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Women's Volleyball

Women's Volleyball

To T H E News M Ed Ia

The 198 1 Fall Sports Media Guide has been prepared espec ially for the members of the press, radio and televis io n who cover th e Co lone ls. We s incerely hope that it will provide many of the answers conce rning t he Co lone ls and Eastern Kentucky Uni ve rsity. If you des ire additional in fo rmatio n, s pecial features, pictures, etc., or ha ve ques tions not answered in thi s broc hure , feel free to contac t the Divis ion of Public In format io n located in th e Jones Building (T e le phone: 606-622- 2 30 I and 606-622-2302).

Information for Visiting Newsmen at Football Games

WORKING PRESS TI C K ETS - All requests fo r press t ickets by working newspaper, radio, o r tele v ision personnel s hou ld be made BY NAME, as far i n advance as possible. Press tick e ts cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. In th e event of a large press turnout , priority will go to our regular coverage and statewide medi a.

RADIO - All cor resp onde nc e concerning R ad io Broadcasting Right s should be addressed to the D iv isi on o f P ublic I nformat ion, Eastern K e ntucky University R eq uests should be made BY NA ME a s ea rl y as possible. Lines are t o be orde red by the req ue s ting sta tion direct from the South Cen tral Bell Telephone Company wi th instruc ti ons t o co ntact this office prior t o ins talling lines S potters can be made available if requested in advance. The "official station", as designated b y the Director of Athletics of th e vi s iting institution, will be assigned priority space Reque sts by other s tation s will be co n sid e red in rel a tion to availability of s pace and date of request.

TE L EV IS ION Live telcvison coverage is prohibited unless p e rmis s ion is granted by the Vi ce President fo r Public Affairs well in adva nce.

SCOUTS - A ll reques t s by scouts should be mad e BY NAM E a s far in advance as possible Scouts r epresenting a college or univers it y are lim it e d to two per s chool, while profe ss ional scouts ar e re stricted to one per team Professional scouts' requests arc to be made from the team's main office.

PHOTOG RAPHERS - Advance requests BY NA ME are req uired and , as a general polic y, there s h o uld be no more than one photographer per schoo l or medium. Ph o t o graphers may ta ke pictures from th e sidelines during the game provided th ey remain within specified areas - away from the immediate sidelines and the front of the bench and coaching areas (30 to 30 yd. line). Motion picture crews ma y use the facilities provided in the press box, upper deck.


In requesting working p r ess tick e ts , please advise BY NAME as to the number in your part y. It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more th a n two pers ons, radio requests, three persons.

PRESS TAGS - Press tags must be worn for iden tifi cat ion b y all newsmen , photographers and scouts sea ted in the press box or located o n th e field. Please note: all press passes a re issued BY N AME to authori7.ed working personnel and arc non-transferable.


Accommodations At Easte Rn

The working newspaper and radio pers onnel, as well as scouts and ot her officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by-pla y report and com plet e team and individual statistics at hal ft im e and approximately five minutes after th e game . R e freshm en t s are served before and during t he game.

Availability Of Coach Roy

KIDC - EKU head coach Roy Kidd is available for telephone interviews, Monda yThurs day from 8 a.m. - noon and 1-2:30 p.m. The only exception is T ues da ys and T hurs days when he tea c hes class from I 0:30 - 11 :30. Ki d d 's te leph one number is (606) 622-2437.

General Information

Location - Richmond , Mad ison County, Kentuc ky, a growing c it y of about 2 4,000.

Enrollment - 14 ,081

F ou nded - 1906

Pres id en t - Dr. J.C. Powe ll

Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. J ohn R o wlett

At hleti c Con fer ence - Ohio Valley, N.C.A.A. - M en: KWI C , AIAW - Women

Gymnasium - Alumni Coliseum ( capacity 6,500)

Stadiu m - Hanger Fie ld (capac ity 20,000)

N ic knam e - Colonels, M aroons

Symbo l - Colonel

Co lors Maroon and Whit e

Athletic Committee

Members: Dr. Ru ssell Bogue, Chairma n; Dr. Dixon Barr; Dr. Anne Brooks: Dr. Larue

Cocanoug her: Dr. Clyde L ewis; Dr. Nancy Peel; Dr. Doug Whitlock; M rs . Je anne tte

Crockett: Dr. Doris Sutton: Mr. C. E. Baldwin ; Mr. A.L. Whitt: Mr. Donald Combs and Dr. M artha M ullins, ex-officio.

