1966 Football Press Guide

Page 1

1966 Ea s tern Kentucky Football Schedule


1965 Sea s on Results

Date Sep t. 17 Sept . 24 Sept. 30 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov . 19 Opponent and Site Kickoff Time • Austin Peay at Clarksville ................................ 9:00 p .m . Marshall University at Huntingt on . .... .... ....... 7:00 p .m. *Murray State at Richmond ... ............................. 8 :00 p.m. *Middle T ennessee at Murfreesboro 8:30 p .m. *East Tennessee at Richmond - ···· 2:00 p.m. ( Band Day) *Findlay College at Richmond ·····················-····· 2: 00 p .m. ( Cheerleaders Day ) *We stern Kentucky at Bowling G reen .. ....... .. . 3 :00 p.m . *Tennessee Tech at Richmond 2:00 p.m. ( Homecoming ) *Morehead State at Richmond ...... ·...................... 2:00 p.m. Tampa University a t Tampa ............................ 2':30 p .m .
V alley Conference Game . (All
li sted are E.S.T .)
FINAL RESULTS: Won 4 , Lost 4 , Ti e d 1 OVC RECORD : Won 4, Lost 2, Ti ed 1 Date Opponent Site Sept. 18 *t Au st in Pea y .......... .......... ............... . H Sep t. 25 M a rshall University .......................... H Oc t. 2 *Mur ray State ...................................... A O ct. 9 *Middle T ennessee H Oc t. 16 *E ast Tenne ssee ................. .... .... .... ........ A Oc t . 23 Findlay College .................................. A O ct . 30 *We stern Kentucky H Nov . 6 *Tennessee Tech .................. ....... ......... A Nov . 13 *Morehead Sta te ...... .................... ........ A *Ohi o Valley Conference Game t Fo rfeited EK Opp. 35 30 12 28 17 1•7 }O, 14 23 0 3 34 28 12 28 14 38 20
EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY 1ootball 1966 For Press • Radio • TV CONTENTS Pa rt One Inform at ion About E astern __________________________________ 3 Part Tw o Th e F oot b a ll Staff ___ ___ ______ 7 Part Th ree Th e E astern Ma roons for 1966 _______________________ . ____ 15 Part F o u r L oo kin g at the Opp onents -·-······--··-····-····-···--· · 31 Part Five St a ti s tic s and Mod ern R ecords ___ .___ . -··-·--- ----··--·· 45 Prepared and Edited by {)1/. n OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS j_ r.,, •t.u. _/1;/'YJ , f./n,.__re.- iJ e r,v.; /Ji,ee c J o ,e, Lt<-/9- i ff l'l?ITl~,t ft!' v WHITLO.<: , Sports Inform ation Di ~c tor 1 . tlrJ.v t d (!~1,v 0 ,,cl - tJrtt. ee /.ol'Z. c7 /J J&,vi -/v,c,/1-1 Se-tv 1 Telephone: 623-7141 f's Coates Administration Building Ri chmond, Kentucky 40475


(A Handbook For Press, Radio, and Television)

Here is your copy of the 1966 Fo otball Pres s Guide, prepared especially for the men of the pre ss and radio who cover the Maroon s. We since rely hope that it can be u sed as a guide in answering questions that arise concerning Ea stern Kentucky football. If you desire additional information, special features, pictures, or the like , feel free to contact the Division of Publici ty, Eastern Kentucky University , Richmond, Kentucky, 40475.


WORKING PRESS-All requests for press passes by working newspaper and radio men should be made as far in advance as possible . Press tickets cannot be mailed less than three day s in advance of the game requested for. Should your request be on a last-minute basis, tickets may be picked up at the Main Entrance on Park Drive .

RADIO-All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting Rights should be addressed to the Publicity Office . Spotter s can be made available if requested well in advance.

PHOTOGRAPHERS-Photographer s may take pictures from the sidelines during the game if they keep away from the the immediate s idelines . Motion picture crews may u se the facilitie s provided in the pre ss box , upper deck . Requests sho uld be made in advance.

SEATING-In requesting working press tickets ple ase advise u s as to how many will be in your party. It is important that we number .of seats to no more than two. Sorry, no women are allowed in the press box.

ACCOMMODATIONS AND SERVICES AT EASTERN-The working new spa per an d radio men, as well as sco ut s and other officials will be furnished a copy of the pla y -b y- play report an d complete team statistics, at half-time and approximately five minutes after the end of the game. Western Union arrangements must be made by those desiring that service. Phones are available in the press box. Refre s hment s are serve d during the game and at halftime.

Visit us often



Location-Richmond, Madison Count y, Kentuck y , a g r owing city of about 12,500 population and at a healthful altitude o f 937 feet . This is a ri c h farming area , the county con s idered the l argest beef cattle-raising county east of the Mis s i s sippi .



President-Dr. Robert R. Martin

Vice President for Academic Affair s- Dr. Thoma s F. Stovall

Athletic Conference - Ohio Valley , N .C.A.A.

Gymnasium-Alumni Coli s eum (capacity 7,000)

Stadium-Hanger Stadium (capacit y 8 ,500 )



Colors-Maroon and White


Ex-Officio Chairman: Dr Harry M. Sparks, State Supe r intendent of Public Instruction.

Members: Sidney W . Clay , Louisville; Earle B . Combs , Sr. , Richmond ; F . L . Dupree , Harlan; Durham Howard , Pineville ; Wilson Palmer , Cynthiana; and Russell I. Todd , Richmond.


Members: C . Ambrose; D. Barr; J. D. Coates ; J . C . Powell; L . Cocanougher; J. Stocker ; J. Vickers; R. Whalin; A. L Whitt; C. Woods; and Glenn E. Presnell , ex-officio member.


Director of Athletics- Glenn E. Presnell (Nebraska , 1927 )

Head Football Coach-Roy Kidd (Eastern Ky. , 1954 )

Line Coaches-Carl Oakley (Eastern Ky. , 1'954) Bill Shannon (Eastern Ky . , 1948)

Backfield Coaches-Bobby Harville (Ea s tern Ky. , 1957) ; Micke y Andrews (Alabama , 1964)

Head Coaches Other Sport s-Baseball: C . T . Hughe s ; Bask e tball: Jim Baechtold: Track: Cannan Smith; Swimming: Donald Combs; Golf: Glenn Presnell ; Tenni s : Ja c k Adams; Rifle: Sgt James 0 . Baker.

Trainer-David Huffstetler (Maryville , 1964 )

Equipment 1\!Ia,11ager-Skip Daughert y and Ed Kidd.


EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY 'Vis io n . I nd ust r y . Integ ri ty'

On the threshold of it s " vision of greatness " Ea stern Kentucky University is a rapidly developing in stitut ion of higher education that has far exceeded the expectation s of it s founders.

Located in the famed Blue Gra ss region of Central Kentu c ky, Ea s tern i s undergoing tremendous growth and development in all it s facets-academic organization and offering , the st udent body , and the phy s ical plant.

With univer s ity status going into effect July 1, 1966 , the in st itution was reorganized into five colleges and a graduate sc hool. Ea stern offers c urricula in the College s of Applied Arts and Technology , Art s and Science , Bu si ness, and Education , leading to the Bachelor of Science , Bachelor of Art s , .or A ss ociate of Arts degree. Central University College offers preparator y curricula for the first two years of the st udent ' s college career, providing a liberal base for majoring in one of the advanced colleges. The Ma ster .of Arts de gre e i s offered in education , En g li s h, and hi story, with additional di sc iplines to be offered soon, and a s ixthyear graduate program is offered in the College of Education.

Founded as Eastern Kentu c ky St ate Normal School in 1906 by act of the State of Leg i slature, Ea ste rn wa s born with the p u rpose of educating q u alified teachers for the schools of the Commonwealth. The in s titution has responded by annually producin g more teachers than any other Kentucky college or univer s ity

The physical plant ha s undergone building and renovation program totaling about $40 million s i nce 1960. Durin g this period every existing major campus faculty ha s been remodeled , o r completely rec on s tructed.

But , perhap s the most phenomenal growth has been in the student body. Since the la st academic year of the past decade, 1959-60 , Ea s tern 's enrollment h as increa s ed so me 203 pe r cent , from 2,967 to the 8,0 00 expected thi s fall.

A sensible, well-rounded program of s port s, both intercollegiate and intramural , is s pon so red and encouraged by the University . Ea ster n i s repre s ented in intercollegiate competition in baseball, ba s ketball, cross - country , football, golf, rifle , s wimming , tennis, and track.

Eastern i s administered by a Board of Regent s, of which Dr. Harry M. Spark s, Stat e Superintendent of Public In st ruction, is ex-officio chairman. Sixth pre s ident of the in st itution is E ast ern alumnus, Dr Robert R. Martin, a far-seeing and forceful chief administrator who has g uided E aste rn through s ix record-b re aking year s .

D r. Rob e rt R . Ma rtin


Glenn Presnell , fo r mer Nebraska All-American halfback and long-time Eastern football coach, became Eastern 's f irst fulltime athletic director in November , 1963 , when he resigned hi s gr id coaching p os it i on to accept his ne w assignment.

In ten year s at the Maroon helm, he guided hi s teams to 42 wins, 49 l osses, an d three tie s, winning one OVC title outr i ght, and gaining a four-way s hare of the crown in 1962 , th e o nly Kentucky coac h ever to c l a im more t han one OVC halo.

Hi s fir st year as head coach, 1954 , was hi s b est. Hi s Ma roo n s went undefeated in s ea so n play and lost to Omaha University 7 - 6 in what i s st ill regarde d by many as the greate st T a nge rine Bowl game eve r played in Orlando , Florida.

B er n at Gilead , Nebra s ka , Pr es nell was an All-America halfback at Nebra s ka , and play e d in the East- West All-Star Ga me in San Fran ci sc o at the end of his college career in 1927.

L ater, with the Port s mouth Spartans an d the D etroit Li ons in the National Le ague, he was an all-league pe rformer .

A g ain s t Gr ee n Ba y in 1934 , the popular Presn e ll kicked a 54y ard field g oal , which s to o d as the N. F . L. record for 19 years, an d i s st ill the sec ond longest in the League' s history. The NFL's 1964 yearbook cited P res nell a s one of the key men in Det ro it 's 19 35 champio n ship

Presnell be ga n his co ll eg iat e coaching career in 1937 a s backfie ld coach at the Uni v er s ity of Kan sas. In 1938 he returned to Nebraska as backfield co ach , and in 1942 he wa s named head coac h t here. Nebraska played St anford in the Rose Bowl in 1941, while he wa s backfield c oach of the Cornhu s ker s .

In 1943 and ' 44 , Pr es nell coached the backfield at North Carolina Pre -F li g ht, whi l e s erving a s a naval officer. He returned to Nebra s ka i n 1946 , before c o ming to E as tern in th e fall of 1947. He was named head coach in 1954.

H e wa s player-c oac h of t he pro I ronton ( Ohi o) T a nk s from 1928 - 30 In 192 9 and '30 h e a l so coache d the Ru sse ll , Kentucky, High School football , basketball and ba se ball team s, and the g irl's basketball team.

Report s indi ca te Presnell , up for indu ction once previou s l y, may soon be inducted into the Professional Football Hall of F ame

He married the former Li zbeth Gehrlin g of I ronto n , Ohio , in 192,9, and found in her his most faithful fan and s upport e r. The y have one s on , Danny , 24, who teache s at Madison Centr al High School in Richmond. Hi s chief hobby i s golf, and he coache s the Easte rn golfers, but he take s an intere st in all sports.




Roy Kidd likes to win, he has a pa st tradition of winning, and he 's trying to build a winner at Eastern .

Beginning his third year at the Mar oon helm, he is a former Ea s tern Little All - American with a brilliant record both as a player and coach. Backfield coach here in 1963, he became chief mentor when his one-time coach and boss , Glenn Presnell , resigned to become athletic director.

A native of Corbin , where he was an all - around athlete , earning All-State honor s in football and basketball , Kidd established a dozen records as quarterback of the Maroons. Two of his marks -most touchdown passe s in a s eason, and in a single game-still s tand.

