctor or neurologist. he will do some tests to see what it is and prescribe you the right treatment. although there is no cure for migraine, there are some ways how you can reduce the complaints. there are drugs that will help prevent a new attack and drugs that give some pain relief while you are having an attack. You have to consult your physician what works best for you and what medicine your doctor feels that is necessary. there are also alternative ways to treat migraines which will help reduce the stress of the attacks and look at lifestyle factors which may contribute to the regularity of tthem.oconclude, most of the times you have a headache on whatever side of your head, there is probably nothing wrong with you. if it sticks for a few days or weeks than you should ask your physician to take a closer look. however, most headaches are caused by stress and by a wrong working position and lifestyle. if you are working from behind a computer for long periods of time, then have a look at how you are working. is your back straight? is your chair ergonomic? is the screen directly in front of you? are you sat cross legged? try to take short brakes when you are working in the same position for long amounts of time and try to relax your neck. When the pain in your neck or head remains, then it is advised to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and possible treatment.

gareth Bullock

Page 8 Health

Worrying headaches explained by our health expert Gareth Bullock.

CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •SwedishAyurvedicmassage,Quiromassage,massage, • Traditional Thai massage & Shiatsu •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders. •Carpal Tunnel treatment Catherina pauwels, tel: 281 321 700 or 963 706 624 largo do Cano 29, tavira, next to the Fire station Mail: Page 9 beautyBeautypedicureDeEnglishCarahair&beautysaloninTavira,underneaththearchesnearthetrainstation.hairforsummeratCara´shair&beautysalonLetussmoothyouforthedaysofsummersunshineaheadwithourMarChspECiaLs*Fulllegwax*Bikinilinewax*UnderarmwaxOnLy20EUrOssimplyaddthesoledelightincludingFrenchpolishedtoesforonlyanadditional15eurostherapist,MichelleMcCreadiehasworkedinsomeofthetopsalonsincludingsteinerofLondonandwasspaManagerontheprincess&Carnivalcruiselines.Tel.964456228

151 Email: aportadatheatregroup@yahoo. com Words Carolyn Kain Photography Peter TwelfthKainNight nigel Barber as ‘Duke Orsino’ and marcia meeuwissen as ‘Viola’

26th –

March 27th – 5pm Ticket prices: - 12 euros (Children & students 7 Reductionseuros)available for group bookings Ticketline: - 910

Page 10 Arts 24

Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and

Casa das Portas is a unique shop in the heart of Tavira, the most beautiful town in the Algarve. Visit the shop and experience first-hand not only the extraordinary images of the town created by the owner, Jane Gibbin, but also the ever changing collection of beautiful things ethically sourced from Portugal and around the world. The thrill of live theatre “I f music be the food of love,” then shakespeare’s play ‘twelfth night’ is a feast of heart-warming humour. ‘a Portada’s’ splendid new production takes place at teatro lethes in Faro at the end of march. setting the scene for a romantic comedy with an intriguing plot, the play commences as duke Orsino played by nigel barber declares his love for the fair countess Olivia, beautifully portrayed by diane van Followinghellemond.a storm at sea his idyllic kingdom is thrown into confusion when look-alike twins of the opposite sex are shipwrecked. viola, played by marcia meeuwissen, believes her brother has drowned and finding herself alone in an unknown land, dresses as a page seeking work at the duke’s court. she is unaware that her brother, sebastian – performed by richard Williams - has been washed ashore and rescued. unfortunately his saviour, antonio – played by John Griffiths - is a sworn enemy of the eduke.nsuring that the story is believable, sebastian and his sister, disguised as a boy, must be made to look alike. undertaking the task is professional costume and setdesigner lesley sweeney, assisted by Jeanette Kempson. both have previously been part of ‘a Portada’s’ backstage team working alongside director, cilla dunn. the exceptional success of the 2009 production of ‘a midsummer’s night dream’ can be attributed to imaginative set design, sumptuous costumes, as well as acting skills. taking on some of shakespeare’s most demanding comic roles michael reeve plays the part of the countess Olivia’s uncle, sir toby belch and simon tubb is sir andrew agucheek, a love-struck suitor. Other members of her court include simon tancott as malvolio her steward, nicky moran as maria her maid and martin sargent as Fabian. as the play concludes thomas hartmann playing the part of the court Jester proves to be the wisest character of all. he is paid by the countess to act as a fool while everyone else has done it for free! a highly entertaining production that theatre lover’s should not miss. & 8pm 037

Teatro Lethes, Faro Dates: - March 25th

Page 11 Arts

local artist displays his refereshing springtime collection.

Words KainCarolyn I n keeping with the season, Galeria corte-real in Paderne has commissioned Olhão artist, meinke Flesseman, to produce a series of springtime collages, overpainted with oils. renowned for her decorative skills, these new paintings capture the spirit of fresh plant growth, young animals and birds. Pictured against delicately landscaped backgrounds of pure-silk tissue and finely woven linen flowers, the charming images are carefully executed. sometimes incorporating gold leaf, meinke produces subtly textured surfaces that give her paintings an additional dimension. represented in the algarve by cortereal, she is one of more than thirty artists and artisans whose work can be seen at the gallery. specialising in Fine art from three continents and ceramics made in small independent potteries across europe, cortereal has gained a reputation for high quality artwork at affordable prices. Other elegant items such as hand crafted lamps, candelabras, chandeliers and decorative mirrors adorn the gallery spaces. based in an authentic quinta hidden away in the countryside near Paderne it is a delightful place to visit, browse and enjoy refreshments served on a garden terrace. Telephone: 912 737 762 & 918 980 199 signposted from boliqueime, Ferreiras and Paderne Open thursday to sunday 11am to 5pm


www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 People

catherina's family were originally from italy, and she had never really felt settled in belgium. having always adopted the life theory, that we should "work to live" and not "live to work", catherina decided to take the big step



With a wealth of internationl knowledge, Catherina has a calm approach to her latest venture.


atherina was born in brussels, belgium, and after having initally studied as a social assistant, she realised that office work was not for her and felt a need and desire to spread her wings. she began to work as a taxi driver at brussels airport during the evenings, and it was there that she met a client who liked the way she worked and offered her a full time job as a driver for his company. some three years later catherina went back to school to study Osteopathy and cranio sacral therapy.

and move abroad. after visiting Portugal on holidays and having friends in tavira, she decided to take the plunge and make this her new home. On the 21st march 2000, and as a birthday gift to herself, she made the move. in order to learn Portuguese, she joined the tavira sailing club, earned her sailing licence, whilst continuing her studies and qualifing in sports massage, then Osteopathy in 2007, cranio sacral therapy in 2008 and soma emotional release in 2009. catherina organised the massage services for both the vila Gale hotels situated in tavira, amongst others. during this time she met an existing Osteopath, who was due to retire. in June 2009, he offered her the opportunity to take over his premises and clients. since then catherina has moved to a new premises next

catherina's calm and massagewelcomingroom.

The treatmentOsteopathicroom.


60 varieties of tea, exclusive coffees, hot chocolates, and much more! Need a touch of home? home made fairy cakes & Muffins Visit us at Tavira Gran Plaza, 1st floor, Food Court to the bombeiros in tavira. she provides all massages, performed by health professionals, using biologic essentail oils for aromatherapy. her services include swedish massage, Quiromassage, ayurvedic massage, as well as traditional thai, and shiatsu massage, and local massage for legs, feet neck, as well as back and shoulders. You can contact catherina on either 281 321 700 or 963 706 624 (see her advert on page 9). after spending time with catherina, hearing her interesting, self motivated story learning about the all the services she can provide, i have found that she is a genuine, helpful person, with a wealth of experience and expertese. all the above qualities will enable her to offer, rest assured, professional and friendly advice. it was a pleasure to meet her.


