ABO U T T H E COV E R: EKU head footba ll coach Roy Kidd poses with seve r al of the trophi es he and his EKU Colonels have gat h er ed during the past t h ree foo t ball campaigns In t h e front row a re E K U's t h ree national champ io n shi p game trop hi es, the m iddle of whi c h is the 1979 n at iona l championship trophy, flanked by the 1980 a n d 198 1 nat ional runner s up awards. Kid d is t o uc h in g the C hevrolet NCAA Div is ion I- AA National Coac h o f t h e Year t rop h ies of 19 80 and 8 1. To Kidd ' s left is the 1981 O hi o Valley Co nference t eam championship t rophy .

The 1982 Fall Sports Media Guide has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover the Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answers concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you desire additional information, special features, pictures, etc., or have questions not answered in this brochure, feel free to con tact the Division of Public Info r mation located in the Jones Building (Telephone: 606-622- 230 I and 606-622-2302).
Information for Visiting Newsmen at Football Games
WORKING PRESS TICKETS - All requests for press tickets by working n e wspap er, radio, or television personnel should be made BY NAME, as far in advance as poss ible . Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. In the event of a large press turnout, priority will go to our regular coverage and s t atewide media.
RADIO - All cor res p o ndence concerning Radio Broadcasting Rights s hould be addressed to the Division of Public Information, Eastern Kentucky University. Re q u ests should be made BY NAME as early as possible. Lines are to be ordered by the requesting stat ion direct from the South Central Bell Te lephone Company with instructions lo contact this office prior to installin g lines . Spotters can be made available if requested in advanc e The "official stat ion", as d es ignated by the Director of Athletics of the visiting institution , will be assigned priority space. Requests by other stations will be considered in relation to availability of s pace and date of request.

TELEVISION - Live television coverage is p ro hibit ed unless permiss ion is granted by the Vice President for Public Affairs well in advance.
SCOUTS - All requests by sco ut s should be made BY NAME as far in advanc e as possible. Sco ut s rep rese nting a college or univer s ity are limited to two per school, while professional scouts are restricted to one per tea m Professional scouts' requests are t o he made from the team's main office.
PHOTOGRAPHERS - Advance requests BY NAME are required and , as a general policy, there should be no more than one photographer per school or medium. Photographers may take pictures from the sidelines during the game provided they remain within specified areas - away from the immediate sidelines and the front of the bench and coaching areas (30 to 30 yd. line). Motion picture crews may use the facilities provided in the press box on the east side of the field.
SEATING - In requesting working press tickets, please advise BY NAME as to the number in your party. It is d es ired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two persons, radio requests , three persons.
PRESS TAGS - Press tags must be worn for identification by all newsmen, photographers and scouts seated in the press box or located on the field. Please note: all press pas ses are issued BY NAME lo authorized working personnel and are non-transferable.
ACCOMMODATIONS AT EASTERNTh e working ne wspaper and radio personnel, as well as scouts and other officials, will be furnished a copy of the play- by- play report and complete team and indivi dual statistics at halftime and approximately five minutes after the game. Refreshments are served before and during the game.
AVAILABILITY OF COACH ROY KIDD - EKU head coach Roy Kidd is available for telephone interviews, Monday. Thursday from 8 a.m. · noon and 1- 2:30 p.m. The only exception is T uesdays and Thursdays when he t eaches class from I 0:30 • 11 :30. Kidd's teleph o ne number is (606) 622-2437.
Location - Richmond, Madison Co unt y, Ke ntucky, a growing c ity of about 24,000.
Enrollment - 13 , 394
Founded - 1906 President - Dr. J. C. Powell
Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. John Rowlett
Athletic Conference - Ohio Valley, N.C.A.A. - Men and Wo men
Gy mna sium - AJumni Coliseum (capacity 6 , 500)
S tadium - Hanger F ield (ca pacit y 20,000)
Nickname - Colon e ls, Maroons
Symbol - Colonel
Colo rs Maroon and White
Athletic Committee
Members: Dr. Russell Bogue, Chairman; Dr. Dixon Barr; Dr. Anne Brooks; Dr. Larue Cocanougher; Dr. Clyde Lewis; Dr. Nancy Peel; Dr. Doug Whitlock; Mrs. Jeannette Crockett; Dr. Doris Sutton; Mr. C. E. Baldwin; Mr. A. L. Whitt; Mr. Donald Combs and Dr. Martha Mullins, ex-officio.
Director of Athletics - Donald G. Combs
Assistant Director of Athletics - Dr. Martha Mullins
Head Football Coach- Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentucky , 1954)
Line Coaches - Torn Jones (Western Kentucky , 1973) ; Jim Tanara (UTChattanooga, 1965)
Backfield Coaches - Jack Ison (Eastern Kentucky, 1961); Joe Blankenship (Eastern Kentucky, I 965); Leon Hart (Maryville. 1973).
Head Coaches Other Sports - Baseball: Jim Ward; Basketball: Max Good; Golf: Bob Seaholm; Swimming: Dan Lichty; Men's Track: Rick Erdmann; Men's Tennis: Torn Higgins; Rifle: to be named later; Women's

Tennis: Dr. Martha Mullins; Women 's Volleyball: Dr. Geri Polvino; Women's Basketball: Dr. Dianne Murphy; Women's Field Hockey: Lynne Harvel; Women's Track and Cross Country: Sandra Martin.
Assistant Coaches Other Sports - Basketball: Bobby Washington; Swimming: Tim Cahill; Women's Basketball : Nell Hensley.
Trainer - Dr. Bobby Barton.
Assistant Trainers - Donna Reed and David Green.
Sports Information Editor - Karl Park. Athletic Business Manager - David Parke.
Board of Regents
Chairman, Charles C. Combs, Richmond; Robe rt J. Begley , Jr., Richmond; Hallie Shouse, Lexington; Jerry Ikerd, Somerset; Dr. Rodney Gross, Gray son ; J. W. Phelps, Louisville; Dr. Grady Stumbo, Frankfort; John Keith, Cynthiana; Dr. Keith Algier, faculty representative; Barry Metcalf, student representative.
The NCAA Football Rules Committee has adopted guidelines for m o re efficient and safer sideline control during collegiate football contests.
RULE I, Section 2, Article 3 states:
Limit lines shall be marked with 12-inch lines and at 24-inch intervals 12 feet outside the sidelines and the end lines, except in s tadiums where total field surface does not permit. In th ese stadiums, the limit lines shall not be less than s ix feet from the sidelines and end lin es. Limit lines shall be four inches in width. NO PERSON OUTSIDE THE TEAM AREA SHALL BE WITHIN THE LIMIT LIN ES.
Photographers must observe the following two rules:
(I) Each photographer shall wear a visible credential issued by the sports information director. 3
(2) Photographers working on the field may work on any part of the sideline outside the bench area and behind the end zone, OUTSIDE THE RESTRAINING AREA LIMIT LINES. No one is permitted in the bench area on the playing field , or in the rest ra ining area next to the sideline, ANY TIME after the competition begins, including during timeouts unless he has been issued a bench pass. Photographers only may work unrestricted on the playing field and in the bench area immediately after the end of the game.
Should any ques tions a r ise or you incur any problems, please seek assi s tance from any EKU Security P e rsonnel or Mr. Larry Bailey, University Photo g raph er. Failure to comply with the new NCAA rules could res ult in your bei ng asked to leave the field area.
Growth - in quantity and quality - has been the theme a t Eastern Kentu c k y University. The quantity speaks for itself. With an enro llment of more th a n 13 ,000 st udents , the University's student body has more than tripl e d s ince I 960. As a result, new dormitories and large , well-equipped academic structures have been built.
Dr. J. C. Pow e ll will be completing his seventh year as president of th e University in October. Powell, the school's seventh president, succeeded Dr. Robert R. Martin who served EKU in that position for 16¼ years.

At a 1978 Boa rd o f Regents meeting, Eastern was reorganized into nine college s and a graduate school. Five colleges - Appli ed Arts and T ec hnology, Bu s iness, Education, Law Enforcement and Allied Health and Nursing - remained intact.
Four n ew colleges were created, including Natural and Mathematical Sciences, S ocial and Behavioral Sciences , Arts and Humanities and Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics.
The mas ter s degree is offered in seve ral fields as is the specialist degree. A joint doctoral program in education is sponsored in cooperation with the U niversity of Kentucky.
The physical plant has und e rgone building and renovation programs tot a ling more than$ 138 million since I 960. During this period every existing m ajor campus facility has been r e modeled or co mpletely r eco nstructed.
In 1941, foresighted men had visions of an Ohio Valley Conference. Sportswriters speculated about the impending division of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Virtually all agreed it was just a matter of time until the division took place and a new athletic conference was formed.
Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and America was plunged into World War II.
Seven years later, after the hostilities had ceased, a pre-war dream became a post-war reality. The "Big Five" of the K.I.A.C. withdrew to form the Ohio Valley Conference.
Making the move were Western Kentucky State College, Eastern Kentucky State College, Murray State College, Morehead State College and the University of Louisville. They were joined by Evansville College and, shortly thereafter, by Tennessee Tech and Marshall College.
Purpose of the 0. V.C., which was set forth in its constitution , is "to regulate, control and promote all th e recognized branches of intercollegiate athletics in institutions represented."
Through a gradual process, the Ohio Valley Conference was to become a league of Kentucky and Tennes see state colleges. Middle Tennessee State College joined the rolls in 1952, East Tennessee State University in 1957 and Austin Peay State College in the spring of 1962 They replaced Louisville, which became an independent in 1949, and Marshall and Evansville, which departed in 1952.
The University of Akron and Youngstown State University joined the OVC in I97980.
Eastern also competes against other OVC schools in a regular season schedule in women's basket ball and tournaments in tennis and volleyball. Championships are held also in cross country and outdoor track
Eastern ranks first in the Conference's alltime football standings with a 13 7-82- 7 wonlost record. The Colonels have won six regular season titles outright ('54, '67, '68, '74 , '76, and 1981) and shared one title in 1962
Eastern won the NCAA Divis ion I-AA national championship in 1979 and the NCAA Mideast Regional Championship in 1967. The Colonels finished as national runners up in the NCAA's I- AA Division in 1980 and 1981.
James Delany, a 34-year-old former NCAA investigator, is serving his fourth yea r as commissioner of the Ohio Valley Conference. He succeeded Bob Vanatta as the OVC's fourth commissioner.
The Succasunna, New Jersey, nativ e became the youngest commissioner to serve the conference. The other OVC commissioners prior to Vanatta were Arthur Guepe and Paul Dietzel.
Delany is a 1970 graduate of the University of North Carolina where he played basketball for coach Dean Smith'sTarheels from 1967-70 and served as co-captain on the 1969- 70 squad.
Following graduation, Delany entered the UNC Law School and served as an assistant coach under Smith. He received his law degree in 1973 before joining the NCAA staff.

For additional information, features or pictures co ntact:
TELEPHONE (606) 622-2301
The College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics sponsors seven intercollegiate sports for men, six intercollegiate sports for women and two coeducational intercollegiate sports. Extensive intramural, free play and club sports programs are sponsored providing varied participation opportunities for all.
These programs are an integral part of the total program and development of Eastern students. They offer experiences which contribute immeasurably to the health, vitality and preparation of young people as citizens and for their leadership contributions to the youth in the nation's schools and elsewhere.
The College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics offers a variety of degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The coaches of athletics are among the fifty-seven full-time faculty members representing more than a score of the finest colleges and universities in the nation, required to produce academic, intramural and varsity athletic programs.
The extensive indoor and outdoor facilities are used interchangeably for instruction and athletics as is the faculty. The College, which is organized under a single administrative unit, includes three academic departments under which there are seventeen undergraduate and graduate degree programs and intercollegiate athletics . This type organization contributes significantly to successful coordination of the program, faculty and facilities for maximum contribution to the overall mission of the University.
The College is headed by Dean Russell Bogue. Its three academic departments are: School and Public Health, chaired by Dr. Herman Bush; Recreation and Park Administration, chaired bv Dr. James McChesnev; Physical Education, chaired by Dr. Lee Gentry. The College's program of intercollegiate athletics is administered by Athletic Director, Mr. Donald G . Combs, and Assistant Athletic Director, Dr. Martha Mullins. Its newly created Department of H.P .E.R. & A. Services is administered by Dr. Fred Darling.

Through its departments, the College offers six baccalaureate degree programs and one two-year associate of arts option curricula for undergraduate students. At the graduate level, the College offers the Master of Science in Physical Education, Recreation and Park Administration, and Physical Education with the Sports Administration Option. Additional degree programs offered in cooperation with the College of Education include Specialist in Education, Master of Arts in Health Education, Allied Health, Physical Education, along with Rank II and Rank I teacher c ertification programs.
The College also serves EK U's general education program through required physical education and health classes for freshmen and sophomores. Enrolled in the College's academic programs are some I , 100 majors, including more than 400 graduate students. To serve this large enrollment , the
College boasts a full-time fac ulty of 57 , including 22 members with th e earned doctorat e. Thirt y graduate assistants perform t eaching and ot her se rvices.
A balanc ed athl e tic program , intramural, sports clubs and int e rcollegiate , is provided by th e College. Intramural and s port clubs progra m s ar e s p o nso red through the H.P.E. R . & A. se rvic es dep a rtm ent by i ntramura l dir ectors. Competition in numerous sports, including so ftball , flag football , soccer, racquetball, bowling, volleyball, t a ble t e nnis , track , baske tball and fi e ld hockey provide physica l outlets for EK U st udent s.
EKU , a m e mbe r of th e NCAA and Ohi o Vall ey Confere nce, fi e ld s athletic t ea m s in base ball , basketball , football, swimming, golf, tenni s, track (indoor and outdoor) and rifle. Basketball, field hockey, tennis, cross country , tr ac k and field and voll ey ball make up the intercollegiate prog ram for women.
Outstanding fa c ilities are r eq uired to support a n operation with the sco pe of Eastern's Co llege of H P .E. R & A The College's programs a r e housed in five major ca mpus s tructures - The Robert 8 Begley Building, where it is headquarte red, the Alumni Coliseum , the W eave r Hea lth Build i ng, the Pres nell Buildin g and the Greg Adams Building Nu me rous tenn is co urt s, re c reation ar eas, Gertrud e Hood Field, Turkey Hugh es Base ball Field, a nd the Tom C. Samuels nine-l a ne tr ac k with tartan infield are among th e other faci lities of th e College. An 18-h o le golf co urse and an ou tdoo r ed ucati o nrec reation demonstr a tion a rea a re lo ca t ed at Arlin g ton . T here are four eq uipp ed tra ining rooms attac hed to th e inte rcollegiate locker rooms in four buildin gs.

The seve n-s tory Beg le y Building is d esig ne d to se rve n ea rl y 2,000 studen t s hourl y in classes an d also pro v ides sea ting for m ore than 20,000 football spectators. Includ ed in th e s tructur e are three gy mn as iums, 12 ha ndba ll courts , 36 cla ssroo m s, 60 offices a nd th e dressing fac ilities for ph ys ica l e du ca tion a nd football. A trainin g area includ es two exercise and weight-lifting room s, a steam room and a large therap y t a nk A se min a r room a nd reception area are located on the seco nd leve l of the buildi ng Offices o n this le ve l hav e been acco u st ically treat ed to absorb sound from th e open-top a thl etic area.
Th e Th omas E . M c D o nou g h Intramural Fie ld s, which boasts IO football fields , two of which are varsity practice fi e lds and anoth e r two which are la rge e n ough for socce r play, a r e in use. In season, e ig ht softb a ll fi e ld s may b e s upe ri mposed on th e football layo uts .
Th e Gl en n Pres nell Building hou ses football loc k er and s how er ro oms, a training room, re st room s a nd s t o rag e, office a nd lecture a r eas. An e quipment c heck-out room and other se r vice facilities are locate d to serve th e stude nts who participate in th e intramural progra m s.
The Greg Adams ind oo r t e nnis fac ilit y beca m e avai lab le for u se in the fa ll of 1976. It co ns titut es th e fifth building o n campus devoted to ho u s ing t he acti vities of th e College of H .P.E.R. & A.

