“So Much Lov’d Variety:” Scholarly Treasure in a Groundbreaking John Donne Edition My Father was a Feminist: Sociology and Religion in Our Complex Global Communities What’s in a Name? Expanded Opportunities for Learning Dean’s Advancement Council: Strong Leadership for a Strong Future Liberal Arts Luminaries: Harriot College’s Distinguished Professors
12 14
Cover Photo: A sunny and serene day at the Lake Mattamuskeet Field Station. (Photo by Jimmy Moore)
Welcome from Dean White
Harriot Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series
Swan Song: The Field Station for Coastal Studies at Lake Mattamuskeet: Reflections on an ECU Era
“So Much Lov’d Variety:” Scholarly Treasure in a Groundbreaking John Donne Edition
10 My Father was a Feminist: Sociology and Religion in Our Complex Global Communities 12 What’s in a Name? Expanding Opportunities for Learning 14 Dean’s Advancement Council: Strong Leadership for a Strong Future 16 Liberal Arts Luminaries: Harriot College’s Distinguished Professors 18 Student Spotlight: Viel Glück – Good fortune for Chad Spence, Harriot College, and Duke Energy Corporation 19 How You Can Help Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences 20 Annual Honor Roll of Donors Cornerstone is a publication for the alumni and friends of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University. It is produced by the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. General editor and writer Lorraine H. Robinson Graphic design Five to Ten Design, Inc.
WELCOME From the Dean Persevere: to continue doing something in spite of difficulty; to be steadfast in purpose Alan White Dean, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Higher education today is facing some of its greatest challenges. A combination of a declining fiscal situation and the simultaneous pressure to produce graduates who can function as fully productive global citizens is asking more and more from colleges and universities which are, in turn, expected to operate with fewer and fewer resources. Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences is among the thousands of institutions facing similar challenges. But beyond the enormous stresses of the moment (and, most probably, of the next several years), liberal arts institutions such as Harriot College are uniquely well-positioned to respond to these challenges. In many cases, liberal arts colleges already know how to operate successfully in a climate of austerity. While other institutions may have boomed along, liberal arts colleges have, over the years, drawn on their creative gifts to continue to honor and achieve their missions in the face of reduced funding. Specifically, here in Harriot College, faculty and staff are partnering with students and translating the two-part vision of leadership and service into graduates who live out these crucial aspects of the engaged life. Students are at the center of who we are and what we do in Harriot College. In the following pages, you will read about a prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities grant in support of important literary scholarship, about inspired and inspiring faculty who work with our students, about one of our most successful students, about how increasingly important private support from our Advancement Council fosters our climate of excellence, and about the development office’s current priorities. You will see a long list of generous contributors whose gifts help Harriot College serve its students and achieve its mission in the fullest and best way possible. A special feature for those who would like to see a highly detailed textual picture of Harriot College is a copy of the College’s official annual report. Click the link to see copious details of Harriot College successes. None of this is minimize or ignore the huge difficulties that we face, but to persevere steadfastly is simply “business as usual” for Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. We have done this throughout our first century, and a century from now, people will look back on the accomplishments of Harriot College in this second decade of the twenty-first century and know that our liberal arts vision was equal to our liberal arts mission.
2011–2012 Harriot Voyages of Discovery
Lecture Series September 13, 2011
BREWSTER LECTURE IN HISTORY Dr. David T. Courtright John A. Delaney Presidential Professor in the Department of History at the University of North Florida “Sky as Frontier: America’s Air and Space Century” October 5, 2011
PREMIER VOYAGES LECTURE Sir Salman Rushdie Award-winning Novelist and Freedom of Expression Advocate “Public Events, Private Lives: Literature and Politics in the Modern World” November 10, 2011
UNIVERSITY LECTURE Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the W. E. B. DuBois Institute for African and African-American Research at Harvard University “African-American Lives: Genetics, Genealogy, and Black History” February 2, 2012
2012 THOMAS HARRIOT LECTURE Bland Simpson Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill March 13, 2012
JARVIS LECTURE ON CHRISTIANITY & CULTURE Dr. J. Kameron Carter Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies at Duke University For further information about the series, visit us online at 3
The Field Station for Coastal Studies at Lake Mattamuskeet: Reflections on an ECU Era
ABOVE: Students and instructors from Georgetown Day School on five-day visit to the refuge for nature study. (Date unknown) BOTTOM: Geese enjoy the sunset at Lake Mattamuskeet. (Photo by Edward T. Smith)
Dreaming of exploiting rich farmlands inundated by water, early twentieth century investors sought to build a pumping station and drain Lake Mattamuskeet at a rate of 1,200,000 gallons per minute. The dream was one of many that has been fed by the beauty and economic potential of this Hyde County body of water, the largest natural lake in North Carolina.
Karl and Grace Ponzer look at the dry lake bed in 1916. (Photo courtesy of Carolyn Ponzer Taylor)
Background In 1934, the United States government established the Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge, and the Civilian Conservation Corps converted the world’s largest steam-driven pumping station into a hunting lodge that operated for forty years. Twenty years after the closure of the lodge, East Carolina University formally entered into an agreement with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to use the lodge as a Field Station for Coastal Studies. Members of the US Congress, the North Carolina General Assembly as a whole, and state senators and representatives joined forces with ECU personnel to foster East Carolina University’s plans for active use of Mattamuskeet Lodge as an extension campus, an aquaculture center, an academic retreat site, and a conference center. At Lake Mattamuskeet, quiet beauty and an almost monastic separateness of life off the human beaten track alternates with rushes of sound as flocks of migratory waterfowl noisily eclipse the sun overhead. It is to this beautiful place that ECU students, faculty, and others went – for field trips, to conduct research, and to write.
The pumping plant as it appeared in October 1934 just prior to its transformation by the CCC into a world-class hunting lodge. Note the smokestack and oil storage tank on right. (Photo by A.B. Emery, USFWS)
The ECU Era The dream and the reality of a research center has been the life work of Roger Rulifson, who was involved in the project since 1990. In addition to the Lodge itself, the property also had a dormitory kitchen (completed in 1996), providing a basic food service facility for the almost 2,500 “person nights” that were logged there. Back in 1983, Roger Rulifson came to East Carolina University’s Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources [ICMR]. He joined the Biology Department in 1987, becoming a full professor in 1993. Since then, he has been a senior scientist for the ICMR and was named director of the Field Station for Coastal Studies at Mattamuskeet in 1995. When he was first named to this position, the lodge building had no heat or air conditioning or running water, although there was electrical service. In this primitive environment, Rulifson and ECU helpers worked tirelessly – renovating one room at a time. Rulifson, faculty, staff, and students contributed countless hours to making the facility safe and habitable. Among the many “hats” Rulifson wore are those of electrician, plumber, carpenter, and cleaning service. And he connected with Hyde County local residents who brought food gifts of huge carrots, cabbages, and cucumbers. “Sweat equity” is not just an empty expression to Rulifson: he paid his dues many times over. ECU upper administration (including then-Chancellor Richard Eakin, and Arts and Sciences Dean Keats Sparrow) were equally enthusiastic supporters. The outreach into Hyde County was a win-win situation: a significant property with
The Grand Ballroom is filled with dancers at the 1996 Snow Goose Contra Dance Retreat.
an individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places was put to appropriate adaptive reuse, and East Carolina gained an important extension campus. Other public events such as the popular annual Snow Goose Contra Dance Retreat also used the facility. Participants included locals and even a dancer from Alaska; and star-gazing, environmental education activities, and - of course - lots of dancing were part of the weekend programs. But fullest realization of a Mattamuskeet extension campus dream has had to be deferred. Due to early twentieth century construction techniques, the internal iron I-beams were compromised and the lodge itself had to be closed. To maintain a continued ECU presence there, Rulifson first used a small travel trailer, and then secured donations of a single-wide classroom trailer and a single-wide mobile home (renovated by Rulifson) to “temporarily” provide lodging and rudimentary academic space. Eventually, these temporary facilities had to be removed from service due to space limitations and new construction at the Refuge.
Mattamuskeet Lodge in November 1939. (Photo by Howard Zahniser)
Refuge visitors try out the ocean kayaks on the canals near the Mattamuskeet Lodge in December 1995. (Photo courtesy of Roger Rulifson)
What remains at Lake Mattamuskeet, however, is the eternal verity of beauty. The exquisite natural environment (captured in part on the ECU-WITN real-time weather camera: over 795,458 “hits” from March 1999 to May 2008) sits ready for the next dream while the remnants of the previous dream sit stacked in a salt-treated shed on the property. East Carolina University’s Field Station for Coastal Studies at Mattamuskeet is a dream ahead of its time. Much of the entire UNC system’s vision for its future, for academic outreach, and for real community engagement across North Carolina were already realized in the years that the Field Station operated. While the Field Station may be hearing a swan song in 2011, its enduring value will almost certainly lead to a future phoenix-like rebirth that will owe much of its vitality to the dedication of Roger Rulifson.
Faculty, staff, students and families of the ECU Biology Department enjoy kayaking and a picnic at the Lodge in May 1996. (Photo courtesy of Roger Rulifson)
Dr. Roger Rulifson, who has played an integral part in the Field Station’s history. (Photo courtesy of Roger Rulifson)
Scholarly treasures in a groundbreaking John Donne edition Thomas Harriot of Arts and Sciences has secured an internationally recognized project and a significant ($250,000.00) grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) that are already bringing wide attention to East Carolina University. With the 2010 arrival of Dr. Jeffrey S. Johnson as chair of Harriot College’s Department of English came participation in a major endeavor of collaborative literary scholarship, The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne. And with the selection of Dr. Gary A. Stringer (founder and General Editor of the project) as the David Julian and Virginia Suther Whichard Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Harriot College has become the project’s institutional headquarters. In addition to a planned 8-volume, 11-book print edition, the project (which involves a cohort of over forty scholars from around the world) also provides broad public access to many of its materials through the website “DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum.” (The site is currently housed at Texas A&M University [http://donnevarioum.], but will move to ECU’s Joyner library in the spring of 2012).