Following hi s college playing career , Kidd remained on the Richmond campus as graduate assistant coach to Presnell in 1954. The Maroon s played in the Tangerine Bowl following an undefeated , OVC championship seas on , losing to Omaha University 7-6.

Roy earned four varsity letters in both football and baseball at Eastern. He was a star centerfielder on the Maroon nine, and bettered the .300 mark batting four consecutive years. He was president of the Var s ity " E " Club , hi s s enior year.

Almo st overshadowing hi s impressive playing record with the Maroons i s hi s se rie s of accomplishments in the Kentucky high sc hool coaching ranks. After a year at Madison Central High School as assistant basketball and head ba s ketball coach , Kidd went across town to Richmond Madison to build one of the powers of Kentucky prep football.

In six seas ons, 1956-61, Kidd' s Madi so n team s compiled a 54-10-1 record, including a 27-game winning streak, and a string of 14 un score d-upon-game s. The Royal Purples won the Central Kentucky Conference title three times, won the CKC division playoffs twice won two of three appearances in the Re cr eation Bowl, won the Scholarship Bowl, and played in the Big Sandy Bowl. In his last season, Madi son was ranked No. 1 in the state in all polls for most of the seas on, before losing to Ft. T homas Highlands , 12-0 , in the Kentucky Class AA championship game.

Kidd 's Madison teams were characterized by a wide-open, high scoring offense, and a s tingy defense-the same attributes he's trying to build into Eastern football. Opposing teams often finished with minus offen sive yardage .

Playing a Class AA class sc hedule with a Class A enrollment Kidd seldom fielded a team with over 30 players. Yet , he groomed players at Madi s on for Air Force , Army , Navy, Eastern, Kentucky , and numerou s s mall colleges. He was the Kentucky High School Athletic A ssocia tion 's " Coach-of-the-Year " in 1961.


Before returning to Ea ste rn , Ro y s pent the 1962 seaso n at Morehead , helping guide the Eagles to a four -w ay tie for the OVC crown that year with Eastern, Middle Tenne ssee, a nd E ast Tennessee.

He accepted the E astern post as fulfillment of his "g reatest am bition," and pledged a 100 per cent effort from everyonehimself, coache s, and player s-c onnected with the Ea ste rn football program .

Roy i s married to the former Su s an Purcell ,of Richmond. Th ey have three children , Marc, eight, Kath y, five, and Keith , three.

Assstant Coaches


Beginning his third year on the Ma oon staff, Carl Oakley has played and/or ched with head c ach Roy Kidd for most of his lif e.

A regular f r three sea s ons at Ea stern un er Tom Sa uel s, Oakl ey co-captained the 953 Mar.a n team along with Kidd, but tH duo h earlier played four years of high chool football together at Corbin under O ie urch. He was an all-state tackle wit t e Redhound s

After re eiving the Bachelo r's degree in 1954, he nt the 1954-55 year as an Ea s tern gr: du te ass i s tant coach with Kidd. Th cha pion s hip 1954 Maroon s were un feated d played in the Tangerine B wl.

Oa ey then s pe t two years in the Marine Corp s as a lieutenant before begin ng a brilliant 'gh school coaching areer . He began as assistant at Corb n in 19 57 under alt Green, an Ea s tern teammate four year ear lie r. In 1958 he ~ t to L o ndon where he initi ated the foot 11 program. Hi s first t m comp il ed a 7-3 record. He then ret rned to Corbin for two years as an ass istant, before becoming ead coach in 1961 and po ste d an 8-2 record.

In 1962 and 1963 he ser as offen s ive line coach at Morehead under Guy Penney. H e resigned his Morehead position and joined Kidd' s staff in February of '64.

Carl is married to the former Opal Sparks. Th ey have three c hildren , Julie , ten, Jeff , eight, and Jo Beth, four.




Suc cessful in high sc hool coac hing like the rest of the Mar.oon s taff , Bill Shannon is beginning his seco nd year as an ai d e to Kidd.

A 1948 E astern graduate, Shannon se rved as a grad u ate as s istant during the sp ring of 1964 before being appointed a full-time coac h la st fall.

In five seasons at Dixie Hei g ht s High School , in South Fo rt Mitchell , Kentucky , the fiery Shannon com piled a 47-5-2 wonla st s late in gaining his team the distinction as the power of Northern Kentucky in the mid and late 50 's He also served as head ba s ketb a ll and as s i s tant football coach there from 1950 to 1955 , when he became head gr id coach.

The per sonable Shannon represe nted a s porting goods company from 1958 -63 , when he returned to hi s Dixie Height s coaching job. He left there at the close of the first semester in 1963-64 to compl ete his Master 's degree a nd accept the Ea s tern po sit ion.

A di s tin g ui s hed war veteran, Bill flew 34 missions over Germany during World War II as a bombardier. He was awarded the Distingui s h ed Flying Cro ss, the Air Medal with five oak leaf cl u s ters , and the Purple Heart.

A native of Danville , Bill i s married to the former Mary Peters , also of Danville , who serves as a registered nur se in the University Infirmar y.


There 's a lot of s imila r ity in the coac hing career s of Bobby H a r v ille and Roy Kidd .

Harville, who guided the Royal Purpl es to the Kentu c ky Cla ss AA champions hip game only to 1ose to Ft. Thomas Highlands in '6 4, just as Kidd did in 1961 , is beginning his second year on the Maroon football staff.

It i s not t he first time H arv ille ha s s erved as an assistant to Kidd. During the ' 57 and ' 58 seas on he was an aide to the Maroon chief at Madi son, while Kidd was building the Purple s into the power -of Central Kentucky prep football.

A 1957 Ea stern graduate , Harville s pent the ' 59- ' 62 seaso ns as assistant coach at Eli z abethtown High S c hool under Bill Hogg , and was an aide to fellow Ea s tern grad Ray Pelfry at Lanca s ter, Ohio, during the 1963 grid campaign.


He returned to Madi so n in L964 and led the Purple s to a 10-4 overall record , the KHSAA Class AA runnerup spot, an d to the Central Kentucky Confe rence second divi s ion championship.

Bobb y i s married to the former Sandra Sharp of S o uth Fort Mi tche ll. The y ha v e three c hildren , Robert Michael , s ix , Vi rg inia Loui se , five , and Leigh Ann , s ix mon t h s.


A three-year letterman und er P Mickey Andrew s is beginning his fir ing s taff.

nt at Alabam a, M aroon coach-

Mickey p yed r Alabama during the 1962 , '63, nd 64 seasons , earning second-team N ll-America recognition hi s se nior y . Alabama played in three bowl ga mes and wa s declared national champion ce, in '64 , durin g hi s playing career. A a member of the Crimso n Tid e he sa a tion on a ll thre eoffense, d efense nd t o-w ay-of Bryant's platoon s .

Eastern rom E . B . E rw in Birmingh m, Ala., where as backfie coach.

A nativ of Ozark, A ., where he gained -Conference , Al State, and honorab m e ntion All-South ecognition in high sc hool , he earned a t al of 13 prep letter s in four sports.

Impr esse d with Ea s tern 's growing campus, Andrew s sa id he h a d look e d fo rwa rd to working on Kidd 's s taff with coaches who " are d ed i ca ted to winning. "

Mi ckey i s married to the former Diane Cooke of Ozark. They have one child, Ronald Davis, six months .




Da v id Morton Huffstetler joined the Eastern staff last fall a s the University' s first full-time athletic trainer.

A native of Mary v ille , Te nnessee , Dave received the B. S. degree in ed ucation at Maryville College in 1964, before going to Indiana University where he earned the M . S. degree in athletic training in 1965.

An all-sport s athlete in high s chool, Dave had hi s co ll ege football career ended in an automobile accident in 1960. He serve d as stu dent trainer at Mar yv ille during 11:)62-'63 and was named head trainer there in 19 63- '6 4 while still an undergraduate.

While at Indiana, he was a st udent trainer under he ad trainer Warr en G. Ariail and D wayne " Spike " Dixon .

At Easte rn, Dave also serves as an in s tructor of first aid in addition to his train i ng chores for all vars it y s port s. An a vid sports fan, he en joy s hunting, fishing, hiking and camp craft.

For The Weekly "Coach Roy Kidd Show," Or Other Free Tap e d Interview s With The -MllTfflffl' Coaching Staff Write: GY(.,11,,e ( Office of Public Affair s Eastern Kentuck y University Ri c hmond , Kentucky 40475 Or Call: 623-7141 13

Defensive secondary men

Buddy Pfaadt , left , and Mike mith will co-captain Coa c h Roy Kidd's c harges t his fall. Co older s of the team game pass interception record of three steals in one tilt, Pfaadt, a safety, and Smith, a cor nerback , are both seniors. Pfaadt , a native of Loui sv ille , holds the Eastern season pass interception record with seven. Smith is from Glasgow.



A year ago Roy Kidd was ca utiou s ly optimistic about his team's Ohio Valley Conference hopes. H e thought the M a roon s' big seaso n might have come a year earlier than he had hoped.

All that kept him from being right was a forfeit of a 35-30 win over Au s tin Peay and a slim, four -p oint, 14-10 loss to Middle Tenn esse e. Those two games spelled the difference between the conference championship and third place where Ea ste rn fini s hed , 4-2-1.

Thi s year Kidd is optimistic, and he 's not s hy about it . H e says the Maroons are ready.

Depth, a sore spot in Kidd 's first two seaso n s, s houldn ' t be a serious problem with 25 of 36 lettermen back ( 16 of them sop homores). For the first time since h e to1ok over the rein s in '64, Kidd thinks the Maro o n s should be able to get through the seaso n without starting new fre s hmen at any position.

Kidd points with ju s tifiable satisfaction to a balanced offense and a defen se so und from end to end, and in the seco nda ry.

But , even with all the se thing s going for him , Kidd l oo k s to one player as the key to the Maroon season. His nam e is Herman Carter and he runs the 100-yard dash in nine and four-tenths seconds. He may be the fastest back in c.o lle ge football.

Kidd is qui c k to make the point that with Carte r the M arcons are not a one-man team. "We've got a lot of good players on this team," Kidd says, "and all of them valuable . It' s just that Herman 's tremendous speed make s everyone else .o n offe n se a nd o ur passing game more effective. And , with our offen se in control of the ball more, the defense doe sn' t get worn down. "

An o ther talented so phomore in the backfield holds another part of the jig saw pu zz le that when pie ce d together could spe ll a championship for Eastern. Quarterback Jim Guice hit on 49 of 91, pa ss attempts and threw for six touchdowns last year in reserve role s and is going to be "easily Ea s tern's greatest pa sser," according to Kidd.

Ted Holcomb, a sophomore wingback an d John Tazel , freshman wingback, are both excellent receivers at war for a starting nod. Bob Beck , an outstanding bl oc ker , appears to have the be st chance at fullback , but Foster Harri s , who ca me out on hi s own this s p r ing could give him a run for his money.

The Forecast

The offensive line will have some new, but experienced faces . Aaron Marsh, a tailback for two seasons , will be running in the s plit end position. His speed, broken field running ability and good hands give him all the as s ets . Roger Prall, a defen s ive end for two seasons, made the shift to offensive tight end with no major difficulty this spring.

The tackles will be a pair of sophomores-Bob Tarvin and Bill Brewer-who did outstanding jobs as freshmen la s t year. Both are str.ong and quick, and give the Maroons a top flight pair of tackles.

The guard situation is perhaps the most ticklish in the offens ive line. None of the candidates have any experience at offensive guard, the only lettermen are Lowell Flanary, who has seen his pa s t action as a linebacker, and placement kicker Walt Murphy . Don Wigginton , a freshman , and Fred Troike, a tran s fer fr.om Alabama , both have tremendous potential , but are untried.

Dick Dunkle , who held down the center position as a freshman last year , is back and s hould be improved, but doesn ' t have anyone behind him on the depth chart with any varsity experience

The defen s ive unit is deeper than the .offense, and Kidd think s the "Headhunters" will do a good job of getting the ball into the hand s of what should be an explosive offense.