ROY KIDD Head Coach
'And the beat goes on .. .'
Sonny and Cher's old tune from the late '60's co uld very well become Roy Kidd' s theme song as he embarks upon his 19th season at EKU this fall.
Just like the song implies, Kidd's and Eastern's 'beat' is setting new record s and going to national championship contests.
Kidd also was honored again in 198 1 as he was selected the National C oac h of the Year in I-AA for the second straight year and the OVC Coach of the Year. He was also recipient of The Lexington Herald's 1981 Kentucky Sportsman of the Year Award.

Noteworthy coaching achievements have become a rule of thumb for Kidd during the last four years. In 1978, he was credited with his 100th collegiate coaching victory and, of course, in 1979 he guided the Colonels to the Division I-AA national c hampion shi p . EK U finished l l-2 that latter year.
Then, in 1980, Kidd' s Eastern team came within 55 seconds of putting back-to back national championships together, winning IO games before losing to Boise State 31-29 on a fourth-down pass in the na tional title contest.
The 19 8 1 season saw Kidd, who ha s compiled a 133-55-6 record at EK U, take his Colonels to an unpr ecede nt ed third co nsecutive national title game and a school record 12-2 overall mark. T he Colonels. after defeating Delaware and Boise State, fell t o Idah o State, 34-23 , in the national finals.
During th ese past 18 years, Eastern has captured a nati o nal c hampion s hip , two nati o nal runnersup t rop hi es, five OVC championsh ips, had an unbeaten string of 15 games in the league and won the 1967 NCAA Mideast Regional Championship (covering more th an 100 teams in a IO-state area) by defeating Ball State 27-13 in the Grantland
Rice Bowl. The Colonels also start the 1982 season with a 25 game winning streak at their home stadium, Hanger Field.
Eastern has also been ranked in the top twenty in the nation by both wire service polls, having gone as high as No. I in 1979 and 1981.
Kidd's s uccess comes from a combination of demanding the ultimate in dedication and determination, yet being a coach who is respected by his players.
His ability to communicate with his players stems from a realisti c, matter-of-fac t attitude. He's genuinely concerned about each individual as a player and as a student.
He has a brilliant football mind and is a man who takes advantage o f most s ituati o ns and is not afraid to gamble. He is a n organizer who has surrounded himself with a very capable coaching staff.
All these ingred ie nts point to the fact that Roy Kidd is a winner. It all started for Kidd as a little leaguer in Corbin , Ky., and he continued on the plus side of the le dger as a high school athlete and then as a football and base ball star at Eastern
When he was a graduate assistant coach, Eastern went unbeaten and received an invitation to the Tangerine Bowl. Then he started coa c hing in high sc hool , building tiny Ri c hmond Ma d ison into a sta te football powerhouse. He had a 54--10-1 record , a 27game winning streak and 14 consecutive unscored-upon games. He was Kentu c ky Coach of the Year in 1961 when th e Purples were ranked No. I in the s tat e all season.
He we nt t o Morehead as an assistant coach in 1962 and hel ped guide the Eagles to their second winning season in 13 years and a s h are of the OVC championship.
Then it was back to Easte rn in 1963 where he served as an assistant for one year before tak ing over the head job.
The Colonels went 3-5-1 his first year, o ne of only tw o los ing seasons he ha s had while coaching They improved that to 5-3-1 the following year and Kidd was elected Coach of th e Year in the OVC.
Kidd is married to the former Susan Purcell of Ri chmond. They have three children: Marc, Kathy , and Ke ith.
JACK ISON Defensive Backfield Coach
Defe nsive seco nd ary coach Jack I son mu st r ep lace thr ee of four s tarters in a d efe ns ive backfield that helped EKU se t a sc hoo l record last year wit h 26 interceptions.
Iso n will also serve as defensive coordinator again this seaso n and is the d ea n of Co lonel a ssista nt coac hes, hav in g served a s an E K U assis tant for this his 16th year.
Kidd gav e the 196 I Eastern graduate his first coaching j ob at Richm ond's M ad ison High School.
Afte r a ss is ting Kidd to a 13- 1 r eco rd and a Class AA runnerup tr o phy in 1961 , Iso n was named head coac h in 1962 when Kidd ente red th e co llege coac hing field. The Ro yal Purples were 6-2-2 under his g uidanc e.
The Ru sse ll nati ve is married to th e former P a tri cia Ly kin s. whom he met as a classmate at Eastern. They have two daught ers, Eli za beth (20) and M e linda ( 16).
LEON HART Offensive Backfield Coach
Leo n Hart begins his fifth seaso n as an ass is tant in c harge of the EK U offensive backfie ld. He will also be th e o ffen s ive coordinator for the Colonels thi s fal l.
Hart mu st tu tor hi s third differe nt s tarting quarterback in th e last four years for the Co lonels t his season when se ni or Tuck W oolu m st eps to the front.
Hart graduated from Mansfield (Oh io) Madison Hi g h School in 1969. and wen t o n t o Maryville College wher e he received h is B.A. in education in 1973.
While at Maryville , Hart lett ered four yea rs in football and three yea rs in baseball. serving as captain of the base ball sq uad as a senior. H e wa s a safety for the Maryville gridders. leading th e t eam in interceptions his last three seaso ns.
Hart is married to th e former Becki Sowers of Mansfield a nd they have two so n s, Ti mot hy Rob ert (5) and Seth (nine months).
Leon Hart Jim TanaraJOE BLANKENSHIP Linebacker Coach •

Joe Blan ke n s hip begi ns hi s sixt h year a t E K U and will have three o f the sq uad's top four tacklers returning in lineba ckers Da v id Hill, Pete Jackson and Alex Do m in g uez.
Aft er s pending his freshman year o f college at the University o f Kentucky. Blankenship pla yed his fin al three years at Eastern. re ce iving his bac he lor's d eg ree in 1966 from EKU. Blankensh ip also put in a coaching stint at Lo uisv ille Seneca H igh School before co ming to Ea ste rn .
Blank ens hip is mar ried to the former Brenda Wooden of Louisvi ll e and they hav e two children, Kimb er ly L y nn ( 19) a nd J oseph Troy ( 11).
JIM TANARA Down Lineman Coach
J im Tanara will hand le the down lin e men aga in in his fourth yea r as an assistant coac h at Eastern.
Tanara came to EK U from the s taff of Bear Br yant a t A labama w h ere he served 11 yea rs working with th e Tide's defe nsive front.
Whil e at Alaba ma. Tanara was a member o f the s taff th at dir ected th e T ide to two national c hampio n s hips and appeara nce s in 11 bowl games. He also served a s UA's head wrestlin g coac h for 11 years.
He later was a th ree-year letterman for UTC hatt anooga and started at both defe nsive end and tight end. While co ll ec tin g Little AllAmerican honors in 1964. he received h is bachelor of scie nce degree in 1965 and was drafted by the New Orleans Saints upon graduation.
He was an ass is tant foot ball co ach at C leveland (Te nn .) High School forthree years before goi ng to Alabama in 1968. He received h is master's degree from Alabama in 1970.
Conrad CardanoOffensive Line Coach
Tom Jones , a 1973 graduate of Wes tern Kentucky University, begins his seco nd season as Eas tern's offensive line coach.
Jone s was an All- State center at Glasgow High School where he graduated in 1969 and then went to WKU. While playing offensive center for coach Jimmy Feix at Wes tern , he wa s a membe r of two OVC c hampionship sq u a d s.
After graduating from Wes tern in 19 73, Jones assumed coaching positions at Bullitt Ce ntral High School, Adair Co unt y Hi g h School, Ma co n Co unty (Tenn.) High School and Caverna Hi gh School during th e nex t five years.

A nativ e of Glasgow, Jones had coac hed at More hea d State and as a graduate assistant at the University of Tennessee
Jon es, 31, is married to th e forme r Ma ry Bess M a nby of LaGran ge and they have two daughte r s, J e nnifer Eli za bet h (2 ½) and Amanda Lee (I ½).
Defensive End Coach
Teddy Taylor, a 1970 gra du a t e of E astern , will serve as a coac h for Kidd 's Co lon e ls for the fourth straight season.
Wh i le se rvin g as dorm direc tor , Tay lor will work with the defensive ends for the Colonels.
An All-American noseguard at Eas t e rn in 1969, Tay lo r was a significant fo rce in EK U's Midea s t Reg ional and Ohio Valley Co nfere nce champio n s hi p t eam of 1967 and theOVC champion sq uad of 1968
Tay l or se rv ed as head coach a t Pineville High Sc h oo l after fi llin g an assis tant's post th e r e for two years He was vote d So uth Eas t Ke ntucky Co nferenc e Coach of th e Yea r in 1978 w hile gui ding his tea m to a 9- 3 reco rd .
He is married to the fo rm er Frances Whit e of Lexi ngt o n and t hey h ave two d a u g ht e rs, Ka trin a ( 13) a nd C h e ( 8).
Teddy Taylor Rick SangCONRAD CARDANO Receiver Coach
Conrad Ca rdano will again se r ve coach Ro y Kidd a s r ece ive r coach in this his second season with the Colonels.
Cardano, a 33-yea r old native of Washington, D.C., came to Eastern from Mars hall U nive rsi ty in the Sou thern Co nfere nce where h e was the rece iver coach for the Thund e rin g H erd for two seasons.
A 1967 graduate ofBladens burg (Md.) Hig h School, Cardano went on to letter two years at qua rt erback at Western Carolina, leading th e Catamounts to records of 9-1 and 6--3 those two season s.
After graduating from WC U in 1971, Cardano played three seaso ns of semi-pro foot ball in the Seaboard Professional Football Lea gue His o the r assistant coaching a ssig nme nts include Tusco la ( N .C.) Hig h School, Dover ( Mass.) Sherborn Hig h School and C atholic University where h e served as o ffe n s iv e coordinator as CU went 27-11 within a four-year period.
He r ece ived his master's d egree in education from E K U in 1982, s pecializing in adminis trati o n and s upervi s ion.
He is married to the fo rm er C hri s tina Willis o f Huntington, W. Va
Defensive Scout Team and Kickers' Coach
Ri ck Sang, a 1980 graduate of EKU , will be back for the third year to work with the EKU Colo nel s' kic kers and d efensive sco ut team Sang, w h o le tt e r ed three ye ars at EKU as a fl a nk e r , wa s a member of Kidd's 1979 national cha mpionship t ea m. Tha t year h e s tart ed at flank e r and pun ted in the n a ti o n a l c hampionship ga me aga ins t Le hi g h.
Th e 24-yea r old native of Ashl a nd is married t o th e former Kelli E ll is of F indlay, Ohio.
DONALD G. COMBS Director of Athletics
Donald G. Combs begins his 12th year as Director of Athletics at Eastern, after serving the university 13 years as swimming coach. Combs, who was known throughout the state as the dean of Kentucky collegiate swimming coaches, handed over his swimming coaching duties to Dan Lichty, his assistant, in 1975.

He is currently serving his fourth year as an at-large member of the NCAA's Division IAA football committee .
Recognized as a "Master Coach" by the College Swimming Coaches Association of America in 1970, Combs coached Eastern's swim team from 1963- 75. During those years, the EK U Eels captured 12 consecutive Kentucky Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving Championships and compiled a I 34-29 record.
A 1949 graduate of Model Laboratory School, Combs received his B.S. in 1953 and M.A. in 1965. Both degr ees are from Eastern.
The son of baseball Hall-of-Farner Earle B. Combs, Sr., and Mrs Combs of Richmond, Combs and his wife, Pauline, have four children.
DR. MARTHA MULLINS Assistant Athletic Director
Dr. Martha Mullins is in her seventh year as Assistant Athletic Director, combining this position with coach of women's tennis. Mullins has been an administrator in women's athletics at Eastern for the past twelve years. She received Ph.D. and M.A. degrees from Florida State University. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Alabama. While at Florida State University, Dr. Mullins assisted with the women's track team. During her six-year tenure in Florida's junior colleges s he was active as coach of tennis and volleyball and provided early leadership in establishing athletic partic ipation for women students in the state's junior colleges. Dr. Mullins has recently served as President of the Kentucky Wom en's Intercollegiate Conference.
DR. BOBBY BARTON Athletic Trainer
Dr. Bobby Barton of Lexington is beginning his seventh season as athletic trainer at EKU. Barton came to Eastern from the University of Kentucky where he served as associate trainer in charge of the basketball Wildcats.
DONNA REED Assistant Athletic Trainer
Donna Reed , a graduate of Southern Connecticut State College in New Haven, is beginning her fourth year as Ass istant Athletic Trainer at EK U. Following her graduation in 1976 from SCSC, she wa s a student trainer at the University of Oregon in 1977 and 1978 where she received her Mas ters in 1978 .
Barton received his B.A. degree from the University of Kentucky in 1968 and hi s M.S. at Mars hall University in I 970. He earned his Doctor of Arts degre e in Adapted Phys ical Education at Middle Tennessee State University in 1975 and h as also co mpleted the requirements for his certificate in corrective therapx from Texas A&M University.
He is c urrently serving a term as President of the 8,000-member NATA (National Athl etic Trainer's Ass ociation).
Barton is married to the former J ojean Chestnut of Lex ington a nd th ey have one son, Brian (4).
Donald G. Combs Dr. Martha MullinsDAVID PARKE Athletic Business Manager
David Parke, a 1978 graduate ofEKU, will begin his third year as Athletic Business Manager for the EKU Colonel teams. Parke, who formerly worked as a cashier in the Billings and Collections Divis ion at EKU, has been a member of the Eastern statistics crew for the football and basketball ga mes of the Colonels for seven years.
A 1974 graduate of Madison Central High School, Parke played baseball, football and bas ketball for the Indians. He lettered four years in baseball and two seasons in football where he was named All-Mid State Conference at center in I973.
DAVID GREEN Assistant Athletic Trainer
David Green, a 1975 graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, is serving his third year as an Assistant Athletic Trainer a t Eastern.
Green, a 28-year old native of Hendersonville, Tenn., graduated from Isaac Litton High School in Nas hville, Tenn., in 1971. After graduating from MTSU, he entered graduate sc hool at Eastern where he received his masters in health education in 1977
For three years, Green was head trainer for both the boys and girls athletic teams at Paul Blazer High School in Ashland.
He is married to the former Brenda Magee of Lancaste r , Ohio.
KARL PARK Sports Information Editor