How did this important Donne project come into being?
ABOVE TITLE: The quote with the spelling and apostrophe as printed here is from Donne’s Elegies, 17, “Variety,” line 1. IMMEDIATELY ABOVE: Variorum Edition 8. 8
Gary Stringer began his work on Donne in graduate school, and his dissertation focus was on English Renaissance literature. A desire to expand his 1970 dissertation, “The Biblical Element in Donne’s Poems of Sacred and Profane Love,” into a book underscored the need for a variorum edition (from editio cum notis variorum: an edition of an author’s texts with the notes of various scholars and editors). As a graduate student, Stringer was enlisted as a “logistics go-fer” in the foundational meeting of the University of Oklahoma’s Chaucer Variorum, so the scholar became acquainted first-hand with some of the complex but rewarding challenges posed by this sort of work. Attracted, too, by the collaborative nature of such projects (which are typically not housed within one department or institution), Stringer held a three-day planning conference in 1981 at the University of Southern Mississippi where he was an associate professor of English. Out of this internally-funded conference grew a project eventually supported not only by numerous educational institutions and private donors, but also by a series of ten NEH grants that over the past thirty years have assisted in bringing to the world a treasure of print and online resources. Announced by NEH and the office of North Carolina’s third district Congressman, Walter B. Jones, the most recent NEH grant brings over a quarter million scholarly support dollars to ECU and increases to $1,595,869.00 the total NEH funding awarded the project. In addition to engaging the efforts of Stringer and Johnson, the Variorum project offers multiple other opportunities to Harriot College faculty, staff, and students. Teaching assistant professor Sean Morris (English) will assist with compiling commentary and textual
1572-1631 Born in London into a Roman Catholic family, John Donne was the son of ironmonger John Donne and Elizabeth Heywood, daughter of sixteenth-century playwright and epigrammatist John Heywood. While in his youth, Donne was denied a university degree because as a loyal Catholic he could not in good conscience sign the Oath of Supremacy (acknowledging the English monarch as ultimate ecclesiastical authority), he eventually reached an ecclesiastical accommodation and in 1615—at the urging of King James—was ordained in the Church of England, thereafter becoming Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral and one of the age’s most renowned preachers.
engaged the ecclesiastical and political controversies of his day. After entering the priesthood, Donne devoted most of his literary energies to the production of sermons, although a life-threatening illness in 1623 prompted him to publish “Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions,” which contains the famous phrases “for whom the bell tolls” and “no man is an island.” According to Izaak Walton, his earliest biographer, Donne himself coined the most famous of the apparently irresistable puns on his own name when informing Anne of the disaster following revelation of their clandestine marriage: “John Donne, Anne Donne, Un-done.”
In 1601 he secretly married 15-year-old Anne More (against the wishes of both More’s father and Donne’s employer Sir Thomas Egerton), and the firestorm caused by this elopement resulted in a 14-year period of professional and financial insecurity in which Donne and his family depended heavily upon the support of relatives, friends, and patrons.
Almost all of Donne’s poetry was unpublished until two years after his death, circulating amongst friends, relatives, and patrons in manuscript copies; and all but one of the original holographs (writings in the author’s own hand) have disappeared. In addition to compiling the variorum commentary, a major thrust of the variorum edition is to establish a more reliable text of the poems by thoroughly studying the more than 230 manuscripts that contain scribal copies of this metaphysical master’s works.
Over the course of his life he wrote about 200 poems in a variety of genres, and he produced various prose writings that
(pronounced “dun”) editing, and the project will employ a full-time assistant editor for technology (to be named) whose duties will include development and maintenance of databases, website development, typesetting the completed volumes, and textual editing. Both graduate and undergraduate students will also be provided opportunities to learn the project and participate in the research. A list of Stringer’s academic interests and achievements fill more than a dozen pages: he has presented or published on William Shakespeare, William Faulkner, John Milton, John Dryden, and Henry King. Stringer’s monographs and papers number over a hundred, and his service to his field (nationally, regionally, and locally, and numbering over a hundred activities) is a model of dedication to his craft, to other scholars, and to students. To date, four volumes of the edition have been published: vol. 6, The Anniversaries and the Epicedes and Obsequies (1995); vol. 8, The Epigrams, Epithalamions, Epitaphs, Inscriptions, and Miscellaneous Poems (1995); vol. 2, The Elegies (2000); and vol. 7.1, The Holy Sonnets (2005). Volume 3, The Satires, will go to press this fall, and the major focus of the current threeyear NEH funding cycle (2011-2014) will be the three-part edition of Donne’s love lyrics, The Songs and Sonnets, his most widely read poems. [Volumes have gone to press in the order in which the editors have completed the work, but are (roughly) numbered according to the chronological order in which Donne wrote the poems.] The online component began as a site devoted to tracking the progress of the print edition; but in 2005, the site began to be expanded to include analytical and bibliographical tools such as indices of major editions
ABOVE: Drs. Stringer and Johnson examine their latest work.
and manuscripts, an archive of downloadable transcriptions of source texts, collation and transcription software, various cross reference and finding aids, and a comprehensive concordance to Donne’s poems. A recent innovation is the archive of “Digital Facsimile Editions,” which provides virtual access to images and transcriptions of the most important manuscripts and early editions of Donne’s poems. With the click of a mouse, interested readers anywhere can now examine on their own computer screens rare artifacts that were formerly available to only a few scholars in repositories scattered around the globe. This project brings “so much lov’d variety” to the academic world and confirms Harriot College’s place in the vanguard of metaphysical scholarship. 9
Sociology and Religion in Our Complex Global Communities A particularly illustrious part of the Harriot College story is its endowed professorships. These offer world-class faculty the opportunity both to teach and to pursue important research agendas in Harriot College and to shape the world by their cutting-edge work in their fields. Among the College’s endowed positions is the J. Woolard and Helen Peel Distinguished Professorship in Religious Studies which was established in 2007 by Dr. Jesse Peel of Atlanta, Georgia, and which is currently held by Dr. Mary Nyangweso Wangila. A native of Kenya and one of eight children, Dr. Wangila grew up in Luanda, a town in Vihiga. In this western Kenya rural area, she was encouraged by her father (with deep respect, she calls him a “feminist” – feminist in this sense is anyone who is concerned about women’s general welfare) to pursue her education. Although her parents had little or no formal education themselves, they and especially her father fostered their daughter’s love of learning, paying for basic education that here in the United States is taken for granted and here is free. She went on to receive a Bachelor of Education from Kenyatta University in Nairobi. She earned her first master’s degree (in religion) from the University of Moi in Eldoret, Kenya, and 10
her second master’s (in theology) from Emory University in Atlanta. This experience led her to scholarly examination of religion and society, areas that became her eventual intellectual “home” when she transferred to Drew University (in Madison, New Jersey) to earn her third master’s degree and her PhD in sociology. Wangila explains, “I was attracted to the academic study of religion because I was intrigued by religious influences on social behavior. I wanted to know more about religious dynamics within society.” Given the enormous number of religious-related issues that are part of today’s global community, few topics could be more compelling.
Female Circumcision: The Interplay of Religion, Culture, and Gender in Kenya by Mary Nyangweso Wangila (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, 2007)
Religious studies complements the major goals of a liberal arts education: fostering communication and analytical reasoning, fostering the ability to see connections, and fostering a creative mental agility. Mary Wangila goes on to elaborate: “Religious studies is not theology. Sometimes students walk in the door and want to know about ‘whether I am going to preach,’ but our program neither excludes nor promotes any one particular tradition or viewpoint. Rather, we study religion from a non-sectarian approach, from diverse scholarly perspectives including historical, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, and archaeological. So religious studies complements the major goals of a liberal arts education: fostering communication and analytical reasoning, fostering the ability to see connections, and fostering a creative mental agility. You know, there was a time when religion was perceived as relatively insignificant. However, public events are making religion relevant. Religion – whether we subscribe to it or not – affects all of us, and its values inform social issues every day.” Besides the obvious career track to theology, a religious studies degree provides a strong foundation for fields as diverse as education, international business, counseling and social work, foreign service, music, publishing, and recreation. By probing the big issues in human life and action, religious studies promotes greatly increased cultural awareness, crucial in today’s global community that is simultaneously “shrinking” (global neighbors are often just the click of a mouse away) and exponentially fragmenting into myriad competing agendas. “Religious studies helps us understand how human beings are interdependent upon each other.”
Author of the book Female Circumcision: The Interplay of Religion, Culture and Gender in Kenya (2007), Wangila has published over a dozen scholarly articles, book chapters, and scholarly reviews. Her current research focus is on the practice of female genital cutting in the United States. Originally a cultural rite of passage for young women, female genital cutting – now growing in the United States and other developed countries – is increasingly being used to control female sexuality and sexual behaviors, even on pre-pubescent females. The associated health risks and the abridgement and deprivation of human rights (through physical or social coercion) have far-reaching consequences – both utterly personal and widely political. In this arena, Wangila is part of a growing human and environmental justice movement. (Her countrywoman Wangari Maathai received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.) Wangila has also received a J. W. Fulbright Junior Scholars Fellowship, a grant from the Organization of Social Sciences Research for Eastern Africa, and a grant from the Association of African Women in Research and development, among others. Dr. Wangila’s childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood were rich in local culture. She is versed in Luhya (the language of her village), in Swahili (Kenya’s national language), and English (the official language). Since her time in western Kenya, her teaching has taken her to the University of Missouri – Columbia, Iowa State University, and New York Theological Seminary, among other institutions of higher learning. Her move to Greenville affirms her affinity for smaller communities, and walking to work from her home on Elm Street has been an added attraction. She enjoys creative time with her family and loves to travel.
