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SECRETS OF Janet Shook shares her tips for LONGEVITY exeptional health and well being as we take on 2021!


Living here in the Algarve, we already experience breathing techniques, supplements and herbal remedies and an incredible high quality of life. Our ability to some sort of meditation or mindfulness practice. But if they enjoy this quality of life is connected to how are really comprehensive, they will also come around to hidden healthy we are in mind, body and spirit. So we imperatives to a long and happy life; The need for community, are lucky to be here, yes? Are we making the belonging and purpose. right choices in our health and well-being that allow us to make the most of living in paradise? Take for example the Blue Zones research project which Can we ‘next level’ our Algarve dream life experience? Because compared 5 communities across the globe that had exceptional it is so easy to slip into a comfortable yet not so healthy routine, health and longevity rates amongst their inhabitants. This it’s important to check in on the key habits that will enhance and research project determined 9 factors that exist in all 5 prolong our vitality and enjoyment in this paradise. communities to which this study accredits the excellent quality What are the key factors in longevity and vitality? The more we learn in the field of nutrition and health sciences, the more it is This is my summary of these 9 key factors; confirmed that well-being is determined by much more than diet and extended longevity of their lives. and exercise. Much more. 1. Getting exercise naturally. The inhabitants of these zones won’t be seen in the gym. They stay fit by living their lives and meeting Great bodies of research around constructing our wellness their daily needs as their lives require movement on a daily basis and accessing our potential for healing are coming into the and this movement keeps them agile and strong. It could be mainstream. These studies generally all speak to the need for gardening, walking long distances, transport by bicycle, tending good nutrition, exercise, sleep, contact with nature, healthy to animals, playing gentle sports.

2. Having a purpose in life. You have a reason to get up in the morning that is fulfilling and gives a sense of self-value and contribution to the lives of others. 3. Time dedicated daily to eliminating stress and showing gratitude for life. It may be time-out for meditation, prayer or mindfulness practices placed naturally into the routines of the day. 4. Never eating until you’re full. The key is to eat just enough to feel satisfied, but to leave space. Some of the Blue Zone areas partake often in fasting such as for religious holidays. Others are just moderate on food intake. Overall calorie intake levels lower than standard. It has been seen time and again that lower calorie intake is related to longevity. 5. Primarily plant based diet. Occasional meat and largely pescatarian diets, but more than anything, local, fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses and grains. Processed foods are definitely not a part of the diets in these zones. Janet is wearing 6. Low but present consumption of red wine. the Algarve based You think I am joking here clothing company to win you over, but I am “Kozzii” not! We know that some wine consumption can have health benefits, and this study confirmed that, but let’s remember that it is strictly red wine, it is never more than 2 glasses a day, and you can not save up for a weekend binge. It is that wonderful phenomenon that too much medicine is poison, and just even poison is medicine. It is also important that the wine is consumed with friends, with a happy attitude. 7. A healthy social group. In my very humble opinion, the previous factor is less about the benefits of wine itself and more about this; connection. The relaxation, laughs, and camaraderie we get from sharing a drink has more positive effects upon our health than any chemical compound. This facet of balanced health is about surrounding yourself with the right people. Behaviours are contagious, and we are tribal people, so choose your tribe wisely best on what you want for yourself. The more your tribe represents your values and supports you, the easier life gets. 8. Having a spiritual or faith based routine in your life. Now I am not one to preach religion and I am a highly non-denominational myself. But apparently any sort of faith, religion or spirituality can add 4-14 years onto your life. 9. Long-living happy people put family first. Grandparents who help raise grandchildren live longer, couples who stay married get a few extra years (Hopefully happy ones), parents who support and invest in their children’s well-being into adulthood get extra credit too apparently.

For me, many of these factors point back to one main idea; We need to feel deep down in our bones that being here on this planet living our lives is the best place to be. That we are in the right place at the right time and doing more or less the right thing. If you have a sense of purpose, a faith that keeps you believing it is all not for naught, a family or dear friends that need you and love you, then your mind (command central) is telling your body to keep up and keep going. At the same time, the calming effects of your faith in a higher good, the healthy food, the daily movement, and the red wine in the evening (wink wink) are keeping that negative sabotaging stress away.

This is a wholesome, healthy, balanced life.

Let’s relate these principles to living in the Algarve;

We can eat very well a pescatarian or primarily plant based diet; inexpensive, local and seasonal food with no hindrance or great expense. The red wine goes without saying (Take it easy folks; it’s all too easy to fall into the perpetual party of the Algarve as it becomes one never ending Sunday lunch). There is no lack of community, though of course we must be conscious that we are choosing the networks and friends that support the lifestyle we want to live. We easily connect to nature and can spend time outdoors moving around.

So what are the points of difficulty, the challenges or the blindspots in these 9 components of the super healthy life that you experience here in the Algarve? Is it being far from family? Not feeling connected to a tribe of people you relate to? How about how you use your body? Not all of us have reason, motivation or cause to be moving our bodies all day. We no longer chop wood, or climb the hill to fetch the pail of water. Most easily we fall into a stagnant lifestyle where our work and leisure have us sitting in a chair for 12 hours.

