The 1998 Football Media Guide has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover the Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answers concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you desire additional information, special features, pictures, etc., or have questions not answered in this media guide, feel free to contact the Division of Sports Information located in the Begley Building (Telephone: 606-622-1253, FAX: 606-622-1230, e-mail address: athpark@acs.eku.edu, website address: www.athletics.eku.edu).
for Visiting News
Media Personnel at Football Games
WORKING PRESS TICKETS-All requests for press tickets by working newspaper, radio, or television personnel should be made BY NAME, as far in advance as possible. Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. In the event of a large press turnout, priority will go to EKU's regular coverage and statewide media.
RADIO-All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting Rights should be addressed to the Division of Sports Information, Eastern Kentucky University. Requests should be made BY NAME as early as possible. Lines are to be ordered by the requesting station direct from the BellSouth Telephone Company with instructions to be made available ifrequested in advance. The "official station," as designated by the Director of Athletics of the visiting institution, will be assigned priority space. Requests by other stations will be considered by availability of space and date of request.
TELEVISION-Live or delayed television prohibited unless permission is granted by the Athletics well in advance.
radio requests, four persons.
PRESS TAGS-Press tags must be worn for identification by all writers, photographers and scouts seated in the press box or located on the field. Please note: All press passes are issued BY NAME to authorized working personnel and are nontransferable.
ACCOMMODATIONS AT EASTERN-The working newspaper, radio, and television personnel, as well as scouts and other officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by - play report and complete team and individual statistics at halftime and approximately 30 minutes after the game. Refreshments are served before and during the game.
AVAILABILITY OF COACH ROY KIDD-EKU head coach Roy Kidd is available for telephone interviews, MondayThursday from 9:00 a.m.-Noon and 2 :00-2:30 p.m. Kidd's office telephone number is (606) 622-2146 and his home number is (606) 623-5533. He can also be reached through his e-mail address: athkiddr@acs.eku.edu.
Location-Richmond, KY (Pop. 23,842) , Madison County (Pop. 63,897)
President-Dr. Robert W. Kustra
Vice President for Academic Affairs-Dr. Russell Enzie Athletic Conference-Ohio Valley, NCAA Division I Gymnasium-McBrayer Arena( capacity 6,500)
coverage is Stadium-RoyKidd(capacity20,000) Director of Nickname-Colonels
SCOUTS-All requests by scouts should be made BY NAME as far in advance as possible. Professional scouts' requests, usually one per team per game, are to be made from the team's main office. No passes will be given to professional scouts for a playoff game.
PHOTOGRAPHERS-Advance requests BY NAME are required and, as a general policy, there should be no more than one photographer per school or medium. Photographers may take pictures from the sidelines during the game provided they remain within a specified area-away from the immediate sidelines and in front of the bench and coaching areas (30 to 30 yd. line). Motion picture crews may use the facilities provided in the television tower on the east side of the field, upon assignment of available space. Television station cameramen may park underneath and behind the tower on the bleacher side of the field.
SEATING-In requesting working press tickets, please advise BY NAME as to the number in your party. It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two persons,
Members: Dr. Janna Vice, Chairman; Dr. Anne Brooks; Dr. Samuel Leung; Dr. Nancy Peel; Dr. Doug Whitlock; Mrs. Jeannette Crockett; Dr. Judy Short; Mr. C .E. Baldwin; Dr. Robert Baugh and Betty Werner, ex-officio; and two faculty representatives to be appointed
Director of Athletics-Dr. Robert Baugh
Associate Director of Athletics for Internal Affairs- Betty Werner
Assistant Directorof Athletics for External Affairs-Mike Blaser
Head Football Coach-Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentucky, 1955)
Line Coaches-Jim Tanara(UT-Chattanooga, 1965); Doug Carter (William Jewell, 1980).
Backfield Coaches-Leon Hart (Maryville , 1973); Dean Hood (Ohio Wesleyan, 1986); Donn Landholm (Wayne State, 1979); John Revere (Eastern Kentucky, 197 6).
Defensive Coordinator: Dean Hood
Offensive Coordinator: Leon Hart
Head Coaches Other Sports-Baseball: Jim Ward ; Men's Basketball: Scott Perry; Men's Golf: Pat Stephens; Men's Track and Cross Country: Rick Erdmann; Men's and Women's Tennis : Tom Higgins ; Women's Golf: Joni Stephens; Women's Volleyball: Lori Duncan; Women's Basketball: Larry Inman; Women's Track and Cross Country: Rick Erdmann; Softball: Jane Worthington.
Assistant Coaches Other Sports-Basketball: Tom Souder, To be named; Women's Basketball: Sheila Simmons, Kent Miller; Men's and Women's Track: Tim Moore.
Trainer-Dr. Bobby Barton
Assistant Trainers-Randy McGuire, Sue Geesey-Jean
Sports Information Director-Karl Park
Athletics Business Manager-David Parke
Athletics Ticket Manager-Jim Rice
Chairman, James Gilbert, Richmond and Berea; Vice Chairman, Barbara Ricke, Lexington; Jane Boyer, Louisville; Gilbert Miller, Richmond; Dr. Daisy French, Lexington; Harold Campbell, Booneville; Dr. William De Vries , Lexington; Alice Rhodes, Ashland; Dr. Mary Fleming, faculty representative; Ronnie Mink, staff representative; Adam Back, student representative.
Karl Park, a 1970 graduate ofEKU, is now in his 29th year as Sports Information Director for Eastern' s athletic teams. He served as sports editor of the school newspaper, The Eastern Progress, for three years while a student of the University. The 49 year-old Richmond, Kentucky native is a member of the College Sports Information Directors of America (COSIDA), the United States Basketball Writers Association and the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association He recently concluded a six-year stint as Mideast Director of the National Collegiate Baseball Writer's Association
He received national recognition for the production ofEKU' s three seasonal media guides for 1978- 79 and 1979-80. The winter sports guide was voted Best in the Nation - Division A for those two years.
Park was a member of the Ohio Valley Conference's 40th Anniversary Celebration Committee in 1987-88 and served on the OVC's 50th Anniversary Committee last year. He received his master's degree from Eastern in 1979 in sports administration.
He is currently serving his fourthyearon the GTEAcademicAIIAmerica Committee as District IV Coordinator for the University Division Men's Fall/Winter and Spring Sports At-Large Teams .
He is married to the former Shelley Steele of Owingsville and they have a daughter, Rachel, age 14 , and son, Drew, 8.
Karl Park DirectorDr. Robert W. Kustra began his tenure as Eastern Kentucky University's ninth President July 2, 1998.
At the time of his election by the University Board of Regents, he was serving in his eighth year as the Lieutenant Governor of Illinois. While serving two terms as Illinois' second-highest elected official, he directed statewide initiatives in the areas of education, economic development , technology and substance abuse. More closely akin to his current responsiblilities, he spearheaded a major reorganization and streamlining of the public university governance structure in Illinois.
His role in the latter accomplishment was made possible in 1996 when the Governor appointed him as Chair of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, with responsibility for the oversight of 12 public universities. Since 1994, he had been assigned the responsiblity for the state's economic development
For the 10 years prior to his election as Lieutenant Governor , Dr . Kustra served in the Illinois General Assembly, both as a representative and a senator. During his first year in each of the two chambers, his colleagues elected him as the Best Freshman Legislator. In the General Assembly, he championed efforts in education, including Chicago public school reform.
Throughout his public service, President Kustra continued to teach political science at the university level. He has served on the faculties of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Roosevelt University, and Northwestern University. He holds the B.A. from Benedictine College, the M.A. from Southern Illinois University, and the Ph. D. from the University of Illinois.
A believer in the use of technology as a resource to improve teaching and learning and to increase access to education, he credits Kentucky's initiative in postsecondary education reform as one of the factors that attracted him to Eastern Kentucky University.
He and his wife, Kathy, have three grown children.
Organized under a single administrative unit, the College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics includes three academic departments, the Division of Athletics, and the Division oflntramural Programs. The three academic departments; Health Education, Physical Education, and Recreation and Park Administration, offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs with 12 different options. The Division of Athletics sponsors eight intercollegiate sports for men and eight intercollegiate sports for women. In addition to the balanced intercollegiate athletics program, the Division of Intramural programs sponsors competitive team and individual sports, recreational free play, sport clubs, camping trips, equipment rental, and other co-ed activities for students, faculty, and staff.
These programs are an integral part of the total program and development of Eastern students. They offer experiences which contribute immeasurably to the health, vitality and preparation ofyoung people as citizens and for their leadership contributions to the youth in the nation's schools and elsewhere.
Possessing academic backgrounds that represent more than a score ofthe finest colleges and universities in the nation, the coaches of athletics are members of the full-time faculty that provide the academic and intramural, as well as, varsity athletic programs housed within the College.
The Dean of the College is Dr. Robert J. Baugh. The three academic departments are chaired by: Dr. Donald Calitri, Health Education; Dr. Lonnie Davis, Physical Education; Dr. Larry Belknap, Recreation and Park Administration. John
Jewell serves as director of the Division oflntramural Programs.
The College's intercollegiate athletics program is administered by Dr. Robert Baugh, who also serves as athletics director. Mike Blaser is assistant athletics director for external affairs, while Betty Werner is associate director of athletics for internal affairs.
EKU, a member of the NCAA and Ohio Valley Conference, fields athletic teams in football, baseball, men's and women's basketball, tennis, cross country, track and field (indoor and outdoor), golf, women's softball and volleyball.
In addition to a diversified faculty, extensive indoor and outdoor resources are required to support the wide scope operation ofEastern's College ofHPER&A, and most facilities serve multipurpose functions for instruction and athletics. The College's programs are housed in five major campus structures: The RobertB. Begley Building, Alumni Coliseum, Weaver Health Building, the Presnell Building, and the Greg Adams Building
Numerous tennis courts, recreation areas, Gertrude Hood Field, Turkey Hughes Baseball Field and the Tom C. Samuels nine-lane track and tartan infield are among the other facilities of the College .
The F.M. Burke Wellness Center, located in the Weaver Health Building, provides a practical educational opportunity for students as well as individualized physical activity, lifestyle assessment, and physical assessment that can assist faculty and staff in the development of healthy lifestyles.
Dr. Robert Baugh serves as Director of Athletics, as well as Dean of Eastem's College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, one of the University's nine academic colleges.
Baugh, former professor and chair of the EKU Department of Health Education, assumed the duties of acting dean in January of 1987. He also served a six month stint as Acting Director of Athletics during the 1990-91 school year prior to the appointment of Roy Kidd as athletics director. He has been at Eastern since 1970.
Prior to amvmg at EKU, Baugh taught four years at Austin Peay State University following a stint of high school teaching in University City, Missouri.
Baugh holds the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Indiana University.
Baugh and his wife, Carol, reside in Richmond She is a professor in EKU's College of Allied Health and Nursing. He completed appointments August I, 1997, as a member of the NCAA Council, the NCAA Eligibility Committee and the NCAA Initial Eligibility Committee.
Blaser Assistant Director of Athletics for External AffairsBetty Werner is completing her second year at EKU as Associate Director of Athletics for Internal Affairs. She is responsible for day-to-day athletics operations, including personnel , budgets, game management and compliance.
Werner served as an athletics director at Drake for 13 years, first as Director of Women's Athletics from 1974-79 During that time , she was also the head women's tennis coach In 1979 , she was appointed Associate Director ofAthletics for Men's and Women's Athletics and Senior Women's Administrator In .a ddition , she served on the inaugural NCAA Women's Basketball Committee ( 1981-86).
Prior to her tenure at Drake , she coached the men's tennis and women's basketball teams at Maryville College
Most recently , she coordinated conces~ion sales at the Colorado Rockies' Coors Field fornon-profit organizations , rai~ing mm e than $1 million for those organizations in 1995 She is also a ,nemb er of the NCAA Men's Tennis Regional Committee .
She received her bachelor' s degree from the University of Tulsa and her master's degree from the University ofMlssouri.
Mike Blaser is beginning his fourth year at Eastern, serving the University as Assistant Director of Athletics for External Affairs.
Blaser, 37, who received both his bachelor's ('84) and his master's ('86) degrees from EKU, worked two and one-half years in the marketing and promotions department at the University ofNevada Las Vegas , having served in 1994-95 as the Director of Athletics Marketing and Promotions.
Prior to his stint at UNL V, he was an assistant director of athletics marketing and promotions at the University of Louisville for two years after serving at U ofL the previous year as an athletics marketing assistant in sales His other athletics-related experience comes from stints with the Savannah Cardinals Class A baseball club as General Manager ( 1986-87) and with the Jacksonville Expos Class AA baseball team as Assistant General Manager ( 1987-89).
Blaser and his wife, Risa, have four children : Natalie (7), Mitchell (6) , Chase (4) and Brandon (I)
Betty Werner Associate Director of Athletics for Internal Affairspretty good. But not for Roy Kidd and Eastern Kentucky football.
- Roy KiddAs measured by almost any yardstick, the Eastern Kentucky University football team had a successful 1997 season. Coming off a 6-5 record in 1996, the school's worst in 20 years, and facing perhaps their toughest schedule ever, the Colonels went 8-4, swept through the Ohio Valley Conference undefeated and returned to the I-AA playoffs.
But for Roy Kidd, whose place in the history of college football is secure, those four losses--and particularly a disheartening first round playoff defeat--left him unfulfilled.
"We bounced back, won our conference and got back to the playoffs ," said Kidd, "and those were our goals So, maybe I should be satisfied. But I'm not and neither are the coaches or the players. We all want to do better. That's among our goals for this season (1998) ."
It won't be easy The OVC will be stronger than in 1997, and to say that the non-conference schedule is stronger is considerable understatement. On Sept. 12, the Colonels go to Lexington to play the University of Kentucky, led by Tim Couch, the nation's top quarterback and a leading Heisman Trophy candidate Challenges such as those lead some to suggest that anything better than average in 1998 might be
There is nothing about Kidd ' s life or athletic career that causes one to use the word average (unless YOU want to suggest that about his golf game). For example, that 6-5 record in 1996 caused the Colonels to miss the I-AA playoffs for the first time in 12 seasons--only the third time they have missed the post-season in the 20 years since Division I-AA was formed
They began to put that behind them in 1997; they hope to completely bury the memory in 1998.
As he talked about the upcoming season in mid-July, Roy Kidd could hardly wait to get started. He was getti ng ready the way he always has: hours of meetings with the coaching staff and film study of his team and their early season opponents. In other words, hard work.
Just what you would expect from one of the most successful and respected coaches in the history of his sport . This will be his 44th year as a football coach, his 35th year as the head coach at his alma mater and the 41 st year that he has had the primary responsibility for a football team.
•1 like the way our coaches and our players have worked to get ready for the 1998 season. They may be overmatched on occasion, but they'll come to play."
His coaching peers have elected him president of the Football Coaches Association. His name is on the EKU stadium, and it is engraved in the record books alongside the sport's giants--Eddie Robinson, Bear Bryant, Joe Paterno, Bobby Bowden, Pop Warner. In mid-May of 1998, he was presented with the Johnny Vaught Lifetime Achievement Award for Head Coaches by the All-American Football Foundation, marking him as one of the great football coaches of alltime. His 280 victories rank him seventh all time.
Every fall , a new chapter of the Roy Kidd story is written. The page turns . The characters change . What doesn't change is what the coach expects of himself, his staff and his team, and the way he deals with the world around him.
Since 1956, Kidd-coached players have been winning on fall weekends, then moving on to successful lives. He always has followed a simple philosophy. "I try to treat my players , my coaching staff, the people I work with, the way I would like to be treated," he said. "I tell my coaches, ' You treat these young men like you'd like to be treated' "
His players remember.
"He has been the most important man in my life. He set me straight, made me care about school and about myself And he taught me how to win," said Wayne Bowlin, who played on the 1956 Madison High School team, Coach Kidd's first year as a head coach. 'Those lessons have stayed with me. There's rarely a day I don't th i nk of something I learned from Coach Kidd." (Bowl in recently retired after a successful career as a coach, teacher and principal ; his son, Mike, now a college assistant coach, played for Coach Kidd at EKU .)
"Coach Kidd has helped many, many athletes develop not only their athletic skills, but their character as well. What these kids are hearing today from him are the same things we heard from him 30 years ago," said Jim Guice, two-time AII-OVC quarterback who directed the Colonels in 1966, 1967 and 1968. (Guice is General Manager of the Miami Division of Ryder Transportation Services.)
"Coach Kidd changed my life," sa id Jim Demler, a standout defensive tackle in the late 1960s. "He believed in 'me and gave me a chance when others wouldn't. In addition to his outstand-
ing knowledge of the game that he passed on to his players, he treated everyone with respect." (Dr. Demler is a urologistin Sarasota, Florida.)
"Coach Kidd and his staff make players better than they think they can be," said Wally Chambers, a two-time AII-OVC and All-American defensive tackle in the early 1970s. (Chambers played seven years in the NFL, was its Defensive Rookie of the Year in 1973 and made the Pro Bowl. Since then, he has worked as an NFL and college coach )
"No matter how big your reputation was, or where you came from, everyone was treated the same," said Robyn Hatley, a two-time, AII-OVC offensive tackle in the mid-1970s. "Coach Kidd gave us all a sense of pride, because of the way he ran his program." (Dr. Hatley is a pediatric surgeon at the Medical College of Georgia.)
"You can tell the first time you meet him that Coach Kidd tells you the truth," said John Jackson, a two-time, AII-OVC offensive tackle in the mid-1980s. "He always tells you where you stand. I've heard from other guys that a lot of schools try to hide things from you and you don't learn the truth until after you get there. With Coach Kidd, you know " (Jackson is in his 11th year as an NFL starting offensive tackle, and his first season with the San Diego Chargers; he entered 1998 with a new 6-year, $26 million contract, making him the NFL's highest paid offensive lineman )
"Coach Kidd always wants you to do the right thing ," said Aaron Jones , two-time AII -OVC and All-American defensive tackle in the late 1980s. "He g ives good advice, and he knows what the young guys love to do. You could never pull anything over on him On campus or in town, he knows." (Jones , the 19th player taken in the 1988 NFL draft, played nine years in the league, through the 1996 season.)
The man also is a football coach with few peers. Since 1978, when Division I-AA was formed, Eastern Kentucky has the fourth winningest college football program in Division I. The 188 Colonel wins in the 20 seasons since 1978 are exceeded only by Nebraska, Brigham Young and Florida State among the 200 Division I and I-AA schools
For the 20 years there has been a Division I-AA, EKU has stood at its pinnacle Among current participating schools, only Georgia Southern and Youngstown State belong in the same paragraph.
Before he was a coach, Roy Kidd was a player. Just as in his coaching career, as a player he stood above the crowd. At Corbin High School in southeastern Kentucky, Kidd
(Following are the records of the only coaches who have ever won 200 ore games at one school in the history of Division I colleg I. " indicates a coach who is still active.)
Coac , ool Years
Eddie Robinson, Grambling 55
*Joe Paterno.Penn State
*Roy Kidd, Eastern Kentuc
*TubbyRaymond , D
Tom Osborne, Nebras a
Amos Alonzo Stagg , Chica
*LaVell Edwards , BYU
*Bobby Bowden, Florida State
Woody Hayes, Ohio State
Jake Gaither, Florida A&M
Vince Dooley , Georgia
T 15
made first-team all-state in the three sports in which he competed--football, basketball and baseball.
Kidd turned down a scholarship to play for Bear Bryant at the University of Kentucky because his favorite sport was baseball--and the football coaches at Eastern Kentucky were willing to let him play both sports.
Which isn't to say that he couldn't play football. His senior year at Eastern, Kidd was an All-American quarterback.
After one year as a graduate assistant at Eastern and another year at a local high school, Kidd was named the football coach at one of Kentucky' s smallest high schools, Richmond Madison, about a 4-iron from the EKU practice field.
In six seasons, Kidd's Madison teams won 54 games and lost 10. There was a 27-game winning streak; in one 21 -game stretch, Kidd ' s teams allowed a total of 15 points Kidd was Kentucky Coach of the Yea r in 1961, his last year at Madison.
Kidd served the next two years as a college assistant, in 1962 at Morehead State and in 1963 at Eastern. He began the 1964 season as the head coach at his alma mater.
Now, he begins his 35th consecutive season in that job, a one-school tenure unmatched in Division I or I-AA.
Kidd ' s first Ohio Valley Conference (OVC) championship came in 1967, which ended with a Grantland Rice Bowl victory (27-13) over Ball State. The second OVC title came the next year, as a team led by Guice and w ide receiver Aaron Marsh (AFL Rookie of the Year in 1968) set the standard for future teams
Things began to get really interesting in 1978, when the NCAA created two levels in Divis ion I football. Division I-AA was formed when some conferences (the Southern, Southland and Big Sky) stepped down from Division I and others (the OVC , Yankee, Colonial, Southwestern and Gateway) stepped up from Division II.
That was a critical moment , because Division I-AA schools could award 65 scholarships, 25 more scholarships than Roy Kidd had ever had before. The coach was able to bring in more undeveloped recruits who were similar to the best players who had come before them--like Guice, Marsh and Chambers These were players with talent, but who pe rhaps were an inch shorter or a step slower or a few press clippings lighter than the athletes pursued by the major colleges.
The first I-AA season, 1978, the Colonels were 8-2 but did not make the playoffs Then began this four -year run :
- In 1979, the Colonels won their first playoff game , 33-30 in overtime over Nevada, then methodically dispatched Lehigh, 30 -7. It was Eastern's first national championship
- In 1980 , EKU made it to the final game again, losing 31-29
to Boise State in the game's final 15 seconds on a fourth-downand-goal desperation pass.
