your campus, your voice, your news
Editor-in-chief 509.359.6737
Eastern Washington University’s Student Newspaper
April 8 - April 15
weekly weather reports are provided by
The Easterner is open for any EWU student or faculty wishing to write stories that could be published in the newspaper. Writers’ meetings are Mondays at 3:30 p.m. in Isle Hall, room 102. The newspaper is also open for anyone wishing to copy-edit. Editing nights are on Tuesdays.
March 29 -April 3
3/29 4:37 p.m. – A female student gave a ring that she found in the women’s restroom in the Theatre Building to EWU police. The student found the ring March 13 after a show. 3/31 7:36 p.m. – A custodian reported that she found a debit card in the bottom of a trash can in Senior Hall’s auditorium. EWU Police attempted to locate the owner but were unsuccessful, according to police reports. The card was recorded as a lost item. 4/2 12:04 p.m. – EWU Police responded to a report of marijuana odor coming from a room in Pearce Hall. Students in the fourth
If you have an idea for a story, or are part of a campus club or organization that is holding an event, please call The Easterner tip line at (509) 359-6270. Also, if you have a comment about a story or a suggestion for the newspaper, please feel free to voice your opinion on the tip line as well.
floor room had left by the time officers arrived. 4/3 12:46 a.m. – EWU Police assisted Cheney Police with a burglary in progress at Owl’s Pharmacy. Police caught and detained an intoxicated male suspect inside the store. Cheney Police made the arrest. 4/3 6:29 a.m. – Officers received a radio dispatch to look for a possible runaway child. An EWU Police officer on patrol spotted the subject cutting through campus near Hargreaves Hall, according to police reports. The officer contacted and detained the subject until Cheney Police arrived.
All content in The Easterner is either produced or chosen by students from Eastern Washington University. Our goal as employees of The Easterner is to provide interesting and relevant information to the students, faculty, staff and residents of EWU and the surrounding community of Cheney and Spokane.
Comic by Clancy Bundy
4/2 10:18 p.m. – A CA making rounds in Pearce Hall contacted EWU Police after hearing chanting inside a fourth floor room. According to police reports, the smell of beer was present in the hallway. CAs made contact with three students, but by the time officers arrived, only one was left and denied drinking. The case was forwarded to OSRR.
The Easterner publishes a weekly electronic version of the paper at http://www.
The Easterner is located in Isle Hall, room 102. The Easterner EWU, Isle Hall 102 Cheney, WA 99004
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James Eik
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-In the Student Trustee article last week, it was unclear that the position runs July 1 to June 2011 or until a replacement is selected. -If you find any errors in your paper please contact our news editor at
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your weekly guide to ending power-based personal violence (The Green Dot strategy was created by Dorothy J. Edwards, Ph.D., University of Kentucky)
The following is from the national website: April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month and provides an opportunity to highlight year-round efforts to aid those affected by sexual violence and work to prevent future sexual assaults. Through local and national events and campaigns, Sexual Assault Awareness Month highlights sexual violence as a preventable problem. Did you know that you probably talked to someone today who has been a victim of sexual assault? Maybe it was a family member,
a friend, or a cashier at a convenience store. If not today, then at some point in your life, you’ve met someone that has dealt with the pain, the emotional distress, and countless other long-term effects of sexual abuse. You might not know this about them; they might not ever tell you. But we know that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 33 men will be a victim of sexual assault at some point in their lives. The 2010 Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign focuses on college campuses with a national SAAM Day of Action set for Tuesday, April 20, 2010. (http:// On April 20th, EWU will have Rock against Rape and Take Back the Night. Look for us in the mall from 11-2 for RAR or join us in the mall at 6 pm for TBTN. Let that be your green dot for the day. Come listen to some great music, get informed, and bring a friend. Do some art, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, let your hands show they aren’t for hurting. Help us change the culture. Call Karen Wanjico with questions. 359-6429
nicole erickson 509.359.6270 SPORTS EDITOR
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sophie benson katrina van cleave DISTRIBUTOR
joseph schilter CARTOONISTS
clancy bundy michael cox STAFF ADVISER
jamie neely
April 7, 2010
Alina Shanin
Managing Editor 509.359.6270
Middle and high school students compete in state’s annual Science Olympiad BY JASON KEEDY
staff writer