Karl Park, a 1970 graduate of EKU, is beginning his 13th year as Sports Information Editor for Eastern's athletic teams. He served as sports editor of the school newspaper, The Eastern Progress, for three years while a student of the University. The 33-yearold Richmond, Ky native is a member of the College Sports Information Directors of America (COSIDA), the , United States Basket ball Write rs Association and the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association.
He received national recognition for the production of EKU's three seasonal media guides for 1978-79 and 1979-80. The winter sports guide was voted Best in the NationDivision A for those two years.
He is married to the former Shelley Steele of Owingsville.
David Parke David Green Karl Park1982 FOOTBALL PROSPECTUS
Thirty-six lettermen, including four first-team All-Ohio Valley Conference selections, return for coach Roy Kidd's defending OVC champion and NCAA Division I-AA national runnerup Eastern Kentucky University Colonels.
Kidd, who has compiled 133-55-6 record in his 18 seasons at EKU, was chosen as the NCAA 's Division I-AA National Coach of the Year for the second consecutive season and was also picked as the 1981 OYC Coach of the Year.
Junior tailback Terence Thompson (5-9, 178), an AII -OVC player who led th e Colonels with 1,237 yards rushing in 210 carries and 13 touchdowns las t season, returns to lead the Eastern offensive attack.
EK U returns its other top three r us hers in 5-9, 181-junio r tailback Ed Hairsto n ( 109 carries559 yards-five TD's); 5-9, 204- pound junior tailback Jon Sutkamp (99-367-3); and 5-11 , 235pound senior fullback Nic ky Yeast (82-343-7).
The Colonels will also employ the 1-2 pass receiving punch of senior flank e r Steve Bird (511, 165) and juniortight end Tron Armstrong (6-I, 195), Eastern'stop two receivers in 198 I. Stats for last season sh owed Bird w ith 26 catches for 550 yards and fourTD's, while Armstrong caught 24 passes for 392 yards.
Glenn Brooks, a 5-9, 169-pound senio r split-end, will lend depth to the receive r slot ( 10-126).
Senior quarterback Tuck W oolum (5-11, 195) has the edge for getting the starting nod at quarterback. In his backup role last season, Woolum hit 15-28 passes for 245 yards and two touchdowns.
AII-OVC senior guard Chris Taylor (6-4, 236) will ease the pain oflosing two other AII-OVC selectio ns - guard Ke vin Greve and tackle David Dihrkop - 10 graduation. The other starter returning on the line in '82 is jun io r center Chris Sullivan (6-2 , 237). Mark Willou g hb y, 6-1, 240pound senior, has been moved from defensive t ack le to offensive tackle.
Other lette rmen returning in the offensive line i nclud e part-time sta rter. junio r tackle Benny Allen (6-1, 245); junior guard David Burr y (6-l, 243);junior guard Mike Neal (6-2, 220); and so phomore tackle Joe Spadafino (6-2, 240)
AII-OVC choices Alex Dominguez, a 6-0, 215 - pound senior linebacker, and Randy Taylo r a 6-3, 235-pound senior tackle, head the li st of returnees for the Colo n e ls' de fense a unit which led the league in team defense, yielding but 229 yards and 10 points pe r game du r ing the reg ular 1982 season. Dominguez totaled 38 tackl es and 49 assists, while Tay lor collected 39-34.
Th e Colo nels ' top tackler of the '81 seaso n, junior linebacker David Hi ll (5-10, 205) will be back along with senior lin ebacker P e t e Jackson (5-9½, 192). Hill had 73 tackles and 61 assists, while .Jac kson collec ted 63-44.
Other starters returning on defense include 6-2, 220-pound se nior end R ichard Bell; 5-10, 225-pound ju nior noseguard Mike McShane; 6 -J, 227-pound senior end Allen Young; and 511 ½ 180-pound senior defensive back Gus P a rks.
The kickin g game fo r the Colonels should be in good s hape as Ea stern returns three lettermen for these positions. Junior placekickcr J amie Lovett (5-8, 15 7), who set an Eas t ern single-season kick -scoring record last year with 80 points. will be back for fie ld goals and extra points while se nior Gary Nu ss baum(5-9, 175) will handle the ki ckoff chores and backup EP -FG duties. Senior punter Larry Sande r s (6-1, 204) averaged 38.J ya rds per punt for th e Colonels las t yea r a nd will battle junior Steve Rowe for that position. Bell and Dominguez will handle the captain's duties for the defense , while Woolum and Wil loughby will serve as offens ive co-captains . R. Taylor a nd Yeast are alternates.
When Eastern h its the field Sept. 11 against Youngstown State, the Colone ls will be attem ptin g to extend their Han ge r Field win s treak whi c h stands at 25 in a row entering the 19 82 season .
Eas tern. who finished 12-2 overall and 8-0 in the OYC. a ppeared in the NCA A D ivis ion IAA na tional championship game for the third straight year. EKU won the national title in 1979 and finished as the runnersup in 1980 and 1981.

Offense: I-Pro Set.
Defense: 5-2 or Oklahoma
Strengths: Excellent runningbacks and receivers; outs tanding group of linebac ker s; strong kicking gam e.
Weaknesses: Lack of depth at quarterback and offensive line; lack of experien ce in secondary.
Lettermen Lost: 13
Linebackers: David Hill, Alex Dominguez, Pete Jackson, Terry Simmons.
Noseguard: Mike McShane
Secondary: Gus Parks, Cliff McCullough, Anthony Jones , Gabriel Lewis, Da vid Simpson, Mike Mims.
Ends: Steve Bird, Tron Armstrong, Bobby Woods , Charles Kell er , Richard Bell , Allen Young, Glen Brooks, Steve Brown.
Tackles: Benny Allen, Mark Willoughby , Randy Taylor, Mike Wagers , Joe Spadafino.

Guards: Chris Taylor, D avid Burry, Mike Neal.
Center: Chris Sullivan
Tailbacks: Te rence Thompson, Ed Hairs ton.
Fullbacks: Ni cky Yeas t, Jon Sutkamp.
Quarterback: Tuck Woolum.
Kickers: J a mie Lovett, Gary Nu ssbaum, La nny Sanders.
Frank Hardin ... Senior ... 23 ... 6-1 ... 196 ... No Letters . .. South Shore, Ky . ... Frank had a very good spring will play one of the safety positions started making progress during the 1981 spring practice learned how to practice with intensity very hardnosed ... would have to be considered the No. I defensive back after this year's spring drills graduate of Greenup County High School.

Gus Parks Senior ... 21 5-11 176 ... Three Letters ... Harrodsburg, Ky ... . Gus should be one of the leaders in the seco ndary this year missed quite a bit of action in the spring because of an infection in his foot his experience s hould help him come back strong in the fall second on the team in interceptions in '81 with five . .. high school coach - Alvis Johnson of Harrodsburg.
Cliff McCullough Senior 22 . 5-10 .. . 194 . Two Letters ... Port Charlotte, Fla. With a full-year's experience of playing time under his belt, Cliff s hould now be a steady performer basically a runningback converted to a defen sive back graduate of Charlotte High School.
Mike Mims .. . Junior . .. 20 ... 5-11 ... 190 ... One Letter St. Petersburg, Fla . Mike made a tremendous amount of progress this pas t season a part-time starter in 1981 should now be r eady to challenge for the free safety position as a full-time starter . .. ha s been plagued with nagging-type injuries . high school coach - Bob Stephens of Lakewood.
Gabriel Lewis ... Junior ... 20 . S-9 ... 180 ... One Letter ... Ironton, Ohio ... Gabriel played almost full-time on the special teams . making a very significant contribution coaches look for him to do the same this fall will challenge for the strong safety starter's spot high school coach - Bob Lutz of Ironton
Anthony Jones ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 5-10 . 182 One Letter Ocala, Fla. Anthony played cornerback, safety and roverback in the spring ... coaches will settle on his position in the fall . . . very aggressive ... will be around the football had excellent spring one of the better athletes on the team good, tough hitter ... held for extra point and field goal attempts last year ... high school coach - Mike Clayton of North Marion.
David Simpson Sophomore . 19 ... 5-11 192 One Letter . Newport, Ky . David played roverback and cornerback this past s pring . . will probably play mostly co rnerbac k in th e fall has excellent range and physical capabilities should challenge for a starting position high school coachMike Murphy of Newport.
Mark Woodrum ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-0 .. . 176 ... No Letters ... Wheelersburg, Ohio .. . Mark is a hard worker very coachable must mak e vast improvements to be co ntributor to the 1982 Colonels works hard all - year round ... needs to improve s peed . .. high sc hool coach - Ed Miller of Whee le rsburg
Steve Lafollette ... Sophomore ... 19 ... 6-2 176 ... No Letters . Hodgenville, Ky .... Steve was a walk-on in the fall of 1981 has t o improve his s peed and toughness to play for the Colonels working hard to do better very coachable .. . graduate of Larue County High School.
Alex Dominguez Senior 22 5-11 1/2 210 ... Two Letters ... South Miami, Fla. Alex has progressed just as expected after coming back from a severe injury his freshman year provides excellent leadership on and off the field a returning first-t ea m All-O VC player from 1981 one of the cornerstones of EK U's defensive strategy ... member of th e 1981 Winner's Club a co-captain for 1982 probable All- OVC player in '82 graduate of South Miami High School.
Pete Jackson ... Senior ... 22 ... 5-10 ... 194 . . . One Letter ... Blountstown, Fla. ... Pete ha s great quickness and agility plays with extreme intensity which enables him to be a physical player has great attitude junior college transfer from Marion (Ala.) In stitute definitely made a smooth adjustment to EKU's program mem be r of the 1981 Winner's Club ... considered a starter . . . a probable All-OVC player.
David Hill ... Junior ... 20 .. . 5-10½ .. . 218 Two Letters ... Miami, Fla.... Da vid has great potential ... led East ern in tackles a nd as s ists in 1981 with 73-61 his performance in the past has been excellent ... his future can
DAVID HILLbe what he wants it to be excelle nt agility . . . stays on his feet well ... memberofthe 1981 Winne r's Club definite AII -OVC candidate for '8 2 ... graduate of Miami Carol City High School.

Terry Simmons Sophomore 19 5-11 ... 191 ... One Letter ... Hamilton , Ohio ... Terry has all the attributes a good linebacker needs his progress has been steady selected OVC Rookie of the Week for his efforts in EKU's 63-10 win over Tennessee Tech last year ... his future looks bright ... has similar qualities as EK U's other top linebackers ... should get a lot of playing tim e in 1982 high school coach - Dale Robert son of Hamilton.
William May ... Sophomore . 19 ... 5-9 .. . 204 ... No Letters ... Shelbyville, Ky . .. . William was the most impressi ve young linebacker during s pring drills .. . similar in playing style and stature to teammate P ete Jac kson should be a high quality linebacker will see plenty of action in 1982 high schol coac h - Tom Becherer of Shelby County.
Brian Bebee Freshman 19 6-0 21 7 No Letters ... Hammonton, N.J .... Brian s how s promise with added exposure and experience should develop into a qualit y lineback e r .. . a signee o ut of high school to Villanova University, wh o later dropped football.
Tommy Burnette ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-1 .. . 208 ... No Letters ... Knoxville, Tenn... . Tommy hasn't bounced back to his original abilities s ince his leg injury great individual ve ry coachable graduate of Halls High School.
Mike McShane ... Junior ... 20 ... S-IO .. . 227 . .. Two Letters ... St. Petersburg, Fla... . Mike improved tremendous ly during spring practice ... was a part-time s tart er last year .. . a mem ber of the 1981 Winner's C lub . . . a physically strong player ... had 12 sacks for a minus 70 yards in 198 1 has bench-pressed 420 pounds ... has worked on his quicknes s .. . should be a mainstay in d efe nsive lin e in '82 graduate of Northeast High School.
Mike Evanoff ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 5-10 219 ... No Letters ... Vienna, Va.... Mike is a transfer from th e University of Wyoming, having sat out last season under the transfer rule ... an aggressive football player ... has good quickness will see plenty of action this season graduate of Oakton High School.
Randy Taylor ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-3½ ... 230 Three Letters Cincinnati, Ohio
Randy had an excellent last half of sp ring practice this year ... has been elec ted as an alternate captain for the 1982 season re-
turning AII-OVC player from '81 ... should be one of the leaders on the defensive line this season member of 1981 Winner's Club has a chance to be one of the best defensive players in the league this season graduate of Woodward High School.
Bobby Woods ... Senior ... 21 6-2 ... 23S

Three Letters . Oak Hill, Fla. Bobby has seen playing time since he was a freshman starter since spring practice s howed improve ment during the spring ... has great strength and quickness good pass rusher . .. membe r of 1981 Winner's C lub ... should be one of EK U's top defensive tackles high scho o l coach - Bill Moreman of New Smyrna Beach.
Rick Campbell . .. Sophomore . .. 19 ... 6-2 . .. 231 ... No Letter . .. Altamonte Springs, Fla. ... Rick played sparingly last year at defensive tackle s hould see a lot more playing time in 1982 . . . hampered with injuries as a freshman great attitude high school coach - Dave Tullis of Lake Brantley.
Matt Lauck Junior 21 6-4 ... 228 ... No Letters . .. Pitman, N.J . ... Matt is a transfer from Temple University is a very quick and aggressive football player has an opportunity to s tart in '82 coaches looking for grea t things from him sat out last year as a transfer graduate of Pitman High School.
Mike Wagers .. . Senior .. . 21 . .. 6-2 ... 215
... Two Letters ... Brooksville, Fla.... Mik e has p laye d lin e bac ker for t he p as t thr ee years. was m oved t o left defe n s ive tac kle du r ing th e last fiv e days o f s pring prac ti ce a very aggress ive and hard - hitting play er needs ex perie nce a nd work a t hi s n ew p osit io n high sc hool coach - Chuc k W o od of Hern a nd o.
Richard Bell . Senior 22
Three Letters ... Marietta , Ga.... Ri c ha rd wa s e lec t ed o ne of Eas tern·s d efe nsive cocaptain s for 1982 h as good s peed is very s trong had a n o ut s t a ndin g s pri ng thi s yea r . . member o f 198 1 W inn e r's Clu b . .. g ra duate o f Spra y berry High Sc hool.
Allen Young . .. Senior ... 22 . .. 6-3 .. . 225 ...

Two Letters .. . Louisville, Ky . ... All e n s tart ed for the Colon els las t sea so n ... s hould b e mo re aggress ive ne eds to s how leaders hip qu a lities ... must become more co ns is tent has ph ysica l si ze a nd s t re ngth t o be outs tanding e nd was a me mber of 198 1 Winn er's Club play ed fo r E K U ass is tant J oe Blanken s h ip in hig h sc h ool ... g radu ate o f Se neca Hi g h Sc hool.
Charles Keller .. . Juni o r . . . 20 . .. 6-3 ... 211
... One Letter . . . East Miami , Fla.. . . C harles mad e prog ress in s pring drill s could pus h fo r a s t a rtin g s lo t a h a rd wo rke r has good foo tba ll savvy ... hi gh sc h o ol coac hMik e Us pens ky o f Mi a mi Lakes.
Jay Henderson S ophomore . 19 .. 6-0 . 219 ... No Letters . . . Louis ville, Ky ... . J ay did n o t partic ipate in the s prin g beca u se o f knee s urge r y has a bi lity t o be a great d e fe n s ive end need s t o get s tronger graduate of Iroqu ois H ig h S cho o l.
Stev e Brown Junior 20 6-31 / 1 ••• 206 One Letter . Cincinnati, Ohio ... S teve was moved fro m d e fe nsive t ac kle t o e nd in the spring has the s p ee d, qui c knes s a nd s ize to be a go od e nd need s t o wo rk hard e r exce llen t a t hlet e need s to become a leade r ... high sc hool coa ch - Gerry Faus t o f Moelle r.
Tim Dale ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-1 ... 214 No Letters Paris, Ky . Tim was sw itc hed fro m d efe nsive end t o t ight e nd durin g the las t two weeks o f s pring practice ... a good ath le te . . . need s so me w o rk o n inte nsi t y coa ches are s till waitin g fo r him t o show his ability hi gh sc ho o l coa c hRa nd y Reese o f P a r is.
Tron Armstrong ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-1 ½ .. .
202 Two Letters St. Petersburg, Fla.
Tron is established as EK U's No. I tight end could be one of the OVCs best this year is very quick (:4.5 40-yard dash) ... has good hands caught 24 passes for 392 yards in 1981 member of '81 Winner's Club a good blocker coaches are looking to him for leadership this year ... an excellent athlete . high school coach - Bob Stephens of Lakewood.
Fred Arbogast ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-5 ...
212 . .. No Letters ... Ashland, Ky .... Fred was a walk-on last fall works hard in practice ... never missed a fall practice in '81 on th e scout team needs to get stronger should be more consistent graduate of Wheato n (Ill.) North High School.

