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Jamie Kruse’s Improbable Journey into Natural Hazards Research NEH at ECU: A National Leader’s Public Address and Workshop Phil Hodges and Metrics, Inc.: Formula for Success Life and Mathematics: Sasha Shlapentokh’s Equations in Several Variables



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Cover Photo: Dr. Jamie Kruse stands outside the Center for Natural Hazards Research (CNHR) at East Carolina University.


Welcome from Dean White


Jamie Kruse’s Improbable Journey into Natural Hazards Research


Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professors and Whichard Distinguished Proessors in the Humanities


NEH at ECU: A National Leader’s Public Address and Workshop

10 Phil Hodges and Metrics, Inc.: Formula for Success 12 Life and Mathematics: Sasha Shlapentokh’s Equations in Several Variables 15 Student Spotlight: Cristian Potter: Counting on Connections: Rhode Island, North Carolina, Arizona, Indiana 17 How You Can Help Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences by Jennifer Tripp 20 Annual Honor Roll of Donors

Cornerstone is a publication for the alumni and friends of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University. It is produced by the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. General editor and writer Lorraine H. Robinson Graphic design Five to Ten Design, Inc.


WELCOME From the Dean Dear Harriot College Friends,

Alan White Dean, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences

It is with great pride and pleasure that I welcome you to the 2012 issue of Cornerstone. In my seven years as Dean of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, there has been much to celebrate: superb scholarship by both faculty and students; generous-spirited service to academic disciplines and to constituencies increasingly far-flung. And then there is also the dramatic trajectory of success of Harriot College’s Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series – certainly an intellectual beacon in North Carolina’s coastal plain. But in this particular welcome, I am taking the opportunity to examine and, hopefully, begin a conversation with readers both on and off campus about higher education today. I invite your responses and shall include them and respond to them as we continue this conversation. Recent higher education news reports (whether national or more local) have been using the term “the new norm.” Inherent in such language is the notion that there is a norm, a somehow stable “new reality;” and if we can “get a handle on this,” we can begin to operate within the new parameters. Nothing could be farther from the actual.

Assumptions about ethics, communication, student demographics, costs and benefits, and the very nature and purpose of education seem to bump into each other in a confusing array. What does seem to be apparent is that there is a constantly shifting set of conditions and, perhaps, an even less coherent set of responses that verge on (or actually are) purely improvisational as institutions of higher learning and their student constituents react to this kaleidoscopic present. Verities of the past are shattered. Assumptions about ethics, communication, student demographics, costs and benefits, and the very nature and purpose of education seem to bump into each other in a confusing array. Laws of logic seem to be suspended. Linearity and cause and effect seem less applicable, much less “inevitable” than they once may have been. What, then, are some of the exploded assumptions? Because of the costs associated with US higher education today, students sometimes think of themselves as academic consumers. The benefit of a higher education diploma is measurable in real dollars earned over a lifetime, so students (and sometimes parents) assert that something should be received (maybe the grade of A?) for the time and money invested. Taking this assumption a short step 2

further, it is easy to see that “academic consumers” may well view a diploma simply as a commodity, a ticket to a better job, a more highly remunerated career. And who are students today? Certainly not a narrow “niche” population. Increasingly, students come from societal groups where there has, historically, been a relatively low level of involvement with higher education. The whole “college thing” is uncharted territory for them. These diverse students bring their societal assumptions and cultural values with them on moving-in day. And these assumptions and values are, in many cases, equally new territory for the institutions to which the students go. The changed student demographic is a new opportunity for the liberal arts. Just two generations ago, class length in higher education routinely exceeded an hour. Sometimes two. Where we all – students and faculty and staff and administrators – become impatient is waiting for a page to load on our computer screens. Sixty seconds seems an eternity. So what might we, collectively, do with this rapidly evolving mix that is now academic life? What can or should we in education here do for our institution of East Carolina University? What should we, those of us in education, do with and for our radically-changed student constituency? Whom do we serve? How do we further our mission, servire? How do we serve?

Some preliminary answers lie in the raison d’ete of liberal education. Harriot College is a college of arts and sciences. What are these “arts?” The word derives from a shroudedin-a-long-past Indo-European root ar which means to join, to fit together. Implied in this root (and clear in its Latin, French, and English descendents) is the human ability to make and create, to connect physical and mental things.

new territory in order to find, not only new facts, but new connections, new ways of knowing things. So in the apparent incoherence of modern life, the liberal arts offer a secure anchor in tumultuous times. And then, what are “sciences?” This word derives from the Latin scire - to know. Sciences, in their broadest sense, comprise a system of knowing – knowing that derives from observation, hypothesis, experimentation and connection. In the confusions of contemporary life, a system of anything is valuable, deeply satisfying, and effective.

Intense engagement with the arts and sciences contributes to a human being who can cohere disparate facets of contemporary life. The liberal arts mission of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, then, is to facilitate knowing and connecting. In Harriot College, those academic consumers mentioned above receive an absolutely “value-added” experience. Intense engagement with the arts and sciences contributes to a human being who can function effectively on a non-linear career path. Intense engagement with the arts and sciences contributes to a human being who can recognize and rejoice in the rich diversity of both local and global citizenry. And intense engagement with the arts and sciences contributes to a human being who can cohere disparate facets of contemporary life. Yes, those facets change, and they change rapidly. But the agility of the liberally educated mind is equal to its present and its future challenges.

Contemporary society sometimes gets hung up on the narrower (and much later) use of the term “arts.” But here in Harriot College, we are dedicated to the cohesing and connecting of knowledge in its marvelous variations. Like the Mars Rover, we explore 3

An Improbable Journey into Natural Hazards Research OR... e s u r K e i Jam Drives a in a g r a B d Har


“I have this math gene. My oldest sister was an

Now, at East Carolina University, Jamie Kruse is a member of Harriot College’s economics department and director of the College’s interdisciplinary Center for Natural Hazards Research [CNHR]. Kruse sees the academy as a “multi-product endeavor” with its high quality research and its contributions to the education of students, the community, and the development of the researchers themselves. The CNHR is a synergistic combination of scholars in the physical sciences, decision sciences, and social sciences who conduct research and engage with stakeholders within the natural hazards spectrum of activities. Those stakeholders include property owners, insurance companies, and governmental agencies. With this strong collaborative foundation and a respected faculty, progress has been made toward the establishment of a new PhD program in economics with an emphasis on risk and hazards.

economist, and the models and methods of economics appeal to how my brain works,” comments Jamie Brown Kruse, named the 2012 Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor.

A native of California – yes, there are such folks – in a line of five generations of Californians, Kruse grew up on a rice and cattle farm located 2 hours from the beach and 2 hours from the mountains. Her rural high school graduating class numbered about fifty. She married fresh out of high school and then went on to receive an undergraduate degree in Ag Honors from the University of Nebraska, a masters in Ag Economics, and a PhD in Economics from University of Arizona under the direction of 2002 Nobel laureate, Vernon Smith. But she was always fascinated with bargaining, with the process of exchange, with the gains of trading. Long Kruse sees the CNHR before there were governments or public quality research and its the community, and the policies governing such activities, human beings were engaging in the back-and-forth of this kind of basic human economic activity. Exploring the motivations and tracing the paths of change and exchange provided opportunities that she had not envisioned. “Had someone told me five years ago about where I’d be and what I’d be doing today, I would have disagreed and probably bet against it.”

as a “multi-product endeavor” with its high contributions to the education of students, development of the researchers themselves.

When not enjoying the facets of her profession, Kruse’s favorite thing is to ride out on her ranch in the Nebraska panhandle.

During 2010 Dr. Kruse completed a special one-year intergovernmental personnel assignment as the Chief Economist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The incumbent of this senior executive service (SES) position serves as Senior Advisor for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for all aspects of NOAA’s economics

Kruse and members of her Nebraskan family. 5

and social science efforts in support of the Department of Commerce goals of a climate responsive nation, sustainable coastal communities and ecosystems, a weatherready nation, and sustainable and resilient fisheries. Dr. Kruse represented NOAA in interagency committees that included membership on the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Subcommittee on Social, Behavioral and Economic Science; OSTP Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology Policy (SOST); and Co-chairmanship of the OSTP-SOST Interagency Working Group on Ocean Social Science. On April 20 an explosion of the drilling rig known as the Deepwater Horizon triggered a response from NOAA that involved all line offices. Jamie Kruse was the lead in the social science thematic area for the NOAA Deepwater Horizon Science Team and served on the National Incident Command Economic Solutions Team. Closer to home, eastern North Carolina’s own recent devastations by natural events (hurricanes and related flooding) have also brought regional and local residents and governments into the stakeholder arena. The CNHR’s 3rd North Carolina Emergency Management/East Carolina University Hurricane Workshop drew emergency managers and participants from surrounding counties. Other participants included the media, representatives from military installations, and representatives from the North Carolina Department of Transportation; and the workshop brought all these stakeholders together with ECU researchers. Such events “keep the science relevant” and “keep up the productive flow of a twoway conversation.” Kruse’s center is an example of this scholarship of engagement at its very best. The CNHR also collaborates with partners further afield: the University of Delaware and Texas Tech University.