Driven by romance success & love in the Algarve. Meet dennis and Teresa who form a partnership.working,hardloving

Page 14 People I

n early February 1994 dennis was working as a painter in den haag (the hague in holland) and it gets quite cold there, believe you me! he received a call asking whether he might be interested in taking a long term job in the sunny algarve. the telephone was still warm when he had finished packing! he worked for several years decorating villas all across the algarve but in 1997 he jumped at the chance of settling in one place when he was offered a job working on a new irrigation system at castro marim Golf course. here’s where he met teresa from beja, a beautiful town in the alenteijo, who had been working at the golf club at the time, and the romance begins. by 1999 they had fallen in love and they have now been married for more than 10 years, with two children under their wings. unfortunately, their jobs then took them in different directions, but they missed each other whilst apart and decided that they should look for some way of working together again. they started brainstorming with

their friends and colleagues. What they discovered was that for the last seven years people had been asking why there is no golf shop in the east algarve. Golfers have to drive all the way over to almancil to get their tgear.hat was it; in march 2010 they decided to open the cabanas Golf shop located in conceiçoa de tavira, the first golf shop in the east algarve. Just one year down the line, they have already moved to a new, bigger and better location. dennis and teresa are proud to say that this is the shop with unbeatable prices and great stock that every golfer in the east algarve has been waiting for. they are open from nine in the morning 'till seven in the evening, but are closed on sundays. they now offer a full regripping service, club referbishment and also complete Golf holiday packages at excellent prices. so the next time you are in the area, stop off and visit dennis and teresa at cabanas Golf shop. For contact details and directions see page 43, or visit

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Situated only a few kilometres from Faro, close to estói, milreu ruins are amongst the most important remains of the roman presence in the algarve and now form an imposing archaeological site, which has been classified as a national monument.

Page Photographs by Richard Bassett

Focus on

What is to be found there today is the remains of a luxurious rural villa, transformed into a prosperous farm in the 3rd century, although it abandoned its pagan status in the 6th century in order to be put to the service of the christian church, having also been used as an islamic cemetery later on. in the 10th century, the site was abandoned when the vaulted ceilings collapsed, and it did not regain any life until the beginning of the 16th century, when a house was built on the ruins,

two mausoleums can be seen and a peristyle with 22 columns, alongside an open courtyard, with a garden and the respective water tank. One particularity of the villa is that all the buildings used for housing purposes display clear signs of deliberate embellishment with marbles and mosaics in a variety of patterns. the old roman villa also had an excellent water supply network, heated rooms and thermal springs and baths on the west side, where it is still possible to see brightlycoloured tile decorations of marine life. the fish were depicted here as being exaggeratedly fat, with the deliberate aim of creating the optical illusion of their real dimension and movement when seen through the water. these are just a few details that testify to the sophisticated life of the villa’s inhabitants.

representing at that time a unique and precious example of civil architecture in the algarve with its cylindrical ibuttresses.tsimportant historical heritage has been recovered and today the casa rural das ruínas (the country house of the ruins) has been transformed into a visitors’ centre, allowing us to have a real idea of how the romans spent their days, during the period when they chose the algarve as a place to both live and rest. the ruins have been uncovered and they now present to us the remains of a manor house, farm buildings, a wine press, baths and a temple, a centre for private worship dedicated to the theme of the various waterbased activities, which was built in the 4th century to satisfy the pleasures of the romans. in addition to this, sponsored by

Milreu Ruins

REAL ESTATE LIVE, INVEST AND ESCAPE GOLF PROPERTIES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES LHV-927PLOTS Covering the whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are

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F or many northern europeans seeking a laid-back lifestyle in a sunny climate, the charming and still authentic eastern algarve has turned out to be the ideal destination. buying a house is for most of us a big financial commitment, so when you are interested in making an offer on a property it is important to do some due diligence. the property of your dreams may be advertised ‘with the possibility to build a swimming pool’ or something similar for apartments ‘with communal swimming pool to be build’. Whether it is a swimming pool or a promise the views from the property will remain the same in the future, until you have 100% certainty it can pay off not to adjust to the charm and laid-back philosophy of the south just yet. contrary to what many people think, it is relatively easy to check if a pool is only in planning, pending for authorisation or already approved. the same applies to possible future developments near by the property. Your fear of loosing the lovely views may be justified or unsubstantiated. situation 1: if you are looking for a property with a pool but find one marketed with an approved project for a pool, you can ask your agent to show you the letter of approval from the local town hall. every licensed real estate agent is obliged by law to have all paperwork of a property in their office. do not hesitate to ask questions such as until when the construction has to be started, if the license can be extended and if there already is a quote for the sconstruction.ituation2: if you bought an apartment with the promise for a communal swimming pool several years ago and until today no construction has taken place, take the utilisation license of your property (liçenca de utilização) and go to the construction department the owner

of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property searchesProperty How to obtain information about projects of pools or future developments near your property.

Page 19 of your local town hall (secção de obras). ask for the plans of the urbanisation. For little costs you can obtain a copy of the general plans of the area showing you whether or not a pool has been approved. in addition, if there are undeveloped plots for construction it provides you information of the sort of projects (incl. height of buildings etc.) still to be realized. situation 3: if you are interested in a property located in an urban area overlooking at present a gorgeous field with almond trees or offering views to the sea, you obviously wonder what will happen on this plot in the future. many town halls offer online information of development plans in their area. For tavira council, go to here you can find approved plans for future developments in detail (plano pormenor), including access to, division of plots and heights of buildings etc. if you do not have time available and/or do not speak Portuguese, the easiest way to obtain unbiased information is to hire a lawyer from the area. lawyers can conduct a so-called ‘search’, similar to the common practice in countries such as the united Kingdom or Germany. after all, it is money well spent to guarantee your refreshment on a hot summer day in your own pool or to be able to continue enjoying the nice sea view from your lounge.

Sandra Swoboda Land & Houses algarve –yellow www.landandhousesalgarve.comHomesRuadr.JoséPiresPadinha1788800-354TaviraaMI6232Tel:281320281Fax:281321901 Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira • • By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS

Property of countryCellardoubleandbedroomcomfortableSUPERBBeautiful3Villa2bedroom,selfcontainedApartment,Garage,and25mlong,heatedPoolwithandseaviewssittingin240.000m²ofwildlandwithtrees!

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Page the month RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * Lounge 50m² * Dining room 25m² * fully fitted & equipped modern Kitchen 28m², * 3 bedrooms with en-suites, cloaks, * large courtyard with BBQ * 25m x 2m, heated pool with a 5m hexagon end * Indoor stairs to the huge Cellar * double Garage * Office * Machine room * Storage and Fittness room. * Self contained, 2 bedroom Apartment * bathroom * 37m² lounge/dining room * fitted & equipped kitchen. * Smoke detectors * alarm, telephone line with ADSL and SAT-dish * borehole * water softener * solar water heating with XL storage tank * heat exchanger for pool heating * remote control entrance gate * video phone * irrigated gardens * small orchard * large pond to attrackt wild life * Central; Air Conditioning * humidity control * water cooled walls * Solar underfloor heating * Sound system for IPOD * Sold furnished! 970.000€ REF: 1276V LOCATION: Stª Catarina do Fonte do www.algarve-pt.comBispo

Page 22 MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI APARTMENT- NEIGH. MONTE GORDO - Type T2, ground floor with only one apartment above , residential area, front patio facing the bird reser vation and salt pans of Sapal, lovely garden w/ palm tree (total uncovered area: 90m2). Walking distance to Monte Gordo and long sandy beach. € 127.500 HOUSE - NEIGH. "QUINTA DA RIA" GOLF COURSE - Wonderful loca tion within a few mins of 3 golf courses, 10 mins from Tavira. Type T3 + 2 bath. w/ garage, consists of one floor, built in 1983. Lovely garden with an area of 412m2 that is fenced. Beautiful view of the country side and small sea view. € 190.000 ▲ ▲ company ami 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 emaiRwww.algarvemantaproperties.comsaLes:enTaLs:www.algarvemanta.ptL:sarah@algarvemanta.ptcasa anibal R/c loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 Vila nova de cacela Tel 964 652 754 email: PROPERTYMAINTENANCEGardenandPoolmaintenance(Jean-Marc)Professionalwallpreparation,interiorandexteriorpainting(Batista) ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN Ref: 1095 €150.000 euros generous fully furnished and equipped apartment in very good condition situated only 200m from the beach of manta Rota. Fantastic for rental invest ment and resale. Large lounge/dining room, two double bedrooms, bathroom, equipped kitchen and veranda. close to facilities. Ref 1096 €235.000 euros Beautiful fully furnished three bedroom ground floor apartment with private pool.Fully equipped modern kitchen, generous lounge with patio doors to pool area, three double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. Front and rear patio. approx 7 mins on foot to beach. FANTASTIC INVESTMENTS FOR RENTALS

Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. 45 Mins from Faro International airport, 2km from railway station. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool (15m x 15m), Bar and Restaurant, Laundry service and postal service plus Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVisiTsby AppoinTmenT only Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L • new homes for sAle • resAles 2011 fees included • yeAr round renTAls • shorT And long Term • renTAls wiTh opTion To buy • finAnce opTions AVAilAble • ploTs AVAilAble from 100m² Restaurant, bar and pool. Page house of The monTh only €27.500 3 Bedroom Villa, Tavira, €350,000 Ref: 1989812 Located in an elevated position in a small development of 4 villas, all with their own privacy. Spectacular country and sea views. 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, open plan lounge / dining room overlooking the swimming pool, and mature easy to maintain gardens. Only 8km from the town of Tavira and its many bars, restaurants, shops and of course golden sandy beaches LwL, Rua 1º de Maio, nº14, 8800-360 Tavira Office: 00351 281 327 656, Lisa: 00351 910 019 604, Leen : 00351 910 019 605 voip: 02070999193 Email: Web: 5 Bedroom Quinta, Estoi, €1,595,000 Ref: 2077856 Monte do Momento is a beautifully restored and extended old farmhouse (Quinta). Rebuilt in 2003 this stunning property stands proud on a hillside in 18,800 square metres of land, and enjoys some of the most spectacular country views. This truly is a wonderful property and must be viewed to be fully appreciated. 2 Townhouse,Bedroom,Tavira,€165,000 Ref: 1989812 A delightful townhouse in the popular area of Mato de Santo Espirito, on the outskirts of Tavira. The property comprises of lounge/ dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, attic room and cloakroom. This is a great get away holiday home or permanent home, with local café’s and restaurants very close by. TAVIRAOFFICENEWIN 15%showhomediscounT sold

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 24 Frontera combines great design and quality with fantastic value for money. Bringing style into any home, whatever your requirements or budget. From a coffee table to a complete furniture pack. EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e-mail:,10am5pmbyappointmentonly Need to rent out your property fast and need a high quality furniture Investors Packs start at €6,995 for a two bedroom property. Includes professionalPINESALEphotographyONALLSANTAFEFURNITUREWhileStocksLast Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 6pm saturday 10am - 5pm 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. • The widest selection of linen and towels in the Algarve Ruffle, green B I gg E r Cotto N f I tt E d sh EE ts IN soft wh I t E Cotto N MAN ufAC tur E d IN Portug AL N ow AvAILABLE IN s I z E s 100 x 200, 160 x 200 AN d 200 x 200. N E w sto C k A rr I v IN g E v E ry thr EE w EE ks fro M th E uk . INCREASENOinI.V.A. Page 25 N EIL & E MILy R IC h AR d S on R emovA l S ONLINE SHOPPING NOW AVAILABLE T L m. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese c hamber of c ommerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 (UK local) Email: Website,8800TAVIRAREMOVALS&STORAGELOCAL,NATIONAL&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem Home ut ofBlue 1 Cambridge Bed from 525 euros 2 Turquoise Cushions 10 euros each 3 Moritz available in a variety of colours and sizes including sofa beds. Prices start from 795 euros

Page 26 RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE WITH FRENCH SPECIALITIES PRIVATE DINING ROOM AVAILABLE & WARM PATIO EATING AREA LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF TAVIRA, ONLy 5 MINUTES FROM VILA GALE AND PORTA HOTELSNOVA RestauR ant & tapas baR santa luzia Menu includes; Octopus rice with prawns, sea food, tuna steaks, new zealand lamb chops, spare ribs and steaks etc. AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE EVENTS Open 12:00-11:00pm Closed Tuesdays Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, No 8 8800-545 Santa Luzia, Tavira, Algarve tel +351 281 328 527 a beautiful restaurant with tradition, art and culture. english speaking staff. Situated on the Guadiana River you will enjoy the magnificent view on the estuary and the best grilled fresh fish. Our specialities are Arroz de Marisco (Shellfish Rice), Cozido à Portuguesa e Arroz de Lingueirão. Estrada da Ponta da Areia Vila Real de Santo António Tel +352 281 541 853 GSM: 967 044 406 GPS: 37º 10’ 51.27’’ N 4º 24’ 35.21’’ W

Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail LivE Music EvERy FRidAy with Gary vasey "The Performer" oEKARAoKEvERysATuRdAypenMon-Frifrom 6.00pm, sat/sun from 12.00,Full Bar Food Menu available. sPEciALiTiEs:Homemadesoups,salads,Freshfishdaily,steaks,cata-planas,vegetariandishes,Pastadishes,Homemadedesserts,irishcoffee.ExTEnsivERAnGEoF winEs & PoRTs. sundAy RoAsT LuncH: Roast Rib of Beef, with all the trimmings €9.50. THREE couRsE sPEciAL €15.00 OPEN 7 DAySWEEKA Indian Restaurant Between Olhão and Pechao on the EN 2-6 call now to place your order: Tel 937 809 074 - 937 809 065 - 289 703 020 set lunch menu, 11.00-15.30 Authentic Indian food at its best! Enjoy your food inside, or out on the terrace. Good parking facilities. Quality food • Excellent service • Good prices Page ST. PATRICKS DAy ceLeBRaTe WiTh us On ThuRsDaY 17Th maRch - OPen FROm 12.00 LiVe music, PaDDY's DaY cOckTaiL BeeF & guinness Pie, iRish sTeW RE-oPEninG THuRsdAy, 17TH MARcH

Food Enjoy a MoncarapachomainlocatedandAnna'seveninglightselectionlargeofsnacks,lunchesormealsatdaRestaurantsnackbar,neartheChurchin Page 28 Photograph Richard BassettRestaurantAnna'sDa&snackbar

Page WEDNESDAY UNTIL SUNDAY FROM 10.00 HR - 17.00 HR MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED WINTER CLOSURE FROM CHRISTMAS UNTIL 1st OF FEBRUARY • LOCATION: ALCARIA DO CUME, RN 397, TAVIRA - CACHOPO • WEB: WWW.MESADOCUME.NET • PHONE: 281326144 / 912725745 Restaurant Mesa do Cumemesa do cume TABLE ON THE TOP"Part of the fun is getting there". O Suplemento "Highly recommended" 1-2-3 Algarve "Enjoy the feeling of having entered a world, where allthe senses are gratified." Good Life AL FRESCO DINING TERRACE WITH SPECTACULAR VIEWS EXCITING SERRA DRIVE 40 MIN. NORTH OF TAVIRA REFRESHMENTS, COFFEE, HOMEMADE CAKES, LITTLE APPETIZERS MARKED WALKING TRAILS, MAPS AVAILABLE DELIGHTFUL & AFFORDABLE MENU, WHICH INCLUDES EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN CHOICES Internet /Wi-Fi Free for Custumers Historic Riverside, Kids Corner Rua Gonçalo Velho 16/18 8800-349 Tavira, Algarve - Portugal Tel - 00351 - 281 381 www.taviralounge.com034 Cosy and Modern Lounge space in tavira Main Courses from €7 • Homemade Tapas • Vegetarian Food Homemade desserts • Milkshakes, Ice Creams & Smoothies • Cocktails Closed sundays during Autumn, winter & spring Mon-ThursOpen12h-24hFri&Sat12h-02h ' Mrs ComfortMincedSteakHomemadeT'sPies&Onion,Steak&Kidney,Beef&Onion,Chicken&Vegetable,Chicken&Leek,CottagePie&PorkPiesTel968620057Emailchelepops72@hotmail.comfoodtoyourdoor QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO ELVIS RICHARDCLIFFvs MarchSaturday,26th FREE with dinner 3-COURSE DINNER ONLY €15 (Reservation required) call 281 971 484)

