May10 East Algarve Magazine

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MAGAZINE FREE OLH Ã O · S Ã O BR Á S · TAVIRA · ALCOUTIM · CASTRO MARIM · VILA REAL DE SANTO ANT Ó NIO East Algarve May 2010 © SantaLuzia GolfHealthtips 14thBenamor’shole Gardening All you need to know about the avocado Walk about The importance of drinking water

GUESTHOUSE, BAR & BISTRO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO Page 2 Welcome... Call 281 971 484, email or see our website or see our map on the back page LAMB,CARVERYBEEF & TURKEY, PLUS ALL available3ONLYBookingSundaysTRIMMINGSfrom1.00pmadvised10€courseoptionforonly14€ STEAK NIGHT Fridays, from RIBRUMP6.30pm€8.50EYE€10.00SIRLOIN€13.00 16OZ T-BONE €19.50 (48 hours notice for T-Bone) All steaks come with Home made chips, onion ringsmushrooms, grilled tomatoes,peas and a choice of sauces.

Page Thankfully, I survived the Easter holidays and normal life has resumed, phew! As recommended by several readers, I spent an afternoon in Santa Luzia, and had a lovely stroll along the tranquil promenade, it certainly lived up to my expectations... beautiful! I met up with bistro owners John and Emma from Mesa do Chefe, Claudia and Tito from Quinta Velha, Restaurante O Monte, and the Meeting Room, and also sampled some sushi from Mish Mish in Tavira’s Gran Plaza. This month we have all the usual features, including golf tips from Benamor, all you need to know about avocados, sporting news and more. I hope you enjoy this May issue, and as usual, I am grateful for all your comments and suggestions, please keep them coming. Editor Welcome... PUBLISHER & DESIGNER Richard Bassett EDITOR Katie Bassett CO-ORDINATORSEDITORIAL Susan RichardPurvisBassett Snr. ADVERTISING Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail CONSULTANT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRINTED BY Litografis-ArtesGraficasLda,Ferreiras DISTRIBUTION Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication MAGAZINEEast Algarve 24 Casa das Portas is a unique shop in the heart of Tavira, the most beautiful town in the Algarve. Visit the shop and experience first-hand not only the extraordinary images of the town created by the owner, Jane Gibbin, but also the ever changing collection of beautiful things ethically sourced from Portugal and around the world. Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and information:

Page 4 5 Let us know your thoughts. 6 NEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7 WHAT’S ON What’s happening in and around the East Algarve. 8 PEOPLE Who’s behind Mesa do Chefe. 10 PEOPLE Meet Claudia and Tito. 12 HEALTH Drink water to keep healthy. 14 HEALTH An exciting month for CAT. 15 HEALTH Keep your eyes healthy. 16 TWO OF TWENTY Olhão artists chosen to exhibit. 18 SANTA LUZIA We take a walk about this pretty little village 20 PROPERTY Hidden maintenance costs. 24 PROPERTY Property of the month. 27 HOME Choose the right bed. 29 HOME Old school Cool. 30 FOOD Super Sushi. 35 GARDENING All about avocados. 38 ENVIRONMENT Spring clean your Air-con. 40 FINANCE Cover yourself. 42 SPORT Golf; 14th hole at Benamor. 44 SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 46 BOOK LOVERS’ CORNER This month’s book review. 47 CLASSIFIEDS Grab a local bargain. 30 18 12 CONTENTS 83510

and basil sauce followed by profiteroles withchocolate sauce. Followed by music. ONLY

includes entry into racing


of the

Sat 29th May 7.30pm 15€

Meal choice - Watercress and goats cheese salad or cream of potato soup PleaseStrawberryhake,vegetablesSeafoodLemonchickenwithnoodlesandfreshvegetablesorpieservedwithfresh(piescontains,salmon,prawns,andtoppedwithcheesymashedpotato)Homemadericepuddingorknicker-bockerglory.Waterincluded.supplyusyourmealchoiceattimeofbooking.Musicanddancingtofollow. ONLY


GUESTHOUSE, BAR & BISTRO FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO 281 971 484, email or see our or see our map on the back page Page 5info@eastalgarvemag.comEmail: Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders.


sales only. Household furniture,electricalgoods,gardengoodsandantiques.LocationBarracha,1kmoutofS.BrasonEN270toTavira.Call919767066


p/pincludes meal and quiz entry


Sat 5th June, 7.30pm. Spaghetti tomato 10€ p/p

only. First

Sat 8th May, 7.30pm 8€ p/p

ABANDONED PUPPIES. Just over two weeks ago, our neighbour, walking in a remote, place, heard small cries. Unable to reach the place -she came back for us, and we went out in the car. We found a tightly tied up sack containing 5 puppies, only days old. They were shivering and dehydrated. We spent the next couple of days trying to keep them alive. but sadly lost 2. The other 3 are thriving and are approximately 25 days old. One appears to be a perfect little Golden Retriever, another a little Rottweiler and the third, a small black Labrador! We do not know what they will look like in 6 months, but they are gorgeous and feeding well. We need loving homes where the pups will live with a family, not in an apartment, and not tied up on a short rope for life. Please help if you can. Email and “East Algarve Magazine” will forward any emails on to us. Many thanks The Quinta Quilting Club run by Gillian Stapleton were given a part finished Grandmother's flower garden quilt which was started by Joyce Senior in the UK. It was finished by Fay Carroll a member of the club and was raffled in the Christmas Craft Fair at Quinta Fonte do Bispo. The quilt was won by Katie Warren and the money raised was donated to the Faro Oncology fund run by Maria Lurdis who accepted the 150Euros raised to help this worthy cause. Monday 10am-4pm-intake Wednesday 10am4pm-sales Saturday 9am1pm-sales Friday month-10am-4pm

Algarve auctions and sales, Barracha, Have new opening hours.



and sales.

Bangers and mash with onion gravy followed bybred and pudding.butter There will be music and dancing after the quiz. ONLY

and meatballswith homemade

T avira’s riverside was hit by a tornado on the 17th April at approximately 9.00am. No injuries were reported, but up to thirty boats were damaged and several trees came down. The buildings of the Tavira nautical club also suffered damage. It was reported to be a low intensity tornado, which apparently are quite common.

O n Wednesday evening, 21st April, a family in Costa Esuri, Ayamonte were burgled. Sadly, their beloved dogs were stolen, 2 elderly Yorkshire Terriers, 14 and 12 years old, named Toto and Emma. They are sisters, Toto is approximately 3.6 kilos, and Emma, who likes her food, 5 are devasted and are offering a generous reward for the safe return of their dogs, no questions asked. Can you help? The family would do anything to get them back. If you can give any information relating to the whereabouts of the dogs, please contact us or Per and Ayami Gulklett on 0034 959 328 092, 0045 3051 7309 or Steven Hall on 0044 777 556 5513. Thankyou. R esidents of Agua de Tabuas and Malhada do Judeu celebrated as they learned that the project for 3 turbines proposed for the area has been thrown out. After 14 months of objection from villagers, the evidence against the proposed site of Cavalum turbines proved too Thisstrong.expensive route proved to be an effective one, as Tavira lawyers picked apart the shabby proposal the company had submitted. They found countless errors, omissions and false reporting. They had claimed (originally) that the village of Água de Tábuas was virtually uninhabited, despite much contact with people who lived there, stating that over 50 nearby properties were “abandoned” when some of them had already been bought-up for development. They misrepresented distances between the turbines and properties, used unrepresentative wind-readings to “prove” residents would not suffer noise disturbance, and falsely claimed that the single dirt track accessing the village would be suitable for all the huge equipment and cranes they would be using during the installation. The proposed site also caused a big stir among Portugal bird experts, as a pair of rare Bonelli eagles nest nearby. The SPEA and top Bonelli Eagle specialist, Luís Plamer drafted letters in the strongest terms, informing the CCDR that it would be a bad move to erect turbines in the territory of these birds of prey. The first act of PROBAAL president António Dario de Sousa Viegas was to sign a letter from the association calling for the rejection of the proposal, which was sent along with almost 200 signatures. Quotes from this letter are contained in the official declaration issued by the Ministry of the ThankfullyEnvironment.thisWind Turbine project was rejected. There were several main reasons given for this by the CCDR, but importantly, they specifically listed all the negative opinions of local residential and environmental groups. In shortpeople Residentspower.can now get on with their lives without the threat of 120 metre towers looming 300 metres from their homes, and the fear of developing ‘Wind turbine syndrome’, disturbing noise or seriously decreased house values.Written by Amanda McGregor Wind Turbines STOPPED


News Page 6

T he last 16 shops in the Alisuper chain will shut down by the end of April. The measure is designed to protect any property that can still be sold at public auction to pay creditors (insolvency settlement). This means another 58 workers will join the 380 who had their contracts suspended at the end of March. According to union sources, should the solution be to liquidate the group all at once, there would be a “social catastrophe” in the Algarve. Creditors are due to meet at the end of May to make their final decision. Alicoop became insolvent in August 2009 due to its accumulated debts of almost 80 million euros.

A recuperation plan was drawn up for the group – but banks refused to approve it.

Alicoop closes in May


TAVIRA - Piano Recital, 25/05, 18h00, António Pinheiro CinemaTheatre TAVIRA - Guitar Recital, 27/05, 18h00, António Pinheiro CinemaTAVIRA - Violin and Piano Recital, 28/05, 21h00, António Pinheiro Cinema-Theatre SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - Con cert of Classical Piano, Music with the Pianist Miguel Sousa, 29/05, 20h30, Costume Museum T. 966 329 073 SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - Fado evening, 30/05, 21h00, Costume Museum T. 966 329 073

Page What’s on There’s so much to do and see this month. Check out our guide to what’s on soon in the East Algarve! MARKETS Loulé: Every Saturday. Estoi: 2nd Sunday of the month. Moncarapacho 1st Sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th Sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd Saturday of the month. Vila Nova de Cacela: 3rd Sunday of the month. Castro Marim: 2nd Saturday of the month. Sta Catarina: 4th Sunday of the month. 2010 BANK HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS Here’s your handy cut out & keep guide to the 2010 bank holidays and festivals, with compliments of East Algarve magazine. Things to do this month Carnival/Shrove Tuesday ........ 16 Feb Maundy Thursday 1 Apr Good Friday, 2 Apr Easter Sunday 4 Apr Liberation Day (Sunday) 25 Apr Labour Day, (Saturday) 1 May Corpus Christi, (Thursday) 3 Jun National Day in Portugal, (Thursday) 10 Jun Assumption Day, (Sunday) 15 Aug Republic Day, (Tuesday) 5 Oct All Saints’ Day, (Monday) 1 Nov Independence Restoration Day, (Wednesday) 1 Dec Immaculate (Wednesday)Conception, 8 Dec Christmas Eve 24 Dec Christmas Day, (Saturday) 25 Dec TAVIRAMUSIC- Concerts “Music in The Churches ”, 01/05 - 29/05, 18h00, 08/05 - Irene / Birgitt (Piano / Song), Igreja da Misericórdia; 15/05 - Josué Nunes (Guitar), Igreja de São Paulo; 22/05 Algarve Guitar Duo, Ermida de Santa Ana; 29/05 - Twenty Fingers Duo (Harpsichord and Guitar), Igreja do Carmo. OLHÃO - Moscow Piano Quartet, 15/05, 21h00, Municipal Audito rium T. 289 710 170 CASTRO MARIM - Accordion Evenings, 15/05 - 29/05, Various Venues T. 281 510 740 SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - Jazz Club, 16/05, 17h00, Costume Mu seum T. 966 329 073