What about that elusive sense of purpose? Do you wake up every-day ready to contribute something to make someone else’s life a bit nicer, or ease the burden on humanity? It seems lofty and some of you might be thinking “I’ve worked my whole life, I just want to relax”! but there is no shortage of beach clean up’s, charities and shelters that need a hand, and, when done in the spirit of service and gratitude, it could be key to a longer, happier, life.

How about that spiritual connection or a community of people with similar beliefs? A group you can share your feelings with, who listen without judgement or debate. I gather often with a group of women to talk about astrology and meditate. I am positive that the stress relief and support it gives me has added years to my life and theirs.

Many of us live far from family, but with our technology, no one is very far away. Also let’s not forget that friends are the family we choose. So, are you committing deeply to your friendships, your relations, your close connections? Perhaps it’s time to pull in the family a bit closer? Realize again that there is no judgment here, it is not right or wrong, it is what is healthy.

What is so beautiful about these 9 factors, is that they are not selfish. Not only do they extend our individual lives and add to our quality of life, but they add to the quality of life of others and the planet.

It is in vogue in the wellness world to talk about selfishness and putting your own needs first. I am a big supporter or prioritizing the self, but we must remember that that is a means to an end. Notice how de-stressing is a daily requisite, alongside serving others. That is a perfect example of balance. We work on ourselves to be in a better place to be better to others. And this research just confirms that; this kind of attitude, these kinds of life choices can catapult us to the next level of well-being. We then might take our place amongst the happy centarrians- who live without ambitions of living forever, but with the simple peace of living present and grateful, one day at a time.

And as always, if making changes in your life towards better health and deeper happiness requires a bit of support, please contact me. That is what I am here for. Janet_shook@yahoo.com

MIRADOURO DA PICANHA Welcome to the restaurant with one of the best views in the world, Miradouro da Picanha... Great quality food with friendly professional service, get ready to add this restaurant to your top 5!

Living in the Algarve you will without doubt have ran into a few Brazilian people who have moved here, and personally, I have failed to find them anything but friendly, helpful and humble. As so many Brazilians live here, it’s quite obvious that they would open their own restaurants with their favourite food, one of which being Churrasco! If you’ve been to these restaurants before you’ll know they are great (if you’re a meat eater that is… if not, I’d give it a miss, though Miradouro da Picanha does offer vegetarian and vegan options!).

To give you the basic idea, there are a few options available, however, the most popular is the all you can eat style where you are served rice with traditional Feijao Preto, Farofa, Potato salad, vinaigrette and pan fried kale with bacon, after which the Churrasqueiro José brings round after round of different meats ranging from Spicy sausages to perfect Picanha. So, what makes Miradouro da Picanha different? Well, aside from the obvious and incredible view, the staff and the quality of the food are second to none, if you’re looking to enjoy Brazilian food at its finest, there really is no reason to look any further.

Let’s get to the details!

Miradouro Da Picanha opened its doors in November 2020 by João and Maria Barros, who also own a high quality Aluminium window fitting company, JVB Aluminios. João and Maria started JVB Aluminios in 2014 after the fitting company Joao worked for previously shut down.

João together with his wife Maria and his long term friends and colleagues Flavio and Miguel continued where they left off with the previous company as they luckily found enough demand from past clients. Over time they have built a great reputation as high quality products with just as high quality service.

Now, whilst doing jobs around the Algarve for JVB Aluminios, João and the team found a great “Brazilian rodizio” restaurant in Olhão which became a favourite of theirs, however, due to circumstances surrounding Covid that restaurant shut down, so, João and Maria had the idea… What if we open our own?

Maria knew the location of a restaurant in Goldra that was empty, it was previously a gourmet restaurant with the most amazing 180 degree view of the hills around it all the way to the sea. They contacted the owner and after some back and forth the race was on to get the restaurant ready to open. They spoke with the staff from the restaurant that was shutting down in Olhao and of course they were happy to get involved. On the 6th of November 2020 the doors opened for the first night, and whilst many people have called them crazy for opening a restaurant during a pandemic, there’s no doubt that it is working as they already have a few regular clients.

The friendly staff make you feel welcome immediately, head waiter is Claudio who has many years of experience managing the and along side him is Nina. In the kitchen you’ll find Talita and José, Talita takes care of the cooking whilst José is the man who takes care of the spit-roasting of the meats.

The quality of the food is as good as we have personally tasted (part of the team here at Simply Algarve is Brazilian and it got her seal of approval!), they sacrifice having the cheapest prices around to make sure they can provide the best quality from suppliers and instead of stock piling meat

they have regular deliveries of meats to guarantee fresh produce.

With the standard Rodizio you can expect to try multiple cuts of beef including Picanha and Maminha along side sausages, chicken and more. They also offer great starters such as the king prawns and bread cuttlefish strips with garlic sauce as well as some great deserts.

We can’t recommend the restaurant enough, you could spend hours enjoying the amazing view and the great food. They are open from Tuesday to Sunday, Lunch 12:00 - 15:00pm and dinner: 19:00 to 22:30 Call 289 432 533 to book or email miradourodapicanha@gmail.com

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