What’s in a NAME?
In a world that is increasingly inter-connected, diversity is across the hall as well as across the globe.
Voices that were once geographically distant or socially marginalized are now recognized as important instruments in the rich and varied human “song of ourselves.”i
women’s and men’s lives, organizations, and institutions. As a result, the discipline has broadened, and that important shift will be reflected in the new program name.
“As an academic discipline, Women’s Studies [the forerunner of today’s broader gender studies] was first formally practiced in the late 1960s; and in 1985, the ECU Women’s Studies Program was established”ii under the leadership of Marie Farr. Since that date, this Harriot College interdisciplinary program has become a vital part of the East Carolina University community, offering academic courses, participating in campus events and initiatives, and reaching out to and engaging with diverse communities. And as the program begins its twentysixth year in the fall of 2011, a renaming to Harriot College Women’s and Gender Studies Program is in process.
The program’s executive committee first began considering the name change after an external review in November 2005 by Jean O’Barr, political scientist and eminent women’s studies scholar (now emerita at Duke University). O’Barr’s observation that “the best knowledge is created in a social context” is entirely descriptive of ECU’s program where information becomes a launch platform for new ideas and emerging scholarship. Women’s Studies students have always been challenged to think critically about the world around them and have been encouraged to seek out internships in which they can bring critical skills to bear. Current ECU Women’s Studies Director, Marieke van Willigen, comments, “We have implemented many of Dr. O’Barr’s recommendations, including first conducting a thorough review of our goals; and now this changing of the program’s name to better reflect the scholarship being conducted in the field of gender research. With the change will come an expanded offering of courses as well as increased opportunities for students to showcase their work.”
This Harriot College interdisciplinary program has become a vital part of the East Carolina University community.
The new name more closely reflects what the program has been about since its inception: scholarly examination of roles, assumptions and policies (implicit or explicit) that relate to gender, race, ethnicity, and class, and sexual orientation. In particular, the co-mingling of gender with other issues creates a layered complexity that demands academic study. The critical work of early women’s studies pioneers has brought to light the various ways in which the concept of gender actually structures
Seeking both to educate and include the wider community, Women’s Studies has been active in events such as the Pitt County
Women’s Legislative Agenda (PCWLA), which explores issues important to eastern North Carolina families, especially health, education, and economic equity. This biennial gathering – including a voter registration drive – has been co-hosted by non-partisan groups such as NC Women United, Democracy NC, and the NC Justice Center. Gender to a Tea, a bi-weekly scholarly symposium highlights gender research being conducted by university faculty; and “A Matter of Gender,” a series of conversations with Provost Marilyn Sheerer, provides a forum for the discussion of gender issues on campus.
Poster for Laupus Library panel discussion.
Among the program’s other successes has been the hosting of the 2005 Southeast Women’s Studies Association (SEWSA) Conference that brought Caribbean novelist and activist Michelle Cliff, Native environmentalist Winona LaDuke, and over a hundred academics to the ECU campus. Scholars Elizabeth Minnich, Erna Brodber, and Temma Berg have also been in residence in Harriot College’s Women’s Studies Program as Whichard Distinguished Professors in the Humanities. Teaching special topics courses and engaging on- and off-campus communities, these renowned scholars enlarged campus intellectual life. Certainly one of the highlights of the program’s history is its sponsorship of Gloria Steinem’s November 2009 speaking engagement at East Carolina University. The featured Premier Lecturer in the 2009-2010 Harriot College Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series, Steinem, the iconic activist received a standing ovation even before her presentation; and Harriot College’s Women’s Studies Program received wide public recognition for this and for many other contributions to the ECU community.
Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series program signed by Gloria Steinem.
i Adapted from Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself.” ii A Brief and True Report: A History of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, 1909-2004, p. 183.
DEAN’S ADVANCEMENT COUNCIL S t ro n g l e a d e r s h i p fo r a s t ro n g f u t u r e
Harriot College Advancement Council meeting (Spring 2011) pictured above: (1) Edward T. Smith; (2) H. Dennard Harris; (3) Jennifer Tripp (development); (4) Dean Alan R. White; (5) Denise Miller (council secretary); (6) James H. Bearden; (7) Lacey Gray (marketing and communication); (8) Glenn C. Woodard, Jr.; (9) Kurt Fickling; (10) J. Everett Cameron; (11) John S. Rainey, Jr.; (12) James H. Mullen, III; (13) J. Reid Parrott, Jr.; (14) Doug Gomes; (15) Sherry Holloman; (16) James M. Galloway, Jr.; (17) Paul Fletcher, Jr.; (18) Harvey S. Wooten; (19) Mike W. Yorke; (20) Marguerite A. Perry. (For a full list of Council members, see page 29.)
1 8
16 12
6 3
19 14
15 20
In December 1996, department chairs in the College of Arts and Sciences (now Harriot College) unanimously endorsed the establishment of a Dean’s Advancement Council. In this year of the Council’s fifteenth anniversary, it is fitting to look back, to celebrate achievements, and to “imagine” into the future. The purpose of the council is to provide alumni and friends with opportunities to become more involved with the broad scope of work done by the College and to use both influence and affluence to further College goals. Councilors have come from across North Carolina and from places across the country. Meeting twice yearly as a group (many councilors have much more frequent College contact), the council hears about the state of the liberal arts at ECU and in turn works to increase wide public recognition of Harriot College’s vigorous liberal arts program.
The Council’s fifteenth anniversary is a celebration of past achievements and an opportunity to “imagine” into the future.
Councilors have been instrumental in telling the Harriot College story to various members of North Carolina’s government and in bringing state funding to ECU. But the role of councilors also extends to private fund-raising. Major external funding has been provided by individual councilors and, over the years, by the group as a whole. (See the related story on distinguished professorships and the announcement of the first recipient of the Advancement Council Distinguished Professor in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, pages 16 and 17.) The Harriot College Advancement Council has also been a guiding force behind the phenomenal success of the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series. Dedicated to advancing the spirit of exploration and discovery that is the hallmark of the liberal arts, the series has become the region’s premier intellectual event. In the four short years since the series’ inception, students, faculty, and citizens (many from well outside ECU’s usual service region) numbering over 12,000 have heard presentations by a glittering array of speakers.
Councilors have been instrumental in telling the Harriot College story.
Premier Lectures have been presented by Richard Leakey, Walter Isaacson, Gloria Steinem, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and in October 2011 the renowned writer and activist Sir Salman Rushdie. (For a complete listing of the 2011-2012 lecture series, see page 3 or visit Other presentations in the series have focused on religion, the scholarship of women, Thomas Harriot’s world, and specifically North Carolina-related topics. Without the underwriting of Advancement Councilors, the series almost certainly could never have begun, especially in higher education’s recent fiscal climate.
The Advancement Council provides advice to the Dean; liaises with business and industry; and promotes extramural professional opportunities for faculty and students. The about two dozen council members serve for two year renewable terms and elect a chair from among their membership. Within the decade and a half of its existence, this distinguished group has endowed two chairs, has established a successful lecture series, and has contributed to the operation of the College in myriad ways, large and small. This year is, indeed, a happy anniversary for Harriot College’s Dean’s Advancement Council.
Liberal Arts Luminaries Harriot College’s Distinguished Professors Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences is named for one of England’s greatest polymaths – a human being whose travels, personal life, and mind ranged freely among and across disciplines. Harriot College, East Carolina University’s academic cornerstone, possesses, as an institution, many of the same stimulating intellectual qualities of Harriot, the man.
Humanities. (See the full list on the page following and the related article on page 8 of this issue.) Departments and interdisciplinary programs such as English, history, philosophy, religious studies, and foreign languages and literatures have hosted scholars from as close as Chapel Hill or as far as Sydney, Australia.
One of the most impressive aspects of Harriot College is its academic luminaries, scholars whose work is rooted deeply in their disciplines but whose outward vision and personal experiences reach beyond the first, visible intellectual horizon.
Harriot College continues to fulfill its broadest academic mission.
One of the most impressive aspects of Harriot College is its academic luminaries. Harriot College recognizes and celebrates these finest of the finest with its growing list of distinguished professorships, many of which are endowed and which represent a partnership between private funding and public funding. In addition to the endowed professorships is the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professorship. (See the list on the page following.) Over the years, Cornerstone has included feature articles on recipients of this highest of honors, and the Harriot College Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professorship has served as a model for various endowed chairs that now exist in the humanities, the natural sciences and mathematics, Southern literature, and religious studies. Friends of Harriot College have come forward to further the College’s liberal arts mission – by providing significant private funding that then leverages public dollars and recognizes the very best scholar-teachers. Venerable among these endowed professorships is the David Julian and Virginia Suther Whichard Distinguished Professorship in the
Students have been enriched by visiting scholars whose subject matter has included Classics and Greek and Roman Studies or Southern US history and race or poetry or politics and philosophy or Hispanic languages and literatures or women’s literature or sociology. And every visiting Whichard scholar has brought multifaceted views and encouraged lively interchange. The Whichards and their generosity are the prime movers in this extraordinary conjunction of scholarship. Private dollars matter and now more than ever before. The list is impressive. Jesse Peel’s important gift helped to establish the J. Woolard and Helen Peel Distinguished Professorship in Religious Studies. Dr. Mary Nyangweso Wangila holds this title. (See the related article on page 10 of this issue.) An anonymous gift to the Department of English established the Ralph Hardee Rives Chair in Literature of the American South. Dr. Margaret Donovan Bauer is Rives Chair. Upon the retirement of W. Keats Sparrow as Dean of Harriot College, his many friends established an endowed professorship (the W. Keats Sparrow Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities) which would be held by all succeeding Harriot College deans beginning with Dean White. And most recently, Harriot College has announced the establishment of the Advancement Council’s Distinguished Professorship in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Harriot College’s polymathic breadth enriches students, the region, and the world-wide academy of learning.