TAVIRATHEATRE-The Den of Thieves, 22/05, 21h30 António Pinheiro Cinema-Theatre Algarve Theatre Company SÃOEXHIBITIONSBRÁSDEALPORTEL - Exhi bition “From the Form of Writing to the Writing of the Form”, until 13/05, Alportel Musuem ALCOUTIM - Exhibition “Cockerels in Popular Art ”, until 28/05, Arts and Crafts Centre T. 281 540 500 ALCOUTIM - Exhibition of Works from the Scarecrow Competition, 05/05/28/05, Casa dos Condes OLHÃODANCE-Performance by Chil dren and Young People (Ballet and Dance), 08/05, 16h00, Munici pal Auditorium T. 289 710 170 ALCOUTIMSPORT – 9th Municipal Swimming Meet, 22/05, Municipal Swimming Pool Martim Longo V. R. STO. ANTÓNIO - European Champion Clubs’ Cup In Athlet ics - Group A, 29/05 and 30/05, V. R. Sto. António - Sports Complex 29/05: 15h30 – 19h30 30/05: 16h00 – 19h30

T. 289 824 946 www.aaal CASTROFESTIVALSMARIM - 2nd Castro Marim International Snail Festival - 21/05 - 23/05, Ravelin of Santo António T. 281 510 740 ALCOUTIM - May Festival, 29/05 - 30/05 Multipurpose Sports Facil ity, Charity, Cultural, Sports, Arts and Crafts VILA NOVA DE CACELA, Day Craft Fair Car Boot Sale with BBQ, 01/05 All Day at Caliço Park TAVIRA, STA CATARINA, FREE garden party with children’s en tertainment, 15/05 at Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Tel 281 971 484 WRC Vodafone rally of Portugal, 27-30/05 at the Algarve stadium, Faro

J ohn and Emma Hogan, along with their 6 year old daughter, Deanna, came to live in the Algarve a little over 4 years ago.

John, who is also sales manager for Penguin air-conditioning, recalls that the decision was made whilst Deanna was young so that she could be schooled through the Portuguese system. They lived here back in 1999 for 2 years, but had to return to the UK for personal reasons, whilst there, got married, had Deanna and returned to Portugal as soon as they possibly could. John and Emma love Portugal and are now totally settled. Emma has always loved to be in the kitchen, and although John is a trained Chef, it is Emma that has always loved to cook. Emma has always had a desire for her own restaurant here in the Algarve – and although John admits to being a little sceptical at the beginning, Mesa do Chefe has turned out to be just what they wanted and they are both loving their work. John takes care of front of house and strives for the perfect customer experience.

John and Emma found the premises quite by chance after responding to an advert for a property advertised in the East Algarve magazine. The house wasn’t for them, but in the same meeting they found that the Bistro was available in Moncarapacho. Not wanting to miss a business opportunity, they arranged to meet the owner that same day, and they set the ball rolling. On Boxing Day last year, John phoned his brother Stuart in the UK, who also has extensive experience in professional kitchens as well as a shared love of Portugal and asked if he would like to come out and work at Mesa do Chefe, bringing with him his own culinary flair. He accepted and is now in the kitchen with Emma cooking up many tasty treats.

The reason for this, is historically, this restaurant has never opened at lunchtime.” It is open from 12pm to 2.30pm Tue to Sun & 7.00pm to 10.30 pm Tue to Sat. Word is spreading and each week the lunchtime trade is increasing. They offer an extensive tapas menu, all freshly cooked to order, with dishes from all over the world, “rather than just Spanish

Emma and John made the decision to make Mesa do Chefe a Tapas and Wine Bistro, with the emphasis on great quality at a reasonable price. The atmosphere is relaxed, and you can have a few dishes to share, or several – making it a complete meal with many different and exciting flavours. The feedback from customers so far has been fantastic and repeat business has been very high. Clients have also commented that the house wines, at 5€ a litre, are superb, and John believes, after careful research, “the fun bit!”, that they are the best house wines for miles around.

Page 8

A new idea for the bistro, starting in May is to offer a mixed tapas plate – a full meal for one person with a covert and glass of house wine for €8.50 at lunchtimes. Emma explains, “lunchtimes at present are unpredictable and can be quite quiet.


A slice of heaven is the best way to describe this family run Bistro.

A talent for Tapas at Mesa do Chefe


◊ INTERNATIONAL TAPAS ◊ NEW LUNCHTIME MIXED TAPAS PLATE ◊ SUPERB WINES ◊ STONE BAKED, HAND MADE PIZZAS ◊ DAILY SPECIALS BOARD ◊ TAKE AWAY PIZZAS OPEN FOR LUNCH 12PM-2.30PM AND DINNER 7PM-9.30PM (CLOSED SUNDAY EVE AND ALL DAY MONDAY) tapas”. They also offer home made stone baked pizzas, made by Emma using her own special dough recipe. All ingredients are simple, fresh and tasty and the pizzas are rolled and baked to order. Emma explains, “the perfect pizza should have a crisp base, yet with plenty of topping. You can either choose from the menu, or simply build your own using a Margarita base. We can offer pizzas for take away too, simply phone your order through on 289 792 087, or call in and have a drink whilst you wait for your order.” Evenings are amazing. According to John and Emma, they have only been open for twelve weeks, and already booking is highly recommended. With the warmer weather they are able to double their seating capacity using the lovely bougainvillea shaded terrace. In the future, they are looking to expand and to take Mesa do Chefe tapas experience to other towns in the East Algarve region. Why not give them a try one lunchtime or evening and sample some of the mouthwatering tapas, such as Sticky Ribs, Spicy Meatballs, Seared Tuna, Garlic and Chilli Prawns, Emma’s home-made coleslaw, chips, and an array of freshly made desserts, with a glass or 3 of wine! Find them in Moncarapacho, by taking the road from the main street, up the right hand side of the market. It is approximately 100 metres up on the right hand side set on the facing corner. For bookings please call 289 792 087.


NEW LUNCHTIME SPECIAL - COVER, MIXED TAPAS AND GLASS OF WINE €8.50 PER HEAD Telephone 289 792 087 Rua do Carmo; No15, Moncarapacho, 8700-096, Olhão

Below from left to right; Stuart, John and Emma Hogan With seating both inside the Bistro and on the Bougainvillea shaded terrace, relax and while away the hours with a choice from the carefully selected wine list and a plate or three of Tapas from the extensive menu.


The restaurant O Monte featured in the very well known magazine “Happy” as one of the best restaurants in Algarve. This year O Monte was selected amoung 67 very good restaurants to be shown in a very special magazine, “Dining out”, which displays a selection of the best and most charming restaurants of Algarve. In September 2008, they were approached about the possibility of renting a large storage space, cold and empty but in the heart of Tavira, near the newly built shopping centre, the perfect opportunity for a club with no neighbours to disturb. Claudia saw the place and began to dream of what it could be in the future, and Tito and Claudia decided to make the investment. They named the club, The Meeting Room, as they wanted a place where people could meet friends, enjoy the nice atmosphere and make contacts. The contract was signed in November entrepeneurs

Tito and Claudia are bursting with energy and enthusiasm for life, each other and their businesses.

Page 10 People

Tito, born in Albufeira, has a daughter, Ines, who studies in Albufeira. Tito has always worked in bars in Europe from the age of 16, where he also learnt English and Dutch. Tito likes to meet open minded people, he enjoys nightlife, he has a love of life and music. He settled in Tavira in the year 2000. In 2003 he began working with Peter in Arcos bar. Sadly, Peter died, but Tito continued to successfully run the bar with Ziggy. Several years ago, Claudia and Tito met at a friend’s party, began talking and the rest, as they say, is history.

In February 2008, disappointed with the quality of the restaurant of the Quinta Velha over the last few years, Tito and Claudia decided to open the restaurant themselves with the help of French and English chefs.

One Vision


They are opposites, different, but in her own words “both crazy, crazy for life, crazy about each other”. They make a fantastic team. Both are very sensitive and sensible but also “very strong willed with good Claudiahearts”.wasborn in Belgium, French speaking with some Flemish. She has two children, Caroline and Laurent aged 19 and 22, who are both studying in Belgium. Claudia is an architect, specialising in industrial modern buildings, using glass and metal. She worked for major companies such as Renault and also privately. Claudia loves buildings, when she sees an open space she has the vision to transform it, “like a dream”, she says. In 1988, her father bought an olive tree farm in Cabanas and transformed it into Quinta Velha village, a beautiful place with typical houses, a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. In 1995, her father died suddenly. It was many years later, in 2005, that Claudia took over the project which had been going downhill after many years of neglect by the former accountant. Her goal was to turn Quinta Velha into “a real paradise”, as her father had wanted.

H ere are the 12 finalists for Miss Tavira 2010. Join us for the fantastic Gala’s on April 10th, May 15th and the Grand final on 26th June at the Meeting room in Tavira. and they worked day and night to be ready for the inauguration day the 18th of December 2008. It was made possible only with the help of their friends who were really fantastic. The main room of the club boasts a large TV on the stage area, cosy sofas and an impressive bar area. There is a terrace for the summer, planted with palm trees and beautiful flowers. The VIP lounge on the first floor is decorated in glamorous gold and black. The Meeting Room celebrated its birthday on the 18th December 2009, and they held a huge party with circus acts, music, great canapés and free champagne. Claudia’s and Tito’s goal is for everyone to enjoy their experience, relax, dance, enjoy the live music, disco, and events such as Miss Tavira, or even the odd football match.

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info@eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 Health

D rinking water is so important for good health. When you were a kid in school, you learned that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You may also have learned that it was great fun to fill up your squirt guns with water, at least until the principal caught you. What you may not have learned, however, was how much water you needed in order to be a healthy human being. Why do you need to drink water? Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. When water stops running it becomes stagnant. Think about it, that is how your body become when you don’t keep the water flowing. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. Signs of dehydration. You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we Symptomsneed. of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odour to your urine, along with a yellow or amber colour indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty. How much water do you need to drink? A good estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces of water per day that you need to drink. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. If you exercise you should drink another eight ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink alcohol, you should drink at least an equal amount of water. When you are travelling on an airplane, it is good to drink eight ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane. If you live in an arid climate, you should add another two servings per day. As you can see, your daily need for water can add up to quite a Twentylot. percent of your water need will come from the foods you eat. The rest of your water need should come from the beverages you drink.