Page 30 GARDENTAVIRA in T e R na T i O na L R es T au R an T & B a R To CabanasTo GilaoRiver Mini PrecoWeEN125arehereToContinente WinTeR sPeciaL 2 course gourmet dinner, mix & match, changing daily €9.95, Lunches by reservation sunDaY ROasT 2-courses €9.95, served from 1pm 'till late, booking recommended Tel. (00351) 281 327 384• mob. (00351) 910 044 654 • Website VALENTINES DINNER 3 cOuRse DinneR with music & Dancing, €22.50 P/P Limited seats available, don't miss out! RONALDO’S BAR Tuesday afternoons Boules - pétanque, 3pm Afternoon teas, home made cakes available daily Tuesday night, Soup, bangers & mash €7.00 Wednesday night, 3 course indian buffet €8.50 Thursday night, Soup shepherds pie €7.00 Friday night, Fish, chips & mushy peas €8.50 Saturday, Steak, chicken & mushroom pie €7.50 Sunday, lunch, soup, roast pork-chicken €8.50 Telephone, 912 827 058 Faz N125VilaCampoCorteCasaRONALDO’SFatoPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacelaTAVIRA V.R.S.A VALENTINES MENu: Welcome Cocktail ❤ Cover ❤ Duck paté enhanced with a Red fruit Coulis ❤ Succulent fillet of chicken stuffed with honey, figs and almonds enhanced with a red wine sauce ❤ Sweet Surprise Monday 7th CARNIVALMarch,NIGHT creamShepherdsHomeVegMENUSoupmadeLasagneorPie,VegetablesAbitofmusicandalaughCheesecakeorpudding€9.50P/P An auction will be held in aid of the childrens home in Faro, the item can be used all around the house! Bar & r estaurant Mont Belo Caliço Park, Vila nova de Cacela, only 10mins from tavira. Caliço Park a L ga RV e PORT uga L Alcoutim Lagos ALGARVE doVilaBispo Aljezur SilvesLagoaMonchiquePortimao Albufeira Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim 120 120 120 268 268 267 267 267 266 2 120 125 125 IC4 A2 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IC4 125 125 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 1124 24 124 124 124 1 125 9 124 11 24CarrapateiradeBarãoS.JoãoBordeira MexilhoeiraGrande Barão de S.Miguel RaposeiraFigueiraBudens BensafrimLuzMarmeleteBarrancadaVaca Rogil FólaCaldasMonchiquede Odiáxere Estombar Porches Pêra Guia Alte Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe Ferreira AlcantarilhaS.BartolomeudemessinesAlgoz Tunes Paderne Boliqueime FonteBispodo Caliço Park RotaManta reGular eVents Quiz, Music, Karaoke & Car boot sale(1st saturday of each month. 10am) Mini Market stock ing a selection of uK products. Pool table & Dart board. english Breakfasts from 4.95€. Fish & chips in homemade beer batter with mushy peas 5.95€. sunday roast dinner - Beef & Pork with crackling and all trimmings 8.95€ or 5.95€ for children (from 1pm to 4pm every sunday). Homemade cheesecakes. House wine 1€ caneca 2€. Contact tel 927 364 157 or 927 168 059 Friday 11th March, Teddy Boys Band . 2 course meal 12€. 7.30pm. Thursday 17th March, St Patricks party with Danny Maverick . 2 course meal 9€ 7.30pm.

oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines and kumquats can be grown in almost any frost-free environment. though these trees are often grown for their ornamental value, many varieties can be grown for their delicious fruit. these trees are ideal for growing in sheltered containers in cooler climates and it is very possible in our warmer climate for these trees to present flowers and fruit any time of the year due to a four to six week growth cycles. gROWing FROm seeD choose what kind of citrus fruit you would like to grow. this may be a simple choice if you have a favorite but you may want to consider planting a variety of citrus to see what grows best in your climate. tangerines, mandarins and satsumas are more cold-tolerant than sweet oranges and are also more tolerant of drought. Kumquats make good container plants but any citrus can be grown virtually anywhere. seeds can be ordered or you can use them from fruit already fallen or purchased for food. Every garden no matter what the size should have at least one citrus tree

LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: Tlm: +351 918 841 766 Tel: 281 961 189 OlhãoTo TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira EN125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTRO DE JARDINAGE m HOW TO GROW yOUR OWN Citrus trees

Page Gardens

• Fill the basin with water and let it drain. repeat the process at least twice. ciTRus TRee PROBLems citrus trees planted in the home landscape need observation to detect sucker growth and diseases. sweet-flavored citrus is grafted to a hardy sour-orange rootstock, which produces stems known as suckers. suckers originate from below the graft of the tree and grow tall, straight

Page 32 Gardens

•smooth.remove the tree from the container by setting it on its side and gently pulling on the lower trunk. if the root ball doesn't slide out easily, cut the pot off with shears.

• set the tree in the bottom of the hole, making sure the top of the root ball sits slightly above the surrounding soil level.

• Fill in around the root ball with the original soil, tamping gently as you fill in. if your soil is mostly sand or clay, amend it by blending in organic matter such as compost (add about a third by volume) before filling the • a 4- to 6-inch-high soil berm around the tree. this is your watering basin, and it should be just a bit wider than the hole.

start the seedlings by planting them in small or medium growing pots that are well drained in the bottoms. Fill the pots with rich soil that has a good amount of humus content and also add a handful of clean sand to each Waterpot.the loosely packed soil before planting your seeds. Plant your seeds at least 1-inch below the surface of the soil. You can plant up to five or six seeds per 10-inch pot if you like. these will need to be transplanted into singular pots later. make sure that the temperature is not below 40 degrees for the seedlings. Place them in a sunny part of a garden or on a sunny window sill if it is still cold outside. citruses prefer a temperature of at least 50 degrees or Keephigher.the soil moist while seeds are germinating with a water-filled spray bottle. they should sprout within 3 to 4 weeks. let them grow for at least 6 months before transplanting them into the ground or into bigger pots if you wish to keep them indoors. Water them but do not let the roots sit in standing water. Orange trees can grow from 8 to 25 feet in height depending on the variety and growing conditions. Once trees are established, they grow best in the ground or in large tubs. Prune mature trees as lightly as possible. citrus do not need heavy pruning. most of the time they are pruned for shape and looks more than anything. BuYing YOuR ciTRus TRee citrus trees are the misunderstood trees of landscaping. citrus trees aren't really trees, they're shrubs. reaching a height of 25 feet, they may be the ideal plants for your yard. but there are tricks to purchasing a good citrus tree. buy field-grown citrus trees whenever possible, identifiable by its burlap-wrapped rootball. such trees are more costly, but healthier. consider container citrus trees that are not overgrown. this puts the health of the plant into question. Purchase small citrus trees that take to the ground faster. a big tree takes as long as a small tree to produce lfruit.ook for consistently dark-colored leaves. the uniform color is an indication of a healthy, disease-free eplant.nsure that the graft union is approximately 2 inches above the ground. many citrus trees are grafted. a graft union is a doglegged bend in the trunk. if the bend is too close to or below the soil it can rot or grow fungus. investigate the trunk for mars. marring leaves a citrus tree trunk damaged and might indicate a weak or injured tree. You want to buy the healthiest citrus tree possible. assess the variety of citrus trees available before you buy. citrus trees are available in many varieties of orange, mandarin, tangerine, tangelo, kumquat, lemon, lime, grapefruit and other exotics. You can find dwarf citrus trees to buy that are great for container gardening as well. Find out if the variety desired is available in your area. some plants are restricted to control disease.

heRe's hOW TO PLanT a ciTRus TRee sO YOu can gROW YOuR OWn FResh FRuiT.