Steve Bird Senior . 21 5-11 171
Three Letters . . . Corbin, Ky . ... Steve is probably one of the team's best athletes turned in a :4.5 40-yard dash last spring leading returning receiver from 1981 with 26 catches for 550 yards and four TD's ... has good hands ... member of'8 I Winner's Club .. . runs disc iplined patterns ... learned to read coverages better in the spring hard worker. probable All-OVC candidate needs to be more consistent bl oc ker could be a great one won ABC-TV's MVP award for the Idaho State national championship game ... made outstanding run in '81 Murray State 20
game, breaking several tackles to score a big TD on a 61-yard reception possible pro prospect high school coach - Archie Powers of Corbin.
Isiah Hill Freshman 19 . 5-8½ ... 157
No Letters . Pineville, Ky .... Isiah was a walk-on last fall ... a hard worker . .. has not matured yet as a receiver ... has good hands .. needs to concentrate more ... graduate of Pineville High School.
Glenn Brooks ... Senior ... 21 ... 5-8½ .. 173 One Letter ... Louisville, Ky .... Glenn is quick and tough member of 1981 Winner's Club . .. need Brooks to play at top form for Colonels to have good offensive year ... had a disappointing spring can be one of the best downfield blockers on the team teammates have nicknamed him "Chainsaw" ... has good hands needs to learn defen ses better and concentrate more could be a good one made many important catches in 1981 ... transfer from Indiana University ... brother of EK U's all-time leading rusher Jimmie Brooks ... graduate of Valley High School.
George Miller ... Freshman ... 19 ... 5-11½ ... 190 . . . No Letters ... Richmond, Ky .... George was switched from qu arterback to sp lit-end in the spring has size to play this position needs more practice time to develop at this position need s to relax more so his athletic albility ca n come out ... high school teammate of freshman signee Keith Bosley . .. high schoo l coach - Monty Joe Lovell o f Richmond Madison.
Tuck Woolum ... Senior . .. 2 I ... 5- 11 ... 202 . . . Two Letters ... Pineville, Ky .... Tuck had an excellent spring has shown great leadership qualities elected as offensive cocaptain for '82 season takes charge in the huddle .. . finds a way to win ... drove EK U to the winning TD in last regular season game vs. Morehead State in '81 ... throwing the ball well has played backup for the past two seasons to the now graduated Chris Isaac ... high school coach - now EKU part- time assistant Teddy Taylor of Pineville.
Tony James ... Sophomore ... 20 . .. 5-10 .. . 171 ... No Letters ... Owensboro, Ky... . Tony was red -s hirted last year ... can play tailback or quarterback and will proba bly see duty at both excellent runner a definite thr eat on the corner showed improveme nt at the end of spring practice high school teammate of EK U tailback Te rence Thompson .. . high schoo l coachDon Netoskie of Owensboro.
Tim Portale . .. Freshman . 19 ... 5-10 ... 200 . No Letters .. . Louisville, Ky .... Tim made some improvements in the spring . needs to improv e hi s passing . . . has good leadership qualities ... will fight for backup tim e behind Woolum high sc hool coachR oge r Gru niesen o f Trinity.
Terence Thompson Junior ... 20 ... 5-8 .. .

176 ... One Letter ... Owensboro, Ky... .
Terence had an excellent off-season program in weight conditioning had outstanding spring practice looking forward to another good year from him member of 1981 Winner's Club ... a returning AII-OVC player had great game versus Akron last year when he scored four TD's (78, 18, 93 and 66 yards) and gained 293 yards in just 17 carries .. led EK U with 1,237 yards rushing for the '81 season possible All- American candidate high school coach - Don Netoskie of Owensboro
Ed Hairston ... Junior ... 20 ... 5-8 ... 193 ... One Letter . Mansfield, Ohio .. . Ed finished up the 1981 season with an outstanding game versus Boise S tate voted the ABC-TV MVP for th e Boise State game ... had a disappointing off-season and spring practice .. . a tough inside runner has great speed h ad excellent last spring scrimmage ... will push Thompson for playing tim e in '82 ... high school coach - Dan Gerhardt of Malabar.
Nicky Yeast Senior . 21 S-10 .. 236 .. . Three Letters . .. Harro dsburg, Ky . ... Nic k y w as injure d the fi rs t ha lf of the 198 1 seaso n h ad goo d pe rforma nces in the pla yoff gam e s . ha d top game wh e n he ru shed fo r 96 ya rd s in r egular season fin a le again st M orehead S tate . . . will se rve as altern a te co-ca ptain for o ffe n se in 1982 s ho w ed m ore t o ug h ness and durability in the spring h as e xce llent s pe ed and q uick nes s co uld be ca ndid a t e fo r A ll-OVC h o nors ha rd - nosed blocke r t o ugh ins id e runn e r high school teamm a te o f E K U d e fe nsive back Gus Parks high scho o l coach - Alvis J o hn s on of Ha r r o d sbur g
Jon Sutkamp . . . Junior ... 20 ... S-9 .. . 198

Two Letters ... Bellevue, Ky ... Jon wa s a m ajo r k ey to EK U' s s uc c e ss in 1981 m e mbe r o f ' 8 1 Winner's C lub ... a n exce ll e nt w o rker a good block er t o ugh ins ide runner ha d b es t g am es i n '8 1 of 69 ya rd s in 19 c arri es vs. M TSU a nd 55 yard s in e ig ht ca rries aga inst Boise State .. . a pre -medic ine m aj or hig h sc h oo l c oac h - F red Be rnier o f Be ll ev u e.
Victor Mims .. . Freshman ... 19 ... 5-101/1 •• • 203 No Letters St. Petersburg, Fla.
Vic tor w as red-s hirted las t fall injuri es held bac k hi s prog ress last year a good blocke r bro th e r of Mik e M im s who pla ys safe t y fo r th e Colone ls need s to c o nce ntra t e o n h o ld i ng o n to th e fo o t ba ll .. h ig h sc hoo l coac h - Bo b St ephe ns o f Lake w ood.
C hris Sullivan .. Junior ... 20 ... 6-2 . . . 246 ... One Letter . .. Newport Richey , Fla... .
C hri s wa s a sta rter las t year m ember o f 198 1 Winner' s C lub s h o uld a dd need e d expe rien ce and lead e rs hi p in offe nsive l ine th is ye ar . . . s hould be an All -OVC ca ndid a t e in '82 ... hig h schoo l coa c h - K e ith N e wt o n o f Hud so n
Mike Bobek Junior .. . 20 . . . 6-1 225 .. .
One Letter . . . Port Richey, Fla.... M i ke was mu c h impro ve d in the s prin g . . . playe d s ome las t fall as a bac kup c ente r will see action at bo th cen t e r and t ac k le th is fa ll very aggre ss ive ne eds t o p ro vid e depth a t this pos iti o n for Colone ls t o b e s u ccessfu l graduate of Gu lf H igh Sc h oo l.
Bill Barry ... Freshman . .. 19 .. . 6-3 .. . 217 . .. No Letters ... Louis ville , Ky ... . B ill was red-s hi r t ed la st year imp rove d in th e s p r in g n ee d s to gai n s tr e ng th to ga in mo re play in g t im e thi s fa ll ... graduate of S t. Xavier H igh Sc ho o l.
Chris Taylor . Senior . 22 .. . 6-3 . 235 ...
Three Letters Wayc ross, Ga . C hri s is a returning A ll-OVC gu a rd fro m 198 1 . . . m e mber o f '8 1 Winner's C lub s h o uld have great op po rtunit ies to re pe at o n th e All-OVC team will be co unted o n to prov id e leadership in th e o ffe ns ive lin e . . . co uld be p ossi ble All-Am e ri can c a n did ate in 1982 g raduate of W a re Co unt y Hi g h Sc hoo l.
David Burry ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-0 ... 240 ...
One Letter ... Louisville, Ky .... David had a good spring, considering an injury (sprained ankle) played backup to All-A merican Kevin Greve last year has seen action as a starter (1981 Morehead State game) good long snapper for punts, extra points and field goals has great strength should be a leader on the offensive line high school coach - Dennis Lampley of Trinity.
Mike Neal ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-2 ... 230 ..•
One Letter Orlando, Fla. Mike saw playing time in 1981 until injury at mid-season ... lacks experience ... n eeds more playing time to develop could add needed depth if he has good fall practice graduate of Edgewater High School.
Eric Horn Freshman ... 19 . 6-2 ... 232 No Letters . Owensboro, Ky . Eric will provide needed depth at guard may have the ability to push for a starting position by mid-seaso n a very aggressive player high schoo l coach - Gary Keller of Daviess County.
Jeff Tanner Sophomore 20 6- I 225 . .. No Letters ... Cincinnati, Ohio ... Jeff was red-shirted last fall needs to have a good early fall practice in order to provide depth in offensive line high sc hool coachGerry Faust of Mo eller.
Benny Allen Junior 20 . 6--0 ... 240 ... One Letter Belfry , Ky . Benny was a
part-time starter at tackle last fall probably the most improved lineman during spring drills ... will provide leadership to the right side of the line hard-nosed player possible AII-OVC candidate graduate of Belfry High School.
Mark Willoughby Senior 22 6-1
241 ... Three Letters ... Louisville, Ky .. . . Mark wa s converted from defensive tackle to offensive tackle this past spring to add needed leadership and help to offensive line improved each day of practice . . will be probable starter at left tackle member of 1981 Winner's Club elected one of the team's co-captains o n offense has great strength ... very coachable ... high sc hool coach - Corky Miller o f Fairdale.

Joe Spadafino ... Sopho more ... 19 ... 6-1 ... 235 One Letter Dover, Del . Joe played some as a freshman, backing up David Dihrkop at left tackle . could push for starting position has good speed and s trength graduate of Fork Union Military Academy.
Greg Clark ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-5 .. .
251 ... No Letters ... Louisville, Ky ... Greg was red-shirted last fall ... had good winter program injured the first day of s pring practice, missed the res t of sp ring drills ne eds to stay healthy to gain needed playing time . . . high school coach - Bob Holman of Pleasure Ridge Park.
,.,.,._ •• '. -tc.;,__-;;,, ..._
Robert Palmer ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-4 .. . 223 ... No Letters ... Cynthiana, Ky . .. . Robert was red-shirted last year . . was converted from defensi ve tack le to offensive tackle in mid -s pring probably a year away from playing needs strength and weight very coac hable high school coach - Bob Jenkin s of Harrison County.
Greg Pitts Freshman .. 19 ... 6-3 .. 239 .. . No Letters ... Richmond, Ky .... Greg was red - shirted last year was a walk-on last fall. .. needs to improve his speed ... ha s ability to contribute as a possible backup . . . ha s great attitude very coachable high school coach - Ed Miracle of Madison Central.
Lanny Sanders . . . Senior ... 21 ... 6-0 ... 204. .. One Letter ... Butler, Ala .... Lann y is the ret urning first s tring punter from 1981 . . . has outstanding leg ne eds to work on keeping the ball out of the end zone on short punts averaged 38.3 yards per punt, longest punt of 59 ya rds . .. will fight for starting position in 19 82 trans fer from Mar io n (Ala.) Inst itute
Steve Rowe ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-5 ... 230 ... No Letters ... Louisville, Ky .... Steve had an outstanding spring .. . a hard worker ... tries to do all the things h e is coache d to do was No. I punter a t the e nd of s pring drills ... has outstanding leg . .. gradua te of Fairdale High School.
Jamie Lovett ... Junior ... 20 ... 5-8½ ... 160. Two Letters .. Riverview, Fla... Jamie set four EKU and one OVC re cords last year, including most field goals in ,one season ( 14) and most points in one year (80) ... had excellent spring accepting coaching came on strong at the end of the 1981 seaso n . . kicked three field goals in the semifinal game at Boise State to tie a school reco rd will probably kick barefoot this year . . career s tats s how him 17-29 field goals and 46-51 extra p oin ts for 97 points ... graduate of East Bay High School.
Gary Nussbaum ... Senior ... 21 ... 5-9 .. . 180 . .. One Letter ... Ft. Mitchell, Ky ... . Gary handled most of the kickoff duties for EK U in '81 . . an agg ressiv e, hard-nosed player who helps on kickoff coverage needs t o be more accurate with his kicko ffs is backup extra-point and field goal kicker . . . good st udent ... graduate of Beechwood High School.

1982 Freshmen Signees



First Game
September 4 - at Orangeburg, S.C.
7:00 P.M. EDT
Location - Orangeburg, S.C.
Founded - 1896
Presid e nt - Dr. M. Maceo Nance, Jr.
Enrollment - 4 ,000
Colors - Garnet and Blue
Conference - Mid-Easte rn Athletic
Nickname - Bulldogs
Athletic Director - Dr. Willis C. Ham
Head Coach - Bill Davis (803-536- 7243)
Coaching Record - 28-7
Assistant Coaches - Robert Johnson , Buddy Pough, James Ragland , Thomas Saxon, George Suggs
SID - Bill Hamilton (803- 536-7060)
Trainer - Jimmie Rogers
Stadium - Bulldog (14,000)
Press Box Number - 803-536-7199
Lettermen Lost - I 3 Lettermen Returning - 38
Anthony Reed Fullback
A fine recruiting year s hould enable South Carolina State to offset the loss of 13 lettermen, a_!llong them JO starters.
In addition to having to find replacements for three of four starters in the defensive secondary, the Bulldogs will also need to fill a defensive end slot; however, the linebacker corps returns intact and reserves and recruits should help fill the void in the secondary.
Offensively, the Bulldogs will be without two of its top blockers and both wide receivers . The S .C. State backfield , led by All-American fullback Anthony Reed and former All-American Henry Odom, should be strong again. Reed rushed for 933 yards and eight TD's, while Odom accounted for 468 yards rushing and IO touchdowns.
Quarterback Desmond Gatson, who missed the last five games with a shoulder separation, completed 27-76 passes for 562 yards and five TD's and will return for his senior year.
Eastern leads the series, 1-0.

Sept. 11 at Delaware State
Sept. 18 at North Carolina A & T
Sept. 25 HOWARD
Oct . 23 FLORIDA A & M
Oct. 30 at Morris Brown
Bill Davis Head CoachSecond Game
Sept. 11 - at Richmond (Parents Day)
1:30 P.M. EDT
Location - Youngstown, Ohio
Founded - 1908
President - Dr. John J . Coffelt
Enrollment - 15,664
Colors - Scarlet and White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Penguins
Athletic Director - William Narduzzi
Head Coach - Bill Narduzzi (216-742-3189)
Coaching Record - 46-29-1
Assistant Coaches - Bob Dove, Fred Thomas, Pete
Lymber, Rick Bevly, Rusty DeCapito , Neil Putnam
SID - Greg Gulas (216-742-3484)
Trainer - Dan Wathen
Stadium - Stambaugh Sports Complex (16,500)
Press Box Number - 216-742-3192
Lettermen Lost - 6
Lettermen Returning - 46 PROSPECTUS
For the first time in 44 years, the YSU Penguins will be playing their home games on "home" turf when dedication of the new Arnold D. Stambaugh Sports Complex and Stadium takes place this fall. And with that dedication comes a grueling and more challenging schedule than ever before .
The Penguins are coming off an outstanding 7-4-0 record in 1981 and a tie for second place in the OVC. All but five starters return for coach Bill Nardu zzi's team in 1982 including standout tailback Paris Wicks. Wicks rushed for more than 1, 300 yards and posted the most points in a si ng le game (32) in the NCAA I-AA stats last year.