We know usBullockwater,toimportantit’sdrinkGarethtellswhy.

Water is the best choice. Sodas have a lot of sugar in them, so if you drink sodas, you may take in more calories than you need. Herbal teas that aren’t diuretic are fine. Sports drinks contain electrolytes and may be beneficial, just look out for added sugar and calories that you don’t need. Juices are good because they have vitamins and nutrients. Caffeinated beverages will also add to your daily water need. Even though caffeine is a diuretic, if you regularly consume caffeine, your body will regulate itself to that diuretic effect. Do you drink enough water? It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, travelling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon or lime for a touch of flavour. There are some brands of flavoured water available, but watch for extra calories. Have a bottle of room temperature water in your kitchen, with a glass next to it, and every time you pass the bottle have half a glass. Don’t try and drink all the required amount in one go, space it out. With the promise of summer around the corner we should all be drinking more water to keep our bodies fluid and active.

Drink water to improvehealthyour

Page CRANIOSACRALharmonisingOSTEOPATHYFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.THERAPYMASSAGESERVICE •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •Swedish massage,Quiromassage, Reflexology, •Lymphatic drainage, Traditional Thai massage, •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders. CATHERINA PAUWELS, ILSE BRENNER Tel: 919 660 211 or 963 706 624 IN THE CENTRE OF TAVIRA Mail: PhysiotherapistRehabilitationTrainer Ria Siertsema Ced. Profissional C-022387072 Tm. 933 887 riasiertsema@raketnet.nl980Pre-andpostoperativerehabilitationAllmuscle,skeletalandorjointproblemsSportsinjuriesLymphaticdrainage NEW: Neuromuscular taping CLINICS: Housevisits: mobile practice Colina Verde, Sitio de Maragota Santa Barbara de Nexe Quinta do Lago Speaking 4 languages TEASHOPFLAVOURS& 60 varieties of tea, exclusive coffees, hot chocolates, and much more! Need a touch of home? Home made fairy cakes & Muffins Visit us at Tavira Gran Plaza, 1st floor, Food Court

Oticon Agil, most natural April was an exciting month for us at the of a brand new product from Oticon – the

Page 14 that significantly improves speech understanding, while conserving cognitive energy, so that they can continue to live an active life. People of all ages are investing in electronic games and gadgets, mental exercises and memory joggers in an effort to preserve their cognitive function well into old age. For individuals with hearing loss, a sleek and stylish brain works overtime to translate signals and understand speech, especially in noisy environments such as restaurants, business meetings and social gatherings. New Oticon Agil is the first hearing instrument designed to enable people with hearing loss to minimize the cognitive, energy expended in typical listening environments, without compromising sound quality and speech understanding. With the breakthrough multidimensional sound processing of new Oticon Agil, speech understanding becomes more immediate, so that more cognitive energy is readily available to engage in day-to-day interactions. Staying connected to modern life, through today’s high-tech communication and entertainment devices, is another way that hearing impaired people maintain an active, vital lifestyle. Oticon Agil connects wirelessly and seamlessly to mobile

3 Know your family eye history: Glaucoma is a condition which causes vision to become patchy and may lead to tunnel vision. Detected early, it can be treated and controlled. Glaucoma can be hereditary (although it may skip generations) so if members of your family have the condition, go and get yourself tested.

Page 15Meetinfo@eastalgarvemag.comthe world’s energy provider! hearing centre as we attended the global launch world’s leading hearing aid manufacturer. phones, MP3 music players and a variety of other communication and entertainment devices via the Oticon Streamer. In addition, with the introduction of two innovative features - Power Bass and Music Widening – listening to sounds has never been richer and more enjoyable. The Oticon Agil family of hearing solutions can accommodate approximately 80 percent of hearing losses. Users can choose from two discreet style options: a small mini behind-the-ear device, that is almost invisible on the ear, and a tiny CIC model that is worn completely in the ear canal. Oticon Agil is designed to offer people, with hearing loss, a simple and effective solution, that significantly improves speech understanding, while conserving cognitive energy, so that they can continue to live an active life. If you think the Oticon Agil is the hearing aid for you, bring a copy of this month’s issue of the Eastern Algarve to us at CAT – Centro Auditivo de Tavira and receive an extra 200€ off our price list. (see our advert for contact details) Aqua Pura Lda since 1989 Quality poolcovers delivered in 2 days! Now available D.I.Y. Solar covers Eastern Algarve 967 456 305 Western Algarve 967 025 RONALDO’SFAZFATONOWOPEN!BootSaleeverySunday10-30am---2.30pmBaconSandwiches,Coffee,Teas10.30to12.30Roastlunchservedat1.30--3.00BAR Faz VilaCampoCorteCasaRONALDO’SFatoPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacela

1 Wear sunglasses: Ultra violet light from the sun’s rays can cause damage to your eyes. Reduce the risk by wearing sunglasses when outside in the sun. Check your shades have a UV factor rating and carry the CE 2mark.Take regular screen breaks: If you use a computer, take frequent breaks from your screen - at least one an hour.

4 Clean your contact lenses: Only use commercially prepared solutions for contact lens care and never use tap or distilled water, or saliva. If you don’t stick to a strict cleansing routine your eyes can become infected and you risk corneal disease, or even the loss of an eye. You should never borrow or use anybody else’s contacts and never sleep in your contacts unless advised by the optometrist.

5 Visit your Optician: More than half of all sight loss is avoidable if the cause is caught early. It is recommended that people have an eye test every two years,but research shows that one in four of us fail to do Athis.regular eye test can identify any early indications of diseases such as cataract, glaucoma and age related macular degeneration. An eye test can also identify other problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure for which the Optometrist can refer you back to a GP.

Top 10 tips for protecting your eyesight Follow these tips to protect your eyesight and prevent any problems arising in the future.

R esponding to the Algarve’s natural surroundings, Meinke’s decorative paintings often feature charming animals cleverly worked with collage techniques. In contrast John Lamonby is distinguished by picturing land and seascapes using impressionist and abstract forms. They are two of twenty artists whose work can be seen this month at Galeria Corte-Real in a new exhibition entitled, ‘Perfectly Small Paintings at Perfectly Small Prices.’ Neatly proportioned at 20cms by 20cms, a variety of styles and subjects are represented and remarkably none of these original paintings is more than 200 euros – many cost less.

Caliço Park ALGARVE PORTUGAL Mont ́Belo Restaurant/Bar Is Newly Refurbished, Under New Management and Open to the Public! Restaurant Mont’ Belo at Caliço Residential Park, Vila Nova de Cacela We are open Daily from 10.30-2300 serving everything from full English Breakfast from only €4, to Juicy Steaks, Spare Ribs, Fresh Fish, Snacks and Homemade Pizzas and Pasta. Fridays are our Fish and Chips Day, Cod with Homemade Beer Batter. Throughout May Monday night is our Pizza Special Night...All Pizzas are 2 4 1 eat in or Take ComeAway!andTry our Sunday afternoon BBQ Buffet, Chicken, Ribs, Pork, Burgers, Salad, Potatoes and Much Much More for only 7.50. Rain will not stop play...we’ll move inside! We have a fully stocked Mini Market stocking fresh bread and milk along with UK and Portuguese Products. We will be showing all major sporting events with Sky Sports, we have a Pool Table, Football Table and Table Tennis, or take a dip in the large pool...something for all the family!

Two of twenty Commissioned to produce paintings for a unique exhibition, Olhão residents Meinke Flesseman and John Lamonby are exceptional artists.

Open: - Thursdays to Sundays, 11am until 5pm Tel: 918 980 199 or 912 737 762

Page 16


The gallery’s Portuguese and English owners have selected artists working in nine countries to create a truly international show. The gallery - located in the countryside near Paderne -can be reached from the eastern Algarve via two scenic routes. Take the EN 270 through Loulé and Alfontes or using the EN 124 through Salir, Alte, Messines and south to Purgatorio. Using the motorway leave at the Boliqueime Junction and travel north towards Paderne. The gallery is signposted from Boliqueime, Paderne and Ferreiras. Refreshments are available.

Entertainment During May Sat 1st May All Day Craft Fair Car Boot Sale with BBQ Sat May 8th Charity Night - contact us for further information... Sat May 15th Live Entertainment with Danny Maverick includes paella and a glass of tinto verano only 7.00€ Sat May 22nd Any Pizza or Pasta Dish for 5€ Quiz Night Sat May 29th. 3 course Italian based Menu, with Live Entertainment with local group M & M only 10.00€ For further Info contact Nichol or Sergio on 00351 927 363 356

Page AFFORDABLELIVINGONTHEEASTERNALGARVESituated11kmfromTaviraand11kmfromVilaRealdeSantoAntónioandtheSpanishborder.Mostplotshaveseaviewsasthecoastisonly5kmfromthepark.Theparkhasaswimmingpool,BarandRestaurant,FreeInternetaccess,DaytimeReceptionand24HourSecurity.Tel:(00351)281951360Tlm:(00351)917925031www.calico-park.comcalicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptVISITSBYAPPOINTMENTONLYCaliço Park ALGARVE PORTUGAL Caliço Park ALGARVE PORTUGAL RotaManta 2 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHROOMS, FULLY FURNISHED EXCELLENT FINANCE PACKAGE AVAILABLE PLOTS AVAILABLE • RE-SALES • WEEKLY RENTALS ONLYHOUSEOFTHEMONTH€35,000

Page Walk about Santa Luzia

S anta Luzia so often crops up in conversations I have with readers of the magazine, that I thought I’d take the opportunity to have a sunny afternoon stroll aound it myself. I parked on the promenade and took in the beautiful view of the Ria Formosa, very pretty and still with a few boats bobbing about on the water and the occasional laid back fishermen. Santa Luzia is renowned as the “Capital of the Octopus” and has several highly recommended fish restaurants. I went on a Monday, when many fish restaurants are closed, but the few that were open had terraces full of English and Portuguese locals, soaking in the lovely views and ambiance. It is quite rustic but the buildings are beautiful and very clean, with friendly people, as you so often find in these villages. I loved the litter bins, shaped like ship funnels. Branching off of the main promenade into the back streets, there are some lovely old houses with quaint features, such as the tiles shown, more restaurants, a church and cafes. Further along from Santa Luzia you’ll find the area of Pedras del Rei, a small, pretty tourist resort where you’ll find a small wooden pontoon across the Ria Formosa marshland. You can take a stroll, or for a small fee, catch the minature train over to the enormous Barril beach. The train is definitely popular with young children. Barril beach is on Ilha de Tavira. Ilha de Tavira is about 18 km long and Barril is about in the middle of it. Walk left, to the east, and you will come to Santa Luzia’s beach, Terra Estreita, there is a ferry across to it from Santa Luzia, but I think this only runs in peak season. Where the train pulls up at Barril beach, you arrive at an old tuna factory. The buildings are still standing and have now been converted into cafes, restaurants, toilets and other facilities for tourists. You will see further evidence of the old tuna factory in the remains of just one of the old wooden boats, in a ‘graveyard’ of huge iron anchors and in rusted metal cable occasionally protruding from the dunes, all of which was used to secure the massive tuna net to the sea bed. At the entrance point, the beach is invariably busy in summer. But walk either way, especially to the right, and you will find acres of space on which to prop your brolly and stake your claim for the day. Also to the right, you will come to the only officially sanctioned nudest beach in the Eastern Algarve. Walk about Santa Luzia

Page 20

RENTAL LICENSE: If you rent out a property on a long term basis - e.g. 5 years or longer - you need to register the rental contract at the finance department and pay stamp duty. The same is true for rental agreements which are considered ‘transitory’, e.g. the tenant needs temporary accommodation for study, tourism or while looking to find a job. You only need a license for short term letting, a.k.a. Licença de Alojamento Local if your property is available for short term holiday letting for a large part of the year.