- The 1981 season produced a 12-2 record and playoff victories over Delaware and Boise State But the season ended in crushing disappointment with a 34-23 loss to Idaho State in the national championship game.
- Quarterback Tuck Woolum and receiver Steve Bird led a veteran team into the 1982 season. They were determined not to be denied again , and they weren't. The Colonels completed a marvelous 13-0 record by winning their second national title, 17-14 over Delaware
Every year since then, with the notable exception of 1985 and 1996 , fall Saturdays have brought eight or more victories and playoff appearances to Roy Kidd and Eastern Kentucky. Always, the emphasis has been on fundamentals Turnovers and penalties are few, gimmicks even fewer .
Dave Roberts, a former Kidd assistant who now is the head coach at Baylor University, said, "Look, you know what they're going to do . They do pretty much the same thing every year. But that doesn't make it any easier They just line up and beat you. "
Tim Stowers, the former head coach at 1-AA power Georgia Southern, said, "Coach Kidd believes in blocking and tackling. His defense says, Here we are, block us if you can. His offense says, Here we come, stop us if you can. Not many people block them , and not many people stop them "
Coach Kidd pleads guilty ''We try to keep the game from being too complicated, " he said. "Some of the people we play try to do too much , and that leads to mistakes. I believe that your kids should know what they are supposed to do, so they can execute on the field If you' re going to beat me, I want my kids to know what they are doing. We want to make it possible for them to win."
There is no doubt that it works. His 280 victories at Eastern (334 wins overall as a head coach) rank Kidd seventh all time among Division I coaches and third all time for victories at one school.
The Colonels have compiled some impressive records as well. In the 20-year history of Division I-AA, EKU ' s 188 wins are comfortably ahead of all others in the 90 -team division--16 more than second -place Delaware
EKU has appeared in the I-AA playoffs five more times (a total of 17 appearances) than any other school, and played in more playoff games (31) than any other
Along the way, there have been opportunities for Roy Kidd
to finish his career at a bigger school , earning more money But he hasn 't budged .
"Roy is one of the best coaches in the history of the sport, and he could have gone other places," said David Cawood, a former Kidd aide who served as assistant executive director of the NCAA for several years . "But he has a comfort level at Eastern, and he has his ego in check. He already has what's important to him."
What's most important to Coach Kidd is his family . He and his wife, Sue, have three children--Marc, Keith and Kathy--and six grandchildren: Seth Kidd {11 ), Samantha Kidd (8), Evan Kuhl (9), Nicholas Kuhl (5) and Kirsten Kuhl (3) and Kody Kidd (1 ).
"I have a lot of roots here," said the coach. "This is my home It's Sue's home; it's our family's home. This is my school. I played here. I really love this place. And I really love the kids we have at Eastern, and the friends we've made over the years."
Those years have not dimmed the competitive fire that drives Roy Kidd. He's not a good loser, and freely admits it.
He loves to coach, and he still looks forward to the work winning requires--the seven-day weeks, the countless hours of watching film, being available when a current or former player needs him.
For all the success, the victories, the championships, the unmatched sat isfaction he feels from seeing so many former players doing so well in their lives for all of that, Coach Kidd is a man who is not very content.
"Last year, we were much improved over where we were in 1996; I still have nightmares about 1996," said Kidd. "But we aren 't where we want to be, where we expect to be.
"We've lost nine games the last two years. We're not used to that, although I know those were the two toughest schedules we've ever had. But we've always had challenging schedules. We have a very tough one this year."
The coach said his staff and the players had responded well to the challenge to getting ready for 1998. "We had a good winter program and a good spring," he said. "A number of our kids have been working very hard this summer, getting ready for September."
Offensively, Coach Kidd likes the depth and experience he has up front, the potential represented by running backs Derick Logan and Corey Crume and the speed and experience of wide receiver Rondel Menendez. Sophomore Waylon Chapman, who had a good spring and came out of spring drills as the number one quarterback, will battle junior transfer Jon Denton and junior college transfer Chad Collins for the starting job.
Defensively, there is no depth at defensive tackle (Kidd: "whoever backs up the starters will not have ever played collegiately"), no experience at middle linebacker and a major concern in the secondary: all four starters in 1998 have graduated. Strong safety Scooter Asel, an all-OVC player as a freshman in 1996, is fighting his way back from a knee injury that ended his 1997 season in the opener. If healthy, Asel could make a big difference for the Colonels
Asel's presence would help The OVC portion of the schedule is expected to be very tough, with stiff championship challenges expected from Middle Tennessee, Murray State, Eastern Illinois and Tennessee Tech. The non-conference schedule features Western Kentucky, which returns the incredible Willie Taggart at quarterback, Appalachian State , Kentucky State, and, for the first time, the University of Kentucky and its fabulous quarterback, Tim Couch
"It's not like we don't have a full plate," said Kidd. "But I like the way our coaches have worked to get ready, and I like our kids. They may be overmatched on occasion, but they'll come to play."
Along the way, there will be reminders about what is expected in a program with so much tradition. Some will come from former players who don't need much prompting to discuss what it has meant to them to play for, and learn from, Coach Roy Kidd
Robyn Hatley, pediatric surgeon: "He has given a lot of people a chance that they probably would not have had other places. He believes in you. He is a gentleman and a good man."
Wayne Bowlin, teacher and principal: "I tried to tell him once what he had meant to me, how he was so important in my life. He told me to do the same things for kids who, like me 40 years ago, needed help."
Jim Demler, urologist: "He changed my life. He believed in me unequivocally, and he gave me a chance when others wouldn't. I'll never be able to repay him for all the things he did for me, for making me a better person."
Dean Hood, former assistant head coach and defensive coordinator at Glenville (WV) State College, begins his fifth season as defensive backfield coach at EKU and his second as defensive coordinator for the Colonels
Hood came to Eastern after coaching at Glenville State for four seasons, the last three on defense, as GSC advanced in 1993 to the NAIA Division I national championship game and compiled a 10-3 record.
Glenville State's defense ledallNAIADivisionlschools in 1993in three categories : scoring defense (9.2), pass defense (118.0) and total defense (223 0).
Hood, 34, a native of Ashtabula, OH, also coached the 1987 and 1988 seasons as assistant football coach at Fairmont (WV) State College working with defensive backs In 1989, he served as junior varsity defensive coordinator, special teams coordinator and assistant varsity defensive secondary coach at Colgate (NY) University.
Hood is a 1986 graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University where he served as team captain his junior and senior seasons while playing defensive back there He was a first team All-American defensive back at OWU as a senior and a three-time All-North Coast Athletic Conference choice in the secondary Hood received his masters of science degre e in physical education from West Virginia University in 1989. He is married to the former Crystal Ramsey of Richmond.
Jim Tanara will handle the defensive line again in his 20th year as an assistant coach at Eastern. Tanara came to EKU from the staff of Bear Bryant at Alabama where he served 11 years working with the Title's de-
While at Alabama , Tanara was a member of the staff that directed the Tide to two national championships and appearances in 11 bowl games He also served as UA's head wrestling coach for 11 years.
He was a three-year letterman for UT Chattanooga and started at both defensive end and tight end While collecting Little All-American honors in 1964, he received his bachelor of science degree in 1965 and was drafted by the New Orleans Saints as a free agent upon graduation.
He was an assistant football coach at Cleveland (TN) High School for three years before going to Alabama in 1970.
Tanara's recruiting area for the Colonels includes northeast Georgia and the Atlanta and Chattanooga metropolitan areas
He enjoys hobbies of golf, tennis and scuba diving He has two children, Julie and Jimmy, and is married to the former Charlotte Gibson of Gadsden, AL.
Leon Hart has begun his second stint as an EKU assistant coach , coming back to the Colonel program in 1996 For the third straight year, he will serve coach Roy Kidd as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach.
Hart was the head football coach at Elon College in Burlington , N.C., from 1989-95 where he compiled a 37-37 overall record in seven seasons there. His best year came in 1992 when Elon went 8-2 and finished the year ranked fifth among NCAA Division II schools He was voted South Atlantic Conference Coach of the Year and American Football Coaches Association District 4 Coach of the Year in 1992.
He was previously a member of the EKU coaching staff for 13 seasons (1976-88) and was offensive coordinator from 198188 Hart graduated from Mansfield (Ohio) Madison High School in 1969 and went on to Maryville College where he received his B.A in education in 1973.
While at Maryville, Hart lettered four years serving as captain of the baseball squad as a senior He was a safety for the Maryville gridders, leading the team in interceptions his last three seasons.
Prior to coming to EKU in 1976, he coached at Malabar High School in Mansfield for three years. Hart coached running backs and defensive linemen there, plus assisted with basketball and baseball.
Hart is married to the former Mattie Arvin oflrvine and has two sons , Tim and Seth.
Doug Carter will begin his 12th season as an assistant coach for Coach Roy Kidd's staff and will be in charge of the offensive line.
Carter came to Eastern from the staff at the University of Central Florida where he coached two seasons as head offensive line coach, offensive special teams coordinator and recruiting coordinator. In those two seasons, UCF progressed to a winning 6-5 record from a 2-9 mark in 1984.
He has also served as a graduate assistant at Florida State University in 1983 and 1984 and at EKU in 1982 when the Colonels went 13 -0 and won the NCAA I-AA national championship. While at Florida State, the Seminoles competed in both the Peach and Citrus Bowls.
His other coaching experience includes one year (1981) as offensive backfield coach at his alma mater-William Jewell College in Liberty, MO That team went 12-1 and was a NAIA national semifinalist. In 1980, he was head football coach at Holt County High Schoolin Mound City, MO., as that team was district champion and Class A state semifinalist.
Carter is a 1976 graduate of Liberty (MO) High School where he was a three-year letterman in the offensive line and played in the Missouri vs . Kansas high school all-star game . The 39-year old native of Kansas City, MO , graduated from William Jewell in 1980 where he was a two-year letterman at offensive guard and competed for one season on the swim team.
He has one son, Christian (3 1/2) .
Donn Landholm begins his second season as assistant football coach at EKU and will coach the Colonel linebackers .
Landholm , 41, came to Eastern from Blinn (TX) College where he served four seasons as offensive line coach. Blinn compiled back-to-back 12-0 seasons in 1995 and 1996 and won consecutive national junior college championships those two years
A native of Bristow, NE, Landholm is a 1979 graduate of Wayne State (NE) College where he played outside linebacker for WSC He received his masters of science degree from Central Missouri State University in 1985
Landholm began his coaching career in 1979, serving as assistant football coach at Plainview (NE) for three seasons before handling the head football coaching duties there in 1982. He then served a two-year stint (1984-85) as runningbacks coach at Cenral Missouri State and one season as runningbacks coach (1986) at Montana State University.
From 1987-91 , he was apartoftheArizona State University football program working with former Colonel quarterback Larry Marmie who was serving as ASU's head coach He spent the first two years as a graduate assistant and the last three as a volunteer coach working with the linebackers atEKU. Before going to Blinn College, he was linebackers coach at PSJA North High School in Pharr, TX, for the 1992 season.
John Revere , former outst a nding flanker for EKU, begins his second season as runningbacks coach for the Colonels. Revere replaced longtime Colonel assistant Teddy Taylor who is serving as head football coach at nearby Madison Southern High School.
Revere, 44, served from 1982-96 as an assistant football coach at LaGrange High School in LaGrange, GA Also at LaGrange High, he was boys' head track coach from 1982-97 and girls track coach from 1989-96.
He started for four seasons (1972-75) for the Colonels at flanker. While at EKU, he caught 95 passes for 1,501 yards and 13 touchdowns, ran the ball 53 times for 419 yards and two scores, had 65 punt returns for 459 yards and 59 kickoff returns for 1,212 yards and a TD.
He was first-team All-OVC as a junior , second -team AllOVC as a sophomore and a pre-season All-OVC pick as a senior. He won two team 110 percent awards while at Eastern and was co-captain of the 1975 Colonel team that went 8-2-1.
Reve re received his bachelors degre e in health and physical education from EKU in 1976 and his masters degree from Troy State University in 1992.
Revere is married to the form e r Brenda Daniel of Dayton, OH , and they have four children : Janeece , J.R. , Courtney and Ben . J .R. plays quarterback at Georgia Southern University .
Walter Wells begins his second season as tight ends coach for the Eastern Kentucky Colonels after spending three seasons (199496) at Cumberland University in Lebanon, TN.
Wells, 30, was assistant head coach, offensive coordinator and recruiting coordinator in 1996 at Cumberland as the Bulldogs finished 13th in the nation with an 8-2 overall record, led the Mid-South Conference in total offense and all of NAIA and NCAA in rushing yards per game (369.0)
He began his collegiate coaching career at Cumberland in 1994 as offensive line coach and became the offensive coordinator at CU in 1995 for head coach Herschel Moore as the Bulldogs led NAIA in rushing.
Prior to going to Cumberland, Wells was an assistant coach at Smyrna (TN) High School where he worked with the offensive and defensive lines
A native of Nashville, TN, Wells graduated from McGavock High School in 1985 after playing in both the offensive and d efensive line for coach Wes Elrod for four seasons.
He then played his collegiate football at Austin Peay State University where he was a two-year starter and letterman for the Govs at center.
Wells received his bachelors of business administration degree from Belmont University of Nashville in 1992 and his masters of scie n ce degree in human relations management from Cumberland in 1995.
H e is married to the former Jennifer Beth De Weese of Baxter , TN.
Eastern Kentucky University head football coach Roy Kidd returns 14 starters among the 31 lettermen coming back for the 1998 season as he begins his 35th year at the helm of the Colonel program.
EKU is coming off an 8-4 season that saw Eastern win its 18th Ohio Valley Conference championship with a perfect 7-0 record. Eastern also participated in the NCAA I-AA playoffs for an unprecedented 17th time and finished the year ranked 15th in the nation in both The Sports Network and the USA Today/ESPN polls
Eastern will return a veteran offense where nine of 11 starters are coming back for the Colonels, headlined by four returning first-team AII-OVC performers from 1997 that were a big reason why EKU led the league in total offense (396.0), rushing offense (198.3) and scoring offense (33.5).
These all-conference choices returning on offense include senior wide receiver Ronde! Menendez (5-9 1/2, 176); junior tailback Derick Logan (6-0, 218); senior guard/tackle Tyrone Hopson (6-3, 309) who was also named third-team Associated Press AllAmerican last year; and junior guard Josh Hunter (6-2 , 280)
Menendez set a new school record for most yards receiving in a single season with 1,137, while hauling in a team-leading 54 catches for nine touchdowns He finished the '97 year as the third-ranked receiver in the conference and now has career marks at Eastern of 98 receptions for 1,958 yards and 16 TD's Logan, who began his collegiate career by garnering Southeastern Conference Freshman of the Year honors at the University of Kentucky in 1996, followed that up last season by leading the Colonels in rushing with 849 yards in 175 carries, while scoring 11 touchdowns rushing , good enough for a th i rd-place ranking in final OVC stats
Other starters back on offense for Eastern include senior center Reggie Myrtil (6-1 1/2, 301) who missed most of the '97 season with a knee injury; junior tackle Charlie Watkins (6-2, 283); senior tackle Eliott Henderson (6-31 /2, 300); junior fullback Jonathan Butler (5-9 1/2, 220); and senior tight end Tony DeGregorio (6-3 , 251 ) .
Butler picked up 193 yards in 44 carries and scored five TD's and caught five passes for 89 yards and a score in 1997.
DeGregorio added six receptions for 62 yards last season
Another key returnee on offense for the Colonels is sophomore tailback Corey Crume (5-11 1/2, 217) who split time with Logan when healthy While playing in nine of the team's 12 games , he actually led the Colonels in rushing yards per game (82.1) as he picked up 739 yards on the ground in 148 carries and scored a teambest 13 touchdowns.
Back to battle for the starting quarterback job is sophomore Waylon Chapman (6-2 1/2, 228) who provided backup for last season's OVC Co-Offensive Player of the Year Simon Fuentes In six games, Chapman hit 29-56 passes (.518 percentage) for 389 yards and two touchdowns. Battling him for the starting nod will be junior college transfer Chad Collins (6-0, 187) who came to Eastern in January , 1998, and record-setting quarterback Jon Denton, a 63 , 210-pound junior who transferred to EKU from Nevada-Las Vegas in late July.
Also returning is third-team ta i lback Brian Durham (5-9, 191) who played in eight games in 1997 and pickect up 360 yards in 88 carries and scored three TD's; senior fullback Jonas Hill (511, 236) who gained 73 yards in 16 carries with one TD; senior widereceiver Brian Brenneman (6-0 1/2, 195) who caught 13
catches for 159 yards and a TD; and sophomore wideout Alexander Bannister (6-5, 182), six receptions for 43 yards in '97.
Other lettermen suiting up in 1998 for the Colonels on offense are part-time starters, junior Toby Coyle (6-1, 271) and senior Chris Holder (6-2 , 285) at center; senior Jason Worley (66 1/2, 321) at tackle; and sophomore Brett O'Buck (6-3, 270) Redshirt freshmen on offense who will be available for duty in 1998 are tackle Bennie Wyatt (6-7, 279) , tackle Howard Jones (6-11 /2, 330), guard Jacob Johnson (6-2, 1/2293) and guard Brent Fox (6-3, 255).
Defensively , four starters return to a Colonel unit that led the conference in scoring defense (13.4) and pass efficiency defense in 1997. Although all four starters in the Colonels' secondary have graduated, these defensive starters are led by second-team AII-OVC choice, senior tackle Justin Ernest (6-3, 271 ), and honorable mention all-conference junior tackle Jason Muchow (6-0, 303).
Ernest totaled 33 solo tackles, 26 assists , 13 5 tackles for loss and 5.5 sacks last season, while Muchow is the leading returning tackler for the Colonels this season from the '97 club with his totals of 43 solos, 32 assists , 10.5 tackles for loss and 4.5 sacks Other starters coming back on defense include senior linebacker Charles Tinsley (6-0, 213), 46 solos, 25 assists, two caused fumbles, 5 TFL, and sophomore linebacker Butch Printup (6-0, 207), 15 solos, 19 assists, 4 TFL, 2 sacks and two fumble recoveries. Also returning for his senior season is starting punter Stephen Brown (5-10 1/2 , 210) who averaged 37 6 yards per punt.
The Colonels' efforts on defense in '98 will be bolstered by the return of sophomore strong safety Scooter Asel (6-0 , 205) , who received a medical redshirt after suffering a season-ending knee injury last season in the opener at Troy State Asel was a firstteam AII-OVC pick in 1996 after finishing 12th in the league in hits (67 solos, 29 assists) and tied for fifth in interceptions with four
Backup ends Kenneth "Shorty" Combs (6-1, 235, junior) and Terry Thomas (6-1 1/2, 250, junior) will contest for a starting spot at end, along with mid -year University of Kentucky transfer Anthony Watson (6-3, 244, junior).
Other lettermen returning on defense are senior defensive back Dedric Campbell (5-8 , 168) ; junior free safety Shawn Gallant (6-0, 200); junior linebacker Brad Folke (5-11, 233) ; junior linebacker Brent Hampton (5-10 1/2, 198); senior linebacker Luke Morton (6-0, 202); sophomore linebacker Adam Rader (6-0 , 207) ; junior linebacker Travis Schoenlaub (6-0, 220).
Redshirts who will be attempting to gain some playing time in '98 include end Randy Lawrence (6-0 1/2 , 240) who received a medical redshirt after being injured early in the year; defensive backs Derrick White (5-8, 181 ), J.D Jewell (5-11, 187), Nick Sullivan (6-2 1/2, 214) and Tomma Huguely (5-10, 176); linebacker Chris Huff (6-0 1/2, 208); and tackle David Heady (6-4 1/2, 272) .
Four Colonels who contributed but did not letter in 1997 and who will return for 1998 are sophomore center Lewis Diaz (61, 258) , sophomore linebacker Billy Wright (6-1 1/2 , 202) , sophomore tight end Tom Mabey (6-1, 235), and sophomore cornerback Kris Nevels (5-9, 165)
Kidd, who is currently third among active Division I and IAA coaches in coaching victories with 280, and his staff signed 22 high school and junior college recruits as additions to the 1998 roster.
Toby Coyle Junior 2L.6a1.. . 271 ... One
Letter Berea,. ~KY Toby left ll'pring pract ice as the starter at the.'center position started 50 percent of the games in '97, playiqg every other1qua.rter puts his hat on the right ,persop :'rl:ms good for his s ize needs to improve his strength"'and' flexibility to becom ~ the player he wants to be staying 1in shape in the summer is important for Toby to holding down the starting spot. was on the Dean's List in 1997 high scho ~)° teammate of current Co) el fu!lba"ck Jorn{s l'iill :his ' father, Mike, played for coach Roy Kidd at Eastern in 1969-70 graduate of Madison Southern High School.
Chris Holder .... Senior ....22 .... 6-2 ... 285 .... 0ne
Letter Lanca~ter, CA Chri§ ll at out all ofl spring practice because of shoulder surgery played every o~her quarter ~nd st~~-ed half of the games) n/ 997, along with Toby Coyle .: .w!ll batt,le Toby this faWfor the starting nod if his shoulder is not ready for contact, he could be redshirted in 1998 has ~II the tooli/ to be a great one one of strongest players on , the team who has benched 225 pounds tor 42 repetltions needs to stay healthy to reach his potential an.d 1ieeds to concentrate on his assignments if he ca'n l overcome these Ob· stacles, the sky is the limit...was a January junior college transfer from Antelope Valley College (CA) in 1997 a graduate of Antelope Valley High School.