The biggest competition could come at the quarterback spot where as many as five hopefuls will try their luck at winning a starting job. Last year's starter Jamie DeVore will have the inside track, but will be challenged by freshmen Mike Hall, Jon Karnuth and Ralph DePasco and returning veteran Mike Sloe.
Eastern leads the series, 6-4-0.
Sept. 4 AKRON
Sept. 11 at Eastern Kentucky
Sept. 25 at Cincinnati
Oct. 9 at Western Kentucky
Oct. 16 at Austin Peay
Oct. 23 Open
Nov. 6 at Western Illinois
Nov. 13 at Morehead State
Bill N arduzzi Head Coach Jeff Patterson Wide ReceiverThird Game UNIVERSITY OF AKRON
Sept. 25 - at Akron, Ohio
7:30 P.M. EDT
Location - Akron, Ohio
Founded - I 870
President - Dr. D. J. Guzzetta
Enrollment - 24,500
Colors - Blue and Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Zips
Athletic Director - Gordon Larson
Head Coach - Jim Dennison (216-375-7469)
Coaching Record - 54-43-2
Assistant Coaches - Tom Flaherty, Dave Newell, Terry Forbes, Jeff Durbin, Larry Kindbom
SID - Ken MacDonald (216-375-7468)
Trainer - Don Marshall
Stadium - Rubber Bowl (35,482)
Press Box Number - 216-733-2372
Lettermen Lost - 16
Lettermen Returning - 35
Shortly after the 1981 Akron football season ended, head coach Jim Dennison was heard to say, "I believe the winning habit has returned." Dennison was referring to the Zips' four victories over the last five games of '81.
"Defensively, we return nine starters and feel we will be improved," said Dennison. "It is essential we find a couple of outside linebackers ." UA did, however, lose two-time All-American linebacker Brad Reese, the Zips' top tackler for four seasons
The key to an effective offense, as it has been for the last three seasons, will be finding the individual who can direct the Zip attack. Junior Ron Gliha is the top candidate but must recover from knee surgery. Also of concern is at wide receiver where UA lost both starters James White and Pat Snow and at tailback where the Zips will no longer have Dennis Brumfield who rushed for 1,041 yards in 198 I.
The series is tied, 3-3.

Sept. 4 at Youngstown State
Sept. I 8 at Western Kentucky
Oct. 2 at Middle Tennessee
Oct. 9 at Eastern Illinois
Oct. 23 at Marshall
Nov. 6 Open
Nov. 13 at Murray State
Jim Dennison Head Coach Rick Addis Tight EndFourth Game
Oct. 2 - at Clarksville, Tenn.
7:30 p . m. C.D.T.
Location - Clarksville, Tenn .
Founded - 1927
President - Dr. Robert 0. Riggs
Enrollment - 5,400
Colors - Red and White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Governors
Athletic Director - Johnny Miller
Head Coach - Emory Hale (615-648-7905)
Coaching Record - 5-5-0
Assistant Coaches - Paul Brewster, Chick Graning, John Bowles, Greg Johnson, David Bibee
SID - Sherwin Clift (615-648-7561)
Trainer - Chuck Kimmel
Stadium - Municipal (8,900)
Press Box Phone No. - 615-647-5657
Lettermen Lost - 20
Lettermen Returning - 41
Emory Hale Head CoachA us tin Peay will rely on a junior-dominated roster of returning lettermen and starters when it opens its 1982 football season in September under second-year head coach Emory Hale. Fourteen starters return from last year's 5-5 team, which continued the school record of five successive seasons with a 500 or better record

The No. 3 offensive team in the OVC will return senior tackles Charles Tucker, and Jim Kolodziej, senior guard Tommy Waller and sophomore tight end Sal Shields up front. R ecord-breakingjunior tailback "Fluid" Floyd Jones, who amassed 1,093 yards rushing for a brilliant 8.2 yards per carry, will attempt to improve on his No. 6 NCAA Division I-AA ranking and second spot in the OVC. Mike Katzman will be at QB, while leading pass recei ver Ondra Woods will return to the ve rsatile Z-back position.
Defensively APSU returns se nior Jody Herbert at left end , converted noseguard Chris Jenkins and defensive backs Zeb Perdue (three interceptions) and Mike Newton (four interceptions).
Eastern leads the series 20-3.
Sept. 11 at Kentucky State
Sept. 18 UT-MARTIN
Sept. 25 at Western Kentucky
Oct. 23 a t Middle Tennessee
Oct. 30 Open
Nov. 20 at Akron
Floyd Jones TailbackFifth Game
Oct. 9 - at Richmond (High School Da)
1:30 P.M. EDT
Location - Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Founded - 1911
President - Dr. Sam Ingram
Enrollment - I 1,250
Colors - Navy Blue and White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Blue Raiders
Athletic Director - Jimmy Earle
Head Coach - Boots Donnelly (615-898-2570)
Coaching Record - 23-29
Assistant Coaches - Ed Bunio, L. T. Helton, David
Culley, Steve Puthoff, Joe Sanders, Lou West
SID - Ed Arning (615-898-2450)
Trainer - George Camp
Stadium - Johnny Red Floyd (15,000)
Press Box Number - 615-898-2712
Lettermen Lost - 9
Lettermen Returning - 33
Coming off a winning season for the first time since the fall of 1973 , MTSU heads into the 1982 campaign with a great deal of confidence and enthusiasm.
"It is a good feeling to have that winning record behind us to build on," said fourth-year head coach Boots Donnelly. "Our players have a new feeling about themselves and their team. This is something we've been building on since we came here in I 979."
Sixteen seniors will head Donnelly's corps this season, most of whom were recruited in the head mentor's first year at MTSU. Among his returnees are four-All-OVC first team selections from last year -defensive end Dennis Mix, defensive tackle Emanuel Toles, free safety James Griffin, and placekicker Kelly Potter.
MTS U returns IO starters on defense and nine on offense for the '82 year. Eastern leads the series, 16-13-0.

Sept. 4 at Savannah State
Oct. 2 AKRON
Oct. 9 at Eastern Kentucky
Oct. 16 at Murray State
Oct. 30 at Youngstown State
Nov. 6 at Western Kentucky
Nov. 13 Open
Nov. 20 at Tennessee
Boots Donnelly Head Coach Dennis Mix Defensive EndSixth Game
Oct. 23 - at Bowling Green
1:00 P.M. CDT
Location: Bowling Green, Ky.
Founded - 1906
President - Dr. Donald W. Zacharias
Enrollment - 13,002
Colors - Red and White
Conference - Independent
Nickname - Hilltoppers
Athletic Director - John Oldham
Head Coach - Jimmy Feix (502-745-2984)
Coaching Record - 99-43-5

Assistant Coaches - Butch Gilbert, Bill Hape, Clarence Baker, Sam Clark, Larry Walker
SID - Paul Just (502-745-4295)
Trainer - Ron Dunn
Stadium - L. T. Smith (19,250)
Press Box Number - 502-745-4296
Lettermen Lost - 12
Lettermen Returning - 32
With 16 starters back in uniform , coach Jimmy Feix is looking for his 1982 WK U football team to have an experienced nucleus around which to build a winner in the school's first campaign as an independent since I 947.
Western, 6-5 overall in '81, has joined the Sun Belt Conference, which does not sponsor a football championship, and will now have to rely on its position in the NCAA Division I-AA poll to earn a post-season playoff berth.
Headlining a list of outstanding returnees are All-OVC standouts Paul Gray (who led the OVC last year in tackles) and John Newby (who led the OVC while setting a school record for pass receiving). Also, in the backfield, WKU returns quarterback Ralph Antone, who led the OVC in 1981 with,s1 .525 pass completion percentage while throwing for 1,356 yards. -
Strong safety Reginald Johnson, who led the 'Toppers with five interceptions last fall, and senior cornerback Davlin Mullen will help Gray on defense.
Western leads the series, 32-22-2.
Sept. 4 at Louisville
Sept. 11 at Delaware
Sept. 18 AKRON
Oct. 2 Open
Oct. 16 at Tennessee Tech
Oct. 30 at Morehead State
Nov. 13 Open
Nov. 20 at Murray State 35
Jimmy Feix Head Coach John Newby Split EndSeventh Game
Oct. 30 - at Richmond (Homecoming)
1:30 P . M. EDT
Location - Murray, Ky.
Founded - 1922
President - Dr. Constantine W. Curris
Enrollment - 8,200
Colors - Blue and Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Racers
Athletic Director - Johnny Reagan
Head Coach - Frank Beamer (502-762-6181)
Coaching Record - 8-3
Assistant Coaches - Mike O'Cain, Mike Mahoney, Keith Jones, Mark Thomas, Mike Clark, Reed May, Art Stavrum, Mike Wiles
SID - Doug Vance (502-762-4270)
Trainer - Tom Simmons
Stadium - Roy Stewart (16,800)
Press Box Number - 502-762-6811
Lettermen Lost - 18
Lettermen Returning - 38 PROSPECTUS
Murray State expects to field a serious OVC contender in football this fall. "Yes, we feel we're going to be in the championship chase this season," says second-year head coach Frank Beamer.
Beamer will enter 1982 with 38 lettermen, including 13 starters from last year's 8-3 team that shared second place in the OVC standings. Also back are four defensive regulars who were redshirted last year after missing all or most of the season with injuries.
"Instant" Winston Ford, who served the past two years as an understudy to Gino Gibbs, should get the opportunity to test his cannon-like arm at quarterback in 1982. ¥arcus Moss and Ellery Moreland emerged as the top tailback candidates from the spring.
All-American end Glenn Jones is healthy once again after missing last year with an injury as the Racer defense yielded but six TD's rushing in I 981. Eastern leads the series, 20-16-4.

Sept. 11 Open
Sept. 25 at Tennessee Tech
Oct. 2 at Morehead State
Oct. 30 at Eastern Kentucky
Nov. 6 at Austin Peay
Nov. 13 AKRON
Frank Beamer Head Coach Mark Simmons LinebackerEighth Game TENNESSEE TECH UNIVERSITY
Nov. 6 - at Cookeville, Tenn.
1:30 P.M. CST
Location - Cookeville, Tenn.
Founded - 1915
President - Dr. Arliss L. Roaden
Enrollment - 7,940
Colors - Purple and Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Golden Eagles
Athletic Director - Dave Coffey
Head Coach - Don Wade (615-528-3324)
Coaching Record - 78-70-3
Assistant Coaches - Lauren Kardatzke, Jack Henderson , Dennis Caryl, Jim Hughes, Richard May, Murphy Ownbey , Frank Blateri
SID - Jamie Kimbrough (615-528-3088)
Trainer - Steve Moore
Stadium - Tucker (16,500)
Press Box Phone - 615-528-3294
Lettermen Lost - 7
Lettermen Returning - 44 PROSPECTUS

"I have more eagerness about the upcoming season than at any time in the last four years. We will be equipped to compete with almost anyone on our schedule, and I haven't felt that way since 1977," said TTU coach Don Wade.
With a strong finish which netted a 6-5 record and a fourth-place tie in the OVC race last year, a sound winter workout program, and the healthy return of highly experienced offensive and defensive units, Wade' s enthusiasm is easily understandable.
Returning to call signals for TTU is junior Tony Costantine, who finished the I 98 I season as the second-leading passer in the OVC with 1,321 yards and 11 TD's. The Tech running game will center around senior Reggie Bazel, whom Wade called the best all-purpose back in the OVC.
The interior defensive line was the most surprising area of play for TTU last year with noseguard Manny Michel leading the way with 82 tackles. Eastern leads the series, 24-14-1.
Sept. 11 at Western Carolina
Sept. 18 at Youngstown State
Oct. 2 at UT-Martin
Oct. 9 Open
Oct. 23 at Morehead State
Oct. 30 at Akron
Nov. 13 at Austin Peay
Don Wade Head Coach Reggie Bazel RunningbackNinth Game
Nov. 13 - at Orlando, Fla.
7:30 P. M. EST
Location - Orlando , Fla.
Founded - 1968
President - Dr. Trevor Colbourn
Enrollment - 13,000
Colors - Black and Gold
Conference - Independent, NCAA Div. II
Nickname - Knight s
Athletic Director - C. C. Miller
Head Coach - Sam Weir (305-275-2281)
Coaching Record - 0-0-0
A ssis tant Coaches - Tod Goodyear, Al Parker
Rich Ammans, Tom Murphy, Bob Keesler, Phil Ri c hart
SID - Ken Sheinkopf (305-275-2024)
Trainer - Ron Riba ric
Stadium - Tangerine Bowl (50,000)
Lettermen Los t - 9
Lettermen Returning - 33
Even though the 1982 football seaso n for the University of Central Florida Fighting Knights marks their fourth campaign, it's actually another new beginning for the rising program. This season will be UCF's firs t at th e Divisio n II l evel, aft e r co mpiling a 14-12-1 record in three years of Divi sio n III competition.
First-year head coach Sam Weir has his squad on an off-season wei g ht training pro g ram to prepare t he Fighting Knight s for t he to ughe st sc hedul e in t heir young his tory.
U CF's team speed has improved I00 per cent as it gets set to begin the '82 year. There s hould be excellent depth on thi s coming seaso n 's team , as evide n ced b y 33 lettermen returning, I 9 of whom held a s tarting spo t during 1981 .
First game of the series.

Sept. 4 Open
Sept. 11 at Georgia Southern
Sept . 18 S.E. LOUISIANA
Sept. 25 at VMI
Oct. 2 at Va ldosta State
Oct. 16 ALABAMA A & M
Oct. 23 at Nicholls State
Sam Weir Head Coach Scott Ryerson PlacekickerTenth Game
Nov. 20 - at Richmond (ROTC Day)
I :30 P. M. EST
Location - Morehead, Ky.
Founded - 1922
President - Dr. Morris L. Norfleet
Enrollment - 6,700
Colors - Blue and Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Eagles
Athletic Director - Sonny Moran
Head Coach - Steve Loney (606-783-3317)
Coaching Record - 1-9
Assistant Coaches - Jay Adcox , John Shannon, Bob Coleman, Stan Hixon, Mike Kolakowski, Ron
Hardee , Gregg Hall
SID - Kenny Klein (606-783-3100)
Trainer - To Be Named
Stadium - Jayne (10,000)
Press Box Phone - 606-783-2500
Lettermen Lost - 12 Lettermen Returning - 39 PROSPECTUS

Experience will be the key to MSU Football Coach Steve Loney's hopes of reversing the Eagles' disappointing season a year ago. MSU claimed only one victory in 10 outings last season, but Loney will look to the experience of 39 returning lettermen, including 23 seniors, to reverse last season's outcome.
Senior linebacker Danny Gooch heads the list of 21 returning defensive lettermen. The 5-11, 223-pounder established four MSU defensive records as a sophomore and was credited with 50 tackles in just four games last season before his season was shortened by a knee injury .
Loney will have three talented quarterbacks to choose from in senior Don Reeves, sophomore Mike Hanlin and senior Jeff Richards. Reeves led the OVC in passing last season, completing 87-167 passes for 990 yards in nine games.
MSU returns all but one regular in the offensive line. Junior David Thurkill will anchor the tight end spot with tackle Steve Pytel, guard Mike Ealey and center Dean Copeland providing leadership in the line . Eastern leads the series, 33-15-4.
Sept. 4 Open
Sept. 25 at Middle Tennessee
Oct. 9 at Aus tin Peay
Oct. 16 at Akron
Oct. 23
Oct. 30
Nov. 13
Don Reeves QuarterbackThe Trail to the I-AA Title Game
1 EKU South Carolina State
The EK U Colonels kept their Hanger Field winning streak alive at 19 games by winning the 1981 opener against a highly -touted South Carolina State team, 26-0. Eastern scored in every quarter and made the most of four Bulldog turnovers to shutout the team that was ranked No. I in Division I-AA most of the 1980 season.

