The guidelines in this document have been approved and adopted by the President’s Cabinet for all university communications.
The Office of Communications and Brand Management (CBM) is authorized by the President’s Cabinet to ensure that all campus units uphold these guidelines consistently, accurately and in their entirety. CBM is also authorized to ensure that non-compliance is remediated promptly.
If you have a project request or idea that is not addressed in this document, before you begin production, contact CBM at brand@eku.edu.
The EKU Brand Guide is a living document and will be modified according to the needs of the University. The latest version of this document is always available at eku.edu/brand.
A brand is bigger than a logo or mascot: it is an enduring platform that defines an organization’s unique identity and point of view through a collection of distinct traits and guiding principles. In other words, a brand is
• The heart of who we are
• The promise we make to our audiences and communities
• The experiences we create
• The ethos we convey
• The story we tell
Developed to align with EKU’s strategic plan, the brand guide is designed to promote EKU’s reputation for excellence and opportunity in knowledge, innovation and transformation for the betterment of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and beyond.
These guidelines and principles apply to every interaction, every conversation and every piece of communication we create about the university.
Your communications will help convey a consistent and compelling story about EKU.
Eastern Kentucky University, located at the nexus of the Bluegrass region and the Appalachian foothills in Richmond, Kentucky, is a comprehensive regional university focused on educating the Commonwealth and beyond.
With over 100 degree programs offered both on campus and online, EKU is home to over 14,000 students. Founded in 1874, EKU has a rich history of removing barriers and increasing access to high-quality education, making us the School of Opportunity. We specialize in educating Kentuckians and putting them back to work in their communities.
Eastern Kentucky University is the School of Opportunity where everyone belongs. World-class faculty and staff create opportunities for personal growth through exceptional experiences, to ensure students realize their fullest potential and achieve excellence. EKU graduates shape the success and vitality of their professions and communities.
Knowledge is at the center of EKU’s commitment to serve as the School of Opportunity. From academic teaching and learning to experiential co- and extracurricular activities, EKU strategically advances academic and student success programs that support EKU’s diverse learners.
Innovative thinking and bold action will elevate and differentiate EKU. Innovation will enhance organizational stewardship, intellectual and creative capacity, and economic vitality within EKU and the communities we serve.
EKU is dedicated to transforming lives and communities. EKU’s learning environments support intellectual growth, creativity, empowerment and life-changing experiences by centering access, equity, dignity, respect and inclusivity.
1. Embrace Student Success as Our Purpose
2. Encourage Focused Academic Investment
3. Emphasize Being an Employer of Choice
4. Ensure Financial Strength
5. Enhance the Campus Beautiful
6. Elevate the University Brand
7. Energize Collaboration Across the Service Region
8. Enrich Strategic Partnerships
• Community engagement
• Diversity of people and perspectives
• Professional Growth
• Hospitality
• Celebration TRUST
• Consistency
• Effective communication
• Accountability
• Efficiency
• Leadership
An Eastern Kentucky University Colonel is not defined by one trait or derived from a single origin, but rather the moniker is inclusive of a long list of characteristics, experiences and virtues supporting excellence.
Reserved for the highest honor bestowed upon a civilian by the governor of our Commonwealth, it signifies noteworthy accomplishments, contributions to society, remarkable deeds and/or outstanding service to one’s community, the Commonwealth or our nation - a statesman or stateswoman.
In the spirit of the Commonwealth’s founding, it is also synonymous with those who first pursued opportunity - those pioneers and trailblazers who settled here. In the United States military, and of particular importance to our military-friendly campus community, it signifies the most senior field-grade military officer rank, and represents long-standing, exceptional service - a warrior.
This is the formal name of the institution. It should be used on first reference in any official university communication.
This is the most common reference to the university. It can be used in almost any circumstance. However, if you are speaking to an audience that has not heard of or knows little about EKU, use the full name on first reference.
The Colonel is the mascot of the university. You can refer to a student, employee or alumni as a “Colonel,” or the student body or a specific group (such as a sports team) as “Colonels.” Do not use any other abbreviation or moniker to refer to the Colonels.
NOTE: University-wide priorities may strategically utilize alternate verbiage to refer to the institution.
Taglines are repeated phrases or slogans associated with an organization or group. The following are the only institutionally-recognized taglines at EKU:
• The School of Opportunity
• The Campus Beautiful
• Go Big E!
• Kentucky’s University
• Exceptional Eastern Experience
EKU logos registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office include:
• All Eastern Kentucky University logos, marks and wordmarks including but not limited to:
• Primary EKU logo
• Power E logo
• EKU Colonels logo
• Eastern Kentucky University Colonels wordmark
• Alternate wordmark
• Official Seal of Eastern Kentucky University
• Athletic marks and emblems
Eastern Kentucky University has exclusive ownership rights regarding the use of these emblems as well as the Eastern Kentucky University name.
• Use of these symbols for commercial purposes is prohibited without express consent from the university.
• Approved use in such cases may include related licensing fees.
• These images are intended for the express use of Eastern Kentucky University.
• Whenever these emblems are used by university organizations, its affiliates or authorized non-affiliates, the emblems must carry the proper registration marks as shown.
NOTE: Do not use non-university registered trademarks or imagery resembling trademarks. If you are unsure whether or not something is legally protected, contact CBM at brand@eku.edu.
• Eastern Kentucky University®
• EKU ™
• EKU Colonels ™
• Colonels ™
• EKU Corbin ™
• EKU Manchester ™
• Go Big E!
Entities outside the university wishing to use these emblems or the Eastern Kentucky University name for commercial purposes must first secure a contract through the university’s official licensing organization.
The images may not be used in publications or web pages intended to disparage the university.
Any use of the Eastern Kentucky University logo and graphic symbols constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in this document.
• Logos and wordmarks are available from EKU Communications and Brand Management and must be reproduced from these authorized graphics.
• They cannot be redrawn, screened, distorted, stretched, reproportioned, embellished, cropped or modified in any way.
• Logos should not be scanned from other reproductions or downloaded from any site other than eku.edu/brand.
• The registered mark (®) indicates the legal status of the logo as a registered trademark.
• No other icon or graphic element should be used with a logo.
• As a general rule, multiple EKU logos should not be used together on a given product, piece, page or spread.
• Avoid utilizing maroon logos on black. Contact EKU Communications and Brand Management for usage guidance.
• With the exception of officially licensed products, Eastern Kentucky University’s logo and other graphic symbols are not to be used in a manner that suggests endorsement of any product, service, opinion or cause.
• All university logos are to be surrounded by a clear zone. No other graphics are to appear within this space.
• Adding an outline to any EKU logo is only permitted for embroidery purposes. This rule does not apply to all logos (ex. Colonels Script).
Contact the Office of Communications and Brand Management at brand@eku.edu.
PRIMARY USE: Academic and all-purpose
All official university communications should clearly be identified as originating from Eastern Kentucky University. As the visual mark most closely associated with Eastern Kentucky University, the Primary EKU logo is the preferred logo for usage in all external and most internal university communications – including academic communications.
For the primary EKU logo, the clear space is equal to half the height of the mark.
0.5 x
0.5 x
PRIMARY USE: All-purpose
The Power E logo is an alternate logo choice which is acceptable if the audience is familiar with the university or if space is restricted.