Speakers of CNHR’s 3rd North Carolina Emergency Management/East Carolina University Hurricane Workshop included (L to R): Dr. Donna Kain, Associate Chair of English; Jamie Kruse; Bill Read (former Director of the NOAA National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL); Doug Hoell, Director, North Carolina Department of Emergency Management; Dr. Tom Allen, Associate Professor of Geography and Director of the RENCI at East Carolina University Center

The economics side of all this helps people and agencies to examine risks and benefits and to factor in to decisions whatever data can reveal. New mathematics models about risk can become decision-making models. Of special interest to Kruse is “black swan theory” that looks at devastating and world-wide impacts of highly improbable events (for instance, the notion of a 500-year flood). “Standard mathematics models do not capture this well,” observes Kruse. She sees the field of natural hazards research becoming even more closely involved with the science of climate change and sea level rise, two issues of vital interest to inhabitants of North Carolina’s coastal plain. Jamie Brown Kruse sees her own academic journey as highly improbable – after all, she herself would have bet against it. But maybe it’s not the math gene, after all – it’s really her enormous contributions to human knowledge that have resulted in Kruse being chosen in 2012 to join the select confraternity of the most luminous Harriot College scholars. C

Third International Conference for the Prevention of Disasters, sponsored by MEXICO Social development Secretariat, organized to reflect on recent past natural disasters and examine methods to mitigate damage and societal impact. Held in Castillo de Chapultepec, Mexico City, MEXICO. (L to R): Jamie Kruse; Raymundo Padilla Lozoya (University of Colima, Colima, Mexico); Valentin Samaniego Araujo (Deputy Director of Urban and Land Development, Social Development Secretariat); Miguel Angel Cancino Aguilar (Chief of Staff of the Secretariat for Environmental Protection Management) 6

Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences

Distinguished Professor 1994


Dr. Stan Riggs, Geology



Dr. Bodo Nischan, History


Dr. Charles W. Calhoun, History


Dr. Peter Makuck, English


Dr. Steven J. Culver, Geology


Dr. Tinsley Yarbrough, Political Science

Dr. Mark Brinson, Biology


Dr. Paul Gemperline, Chemistry


Dr. C. W. Sullivan III, English

Dr. Jeffrey Carl Johnson, Sociology



Dr. Robert C. Morrison, Chemistry

Dr. Kyle Summers, Biology


Dr. Robert R. Christian, Biology

Distinguished Professor Whichard

in the Humanities

1994-1996 Joe David Bellamy: English, Fiction and Poetry 1996-1997 John F. Post: Philosophy, Metaphysics 1997-1998 Roger A. Hornsby: Foreign Languages and Literatures, Greek and Roman Studies 1998-1999 Charles E. Fantazzi: Foreign Languages & Literatures, Classics 1999-2000 Malcolm C. Barber: History, Medieval History 2000-2001 David S. Cecelski: History, Southern History and Race 2001-2002 Elizabeth K. Minnich: English and Women’s Studies, Women’s Issues, Philosophy, and Politics 2002 Fall Brendan J. Galvin: English, Poetry and Creative Writing 2003 Spring Erna M. Brodber: Women’s Studies, Women’s Issues and Sociology

2004 Spring William G. Lycan: Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy of the Mind David M. Armstrong: Philosophy, Metaphysics 2005 Spring Robert Morgan: English, Poetry and Fiction 2005 Fall John M. Headley: History, Renaissance & Reformation History 2006 Spring Peter M. Green: History, Classics and Ancient History 2008 Spring Maria S. Trabuenca: Foreign Languages and Literatures, Hispanic Language and Literature 2008 Spring Anne G. Jones: English, Southern Studies 2009-2010 Isaac Kalimi: Religious Studies, Biblical and Jewish Studies 2010-2011 Temma F. Berg: Women’s Studies, Women’s Literature 2011-2013 Gary S. Stringer: English, John Donne 7


a public address and a workshop In April 2012, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences partnered with its David Julian and Virginia Suther Whichard Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities; the Department of English; ECU’s Office of Engagement, Innovation and Economic Development; and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to sponsor two NEH events at ECU. At 4 PM on Thursday, April 12, ninth NEH Chairman James A. Leach gave a public address on “The Humanities, Citizenship, and the American Spirit” at ECU’s Willis Building. Leach served with distinction for thirty years in the United States House of Representatives, and immediately prior to his NEH chairmanship was a Professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and also Interim Director of the Institute of Politics and Lecturer at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Special guests included the representatives of North Carolina’s US Congressional delegation and Greenville and Pitt County leadership. Open free of charge to ECU students, faculty, and staff, and to the public, Leach’s presentation focused on the crucial importance of humanities education in its broadest sense and on advocacy for the Endowment’s mission and programs. Also available that afternoon were by-appointment one-on-one grant review sessions with NEH Senior Program Office Stefanie Walker. On the following morning, Walker conducted a grant writing workshop which began with an overview of programs and was followed by ECU faculty members serving on a mock review panel of where a sample grant application was discussed. The afternoon portion of the event featured more byappointment one-on-one consultations with Walker. A major impetus for this two-day event is the John Donne Variorum and Digital Donne projects funded by the NEH and now housed in Harriot College’s Department of English. Principal investigators are Dr. Gary Stringer and English Department chair, Dr. Jeffrey Johnson. For more detail about that project, please see the feature article in the previous online issue of Cornerstone. C


James Leach gives his public address.


Phil Hodges + Metrics, Inc. = Formula for Success For Christmas when he was eleven, he received a chemistry set and proceeded to do every experiment in the box. Then he had Churchill Briley, a great high school chemistry teacher. Then he came from Bear Grass to Greenville’s East Carolina University – “on the five-year plan” and to have a good time. Then he began taking chemistry courses. For each of his first three quarters of chemistry (ECU was not yet on the semester system) he got A’s and scored the university’s highest grades on the end-of-course American Chemical Society-created examination. His instructor, Don Clemmons, identified him as having a great aptitude for chemistry. Phil Hodges had discovered his personal “formula for success.” In organic chemistry, Hodges displayed an ability to visualize things in three dimensions. He went on to physical chemistry but found his academic (and eventual professional) home in analytical chemistry. Chia-yu Li (chemistry faculty member and later department chair) would become Hodges’ research advisor, mentor, and friend. Li would also become a backer in the Metrics, Inc. venture.

ECU Professor Chia-yu Li, mentor and financial backer of Metrics, Inc. 10

Hodges remembers being called about a possible summer job at Greenville’s Burroughs Wellcome Co. After a soda and about a 12-minute interview, he was offered a job that was his for three successive summers. He earned his BS in chemistry in 1979 and his MS in analytical chemistry in 1984. But not long after, Hodges also had the advantage of a very different job – this one with Wilbert Horne’s small pharmaceutical company in Williamston. There, Hodges absorbed a kind of visionary, independent, entrepreneurial energy that is another of the ingredients in his success. When that plant closed, Hodges returned to BW and rose to the position of group leader in Analytical Development Laboratories. A few years later, Horne came back onto the scene and Hodges began doing some testing and development for him on the side. At that point, Hodges and friend Craig Hamilton realized – “hey, we could do this.” With Hamilton and John Bray (whose interests and expertise were complementary), there were Thursday afternoon “explore the idea” conversations over beer at Chico’s. Twin goals of founding a contract testing lab and having a staff of twenty chemists seemed reasonable. With a start-up gift of equipment previously used in Wilbert Horne’s company and with lots of hope, in 1994 Hodges left a secure job at Burroughs Wellcome to found Metrics, Inc. As Hodges himself says, “I was widely regarded as an idiot,” but when BW was sold to

Glaxo nine months later, “I went from idiot to visionary overnight.” As his former BW colleagues scattered across the company, Metrics, Inc. had an immediate, diverse, and geographically dispersed market for the contract laboratory services that Metrics had to offer. And Hodges was able to start out with highly qualified staff, hiring some of BW’s best right away. But Metrics needed a facility and lots of capital, so Hodges, the entrepreneur, took in as financial partners his landlord, his employees, and other interested Greenville investors. In 2000, Metrics moved into its world-class laboratory and manufacturing facilities and the growth has been phenomenal. The company established itself as a leader in contract pharmaceutical development services. Starting with a drug substance, the company develops a dosage form (capsule, tablet, etc.), manufactures the clinical batches, and does all of the necessary analytical

Top: Phil Hodges and Clarence Singleton, Analytical Chemist at Metrics, Inc., enjoy a conversation in one of the labs.

“ I was widely regarded as an idiot, but I went from idiot to visionary overnight.” testing for companies wanting to file their product with the FDA. Metrics has since diversified into generic product development and ownership via its Coastal Pharmaceuticals Division. This move has protected the company and its employees from layoffs during the severe economic downturn that occurred in 2007. In spite of an economy that has been weak, Metrics, Inc., with its staff of 300 did over $50 million worth of business in 2011.

Phil Hodges still goes home to Bear Grass, where he lives with his wife, Lisa. She and all three of his children are ECU graduates or current students, a special Pirate dynasty. So, yes, even though it’s been longer than his initial fiveyear plan, Phil Hodges – in analytical chemistry and entrepreneurship – has found his “formula for success” and has had a great time in Greenville. C



Life Mathematics Equations in Several Variables


Sasha Shlapentokh was born in Kiev, Ukraine, when that state was part of the still-intact and politically powerful Soviet Union. But in that “worker’s paradise” of comradely equality, some were more equal than others. As a female, and most especially, as a Jew, Shlapentokh was not permitted to study mathematics. In fact, most major Soviet Union universities would not even admit Jews to a mathematics program. Carefully rigged oral and other examinations ensured that all Jews would be denied admission. And then, crop failure in the Soviet Union. The USSR needed grain. The United States had grain to sell. Part of the deal was that Jews would be permitted to emigrate. The early departure pretexts were that Jews would be going to Israel. Her family flew to Vienna where they were asked where they wanted to go. This question opened a window of opportunity, and her family chose the United States as their destination and their destiny. After processing at the US embassy in Italy, Shlapentokh and her family arrived in the US on June 29, 1979. Sponsored by friends in Washington, DC, her father had a job offer, and Sasha (with help from a friend at the

University of Pennsylvania) was admitted there to fulfill her dream of studying mathematics and computer science. She married and describes the process of applying to graduate school as a “two body problem.” In grad school at NYU, she “knew” that when she was not doing math, she was “wasting time.” But after graduate school, the two body problem remained when she and her husband (Philip Rothman, economics) were living in New Jersey and commuting in opposite directions. This apparently unsolvable “equation” was happily resolved when Shlapentokh and Rothman were hired by East Carolina University in 1992. Since her joining Harriot College’s mathematics department, Shlapentokh has established an international reputation in the fields of number theory and logic. What has dramatically changed the mathematics arena since her days as a student is the electronic communication. The isolated, scholarly ivory tower has been razed by the internet as this communication medium provides both access to scholarship and a bridge to others with parallel

In 1979, Sasha Shlapentokh’s parents, Lubov’ and Dr. Vladimir Shlapentokh, brought their family to America in search of new opportunities and freedoms. Map courtesy of the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection 13

interests. The intersection of number theory and logic is the locus of much of Shlapentokh’s scholarship. Given an equation – a “sentence” in mathematical language – Shlapentokh grapples with the timeless epistemological queries: What is decidable? What is definable? How can we demonstrate the truth (or falsity)?