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Distinguished Professor 1994
Dr. Stan Riggs, Geology
Dr. Paul Gemperline, Chemistry
Dr. Tinsley Yarbrough, Political Science
1996 1997
Dr. Mark Brinson, Biology
Dr. Bodo Nischan, History
Dr. Charles W. Calhoun, History
Dr. Peter Makuck, English
Dr. Steven J. Culver, Geology
Dr. C. W. Sullivan III, English
Dr. Jeffrey Carl Johnson, Sociology
Dr. Robert C. Morrison, Chemistry
Dr. Kyle Summers, Biology
Dr. Robert R. Christian, Biology
Distinguished Professor Whichard
in the Humanities
1994-1996 Joe David Bellamy: English, Fiction and Poetry 1996-1997 John F. Post: Philosophy, Metaphysics 1997-1998 Roger A. Hornsby: Foreign Languages and Literatures, Greek and Roman Studies
2004 Spring William G. Lycan: Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy of the Mind 2004 Spring David M. Armstrong: Philosophy, Metaphysics 2005 Spring Robert Morgan: English, Poetry and Fiction
1998-1999 Charles E. Fantazzi: Foreign Languages & Literatures, Classics
2005 Fall John M. Headley: History, Renaissance & Reformation History
1999-2000 Malcolm C. Barber: History, Medieval History
2006 Spring Peter M. Green: History, Classics and Ancient History
2000-2001 David S. Cecelski: History, Southern History and Race
2008 Spring Maria S. Trabuenca: Foreign Languages and Literatures, Hispanic Language and Literature
2001-2002 Elizabeth K. Minnich: English, Women’s Studies, Women’s Issues, Philosophy, and Politics
2008 Spring Anne G. Jones: English, Southern Studies
2002 Fall Brendan J. Galvin: English, Poetry and Creative Writing
2009-2010 Isaac Kalimi: Religious Studies, Biblical and Jewish Studies
2003 Spring Erna M. Brodber: Women’s Studies, Women’s Issues and Sociology
2010-2011 Temma F. Berg: Women’s Studies, Women’s Literature 2011-2013 Gary S. Stringer: English, John Donne 17
Student in the Spotlight Viel Glück* – Good fortune for Chad Spence, Harriot College, and Duke Energy Corporation
Chad Spence is on a quest. The Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Chemistry and German major is wisely using his undergraduate years as a time to explore. “There’s so much I want to do. If I could choose majors other than chemistry and German, I am drawn to philosophy and English.” With his wide-ranging interests that reach from the hard sciences to foreign languages to the humanities, Chad is mining the riches of the academy. Intrigued by both nuclear and organic chemistry, Chad’s specific course of study is yet to be determined, but the dedication to excellence and hard work already landed him a prestigious internship with Duke Energy Corporation in the summer of 2010. And an internship for Christmas break (2010). And another summer internship for 2011. While at Duke Energy in the summer of 2010, Chad worked in three different laboratory sections: the coal lab, the wet lab, and the sample receipt lab. Chad comments, “The Duke Energy coal lab is one of the best in the United States. Its upto-date instrumentation makes it a model for other units across the nation. And the sample receipt lab gave me the opportunity to work with analysts and send customer service reports out to various Duke Energy units. Both the sample receipt lab and the wet lab help Duke Energy operate in a manner that is environmentally responsible.” His supervising scientist, Troy Whisenant, writes: “Mr. Spence was a superior worker. [He] completed assignments in trace element analyses and nutrient analyses utilizing the Lachate and Dionex instrumentation. Basically, Chad completed the work responsibilities of a full time analyst… and contributed numerous suggestions for process improvements which have been adopted by the team.” Chad is a native North Carolinian, born in Charlotte and reared in the Mount Pleasant and Lincolnton areas where his father has pastored Baptist churches. Chad’s mother works with special needs children. So service at the high level that Chad has already demonstrated is in his blood. * much luck 18
There is a saying that “luck favors the prepared.” Chad Spence’s preparation in Harriot College’s Department of Chemistry along with his upbringing readied him for the professional responsibilities that he has already embraced. Inspired by Dr. Keith Holmes’s study sessions, Chad began developing the knowledge and the passion that have propelled him to professional level work at Duke Energy. And not content to remain where he is academically, Chad is studying Chinese and wants to learn Arabic, two languages of increasing world importance. He’s imagined a “world language,” too – a cross-cultural mode of international communication. Maybe Esperanto is an idea that is ready to be re-explored by visionary questers like Chad. Chad’s success is one among many for Harriot College and its Department of Chemistry. Troy Whisenant sent a glowing commendation of Chad and of Todd Linn, Duke Energy’s recent Analytical Laboratory hire and another ECU chemistry graduate. Chad Spence is deeply rooted in his spirituality and observes that moving to Greenville helped him to adapt to change, an important skill in the rapid dynamics of the twenty-first century. Somehow, he still finds time to play the guitar and to skateboard. Chad Spence’s quest for wide knowledge and committed service make him an exemplar of all that is best in a Harriot College liberal arts education and an exemplar of East Carolina University’s motto, servire. Spence preparing to receive samples for analysis.
How You Can Help by Jennifer Tripp
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences is the heart of East Carolina University. Private support has helped us grow in scope and quality, deepening our impact on our students and the world. During a time of budget cuts, support for the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences is not just important, it’s critical.
THCAS Annual Fund The THCAS Annual Fund is the cornerstone of giving at the College. Through this fund, alumni and friends make gifts that invest in today’s students and faculty. All gifts, no matter the size, make a difference every day by enriching academic lives and experiences of students, faculty and alumni. Unrestricted gifts to the THCAS Annual Fund allow Dean Alan White to direct funds toward the most immediate needs of the College and to take advantage of promising opportunities that arise during the academic year.
A Planned Gift – Investing in the Future Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences has always looked to the future with bold aspirations. Today, it can do so with confidence, thanks to the generous and thoughtful support of alumni, parents, and friends who have chosen to contribute to Harriot College through planned gifts. A “planned” gift is one of several types of gifts that permit the giver to provide a future benefit to the University while meeting current financial, personal and philanthropic goals. Unlike providing immediate support to the College through an outright contribution of cash, securities, or other tangible items, planned gifts provide a future stream of support that enables Harriot College to plan confidently for future programs and projects. Additionally, a planned gift often offers significant tax benefits, greater financial flexibility, and even lifetime income. Regardless of its form, planned gifts continue to help lay the foundation of Harriot College’s future.