NOTE: With the Power E, more context is required to convey association with the university.
This context may be provided in a few different ways:
1. The arena of an athletic competition where the association is obvious
2. By including “EKU” or “Eastern Kentucky University” in plain text on the same item where the Power E logo appears
3. By location solely on the campus of EKU
For the Power E Logo, the clear space is equal to half the height of the mark.
PRIMARY USE: Athletics
Introduced in Fall 2022, The EKU Colonels logo combines the Primary EKU logo with the word “Colonels.” This logo replaces the Simplified Colonels Wordmark ( ), which will be phased out of use no later than December 2024.
For the EKU Colonels logo, the clear space is equal to the height of the mark, as shown in the diagram below.
PRIMARY USE: Athletics
Introduced in Fall 2022, the Eastern Kentucky University Colonels wordmark replaces the Full Colonels wordmark ( ), which will be phased out of use by December 2023. The addition of the word “University” in this logo helps reinforce Colonels with EKU (vs. the geographical region of Eastern Kentucky).
For the Eastern Kentucky University Colonels wordmark, the clear space is equal to 1.5 times the height of the mark, as shown in the diagram below.
PRIMARY USE: Athletics
For the alternate wordmark, the clear space is equal to 1.5 times the height of the mark, as shown in the diagram below.
PRIMARY USE: By authorization only
The Official Seal of Eastern Kentucky University is reserved solely for use by the President’s Office. It is reserved for the most formal and ceremonial use cases. The seal is not a logo and is not to be used in place of the primary EKU logo.
NOTE: If you wish to use the seal, written permission must be obtained beforehand from Communications and Brand Management (CBM).
Those using the seal with permission will have proper reproduction files or materials made available to them, as well as detailed instructions on its permitted usage. Never scan the seal from old documents and attempt to use it.
For the seal, the clear space is equal to 1.5 times the height of the mark.
PRIMARY USE: Campus unit identification
Most campus units (including colleges, departments and programs) have an approved institutional logo. These are to be used in print and digital applications when using the primary EKU logo alone is not sufficient to ensure distinction.
NOTE: Use institutional logos in digital and print applications to differentiate campus units; for most promotional materials, use the EKU primary logo. For more information on promotional item guidance, refer to the Promotional Assets and Licensing section.
Institutional logos include the name of the department or affiliated program in a heavy-weight Barlow typeface in horizontal and vertical lockups with the primary logo, as depicted below.
Institutional logos that use any other typeface (such as Avenir or the EKU primary logo font) or alignment (such as right justification) will be phased out of production by December 2024 – to request an updated package, use the design request form at eku.edu/brand.
Alterations to EKU logos violate legal copyright and brand guidelines. Below are examples of alterations that are unacceptable and require remediation.
Questions? Contact brand@eku.edu or visit eku.edu/brand.
Error: this logo is missing the power line below the letters. It is not legally protected.
Error: this logo is placed within another graphic element. It is not legally protected.
Error: clear space guidelines are violated, but more importantly, this logo is placed within another graphic element. It is not legally protected.
Error: logos read differently than text. It creates confusion. It is not legally protected.
Error: this logo is stretched and distorted. It is not legally protected and looks unprofessional.
To increase brand recognition, all university marketing and communications must utilize official, current logos and marks.
Retired logos and unsupported marks diffuse the institution’s brand awareness and create confusion. The marks depicted below belong to EKU but have been taken out of circulation to focus on marks that support the current visual identity.
NOTE: Do not use retired logos or marks in any circumstance. Use of retired logos or marks will prompt immediate remediation.
Primary EKU logo
Power E logo
All-Purpose and Academic
EKU Colonels logo Athletics
Eastern Kentucky University Colonels wordmark Athletics
Alternate wordmark Athletics
Official Seal of Eastern Kentucky University Office of the President / Authorization Only
Institutional logos Unit identification
Retired logos and marks Not for use internally or externally
The primary logo is the official mark of Eastern Kentucky University. Institutional logos (as depicted in the Trademarks, Logos and Usage section) allow colleges, departments, programs, centers, institutes and administrative offices to identify themselves and their affiliation with the university.
By contrast, a custom logo is any visual design or mark used to uniquely identify, promote, brand or market a campus unit.
NOTE: Campus units are not permitted to create, commission or use custom logos or mascots without preapproval from the Office of Communications and Brand Management.
Custom logos are allowed only in rare instances. Creation of a custom logo will be considered under the following circumstances:
• When an external grant or partnership requires a unique logo and/or results in the formation of a unit
• When an administrative unit or auxiliary brand extension has compelling need for a unique identity to complement the university’s brand identity
• For special university-sponsored events
• For special university-wide initiatives
Custom logos will be reassessed every five years for reapproval and/or refresh. A list of preapproved custom logos will be available in the Resources section of this document.
Primary brand extensions include a majority of campus units, including colleges, departments, programs, institutes and most centers.
The success of the EKU brand identity relies on the clarity and consistency with which it is implemented. Faithfully branding a flyer, website, print piece, etc. builds trust and confidence.
Secondary brand extensions include units such as student organizations and club sports.
There are two classifications of student organizations permitted to register with Student Life and First-Year Experience:
• Sponsored Student Organizations
• Voluntary Student Organizations
This classification defines the organization’s relationship with EKU.
Sponsored Student Organizations (SSO) have the greatest level of university support and benefits in exchange for the greatest level of accountability to the university.
Members of an SSO may request an official university logo, which follows the approved design and may only be created by Communications and Brand Management.
• Student organizations may not attempt to replicate any EKU trademark.
• The primary logo for an SSO may not be co-branded with a parent organization; however, an SSO may opt to independently co-brand in various design applications.
• Promotional materials created by active SSOs may utilize their institutional or custom logo, but they must abide by the rest of the guidelines in the Promotional Items and Text and Color Use section.
If an SSO does not utilize an institutional logo, they may develop a custom visual mark that represents their organization; this must be submitted for approval by Communications and Brand Management.
• Custom logos may not include or incorporate trademarks licensed by Eastern Kentucky University, including logos, without approval from Communications and Brand Management.
• The phrase “Eastern Kentucky University” is a trademark and cannot stand alone in a design or precede the name of a campus organization, even in its logo; however, the phrase may follow the name (for example: Chess Club at Eastern Kentucky University).
• They may not include any words, symbols or images that might reflect poorly on Eastern Kentucky University. This is at the discretion of Communications and Brand Management.
• They may include any symbol that identifies with their parent organization as long as they meet standards outlined by the parent organization.
• For SSOs seeking CBM Approval on the design, the faculty or staff advisor should submit the approval form at go.eku.edu/brandapproval. This allows for clear communication, updates and consistent guidance to be provided from our team to the SSO.
Although Honor Societies have the option to register their student organization through student life, it is recommended that they do so as an SSO status in order to obtain permission to use brand assets. Without SSO status, all Honor Societies would not be allowed to use EKU marks or approved verbiage.
To request an institutional logo package, submit a request at eku.edu/brand.
Club sports are a type of SSO that must abide by additional guidelines. Club Sports must receive approval to design and use custom team/organization logos prior to production.
• Like SSOs, Club Sport teams are eligible for an institutional logo package (above). To request an institutional logo package, submit a request at eku.edu/brand.