The isolated, scholarly ivory tower has been razed by the internet as this communication medium provides both access to scholarship and a bridge to others with parallel interests. The passion to search for new knowledge enlivens everything that Sasha Shlapentokh does. “I still remember being denied opportunity in the land of my birth. My family came here with nothing. The United States owed us nothing. But here, with opportunities in education and in life, the country gave me everything.” So, for students: why mathematics? “One of the chief values of the field is that it helps people to dissect problems, to find a perspective on problems, and then to find answers.” In a life and in a discipline that have so many variables, Sasha Shlapentokh has found happy solutions. C

Sasha Shlapentokh by the Numbers


53 Publications including in journals such as the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, the International Journal of Numbers Theory, les Annales de l‘Institut Fourier, das Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik , Inventiones Mathematicae, and the Israel Journal of Mathematics


60 presentations, including Recursion Theory Workshop, Kazan, Russia, 1997 Logic Seminar, University of Athens, Greece, 2002 Mathematical Institute of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2004 Department of Mathematics and Computing, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2008 Definability in Number Theory Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 2010 Conference on Computability in Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011 Logic Colloquium, Manchester, UK, 2012


8 Grants, including monies from prestigious funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the John Templeton Fund, and the Mathematical Sciences Research Program of the National Security Agency

Workshop on Hilbert’s Tenth Problem, Mazur’s Conjectures and Divisibility Sequences, Oberwolfach, Germany, January 2003


2012–2013 Harriot Voyages of Discovery

Lecture Series September 5, 2012

A University Lecture Celebrating Diversity Mae Jemison, M.D. First African American Woman to Travel in Space “Exploring the Frontiers of Science and Human Potential” October 2, 2012

PREMIER VOYAGES LECTURE Louise Leakey, PhD Research Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology at Stony Brook University; Director of Public Education and Outreach at the Turkana Basin Institute; National Geographic Society Explorer in Residence “Secrets in the Sand: Revelations Into How We Became Humans” November 13, 2012

THE SPACE LECTURE Colonel Eileen M. Collins

Retired American Astronaut and Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel

“Leadership Lessons from Apollo to Discovery” March 5, 2013

JARVIS LECTURE ON CHRISTIANITY & CULTURE Dr. Amy-Jill Levine University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School and College of Arts and Sciences “Strange Bedfellows: The Bible, American Politics, and Homosexuality” March 21, 2013

2013 THOMAS HARRIOT LECTURE Dr. Daniel Richter Roy F. and Jeannette P. Nichols Professor of American History at Univeristy of Pennsylvania “Native Peoples and the Battle of Nooherooka” For further information about the series, visit us online at 15

Student in the Spotlight Counting on Connections: Rhode Island, North Carolina, Arizona, Indiana

Cristian Potter’s story begins in

hour day, Potter was drawn to both the discipline of mathematics and the genuine warmth and welcome of the department. But choosing ECU was not easy – Potter would be giving up a free Ivy League education and would have to work while taking classes. But he had an “aha” moment in Dr. Said Said’s Mathematical Statistics class: Potter says, “At that moment, I decided that I had to be a math major. Really, choosing ECU was the best decision of my entire educational life.” Since that choice, Potter

Providence, Rhode Island, where he was born into a selfdescribed “dysfunctional childhood situation.” From that unprepossessing start, Potter has gone on to garner academic awards, to help shape lives of mentees, and to aspire to not to be an embarrassment to his children. Identified early as exceptionally bright intellectually, he recounts vividly his fifth grade experience where, in his academically accelerated class, he fabricated a family life that did not include the realities of an unemployed father and a welfare mother. Then, high SAT scores “ At that moment, I decided that I had to be a landed him a place at Howard University in 1996, but math major. Really, choosing ECU was the unable to function academically, upon the death of his best decision of my entire educational life.” mother in 1999, he returned home to Rhode Island after he had the children (Cristian and Abayomi) whom he was not going to disappoint. He worked in has received ECU’s Eron-Vittitow Award for Excellence in the public library to pay his student loans and eventually Mathematics and the John B. Davis Award for Excellence in married his new partner and shining inspiration, Ornella Statistics, two important undergraduate recognitions. But Potter, who would later head to her medical residency in Dr. Said (Graduate Program Director), Dr. Chris Jantzen, Psychiatry at ECU’s Brody School of Medicine. and math department chair, Dr. Johannes Hattingh; as well Turning his life around, Cris attended the Community as Department Chair Dr. Ericson, Dr. Arthur Liu and Dr. College of Rhode Island where he maintained a 4.0 Rothman of the Economics Department all push students grade point average and was named a Coca Cola New to go beyond the baccalaureate degree. Also instrumental Century Scholar. In a geographically close-knit state like in Potter’s academic journey at ECU are Gwen Hardin Rhode Island, Cris went directly from his community (Administrative Assistant in the Math Department) and college experience to Brown University. He comments Cindy Mills (Administrative Assistant in the Economics that community colleges often provide a direct pipeline Department. Potter’s first choice for upper level study was to their own local college and universities, so he had yet North Carolina State University, but the family desire to learn about the wider higher education choices that for four distinct seasons led to looking at wider options, might be available to him. After a year at Brown, Potter especially in the Chicago area. joined his wife in Greenville (Potter’s first North Carolina Potter attended a conference in Phoenix, Arizona, and connection) and visited with Dr. M. S. Ravi in Harriot over lunch chatted about soybeans (followed by Indiana, College’s Department of Mathematics. Impressed that North Carolina is the nation’s leading producer) with Dr. Dr. Ravi would come in to talk to him on a non-office George McCabe, renowned statistician, Purdue University


faculty member and associate dean, and recipient of the American Statistical Association’s prestigious 2012 Don Owen Award. Incidentally, McCabe is the author of the favorite textbooks of Dr. Said. McCabe then arranged for Potter to visit Purdue, through Purdue’s Historically Black Institution Multicultural Visitation Program . While there, Purdue staff made it clear: Purdue faculty encourage a student to earn a PhD – whether at Purdue or at another institution. The visitation opportunity assists students with learning the process of applying to graduate schools and with finding the best academic “fit.” [Harriot College is now entering into a partnering arrangement with Purdue in order to identify and mentor outstanding minority students.] Potter comments that “I’m a public school person and I want to teach at the university level. When I went back to school, my goal was to position myself to get a better job, so I tried accounting. But I took an economics class and discovered theoretical mathematics and loved it.”

Above: Potter studies a map with one of his mentees, ECU student Nick Pope. Below: Potter looking on as ECU student Merrell Cook studies in the Project STEPP office, located in Joyner Library.

Potter’s long-term personal goal is to push people to greatness. “When people ask ‘what do you do with a math degree?’ I say, ‘what do you do without one?’” At East Carolina University’s Project Stepp, Cris Potter teaches, mentors, and inspires his students. And in the spring of 2012, Cris Potter received a National Science Foundation GRFP Fellowship. As he heads to Purdue, Cris Potter will forge new and exciting connections – you can count on it! C


We Did It!

Second Century Campaign Closes with $219,000,000 Donated Whether you are an alumnus, alumna, or friend of the College, I am sure you are not surprised that East Carolina University surpassed the ambitious $200,000,000 Second Century Campaign goal by 10% and one year ahead of schedule. During these very difficult economic years, we have witnessed the very best from donors like you, who have allowed us to achieve Harriot College’s campaign goal. Gifts that have had a direct impact on our College through the past few years have included: • Additional Endowed Scholarships • Additional Annual Scholarships

• Lab Endowments • Program Endowments

THANK YOU! As you will note from this latest edition of Cornerstone, there are a variety of ways to consider making a gift, or leaving your own personal legacy to the College. Regardless of size or type of gift, donations make a difference for Harriot College and allow us to further “fund the margin of excellence.” Giving supports the college in many meaningful ways such as: • Strengthening academic programs • Recruiting and retaining top faculty members

• Making ECU more affordable for all students • Increasing the value of your degree

With state resources becoming more finite and the university having to make cuts in excess of $140,000,000 over the past three years, private support has never been more critical or meaningful. I would like to encourage all alumni and friends of the College to consider making a difference by annually supporting the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. Please continue to look for ways to stay connected with the College and invest in areas that are important to you. If I can assist you in meeting your personal philanthropic goals, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jennifer Tripp, Major Gifts Officer 252-737-4201 18

Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences

Annual Honor Roll of Donors

During the past year, hundreds of friends have generously supported Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences with their financial gifts. In these days of shrinking government funding, contributions from institutions and individuals provide expanded programming, academic opportunities, and liberal arts enrichment for students and faculty. The following list reflects gifts made to Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences from July 29, 2011, through August 30, 20 12. To notify us of any changes or to add your name to the list, please contact Harriot College’s Director of Development, Jennifer Tripp, 252-328-490 1. Updated as of August 30, 20 12 Jack Joseph Abate Patricia Anne Abbott Kevin Lee Adee and Darcy Beasley Adee Marc Stuart Adler Corinna Falon Aiken John O. Akins and Joyce Dunham Akins W. F. Albright Glenda K. Alcock Maurice Lee Alcorn Jr. Norman Francis Alexander Patrice Elaine Alexander Murray McCheyne Alford Jr. and Jean Brock Alford Albert G. Allen and Frances Allen Jimmy Allen and Carolyn Wood Allen Robert Ross Allen Sr. and Mary Louise Allen Thomas Eric Allen Jr. Alliance One International Howard Allred and Ann M. Allred Laura Elizabeth Allred John Piland Anders Debra L. Anderson Ralph E. Anderson and Betty S. Anderson Stephen Henry Andrews and Eve W. Andrews Walter B. Applewhite Jr. and Leslie Applewhite Max Asbell and Barbara T. Asbell Melissa Lynne Asbun Daphne Jilcott Askew John H. Atkinson Michael Patrick Audet and Susette Fejerang Audet George Auld and Sue Flanagan Auld Thomas Edgar Austin II and Susan Austin Alfonso R. Aversa III and Elizabeth Aversa Monica Ayhens Sam Lewis Bagley and Ann Bryan Bagley L’naiya Janae Bailey Ellis R. Baker Jr. Simon Baker and Rosalie Kenner Baker Lee Frederick Ball and Nancy Lange Ball Connie Gail Ballance Bank of America

Dixon Lewis Barbee Philip Neal Barbee and Kathryn Todd Barbee Harold William Bardill Jr. Ricky Barefoot and Dana Schacht Barefoot Torrey F. Barefoot and Julia Manning Barefoot Frank E. Barham and Martha L. Barham Wells James Barker George Sherman Barlow IV Harold Lee Barnes Jr. and Elizabeth Barnes Woodrow Wilson Barnes Jr. and JoAnn Hooks Barnes Stephen A. Barnett and Janice Boutilier Barnett William Charles Barrett IV and Pamela Raper Barrett Thomas Henry Barrett Jr. John Raymond Barron and Frances Parker Barron Mary Helen Barwick James H. Bateman Jr. and Judy Stott Bateman Mark Bryan and Amy Michelle Batten Patricia C. Beaman Selina Leone Beauchamp Patricia Cellia Beaver Harold T. Beck and Patricia S. Beck Charles B. Bedford and Nancy E. Bedford Shay Allyn Beezley Christian James Bell Michael Christopher Bell Ursula Yvonne Belle Daniel Vincent Bellittiere and Rose Sinicrope Laura Ebbs Benjamin William Bennett and Frances B. Bennett Avis Willard Benson and Tillie Elizabeth Benson Benjamin N. Best and Barbara Best William Groome Best Jack Edmund Beverly and Trudy Beverly Richard Alan Bevis Carol Pridgen Bickel Lee Roy Biggerstaff and Olivia White Biggerstaff Philip H. Bilodeau and Joan Bilodeau

Elizabeth Y. Birdsall John Allen Bishop David R. Bjorkman and Sylvia J. Bjorkman George W. Blanchard and Pamela Blanchard Joseph Austin Blanks and Marilyn Sue Blanks Anjanette Swinson Blizzard T. Jean Blocker John Alexander Bogatko and Aesook L. Bogatko Jason S. Bond Thomas Richard Boone Gerald O. Bouchard and Susan F. Bouchard Scott Harvey Bowen and Diane H. Bowen Paula Braxton Bowen Margaret Rose Boykin Paul Moore and Susan E. BradfordMoore Richard Bradley and Lee Harrell Bradley William Ray Brannon and Olivia B. Brannon John T. Bray and Nancy Glaser Bray Kyle Matthew Breuer Bridgestone/Firestone George R. Brinson and Mary Brinson Johnny Reginald Britt and Deborah Britt Donald Broadwell and Patricia W. Broadwell Roger Earl Brogneaux and Gillian Marshall Brogneaux John Clayton Brooks III and Lisa Moorhead Brooks James L. Browder Darryl Keith Brown and Carolyn Capps David Savage Brown and Mary Beth Brown H. Marshall Brown and Patricia Rogers Brown Jared Michael Brown and Judith Harrison Brown Kimberly Shannon Brown Thomas Brown and Suzanne K. Brown Thomas E. Brown and Julia Thomas Brown Willie Lee Brown Robert Monroe Browning Jr. and Susan Dark Browning 19

Robert Monroe Browning Jr. and Susan Dark Browning David A. Brunson and Rodnea Clark Brunson Melonie Tyson Bryan Dale W. Buch and Christina C. Buch Edward Higgs Buchanan and Virginia LeConte Buchanan Edward Higgs Buchanan and Virginia LeConte Buchanan James F. Buckman IV and Kaye Buckman Alfred B. B. Bulla and Marie B. Bulla Mahogany Bullock-Clayton Ann S. Bumgardner Ann Wright Bundy Stephen Andrew Bundy Jr. Michael L. Bunting and Mollie Berry Davenport James Douglas Burch and Bonnie Peedin Burch Craig Emmett Burcham Mitchell D. Burdick and Nicole Graves Burdick Emma J. Burnette Nathan Stanley Burns and Jeanne A. Burns Hugh A. Burton and Agnes R. Burton Eric Scott Butler and Sarah Olson Butler William B. Bynum and Martha D. Bynum Larry D. Byrd and Corrinne Byrd Randall Keith Cahoon Shannon G. Cain Sonke Calder and Carole Lynn Calder David Ruffin Campbell James Stewart Campbell and Dianne Nesbitt Campbell Boyd C. Campbell Jr. and Frances Kelley Campbell George Richard Campbell Henry Jacob Campbell Joseph Michael Camut and Valerie Santamaria Camut Adam Bryant Cantrell Richard Crissman Capps and Sandra Eskew Capps Herbert R. Carlton and Virginia Gray Carlton Thomas Burgess Carroll and Yvonne L. Ralston Dorothy L. Carter James E. Cashion Jr. and Phyllis C. Cashion Thomas McNair Cassell Richard James Caston Edward L. Cavenaugh and JoAnn L. Cavenaugh Ralph Cayton and Brenda Pearsall Cayton Charles F. Chamberlain and Linda Cheney Chamberlain Stanley Chambers and Amanda Jones Chambers Larry Darnell Chance James T. Cheatham and Brenning B. Cheatham Seth Andrew Chernoff Kevin Patrick Chilton and Catherine Dreyer Chilton 20

Harvey Bennet Chinlund Jr. and Cathy Baker Chinlund Edwin Tan Chua Jared F. Cilley and Elizabeth D. Cilley Frieda Anne Clark Matthew Warren Clark and Glenda Hardy Clark James W. Clark and Eleanor Rae Clark John B. Clark Malcolm N. Clark and Susan G. Clark Doris Clarke Kenneth T. Cline and Lynn Hanold Cline Byron F. Clodfelter and Anke Lilly Clodfelter David Neil Clough and Joycelyn Clough Deborah Cobb Hoy Jefferson Cobb Jr. James Franklin Coble

Coca-Cola Foundation Mary H. Coddington Christopher Lowell Coggins and Corey Coggins Tony Chadwick Coggins William Estes Cole George Thomas Collier and Olivia Hill Collier Richard Collins and Linda W. Collins Kenneth Ray Congleton Peter Thompson Connet Michael Connolly and Ann Lawrence Connolly Justin Clay Conrad and Andria Conrad Brian Cooney Ruth Ann Copley Charles Hatcher Corbitt and Connie D. Corbitt Christopher Lee Corbitt and Lisa Bailey Corbitt

William Shaw Corbitt III and Suzanne Aycock Corbitt CornProducts International Matthew E. Cosner and Linda Kay Cosner Matthew E. Cosner and Linda Kay Cosner David William Cotton Robert Cottrell and Suzanne Berry Cottrell Chelsea Moselle Cox Hardee Richard Cox and Angela Cox Daniel Crandol and Renee Lee Crandol Chase Evan Cranford Charles W. Creech and Martha Wayne Creech Virginia M. Crews and Alan Schwartz Laddie Moore Crisp Jr. and Jamie

Strickland Crisp Horace David Crosson and Dana C. Crosson John Marshall Crowe and Donna Crowe Clyde Crusenberry Jr. and Patricia Crusenberry Ricardo Cruz-Segarra and Jeri D. CruzSegarra CSX Corp. Rodney Eric Cubbage and Christy E. Cubbage Joseph Anthony Cuellar and Maryann Ehly Cuellar Mitch Culp and Moira Devlin Culp Sydney Garrett Cuningham and Ann Crowder Cuningham Belinda Barker Cunningham Anita S. Cutler Ronald H. Dalrymple and Anne Sonia Dalrymple