Lewis Diaz ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-1 ... 258 ... No
Letters Mia'ml, Ft .,,Gewis was redihirted in 1996 and played sparingly in 1997 is comi ~goff a solid,Spring has • ¢;• • committed l]imself to becoming a b'etter football player one 'of the , tjetter athletes in !the offensive line extremely quic~ needs to concenfr~{e on gaining strength if additional strength is attained, he will figure in the Colonels' two-de~p lineup thi ~ fall. graduate of South Miami High Sctiool.
Tyrone Hopson .. ._!)enior . .. 22 ... 6-3 .. . 309 ... Three Letters Owenstjo'£o·f KY Tyrone had "' a solid 1997 season, being na"m'ed first-team AII-OVC and third team Associated F?rel s AII -American wui' serve as one of Eastern's capta.ins for the '98 seaso ( is Eastern's most experiencett offens iye linemen r~furning started first half of the ~eallon at tackle ,and ITioved to guard after the season-enging injury to Reggie Myrti l... is an excellent athlete and plpys well ih space definite All-American candidate in 1~9~ -;,;was.,.the first true fre5,hman to play for EKU In the last rovears' on the offensive linein 1995 was a starter at left tackle in '96 is a very good pass blocker graduate of Daviess County High School.
Reggie Myrtil ~enior 22 ... 6-1 1/2 .. ,301 ... Three Letters Nort~ '!'!1ahii Be~p h,j=~;,; -'3eggie" was playing his best Jo9,tball last year when he inj4red his knee on the a1iflcial turf in the 29·8 victory at Murray State sat out the spring rehabilitating his knee could play either gu.,9- td ;Q! 'Center in 19~8-y is a tremendous tale~t...tias ,a:1I the toolS\ has run/ a 4 89 40-yard dash and Is a 149·pound b~nch preslle l'. .if he stays healthy, he could'¼ d,? finitely Jb? con;5iq ered for post - seaon honors wa~; a back1;1p center during the 1995 season and a part-tiinestarfer in '96 the only thing keeping Reggie from being a great one will be his ability to stay away from the injuries that have plagued him throughout his EKU career. forme r state high school heavyweight wrestling champ in Florida graduate of North Miami Beach High School.
Josh H\Jnter Juni.or 21 ... 6-2 ...,280 ... Two Letters Bradenton, FL. t Josh is coming off a solid 1997 season which saw him earn first -team All·OVC honors and be selected as the te_/m;s niost valuable offensive lineman t has a "pit-bull;: mentality--once he locks on he will not let go was 9 part-time starter in 1996 as a true freshrpari has good strength could improve his overall athJetic ability if he coritinl.Jes to"improve he fl , , should bea 1andIdatefor post-season honors again can be counted on for leadership was a four-year, threesport (fo6tb"all, track, wrestling) participant in high school. graduate of Southeast High School.
Jacob Johnson Freshman 19 ... E!-2 1/2 ... 293 ... No
Letters Couisville, KY ! Jacob ~a ~ redshirted in t "'"" )~ - / 41, 1997 had a solid sprinQ positioned himself to figure in the two-deep lineup"' Jnis fall knowsi the game and catches on quickly 1 has a lot of pride ,l rfe eds to improve fe A k his overall strength 1and athletic ability before he can push for a starting position was a two tim~ all-district and four-yea'.r/ participant in football in high school graduate of Valley High School ?
Brett O'Buck Sophomore 20 6-3 1/2
270 0ne Le~er ... Roswell, GA.f..Brett is c6J!l-ing off'ap excellent spn~g played both guard ~nc:Vtackle iQ 1997 has received more experience at t,ackle will definitely push for a starting pos[tion in 1998. !.if that doesn't l]appen, he will back up both guards and get lots of playing time tested out as the No 1 offensive lineman in the spring needs to improve his fliexibility was red shirted in 1996 graduate of Pope High School.
"Howard Jones Freshman 19 . .. 6-1 1/2 ... 330 ... No Letters .. . Dania, FL rfowar d!wa; • redsh"irted in 1997 has ail the tools ' to be a great on~ came to Eastern completetly ourof shape has lost solne weight, needs to continue this trend ,,to competedin College , he must get his body in shape has~xcelleptJuture at EKU i' -·-~--"19 occurs was a first-team all-county selection by the Mi~mi Herald and the Sun Sentinel graduate of St. Thomat Aquinas High Scho
Brent Fox ... Freshman ... 19 ... 6-3 ... 255 ... No Letters Clnclnnatl, OH •• Brent was redshirted in 1997 has made great improvement •since last season stil.l has a long way to go before he can break into the two-deep lineup if he gets his body bigger and stronger, ttieri he'll be able to compete was captain, MVP , all-city, all-league, all-state and All-Southwest Ohio, while playing in the East-West All-Star game his senior year of high school graduate of Wyoming High School.
Eliott Henclerson ... S~nlor... 22 ... 6-3 1/2 ... 300 . .. One Letter ... Topeka, KS •.• Eliott came to Eastern as a transfer last season from Hutchinson Community College (KS) and put in a solid year started last half of the season at leJt tackle and playec( ' well with this assignment...had an impressive -season program and spring practice .is a hard worker has desire to get better has good strength if he continues to improve , he should be a candida e for post-season honors graduate of TopekaH igti School.
Charlie Wiitklns Junior :21 6-2 283 Two Letters ... Pataskala, OH .•. Chartie is coming off a solid 1997 season started every game at right tackle except the opener gets the job done, sometimes in an unorthodox manner n,eds to continue to improve in all areas to hold down his starting spot...was moved over to the offensive line from defense midway through spring practice in 1996 graduate 9f Watkins Memorial High School.
Bennie Wyatt Freshman 19 6-7 279 No Letters .. . London, KY •. Bennie was redshirted in 1997 moved from aefense to offense ,this spring was in only his second year of football last year has made great strides continued improvement' could move him into the two-deep lineup for 1998 runs well for a big player has tremendous height...tallest player on the team has outstanding future with a more dedicated work ethic averaged 15.2 yards per catch as tight end his senior year of high school...graduate of South Laurel High School.
Matt Knlght •.. Senlor 22 .•. 6-1 /2 31 0 Two Letters Henderson, KY Matt sat out last season to concentrate on his academics. , .was starting longsnapper for the Colonels for extra point and field goal attempts the pre_vious two years was the longsnapper for the punt team in 1995 had a solid'5pring practice in 1998 needs to improve conditioning to figure in the twodeep lineup this season graduate of Henderson County Senior High School.
Tony DeGregorlo Senior 22 6-3 251 Three Letters ... Jeannette, PA Tony started every game last season at tight end for the Colonels best game of the 1997 season was his three-catch, 38-yard performance vs. Middle Tennessee has the athletic ability, size and speed to be a very good tight end has good hands and instincts for catching the football. added some needed strength and flexibility in the winter program had a,,good spring and improved his blocking skills looks to be more involved in the offense this season came out of spring practice as the starter and all indications point toward a great senior season expected to carry the load at tight end this fall graduate of Hempfield Area High School.
Jason Worley ... Senlor ... 23 ... 6-6"'1/2 . . . 321 ... One Letter ... Lexlngton, KY Jason had a good season last year, splitting time with Charlie Watkins at right tackle went every other sari s all of last season made a commitment in spring of 1997 by getting his weight down and getting in shape neeas to impr ve his overall athletic abilit¥· ·if he continues to improve, he should push for astarting position attitude has improved along with his work on the field one of biggest players on Colonels' 1998 squad graduate of Tates Creek High School.
· ····· 1scm&M t t[ (MT) 17(MT)
Tom Mabey:... Sophomore ... 19 .. ;6-1 ... 235 ... No Letters ... Falrlawn, NJ Tom was ' njured early in the year last season but contributed in a backup role .is a tough blocker who g,ained confid nee this past spring with a bette grasp of the offense needs to improve his hands and concentration when catching the football. will be counted on to backuR Tony DeGregorio is very committed in the weight room and made good improvement this winter. his playing time should increase this season played on three state championship teams at Bergen Catholic who was rated fifth in the nation by USAToday in 1995 graduate of Milford Academy
Waylon Chapman Sophomore 20 6-2 1/2 228 No Letters Jackson, KY Waylon provided backup for Colonel MVP quarterbacl< and co-OVC Offensive Player of the Year Simon Fuentes last season was redshirted in 1996 as a true freshman top game of '97 came vs. UT Martin when he hit 10-18 passes for a caree r high 186 yards and one TD had good spring - practice , running most of the time with the first unit...hit .....1111 8-14 passes for 129 yard~ in the '98 spring game continued to improve his knowledge of the offense made good progress ii) decision making has very strong arm is working on making his release quicker is a tough runner who makes good decisions on the option play came out of spring drills as the No 1 quarterback needs to become more vocal leader of offensive unit.. exper ience is all he is lacking has knack for making big plays led the Bobcats to a 150 record and the Class AA state championship in being named 1995 Class AA Player of the Year passed for 6,023 yards and 88 touchdowns in his high school career. graduate of Breathitt County High School.
Chad Collins Junior 21 6-0 187 No Letters ... Lake Forest, CA ... Chac:I transferred to EKU in January from Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA made good progress learning the offense in spring practice .is a good leader who has tremendous confidence in his ability has good arm, quick release, very good quickness and speed improved his ability to run llllllllllli... the op_tion will battle for starting position in fall drills was redsh1rted at SaddlebackCollege in 1995 set a Mission Conference record for lowest interception ratio his first year at OCC when he hit 101 - 180 passes for 1,170 yards and six TD's with just two interceptions best game came vs Long Beach City when he completed 2334 passes for 313 yards , the most completions and yardage by an OCC quarterback since 1987 completed 108-200 passes for 1,332 yards and nine TD's last season at OCC career marks there were 209-380 for 2,502 yards and 15 TD's second-team All-Mission Conference Central Division pick in 1997 graduate of Trabuco Hills High School in Mission, Viejo, CA, where his teams went 39-6 in four years there.
Jon Denton .. . Junior . .. 21 ... 6-3 21 O ... No Letters Henderson, NV Jon transfered to Eastern in late July from the University of Nevada -Las Vegas where he had been the starting quarterback for the past two seasons threw for 6,177 yards and 43 touchdowns in his two seasons at -UNLV holds 10 NCAA passing records also holds 11 other UNL V records was selected as Western Athletic Conference Pacific Division Freshman of the Year in 1996 hit 277-506 passes his freshman year for 3,591 yards and 25 TD 's, while completing 199-374 passes for 2,586 yards and 18 touchdowns as a sophomore closed his UNLV career with a string of 19 consecutive games in which he threw at least one TD pass top collegiate game in 1996 against San Diego State when he hit 2753 passes for 503 yards and four touchdowns his 25 touchdown passes as a freshman broke the NCAA freshman record set by Florida's Danny Wuerffel in 1993 he is rated by ESPN's National Football League analyst, college scouting expert and NFL Draft guru Mel Kiper, Jr., as the nation's No. 3 junior quarterback behind Kentucky's Tim Couch and Washington's Brock Huard led the WAC and was 10th in the nation in total offense with 287. 9 yard per game as a freshman second-team All WAC as a freshman after starting all 12 games three-time WAC Player of the Week has had 17 200-yard plus games and nine 300yard plus contests in his college career. tough competitor who not only can hurt you with the pass but can scramble too scored three rushing TD's as a freshman, including a 30-yard scramble at BYU threw for three long TD 's with an 82-yarder vs. San Diego State, 80-yarder vs. TCU and 75-yarder against SDSU firstteam All-State, All-Southern quarterback his senior season of high school where he directed his team to an 11-1 record and a spot in the state finals threw for 1,721 yards and 21 touchdowns with only 1O interceptions his senior year. made first-team All - Sunrise Division as senior after making second-team the year before selected to the Southern AAA All-Star Team and Nevada State All-Star Team passed for 965 yards and 11 scores as ajunior. also played basketball for the Gators and helped his team win the Southern AAA championship with his 15 0 ppg. average scholar athlete and member of high school's honor roll. enjoys playing basketball and fishing picked EKU because of its winning tradition and having a legitimate shot at winning a national championship will be a law enforcement major at EKU graduate of Green Valley High School. s by a Freshman - Garn bya Freshm a.n - Ga.foe
JElr?sby~ Freshman•••.-
•Total Offense by a Freshman Sea
•Plays by a Freshman - Season
•TD Passes by a Freshman - Season
•PassAttempts by a Freshman ° Season
•PaSSihg Yards by a Freshman - Per Game
•Total Qffemse by a Freshman - Per game
•PlaysbyaFreshman - Per Game
Brian Brenneman Senlor 23 6-0 1/2 195
Randel Menendez Senior 23 5-9 1/2 178
Three Letters Louisville , KY Rondel had a fantastic junior season , leading the Colonels in pass receiving with his 54 catches f r 1,137 yards and nine TD 's .firstteam AII-OVC choice and hop 0rable mention All-American pick in 1997 deffn ite All-American candidate in '98 set a new scp o~l record for most yards pass receiv ing in a singl i; season last year with 1, 137 also had second best game in Colonel football history for pass receiving yardage when he ca ught nine passes for 280 yards and two TD's in EKU 's 49 -7 win over Eastern lllinois was chosen OVC Offensive Player of the Week for this effort also shared the team's award for best offensive back for 1997 with tailback Corey Crume is the fastest player on the team has very explosive speed (4 24) will be counted onto be leader and big play person on the field in 1998 picked up in the spring where he left off last fall. showed improved concentratio n wo rked hard to improve cuts gained additional strength in offseason program tied for thi rd highest number of TD catches in one season in EKU history last year with nine had three games (Appalachian State, Tennessee State, UT Martin) where he caught six passes in each game, in addition to EIU contest heroics stands fourth on Eastern career list for pass receiving yardage (1,958), is tied for fourth in TD receptions (16) and is seventh in catches (98) improved ability to run routes and set up defenders physical blocker, despite size catches ball over the middle and can make things happen in open field has three career kickoff returns fo r 44 ya rds and two ca ree r pun t returns for six yards was medically redshirted in 1994 after injuring his hip graduate of Eastern High School.
Three Letters Lakeland, FL Brian will serve the 1998 se ~son as one of EKU's two captains on offense top game of last season came vs. Appalachian State when he cl'\ught four passes for 58 yards has outstanding hands and concentration catching the football. very consistent player. works hard each day in practice has improved route running and quickness will start after being the third receiver (for two slots) the past ty,,o seasons leads by example very determin @d player caught two passes in '98 Maroon -White spring game for 56 yards and scored one TD finished '96 with four catches in each of the Colonels' last two games confidence has made him much better performer has the best hands among all Colonel receive rs was redshirted in 1994. graduate of Lakeland High School.
Alexander Bannister Sophomore 19 6-5 182 No LeJters Clnclnnatl, OH Alex was the most improv,ed player in th is past sp ri ng practice worked hard to improve strength and quickness gained needed confidence in spring showed marked comfort in Colonels' offense will be EKU's third receiver tti is season with great size and speed (4 5 40 ,ime this spring) must continue to improve strength and can beco'me physical player top game 6f '97 came vs. Aust in f?eay when he caught two passes for 12 yards graduate of Hughes High School.
Anthony Boggs .. ,Sophomore ... 19 5-9 176 No Letters Bar9 stown, KY Anthony sat 01,1t last season came to Eastern in 1997 as at ilback participated on the football, basketball and track teams in high school... was second-team all-state pick his senior year and team MVP also received Papa John's Player of the Year Award for the state and was picked for the Kentucky All-Star tearn in the annual Kentucky-Tennessee high school all/ star series rushep for nearly 200 yards vs. Trinity in state semifinals and •tor, more than 200 yards in the title game vs Dunbar closed year with 2 ,241 yards and 27 TD's rushing helped coach Mark Brown 's Nelson County football team to region championship as sophomore, regional runnersup as a junior and state 4A title as a senior. won Most Improved Player Award as a sophomo re was WHAS-TV Player of the Week in football in 1996 won Coaches' Award for Dedication in basketball. biggest athletic thrill came when his team won the 1996 state 4-A high school championship graduate of Nelson County High School.
Derick Logan ... Junlor ... 20 ... 6-0 ... 218 .. . One Letter Chatham, VA Derick put in a solid 1997 campaign, rotating as the team 's starter with Corey Crume received first t7a tn all-conference recognition as he closed the yea as,the OVC's th ird-best rusher with his 78.1 per game rushing 'average was OVC Offensive Player of the Wee~ vs. Tennessee State as he rushed 18 times for an EkU career best 126 yards and three TD's had fourplus100jyard games in 1997 much improved this past spring as' the Colonel coaching staff wanted more upfield running from him and he responded lowered his c eriter of gravity when attacking the hole his mainlocus riowwill be to come back in camp in midseason shape transferred to EKU from the University of Kentucky last season after registering a very impressive rookie campaign for Kentucky in 1996 was the Southeastern Conference Freshman of the Year and a first team SEC All-Freshman Team runningback by the Knoxville News-Sentinel last season for UK after fin ishing eighth in the league in rushing ave rage w ith his 700 yard total. played in 1O games for the '96 Wildcats, starting six at ta ilback, scoring six TD's rushing with a long run of 70 yards vs. Vanderbilt...set UK freshman single-game rushing record with 186 yards vs Mississippi State. had three consecutive 100-yard rushing games also caught 12 passes for 63 yards and threw a 55-yard TD pass vs. Mississippi State in his only passing attempt...led the state of Texas in 1995 in rushing after gaining 1,967 yards on 250 carries, averaging 7 9 yards per carry for Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, TX scored 19 TD's and set singleseason school rushing records for attempts, yards, touchdowns and long run (89) ran for 301 yards in one game was a first-team all-state, all-region and All-Rio Grande Valley choice also made AII-RGV honors in basketball started two years at Chatham (VA) High School before transferring to MMA gained 1,048 yards rushing in 1994 and his 23 TD's led the region in scoring rushed for 844 yards and 14 TD's in 1993 has recorded 10.8 time in 100-meter dash in high school track track team's MVP for two years and was the basketball MVP one season coached at Marine Military Academy by Reggie White and coached at Chatham by Kerrie Richards graduate of Marine Military Academy
Brian Durham Sophomore
20 5-9
191 0ne
Letter ... London, KY Brian turned in a very good first year of collegiat!:l.football in 1997, playing behind Derick Logan and c gr!:ly,prume wa~ /QVC New<iomer of the Week vs.4,,,1\Ustin Pel;ly ~hen hJ r(lshed 1? times for 134 yards and one TD aryd caught two passes for 19 yards .filled in ably ih his first 2'011egiate 1gl me at EKU in '97 for the injured /:,o f ey Crum ; ' andvDerick Logan by picking up 67 y,~s; mostly in } h~isecpnd half, against Appalachian State had four kic~off ret urns 'for 78 yards in '97 wa~pclshirted in 1996 :picked up his game a notch this past spring will hav+eJhe opgorju"nity to vie for quality C time this fall has improved his consistency showed he has the ability to be a very exciting player nickname "Bull" has outstanding field vision graduate of North Laurel High School.
Corey Crume Sophomore 21 5-11 1/2 217 One Letter Lebanpn, KY Corey split time at tailback last season with Derick Logan and could do double duty this fall at both tailback and fullback various injuries limited his playing time to just nine of the Colonels' 12 games was chosen twice last season as OVC Newomer of the Week •· vs. Western Kentucky (24 carries for 127 yards and two TD's) and vs. Middle Tennessee (26-105) was sorely missed during spring practice due to his shoulder surgery .focus during the summer was spent rehabing his shoulder and trying to return to camp in playing shape was redshirted in 1996 rushed for more than 100 yards in four games in '97 is a transfer from the University of Louisville has shown signs of being an outstanding player had career rushing marks of 3,563 yards on 342 carries and 53 TD's in four years of action in high school for EKU grad Mike Griffiths graduate of Marion County High School.
Tim Dlxon ... Freshman ... 19 ... 5-8 ... 170 ... No Letters Cumberland, KY , Tim was redshirted in 1997 had a real chance to showcase his talents this spring because of injuries was the leading rusher in the 1998 spring game with 61 yc;1.rds in 12 carries is very quick with his feet and has a knack of seeing ~he hole and hitting it quickly will need to work on his strength and overall speed to insure his continued progress toward solidifyin his permanent place on the team graduate - of Cumberland Higll_School.
Jonathan~ Butler Junlor 23 5-9 1/2 220 Two Letters ..,.Balnbr{dge, GA.i;:'Oonathan comes into fall camp as the starting fullback, possesses all the skills to become an outstanding plav,er at EKU will be asked to improve upon thqse skills this summer while he prepares for his junior season coaching staff expects great things from Jonathan throughout '98 season started four of the last five gcl,mes of the 1996 year and 10 of 1'2 in 1997 caught team's secondlongest JD pass of '97 with SO-yard scoring catch vs UT Martin had 11-yard TD scamper in '98 spring game is starting to understand the intensity of college football. .is an excellent runner with great vision needs to continue to work hard in the weight room and show more leadership on the field was redshirted in 1995 must fight off injuries to reach his full potential. received the Georgia High School South Region 4A Offensive Player of the Year award for his junior and senior seasons of high school. had senior year rushing totals of 1,551 yards, 6 3 yards per rush and 14 TD's graduate of Bainbridge High School.