• Club Sports may opt for a custom logo instead of the instituional logo package. Custom logos may not include, or have any alteration of the EKU Primary logo, Power E logo or any other trademark.
• Club Sports may use the EKU Primary Logo, Power E logo, EKU Colonels Logo, the EKU
Colonels Wordmark and the Alternate Wordmark in accordance with the Trademarks, Logos and Usage section as well as the guidelines below.
• Use of the Official Seal of Eastern Kentucky University for any purpose requires written authorization from Communications and Brand Management.
• Permissible typefaces are available in the Text and Color Usage section of this document. It is suggested for all Club Sports to use Dharma Gothic M in all-caps if it is to be used on uniforms and apparel.
• Club Sports may use the text “Eastern Kentucky University,” but the phrase must be represented in its entirety. Do not use “Eastern” or “Eastern Kentucky.”
• Club Sports may only use the text “Colonels” when it is accompanied by “Eastern Kentucky University.”
• Club Sports that have a Varsity counterpart must include the text “Club” preceding or after the name of the sport. Club Sports that do not have a Varsity counterpart are not required to include the text “Club.” For the most up to date information, contact EKU Campus Recreation.
Uniforms are defined as apparel worn during competition.
• Uniforms must be distinct from uniforms worn by varsity athletic teams at the institution. This distinction must be achieved in the use of typeface, logos, and/or wordmarks and in many cases the style of the garment.
• Uniforms are not required to include the word “club” or the name of the sport.
• The EKU Primary Logo must be on all uniforms.
This section addresses apparel that is not worn during competition as well as accessory equipment.
• Club Sports apparel must be distinct from apparel worn by Varsity athletic teams at the institution. This distinction must be achieved in the use of typeface, logos, and/or wordmarks and in some cases the style of the garment.
• Club Sports that have a Varsity counterpart must include “Club” preceding or after the name of the sport on all apparel, and be independent of any EKU trademarks by adhering to logo usage and spacing guidelines.
• Club Sports that do not have a Varsity counterpart are not required to include “Club” on apparel, but must adhere to logo usage and spacing guidelines.
• The EKU primary logo must be on all apparel.
• Club Sports may utilize one EKU logo, wordmark or approved team/organization logo on accessory equipment.
• Club Sports should only use one of the above logos on an individual item.
VSOs have a basic level of access to university support and benefits. These organizations are not operated by nor affiliated with the university. The university does not control or accept responsibility for the activities nor endorse the programs or the members of any VSO.
Members of a VSO may develop a custom visual mark that represents their organization.
• They may not include or incorporate trademarks licensed by Eastern Kentucky University, including logos or icons, without approval from Communications and Brand Management. The phrase “Eastern Kentucky University” and abbreviation “EKU” are trademarks and cannot precede the name of a campus organization even in its logo; however, the phrase may follow the name (ie: Chess Club at Eastern Kentucky University).
• They may not include any words, symbols or images that might reflect poorly on Eastern Kentucky University.
• They may include any symbol that identifies with their parent organization (ie: Greek letters, seal or existing logo) as long as they meet any standards outlined by the parent organization.
• Members of a VSO may utilize the name of the institution (“EKU” or “Eastern Kentucky University”) in plain text only.
• Members of a VSO may NOT utilize official EKU logos and registered trademarks.
An auxiliary brand closely supports the primary brand but has a mission that deviates from the educational mission of the university.
Instead of using the primary brand name and logo as its main identifiers, the auxiliary brand has its own name and logo and references the primary brand and logo in a tertiary position wherever possible in its materials and assets.
Auxiliary brands use their own brand guidelines that are created in collaboration with Communications and Brand Management to complement the university brand.
Auxiliary brand extensions include:
• EKU Center for the Arts
• Model Laboratory Schools at Eastern Kentucky University
• The University Club at Arlington
• White Hall State Historic Site
Campaigns help us meet strategic and tactical communication goals.
Often, campaigns rely on unique visual components that complement the primary brand. These graphic components and treatments help unify an identifiable message on key campus initiatives and boost brand awareness. All campaign and event graphic treatments must be accompanied by the EKU primary logo.
Campaigns are:
• A micro expression of our brand that serves a specific purpose
• Focused on specific audiences but can serve to unify many
• Focused on outputs such as ads, collateral, social media
• Short-term, focused on timely goals/trends
Co-branding occurs when the EKU mark is used alongside another entity or logo for a promotional purpose. When co-branding, note the following guidelines:
• Observe clear zone space between the two marks (the EKU mark should remain independent of the other mark)
• Do not combine or alter the primary EKU logo into a new mark; this compromises the legal status of trademarks
• Contact the Office of Communications and Brand Management for assistance and approval
Examples below show co-branding that provides correct space and allows each brand to be represented properly. For athletic co-branding, refer to the Athletics section of this document.
Some of the world’s most enduring businesses succeed because they invest in employees and their employees embrace a culture of stewardship. This type of culture places the corporate mission before individual. In such environments, employees recognize they are part of something bigger and desire to make the company better than when they arrived. We believe that providing an educational pathway to advancement increases employee confidence, technical skill and loyalty, which allows such cultures to thrive. With this purpose in mind, EKU is offering employers an exclusive, unique educational advantage and cost savings for its employees throughout its enterprise.
Embracing the EKU Advantage will provide a wealth of benefits to employees and their families, helping them budget for and fund their higher education degrees. Just as importantly, it will enhance employee benefits and further position the employer as a desirable work place that values education as a means to propel its workforce forward.
If you choose to work with EKU as a provider of educational advancement for your employees, we are all in. The time-consuming gauntlet of steps required to enroll, register, and secure financial aid can be diminished when the University is working with the business to assist in enhancing the delivery of services and training to its workforce. A corporate partnership allows for the mitigation of procedural concerns, easing the stress on the employee in planning their educational need and allowing them to devote more time to the work at hand. We believe that building a relationship with the employer to provide an enhanced educational experience for corporate employees who seek a certificate, degree or graduate degree is a value proposition that allows EKU to fulfill its mission while delivering real value to both the employer and employees. We hope that our delivery of these materials will be the beginning of a dialogue that will result in a long lasting and lucrative partnership for all involved.
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A university’s brand colors help identify the university in athletic competition, academic representation and the community. The official Eastern Kentucky University colors are maroon and white
When printing, use the CMYK codes. For digital applications, use the Hex or RGB codes.
If an external vendor requires a Pantone designation, first refer them to EKU Maroon; then direct them to Pantone 208C.
All branded collateral purchased or acquired by primary brand extensions of EKU must follow these color guidelines including but not limited to: apparel, uniforms, vehicles, signs, promotional items and other key identity elements.
NOTE: Neutral and accent colors should never be the dominant colors in a visual design, as they are not identifiable to EKU.
Maroon is our primary color and should be treated as such on all materials.
Download the pre-approved Adobe Color Libraries by use case below.
These colors are the building blocks of your design, forming the backbone of your composition.
By utilizing accent colors sparingly, within the range of less than 20% of your color palette, you ensure they remain impactful and eye-catching.
Comprising less than 20% of your palette, they provide a soothing backdrop that allows the primary and accent colors to shine.
