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Third Game

Third Game

Single Game I Nd Ividual Records

M ost extra points 9 (Jamie l.ovclt vs Tenn. Tech, 198 1)

Longest run from scrimmage 97 yards ( Don Daly vs. Morehead, 1951)

Most runs from scrimmage - 4., (Alfred T hompson vs. M orehead. 1973)

Most yard s rushing 29J (Terc nct: Thompson vs Akron. 1n11

M ost passes at1emptc d - 45 ( .lim Guice vs Middh: T e nnessee. 1966)

M ost passes comple t ed - 25 (Jim Guice vs. Akron 1968)

M ost yards passing 318 (Chris Isaac vs Murra y State. 1981 I

Most touchdown passes thmwn - 4 (Jim Guice vs. N on hwood. 1967 and Ernie House vs. Austin Peay. 1975)

M ost t ouchdowns sco r ed - 4(Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood 1967 : Jimmy Brooks \'S. East Tennessee, 1971: Stan Mitchell vs. Ashland 1975; Terrence Thompson vs A kro n. 1981. and Western Kentuc ky. 1982)

Most passes recei ved 19 (aa ron Mar sh v,; Northwood, 1967)

M os1 recci,..ing yardage 316 (Aaron Marsh vs No rthwo od, 1967)

Most passes intercep1ed 4 ( Buddy Pfaadt vs Au-.tin P eay , 1966)

Most time s punted

Most yards punted 1971)

I J (Jeff McCarthy vs. Morehead 1971 ) 468 ( J eff M cCarthy vs Moreh ead.

L.ongc'it field goal - 49 yards(David Flores vs Murray State 1977. and vs. Nevada•Rcno. 1979)

Longest puni - 78 yards (Bob Plotts vs. T ampa. 1966)

Longest p u nt return - 88 yard s c r ony .lames vs. Austin P ea)' 1982)

Most fie ld goals - J ( J er r y Pullin s vs M orehead. 1961:(; Earl Cody vs. M orehead. 197J, and vs Murray. 1974; David Flore,; \' s Wes t ern , 1978: Jamie L ovell vs. Boise State 198 1)

Most points score d by ki cking - D( Earl CocJy vs. Morehead, 197))

Most yards kickoff returns - 202 (J erry Pa r rish "'S M urray State 1978)

L ongest intercep ti on return 100 (George Floyd vs. Youngs• town State, 1980)


Most points scored - 90 (l)ale Patt on , 1978)

M ost touchdowns scored - IS (Dale Patt on. 1978)

Mo st extra points 39 ( David Flores. 1979. and .lamit LoveIt, 1982)

Most field goals - 14 (.lamit: Lovett. 1981)

Most points scored by kick - 80 (Jamie L ovett. 1981)

M ost runs from scrim mage - 271 (A lfred Thompson. 197 J)

Most yards rushing 1,4 78 (Everett Talbe rt. 1974)

M ost passes atte mpted - 254 (Tuck Woolum, 1982)

Most passes completed - 137 (Tuck Woo lum, 1982)

Btsl passing percentage - 62 1 (Larry Marmie 1965)

M ost ya rds passing - 1,923 (Tuck Woolum. 1982)

Most yards total offense - 1.983 (Tuck W oolum ,

Most touchdown passes thrown - 14 ( Jim Guice 1966. and Tuck Woo l um. 1982)

Most touchdown passes received - 11 (Aaron Ma r sh, 1966)

Best rushing average ( min. 50 times) 6.7 yards(Chuck Bell. 195))

Most yardage on pass receiving - 1 095 (Aaron Ma rsh. 1967)

M ost passes received - 7 "\ (Aaron Mar-.h. 1966)

Bes t punting average 42 2 {Fred Malins, 1965)

Most p asses intercept e d - 10 (G eorge Floyd, 1981)

Most punts re tu rned 36 (George Floyd. 1981)

M ost ya rds on punt returns - 3 14 (George Floyd. 198 1 )

M ost k ickoffs ret u rned - 24 (Jerry Pa rrish. 1981, and Tony James, 1982)

Most yards on kickoff returns 716 (J e rry Par r ish. 1981)


