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Women's Volleyball

1983 Sch Edule



The 1983 women's vo ll eyball team will face its toughest challenge as it attempts to impro ve upon the 1982 season which included : ( I) placing a se nior member(Deanne Madden) of the team as first alternate on the USA Women's National Olympic Team (2) recognit ion in t he national Tachikara Top Tw enty Poll (3) second consecutive Ohio Valley Conference c ham pions hi p (4) Florida State University In vitationa l cham pionsh ip (5) a 34-15 seaso n 's record with numerous players se lected all tournamen t , MVP and All-Regional.

Th e Colonels will face a s chedule loaded with s u c h nationally-ranked teams as San Diego State, Unive rsity of the Pacific, New Me xico, Southwest Missouri, Penn State and th e Unive rsi ty of Texas-Arlington. EK U will a lso meet the determined and much improved Oh io Valley Conference opponents.

"Every e ffort will be ma d e to stop Eas tern from repeating as confe ren ce champions for the third consecu t ive year," said EK U coach Dr. Geri Polvino.

Five upperclassmen , along with five sophomores and four fres hm e n will makeup the 1983 team. Junior setter Cha rl o tt e Gillespie, senior all-around player Lori Dunca n and s ophomore mid dle blocker-attacker Li sa Tecca will be p ri mar y concern to oppone nts.

Student athletes from nine sta t es as well as Canad a will blend individual e xp e ri e nc e necessary to a successfu l team effort. Th is team will lead Eas tern in its 17 t h season of actionpacked volleyba ll.

Top Returning Players

Lori Duncan - add s a c ri t ical aspect to the team's te m po with her offe nsive and defe nsi ve quickness. H er maturity and leadership skills ar e demonstrated on the court by her intelligent play, intensi ty and c o ncentration.

Patsy Schacknuk - maturit y in the m idd le block posit ion will co nti n ue the traditional strengt h of Eastern's middle defense and attack. Her c aringatiitud e will add to the st rength of the tea m' s unity.

Char Gillespie - add s stability to the t eam. r es ulting in good play during cr iti cal mo ment s Her st rength is found in her competitiveness and d e t e rmination.

Lisa Tecca - her dominance o f t he o pp o nents' middle game will fuel Eastern's defense. Li sa' s stubborn and determin ed effort will co ntrol mid-court.

Irene Ochman - will ignite t he Colonel offense and d e f e nse


Lori Duncan - Selected EKU best defensive player in 19 82, best all -aroun d in 1982, OVC All-Tournament i n 1982, Morehead State All Tournament in 1982 . AIAW All-Region II cho ice in 1980 and the USVBA Cincinnati Al l-Tourney team in 1980.

Patsy Schacknuk - Athlete of the Yea r , Catonsville Community College. 1981; NJ CAA All-Amer ican 1981; All Tournament seco nd t eam N J CAA Nationa ls in 1980; All T ou rnament first team NJ CAA R egionals in 1981 .

Charlotte Gillespie - OVC All-Tournament in 1982. USV BA All-Tournam e nt in 1982

Cathy Brett - Colorado All-Conference firs t team, All-State T ou rna ment Team in 1980; All-Conference first t eam. All-State Tournament T ea m. All-State first team , MVP State T o urnam ent, vo t ed MVP by female high school coaches in 19 8 1; established na ti onal r ecord in 1981.

Teri Oman - EKU spir it award in 1982.

Angela Boykins - Indiana h igh school All-Con ference first team in I 982 and seco nd team in 1981.

Sarah Ewy - Colorado high school All-Conference in 1982.

Tami Tipton - Notre Dame lea d ersh ip award in volleyball in 1980

Cindy Thomson - 1982 Player of the Yea r ; 1980, 1981 All-D is trict.

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