• dig a hole slightly less deep (about an inch) than the depth of the root ball and twice as wide. make the bottom flat and the sides rough, not

• select a sunny spot with welldrained soil.

Page QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 In need of retail therapy?Discover a unique shopping experience, in beautiful, relaxed surroundings, with friendly staff! New stock arriving Weekly. Why not visit us for all your Home and Garden inspirational ideas, and enjoy complimentary tea or coffee The planting season and clement weather is upon us so now is the time to enhance and beautify your garden. We've been working with an Algarve wholesaler to bring you a healthy variety of plants, ornamental grasses, succulents, cacti and trees that require little water and are drought tolerant. Through our customer feedback, this appears to be the way forward for low maintenance and greatly reduced water and electricity costs. This months C Ar Boot s Ale , 19thsaturdayMarch10am-2pm For your Health, Wealth & Happiness we are now stock ing a fabulous range of organic, GM and Gluton free speciality Food lines 12th-13th March SPECIAL CACTI,MASSIVEWEEKENDOFFEREVENT25%OFFALLPLANTS,GRASSES,TREES,PALMSANDSUCCULENTS.NEWRANGEOFGARDENINGTOOLSINSTOCK,ALLPRICEDTOSELL tH e Best sto C ke D Uk WANDorlD F ooD Br AND sH op IN t H e eA st AlGArve? Massive selection of wall art Indonesian teak sculpture and bowlsOutdoor living & lifestyle Aquatic plants A range of the elagent Ascalon Furniture now in stock at prices not to be missed!

Page 34 and may have thorns. suckers are best pruned when they are small in diameter to lessen disease and shock to the tree when removed. cut sucker branches close to the main trunk. citrus trees have an attractive shape, fragrant blossoms and delicious edible fruit. With the proper care, a citrus tree can be a sweet and/or sour addition to many lawns. citrus trees like abundant sunlight. When too little sunlight is provided, a citrus tree will not fully develop, bloom or produce fruit. citrus trees do not tolerate cold. even a moderate freeze may kill a citrus tree. citrus trees require deep soil with good drainage both on the surface and underground. if they do not have adequate drainage, the standing water can damage the trees. also, citrus trees will not survive in salty soil. citrus canker is a very contagious citrus bacteria that can cause leaf loss, damaged fruit, fruit drop and dieback. it is spread through the air or by insects, birds or humans. Yellow halo lesions or scabs will appear on the leaves, fruit, bark and trunk. melanose is a fungal infection that does not affect the fruit of a citrus tree, but it does make the fruit rind scabbed-like and unsightly. it does not affect grapefruit trees. citrus trees can be damaged by insects, including aphids, citrus whitefly, orange dog caterpillars, citrus thrips, citrus bud mites, citrus red mites and snails. many infestations can be avoided, however, by treating trees with the appropriate sprays and proper sanitation dprogram.on’tlet any of these problems put you off planting and growing citrus tree in your garden, because the benefits of having fresh fruit to hand which taste so much better than fruit you often buy and you will always have that slice of lemon for your gin and tonic.                         Gardens MARCH SPECIALS ✶ Internet Phones €20 ✶ Kaspersky Anti Virus €40 ✶ uninterrupted Power Supply €59 ✶ 18.5" Wide Screen Acer/LG from €120 ✶ HD Webcam, see the difference €49 Opening Hours 9.30-1.00 & 3.00-6.30 Closed Sunday and Monday

For this, you can phone family and friends as many times a month as you would like. i can hear the families in the uK saying Yippee! software is easy to download from the internet and is usually free. You can also have your own uK telephone number attached to many of the vOiP services which means that family, friends and business

With the arrival of internet technology, majority of the communication tools have got a new direction. voiP (voice over internet Protocol) is one such technology which has created revolution in the telecommunication sector. this digital process allows making calls through internet. You just needs to fix up the Pc to a broadband network providing good speed which help connecting without much interruption. as this service is gaining popularity among the masses, more and more service providers are entering into this field to facilitate trouble free calling. that is why they are coming up with many attractive and cost effective calling plans which even provide free internet calls. it is the result of growing competition in the tech market. so, efforts are being made to offer profitable deals to the subscribers who can make free Pc to Pc calls, Pc to phone calls, which way they feel comfortable. some of the leading service providers, such as skype are now doing really well in the market. the best part is that, one can easily download this voiP application to the Pc and then start making calls in the comfort of you own home from Pc to Pc calls or Pc to phone calls; be it mobile or landline. Other than providing the comfort of making Free internet calls some operators are facilitating additional benefits to their subscribers. these include being able to see your family and friends using your video cam whilst making the call; it is great when all the family can both see and hear each other over the miles. although, voiP has many useful features, cheap rates for international calling are one of its most advantageous alternatives. it is known to everyone that long distance calling costs can be really high which is difficult to afford by the people who are in need of making such calls. voiP or internet telephony offers the scope of transferring the international calls at a very cheap rate. many people in Portugal buy the ‘phone cards’ which give you up to 500 minutes for a set cost and you can use these from your own home phone or public phones, however, having a vOiP system can offer you much cheaper connections. if the person you are calling also has a system such as skype on their computer then your calls are free to each other. they vOiP suppliers offer many monthly calling plans and skype is unlimited europe (which includes uK) €6.89 per month and unlimited world is €11.49 per month.

Save money with telephoneInternetcalls

Page Technology This months topic is how to get the most out of the internet and keeping in touch with family and friends for free or very inexpensively. Broadband Algarve Internet via Satellite and broadband TV Discounts for afpop members Affordable Monthly Subscriptions UK TV through any broadband connection (min 2Mb download required) (00351) 918 771 381 (00351)(Vic)918851 232 (Stephanie)

Page 36 Technology Urb. Parque da Azinheira, Lote 3, R/C Dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel Tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 Tel/Fax : +351 289 845 385 email: Solar systems Air-conditioning Heat pumps Central heating Under floor heating Central vacuum systems General plumbing Swimming pools Wind generators ENGLISH SPEAKING SPECIALISTS IN can call you from the uK at local rates. We have a uK phone number through skype at our home. Quality service is another important advantage of internet calls. it tries to provide complete voice clarity which turns out to be very helpful for long distance calling. so, without wasting any more time switch over to this latest and most convincing mode of tcalling.hehardware necessary for your computer to enable you to make calls is freely available and you have a large range to choose from: head sets with microphones video camera with microphone built in and speakers from your computer vOiP phones (which can be quite expensive in Portugal – web site at the end of the article to help with your search) specialist modems which use usb connection to your router and enable you to use your home phone to make calls. using this method, you do not need your computer to be turned on. here’s wishing you happy internet phone connecting. a cOuPLe OF WeBsiTes Which maY heLP in YOuR seaRch FOR PROViDeRs anD eQuiPmenT:inexpensive&gclid=,t–thiscompanyoffersreallyhardwareforvOiPconnections.

FenCing arOund pOOls sOOn tO a new regulatiOn pOrtugal. wooden wide


Page swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the Fibreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvable.


variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarde creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers and pOOl enClOsures. •PREFAbRiCATEd SWimming POOLS LESS ExPEnSiVE And FAST bUiLding. •dlw deliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WhiRLPOOLS And SPAS. •wOOd line wOOden pOOls in Or abOve grOund. •FiLTER inSTALLATiOnS And EQUiPmEnT swiM-arte E.n. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email We speak: English, german, dutch and Portuguese

garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a

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Portugal’s experience shows that rapid progress is achievable but highlights the price of such a transition.