Leadership abounds on the defensive unit, evidenced by the fact that both Maroon co-captains are defensive backs-safety Buddy Pfaadt and cornerback Mike Smith . Cornerback Lynn Raay and safety Harry Lenz complete a solid , fast defensive secondary that s hould capture more than the record 18 pass interceptions they grabbed last year. Soph Don Moore is capable of moving into the starting lineup at cornerback.

Linebackers Jimmy Moberly , at 180 one of the hardest hitter s in the league , and Rich Sivulich should be among the league ' s be s t. Rick Dryden and Ron Reed give the defensive squad four capable , hard-hitting linebackers .

Ron "Chief" DeVingo, who bench presses 420 points, and junior college transfer Mike Lawson have the middle guard s ituation well - under control. Defensive tackle is also in good shape with last year's standouts Jim Demler and Miller Arritt backed up by Philip Knauer.

Defen s ive end should again be one of the Mar-oons ' stronge s t po s ition s. Chuck Sieman , All-OVC fir s t team a year ago , i s one of the mo s t outstanding football player s in the south , and a go o d bet for All-America honors s ays Kidd . Tom Shetler or Charle s Metzger, both of whom saw lots of action last year, will fill the s pace left by Prall ' s moving to the offensive unit.

Roy Kidd hopes that he has the right combination of element s to make hi s third season at the Maroon helm a whopping s ucce s s. It s hould be exciting to watch .



The Off e n sive Unit ( Reneg- a d es)


Joe Maher ... Junior . . . 21 ... 6-0 ... 190 . .. No, Lett e r s Amityville, New York . .. A tra n sfer from Pa rsons College, Joe has good hands and fine s peed .. . Although short on varsity experience, he s hould be a fine asset at the s plit end positio:1 . . . Quicknes s makes him effective on pass patterns and he' s a good receiver .

Aaron Mar s h ... Junior . . . 20 . . . 6-0 . . .

185 . .. Two Letter s ... Springfield, Ohio .. .

After two years in the Maroon backfield this broken - field runner wa s moved from tailback to s plit end in the s pring . . . He made cons istent improvement and adapted quickly in t h e new s lot Aaron ha s great hand s and p r o ved abilit y running with the football Caught 10 passes l ast year a n d sho uld be am o ng the l eague's l eaders rece i v ing th is fall .. . He di splay s except i onal ab ilit y getting open on hi s pa ss patt erns.

Roger Prall ... Junior . . . 21 . .. 6 - 2 .. .

200 .. . Two Letters . .. Danvill e, Kentu c ky .. .

Ro ger ha s been a standout performer at defen s ive end for the past two seasons, but gra duation l osses necessitated moving him to tight end . . . Had a good s p ring a nd made the eonvers ion "wit h some to spare" . . . Roger s hould be one of the top offensive ends in the co nf erence thi s s eason , he catche s the ball well and h as developed into a fine blocker.


Bill Brewer . .. Sop homor e . .. 19 .. . 6-1 . .. 215 .. . On e Letter . . . Xenia, Ohio . .. One of Ea stern's pair .of fre s hman sta rting tack l es last year , Bill i s expected to tu r n in another fine effort at back s ide tack l e ag ain thi s season . . . Strong physically, and with good spee d , Bill i s a hardnose that sho uld gain AllLeague recognition before ending his career.


Ralph Mertz ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-0 . . . 210 ...

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Moved to an of f en s i v e t ac kl e from t he defen s ive s quad thi s s pring , Ralph made a sat i sfac tor y adapt a ti on Strong and willing , h e s hould help p r ovid e d e pth at tackle that wa s lacking la s t s ea s on , especially after h e gain s s ome ga m e experience.

Tom Swartz Freshman 19 6-1 190 No Letters . . .Winchester, Kentucky . . . A good hitter , Tom cam e along well thi s s pring after being moved from guard to strong tackle ... One of a number of promising , but inexperienced freshman linemen , Tom must prove his ability and determination in game competition before he can be relied upon for extens i ve duty .

Bob Tarvin ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 6 - 0 218 . . . One Letter ... William s burg , Ohio .. . After an outstanding year as a freshman, Bob has the Maroon coaching staff expecting great things . . . He led the team with a blocking percentage of 68 in ' 65 and should be a s trong contender for all-conference honors ... Nearly a 4.0 st uden t, Bob is challenged by the game of football and is sparked by intense desire ... Make s every sacr ifi ce to improve his ability and to help the team


Lowell Fl a nary ... Sophomore ... 22 ... 6 - 0 ... 195 . .. One Letter . . . Lynch,Kentucky . . . A ver s atile football player who came to Ea s tern as a running back, but lettered last year as a linebacker , Lowell' s la test move ha s been to back s ide guard on offen s e ... A willing worker, he made the s hif t to this graduation depleted po s ition h an dil y ... He has exceptional speed for a guard and should contr i bute greatly.

Walter Murphy . .. Sophomore ... 19 .. . 5-9 . . . 185 ... One Letter .. . Covington, Kentucky . .. Field goal and conversion s pecialist , Walter s et a new E astern r ecord for extra point s (22 ) and points by kick (34) last s eas on ... He missed only two of 24 PAT 's and o ne of five f i eld goal trie s .. . Walter i s a g oo d hitter a nd would like to s ee action beside s kicking alone this year . . . Should be relied upon for heavy reserve duty at back s ide guard .


Freel Troike .. . Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-0 .. . 195 ... No Letters ... Miami, Fl o rida .. . Fred, who transferred from Alabama in '65 , made p rog ress through s pring drill s . .. Oakley calls him a "f in e blocker and an exciting hitter," Although he lack s game ex p er i ence, he ha s ability , i s hard-nosed and s h o uld be a tremendous asset to the Maroon s as a s trong s id e guard.

Steve Utley Sop h omore 19 6-0 190 No Letters .. . Madisonville, Kentucky ... Afte r show in g the ability to get the job done on occasion last fall, S teve had a disappointing s prin g practice He's bein g counte d upon to make imp roveme nt s this season to add much needed depth to the offense strong side guard s po t.

Don Wigginton . . . Freshman .. . 19 . .. 5 - 10 . .. No Letters ... Louisville, Kentucky . . . Comple tely lacking in game experience, Don nevertheles s serve d notice this s p r in g that he i s going to be a fi ne football player . . An int ense worker a t t h e back s id e guard position, he i s one of the most determined men on the team.


Richard D u nk l e Sophomor e 19 6-0 . . . 185 . . . One Letter . . . Lancaster, Ohio ... An extremely willing worker, Di ck worked his way into the starting lineup last year after injury s idelined the No . 1 ce n ter, and has continuously made improvement .. . H e did an outstanding job for a fres h man in '65, and s hould be def ini tely improved t hi s year . . . Not rema r kab l y fast, but he uses quickne ss and hitting abi lit y to his best advantage.



Herman Carte r Sophomore 2 0 10 . . . 180 . . . On e Lett er . . . Cinci nnati, io . . . Herman makes the difference b etw n fast team and one with ju st average s pe e . .. Perh a p s the fastest h alibac k in colle gy tball today , H erma n wa s the team's I ding r u s her and seco nd leading sc orer la st eason Ran a 9 4 in the Oran ge Bowl Track Meet la st inte r on ju s t a few weeks ' training . . . On of the finest running backs ever to pla y in th OVC, according to Kidd , Herman ha s great mo es that co upled with hi s s peed make him a threat from anywhere on the field . .. Kidd s ay s he ' ll be an All-A merica.

Butch Greene ... Sophomore .. . 20 ... 5 - 9 .. . 175 . .. No Letters ... Hazard , Kentucky . . .

A transfer from V P .I. , Butch showed quicknes s, bal a nce and toughne ss in the s prin g that impre sse d the Maroon coaches . . A good receiver, and tough blocker , he could give the Maroon s a real one -two punch at tailb ack .


Ted Holcomb ... Sophomore ... 20 . . . 5-10

190 One Letter Tro y, Ohio

Aft er starti n g th e ope nin g game l a s t s eason, Ted contacte d mononucleosis and was s idelined for nearly the re st of the s chedu l e ... G co d h an ds and good attitude h elp mak~ him an excellent flanker back . . . If he improve s his blocking skills the coach in g s taff f ee l s he can be even more of an asset to the team.

John Tazel Sophomore

19 5-11

170 No Letters ... Aliquippa, P ennsy lvania . .. An outstandin g quarterback in high sc hool , John was a reserve in the Maroon defensive seco ndary l ast year A ver s at il e pla yer, he was mo ve d to flanker and sp li t end t hi s s pring . . He ha s s peed , good move s, and good hands He i s going to be va luable because of hi s ab ilit y to play two po s ition s ... Will be battling so meone for a start ing po s ition.



Bob B eck . . . Sop h omore . . . 19 ... 5-8 .. .

195 . . . One Letter . .. Cin c inn a ti , Ohio .. .

B ob came out on his own l ast fall and was sta rtin g by t h e fo ur t h game . . . H e is most impressive when blocking , but he ' s also a good man for the cr u cial s hort yardage pla y . . .

D oes an except i onal job of pr o te cti n g for the p asser .

Foster Harri s . . . Sophomore .. .

2 0 .. . 5- 10 . . .

1 9 0 . .. No Letter s ... Harrison , Ohio . . . Out on hi s own in the s prin g, Fo ster impressed the coaches with s p eed, toughness, and balance . .. H e lack s ex perien ce, but h as e nou g h ab ilit y to g i ve B eck a real battl e for the position .


Jim Guice Sophomore

2 0 6-0

180 . . . One Letter . . . Miami , Florida . . .

P otentially t h e greatest p asser ever to hit the E aste rn ca mpu s, Jim s aw co n s id erab l e act i on behi nd E astern 's all-time scorer a nd yardga in er L arry Marmie la st seaso n . . . E v en as a s ub s titu te he t hrew for s i x touchdown s, completed 64 of 91 a ttempt s for a goo d 53.8 p ercentage, but a l s o pitched seve n int erce ption s .. . Quick ( 4 .9 in the forty ) h e s h owed t hat he can a l s o r un with th e football t h is s p ring .. .

Should h o ld every E a ste rn p ass in g recor d befo r e he gra duat es.

Tim Speaks Sophomore 19 5-9

170 No L e tter s . . . Lancas ter , Ohio ... Sl a t ed for No. 2 qu arterback c hor es, Ti m came a long way in the s pring a nd i s s h ow ing p ro mi se . . . Hi s s trongest s u it i s the option pla y Not t h e all-around p asse r

G ui ce i s, but i s ve ry d ea dl y on s hor t pa ss es ... Needs ex peri e nce to be effective aga in s t OVC compet i t i on.



Ed Kuehne . . . Freshman ... 19 . .. 6-3 ... 220 ... No Letters . ..

Slidell, Louisiana ... A lad with a world of ability says Coach Bill Shannon, Ed was tried at tackle last year as a red s hirt , but seems to have found himself at end . . . A real hitter , he will get hi s chance this fall ... Although he li sts his hom e as Loui s i ana, he played hi s prep ball at Cincinnati Greenhills.

Ch ar li e Metzger . . . So ph omore . . . 20 . . .

6 - 2 ... 2 00 .. . On e Lette r . .. Lo u isville, K e ntu cky . .. One of three defen s ive ends that could be considered "reg u lars", Char li e was a standout as a reserve last year . . . Big play came aga i nst Western w h en he stopped a Hilltopper dr i ve on the eight yard line ... A top notch s t u dent and determined player, Charlie should be a real factor this season.

Tom S h e tl er ... S oph o mor e . .. 2 0 ... 6 - 2 . . .

2 09 .. . On e L e tt er .. . P a rk Hill s, K e ntu c k y .. .

Another top sc holar on the squad, T om played regularly toward the end of last season . .. A steady, dependable worker, Tom can be c ounted on in tough situations An all-NKAC end from Dixie Heights , Tom comes from an "Eastern" fam i ly-his father, mother , and brother are all Eastern grads.

Ch uc k S i e m a n ... Junior .. . 2 1 . .. 6- 0 .. .

2 0 5 ... Two L e tt e rs .. . S prin g fi e ld , Ohio .. .