Use accent colors sparingly, intentionally and always in-context with maroon. ALWAYS use EKU’s primary colors.
Use all four accents together to prevent overreliance on one. When using them in sequence, you may follow the order below. If the design prominently features the primary colors, the bar may exclude the maroon block.
The new brand colors are a vibrant reflection of the awe-inspiring colors found in nature, both on our campus and throughout the stunning landscapes of Appalachia. Inspired by the breathtaking beauty that surrounds us, we have carefully selected a palette that captures
the essence of our campus. These colors evoke a sense of connection, authenticity and harmony with the environment of Eastern Kentucky. By embracing these natural colors, we aim to create a visual connection that resonates with our community.
Fonts are a pivotal element of brand identity to help distinguish our brand and appeal to our target audience.
EKU’s typefaces are versatile and specifically chosen for their ability to cover all typographic needs at the university. Each typeface has a different tone, personality and most importantly, different use-cases. This section clearly illustrates the best use for each font.
All branded collateral purchased or acquired by primary brand extensions of EKU must follow these typeface guidelines.
When using presentation software such as Google Slides to communicate with external audiences, Bebas Neue is acceptable to use.
Barlow is a slightly rounded, lowcontrast, grotesk type family. Barlow is the primary type family for the EKU Brand. It has 16 styles and should be used in most cases for headlines, sub-headlines, quotes, body copy and callouts.
Dharma Gothic is an antiqued sans serif design inspired by vintage wood type while still embodying a modern feel. Dharma Gothic is a bold typeface that would be used for titles, headlines and callouts.
NOTE: Always use this font in all-caps.
Eskorte Latin is reserved mostly for body copy and where a more formal mood needs to be expressed. Eskorte is a diligently designed Latin type family with an uncomplicated, engaging poise that conveys a crisp, businesslike tone. Its precise range of styles looks to nononsense efficiency and ease of use by non-designers in the office and textintensive professional environments
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Promotional items are customized products that organizations give to current or prospective brand consumers at no cost. This section addresses long-lasting, public-facing materials including but not limited to products such as giveaway merchandise (aka “swag” items) and giveaway apparel.
Developing a Relationship
Promotional items are tools used to achieve a communication objective. Like many other tools such as logos and official fonts or colors, promotional products facilitate the brand’s relationship to a prospective consumer through compelling emotional connections.
The American Marketing Association describes promotional products like advertisements: they provide “latent impressions over time, familiarizing potential customers with a company’s brand and offerings.” In fact, each individual shirt or hat is estimated to generate over 3,000 impressions over the average lifetime per item according to International Promotional Products Association consumer study reports.
A targeted and intentional approach to selecting the right promotional product increases the odds of success. Before ordering, reflect on the following factors, explained in greater detail on the following page.
ow soon will someone donate or discard this?
many people will the products reach? What are intended (and unintended) effects on the EKU brand? How will target audiences engage with the product physically and emotionally? In what contexts?
Before ordering any promotional product, consider the following factors:
1. Goal of the product
Promotional items are tools to achieve an objective; therefore, they must be aligned to a specific strategic initiative, goal or objective. Some common communication goals and objectives include:
• Establishing brand affinity. The product is a touch point that initiates a stronger relationship between a brand and a consumer.
• Directing the expression of brand loyalty. The product is a gift given to a brand consumer who has a pre-existing, stable relationship with the organization; it benefits through the amplified emphasis of repetition and intentional curation of the consumers’ expression of loyalty.
• Providing an incentive to generate a specific action. The product does not function strategically if the goal of the specific action is not achieved.
2. Longevity of the product
In addition to assessing the quality of the product (its durability, craftsmanship, functional or emotional benefit to the user, and implications to EKU’s brand), consider the average lifetime of the product. How soon will someone donate or discard this item? How often will there be eyes on this product, and for how long?
3. Impact of the product
Using the average lifetime of a product above, consider the quantity of the promotional item. Then, consider what kind of reach this product will have: a higher quantity does not necessarily create greater impact. Communication tools, including promotional assets, can have both intended and unintended impacts on brand health and equity. What impacts can you reasonably expect?
4. Audience and context
Consider if the goal is targeting internal groups (current students, current faculty, current staff or volunteers) or external groups (prospective students or their families, community members). Then, consider the time, place, event or situation in which a promotional product is given. Can the product be implemented for different use cases? Will the experience be noticeably better because of the product? How will individuals interact with the product throughout the event?
After considering the factors that affect a promotional item, use the following guidelines in your design process to ensure your product is clearly connected to the university brand.
NOTE: Promotional items must be ordered through an approved vendor AND the design must have approval from the Office of Communications and Brand Management prior to production.
Incorporating the following guidelines into your design process will help you achieve your communication objectives and clearly connect to the university’s brand. For guidelines on designing with trademarks and logos, refer to the Trademarks, Logos, and Usage section.
Promotional items may feature unique, brand-compliant designs that serve to identify campus units, differentiate products and allow for creative expression. When determining which logo to use in your design, use the table below to aid in the development of your promotional assets.
• Apparel
• Giveaway items
• Flags
• Awards and plaques
• Permanent signage
• Exterior banners
• Vehicle signage
• Office goods
• Letterhead/stationary
• Business cards
• Print pieces (including stickers)
• Tablecloths
• Billboards
• Murals
• Staff Uniforms/Apparel
• Giveaway items
• Print pieces (including stickers)
• Awards and plaques
• Tablecloths
• Pop-Up banners
• Name badges
• Business cards
• Vehicle signage
• Billboards
• Murals
CUSTOM LOGOS Contact Communications and Brand Management for assistance.
• All items and designs must prominently feature EKU Maroon (80% or more of the total design).
• Accent color(s) can be utilized provided that they do not exceed 20% total of the overall color usage for a full-color print OR 10% for a two-color print.
• Choose maroon or another neutral color (black, white, athletic gray, khaki) for the primary base color of a design.
• Accent colors are not permitted to the primary base color for any application.
• Use of fashion colors and patterns is generally discouraged, but will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
• If an item is created for an event that promotes an institutional priority, campus clients can use the primary logo in conjunction with fashion colors/patterns as long as the primary logo remains visible and unobscured when coupled with clear contextual factors listed below:
• University-recognized, national awareness effort or recognition
• Event theme
• Holiday
• For apparel likely to be televised, use solid-colored fabric.
• Anytime the wordmark or text “Colonels” is used, the name of the institution must accompany it to create a clearly visible connection.
• Visual assets, terminology, and acronyms must be university-recognized and must not create confusion in context within the university community.
• Tablecloths or any semi-permanent signage should include the Primary EKU Logo or an Institutional Logo.
• Promo items used for giveaways at events should always include the Primary EKU Logo or an Institutional Logo.
• Any items that will be paid for with Foundation dollars must be pre-approved by EKU Office of Development.
NOTE: If you have questions about the new guidelines for promotional materials, please contact Communications and Brand Management (CBM) prior to production.
t h e
Signage holds longevity in brand awareness across campus.
Campus partners must submit all signage projects, both temporary and permanent, to Communications and Brand Management for assistance and approval prior to production from an approved vendor.
Vehicles, box trucks and golf carts are moving billboards for the institution and are considered promotional assets for the university.