Fullback Nicky Yeast led the Colonels' offensive charge with 59 yards rushing in I 0 carries, including a 31-yard scamper on a faked-punt play. Eastern's defense, which ended the ' 81 year as the OVC's leading d efensive team, held a potent S.C. State team to just 59 yards of rushing and pass ing each.
Eastern initiat e d the Youngstown State University Penguins into the Ohio Valley Conference with a 26 - 6 defeat in Youngstown , Ohio. Tailback Ter e nce Thompson stepped to the front in this game, relieving an injured Tony Braxton , and responded with 156 yard s in 21 carries, including an 80-yard TD run to put the gam e out of reach.
Other highlights had EK U tight e nd Tron Armstrong catching four passes for 72 yard s and the Colonel defe ns e holding YSU star runner, Paris Wi c ks, to just 74 yard s in 20 carries.
3 Navy EKU
Before a white-uniform clad crowd of some 16 ,379, East e rn suffered its only loss of the regular season , a 24-0 decision to Nav y . The game, which was t e levised live back to Ke ntucky by WKYT-TV in Lexington, saw Eastern squander five first half fumbles by the Midshipme n into no point s and a 7-0 d e ficit at halftime.
Led by reserve tailback Napoleon McCallum (24-87-1), Navy controlled the second half and became the first te am to shutout Eastern since 1973. Thompson led Eastern's offense with 67 yards rushing in 18 carnes.
4 EKU Akron
Eastern took out its frustration s of the Saturday before in trouncing Akron's Zips, 37-0, starting a I 0-game winning streak for the Colonels in 1981. Eastern rolled up more than 40 yards in total offense, while holding UA to just 98 yards passing and 79 rushing. Thompson had a supe rlative afternoon, rushing for a school r e cord 293 yards in just 17 carries and scoring four times on jaunts of 78, 18, 93 and 66 yards. Second-string tailback Ed Hairston added 92 yards rushing, while quarterback Chris Isaac connected on 5-8 pass es for I 11 yards and a 36-yard TD bomb to split-end Steve Bird .

5 EKU Austin Peay
The 21st consecutive win at Hanger F ield came in a 41-14 drubbing of fellow OVC member Austin Peay. The Co lonels' offense again proved unstoppable, rolling up more than 500 yar ds, including 306 yards ru s hing. Thompson had 135 yards rushing in 16 carries (TD runs of 57 and four), tight end Cris Curtis ca ught five passes for 60 yards a nd Isaac hit 12-20 passes for 199 yards and one tou c hdown
6 EKU Middle Tennessee
It was a battle of the OVC unbeatens when EKU traveled to Middle Tennessee. The Co lonels' defense was tenacious, fo rcin g two short MTS U punts, a furn ble and a pass interception which vaulted Eastern t o a 20-0 h a lftime lead. For t h e game, EK U se t another school record by limiting the Blue Raiders to a minus 43 yards rush in g.
Fullback J on Sutk amp paced what litt le offe nse was needed by the Co lone ls with 69 yards rushing in 19 carries an d one TD The Colo ne ls finished wit h a 23-7 decision over the Blue Raiders.

7 EKU Dayton
Two 21-game winning st reaks clas h ed in Eastern 's Homecom ing contest versus the d efe nding NCAA Di v ision Ill champion Dayton Flyers. Eastern mad e 14 first quarte r points stand up in a 14-3 victory to preserve its Hange r Field win streak at 22. Dayton, who was held to just 66 yards in 36 carries, saw a consecutive game win s treak over a two- year period go by the boards.
Before a crowd of some 19,700 , EKU scored its first two possessions - an 87-yard fl a nker reverse by Jerry Parri s h and a fi veyard run by Thompson. The latter runner finished with 94 ya rd s in 14 carries and one touchdown.

8 EKU Western Kentucky
The ESPN cameras came to Hanger Field this weekend to see E KU defeat arc hrival Western K entucky, 19-11. 20,800 p eo ple in attendance saw WKU open the scor ing with a quick field goal. Eastern, how eve r, r esponded with 19 consecutive points in winning its fifth OV C game without a loss.
Hairs ton, subbing for an injured Thompson, led the Co lonel s with 88 ya rds in 18 carries, while roverback George Floyd was named "Vitalis Player of the Game" by ESPN for his 11 tackles, three assists, two impr essive punt r e turn s a nd a 32-yard interception return. Again, Eastern 's d e fe nse was tough, yielding but 54 yar d s rushing to the Toppers.
9 EKU Murray State
Eastern clinched its first OVC crown since 1976 the nex t Saturday with a comefrom-be hind 24-20 win at Murray State. The Co lonels trailed 20-3 e ntering the fina l quarter but I saac got hot, se tting an EK U individual s ingle game passing mark for the afternoon wit h 31 8 ya rds passi ng, and hit 1530 aerials, one a beautiful 61-yard pass to Bird who broke seve ral tackles before lunging for the goa l-lin e and the TD.
Thompson provided the go-a head s core on a 14 yard run with 5: I 7 to play, while Flo y d saved the game with an interception inside the three-yard line with less than 30 seconds to play. Thompson en ded th e day with 97 yards o n 22 ca rries.
10 EKU Tennessee Tech
I n the las t regul ar-season game of th e '8 1 year and in wi n No 24 in a row at Hanger Field, the · Co lon e ls enjo yed their bigges t o utput of the season, defeating the T e nnesse e Tech Golde n Eagles, 63-10.
Thompson joined th e exclu s ive 1,000ya rd rushing club for a single seaso n at EK U by jaunting 82 ya rd s for an early fi rs t quarter score. He finished with 12 carries fo r 129 yards as Eastern used 11 differe nt ru s hers who totaled 333 ya rd s. Other outstanding offensive pla ys ca m e from Hairston (six ca r ries for 82 yards a nd two TD's), se nior fullback Gary Branch (7-80- 1) , Yeast with two TD's and Parris h with a 95-yard kickoff return for a TD.

EKU Morehead State
Eas t ern received quite a scare afte r a oneweek r es pite following a n ope n date a t Morehea d State The Eagles, w ho had wo n just one game a ll season long, foug ht toothand - nail with the Colonels all afternoon, b efo r e E K U prevai led, 21-17. Eas t ern, thu s, finish ed its confere n ce seaso n wit h an 8-0 record , becoming the firs t leagu e team t o go und efeated s ince 1979 a nd the fir st ever 8-0 tea m i n OVC his tory .

Y east rushed for 96 ya rd s in 24 carries a nd one touchdown, while Floyd had fiv e pun t r e turn s fo r I 05 y a rds including a 63-yard return fo r a TD to get Eas tern on the b oard. Backup quart e rback Tu c k W ool um engin ee re d the fourth quart e r dri ve, ca pped b y Thomp so n' s four- ya rd TD sca mp e r , w h ich put EK U on top fo r good.
EKU Delaware
By v irtu e of its winning t h e OVC c h am pi ons hip , Eas t e rn was affor d ed a n au t omatic berth in the NCAA 's Di v ision IAA play offs. T he No . I Co lonel s h os t ed th e No. 7 D e la ware Blue Hens in a game which saw m ore than 740 y ard s of t o t a l offe n se.
Isaac h a d an outs tandin g day, hi tt ing 1117 passes for 214 ya rd s a nd o n e TD , t h e ga m ewin n e r wi th I :00 remainin g to fl an k e r Ranard McPhaul of 32 yar d s. I saac also a dded 29 yards ru s hin g a nd two touc hd ow ns as th e Co lone ls ' 25-ga me H anger F ie ld winning s tr eak rema i ned in t act.
EKU Boise State
Into th e semifinal round, th e Colonels we re to play the defending national champs, Boise State, who h a d defeated EKU 31-29 in the last 12 seconds to claim the '80 title 20,176 look ed on as Eastern claimed revenge at BSU's Bronco Stadium, 23-17.
Placekicker Jamie Lovett provided the margin of victory with thr ee field goals (44, 31 and 32 ya rd s), while Hairston was chosen as ABC-TV's MVP for EKU with 118 y ards ru s hing, all in the second half. Sutkamp added 55 yards in eight carries. Linebacke rs David Hill and Alex Dominguez mad e a fourth down stop on BSU quarterback Gerald Dupres lat e in the game which throttled any Bronco hopes for a win.
Idaho State EKU
Thu s, after 13 games ( 12- 1 r eco rd) , Easte rn had mad e it to it s third straight nation a l champions hip contest. This time it was to be a bout with the offensive- minded Idaho State Bengals. Before an estimated 11,000 fans a t th e Pione er Bowl in Wichita Falls, T ex as, !SU won the nation a l title, 3423.
ISU quarterback Mik e Machurek proved deadly with his short passing game, hittin g 29-44 passes for 330 yards and two TD's Tailback Dwain Wilso n added 58 yards ru s hing and two sco r es. I saac hit 14-28 passes for 219 yards, including five for 8 1 yards to Bird, AB C -TV's MVP for Eastern. Armstrong added four catch es for 78 yards, while Yeas t was the leading Colonel ground gainer with 58 yards a nd two scores.

For 12 Eastern se niors, th e end of the 1981 season had drawn the curtain on an outstanding four years of football. During this period , Eastern had won 41 of the 50 games it had playe d , won all 25 of its home games, won a national championship , an Ohio Valley Conference championship and two national runn e r s- up trophies.
Fo r th e Colone l athletes , the coaches, the administration and faculty and th e thousands o f EK U s tudent s, alumni a nd fans , durin g the four-year p e ri o d of I 978-81 , Eas te rn foo tball had truly b eco m e a mat te r of pride!

Final 1981 NCAA I-AA Statistics (Regular Season)

(Min. 1.2 Returns per Game)



Most e xtra points - 9 (Jamie L ovett vs. Tenn. Tech , 1981)
Longest run from scrimmage - 97 yards ( Don Daly vs Morehead, 195 1)
Most runs from scrimmage - 43 ( A lfred Thompson vs. Morehead, 1973)
M ost yards rushing - 293 (Te re nce Thompson vs Akron, 1981)
Most passes attempted - 45 (Jim Guice vs Middle Tennessee 1966)
Most passes completed - 25 (Jim Guice vs. Akron, 1968)
Most ya rds passing - 318 {Chris Isaac vs. Murray S tate 1981)
Most touchdown passes thrown - 4 (Jim Guice vs. Northwood, 1967 and Ernie H ouse vs. Austin Peay, 1975)
Most t ouchdowns scored - 4 (Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood, 1967; Ji mmy Brooks vs. East Tennessee, 1971; Stan M itchell vs. Ashland, 1975; Terence Thompson vs Akron. 1981)
Most passes received - 19 (Aaron Ma rsh vs Nonhwood, 1967)
Most receiving yardage - 316 (Aaron Marsh vs Nonhwood, 1967)
Most pas ses intercepted - 4 (Buddy Pfaadt vs. Austin Peay, 1966)
Most times punted - 13 (Jeff McCarthy vs. Morehead , 19 7 1)
Most yards punted - 468 (Jeff McCarthy vs. Morehead, 197 1)
Longest field goal - 49 yards (David F lores vs. Murray State, 1977, and vs Nevada-Reno, 1979)
Longest punt - 78 yards (Bob Plotts vs. Tampa. 1966)
Longest punt return - 86 yards (Jimmy Chittum vs Murray, 1961)
M ost field goals - 3 (Jerry Pullins vs. M o reh ead, 1968; Ea rl Cody vs M o rehead, 1973 and vs Murra y , 1974; David Flores vs Western, 1978; Jami e Lovett vs. Boise State, 1981)
Most points scored by kicking - 13 (Ear l Cody vs More head. 1973)
Most ya rds kickoff re turns - 202 (Jerry Parrish vs. Murray S tale , 1978)
Longest interception return - IOO(G eorgc Floyd vs Youngstown State, 1980)
Mo st points scored - 90 (Da le Patton, 1978)
Most touchdowns scored - 15 (Dale Patton, 1978)
Most ext ra points (kid:) - 39 (David Flores, 1979)
Most fie ld goals - 14 (Jamie Lovett, 1981)
Most po ints scored by kick - 80 (Jamie Lovett, 1981 )
Most r un s from scrimmage - 271 (Alfred Thompson, 1973)
Most ya rds r ushing - 1,478 (Everett Talbert, 1974)
Most passes attempted - 226 (Jim Guice, 1966)
Bes t pass ing percentage - 62 1 (Larry Marmie, 1965)
Most yards passing - 1,683 (Chris Isaac, 198 1)
M ost yards total offense - 1,766 (Chris Isaac. 1981)
Most touchdo wn passes thrown - 14 (Jim Guice, 1966)
Most touchdown passes received - 11 (Aaron Marsh , 1966)
Best rushing average (min 50 tim es) - 6 7 yards(Chuck Bell, 1953)
M ost yardage on pass receiving - 1.095 (Aaron Mars h , 1967 )
Most pass es received - 73 (Aaron Mars h, 1966)
Bes t punting average - 42.2 (Fred Malins. 1965)
M ost passes inte rcepted - 10 (George F loyd, 198 1)
Most punts returned - 36 (George Floyd, 1981)
Most yards on punt returns - 3 14 ( George Floyd, 198 1)
M ost kickoffs returned - 24 (Jerry Parrish, 1981)
M ost y a rds on kick off returns - 7 16 (Jerry Parrish, 198!)
Most yards rushing - 3,842 (Jimmy Brooks, 1968- 7 1)
M ost yards passing - 5,04 1 (J i m Guice, 1965-68)
Most plays total offense - 921 (Jimmy Brooks, 1968- 7 1)
M ost rushing att e mpt s - 920 (Jimmy Brooks, 1968-71)
Most field goals kicked - 38 (Dav id Flores, 1977-80)
Most fi e ld goa ls attempted - 60 (Dav id F lores, 1977-80)
Most e xtra points kicked - 126 (David Flores 1977-80)
Most extra point kick attempts - 13 1 (David Flo res, 1977-80)
Most points sco red by kick - 240 (David Fl ores, 1977-80)
Most points sco red - 24-0 (Dav id F lores, 1977-80)
Most touchdowns scored - 36 (Jimmy Brooks. 1968- 7 1)
Most kickoffs returned 74 (Jerry Par r ish 19i8-8 1)
Most yards on kickoffs ret urned - 2,072 (Jerry Parris h, 197881)
Most consecutive extra points kicked - 60 (David Flores, 1977-78)
Most punts re turned - 78 (George Floyd, 1978-81)
Most yards on punt returns - 583 (George Floyd, 1978-8 1)
Most passes intercepted - 22 ( George Floyd, 1978-81)
M ost yards interception returns - 328 (George Floyd, 197881)
Best kickoff return a verage - 28.0 (Jerry Parrish, 1978-81)
Most points scored by opponent -99vs Wittenberg in 193 1
Largest victory margin - 67-0 vs. Morehead in 1925
Largest defeat margin - 99-0 vs. Wittenbe rg in 193 1
Most net yards rushing - 5 10 vs East Tennessee in 1977
Most pass attempts - 50 vs Akron i n 1968
Most pass completions - 29 vs. Akro n in 1968
Most pass ing yardage - 425 vs. No rthwo od in 1967
Most yards total offense - 662 vs. East T e nnessee in 1977
M ost first downs - 33 vs. Wisconsin-Os hkosh in 1975
M ost first downs rushing - 23 vs. Ashland CoHege in 1975
Most touchdowns scored - 9 vs. Evansville in 1953; vs. Tennessee Tec h, 1981
Most extra points - 9 vs T e nn essee Tech, 1981
Most yards penalized - 155 vs. Morehead, 1977
Least net yards rushing hy opponent (-43 ) vs. Middle Te nnessee, 198 1
Most touchdown passe s - 6 vs Nonhwood in 1967
Fewest first downs given up - 2 vs. M urray State in 1976
Und efea ted season - 1940 (8-0-0 ), 1954 (8--0-1)'
Most wins - 12. 1981 (12- 2--0)
Most de feats - 8 in 1929 (1-8-0)
Most ties - 3 in 1933 (1 -2- 3)
M ost points score d - 375 ( 198 1)
Mos1 points by opposition - 264 ( 1930)
Least po i nts scored - 15 ( 1930)
Most co ns ec utive games without a loss - 15 (1953-54--55). 2
Most c onsecu tive games won - 13 ( 1939-40-4 1)
Most touchdowns scored - 48 ( 1981)
Most ex tra points kicke d - 41 (1981)
•Tangeri ne Bowl Game not included
Most passes completed - 170 ( 1967)
Most passes attempted - 300 ( 1967)
Best pass ing percentage - 58 2 ( 1965)
Least yards rus hing by opponents - 951 ( 1953)
Least yards passi ng by opponents - 487 ( 1957)
Best punting average - 42.2 ( 1965)
Most yards penalized - 803 (198 1)
Most yards rushing - 3,078 (1981)
Most yards passing - 2.1 33 ( 1967)
Best t otal offense - 5,006 ( 1981)
Mos t first downs rushing - 158 (1979)
Most passes intercepted by - 26 (1981)