Christopher Mark Daly and Claudia Hauck Daly Donna Maria Daniels Mike Forrest Daniska and Lianne Pena Daniska Walton Marvin Daugherty Jr. and Alice Culley Daugherty Ronald Clifton Daughtry and Frances Mizell Daughtry James Fleming Davenport IV Walter Ray Davis and Andrea P. Davis Jimmy Ray Davis Jr. John Trotter Davis and Lisa Schuh Davis Richard Davis and Phyllis N. Davis Robert Christopher Davis and Meoldy Davis Samuel Avery Davis John William Dawson Jr. Christy Leigh Deardorff Paul Deaton and Jacqueline Pittman Deaton Jarret Lei DeVine Russell H. Dew and Iylene Dew Gregory Bruce Dickens and Heidi Bullock Dickens Wade Hampton Dickens III and Dotty Dickens William F. Dickenson and Kathleen M. Dickenson Collett B. Dilworth and Martha B. Dilworth James Aaron Dinatale William Heyser Diuguid and Cheryl Risinger Diuguid Jeffery Lee Donald Neil E. Dorsey and Donna Morgan Dorsey David Alexander Dosser and Katherine Burnette Dosser Ronnie Ravon Douthit Robert W. Dowd and Gina Dowd DSM DTE Energy Foundation Judy Lavinia Dudley Katrenia Dominique Dudley Wade Glendon Dudley and Susan Marske Dudley Kay Francis Dunlap Jimmy E. Dunn and Marjorie Dunn Donald Allan Duprez and Betty A. Duprez Bruce W. Durst and Sally Jane Durst Walter Eaton and Carolyn R. Eaton Robert Burt Edmundson Jr. and Rebecca Edmundson Don Raby Edwards and Jane Edwards Don Raby Edwards and Jane Edwards Jesse Clifton Edwards Jr. and Lynn Pickler Edwards Robert L. Edwards and Kathryn Edwards Thomas E. Edwards and Sue Richards Edwards Timothy Dale Edwards and Scott Hill Gibson T. Edmond Efird and Nancy Thompson Efird Ellen M. Eggerding Danielle Marie Eiler

Mary Celeste Eisele Eli Lilly & Company Foundation David Dale Elks Jr. and Kathryn Gladson Elks William R. Elmore Jr. and Joan Elmore Charline Renee Emory Edward Eugene English and Gloria English Richard E. Ericson John W. Ervin and Mercedes H. Ervin Edward B. Estes and Tammara Levey Estes John R. Poe Jr. and Rose Marie Etheridge Thomas Joseph Eustice Jr. and Judy Aileen Eustice Phillip Tefft Evans and Cindy Putnam Evans Lewis C. Evans and Nancy Freeman Evans Clifton W. Everett Jr and Mary Harris Everett Nelson Anthony Everett Charles Ewen Edward R. Ezzell and Donna H. Ezzell Tiffany Lynnette Faircloth John Douglas Faires and Barbara Trader Faires Leonard Thomas Farias and Elizabeth Farias Marie T. Farr Donald M. Faulkner III and Mary Yvonne Faulkner Mercer M. Faulkner and Melissa J. Faulkner Christopher Earl Faw and Laura Olive Faw Elbert P. Felton John W. Felts Jr. and Janet P. Felts Kenneth Preston Ferguson and Cynthia Pittman Ferguson Mark Dodson Fetner Wade Thomas Fickling and Elizabeth Hodges Fickling Lorraine Bynum Finch Oliver Frederick Fines Fisher Scientific Frederic H. Fladenmuller Sandra H. Flaer Martin K. Fleming and Monika Lea Fleming John Baxton Flowers III and Eleanor Flowers Mark A. Folsom and Sondra Gail Folsom John William Forbis and Cyd Forbis Jack S. Forlines and Lottie Forlines Raymond Earl Fornes and Geraldine Fornes Dwight B. Foster and Grace Peterson Foster Christie Charnel Fox Charles A. Fox and Cynthia G. Fox Thomas Leonard Frandsen Donald Ray Franks James Wilbert Futrell and Rebecca Futrell Onslow Kesler Gainey Jr. and Jane B. Gainey Lori Greene Gale

Jim Rufus Galloway and Nina Galloway Yongin Gao and Xiao Yang Wang Gao David Gardner and Gail Rice Gardner John Howard Garner Margaret Garner Marvin Eli Garner Jr. and Gail Gladson Garner Nell Dixon Garner Barry W. Garrison and Barbara H. Garrison Harrison Keene Gaskins Jr. and Penny Harrison Gaskins Donald L. Gaylor and Wilma D. Gaylor General Electric George W. Gentry and Pauline Blalock Gentry Guy C. Gentry Jr. and Sarah Shaw Gentry Corey McKenzie Geohagan Geoffrey Gerard Germann and Sandra Braswell Germann Dorothea Stewart Gilbert Jesse Edward Gillikin Jr. and Laura K. Gillikin Paul Leon Gipson Jr. and Laura Harrell Gipson John P. Given III Glace International, INC Milton Alfred Glass Jr. GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Marion Boyd Godbold and Pat Godbold John R. Godfrey and Donna Lema Godfrey Glenn Thomas Godwin Elizabeth Nicole Goins Bert Alan Goodman and Billie Humke Goodman Eugene Franklin Goodwin William Gowen and Catherine Kurtz Gowen Deborah L. Grafton Robert Frank Graham Jr. and Parker Graham Marshall Kenneth Gramm Terry Alan Grant William Luther Grant Jr. and Mary F. Grant Dara Suzette Gray Linda Lou Green James C. Greene Jr. and Diane Greene Roger William Greene Sara Lee Gregor John Robert Grice and Lisa Whitman Grice Betsy Quessenberry Griffin Kim Elliott Griffin and Jean Joyner Griffin Joel Christian Grimm and Catherine Whitehurst Grimm Antonio Lionel Grion Trudy Whitehurst Gulley George Wilson Gunn Jr. and Pamela Boswell Gunn Charles Mitchell Gurganus and Gina Rouse Gurganus Horace Daniel Gurganus and Joyce Jarman Gurganus Joseph A. Gutierrez Jr. 21

Evan Sterling Gutshall and Caroline Brayboy Gutshall Paul W. Hager Lemuel Hair and Connie Edge Hair James Boyd Haley and Frederica Earley Haley Monte L. Hall and Carole R. Hall Clyde Stanley Hall and Catherine S. Hall George Perry Hall Jr. and Karen Cabaniss Hall Melissa Ann Hall Ralph W. Hall Jr. Fred A. Halstead Sr. and Donna D. Halstead Harry Vernon Hamilton Jr. and Sharon K. Hamilton William Preston Sandifer Jr. and Robin M. Hammond Marwan Nabil Hanhan David C. Hanner Jamie Edward Hardee and Mary Hardee Smith P. Hardison Allen Stanfield Harper C. Michael Harper and Diana M. Harper Brenda B. Harrell Bryan Christopher Harrell and Stephanie Brooks Harrell Bryan Christopher Harrell and Stephanie Brooks Harrell Coy W. Harris Haywood Denard Harris and Carolyn Kay Harris Richard F. Harris and Jean Flake Harris Scott Sovera Harris and Paige Allen Harris Zachary Joel Harrison and Brandi Cahoon Harrison Cheryl Kay Harrison Conor Michael Harrison Edith Camilla Harrison James Stanley Harrison and Oneda Crowe Harrison Donald Wayne Harritan and Judy Jordan Harritan Miriam Louise Hart Rodney Cameron Hartman John P. Kelly and Karen Jo Haskett Marie Anne Hassel Presley Branch Hatcher Stanley Oscar Hathaway Jr. and Dolly Overton Hathaway Paul Edward Haug and Bettie Haug Aston Haughton and Janice P. Haughton Zachary Merle Haulsee Alan Dwain Hawkins Ralph M. Hawkins Richard Hawley and Gwendolyn Jean Hawley Bettie Jenkins Hayes John W. Heath and Doris G. Heath Randall William Hemann and Paula K. Hemann William Herlie Hendrix and Shena Cooper Hendrix John G. Herbert and Beverly G. Herbert Scott Heritage and Anne Heritage Charles Albert Herman and Evelyn Carver Herman 22

Pablo Hernandez and Betty King Hernandez Jeffrey Neal Herring and Marianne Herring Jonathan Philip Heyl and Carrie Lyon Heyl Darren Howard Martin Hickerson and Christy Hickerson Jerry L. Higgins William D. High Jr. and Karen M. High Mary Rebecca Hill John Franklin Hinnant and Estelle Swindell Hinnant Douglas Lindsey Hobbs John Holloway Hobgood Frances Owen Hockaday Walter William Hodder and Dorothy D. Hodder Gerald E. Hodnett and Sybil Hodnett Gary Weber Hoffman John Christopher Hoffman Alfred Robert Holcombe Jr. and Jane Holcombe Paul W. Holland and Gail E. Holland Larry Wayne Holland and Janet Batten Holland Dean Hollandsworth and Barbara A. Hollandsworth William Keith Holley Alton Wayne Holloman and Sherry McKee Holloman Robert Walker and Deborah A. Holloman Alton Wayne Holloman and Sherry McKee Holloman Cameron Alan Holmes Odette Kim Holmes Robert Douglas Holsten and Patricia Grand Holsten Helen White Holt James Craig Holte Richard J. Hooton Jr. and Elizabeth Capasso Hooton John Michael Hopkins and Marion Dubose Hopkins Sean Patrick Howe and Patricia Flood Howe David Jonathan Howell Ed E. Howell John M. Howell and Gladys D. Howell John Ricky Howell and Valerie J. Howell B. C. Howser and Lona Manning Howser Anthony Hubert and Cheri Hubert Patricia Louise Hudnall James Bradley Hufford Carrie Jo Humphrey Sandra Elizabeth Hunsucker Robbie D. Hunt and Christina Clark Hunt George Graham Hunt and Caroline Hunt Mitchell Lee Hunt and Cynthia Duffy Hunt Robert Vernon Hunter and Eleanor W. Hunter Jeffery Dale Hurley and Barbara Gerth Hurley Albert L. Hurst and Linda M. Hurst