Opening ceremonies for the annual Washington State Science Olympiad competition will begin Saturday, April 10, at 8 a.m., in the Reese Court Pavilion. Coordinated by EWU’s College of Science, Health and Engineering, the tournament brings 800 of Washington’s brightest middle and high school students to EWU’s campus. The event will feature students from Seattle, Mt. Vernon, Chewelah and other areas throughout the state. Sue Murphy, tournament director and operations manager for the biology department, explained that the event, which began in 1986, is a rare chance for students to show off their scientific and engineering skills. “It is a fantastic program, which brings along with it many benefits for all the middle school and high school students involved,” Murphy said. The tournament will feature 40 teams competing in 50 events, which will showcase their knowledge in practical science, engineering and lab skills. With categories such as Life, Personal and Social Science, Earth and Space Science, and Technology and Engineering, students will not only have their abilities tested, but also will have to rely on teamwork and communication. The tasks are designed to test knowledge and problem-solving skills. Some of the more colorful events include the Mousetrap Vehicle competition, Disease Detectives, Science Crime Busters and Mission Impossible. Murphy said that many of the projects should be exciting to watch and that it is always intriguing to see what the students have done. “It’s interesting to see the different devices that participants come up with. With the building and engineering events, you have some cases of great innovation,” Murphy said. From 9–3 p.m., the events will be held at various locations throughout the campus. The majority of the events will take place in the Science Building, the PUB, Isle Hall, and the PHASE. The closing ceremony, which will feature the awards presentation, will take place from 4:30–6:30 p.m.,
at Reese Court. Murphy said that the competition is not only great for the students involved, but also beneficial for EWU and spectators. “We are proud to host the event,” said Murphy. “It is a chance for students and others attending to see the campus and to get interested in science.” Students taking part in these state finals advanced from regional competitions from around the state. Winners of Saturday’s event will advance to the National Science Olympiad tournament at the University of Illinois in Champagne, Ill., May 21-22. Murphy said that not all of the events will be open for spectators, but those that will include Battery Buggy, Mission Impossible and Egg-O-Naut. One of the more compelling events is the Pentathlon, which tests the team’s overall understanding of the five major Science Olympiad content areas. The teams of four will compete in four sets of challenges in the form of a relay that will end in a physical and academic challenge. The Science Olympiad competitions are set up like academic track meets. Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the changing nature of genetics, chemistry, anatomy, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. Meant to emphasize active, hands-on group participation, the Science Olympiad allows students, teachers and others in the community to bond together in working toward a common goal. The National Science Teachers Association recently reported that, much like the Olympiad events, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) clubs have helped promote math and science in schools. The STEM clubs offer a wide range of activities with practical experiences similar to the real-world tasks performed in the tournament. Murphy said that the Olympiad will provide the students with scientific know-how that can be used in a modern, everyday context. For more information, including a list of events, schedules and directions to the EWU campus, please visit ewu. edu/scienceolympiad or contact tournament Co-Director Sue Murphy at (509) 359-6809.
Photo courtesy of Sue Murphy
Students work on a science project at annual Olympiad.
April 7, 2010
your campus, your voice, your news
News Editor 509.359.6270
Nicole Erickson
Consolidated colleges receive new names Eastern reduced from six to four colleges, some deans retain program positions BY TOM LINNANE
staff writer
With the recent college consolidations going into effect July 1, the names of the new colleges have been decided. They will be the College of Arts, Letters, and Education and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Social Work. The new Dean of the College of Arts, Letters, and Education will be the current College of Arts and Letters Dean Dr. Lynn Briggs, who was originally appointed in 2008 and began working at Eastern in 1994 as director of the Writers Center. Dr. Vickie Shields will also remain dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences when the College of Social Work consolidates into her program. Shields has been the dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences for five years and was an associate dean at Bowling Green State college in Ohio prior to that. According to Briggs, the faculty We wouldn’t do members in each something this college were polled on what name they drastic if it were thought would be best. The names were going to affect the submitted to Presi- students’ ability to dent Rodolfo Arévalo finish on time...” and the Provost for final approval. Eastern’s consoli- -Dr. Raphael Guillory, dation from a six-colfaculty president lege system to a fourcollege system came as a money-saving initiative for the university. The goal is to save on superfluous administration costs in an effort to save around $500,000. “Originally, it was set up to be a cost-saving measure, but in addition to that, it’s also to give the university a sort of a makeover,” said Dr. Ralph Guillory. “Six colleges seemed to be a bit much for administration, and the four-college model would be more appropriate.” According to Guillory, the main goals were to save on administrative costs while at the same time preserving the efficiency of classroom instruction. The cuts were made with students in mind. “We wouldn’t do something this drastic if it were going to affect the students’ ability to finish on time or not have enough credits in their program,” said Guillory. “The last thing we want to do is make this uncomfortable for the student body. We don’t want to be a hinderance.” Students can expect to see the same professors and faculty in their programs, something the College Consolidation Committee has always had in mind. “Consolidation of the colleges will be invisible to students — the courses they need will be offered, the tenured and tenure-track faculty with whom they have worked will still be here,” Briggs said.