Most Yards Passing- 425
K ent ucky vs. Northwood Murray vs Middle Tennessee
Most Passes Attempted - 59-
K y vs. Akron M
M ost Two-P o int Convcrsions- .3 -
Mi ddle T e nnessee vs UT Martin
Be st Comp Percentagc- 80.0-
W estern Ky. vs. Delta S tat e ( 16 of 20)
Eastern K y vs. Dayton (12 of 15)
Most Passes Had lnt crcc p ted - 7
M orehead vs Western K y
Eas t Tennessee vs Au stin Peay
M ost Passes I ntcrcepted - 7-
Westcrn K y vs M orchead
Eas t T enn essee vs Aus1in Peay
M o s t Yards I nterceptions R eturncd - 139 -
Western Ky. vs. West Illinois
Fewest Passing Yards Allowed - Minus 3 -
Western Ky vs. Austin Pea y
Most Punt - 14 Austin Peay vs. T ennc scc Tech
Best Punting Average- 54.0-
Midd le Tenn essee vs Ball State
M ost Firs t Downs 33- Eastern Ky vs Wiscon s in-O s hkos h
M ost First Downs Rushing- 23Tennessee Tec h vs. Mornings ide Eastern Ky vs A shland
Most First D0wns Pass ing- 19Murray vs. I owa Wesley a n
Most Toial Yards Gained 4.071 - Westcrn K y.
Fewest Yards By Opponenls - 1.5 11Wes tern Ky ,
Most Pla ys - 825 - Eastern K y
Most Average Yard s Per Game--425 8 Western K y
M os t Ya rds Ga ined Rushing 3,1 14M idd le T en nessee
M os t i\v g Ya r ds Per Uame- 311.4
Midd le T ennessee
F ewest Yards by Oppo nents - 485Western K y
M ost R ushing Atte mpts- 722 - Tcnness ee T ech
Most T ouchdow n s Rushing--42- Mid dle T enn
Mos t First Do w ns Ru shing- 134 - Eastcrn K y
Most Yards Gained Pa ssi ng - 2.433 - Mur r ay
Most Average Ya rds Per Gam e- 24 3 3 Murr ay
Most AH e mpl s - 380 - M u rray
M ost Comp lct ion!>- 190-
Mu r ray
East T ennesse e
Best Complet io n P e rce nt age 66 1M iddle Tennessee
Fewest Ya rd s By Opponcnt - 365W e stern K y
M o s t T o uchdown s Pas sing- 25 Murray
Wes te rn Ky
Most F irst Downs P a ss ing- 95
West crn Ky
Most P a sses Ha d l ntcrcep ted - .15
Aus1m Peay
Most Passe s l nt crcc p! cd - 34 Ea s t Tenne ssee
F e west Touchdown Pas se s A ll owe d - I
Midd le Tenne s see
T ennessee T ec h
M ost Ya r ds T otal Offe n sc-428 Johnny Vance, WK vs Akron 1969
Most Pla ys Total Offrnsc- 69 - Johnny Vance. WK vs Akron 1969
Highest A verage Pe r Pla y- 20 0 (1 20 yar ds in 6 atls >Hal Emerson. E K vs Wiscons inkOs hkosh 1975
Most Atte mpts - 4 3 - Alfrcd Thomp!S-on, EK vs. M o 1973
M ost Yard s Ga i ned R ush ing 297 - Clarence J a ckso n. WK vs Bu tler 1971
Longest Run from Scr i mmage 97 ya r dsOon Daty, EK vs M o Carl Walker, M u. vs. AP
Most Attcmpt s- 59 J ohnny Vance, WK vs. Akron 1969
Mos1 Complctions- 37- J ohnny Vance, WK vs. Akron • 1969
Most Consecutive Completions- I I Billy Walker, MT vs. UT Mart in 1967
Best percentage - 100 % - Teddy M or r is (9-9 ), MT vs. UT Chatt a n ooga 1965
Most Yards Gained Passing----425 - Larry T illman, Mu vs MT 1967
M ost Touch d o w n Passes 6 - Ch arles Porter Mo. VS. Marshall 1950
M ost Passes C aught - 20 - Ha rold Robe rt s , AP vs Murray (NCAA R ecord) 1967
M ost Yard s On Passes C a ught - 316- Aaron Ma rsh, EK vs Northwood 1967
M ost Touchdown Passes Caught 4 Aaron M arsh, EK vs No rthw ood
Ha rol d R oberts. AP vs Murray
Purter Will iams. WK vs. Murra y
Most lnterccption s----4 Buddy Pfaadt, EK vs A P 1966
Longest Pas s Com pletion - 96 yardsLeo Peck e npaugh t o Porter Willia ms, W K vs Mu 1970
M ost Two -Point Convers ions- 3 - Billy W a lk er. MT vs. UT Martin
M ost Points By Passing- 36- Bi ll y W a lk e r. MT vs. UT M a r tin 1967
M ost P oints- 28 Harold Robert s, AP vs. Mu 1969
M os t Touchdowns 4 Held by Nine Players
M ost P oints By K icking 13 - Ear l Cody ( 3 FG's, 4 EP)
E K vs. MO
M ost Extra P oints Kicked - 9 -
J am ie Lovett vs. Te nn Tech
M ost Field Goals 3 - Pa i Hau ser, ET vs M o. (Tied by Ten Others)
Longes t Field G oal - 58 yards Sta n Watt s. Mu. vs WK
Mo s t Punts- 14 - Mik e Jo hnson AP vs TT
Bes t Punt Average' 54 0 - Mi kc Sha.wen
vs Ball S tat e
Longest Punt - 81 yards- C h ip Johnson. AP vs
M ost Punt s Rcturncd - 9
Alan Coker WK vs. Butler
Alan Co ker. WK vs. MT
M os1 yard s Pu nts Re t urned - 145 - Virgil Li vers, WK vs. ET
longest P u nt Return - I()() yards- P hil Foster, Mu. vs. Mo
Lo n gest K ickoff Rcturn - 100 yard s Ruford Crager, Mo. vs ET
Longes t P ass I nte r ce pt ion R eturn 100 y ard sRay O ld ha m, M T vs. UT Chatta nooga
George Floyd, EK vs Youngstown
Lo ngest Ru n with R ecovered Rumble 99 yardsR ay Neal MT vs Muskin gham
M os t Yards Kick off Rcrnrns - 202 J e r ry Parris h Ea st e rn Ke n tucky vs Murray State
Mos1 Tota l Yards - 2.782 - Cha r lcs P onc r. Morehead
Most Tot al Pla ys-464 - Larry Tillm an, M urray
M ost Ru s hing Attemp ts - 286 - Larry Schreiber. Te nn essee Tech
M ost Ya rd s Rushi ng- 1.522- Larry Schrei be r.
T ennessee Tech 1969
H ighest Ru sh ing Av e rage - 9 1- Ray Pu rvis
M iddle Tennessee ( Min 50 alt. ) 1959
Most Pass A tt empts 380 Larry Tillman, M urray 1967
M ost P ass Complet ions- 190 - Larr y Tillman, Murray 196 7
M ost Yards Gained Passing - 2,34 5- Charles P o rt er. M o re head 1950

Bes t Completion Pc rccn tage - 66.2%- Charlcs Porte r, More head 1950
M ost Touchd own passes Thrown - 25 - La r ry T i llman, Murray 1968
M ost Passes C aught - 88 - Ha rvcy Tanner Murra y 1967
M ost Yards on Passes Caugh t - 1.069-Aaron M a rsh Eas te rn K y. 1967
M ost Touc hd own Passes Cau gh t- 13- Billy Hess , Murray 1968
M ost Passes l nt e rcep tcd - 12- John Fit zpat rick, T e n n essee T ec h , 1972
M ost Points Scored- 114- Dickie M oo r e Weste rn Kent u c ky . ..
Mu st Tou chd owns Scored 19 Dickie M o o r e. W estern Ke ntucky
M ost P oints By Kick.ing- 60 - Butc h Gent r y, Te nnessee Tech
M ost Ex tra Points Kicked 37 J e r r y Pu llins. Easte rn Ken tu cky
M ost Fie ld Goals- I I - Stan Watt s , Murray and Ke n ny N ola n Middle T en nes see
Bu tch Gentry. Ten ness ee T ech
M ost Punt s 83 - Richard M c Glothl in, East Tennessee
Ucst P un1ing Av e r age-43 9 - Mikc Sh a wen, Midd le T enness e e
Most Punts Re turn ed - 50 - Virg il Livers.
W estern Kent u cky •
M ost Pu nts Retrune d Fo r S corc - 3-
M o H o llings wo r th , M orehead
Virgi l Livers W e stern Kcnlllcky






Women's Cross Country
1982 SCH ED U LE
Sept. 10 EK U H orne D ual Meet
Sept. 18 UK In vitat i ona l
Sept. 25 Lady Vol Invitational
Oct. 2 O h io Stat e I nvi t a t iona l
Oct. 9 I ndia na
Oct. 15 E K U In vitat io nal
Oct. 23 Florida I nvi t at ional
O ct. 30 OVC C hamp io n sh ip
S it e of N CAA Champ io ns h i ps t o be an nou nced la t er
1982 RO S TER
Na me
Bar bara Fennell
L isa Gra ha m
Karen Ha d en
Maria P azare nt zos
Lisa Renner
J ean Strait
.J enny Taulbee
Bonnie Turner
S t ephan ie We t zel

C lass J r. Soph . Jr J r. Soph. Sr. Soph Soph. Soph.
H orne
A way
Kn oxv ille, T enn. Away Away
H orne Away
H orne
Homet o wn Camb r idge, Onta r io, Cana d a Cinci nn a t i, O h io
Richmond, Ky.
Springfield, O h io Cinci nna ti , Ohio Bryan, Ohio Bagdad , Ky .
M in for d , Ohio Greenv i lle, O h io
Wit h t he t op two d is t a nce runners in the O hi o Va ll ey Confere nce ret u rni n g i n L isa R en n e r and Maria Pazarcnt1 os, Eastern expects t o have a good seaso n and im prove on its th ird place conference fin is h o f 1981.
Lisa Re nn er, '81 O VC champion in cross country, and Mar ia Pazarcntzos, w inner o f t he 1,500 meter a n d 3 ,0 0 0 meter races in outdoo r t rac k, will serve as t he leaders for t h e t eam.
Rick Erdmann Head CoachMen's Golf
Sept. 23-26
Oct. 8- 10
Oct. 13-16
Nov. 7-10
Buck eye Fall Class ic
EKU Fall Classic
Duke Fall In vitati onal
Harvey Penick In v it a tional
Pat Stephens
Tim Duignan
Kelly Fi nn ey
Mike Goldston
J eff J oyce
Tom Shelton
Dave Smith
Barry Wehrman
Phil Wehrman
S t eve Brandenbu rg
Rob Quammen
Bi lly Sebastian
Scott S tep hens
Scott S im pson
Russ Barger
.J eff Quammen

Ri chmo nd , Ky.
Knoxville, T e nn.
C in cin nati, Ohio
Central Cit y, Ky
Columb us, Ohio Somer set , Ky.
Sy racuse, N. Y.
Florence, Ky.
Flore nce , Ky
Richmond, Ky.
Lexington, Ky
Ir vi ne, Ky .
R ichmo nd , Ky.
Benton, Il l.
Oak R id ge, Tenn.
Lex ingto n , Ky
Bob by Sea holm , 19 82 Ohio Va lley Co n fe rence Coach of the Year, has h ig h hopes for h is 1982-83 EK U go lf team. Led by t hree AII-OVC cho ices - Pat Stephens and T i m Duignan of '82 and Kelly Finney in '8 1 - Eas tern sho u ld be a t op c ontender for a repeat performance of taking the OVC champio ns hip nag.
"We're expecting a goo d ye ar a nd are goin g to work hard toward a co n sec utive OVC title and a bert h in the NCAA Tourney," said Seaholm.
S tephens, a se ni or from Ri c hm ond's Madis on Ce nt ral Hi gh Sc hool , wa s the 1982 OVC Golfer of the Year by virtue of his 12-stroke indi vidual vic t ory in the OVC tourn ey. His teammate, Duigna n, wa s runnerup
Women's Field Hockey

Sept. 4
Sept. 11
Sept. 17-18
Sept. 25
Sept. 29
Oct. 1-2
Oct. 9-10
Oct. 15
Oct. 16
Oct. 2 1
Oct. 23-24
Oct. 26
Blue Grass Associa tion
M iami (Ohio)
James Madison Ball State
Berea (scrimmage)
SIU I nvita t iona l
Vi rginia T ec h In v itationa l
Dayton Vanderb ilt St. Louis
Ohio S ta t e I nvit at ional
Transy lvania
1982 RO STER
Na me
Ka th y Boug ht o n
S u za nne Has tings
Wilma H o ward
Terri Johnson
Carole Ann Lankfo rd
Lisa Loran
Julie T he iler
Robin Forhecz
Linda Ransd ell
Vicki Wooda rd
Moni ca Storz
M ary Beth Bro wn
Siobhan Dev lin
Robin H einzer
Mary Gavin
Theresa P o well
Sr. Ba tavia, N Y
Sr Sal is bu ry, Md
Sr. Louisville, Ky
Sr. Mason, Ohio
Sr. S h a rptown , Md.
Sr Louisville, Ky.
Jr. S usa nvill e, Ca.
J r. Sadd le River, N.J.
Soph. Louisville, Ky.
Jr. Dayton, Ohio
Fr. Anna ndale , Va
Fr. Louisville, Ky .
Fr. S tirling, N .J .
Fr. S tirling , N .J .
Soph Annandal e, Va.
Soph Princess Anne , Md
Repeating for the third straight year as the Kentucky Women's lntercolJegiate Conference Division I champion, Eastern' s field hockey team finished 1981 with an impressive 12-5-4record and a third place finish in AIA W Region II. The team posted Division I victories over Miami (Ohio), Southern Illinois-Carbondale, Duke and Louisville, as welJ as wins over Big Ten rivals, Ohio State, Purdue and Indiana.
While outscoring their opponents 2-1, Eastern was shut out only once in 21 games, "Their outstanding success with the tough 1981 schedule is a credit to the team's confidence and their abilities," said EKU head coach Lynne Harvel.

