1 minute read

Message from BCPS Executive Director Dr. Lee Allison

The 2021-2022 calendar was another stellar year of growth and achievement for the Berman Center for Professional Sales. We launched EKU’s sales program in 2016, and in six short years, we’ve accomplished much. Much like rearing children, or starting new businesses, when growing new educational programs, the days are long, and the years are short. Every year we must stoically stand strong as those we’ve taken under our wing leave the nest.

Most return now and again to bring their good tidings of success and appreciation. Some eagerly rush back with these tidings, already desirous to devote time and talent so as to give back to “their” program, already filled with others looking to follow in their path. They do this by volunteering to be a guest speaker, sharing their testimony about the value of the program and giving the next flight of sales professionals the “low-down” on how the program has personally helped them and placed rocket boosters under their wings as they took flight to chase down their dreams. We always enjoyed getting notes like these.

“I can’t thank you enough for everything that you do and how much you truly care about each of your students. It is seen and I appreciate it greatly. You have truly been a highlight of my college career! Out of my 5 years of college, you have been one of my only professors to make me feel seen as a student and person. So, thank you again ”

Such experiences are our stories. We have so many that we can’t recount them all in this short report, but we hope the few that we’ve pulled together give you a glimpse into a program that means everything to us and our students. Every part of our story underscores our mission and our understanding that sales is genuine, authentic human connection that helps others, thereby improving the state of the world.

We bring great value to our students, partners, sponsors and community and we desire to scale and increase our capacity. We know that we need to reach students earlier. We know that we need to improve our effectiveness, and deepen and broaden the experiences they have while here. We know that we have a dire need for funding and additional support.

Truly, we can’t do any of this alone. We thank Eastern Kentucky University’s leadership, our faculty, and staff. Finally, we are extremely grateful and appreciative to Louis and Maribeth Berman, as well as our Corporate Sponsors, Advisory Board Members, and Alumni Ambassador Board for their time, talent, testimony, and treasure.

“Selling is a profound act of service, connecting us to others and their needs.”

– Lee Allison

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