Portuguese households pay about twice what ameri cans pay for electricity, and prices have risen 15 percent in the last five years, partly because of the renewable energy program. to force Portugal’s energy transition, mr. sócrates’s gov ernment restructured and privatized former state energy utilities to create a grid better suited to renewable power sources. to lure private companies into Portugal’s new market, the government gave them contracts locking in a stable price for 15 years — a subsidy that varied by technology and was initially high but decreased with each new contract round. Portugal was well poised to be a guinea pig because it has large untapped resources of wind and river power, the two most cost-effective renewable sources. Govern ment officials say the energy transformation required no increase in taxes or public debt, precisely because the new sources of electricity, which require no fuel and produce no emissions, replaced electricity previously produced by buying and burning imported natural gas, coal and oil. by 2014 the renewable energy program will allow Portugal to fully close at least two conventional power plants and reduce the operation of others. “so far the program has placed no stress on the nation al budget” and has not created government debt, said shinji Fujino, head of the international energy agency’s country study division. ed: Global warming may be a platform for launching a derivative based fraud through the use of carbon cred its (another story for another day) but Peak Oil is staring us in the face and to us it appears that Portugal has had the courage to tackle this problem head on – congratu lations to our Government.

Page 38 Environment

Portugal currently has little or no carbon based fuel in her land-based territory, though there is some excitement about the prospects of offshore oil and gas reservoirs. to ease the coun try’s balance of payments imbalance and to keep our bills manageable, it is imperative that our renewable en ergy resources are comprehensively exploited. Portugal has some Gold mines and much of the Gold in her Foreign currency reserves was earned from the tungsten mines and squirreled away for the good of the nation by salazar. it may be that previous governments have found a way to draw on this fortune – perhaps by leasing out the Gold – we will have to wait until the fi nancial crisis really bites to see what Portugal has left to support a new currency. We can be pleased with our Government’s record on re newable energy at this juncture; so we take a peak at what the new York times has to say about us: lisbOn — Five years ago, the leaders of this sunscorched, wind-swept nation made a bet: to reduce Portugal’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, they embarked on an array of ambitious renewable energy projects — primarily harnessing the country’s wind and hydropower, but also its sunlight and ocean waves. today, lisbon’s trendy bars, Porto’s factories and the algarve’s glamorous resorts are powered substantially by clean energy. nearly 45 percent of the electricity in Portugal’s grid will come from renewable sources this year, up from 17 percent just five years ago. the united states lags behind at just over 20 percent.

Richard Bassett Snr. energyrenewablePortugal’stargets The world may doubt our fiscal status, but do they envy our resourcefulness? Typical example of rising damp in a house wall Before and after system installation at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg Russia The modern, non invasive and cost effective way to combat the curse of rising damp in our homes from DrymatMartinSystemsTel962 435 572 Faro to Western Algarve Gavin Tel 968 386 896 Faro to Eastern Algarve To see how you can benefit from torisingprotectionongoingfromdampandobtainadviceandanoobligationdampsurveycontact: Rising damp problems?

I n these straitened times, every body is looking at ways to cut down on their living costs without it having too much of an effect on their lifestyle. this applies espe cially to those who live on a fixed in come, particularly one that is based on, say, a monthly pension, and in volves them drawing euros out of a uK account to pay for their day-today living costs here in Portugal. With almost all banks and building societies now charging a fee not only for bank transfers but also for the ‘privilege’ of withdrawing euros out of an atm (or a hole-in-wall ma chine as they are commonly known), the costs can soon mount up. the solution? exchange your sterling to euros using a currency specialist. not only will you get a far better rate of exchange, given the volume that currency specialists trade at, but you won’t be charged any commission. the sums really do add up. take this for an example: let’s say you make a regular monthly transfer of £2000 sterling from your uK bank into euros, either directly via your bank or worse, courtesy of an atm the current exchange rate the bank will give you is 1.12. add on a £25 transfer fee, and the amount you will receive in euros is 2,212. make the same transaction with Pre mier FX however and we will offer you an exchange rate of 1.17. With no fees payable by you, the amount you will receive in euros is 2,340. that’s a monthly saving of €128 and a saving over the course of the year of €1,536. Just think what that will buy you? in short, if you have regular monthly payments, then fixing a rate also takes much of the stress out of your currency transactions. Whatever happens in the market and however volatile it is, you know exactly how much you are going to get for your hard-earned sterling. another way to save is by forward contracts, where a rate can be agreed at a set price but not paid for until a later date. the euro-sterling rate is pretty good at the moment, so Peter Rexstrew, managing director of currency exchange specialists Premier FX, looks at how you can save money on your regular transactions.

Plug ging the hole Page 39 Finance Premier FX E Algarve 208x292.indd 2 12/10/10 16:29:39

Page 40 Finance Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 e-mail: or website: Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications porTuguese, english, spAnish And french speAking soliciTors offering clienTs The benefiTs of locAl represenTATion. now could be a good time to look at forward contracts, especially if you have a sizeable currency exchange re quirement planned for the foreseeable future – perhaps for a property purchase in Portugal or an important business deal. the benefit of a forward contract is that the exchange rate stays the same whatever the market volatility dur ing the period, and it’s a good way to plan your cur rency strategy if you’re in the position to do so. nothing is certain in the world of international finance and politics, but it does look as though exchange rates will continue to be volatile in 2011. the pound could fall victim to the budget cuts and the ongoing economic woes in the uK, especially if they prevent growth. so it’s worth doing some forward thinking of your own. We were very pleased to get a visit from an old friend who read some of our early issues of east algarve magazine and took notice of our awareness campaign regarding silver investment. he had followed up our suggestion to speak to his investment adviser and purchased a quantity of silver equal to 5% of his liquid assets. he came to thank us and to tell us that he was in a bit of a predicament – his silver had risen and the rest of his investments had dropped; he now held 14% of his savings in silver. We checked the charts and sure enough, silver has more than doubled in price since we launched. but what should he do now? is it time to sell? should he rebalance his portfolio? again, we are not investment advisers, so please do your due diligence. We reminded him of the current state of the Fi nancial sectors in the usa and the uK, both on the verge of crumbling. We reminded him that every country in the world holds us dollars in re serve and is playing chicken, know ing that the last one to sell their dol lar reserves will collapse without any Foreign currency reserve to support a new currency. but most of all, we ask you all to think about what is real money and has been for 5,000 years. Of course it is Gold. silver has very often been alongside it, and we believe it is set to take its place again. consider that the ratio of silver to Gold in the ground is about 15:1 and then have a glance at the ratio charts and you will see that the price ratio is about 45:1, way out of whack! the price of all precious metals will become highly volatile as the reptil ian beasts that the big investment banks have become begin to fall prey to their own traps and their de rivatives collapse around them. 70 trillion dollars with Goldman suchs alone! there will come a day to sell silver, but i don’t think that this is it.

A Sterling

Richard Bassett Snr story!

Desde violação de contrato, litígios referentes a propriedade e delimi tação, implicações fiscais (herança/mais-valias), a testamentos portu gueses, representação fiscal, e muito mais, a equipa legal na Lita Gale tem excelentes conhecimentos das questões legais locais e é capaz de proporcionar os resultados que o cliente espera. A Lita Gale disponibiliza também serviços de investigação, trabalhando em estreita colabora ção com informadores experientes, obtendo informações vitais para batalhas legais, incluindo investigações civis, localização de bens e de arguidos, devedores ou testemunhas. Com capacidade para encontrar uma resposta para qualquer dúvida legal que o cliente possa ter e de ajudar nos pequenos percalços da vida, incluindo acidentes e aciden tes pessoais, problemas de trabalho, infracções rodoviárias e acções penais mais graves, como ofensas corporais graves, fraude, violação e violência doméstica, a Lita Gale International Solicitors goza de uma elevada taxa de sucesso. “Não jogamos para perder,” confidencia Lita, “Sou como um cão – perderei os meus dentes antes de largar!” apolónia 67 Regulated by the Law Society of England & Wales Report Ltd Fiscal property and boundary disputes, tax implica gains), to Portuguese wills, Fiscal Representa legal team at Lita Gale is well versed in local deliver the results you are looking for. Lita Gale services, working closely with experienced in sourcing vital information for legal battles, includasset tracing, and tracing defendants, debtors an answer to any legal doubt you may have, hiccups, including accidents and personal injury, traffic offences, and more serious criminal charges, and domestic violence, Lita Gale International high success rate. “We don’t play to lose,” Lita I’ll lose my teeth before I let go!” contrato, litígios referentes a propriedade e delimi fiscais (herança/mais-valias), a testamentos portu fiscal, e muito mais, a equipa legal na Lita Gale conhecimentos das questões legais locais e é capaz de resultados que o cliente espera. A Lita Gale disponibiliza investigação, trabalhando em estreita colabora experientes, obtendo informações vitais para investigações civis, localização de bens e de testemunhas. Com capacidade para encontrar qualquer dúvida legal que o cliente possa ter e de percalços da vida, incluindo acidentes e aciden de trabalho, infracções rodoviárias e como ofensas corporais graves, fraude, violação Lita Gale International goza de “Não jogamos para perder,” confidencia Lita, perderei os dentes Brito