Director of Athletics - Donald G. Combs

Assistant Directo r of Athletics - Dr. Martha Mulli ns

Head Football Coa ch - Roy Kidd(East ern Kentuck y, 1954)

Linc Coaches - Tom J ones (Western K entuc k y, 1973): J im Tanara (UTC h attanooga, 1965)

Backfield Coac hes - Ja ck Iso n (Eastern Ke ntucky, 1961 ); Joe Blankenship ( Eas t ern K entucky, 1965); Leon Hart (Maryville, 19 73).

H ead Coaches Other Spo rt s - Baseball: Jim Ward: Basketball: Max Good: Golf: fl ob Seaholm: Swimming: Dan Li chty: M e n's Track and Cross Country: Rick Erdmann; Men's Tennis: Tom Hi ggins; Men's Gymnastics: Dr. Gerald Calkin; Rifle : Sgt. Nelson

Beard; Wom e n's T ennis: Dr. Martha Mullins; Women's Volleyball: Dr. Geri P olv ino ; Women's Basketball: Dr. D ianne Murphy: Women's Gymnastics: Dr. Agnes C h rietz.berg; Wo men ' s Field Hockey: Lynne Har vel: Women's Track and Cross Country: Sandra Martin.

Assistant Coaches Other Sports - Bask etball: Bobby Washington; Swimming: Tim Cahill; Women's Basketball: Nell Hensley.

Trainer Dr. Bobby Ba rton.

Assistant Trainers - Donna R ecd and David Green.

Sports Info r mation Edi tor - Kar l Park. Athletic Business Manager - Da vid Parke.

Board of Regents

Chairman, Charles C. Combs, Ric h mon d ; Robert J. Begley, Jr., Richmond; Hallie Shouse, Lexington; Jerry Ikerd, Somerset; Dr. Rodney Gross, Grayson; J. W. Phelps, Louisville; Beverly Yeiser, Winchester: John Keith, Cynt hi ana; Dr. K e ith Algier, faculty representa ti ve; Tim Crawley , student representative.

NEW NCAA GUIDELINES For Effecti"e Sideline Control

T he N CA A Football Rules Com mitt ee has adopted guidelines for more efficient and safer sideline control during colle giate football contes t s.

RULE I, Sectio n 2, Article 3 states:

Li mi t li nes s hall be marked with 12-inch lines and at 24-inch intervals 12 feet outs id e the sidelines and the end lines, except in stadiums where total field surface does not permit. In these stadiums , the limit lines shall not be less than six feet from the sidelines and end l ines. Limit lines s ha ll be four inches in width. N O P E RSON OUTSIDETHETEAM AREA SHA LL fl E WITHIN THE LIMIT LIN ES

Photographers must observe the following tw o rules:

(I) Eac h photographer shall we ar a visible c redential iss ued by the s ports informatio n director.

(2) Photographers working o n the field may work on any part of th e sideli ne outside the bench area and behind the e nd zone, OUTSIDE THE RES TRA ININ G AREA LIMIT LINES. No one is permitted i n the bench a rea on th e play in g field , or in the restra ining area nex t to the sideline, A NY T IME after the competi tion begins, including durin g tim e outs unl ess he has been issued a bench pass. Ph otographer s only may work unrestricted on th e p layi ng fi e ld and in the bench a r ea immedia te ly after th e end of the game.

Should a n y questions a r ise or you incur any problems, pleas e seek assistance from any E KU Security Pe rsonne l or Mr. L arry Bailey, University Photographer. Failure to comply with the new NCAA rules could resu lt in your being asked to leave the field area.

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