All vehicles in the campus fleet – with the exception of the EKU Police Department – must utilize the EKU primary logo.
EKU partners with a licensing agency for products that are to be produced with EKU logos.
A list of approved, licensed vendors is available at eku.edu/brand. Purchase products or materials from a licensed vendor.
Production items are submitted to the licensing system for approval by the Office of Communications and Brand Management (CBM) at: go.eku.edu/brandapproval
Approval may take up to 7-10 business days depending on the use case and design.
EKU’s brand is about opportunity, transformation, innovation and experience. We want our tone to be exciting and to interest the reader about who we are and what we do.
We should remain positive in our copy and seek to celebrate our successes. Our content should answer “Why EKU?” Our goal is to have a consistent, engaging voice across all communications.
Our Goal: Portray a vibrant and inclusive campus community through written communications
To achieve this goal, follow these guidelines when writing copy:
• Create a headline that inspires interest and accurately describes your content
• Always think about your content from your audience’s perspective
• Write in a concise manner that prioritizes comprehension and clarity
• Position the most important information first
• Use simple sentence structure and avoid run-on sentences
• Write using active, instead of passive verbs (ex: “She graduates in May,” instead of “She is graduating in May” )
• Use a conversational style and opt for a positive tone
• Avoid academic jargon, acronyms or insider language
• Use consistent themes and messaging across various communication channels
• Emphasize excellence, opportunity and experience
• Use words that evoke feelings of belonging and welcomeness
• Prioritize relevance and accuracy
• Include a clear call to action, such as “Apply Now” or “Contact Us,” when appropriate
• Review your work for spelling or grammatical errors, and make sure any included hyperlinks or web addresses work as intended
The Office of Communications and Brand Management recommends the following publications as guides to assist with editorial language and style:
• The Associated Press Stylebook is the definitive resource for basic rules of grammar, punctuation, usage and journalistic style.
• The Webster’s Dictionary provides spellings and definitions.
• The EKU Editorial Style Guide provides guidelines and best practices specific to EKU and some exceptions to the AP Stylebook.
• Where conflicts exist between the AP and EKU styles, the EKU Editorial Style Guide takes precedence. For items not listed in the EKU Editorial Style Guide, follow AP style.
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Many locations and features across the Campus Beautiful often serve as extensions of EKU’s brand. These campus assets must be represented according to the following guidelines. Representations of these features and other features as determined by Communications and Brand Management may not include any caricatures, symbols or text that might reflect poorly on Eastern Kentucky University.
Identifiable campus assets include but are not limited to:
• Richmond Campus Skyline
• The Ravine
• Turner Gates
• Water Towers
• Chapel of Meditation
• Daniel Boone Statue
• Centennial Man statue
• Powell Plaza and Amphitheatre
• The Veterans Memorial
• The Carloftis Garden
• Stratton Equestrian Statue
• Keen Johnson Clock Tower
• Alumni Coliseum and Paul S. McBrayer Court at Baptist Health Arena
• Roy Kidd Stadium and CG Bank Field at Roy Kidd Stadium
• Lancaster Avenue and Eastern Bypass Pedways
• Model Laboratory School at Eastern Kentucky University
• White Hall State Historic Site
• The University Club at Arlington
The Commonwealth of Kentucky’s state outline may be used in conjunction with the university’s name in plain text. Do not use a star to identify any location in the outline; however, you may use other forms of location markers.
NOTE: Do not use any EKU logo or mark in the Kentucky outline. Use plain text instead.
If the design includes a location marker within the outline, the identifier must accurately represent the coordinates at the center of the main EKU campus: 37.7360° N, 84.2987° W.
Use of unofficial renderings is disallowed.
Official renderings of the outline may be accessed here and at eku.edu/brand:
• https://freevectormaps.com/united-states/kentucky/US-KY-EPS-01-1001
• https://freevectormaps.com/united-states/kentucky/US-KY-EPS-02-8001
• Communicate an EKU Story: Incorporate the EKU logo and EKU Maroon in your photos wherever possible to visually connect the photo, its context and the institution. Compelling photos tell a story!
• Use Real People as Subjects: Many EKU students, faculty and staff are eager to be featured subjects in photographs. Use photos of someone in the EKU community rather than a generic stock image.
• Pay Attention to Context: Include contextual features, but avoid distracting logos.
• Work with the Light: Consider where you will get the best light (indoor or outdoor) and work with your strengths.
• Placement is Key: Position your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open (known as the Rule of Thirds).
• Focus on a Single Subject: Even in a large group, guide the audience’s eyes to one subject.
• Prioritize Variety: Mix up your angles and types of shots (tight, medium, wide) so that your top-selected photos offer a variety of visuals.
• Keep images clean, crisp and bright
• Always use full color
• Steer clear of matte and dramatic filters
Communications and Brand Management has the following resources to help in your photography requests, management and opportunities available at eku.edu/brand.
When creating official EKU video content, the following components must be included:
All brand-compliant EKU videos must be accessible with the inclusion of either closed captioning or by providing a written transcript of the audio.
This includes videos posted on social media and YouTube. Most social media platforms provide automatic captioning, but it is important to manually check the accuracy of these captions after the video is posted.
The EKU title card is required to be the first or last screen on the video. It contains the EKU logo and space for the title of your video. This can also be your department or unit name using your official EKU signature.
If no title card appears at the beginning of your video, place one at the end. If the EKU title is included at the beginning, the EKU end card must be included at the end.
Access the official EKU title cards at eku.edu/brand.
Captions used to identify people, locations or otherwise provide context on-screen are called the lower thirds.
There are two options for EKU lower thirds:
• A two-tiered lower third with a semi-transparent bar. Templates for this lower third are available for download at eku.edu/brand.
• A two-tiered and/or three-tiered sans lower third bar. If the video contains any threetiered lower thirds, then the second option should be used for all lower thirds in that project.
The following typographic standards should be applied to your video’s lower thirds:
• The first tier should consist of only one line of text. In most cases, the first tier is a person’s name. Official EKU fonts must be utilized.
• The second tier is used to explain the first tier and is usually a title, department or some other identifier for the person or featured subject matter. Official EKU fonts must be utilized.
A white EKU logo (known as the EKU logo bug) may be placed on the lower right-hand corner of the screen, within the title safe area, for the entire duration of the video. This is especially encouraged if no other university marks appear in the body of the video.
Access the official EKU bug file that is scaled and positioned to overlay the video at eku.edu/ brand. This may not be replaced with an institutional logo.
For basic, user-friendly editing apps, try iMovie or Premiere Pro.
iMovie provides an easy-to-use interface with a variety of transitions, text options and the option to import music for your video. It is available in the App Store for free.
For advanced non-linear editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro are excellent tools to create videos.
Before operating a drone or unmanned aircraft system while on any property owned, operated or controlled by EKU, please review and comply with the guidelines outlined in University Administrative Regulation 9.3.4 ADR.
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Eastern Kentucky University has a legal obligation to provide an accessible website.
Federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, require that EKU provides and maintains an accessible website. Designing with accessibility as a goal helps all users.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is a set of standards developed under the guidance of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is the international standards organization for the web. WCAG is a set of 12 guidelines organized under a set of four principles:
PERCEIVABLE: provide text alternatives for non-text content; provide captions and other alternatives for multimedia content; ensure content can be presented in different ways with assistive technology without losing its meaning; and make it easier for web visitors to see and hear content.