An All- O VC end in 19<65 , Chuck i s the be s t defensive end in the league say the Maroon coaches A de f inite All - America candidate, he made more big plays than any other M ar oon la s t season ... W as the team' s se cond leading pass i nterceptor p l us being the s quad 's leading pas s rusher . .. A fullback i n high sc hool , Chuck is very coachable.

The Defensive Unit (Headhunters)


Miller Arritt ... Sophomore ... 21 . .. 6-2 . .

210 ... One Letter .. . Partlo w, Virginia ...

Miller came to E as tern as a linebacker, but started every game last fall as a defensive tackle ... He did an outstanding job for a fre s hman , grow in g more aggre ss i ve as h e ga in ed ex p erie n ce . . . A good sp ring practice indi cates that Mille r is r ea d y for a good se a s on . .. Ve ry quick , h e co uld be one of the top tackles in the conference.

Jim Demler Sophomore 2 0 6-0

215 One Letter Bellevue, K ent u cky

Tri e d a t both offe n s i ve tackle a nd lin ebacker, Jim came into hi s l ast yea r as a I de fe ns i ve tackle . . . Go o d s p eed, agg re ss i ve ne ss and stre ngth made him a sta ndout in spr in g games ... A good st ud en t , h e s h o uld be a capable replacement for gra duat e d All-OVC Roy E va n s.

Philip Knauer .. . Sophomore ... 19 . .. 6-4 ... 240 .. . One Letter Strawn, Illinois A very va lu a ble re se rve la st seas on, Phillip i s the bigge s t man on the s qu ad Not exce ptionall y fast, but h e i s' a hard worker a nd a goo d s tud ent . .. With his att itude , he sho uld d o a cre ditable job again thi s seaso n.


Ronald DeVingo . . . Senior . .. 22 ... 5-10 .. . 218 ... Two Letters .. . Worance , New Jer sey

A determ in ed pl ayer w ho i s very popular with his teammat es, Ron will be starti ng at middle g u ar d for the third s tr a igh t year . . . An All-Conference cand i date , "Ch i ef" s hould h ave hi s grea te st year ... Al so a n excellent weig ht li fter, Hon can bench pre ss 420 pound s .


Mike Lawson ... Junior ... 21 ... 5-8 ... 215 . . . No Lett ers ... Ft. Thoma s, Kentucky . .. A juni or college transfer from Cameron , Oklah oma , Mi ke played hi s prep ball at F t. Th omas Highland s ... A Junior Ro s e Bowl participant while at Cameron , Mik e is ve r y quick and tough a n d ha s a f ine a tt i t ud e ... H e and D e Vin go s hould g iv e the M aroons a d equate s trength at middle guard.


Richard Dryden Sophomore 21 6-0 215 No Letter s .. . Cincinnati, Ohio .. . Rick saw limit ed act ion la s t se aso n as a freshman , and had a good spring practice A prep gri dd er at Ft . Thom as Hi g hl a nd s, he played on a s tate c hampions hip team .. . A leade r, he s hould s ee plenty of action thi s seas on , perh a p s as a s t ar ter .

Jimmy Moberly Sophomore 18

5-10 ... 180 ... One Letter ... Richmond, Kentucky ... Pound-for-pound t h e best football pla yer in Americ a, says Sh a nnon of Ji mmy, who mo ve d in to the s tarting lin e up an d called de fe n s i ve s i gnals l ast fall as a freshman . . . He never mad e a bad call a ll seaso n , a nd s hould be one o f th e out sta nding lin ebac k ers in the OVC ... E ven though s m a ll for hi s p os ition , he hits with a vengeance.

Ronald Reed ... Sophomore ... 20 . .. 6-0 . .. 195 ... No Letters . . . Flemington, New Jersey . . . Considered a " find " by the coac hing s t aff, Ron came out for football on hi s own this s pring . . . He pro ve d to b e a tou g h , hard no s ed li neba cker . . . A real co m er, h e i s expected to b e a n asset to the s quad.

Rich Siv u lich Senior 21 5-10

205 . .. Three Letters . . . Munster, Indi a na . . .

A starte r until s id elined w i th a knee injur y l as t fall at mid- se ason , Ri c h will be heavi l y relied on in ' 66 although he missed s pring practice .. . A str on g lineb ac ker , Rich is a fine defe n s i ve s ignal caller . .. Hi s being s ound means t he difference between just adequate and go o d stre n gth at linebacker.



T e d G r een . . . Fres hm a n ... 19 .. . 5- 10 ... 175 . . . N o Le t te r s . ..

A tl a nt a, Georgia . .. After s pending the first semester la st year in prep sc hool , T ed came to Eastern for the s prin g semester . . .

Capable of playing both offense and defense , he will s pend mo st of hi s time in the defen s ive se condary . . . He has s peed , quicknes s, and toughness and s ho u ld be considered a can didate for a sta rting berth.

Don Moor e . . . Sophomor e .. . 1 9 ... 5 -10 . ..

17 5 . . . No L e tt e rs .. . Vin e G r ove, K e ntuck y A hard - hitter and worker , Don immediately ca u ght the coaches' attent i on last fall with his intense desire to play . . . H e enjoy s the game and has a tremendou s worki n g attitude Don will give needed depth in his secondary-if he doesn't beat some one o u t for a starting nod.

L y nn R ay ... Sophomor e ... 19 . . . 5- 11 . . .

170 . .. On e L e tter ... Covington , Kentu c k y . . .

Versatile , Lynn can play both safety and cornerback, but s eeme d to have a starting position a t the latter thi s s pring ... He has quick hands, s peed , and i s excellent at tackling in the open field . . . The coaches feel that he i s one of the mo s t improved player s on the sq u ad.

Mike S mith . . . Se nior . . ., 24 . . . 5- 9 . . .

185 . ..

Three Lett e rs .. . Gla sg ow , K e ntu c k y . . . A major factor in Eastern' s No. 2 pa ss defe n se stan di ng in the OVC last year, Mike co u ld be best cornerback in the league thi s fall . . . He holds the pas s interception record for one game with fellow co-captain Buddy Pfaadt . . . A team leader , Mike was elected to his co-captain s pot by hi s teammates.



Harry Lenz ... Junior .. . 25 . . . 5-10 . .. 175 ... Two Letters .. . Pittsburgh, P e nn sy lvania Becau s e of hi s work i n g attitude and desire to win , Harry has become a f in e defens i ve halfback . . A Navy veteran , Harry has turned in memorable performance s a s a Maroon . . . Quick and stro n g, he breaks up a lot of offensive plays . . . The coaching staff is expecting great things from Harry in 1966 .

Buddy Pfa a dt ... Senior . .. 22 •. . 6-1 .. . 195 Three Letters Louisville, Kentucky . . . A starter for three seasons , Budd y wa s an All-OVC pick last year and i s probably the best d efe n s i ve back in the league Led the leag u e with inter ceptio n s last yea r - eve n though teams quit throwing the ball to the man he was covering ... Buddy has drawn the attention of professional teams and is likely to be drafted early at the end of the season ... Elected to serve with Mike Smith as co-captain by his teammates.


1 I
Offen se 83 J oe Maher SE 12 Jim Guice ........ QB 86 Roger Prall ··-·· ... ........ TE -··· 16 Tim Speaks ·············QB Defen se 21 Butch Green ................ TB 20 Harry Lenz ....... ... s 25 Herman Carter ......... TB 30 Bob Be ck FB 22 Ted Green -----·- CB - -- -- 23 L yn n Ray ............. CB 32 Foster Harris ................. FB 42 Don Moore .... .. .................. CB 40 Ted Holcomb . ........ WB 44 Mike Smith CB 41 John T azel ----····- .......... . ... WB 50 Mike Law son MG 52 Di ck Dunkle C 51 Richard Dryden ....... . ...... LB 60 Walt Murphy ..... . ... SG 55 Ronald Reed ............ .. LB 62 Don Wigginton ........ BG 61 Rich Sivulich ..... ... .LB 64 St eve Utley .. . ... ....... SG 63 Ron DeVin go ................. MG 66 Fred Tr oike SG 65 Jimmy Moberly ......... . ...... LB 67 Lowell Flanary ....... BG 70 Jim Demler ........... . ... . ..... .LT 68 Ron Hou s e .. .. . .BG 74 Miller Arritt .. ..... R T 72 Ralph Mertz ....... BT 78 Philip Knauer ............ . ..... LT 73 Tom Swartz ST 8 0 Buddy Pfa a dt .......... S 75 Bill Brewer ... ....... BT 76 Bob Tarvin ... ST 84 Edward Kuehne RE 85 T om Shetle r.. ··············.LE 77 Bill Zwick ................. ST 87 Ozzie Stiver s ........ RE 81 Aaron Marsh ............ SE 88 Chuck Sieman ...... ..RE 82 Mik e Riggs ... ..... ..SE 89 Ch ar les Metz ger LE 27



(Lettermen Los(t-11)

Ends-Da v id Neff , Jim Ratlif f

Tackles-R oy Evan s, Richard Babyak

Guards- Jim Con r ad , Ro s co e Perkin s

Center-D e nnis B r adford

Wingback- Fred M a lin s

Fullbacks-B o b W e s ter , Tom Freem a n

Quarterback- Larry Marmie

(Lettermen Retur.ning-25)


Ends-Aa r on Marsh, Mike Riggs, Roger Prall

Tackles-Bill Brew e r , Bob T ar vin

Guards-L o well Flan ary, Walter Murphy

Center-Dick Dunkl e

Tailback - Herman C a rter

Wingback-Ted Holcomb

Fullback-Bob Beck

Quarterback-Jim Guice


Ends-Tom Shetl e r , Charle s Metzger , Chuck Sieman

Tackles-Jim Demler , Phil Knauer , Miller Ar r itt

Linebackers- Jimmy Mobe r l y, Rich Sivulich

Middle Guard-Ron DeVin g.o

Cornerbacks-Mike Smith , Lynn R a y

Safeties- Buddy P faa dt , Harry Len z

Miller Arritt ... .. .. .. . ..... . .. .... .. . .. .. .. .... ..... AiR-itt Jim D e mler Ronald DeVin g o . . ... . .. . .... .... ... .... .. .. ..... ..... .DEM-le r . .... ........ . ..... .... . .... .Da-VIN- g o Jim Guice .. . .. ... ... ... ..... .... ...... . .... .... . .... ... .. .... .Guy c e Philip Knau er . . ...... . ...... . .. .. . . ... .......... .. .. NOW-er Ed Kuehne .. . ....... . .. .. ... . .. .. ....... . ..... .... .. .... .. .. . .... ..... . ...... ..... K e en Buddy Pfaadt ... .. ... .. .... ... .... .... . ... .. .Fot Tom Shetler ..... ... . ...... ... .... .SHET-ler Chuck Sieman . ..... . SEA-mun Bob Tarvin . .... .. ...... ... .. ... .. .... ..... . .TAR- v in Fred Troike ..... . ..... ...... .. . ... ... ...... .... ... TRO-k e

1966 Eastern Kentucky Football Roster

(Arranged Alphabetically)