Tammy Renee Hurt IBM Gregory Lee Idol and Wendy C. Idol Ray Van Ingold and Jean Ingold Alfred Oliver Inman III and Robin Rene S. Inman Robert Charles Ittig J & C Wireless Company J E Cameron, DDS & Associates George S. Jackson and Blair F. Jackson Andrew J. Jacobs Jefferson’s Flower Thomas E. Jenkins and Gail S. Jenkins Jonathan Edward Jenkins Richard E. Jenkins Jr. and Betsy B. Jenkins Robert Howard Jenkins and Debbie Jenkins Jack W. Jenkins and Sara M. Jenkins Alan Thomas Jessup Jesse Harry Jhala Robert Johnson and Catherine W. Johnson Cathy Jean Johnson Robert Johnson and Martha Kornegay Johnson Bruce Johnson and Rosalyn Railey Johnson Samuel Edgar Johnson and Jane S. Johnson Wendy F. Johnson Johnson & Johnson Caleb Matthew Jones Jerry Randall Jones and Cherry Hardison Jones David Mitchell Jones Gene Douglas Jones and Marcia Jones Hugh Alva Jones and Kathleen Gossman Jones Randolph Carlton Jones and Deborah Jones Richard Alan Jones and Nancy Jones Ryan James Jones Stephen Thomas Jones and Wanda Aldridge Jones Johnnie Earl Jones and Tara Reesal Jones C. K. Josey Jr. and Deborah Gallagher Josey Lora Lynn Josey James M. Joyce and Mary Ellen Joyce Sue Ann Joyner Thurman Douglas Joyner and Brenda Hodges Joyner Kevin Juhring and Isabelle C. Juhring Arunas Juska Gerhard W. Kalmus and Karin C. Kalmus Fredric Theodore Kaminski and Charlotte Kaminski Craig Bennett Katzman and Cynthia Katzman George Morris Kaupp Daniel Lee Keefe and Catherine Keefe Margaret Cherry Keiger Jonathan Taylor Keith and Shelley Rainey Keith Jonathan Taylor Keith and Shelley Rainey Keith Paton Holmes Kelley and Anne Kelley

Patrick Charles Kennedy and Adra Allison Kennedy Albert Gibert Kennedy Betsy Burns Kennington William Christopher Kidd III and Mary Lynn Cherry Kidd David Foster Kiger and Deborah Kiger Mark Allen Kilgore and Primitiva Palitayan Kilgore Paul W. Killian Jr. Sitawa Reginalde Kimuna John C. Kinard and Rachael Lang Kinard Gary Dewey King and Sylvia W. King Richard Thomas King Stephen Leigh Kinney James Ray Kirby and Martha Carter Kirby Paul Edwin Klaene and Pamela Klaene Gerald Walter Klas Gretchen Ann Klein Patrick William Klem Rufus Henry Knott III and Elise Diamond Knott David H. Knox Jr. Richard William Koehler and Adrienne Koehler Christopher Chad Kornegay and Kelly Tyndall Kornegay Jonathan Hargett Kornegay Paul Robert Kornegay

William Alfred Kremer and Barbara Harris Kremer Don Krueger and Michelle C. Krueger Jamie Lynette Kruse Kevin J. Kunkler and Tracey Turpin Kunkler Mark Andrew Kury and Lori Stephenson Kury John T. Kutsch and Patricia Lane Kutsch Joyce S. Lackey Jack Devan Lail and Amy Lail James Edward Lancaster Jon Wesley Lancaster Robert Finley Lancaster and Wanda Lancaster Daniel Dorrance Lance and Veronica Peterson Lance Mary King Landgraf James Michael Laney and Laura O’Shea Laney Phyllis Knight Lang Bryan Keith Lassiter and Christine Keller Lassiter Kristen Meyer Lawlor Amanda Taylor Lawrence Alex H. Leary and Sandra Leary James Stanley Leary and Dorie Leary Kenneth Miles Leber III Randall P. Leblond and Millie Leblond

Michael Jerome Lee and Mieko Darchie Lee Matthew David Yelverton and Tisha B. Lee Jessica Rachel Leif Joel David Lenk Barbara E. Leplattenier Daniel Letchworth and Joy B. Letchworth Amy Leuchtmann Zev Ben Levine and Randi Levine Stanley Scott Lewis and Holley Lewis Larry Winder Lieberman and Mary Jane Lieberman John Edward Liles and Susan Roberson Liles James Gunn Lindley Jr. and Stephanie Curl Lindley Shawn William Lipe Brad E. Lockerbie Paulette LaFayee Lofton Ernest Victor Logemann and Martha Clayton Logemann Brandon Ray Long David Christian Long Andrew R. Lorenz and Mariana Lorenz Dorothy Love Hannah Lewis Lowry Randy Lucas and Cynthia K. Lucas Jennifer Michelle Lucas Aaron F. Lucier Quierra LaVene Luck Howard J. Lunin and Susan Tuck Lunin Katina Maria Lynch Bryan Maas and Brenda Kubitz Maas Patrick Tate Maddox Helen Ross Maddux Jacob Edward Mahan Jeffrey Makala and Melissa Edmundson Makala Dalton L. Mann P. Drake Mann Keith Manning and Teresa Pridgen Manning Enrique V. Marana J. James Marasco and Nonie A. Marasco Robert L. Maril Alaric Shemal Martin James Ingram Martin Sr. and Linda Martin Jessica Lauren Martin Winfred Richard Martin Sr. and Regina D. Martin Robert Lee Martin Jr. and Leah Martin Winfred Richard Martin Sr. and Regina D. Martin John E. Mason K. David Masters Jr. and Joyce S. Masters Edward Anthony Mauser Jr. Robert W. Weeks and Susan Renee Maxon Stephen Paul Mayeux and Mary Dare Mayeux Warren A. McAllister and Ruby F. McAllister Michael Roy McCammon and Susan M. McCammon Anonymous 23

Stephen Donald McCuin and Elizabeth S. McCuin Michael McDevitt and Phyllis Watson McDevitt Harrison George McHugh Jr. and Peggy R. McHugh Donald George McIntyre Janice Emery McKenney Robert Allen McLawhorn L. Thomas McLean and Amy Clayborne McLean Dale J. McLean Jr. James Hampton McLean and Barbara McLean Mitchell Sutton McLean Philip James McPherson and Heather Hackett McPherson Vivian Francik McPherson Thomas Harold McQuaid Jr. Taraji Keya McRae Robert Alonza McRorie George S. McSwain Jr. and Mardy McSwain 24

David Meador and Carrie Elizabeth Meador Mark Melito and Jaime Waicus Melito Justin William Melton Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch Metrics, Inc. Metropolitan Life Christian Walden Mew and Caroline M. Mew Steven Dermont Michael and Loretta B. Michael Andrew Richard Mihalko Jeffrey Lee Miller and Rachel Beaman Miller Robert Arthur Millie and Theresa Millie Kevin Ray Mills Leroy Mills and Mary Mills Jeremy Adam Millsaps Matthew Kingsley Miner and Elise M. Miner Oli Miolla and Maria D. Miolla

Thomas Noel Mitchell and Carolyn Mitchell Cynthia Nicole Mitchell James P. Mitchell and Patricia Lee Mitchell Ronald L. Mitchelson and Sarah Mitchelson William Herbert Mizelle Jr. and Melisa Van Wagner Mizelle Kevin Wayne Mobley Yaqoob Ammar Mohyuddin and Ayse Karca Mohyuddin Richard Finley Moldin and Nancy Diehl Moldin John Perry Monds Linda Mooney Muriel J. Moore Jr. and Catherine Pfeiffer Moore Harry B. Moore Jr. and Nancy B. Moore James Michael Moore Michael Todd Moore and Janet Fasig Moore Susan Carol Moran James C. Morgan and Dolores Hayes Morgan William Neil Morgan Linly Gerald Morris Timothy Charles Morris William Dell Moxley Jr. Patrick Joseph Munley and Donna Glover Munley Robert M. Munroe Terence John Murphy Thomas W. Murphy and Meryl Murphy Raymond Bertoid and Carol Martha Natelson-Bertoid National Marine Sanctuary Foundation Nationwide Marty Ray Nealey and Kimberly M. Nealey David Edric Nelson Kai Nelson and Margery Johnstin Nelson Robert Carl Nelson II and Gwendolyn D. Parker-Nelson Myron Edward Neville and Vanessa R. Neville Howard Wilson Newell Jr. and Faith Tyndall Newell Howard Wilson Newell Jr. and Faith Tyndall Newell Carolyn Lovegrove Newsome Ronald James Newton and Mary W. Newton Curtis Howard Nichols and Marilyn B. Nichols Jason Carter Nichols and Lee Goldfarb Nichols Marshall Wayne Nichols Charles H. Nimitz and Carol C. Nimitz Charles H. Nimitz and Carol C. Nimitz Alexander B. Noe Jr. and Kimberly W. Noe Joseph K. Norris and Janet M. Norris Gary L. North Matthew Clark Oathout and Marcella E. Oathout William Patrick O’Boyle Joseph Patrick O’Connell