Jonas HIii Senlor 23 5-11...236 One Letter Berea, KY Jonas had an outstanding spring second-leading rusher in '98 spring game, picking up 36 yards in 11 carries: if he continues at his present pace, it will be hard, not to have him on the lield with added consistency, he is expected to contribute greatly ·n '98 is one of the strongest players on the team, having benched 225 pounds 27 times with a squat thrust of 635 redshirted in 1994 graduate of Madison Southern High School. Career
Petey Smlth Sophomore 19 5-9 278 No Letters Wlnchester, KY Petey sat out the 1997 season at EKU could provide valuable backup for Colonels in 1998 atfullback spot...needs to gi{t bigger and stronger and become more dedicated in the weight room will hopefully regain his football skills after not practicing football for one year was the Defensive Player of the Year in 1996 while playing defensive end in high school. selected EKU because of it being an excellent place to further his education graduate of Clark County HighSchQOI. ¥
Stephen Brown ... Senlor.. .22 ... 5-10 1/2... 210 ... One Letter Col,umbus, OH Stephen handled all the punting duties last year for the Colonels finished fourth in the league in net puqting (35.0) and sixth ove~all (36.9) in 1997 had Qne of longest punts in Colonel history when he boomed one 73 yards at Appalachian State last year worked hard in the winter program to increase his strength made good progress in the spring has set high goals for himself for the upcoming season transferred to Eastern inJ~97 after spending three years at the University of Kentucky walked on at UK in 1994 but did not see action played in the Mississippi State contest in 1995 as a redshirt freshman as a holder on extra point attempts did not see action in 1996 after contending with Jimmy Carter and Tobin Anderson for the punting job during spring practice was a two-year letterman and starting kicker at St. Francis DeSales High School in Columbus, OH, for coach Bob Jacoby first team All-State as a senior in 1993, second team All-State as a junior averaged 39 2 yards per punt as a senior with a long punt of 52 yards, after averaging 39 1 yards as a junior with a long of 54 had 31 punts inside the 20-yard line during his high school career, including 1Oinside the 10-yard line made 13-23 field goals during his two high school years, including a long of 44 yards played baseball two years and was named all-conference as a junior graduate of St. Francis DeSales High School.
No. Yds.
1997 53 1991
Totals 53
Luke Anderson ... Freshman ... 19... 6-3 ~/2 ... 208 ... No Letters Sarasota, FL. Luke was redshirted in 1997 is a hard worker that wants to succeed only thing holding Luke back is his technique had a very solid spring practice has improved in many areas was a four-year letterwinner on his high school soccer team, in addition to being a two-year participant in football averaged 41 yards per punt and made 41-44 extra points his senior year while being named MVP on special teams k>r two seasons gradu1:1te of Bayshore High School.
Ryan lson Fr,eshman 19 5- 11 1/2 180 No Letters ... Flatwoods, KY Ryan was redshirted in 1997 has worked ~ard to improve himself in the winter conditioning program has a strong leg but needs to work on his consistency wiil compete for the starting placekicking job this fall. graduate of East Carter High School.
Matthew Phillips Sophomore 20 6-0 1/2 185 No Letters;-.Wayn,esville, OH Matt transferred to EKU from Kent ;university last fall did not see any action in 1997 had a good spring practice kicked 3-3 extra points in the '98 Maroon-White Spring Game will compete for the starting placekicking job in 1998 graduate of Waynesville High School.
Kenneth Combs Sophomore 20 6-1 235 One Letter Jackson, KY Kenneth wasmoved from linebacker to defensive end duri ng 1997 spring practice has excellent skills needs experience to develop into outstanding player h egan and ended '98 spring practicer as the starting efensive end should be a contributor in 1'998 played in all 12 games in 1997 in a backup role at end will compete for starting assignment again in the fall redshirted in 1996 nick· named •Shorty' helped his high school team advance from a 1-9 team his freshman season to 15-0 state champs in 1995 had 105 solo tackles, 94 assists , five interceptions, 1O sacks and four fumble recoveries his sen ior year of high school. also had high school career marks of 1,854 yards rushing, 562 yards receiving and 34 touchdowns graduate of Breathitt County High School.
Randy Law re nc e E' resh man 19 6-01/2 240 No Letters T ltusville , FL Randy played as a true freshman last season, but inju red his knee in the ; econd game against Western Kentucky received a medical hardship can run and hit...Colonel coaching staff expecting Randy to be a player in the future has loads of talent, just needs gam7 experience to contribute ~as second string defensive end last year before being inj ured should compete for a starting position in near future grad ijate of Astronaut High School.
Terry Thomas Junlor 21 6-1 1/2 250 One Letter ... Fllnt, ML.Terry played some last year as a backup at end came into the '98 spring practice as the starter and ,haa a good spring ad three tackles , one assist in tne '98 spring game 1 llas excellent athletic ability and should be able to play both the run and the pass suffic i ently big things are expected of Terry this year by the Colonel coaching staff transferred to EKU from Iowa State university just b8fore 197 season was redshirted his fi sf year at ISU was third-team All· American choice by Lansing Journal... honored as allcity, all-valley and honorable mention all-state by Elim J..Qurna! as a senior in high school, he made 69 tackles , including 39 solos , had 10 tackles for loss , five quarterback sacks led team to 7 -2 record and city championship in 1995 .lettered in both football and basketball in high school. graduate of Northern High School.
c Stats at EKl.i Fumble .
Anthony Watson Junlor 21 6-3 244 No Letters ... Dunwoody, GA... Anthoi;iy transferred to EKU from th l University of Kentucfcy 'in January of this year m issed most of spring practice with a shoulder injury has many skills and sho lilld develop into an outstanding colleg i a e player. started the first nine games last season af defensive end for Kentucky, totaling six tackles (four solos, two assists), while causing one fumble was UK's most outstanding defensive scoutteam playe r in 19 5 while b ing redshirted and was UK's most improved defensive lineman in spring of '96 played final nine games of his freshman year for UK, collecting a team second -best five QB sacks and 21 tackles was a first-team All-Metro At· lanta pick as his team won AAAA state title his junior year graduate of Dunwoody High School.
Jason Muchow ... Junior ... 20 .. . 6-0 .. . 303 . .. Two Letters Merritt Island, FL...Jason started every game for the Colonels last seaso i:i was an honorable mention AII-OVC choic e in '97 definite all-conference candidate in 1998 was ovc Defe ns ive Player of the Week vs Tennessee Tech in '97 (10 tackles, 1 5 sacks, one deflected pass) also had 10 hits in OVC crown-clinching vs Eastern lllinois top returning tackle r on the team with 75 hits had four tackles, two assists in '98 spring game tough, ' physical player should be even better this coming season needs to control his weight...could be an outstanding player if he continues to work on his technique played as a true freshman in 1996 one of the strongest players on the team with a 545 squat...his added experience has helped his game against both the run and pass top game of '96 came vs. UT Martin when he totaled four solos and four assists graduate of Merritt Island High School.
tats at EKU
Fumb Tackles For
David Heady ... Freshman ... 19... 6-4 1/2 ... 272 ... No Letters Ellzabethtown , KY David has been hurt since he hasoeen at EKU with various injuries redshirted in 1997 has not been able to develop;1ully because of lack of practice time on the field will hopefully gain that experience thisJall played two seasons of football and competed four years in track in high school. was first team all-district with 78 tack l es and two fumble recoveries in 1996 placed in the state meet in both discus-and shot put comRetition graduate of Elizabethtown High School.
Justin Ernest Senlor 22 6-3 271 One
Letter Orange, CA Justin started every game last year for the Colonels was a seconffet~am AII-OVC selection in 1997 was EKU 's Playe r ofthe Yea r on the defensive line in 1997 will serve in 1998 as one of Eastem's defensive co-captains definite AII-OVC candidate ir'f 98 led the team in sacks last year with 5.5 and finished secona on the club in tackles for loss with 14 5 third-leading returning tackler on team from last year with 59 hits really came on strong toward the latter part ofthe '97 season sh , uld be a dominating player in t~ bVC this year mis ed '98 spring drills with shoulder injury was a mid-term transfer from junior college in January of 1997 has outstanding strength and power has bench-pressed 225 pounds 45 times and has a squat of 555 has the speed and power to play both the run and the pass graduate of Orange Coast College
Charles Tlnsley ... Senlor ... 23 ... 6-0 ... 213 ... Two
Letters Cumberland, KY Charles started nine of 12 games last year at linebacker for the Colonels second -leading returning tackler for EKU with 71 hits will serve in '98 as one of defensive unit's co-captains top game of '97 came when he totaled 11 hits (8T ,3A) in regular season game vs Western Kentucky made very good progress in understanding Colonels' overall defensive scheme continuing to improve in all fundamental areas starting to show very good leadership skills needs to continue to improve in order to raise his performance level. had good '98 spr i ng practice is expected by coaching staff to have successful sen ior year started six games as a sophomore in his first season with the Colonels best effort of '96 came vs Middle Tennessee when he collected seven solos, five assists and one tackle for loss did not play football for three years while pursuing a major league baseball career graduate of Cumberland High Schoo l.
Cam Wolf Freshman 19 6-1 282
Letters Hebron, KY Cam was redshirted in 1997 missed Most of spring J:!ractice with a knee injury needsl to get bigger, faster and stronger to contribute to the 1998 Colonels repetition will help him become a better football team graduate of Conner Senior High School.
Brad Folke Junlor 20 5-11 233 Two Letters ... Covlngton,KY ... Brad entered 1998 spring practice as the No 1 middle linebacker but was injured and was unable to practice the last two' weeks .is a tough, physical player who played solidly as Britt Bowen's backup i n '97 needs to continue to improve speed coaching staff expects him to come back and have a good '98 season \ is a v~ry talljlnted middle I"..}:. linebacker with great instincts for the position started :..111111 two games as a freshman best effortsof sophomore year were BT, 2A vs UT Martin and ST, SA vs Eastern lllinois also had a seven-tackle , three-assist contest vs UT Martin in 1 996 graduate of Covington Catholic High School.
Chris Huff Freshman 19 6-0 1/2 208 No Letters Germantown, TN Chris was redshirted in 1997 progress has been slowed by injurres intense , competitive player wtio was having p{oductive spring until an ankle injury caused him to miss pract ices and slowed his progress has good physical abilities and will have a chance to be productive player as e learns the defense will a chance tb c9mpete for playing time and should contribute on special teams was first team all-region linebacker, second-team all -region center, allmetro linebacker, honorable mention al k state linebacker in high schoo l... graduate of Houston High School.
Butch Prlntup Sophomore 20 ... ... 207... One Letter ... Hamllton, OH Butch was the s1..1rprise of the linebackers of the 997 season transferred from Bowling Green State University last fall and earned starting position after three games started in 10 of the 11 games in which he appeared top games of '97 were six-tackle efforts v ~. Tennessee State and Southeast Missouri physical player who can run and hit...has good football iri stincts had a very solid spring practice should ~e starting weakside linebacker in '98 with additional size and strength coaches are expecting a very good season from Butch in 1998 graduate of Hamilton High School.
Luke Morton Senlor 22 . .. 6-0 ... 202 ... Two Letters Centervllle, OH Luke is a physical player who started two games in 1997 very good special teams player wh6 will again be counted upon to long snap and contribute on all special teams not only has accurate snaps but also the speed needed to get downfield tomaketheplay will challengeforplaying time if he improves his strength and speed will make big pla s but needs to develop consistency has good attitude hustles on every play had four tackles and six assists in win over Murray State and 4T, SA in first WKU game last year big effort of 1996 season was a six-tackle , four-assist game vs. Southeast Missouri graduate of Centerville High School.
Travis Schoenlaub Junlor 21 6-0 220 0ne Letter ... Loulsvllle, KY ..• Travis spent the entire spring at middle linebacker after playing line o"acker and defensive end last fall. stepped in for Brad Folke when he was injured during the spring and played respectably the game is very important to him and he takes great pride in his performance needs to improve speed and finishing ability must bEf totally in shape and ready to go to challenge for playing time m '98 top game ht '97 came vs. Austin Peay whe he had 3T, 1A had five tackles in '98 Maroon-White spring game and four tackles , two assists and a quarterback sack in '97 spring game was redshirted in 1995 while serving as team captain his senior year of high school, Travis collected 84 tackles, 62 assists, and 12 QB sacks graduate of Butler High School.
BIiiy Wrlght. •• Sopliomore 20 •.• 6-1 1/2 202 No Letters Lyndon, KY Billy p(ayed on some special teams in 1997 after coming back from an early season injury needs to increase size, speed and strength in order to have a chanc~ to play on aregular basis had four tackles, one as~ist and a quarterback sack in the '98 spring game likes contact and has good work habits played defensive back last year brother of former EKU placekicker John Wright...graduate of Trinity Hign School.
Adam Rader Sophomore 20 ... 6-0 ... 207 ... 0ne
Letter Westervllle, OH Adam started three games in 1997, but playecj 4mostly ~s a backup to Charles Tinsley best game last year was a three solo, four assisted tackle game vs Appalachian State had two tackles, one assist in '98 spring game made continued improvement i:turing the season is ~inning to understand defensive concept...intelligent player will be counted on to be very effective on all speqial teams has good speed but needs to become more)'ihysical and will do so as his size and strength improve .if he makes good progress during the summer, he stiould push Tinsley for starting spot...was redshirted in 1996 has great speed (4.59 40-yard dash) a two-sport participant in high school (football, track) was an all-state football player and Division II Defensive Player of the Year his senior year graduate of St. Francis DeSales High School.
Care&rSbt~at EKU aFumble
Chris Mlnter Sophomore 19 5-11 239 No Letters ... Rlchmond, KY •••Chris sat out the 1997 season to concentrate on his stuaies had a y ery productive off-season needs to continue to roake gains in strength and speed will have a chance to play at weakside lineoacker if he continues to make improvements all-state football player in high school...holds school records for most points in one season (135) and TD's in single game (4) three-year all-district player in football, baseball and basketball. graduate et Madison Central High School.
Tim Gibbens Sophomore 19 6-1... 231 No Letters Tallahassee , FL.. Tim: sat out the 1997 season t o concen trat e on ,academi cs has good siz e, speed' and strength ; • h ad good off-season a s he made l ven, good progress p n !gain ing additional size an'l strength likes to h it' and gets to the footb ajl:.. will be·able to challel')ge fo r playing time at the / middle linebacker position graduate of North Fl6rida Christiap School.
Scooter Asel...Sophomore 21 6-0 205 One Letter ... Plano:,,,-i:x ... Scoote(i hj!Jreq his knee and was lo,s t "for tt,e seasop i in.the '971opener vs. Troy Stat, is coming ;off a very solid fitst season of collegiate football 1that 1saw him gain ~rst-team AllOhio Valley Conf erence honors fo') 996 one of only two freshm~n , in the le ag~ e : to>·pe_ honored this way started.all 11 games and wa~th1rd on the team and 12:'k ji:lthe league in tackl~s and assist s with 96 led the team and tied for fifth, fn the league in inter&ptions with four twj c4:! ,,ria.med OVC Newco me c oftheWqeK in '96 f0r his efforts against Troy State and Appalachian State split time his freshman year between strong and free safety received team's Most Valuable Defensive Back Award for '96 definite all-conference candidate and possible All-American cand idate jumped right into a starting spot in the secondary as a redshirt freshman in '96 has tons of football savvy missed most of '97 spring practice recuperating from foot surgery has run a 4.63 40yard dash was an all -District quarterback and was co-MVP in the state championship game as Plano won the Texas Class SA Division I state football crown in 1994 graduate of Plano Senior High School.
Kris Nevels . .. Sophomore ... 20 . .. 5-9 . .. 165 . . . No Letters Fl<mfnce, KY ..•Kris has a great.nose for the foo tbalVa nd i s" not' a frai d to take a x isk , ha d a good sp rin g, earni ng • t he starti ng s pot op pq ~ite sid e from Dedric CampbeU t;,est game last, season was a two tack l e, two-ass is t1 outing gainsL UT Martin was redshirted in 19'96'.' made great st rides in the spring of '97 had eight,fs olo tack l es, 1ope assist, two pass interceptions l'and three pass deflections in the '97 Maroon:,White game was ljl'three -sport (football, track and bas k etball) partic ipannrl hi gh school. team captain f in fgptb.:!11 h is,wfuni 9 r wand senior yea~s of high school. Defensive Back of the Year as high school sophomore and junior. also team's Best Runningback and all-conference as a j un ior. was a member of the Northern Kentucky All-Star team graduate of S imon Kenton High School.
Shawn Gallant. Junior 20 6-0 1/2 200 Two Letters ... Windsor, Ontario, ..Canada ... Shawn had an outstc(Qding spr ing practicl a Qd was more physical than Jje "had ever been .{understands; the Colonels' defense and makes al (''the defensive calls in the secondary stiould start at one ,of the safety positions has) he potential to be " ah all-conference playe r best garil e o f '97 came ys,.,te nnessee State when he hacMive tackles, one 'a ssist and one pass &£ 4V deflecti <>_'}7. has the athle ~97tools to be a _great safety. /.breaks on the bal !,as good as anyone 1n the sec9ndary :'.:p la.yed 9 in seven games "as a freshman and '·all M12 contests la.st season graduate of J.L. Forster High School.
Dedric Campbell...Senior 22 5-8 168 Three Letters ... North Pole, AK ... Dedric is a fifth-year senior that has very q uick f~, and , pound-for-pound, is one of the hardesfhittert\ on the team was a starting cornerback coming out di spring practice one of the best cover men in Colon ~ls' secondary has played in all 23 games the pas\ twC\ years, starting five as a sophomore top game lasJ se1ason was a four-tackle, one -assist effort vs. UT Martin best game of 1996 was a six-tackle, one assist, ythree deflected passes, one interception contest ~ s Austin Peay should contribute on special te ams as well. was redshirted in 1994 graduate-0fBen Eielson High School.
Brent Hampton Junior 22 5-10 1/2 198 One Letter ... Cynthiana, KY Brent was, the surprise of the spring clianged pos it~ s fro!11 llh,ebacker to defensive back 1and reall' ' / responded well. w i ll be a ·r , .. , , ,, 'i leader oi;if special teams should :add depth to the safety ~ sition has a desire to do wt u/. was red shirted in 1995r. wm eventually be a solid player at defensive bacilbecause he'"wants to make a"c ontribution and be a str rfe had fu e solo ta( Kles and one assist in '98 spring gatne , his fathei?."Doug, played for coach Roy Kidd at EKU.in late ) 60's and was a member of the Eastern Grantia d Rice Bo wl c harripio'fi team of 1967. graduate of Harrison County High School.
Tony Woods Senior 21 5-10 180 No Letters Louisville, KY Tony trarrsfe rred to Eastern from the Univers ity of Kentucky in1 arly August of this yea r p'layetl im eight games last year for UK , startimg seven at cornerback missed three comtests with imjury collected 29 tackles la,st season , includimg 19 primary $tops also came up with one inte rception (vs Indiana for am 18:.,yard return) and three pass deflections in 1997 started first four games of 1996 seasom before sufferimg cracked vertebra had 26 tackles, imcluding career-high eight tackles against Louisville won UK's Most Improved Defensive Back award in the Spring of 1996 graduate of St. Xavier High School.
Nick Sullivan Freshman 19 6-2 1/2 214 No Letters ... Lancaster, KY .. . Nick was redshirted in 1997 was switch13d f (om quarterback to safety this past spring did a great job adjusting to the change will push for a starting position had three tackles , three assists in the '98 spring game played football, basketball and baseball in high school was a member of the 1997 Kentucky All-Star Football Team started four years for the Golden Lions at quarterback , runn ing for 2,423 yards and 40 TD's and t!)rowing for 2,107 yards and 23 TD's graduate of Garrard County High School.
Derrick White Freshman 19 5-8 181 No Letters .. .Lexington , KY . .. Derrick was redshirted in 1997 .is already a leader and just a freshman has great enthusiasm for.,,.t he game :worked hard and really improved this spring had five tackles in '98 spring game played both footb~II and basketball in high school. three-year all-city pick in football. Most Valuable Player in football in 1994 and 1995 member of Kentucky All-Star football team rushed for 4,496 yards and 78,#1' D's in his high school career scored more tnan 1,000 points in his high school basketball career son of former EKU defensive back Tommy White who played form 1978-81 and who was on Eastern's first national championship team of 1979 graduate of Lexington Catholic High School.
Tomma Huguely Freshman 19 5-10 176 No Letters Richmond, KY Tomma was redshirted in 19~7 is a young-player who was a great local talen t.. needs to work o size and speed had two tackles in '98 spring game played three years of football and baseball in higti school. alldistrict , all -county , captain and Most Valuable Player in football graduate of Madison Central High School.
Adam Bailey ... OT . .. 6-7 .. . 280 ... Fr ... Prestonsburg High School. .. Prestonsburg, KY ... Adam played four, seasons of football for coach John DeRossett at Prestonsburg High also played baske'tba.11 his senior season firstteam All-Mountain Team Big Dippe f fir st-team selection all-state honorable mention first-team all -conference for "Most Pancakes " named to Kentucky All -Star team for Kentucky-Tennessee game merriber of the National Honor Society voted Who's Who among1American Hig h School students graduated in top third of his class enjoys playing chess , watching old movies, spending time with family and friends yvill major in philosophy at Eastern his biggest athletic thrill was being nam~ to the 1998 Kentucky All-Star team picked EKU because of its winning football tradition.
Isaac Carter DB 5-10 170 Jr Miramonte High School Ce rritos (CA) College ... Hacienda Heights, CA ... Isaac transferred to Eastern from Cerritos (CA) College had 15 tackl e ~ 10 assists, two tackle s for loss in 1997 as Cerritos went 5-5 collected eight soJ6 s, eight assists.in ' 96 as CC went 9-2 and won the Pontiac GMC Strawberry Bowl. led team w ith 11 punt returns for 39 yards was an AII -Miramonte League defensive back as sophomore and junior and runningback as a jun io r was Ath l ete of the Year his senior year in high school. served as team captain in lea.ding his i team to ML championship in 1995 won several Player of the Ga 1e notic ~s also was a captain his senior year in basketball and track was named Sprinter of the Year as senior. career high school defensive stats showed 87 solo tackles, 42 assists, 10 interceptions, 3 TFL and one fumble recovery career offensive stats were 224 carries, 1,570 yards and 14 TD ' s rushing, 20 pass receptions, 209 yards and three TD catches also averaged 12.4 yards on punt returns and 21.3 yards on kickoff returns enjoys playing basketball, weightlifting, being with friends and studying will major in physical therapy at EKU biggest athletic thrills have come for Isaac when his team wins chose Eastern because "it was the best place for me ."
