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The Benefit and Fun of My Internship

This semester, I enrolled in MKT 481, an internship in marketing. For this internship, I worked with Professor Ed Gogol and Dr. Lee Allison to create content for the Berman Center for Professional Sales and Pi Sigma Epsilon social media pages.

Through this opportunity, I was able to gain valuable experience in social media marketing and content creation.

For example, as part of an initiative to invite students from the main campus to visit the Berman Center for Professional Sales (BCPS), the Eta Chi chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) created a TikTok video. This TikTok video was a recreation of the infamous Chef Boyardee ravioli can commercial, in which a can of ravioli follows a little girl home after her mother tells her that they cannot have ravioli for dinner that night - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e33KWTJPvuU

The idea for this TikTok video was created by marketing genius and senior PSE member Sydney Freeman shown below.

PSE members opened their regular Wednesday meeting at The Berman Center and then walked to the Pedestrian Bridge on Lancaster to film the Instagram session. They rolled the Ravioli can across the Ped Bridge and then “across” campus to College of Business and The Berman Center for Professional Sales. Students also hung our PSE flyers in various buildings on the way!

This social media post was used to encourage students of all majors to become involved in PSE and BCPS! As one of the senior BCPS interns, I did all of the filming and editing for the video. A photo of Professor Gogol and Alexander Sparks during the activity is shown at right.

The ravioli TikTok video can be viewed on the EKU Pi Sigma Epsilon TikTok page, @ekupisigmaepsilon

Another valuable task that I learned during my internship with the Berman Center for Professional Sales is the importance of creating a schedule for social media postings. It is important to create regular content and make regular posts on social media accounts so that your audience constantly has new content to engage with. I also learned the importance of engagement analytics such as views, likes, comments, and shares. These factors are important in making sure that your social media posts are reaching your intended audience. Overall, I think that this internship provided me with valuable experience and knowledge that I can apply to my future career in marketing.

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