Join us in our goal to increase participation, increase unrestricted support and make a difference for students, departments and programs, and faculty of Thomas Harriot College Arts and Sciences. 19
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Annual Honor Roll of Donors
During the past year, hundreds of friends have generously supported Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences with their financial gifts. In these days of shrinking government funding, contributions from institutions and individuals provide expanded programming, academic opportunities, and liberal arts enrichment for students and faculty. The following list reflects gifts made to Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences from July 1, 2009, through June 30, 20 10. To notify us of any changes or to add your name to the list, please contact Harriot College’s Director of Development, Jennifer Tripp, 252-328-490 1. Updated as of July 26, 20 11 James Edward Jr. and Brenda Kay Abbott Christopher Nowell Ackiss Carlton J. and Nancy F. Adams Agilent Technologies Foundation Diane M. Ailor William Scott and Helen Beacham Aitken Tony and Glenda K. Alcock Patrice Elaine Alexander Fred and Mary Ann Alford Murray McCheyne Jr. and Jean Brock Alford Kimberly Evans Allen Robert Ross Sr. and Mary Louise Allen Roger D. and Barbara B. Allen Sarah G. Allen Larry D. and Claudia Wingate Alligood Howard and Ann M. Allred Vance Calvin and Ann Byrd Alphin Mary M. Amick Debra L. Anderson Ralph E. and Betty S. Anderson Stephen Henry and Eve W. Andrews James Kent and Verna T. Apple Jordan Alexander Ashlock John H. Atkinson Frankie Ray and Lisa Darden Atkinson Atlantic Coast Communications Inc. Debbie Barwick Audilet George and Sue Flanagan Auld Thomas Edgar II and Susan Austin Maria O. Awosanya Lawrence E. and Nancy Mayer Babits Sam Lewis and Ann Bryan Bagley L’naiya Janae Bailey Elizabeth Burns Baker Ellis R. Baker Jr. Lee Frederick and Nancy Lange Ball Connie Gail Ballance H. Leigh and Mary L. Ballance Bank of America Bank of America Kerri N. Banning Philip Neal and Kathy Barbee Harold William Jr. and Carolyn H. Bardill Torrey F. and Julia Manning Barefoot Darlene G. Barger Wells James Barker George Sherman Barlow IV 20
David W. and Lisa D. Barnette Thomas Henry Barrett Jr. John Raymond and Frances Parker Barron Mary Helen Barwick James H. Jr. and Judy Stott Bateman Dixie Wilson Batten Patricia Cellia Beaver Charles B. and Nancy E. Bedford Laura Lynn Beer Shay A. Beezley Anthony C. Bellero Vincent Jerome Jr. and Ann Ham Bellis Daniel Vincent Bellittiere and Rose Sinicrope Joseph Jr. and Karen Bene Laura Ebbs Benjamin William and Frances B. Bennett Bert L. and Lillian Flanagan Bennett Margaret Elaine Berry Benjamin N. and Barbara Best Richard Alan Bevis Philip H. and Joan Bilodeau Leslie Jr. and Lois Jennette Blackman Shanekia Denise Blackshear Joseph Austin and Marilyn Sue Blanks T. Jean Blocker Bluedoor LLC Linda K. Blum Neil Anthony and Danielle Pscherer Boardman John Alexander and Aesook L. Bogatko Kenneth A. and Betty Boham Jason S. Bond Gerald O. and Susan F. Bouchard Lauren Brooke Bowers Stacey Elizabeth Boyette Margaret Rose Boykin Ralph Miller Jr. and Robin Brackett Paul Moore and Susan E. BradfordMoore H. David and Kathy Bradshaw Ronald Gene Jr. and Tiny Mickie Braswell John T. and Nancy Glaser Bray Joseph Daniel Jr. and Patricia Steigerwald Brennan Neal Angelo Brickhouse Ron and Susan K. Brna
Roger Earl and Gillian Marshall Brogneaux Carl S. and Charlotte Carter Brow James L. Browder Andrew Craig and Joyce Brown Charles Russell Brown Jr. Darryl Keith Brown and Carolyn Capps H. Marshall and Patricia Usher Brown Thomas E. and Julia Thomas Brown Willie Lee Brown Brown and Caldwell Melonie Tyson Bryan Donald Arthur Buck Tracy Lynne Buck James F. IV and Kaye Buckman Betty L. Buffington Alfred B. B. and Marie B. Bulla Thomas Perry III and Catherine Sanders Bulllard Mark Steven Bunch Stephen Andrew Bundy Jr. Michael L. Bunting and Mollie Berry Davenport James Douglas and Bonnie Peedin Burch Craig Emmett Burcham William Allen and Katherine Burke Hugh A. and Agnes R. Burton Benjamin R. Burton John H. and Ann Bynum Joshua Duane and Kristina Parker Bynum William B. and Martha D. Bynum James William Jr. and Barbara M. Byrd Larry D. and Corrinne Byrd Robert Clay and Carol Byrd Albert Lynn and Margaret Fratzke Cahoon Shannon G. Cain Richard Scott Calvin Henry Jacob Campbell Adrienne Capirchio Herbert R. and Virginia Gray Carlton Carolina Wealth Management Patricia Hiner Carpenter Lloyd C. Folks and Shirley W. Carraway Dorothy L. Carter Tony T. and Harriett B. Carter Steven Jeffrey Carter Aubrey Leanne Cash Christopher Alain Cashwell
Gary Craig and Aimee Casper Thomas McNair Cassell Richard James Caston Charles F. and Linda Cheney Chamberlain James T. and Brenning B. Cheatham James E. Cherry Shelton Juan and Lela Harrell Chesson Rosina C. Chia Dorothy W. Christian Robert and Carol Christian Edwin Tan Chua Larry Smith Church Jared F. and Elizabeth D. Cilley Donna Beth Clark Matthew Warren and Glenda Hardy Clark James W. and Eleanor Rae Clark John B. Clark Malcolm N. and Susan G. Clark James S. and Doris Clarke Jennifer A. Clevinger Kenneth T. and Lynn F. Cline Cline and Son’s Lawn Care Byron F. and Anke Lilly Clodfelter Lisa Marie Clough Hoy Jefferson Cobb Jr. James Franklin Coble Christopher Lowell and Corey Coggins William Estes Cole George Thomas and Olivia Hill Collier William H. and Carol Bashaw Collins Richard and Linda W. Collins Kenneth Ray Congleton Michael and Ann Lawrence Connolly Angela M. Connor Justin Clay and Andria Conrad James Coffield Jr. and Bonnie Jones Cooke Walter Jr. and Debra Cooper Stacey Walston Cooper Penny Gail Copeland Ruth Ann Copley Charles Hatcher and Connie D. Corbitt Christopher Lee and Lisa Bailey Corbitt Mamadi Corra Robert and Suzanne Berry Cottrell Bradley William and Bethany Duritsa Cox Norman J. and Beverly Jones Cox Beverly Barrett Cox III
Mary Lorraine Craig Daniel and Renee Lee Crandol Laddie Moore Jr. and Jamie Crisp Betty Thompson Cross CSX Corp. Rodney Eric and Christy Cubbage Randy L. Jr. and Kris Baker Cummings Jason David and Katherine W. Cundiff Sydney Garrett and Ann Crowder Cuningham Tammy Lynn Curtis Thurman Allen Dail Christopher Mark and Claudia H. Daly James Knox Dame II Deborah Anne Daniel Mike Forrest and Lianne Pena Daniska Walton Marvin Jr. and Alice C. Daugherty Ronald Clifton and Frances Mizell Daughtry James Fleming Davenport IV Roy Edward Jr. and Gay Owens Davenport David Hales Insurance Agency, Inc. Edgar Q. and Joyce Davis Graham Johnson Davis Sr. James Cordon Jr. and Patricia M. Davis Jimmy Ray Davis Jr.
Richard and Phyllis N. Davis Samuel Avery Davis John William Dawson Jr. Howard Nelson Jr. and Diana Burnette Dean Christy Leigh Deardorff Jake P. Deaton Christian Yves-Mario Denard William C. Dennison Department of Biology Travis L. and Kimberly Lackey Dessoffy Jarret Lei DeVine Gregory Bruce and Heidi Bullock Dickens William F. and Kathleen M. Dickenson Lyman Barber and Joyce J. Dickerson Collett B. and Martha B. Dilworth Frank Scot Diuguid III Jonathan Frederick and Tabatha Sprouse Dixon Jeffery Lee Donald Neil E. and Donna Morgan Dorsey Steven Randall and Rebecca Gupton Dorsey Ronnie Ravon Douthit Robert W. and Gina Dowd Lee Sheldon Downie DSM Pharmaceuticals 21
DTE Energy Foundation Wade Glendon and Susan Marske Dudley Edward K. Jr. and Faye R. Dunn Jimmy E. and Marjorie Dunn Lisa Cooke Eaker Walter and Carolyn R. Eaton Charles Curtis and Susan Ebbs Michelle F. Eble Mack Allan and Stephanie James Edmondson Robert Burt Jr. and Rebecca Edmundson Edward Jones Don Raby and Jane Edwards Jesse Clifton Jr. and Lynn Pickler Edwards T. Edmond and Nancy Thompson Efird Ellen M. Eggerding Mary Celeste Eisele David Dale and Kathryn Elks William Alphonso and Anne Gilliam Ellis Ashby Dunn and Barbara Davis Elmore William E. and Martha G. Elmore William R. Jr. and Joan Elmore Stephen Carl and Martha Keehner Engelke Thomas C. and Carolyn Sheppard Erskine R. Michael Erwin Milton Bruce and Bonnie Crisp Eshelman Edward B. and Tammara Levey Estes John R. Poe Jr. and Rose Marie Etheridge Phillip Leon and Ava Jackson Eubanks Lloyd Thomas Jr. and Ann Randlett Eure Phillip Tefft and Cindy Putnam Evans Lewis C. and Nancy Freeman Evans ExxonMobil Foundation Corey Patrick and Megan Hunsucker Fader John Douglas and Barbara T. Faires Leonard Thomas and Elizabeth Farias Paul Minges Farley Marie T. Farr Jason Wayne and Katie Jo Faulkner Donald M. III and Mary Yvonne Faulkner John W. Jr. and Janet P. Felts Casey Helen Ferguson Ronald Eugene Ferrell FIRM Consulting, LLC Charles E. and Janet Mitchell Fishel Frederic H. Fladenmuller Sandra H. Flaer John Baxton III and Eleanor Flowers Mark A. and Sondra Gail Folsom Dwight B. and Grace Peterson Foster Patricia Lane Fountain Charles A. Fox and Cynthia G. Fox Donald Ray Franks Elaine K. Franzetti Dwight Moody Jr. and Jane Frazier Wayne E. Jr. and Andree Freeman John D. and Susan Fulton Owen James Jr. and Harriet Furuseth John Joseph III and Brenda S. Gaffney 22