281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 happyAbrighterfuturehomeslda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Property maintenance,Property the hidden costs! Keep up to date with new legislation regarding your rental property with advice from property expert Robert Bijker.

The deadline to register is the 31st of May 2010, which was extended in 2009 by one year because many homeowners did not know about this legislation. Non compliance


Covering the whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment

A ll things in life require maintenance, some more than others and some are less obvious. Relationships, health, education, pets, cars, gardens, investments and retirement plans. If you own a property this is no different. A bit of pre-emptive maintenance can prevent you from incurring larger expenses in the future. This is true for general maintenance such as regularly painting your house and making sure the woodwork is in good condition. But less obvious is the need to keep the paperwork of your property current, and, if needed, updated for new legislation. This is a selection of topics you may or may not be aware of:

BOREHOLE: If you own a property in the countryside and need a borehole, you first need to apply for a license to drill the borehole. Once the borehole is ready to use, you need another license to draw water from your borehole. The latter is valid for 5 to 10 years after which you need to apply for renewal. If you don’t have a license for the borehole you will need to register with ACH (Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Algarve). If you have a fossa you need to register this too.

Contact us today:

Algarve www.portugal-accommodation.comLda.RuaDr.JoséPiresPadinha1788800-354TaviraTel:281320283Fax:281321901 Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira • • By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS


Page 21 can expose you to heavy fines in the future. You can do this yourself free of charge, or you can outsource this to a company in case you do not speak Portuguese. The people of Algardril in Santa Catarina offer assistance for Euro 50 and would be pleased to help you.

ENERGY CERTIFICATE: The need for an Energy Efficiency Classification (Certificado Energético) originally comes from Brussels and the idea behind it is to make consumers more conscious of energy preservation and to offer a rating for homes depending on how energy efficient they are. Eventually every property would have one. However, in some northern European countries the certification is a failure, and according to some lawyers, soon this will be the case too in Portugal. Until this is the case, be aware you can not sell your property at the moment without having one. FISCAL REPRESENTATIVE: As a non resident who owns a property in Portugal, you need to appoint a fiscal representative who will be responsible for paying council tax and settling future capital gains tax when the property is sold. The fiscal representative can be a friend or family member who is a resident in Portugal. Alternatively, many law firms and accountants offer this Withoutservice. doubt, many existing laws will be amended over time and new legislation will be introduced. As a homeowner you need to stay informed. By Robert Bijker. Homes

Page 22 MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITEgeral@estealgarve.comwww.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI LAND W/ RUIN SANTO ESTEVÃO / TAVIRA - Good access, approx. 3 kms from Santo Estevão, 15 mins drive from Santa Luzia. In a rural area of 15.000m2, ruin ( approx. 100m2), flat land. Irrigation water outlet, electric ity. In a lovely quiet location with other rural properties nearby. EUROS 120.000 FARM - SANTO ESTEVÃO / TAVI RA- Approx. 4 Kms from Tavira and 5kms from Barril beach( Santa Luzia), walking distance to the village. Set in 15.000m2 of flat agricultural land, ideal for greenhous es or horses. T3, built in 1974 w/ 204m2, centrally heated. Apartment type T1, w/ indenpent entrance. EUROS 475.000 ▲ ▲ EastAll&BuildingAlgarveGardensgeneralBuildingworkundertaken Full refurbishments • Tiling Plumbing • Joinery Roofing • Painting Etc. Generalmaintenancegarden Decking • Patios • Planting FOR A FRIENDLYPROMPTSERVICE Tel 00351 964 508 128 Villa in a very hall,Entrance&TaviraKmsposition,good5fromtownbeaches.wc, kitchen, lounge, 3 beds, 3 baths, garage, laundry room, roof terrace with sea views. Within a fenced plot of 1 570 m2 with pool. It ́s for sale fully furnished. TAVIRA REF: A 3261 95 000€ Rua 1° de Maio, 30-A, 8800-360 Tavira, Portugal Tel. +351 281 324 684 Fax: +351 281 324 685 Website: Email: imo90tavira@gmail.comSOCIEDADEDEMED.IMOBILIÁRIA,LDALICENCANo764-AMIREALESTATEAGENCY REF: V3263 SANTA CATARINA REF: V3001 150 000€ Luxury villa, a short drive to lounge,utilityhall,Entrancegolfbeachesairport,andcoursekitchen,room,3 beds, 3 baths, roof terrace with lovely views, double gge, 457 m2 garden & pool. Must be seen to realise it ́s quality. OLHÃO REF: V3264 BARGAIN !!! New bungalow, on a hill above Santa Catarina. 2 beds, bathroom, kitchen, laundry, lounge and attic. Set in 6 480 m2 land with trees. Permission for a swimming pool. Country views. SANTO ESTEVÃO Resale 1st floor apartment, in Tavira, walking distance to town, good access. 2 beds, lounge, balcony, bathroom, storeroom, kitchen and terrace. 289 000€ 320 000€ As a well established company, our Property Management services are tailored to meet the individual needs of the client. Whether your property is large, small, in the hills or by the sea, your home will be treated as if it were our own! Client testimonials are available on request. For a friendly and informal chat to discuss your requirements and our services, please call on the number below. Tel: + 351 91 908 1052 Email: A family run business, offering a friendly service, carried out with professionalism and integrity!

Page PROPERTY SALES PROPERTYANDRENTALS ALLMANOROFPROPERTY Manorpark Properties Lda, Head Office – Almancil Estrada de Vale do Lobo, Sitio das Escanxinas, CP 947 A, Apartado 3207, 8135 -903 Almancil , Algarve, Portugal, Tel: +351 289 391 303 AMI 2198 PROPERTIESMANORPARKLDA taviraauctionAladdin´sCaveGoodQuality2ndhandfurnitureLIVINGROOMFURNITURETABLESANDCHAIRS ✣ BEDROOM ACCESSORIES ✣ WHITE GOODS GARDEN ✣ MIRRORS ✣ GAMES ✣ BOOKS AND VIDEOS ✣ DISCS ✣ ART ✣ ANTIQUES EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO FURNISH A HOME Give us a call anytime; 00(351) 916 138 www.taviraauction.com059 We are happy to make an OFFER on your HOUSE CLEARANCES & SINGLE ITEMS FARO N125 Mte Gordo AuctionTaviraGranPlazaTAVIRAStationPetrol TRANSPORT?NEED We arrange it for you... price per hour 00351 916 138 059 (English) 0034 660641237 (all languages) NEXT AUCTION 15.05.10 Doors open 9am, Auction at 10am VIEWING & TAKE IN DAYS Monday-Friday, 10am-1pm SERVING YOU AND YOUR GUESTS WITH COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN MIND 00 351 913 692 170 or UK 0161 298 4800 us make renting easy. Management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•Enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •Laundry•Meeting•24/7 Helpline •Bill Payments•Guest Services; Golf Leisure Trips & Transfers

Page 24 Propertyinfo@eastalgarvemag.comof RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal Good central location with easy access off local tarmac road. Rural but not isolated. Villa on two floors but divided into 3 parts: Ground floor villa: 2 bedrooms, Large lounge / kitchen, cloaks, bathroom and laundry room. Ground floor apartment: 2 bedrooms, shower room and sitting room. 1st floor villa: 3 bedrooms each with ensuite, cloaks and kitchen sitting room * Gas central heating through radiators. * Large underground gas deposit. * Adsl and sat dish * Salt water pool with lighting * Double glazed windows with fly screens & shutters * Good access. * Lovely sea & country views * Mains water REDUCED from 575.000€ to 460.000€ ono Ref: 1065V

Page 25theinfo@eastalgarvemag.commonth Stunning withvillaBedroomFive&twobedroomapartmentpoolsitting in 5.760m2 of land with lovely sea and country views.

info@eastalgarvemag.comPage 26 East Algarve MAGAZINE PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FROM ONLY €50, UP TO €250 FOR A FULL PAGE If you would like to promote your business with the East Algarve magazine contact us on info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200.Ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative,pleasecallSteveBoothon967190218(SaoBras)orKimAllenon927168059(Tavira) As an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers. Company AMI 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 Mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 EMAIL:RENTALS:www.algarvemantaproperties.comSALES:www.algarvemanta.ptsarah@algarvemanta.ptCasa Anibal R/C loja B, Estrada da Manta Rota 8900-038 Vila Nova de Cacela Fantastic balcony for sunbathing, great location near Tavira, lounge, 2 bedrooms with wardrobes, 1 2spacegaragekitchen,equippedbath,forcars. Ref: 986 Tavira €107.000 Brand new apartments, equipped kitchens, great location, 2 beds with fitted wardrobes, 1 bathroom, 2 qualityWC,fin ishes, close to amenities. Ref: 989 Cacela €115.000 2 mins on foot to the beach, private pool, 2 beds, 3 baths, large basement for further bedroom, gorgeous finishes, viewed.mustoceanterraceroofw/view,be Ref: 982 Lota Beach €255.000 Fully furnished and equipped, fire place, south facing patio with BBQ, 3 beds with wardrobes, 3 baths,andamenitiesclosegarage,ensuite,twotobeach. Ref: 995 Manta Rota €215.000

Pocket Sprung mattress are the preferred option as by definition the quality is better and the spring count is much higher than in the traditional bonnell sprung mattresses. If you are in the enviable position of just having lost a lot of weight i.e. through dieting, or not so lucky,

Choose the right bed for you!

With so many bed models on the market these days, it is essential to know what to look for in a bed, and make a well-informed choice, a choice that is right for you. Knowledge is power and before you start shopping around for your next bed, consider the following:Back issues? This for me, is the most important point to consider. Each bed will have its own merits, differing spring systems, varying spring counts, different finishes, e.g. Hand-Tufted, PillowTop, Quilted, Top-Stitching etc., The key is to find a mattress that is not only supportive to your needs, but equally comfortable. Long gone are the days when the back specialists would say ‘the firmer the better’. Just think for a moment, your spine is naturally curved and so a solid flat mattress will do little to ensure a good night’s sleep. Getting the balance right for you, having both support and comfort, is the key to having a good night’s sleep. This leads me to the next point, which I consider to be equally as important. For a good night’s sleep The word here is ‘Comfort’. I know from my own experience when I moved to the Algarve 10 years ago, the need for a comfortable bed. There are a number of mattress finishes that do enhance the comfort factor, (bear in mind that everyone is different) - High Loft, HandTufted finishes, Quilted finishes and Pillow Top finishes all contribute to a comfortable feel along with the tension of the mattress. The spring tension of a mattress can range from a very unsupporting 14 gauge down to a very firm supporting 12 gauge, which may not sound a lot, but there is a world of difference. Body distribution, your weight counts. I know, that was a play on words, sorry. Having said that, your weight does make a difference. Logically, the more you weigh, the more support you will need from a mattress. This is where the spring count of a mattress is relevant.

Lack of sleep will not only affect your daily life, it will affect your health. Page 27


Page 28 Homes NEIL & EMILY RICHARDSON REMOVALS “Caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” TLM. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 Member of the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 Email: Website,8800TAVIRAREMOVALS&STORAGELOCAL,NATIONAL&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem through Surgery, you may consider changing your mattress as your new weight distribution will be different and your support needs will have changed. The older the mattress the more noticeable this will become. Mattresses - You do have Options. Traditionally, mattresses are turned on a regular basis. This is necessary to allow the fillings to settle quicker and also prolong the life of the Asmattress.weget older, the option of having a Pillow-Top or No-Turn mattress becomes very appealing. Your time and energy could be better spent doing something you would rather be doing than struggling with the sheer size and weight of your mattress on a regular basis. Lastly, consider the base that you already have. Is it in good Icondition?alwaysask people this question because after all, why buy a complete bed when you may only need to change the mattress. Elaine Saunders If you need more information please do not hesitate to contact me info@stylefurnishings.comon

Page MASTERJOINER JOINER & GENERAL MAINTENANCE... 20 years experience of fitting Kitchens, Floors, Doors, Decking, Locks etc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN Homes

S ummer is the time when everyone is looking for ways to keep cool in their home. A ceiling fan is a great addition to a room, can look stylish, and is much more energy-efficient than air Inconditioning.someareas you’ll really need air conditioning, which helps remove humidity from the air and keeps the whole room or home cool. But when you just need to keep one room cooler, a ceiling fan just might be the answer. Keep in mind that a ceiling fan just moves the air around, but most of the time, that’s all you need to really make a space more Therecomfortable.aresome things to consider before you actually buy a ceiling fan, though. Read on to learn some basic information about buying the right ceiling fan for your home and room. As you shop, look at different brands and compare features such as the size of the motor, the pitch of the blades, and the quality of the finishes on each surface. Speak with a knowlegeable salesperson and choose the one that meets your needs. Power Requirements No special electrical power is required beyond what is in most homes. It is possible to plug a fan power cord into a wall outlet and hang the fan with chain from a Uhook in the ceiling, but a stable installation directly in the ceiling is power outlets can be installed in new homes during construction. It’s a good idea to add ceiling bracing during the construction to bear the weight of a new fan. If you’re not planning to have a fan installed right away, the power will be there, ready to go when you’re ready. Installation Considerations

Power Controls for Your Fan

There are different ways to control a fan’s operation. A wall switch will be the master control, with a pull chain, wall control, or remote control to adjust the speed of the fan. Remote controls are a wonderful convenience, especially for a fan that is hung high. You’ll have no hanging chains and you can control the fan from a distance. Some fans include the remote with the purchase. If yours does not, you can select a separate add-on kit at a reasonable price. What Size to Buy You should buy a fan that is the proper size for your room. The larger the room, the larger the fan. For a room up to 50 square feet, choose a 29” fan. Choose a 36” fan for a room up to 75 square feet, 42” for a room 10’ x 10’ or 100 square feet, and a 50” to 52” fan for up to 400 square feet. You’ll be amazed what a difference a ceiling fan makes in your room, and after you’ve had one for a while, you’ll wonder how you lived without one.

Could a good old fashioned fan be the answer to a long hot summer Old cool!school

Some ceilings need to be braced to support the additional weight of a ceiling fan. If you’re installing the fan outside on a covered porch or patio, be sure all the components are weatherproof.

F or a large range of fresh meat, seafood and vegetables all cooked to order, a superb range of Sushi, and the most amazing views of the Ria Formosa, visit Sushi Mish Mish. Your meal also comes with a choice of desserts and unlimited visits to the sushi bar, all for only For€12.50.more details see their advert above right. Super Sushi Located in Tavira’s Gran Plaza shopping centre, Sushi Mish Mish offers stunning food with amazing value Page 30 Food

Dish of the day + drink €6.50 Dish of the day + drink + dessert and coffee €8.50 SPECIALITIES INCLUDE Fresh local seafood • Cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in Portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE! Rua da Liberdade n.º 126 FUSETA • OLHÃO • ALGARVE Telephone 289 798 045 FUSETA As a truly international restaurant, some of our favourite signature dishes are: Thai Fish Cakes with Dipping sauce, Schnitzel with Capers and Thyme, Fillet of Pork with Griddled Apples and Calvados, and Spicy Green Thai Chicken Curry Add to this, an attractive dining room, al fresco terrace, and professional service, and TerraNova is great for any occasion. Pe trol statio n Footba ll pitchFrJunteegesia To Bo rdeira Santa Barbara de Nexe center Junction signed Quinta das Raposeiras & TerraNo va Follow signs to TerraNova,5minsonyourleft Conveniently located just 5 minutes from Santa Barbara de Nexe, and 15 minutes from Faro airport, this most popular and respected dining spot has been serving a faithful clientele since 1996. Footba ll pitchFrJunteegesia To Bo rdeira de Nexe center TerraNo va Quinta das Raposeiras, C.P.206, Bordeira, Santa Barbara de Nexe, 8005-527 Faro, Algarve, Portugal. Reservations: 917 587 374 email Dinner from 7pm • Closed on Sundays Page

Page 32 Sítio do canal. tlm. 917 536 135 / 918 646 544 (gas station Santa Barbara de Nexe 400m. up and 300m. left by the well.) This www.sennas.euForchoices.manyfromdegreesorwinesWewelcome.feelwillcosyordrink,bodywelcomesBAR-BISTROevery-forjustasometapasadinner.Theatmospheremakeyouathomeandhavedifferentbyglassbottle,zeroHeinekendraftandothermoreinfovisitOpen from 17.00h, Sunday from 16.00h Closed onandWednesdaysThursdays Specialities: Home made soups, Salads, Fresh fish daily, Steaks, Cataplanas, Vegetarian dishes, Pasta dishes, Home made desserts, Irish coffee, Extensive range of wines & ports. Traditional Roast served every Sunday, Live Music Available for group bookings, large seating area by the river. Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165 E-mail ROMAN BRIDGE Rua dos Cais Rua Dr, Jose Pires PadinhaRepúblicadaPraça Câmera Municipal FinançasTAVIRA Traditionalrestaurantamerica@sapo.ptRuarestaurantPortugueseinTaviraDr.JoséPiresPadinha,No2,8800,TAVIRATel+351281321642Email: SPECIALISING IN CATAPLANAS Fish dishes: Salt Cod, Sea food rice, Sea devil rice, Tuna steak and Swordfish. Meat dishes: Steak on the stone, Kebabs, Leg of lamb. Discover the serra MesadoCume/TableonthetopMesadoCumeisamodernrestaurantnestledatthehighestpointintheserraofEasternAlgarve,situatedhalfanhourdrivefromTavira.Wewouldliketoinviteourguestsforanuniqueexperience,enjoyingabeautifulscenicdriveupthemountain,enjoyingtheserrawithitstraditionallifestylesandbeautifulnature.DELIGHTFULANDAFFORDABLEMENUS,ALSOOFFERINGEXCELLENTVEGETARIANCHOICES•REFRESHMENTS,COFFEE,HOMEMADECAKES,LITTLEAPPETIZERS•ALFRESCODININGTERRACEWITHSPECTACULAROCEANVIEW•MARKEDWALKINGANDMOUNTAINBIKINGTRAILS,DESCRIPTIONSAVAILABLE ALL OUR FOOD IS HOMEMADE, FRESH AND VERY TASTY These attractions makes your Mesa do Cume experience a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Open 10am till 5pm, until June (From June till Sept till 11 pm) MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED • Location: Alcaria do Cume, RN 397 Tavira – Cachopo • Phone: 281 326 144 / 912 725 745 • Web: • E-mail: ÒEnjoy the feeling of having entered a world where all the senses are gratifiedÓ Good life ÒPart of the fun is getting thereÒ O Suplemento RuaRESTAURANTEÒHighlyrecommendedÓ1-2-3AlgarveMUSEUDOVINHOAlmirantecandidodosReis63-TAVIRA Roman Bridge, TaviraFor“Verywelcoming&excellentfood,thoroughlyrecommendit!Excellentserviceandfriendlyatmosphere”“Excellentfood,goodwine,greatexcperience”“Excellentfood,fantasticservice,alwayswithasmile”reservationsTelephone918502029 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE WITH FRENCH SPECIALITIES PRIVATE DINING ROOM AVAILABLE & WARM PATIO EATING AREA LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF TAVIRA, ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM VILA GALE AND PORTA HOTELSNOVA RESTAURANT TAVIRA A traditional Portuguese restaurant in the center of Tavira, serving typical Portuguese food, in warm and surroundings.friendly RomanbridgePost office CamaraTavira Wehereare GilaoRiverRua da Liberdade 72 8800-408 Tavira Tel 281 107 488 964 013 www.restaurantealfarroba.com623

In Spain Page 34 TheFittingRoom Ladies Quality Clothing Agency Quality pre-owned ladies wear. Famous brands in excellent condition at affordable prices Sizes 6 to 24. Earn some extra cash by recycling your unwanted ladies quality clothing (must be less than 2 years old) and if ac cepted, receive 50% of the selling price when sold. New and pre owned quality ladies clothing Open Monday to Friday 10.00ALSO:02.00 English Greetings cards & Avon +34 690 817 770 Unit 1, 1st Floor - Indoor Market - AYAMONTE Advertise your business in Spain here for as little as 50 Euros per month. We are receiving more and more enquiries from businesses in Spain regarding advertising, and would like to re-introduce a section for Ayamonte and the surrounding areas. You can pick up copies of the East Algarve Magazine from any advertiser. For more information: Call 00351 961 700 200 or email

he avocado is one of the most unique tropical fruits in the world. Avocados, also called ALLIGATOR PEAR, fruit of Persea Americana of the family Lauraceae, a tree native to the Western Hemisphere from Mexico south to the Andean regions.