Curtis Chandler/Easterner
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers and President Arévalo show their support for the EWU TRiO program.
Advancing higher education dreams TRiO works as a support program to help first generation college students achieve their goals
staff writer
To honor the success and support TRiO provides for its students, EWU celebrated TRiO day Tuesday, April 6, in Monroe Hall. TRiO is a federally funded program that provides first-generation college students with the opportunity to become fully integrated into the college experience with scholarships. TRiO day is celebrated nationally each year to highlight the success of the program and to advocate support. The guest list for EWU’s celebration included TRiO alumni, current student participants and Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers with various speakers commemorating different
personal successes through the program. Carmen Perez-Frayne, assistant director for student support services, said that since TRiO is funded by federal grants, and it’s important for congressional representatives to show their support. “TRiO is an important program that provides the support that students need to achieve their dreams,” said McMorris-Rodgers. “I am excited that it gives a lot of first-generation college students the chance to succeed.” People from the campus community who have supported the program for years also attended the event. EWU President Dr. Rodolfo Arévalo spoke to show his support for the program. Arévalo, who was a first-generation college student himself, was proud to start off the celebration to honor its achieve-
ments. The program strives to serve about 290 students per year. Currently, TRiO is helping more than 300 students achieve success. TRiO day honored that number and thanked the people responsible for achieving above that goal. EWU junior Queena Liufau, a current TRiO student, also spoke at the event, explaining how the organization has helped support her academic career. Liufau has been involved in TRiO for six years and will graduate with a degree in communication design. Because it was influential to Luifau’s accomplishments during her undergraduate years, she now spends her time in the TRiO offices encouraging future EWU students to take part in the program to achieve their own goals.
“TRiO helped me see the potential I had within myself to succeed,” said Liufau. “If students are trying to find a place where people really care, they can find that at TRiO, which has the love, care and family support that a student needs to succeed.” “The main concept of TRiO is that it changes lives, and it really is true,” Liufau said. TRiO will be sponsoring a litter clean up Thursday, April 8, to give back to the Cheney community and say thanks for their support over the years. Anyone is welcome to participate in the clean up, which is sponsored by the TRiO academic support center. For more information, contact TRiO at (509) 359-2487.
Experts: Christian militia part of growing trend BY NIRAJ WARIKOO
Detroit Free Press (mct campus)
DETROIT — The actions of the Christian militia group raided in Michigan are part of a growing trend of militant activity across the U.S. because of the weak economy and an African-American president, experts and a civil rights group say. Hutaree, a militia based in Lenawee County, Mich., allegedly planned an uprising against the U.S. government by plotting to murder police. “I don’t think this is the last we’re going to see of these groups,” said Michael Barkun, a professor of political science at Syracuse University who studies religious violence and extremism. “The number of such groups has increased fairly dramatically in the last couple of years.” The number of extremist anti-government groups
and militias grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009, said Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil groups that monitors extremism. “That is a lot of change in a short period of time,” Beirich said. She said factors include the poor economy and demographic changes in the country’s racial and ethnic composition — symbolized by an African-American in the White House and a female House speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Both are Democrats and seen by some as pushing for bigger government that will diminish their freedom. “The country is becoming more diverse,” Beirich said. “Some people find it hard to handle ... these are extreme stressors for people.” Hutaree — which means “Christian warrior” — is a group based in Lenawee County that federal prosecutors describe as “an anti-government extremist organization which advocates against local, state, and federal law enforcement officials.”