Most yards rush i n g J,842 ( Ji mmy Broo k s. 1961:(- 71)

Most yards passing 5,041 (Jim Gu ice 1965-68)

Most p lays t otal offense 921 (.Jimmy Brooks. 1968- 7 1)

M ost rushing a tt empts - 920 (Jimmy B rooks. 1968- 7 1)

Most field goa ls kicked J8 (Dav id Flon:s. 1977-80)

Most field goals a ttempted 60 ( Da vid Flores. 1977-80)

Most txtrn po in t s kicked - 126(David Flores, 1977-80)

M ost extra point kid attempts IJ I t D avi d Flores. 1977-80)

Mos t points scored by kick 240 ( Da vid Flore s , 1977-80)

Mo,;t points sco red 240 ( David Florts. 1977--80)

Most touchdmms scored J6 (.limmv Rronks. 1968•71)

Most kickoffs re t urned - 74 (J erry P;rrish 1978-8 1)

M()st yard s on kickoffs returned - 2.072 ( lcrry Parri s h. 197881 I

Most consecutive extra points kicked 60 ( D a vid Flo res. 1977-78)

M ost punts returned - 78 (George Floyd. 19 78 -1".1 I )

Most yard s on punt returns - 58J (George F loyd, 1978-81 )

Most passes lntcret:·pt ed 22 (George F loyd, 197X•XI)

M ost yards inte rce ption re t urns - J2X (George Fl oyd 1978• 8 1)

Rest kickoff return average - 28 0 ( .lcrry Parrish. JIH8·81 )

Single Game Team Re Cords

M ost po ints sc ored hy opponent - 99 vs Wittcnbtrg in 1931

L argest vic tor y m argin 67-0 vs. Morehead in 1925

LargesL dL·ft!at marg in 99-0 vs Wittenberg in 19 3 1

Most ne t ya rds rushing - 510 vs. East Tennessee in 1977

M osl pass a ttempts - SO vs Akron in 196S

M ost pass completions 29 vs Akron in 196X

Mos1 pass in g yardage - 425 vs. t\'orthwood in 1%7

Most vards to ta l offense - 662 vs. Ea s t Te nnc ss('e in 1977

Most first downs - JJ vs Wisconsin -Oshkosh in 1975

Most firs t downs rushing 2J vs. Ashland College in 1975

Mos1 touchdowns scored 9 vs. Evansvi lle in 1953: \' S Tennessee Tech. 1981

M ost extra poinh - 9 \'S T ennessee Tech. 19Xl

M ost yards penali,ed - 155 vs Morehead, 19 77

Least ncl yards rushing by opponent - (-4)) vs M iddle T ennessee. l9X I

Most touchdown passes - 6 \'s Northwood in 196 7

Fewest first d owns given up 2 vs Mu r ray State i n 1976


Undefeated seasons - 1940 (8-0-0) 1954 (8--0·1) 1982 11 3-0-0)

Mos t win s 13 , 1982 ( 13-0-0)

M os t defe a t s - 8 in 1929 ( 1-8--0)

Mos t tics Jin 19JJ { 1-2<'1

M os t points sc o red 375 (1981)

Mos 1 points by oppos i tion - 264 ( l9JO ) least point s scored 15 (19.10)

M os t consec uti ve games withou l a loss IS ( 19SJ -5 4-55) 2 tics

Most consecutive games won - U ( 19]9-40-4 1) and

Most touchdowns scored 48 ( 1981)

Mos t extra points kided 41 (1 98 1)

• Tangerine Bo wl Game not included

Most p a sses rnmplcttd 170 ( 1967)

M ost passes allcmpted - JOO ( 1967)

Best passing perce nlage - 58 2 ( 1965)

Leas t yards rushing by o pp o nents - 951 ( 195 J)

Leas t yards passing by opponents 48 7 f 1957)

Bes l punting avera ge 42 2 ( 1965)

Most yards pcnal i1ed 80."\ ( 1981)

M os t y,irds rushing J.07X ( 191$1)

M ()s t yards passing - 2,133 ( 1967 )

Best to ta l offense - 5.006 (1981)

Most first downs rushing - 158 t 1979)

M os1 passes intercepted by 26 ( 1981)

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