OPERABLE: all functionality available using a keyboard; providing enough time; content will not cause seizures; and provide multiple ways to help users navigate and find content.
UNDERSTANDABLE: text is readable and understandable; content operates in predictable ways; and provide assistance to avoid and correct mistakes.
ROBUST: content is compatible with current and future user tools.
All images must have alternative text (alt text). While alternative text serves a number of functions, the most important is to allow the purpose and presentation of an image to be accessible to all users.
Alternative text must:
• Describe the image.
• Describe the image succinctly. Try to keep alt text to 16 words or fewer.
• Be unique and descriptive. Make sure each alt text on a site is different.
• NOT be redundant (i.e. it should not duplicate already included content).
• NOT include phrases such as “picture of...” or “image of...”
• NOT include copyright/source information of the image.
• Include supplementary information about a graphic that isn’t included within the standard content.
• NOT be generic (i.e. avoid “Student” or “Building”).
Prioritize the use of high-quality photography on your webpages. The photographs you select should relate to the content and include descriptive alternative text.
Avoid using graphics, infographics and other images that include text or information on webpages without providing an alternative delivery method of content near the graphic or within alternative text.
As a general rule of thumb, if the information on a graphic can be delivered on the webpage as text, do not use an image.
If you utilize icons or buttons in your design, ensure that they are:
• Simple, but descriptive (avoid “Read More” or “Learn More” buttons)
• Easily understood/well-designed
• Would not be misunderstood because of culture or language
• Are not dependent upon color to be understood
• Include appropriate alternative text (if image)
From an accessibility and SEO standpoint, it always preferable to use buttons and icons that are text-based, not images, on your webpage.
Sufficient contrast between background and foreground colors (both text and graphical elements) must be present on all webpages. All text, including headings and links, and web images should have a high contrast ratio: at least 4.5:1 for body text and 3:1 for headings.
Do not rely on color alone to provide context, information or emphasis.
Avoid implementing distracting animations on the web. This includes animated .gif files and Adobe Flash.
All video content must provide closed captioning. This captioning must be accurate and synchronized. YouTube provides closed captioning by default, but check for accuracy before publication.
Audio content should always have accurate, full-text transcriptions as an alternative means of delivery. Additionally, audio-only files must include a transcript.
Concise, unique page titles will ensure all visitors can quickly understand the purpose of a webpage. Page titles are the first element announced by screen readers.
Headings within web pages provide structure and should always be correctly applied. <H1> is the highest heading level and <H6> is the lowest heading level.
Heading tags are designed to structure, not style, web content. Do not use heading tags to increase the font size or weight of text. Instead, use <span> tags or <strong> to style content.
Have a strategy for all of your weblinks. The most accessible links are those understood without context. Link text should be clear and meaningful.
To visitors viewing the entirety of a site, those unclear links may seem perfectly clear. But to visitors using a screen reader or another alternative browsing method, they’re patently unclear: Click Here for what? Read more of what? By adjusting the link text, a clearer picture can be given, such as:
Today’s weather
Read more about EKU
Additionally, link text should never be empty and underlines should never be used to place emphasis on text or on text that is a weblink.
Tables should never be used for layout. They should only be used to present tabular information in a grid or matrix format, and there should always be columns/rows that show the meaning of the information within the grid. All users will benefit from clear column headings and descriptive table captions.
If there is a form on your page, ensure that all labels and instructions are clear and informative. Forms should not automatically time out or reset.
Deliver web content on a webpage, not via digital documents. While presentations, PDFs, Word documents, and other digital documents are common, webpages provide the most accessible way to deliver digital content.
If you must deliver content through a digital document, the document is required to comply with Section 508 and WCAG 2.1 accessibility standards.
SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in search results. Because search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content, a good SEO strategy is essential for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.
Search engines use crawlers, sometimes also called bots or spiders, to gather information about all the content they can find on the internet. The crawler starts from a known web page and follows internal links to pages within that site as well as external links to pages on other sites. The content on those pages, plus the context of the links it followed, help the crawler understand what each page is about.
Search engines rely on text within the page to determine the subject of the page. This includes the page title, headlines, body copy and even image captions. Because of this reliance on text, search engine optimization focuses largely on the copy within your pages.
Plan your content.
• Determine the topic on your page: Keep pages simple with one topic per page. If you have little content for a particular topic, group similar topics into one page. Pages with little content have little for search engines to analyze and will not rank well.
• Determine your audience: EKU’s website is the first stop for prospective students and their families. Copy should be targeted to an eighth-grade reading level for maximum access and clarity.
• Define your goals: Is the page informational-only or is there an action you hope users will take on your pages?
Start writing.
• Start with an outline of your topic content. Write a draft using the outline as the structure of your site.
• Be concise.
• Replace multi-syllabic words with simpler words with 1-2 syllables wherever possible to bring your readability score down if needed.
Determine keywords.
• Make a list of keywords that capture the topic of your page.
• Use them when possible. This will allow you to focus your copy on the content topic.
Use a descriptive title.
• Your page title is the most important clue for search engines to analyze your page. Be sure that the title accurately reflects what is on the page.
Set up headings and subheadings.
• The second-most important clue for search engines is headings.
• Your topic will be the page title and top level of your outline.
• In HTML, this will be your <h1>. There should only be a single <h1> on your page.
• Your subtopics will be <h2>.
• And if those subtopics also have subtopics, you’ll use <h3>, and so on.
• Search engines use the header tags (h1, h2, h3, etc.) to structure the page. They should never be used for any other purpose, such as for making text larger.
Filenames should use real words:
• Crawlers and screen readers use file names to help determine the content of the image and the page.
• A photo of students at the Ravine named “students-picnic-on-the-ravine” would be far more helpful for SEO than one named “23.jpg.”
• Use lowercase letters and dashes between words in file names. Search engines read dashes as spaces, so this way will be able to distinguish the separate words in the title.
Social media is an excellent way to communicate with and engage EKU stakeholders, including:
• students
• faculty and staff
• alumni
• families
• affiliates
• friends of the university Campus units should evaluate which, if any, social media technologies are appropriate for their communication needs.
Before you begin social media planning, carefully review the university Social Media Communications Administrative Regulation: 11.2.5 ADR at policies.eku.edu.
• How does your communication plan achieve a strategic priority?
• Who is the intended audience(s)?
• What messages do you want to share on this site?
• How often do you plan to post content to the site?
• All official EKU social media accounts must be registered with an EKU email address. This includes Facebook pages, which must have two EKU employees as page administrators.
• All accounts must comply with branding guidelines in this document.
• Any crisis communication or negative/alarming social media engagement/post should be shared with the Office of Communications and Brand Management.
• If you are creating a new hashtag for your department or area, let the Office of Communications and Brand Management know. This is to help build consistency with any other university communication.
Social media is just one long conversation, so don’t get too formal — write the way you would speak to your followers face to face. However, use caution — especially when trying to employ humor. Tone of voice doesn’t translate over text, and it’s easy for a joke to be misconstrued.
Profile images on your social media accounts are seen with every post and interaction. Branding your profile image ensures that the power of social media is leveraged when your account appears in the news feeds of followers and friends of followers. Your profile image should always contain the EKU brand.
