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People have used ginger in cooking and medicine since ancient times.. Here are some of the benefits of including ginger in your diet.


People typically use fresh or dried ginger in cooking, and some take ginger supplements Reducing inflammation for their possible health benefits. One group of researchers concluded that taking ginger by The antioxidants and other nutrients in mouth is “modestly efficacious and reasonably safe” for ginger may help prevent or treat arthritis, treating inflammation caused by osteoarthritis. inflammation, and various types of infection. However, they noted that the studies included in their Researchers have also studied its potential to meta-analysis were small and may not represent the reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, among other conditions. general population. improving digestion that the phytochemical properties in ginger may combat Consuming ginger may help improve digestion. inflammation. These authors also called for further research Several studies have investigated ginger’s effects on the into the most effective dosages and types of ginger extract. gasses that form in the intestinal tract during digestion. Some research indicates that enzymes in ginger can help Supporting cardiovascular health the body break up and expel this gas, providing relief from There is some evidence that ginger extract may help with any discomfort. cardiovascular disease. Ginger also appears to have beneficial effects on the For example, one review found that a dosage of 5 g or enzymes trypsin and pancreatic lipase, which are important more can cause significant, beneficial antiplatelet activity. for digestion. The authors acknowledge that many investigations Relieving nausea participants or that participant numbers were too small to Some research indicates that ginger can help alleviate ensure reliable results. morning sickness and relieve nausea following cancer However, they suggest that, with further research, treatment. ginger could prove to be a safe form of treatment for One small study from 2010 examined the effects of ginger cardiovascular disease. root powder supplements on nausea in 60 children and the included studies were often small or of poor quality. Meanwhile, a 2017 review of 16 clinical trials determined included in their analysis did not involve human young adults who underwent chemotherapy. The analysis Lowering cancer risk showed that the supplement led to reduced nausea in most Ginger does not provide protein or other nutrients, but it of the people who took it. is an excellent source of antioxidants. Studies have shown Authors of a 2011 review of studies arrived at similar that, for this reason, ginger can reduce various types of conclusions. They reported that taking a divided daily oxidative stress. dosage of 1,500 milligrams (mg) of ginger extract helped Oxidative stress happens when too many free radicals build alleviate symptoms of nausea. up in the body. Free radicals are toxic substances produced by metabolism and other factors. Easing a cold or the flu The body needs to eliminate free radicals to prevent them Many people use ginger to help recover from a cold or the flu. from causing cellular damage that can lead to a range of In 2013, researchers studied the effects of fresh and dried diseases, including cancer. Dietary antioxidants help the ginger on one respiratory virus in human cells. body get rid of free radicals. The results indicated that fresh ginger may help protect In a 2013 trial, researchers gave 20 participants either 2 g the respiratory system, while dried ginger did not have the of ginger or a placebo for 28 days. The participants all had same impact. a high risk of developing colorectal cancer. Also in 2013, a small study set out to investigate the Biopsies showed that the popularity of herbal medicine as a cold or flu treatment. participants who had After polling 300 pharmacy customers in two different consumed the ginger locations, the researchers determined that 69% of those had fewer negative polled used herbal medicine and that most of this group changes in healthy found it effective. colon tissue. This Relieving pain reduced cellular Researchers behind a small study, which included 74 proliferation. volunteers, found that a daily dosage of 2 grams of raw or The findings heated ginger reduced exercise-induced muscle pain by indicate that about 25%. ginger could Meanwhile, a 2016 review of studies concluded that ginger play a role in may help reduce dysmenorrhea — pain right before or preventing during menstruation. However, the authors acknowledge that colorectal cancer. group also had


Janet Shook is here to guide you on your journey and make sure you are always working towards a healthier body and mind

The health and wellness world has several buzz words that have become so overused, they perhaps have lost their potency. “Detoxing” or “Cleansing” as it is often called, might seem to you like one of those terms taken over by the wellness industry to make us think we need to buy more green powders and take more yoga classes. But perhaps there something valid, even critical, in this surge of detox retreats, supplies & information available to us now. This is a question I have asked myself and experimented with in the last few years. Having worked for years on juice and raw food detox retreats, I saw the incredible effects the detox programs had for weight loss, clearing skin, increasing energy and even fighting diseases. But I observed as some guests got on the “De-tox--- Re-tox” cycle (Which is great for job security), and I became a bit jaded; thinking that perhaps if we just lived in a balanced and healthy way that we wouldn’t need to detox.

