2 minute read
Fifth G a me
Austin Peay St A Te University
Oct. 3 - at Richmond
2:00 P.M. EDT
Location - C larksville, T e nn.
Founded - 1927
President - Dr. Robert 0 Riggs
Enro ll ment - 5,500
Colo rs - R ed & White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Governors
A thl etic Director - Johnny Miller
Head Coach - Emory Hale
Coaching Record - 0-0
Ass istant Coaches - Paul Brewster, Gary
Shepard, Cha rle s Graning, Rick C hri st op h e l, David Bibee
SID - Sherwin Clift, Phone : (615) 648-756 1
Trainer - Jeff Daniel
Stad ium - C larksville Municipal (8 , 900)
Lettermen Lost - 20
Lettermen Returning - 36 PROSPECTUS
Coach Emory Hale, who begins his first year at the he lm of t he Austin Peay Governors , finds him se lf in the need for severa l key offens ive performers, since most of the top back s a nd receivers were lost through graduation.
Gone from the APSU team that won six of its last seven co nt ests a nd fin is h ed with a 7-4 overa ll and 5-2 league r ecord are the 1980 OYC Offensi ve Player of the Year in quarterback Sonny Defillippis and the league's top rece i ver in Steve Puthoff. Tailback Cosmo Coc h ra n a lso grad uated. While Austin Peay was leading the leag ue in offense (353.5 yards per game), the Gov defense was finishing second in league s tats to Murray State . H a le must also work to replace three outstanding stars on this unit - tackles Richard Wozniak and T im Hic key and end Brett Williams.
Junior second -team A ll-OV C offensive tackle Charles Tuc ker (6-5, 228) will head the returnees on APSU's offensive lin e.
Eastern leads the series, 19-3. 1981
Sixth Game
Oct. 10 - at Murfreesboro
7:30 P.M. CDT
Location - Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Founded - 1911
President - Dr. Sam Ingram
Enrollm e nt - I 1,250
Colors - Navy Blue & White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Blue Raiders
Athletic Director - Jimmy Earle
Head Coach - Boots Donnelly
Coaching Record - 17-24
Assistant Coaches - Ed Bunio, L.T. Helton, Chuck Wood, Joe Sanders, Lewis West, Steve Burkhalter
SID - Ed Arning, Phone: (615) 898-2450
Trainer - George Camp
Stadium - Johnny Red Floyd (15,000)
Lettermen Lost - 5
Lettermen Returning - 38 PROSPECTUS
Entering his third year at the head of the MTSU program, Raider boss Boots Donnelly says his 1981 squad will be improved and tougher. Out of 43 le tt e rmen on the 1980 unit, Donnelly has 38 returning to the fold. The biggest loss was senior kicker Gerald Robinson, who handled the Raiders' field goal and extra point duties all last season.
Offensively, 17 lettermen return, headed by versatile runningback Sammy Bryant and junior quarterback Brown Sanford. Bryant led MTS U in rushing with a 63.5 yard average per game and in pass receiving with a mark of 24.4 yards per contest. Sanford, who suffered arm problems last year, averaged 111.7 yards passing and 8.3 yards rushing per game last year.
Defensively, the Blue Raiders return 21 lettermen. That unit will sport an even-front look in 1981, having switched to this formation late last season.
Eastern leads the series, 15-13-0.
1981 Schedule
Sept. 5 at Akron
Sept. 12 at UT-Chattanooga
Sept. 19 UT-MARTIN
Sept. 26 at Morehead State
Oct. 3 at Weste rn Carolina
Oct. 24 at Aus tin Peay
Nov 7 Open
Nov. 14