John T. Oglesby Jr. and Glennie H. Oglesby Vincent Boyce Oglesby Sr. and Dorothy Oglesby Mark O’Halloran and Kimberly P. O’Halloran Juanita Patrick Oliver Raymond Albert Oliver III and Rhonda Jean Oliver Lilian Y. Oliviera-McDonald Richard P. Olsen and Dena Olsen Thomas Leon O’Neal and Janice Lowry O’Neal Alfred Jay Orozco and Elizabeth Vick Orozco Susan B. Orthman Ralph B. Ottinger Lillian Outterbridge Calvin Irvin Owens and Patsy Cherry Owens James Frederick Owens Ambrose Lloyd Owens III and Johanna Shackelford Owens Christopher Louis Ozimek and Meredith Ozimek Mark Dell Pabst III and Mary Jon Pabst Mark Dell Pabst III and Mary Jon Pabst David Wesley Page and Amy Corman Page Dorla Gail Pake Anthony J. Papalas and Francoise Papalas Burke H. Parker and Ila Parker Michael McDonald Parker and Sandra D. Parker Robert Steven Parker and Tanya Parker Shelia H. Parker Stephen Todd Parker James Johnson Parks and Judith Myrick Parks Dorothy S. Paschal Terry W. Pate Tony Dean Pearce Jr. and Jennifer Paramore Pearce Susan Carol Pearce Robert H. Pearsall William Edward Pearson II and Suzanne Trivett Pearson William D. Peden Lee G. Pedersen and Barbara B. Pedersen Allison Anne Peel Jesse R. Peel George N. Peele Jr. Scott Perrill and Constance Clark Perrill Christian M. Petrucci and Kimberly Barba Petrucci Anthony C. Petty and Carolyn Anne Petty Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program James Edwin Phelps Jr. and Frances Newsom Phelps Fenner Mac Hodges and Almeta Mae Phelps-Hodges C. Phillips and Beverly Williamson Phillips Clifford Hamilton Phillips III and Sue Bell Phillips Anthony Philyaw and Wendy Lane Philyaw

Cynthia Ann Pierce David Eric Pierce and JoAnn Pierce Lonnie Tinker Pierce III and Katherine Pierce Peggy J. Pikna River Rydell Pinkham John R. Poat and Rebecca Poat Donald Poling and Susan Sedgwick Poling Elbert Lindy Pollard Mitzi Deason Ponce Samuel Barber Pond III and Susan B. Pond Samuel Barber Pond III and Susan B. Pond Christopher Britt Pons and Diane Abramson Pons Eleanor Ruth Poole Charles Francis Pooler William Paul Pope III and Kaye Thurston Pope Joseph William Powell Jr and Joella R. Powell Charles Steven Powell and Melissa Patterson Powell Thomas T. Powell Jr. and Nancy P. Powell Rebecca S. Powers Benjamin G. Prescott II and Renate Weaver Prescott Jeffrey S. Prevatt and Betty Shannon Prevatt Durwood McKinley Price and Barbara Hinson Price Maurice Henry Price and Dorothy Price William Jennings Price Jr. Kenneth R. Proctor Silas Henry Pryce and Clyde Williams Pryce Brandon Keith Pryor Laurel T. Purvis Lisa Dawn Rabinowitz Kelly Lynn Radford and Camille Glenn Radford John Spencer Rainey Jr. and Kathryn B. Rainey Ram Hospitality Ram Hospitality, Inc Derek Dwayne Ramirez and Tinya DeLaGarza Ramirez Richard J. Rarick Gail Ratcliff James L. Ratledge Marion Eugene Ratliff and Carolyn Wilson Ratliff Gid Macon Reavis Jr. and Grace Drew Reavis Townley R. Redfearn and Patricia Redfearn Mikell Jon Reed and Tiffany Harrison Reed Reeves Import Motorcars Carol H. Reilly Francis Joseph Reilly Jr. and Patricia Meads Reilly Kenneth R. Wilson and Christa Reiser Marion K. Renne Aerial N. Richardson Doug Robertson and Betsey Robertson Jeanne Chorley Robertson

Athy Gravely Robinson Lorraine Hale Robinson and Johnie Graves Robinson Thomas Stephenson Robinson and Maureen Hanna Robinson Diane A. Rodman Ellen Carol Rouse Rodriguez Donald Scott Rogers and Amy Cooper Rogers Richard Eugene Rogers and Jean Griffin Rogers Renee Michele Rogers Rodney L. Rogerson Jr. and Christi Lilley Rogerson Marjorie Jard Romano Marvin Pittman Rooker and Lynne O’Neal Rooker Ollie James Rose and Detra Hedgepeth Rose David Samuel Rosenberg Chad C. Ross George Leo Rothermel and Jennifer Taylor Rothermel Wilton Gene Rountree and Catherine D. Roundtree Guy Dawson Rouse Jr. and Melinda Queen Rouse Randy Rousseau and Renee Story Rousseau Thomas Everett Rowe Roger Allen Rulifson and Gayle Gwennap Rulifson John Rummel and Jean Rummel James H. Russ Douglas M. Russell and Carolyn Barnes Russell Glenn Aaron Russell and Karina Russell Pete A. Boyer and Mona Lisa Russell Roger Andrew Russell Ione J. Ryan Barry Sadler and Bonnie Lynn Allen Sadler Ted Thurston Salmon and Debora Salmon Paul L. Sasser and Sandra J. Sasser Todd Savitt Thomas C. Sayetta and Anne Sayetta Benjamin Kyle Saylors and Elizabeth Bizzell Saylors Daniel Ray Scharf and Karen McMillan Scharf William Schell Jr. and Janet Wingfield Schell Christopher S. Schiappa and Tamra Schiappa Robert Allan Schlick Michael Chadwick Schrempp and Kimberly Schrempp Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Scripps-Howard Max Dale Scruggs and Kathryn Scruggs Sharon L. Seago Mark Simon Seddon and Lynne C. Seddon Willis Cleveland Sellars Jr. Mark Allen Sessoms Bane Shaw and Ann Hoover Shaw Colin Stuart Shaw and Ruth Gwynn Shaw 25

Shelby Dawn Shaw Charles Leon Shepard Jr. and Susan D. Shepard Tobin Hugh Shepherd and Beverley E. Shepherd Mary Stallings Sherard Mary Susan Shields Andrew Lewis Shifflett and Anne D. Shifflett Lorraine G. Shinn Robert Lee Shuford Jr. Carol Lynette Shurlow Katie M. Sikora Sandra Humphrey Silence Richard H. Siler and Jean Siler Alvin Maurice Simmons Martin LeRoy Simmons Breck Simmons and Washella Turner Simmons John David Simpson and Janet Simpson Jeffrey Neal Simpson and Kimberly Shinn Simpson Malcolm T. Simpson Jr. and Susan Nash Simpson Gobind Sharan Singh and Dagmar Ball Singh Nancy Singleton Khaovongkoth L. Sirisombath Carl Delmas Sloan and Anita Pat Sloan Anne Ivey Slough James Lee Smalfelt and Mary Duke Smalfelt Christy Carol Small Kathy Suggs Small Brandye Michelle Smith Bryon Morris Smith and Betty Jean Smith Christopher Brian Smith and Danielle O’Leary Smith Christopher Jon Smith Edward Tyson Smith and Georgia Hooks Shurr Ira Thomas Smith and Florida Simmons Smith R. Max Smith and Jean Fisher Smith Kelly Elaine Smith Richard Smith and Laurie R. Smith Lester C. Smith Jr. and Helen Smith Michael Brandon Smith Rodney Lee Smith William Ralph Smith Jr. and Betty W. Smith Rudy Arch Smithwick and Cece Smithwick Michael Joseph Solosky and Julie Bateman Solosky Thomas James Spaulding George Thomas Speight and Regina Speight Robert Samuel Spence and Sandra M. Spence Debra Ann Spinazzola Bruce Farrell Spital and Sarah Spital Kimberlee Walton Spores Stephen N. Spruill and Catherine L. Spruill David Joseph Stanaland Jr. and Stacey Causey Stanaland 26

George Wiley Stancil and Brownie Harrington Stancil Patrick Sidney Stanforth Jessica Lee Stanley Christopher Lee Stanton James C. Stanton III and Dona W. Stanton Wendy Dunton Starner State Farm Zachary Adam Stauble Carroll Adam Stearns III and Janet Stearns John Francis Steede and June Fletcher Steede Darrell C. Steele Joseph F. Steelman Nelda Lee Stephens Spencer Keith Stephens and Catherine Farneth Stephens Stephens & Associates PC Thomas P. Stephenson and Nancy Lou Stephenson John A. Stevens and Karen Mae Stevens Angela Grace Stewart Erin Amanda Stewart Sybil Stewart Charles Darrell Stout and Mary Jo Stout Robert P. Stout Jr. and Voula Stout Thornton Green Stovall Jr. Alton Linwood Strickland Jr. David Brian Strickland and Bridgett Strickland William Corbett Strickland Jr. Bob M. Strock and Mary Lentz Strock Edwin Nelson Strother Jr. and Sue Harpole Strother Barney R. Strutton and Lou Strutton Courtney Ryberg Sturges Gary W. Stutts and Ellen Schrader Stutts Vernon Suits and Mildred Rouse Suits Joan Doughtie Sullivan Summit Place Senior Campus Benjamin Watson Sumners William Samuel Surles and Kay Surles Charles Matthew Sutphin and Joan Jeffrey Sutphin SWA Consulting Inc. Rufus S. Swain and Lillian H. Swain Wendell L. Swain Carl Swanson and Edith F. Swanson Edward Clay Swindell and Charl Humphrey Swindell Larry Swindell and Suzanne S. Swindell Ray Miles Sykes and Joan Meade Sykes Matthew D. Tatman and Andrea West Tatman Bobby Raye Taylor Jr. James Taylor and Diane E. Taylor Joseph Kirkpatrick Taylor and Elizabeth K. Taylor Charles Joseph Taylor and Jennifer Winchester Taylor Rick D. Taylor and Roxanne P. Taylor Dwain Posey Teague Philip Collins Teague and Mary Pat Teague James Franklin Teal