ELECTIONS from front page
“I don’t know where that’s coming from, I know ASEWU has never said that you have to be greek,” said ASEWU Director of Elections, Lauren Nissen. In 2007, 13.7 percent of the student body voted in the ASEWU elections. Last year, only 7.2 percent of students voted. That is a 47.4 percent drop off in only two years. Al Thompson, dean of students, looks at the numbers in an optimistic light, even though they seem to be declining. “We want to increase the numbers, but I don’t think those numbers are that far off of other campuses. Students do not tend to vote,” he said. One problem about the lack of voters is that students don’t know what they’re voting for. “I don’t think students know what AS is, what ASEWU stands for, or what ASEWU does for them,” said Thompson.
The group’s members hoped that killing law enforcement would lead to “a more widespread uprising against the government,” the indictment reads. Barkun said the group is a millennialist group that “seems to be preparing for warfare in the end of times against what they see as the forces of the antichrist. They regard that struggle as imminent. ...They apparently believe that the saved will have to fight through the tribulations against the forces of the antichrist.” The group sees themselves as “being engaged in combat against the forces of evil,” he said. To Hutaree, the antichrist is the government. Beirich said that Hutaree was not isolated from other militias, noting that it had more than 363 friends on MySpace, including militias in Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan. “They were part of the broader militia movement,” she said. But one militia leader in Michigan said Hutaree was not connected to them in any way, describing Hutaree as a fringe cult.
“The average student probably couldn’t tell you why they even have elections or understand the positions up for election.” Sophomore student Zach Whetsel understands what the ASEWU is, but he doesn’t believe they stay active enough to earn his vote. “The [ASEWU] doesn’t interact much, they just stay in the background,” he said. Thompson believes students aren’t voting because they feel it does not impact them directly or they just don’t understand what they do with all the money they have at their disposal each year. All across campus each spring, signs are scattered around every walkway, sitting in the middle of the mall and even hanging in the PUB. But the signs haven’t been enough to catch the students’ interest. “There should be a lot more advertisement, I don’t see much [on campus],” Whetsel said. In today’s Internet world, different avenues of marketing have branched out of the woodwork. Social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and even MySpace have be-
April 7, 2010
“They more closely fit the definition of a cult,” said Michael Lackomar, with the Southeastern Michigan Volunteer Militia and “They believe the world is about to end according to how it was written in the Bible, and their job is to stand up and clear the way for Jesus and fight alongside him against the forces of darkness.” Lackomar said, “A lot of people are upset at an ever growing government that is overreaching.” But he added that his militia is not associated with Hutaree “in any way, shape, or form.” He said their plans to attack law enforcement are “despicable.” Lackomar said that during the federal raid, a member of Hutaree attempted to seek the help of another militia member associated with Lackomar’s group. But the man told the Hutaree member he should turn himself in and didn’t help him, Lackomar said. “You got to leave. I can’t help you,” the militia member told the Hutaree member, Lackomar said.
come the social norm with consistent traffic from around the world, including EWU students. Thompson believes that these sites should be taken advantage of. “Finding different avenues for letting students know the elections are going to happen [is important]. [ASEWU] needs to advertise more where students gravitate to consistently and weekly,” he said. Another area on campus that could do with more marketing, according to Thompson, is Baldy’s in the PUB. Last year, a debate was held for the candidates, but it didn’t sit well with students. Nissen is planning another debate this year or an open forum to be held on campus. Any full-time EWU student can run for a position in the ASEWU. The deadline to apply for next year’s board is Friday, April 9 at 5 p.m. “I would encourage students to know more about their council,” said Thompson. “If they have questions about rights and roles, they should contact me as well.” The primary elections will be held April 20, with the general election May 4.
Curtis Chandler
Photo Editor 509.359.6270
Hess brings global honor to Eastern For the first time in the 60 years since its inception, a student at EWU has earned the Fulbright Scholarship
“Over 1,000 university students
staff writer
The book fair will offer books, DVDs and LPs at discounted cost.
