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Keeping you informed

November 2013

Keeping you informed

Welcome The seventh Excellence Awards Ceremony went off in fine style recently as the shortlisted nominees gathered at Grange Campus for a glittering award evening. Fully funded by sponsorship, the awards kicked off with an outstanding performance from Tommy Campbell, a pupil from Cumnock Academy who was accompanied on the piano by David Sullivan from the Instrumental Music Service. His rendition of ‘Stars’ from Les Miserables and ‘Edelweiss’ from the Sound of Music were breathtaking and started the evening on a high note. The host for the evening was Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Support, Alex McPhee, who surprised the gathered audience with his sparkling wit.

Special Edition


Contents Customer Focus Award


Delivering Results Award


Engagement Award


Working Together Award


Health & Safety Award


Young Achiever Award


Continuous Improvement Award


Customer Service Excellence Award


Provost’s Award


Chief Executive’s Award


Tommy Campbell, Cumnock Academy

Table set for the evening

Host for the evening, Alex McPhee

The front of house team

Keeping you informed Customer Focus Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillors Kathy Morrice and Iain Linton, Spokespersons for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing

Winner Iris McNaught, Family Support Assistant from the Children and Families Service Iris supports some of our most vulnerable children and their families. She provides essential emotional and practical support to children who have suffered great loss and trauma. Iris continually strives to help children adapt to difficult circumstances and limit the impact this has upon their future. As Iris was unable to attend on the evening, a presentation was made by Councillor Morrice with Graham Short in the Council chambers at London Road.

Runners up Mary Fraser and Lilias Wilson, Tanyard Public Convenience Attendants With 54 years of service between them, Mary Fraser and Lilias Wilson, Tanyard Public Convenience Attendants, have maintained the public conveniences at Tanyard bus station to an exceptionally high standard. Their friendly manner and dedication is truly appreciated by customers and worthy of recognition.

Clare Loudon, Community Care Social Worker Clare works mainly with older people who have dementia but also with adults with complex needs, including alcohol addiction. She presents a very positive face of Social Work and the Council, inspiring trust and respect from people who are often wary of social work involvement.

Keeping you informed Delivering Results Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillor Bobby McDill, Spokesperson for Delivering Community Regeneration

Winner Willowbank School Project Team The team, led by Project Manager Colin Watson and Headteacher Tracy Smallwood, was recognised for delivering a state of the art school which caters perfectly for pupils with complex additional support needs. The project was very challenging; however the team worked tirelessly to overcome all of the challenges and the completed building is testament to the hard work and commitment of them all.

Runners up BUNS R US BUNS R US is a social enterprise company, led by Susan Cope and Lynn Lowe, which engages adults with learning disabilities in making and selling cakes. Starting on a small scale producing delicious morsels for the local community, this has blossomed into a large scale operation which is now in high demand. BUNS R US represents equality of opportunity and sustainability.

East Ayrshire Support Team The team was recognised for the intensive reading recovery programme – Closing the Literacy Gap – which has reduced the attainment gap between children and young people who are successful readers and those who find learning to read challenging. Thanks to this programme the reading age of the pupils has improved by an average of 17 months and young people have higher self esteem and self confidence.

Keeping you informed Engagement Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillor Eòghann MacColl, Spokesperson for Lifelong Learning

Winner Louisa McEvoy, Community Work Assistant from Vibrant Communities As a result of Louisa’s hard work East Ayrshire Council became the first in Scotland to achieve the LGBT Youth Scotland Charter Mark. Through her positive engagement with the local community and partners, the charter was granted with excellence – another first in Scotland. Louisa was also at the heart of establishing the first local LGBT youth group which now attracts young people from across Ayrshire.

Runners up Benrig Children’s House The team was recognised for working closely with the local community on a Community Challenge Project, building pathways to a children’s play park within New Farm Loch. Participation in this project has positively changed the day to day care of some of our most vulnerable people and improved the community’s understanding of their needs and the positive contribution our young people can make.

Connect @KA, Connect @KA from Kilmarnock Academy has achieved success working with young people who become disengaged from school and who could struggle to continue with their education. The project rebuilds and maintains their self-esteem by learning both inside and outside the classroom.