Jarvis Chivers WR 5-11 175 Fr Forest Park High School Atlanta, GA ... Jarvis played football last season for coach Bob Smith and in 1996 for coach Clint Ashmore at Forest'Park\ also ran track for three seasons was all reg i on receiver as a j unior and senior led county in all receiving categories Receiver of the Year in 1997 two-time track team captain and track MVP 100 meter champion interested in reading , watching movies and playing video games his biggest athl~tic thrill wa.s :receiving a football scholarship to play at Eastern chose EKU fur the opportwnity to play for coach Kidd and be a part of his legacy as one of the greatest coaches in the history of the game
Jason Crockett ... LB ... 6-2 1/2 ... 210 ... Fr . .. Bell County High School. . . Pineville, KY ... Jason played four seasons of football for coach Tom Greer. also played four seasons of l:lasketball _s1r,id competed three years in track and field awarded South East Kentucky Conference Player of the Year , District Player of the Year , lflonorable Mention All-State, and Big Dipper All Mountain Team .for basketball was All District and All Conference was twoyear champion in discus interested in mountain biking , skiing, and most outdoor activities will be an architectur1 major at Eastern biggest athletic thrill was being part of a top high chool program came to Eastern because of the winning tradition in football.
J.D. Jewell. .. Freshman ... 19 ... 5-11 ... 187 ... No Letters Bowling Green, KY :J. D was- redshirted in 1997 was walk-on last fall. improved immensely in the spring, understanding the defense and making calls is a hard worker who will contribute to the team's success h\3S been clocked in 4.65 in the 40yard dash had two tackles , one assist in the '98 spring game graduate of Warren Central High School.
Chad Culver FB 5-11 240 Fr Sherldan High School...Thornville, OH Chad played three seasons oUo otball for coachPaul Culver also played baseball , was on the wrestling team and ran track -in high school. all-district player of the year and all state his senior year two-time all-distr ict..three -time all-league had 3 ,031 career yards rushing and 44 tguchdowns, including 837 yards and 13 TD ' s as a senior. tw~-time all-leagu & and MVP in wrestling and sectional champ for shot put in track membe oH~ational Honor Society and scholar athlete will major in educ tion at Eastern enjoys sports of all types his biggest athletic thrill was playing in the 1996 state high school semifinals picked EKU because of its supero football program
Josh Girdler ... DB ... 6-0 .. .1~•. J;~,.. Southwes rn High School... Somerset, KY ... Josh played four yejtrS • fd(?tball f h Dale Anderson also ran track four seasons wa §' two ti city , ty , all-district, and one time all-region in football r ith' honorable mention set school record for most tackl 251.. was 1997 Bluegrass Lexington Catholic Power in the 175-pound weight class academic all state fl !...graduated in the top 100 of his sen ior class enjo · thletic thrill was intercepting and running the ball 6 uchdow ) rig a new team record for the school and Pulaski County came to Eastern· because of the winning tradition and the class of athletes in the football program.
Sunsett Graham DB 5-10 175 Fr South Dade High School Homestead, FL. Sunsett play asons of footba ll for coach Don Drinkman at South Dade recei ' le men!' " ' II-state notice his senior year...second team all-Dade pi hree-ti rman was chosen as one of the South 's leading defe be criminology major at Eastern enjoys lifting weight es biggest athletic thrill is the physical contact and co !ion h'e playing football. came to Eastern because he lo < " Richmond and th ily environment surrounding the program
Nick was a third-team al IQ single season reco rd fq acks year starter for Coo pfr ~City CCHS team captain · · Herald and the Sun Senti County sack record, for graduate Corey Simon wh of the family environmen t ,
h School Miami, FL. olds the Broward County 1 ½ in 1997 was threekles, 27 for a loss for y selection by The Miami ill is holding the Broward Beach Ely High School Eastern because
Derwin Purnell...DB ... 5-10 ... 1f!Q ... Jr ... Gre
Junior College ... Grenada,. f4~; .. Derwi , to Eastern this fall from Holmes Junior College w'cfs;aJfirst-tea , r' 1-statE\ i'ynior college player last season for Holmes selecte9,~ Holm 1sf Most Oulfl anding Defensive Back of 1997 played football at Grei,n~da Hig~~chool for c9~ch Neil Hitchcock also played basketball and ran trac k in high sp~ ool. was Nwo-year all -conference and all-area selection in football and basketball at ,Grenada made all-state L 4 ii '•' honors in football and track hi,s 1enior ye receive? MVP honors for football team and Best Defensivr,£1.clX,~( j,ward'¾ etball team will major in physical education at Eastern with a career o active of being a teacher and coach biggest athletic thrill came when he scored touchdowns at quarterback, punt returner and defensive back in the same game chose Eastern because of the excellent education programs offered, the winning football tradition and the chance to be a part of a championship team.
Nick Towns WR 5-10. igh School. Albany, GA Nick playea four ach John Reynolcls at Dougherty High also c ck (400m, 4x100, 4x400 , and high jump) served a -region Most Improved Receiver (Freshman), at (Sophomore) ana Most Valuable Wice Receiver Great...played on state championship basketb or in sports medicine at Eastern enjoys listeni cling the bible biggest athletic thrill was play ing iA · 6 st fli,[Li~~ i-finals, 1996 basketball state championship game an competing in the 4x100 meter relay finals in the 1995 state track meet...came to Eastern for its sports medicine program ana the awesome football traclition
~7~,--·Fr.. eec~wood High School...Ft. Mitchell, KY Wayne tpla¥ed.four seaso ootball at Beechwood High for coach Mike Yeagle also play,.id b et ~I i is sophomore year at Beechwood participated in ~ eJ\tucky-Tenness ~e/ All-Star Game and the Northern Kentucky AII -Star.l~ ame awarded .Jot;3°uard of Game" at state championship game first-t ' rn all-state on efise four-time participant in state championship ga .first team Al rthern Kentucky Defensive Player of Year in Division M 11 firsttea · served as Senior Class and Junior Class Vice Pr , 1dent.. .enjoy asketball , baseball, and softball...chose Easter~' because it is t e winningest Division 1-AA program in the nation.
Wayne Holderman
Marcus Hopkins ... L.B ,, A:;! ; 3 ... 215. ..~~ke Brantley High School. Altamonte Spt ings Marc yecftwo seasons of football for coach George Clayton and p ated t seasons each in we i ghtlifting and track received Golden Hel ard in;'' 97?-, all conference, team captain and MVP on defense as .collected ' 52 f kles and five sacks in 1997 had 85 career tackles and .sik sacks enj ci tching the Tampa Bay Buccaneers , going to the beach,} .ybightlifting, a aying golf...will major in business at Eastern biQgest att1Jetic thrHl 'Nas repg cling two sacks ana seven tackles in an upset agai,::tSlfJYal ' Seminoii [! !gt:1 hfs senior year granclson of Ray Kiele , coach Kicld's brother...chose EKU because he wants to be a part of the winning traclition in football.
Jason Mohammed ... OL...6-~. ".290 ... Fr .. .Lecarito High School ... Citr us Springs, FL.Jason playe9/, ree seaso foot~all for coach Dick Slack at Lecanto also part icipaJea in track ii\g ana weightlifting in high school named all-county ih all sports was all-ciori'ference pick servea as team captain picked oh,' Suncoast Tj~rfi set state school bench press record membe r f I hampions · .Wwrestling, weightlifting ana track.
Lawrence Walls DB ~.:P,, 1 San Jacinto (CA) Junlg r cteo to EKU from Mt. San Jacinto ( mentality loves to hit...enjo time will be a business ma · have come from making big because of the team atmospher
Jr ... .. .St. unior ing bas tmajo and hew
Sen ior High School. Mt. 0 Lawrence transferred runs well has linebacke r na shooting pool in spare rn biggest athletic thrills '· uchaowns chose EKU ay for a winning program.
Tim Woolf LB 6-2 2~g Fr... ton Catholic High School ... Florence, KY ... Tinl'7.filayed of football at Covington Catholic for former EKU clef e i 1y,e bac as a two-year selection on Enquirer 's first-team aefe el was 's Defensive Player of the Year his junior ana II-state pick by Journal. was one of , ~...L!!=!J.! 22 Top 24 Northern Kentucky Coaches A~ r servea as captain his junior ana senior year team' st Valua ebacker member of state champs in 1997 main hobby l!Jishing ~j t athletic thrills have come by winning state championship ana beating Ft. Thomas Highlands in the state playoffs pickecl EKU because he Ii keel the campus ana the family atmosphere of the Colonel football program.
Mark Wright...K 6-0 110, ,-Ff.;;- George Je~ ~ips High School Lakeland, FL... Mark playea one seaso'\?fi footbaU)~t • orge Jenkins for coach Rod Jamison ana three seasons, each of 'l:5asf ~all ana soccer at George Jenkins was namea seconcl , tec1m all -state forfootball was part of two state soccer championship teams (4,9951 1997) at i,l~S namea MVP in baseball in 1997 enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, going to church will be a business major at Eastern bigg~sJ athletic th"rilli was winning a football game in overtime with a fielcl g9a1 thatr! e'nt the team1'tc{ the playoffs chose Eastern because he was impreii'e,£!:;;vlth the beaMtif YL<,J! irJ PUS, curriculum, spirited stuaent body ana its winn ing traclition in football.
When Roy Kidd and his assistants hit the recruiting road this fall, they'll be telling potential players a story about winning
Said Kidd: " I try to sit down with every kid we want to sign , and I tell them and their parents , 'If you come to Eastern, you're going to have a chance to play for a conference championship and you're going to be in the national playoffs, and you're going to have a chance to win a national championship.'
"There's so many places where a kid isn't going to have those chances, " Kidd said . "If he comes here , we're going to make sure that he has a chance to be a winner ." There are other messages given to potential recruits - you will go to class, you will attend study halls and you won't use drugs.
"We do all we can to make sure our players graduate," Kidd said "We provide tutors to help them, we insist that they go to study table, and we don't put up with class cutting ."
As for drugs, Kidd sets aside money earned from his summer football camp - money which otherwise would go to him - to pay for regular drug testing for all Eastern players; this is in addition to testing conducted by the NCAA .
" If you test positive once, it's between you and the trainer," Kidd said "If you test positive again , I' m going to be told and I' m going to tell your parents. And the kid is going to enter counseling and straighten up before he can rejoin the team
"Drugs are a big problem in society, but they aren't going to be a big problem on our football team I want our kids off drugs And when they are with their peers and have an opportunity to stray, I want them to know that I'm going to be testing them "
In some ways, Kidd has tried to change with the times But he still runs a t ight ship. Where players once had curfew every night, it has now been relaxed to three nights a week during the season. Where long hair was once banned year round , it is now banned only during the season
"I used to be a lot stricter on how they dress, " Kidd said of his players, " but I still don't let them have long hair during the season I still want them to make a nice appearance representing the University."
When recruiting, Kidd looks for " kids who can run and who like to hit. You can ' t play football today if you can't run, and you don't belong on the field if you don ' t like to hit. "
He also looks for "the k id who is an inch or two shorter, half a step slower , 20 to 30 pounds lighter than the b ig schools want. Then, we have to work with them and teach them how to play. That's our job, to teach kids how to play the game "
Despite the disadvantages presented by recruiting against bigger schools, Kidd said EKU coaches do "have some advantages in recruiting. We've always recruited good kids, and they become the best salesmen for our program Potential recruits come here and can see how much our kids enjoy playing the game and how much they enjoy playing together Another advantage is our tradition "
One more advantage is that recruits learn they will be treated with respect. Eastern coaches don't hit players, and they don ' t treat them like second-class citizens.
"I try to treat my players, my coaching staff, the people I work with, the way I would like to be treated, " said Kidd " I'm not going to abuse our kids physically, and I don't expect any of my coaches to do that. I tell them, 'You treat those young men like you ' d like to be treated'.
" My basic philosophy in life as well as football is treat people the way you'd like to be treated."
The first time Tim Lester saw film of the Eastern Kentucky offense, he was a high school running back in Miami, Florida.
"I just thought, oh, man!" said Lester as he recalled watching first one tailback, then another, rip off huge chunks of yardage. He knew then that he'd be coming to Richmond, Kentucky, to play college football.
Lester finished his Eastern career with the 1991 season. By then, he had rushedfor3,651 yards, despite losing all but one game of his sophomore season to a knee injury. Thus, he became one of 11 Colonel running backs to gain more than 2,300 yards since 1970, a record no other NCAA Division I or I-AA school can touch.
Lester, now entering his seventh season as an NFL running back, first for the St. Louis Rams and now for the Pittsburgh Steelers, ranks 30th all time for career rushing yards in Division I-AA. Among those in front of him are four more EKU running backs:
- Markus Thomas, who closed a fabulous career in 1992, is ranked as the number one Division I-AA all time rusher with 5,552 yards. Thomas spentthe 1993 NFL season with the Philadelphia Eagles and played three springs in the World League of American Football in Europe, scoring a touchdown in the championship game in 1996.
- Elroy Harris, ranked 10th all time with 4,559 yards in three seasons (1985, 1987, 1988).
- Jimmie Brooks, who ranks 18th with 3,842 yards (1968-1971).
- James Crawford, who ranks 19th with 3,833 yards in three seasons ( 1985-1987).
"We run the I-formation, and we feature the tailback, so you'd expect them to get a lot of yards," said Coach Roy Kidd. "But it's more than that. We've had some special kids playing back there. Plus, you've got to give credit to the offensive lines we've had. They' re responsible for a lot of those yards."
The offense which produces all those yards seems predictable. It's the tailback off tackle. Ort he sprint draw up the middle. Or the option either way. Or the fullback on a quick hitter . Everybody knows what's coming. Butfewteams have shut it down.
- Over the last 135 games, covering 11 seasons and 101 victories, the offense has averaged about 270 yards per game on the ground.
- In the 13 seasons since 1985, there have been 18 individual 1,000 yard rushing seasons. Five times in 12 years, two backs have each gained more than 1,000 yards, another NCAA record.
- Among the top 25 rushers, all time, in Division I-AA, Thomas has the highest average yards per carry (6.57) and
Harris ranks fourth (5.9).
- In 1991, Lester and Thomas broke through the 3,000-yard barrierfortheircareers the same day--appropriately enough, Homecoming. Also that day, fullback Rick Burkhead went over 1,000 yards for his career, which was mostly spent opening holes for Harris, Lester and Thomas.
- When Eastern faced Marshall in the Division I-AA semifinals in 1991, Lester and Thomas began the game with more than 7,500 career yards between them. A check of the record book by NCAA researchers failed to find any school with two starting backs--ever--totalling as much as 6,000 yards.
- In 1993, seniors Leon Brown and Mike Penman shared the role of starter at tailback. It was the first time as a starter at tailback for either player, yet both exceeded 1 ,000 yards. Brown spent the 1994 NFL season with the New York Giants and the 1995 season in his home town of Jacksonville, Florida, on the roster of the NFL expansion franchise there.
- For his career, Harris averaged 9.3 points per game, second highest total in the Division I-AA record book (behind Dave Meggett), and the 12.8 points he averaged per game in the 1988 season is the second highest average in one season (behind Jerry Rice).
The most talented of this very accomplished group
may have been Elroy Harris. With his penchant for finding the end zone--58 times--and his trademark back flip upon doing so, he is the all-time crowd favorite.
A second-round draft choice of the Seattle Seahawks in 1989, Harris played one year in the NFL before being waived, a victim, Seattle observers said, of a tendency to miss meetings and to practice half heartedly. Harris then played two years in the World League of American Football.
The most versatile was Tim Lester, who would break outside f ram tailback one series, and flatten linebackers and defensive ends from fullback the next series. Those multiple talents were on display last in January 1992 when Lester played in the North-South and East-West Shrine all-star games.
But the most accomplished was Thomas. He was selected first-time All-American by Kodak, Associated Press, Football News-Gazette and the Walter Camp Football Foundation. He was OVC Offensive Player of the Year his junior and senior years.
Most of all, Thomas was a player who, like Lester, realized his potential. "He dedicated himself to doing the little things that are needed to be the best football player you can be," Kidd said.
This year, junior Derick Logan and sophomore Corey Crume will be featured. Both are going into their second years
as Colonel running backs and both are capable of attaining postseason honors. At fullback, junior Jonathan Butler will push for playing time.
All of these players have the potential to one day become a bigger part of this story. The 1998 season will provide them with that opportunity.
"We have some kids with the talent it takes to play running back here," said Kidd. "Now, we'll have to see which of them are ready to step up."
Location-Frankfort , KY
Pres ident-Dr. George Willis Reid
Enrollment-2 ,570
Colo rs- Kelly Green/Light Gold
Conference-Southern Intercolleg iate Athletics
Athletics Director-Donald W. Lyons
Head Coach-George Small (NC A& T, 1979)
Coaching Record at KSU-19-15-0/4th year
Coaching Record Overall-19-15-0/4th year
Phone (502) 227-6731
Assistant Coaches-Scoti Anderson, Wesley McGriff, William Jones Ill, Juan Taylor , Chennis Berry , David Patterson , Tim Edwards , Randy Mapp , James Glover
Last Year's Overall Record-7-5-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish-4-2/2nd
SID-Ron Braden-(502) 227-6019
Home Phone No -(502) 227 - 1905
SID FAX No -(502) 227-6466
Trainer-Richard Fletcher
Press Bo x Number-(502) 22 7-6923
Starters Lost/Returning-12/45
The Kentucky State Thorobred football team ended the 1997 regular season with a 6-5 record and 4-2 second place fin ish i n the SIAC. That second place finish earned the Breds a berth in the inaugural Pioneer Bowl played at Herndon Stadium on the campus of Morris Brown College in Atlanta
The Thorobreds defeated CIAA champs and nationally - ranked Livingstone , 30-26 , giving KSU a respectable 7- 5 overall record This Bowl victory was the Thorobreds' first since 1948 and the ir seventh appearance in post-season competit ion
The Breds led all S IAC teams with 14 total selections (five firstteam and ninesecondteam)on the 1997 AII-SIACTeam Defensive end Michael Mason and defensive back Marcus DovereamedAII-American honors. Mason and Tim Duncan rece ived National Player of the Week honors by Donald Hansen's weekly Football Gazette.
To say that enthusiasm for the football team on the KSU campus is high would be an understatement. The thrilling last-second victory over Livingstone in the Pioneer Bowl was very exciting and ended a three - year campa ign by coach George Small, who was named SIAC Coach of the Year for the second straight season , and his staff in the rebuilding process
KSU returns its entire starting offensive line and a seasoned quarterback in Mike Volarvich for the first time during coach Small's tenure . Also back are three top receivers in Anthony Arnett , Dan Amos and James Stowe
The strength on defense will be atthe linebacker and secondary slots.
Location-Lexington , KY
President-Dr. Charles Wethington
Enrollment-24 ,000
Colors - Blu e and White
Athletics Director-C M. Newton
Head Coach-Hai Mumme (Tarleton State , 1975)
Coaching Record at UK-5-6-0/2nd year
Coaching Record Overall-70-33-1/10th year
Phone (606) 257-3611
Assistant Coaches- Tommy Adams , Claude Bassett , Mike Fanoga, Tony Franklin , Tim Keane , Mike
Leach, Mike Major, Guy Morriss, Darrell Patterson
Last Year's Overall Record - 5-6-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish - 2-6/5th Div
Football SID-Tony Neely-(606) 257 -3838
Home Phone No (606) 271-5976
SID FAX No.-(606 ) 323-4310
Trainer-Bill Edwards
Stadium/Capacity- Commonwealth/55,453
Press Box Number-(606) 323 -2888
Lettermen Lost/Returning-21/48
Coach Hal Mumme and h is staff will be beginning their second season at Kentucky after the Wildcats posted a 5-6 record in 1997 , the Cats' best year since 1993
Mumme, who was selected as the 1997 Region 2 Coach of the Year , wil l have 48 lettermen to work with in ' 98 , including nine starters back on offense , five regulars on defense and both starting kickers.
The success of Kentucky's pass - oriented offense was one of the notable stories in college football last season UK ranked sixth nationally in total offense with 474 yards per game
At the controls of UK's "Air Raid" attack is junior quarterback Tim Couch , one of the leading candidates for the 1998 Heisman Trophy He completed 363 of 547 passes last season , good for 3 ,884 yards and 37 touchdowns , while leading the nation in passing yardage and completion percentage (66.4) and placing second in total offense (341 7 ypg ) and TD passes.
Kentucky has plenty of veteran rece i vers ava i lable , including senior wide receivers Craig Yeast (73 catches-873 yards - 10 TD's) , senior Lance Mickelsen (31-377-6) and Jimmy Robinson (33-336-2 ). Also back is junior t i ght end Jimmy Haley (24-195-0).
Handling the backfield duties should be junior Anthony White (736 yards rushing, four TD's , 59 receptions , 453 yards , 4 TD catches ) at halfback and sophomore Derek Homer (502 yards rushing , 1 TD , 31 catches , 364 yards, two TD 's) at fullback
Leading the defensive charge for the Wildcats will be junior middle linebacker Jeff Snedegar who totaled 97 tackles last season.
First game of the series.