Lyz Pynsky/Easterner
Library to sell books to friends Weekend book sale offers students the opportunity to purchase multimedia resources, which will support future of Friends of the Library BY MIKE BRAMBLEY
staff writer
The 12th annual Friends of the Library Book Sale will offer a selection of thousands of used books and other media for sale to students, faculty and community members at the JFK Library this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. “Each year, we replace many items in our collection,” said Rose Knight, manager of Budget and Administrative Services at the JFK Library. “We offer those replaced books for sale as well as books donated by the public.” The book sale will offer a wide variety of printed materials, DVDs, cassette tapes, video tapes and LPs, Knight said. Books and other media available at the book sale will include research books, fiction, textbooks, collectible books, games and puzzles, recordings, art prints, sheet music and much more. A preview of the book sale is
slated for Thursday from 7–9 p.m., and will officially open to the general public Friday from 8–5:30 p.m., and continue Saturday from noon–4 p.m. The sale will be located on the main level of the JFK Library next to the circulation desk. Hardback books will sell for $2 while paperbacks will sell for 50 cents. On Saturday, books will sell for $10 a bag. “The book sale is advertised to the general public, although a lot of the people who come and buy the books are students,” Knight said. The book sale preview planned for Thursday is intended exclusively for members of the Friends of the Library. Students and members of the university can gain access to the book sale preview and sign up to be a member of the Friends of the Library with a $5 donation. “Friends of the Library is like an auxiliary group that works with the library,” said Brenda Tutor, president of the Friends of the Library Ex-
GRADUATION from front page
Hardenbrook said if the reason for this move was “to save a few bucks,” the school should have asked for donations or charged a dollar to come in. The date has been on the academic calendar all year and will not be changed, even if students find it to be a problem, Meany said. “It’s very disappointing for me,” said Hardenbrook. “I’m very disappointed in the school.” Holding the commencement on Friday allows for more staff and faculty to be present and
ecutive Committee. The group does other events not only to fundraise for the library, but also to “friend-raise,” Tutor said. Money raised from the book sale will be used to support the activities and events that Friends of the Library holds. Last year, the group donated $10,000 to the JFK Library. Books collected for the book sale were donated from personal libraries, retiring professors and the Patterson Hall renovation, among other sources in Cheney and Spokane. Knight said that the book sale has been very successful in past years with many excited community members returning each year. “Books you never knew you wanted, you will find on the shelves [at the book sale],” said Tutor. “Something totally different than what you thought you would see will suddenly jump out at you.” To learn more about the Friends of the Library and the organization’s upcoming book sale, visit friendsofthelibrary.
help out with the event. “We might have more participation all the way around, not only with students, but with faculty and staff,” Meany said. EWU issued a statement explaining that while cost is a consideration in this change, “the move to Friday means that the university has more employees who can participate and support this very important event … [it] allows us to avoid conflicting with employees’ personal commitments and obligations.” The move is intended to also give students more time with their families and give those leaving Cheney more time to pack up. A lot of families arrive early for graduation anyway, so moving it one day shouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience, Meany said.
Summer Hess, a graduate student in the creative writing department, is the first EWU student to receive the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship. She will travel to San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, for 10 months in spring 2011. The award provides the opportunity for Hess to participate in an effort to educate the Chilean community about the disappearing Atacamean language and culture in Northern Chile, vanishing due to tourism and economic development. She chose Chile because she worked in a public high school there in 2006 and said that returning has always been in the back of her mind. “I really enjoyed my experience there and found that there was a lot to write about because of tourism and the rapid changes the area was experiencing,” Hess said. During her stay in South America, Hess will take courses at the Catholic University of Northern Chile to further her knowledge of the Atacamean people. Hess will write multiple essays about the Atacama region in Northern Chile to fulfill scholarship requirements. Hess also noted that even while applying for the scholarship, she was doubtful that she would receive the award. “I thought that I had a chance, obviously, or I wouldn’t have applied, but I definitely didn’t think I’d get it,” she said. Hess said that she knew the application process alone would help her narrow her focus, even if she didn’t ultimately receive the scholarship. The application is a one-page personal statement and a two-page proposal, but Hess said that it is difficult to fit “years and years worth of hopes and goals and dreams” into one page and a year of research into two. “It’s all refine, refine, refine,” she said. Hess started her application at the end of July and submitted it in October. She worked on it for about 40 hours a week for nearly six weeks during the summer. Her hard work paid off, though, as she is now one of the few applicants with the opportunity of a lifetime that the Fulbright Scholarship offers. “Over 1,000 university students apply for this scholarship every year, but only between 100 and 150 students are offered one. In the 60 years or so of the Fulbright Scholarship program, EWU has never had a student receive one until now,” said Dr. Steve Schwalbe, Study Abroad Scholarship
Even though the amount of money saved won’t be known until after the event, “we expect to save on things like overtime and contracting out to Crowd Management Services,” wrote Meany in an e-mail. “Every bit of cost savings helps during these financial times.” Depending on how economically smart a Friday commencement will turn out to be, the decision to either keep the day or move it back to Saturday for next year’s commencement will be decided after this year’s graduation, according to Meany. No matter what day graduation is held, Meany said, “We look forward to a great day of celebration with our 2010 graduates and their families.”