No. !Name Pos. Class Age Ht . Wt. Ltrs . Hometown 74 Miller Arritt T Soph. 21 6-2 210 1 Partlow, Va. 30 Bob Beck . .... .. FB Soph. 19 5 -8 195 1 Cincinnati , Ohio 75 Bill Brewer ... .. ...T Soph. 20 5-10 180 1 Xenia, Ohio 25 Herman Carter .. . .TB Soph. 20 6-0 215 1 Cincinnati, Ohio 70 Jim Demler .. T Sr. 22 5-10 218 2 Benevue, Ky. 63 Ronald DeVingo . ...... .. MG Soph. 21 6-0 215 0 Worance , N. J. 51 Richard Dryden .... .. ..LB Soph. 19 6-0 185 1 Cincinnati, Ohio 52 Richard Dunkle ... .... C Soph. 22 6-0 195 1 Lancaster, Ohio 67 Lowell F lianary .. .. .. .. G Soph. 20 5-9 175 0 Lynch. Kv. 21 Butch Green .... TB Fresh. 19 5-10 175 0 Hazard, Ky. 22 Ted Green CB Soph. 20 6-0 180 1 Atlanta, Ga. 12 Jiim Guice .. OB Soph. 20 5-10 190 0 Miami, Fla. 32 Foster Harris ... FB Soph. 20 5-10 190 1 Harrison, Ohio 40 Ted Hokomb WB Soph. 19 6-4 190 1 Troy, Ohio 78 Philip Knauer T Soph. 19 6-4 240 1 Strawn , Ill. 84 Ed Kuehne E Fresh. 19 6-3 220 0 Slidell, La. 50 Mike Lawson ... . ..LB Jr. 21 5-8 215 0 Ft. Thomas, Ky. Nl 20 Harry Lenz s Jr. 25 5-10 175 2 Pittsburgh, Penn . "' 83 Joe Maher ..... E Jr. 21 6-0 190 0 Amityville, N. Y. 81 Aaron Marsh E Jr. 20 6-0 185 2 Soringtie!,d , Ohio 72 Ralph Mertz . ... .T Soph. 20 6-0 210 0 Pittsburgh, Penn . 89 Chadie Metzger .. E Soph. 20 6-2 200 1 LouisviNie. K.v. 65 Jimmy Moberly LB Soph. 18 5-10 180 1 Richmond, Kv. 42 Don Moore .... CB Soph. 19 5-10 175 o, Vine Grove. Ky. 60 Walter Murphy ... ... . G Soph. 19 5-9 1.85 1 Covington , Kv. 80 Buddy Pfaadt s Sr. 22 6-1 195 3 Louisville. Ky. 86 Roger Prall ... .. . E Jr. 21 6-2 200 2 DanviHe, Kv. 23 Lynn Ray .... CB Soph. 19 5-11 170 1 Covington, Kv. 55 Ronald Reed ... .LB Soph. 20 6-0 195 0 F1'emin<!ton. N. J. 82 Mike Riggs .... .... ..... .J, Soph. 19 6-0 195 1 Louisville, Kv. 85 Tom Shetler F. Soph. 20 6-2 209 1 Park Hills. Kv. 88 Chuck Sieman E Jr. 21 6-0 205 2 Soringfield, Ohio 61 Rich Sivulich ..... .LB Sr. 21 5-10 205 3 Munster, Ind . 44 Mike Smith Sr. 24 5-9 185 3 Glasgow , Kv. 16 Tim Soeaks Soph. 19 5-9 170 n Lancaster, Ohio 73 Tom Swartz Fresh. 19 6-1 190 0 Winchester, Ky. 76 Bob T8rvin Soph. 20 6-0 218 1 w rmiamsburg, Ohio 41 ,Tohn Tazel Soph. 19 5-11 170 0 Aliquippa, ,Penn. i;i; Fred Troike Soph. 20 6-0 195 0 Miami, Ffa. 64 Steve Utley Soph. 19 6-0 190 0 Mad'isonvm~. Ky . 62 Don Wigginton Fresh. 19 5-10 190 o• Louisville. Ky. 77 Bill Zwiick Fresh. 19 6-1 210 0 Sunbury, Ohio
FOOTBALL ROSTER Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Hometown Dewey Bak er ... ·················· E 6-3 220 Hamil to n , Ohio Aaron Beam .... FB 5-11 200 Home s tead , Fla . Larry Bryant ............ TB 5-10 180 Stanford, Ky . Donald Buehler .... E 6-0 175 Cincinnati, Ohio Dennis Die s h T 6-2 210 Hamilton , Ohio Don Evan s T 6-3 215 Evart s, Ky John Ewing • QB 6-1 ½ 150 Vine Grove, Ky. Mark Fi sher ·- --··· · E 6-2 21,5 Cincinnati , Ohio H arry Gibbs ........... .... T 6-0 195 Chamblee, Ga . Paul D. Hampton .. ············c 6-2 190 Belfry , Ky. Doug Hampton E 6-0 195 Evart s, Ky. Lloyd Hunt ·-·-····--- ----·· G 5-11 190 Cincinnati , Ohio Johnny Moore s ....... HB 6-0 185 Richmond , Ky. Bailey Norri s ........ HB 5-11 165 Richmond , Ky . Gerald Richardson ......... .. E 6-0 170 Cincinnati , Ohio James Taylor ..... .. HB 6-0 180 s. Charleston, w . V a. Ted Taylor ... .. ...... . ···················G 6-1 195 Cynthiana , Ky. Jon Tre zo na ··-- ·- - c 6-2 210 Homestead , Fla. R o bert Webb .... ...... HB 5-11 175 Miami, Fla . Sidney Yeldell ···········G 6-2 210 Gla ssboro, "'-"-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-' For Additional Information, Picture s, Special Features About Any Of The :Q,lareonsC:.. 0 [,,Ne/ 'J Contact The Division of Publicity and Publication s EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Richmond, Kentucky N. J. Coates Administration Building Phone: 623-7141 30

First Game


Sept. 17-at Clarksville, Tennessee-8 p.m. (CST)

Location-Clarksville, T ennessee

Enrollment-3 , 300

President-Dr. Joe Morgan


Colors-Scarlet andi White

Stadium-Municipal ( 7,500 )

Conference- Ohio Valley

1965 Finish- Second (6 -1-0 )


1966 Schedule



Oct. 1 at s, E . Missou ri

Oct. 8 at West ern Kentucky

Oct. 15 at Morehead Stat e

Oct. 29 at Middle Tennessee



Nov. 19 at Martin Branch

Nov. 24 at Chattanooga

Of f ice Phone-64 7 -3122

AthJ,etic Director-David B. Aaron ( Cumberland University, '3 5)

Head Coach - Bill' Dupe s ( Ten nessee Tech, ' 52)

Assistant Coaches- Jerry Flatt (Tennessee Tech, '61); Jim Lane ( Middle T,ennessee, '48); Ray Thomas (Tennessee

, '61)

1965 Re sults

1966 OUTLOOK: Enjoying their greatest grid success in hi s tory the past two seasons with 8-1 -1 , 8-L years , the Governor s have nevertheless let their most wanted prize slip through their fingers. They have finished second in the Ohio Valley Conference both years due to losses to Middle Tennessee by just two and four points. This season Coach Bill Dupes , 19 -16-2 for four years, will be loaded for another try at the championship, although he moans over tackle and end thinness . The Govs boast five first team All -OVC performers back. End Ronnie Parson , guard Tommy Dobbs and fullback John Ogles will lead the offensive unit while linebacker Bobby Byrd and safety Andy Toombs will make both the ground and aerial routes hard for the opposition. 1959

(Home games in caps )
t -Sherwin
*30 Eastern Kentucky 35 23 Murray St ate 35 5d S.E . Missouri 7 38 Wester n Kentucky 6 26 Morehead Stat e 21 20 Middle Tennessee 24 21 East Tennessee 7 23 Tennesse e Tech 12 280 118 *Later forfeited.
1960 THE
21 7 .... 27 13 1961 1962 Eastern leads series, 5-2-0 *Forfeit 32 21 7 14 7 1963 J9n4 *1965 14 0 0 26 35 30
SERIES ( E astern Scores Fir st)

Second Game


Sept. 24-Huntington, West Virginia-8 p.m. (EDT)

Lo ca tion-Huntington, W. Va .


Presiden t- Dr. Stewart H. Smith

Nickname-Thundering Herd

Colors - Green and White

St a dium-Fairfield ( 11,000 )

Conferenc e-Midi-American

1965 Finish- Seventh (2 -4-0 )


Publicist-Charles W. Dinkin s

1966 Schedule

Sep t. 17 at Morehead S ttae


Oct. 1 at Toledo

Oct. 8 at Quantico Marines




Nov. 5 at BowHng Green


N ov. 19 at Ohio University

Office Phone-552-8352

Athletic Director-Ne a l B . Wilson ( West Virginia , ' 33)

H e ad Coach-Charles Snyder ( Marshall, ' 48)

A £sis t a nt Coaches-Charles Kautz (MarshaH, '49); Forest Underwood (Marshal,!, '37); Charles Stobart (Ohio U., '59); Charles Chancey (Marshall, '6 0 ); George Belu (

1965 Results

1966 OUTLOOK: Marshall will depend upon a pair of returnees and a junior college transfer to spark their offensive backfield as they try to recover from la st season's seve nth place MAC finish .

Defensively, the Herd will be searching for someone to take up the slack left by the graduation of All-America linebacker Tom Good . Sparking the Big Green running game will be tailback Mickey Jack son, the nation's sixth scorer last year with 16, touchdowns (four against Eastern) for 96 points. Hard-running fullback Andy Socha is also back. Jim Torrence , a transfer from Ferrum (Va.) Junior College, is a sharp passing quarterback who should provide a big boost for Charlie Snyder 's charges.


( Eastern Scores First)

Ohi o U. ,
62 )
22 Morehead State 12 28 Eastern Kentucky 12 14 Toledo .... ......... .............................. . O 10 Qu a ntico Marin es 9 7 Miami of Ohio 28 7 Louisville 14 Western Michigan . 6 BowHng Green 13 Kent State 23 17 20 33 29 Ohio University 14 150 168 ( Home Games in caps Won 5, Lost 5 Conference: Won 2 , Los t 4
1948 1949 6 7 20 7 7 24
1950 34 0 1951 13 6 1952 26 19 Marsh aH leads series, 5-4-0 33 1960 1961 1965 0 13 0 20 12 28

Third Game


Sept. 30-at Hanger Stadium-8 p.m. (EST)

Location- Murray, K e ntucky

Enrollment- 6,500

President- Dr. Ralph H. Woods

Nickname-Thorobreds , Ra•cers

Colors - Blue and Gold

StadiuITu-Cutchin (7,000)

Conference-Ohio Valley

19€5 Finish - Sixth (1-4-2)

Offense-Un balanced-T

1966 Schedule


Sept. 24 at Austin Peay

Sept. 30 at Eastern Kentucky




Oct. 29 a t Martin Branch

Nov. 5 at Middle Tennessee

Nov . 12 at Evansville


Publicist-Joe Tom Erw in Office Phone- 762 - 3740

Athl e tic Director-Cal Luther ( Valp a raiso , '51)

H e ad Coach-Don Shelton ( Louisville, '50) Ass i st a nt Coaches-Bill Rina (Murray, '58); Bill y Mitchell (Kentucky, '5 7 ); Dicki e Blocker ( Kentucky , ' 59); Kenneth Bishop

1965 Results

196 6 OUTLOOK: In s ider s at the Murray camp are vocally pess imi stic about the Racers' c h ances of improving their 2-6-2 record of a year ago. They lost heavily through graduation in the defensive line and at lineba cker, plus quarterback standout Charlie F ,orrest. Two Murray losses were first team All-OVC, end John Wat son and tackle Charli e Mitchell. From the outside looking in the picture doesn't seem so glum. In quarterback Toby T omason , backs John Bryant and Joe Meade, the 'Breds have an exp lo s iv e backfield on the ground and in the air If linemen can fill the gaps around center Lloyd Harris and linebacker T ony Sims then Murra y coul d be tougher than it thinks.