William Stewart Teer and Kay Stoltz Teer Charles David Terrell and Michele Terrell Margaret Terry L. Glenn Tetterton-Opheim and Beverly Tetterton-Opheim Norman A. Tharrington Sr. and Martha Tharrington Norman A. Tharrington Sr. and Martha Tharrington The Ji & Li Family Foundation William Harold Thiesen and Mary Hatch Thiesen John Hugh Thigpen Dale Lionel Thomas Jr. James C. Thomas and Mary Thomas Matthew H. Thomas Jr. Peter O. Thomas and Penelope Hall Thomas Eugene J. Thompson Jr. and Colleen Haimbaugh Thompson Robert J. Thompson and Marie E. Pokorny Robert Scott Thompson William Alvin Tilghman Jr. Jessica Marie Tipsord Marisa Hope Tjerandsen George C. Tomasic and Marilyn Baugham Tomasic Sheryll Anne Topping Rosemary Eagles Toumey Charles F. Touron and Julie E. Touron Jonathan M. Travis and Dorothy Marie Travis Caleb Lee Trexler and Berta W. Trexler Jennifer Mary Tripp Harold C. Troxler Donald N. Tudor and Leah M. Tudor Robert Franklin Turnage and Donna L. Turnage Charles Ray Tyler Timothy I. Umeofia Anthony Undrosky and Kim Wise Undrosky University Book Exchange Inc. John Unsworth and Lynn B. Unsworth William Thomas Urmann Duane Ian Valentine and Susan Wilkins Valentine Cecelia Renee Valrie David Jefferson Vance Mary W. Vars Francis Souchak Vaughn Larry Worth Vestal and Susan Vestal Jackie Vick and Carolyn M. Vick Vince & Linda McMahon Family Foundation, Inc. Ralph Edward Vitolo Todd Austin Viverette Nan Hartsell Vuncannon Scott Edwin Wade Terry Joel Wade and Tanja Bekhuis Don Ellsworth Wagner and Carole Whitley Wagner Scott McKay Wagoner Wall For House Walter and Marie Williams Foundation Jessica Lynette Walters

Bobby J. Ward Matthew Aldridge Ward and Lu Liu Ward Patricia Farmer Warren Steven Murray Warren and Kendra Warren George B. Warwick and Sandra T. Warwick Eugene Waters Jr. and Catherine N. Waters Leroy Waters and Judith S. Waters William F. Waters and Christine L. Waters Patricia S. Watkins Peter Watson and Anita R. Watson Christopher Bradley Watson and Lindsay Sloss Watson Joseph Osborne Watson Jr. and Susan Watson John Watson and Mary W. Watson James Hugh Wease and Cynthia C. Wease Lily Rouse Weaver Britt Archer Webb David W. Webster and Julia Moser Webster Wells Fargo Matilda Tart West Ryan Wayne West and Sara M. West William Alamander West Cassie Len Wester Mitchell Erwin White III and Mary Grace White John C. Whitehead Walter R. Whitehurst Jr. and Loretta Whitehurst William Thomas Whitehurst Jr. and Nancy S. Whitehurst David Lee Whitfield and Elaine Hill Whitfield

Leroy Whitfield and Ida Garrington Whitfield Walter Roscoe Whittemore Jr. and Barbara C. Whittemore Brandeshi Inez-Marie Whorley Allen Wight and Martha B. Wight James Miller Wilcox and Elaine Bennett Wilcox Stephen Lindsay Wilkerson III and Michelle Wilkerson Charles Watkins Wilkinson Jr. and Dolores H. Wilkinson Christopher Scott Williams Eric Stanton Williams Helen Lucinda Williams Henry G. Williams and Mary Elizabeth J. Williams James Sharpe Williams Jr. and Christy C. Williams James Edward Williams and JoAnn Gural Williams Kevin Paul Williams Shannon Phillips Williams Floyd Keith Williams and Signa Bumgardner Williams Bridgette L. Williamson Haley Beth Willis TaCriasha L. Willoughby Christopher Charles Wilms Jr. and Nancy Ruttle Wilms Charles F. Wilson and Claudia Wilson Donald Wilson and Ida Carol Wilson Janice S. Wilson Joe Michael Wilson and Kathryn Wells Wilson Kenneth R. Wilson and Christa Reiser Roderick Stephen Wilson and Cindy Wilson Thomas Robert Wilson and Wanda Wilson

David Wilson-Okamura and Tricia Wilson-Okamura Dan Reed Winslow and Evelyn Winslow Mark Thomas Wisniewski E. Dale Witcher Bruce Renaurd Wolfe and Sherry W. Wolfe Linda D. Wolfe Faydra Vanese Womble James Lamar Woodley Jr and Brenda L. Woodley Derrick Anquan Wooten and Patrice J. Wooten Harvey Sharp Wooten Jerry Thomas Wooten Jr. and Jill Meigs Wooten World Affairs Council of Eastern NC Mack Worley and Julia P. Worley James Randolph Worsley Jr. and Cornelia Cheston Worsley J. Mack Worthington and Donna Worthington Audrey Irene Wright Carl Arthur Wunderle Carl Randall Yardley and Elizabeth Woody Jay Mark Yates James Allen Yeagle Michael Whitley Yorke and Jean R. Yorke Claire Cottrell Young Robert C. Young Jr. and Frances R. Young Roy Edward Young and Ann Bell Young Robert Lee Youngblood and Frances Harwood Youngblood Stephen Brent Yount

Perpetual Legacy Leave Your

with Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences while gaining estate tax and/or income tax savings.

Planned gifts are among the most convenient and tax advantageous ways to make a meaningful contribution toward Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. These gifts, which reduce estate tax, capital gains tax and income tax, include: • Bequest provisions in your will • Beneficiary designation in your 401k, 403b, and IRA retirement accounts • Gifts of life insurance • Gifts of real Estate and appreciated securities Revenue producing gifts: • Charitable Gift Annuities – funded by appreciated assets • Charitable Remainder Trusts – funded by appreciated assets

To learn more about one or all of these planned giving options, as well as membership in The Leo Jenkins Society, please contact Jennifer Tripp, Major Gifts Officer, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, at 252-737-4201 or e-mail at, or Greg Abeyounis, Director of Planned Giving, at 252-328-9573 or e-mail at Please feel free to request greater detailed information about these planned giving methods found in a booklet entitled, “A Guide to Creative Planned Giving Arrangements” or schedule an appointment to discuss how these gifts can help you leave a legacy at ECU.



DEPARTMENTS Anthropology Dr. Randy Daniel, Interim 328-9430

English Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, Chair 328-6041

History Dr. Gerald Prokopowicz, Chair 328-6496

Political Science Dr. Brad Lockerbie, Chair 328-6189

Biology Dr. Jeff McKinnon, Chair 328-6718

Foreign Languages and Literatures Dr. John Stevens, Interim Chair 328-6017

Mathematics Dr. Johannes Hattingh, Chair 328-1881

Psychology Dr. Susan McCammon, Interim Chair 328-6800

Chemistry Dr. Rickey Hicks, Chair 328-9700 Economics Dr. Richard Ericson, Chair 328-6006

Geography Dr. Burrell Montz, Chair 328-6230 Geological Sciences Dr. Steve Culver, Chair 328-6360

Philosophy Dr. George Bailey, Chair 328-6121 Physics Dr. John Sutherland, Chair 328-6739

Sociology Dr. Marieke van Willigen, Interim Chair 328-6883

INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS African and African American Studies (Minor and BA)

Leadership Studies (Minor)

Asian Studies (Minor and BA in Multidisciplinary Studies)

Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Minor)

Classical Studies (Minor and BA in Multidisciplinary Studies)

Multidisciplinary Studies (BA/BS)

Coastal and Marine Studies (Minor)

Neuroscience (Minor, BA and BS in Multidisciplinary Studies)

Ethnic Studies (Minor)

Religious Studies (Minor and BA in Multidisciplinary Studies)

Great Books (Minor)

Russian Studies (Minor)

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (Minor)

Security Studies (Minor and Graduate Certificate)

International Studies (MA and Minor)

Women’s Studies (Minor and BA)



Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

Harriot College Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series

Center for Diversity and Inequity Research

Institute for Historical and Cultural Research (lHCR)

Center for the Liberal Arts

Laboratory for Instructional Technology

Center for Natural Hazards Research

North Carolina Center for Biodiversity


Executive Secretary Denise Miller

Major Gifts Officer Jennifer Tripp

Honorary Co-chairs Mr. Robert L. Jones Raleigh, NC

Chair Mr. Doug Gomes Greenville, NC

John M. Howell, Chancellor Emeritus

Vice Chair Ms. Harvey S. Wooten Greenville, NC

Mrs. Gladys Howell Greenville, NC

Dr. James H. Bearden Greenville, NC

Dr. James M. Galloway, Jr. Greenville, NC

Mr. Mitchell L. Hunt Greensboro, NC

Mr. Edward T. Smith Greenville, NC

Mr. Thomas R. Bland Raleigh, NC

Dr. Churchill Grimes Santa Cruz, CA

Mr. Michael McShane Alexandria, VA

Mr. Tod Thorne Charlotte, NC

Dr. J. Everett Cameron Atlantic Beach, NC

Dr. Virginia Hardy Greenville, NC

Mr. James H. Mullen, III Greenville, NC

Mr. Glenn C. Woodard, Jr. Atlanta, GA

Dr. Shirley M. Carraway Winterville, NC

Dr. H. Denard Harris Morehead City, NC

Mr. M. Reid Overcash Raleigh, NC

Mr. Mike W. Yorke Greenville, NC

Mr. Kurt Fickling Greenville, NC

Mr. W. Phillip Hodges Williamston, NC

Dr. J. Reid Parrott, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC

Dr. Paul Fletcher, Jr. Greenville, NC

Ms. Sherry Holloman Greenville, NC

Mrs. Marguerite A. Perry Greenville, NC

Mr. John W. Forbis Greensboro, NC

Mr. J. Phillip Horne Greenville, NC

Mr. John S. Rainey, Jr. Richmond, VA

Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences 1002 Bate Building East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Phone: 252-328-6249 Fax: 252-328-4263

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