April 7, 2010
apply for this scholarship every year, but only between 100 and 150 students are offered one.”
-Dr. Steve Schwalbe, EWU’s Study Abroad Scholarship adviser adviser. Schwalbe also said that it’s uncertain how many EWU students have applied for the scholarship in the past. Hess will work under the direction of Dr. Mark Hubbe, director of the Institute of Archaeological Research and Museum within the Catholic University of Northern Chile. Dr. Natalie Kusz, Hess’ Master of Fine Arts thesis adviser, will provide academic support during the 10-month stay. The application process for the scholarship is a grueling one, and the Fulbright Web site encourages applicants to start preparing at least two months before the deadline. “Summer was asked to take a national language proficiency test in Spanish and to meet [with] an EWU Fulbright Scholarship panel consisting of four faculty members and chaired by Fulbright Scholar Dr. Jerry Galm, department of geography and anthropology. She was also required to submit samples of her writing for consideration,” Schwalbe said. The Fulbright Scholarship is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Sen. J. William Fulbright established the scholarship after World War II. According to the official Web site, it is the “largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.” Approximately 294,000 people, 111,000 from the U.S. and 183,000 from other countries, have participated in the Fulbright program since it was founded. Roughly 7,500 grants are awarded annually. Hess plans on publishing her works after she graduates and would also like to pursue a job in either magazine writing or teaching.
Have you been affected by the graduation date change? Leave a comment at
your campus, your voice, your news
Chief Copy Editor 509.359.6270
Jason Banks
Standpoint with track and field coach Stanley Kerr Self-proclaimed track and field junkie shares his inspirations behind coaching and developing character in athletes BY JASON KEEDY
staff writer
Stanley Kerr sits down with The Easterner to give an insight into a coach’s schedule and what keeps them motivated. What is your job title, and what does it entail? I am the Men’s Head Track & Field Coach. This is my 15th year at EWU. Recruiting, supervising, mentoring, motivating and developing student-athletes is the primary task of the position. A day in the life of a track coach — well, it’s long. Each of the track and field coaches at EWU work with event areas from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A unique aspect of our sport is that the entire team is rarely together (i.e., we don’t all practice at the same time in the same place). Practice schedules are created
out of the wide-ranging class and work schedules brought to us each quarter by our team.
tial in each person. Coach Hughes was one of many coaches I was blessed to have in my life.
Could you talk a little about your background — the road that has lead you to EWU? A track and field junkie would be a good description of what led me to this profession. I remember watching track and field meets in the 1960s that were held on grass tracks along with high jump and pole vault competitions that were conducted with sawdust landing pits. My track coach at that time, Don Hughes, continues to heavily influence how I conduct myself with the team. Coach Hughes taught us about our sport being more than just a hurdle race or high jump attempt. It is about developing character and poten-
What are some of the rewards and challenges that you have encountered throughout your daily experiences? Rewards include graduating 15 classes of individuals that we recruited, who are now engaged in their own careers and communities. Coming to work each day in a scholarly community is an enormous plus. We are so fortunate to have access to great minds each day.