Keeping you informed Working Together Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillors Gordon Cree and Ellen Freel

Winner Olympic Torch Relay Planning Group Led by Chris Murphy, the group, which included Police Scotland and Coneworx traffic management, worked under the tight constraints set by the London Organising Committee to ensure that communities had the opportunity to welcome and celebrate the Olympic torch’s journey to the London 2012 opening ceremony. They also organised a sports event at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena involving 700 secondary school pupils, the fabulous Summer of Song performance which involved primary school pupils from throughout East Ayrshire and the official opening of the new Arena – all on the same day.

Runners up The Intermediate Care and Enablement Team The team was recognised for the integrated service set up to help older people remain in their own homes and maintain independence in their later years. Working with colleagues within the Council, NHS Ayrshire and Arran and the private and voluntary sectors, they have successfully reduced admissions and readmissions to hospital.

Kilmarnock Town Trail Project Team Assisted by Kilmarnock and District History Group and Historic Scotland, the team created a Kilmarnock Town Trail education pack for primary aged children. The brain child of Graham Boyd, a physics teacher from Grange Academy, the pack highlights Kilmarnock’s colourful past, captivating young people by bringing history to life and encouraging them to have pride in their town.

Keeping you informed Health & Safety Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillor Tom Cook, Spokesperson for Improving Community Safety

Winner Waste Management Services Management Team The team developed an innovative, pictorial guide for safe working procedures which is simple to use. The image led approach makes essential health and safety information quick and easy to convey to employees. This ultimately protects our workforce and members of the public.

Runners up Jackie Biggart and Ricky Lohel Over many years Jackie Biggart and Ricky Lohel organised a faultless fireworks display at the Kay Park, attracting 30,000 spectators annually. Jackie and Ricky worked closely with colleagues across the Council and external organisations including Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to ensure that the fireworks display went with a bang.

The Road Safety Team The team was recognised for its annual programme of road safety education, training and engineering measures which have contributed to a two thirds reduction in road casualties since 1996, exceeding all targets set by the Scottish Government and savin many lives in the process.

Keeping you informed Young Achiever Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillor William Menzies and Andrew Wilson, representing the Trade Unions

Winner Kyle Allan, Clerical Assistant within the central support team based at Balmoral Road Since joining the team, Kyle has fitted in seamlessly, working diligently and impressing colleagues and service users alike. Kyle also graduated recently with a degree in Computer Games Design, which is a wonderful achievement. Kyle’s acheievements are all the more remarkable given that he suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome and that his educational career was substantially disrupted.

Runners up Katie Burns Katie has recently completed her joinery apprenticeship with Housing Asset Services and has proved herself to be a successful and hardworking individual. During her apprenticeship Katie achieved great things. She was named as College Student of the Year, came third in the Scottish Skills Build Competition and completed an Advanced Certificate in her third year. She is now a joiner with the Council and has a very bright future ahead of her.

Michael Gavin Michael is an apprentice plasterer and since joining Housing Asset Services has continually raised the bar for achievement. He has been awarded Student of the Year in all three years of his apprenticeship to date; has competed against final year students at the Scottish Skills Build Competition in his second year and later this month will be representing Scotland at the UK finals. Michael has also been recognised at the Scottish Parliament through the prestigious James Birnie Award.

Keeping you informed Continuous Improvement Award lll

Special Edition


Presented by Councillors Alan Brown and Jim Roberts

Winner Ayrshire Out of Hours Social Work Response Service Since launching in March last year, the service has taken great strides forward, protecting some of our most vulnerable residents. Within the first year of the new improved service, operated with North and South Ayrshire Councils, home visits increased by 86%, child protection initial investigations quadrupled and visits by Mental Health Officers increased threefold. Working in partnership with Police Scotland and NHS Ayrshire and Arran, this team is delivering a first class service dedicated to helping those in times of crisis.

Runners up The East Ayrshire Sport and Talented Athlete Award Programme (TAP) TAP showcases our commitment to developing sport locally and helping promising athletes, including Special Olympic athletes, to become our future sporting heroes. TAP, in partnership with East Ayrshire Sports Council, offers local athletes tangible help to achieve their full potential. Thanks to the scheme our talented athletes have brought home medals, from a wide range of sports, from the national and international stage.

Allison Young, Play and Recreation Officer Allison was recognised for organising the annual Playday event in the Kay Park. This is the biggest and best playday in the UK with 10,000 people flocking to Kilmarnock to celebrate the child’s right to play and enjoy all the fun that is on offer. Allison co-ordinated input from more than 40 external organisations and worked closely with colleagues to ensure the event ran smoothly.

Keeping you informed Customer Service Excellence Award lll

Special Edition 10 Presented by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Douglas Reid

Winner Sharon McQuillan, Health and Activity Motivator This award is nominated by members of the public who wish to record their appreciation of the service they have received. The task of selecting a shortlist fell to Councillor Douglas Reid and he chose to present this award to Sharon McQuillan. Sharon was nominated by 22 people who are part of the Invigor8 programme. Invigor8 is a life changing community based exercise initiative which concentrates on improving the balance, strength and endurance of older adults to help them avoid falls and hospitalisation. Sharon’s hard work, enthusiasm and patience have changed the lives of many older people.

Runners up Colin McKee, Heritage Project Co-ordinator Colin was nominated specifically for his hard work in setting up the Galston Community Development Trust. He has worked tirelessly to support the group and get the very best outcome he could for Galston. His nomination form read – “an excellent example of what the public would hope all East Ayrshire employees would be.”

Debbie McKenzie, ICT Training Assistant Debbie has literally re-written the rule book, helping the visually impaired to access the online world all too often barred to them. Debbie, who is herself visually impaired, displays boundless determination and commitment to her job. Her nomination read – “a truly inspirational and caring woman who goes the extra mile.”

Keeping you informed Provost’s Award lll

Special Edition 11 Presented by Provost Jim Todd

Winner Big Pedal Team, Crosshouse Primary

The Provost’s Award focuses on individuals or teams who have been nominated for or received recognition from an external body. Provost Todd considered a large number of teams and individuals, including Tom Campbell from Kilmarnock Academy, Scottish Teacher of the Year; Robert Chatham from New Farm Primary and James Hamilton Academy who won a Cream of Ayrshire Education Award, and Nikki McNaught from Loudoun Academy, School Cook of the Year. Transport Services were considered for being the first in Scotland to receive a Van Excellence Award, as was the partnership between the then Leisure Services, Planning and Economic Development and Centrestage Music Theatre who were recognised by Creative Scotland with a Creative Place Award for Kilmarnock. However it was the Big Pedal 2013 team from Crosshouse Primary who really caught the Provost’s attention. Scottish champions last year and UK champions this year, John McCracken and the whole Crosshouse Primary team’s enthusiasm and dedication mean that they are leading the way in the UK and are a model for others to aspire to.

Keeping you informed Chief Executive’s Award lll

Special Edition 12 Presented by Fiona Lees, Chief Executive

Winner Our Classroom Assistants

Throughout the year our Chief Executive, Fiona Lees visits every service across the Council and she selects her award winner from those who impress her with their dedication and innovation. Fiona said: “Throughout the judging process five nominations for the employee excellence awards both attracted and kept my attention. These nominations related to the work of five particular classroom assistants, but I knew their stories told us about the job all 283 of our classroom assistants do.” The Chief Executive highlighted the work carried out by the team of classroom assistants at St Joseph’s Academy, Patrick White from Doon Academy’s Supported Learning Centre, Claire Gall from Cumnock Academy and Denise McAllister from the Visual Impairment Service. Each employee has made a very real difference to the lives of the children they support on a daily basis. Fiona added: “You do not raise educational attainment and prepare young people for adulthood and the world of work unless you listen to them, encourage their ideas, support them through their fears and most importantly, believe in them when they may not even believe in themselves. It was therefore with great pleasure that I presented my award to our classroom assistants.” Denise McAllister, Patrick White, Claire Gall, Nancy Reid and Eleanor Wright accepted the Chief Executive’s Award on behalf of all 283 of our classroom assistants.

Keeping you informed Vote of Thanks lll

Elizabeth Morton, Depute Chief Executive proposed the vote of thanks at the end of the evening. Thanks were offered to the event sponsors whose generosity ensured that the event was funded entirely by sponsorship. Special mentions went to: •

Piper Willie Gilmour

Musical entertainment from Tommy Campbell and David Sullivan

Awards Judging Panel, chaired and led by Councillor Douglas Reid

All award nominees

Head teachers - Fred Wildridge, Jackie Hanlon and Julie Hope, and staff and pupils of the Grange Campus

Ross McCrone, who provided technical support at the event

Carol Hamilton and the organising group

And last, but certainly not least, thanks went to Onsite Services, led by Chris Walker, for the wonderful meal served on the night

Special Edition 13 Given by Elizabeth Morton, Depute Chief Executive

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