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STUPA A monument from the Buddhist tradition, that represents the mind of all the enlightened beings - the Buddhas...

The Association for the peace in the world is a religious nonprofit organisation that aims to promote and develop world peace through the practice of studying, contemplating and meditating according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, as well as the growth of wisdom through the practice of love and compassion of all beings. Following the spiritual guidance of Taklung Ttsetrul Pema Wangyal Rinpoche, Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche, and Tsawa Rinam Rinpoche (Rangdrol Rinpoche), sons of Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche, the association was formed through the initiative and inspiration of Pema Wangyai Rinpoche. Disciple not only of his own father, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, but also of teachers such as Kyadje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche, Pema has dedicated his whole existence to realising the wishes and aspirations of his teachers in practicing a good heart and wishing happiness for all beings.


The organisation was created on the 24th of August 2012 and has developed its activities on its Moinho do Malhao estate, in Malhao, Salir, where the first STUPA to be built in Portugal is located.

STUPA Association wishes its activities to be a development of inner and world peace, for their members but also to help all beings in need. This attitude is the fundamental condition for all of STUPA’s friends and volunteers. STUPA aims to promote and develop the practice of study, reflection and meditation according to Tibetan Buddhist tradition, through a set of activities such as: - Inviting teachers to teach and guide practice and meditation retreats. - Promoting frequent group prayer practice and shaman meditation. - Promoting monthly gatherings and Tsok practice on the 10th and 25th days of the Tibetan lunar calendar. - Other gatherings on special days according to the Buddhist tradition and the celebration of birthdays of recognised teachers. - To provide the conditions for hosting short, medium and long term retreats, under the guidance of Pema Wangyal Rinpoche, Jigme Khyentse Rrinpoche and Randroi Rinpoche. - As the monument has in its interior thousands of prayers, Buddha’s relics, statues, incense and many other rare and precious substances and countless offerings.

It has power to restore in its neighbouring environment the energy of Earth, helping balancing its elements, preventing natural and environmental disasters and promoting peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

THE MONUMENT ITSELF The STUPA is a monument, in the Buddhist tradition, that represents the mind of all the enlightened beings. It was built in 2007, the place was previously consecrated by H. H. Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche, its construction follows a rigorous set of techniques from the millennial Tibetan Buddhist culture. The place where the STUPA was chosen accordingly to the principles of geomancy, and was decided by Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche, the construction was completed under the guidance and supervision of Pema Wangyal Rinpoche, Ridzin Pema Rinpoche and Jetsu Yangchen-la.

The STUPA is a symbol of potential that everyone has to achieve enlightenment and the unlimited mind of an enlightened being that goes back to the time of Buddha Shakyamuni, who encouraged his student to build such kinds of monuments in auspicious places, such as the places of Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, first teaching, death or parinirvana. He taught that performing spiritual practices in the presence of STUPA’s would have the same effect as making offers to Buddha himself, and in this way the power of any practice performed in front of a STUPA would be amplified.

While you visit the monument, you should keep a positive attitude or in walking meditation, this pacifies the mind and promotes well being and a good heart. Each STUPA is a symbol of the potential that every being has to reach enlightenment. As such, it is a source of positive energy, peace, prosperity and harmony between beings and nature. The monument is available for whoever wants to visit however the attached centre is restricted to residents, their guests and participants in the activities.

The 360 degree views of the hills surrounding the monument are incredible, even more so during sunrises and sunsets, however remember to bring a warm jacket as it can be very cold at these times though due to the high altitude. We hope you visit the monument and respect their traditions whilst enjoying the breathtaking surroundings!

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