Lori Greene Gale Michelle S. Galland James Madison Jr. and Bonnie Taylor Galloway Jim Rufus and Nina Galloway Wanda Kay Galloway Dina Elizabeth Gambella David and Gail Rice Gardner Marvin Eli Jr. and Gail Gladson Garner Barry W. and Barbara H. Garrison Deborah Gary Harrison K. and Penny H. Gaskins Thomas Christopher and Julie Gauldin Donald L. and Wilma D. Gaylor James E. Gebbie Paul Joseph and Margaret Cetera Gemperline General Electric
Douglas Louis and Katherine Herring Gomes Eugene Franklin Goodwin Gary Chester Graham Frank and Judith K. Grainger Terry Alan Grant William Luther Jr. and Mary F. Grant Alice M. Gray Trey L. Green James C. Jr. and Diane Greene Nina Diaz Greene Sara Lee Gregor John Robert and Lisa Whitman Grice Betsy Quessenberry Griffin Jean J. Griffin George Wilson and Pamela Boswell Gunn Charles Mitchell and Gina Rouse
George W. and Pauline Blalock Gentry Guy C. Jr. and Sarah Shaw Gentry Robert Andrew German Anne E. Giblin Joseph R. Gibson and Carol J. Cenname William Sidney Gibson Anonymous Cash Gift Dorothea Stewart Gilbert Jesse Edward Jr. and Laura K. Gillikin Paul Leon Jr. and Laura Harrell Gipson John P. Given III Glace International, INC Milton Alfred Glass Jr. GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mae Glenn Marion Boyd and Pat Godbold Glenn Thomas Godwin
Gurganus Horace Daniel and Joyce Jarman Gurganus Evan Sterling and Caroline Brayboy Gutshall Angela Baldini Hackman Emilie Sue Hagan Paul W. Hager Lemuel and Connie Edge Hair Cathy W. Hall Clyde Stanley and Catherine S. Hall George Perry Jr. and Karen Cabaniss Hall Ralph W. Hall Jr. Myra Halpin Fred A. Sr. and Donna D. Halstead Harry Vernon Jr. and Sharon K. Hamilton James Thompson and Louise Hammond
William Preston Sandifer Jr. and Robin M. Hammond David W. III and Doris Hancock Joel Grant and Susan Legget Hancock David C. Hanner Caswell Scott Jr. and Laurie Hardaway Smith P. Hardison Daniel Flynn and Patricia Lamb Hardy Darth Darnelle Akins and Virginia Dare Hardy Scott D. and Pamela Jean Hares Cary Ethane Hargett Allen Stanfield Harper Charles M. and Diana M. Harper Johnnie Earl Jr. and Melissa Collins Harrell Alan Michael and Wanda Aylor Harris Brian Evans Harris Alton R. and Ella Tyson Harris Reuben Harris William David and Jane Cleveland Harris Edith Camilla Harrison Steven Callaway and Janice Harrison William L. Harrison Donald Wayne and Judy Jordan Harritan Miriam Louise Hart John P. Kelly and Karen Jo Haskett Stanley Oscar Jr. and Dolly Overton Hathaway Terry W. and Elizabeth Bowman Hauser Alan Dwain Hawkins Jesse Harold and Diane B. Hawkins Ralph M. Hawkins Richard and Gwendolyn Jean Hawley Bettie Jenkins Hayes Larry Wade and Nelle Lee Hayes Judy Kay Heath Martin Ronald Helms Jr. Walter Frisby III and Jean Ann Hendricks William Herlie and Shena Cooper Hendrix John G. and Beverly G. Herbert Charles Albert and Evelyn Carver Herman Roger Allen and Sue Harper Herold Jonathan Philip and Carrie Lyon Heyl Jerry L. Higgins Mary Rebecca Hill John Franklin and Emy Hinnant Ronald W. Hoag Douglas Lindsey Hobbs Roger Brent and Betsy Allen Hobgood Walter William and Dorothy D. Hodder Jimmy Thad Hodges William Phillip and Lisa Brewer Hodges Gerald E. and Sybil Hodnett John Cordon Hoerter John Christopher Hoffman Jeff and Danielle Lyn Hogan Elizabeth Hoger Barry Stephen and Susan Taylor Hoggard Alfred Robert Jr. and Jane Holcombe Cliff and Leslie Holcombe Paul W. and Gail E. Holland
William Keith Holley Alton Wayne and Sherry McKee Holloman Helen White Holt Joseph Thurman and Marie L. Holt James Craig Holte Kenneth Wayne and Diane Grand Hooper Marion Dubose Hopkins Joseph Phillip and Grace Shaw Horne Clifton Rashun and Marshari Williams Horton Sean Patrick and Patricia Flood Howe Ed E. Howell John M. and Gladys D. Howell W. Curtis Howell Patricia Louise Hudnall Carrie Jo Humphrey Robbie D. and Christina Clark Hunt George Graham and Caroline Hunt Mitchell Lee and Cynthia Duffy Hunt Robert Vernon and Eleanor W. Hunter Jeffery Dale and Barbara Gerth Hurley Albert L. Hurst Tammy Renee Hurt Harvey and Linda West Hutchison Albert R. Jr. and Judy M. Hux IBM Gregory Lee and Wendy C. Idol Ray Van and Jean Ingold Franklin Leroy Jr. and Rebecca W. Irvin Paul Adam Isaacson Robert Charles Ittig J & C Wireless Company Stephanie Elaine Jackson Amy D. Jacobs Andrew J. Jacobs Christian and Julie Hammer Jadick William Patrick and Ann Campbell James Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church Joseph and Maria Pulido Jeffries David Paul Jenkins Thomas E. and Gail S. Jenkins Robert Howard and Debbie Jenkins Jack W. and Sara M. Jenkins Thomas Bradford and Sherri Lynn Whitley Jernigan Alan Thomas Jessup Barbara Susan Johnson Cathy Jean Johnson Damon Prescott Johnson John L. and Rose Graham Johnson Keith Dow and Vaun Tschieder Johnson Samuel Edgar and Jane S. Johnson Wendy F. Johnson Wesley Ross Jr. and Darlene Allred Johnson Johnson & Johnson Claudia L. Jolls Anthony Tyrone Jones Caleb Matthew Jones Jerry Randall and Cherry Hardison Jones Christopher Brian Jones Jerry Elmo and Brenda Jones
Johnnie Earl and Tara Jones Hugh Alva and Kathleen Gossman Jones Martha Noblitt Jones Richard Alan and Nancy Jones Robert L.�Roddy� and Eve Jones Stephen Thomas and Wanda Aldridge Jones Brian and Donna Lynn Jordan Robert C. and Louise P. Jordan C. K. Jr. and Deborah Gallagher Josey James M. and Mary Ellen Joyce Jennifer Delores Joyner Sue Ann Joyner Thurman Douglas and Brenda Hodges Joyner Kevin and Isabelle C. Juhring Arunas Juska Gerhard W. and Karin C. Kalmus Craig Bennett and Cynthia Katzman George Morris Kaupp Barry G. and Ann Warmack Kearney Lawrence Lee Kearson Daniel Lee and Catherine Keefe Samuel A. and Mollie Howard Keel Margaret Cherry Keiger Donald Patrick and Nancy Orndorff Kelley Paton Holmes and Anne Kelley Kathleen M. Kenealy Albert Gibert Kennedy Mary E. Kentula Jennifer Elizabeth Kernich Donna Powers Key Mark Allen and Primitiva Palitayan Kilgore Paul W. Killian Jr. John C. and Rachael Lang Kinard Gary Dewey and Sylvia W. King Rudy and Linda B. King Stephen Leigh Kinney Charles Ralph Jr. and Sylvia Smith Kinsey Kenneth Earle Jr. and Kella R. Kinsey Brian Bennett and Celeste Brown Kirby Helen Berry Kizer Deborah K. Klaber David H. Knox Jr. Richard William and Adrienne Koehler Joshua Glenn and Celeste Kohler William Alfred and Barbara Harris Kremer Don and Michelle C. Krueger Kevin J. and Tracey Turpin Kunkler Nancy Kunz LabCorp Cheryl Krakower Lacey Debora S. Lackey Jon Michael Lago Michelle Marie LaHair Jack Devan and Amy Lail James Edward Lancaster Kevin Scott and Samantha Foushee Lancaster Mary King Landgraf Charles Bernard Jr. and Lora Buck Landreth James Thomas Lane 23
Joseph Scott and Laurie M. Lang Scott David Lang Mark and Brenda Neblett Langley Gregory Lapicki Gerald T. Larson Rebecca Donna Lasater Dean Ford Lawson Ira J. Lawson Gina Renee Leake James Stanley and Dorie Leary Jeffrey Steve and Suzan Mozdzierz Leary Randall P. and Millie Leblond Kenneth H. LeCour and Marjorie K. LeCour Jessica Rachel Leif Beverly Jones Lengyel Daniel and Joy B. Letchworth Zev Ben and Randi Levine Stanley Scott and Holley Lewis Helen M. Light Limb Salvage Solutions James Gunn Jr. and Stephanie Lindley Shawn William Lipe Xuan Liu Michael and Cynthia Brooks Lockamy Brad E. Lockerbie Paulette LaFayee Lofton Ernest Victor and Martha Clayton Logemann Hannah Lewis Lowry Randy Lucas and Cynthia K. Lucas Howard J. and Susan Tuck Lunin Thomas Ray and Mary Kay Tompkins Lupton Katina Maria Lynch Patrick Tate Maddox Dino Maglic Liston Edward and Susan S. Malpass James T. and Rena L. Manning J. James and Nonie A. Marasco Howard Stuart and Judi E. Margulies Richard Allen and Kathleen Crowe Marksbury Wanda Marie Marlowe Darryl and Katrina Flint Marshall James Ingram Sr. and Linda Martin Winfred Richard Sr. and Regina D. Martin Robert Lee Jr. and Leah Martin Rachel Kristina Mason K. David Jr. and Joyce S. Masters Anna Maria Matthews Walter Edward and Kathy R. Matthews Richard L. and Lucy Lanning Mauger Robert W. Weeks and Susan Renee Maxon Jennifer Robbins Mayle Warren A. and Ruby F. McAllister Suzanne Marie McArdle Michael Roy and Susan M. McCammon Harry R. and Luray M. McClung Thomas John and Ann Childs McConnell Anonymous Donald George McIntyre Janice Emery McKenney Jeffrey S. McKinnon 24