Sept. 5 at Louisville
Sept. 19 INDIANA
Sept. 26 at Florida
Oct. 3 at Arkansas
Oct. 17 atLSU
Oct. 24
Oct. 31 Open
Nov 7
lo cation-Bowl ing Green , KY
Fo unded-1906
President-Dr Gary Ransdell
Enrollment-14 ,795
Co lors-Red and White
Co nference-NCAA I-AA Independe nt
Afhletics Director-Lewis Mills
Head Coach-Jack Harbaugh (Bowling Green , 196 1) Coaching Reco rd at WKU-47-50-0/ 10th year
Coaching Record Overall - 72-77 - 3/15th year
Pho ne (50 2) 745-2984
Assistant Coaches-Andy Hendel , Chris Symington , Tom Sims , Cap Bozo , Dav id Elson, Shawn Mennenga , Phillip Montgomery , Andy McLeod , Craig Hauser, Jim Harbaugh
L?st Year's Overall Record - 10-2- 0
S ID-Paul Just-(502) 745-4298
Home Phone No -(50 2) 781-4852
SID FAX No.-(50 2) 745-3444
Tr ainer-Bill Edwards
Stadium/ Capac ity-L T Smi t h/ 17 ,500
Pre ss Bo x Number-(50 2) 745-6941
Lette rmen Lost/Returning-13/45
Location-Murfreesboro , TN
President-Dr. James E. Walker
Enrollment-18 ,366
Colors-Blue and White
Conference-Ohio Valley
Nickname-Blue Raiders
Athletics Director-Lee Fowler
Head Coach-Boots Donnelly (MTSU , 1965)
Coaching Record at MTSU-135-82-1 / 20th year
Coaching Record Overall-149-89-1/22nd year
Jack Harbaugh Coach
Phone (615) 898-2570
Ass istant Coaches-John Bobo , Tom Fiveash, Sean Corbitt, Dom Green, Ricky Herzog, Cliff Lewis, Steve McAdoo , Alex Robins, Wes Salyer, Floyd Walker , Matt Riley
Last Year's Overall Record-4-6-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish-2 - 5-0/6th
SID-Ed Given (615) 898-2450
Home Phone No -(615) 895-0827
SID FAX No -(615) 898-5626
Trainer-Arnold Gamber
Stadium / Capacity-Floyd / 31 ,000
Press Bo x Number-(615) 898 - 2312
Willie Taggart Quarterback
A very productive and reliable option offense , coupled with continued improvement on both defense and the special teams, made a big winner out of Western Kentuc k y football in 1997 Last year saw the Hilltoppers win 10 of 12 games, earn a berth in the I-AA national championship playoffs (where the Hilltoppe rs advanced to the qua rterfinal round) and finish the year ranked sev enth in the nation in both The Sports Network and the ESPN/USAToday I-AA polls.
That 10-2 record included three w ins over nationally-ranked teams , as wel l as the No 2 ranked team in NCAA Division II , New Haven.
Things look prom ising for the 1998 Hilltoppers , who return 45 lettermen (24 on defense , 20on offense and the placekicker), including 16starters, from last fall's squad
The Hilltoppers return four athletes who earned All -America recognition last fall. That list includes a coupleofoffensive linemen--fi rstteamer Pat r ick Goodman and third-teamer Andy Hape -- placekicker Jeff Poisel and recordsetting quarterback Willie Taggart
Taggart was honored as I-AA football's National Player of the Week on thre e occasions (once by ESPN and twice by Hansen's Football Gazette) He fi nished the season ranked 11th in the nation in scoring (9 0), 13th in rushing ( 121 7 ypg) and 36th in total offense (206 6 ypg )
On the defensive side, 11 of the Toppers' top 14 tacklers return Leading th e wa y are linebackers Brandon Egan (72tackles) , Bernie Adams (68stops) an d Trae Ha ck ett (57 tack les) Poisel returns at k ick er after hitting 54-55 extra poi nts a nd 11-17 field goals for a school-record 87 points by kicking
Western leads the series, 41-31-3 1998SCHEDULE
Lettermen Lost/Returning-7/38
Kelverick Green
MTSU head coach Boots Donnelly, starting his 20th season at the helm of the Blue Ra iders , is hoping a year makes a lot of difference His Middle Tennessee club took its lumps last year , particularly on the defensive side of the ball, in finishing with a 4-6-0 overall record It was only the second losing season for the Raiders since 1980
The "difference a year makes" phrase becomes applicable because Donnelly starts the '98 season with much the same cast which ended the '97 campa ign. The Blue Raiders return 38 of 45 lettermen , eight of 11 starters on offense and 10 of 11 starters on defense
"We were awfully young last year," says Donnelly "We lost one or two key people that we'll miss a lot , but mainly have the same crew coming back Experi ence counts for a lot, but it doesn't count for everything."
MTSU will attemptto replace the departed quarterback Jonathan Quinn and tailback Lebrian McGill in 1998. Quinn was understudied by sophomore Judd Moore , while junior college transfer Gabe Alaniz will also get a look there The heir-apparent to McGill ' s spot is Kelverick Green who has gained more than 1 ,200 yards and scored 13 touchdowns in the last two seasons.
The entire offensive li ne returns intact as well as a bevy of ta lented receivers AII-OVC tight end Gary Dav is (30 catches, 488 yards, 5 TD's) is back as well as starting split end Matt Lowe (39-534-2) and flanker Tri Heard (32425-2)
The only player missing from the defensive lineup that started the final game of the 1997 campaign is linebacker Terrell Nesmith
Eastern leads the series, 28-19-0
1 :30 p.m. EDT
Location-Nashville, TN
President-Dr. James A Hefner
Enrollment-8 ,643
Colors-Royal Blue and White Conference-Ohio V alley
Athletics Director-Dr. Vivian L. Fuller
Head Coach-L. C Cole (Nebraska , 1980)
Coaching Record at TSU-8-14-0/3rd year
Coaching Record Overall-8-14-0/3rd year L.C. Cole Phone (615) 963-5851 Coach
Assistant Coaches-Jake Cabell , Johnnie Cole , Russ Ehrenfeld , Willie Jones , James Reese , Fred Kaiss
Last Yea r' s Overall Record - 4-7-0
Last Year 's Conference Record/Finish - 4-3/Tie-4th
SID-Ed Atlas (615) 963-5851
Home Phone No.-TBA
SID FAX No -(615) 963-5895
Trainer-Rod Newman
Stadium/Capacity-Hale/16 ,000
Press Box Number-(615) 963-7515
Lettermen LosUReturning-9/33
12:30 p.m. EDT
Location-Murray , KY
President-Dr. Kern Ale x ander
Enrollment-8 ,900
Colors-Navy and Gold
Conference-Ohio Valley
Athletics Director-E W Dennison
Head Coach-Denver Johnson (Tulsa, 1981)
Coaching Record at MSU-7-4-0/2nd year
Coaching Record Overall-7-4-0/2nd year
Phone (502) 762-6181
Denver JohnsonAssistant Coaches-Linwood Ferguson , Cary Fowler, Coach
Larry McClain , Randall McCray , Mac McDan iel, Eric Wilson
Last Year's Overall Record-7-4 - 0
Last Year' s Conference Record/Finish-5-2-0/2nd
SID-Steve Parker (502) 762 -4271
Home Phone No -(502) 753-5195
SID FAX No -(502) 762-6814
Traine r-Alan Lollar
Stadium/Capacity-Stewart/16 ,800
Press Box Number-(502) 762-6811
Lamar Carter
Defensive End
After consecutive 4-7 seasons , Tennessee State head coach L. C Cole feels his Tiger squad is ready to turn the winning corner in 1998. Entering spring drills, the coaching staff looked to strengthen several areas as the Tigers attempt to halt a string of seven straight losing seasons.
On defense , work was focused on the team becoming more fundamentally sound, w ith better technique shown all-around. Cole wants the '98 squad to become a swarming defense on the line with emphasis on pass rush and pass coverage skills
A strong linebacking corps returns , led by LamarCarterwhogained e ight quarterback sacks 1n six games before breaking his leg. Other starters returning on defense are tackle Eric McCray , end Larry Floyd, linebackers Armand Williams and Brent Sterling and cornerbacks Darrell Hinton and Jarrick Hillery
Offensively , the staff worked to have the team become more focused reduce mistakes and control the ball. The offense has an explosive passing attack which averaged 265 yards per game in 1997.
Senior wide receiver Tyrone Butterfield , who was 1997 co-OVC Offens ive Player of the Year with EKU quarterback Simon Fuentes leads the way after leading the OVC in pass receiving (59 receptions 1053 yards 7 TD's) , kickoff returns (24.76 yards per return) and all-pu~pose yardage (15 4.84ypg ).
Otheroffensive starters back arewideout Corey Sullivan quarterback Leon Murr ay , runningback Calvin Davenport , fullback Arce~tae Broome, guard Shawn Thompson and tackle Bennie Anderson
Eastern leads the series, 11-0-0.
Sept. 5 at Middle Tennessee
Sept. 12 Jackson State (Memphis,
Sept. 19 Open
Sept. 26 Florida A&M (Atlanta , GA)
Oct. 1O at Eastern Kentucky
Oct 17 at Southeast Missouri
Oct. 31 at Eastern Illinois
Nov 7 at Tennessee Tech
Nov 14 at Murray State
Lettermen LosUReturning-23/42
Chris Vaughn LinebackerMurray State enters the second yearofthe Denver Johnson era with the hopes of improving on last year's 7-4 season which saw the Racers finish second in the OVC with a 5-2 mark
This year , Johnson and his staff are getting a running start at the football seaso n, compared to last year's whirlwind season. A year ago , Johnson was hired to replace Houston Nutt (now at Arkansas) just days before nationa l signing day and his staff wasn' t completed until two weeks before spring practice.
The 1998 season will find a solid recruiting class, a retooled and talented coaching staff and a solid spring practice under the Racers' belt. 'We're way ahead of where we were last year , " said Johnson "As far as our scheme , our staff and our talent level, we're light years ahead "
Returning eight starters from a defense which finished last season ranked No 2 in total defense among the nation's Division I-AA teams , it's no secret the Racers will count on the continued brilliance of their defensive unit. Playing an attacking , blitzing eight-man front defense which puts a premium on speed , Murray State is solid in every area across its defense MSU's biggest concern is on offense , where only three starters are back Dan Loyd , last year's quarterback , will be challenged for the starting spot by Justin Fuente , a transfer from Oklahoma.
Senior tailback Wilbert Smith returns after rank ing eighth in the OVC in rushing last year , despite serving as a backup to Anthony Downs Capable receiver Brandon Warfield (33-490-3) will be another threat on offense.
Eastern leads the series, 32-21-4
Sept.19 at Southeast Missouri
Sept.26 at Brigham Young
Oct. 10 at Middle Tennessee
Oct. 17 at Eastern Kentucky
Oct. 24 Open
Nov 7 at Eastern Illinois
Location-Cookeville, TN
President-Dr. Angelo Volpe
Enrollment-8 ,240
Colors-Purple and Gold
Conference-Ohio Valley
Nickname-Golden Eagles
Athletics Director-Dr. David Larimore
Head Coach-Mike Hennigan (Tennessee Tech , 1973) Coaching Record at TTU-11-11-0/3rd year
Coaching Record Overall-11-11-0/3rd year Phone (615) 372-3930
Assistant Coaches-Gerald Brown, Jeff Fela, Eric Roark, Ted Lockerby, Dewayne Alexander, Mike Smith, Kurt Woerner
Last Year's Overall Record-6-5-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish-4-3/4th
Football SID-Jeff Patton (931) 372-3088
Home Phone No -(931) 537-3236
SID FAX No .-( 931) 372 - 6139
Trainer-David Green
Press Box Number-(931) 372-3293 , 3088
Lettermen LosUReturning-12/42
Mike Hennigan Coach
Location-Martin, TN
Chancellor-Dr. Philip W. Conn
Colors-Royal Blue , Orange and White
Conference-Ohio Valley
Athletics Director-Benny Hollis
Head Coach-Jim Marshall (UT Martin , 1969)
Coaching Record at UTM-1-10-0/2nd year
Coaching Record Overall-20-57-0/8th year
Phone (901) 587-7670
Assistant Coaches-Chris Jones , Larry Porter, Jeff Brookshire, Matt Griffin , Paul Randolph , Dave Walkosky
Last Year's Overall Record-1-10-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish-0-7/8th
SID-Lee Wilmot-(901) 587-7630
Home Phone No -(901) 587-9811
SID FAX No.-(901) 587-7624
Trainer-Jim Rapp
Stadium/Capacity-Skyhawk/7 ,500
Press Box Number-(901) 587-7678, 7676
Walter Hill
PROSPECTUS Wide Receiver
Coach Mike Hennigan and his staff entertheirthird season atTennessee Tech after going 6-5 overall and 4-3 inside OVC play in 1997.
Tech returns 42 lettermen, including nine starters on offense and seven on defense At quarterback, sophomore Michael Peeples and redshirt freshman Tony Racioppi will compete for the starting spot with signee Grant Swallows entering the mix this fall
SeniorT.J Christian returns atfullback , while sophomore Jerome Tillman (126 carries, 668 yards, 4 TD's) is the returning starter at tailback Junior tailback Brant Billen ( 115-526-6 TD ' s) will also see plenty of duty.
Receivers will also be a strength for the '98 Golden Eagles. Second-team AII-OVC pick Walter Hill (55 receptions , 808 yards , 3 TD's)seta Tech single season record for receptions last year as a sophomore. Other returnees at the receiver slots are sophomore Tedarrell Scott(19-227-1) and juniors Tony Fragale (15-130-0) and Brian Jackson (25-296-2)
The offensive line will be anchored by second-team AII-OVC pick Wes Gallagher attackle
First-team all-conference players , junior end Branon Vaughn (67 tackles, 20 TFL , 8 QB sacks) and seniortackle Eddie Arnell (53 tackles, 12 TFL , 5 QB sacks) will be the mainstays of the defense Help will be provided by honorable mention AII-OVC tackle Josh Harris (53 tackles, 10 TFL, 3 QB sacks)
The secondary will be led by junior rover Josh Symonette (100 tackles , one interception) who ranked second on the team in tackles and was a second-team AII - OVC pick in 1997.
Eastern leads the series, 40-14-0.
Lettermen LosUReturning-20/30
Coach Jim Marshall is set to begin his second season in rebuilding the football program at the University ofTennessee at Martin.
Marshall knows the task is a tough one and his first year began the groundwork for the future Almost 60 first-year players were on last season's roster. Marshall says the first year in his return to h is alma mater was tough as the team posted a 1-10 record , but one the team will certainly build upon as the program looks to move up in the OVC race
"The biggest change from this time last year until now is the attitude of the team as a whole," said the Sky hawks' coach "The work ethic has greatly improved and the players have a better understanding of the system and what it will take to be successful."
The Sky hawks will return 30 lettermen, which includes 15 of22 starters and both specialists. Among the returnees are many young players who benefitted from last year's experience and theirwork in the off- season. While newcomers will be looked upon to provide immediate help, the numberof new players will not be as dramatic as in Marshall's first season
Offensively , the Skyhawks were able to run the ball more than in previous seasons Work on the passing game will be emphasized and a more consistent passing attack should help the continued progress of the running game.
Defensively, seven starters return as the unit looks to shore up after allowing more than 400 yards per game last season.
Jade Stillings should be among the top punters in the conference. Eastern leads the series, 9-0.
Sept. 3 at Western Kentucky
Sept. 19 Open
Sept. 26 at Southeast Missouri
Oct. 3 at Murray State
Oct. 1O at Samford
Oct. 24 at Tennessee State
Location-Cape Girardeau , MO
President-Dr Dale Nitzschke
Enrollment-8 ,500
Colors-Red and Black
Conference-Ohio Valley
Athlet ics Director-Carroll Williams
Head Coach-John Mumford (Pittsburg State, 1979)
Coaching Record at SEMO-34 -51-0/9th Year
Coaching Record Overall-34-51-0/9th Year Phone (573) 651-2110
Assistant Coaches-Charles Sabbatini , Dave Dumars , Jay Thomas, Steve Schottel , Ron Hudson, Roscoe Echols
Last Year's Overall Record-4-7-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish -1-6 -0/7th
SID-Ron Hines-(573) 651-2294
Home Phone No -(618) 985-3452
SID FAX No -(573) 651-2810
Tra iner-Lance McNamara
Stadium/Capacity-Houck/10 ,000
Press Box Number-(573) 651-2191
Lettermen LosUReturning-14/41
Southeast Missouri will rely on a veteran offensive unit and a rebuilt defense to try and improve on last year's 4-7 mark while competing against one of the toughest schedules in school history.
The Southeast offense returns nine starters including last year's top ground gainer and top receiver The question is at quarterback where the Indians must replace graduated starter Justin Martini
Defensively , Southeast returns just five starters and must replace first team All-American Angel Rubio at a defensive tackle position
"We have enough quality football players on both sides of the ball to compete in the OVC , "said Mumford who enters h is ninth season as head coach "If we come together as a team , we can be successful."
The entire offensive line returns from last season , led by second team AII-OVC tight end Mitch Fryer and guard Jessie Eaton, and center Chris Kiefer who were both honorable mention AII-OVC
Fullback Britt Margaux, the leading ground gainer the past two seasons , returns for his senior campaign after gaining 492 yards and scoring fourTD's last season Also returning are tailbacks K D Kolesho and Corey Williams who combined for724 yards and sixTD's last season Also back is wide receiver Dante Bryant, second-team AII-OVC , who had 43 catches for 599 yards and five TD's last season.
Defensively, SEMO returns second-team AII-OVC tackle Troy Baglio and end Marcus McClellan who helped the Indians rank 23rd nationally against the run last season.
Eastern leads the series, 8-0.
Oct. 3
Oct. 1O
Oct. 17
Oct. 31
Location-Boone , NC
Chancellor-Dr. Francis T Borkowski
Enrollment-12 ,000
Colors-Black and Gold
Athletics Director-Roache! Laney
Head Coach-Jerry Moore (Baylor , 1961)
Coaching Record at ASU-69-37-0/10th year
Coaching Record Overall-96-85 -2/17th year
Phone (828) 262-2501
Assistant Coaches-Rob Best, John Wiley, Stacy
Searels , Dale Jones , Tim Horton, Travis Jones , Louis Clyburn, Shawn Elliott
Last Year's Overall Record-7-4-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish-6-2/2nd
SID-Bill Dyer-(828) 262-3080
Home Phone No -TBA
SID FAX No.-(828) 262 -6106
Trainer-Andy Massey
Stadium/Capacity-Kidd Brewer/16 ,650 Press Box Number-(828) 262-3172
Lettermen LosUReturning-14/44
Jerry Moore Coach
Jerry Moore enters his 10th season as head football coach at Appalachian State University and welcomes44 lettermen and 15 starters from last season's squad , for the 1998 campaign
Last season , the Mountaineers fashioned a 7-4 overall mark and a 62 Southern Conference slate, closing the year ranked 22nd and 23rd in the two I-AA polls. ASU's second-place league finish was the 13th consecutive upper division finish and 15th in the past 16 seasons in the conference.
Moore says his club's strength heading into fall drills will be h i s offensive and defensive lines , along with the rece iving corps He said ASU's weaknesses lie in an inexperienced quarterback , not having a game-tested punter and the health of some of ASU's returnees
"We've got to do a good job early in the season in helping our quarterbacks get needed game experience, without throwing them to the lions And we are experienced on offense everywhere but that spot , so we will ask our veterans to take on a protective role Our kicking game is solid , but we have to identify a consistent punter and make sure we do all the little things in making our punter successful," sa i d Moore.
Back for the Mountaineers on offense will be all-conference performers Shawn Clark (offensive tackle}, Frank Leatherwood (tight end) , Tony Bequette (guard) and Joey Gibson (flanker). Leatherwood caught 36 passes for436 yards and five TD's , while Gibson hauled in 46 receptions for 695 yards and four scores.
Appalachian State leads the series, 3-2-0. r
Location-Charleston , IL
President-Dr. David Jorns
Enrollment-11 ,700
Colors-Blue and Gray Conference-Ohio Valley
Athletics Director-Dr Rich McDuffie
Head Coach-Bob Spoo (Purdue, 1960)
Coaching Record at EIU - 68-56-1/12th year
Overall Coaching Record-68-56-1 /12th year
Phone-(217) 581-5031
Assistant Coaches-Roy Wittke , Ben Norton, Bob Krieger, Ron Lambert, Brian Jenkins , Chris Wilkerson, Charlie Roche
Last Year's Overall Record-8-3-0
Last Year's Conference Record/Finish-5-2/Tie-2nd
SID-David Kidwell
SID Office Phone No -(217) 581-6408
Home Phone No.-(217) 345-4166
SID FAX No.-(217) 581-6434
Trainer-Rob Doyle
Stadium/Capacity-O'Brien/10 ,000
Press Box Phone No -(217) 581-5032
Lettermen Lost/Returning-15/27
Justin Lynch TailbackAfter four straight winning seasons including two playoff teams, the Panthers have the fewest returning starters during this successful span Coach Bob Spoo has just eight returning starters, four each on offense and defense , from a team that went 8-3 last season , tied for second in the OVC and ranked No. 21 in the final ESPN/USAToday poll for NCAA I-AA.
The offense is led by a pair of tailbacks , senior Justin Lynch and junior backup Jabarey McDavid, who ranked No 2 and No 6, respectively in OVC rushing with 84 5 and 69.1 yards per game. Lynch was a second-team AII-OVC pick and has 1,855 career yards , eighth best on the El U all-time list. He's also the Panthers ' top returning pass receiver with 28 catches for 240 yards. Also helping on offense will be second-team AII-OVC tight end Seth Willingham (26 receptions, 314 yards).