Flourishing industries developed in Florida and California, in South Africa, and on a somewhat smaller scale in Chile, Brazil, Hawaii, Australia, and some islands of the Pacific. Mexico, where avocados are extremely popular, produces large quantities annually; commercial plantings have been made in Israel, and there are numerous trees in other countries around the Mediterranean.

DESCRIPTION Growth Habit: The avocado is a dense, evergreen tree, shedding many leaves in early spring. It is fast growing and, can with age, reach 80 feet, although usually less, and generally branches to form a broad tree. Some cultivars are columnar, others selected for nearly prostrate form. One cultivar makes a good espalier. Growth is in frequent flushes, during warm weather, in southern regions, with only one long flush per year in cooler areas. Injury to branches causes a secretion of dulcitol, a white, powdery sugar, at scars. Roots are coarse and greedy and will raise pavement with age. Grafted plants normally produce fruit within one to two years compared to 8 - 20 years for seedlings.

T Page

A tastypear


Avocados were widely cultivated in tropical America as individual seedling trees before the Spanish conquest but did not receive serious horticultural attention until about 1900, when horticulturists found that production of grafted trees was simple and allowed perpetuation of superior seedlings and the establishment of orchards.

A delicious fruit and contrary to healthybelief,popularaveryonetoo!Here’sallyouneedtoknowaboutAvocado’s

Location:CULTURE Avocados will grow in shade and between buildings, but are productive only in full sun. The roots are highly competitive and will choke out nearby plants. The shade under the trees is too dense to garden under, and the constant litter can be annoying. In cooler areas plant the tree where it will receive sun during the winter. Give the tree plenty of room - up to 20 feet. The avocado is not suitable for hedgerows, but two or three trees can be planted in a single large hole to save garden space and enhance pollination. At the beach or in windy inland canyons, provide a windbreak of some sort. Once established the avocado is a fairly tough tree. Indoor trees need low night temperatures to induce bloom. Container plants should be moved outdoors with care. Whitewashing the trunk or branches will prevent sunburn. Soil: Avocado trees like loose, decomposed granite or sandy loam best. They will not survive in locations with poor drainage. The trees grow well on hillsides and should never be planted in stream beds. They are tolerant of acid or alkaline soil. In containers use a planting mix combined with topsoil. Plastic containers should be avoided. It is also useful to plant the tub with annual flowers to reduce excess soil moisture and temperature. Container plants should be leached often to reduce salts. Irrigation: Avocado trees may not need irrigation during the winter rainy season, but watch for prolonged mid-winter dry spells. Over irrigation can induce root which is the most common cause of avocado failure. To test to see if irrigation is necessary, dig a hole 9 inches deep and test the

FACTS Leaf and seed extracts have been used for a variety of medical application, including treatment of diarrhea and dysentery and as an Highantibiotic.inmonosaturates, the oil content of avocados is second only to olives among fruits, and sometimes greater. Clinical feeding studies in humans have shown that avocado oil can reduce blood cholesterol. “Ugh, avocados are so fattening!” I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that, nor how many times I have had to educate someone on the beneficial qualities of avocados. Sure, I would never suggest that you go out and eat a bag of avocados, everything in excess can be bad, but when planned as part of a good meal plan, avocados can offer many healthy benefits. So, the next time someone tells you that avocados are fattening, tell ’em to get their facts straight and enjoy avocados. Avocado Nutrition Facts Serving Size 28g, Percent daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Calories 55 Fat Cal. 45 Total Fat 5g 8%DV Total Carb. 3g 1%DV Sat. Fat 1g 5%DV Fiber 3g 12%DV Polyunsaturated Fat 1g Sugars 0g Monounsaturated Fat 3g Protein 1g Cholest. Nil 0%DV Sodium 0mg 0%DV Vitamin A 108 IU i Vitamin C 19 mg i Calcium 2 mg i Iron 0.1 mg

Page 36 soil by squeezing. If it is moist (holds together), do not irrigate; if it crumbles in the hand, it may be watered. Watch soil moisture carefully at the end of the irrigating season. Never enter winter with wet soil. Avocados tolerate some salts, though they will show leaf tip burn and stunting of leaves. Deep irrigation will leach salt accumulation. Fertilization: Commence feeding of young trees after one year of growth, using a balanced fertilizer, four times yearly. Older trees benefit from feeding with nitrogenous fertilizer applied in late winter and early summer. Yellowed leaves (chlorosis) indicate iron deficiency. This can usually be corrected by a chelated foliar spray of trace elements containing iron. Mature trees often also show a zinc deficiency. Pruning: Columnar cultivars require pinching at early age to form a rounded tree. Others need no training. Current orchard practice avoids staking. The best results are obtained by fencing the tree with plastic mesh for the first two to three years. Container and dwarf trees will need constant staking. The skirts of avocado trees are sometimes trimmed to discourage rodents, otherwise the trees are usually never pruned Propagation: Growing an advocado from seed is an easy and rewarding job and because advocados raised from seeds of the tender variety Persea Americana virtually always come true to type. Firstly soak the healthy, undamaged seed in hot water at 40-52oC (106-130oF) for 30 minutes to avoid advocado root rot.

Trim about 1cm off the pointed end with a clean, sharp knife and then dip the end in fungicide. Now place each seed in a 15cm pot of seed compost so that the cut top of the seed lies just above the compost surface. Germination usually takes about four weeks and when the plant is 30-40cm high it can be planted out. Disease: Two fungi and one virus cause more damage than any pests. Dothiorella (Botryosphaeria ribis) canker infects the trunk, causing dead patches that spreads to maturing fruit, causing darkened, rancid smelling spots in the flesh. Flesh injury begins after harvest and is impossible to detect on outside. Mexican types are immune to trunk cankers but the fruit is not. The disease is rampant near the coast and has no economical control. Root Rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi) is a soil-borne fungus that infects many plants, including avocados. Harvest: The time of harvest depends upon the variety. Mexican types ripen in 6 - 8 months from bloom while Guatemalan types usually take 12 - 18 months. Fruits may continue enlarging on the tree even after maturity. Purple cultivars should be permitted to color fully before harvest. Guatemalan types can be stored firm, at 40 - 50° F. for up to six weeks. Mexican types discolor quickly and require immediate consumption. Page 37


all units

Page 38 Environment Urb. Parque da Azinheira, Lote 3, R/C Dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel Tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 Tel/Fax : +351 289 845 385 email: Solar CentralHeatAir-conditioningsystemspumpsheating Under floor heating Central WindSwimmingGeneralsystemsvacuumplumbingpoolsgenerators ENGLISH SPEAKING SPECIALISTS IN


W ith the arrival of warmer weather and the first holiday visitors, now is the ideal time to give your air conditioning a pre-season maintenance. In the height of summer, faulty or inefficient systems can bring daytime discomfort at home or work, sleepless nights - and is a common cause of complaints from tourists. Poor performance can simply be a matter of blocked dust filters. For this, basic cleaning is an easy doit-yourself task. Just open the facia cover of the unit and the screenlike plastic filters lift out - see your instruction manual. Gently wash them with a wet cloth or under a tap, dry thoroughly and replace in full maintenance, call in the professionals. Penguin offer a very reasonably-priced in they clean and give your system a complete checkand refrigerant levels. This inspection can also be booked on an annual contract basis. EU legislation From 1st Jan this year the EU banned R-22 refrigerant – found many domestic EU mean it’s time






to maintain your air conditioning

operational functions, electrical connections, moving parts, pipes, seals

air conditioning systems Spring clean your air-con Springtime plus new Page 39 Environment - as an environmentally-harmful HCFC ‘greenhouse’ gas. As a result the production and sale of R-22 is now outlawed and, as it is phased out, alternative ozone-friendly refrigerants are being introduced. But the consequences of this law will eventually affect many people with air con using R-22 refrigerant or The‘gas’.problem is that R-22 works under a specific pressure, and equipment using it has tubing and components designed for that pressure. Other, permitted refrigerants only work at higher pressure – too high for many existing or old units to function. If your air conditioning uses R-22 and works well without leaking, you have no problem and your system may function satisfactorily for several years to come. But if the unit fails or under-performs due to loss of R-22, it will become increasingly difficult and costly to replace or top it up. Re-cycled R-22 is permissible but already hard to obtain and, as stocks deplete, will become prohibitively expensive – it has already quadrupled in price. By 2015, even the sale and use of recycled R-22 will be banned. For those opting to replace their outmoded air con systems with those using EU-compliant refrigerants, in the long run it’s not only environmentally but economically worthwhile. Today’s more efficient ‘inverter’-based models consume up to 40% less energy as those manufactured as little as ten years ago. Indeed, latest government legislation now incentivises the purchase of inverter systems with a reduced IVA rate of 12% For best advice, call Penguin now for a maintenance service – and increase the lifespan of your air Seeconditioning.Penguin’s website for further information on the issue of R-22: BroadbandAlgarve•Accesstheinternetanywhere• No hidden extras, the price you see is the price you pay • No software to install • Always on connection, no waiting to connect to the web • Compatible with standard home networking equipment. • No telephone connection required • Flexible packages to suit your needs • Free no obligation site visit * *100miles/160km from Faro Airport). ALL SPECIALINCLUSIVEOFFERSBasic999€Bronze1069€Silver1149€Gold1449€Eachpackageincludes:• Tooway™ Hardware: (Satellite dish, mounting bracket, Tooway™ modem), • Cabling** and connectors. • Initial quarterly subscription. • Deposit of Service (refunded as 12th month of subscription) • Tooway™ One-Off Activation Fee. • Full Installation by a BA engineer, within a radius of 100 miles (160km) from Faro Airport, Algarve. • IVA included. • Other systems also available ** Maximum cable length is 25m. Stephanie - +351 918 851 232 Vic - +351 918 771 381 ALSO AVAILABLE; Solar Web Hosting – Power your website using the sun. Sustainable Eco-friendly green web hosting. 100% solar powered. poweredSolarwebsite Satellite Broadband Internet

Because the accident happened during hours of employment by the home-owner, and the other employers of the lady have no blame for the accident, our home owner has to pay “the whole bill”. Imagine the cost if it was a gardener with an income of 1.000 € or more a month! That could ruin your existence, couldn’t it? An insurance policy to cover that risk (so that you can sleep well again) would cost less than 20€ a year for the given example; the yearly premium depends on the weekly number of hours and the amount you pay per hour to your staff. Is it worth taking that risk when you can avoid it for such a relatively low cost?