With the return of eight starters (three of whom attended "B" camp in 1981), the 1982 Eastern squad should be exceptionalJy strong EK U's link positions, for the fourth straight year, will be filJed by Carole Ann Lankford and Lisa Loran, who both serve as the backbone of Eastern's solid defense and as the spark for the high scoring attack. Veteran goalkeeper Suzanne Hastings will continue to direct the defense, while Wilma Howard, Robin Forhecz and Julie Theiler will again lead Eastern's welJ-balanced attack - an attack which was shut out only once in 21 games in 1981.
Sophomores Theresa Powell and Mary Gavin will be the veterans of th e backfield - a young defense which will be rounded out by the addition of freshmen recruits Mary Beth Brown, Monica Storz and Siobhan Devlin. Devlin will be challenging for the top goalkeeping spot. Vick i Woodard, Terri Johnson, Kathleen Boughton and Linda Ransd ell will continue to bring the team depth as they work toward earning starting spots.
"With this exceptionally talented group of returning seniors, this year's squad should be our strongest ever," said Harvel. "A combination of experience, depth and teamwork will characterize this team. The biggest concern will be the young defensive unit, but with the leadership of senior goalkeeper Hastings, we expect this unit to solidify early in the season. Our experienced, power-packed, high-scoring attack should balance out the early season's lack of experience on the part of our defense We are facing a challenging schedule but are optimistic about our chances because of the team's poise and confidence it has shown in recent seasons."
1982-83 SCH ED ULE
Da te
Sept. 24
Oct. 16
Oct. 2 2-23
Oct. 30
Nov. 5-7
and 13- 15
Nov. 6-7
No v 13-14
Nov. 20
Jan 29
Feb. 12
Feb 19
Mar. 6
Mar. 18-19
O ppone nt
Ken t ucky
Ohio S t ate
W este rn Kentucky
Eas t Tennessee EKU Invitational
Xav ier Kentuc ky
T ennessee Tech
Ohio Valley Conference
NCAA, NRA Qual ifying Morgantown, W . Va. Sectionals
Kentu c k y Championships Murray
NCAA Small bo re Championships TBA
1982- 83 ROSTER

1982-83 P RO SPECTUS
Closing out the 1981 -82 season with six All-Am e ricans in both sma ll bore and ai r ri fle and a third place overall in t he NCAA na t iona l tournament, t he Colonel r ifle squad retu rns four of t h ose six members for the 1982-83 seaso n.
" I feel that t his coming seaso n will be just as good or better for Eastern's rifle t ea m as t h is past year," said Sgt. Ne lson Beard who h as departed the States for a tou r of du t y in Germany.
"EKU has the experience and the caliber of compet itors lo a gain finish in the top three pos itions in the nat ion next yea r. I have every co nfid ence th a t the comi n g year w ill be their best season ever," Beard concl ud e d .
NCAA Championships - p laced seco nd in smallbore and third overall . Kentuck y Collegiate State Championships - p lace first in smallbore. Set New School Record in Sma ll bore at NCAA Championships - 4,622 points.
Daniel Durben
- won the Ke ntucky Collegiate State C h ampionship smallbore title.
-was rec ipient of one of the Ohio Valley Confere n ce's first first Scholar Athlete of the Yea r awards .
- named first-team All-American in smallbore by th e the National Rifle A ssoc iat io n.
-received honorable mention All-American notice in air rifle by NRA.

Kimberly F loer
Karen Long
Mark Bender
Terry Sievert
Mike Bender
-won the Ke ntucky Collegiate State championship air rifle titl e.
- named second-team All - Am e rican in air rifle by NRA.
- named second-team All - Am e rican in air rifle and smallbore by NRA .
-named second-team All-Am erica n in air rifle by NRA.
- received honorable menti o n All -Ameri ca n noti ce in air rifle by NRA.
- rec e ived honorable mention All - America n n otice in s mallborc by N RA.
Women's Volleyball
Date Opponent
Sept. 6 Dayton
Sept. 10-11 TBA
Sept. 15 Miami (Ohio), Morehead State
Sept. 25-26 EKU Invitational
Sept. 28 Tennessee
Oct. 1-2 Morehead State Invitational
Oct. 8-9 Florida State Invitational
Oct. 13 Louisville
Oct. 15 Tennessee Tech
Oct. 20 Morehead State
Oct. 22- 23 Louisville Invitational
Oct. 27 Cincinnati
Oct. 29 Michigan State, Indiana
Nov 3 Louisville
Nov 6 Morehead State Invitational
Nov. JO Cincinnati
Nov 13 Tennessee
Nov. 19- 20 OVC Championship Tourney
Nov. 30 Tennessee
Dec. 3-4 NCAA First Round s
Dec. 10-11 NCAA Regional
Dec. 17-18 NCAA Final Four

Deanne Madden - Eastern Progress 1981-82 Athlete of the Year award, AIA W All-Region II Player, AIAW All-American Nominee, MVP 1981 EKU Invitational, 1981 Junior Olympic All-Star, 1980 KWIC All-Tourney; Lori Duncan - AIAW All-Region II Player in 1980, USVBA Cincinnati All-Tourney in 1980; Patsy Schacknuk - 1981 Athlete of the Year at Catonsville Community College, 1981 First Team All-American in NJCAA; Debbi DingmanSecond Place Eastern Canadian Nationals, Provincial Championships, Server Award in 1979 and 1980; Irene Ochman - Second Place Eastern Canadian Nationals, Provincial Championships, Best Defensive Player in 1980-81, MVP in 1979-80; Teri Oman - First Team Grand River Conference, Second Team All-County, MVP at Pymataning Valley High School; Lisa TeccaMVP of Touchdown Club of Akron in 1981 , Outstanding Female Athlete at Hoban High School in 1981, Best Offensive·PJayer at Hoban in 1981, State Champs in 1980

The challenge of 1982 will be to improve on its previous season's performance of a 36-11 record. Eight upperclassmen will form the nucleus for that effort with contributions also coming from two talented sophomores, Lori Courtney and C har Gillespie. An unt es ted talented group of new recruits will round out the 1982-83 Colonel squad.
Eastern has student athletes from seven different states as well as Canada. The blending of differe nt playing styles, plus the strength of communication and respect for individual experiences will be instrumental to the success of the tea m.
The schedule has been planned with the objective of advancing to yet another leve l of competitive competence. It will test the 1982 squad in every phase of the season with a hopefu l final outcome of developing a team that will be competitive in post-season championship play. T he 1982 Colonel squad will provide the 16th action-filled year of volleyball at EKU.
Deanne Madden - has shown leade rship in the middle bloc king position which should key the EK U defensive strength. Her poise and maturity and ability to demoralize the opponent with a blistering attack or a stuff block makes Dea nne an exciting competitor.
Lori Duncan - adds a critical aspect to the team's tempo with her offensive and defensive quickness. Her leaders hip skills are demonstrated on the court by her intelligent play and amazing ability to concentrate.
Char Gillespie - adds an element of steadiness to the team resulting in good play during critical moments. Her effectiveness is found in he r quick competitiveness and efforts
Ramona McGovern - gets the team through the a nnoying, sticky points of the co mpetition with her competitiveness and consistent efforts. Her co ncern for all members of the team adds t o the cohesiveness so essential to the total effort.
Joan Messerknecht - is a poised and intelligent competitor with lots of court savvy. He r support of he r tea mmat es during the com petit ive effort makes J oan a valued team member.
First Place - Michigan State Invitational, EKU Invitationa l, OVC Championships, Smokey Mountain C lass ic
Third Place - AIAW Region II Tourney
Fifth Place - Pittsburgh Invitational
Set school record for consecutive match wins with 20 victories in a ro w
Women's Tennis
Sept. 10-11
Sept. 17-18
Sept 24-25
Oct. I
Oct. 2
Oct. 8-9
Oct. 15-16
Kentu cky Women's Invitational C lassic Open
Murray State , Mississippi Stat e So uthwest Missouri Marshall
West Virginia, Duquesne
Middle Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Others
Morehead State, Weste rn Kentucky Home Louisville
Joy Rupert
Kristi Spangenberg
Susan Wilson
Debbie Guenther
Chris Hulbauer
J eannie Waldro n
Martha Mullins, Coach
Judy Beckwith, Graduate Assistant Coac h
Elizabeth Phelps, Manager

Losing five players to graduation means th e 1982-83 acade mi c year wi ll be a rebuilding year for the netters. Assisting th a t project will be three in com in g freshmen - Debbie G ue nther, C hri s Hulbauer and Jeannie Wa ldron - which promise additional depth in doubles , as well as s in gles. All of the se young players have ha d tournament experience and good high sch ool records. Hulbaue r was rank ed as high as 36th in the U n ited S t a t es this pas t summer.
The fall sched ule , abbrev iated in co mpar ison to previous yea r s, will provide the means of gaining individua l and team experience prior to th e sp ring seaso n and th e Ohio Valley Confere nce Tournament, which has become th e annua l highlight compet iti ve ly.
Delmas F ree ma n, C huc k Sc imo n, g u ard . . . 1948 end 1964 1967
P aul W right, ce nter 194 8 R oy Ev ans tac kle 1965
Carl P lanth o lt Jim G uice, bac k 1966-1 968 guar d ...... 1949 Buddy P faadt •
R ay P e lfrey, bac k .. 194 9 back 1965, 1966
Ed Zorc t ic. back 1949 Mike Sm ith , bac k .. 1966
C huck Herne r, ba c k 195 1 Aaron Mars h, C huck Sch m itt, e nd 1966, 1967
1ack le 19 52 Bill Brewe r,
A lex Ki la ko ws ki, end 1952 tack le 1967. 1968
Carl Oa kley, gua rd 1953 Fred T roi ke,
R oy K idd, bac k 1953 g ua rd 19 67 1968
F red W i nsc he r, e nd 1954 R on Re cd ,
Fr a nk Nassid a , li nebacker 19 67 tac kle 1954 H a rr y L enz, ba ck .. 1967
J e rry J o h ns. guard 1954 Ji m Mo be rly,
J ames H anlon, bac k 1954 linebac ke r 1968
D o n D aly, bac k 1954 Larry Kaeli n, guar d 1969
Bo b M uller, bac k 1954 Teddy T a ylor.
T om S c hu lte, e nd .. 19 55 gu ard 1967 - 1969
J o hn S ebcst, back .. 1957 Ji mmy B rooks,
D ave B is ho p, back 1958 ba c k 1968- 197 1
St eve H er~ eg, t ac kl e 1959 H arry Irwi n, ta ck le 1970
E dd ie M iller, guar d 1959 Butch Eva ns.
J o e G raybeal, cent er 1959 fullb ac k ··
19 70
Do n M ac D o nald , J ames W i lso n, gua rd ·· 196 1 tight e nd ... ... ... 197 1
J im my C hi ttum, J ames P o rter, bac k 1971 bac k 1961, 1962 Wa llace C ha mbers.
Ke n Good hcw. guard 196 2 ta ck le 1970, 1972
R o scoe P e rkins , James C roudep. g uard . . . . 1965 linebacke r . .. 1970. 19 72
Lar ry K irksey, end . 1972
A lfred T hompson, ba ck ... ... .. . .... 19 73
R ich Th o ma s, l ine bac ke r 19 73
E vcrett T al bcrt, back 1974 19 76
J oe A lvino guard 1974 , 19 75 , 1976
J o hn Reve re , n a nkc r 1974
R o b yn Hat ley. tackle ... . .. . 1974 . 1975
Ea rl Cody. kic ker 1974
St a n R o be rts, noseguard 19 74
J un i or H ard in, lac k le 1974, 1975
E l mo Boyd , sp li t-e nd 1975, 19 76
S co tt M cCa llister. back 1975
Ern ie H o usc, back 1976
R ooseve lt Ke lley. center 1976
An thony M iller, bac k 197 6, 1977
S tan M itchell, bac k 1977
Randy H ea ber li n, t ackle 19 77
D e an S tu ck y, guard 1977, 1978
J im N e ls o n, flanke r 1977
Chr is R obe rts, e nd 1978
D avid Nea l , center 1978. I979

Joe R ichard, noscguard 1978, 1979
Dale Pa tto n. fu ll ba c k 1978. 197 9
Dan ny Martin . bac k 1978, 19 79
Ke v i n G reve. gua rd 1979- 198 1
David Flores, ki c ker 1979
Bo b M c l n ty re. line ba cker 1979
D arry l Law so n, tackle 1980
J oe Sc h ipskc, ce nt er 1980
Jam es S helto n, tac k le 1980
George Floyd, ba c k ..... ... 1980, 198 1
T e re nee Th o mpso n, back 1981
D av id O ihrkop, tac k le 198 1
C hris T aylo r. g ua rd 198 1
J erry P a rris h, flan ker 198 1
R andy T aylor, tackl e 198 I
A lex Dom i nguez , li ne ba cke r 19 8 I
W E K U- FM , R ic h m o nd , is t he o ri gi na ti ng s t a ti o n for t h e E K U F o o tball Networ k. P lay- byp lay will be p rov ided b y G reg Sto t e lm yer.
R ich mon d R eg is t er ( d a il y, p. m.)
Mad iso n Co unt y P o st (wee kly)
Keith Stee r
S po rts Edito r
M ad ison Co un ty Jou rn al (week ly) Spo rt s Ed itor
T h e Eas t ern Prog ress (w ee kl y) Brian Bla ir
Le x ing t on H eral d ( da ily, a . m.)
Mike Jo hnso n , Gene M c Lean
Lexi n gto n Leader (da ily, p m.) R ic k Bai ley, R o ger es b itt
C o uri er-J o urna l (da ily, a.m.) ..• Billy Reed , Stan S u tto n, Earl C ox
Lo uisv ille Times (da ily, p. m. )
Lo u Yo unk in
Ra di o WE K U- F M Spo r t s Director
Ra di o W E KY ( Ri chmond )
R ad io WC BR (Ric hm ond )
Radi o WV LK (Lex in gt o n )
R a d io WLAP ( Lexi ngt on)
Radio WK T C (L ex ington)
WTVQ-TV (Lex in gt on)
WK YT-T V ( Lexington)
WLEX -T V (L e xi ngto n)
Greg Stotelmyer
ick Gabr ie l, Ral ph H ac ker
A lan C u tl er , Ma rk So k
WLKY -TV ( L ou isvi lle ) M ark G reco
R a di o WHAS & TV ( L ouis ville)
ave Co nrad