A replacement must be found for QB Mike Simpson, one of the nation's most efficient passers the past two years. Top candidates to fill this role are sophomore Jeb Odam and California
JC transfer Anthony BurchLeading the defense will be a secondary paced by first-team A II-OVC cornerback Chris Watson who had 58 tackles, four deflected passes and three interceptions He is also El U's main kick returner with his 34 1 yards per return average Also return ing in the defensive backfield are secondteamAII-OVC safety Antwan Perry and cornerback Steffan Nicholson who missed the last two league games of '97 with an injury.
The entire defensive line and most of the linebacking corps is gone via graduation.
EKU leads the series, 4-1-0.
Sept. 5 ST. JOSEPH'S
Sept. 12 at Central Florida
Sept. 19 at Northern Illinois
Oct. 10 Open
Oct. 24 at Middle Tennessee
Oct. 31
Delmas Freeman , guard 1948
Paul Wright , center 1948
Carl Plantholt , guard 1949
Ray Pe lfrey, back 1949
Ed Zoretic, back 19 5 I
Chuck Hertzer , back 1951
Chuck Schmitt, tackle 1952
Alex Kilakowski , end 1952
Carl Oak le y, guard 1953
Roy Kidd, back 1953
Fred Winscher, e nd 1954
Frank Nassida, tackle J954
Jerry Johns, guard.. J954
James Hanlon , back J954
Don Daly, back 19 54
Bob Muller, back 1954
Tom Schulte, end I 955
John Sebest , back I 957
Dave Bishop, back... 19 58
Steve Herczeg, tackle 1959
Eddie Miller, guard I 959
Joe Graybea l, center 1959
Don MacDonald , guard 19 61
Jimmy Chittum, back 1961, I 962
Ken Goodhew , guard I 962
Roscoe Perkins, guard I 965
Chuck Siemon, end.. 1964 , 1967
Roy Evans, tackle I 965
Jim Guice , back 1966 , 1968
Buddy Pfaadt, back 1965 , 1966
Mike Smith, back I 966
Aaron Marsh , end I 966 , I 96 7
Bill Brewer, tackle I 967, 1968
Fred Troike, guard I 967, I 968
Ron Reed , linebacker I 96 7
Harry Lenz, back I 96 7
Jim Moberly, lineb acker 1968
Larry Kaelin, guard I 969
Teddy Tay lor , guard 1967-1969
Jimmie Brooks, back I 968- 1971
Harry Irwin, t ackle 1970
Butch Evans, fullback 1970
James Wilson, tight end 1971
James Porter, back 1971
Wally Chambers , tackle 1970, 1972
James Croudep, lin ebacker I 970, I 972
Larry Kirksey , end 19 72
Alfred Thompson , back 1973
Rich Thomas , back 1973
Everett Talbert , back I 974, I 976
Joe Alvino , guard 1974, 1976
John Revere, flanker 1974
Robyn Hatley, tackle 1974, 1975
Earl Cody, kicker 1974
Stan Roberts, noseguard 1974
Junior Hardin, t ackle I 974 , I 975
E lm o Boyd, split-end 1975, 1976
Scot McCallister , back 1975
Ernie House, back I 976
Roosevelt Kelly, center 1976
Anthony Miller, back I 976, I 977
Stan Mitchell , back 1977
Randy Heaberlin , tackle I 977
Dean Stucky, guard I 977, I 978
Jim Nel s on , flanker, 1977
Chris Roberts, end I 978
David Nea l , center 1978, 1979
Joe Richard, noseguard 1978, 1979
Dale Patton , fullback 1978, 1979
Danny Martin, back 1978, 1979
Kevin Greve, guard I 979, I 98 I
David Flores , kicker 19 79
Bob McIntyre , lin ebacke r 1979
Darryl Lawson , tackle 1980
Joe Schipske , center. 1980
James Shelton, tackle 1980
Geo rge Floyd, back 1980, I 98 I
Terrence Thompson , back I 981
David Dihrkop , tackle 1981
Chris Taylo r, guard I 981 , I 982
Jerry Parrish , flanker 1981
Randy Taylor, tackle I 981, 1982
Alex Dominguez , lin ebacker 1981, 1982
Tuck Woolum , quarterback J982
Tron Armstrong, rece ive r 1982
Steve Bird , flank e r 1982
Chri s Su lli van, center J983 , J984
Mike Bobek , tackle 1983
Mike McShane, noseguard 1983
David Hill, lin ebacker J983
Anthony Jones, back 1983, 19 84
Charles Keller, end 1984
Fred Harvey , lin ebacker. 1984, 1986
Joe Spadafino , tackle 1984, 1985
Keith Bos ley, t ack le 1985
James Crawford, back 19 85 , 1987
Aaron Jones , tackle 1985, 1987
John Jackson, tackle 1986 , I 987
Byron Ingram, center 1986
Da le Dawson, kicker 1986
Eugene Banks, nose guard 1986 , 1987
Harold Torrens , noseguard 1986 , 1987
John Klingel , end 1986
Pat Sm ith , back 1986
Danny Cope land , back 1986 , 1987
Elroy Harri s, back 1987 , I 988
David Miller, tackle 1987
Jessie Small, end.. 1987 , 1988
Gary Greve , guard 1987
Mike Kelly, guard I 988
Mike Delvisco , cente r 1988
Oscar Angulo , ti ght end I 988
Tim Lester, back 1988 , 1991
Mike Cadore, end 1988
C hri s Coffey, lineb acker 1988
Kelly Cutright, safety 1988
Mark Mitchell, guard I 989
Al Jacevicius, tackle.... 1989
Jim Von Hand o rf, center 1989
Markus Thomas, back 1989 , 1992
Randy Bohler, flanker 1989
Bernard Rhodes , t ackle I 989
Ernest Thompson , noseguard 1989- I 99 I
John Holmes, guard I 990
Tim Wimbley, guard 1990, I 991
Carl Satterly , t ackle 1990, 1991
Greg McKee , tackle 1990 , I99 1
Kelly Blount , lin ebacker 1990
David Wilkins, end 1990, 1991
Brett Kolnick, end 1990
Craig Brooks , safe ty I 990
Mike Roth , guard... 1991
Randy Wardlow, end 1991
Chris McNamee, safety 1991
Brian Pressler , t ackle 1992
Mike Thomas , guard. 1992
Chad Bratzke , tackle 1992 , I993
Brad Ladd , back I 992
Jason Combs, tackle 1993-95
James Hand, guard 1993-95
Joel Woods, center........... 1993
Car los Timmons , linebacker I 993
Ch ri s Guyton, safety 1993 , 1997
Chris Whitefield, tight end 1994
Roosevelt Givens , tackle 1994
Tony McCombs , linebacker 1994-96
Joe Smith, back 1994
Marc Collins, punter 1994 , I 995
William Murrell , back 1995, 1996
Joe Ganns,back I 995
Roger Orlandini, tackle 1996
Brandyon Brantley , guard 1996
Britt Bowen, linebacker 1996
Scoote r Asel, back 1996
Tyrone Hop son, tackle. 1997
Josh Hunter, guard 1997
Simon Fuentes, quarterback 1997
Derick Logan, tailback 1997
Ronde! Menendez , spli t end 1997
David Hoelscher end 1997
Game 2 atthe University of Kentucky , Lexington, KV-Sept. 12
Depart Richmond by bus to Lex ington Saturday , Sept. 12 Return to Richmond immediately following the game.
Game 3 at Western Kentucky University , Bowling Green, KVSept. 19
Depart Richmond by bus to Bowling Green Saturday , Sept. 19. Return to Richmond immediately following the game
Game 4 at Middle Tennessee State University , Murfreesboro, TN-Sept. 26
Depart Richmond by bus to Murfreesboro Friday afternoon , Sept. 25 . Stay at the Holiday Inn (615) 896 -2420 in Murfreesboro . Return to Richmond immediately fo llowing the game.
Game 7 at Tennessee Tech University , Cookeville, TN-Oct. 24
Depart Richmond by bus to Cookeville Friday afternoon , Oct.
23. Stay at the Holiday lnn-Holidome (615) 526-7125 in Cookeville Return to Richmond immediately following the game .
Game 8 at UniversityofTennessee-Martin , Martin, TN-Oct. 31. Depart Richmond by bus to Martin Friday morn ing , Oct. 30
Stay at the KenLake State Resort Park near Murray (1-800-3250143) Return to Richmond immediately following the game
1. NATIONAL CHAMPIONS-NCAA Division I-AA - 1979, 1982
2. NATIONAL RUNNERSUP-NCAA Division I-AA - 1980, 1981
3. NATIONAL SEMIFINALIST-NCAA Division I-AA - 1986, 1988 , 1991
5. NCAA PLAYOFF PARTICIPANTS - 1976, 1979, 1980, 1981 , 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 , 1987 , 1988, 1989, 1990 , 1991 , 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997
6. OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS - 1954, 1962 (CoChamps) , 1967 , 1968, 1974 , 1976, 1981 , 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 (CoChamps) , 1987 (Co-Champs) , 1988, 1990 (Co-Champs), 1991, 1993 , 1994 , 1997
7. Head Coach Roy Kidd, beginning 35th season at EKU , has been named NCAA Division I-AA National Coach of the Year twice and OVC Coach of the Year 10 times
8 Have had 50 All-Americans and 184 AII-OVC players in school's history.
9 Have had 36-game unbeaten string at Roy Kidd Stadium (snapped in first round of '83 playoffs) and 27-game winning streak at Roy Kidd Stadium (snapped in first round of '89 playoffs)
1O. Have had 26-game unbeaten string in games against OVC competition (a league record , snapped by Murray State in 1995)
Angel Rubio
Missouri Down Lineman
David Hoelscher Eastern Kentucky Down Lineman
Branon Vaughn Tennessee Tech Down Lineman
Eddie Arnell Tennessee Tech Down Lineman
Thomas Williams Eastern Illinois# Linebacker
Tight End
Simon Fuentes Eastern Kentucky Quarterback
Anthony Downs Murray State• Running Back
Derick Logan Eastern Kentucky* Runningback
Tyrone Butterfield Tennessee State Wide Receiver
Ronde! Menendez Eastern Kentucky Wide Receiver
Rob Hart Murray State* Placekicker
Tyrone Butterfield Tennessee State Kick Return/Punt Return
Name School Position
Bennie Anderson Tennessee State Offensive Tackle
Wes Gallagher Tennessee Tech Offensive Tackle
Mark Robinson Murray State# Offensiv e Guard
Shawn Thompson Tennessee State# Offensiv e Guard
Brian Cox Murray State Center
Mitch Fryer Southeast Missouri Tight End
Mike Simpson Eastern Illinois# Quarterback
Jonathan Quinn Middle Tennessee Quarterback
Justin Lynch Eastern Illinois Runningback
Dariel Ruffin UT Martin Runningback
Walter Hill Tennessee Tech Wide Receiver
Dante Bryant Southeast Missouri Wide Receiver
John Wright Eastern Kentucky Placekicker
Bobby Washington Eastern Kentucky Kick Return/Punt Return
OVC Coach of the Year: Roy Kidd-Eastern Kentucky
OVC Offensive Players of the Year: Rondel Menendez-Eastern Kentucky
Tyrone Butterfield - Tennessee State
Defensive Player of the Year: Angel Rubio• Southeast Missouri
Note: Coach of the Year and Players of the Year are selected by a poll of head football coaches nl.
Sammy Sanders
Tennessee Tech Linebacker
Ronnie Merritt Murray State* Linebacker
Sammy Sanders Tennessee Tech* Linebacker
Kenny Thoma s Murray State Defensive Back
Fred Hambrick Southeast Missouri Defensive Back
Chris Watson Eastern Illinois Defensive Back
Chris Guyton Eastern Kentucky Defensive Back
Justin Terrill Southeast Missouri Punter
Name School Position
Marcus Stepp Murray State Down Lineman
Justin Ernest
Eastern Kentucky Down Lineman
Troy Baglio South eas t Missouri Down Lineman
Antonio Strobridge
Britt Bowen
Armand Williams
Rodney Wilson
Josh Symonette
Antwan Perry
Tennessee-Martin# Down Lineman
Eastern Kentucky Linebacker
Tennessee State Linebacker
Eastern Illinois# Linebacker
Tennessee Tech Defensive Back
Eastern Illinois Defensive Back
Darrell Hinton T en nessee State# Defensive Back
Corey Clark
Ashley Johnson
Eastern Kentucky Defensive Back
Tennessee State Punter
• denotes 1996 All-OVC First Team # denotes 1996 All-OVC Second Team
Note: The All-OVC team was voted on by the league head football coaches and sports information directors.
Roy Kidd Stadium, Hanger Field and the Robert B. Begley Building, the home of Colonel football since 1969 , is one of the most unique, architecturally-designed academicathletics complexes in the nation.
The stadium portion of the Begley Complex was renamed in honor of current head football coach Roy Kidd. The dedication took place on September 8, 1990 when the Colonels defeated Central Florida, 24-12. Eastern opened the stadium in 1969 defeating Austin Peay, 20-10. Hanger Field was officially dedicated on September 26, 1970 when the Colonels downed East Tennessee , 10 -6. The field itself continues to bear the name Hanger Field.
The nine-story structure provides seating on its slanted roof for 16,000 football spectators while an additional 4 ,000 can be seated in bleachers across the field. Hanger Field consists of lush Bermuda grass that provides one of the best natural playing surfaces found anywhere.
straight wins at Hanger Field from 1985-89 and had a Roy Kidd Stadium OVC consecutive game winning streak of 22 games dating back to 1977 broken in 1984 and another 20-game OVC win streak stopped in 1990.
The single-level pressbox, which towers 94 feet above the playing field, has working space for 87 media representatives, including private coaching booths, radio booths, and film areas There is an auxiliary press box located opposite the main stands for live or taped television coverage with two levels for shooting footage available
Facilities inside the stadium include offices for the football coaching staff, locker rooms, a modern training room , and weight room The structure also has 10 handball courts, two basketball courts, a gymnastics area, two cardiovascular rooms and classroom space to serve 2,qoo students simultaneously
also ran off 27
The Colonels have found Kidd Stadium to their liking during its 29-year history. Entering the 1998 season, Eastern has won 144 , lost 24, and tied 1 (.855 winning percentage) , and had a Kidd Stadium undefeated streak of 36 games which began on September 23 , 1978, and was brought to a halt November 27 , 1984 .
Sept. 20 at Boone, NC
TSU - Steven Kelley 2 yd. run (Lawrence Tynes kick)
EKU - John Wright 23 yd field goal
EKU - Wright 41 yd field goal
TSU - Kelley 10 yd. run (Tynes kick)
TSU - Kelley 39 yd run (Tynes kick)
EKU - Derick Logan 20 yd. run (run failed)
Attendance: 10,000 (est.)
ASU - Bake Baker 1 yd. run (Chris Barden kick)
EKU - Corey Crume 1 yd run (John Wright kick)
EKU - Bobby Washington fumble recovery in the end zone (Wright kick)
ASU - Daryl Skinner 10 yd run (Barden kick)
ASU - Gerard Hardy 5 yd. run (Barden kick)
EKU - Rondel Menendez 57 yd pass from Simon Fuentes (Wright kick)
ASU - Skinner 20 yd. pass from Bake Baker (kick failed)
EKU - Jeff Marr steps out of end zone for safety
WKU - Jeff Poisel 35 yd field goal
EKU - Rondel Menendez 51 yd. pass from Simon Fuentes (John Wright kick)
WKU - Willie Taggart 23 yd. run (Poisel kick)
EKU - Corey Crume 2 yd run (Wright kick)
WKU - Poisel 40 yd field goal
WKU - Joey Stockton 59 yd pass from Taggart (Poisel kick)
WKU - Poisel 26 yd. field goa l
WKU - LaTravis Powell 1 yd run (Poisel kick)
EKU - Crume 4 yd run (Wright kick)
Attendance: 18,600 (est.)
EKU - Bobby Washington 48 yd pass from Simon Fuentes (John Wright kick)
EKU - Derick Logan 61 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Rondel Menendez 74 yd. pass from Fuentes (Wright kick)
APSU - John Palmer 22 yd field goal
EKU - Jonathan Butler 14 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Clifford Posey 48 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Jonas Hill 17 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Brian Durham 16 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Butler 3 yd. run (Wright kick)
Attendance: 9 ,200 (est.)
EKU - Bobby Washington 26 yd pass from Simon Fuentes (John Wright kick)
TSU - Jarrick Hillery 66 yd pass from Leon Murray (Buck Billings kick)
EKU - Derick Logan 3 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Logan 16 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Logan 5 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Jonathan Butler 11 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Brian Durham 3 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Durham 1 yd. run (Wright kick)
MSU - Derick Logan tackled in end zone for safety
EKU - John Wright 26 yd. field goal
EKU - Bobby Washington 26 yd. pass from Simon Fuentes (kick failed)
MSU - Rob Hart 41 yd. field goal
MSU - Hart 47 yd field goal
EKU - Corey Crume 2 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Wright 43 yd field goal
EKU - Crume 2 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Wright 42 yd field goal
: 6 ,136
Nov. 8 at Cape Gi rardeau , MO
SEMO - Eric Warren 39 yd field goal
SEMO - Dante Bryant 6 yd pass from Justin Martin i (Warren kick)
EKU - John Wright 33 yd field goal
EKU - Bobby Washington 18 yd. pass f rom Simon Fuentes (Wright kick )
EKU - Wright 45 yd field goal
EKU - Derick Logan 1 yd. run (Wright kick)
Attendance: 3,253
Nov . 15 at Richmond, KY
- Rendel Menendez 68 yd pass from Simon Fuentes (John Wright kick)
EIU - Cameron Mabry 18 yd run (Chad Larner kick)
EKU - Derick Logan 2 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Menendez 15 yd pass from Fuentes (Wright kick)
EKU - Corey Crume 1 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Britt Bowen 10 yd interception return (Wright kick)
EKU - Chris Guyton 80 yd. interception return (Wright kick)
EKU - Logan 3 yd. run (Wright kick)
Attendance : 2 ,120 (est.)
EKU - Derick Logan 5 yd run (kick failed)
EKU - Corey Crume 3 yd run (pass failed)
TTU - Andre Caballero 15 yd. run (Casey Roberts kick)
EKU - Crume 4 yd run (John Wright kick)
EKU - Logan 1 yd run (Wright kick)
Attendance: 12,400 (est.)
Nov . 1 at Richmond, KY
EKU - Corey Crume 1 yd run (John Wright kick)
EKU - Jonathan Butler 1 yd. run (Wright kick)
MTSU - Daniel Calvo 4 yd pass from Jonathan Quinn (Keegan Ray kick)
MTSU - Lebrian McGill 1 yd run (kick blocked)
EKU - Rendel Menendez 24 yd pass from Simon Fuentes (Wright kick)
EKU - Butler 8 yd run (Wright kick)
MTSU - Sulecio Sanford 34 yd pass from Quinn (Ray kick)
EKU - Crume 1 yd. run (Wright kick)
Attendance: 6,400 (est.)
EKU - Jonathan Butler 50 yd pass from Simon Fuentes (John Wright kick)
EKU - Corey Crume 24 yd run (Wright kick)
EKU - Brian Brenneman 21 yd. pass from Fuentes (Wright kick)
EKU - Randel Menendez 15 yd pass from Fuentes (Wright kick)
EKU - Crume 2 yd. run (Wr ight kick)
EKU - Deri ck Logan 3 yd. run (Wright kick)
EKU - Menendez 73 yd pass from Waylon Chapman (Wright kick)
Attendance : 5,200 (es t. )
WKU - Jammie Kyle 37 yd. pass from Willie Taggart (Jeff Poisel kick)
WKU - Kyle 1 yd. run (Poisel kick)
WKU - Jade Gummer 2 yd run (Poisel kick)
EKU - Corey Crume 5 yd run (John Wright kick)
WKU - Taggart 5 yd run (Poisel kick)
WKU - Cory Himsel 6 yd run (Poisel kick)
EKU - Rendel Menendez 11 yd pass from Waylon Chapman (Wright kick)
WKU - Kyle 21 yd run (Poisel kick)
Attendance : 9,000 (est.)
Richmond radio station WEKY-AM (1340 on the dial) will again serve as the flagship station for the 1998 EKU Football Network , while Eastern's public radio stations, WEKU-FM (88 9) and WEKH (90.9), also carry Colonel football over a large portion of southeastern and eastern Kentucky .
This year's broadcast team will again be headed by longtime play-by-play announcer Greg Stotelmyer, who will be beginning his 16th season as "The Voice of the Colonels" and his 20th season overall of calling EKU football games. Joining him as color analyst will be Brett Pouncey, WEKY Operations Manager, who will be a part of the broadcast crew for the fourth year. Greg McClellan will handle field reporting duties for the second consecutive year.
In addition to the radio broadcasts, the EKU Football Network features pre-game interviews with coaches and players, and Kidd joins Stotelmyer on the field after each game for the informative Coach Roy Kidd Post-Game Show.
With Eastern Kentucky's success on the football field welldocumented since the inception of I-AA football in 1978, the Colonels have also enjoyed huge success in providing signees to the different professional football leagues through the years.
A total of 36 former EKU Colonels in the past 12 seasons have either been drafted or have signed as free agents with NFL clubs, including this year's additions- defensive end David Hoelscher (Green Bay Packers) and defensive back Danny Thomas (Arizona Cardinals) who were both free agent picks
Several EKU Colonels have played in the old American Football League, the now-defunct World League, the Canadian Football League, the World League of American Football, the Arena Football League and the National Football League.