( Wyoming )
24 East Tennessee 2 7 6 A us tin Peay 23 17 Ea s tern Kentucky 17 12 ' Morehead State 1 2 7 Martin Branch 17 14 Tennessee Tech 23 13 Arkansas State .................. 2 7 24 Middle Tenne ssee 28 26 Evansville o· 14 Western Kentucky 14 158 188 ( Home games in caps ) Won 2. Lost 6, Tied 2 OVC: Won 1 , Lost 4 , Tied 2
(Eastern Scores First) 19 29 0 46 1949 20 0 1957 26 19 1930 0 52 1950 0 19 1958 14 6 1941 6 0 1951 0 9 1959 7 0 1942 6 6 1952 0 10 196() 19 21 1945 7 7 195 3 19 14 1961 14 13 1946 26 13 1954 25 6 1962 14 17 1947 13 21 ]9!'i5 21 6 1963 0 20 1948 6 0 1956 7 14 1964 6 6 1965 17 17 Ea : tern leads ser ies, 11-10 - 4 34

Fourth Game


Oct. 8-Murfreesboro, Tennessee-7:30 p.m. (CST)

Loc ation-Murfreesboro, Tenne ssee

Enrollment-6 ,000

Pr esident- Dr Qum E Cope

Nickn a me-Blue R ai ders

Col'Ors-Blue and White

Stadium- Jones Field (10,000)

Conference-Ohio Valley

1965 Finish-First ( 7-0)

Offens e-Split-T , I-Formation

1966 Schedule


Sept. 24 at UT Martin

Oct. 1 a t Western Kentucky


Oct. 15 at Chatt ano oga



No v. 5 MURRAY



1965 Results

1966 OUTLOOK: Middle Tennes see has won the OVC champions hip for the past two seaso n s and hasn't finished below second in 11 years. All the Raiders have to do to help insure a continuance of this record is to find a replacement for graduated qua rterback Teddy Morris who left with an arm load of schoo l and OVC passing and total offense records Fullba ck Larr y Mathew s is a cru s hing runner and end Herb Owenby is typical of Middle's traditional strong, pass-grabbing ends. Bruising tackles Frank Vic tory and Bobby Lan gfor d, end George Claxton and linebacker Larry Dotson anchor what should be another stout defense for the Blue Raiders. If Middle can find the leadership it needs from a s ign al caller, "Bubber" Murphy s hould have no trouble in improving his 141-47-8 record.

THE SERIES (Eastern Sc ores Fir st)

East T ennessee
24 at Tennessee Tech ( Home games in cap s) Publicist- B ob Brook s Offic,e Phone - 896-0680 ,
373 Athletic Director-Charles
( Middle Tennes see,
Murphy Ass istant Coaches-Jo
( Tenness ee,
( M id:dl e T e nnessee,
( North Carolina ,
7 )
M. Murphy
Head Coach-Charle s M.
e Black Hayes
' 39); Terry Sweeney
' 57)
Don Lear
44 Flor e nce State 2 1 Western Kentucky 23 UT M a rtin 14 Eastern Kentucky 30 Chatt anooga 30 Mor ehead Sta te . .. ....... 14 0 ............ 14 10 7 28 24 Austin Peay ......... .... .......... .. .......... 20 28 Murray State 24 19 43 East Tennessee zg Tennessee Tech · 21 286 W o n 10 , Lo st 0 OVC: Won 7 , Lost 0 157
1953 ·• 15 6 1957 14 35 1954 26 0 1958 0 14 1955 14 21 1959 6 14 1956 19 26 1960 12 14 Mid:dle Tennessee leads series , 10-3-0 35 15 22 ........................ 28 8 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 28 33 . 13 20 10 14


Oct. 15- Hanger Stadium- 2 p.m. (EST)

(Band Day)

Location-Johnson City, Tennessee

Enrollment-9, 100 President-Dr. Burgin E. Dossett

Nickname- Buccaneers

Colors-Blue and Gold

Stadium-University Field (6,200)

Conference-Ohio Valley

1965 Finish-Eighth (1-6)

Offense -'Pro-set

1966 Schedule

Publicist- Bill Captain Office Phone- 926-1112 , ext. 343 Athletic Director- John R. Bell

- John R. Bell

1965 Results

1966 OUTLOOK: New head coach John R. Bell will present a strong running game and stout defense as he tries to improve upon the 2 - 6-1 record set by the injury plagued Bucs a year ago. He has 28 lettermen back, of 41 who received monograms in '65, but gone are two veteran quarterbacks, Walter Wolfe and Larry Watson, and East Tennessee's all-time receiver Wayne Waff. Filling the quarterback gap will be soph Bobby Meade or junior Fred Walton. The Bucs are counting on their ground game over passing for offensive might and they have whole flocks of capable runners .

Slotback Johnny Russaw, a 1981-pound junior speedster, is a fine receiver and makes East dangerous as a passing team also. Gary Phillips, second team All - OVC at center last year, will anchor the offensive line.


F i ft h
(Georgia Tech, '48)
Assistant Coaches-BiHy
(Georgia Tech. '61); Paul O'Brien (West Carolina, '49)
Head Coach
Sept. 17 at Murray State 27 Murray State 24 Sept. 24 WESTERN KENTUCKY 14 Oct. 1 at The Citadel 7 Oct. 8 at Tennessee Tech 14 Oct. 15 at Eastern Kentucky 0 Oct. 22 WOFFORD 20 Oct. 29 MOREHEAD STATE 21 Nov. 5 at Austin Peay 7 Nov. 12 MIDDLE TENNESSEE 13 129 (Home games in caps) Western Kentucky 15 <chattanooga 7 Tennessee Tech 34 Eastern Kentucky 23 Wofford 6 Morehead State .. .. ...... .... .. ...... 35 Austin Peay 21 Middle Tennessee 43 208 Won 2, Lost 6, Tied< OVC: Won 1, Lost 6
1928 33 0 1933 0 0 1938 19 0 1956 12 13
1957 13 27 1958 13 6 1959 7 13 1960 0 0 Eastern leads series, 7 - 4 - 2 36 1961 22 13 1962 20 14 1963 12 35 1964 35 13 1965 23 0
(Eastern Scores First)

Sixt h Game


Oct. 22 - Hanger Stadium - 2 p.m . (EST)

Location - Findlay, Ohio


Pr es1ident- Dr. Ivan Frick

Nicknam e-Oilers

Colors-Orange and Bl a ck

Stadium - Donnell (6 , 0•00)


Offense- Variable-T

(Cheerleaders Day)

Publicist- John C. Schott

Office Phone- 422 - 8313

Athletic Director-Donald S Renninger Head Coach- Bryon E Morgan

(Geneva CoUege)

Assistant Coaches- Homer Shadle (West Liberty); Jim Houndeshell (Findlay)

1966 OUTL OO K : Coach By Morgan

enjoyed his second straight season of great success last year with a 7-2 record, including a 34-3 blasting of Eastern. The Maroons had put the only blemish on a 9- 1 record for the Oilers a year before. Statistically the Oilers had a b i g year too. They finished as the nation's third best rushing team, and halfback Allen Smith, gone from the Findlay scene this year, won both the national individual scoring and rush i ng titles Fullback Bob Culver will return spark to the Oiler offense, along with quarterback Jim Culler, who also doubles as a defensive halfback. Halfback Galloway Morgan will also add spark to the Oiler backf i eld. Linebacker Harley Moore and safety By Morgan, Jr., lead the Oiler defense.


(Eastern Scores First)

1966 Sched ul e Sept. 1 7 EASTERN MICHIGAN Sept. 23 HILLSDALE Oct. 1 at Central State Oc t. 8 FERRIS STATE Oct. 15 OHIO NORTHERN Oct. 22 at Eastern Kentucky Oct. 29 NORTHERN MICHIGAN Nov. 5 at Waynesburg Nov. 19 at Susquehanna (Home games in caps)
1965 Resu lt s 7 Muskingum 35 Waynesburg 20 Central State 27 Ferris State 31 Ohio Northern 34 Eastern Kentucky 19 Northern Michigan 3 7 7 0 3 3 21 20 Hillsdale 28 56 St. Joseph's 13 249 85 Won 7, Lost 2
19 '.' 3
7 28 Findlay 1,eads series, 2 - 1 - 0 37 1964 1965 17 14 3 34

Seventh Game


Oct. 29-Bowling Green, Kentucky-2 p.m. (CST)

Location-Bowling Green, Kentucky


President-Dr. KeHy Thompson

Colors-Scarlet and White

Stadium-Western Stadium (8, 000 )

Conference-Ohio Valley

1965 Finish- Seventh ( 1-5-1)


1966 Schedule

1965 Results

1966 OUTLOOK: The fact that Western has 27 of 36 lettermen back from its 1965 squad should label the Hilltoppers as a veteran team. But, 'Topper spokesmen are quick to point out that Western was a freshman dominated team last year and figures to be a young squad again in '66. Fullback Dickie Moore , who led the league with 1,055 yards rushing last year will be a sophomore, as will quarterback Mike Egan. A lot of monograms are in the line, but only two of their bearers are seniors. Half a dozen transfers , in both the backfield and line, figure to boost Hilltopper depth, but do not add appreciably to depth. Coach Nick Denes says he feels his team is a year away from serious contention, but says if his charges stay healthy and survive the first half of the campaign, they will be reckoned with this year.


Sept. 17 ST. JOSEPH Sept. 24 at East Tennessee Oct. 1 MIDDLE TENNESSEE Oct. 8 AUSTIN PEAY Oct. 15 at Tennessee Tech Oct. 22 at Drake Oct. 29 EASTERN KENTUCKY Nov. 5 at Morehead State Nov. 12 BUTLER UNIVERSITY Nov. 19 at Murray State (Home games in caps) PubHcist-Ed Given Office Phone-842-0341, ext. 240 Athletic Direc to r - Ted Hornback (Western Kentucky, ' 29) Head Coach-Nick D e nes ( Illino 's , ' 29 ) Assistant Coaches- Turner Elrod ( Western, ' 31); Jimmie Feix (Western , '53)
6 Akron 6 15 East Tennessee . 14 O Middl'e Tennessee 21 6 Austin Peay 38 6 Tennessee Tech 46 28 Drake 21 12 Ea s tern Kentucky 28 12 r Morehead State 21 20 Butler University 27 14 Murray State 14 119 Won 2, Lost 6 , Tied 2 OVC: Won 1, Lost 5 , Tied 236
(Eastern Scores First) 1914 36 6 1936 0 7 1953 13 7 1914 0 18 1937 0 23 1954 21 0 1915 0 20 1938 7 32 1955 7 0 1921 0 21 1941 0 27 1956 6 14 1922 6 7 1942 18 0 1957 28 0 1927 0 12 1946 6 0 1958 14 21 1929 0 36 1947 27 7 1959 7 14 1930 0 50 1948 13 14 1960 17 7 1931 7 42 1949 2QI 7 1961 15 16 1932 0 1 1950 13 14 1962 6 5 1934 9 47 1951 31 7 196~ 0 24 1935 6 40 1952 6 48 1964 0 24 1965 28 12 Western reads series, 24-13 -0 38

Eighth Grune


Nov. 5-at Hanger Stadium-2 p.m. (EST)


Location-Cookeville, Tenne ss e e

Enrollment- 5, 600

Pr es ident-Dr. Ever e tt De rryberry

Nkkname-Golden Eagles

Colors-Purple ancl Gold

St a d i um- Ov erall Field (8,000)

Conference-Ohio Valley

1965 Fin is h-Fourth ( tie 3-4 - 0 )

Offen se-- Sp!-it-T

1966 Sched ul e

S e p t . 17 a t Ark ansas St a te


O c t 1 at M ore he a d State

O ct. 8 EAST TENNESSEE Oct 15 WESTERN KENTUCKY Oct. 22 at Mur ray Sta t e

1966 OUTLOOK: Tech, long accustomed to a position of title contention, has s uffered two disastrous years (1-9 and 3-7) in a row, but ' 66 could be the year for the Eagle s to pull out of the doldrums. Coach Wilburn Tuck er's squad had a fla s h of brilliance winning three in a row at mid-sea s on last year , before faltering in the s tretch Youth in the backfield with junior quarterback Tommy Van Tone , an option play master, and hard-running sophomores Joe Ralei gh and Terry Parks make t he Golden Eagles serious groun d threats. Van Tone did an adequate job as a passer last year, hitting 45 per cent of his attempts, but he threw eight interceptions.


