Private Education Can empathy be taught?
Local private schools hope so, and they are sharpening their focus on community service and engagement BY CHRIST Y NADALIN
With a desire to better understand each other and connect on an issue relevant to their world both inside and outside school, students at The Providence Country Day School selected empathy as the focus of the School’s third anual Community Curriculum. Unique to PCD, the Community Curriculum was created to offer another learning opportunity outside traditional coursework that allows students and faculty to explore relevant and meaningful topics with special school-wide assemblies, guest speakers and small, peer-to-peer group discussions. Previously, the community has focused on identity (race and gender) and family heritage. Last spring, PCD upper schoolers seized on their perception of a global need for more empathy — in both social and political arenas — and teed up this year’s dialogue. “Both in our own school community and outside, we’ve seen conversations become more divided; people are less eager to genuinely understand where those who are different from them are
Pennfield's Buddy Program pairs older students with younger students, for monthly fun and educational activities. coming from. As a result, conversations can become less productive and more hostile,” said Brady Wheatley, director of student life, diversity, and inclusion at Providence Country Day School. “We aim to prepare our students not just for school, but also to enter the world. They need to
have the skills to understand one another and be empathetic toward people whose opinions, life experiences or identity groups are different from their own.” Each month, students will have opportunities to explore what it means to be empathetic in their regular classes, one-
on-one with their advisors, within small, peer-led discussions groups, and as an entire school community with special assemblies and speakers. The Community Curriculum is multi-disciplinary and will
See EMPATHY Page 1
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