Split-end Aaron Marsh in 1968 began the parade of modernday Colonels to professional football as he signed and started that season for the Boston Patriots of the AFL. EKU's next big entry was that of former Time Magazine All-American and the No . 8 pick in the 1973 NFL Draft, defensive tackle Wally Chambers He finished his first season in grand style by being named the National Football Conference's Defensive Rookie of the Year for the Chicago Bears
NFL scouts are constantly in contact with the EKU football office and attend games and practices throughout the year
Entering the beginning of the NFL's summer pre-season camps in July this year, seven former Eastern players were on NFL rosters. These include, with their first year in the NFL listed , offensive tackle John Jackson (1988)-San Diego Chargers; running back Tim Lester (1991 )-Pittsburgh Steelers; defensive end Chad Bratzke (1994)-New York Giants; tight end Jason Ounn (1996)-Philadelphia Eagles; linebacker Tony Mccombs (1997)-Arizona Cardinals; and Hoelscher and Thomas.
From left, the WEKY Radio broadcast team: Brett Pouncey and Greg StotelmyerPASS RECEIVING
Tyrone Butterfield , TS
Walter Hill , TT
Rondel Menendez, EK
Dante Bryant, SE
Matt Lowe.MT
Brian Webb , TM
Bobby Washington , EK
Donnie Davis, El
Anthony Downs, MU
Derick Logan, EK
Rob Hart MU
John Wright, EK
Lebrian McGill, MT
Keegan Ray, MT
Reginald Swinton, MU
Calvin Davenport, TS
Justin Terrell, SE 11
Brandon Thomas , MT 10
Ashley Johnson, TS 11
John Fowle , El 11
Jade Stillings, TM 11
Stephan Brown , EK 11
Carson G rea m.MU 11
Tyrone Butterfield TS 25
B Washing1on, EK 19
Ke Ive rick Green, MT 14
Lebrian McGill, MT 15
Darriel Ruffin , TM 21
Andrew Joyce , SE 22
Camron Howard, TS 17
Fred Hambri ck, SE
Kenny Thomas, MU
Corey Cobb, TM
Coray Clark, EK
Cedric Stegall, MT
Charlie Walker MT
Rob Hart, MU 11
Casey Roberts, TT 11
Keegan Ray, MT 10
John Wright, EK 11
Chad Lamer, El 11
Buck Billings , TS 11
Eric Warren , SE 11
Eddy Winslow, TM 10
Thomas Williams El
Angel Rubio , SE
Sammy Sanders, TT
Kenny Thomas , MU
Jon Swift , TM
Josh Symonette, TT
Charlie Walker , MT
Tavares Newsom , TM
Ronnie Smith, SE
Britt Bowan, EK
Ro nnie Merritt, MU
Brent Sterling, TS
Chris Guy1on EK
Branon Vaughn TT 2J
Angel Rubio, SE 19
David Hoelscher, EK 14
Antonio Strobridge, TM 14
Ronnie Merritt, MU 14
Justin Ernest, EK 12.5
Britt Bowen, EK 12.5
Eddie Arnell , TT 12
PUNT RETURNS Donnie Davis, El Steffan
Hillery, TS
Marcus McClellan SE
Angel Rubio, SE
Jamie McBryar, TT
Kenneth Knotts, MU
Eddie Arnell, TT
G 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 9 REC 00 55 49 43 39 41 39 31 G TD 10 12 10 11 11 0 11 0 10 10 10 0 11 9 11 9 No. Yds. 72 3134 42 1716 55 2195 45 1789 93 3438 45 1660 52 1900 Yds 619 461 332 322 447 453 347 Yds 95 74 75 72 43 :a,i 91 Avg. 24.8 24.3 237 21.5 21.3 20.6 17.8 IPG 0.45 0.45 0.36 0.36 0.30 0.30 OZT FGM 13 9 8 7 7 7 4 2 Solo Asst. 102 48 62 52 33 EB 61 42 48 52 50 50 50 48 52 44 33 54 45 43 54 33 47 39 62 Z3 Yds. 123 63 63 54 45 49 40 53 28 YDS 1053 OC6 1073 009 534 495 561 346 XP 2XP 0 0 0 0 32 0 46 0 0 0 3J 0 0 0 0 Avg. 43.5 40.9 39 9 39.8 38.6 36.9 36 6 TD 7 3 8 5 2 3 4 2 FG 0 0 13 7 0 8 0 0
Antonio Strobridge, TM
Jarrod Webb, MU
Since the NCAA formed Division I-AA football in 1978, Eastern Kentucky University has been a dominantforce in the race for the national championship Except for the initial year, 1985 and 1996, the Colonels have either received invitation bids or automatically qualified by virtue of their Ohio Valley Conference championship for the post-season national playoffs, a grueling four-week system that involves 16 teams
EKU captured the national title in both 1979 and 1982 and fought its way to the finals in 1980and 1981. The 1983, 1984, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995 and 1997 teams were defeated in first round playoff action. The 1986, 1988 nd 1991 Colonel squads advanced to the semifinals before losing and the 1987
and 1994 teams lost in the quarterfinals.
The I-AA football championship is under the control and supervision of the NCAA I-AA Football Committee, which is elected by the NCAA membership at the annual convention.
Other Division I-AA champions have been Florida A&M (1978), Boise State (1980), Idaho State (1981), Southern Illinois (1983), Montana State (1984), GeorgiaSouthern(1985, 1986, 1989and 1990), Northeast Louisiana (1987), Furman (1988), Youngstown State (1991, 1993, 1994and 1997), Marshall (1992 and 1996) and Montana (1995).
Appearances: 17 (1979 , 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 , 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997)
National Championships: 2 (1979, 1982)
National Runnersup Titles: 2 (1980, 1981)
First Round Exits: 8 (1983, 1984, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997)
Quarterfinal Round Exits: 2 (1987, 1994)
Semifinal Round Exits: 3 (1986, 1988, 1991)
Playoff Record at Home: 10-4
Playoff Record on Road: 4-9
Playoff Record (Neutral Site): 2-2 (National Championship Games)
Largest Margin of Victory: 30-7 (vs Lehigh, national championship game, 1979)
Largest Margin of Defeat: 48-0 (vs. Montana, first round, 1995)
Overall Playoff Record: 16-15
(H) Eastern Ky 33 , Nevada - Reno 30 (Double Overtime)
(N) Eastern Ky 30, Lehigh 7 (National Championship at Orlando, Florida)
(A) Eastern Ky 23 , Lehigh 20
(N) Boise State 31, Eastern Ky 29 {I-AA Finals at Sacramento , California)
(H) Eastern Ky 35, Delaware 28
(A) Eastern Ky 23, Boise State 17
(N) Idaho State 34, Eastern Ky. 23 {I-AA Finals at Wichita Falls, Texas)
(H) Eastern Ky 38, Idaho 30
(H) Eastern Ky 13, Tennessee State 7
(N) Eastern Ky. 17, Delaware 14 (National Championship at Wichita Falls, Texas)
(H) Boston Un iversity 24, Eastern Ky 20
(H) Middle Tennessee 27 , Eastern Ky 10
(A) Eastern Ky 23, Furman 10
(A) Eastern Ky 24, Eastern Illinois 22
(A) Arkansas State 24 , Eastern Ky . 10
(H) Eastern Ky 40 , Western Ky 17
(A) Northeast Louis iana 33 , EKU 32 1988
(H) Eastern Ky. 28, Massachusetts 17
(H) Eastern Ky 41, Western Ky 24
(A) Georgia Southern 21 , Eastern Ky 17 1989
(H) Youngstown State 28, Eastern Ky. 24 1990
(H) Furman 45, Eastern Ky. 17 1991
(H) Eastern Ky 14 , Appalachian State 3
(H) Eastern Ky . 23, Middle Tennessee 13
(A) Marshall 14, Eastern Ky. 7 1992
(A) Marshall 44 , Eastern Ky 0 1993
(A) Georgia Southern 14 , Eastern Ky . 12 1994
(H) Eastern Ky. 30, Boston U. 23
(A) Youngstown State 18, Eastern Ky 15 1995
(A) Montana 48 , Eastern Ky 0
(A) Western Kentucky 42, Eastern Ky 14
There he stood, Eastern Kentucky University football coach Roy Kidd, amid the jubilant crowd of players, press, and well -wishers in the visitors ' locker room at the P ioneer Bowl Stadium in Wichita Falls , Texas. He had just guided Eastern to another milestone in its athletic history.
On that day, December 18 , 1982, the Colonels captured the University ' s second national championship (EKU won its first national crown in 1979 when it defeated Lehigh 30 -7) as they defeated Delaware 17-14 in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Div ision I-AA championship game , capping a 13-0 season
That victory marked Eastern's fourth straight appearance in the I-AA title game , having won runners-up troph ies in 1980and 1981
EKU football has come a long way since the first organized game was played in 1909 on Stateland Field , and much of the credit is given to Kidd, an All-American quarterback at Eastern in 1953, who returned to his alma mater in 1963 and proceeded to build a national powerhouse.
Kidd's 34-year record stands at 280 wins, 103 losses , and eight ties, a remarkable .726winning percentage. He has twice been chosen National I-AA Coach of the Year and Kentucky Sportsman of the Year, and is the winningest coach in Oh io Va lley Conference history.
The popularity of Eastern football grew so rapidly in the 1960's that Hanger Stadium, the home of the Maroons (the school's nickname later became Colonels) since 1936, was too small forthe large enthusiastic crowds. Eastern paid "old" Hanger a fitting farewell in 1968 as it thrashed rival Morehead State, 35-7 A new era in EKU football began the following year when the Colonels moved to Hanger Field, a modern 20,000seat facility. Eastern christened its new playing field with a 291Odrubbing of Austin Peay In 1990the Stadium was renamed in honor of current head coach Roy Kidd . The Colonels defeated the University of Central Florida 24-12 that day.
There have been many memorable moments in the rich heritage of Eastern football. One came in 1967 when EKU ' s OVC champs won the NCAA Mideast Regional championship by defeating Ball State, 27-13, in the Grantland Rice Bowl. Another occurred in 1954 when Eastern ' s third regular season undefeated team (thefirstwas in 1940) made the school's first bowl appearance only to fall to the University of Omaha, 7-6, in the Tanger ine Bowl. Then, 25 years later, came the first of four straight national championship game appearances and six consecutive playoff appearances.
Kidd's status among the active coaching profession is well-known, but Eastern has had other successful coaches during its football history Previous coaches include James Park (1909) , Clyde Wilson (1910 - 11 ), Charles Keith (1912) ,
Ben Bernard (1913-16), Clyde McCoy (1919) , George Hembree (1922-28), Charles ''Turkey" Hughes (1929-34), Rome Rankin (1935-42, 1945-46), Tom Samuels (1947-53), and Glenn Presnell (1954-62).
Since the OVC was organized in 1948, Eastern has won 14 regular season titles outright (in '54, '67, '68, '74, '76, '81, '82, '83, ' 84, '88, '91, '93, '94 and '97), shared four titles in '62 , '86, '87 and '90 and to date ranks first in the Conference alltime standings with a 231 -88-7 won-lost record.
EKU football has produced 50 All-Amer icans and has had 34 players drafted into the professional ranks. Best known among former Eastern players is Wally Chambers, a 1972 AllAmerican, who was voted National Football League "Defensive Rookie of the Year'' in 1973 as a tackle with the Chicago Bears.
Most extra points - 9 (Jamie Lovett vs Tenn Tech 1981)
Longest run from scrimmage - 97 yards (Don Daly vs. Morehead State , 1951)
Most runs from scrimmage - 43 (Alfred Thompson vs Morehead State , 1973)
Most yards rushing - 300 (Markus Thomas vs. Marshall , 1989)
Most passes attempted - 45 (Jim Guice vs. Middle T ennessee, 1966)
Most passes completed - 25 (Jim Guice vs. Akron , 1968)
Most yards passing - 332 (S imon Fuentes vs. Eastern Illinois, 1997)
Most touchdown passes thrown - 4 (Jim Guice vs Northwood, 1967 and Ernie House vs Austin Peay , 1975)
Most touchdowns scored - 4 (Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood , 1967 ; Jimmie Brooks vs. East Tennessee , 1971; Stan Mitchell vs Ashland, 1975; Terence Thompson vs Akron, 1981 , and Western Kentucky, 1982; Elroy Harris vs. Austin Peay, 1988, and vs. Western Kentucky, 1988 ; Mike Cadore vs Delaware State, 1988 ; Markus Thomas vs. Austin Peay, 1992)
Most passes received - 19 (Aaron Marsh vs Northwood, 1967)
Most receiving yards - 316 (Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood, 1967)
Most passes intercepted - 4 (Buddy Pfaadt vs Austin Peay , 1966 and Pat Smith vs, Marshall , 1986)
Most times punted - 13 (Jeff McCarthy vs. Morehead State, 1971)
Most yards punted - 468 (Jeff McCarthy vs Morehead State , 1971)
Longest field goal - 57 yards (Dale Dawson vs Murray State , 1985)
Longest punt - 78 ya rds (Bob Plotts vs Tampa, 1966)
Longest punt return - 88 yards (Tony James vs. Austin Peay , 1982, and vs. Florida A & M, 1984)
Most field goals - 5 (Jamie Lovett vs. Youngstown State , 1983)
Most points scored - 26 (Elroy Harris vs. Austin Peay, 1988)
Most points scored by kicking - 16 (Jamie Lovett vs. Youngstown State , 1983)
Most yards kickoff return - 232 (Mike Cadore vs. Northeast Louisiana, 1987)
Longest interception return - 100 (George Floyd vs Youngstown State, 1980)
Longest kickoff return - 100 (Leon Brown vs Austin Peay, 1989 and vs Western Kentucky, 1992)
Most points scored - 164 (Elroy Harris, 1988)
Most touchdowns scored - 27 (Elroy Harris, 1988)
Most extra points kicked - 48 (John Wright, 1997)
Most extra po i nts attempted - 50 (John Wright, 1997)
Most field goals - 23 (Dale Dawson , 1986)
Most po ints scored by k ick - 108 (Dale Dawson, 1986)
Most runs from scrimmage - 371 (Elroy Harris, 1988)
Most yards rushing - 1,998 (Elroy Harris, 1988)
Most yards rushing by fullback - 1,239 (Tim Lester, 1988)
Most passes attempted - 297 (Mike Whitaker, 1986)
Most passes completed - 163 (Mike Whitaker, 1986)
Most Consecutive Passes Thrown Without an Interception 174 (Simon Fuentes, 1997)
Best passing percentage - 62.7 (Lorenzo Fields , 1988)
Most yards passing - 2,077 (Mike Wh itaker, 1986)
Most yards total offense - 2,013 (Mike Whitaker, 1986)
Most touchdown passes thrown - 16 (M ike Whitaker , 1986)
Most touchdown passes received - 11 (Aaron Marsh, 1966)
Best rushing average (min. 50 times) - 7.2 yards per carry (Leon Brown, 1993)
Most yardage on pass receiving - 1,137 (Ronde! Menendez, 1997)
Most passes received - 73 (Aaron Marsh, 1966)
Best punting average - 42 3 (Marc Collins, 1995)
Most passes intercepted - 10 (George Floyd , 1981, and Pat Smith, 1986)
Most punts returned - 36 (George Floyd, 1981)
Most yards on punt returns - 456 (Aa ron Marsh, 1967)
Best punt return average - 17.0 (Aaron Marsh, 1967)
Most kickoffs returned - 34 (Danny Copeland, 1986)
Most yards on kickoffs returned - 967 (Danny Copeland, 1986)
Best kickoff return average - 33 1 (Tony James, 1983)
Most yards rushing - 5,552 (Markus Thomas, 1989-92 )
Most yards passing - 5,041 (Jim Guice, 1965-68)
Most touchdown passes thrown - 46 (Jim Guice, 1965-68)
Most Passes Caught 154 (Bobby Washington, 1994-97)
Most Yards Pass Receiving 2,435 (Bobby Washington, 1994-97)
Most touchdown pass receptions 24 (Aaron Marsh , 1964-67)
Most yards total offense - 5,552 (Markus Thomas, 1989-92)
Most plays total offense - 934 (Jim Guice, 1965-68)
Most rushing attempts - 920 (Jimmie Brooks , 1968-71)
Most field goals kicked - 49 (Dale Dawson, 1983-86)
Most field goals attempted - 69 (Jamie Lovett, 1980-83, and Dale Dawson, 1983-86)
Most extra points kicked - 126 (David Flores, 1977-80)
Most extra point kick attempts - 131 (David Flores, 1977-80) and (Marc Collins, 1992-95)
Most points scored by kick - 244 (Dale Dawson, 1983-86)
Most points scored - 355 (Elroy Harris , 1985, 87-88 )
Most touchdowns scored - 58 (Elroy Harris ,
1985, 87-88)
Most yards rushing per carry - 6 57 (Markus Thomas , 1989-92)
Most kickoffs ret. 74 (Jerry Parrish, 197881)
Most yards on kickoffs returned - 2 ,072 (Jerry Parrish, 1978-81)
Most consecutive extra points kicked - 70 (Todd Duffy, 1990-91)
Most punts returned - 86 (Bobby Washington, 1994-97)
Most yards on punt returns - 708 (Tony James , 1981-84)
Most passes intercepted - 22 (George Floyd, 1978-81)
Most yards interception returns - 328 (George Floyd, 1978-81)
Best kickoff return average - 30.0 (Mike Cadore , 1985-88)
Most points scored by opponent - 99 vs. Wittenberg i n 1931
Largest victory marg i n - 67-0 vs. Morehead Sta t e in 1925
Largest defeat margin - 99-0 vs. W ittenberg in 1931
Most net yards rush i ng - 510 vs. East Tennessee in 1977
Most first downs - 33 vs. WisconsinOshkosh in 19t5
Most first downs rushing - 26 vs. Morehead State in 1989
Most touchdowns scored - 9 vs Evansville in 1953 ; vs. Tennessee Tech, 1981
Most extra points - 9 vs Tenn. Tech, 1981
Most yards penalized - 201 vs. Morehead State , 1988
Least net yards rushing by opponent - (-43) vs Middle Tennessee, 1981
Most touchdown passes thrown - 6 vs Northwood in 1967
Fewest first downs given up - 2 vs Murray State in 1976
Undefeated seasons - 1940 (8-0 -0), 1954 (8-0-1 ), 1982 (13-0-0)
Most wins - 13, 1982 (13-0-0)
Most defeats - 8 in 1929 (1 - 8-0)
Most ties - 4 in 1909 (0-0-4)
Most points scored - 424 (1988)
Most points by opposit ion - 264 (1930)
Least points scored - 15 (1930)
Most consecutive games w ithout a loss or tie - 18 (1982-83)
Most consecutive games w ithout a loss - 19 (1982 -83) , 1 tie
Most touchdowns scored - 56 (1988)
Most extra points kicked - 49 (1994, 1995)
Most passes completed - 170 (1967)
Most passes attempted - 304 (1986)
Best passing percentage - 62.3 (1988)
Least yards rushing by opponents - 951 (1953)
Least yards passing by opponents - 487 (1957)
Best punting average - 42 3 (1995)
Most yards penalized - 925 (1988)
Most yards rushing - 4,309 (1988)
Most yards passing - 2,395 (1997)
Best total offense - 5,793 (1988)
Most first downs rushing - 212 (1988)
Most first downs passing-106 (1997)
Most passes intercepted - 29 (1986)
Groundbreaking ceremonies were held March 24, 1998, for the 40,000 squarefoot, $4.75 million Classroom, Wellness and Conditioning Building, a functional, state-ofth e-a rt facility designed to meet the needs of the College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics.
The first floor will feature a 6,000 square-foot physical activity area/laboratory for physical education activities and the study of motion. A strength and weight development area will house equipment designed to help build strength, muscle development and rehabilitation.
Also located on the first floor will be the main training facility for EKU's 16 intercollegiate athletics teams. The facility will provide an in-ground hydrotherapy pool with rehabilitation equipment, three above-ground therapeutic pools, X-ray equipment and examination rooms. A "Wall of Fame" will display the names of contributors to the University's "Competitive
Edge Campaign", which raised private funds to help construct the new building.
The second floor will feature a wellness center designed to facilitate aerobic conditioning. The center will include aerodynamic equipment for bicycling, stair-step aerobics and other health-club type equipment.
Also on the second floor will be three large classrooms, physiology and computer laboratories, offices and areas for locker rooms, showers and dressing/changing areas.
The nickname, "The Campus Beautiful", aptly describes the Eastern Kentucky U n i versity campus. It is truly a beautiful atmosphere in which to live and learn. Eastern, a member of the Commonwealth's system of regional universities, is th e culmination of more than a century of higher education development on its 56 0-acre main campus in Richmond. Today's modern Eastern offers more than 15 0 degrees programs in its nine academic colleges and graduate school including ed u cation, allied health and nursing, computer science, business, sciences, law en fo rcement, recreation and environmental resources that provide educational oppo r tunities to meet society's demands.
The University seeks to fulfill the "living-while-learning" concept by providing comfortable living conditions for almost 4,500 students in campus residence halls Eastern can accommodate more students on campus than any other university in the state.
In addition to being a highly respected academic institution, Eastern is also noted for its program of intercollegiate athletics and recreational sports. The accomplishments of the Colonel athletics teams are a source of great pride for the student body and campus community.
Eastern is a hub for cultural enrichment opportunities as nationally known lecturers, artists, and entertainers appear on campus. A wide variety of student and faculty musical groups also provide a fine selection of entertainment options.
Whether it be in the area of academics, the athletics arena or campus life, Eastern continues its stride toward excellence.