APPOINTEE from front page
Each Board member must fill out a questionnaire for Senate confirmation as well as a personal disclosure form listing financial standing. Mays was considered for the position because of his background at Eastern, involvement in the Cheney community and his knowledge of education through prior Board experience. “I think it is an important time for higher education with all the funding issues and financial concerns facing the University,” Mays said. He is positioned to be on the Board until Sep-
Men’s Head Coach Stanley Kerr.
tember 2015, and will address budget issues as well as oversee the overall status of the university. “That doesn’t mean we manage things, because we don’t,” he said. Board members decide on issues concerning the budget and any legal issues that Eastern may face. For spring quarter specifically, Mays said the main goal of the Board will be discussing the budget and looking at how Eastern can keep the highest quality of instruction while dealing with financial barriers. The BOT meets four or five times a year with some retreats or informal meetings in between. “I am doing everything I can do to make sure that I am making knowledgeable decisions,” said Mays. “Nothing seems more important [to me] than the Board of Trustees at Eastern.”
April 7, 2010
What do you like to do away from campus? Time with my family easily tops the list of off-campus life. I have been married 23 years and our two sons (ages 18 and 13)
are great joys in our lives. The enjoyment of music is a constant in our lives. For our 20th anniversary, my wife gave me 20 concerts for 20 years. Thus, we spent the year attending numerous shows, bluegrass being our favorite, together. On a personal level, what do you look for to inspire you? What gets you through a tough day? New normals inspire me. Without a doubt, everyone has experienced a tragedy such as cancer or the loss of a loved one. Those events change what we have done every day, thus creating a ‘new normal’ in which to live. From those losses or tragedies, fabulous programs have emerged that make us a better community (i.e., Relay For Life).
H1N1 flies under the radar winter quarter Though it has been a year since the rise of H1N1, officials say virus is on the decline after a severe outbreak fall quarter BY MELISSA CARROLL
staff writer
After a scare during fall quarter, H1N1 is not currently a threat to EWU students. According to Health, Wellness and Prevention Services, 13,000 hand sanitizers and 2,000 cold flu kits had been given out by the end of fall quarter. In addition, four Easterner newspaper articles spread the word about prevention and vaccines, and students had the opportunity to attend 20 outreach educational events. Rockwood Clinic received an average of 100 students per day, and the Dean of Students excused more than 50 students from class for the flu virus. Health Services held seven different educational sessions and spent more than $6,000 during fall quarter due to the threat. Although a second wave has yet to occur, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning that another round could hit in spring. April marks one year since the start of the most recent H1N1 threat, and the prevention office is nervous about the returning danger. “Students should be aware of the one-year mark coming around and get immunized in order to protect themselves,” Director of Health, Wellness and Prevention Services Michelle Pingree said. Dr. Carol Gahl, certified physician’s assistant and student health coordinator at Rockwood, stated that the clinic continues to test for H1N1, but winter quarter showed no positive contractions. According to Gahl, EWU was hit the hardest within Spokane County. The Rockwood Clinic has plenty of vaccines available for students wishing to get immunized, and according to Gahl, EWU is the only university in the state of Washington to offer seasonal flu shots free to its students. Flu patients kept the Rockwood staff busy. They had to send notices to faculty to not ask students for doctor notes because it would just overwhelm the staff at the clinic, Gahl said. “Going through [fall] quarter was a learning experience and has made us more prepared in case there
“Students should be prepared
and do everything they can to prevent getting ill.” -Carol Gahl, certified physician assistant is a second hit,” Gahl said. “Students should be prepared and do everything they can to prevent getting ill.” According to Pingree, there has been no real danger with the virus this quarter. Therefore, not as much effort has been put into prevention services. Only 200 vaccines were given out winter quarter compared to 1,000 given out during fall quarter. “We’re exhausted from hearing about H1N1 as much as students probably are, but that doesn’t mean students should stop caring about prevention,” Pingree said. “The best thing students can do to stop the threat from happening again is to get their flu shots.” According to the Dean of Students Office, fall quarter had an unusual number of students coming in for absence notices. “There was a scare of students coming back sick after winter break with all of the traveling that takes place during the break, but January did not bring in the number of students that we saw during the fall quarter,” Assistant Dean Robert Campbell said. Campbell stated that after being swamped during fall quarter, the Dean of Students Office has not had to send out any notifications to faculty about absent students winter quarter. Gahl said that the best thing students can do is get a free immunization and stay healthy by decreasing stress, eating healthy, taking vitamins, exercising and getting enough sleep. The flu can be transmitted through saliva, so coughing or sneezing into a tissue to prevent the spread of germs and frequent hand washing are recommended by Gahl.