O : t.
E aste rn Kentucky No v. 12 at Au st in P ea y N o v 23 MIDDLE TENNESSEE ( Hom e games in cap s) Publicist-Doug
Offic e Phone--526-2184 Athletic Director-Hoop er Eblen (Tennessee, ' 36) H sa d Co ac h - Wilbur
( Tennessee Tech , ' 43) Assistant Coaches-Ray Drost ( T e nne ssee , '50); Raymond Brown ( Tenn essee Tech , ' 42) ; Chuck Newm a n ( Vanderbilt, ' 52) 1965 Result s 7 Arkan sas S-tate 12 0 Chattanooga 21 14 Morehe a d State 15 34 E as t Tennessee 14 46 We s t e rn Kentucky . ......... .......... .. . . 6 28 Mu rray State ... .... .. .................... .. .. 14 6 L o uisi a na Tech ..... ... .... .... .. .. 20 14 E aste rn Kentucky ........ ... ..... .. ..... .. 28 12 Aust in Peay 23 21 Midd,Je Tennessee 28 177 181 Won 3, Los t 7 OVC : Won 3 , Lost 4
( E astern Scores
1937 7 0 1951 14 14 1958 19 20 1942 13 0 1952 14 28 1959 10 14 1945 14 12 1952 0 7 1960 0 20 1945 . 32 0 1954 14 7 1961 9 14 1946 13 0 1955 7 13 1962 2 1 0 1946 7 20 1956 25 13 1963 ···· 19 21 1950 47 7 1957 14 34 1964 7 27 1965 . 28 14 S eries tied, 11 - 11 - 0 39
Fir st)


N o'V . 12-a t H an ge r Stadium-2 p.m. (E S T)

Loc2.tion- Mor e head , Kentuck y

Enro l lment-5 ,000

Pr es ident- Dr. Adron Doran

Nickname- E ag l es

Colors-Blu e and ' Gold

Stad•ium- Bre a thitt Sports Cen te r (W,000)

Conference- Ohio V a lley

1965 F i nish-Fourth ( t i e, 3 - 4-0 )

1 966 S c hedul e


Sept. 23 at Youngstown


Oct. 8 at Murr ay State


Oct. 22 at Middle Tennes see

Oct. 29 a t Ea st Tennessee


Nov. 12 at Eastern Kentu c ky

( Hom e ga m es in cap s)

Off e n se- Wing - T

Publici st-Bill Tu r l ey Office Phon e- 784-4181

H ea d C oac h - Guy Penn ey ( Mi ss i ssi ppi, ' 50 )

A ss i sta nt Co a ches- Edd C an trell ( T ennessee); Jerr y D enstorff (Evansv

1966 OUTLOOK: E xperience and depth at all po s ition s except quarterback shou ld help make the E agles bona - fide contenders th i s fa ll. All of the i r con f erence losses, except the one to Ea s tern, l ast year year were close. Morehead has good receivers in Rico K ing and T ommy Gray, and a capable ball carrier i n Otto G s ell. Paul Connor, Gary Mc Ki nney , Gary V i rden , and Ron Breitfie l der are defens i ve main s tays Morehea d return s 25 of 33 lettermen a n d boasts a good freshman crop . Penney says they mu st s ta y near injury free to be ser i ou s contenders.


Ninth G ame
ille) 1965 R es ult s 12 Mar s ha l l 22 *12 Young s town 9 15 T en n essee Tech 14 12 Murray State 13 2 1 Austin Peay 26 28 M i ddl e Tennes see 30 35 E as t Tenn essee 2 1 21 W ester n Kentuck y 12 20 Ea ste rn Kentucky 38 176 Won 3 , Lost 6 OVC: Won 3, Lo st 4 *L ate r forfeited 185
1924 14 0 1938 0 0 1953 ........ 25 7 1925 67 0 1939 6 7 1954 12 8 192 7 12 0 1940 27 13 1955 35 13 1929 0 13 1941 32 13 1956 19 0 1930 13 0 1942 0 20 1957 . 40 3 1931 0 0 1946 6 12 1958 24 6 1932 19 O· 1947 34 7 1 959 12 7 1933 6 0 1958 7 0 1960 9 21 1934 7 0 1949 26 27 1961 1 3 0 1935 53 0 1950 14 7 1962 12 20 1936 ····-······· 7 19 1951 6 0 1963 0 6 193 7 0 26 1952 20 20 1964 10 7 1965 38 20 Easte r n leads series, 24 - 10 - 3 4 0
( E astern S core s Fir s t )


Nov . 19-at Tampa , Florida-2 :3 0 p .m. (E ST)

Location-Tampa , Florida

Enro l lment- 2,135

P res ident- Dr. David M. Del o

Nickname- Sp a rta ns

Color s- R e d, Bl ac k , Gold, Whit e

Stad•ium-Phillips Field (16 ,000)

Conference-Independent ( N A l A )

1965 Rec o rd-6 -2 - 1

O ffense- Win g - T

19 66 Sc hedule

S ept. 17 at Tul sa


Oct . 1 AKRON

Oc t -8 at North T ex as State

O ct. 15 FURMAN

Oct 29 at Houston



Nov. 19 EASTERN KENTUCKY ( Home games i n caps)

Pub licist- Mike Moor e

Offic e Ph o ne-25 7 -6401

A t hJ,etic Director-Sam Bailey ( Georgi a, ' 46)

H ead Coach - Sam Bai! ,ey

A ssista nt Coaches-Vic Prinzi ( Florida Stat e, '59); Charle s B a il ey ( Tampa , ' 26); Bill M a rsh ( How a rd, '57 )

1965 Re s ult s

1966 OUTLOOK: Th e Spartan s return eight off ensive starters and nine defensive reg u lar s from last year's fine sq u ad, and should be read y for another good se a so n in '66. Most notable among the mi ss ing is John Perry, Spartan leader in pass receiving , punt return s , kickoff ret u r n s, and sc oring in ' 65. T op returnees are q u arterback E d Nizwantowski , a nd offensive en d s G arry Rapp and Dan Cogan who c oll aborated for a total of 40 receptions for 661 yards and 6 touchdow n s la st season. Coach Sa m Bai l ey says that none of the po s itions on the team are nailed down. He is confi d ent he can fill the g aps left by graduation.


Te nth Gam e
16 McN eese State 12 13 Buffalo 13 7 Mi ss i ss ippi State 48 17 North Texas 14 7 SW Louis ian a 6 32 Del ta State 33 30 J ac ksonvi ll e St. 11 2 M a ine 0 19 Northern Michigan . .. ..... ....... 7 14 3 144
(Eastern Sc o res Fir s t) 1962 2 2 6 1963 3 7 S er i es tied, 1 -1 41


w L T Pct. Years Middle Tennes see ·---··············· 63 15 2 .800 1952-65 Tennessee Tech 55 39 3 577 1949-65 Austin Peay ... ..... ... - ·--· ---·-- 11 9 1 .5 50 1963-65 Eastern Kentucky ----···· 52 48 5 .514 1948-65 Western Kentucky ············ 46 51 6 .476 1948-65 Ea st Tennes see ... .. ... ....... -·-·•····· 23 26 2 .471 1958-65 Morehead State --·--· - -· ··· 44 55 5 .442 1948-65 Morehead State ·· 22 81 1 .212 1948-65 *Loui sv ille · 4 1 0 .800 1948-49 *Marshall .... . ··•·-•-- · 10 6 0 .6 25 1949-51 *Evansville ------·. 10 9 2 .526 1948-51 *No Longer in OVC
(1948-1965, Inclusive) ovc Games All Games Years w L T Pts. Opp. w L T Pts. Opp. 1948 3 21 0 46 21 8 3 0 184 99 1949 2. 2 1 80 85 4 4 1 148 130 1950 4 2 0 134 67 6 4 0 243 103 1951 4 2 0 71 43 7 3 4 201 94 1952 2 3 1 101 125 3 4 1 128 L65 1953 4 1 0 72 41 8 2 0 221 128 *1954 5 0 0 98 21 8 1 1 181 54 1955 3 2 0 84 53 5 4 1 139 130 11956 2 3 0 76 67 4 5 0 119 107 1957 3 3 0 122 91 4 5 0 162 L65 1958 3 3 0 84 73 3 6 0 102 126 1959 2 4 0 49 62 3 6 0 79 103 1960 1 4 1 57 83 3 6 1 98 143 1961 3 3 0 87 78 4 5 0 114 138 ** 1962 4 2 0 99 64 6 3 0 149 106 1963 1 6 0 79 144 2 8 0 123 193 1964 2 4 1 71 123 3 5 1 94 158 1965 4 2 1 179 105 4 4 1 194 167 *OVC Champions **OVC Co-Champions OVC Totals--Won 52, Lost 48, Tied 5 in Conference Play 42





Rushing Passing Total Offense G Yds. Avg. Yds. Avg. Yds. Avg. Middle Tennessee 10 1432 143.2 2213 221.3 3645 364.5 Austin Pea y 9 2142 238.0 1032 114.7 3174 352.7 Eastern Kentucky 9 1435 159.4 1389 154 .4 2824 313.8 T enn essee Tech 10 1989 198.9 1061 106.1 3050 305.0 Mo r.e head State 9 978 108.7 1690 187.7 2668 296.4 Murray State 10 1461 146.1 1401 140.1 2969 296.2 Western Kentucky 10 1658 165.8 996 99.6 2654 265.4 East Tennessee 9 978 108.7 1239 137.6 2217 246.3
Rushing Passing Total Defense G Yds. Avg. Yds. Avg. Yds. Avg. Austin Peay 9 868 96.4 991 102.5 2249 249.9 Middle Tennessee 10 821 82.1 1689 168.9 2510 251.0 Morehead State 9 1554 172.6 924 102.5 2478 275.3 Eastern Kentucky 9 1512 168.0 991 110.1 2503 278.l Tennessee Tech 10 1677 167.7 1115 111.5 2792 179.2 We ster n Kentucky 10 1712 171.2 1290 129.0 3002 , 300 .2 Murray State 10 1833 183.3 1214 121.4 3047 304.7 E as t Tennessee 9 1909 212.1 1255 139.4 3164 351.5
First Pass Fumbles Yards Downs Interceptions Lost Penalized Own Opp. Made Lost Own Opp. Own Opp. Austin Peay 167 132 17 8 14 10 569 432 E,ast Tennessee 130 178 17 17 11 17 385 433 Eastern Kentucky 147 136 18 11 17 14 410 449 Middle Tennessee 194 155 17 16 13 9 725 555 Morehead State 124 130 10 20 11 23 629 416 Murray State 156 160 20 13 12 11 599 638 Tennessee Tech 189 157 11 13 15 12 430 625 Western Kentu cky 156 162 17 20 12 13 626 503
Conference All Games w L T w L T Pts. Opp. Middle Tennessee 7 0 0 1() 0 0 286 15 7 Austin Peay 6 1 0 8 1 0 280 118 Eastern Kentucky 4 2 4 4 194 167 Morehead State 3 4 0 3 6 0 176 185 Tennessee Tech 3 4 0 3 7 0 177 181 Murray State 1 4 2 2 6 2 158 188 Western Kentucky 1 5 1 2 6 2 119 236 East Tennessee 1 6 0 2 6 129 2,08 43


(M ileage between eight member s chools )

'O "' >, C: <l) <l) ,.. t; § ;a C: .c "" -~ >, t; <l) ,.. "'"' 'O ... ,.. 0 ::, ::i., "' "'"' i~ :;;: :;;: <t 0., w WH AUSTIN PEAY Cla rksville, Tenn. 243 340 78 315 68 EASTERN Richmond, Ky. 243 228 257 72 300 EAST TENN. Johnson City, Tenn. MIDDLE TENN .' 340 228 271 300 408 Murfree s boro, Tenn. 78 257 271 329 152 MOREHEAD Morehead , Ky. 315 72 300 329 379 MURRA Y Nlurray , Ky 68 300 408 ( 152 379 TENN.TECH CookeviHe , Tenn. 128 170 212 87 242 200 WESTERN Bowling Green , Ky . . 63 180 331 94 259 120 TOTALS 1,235 1 ,450 2.090 1,268 1,896 1,627 Additional Information About Ohio Valley Conference Football May be Obtained by Writing: OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE Office of the Commissioner 1808 West End Building Nashville, Tennessee 37203 44 .c " <l) E-< 128 170 212 87 242 200 119 1,158 ,.. <l) 63 180 331 94 259 120 119 1 ,166



4, Lost 4, Tied 1)