· Tel: 00351 289 798 254 or 912 650 767 Fax: 289 813 287 202 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4DP Tel: 0044(0) 207404 2899 Fax: 020 7404 2966 Author of Emergency Guide to Property in Portugal International& Wills






Page Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 apolónia 67 Tel: 00351 289 798 254 or 912 650 767 Fax: 289 813 287 202 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4DP Tel: 0044(0) 207404 2899 Fax: 020 7404 2966 LITA EmergencyGALEAuthorofGuidetoPropertyinPortugal&InternationalWills Regulated by the Law Society of England & Wales Real Report Ltd Fiscal PrivateRepresentationInvestigationsLondon|Lisbon|Madeira|AlgarveFrom breach of contract, property and boundary disputes, tax implica tions (inheritance/capital gains), to Portuguese wills, Fiscal Representa tion and much more, the legal team at Lita Gale is well versed in local legal issues, and able to deliver the results you are looking for. Lita Gale also offers investigative services, working closely with experienced in telligence providers, sourcing vital information for legal battles, includ ing civil investigations, asset tracing, and tracing defendants, debtors or witnesses. Able to find an answer to any legal doubt you may have, and to help in life’s little hiccups, including accidents and personal injury, employment issues, traffic offences, and more serious criminal charges, such as GBH, fraud, rape and domestic violence, Lita Gale International Solicitors enjoy a very high success rate. “We don’t play to lose,” Lita confides, “I’m like a dog – I’ll lose my teeth before I let go!”

antes de largar!” Luís de

- Contabilidades, Lda. enGlisH sPeaKinG aCCountants All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito Chartered accountant rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila GalÈ taVira Hotel tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 222 Gabigest 0044oralgarve289798254912650767lOndOn(0)2074042899


Page 42

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A. •16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

•European tour player member 1968 - 82 •European seniors tour player/member 2003;2004;2005 More expert tips from Benamor's resident professional, Keith Ashdown. Hole 8, Par 3, 195m (stroke index 3)


T he 8th hole here at benamor is our longest Par 3 hole at 195m from bank to tee. actually plays like 210m because it is slightly uphill, most golfers including low handicap players will need to use a fairway wood or even a driver. the hole is straight, but, heavily bunkered front left and right side of Green with large trees on right also, which attract many golf balls. the green itself is two tiered so you have to concentrate on your putting. the main thing here is to think well on your tee-shot , a good solid strike straight is what you are looking for and then you will have a good opportunity to secure par, an excellent result.

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Page 44 Sport

February started on a bright note as Olhanense recored their second away win of the season at fifth placed u leira. the visitors took the lead on eighteen minutes. rui duarte’s corner was flicked on by mexer and full-back carlos Fernandes, making a welcome return after injury, was on hand at the far post to slot the ball home. seven minutes later and Olhanense doubled their lead. Paulo sérgio was left completed unmarked on the right wing and his surging run took him into the penalty area before he smashed the ball past keeper Gottardi. the two hundred travelling fans amongst the meagre crowd of 962 went wild with delight. as halftime approached Olhanense lost full-back João Gonçlaves through injury and andré micael, signed from moreirense as a replacement for Jardel signed by benfica in the transfer window, made his debut. the 2-0 win moved the algarveans into the top half of the table. the following week a helder Postiga double looked to have put sporting lisbon on course for a much needed win at Olhão. but two goals in three minutes from ismaily and daniel carriço (own goal) kept Olhanense’s unbeaten home record intact. the visitors took the lead midway through the first period as a neat move between Joao Pereira and helder Postiga enabled the latter to get behind the Olhanense defence, and when his cross deflected high into the air, Postiga reacted well to plant a firm header into the net from a tight angle. a strong suspicion of off-side as tv replays later confirmed. When helder Postiga fired confidently past ricardo batista shortly after the hour, it appeared sporting would be returning to lisbon with the three points. but Olhanense have made their Jose arcanjo stadium a fortress this season, and an intense spell of pressure brought instant rewards. On 65 minutes ismaily reduced the deficit then a swift attack down the right flank ended with sporting captain daniel carriço, who played for Olhanense in 2008, turning a Jorge Gonçlaves cross into his own net. emotions were running high as both teams looked for the winner. sporting manager Paulo sergio was sent to the stands for protesting too vehemently and in the end it was the home side who were unlucky not to collect all three points from a pulsating match. the following week bottom side Portimonense returned to their home stadium in Portimão for the local derby with Olhanense. due to extensive renovation works they had had to play their previous ten ‘home’ games at the algarve stadium. the home were by far the better side in the first-half and deservedly led 1-0 through a lito strike after thirty minutes. it was only when lulinha entered the fray on the hour mark that the visitors started to show any hope of an equaliser. With time running out Paulo sérgio was hauled down in the penalty area and djalmir calmed stepped up to salvage a point for Olhanense. in stoppage time djalmir had a wonderful opportunity to steal all three points but that would have been a real injustice on a hard working Portimonense side. sP.BRaga in TOWn On the weekend 12th/13th march, sp.braga, last season’s runners-up, are in town whilst on the weekend 2nd/3rd april the opponents are naval. latest information can be obtained at or contact chris Wright 916 504 903 email: christopher.wright@hotmail. or emily richardson 939 486 870 email: cRaWLeY TOWn chOOse The easT aLgaRVe non-league giant killers crawley town who had knocked swindon town, derby county and torquay united out of this season’s Fa cup and so nearly took manchester united to a replay took a well deserved four day break at the prestigious colina verde Golf and sports resort near moncarapacho in early February. manager steve evans and his squad are hoping to gain promotion to the football league but the money spinning 5th tie at Old trafford will have netted the small sussex club in excess of £1million. the new full size football pitch at colina verde - it's the same size as Old trafford's playing surface - was being used for the first time as colina verde are investing heavily to provide facilities that will make the east algarve venue a major attraction for europe’s top football and rugby teams. Paul nagle, incharge of the colina verde complex has had numerous enquiries as more and more top flight teams look to the algarve for winter and pre-season training breaks.

All the latest local soccer news from Chris Wright.

A bright time for Olhanense manager steve evans (4th from right) and the crawley Town at colina Verde golf & sports Resort sporting fans from Faro join Olhanense fans before the big game

T his months book review is an old title, Flowers in the attic. it evokes memories of my childhood, not because i was locked up by an evil grandmother, but it is one of the first films i remember watching. beautifully written, macabre and thoroughly nasty! it is evocative of the nasty fairy tales like little red riding hood and the babes in the Wood, with a bit of victorian Gothic thrown the attic is a 1979 novel by virginia andrews. it is the first book in the dollanganger series, and was followed by Petals on the Wind, if there be thorns, seeds of Yesterday, and Garden of shadows. the novel is written in the first person from the point of view of cathy dollanganger. it was adapted into a film of the same name in 1987, which has always been a favourite of mine since childhood, although being a mother myself now, i sometimes find it upsetting.