An example of a working accident: a home owner has a cleaning lady (maybe a neighbour) who is helping to keep the house clean and tidy once a week for three hours (6 € per hour = 72 € / month). She does not have a contract and is working privately (does not have a company and is not self employed, which is the interpretation of the law here in Portugal) which means that she is not providing an invoice or receipt to her employer. In our example, we’ll assume that the cleaning lady trips over a carpet and falls down leaving her an invalid for the rest of her life, unable to work anymore. In Portugal accidents involving severe injuries institute legal proceedings, (for slight injuries the two parts normally come to an amicable arrangement). Because the lady can not work anymore but obviously needs money to live she takes the only measure open to her: speaking with a lawyer and going to law. The judge will take into consideration all her income that she was receiving at the time of her accident (all income, not only the part that she was earning with our home owner, but also income from other sources that she is unable to now earn). Let’s assume that she earned 400 € a month altogether and she was awarded this monthly amount until the end of her life. The home owner would have to pay this monthly pension 14 times a year (labour legislation= 12 months + holiday + Christmas = 14 monthly salaries). But it does not end there! Assume that our cleaning lady was 42 years old. In this case our home owner would have to pay an additional 200.000€ for insurance cover which would guarantee the monthly payment of 400€. The judges always force the employer to take out insurance to cover the pension in case the home owner is incapacitated and cannot pay the worker’s pension, and he gives our home owner about two weeks to arrange this insurance policy.

Last but not least a small statistic: In 1999 (in Germany) 2,5 million accidents occurred at home, with 5,600 of them ending with the death of the person who was cleaning, cooking, etc., nearly as many accidents as happened in road traffic! About 80% of them were “falls”!

• If there was an accident and the judge “discovered” that there is not a legal working contract, you are forced to do one for all the time passed from the beginning of her job. Obviously you still have to pay all the Segurança Social (social fees) for all the time passed!

Page 40 Finance Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 yourselfGetcovered!

I WA insurance is obligatory in Portugal for companies as well as for private individuals who employ domestic staff (cleaning lady, gardener, chauffeur). It does not make any difference if you have a legal contract or not, if an accident occurs during working hours it is YOU as the employer who is responsible.

You should also know that: • Travel to and from home to your property is part of the working hours? Which means that if she has an accident with her car on her way to you, it is also your responsibility!

For more information contact Stephan Schade at Victoria insurance on 281 001 170 or 968 771 577.

A low cost Industrial Working Accident (IWA) insurance policy could save you from a “Ruined Existence”

Page Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAWYERTelephone:281325635or281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 Mobile Phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: or SharesPropertyPurchase8800-360RuaWebsite:mail@taviralawyers.comwww.taviralawyers.com1°deMaio,no9,Tavira-PortugalofCommercialandResidential•MortgagesonPropertyor•FormationofTrustCompanies•Banking&financeadvice•TaxationAdviceDevelopmentandPlanningLaw•PersonalInjury•ContractDisputes•PowersofAttorney•WillandProbate•DebtCollectingandProcessService•EnforcementofJudgments•MaintenanceOrders•FamilyLawandDivorce•NationalityandResidencyApplicationsPORTUGUESE,ENGLISH,SPANISHANDFRENCHSPEAKINGSOLICITORSOFFERINGCLIENTSTHEBENEFITSOFLOCALREPRESENTATION.LuísdeBrito-Contabilidades, Lda.ProfessionalACCOUNTANTSSPEAKINGENGLISHAllyouraccountancyissuesexplainedandtranslated.&FriendlyServiceLuísManuelDuartedeBritoCharteredAccountantRua1.˚deMaio,n.˚45-1.˚Esq.8800-360,Tavira.NearVILAGALÈ ALGARVEDOCASTNEPPROVE TNEMUdocumentsOfficialDIMPORTANTALGARVEDOCSAPPROVEDOfficialdocumentsIMPORTANTEVALGARDOTNEMUCSAPPROIMPORTANTdocumentsOfficialVED info@algardoc.comwww.algardoc.comSkypeTel.AlgarDocumentsaskPleaseBenefitlicensespermits,fromlicenseWeANDLICENSESPERMITScantakecareofallyourproblemsorqueries,Drivers’licenses,BuildingPoollicenses,Tourismtocarmatriculation.fromourexperience!contactuswithyourquestionsandforafreeALLINCLUSIVEquote.(+351)913182499contact:algardocumentsALGARDOCUMENTS ALGARDOCUMENTS

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A. •16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K.

Benamor golf hole

•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

Page 42

Par 4 345 metres (white tees) stroke index 2

Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

If you do manage a good drive then your second shot is an uphill one which makes club selection important. I suggest you hit one more club than you think, or even two, if into the wind. Making the green in regulation will not guarantee you a par because this green is large and slopes dramatically from back to front, also giving the player much to think about, so even though the hole measures only 345m, a par here is good result for players of all standards. Remember, the tee shot is the key. Good golfing. Keith Ashdown, P.G.A. Resident professional

M ost players here at Benamor will I think, agree with me when I say the tee shot on this hole, from white tees, will be the most testing drive on the golf course. The average golfer must position their first shot with utmost concentration, hitting the fairway is vital. If you push or slice, out of bounds is a certainty. A pull or hook, is a lost ball in a lateral hazard. The fairway is quite narrow, and a large bunker catches many balls on the left side.


Email: Website:info@cabanasgolfshop.comwww.cabanasgolfshop.comAddress:Rua25deAbrilNr18AConceição,TaviraAlgarvePortugal Tel 00351-281 326 939 Tlm 00351-915 424 642 Benamor Golf Cabanas Tavira WeAlturaarehere Brand new set of MASTERS golf clubs 199€. Only for the month of May THIS MONTHS OFFER Sport BAR IN TAVIRA Smoking bar with the largest selection of draft beers in Tavira. LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY. NICE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE, OPEN FROM 11AM-2PM Rua Poeta Emiliano da costa TELEPHONE 916 573 194 HAPPY HOUR-7PM-9PM. ONE FREE DRINK WITH THIS ADVERT THEMADHATTERSRIVERSIDEBAR “MAD HATTERS” by the TelcentrebridgemilitaryintheofTAVIRA.00351281323886 OPEN UNTILDAILYLATE WATCH ALL WORLD CUP MATCHES IN A FULLY AIR CONDITIONED BAR DRAUGHT BEERS & CIDERS: Guinness, John Smiths, Sagres, Strongbow CIDERS: Magners and Magners Pear DRAUGHT & BOTTLED BEERS from €1 GRIMSBY COD, CHIPS, MUSHY PEAS, BREAD & BUTTER AND POT OF TEA €6, SUPERSIZE FOR €8. PUB FOOD SERVED AND ALL DAY ENGLISH BREAKFAST. CALL TO ARRANGE EARLY TEE TIME PREMIERSHIP,BREAKFAST.LEAGUEANDCUPFOOTBALL,TAVIRARUGBYCLUB

ABOVE: Neil Richardson, Chris Wright & Larry Bawden with Tavira barber Fernando Jose Dos Santos

F orty Olhanense fans including a dozen expats followed their team to Funchal last December when they played Marítimo. The devastation and loss of life caused by the floods earlier this year resulted in a few of the supporters embarking on a fund raising drive. Half-a-dozen supporters had either grown beards or were having their heads shaved to help the Appeal. “We were made so welcome when we visited that we just had to do something for the local community,” said Neil Richardson. Richard Birtles, a regular of the Restaurant Fonte Nova, Pechã o, had his head shaved whilst Richard Eustace had only half his beard shaved to earn extra cash for the appeal. Thanks to the generous support of the Central Algarve Ladies Luncheon Group, Mad Hatters Riverside Bar, Tavira who held a Quiz, Beira Rio Restaurant & Irish Bar, Tavira; Restaurant Fonte Nova, Pechão; Mars Bar, Manta Rota; the new furniture warehouse Frontera, on the EN125 at Fuzeta; Cara’s Hairdressing Salon, Tavira & numerous individuals over €1200 was raised. José Francisco M. Nóbrega, President of the Marítimo Supporters Club, and several other fans travelled over from Madeira and joined the Olhanense fans as they prepared for the shave-off prior to the game with Marítimo. On the Saturday forty fans together with their visitors enjoyed a festive lunch on Culatra Island. With the bad weather on the Friday evening of the Olhanense v. Marítimo game several of the participants postponed their shave until the following Monday. Larry Bawden, who has sported a beard for 20 years, Neil Richardson & Chris Wright enlisted the help of local Tavira legend Fernando José Dos Santos who has been a barber in the town since 1946.

Nervous times for Olhanense

The latest news from Chris Wright. Sport S ometimes you wonder whether you’re completely sane when you get up at 4.00am, especially on the morning the clocks go forward an hour, to follow your football team in their endeavour for premier league survival. The picturesque seaside town of Vale do Conde in Northern Portugal welcomed the Algarveans for what was to be a historic day. The 5-1 away win was not only Olhanense’s first away of the season but also their largest win in the top flight since 1947. Goals from Tengarrinha, Yazalde, Rabiola & a brace from captain Djalmir made the long journey worthwhile for the faithful fans. After battling draws at home to V.Setúbal (2-2) and away to fifth placed Guimarães (1-1) a win at home to Marítimo (Madeira) would have guaranteed their place in Liga Sagres for another season. But it was not to be as an inept performance saw the team go down 2-1 on a pitch still suffering from several days of torrential rain. The Olhão side rarely looked threatening although Djalmir added to his tally of goals by scoring his 9th in 14 starts, a strike rate-per-game only bettered by Falcão (Porto) & Cardozo (Benfica). It was Cardozo who was to run riot against Olhanense when they visited the Stadium of Light in Lisbon the next week. A near capacity crowd of 62147, including 2,000 visiting fans, was in festive mood as the Benfica eagle soared above the crowd prior to kick-off. With only two minutes on the clock Delson was penalised for handball and referee Baptista, well behind play, awarded a penalty when the offence clearly took place outside the box. Cardozo scored from the spot as the Benfica fans went wild knowing that their team was on the verge of winning their first title for four years. Worse was to follow for Olhanense when five minutes later a rash challenge from Delson resulted in his second yellow card. Down to ten men the visitors were always going to struggle and Cardozo added two further goals for his hat-trick with Aimar & Di Maria making the final score 5-0. But for several fine saves from Tavira born Bruno Verissimo the score could have been much higher. Cardozo and Di Maria are being chased by Real Madrid and Manchester City and will surely leave the Lisbon club this summer.

Sponsored shave raises over €1200

Page 44

ABOVE: Neil Richardson, Olhanense President Isidoro Sousa, Chris Wright, Larry Bawden & Vice-President Sergio Correia. Page 45 SWIM-ARTE IS A SWIMMING POOL COMPANY WITH OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE ON THE FIBREGLASS POSTS. THESE POOL FENCES ARE EASILY REMOVABLE. FENCING AROUND POOLS ARE SOON TO BE A NEW REGULATION IN PORTUGAL. LUGARDE designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. LUGARDE creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •POOL COVERS AND POOL ENCLOSURES. •PREFABRICATED SWIMMING POOLS LESS EXPENSIVE AND FAST BUILDING. •DLW DELIFOL POOL LINING WITH A 10 YEAR FACTORY GUARANTEE UP TO 12 COLOURS •WHIRLPOOLS AND SPAS. •WOOD LINE WOODEN POOLS IN OR ABOVE GROUND. •FILTER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT. SWIM-ARTE E.N. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email We speak: English, German, Dutch and Portuguese


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eclectic range of new and used books in the English language, as well as a generous helping of used and collectable books in Portuguese and French. Also a wonderful selection of children’s books. Special orders and book finding service available. Gift certificates.