FIRST DOWNS By Rushing By Passing By Penalty Total . ..... . RUSHING-Times Carried Yards Gained Yards Lost .. . Net Yards Gained Average Per Carry Average Per Game PASSES-Attempted Completed ..... . Had Intercepted Completion Percentage Net Yards Average Per Game Scoring Passes TOTAL OFFENSE-Total Plays Net Yards Average Per Game PUNTS-Number . Yards Punted Average Per Punt FUMBLES-Lost PENALTIES-Yards Lost 46 -r ·· Eastern 76 61 10 147 393 1,941 406 1,435 3 .7 159.6 196 114 11 .582 1,389 156.3 9 589 2,824 313.8 48 .............. 2,024 42.2 17 410 Opp. 77 51 8 136 406 1,741 229 1,512 3.7 168.0 1,87 78 18 .417 991 110.1 9 593 2,503 273.4 47 1,716 36 .5 14 449




TDS EPS FGS Points Lar ry Ma r mie , QB.. ...... .. ...... . 9 1-2' 0-0 56 Herman Carter, TB .... .... .. ..... . 6 0-0 0-0 36 Walter Murphy , G 0 22-24 4-5 34 Jim Ratliff , E 3 0-0 0-0 18 Aaron Mar s h , TB .. 3 0-0 0-0 18 D ave Neff , E .... .. z 0-0 0-0 12 Bob We ste r , FB . 2 0-0 0-0 12 Mike Ri ggs, E ..... .. . ... ...................... .. . 0 0-0 0-1 0 Team (Safety against Morehead) 2 TOTALS · 26 23-26 4-6 194
Times Gain Loss Net Per Att. H erman Carter , TB .... 114 693 67 626 5.5 Bob We ste r , FB . .. 62 254 2 252: 4.1 Larry Mamie , QB 88 325 93 232 3.6 Aaron Marsh, TB 48 206 35 171 3 6 Bob B eck, EB 48 166 0 166 3.5 Fred Malins , WB . 14 80 5 75 5.4 Mik e Smith , WB 1 0 6 -6 -6.0 Jim Gui ce, QB - 27 36 104 - 68 - 2.5 TOTALS .... 392: 1841 406 1435 3.7
No. Att. Comp. Pct. Int. Yards TDs Pats. Larry Marmie , QB . 103 64 .621 3, 724 3 0 Jim Guic e , QB . 91 49 .538 7 634 6 0 Fr ed Malins , WB 3 2 .667 1 31 0 0 TOTALS 196 114 .582 11 1389 9 0 PASS RECEIVING No. Caught Yards TDS F red Malin s, WB ... 37 474 1 Jim Ratliff , E 30 473 3 D ave Neff, E .... ...... . · 19 242 2 A ar.o n M ars h , TB .. --------··----···· 10 109 3 H e rm a n Carter , TB 7 13 0 T ed H olcomb, WB 5 28 0 Bob Brewer , T 1 10 0 L arry Marmie, QB 1 17 0 Bob Beck, FB . 1 7 0 TOTALS - - - 114 1,389 9 47


N umb er Buddy Pfaadt , s .. 7 Chu ck Sieman , E ... 4 Harr y Lenz, s ······· ·· 2, Lynn Ray, S .......... 2 Tom Fr ee man , CB 2 Mik e Smith , CB 1 TOTALS ...... •···· 18 Fred Malin s, WB M i ke Smith , WB Harry Lenz , s .. PUNTING N umb er 48 PUNT RETURNS Number ----····· ·- -···· 8 ·······-· · 2 Herm an Carter , TB ········· ········· 1 Aaron Marsh , TB 1 TOTALS --• -·•·····•··• 12 KICKOFF RETURNS Yard s 56 38 24 16 22 1 157 Yard s 2024 Yard s 117 9 9 9 1,37 Number Yards Avg. Herman Carter , TB 17 400 23.6 Aaron Marsh , TB . 6 99 16.5 Fred Malins , WB 4 76 19. 0 Bob Beck, FB ... ..... 1 10 10 0 Buddy Pfaadt , S 1 7 7.0 TOTALS ··--- · 27 571 21.1 48 Avg . 8.0 9.5 12 0 8.0 11-.0 1.0 8.7 Avg. 42.2 Avg. 14.6 4.5 9.0 2,.0 11.4 TDS 1 0 0 0 0 1



Most points scored-56 (Larry Marmie, 1965 )

Most touchdowns scored-9 (Larry Marmie , 1965)

Most extra points (Kick)-2.2 (Walter Murphy, 1965)

Most points scored by kick-34 (Walter Murphy , 1965)

Most runs from sc rimmage-114 (Herman Carter , 1965)

Most yards ru s hing-699 (Don Daly, 1954)

Most passes attempts-120 (Tony Lanham, 1961)

Most passes completed-64 (Larry Marmie, 1965)

Best passing percentage-62.1 (Larry Marmie , 1965)

Most yards pa ss ing-730 (Tony Lanham , 1961)

Most yards total offense- 956 (Larry Marmie , 1965)

Most touchdown passes thrown-U (Roy Kidd, 19.53)

Most touchdown passe s received-5 (Jim Rice, 1952)

Best rushing average (min. 50 times)-6.7 yards (Chuck Bell , 1953)

Most yardage on pass receiving-525 (Jim Rice, 1952)

Most passes received-37 (Fred Malins , 1965,)

Most times punted-48 (Fred Malins, 1965)

Best punting average-42.2 (Fred Malins , 1965)

Best punt return average-30.6 yards (Jimmy Chittum , 1961)

Most passes intercepted - 7 (Buddy Pfaadt , 1965)


Undefeated seasons-1940 (8-0-0); 1954 (8-0-1) *

Most wins-8 in four different s easons, 1940 (8-0-0); 1948 (8-3-0); 1,953 (8-2-0); 1954 (8-0-1)

Most defeats-8 in 1923 (1-8-0)

Most ties-3 in 19,33 0-2-3)

Most points scored-273 (1940)

Most points by opposition-264 (1930)

Least points scored--15 (1930)

Lea st points by opposition-7 (1932' )

Most consecutive games without a loss-15 (1953-54-55), 2 ties

Most c.onsecutive games won-13 ( 1,930-40-41)

Most touchdowns scored-41 (1940)

Most extra points made-27 (1940)

*Tangerine Bowl Game not included.

(Remainder of this section includes 1952 through 1965, inclusive )

l\Iost passes completed-114 (1965)

lv.i c+ pa ss es attempted-196 (1965 )

Be st pas s ing percentage-58 .2, (1965)

Lea st yar d s ru shi ng by opponents-951 (1953)

Lea st yards pa ss ing by opponents-487 (1957)

Best punting average-42.2 (1,965)

Mo st yards penalized-580 (1954)

Most ya rds ru shi ng-2 ,224 (1954)

Most yards pa ssi ng-1.389 (1965)

Be st total offen s e-2 ,891 (1953)

Most pa ss e s intercepted by-18 (1965)



Mo s t points s cored~ 67 vs Morehead . in 1925

Most points s cored by opponent-99 , vs Wittenberg in 1931

Largest victory margin- 67-0 vs Morehead in 1929

Largest defeat margin-99-0 vs Wittenberg in 1931

Most net yard s ru s hing-479 vs E va n sv ille in 1953

Most pass attempts-39 vs Middle Tennessee in 1965

Most pass completions - 24 vs Middle Tennessee in 1965

Most passing yardage-356, vs Middle Tennessee in 1965

Most total offense-589 vs Evansville in 1953

Most first downs-27 vs Evansville in 1953·

Most touchdowns scored-9 vs Evan s ville in 1953

Most extra points - 8 vs Erskine in 1951.

Most yards penalized-121 vs John Carroll in 1954

Least net yards rushing by opp onent-21 vs Louisville in 1954

Most touchdown passes-4 vs Evan s ville in 1953

Fewest first downs given up-4 vs Western in 19,53 and 1,954 , and Tampa in 1'962 r


Most extra points-8 ("Moon " Mullins, 1951)

Longest run from scrimmage - 97 yard s (Don Daly vs Mo r ehead , 1951)

Most runs from scrimmage-23 (Gilly Layman v s We s t e rn, 1960) ; Herman Carter vs Tenne s see Tech, 1965)

Most yards rushing- 172 (Bill Bradford vs Evansville, 1952 )

Most passe s attempted-21 (Jim Guice vs Middle Tennes s ee , 1965)

Most passes completed - 14 (Larry Marmie vs Morehead , 1965)

Most yards passing-180 (Larry Marmie vs Middle Tenne s see , l,965)

Most touchdown passes thrown - 3 (Bobby Lenderman vs E v an sville, 1952,; Roy Kidd vs Louisville and Ev a nsville, 1'953 ; Jim Guice vs. Austin Peay , 1965)

Most passes received - 10 (Fred Malins vs Middle Tennes s ee, 1965)

Most receiving yardage-172 (Fred Malins vs Middle Tennes s ee , 1965)

Most passes intercepted-3 (Mike Smith vs Morehead , 1964 ; Budd y Pfaadt vs Marshall , 1965)

Most times punted - 9 (Dave Lobo vs Western , 1963)

Most yards punted-293 (Dave Lobo vs Western , 1963)

Longest field goal-4·3 yards (Joe Graybeal v s Tenne ss ee Tech , 1959)

Longe s t punt return-86 yards (Jimmy Chittum v s Murray, 1961)



(Since 1922)


Charles T . Hughe s

Charles T Hughe s

Charle s T . Hughe s


Rome Rankin

Rome Rank i n Waynesburg College

Rome Rankin Waynesburg College

Rome Rankin Waynesburg College

Rome Rankin Waynesbu r g College

Rome Rankin Waynesburg College

Rome Rankin Waynesburg College

All intercollegiate athletic s discontinued due to War II .



Year 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943-44 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 ,q~&
Alma Mater
r ge Hembre e Ea s te r n
Hem br ee Easte r n
Hembree Eastern
Hembree Easte r n
Hembree Eastern
Ken t ucky
George Hembree
Cha r
s T . Hughe s
Charles T Hughes
Charles T Hughes
Rankin Waynesburg College
Waynesburg College
Rankin Waynesburg
Rankin Waynesburg College Tom Samue ls Michigan Tom Samuels Michigan Tom Samuels Michigan Tom Samuel s Michigan T om Samuels Michigan Tom Sam u els Michigan Tom Samuel s Michigan Glenn Presnell Nebra s ka Glenn Presnell Nebraska Glenn Presnell Nebraska Glenn Presnell Nebraska Glenn Presnell Neb r aska Glenn Presnell Nebraska Glenn Presnell Nebraska Glenn Presnell Nebraska Glenn Presnell Nebra s ka Glenn Presnell Nebraska Roy Kidd Eastern Kentu c ky Roy Kidd Ea s tern Kentucky Roy Ktt{d 51 C{(.ft-e.ev fre,.,f-u. c~,r Record 2-3-2 3- 5 - 1 5- 1-0 3 - 3-1 4-5-0 6-3-0 1-8-0 1- 7-0 1-6-1 2- 1- 2 1-2-3 1-6 - 0 4-4-1 7-2-0 5 - 2- 1, 61-l-l 6-3-0 8-0 - Q. 6,-2:- 2 4-2-2 World 4-3-1 5-4-0 5-4-0 8-3-0 41- 4-1 6- 4- Q. 7-3 - 0 3-4 - 1 8-2-0 8- 1- 1 5 - 4-1 4- 5-0 4- 5- 0 3-6 - 0 3-6 - 0 3-6 - 1 4-5 - 0 6-3-0 2-8-0 3-5-1 4-4- 1 '7-3-o


(Cove ring the Maroons


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Cou ri er -J ournal ( daily , a . m.)

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Randall Field s

Shelton Saufley

Sport s Directo r

Sport s Editor

Billy Reed

Rus s ell Rice

Sport s Directo r

Sport s Directo r

E a rl Boardman

Sports Directo r

Bill So rr ell

Dave Adam s

Earl R u b y

Dean Eagle

Cawood Ledford

Char le Ma s tin

Ed Kallay

Sport s Director

A ss ociated Pres s , He r ald-Leader Building , Lexington. United Pre ss International , 635 , S. 5th , Loui s ville , Kent u ck y 402'02
COMMISSIONER: A r thu r L . Guepe , 1808 West End Bu ilding, Na s hville , Tenne s see 37203 .

Division of Publicity


Richmond , Kentucky 40475

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