The profile graphic is provided by the Office of Communications and Brand Management. It will accommodate most platforms. The profile image should be strictly used as profile imagery for social accounts.
To request profile imagery, email brand@eku.edu. From there, the Communications and Brand Management team will assist you so you have the correct graphic to work across all platforms.
The Communications and Brand Management team has a variety of resources to assist in developing a social media presence and strategy. From worksheets to templates, these resources will help you develop a clear vision for your social media platforms. For more information, visit eku.edu/brand.
The EKU Signature Generator is a signature tool that enables faculty, staff, and student workers to input information and create a professional email signature that aligns with brand standards.
• When you customize the signature with your personal information, please adhere to the existing layout, formatting, and text attributes.
• Do not alter the font size or color of your contact information.
• No additions to the email signature are allowed, such as quotations, logos, icons (including social media), or other images. Exceptions to this would include email signature notices mandated by your department.
• The email background should be all white (no additional graphics or colors permitted without supervisor approval).
• In Outlook choose Settings
• Under E-mail, click Signatures
• You will get a window where you can edit your signature.
• Utilize the generator to create a signature
• Copy the signature
• Paste the signature into the signature box in Outlook
• In Outlook, click file, and choose Options
• Under Options, click Mail, then click Signatures
• Create a new or edit an existing signature.
• Copy the signature
• Paste the signature into the signature box in Outlook
Font utilized is Tahoma, a widely accessible email safe web-font that closely resembles EKU’s official brand font, Barlow (which is not a designated web font).
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Maroon is the primary color accentuated by pure white, gray, or black. Bronze may be used as an accent color.
The primary EKU logo in full color is the preferred mark for most usage applications. Logos should not be altered in any way, including stretching, bending, shrinking, warping or rotating.
With approval, both Colonels wordmarks may have an outline to accommodate logo implementation on a variety of items.
*When using the primary and secondary wordmarks, the primary EKU logo OR the Power E logo must be included.
Territory marks will be used to highlight the location of Eastern Kentucky University.
The primary EKU logo in full color is the preferred mark for most usage applications. Logos should not be altered in any way, including stretching, bending, shrinking, warping or rotating.
The Custom Logo database is accessible here and online. It encompasses primary and auxiliary brand extensions. Secondary brand extensions such as student organizations are not recorded. If your campus unit utilizes a logo that is not represented in the database, contact Communications and Brand Management immediately (brand@eku.edu).
One or more aspects of the custom logo violate the guidelines for custom logos and must be remediated.
The custom logo is no longer allowed to be used and must be replaced in all new applications with an institutional logo. Alternatively, campus units may provide justification in a request to maintain permission to use a custom logo AND must update the logo in collaboration with the Office of Communications and Brand Management.
The logo may continue to be used, but must be refreshed according to an agreed-upon schedule with CBM and with the campus unit.
Communications and Brand Management (CBM) uses industry standard language to increase clarity and be specific about the different kinds of visual assets that help differentiate our brand. While these terms may seem similar and are often used interchangably by the general public, the following terms have different meanings. Using the correct term helps the CBM team better understand your goals with a visual asset.
A visual element of a brand that identifies an organization, product, or unit
These typically combine text (stylized or plain) AND a mark
They are used repetitively in a majority of communications to generate and solidify brand awareness
A visual element of a brand that identifies an organization, product, or unit
These are text-only typographic treatments of the name of an organization
Like logos, they are used repetitively in communications to generate and solidify brand awareness
MARK A visual element of a brand that cannot be verbalized (a symbol or illustration); it is used with other elements to identify an organization
Like logos, they are used repetitively in communications to generate and solidify brand awareness
A visual depiction or arrangement that cannot be verbalized (symbols, designs, images, illustrations)
NOT used repetitively; only for specific, often one-time use-cases
All external materials produced by the university must include the Equal Opportunity statement.
The placement in a publication may vary depending on the design needs, but in general, the long statement is recommended. The statement may be in a smaller font than the other printed material but must be legible.
Fliers distributed only on-campus do not require the statement.
Any university publication of more than one page (including a publication printed on front and back) must include the full Equal Opportunity statement as follows:
Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity employer and educational institution and does not discriminate on the basis of age (40 and over), race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, national origin, veteran status, and/or genetic information in the admission to, or participation in, any educational program or activity (e.g., athletics, academics and housing) which it conducts, or in any employment policy or practice.
Any university publication printed on one page must include the Equal Opportunity statement (in abbreviated form) as follows:
Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity employer and educational institution.
Long Recruitment materials (large multi-page pieces such as viewbooks)
Official Reports (business plans, annual reports, Board of Regents materials, etc.)
Employment package for potential employees
Short Recruitment materials (small pieces such as mini-viewbooks, financial aid brochures, program brochures, postcards, direct mail pieces, posters, etc.)
Advertising print ads, posters, flyers, etc.
Admission materials (applications, financial aid materials, checklists, etc.)
Language is a powerful tool that can bring together diverse audiences. We prefer language that creates inclusive, respectful and welcoming environments. The Office of Communications and Brand Management recommends these resources to utilize correct terminology.
1.) The APA Inclusive Language Guide provides the most up-to-date suggested terms for person-first language; age-related terms; how to address those with a disability; terms to address race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation and gender diversity; and culturally appropriate language.
Utilize descriptive phrases rather than adjectives or nouns to label groups of people.
- Not advised: “the poor”
- Preferred: “people living in poverty”
The pronouns “they,” “them” or “their” are acceptable as singular gender-neutral pronouns.
- Not advised: “Everyone must do his or her part.”
- Preferred: “Everyone must do their part.”
2.) The Diversity Style Guide includes more than 700 terms related to race, ethnicity, disability, immigration, sexuality and gender identity, drugs and alcohol, and geography. The guide provides definitions and explanations of each term.
3.) For language to accurately and respectfully represent experiences of members of the LGBTQIA+ community, please contact the EKU Center for Inclusive Excellence and Global Engagement or contact lgbt@eku.edu.
All campus units should use the approved options of the EKU stationery and business cards.
Letterhead stationery, business envelopes and business cards will be printed by EKU Printing Services. Special logos, themes or slogans may not be used on official letterhead stationery. Use of letterhead stationery is restricted to official university correspondence.
An editable document of the letterhead is also available at eku.edu/brand/resources.
For assistance with stationery needs, contact EKU Printing Services at 859-622-1490.
The Campus Beautiful hosts a variety of events throughout the semester and academic year. These events offer a great opportunity for photography coverage.
Communications and Brand Management welcomes all photography requests, however are limited in campus resources for coverage. Contractor options are also available.
To capture photography at your event, follow these tips:
USE NATIVE CAMERA: Videos and photos taken directly in Instagram have lower resolutions and limited options for editing directly in the app. Use your smartphone camera directly.
OPT FOR NATURAL LIGHTING WHEN POSSIBLE: When shooting indoors, try to take photos near a window and away from any artificial light. Artificial light can tint your photographs yellow.
TURN HDR OFF: Essentially, the HDR (high dynamic range) function takes many different exposures of the same photo, and blends them together in one photo. However, it can sometimes make a picture look unnatural and overdone. Keep it simple; less is usually more.