Braxton Elder and Leanna Holder McKoy James Warren McLane James Hampton and Barbara McLean Mitchell Sutton McLean David McNaught Philip A. and Heidi Sydow McNeely Philip James and Heather Hackett McPherson Thomas Harold McQuaid Jr. Robert Alonza McRorie David and Carrie Elizabeth Meador Randy and Phyllis A. Meares Rodney M. and Deborah Medlin Mark Beachum and Jaime Waicus Melito Merck Company Foundation Metrics, Inc. Metropolitan Life Sarah Jane Miller Robert Arthur and Theresa Millie Matthew Kingsley and Elise M. Miner James Wallace and Angela Sloan Mitchell James P. and Patricia Lee Mitchell John P. and Edith Mitchell Ronald L. and Sarah Mitchelson Mitsch & Associates Inc. Richard Finley and Nancy Diehl Moldin Paul Richard and Kristie E. Moncla Harry B. Jr. and Nancy B. Moore James Michael Moore Patricia M. Moore Linly Gerald Morris Thomas Francis and Lynn Morris Timothy Charles Morris Cassandra Stanford Morrison Thomas Milton and Janie Deal Moss William D. Moxley Jr. David Woodard and Amanda Meece Moye Jeffrey Carroll and Teresa Mozingo Amelia P. Mulkey James Henry III and Pamela Mullen Sylvia Jones Mullis Richard James and Meena Patel Murphy Robert Arthur and Debbie Stephenson Murray Sheryl L. Murray Gladys Myers James P. Nash David and Zynovia H. Nash National Council of Teachers of English Marty Ray and Kimberly M. Nealey Kai and Margery Johnstin Nelson Robert Carl Nelson II and Gwendolyn D. Parker-Nelson Michael B. and Nekita Robinson Nesmith Carol Ann Nestor Dorothy Ann Neville Myron Edward and Vanessa R. Neville Ronald James and Mary W. Newton Curtis Howard and Marilyn B. Nichols Alexander B. Jr. and Kimberly W. Noe Deborah Dee Noltemeier Ricky Norris and Barbara S. Norris
Gary L. North James Gardner and Annie C. Norton Kimberly Dawn Norwood NuStar Energy Mildred Carolyn O’Kelley Hubert Jr. and Brenda Gay Oliphant Russell Dwight II and Susie McGee Oliver Lilian Y. Oliviera-McDonald Richard P. Olsen and Dena Olsen On The Fly Geological Services, LLC. Thomas Leon and Janice Lowry O’Neal John Wright and Rebecca Mangum Osborne Evelyn T. Overby Eugene Alan and Nancy Barbee Owens David Wesley and Amy Corman Page Dorla Gail Pake Michael Anthony Palmer Burke H. and Ila Parker Michael McDonald and Sandra D. Parker Randall Erickson and Monica Sullivan Parker Reid Allen II and Natalie Williams Parker Shelia H. Parker James Johnson Parks and Judith Myrick Parks J. Reid Jr. and Margaret Parrott Mary Alexander Payne Banks Ashby and Deborah Speas Peacock William D. Peden Lee G. Pedersen Penn National Insurance Darryl A. Pennington James Britt and Ellen Elkins Perry Marguerite Austin Perry Christian M. and Kimberly Barba Petrucci Christine M. Petrusz Frank L. and Patti Penland Phelps C. and Beverly Williamson Phillips Farley A. Phillips Joan W. Phillips Cynthia Ann Pierce Lonnie Tinker III and Katherine Pierce Stephen Paul and Brandy D. Piner John R. and Rebecca Poat Donald and Susan Sedgwick Poling Mitzi Ponce Christopher Britt and Diane Abramson Pons Jerome V. and Linda L. Poole Charles Francis Pooler Earnest Eugene and Lorraine Pope Wesley F. and Heidi Nichols Pope William Paul III and Kaye Thurston Pope Vernon S. and Judith S. Porter Richard Matthew Poteat Charles Steven and Melissa Patterson Powell Thomas T. Jr. and Nancy P. Powell Ralph Thomas Jr. and Jean Blackburn Powers Rebecca S. Powers PPD Development, LP
Benjamin G. II and Renate Weaver Prescott Frederick Darragh and Julie Preston Liza Preston Jeffrey S. and Betty Shannon Prevatt Durwood McKinley and Barbara Hinson Price John Phillip and Metta B. Price Mark C. and Laura Baker Price Maurice Henry and Dorothy Price Christopher Michael Pridgen Al J. Jr. and Patsy Pridgen Anonymous Kenneth R. Proctor Purdue Pharma Company Kelly Lynn and Camille Glenn Radford Ram Hospitality, Inc Graciela I. Ramirez Toro Gail Ratcliff James L. Ratledge Jerome Kirk Ratley Marion Eugene and Carolyn Wilson Ratliff Stephen John and Wendy Grigsby Rauchle RBC Centura Bank Floyd and Virginia A. Read Gid Macon Jr. and Grace Drew Reavis James Robert and Jane Staples Reed Carol H. Reilly
Francis Joseph Jr. and Patricia Meads Reilly Kenneth R. Wilson and Christa Reiser Helen Michelle Renne Marion K. Renne Billy L. and Earline W. Revelle Enrique Reyes Dorothy A. Rheinhardt Richard Rheinhardt David Eugene Richmond Stanley R. and Ann Gray Riggs Thomas L. and Gail G. Rivera John Gilmore and Della Robbins Donald Roberson Steve Wesley Roberts William B. and Phyllis Corbett Roberts Linda Elizabeth Robertson Athy Gravely Robinson Donita D. Robinson Lorraine Hale and Johnie Graves Robinson Thomas Stephenson and Maureen Hanna Robinson William C. and Mary S. Robinson Diane A. Rodman Donald Scott and Amy Cooper Rogers Richard Eugene and Jean Griffin Rogers Philip Gregory and Rebekah Page Rogers
Rodney L. Jr. and Christi Lilley Rogerson Jesse N. and Peggy C. Rogerson Marjorie Jard Romano Frank Edward Romer Marvin Pittman and Lynne O’Neal Rooker Junius Harris Rose Jr. Ollie James and Detra Hedgepeth Rose David Samuel Rosenberg Alton Glenn and Frances T. Ross Chad C. Ross Wendy Alexia Rountree Stephen and Kathleen A. Row Thomas Everett Rowe Sheridan Tyrice Rucker Dennis and Carolyn B. Rude Roger Allen and Gayle Gwennap Rulifson John and Jean Rummel Nicholas G. Rupp James H. Russ Roger Andrew Russell Sarah Paradise Russell Ione J. Ryan Charles Lawrence Saunders III Thomas C. and Anne Sayetta Christopher S. and Tamra Schiappa Robert Allan Schlick Michael Lee and Carol C. Schlueter Keil Allen and Margarita U. Schmid Margit Schmidt Michael Davis Schmitt Michael Chadwick and Kimberly Schrempp Martin Joseph and Susana Castano Schultz Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Scripps-Howard Max Dale and Kathryn Scruggs Mark Simon and Lynne C. Seddon Linda Glackin Senich Edward J. and Linda Seykora Bane and Ann Hoover Shaw Colin Stuart and Ruth G. Shaw Shelby Dawn Shaw John D. Shearin III Amy Sheck Charles Leon Jr. and Susan D. Shepard Tobin Hugh and Beverley E. Shepherd Walter Lee Shepherd James Melvin Jr. and Rosemary Waldron Sheppard David E. and Eileen Rose Shepperson Mary Susan Shields Andrew Lewis and Anne D. Shifflett Lorraine G. Shinn Scott Montgomery and Karen Selby Shook Robert Lee Shuford Jr. Carol Lynette Shurlow Sandra Humphrey Silence Richard H. and Jean Siler John J. Jr. and Jane Buehler Simkovich Alvin Maurice Simmons Martin LeRoy Simmons Breck and Washella Turner Simmons Lawrence John Simonds 25
Christopher Douglas and Nicole Weaver Simpson John David and Janet Simpson Patricia L. Sims Gobind Sharan and Dagmar Ball Singh Matthew Howard and Kelly Slate Weldon Lee Slayton Anne Ivey Slough Kathy Suggs Small Bryon Morris and Betty Jean Smith John Lee Jr. and Carole C. Smith Catherine F. Smith Ira Thomas and Florida Simmons Smith George C. Jr. and Rebecca Smith Gerald Keith Smith Richard and Laurie R. Smith LeRoy Charles Smith Lester C. Jr. and Helen Smith Rodney Lee Smith Robert Edward Snyder Jack Snypes and Sydney Austin 26
Christopher and Christine Carson Soriano Robert Gregory and Beverly Sparks Thomas James Spaulding Robert S. Jr. and Ellen T. Speight Debra Ann Spinazzola Kimberlee Walton Spores Stephen N. and Catherine L. Spruill Matthew Jay Stambaugh David Joseph Jr. and Stacey Causey Stanaland George Wiley and Brownie Harrington Stancil Patrick Sidney Stanforth Christopher Lee Stanton James C. III and Dona W. Stanton Laura Elizabeth Stasavich State Farm Zachary Adam Stauble Nicole Allen Steagall John Francis and June Fletcher Steede Carol Stern Mark A. Stern
