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PHOTOGRAPHY Photo of the Month
As Autumn slowly approaches, the warm tones of Nature are everywhere and this photo perfectly illustrates the wonderful hues of the season, with the glistening golden rays of sunshine running through this dragonfly's wings. As usual submitted to the Facebook page: ‘Algarve Amateur Photography group’
Photographer: Heidi Beck Location of photo:
Mesquita Alta, São Brás de Alportel
Camera used:
Fuji X-T3, wth a Fuji XF 100-400 lens
Photographer's comment: "The ordinary
can be made extraordinary with the right light. I love taking the camera out during the golden hour, searching for subjects like this dragonfly to gild with backlight."

2 bedrooms + 2 with pool Great outside space Located near Gran Plaza Shopping centre Walking distance to Tavira Price: By Request

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