TAKE A VARIETY OF SHOTS: Ask people to pose for photos, but also don’t hesitate to take photos as you walk around to capture the event itself. Look for key moments that capture the essence of the event.
TURN OFF THE FLASH: The flash is limited to a short distance and can be quite distracting to someone participating in the event. Try using natural lighting if possible.
• Plan ahead and create a photography list. Are there specific people and details that need to be captured?
• Keep your camera steady for sharp, shake-free shots.
• Turn on the grid lines and use the rule of thirds. Turn on gridlines on your phone by going to Settings > Camera > Grid.
• Shoot tight, medium, wide (this provides bleed space if photos are selected for graphic design use)
• Incorporate the EKU logo and colors. Looking at the photo, how can you tell it was taken at EKU vs. another university?
If your video is to be consumed solely on a phone and/or through a social media platform that requires vertical video, then capturing that footage in portrait mode (vertically oriented) with your phone or camera is appropriate. However, capturing footage horizontally and not vertically achieves the most natural-looking and cinematic footage. Additionally, capturing footage horizontally at high resolutions provides the most options for cropping/resizing for multiple platforms.
Divide your image up into nine equal parts, like a grid (most phones and cameras have a grid feature you can turn on). The theory is if you place points of interest in the intersections, or along the lines, your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally, rather than a center-framed shot.
1.) When outdoors, try and find a position where the sun is evenly lighting the scene you want to record. If some parts of the shot are looking too bright or too dark, change your position or angle to achieve the shot you want.
2.) Strive for shot variety.
3.) A video made up of many shorter clips often makes a more interesting watch. You can highlight smaller details, not just the overall scene.
4.) Think about what other shots you can get to complement your master shot. It can be as simple as shooting your subject both from close up and farther away, or getting someone to repeat a performance (like a cartwheel) so you can capture it from a variety of angles.
1.) With a smartphone, the most important is the AE (Auto Exposure) Lock, because you don’t want the smartphone to keep changing the exposure while you’re filming.
2.) Press and hold an area of the screen to activate the AE/AF Lock function.
3.) Most cameras and phones have on-board audio recording capabilities, so hold your camera or phone delicately so you do not cover up any mic spots on the device.
4.) Move close to your subject to avoid picking up ambient noise as much as possible.
5.) If using your phone to film, turn to airplane mode to avoid notification noises.
Located in Library 126, Special Collections and Archives has a huge variety of historical resources waiting to be used — even if it’s a photo for your next #TBT social media post! If you’re working on photography projects, then you’re working on a part of EKU’s history.
Some records capture the history of the university and are permanent (i.e. photographs from large events), so contact University Archives for additional information.
Keep your files organized and easy to find by using the date format YYYYMMDD_SubjectName#, ex: 20180511_Commencement01. Avoid special characters (including spaces) in file names and images. The use of archive video and photography in promotional materials must be approved by Communications and Brand Management prior to production. This includes any production use such as signage, vehicle wraps, flyers, promotional items, social media posts and advertising.
Consistency in the type, style and quality of headshots reflects positively on EKU’s faculty and staff. Headshot requests are handled on an individual basis at the discretion of the photographer and the CBM team.
Below are some tips and best practices for individuals who wish to take their own headshot.
USE A TRIPOD: If you have a tripod, set it up with the camera in a vertical position. If a tripod is not available, grab a friend or coworker to assist.
PICK A LOCATION: Pick a location with good lighting and a simple background. Something that’s not distracting but that you stand out from.
BEST QUALITY: Use a smart phone to capture best photo quality. If you’re using a DSLR camera, suggested settings are: Aperture 4.0, Shutter Speed 1/200th, and ISO range 100-1000. Use the automatic setting if you are unsure.
TAKE A VARIETY OF SHOTS: Take a few different poses until satisfied.
RESOLUTION IS KEY: Upload to the web in high resolution format.
• Wear clean, professional attire.
• Keep the perspective close and simple.
• Crop the photo to waist/shoulders up to head.
• Choose a background that is simple and not distracting to the viewer.
Write like your target demographic. When on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, feel free to use abbreviations, hashtags, clipped words and even emojis. Spend time reading your followers’ feeds to get a better idea of how they talk to each other.
Social media isn’t just about reaching your audience. It’s about engaging with them. Craft your messaging to invite your followers to respond. Be specific to each platform — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Snapchat have their own languages and tone. Tag other official university accounts. For example: ”Schedule your visit at @EKUAdmissions.”
If you want your audience to engage with you, show them what they need to do. Where appropriate, use words like “need” and “now” to inspire your followers to take action. For example: “Apply Now!”
Images are more eye-catching than a block of text. The platforms most popular with kids and teens, such as Instagram and Snapchat, don’t allow for text-only posts like Facebook or Twitter. Start your post with a great photo, like a Campus Beautiful shot or brand-compliant graphic, and build your messaging around it.
Hashtags are common language on social media and a useful way to promote your organization. Users can search hashtags to find posts related to certain topics, movements, brands and places. Do not start a hashtag without proper research or confirming use with CBM team. EKU has some designated hashtags, and there are others you shouldn’t use on official university channels.
#GoBigE #EKU #EKUPlaces #EKUBuilds #EKUSports #EKUPeople #CampusBeautiful #BigEWelcome #EKU25 (grad year) #EKUArchives #EKUAviation (or other program name) #EKUSpotlight #FutureColonel #HealthyEKU #EKUAbroad #Colonels #EKUSummer
• #GoKerns – ‘Kerns’ isn’t an official term for Colonel; opt to spell it out.
• #RollKerns – ‘Roll’ is a reference to another university’s mascot.
• #EasternKentuckyUniversity – This is too long; hashtags should be short and easy to read.
• #Eastern – This hashtag has associations other than EKU.
• #easternkentucky – This describes a whole area and isn’t specific to EKU.
Official tartans – including the EKU official tartan, pictured below – are registered with the International Tartan Registry in Edinburgh, Scotland. The tartan design is woven into fabrics appropriate for a variety of uses including apparel, accessories, decorative items and more.
The official EKU tartan was designed in 2013 by EKU Apparel Design and Merchandising student Hensley Rector, ‘13.
All printing orders must be processed on campus through EKU Printing Services.
If Printing Services is unable to process the order in house, they will manage all off-campus printing. According to Kentucky Revised Statue KRS 57.011, all public printing shall be performed under contract. EKU Purchasing establishes contracts based on a competitive bid process.
No off-campus printing jobs will be processed without prior approval from the EKU Department of University Procurement. Any printing order that does not follow this procedure will become the obligation of the ordering individual.
University funds cannot be allocated for items that are not in compliance with the standards as set forth in this Brand Guide.
Adobe PDF presets are standardized settings for InDesign that speed up the process of generating PDF files with preconfigured settings for print.
Download instructions and the preset imports below. Use the correct PDF preset based on the presence or absence of bleed.
https://assets.adobe.com/ public/40225dd9-aec9-456645ab-683076120478 DOWNLOAD
Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity employer and educational institution and does not discriminate on the basis of age (40 and over), race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, national origin, veteran status, and/or genetic information in the admission to, or participation in, any educational program or activity (e.g., athletics, academics and housing) which it conducts, or in any employment policy or practice.