John A. and Karen Mae Stevens James Romer and Patience Bosley Stevens Wayne Jay and Andria White Stewart Joshua Micah Stiles Michael G. Stoneman Charles Darrell Stout and Mary Jo Stout Robert P. Jr. and Voula Stout Ginger Ann Strawbridge William Corbett Strickland Jr. Bob M. and Mary Lentz Strock Edwin Nelson Jr. and Sue Harpole Strother Donald and Mary B. Strother Gary W. and Ellen Schrader Stutts Cecil Henry and Jewel Lee Styron Vernon and Mildred Rouse Suits Joan Doughtie Sullivan Frederick C. and Connie H. Summers William Samuel and Kay Surles Michael Wayne and Rachel N. Sutton SWA Consulting Inc. Janice Coffey Swab Rufus S. and Lillian H. Swain Carl and Edith F. Swanson Larry and Suzanne S. Swindell Ray Miles and Joan Meade Sykes Jonathan Todd and Michele Abbott Sykes Michael P. Sykes Jim and Margaret B. Tankovich David M. and Wyndee Bess Tarter Matthew D. and Andrea West Tatman James and Diane E. Taylor Joseph Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth K. Taylor Henry L. Taylor Jr. Charles Joseph and Jennifer Winchester Taylor Phillip Ray Taylor TCB Group Edwin Earl Jr. and Ann P. Teachey Dwain Posey Teague Clement F. III and Ginny Templeton Charles David and Michele Terrell Margaret Terry Norman A. Sr. and Martha Tharrington The ACE USA Foundation The Cabinet Shop Inc. The Ji & Li Family Foundation William Harold and Mary Hatch Thiesen Dale Lionel Thomas Jr. James C. and Mary Thomas Matthew H. Thomas Jr. Peter O. and Penelope Hall Thomas Robert J. Thompson and Marie E. Pokorny Alan Dale Thornquest William Alvin Tilghman Jr. Alfred M. Tillett Tokyo Japanese Restaurant Davie Y. Trammell Jonathan M. and Dorothy Marie Travis Paul Thomas and Sybil Moody Trevisan Caleb Lee and Berta W. Trexler Jennifer Mary Tripp Harold C. Troxler
Donald Hugh and Barbara Lynn Tucker Donald N. and Leah M. Tudor Joseph Peyton Jr. and Judith K. Tunstall Robert Franklin and Donna L. Turnage Andy Taylor Turner Donald W. Turner Robert Reece and Louise Munford Twilley Charles Ray Tyler Perry C. and Lisa Tyler Robert E. Ulanowicz James David and Susan Kline Ulrick Anthony and Kim Wise Undrosky University Book Exchange Inc. John and Lynn B. Unsworth William Thomas Urmann Jamelle Kareen Ushery Kurosh Valanejad Terry S. Van and Teressa Avery Van Sickle David Jefferson Vance Pierluigi Viaroli Brian Edward Vierria Monique Villars Ralph Edward Vitolo Christine Marie Voss Robyn Michelle Wall John McDonald Walston Sr. Bobby J. Ward Matthew Aldridge Ward William Benjamin III and Margaret Williams Ward Patricia Farmer Warren Steven Murray and Kendra Warren Yancey Everett and Linda Marriner Warren Eugene Jr. and Catherine N. Waters Leroy and Judith S. Waters
William F. and Christine L. Waters Patricia S. Watkins Peter and Anita R. Watson Christopher Bradley and Lindsay Sloss Watson Joseph Osborne Jr. and Susan Watson John and Mary W. Watson James Hugh and Cynthia C. Wease Lily Rouse Weaver David W. and Julia Moser Webster Jonathan Quinn Wehmann Nina C. Welch Daniel Townsend and Susan Bishop Welch Douglas Bradford and Nancy B. Wells Wells Fargo Michael Lee Jr. and Jennifer Snavely West James Rogers Westmoreland Alan R. and Paulette D. White Eddie Vernon and Nancy White Nancy M. White William J. White Jr. John C. Whitehead Janice A. Whitehurst William Thomas Jr. and Nancy S. Whitehurst David Lee and Elaine Hill Whitfield Leroy and Ida Garrington Whitfield Theodore Walker and Lynn Whitley A. Donald Jr. and Judy Henriksen Wiesner Allen and Martha B. Wight Douglas A. Wilcox James Miller and Elaine Bennett Wilcox Charles Watkins Jr. and Dolores H. Wilkinson John George and Doris J. Williams Eric Stanton Williams Helen Lucinda Williams
Henry G. and Mary Elizabeth J. Williams Jo Ann Williams Kevin P. and Trude Williams Lauren Michelle Williams Robert H. Jr. and Helen J. Williams Bridgette L. Williamson Harry B. and Mary Hall Wilmers Samuel David Jr. and Denise Hargrove Wilson Janice S. Wilson Joe Michael and Kathryn Wells Wilson Scott A. Wilson David and Tricia Wilson-Okamura Sylvia W. Winfrey Mark Thomas Wisniewski E. Dale Witcher Bruce Renaurd and Sherry W. Wolfe Glenn C. Woodard Jr. Harvey S. Wooten Jerry Thomas Jr. and Jill Meigs Wooten Stephen Michael and Terri Workman Mack and Julia P. Worley James Randolph Jr. and Cornelia Cheston Worsley J. Mack and Donna Worthington Sam Otis Jr. and Hilda R. Worthington M. Bennett Wynne Jr. and Beth Heath Joseph John Yaeger Luis A. Yanez-Arancibia and Maria Sanchez-Gil Carl Randall Yardley and Elizabeth Woody James Allen Yeagle Edward R. and Sharon L. Yopp Michael Whitley and Jean R. Yorke Roy Edward and Ann Bell Young Claire Cottrell Young
Perpetual Legacy Leave Your
with Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences while gaining estate tax and/or income tax savings.
Planned gifts are among the most convenient and tax advantageous ways to make a meaningful contribution toward Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. These gifts, which reduce estate tax, capital gains tax and income tax, include: • Bequest provisions in your will • Beneficiary designation in your 401k, 403b, and IRA retirement accounts • Gifts of life insurance • Gifts of real Estate and appreciated securities Revenue producing gifts: • Charitable Gift Annuities – funded by appreciated assets • Charitable Remainder Trusts – funded by appreciated assets
To learn more about one or all of these planned giving options, as well as membership in The Leo Jenkins Society, please contact Jennifer Tripp, Major Gifts Officer, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, at 252-737-4201 or e-mail at, or Greg Abeyounis, Director of Planned Giving, at 252-328-9573 or e-mail at Please feel free to request greater detailed information about these planned giving methods found in a booklet entitled, “A Guide to Creative Planned Giving Arrangements” or schedule an appointment to discuss how these gifts can help you leave a legacy at ECU.
DEPARTMENTS Anthropology Dr. Linda Wolfe, Chair 328-9430
English Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, Chair 328-6041
History Dr. Gerry Prokopowicz, Chair 328-6587
Political Science Dr. Brad Lockerbie, Chair 328-6030
Biology Dr. Jeff McKinnon, Chair 328-6718
Foreign Languages and Literatures Dr. John Stevens, Interim Chair 328-6232
Mathematics Dr. Johannes Hattingh, Chair 328-6461
Psychology Dr. Kathleen Row, Chair 328-6800
Philosophy Dr. George Bailey, Chair 328-6121
Sociology Dr. Marieke van Willigen, Interim Chair 328-6883
Chemistry Dr. Rickey Hicks, Chair 328-9700 Economics Dr. Richard Ericson, Chair 328-6006
Geography Dr. Burrell Montz, Chair 328-6230 Geological Sciences Dr. Steve Culver, Chair 328-6360
Physics Dr. John Sutherland, Chair 328-6739
INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS African and African American Studies (Minor and BA)
Leadership Studies (Minor)
Asian Studies (Minor and BA in Multidisciplinary Studies)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Minor)
Classical Studies (Minor and BA in Multidisciplinary Studies)
Multidisciplinary Studies (BA/BS)
Coastal and Marine Studies (Minor)
Neuroscience (Minor, BA and BS in Multidisciplinary Studies)
Ethnic Studies (Minor)
Religious Studies (Minor and BA in Multidisciplinary Studies)
Great Books (Minor)
Russian Studies (Minor)
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (Minor)
Security Studies (Minor and Graduate Certificate)
International Studies (MA and Minor)
Women’s Studies (Minor and BA)
Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee
Harriot Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series
Center for Diversity and Inequity Research
Institute for Historical and Cultural Research (lHCR)
Center for the Liberal Arts
Laboratory for Instructional Technology
Center for Natural Hazards Research
North Carolina Center for Biodiversity
Executive Secretary Denise Miller
Major Gifts Officer Jennifer Tripp
Honorary Co-chairs Mr. Robert L. Jones Raleigh, NC
Chair Mr. Doug Gomes Greenville, NC
John M. Howell, Chancellor Emeritus
Vice Chair Ms. Harvey S. Wooten Greenville, NC
Mrs. Gladys Howell Greenville, NC
Dr. James H. Bearden Greenville, NC
Dr. James M. Galloway, Jr. Greenville, NC 27858
Mr. Mitchell L. Hunt Greensboro, NC
Mr. John S. Rainey, Jr. Richmond, VA
Mr. Thomas R. Bland Raleigh, NC
Dr. Churchill Grimes Santa Cruz, CA
Dr. Darrell W. Hurst Waynesboro, VA
Mr. Edward T. Smith Greenville, NC
Dr. J. Everett Cameron Atlantic Beach, NC
Dr. Virginia Hardy Greenville, NC
Mr. Michael McShane Alexandria, VA
Mr. Tod Thorne Charlotte, NC
Dr. Shirley M. Carraway Winterville, NC
Dr. H. Denard Harris Morehead City, NC
Mr. James H. Mullen, III Greenville, NC
Mr. Glenn C. Woodard, Jr. Atlanta, GA
Mr. Kurt Fickling Greenville, NC
Mr. W. Phillip Hodges Williamston, NC
Mr. M. Reid Overcash Raleigh, NC
Mr. Mike W. Yorke Greenville, NC
Dr. Paul Fletcher, Jr. Greenville, NC
Ms. Sherry Holloman Greenville, NC
Dr. J. Reid Parrott, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC
Mr. John W. Forbis Greensboro, NC
Mr. J. Phillip Horne Greenville, NC 27858
Mrs. Marguerite A. Perry Greenville, NC
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences 1002 Bate Building East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Phone: 252-328-6249 Fax: 252-328-4263 29