A Lura dos Livros Lura dos Livros Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 - Tavira - Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail: Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16, Tavira Tel 281 323 199 A wide and eclectic range of new and used books in the english language, as well as a generous helping of used and collectable books in portuguese and french. Also a wonderful selection of children’s books. special orders and book finding service available. gift certificates. Flowers in the attic by virginia Andrews. cornerBooklovers 20JmASTERJOinEROinER&gEnERALmAinTEnAnCE...yearsexperienceoffittingKitchens,Floors,doors,decking,Locksetc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244

PLOT summaRY narrator cathy dollanganger is twelve years old and the second of four children (following older brother chris, who is fourteen years old, and preceding twins cory and carrie, who are both five years old). cathy and her siblings live in Gladstone, Pennsylvania, with their father, christopher and their mother, corinne. their idyllic life ends when the father dies in a highway accident on his 36th birthday. Facing financial destitution, corrine decides to take her children to Foxworth hall, her family home in charlottesville, virginia. she writes to her mother, Olivia, persuading her to let her and the children stay in the giant mansion. Olivia agrees as long as the children are hidden; she does not want their grandfather, malcolm, to know about them. corinne tells the children that her parents are very rich, but were upset with her as they were strong christians and disowned her when she married her half uncle and so she has not seen them in years. she also relates that their grandfather is dying and if corinne can earn back his love before his death, she will be the sole heir to a vast fortune. corinne and her children take a train to a station in the middle of nowhere and walk the remaining distance to Foxworth hall under cover of darkness. Page 45 Books


Wanted foreign or Pt reg cars, vans, jeeps, motorcycles, boats, motor-homes, nonrunners, accident damaged, with or no docs. Cash. 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 carpet and sofa cleaning service. São Brás and all other areas. Call Brian 918 768 180 for estimates. meditation every second Sunday of the month. Sharing the teachings of Adyashanty. Look at For painting and decorating, please contact Dennis, the professional. Tel: 915 424 642. swimming pool refurbishment. Big or small, call this number. 969 780 311. serviço sénior, Accompany, support service, Shopping-service, Home help, Office service Tel:916 900 786 gardener/Pool cleaner/Rubbish Removal, Established business, Good rates no job too small, All areas Tel: 912 304 757 mercedes Vito V220 CDI, 10.2000, Insp 12/2011 Diesel, Pt Reg, 180km, 6 leather seats, A/c, 9,500€ Tel 961 700 200 Tavira.

CONCERT SATuRDAy 26TH MARCH 19.30 AT CASA DO POVO, MONCARAPACHO She Left a Suitcase in Berlin Singer Gisela Reuter will be taking her old suitcase down from the top of the wardrobe in Berlin and dusting it off ready for a performance at the Casa do Povo in Moncarapacho on the 26th of March at 7.30pm. Inside the suitcase? Memories, mostly – old songs from the edgy, twilight world of Berlin in the much more than just a singer; she is a theatrical performer who excels at presenting this type of song – by Kurt Weill, by Hollaender, Nelson and others – where the words conjure up both an image and a mood. And her timing for humour is excellent – as shown in her performance of the old women’s liberation song "Raus mit den Männern aus dem Reichstag", in which it is suggested that men should just disappear and leave women to take over their Althoughjobs.most of the songs are in German, Constant van Scherpenseel, a lively performer in his own right, will be on hand to say a few words about each one in English, Portuguese and Dutch. Gisela will be accompanied by the excellent pianist Lutz Kettnaker. For more information contact Gisela on Or call Moncarapacho on 289 791 casapovo.moncarapacho@gmail.com261

Free classifieds Page 46 music Duo, Available for restaurants, bars and hotels; Tel 917 332 068 Trustworthy, Reliable, mature english housekeeper seeking employment. All Domestic Duties undertaken, in addition, pet/ house sitting, Computer literate, can provide shopping services or personal care. Own Car, Olhao Region. Tel. 915 529 623 Email: References can be supplied. PLumBing, TiLing, PainTing, DRY Lining. Bathroom/kitchens full/part renovation. Quick efficient service. All work guaranteed. Call 917 587 685 or 289 991 023 man and Large Van available good rates for removals or Ikea trips etc Joe 911 956 149 Palm reading service. Tel 916 389 810 solar Panels supplied, fitted and repaired, free surveys, energy certs also supplied, call 916 596 359 masTeRJOineR / caRPenTeR & general maintenance. Solid experience of fitting Kitchens, Doors, Locks etc 926 615244 - 281 328 648 stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACTIVITIES scottish country Dancing at the Casa do Povo Moncarapacho, Thursdays 5.30 ~ 7.30PM.Tel 289 791 998 or 914 798 833 or email mosaic workshops in Quinta Fonte do bispo & caliço Park for more information visit caR BOOT saLe Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every Wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta Fonte Bispo T. 289 845 561 car boot sale, 1st Sat of each month from 10am. Mont' Belo restaurant, Calico park. contact 927 364 157 FOR SALE solar Panels for hot water, brand new, only 20 available 250€ each, call 916 596 359 circular Wood Burning stove, just removed from lounge, full working order, 1m high x 70cm diam. 100.00€. tel.912540071 Quelfes maRBLe sink. Beautifully hand crafted to incorporate natural fossil. Dark green. approx 70cm long by 51cm width, irregular form. €300. Tel 286 454 101/ 938501651. 1996 fiat punto, 4 new tyres, new starter motor 6 months ago, good runner, tax and inspection until end dec 2011, 700€ ono tel 927 364 157 Yamaha 600exT 2000 PT Reg. 21,000Km Stored 4yrs. 2000€ Cacela 912 487 271 sailing Boat 5.3m Drascombe Lugger UK Reg. 3200€ Cacela 912 487 271 DukeBOx nsm Prestige 120, Not working mid 1970, 100€ Tavira 966 202 618 4.5m kayak in good condition. 20€ Tel 281 962 505

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PROPERT y FOR RENT Tavira area Long term rentals, various properties for rent 1-2-3 beds from 325€ per month. Joe 911 956 149 3 double bedroom property ,Quelfes, Nr Olhao, Beautiful, spacious, up Tel.286 454 101 / 938 501 651. 4 Bed renovated Quinta, Quelfes on approx 20000 sq mtrs of land, plus 3 one bed, fully furnished cottages, ready to let, set around old courtyard, Jacuzzi, splash pool, large pond. P.O.A. TEL. 289 721 330 Tavira, 3 bedroom house, shared pool, €237,000. Tel 289 722 409 mobile home 3 years old Calico park 2 bedrooms 1 ensuite sep.Bathroom a/c. Decking. sky 56,000 euros ONO inc fees paid until 2012 contact Rod (mobile) +0044 7963744072 WANTED Wanted Part time work in the East Algarve, most things considered, call 916 596 359 Wanted Entertainment acts for new Agency in the East Algarve, all acts considered, call 916 596 359 Wanted all types of structural and finishings construction materials, leftovers, etc 962 484 215 -

a country lane but very convenient location. 4 years old, fully furnished to high standard, available March onwards for long term let.€500.00p/m plus utilities. tel.912 540 071 or email for pics. PROPERT y FOR SALE house For sale : 17km south of Almodôvar. 3 beds,large kitchen/dining room,bathroom, lounge, master bedroom with en suite to renovate.Small garden but 3000m2 of land separate.Spectacular views of countryside, nesting storks , near River Vascão.


Page hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the en270 near Sta catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website bwww.qtfontebispo.comOOtSaleevery4th Sunday caRveRYSundays from 1pm booking advised from OnlY €10 Quiz nigHt every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm Steak nigHt every Friday, from OnlY €10 from 6.30pm Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HaWeReeRe RegulaR eventS Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in thecountryside of tavira. Restaurant openseven days a week, pool, tennis and Wi-fi. SpecialvalentineeventSS DinneR & Dance Saturday 12th February 4 course meal 1/2 caraf of wine €15 p/p Doors open nigvalentine19.30SHtDinneRMonday14thFebruary 4 course meal 1/2 caraf of wine €15 p/p Doors open 19.30 Open Mic/ kaRaOke nigHt Saturday 19th February giant sausage rolls/pastiesoptional, Doors open 19.30 jazz nigHt WitH 2nD aDOleScence Followed by dancing 'till midnight cover charge €3 or free with 3 course dinner €15p/p Doors open 19.30 For further details on any of the aboveevents, call 281 971 484

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