Our bodies are always detoxing. Every time we exhale, sweat or go to the toilet we are, in effect, detoxifying.

However, with all the toxicity that we are ingesting and exposed to, our biological systems just can’t keep up.

In order to live a truly clean life inside and outside, we would have to live by what would be considered in our societal norms as extreme. Incredibly extreme. Edge of the earth, no job stress, no plastics, no cosmetics, no cleaning supplies, no cars, all organic, daily meditation and fitness, clean water, etc. etc. etc. not happening.

This, of course, is the direction I imagine we are headed; Extreme natural health, low stress, healthy bodies, minds, relationships, one love… you get the picture.

As we cannot yet maintain that perfect homeostasis of inner and outer worlds, cleansed and vital, we must do an occasional deep clean.

So, to the question “to detox or not to detox?” Detox. Definitely.

And what is detoxing? A big part of cleansing is fasting; Abstaining from eating any foods which complicate digestion, slow down the system or add toxicity to the body. Fasting will make the body switch to burning fat for energy. But this is not enough. To effectively and healthfully cleanse, the body needs concentrated nutrition in order to support the cells of the body to do their optimum work. For these two reasons, we use a liquid (vegetable and fruit juice) diet. This both gives the digestive track a break, while providing that super nutrition to accelerate the cleanse.

Activities that stimulate the body’s natural detox processes, i.e.; deep breathing, healthy bowel movements, cardiovascular exercise, sweating, meditation for cleansing the mind, etc. All help to eliminate deep toxins; releasing the old, and renewing You. Detoxing by yourself is not always easy. It is best done as a mini vacation, a little break, where you can give yourself fully to the process of self-care.

Want to detox?! I have just the space for you at my funfilled 4-day detox retreat, October 7-11 in Castro Marim, Algarve Portugal.

4 days of liquid diet, fitness, Yoga, nature, workshops, adventures and good fun. Limited spaces so reserve yours now by contacting me with a private message. www.janetshook.com Janet_shook@yahoo.com Instagram: Janet Shook Facebook: Janet Shook Wellness and Yoga Linked In: Janet Shook +(351) 927 393 217


Sesil Home’s Isabela Goncalves is here to teach us some tips on transforming your own home into something beautiful and balanced.

When it comes to decorating or redecorating a home there are several factors to consider: lighting, colours, style, materials, proportion, etc... For many people it can become an overwhelming experience but with

The Definition

The definition of ‘Rustic’ can be quite in-depth and many different styles tend to fall within the term. In its purest definition, the term rustic describes a natural, raw/coarse, aged and casual design. To create this style, one of the initial and key points is the use of natural materials such as wood or other natural fibers, to ensure a warm and relaxed atmosphere. some dedication, love and tips, this experience can become very rewarding. Because after all, we all deserve to have a home that reflects who we are and it definitly should be a space that we feel comfortable in and proud of. This month Isabela focuses on one of her latest designs, a

rustic look in Vale do Lobo.


Start by choosing neutral colours and materials. The whites will allow the wood to speak for itself and become the focal point of the space. Later you can choose the colours you like best to put in your highlights like pillows, dinner sets or small decorative pieces.

Avoid straight lines

Straight and geometric lines do not match a rustic decor. Instead, adopt organic lines and abstract imperfections to create a unique rustic design.

Meet Isabela:

Isabela studied Fashion and Branding at the University of Lisbon and also completed a course on Trends at Central Saint Martins, after finishing her masters she created her own clothing brand called Hode Studio. During this time she started working as a visual merchandiser at Guess and also working part time at her parents’ shop, Sesil to help when the shop was busy. As time went on she fell in love with the world of decor and the opportunity arose for the family to open a second Showroom in Olhão.

Due to this opportunity and her new love for decor, she decided to leave fashion behind and put 100% of her effort into decor, jumping straight into a professional course in the subject and 4 years and a lot of effort later she is now working full time at Sesil, progressing into full scale interior and decor projects.

If you have any questions or would like to contact Isabela you can reach her here: isabelafilipagoncalves@ gmail.com +351 917 054 429

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