This month’s book review comes from Elizabeth Beaupied from book shop A Lura dos Livros. There is going to be a garden fair at Quinta Fonte do Bispo on May 15. I’ll be there selling gardening books, so it seems like a good idea to use this month’s column to tell you about some of those that I have in stock. Sunset’s “Western Garden Book” is an excellent reference for all gardeners, both the knowledgeable and the neophyte. In addition to a comprehensive, illustrated list of over 6,000 plants and an index of scientific and common names, there are sections covering weeds, pests and diseases, a glossary of gardening terms, and an 80 page guide to aid you in deciding which plants are best suited for your landscape, with color photos. I started carrying this book several years ago on the recommendations of two different women, both avid gardeners, who each said they found the book ideally suited to the climate and soil conditions of southwestern Iberia. I stock only second-hand copies of this book and sell it for less than half the price of a new one. At the fair I’ll offer them at a 10% discount, so you’ll be able to add this volume to your gardening shelf for €10,80. Sunset publications makes me think of home. Before moving here Earl and I were subscribers to their monthly magazine. I looked forward each month to the latest edition which had articles on food and travel, and home improvement projects that complemented the gardening articles, and always, lots of photographs. That’s probably why I now carry several of their books: “Container Gardening” is chock full of ideas for your entryway, terrace, rooftop, anywhere you care to add a bit of interest and color. Or if you’ve an apartment or a place in town, it shows you how you can have a ‘mini landscape’ in pots. Full of practical tips throughout. “Garden Pools, Fountains & Waterfalls” and “Water Gardens” give you the lowdown on putting in a water feature (as well as showing you some creative ways of using up some of those rocks that loom just below anywhere you need to Fromdig).Cool Springs Press I’ve got the “All New Square Foot Gardening” by Mel Bartholomew, showing how you can “grow more in less space”. A couple of books on succulents are “Designing With Succulents” by Debra Lee Baldwin, and “Succulents For Mediterranean Climate Gardens” by Diana Morgan. If you’re able to get to Fonte do Bispo on the 15th come by and see all what I have on Havehand. a good month, Elizabeth A dosLuraLivrosRuaPoetaEmilianodaCosta16,TaviraTel281323199Awideand

Books BOOK

Free classifieds Page PROPERTY FOR SALE 2 bed top floor apt 5 mins walk from Gran Plaza in Tavira. Fully furnished, great sea views 2 large balconies. 125,000 UK£. Tel George on 92 731 2174. 2 Bed Villa (private sale) Tavira Perogil, 160m2, Stunning View, Fully Equipped. Tel: 919 990 363 PROPERTY FOR RENT Azinhal, near Castro Marim. Eastern Algarve Village location, newly renovated furnished cottage T1. Holiday or long term let, Near Golf courses, beach, and Spanish border. Tel: 281 495 836 email: Luxury large 3 bed Apt, with roof terrace, sea views, walking distance to Tavira centre Available short term or long term lets. Contact Dani on 926563738 FOR SALE Jacuzzi (new) “Roca” 160cm Cost 600€ new pickup price 300€ T. 961 236 432 Mountain bike - 21 gears, extra suspension, never ridden. Apollo RS26* Cost 190GBP. Best reasonable offer accepted. Tel: 927 129 566 Whole fruit juicer. Used a couple of times. Good condition. 30€ ono Tel: 927 129 566 Mahogany dinning table Single piece plank wood for outside or inside seats 12. 36”W x 99”L x 29”H x 1 1/2” thick bought €500 will accept near offer. Tel 289 845 406 or 966 453 889 Professional laminator. Hot/cold temp control - would suit a business. Perfect working order with manual. Cost over 600GBP. Quick sale 100€, Tel: 927 129 566 Opel Campo (Isuzu flatbed truck. Double cab, A/c. Very economical. Superb condition. 6.750€. Tel 919 907 118 Taylor Made R9 Driver,10.5 Deg, Flight Control Technology, Regular Fujikura motore 65g shaft. Almost new, retails at €345 asking €225 o.n.o. Call Steve; 967 190 218 Table football game New kids 4ft FIREPOWER €150. Double bed with single bunk above plus mattresses €200. Cherry dining table, 6 chairs (seats need recovering) €60 Tel: 281 324 356 Transit Van UK reg (V) LWB Hi-Top. Tax & MOT til Nov 10. Recently fully serviced new belts and brakes. Good tyres. 1,850 UK£. Poss px cheap Portuguese car. Tel George on 927 312 174 Motorbike Jacket, nearly new, leather, size. XL (Terminator style) 50€, Set of 4 bowls,Taylor Lignoid, Size 5, 50€ plus Set of 4 bowls, Taylor Lignoid Size 00, 50€ Tel. 914 747 242 For sale caravan tabbert contesse 650 Sleeps 6, space for cooker and fridge. Not matriculated € 5,500 ono. 15 mins north of Ameixial on Faro to Lisbon road. Tel 938 501 651 Coachman Caravan 6 berth,1992. Good condition. Nearly new Fiama awning. All extras, ready to use. Can deliver Algarve area. 2,400€ Tel 281 841 857 Fiat Motor home, UK reg Compass Drifter 6 berth 1994 2.5D 76k miles v.g.c. too many extras to mention, ready to camp and tour solid engine Tel 912 304 757 Motorbike gear, helmet, 2 jackets, waterproof trousers, 3 pairs of gloves, Alpine Star boots, soft luggage, good condition won’t split 100€, email Tel 927 363 518 Full sized punchbag 50€ ono email Tel 927 363 518

4/6 berth to place on land reasonable price any condition considered, must be liveable ideally with awning Tel Tavira 912 304 757 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the Santa Catarina area. Call or text 927 969 602 Wanted 3 bed house for long term rental in S.bras/Sta Catarina area. Tel 961 700 200 FORBUSINESSSALE Specialising in BRITISH PRODUCTS & GOLF SHOP * Approx 120 m2, shop and storage space. * Set in a residential and tourist location, in the Huelva region, this shop still has much scope for growth. * Sale due to alternative expansion (long term lease). * Fixtures and fittings could be sold separately. (shelving, fridge and freezers etc under offer separately or included in business) Telephone +34 600 260 770 or +44 1143 601 anon.3541@yahoo.com061 Email Ads (Max 9 words) info@eastalgarvemag.comto SERVICES Carpenter, restoration of antiques, joiner, polishing, wood carving, Tel. Jose 9220008434 Upholsterer, pool furniture, car & boat covers repaired, T. Angela 964728173 Coast to Costa. Transport Solutions Spain, France, UK and local work. Contact Paul, 281963151 and 967414385. Email. English foods delivered to your door cheaply Pool cleaning and garden maintenance pool safety fencing karl 967 015 960 email Property management services laundry cleaning key holding east algarve 967 534 584 Cakes by Vicki Tel Vicki: 917 000 969 Ex-pat Lady Friday. Looking for work. ALL jobs considered. Contact Janice 934257652 Gardening design, redesign, clearance and maintenance, email Tel 927363518. Casa/Villa cleaning, painting, labouring and gardening work, very good rates, one off jobs or regular, excellent references with own transport, team of 2 or individual keen to work and impress Tel 912 304 757 Painting and Decorating - reliable and professional service. Please contact Richard on 918 178 940 British Occupational Therapist/Carer offers health and home care. Contact Debs on 913 970 525 Portuguese lessons Centre of Tavira, all levels,14 € p/h. For personal and productive lessons contact Sophie, Tel 965 165 605. CHILDMINDING. Tavira area. Great references. Good rates. Joanne 934 139 793 Stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email Bay-bee. baby equipment for hire. Tel: Hazel 967 693 076 The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACTIVITIES Yoga lessons, Mondays 10.30-11.45 Contact Hazel Devine 913 075 555 Mosaic workshops in Quinta fonte do Bispo & Caliço Park for more information visit Ladies’ Day, (Royal Ascot) Harley Bar in Monte Gordo. Thurs 17th June. Join the fun, hats compulsory for ladies, free Bucks Fizz upon arrival & snacks. Starts at 12 noon. CAR BOOT SALE Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta fonte bispo tel 289 845 561

WANTED General handy man Wanted, English speaking. Own transport required. Must be able to offer flexible working hours to support property rentals in Tavira area. Tel:912 988 076 Portuguese mini bus or people carrier, with inspection and documents age unimportant 6/9 seater, must be able to use daily, ideally diesel Tel 912 304 757 Petrol Lawnmower, strimmer and chainsaw good condition also any other gardening equipment considered, must be in working order. Tel 912 304 757


Page HOTEL RURAL, RESTAURANT & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the EN270 near Sta Catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website www.qtfontebispo.comWEAREHEREOPEN FOR Tuesday-SundayMEALS9am-9pm UPCOMINGMAYEVENTS SAT 8TH BUDDIES NIGHT Baby boom quiz, starts at 7.30pm, bangers and mash with onion gravy followed by bread and butter pudding. There will be music and dancing after the quiz. all for 8€ p/p SAT 15TH, FAMILY GARDEN PARTY Starts at 1pm SAT 29TH CHARITY SUPER QUIZ 7.30pm, 3 course meal & entry into quiz 15€p/p, Meal choice: (1) Watercress and goats cheese salad or cream of potato soup, lemon chicken with noodles and fresh vegetables or (2) seafood pie served with fresh vegetables (pies con tains, salmon, hake, prawns, and topped with cheesy mashed potato) homemade rice pudding or strawberry knicker bock er glory. Water included. Please supply us your meal choice at time of booking. Music and dancing to follow. JUNE SAT 5TH BUDDIES RACE NIGHT. 7.30pm, Spaghetti and meatballs with homemade tomato and basil sauce followed by profiteroles with chocolate sauce.10€ p/p including entry into racing, followed by music and dancing ACCOMMODATION ROOMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL OUR EVENTS AT ONLY 10€ PER PERSON (ROOM ONLY) SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY BOOT SALE Every 4th Sunday of the month QUIZ NIGHT Every Wednesday, food available from 6.30, Quiz starts at 8.30pm SUMMER GARDEN PART Y 15th May 2010 Starts at 1pm FOR KIDS- Bouncy castle, juggling, balloons, face painting and games LIVE- PORTUGUESE BAND - F.A. Cup final- LIVE on T.V. BBQ- Chicken, Pork, Fish, Sausages, Salads and more! Craft fair- Stalls selling handmade items from soaps to stone works. Workshops including - Mosaic, Art and Gardening. HELP USRAISE MONEYFOR A LOCALCHILDREN’S CHARITY!

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