We are AACSB Accredited which is only awarded to the Top 6% of Colleges of Business globally.
Our Accounting students get hands-on experience with Auditing and Tax Preparation through community service projects.
Evans Banking and Financial Services program offers the first Financial Technology and Cybercrime Certification in the world.
Our Marketing program features the Berman Center for Professional Sales for authentic sales simulations.
We offer over 20 programs and certificates in different business disciplines.
Our Risk Management and Insurance program ranked #1 in the Nation.
Our Professional Golf Management Program is one of only 16 PGA-Accredited programs in the U.S.
The General Business program offers flexibility that allows students to customize their degree.
Earn Your Degree Face-to-Face or Online.
3+2 Path to MBA available for Accounting and Marketing majors.
Our Management program offers unique areas of concentration for Global Supply Chain, Human Resource, Leadership and Organizational Behavior, and Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking.