Delivery Board Meeting to be held on Thursday 15th March from 6:30pm to 9:00pm Bordon Junior School, Budds Lane, Bordon
Welcome and introductions – Chairman (verbal) (5 mins)
Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising (attached) (5 mins)
Public Questions – to respond to any questions received in writing from the public (15 mins)
Verbal update from Ministry of Defence (MoD) in the light of the Minister’s Defence Technical Training Change Programme (DTTCP) Robert Smith, MoD Defence Infrastructure Organisation (5 mins)
Commercial strategy advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) (verbal update) Daphne Gardner, Project Director (5 mins)
Transition Group update Robert Smith, MoD Defence Infrastructure Organisation (notes of second meeting attached) (5 mins)
1 A120315
page 4 18
page 19 22
Landowners’ update Robert Smith, MoD Defence Infrastructure Organisation (paper attached) (5 mins)
page 23 26
Recruitment of a permanent Chairman to the Delivery Board Daphne Gardner, Project Director (paper attached) (10 mins)
page 27 29
Findings of the neighbourhood consultation Lydia Forbes-Manson, Communications & marketing officer (paper attached) (10 mins)
page 30 80
Proposed changes to the Framework Masterplan Mandar Puranik, Planning and Urban Design Theme Lead (presentation) (20 mins)
Whitehill & Bordon - a learning community Peter Rabbett, Consultant to Hampshire County Council (paper attached) (20 mins)
page 81 85
Outcomes from Specialist Groups and Chairman/ Vice Chairman/ Lead Officers meetings Chris Youngs, Eco Coordinator, Whitehill Town Council (paper attached) (10 mins)
page 86 95
Project Progress Report Simon Beach, Project Coordinator (paper attached) (10 mins)
page 96 118
2 A120315
Forward Programme - Dates of future Standing Conference meetings (At least two weeks prior to the Delivery Board meetings) Thursday 31st May 10:00am – 12:30pm Main Hall, Forest Community Centre Thursday 30th August 2:30pm – 5:00pm Main Hall, Forest Community Centre Thursday 29th November 6:30 pm – 9:00pm Eco-station, Camp Road - Dates of future Delivery Board meetings Thursday 14th June - 10:00am – 12:30pm Main Hall, Forest Community Centre Thursday 13th September 2:30pm – 5:00pm Main Hall, Forest Community Centre Thursday 13th December 6:30 pm – 9:00pm Eco-station, Camp Road - Items for future meetings To discuss items for future meetings (attached) (5 mins)
page 119
Total time – 2 hours 10 mins Exempt Items 1. Risk Register report Caroline Sayers, Project Officer (Governance) and Risk Manager (previously circulated to Delivery Board members)
3 A120315
Agenda item 2
Whitehill Bordon Delivery Board Meeting 15th December 2011 2:30pm – Main Hall, Forest Community Centre, Bordon Present: John Walker Daphne Gardner
(JW) (DG)
Cllr Adam Carew Richard Nelson
(AC) (RN)
Dr William Wain James Rowley
(BW) (JR)
Cllr Philip Drury
Apologies: Kevin Bourner
Cllr Melville Kendal Cllr Andrew Joy
(MK) (AJ)
Cllr Glynis Watts
Also: Mandar Puranik
Bruce Collinson
Sarah Allan
Susan Robbins Kate Hillerby Chris Youngs Tim Wheeler Ray Mills
(SR) (KH) (CY) (TW) (RM)
Chairman East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) Project Director Whitehill Town Council (WTC) MoD Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership (WTP) Home and Communities Agency (HCA) Area Manager North Hampshire on behalf of Kevin Bourner EHDC councillor representing Whitehill Bordon
Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Head of Area HCC Executive Member for the Environment Hampshire County Council (HCC) on behalf of Cllr Melville Kendal EHDC Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
EHDC (Theme Lead – Planning and Urban Design) EHDC (Theme Lead – Environmental Sustainability) EHDC (Theme Lead – Eco-housing and Retrofitting) EHDC (Theme Lead – Economic Development) EHDC (Funding Manager) WTC (Eco-coordinator) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC)
Welcome and introductions - Chairman For the benefit of the members of the public, the Chairman introduced the role and purpose of the Delivery Board.
Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
Minutes of the previous Delivery Board meeting were approved as accurate. Matters arising from the previous meeting are: Eco-town vision (minute no. 7, page 6): The Delivery Board members agreed that the Eco-town vision should be taken back to their partner organisations for them to endorse.
Skills provision and education (agenda item 2, page 20): The Board was keen that a skills centre and university outreach is taken on board in the work streams. A church school may be needed.
Enterprise Zone (agenda item 2, page 21): The Board noted that the original bid was unsuccessful. Board members expressed concern about planning controls in the Enterprise Zones.
Public Questions The Chairman summarised the public questions and answers which were received prior to the Delivery Board meeting. The questions and answers are appended to these notes. (Appendix 1.)
Verbal update from Ministry of Defence (MoD) RN reported that studies and reports for the move to RAF Lyneham are done and the project is on programme.
Commercial strategy advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) PwC gave a presentation on their work to date on preparing commercial strategy advice for the Board (copies of PwC presentation slides are attached – see appendix 2). Board members discussed the issues and asked whether there is likely to be enough potential investor interest e.g. for us to get competition for investment and asked where we will look for investors. The message to the Board from Ray Mills (PwC) is that we need to be unified, speaking with one voice and stick to our vision. We need to revisit our risk register with the eyes of an investor to see if we can reduce or eliminate risks. The Board also need to lobby for government funding and support. The Chairman thanked PwC for their presentation and the Board noted that PwC will submit their final report to the March Delivery Board meeting.
Transition Group update RN introduced the notes of the first meeting of the Transition Group with the Bordon Garrison. Local Board members expressed the need for local involvement and influence over the future of local amenities and assets e.g. Bordon & Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC). The Board needs to get a feel for what is going to happen on jobs, facilities and events run by the Garrison. It was agreed that the Group will be expanded as necessary when these discussions take place.
Landowners update RN introduced his report and updated on the Land Equalisation Agreement and the preparations for a planning application. AC asked for the Town Council to be a signatory to the Land Equalisation Agreement. RN explained that the largest landowners have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and are sharing the cost of working towards a planning application. The three principal landowners will in due course need to have agreements with other important landowners.
The Town Council would like to lead a consortium to take over strategic management of the community assets. Action: AC to take forward.
Action: RN to take on board the concerns expressed for greater inclusivity in the project.
Development brief for demonstration scheme at Quebec Barracks The Chairman, JW, asked JR from HCA to outline some of the funding streams becoming available to the public sector e.g. Growing Places for infrastructure which is an evolving-fund so money is paid up-front and then recycled when it comes back. Also Get Britain Building Fund for loans or equity funding to unlock sites. The new Green Deal was also mentioned. The economic development theme lead introduced the development principles for a demonstration scheme at Quebec Barracks. The Town Council would like access to/ from the site to be via a roundabout if possible. The town mayor was concerned about ground contamination at this site. The chairman outlined issues with respect to the value for money delivered by Code Level 5 and Code Level 6 housing and referred to a new zero carbon homes standard. He suggested we build some homes to zero carbon standard and some to Code Level 5. The Board members
agreed to this. The homes will be subject to monitoring. It was agreed that we should revisit the affordable housing element and the breakdown of tenures.
The need for larger homes was reiterated and the percentage of affordable homes (including the tenure of these) was discussed. Agreed: The project director would take back and review the 35 percent affordable housing and the tenure breakdown.
Proposed neighbourhood charter The eco-housing and retrofit theme lead introduced her report. She explained the work to date and that the Charter was to be debated at a Housing Specialist Group meeting. Concerns were expressed that the Town Design Statement Group and the Town Councillors should be involved – they can be invited to the Housing Specialist Group meeting. The Charter was welcomed as a good idea. The Board gave their “in principle” approval in this work.
11 (a).
Sponsorship policy The funding manager introduced her report and how the policy will be used. It has helped us to secure £5,000 sponsorship already.
It was agreed that we should now identify ethical/ eco criteria to support the policy. A suggestion was made that we should go to the Eco-build exhibition to identify sponsors.
Outcomes from Specialist Groups and Chairman/ Vice Chairman/ Lead Officers meetings The eco-coordinator introduced his report on the work of the Specialist Groups. The work of the Groups was noted. The recommendations of the Community Facilities and Amenities Group were agreed subject to the identification of adequate funding. The recommendations and comments of the Chairman/ Vice Chairman/ Lead Officers meeting were agreed. It was agreed that the single combined work programme should come back to the March Delivery Board meeting. There will be one joint meeting of Specialist Groups to review the revision to the masterplan.
11 (b).
Proposals for the long term management and maintenance of community assets (workshop feedback) The environmental sustainability theme lead introduced his report. Recommendations as per the report were: (i) That the Delivery Board notes feedback from the workshop. (ii)
That the Delivery Board continues to support an inclusive approach to this work by not dividing community assets into their typologies and examining them separately until it has had the chance to review the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) report and transition plan in March 2012.
That the Delivery Board agrees next steps: • Establish a steering group, which includes current community asset managers to influence these early stages of work. • Explore the current role of Deadwater Valley Trust (DVT) against the early phases of land release. • Provide members of Specialist Groups with a fact sheet to address questions raised about the Land Trust at the October workshop.
Recommendation (i) was agreed. Recommendation (ii) was not agreed. There are different stages on built infrastructure, community facilities and green infrastructure. The subject should be moved forward separately, at their own pace, but keeping in touch to avoid duplication or missed opportunities. Recommendation (iii) was agreed subject to inclusions of Whitehill Town Council.
The Board welcomed the fact that Whitehill Town Council and Deadwater Valley Trust are happy to take a lead in Green Infrastructure.
Project progress report The project director introduced the report on project progress. She updated the Board on the Eco-station and Eco-house (footings now in) and on discussions about a presence for the team in Bordon. AC asked for there to be higher profile consultation on Viking Park. It was agreed that this would be considered; the deadline for comments could be extended.
Overall project programme report to include high level project plan The report was introduced by the project director on behalf of the project coordinator. The high-level project plan is currently being reviewed in the light of the work by PwC and by consultants GVA and Amec, and the Delivery Board will be updated at their workshop in February.
Simon Beach
Forward Programme The forward programme was reviewed. Any requests that Delivery Board members have for items to come forwards to future meeting should be forwarded to the project officer for governance (Caroline Sayers).
All/ CS
Dates for future meetings were reviewed and confirmed.
Asda planning application for a food store on Viking Park JW introduced a draft response for the Board to submit to the local planning authority. The Board is looking for things which support the masterplan and not those which undermine it. The Delivery Board agreed to send a letter objecting to a planning application for an Asda store at Viking Park. AC, as the representative of the town council, was unable to participate in this discussion and also unable to indicate a view.
Exempt items
Risk register report The Board members reviewed the risk register report. It is recognised that the risk register is a work in progress and is a working document. It will be reviewed at the Board’s forthcoming workshop with a view to ensuring we minimise risks which might be of concern to potential investors or developers.
Appendix 1: Public Questions Questions to the Delivery Board 15th December 2011 Question Questions from Peter Parkinson 1. If the justification for a large Eco-town development in Bordon is a response to the release of MoD land, why is Standford Grange Farm - which is not MoD land - also being annexed to support the development? 2. Grant Shapps, the Minister for Housing and Local Government states that before he released the final Eco-town funding, he wrote to the Council Leader to seek assurances that the project had the support of the local community. In responding to this, on what basis was support assessed and what was he told?
Standford Grange Farm is owned by Hampshire County Council which is a project partner. It has been included in the masterplan for the better planning of the area. It is proposed to remain as open space.
The minister was provided with details of the consultation responses up to that time.
Supplementary questions arising from the answers provided at the last meeting from Ian Johnstone 3. Reply to Question 1. The reply from the Delivery Board implied that the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not critical to the delivery of the eco-town project, being only part of the evidence base. However, Regulation 48 (5) states that ‘Projects may only proceed if the competent authority has ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the European site/s’. It is because the HRA indicated that there were insufficient SANGs that the number of dwellings in the development has been reduced from 5300 to 4000. As a result of the studies mentioned in my previous question, the HRA has recommended that the A325 should remain the primary route through Whitehill Bordon. Will that be the case?
We intend to retain the A325 on its current alignment but we will improve traffic management on it. New development will also be served by a relief road which will relieve pressure on the A325 – but the A325 will remain an important route.
4. Reply to Question 4. The reply does not seem to answer my question. The Fire Station was not sold on the open market. Will the other sites, released by the MoD, be sold on the open market, as indicated by the Minister, whether or not a land owners’ equalisation agreement, whatever that is, is in place? 5. Reply to Question 5. When the draft masterplan revision is completed in early 2012, will it be submitted for further public consultation?
The decision on the method of disposal of future development sites has not yet been made but the principal landowner is likely to want to achieve proper market value whatever method of disposal is chosen.
The revised masterplan will take on board comments made at previous consultations – as well as from the most recent events. A decision about future consultation will be made by the planning authority when we have revised the masterplan.
6. The pre-submission draft of the Joint Core Strategy states, with regard to the additional eco-housing at Whitehill Bordon, that ‘the 4000 dwellings are in addition to those provided through existing completions; existing completions on large sites and small and large urban potential (see Appendix 3)’.
4,000 homes will be built as a result of the masterplan. It is the Delivery Board’s understanding that these ‘additional developments’ (totalling 458 homes) in the Core Strategy are sites which have already been given planning permission, are currently going through the planning process or are expected to be developed.
Appendix 3 was not included with the document on the Internet. Will the Board clarify what and where these additional developments will be? 7. The EHDC has completed a number of public consultations but has not yet held the referendum that was promised as part of the consultation process. The referendum was supported by the local MP and is expected by DCLG. We were advised that it would take place when the MoD had confirmed that it would be closing Bordon Garrison. That announcement was made last June but, as yet, nothing further has been heard. This is becoming a matter of some urgency, since EHDC appear to be approaching the end of the master planning process. There are also financial implications. When will the referendum take place, what independent body will ensure fair play, who will decide what the question will be and who will be allowed to vote in the referendum?
8. As the Army moves out, the housing stock owned by Annington Homes will become
EHDC’s Cabinet has not yet made a decision about a referendum. The council has said it wishes to continue to gauge public opinion. We will pass Mr Johnstone’s comments on to the leader of the council.
As far as we understand, properties owned by Annington Property Limited (APL) are not
progressively available for sale, lease or demolition and redevelopment. How will those houses be treated in relation to the 4000 additional homes to be delivered through the eco-town plan? Since development figures have already been constrained by the HRA, how will further development be controlled once that ceiling has been reached?
9. The Energy Infrastructure and Service Delivery Study implies that the incorporation of the ecohousing development, together with the complexities of grafting the new systems into the existing housing infrastructure, might not be financially attractive and could lead to tradeoffs to the detriment of the environmental objectives. Does the Delivery Board agree? 10. The development of Quebec Barracks, for mixed housing and employment use, will require a job to be available for at least one person per dwelling, on occupation of the property. How will those jobs be guaranteed when there may already be a considerable number of local people seeking employment?
Questions from Jack Warshaw 11. What is the cost and target date breakdown for each item in the Council’s eco-town bid? 12. How does actual expenditure match up with that? 13. Has any of this money been spent elsewhere?
‘available’ for redevelopment as part of the masterplan. They will continue to be used by the MoD staff in the future or potentially sold on the open market. The properties are within the settlement policy zone boundary and could be occupied for residential use or redeveloped if they comply with the adopted Local Plan and with the local and national planning policy framework.
Not all the latest technology that can be used in new homes can be used in existing homes (confirmed in recent studies). However, this will not compromise the environmental objectives of the Eco-town because we will use different approaches in new and existing homes to make sure the carbon neutrality target for the whole town is met.
The development options for the Quebec site include the provision of a business centre/ hub that would provide space for micro businesses and entrepreneurs to operate from and would be one source of providing jobs. The hub could also include facilities such as a café and/ or social space which could also generate job opportunities. There may also be the potential to provide employment opportunities off-site by, for example, opening premises on the Louisburg Barracks site. The options and plans for the site are still being worked through however any future developer, to support a planning application, would have to demonstrate through an employment statement how this would be achieved. No-one is guaranteeing that jobs will be effectively held open on Quebec Barracks for occupiers of housing built on that site.
We are assuming the question is referring to the breakdown of the Eco-town budget which is regularly reported to the Delivery Board and is included on page 102 of this meeting’s agenda. This shows actual and budgeted expenditure and also gives the sources of funding received. It shows salary costs too.
14. If so where? 15. What are the other sources of funds, sums allocated and items targeted for the eco-town?
16. How does actual spending match up with that? 17. How much has been paid to consultants from all sources since inception of the Green Town Vision, merging into eco-town status? 18. How much has been paid to Council staff/eco town team/WB Opportunity personnel from all sources? 19. How many Council staff, broken down by function work wholly or mainly on eco town related tasks at present?
I am unable to give you a detailed answer to your question concerning consultants as this will require detailed investigation by EHDC accountants. I will ask them if they can help you. Similarly, I do not have detailed information on how many council staff work wholly or mainly on Eco-town related tasks (this would be a question for the District Council) but as we have a dedicated Eco-town team, I would expect the answer to be none – no other staff work substantially or wholly on the Eco-town.
Questions from Alan Metcalfe 20. I am concerned at recent released Bus Public Transport report suggesting that a Town Service (Option 1) of 9 per day (rather than the 40 per day [15 min. service]); near local villages service (Option 2) of 6 per day (rather than 20 per day 1/2 hourly service) and to include some of the remaining local villages of less than 3 per day (rather than 10 per day hourly service) and in the recent HCC questionnaire only 2 per day!. No reference to rapid transport to Alton, Petersfield, Guildford etc.
Mr Metcalfe hasn’t asked a specific question but we can comment as follows: The recent public consultation on options for a new bus service for Whitehill Bordon is part of an early demonstrator project designed to make the best use of the available grant funding to support and foster local demand for improved bus services, trial new sustainable technology, and provide an alternative travel option to the private car. This will provide significantly improved bus services for the interim period until the MoD vacates the land and the development is brought forward. This interim demonstrator service is not intended to represent the final public transport strategy that will be required to support the Eco-town, which is set out in the Emerging Transport Strategy, outlining the three-tier system of bus services, including town, local and strategic bus services that will be planned and delivered with development. The interim demonstrator service will be supported by significant investment in to improved bus shelters in Whitehill Bordon, which will be delivered in partnership with Whitehill Town Council. The Town Council and County Council are working together to ensure that the most sustainable bus shelters will be provided while value for money is maintained.
21. Does the Delivery Board support or object to the current planning application for a 2,900sqm food store within Viking Park which is contrary
The Board will be considering its comments on the current planning application for a food store on Viking Park at today’s meeting. I would not
to the Masterplan and the recent advice of Nathaniel Litchfield & Partners as to both the location and timing of the opening of a further store of this nature in Whitehill Bordon, its likely impact upon the proposed new Town Centre and existing Forest Centre and community facilities.
wish to pre-empt the Board’s decision today but we are considering objecting to this application as we believe it could undermine the achievement of the masterplan. Our principal concern relates to the impact of a supermarket in this location on the achievement of the new town centre.
Question from Pauline Parkinson 22. If, in line with declared Eco-town policies to encourage local food production and safeguard green areas, Standford Grange Farm remained as a farm, rather than becoming a SANG, how many homes could then be build on the MoD land?
Standford Grange Farm is to become a SANG so we have not done this theoretical calculation.
Appendix 2: PwC presentation
Whitehill Bordon Ecotown Delivery board presentation 15 December 2011
Agenda •
PwC’s role •
To assess the different commercial options to deliver the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town project taking into account the requirements of different stakeholders, the level of market interest and the financial and commercial viability of different delivery methods.
Scope of work •
Phase 1 (October – December 2011)
Phase 2 (January – March 2012)
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town PwC
15 December 2011 2 16
Scope of work Phase 1 (October – December 2011) •
Support the Delivery Board members in defining and aligning the objectives of key stakeholders.
Provide an overview of potential funding / delivery options that might be applicable to the scheme.
Help to devise a methodology and a set of criteria for assessing delivery options.
Support the Delivery Board to develop a short-list of delivery options for quantitative testing in Phase 2.
Review the high level financial assessment of the masterplan.
Undertake an initial market sounding exercise on a non attributable basis.
Presentation and report to the Delivery Board on 15 December 2011.
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town PwC
15 December 2011 3 17
Scope of work Phase 2 (January – March 2012) •
Masterplan financial and value engineering: further work to understand the financial viability and commercial potential of the masterplan.
Selection of preferred delivery option through quantitative analysis of the short-listed options.
A more detailed market sounding exercise
Procurement and implementation strategy: prepare timetable and areas that need to move forward before launching the procurement.
Further work on the potential sources of funding identified.
Presentation and report to the Delivery Board in March 2012.
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town PwC
15 December 2011 4 18
Lt.Col. Colin Metcalfe
Maj. (Ret) Alan Johnson
Robert Smith
John Walker
DB Chairman
Ian Parker
Sue Robbins
Project team
Daphne Gardner
Project team
Caroline Sayers
Project team
Col. Ansell
Ian Dennison
Pamela Roberts
Samantha Tarling
Matters for discussion
Follow-up / Actions
Overall programme and implications for release of land Following the Secretary of State for Defence announcement on 18 July 2011, Defence Technical Training Change Programme (DTTCP) is developing the business case to determine the infrastructure development required to accommodate the units located at Bordon Garrison. Once approved, DTTCP will then initiate a competition with industry to deliver the works required. It is anticipated that a contract will be issued to the successful bidder in early 2013.
Degree of uncertainty and flexibility in programme - strategic level - operational level Departure of personnel from the site will only begin once alternative accommodation is made available at the new site. The speed of personal relocation will be either three or six months from practical completion of the phasing works at Lyneham. Until such a time as industry has submitted its proposals further detail of actual timings of unit moves from the Bordon Garrison cannot be provided. The Delivery Board should continue to work on the basis that the Bordon
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Matters for discussion
Follow-up / Actions
Garrison site will start to be vacated during 2014/15. Now that the Whitehill & Bordon Masterplan is beginning to firm up, it is becoming clear what the early sequence of work will be. This work will include how best to implement any infrastructure requirement. It was agreed that a visual plan showing where the infrastructure work could be phased should be shared with DIO to determine whether any work in advance of unit moves from the Bordon Garrison could be accommodated.
Project team
A site closure and data pack needs to be developed. This pack would include a service plan – an assessment of all services on site including utilities. This work will be led by DIO and will form a key task of the Transition Group. 3
Implications for business and civilian employment in Bordon The number of personnel training on site has reduced from 1,200 to 800. This is expected to reduce by another 200-300 during 2012. Businesses that cater predominantly for the single soldier will be most affected. Businesses likely to be affected will include the local retailers and restaurants.
Early land release options - Quebec Barracks Quebec Barracks. Negotiations continue to secure a disposal and transfer of Quebec Barracks to the Homes & Communities Agency to support the early development of the Demonstration Project. - Louisburg Barracks Louisburg Barracks. This site is now vacated and potentially available now. DIO will shortly take over responsibility for the site from the Garrison. Currently Louisburg Barracks forms part of the joint landowners’ assets that is being considered for inclusion within the Landowners’ Agreement. This site will therefore form part of the planning application work being developed in line with the draft Masterplan. Depending on phasing and timing Louisburg might be released early. In the interim DIO are looking at options for leasing the site on a short term basis. In parallel, a piece of work is to be done to see if Louisburg could be used as a second demonstration site. Business and employment opportunities are already coming forward which could allow early development on the Louisburg site. Growing Places money will be coming through by the end of March. The LEP is expected to receive approx £14m for the region. The bid for this work could be in the region of £2-3m. The bid will need a joint proposal putting forward. It
- 20 -
Matters for discussion
Follow-up / Actions
was suggested a small team meet to discuss how best to pursue the opportunity. The project team will approach RS at DIO to meet to consider how Louisburg might best be presented for funding.
Project team/ DIO
The very long term option would include a mixed economy business park, either developed on a self build / owner occupied basis or as an investment funded business park. The first phase would be lead by the project team supported financially Project by growing places funding and would integrate with Quebec Barracks. team The LEP bid is an early opportunity for funding due to its nature and timing. This would allow DIO and the other consortium landowners to consider how best to present the total land availability for the total scheme investment. IP HCC will take the lead on assessing requirement and funding for the inner relief road needed on this site. The Transition Team and its members will need to consider how the site is held and managed during this transition phase. 5
Assessment of the withdrawal of personnel 1- Buildings. DIO will look at the options for managing the site as vacation of the site occurs. Whilst DIO will look at options to keep certain buildings available for community and business type uses, the viability and duration of this will depend on how the disposal strategy develops over the next 12 -18 months. If activities that use the site/ building are able to continue after the departure of the Garrison, then DIO would need to consider the use of commercial lease agreements. 2- Encroachment activities. This will include scouts, crèche, theatre, schools. Most encroachment activities will follow the Garrison staff to Lyneham. An assessment will need to be done to find out if the activity is viable to continue afterwards, or if it will need to be absorbed by another existing group. Using the scouts as an example - how many of the scouts are from military families that will be relocated? Is the scout group leader military staff or civilian? If military, is there a civilian that is capable of taking the group over? Are there enough scouts from civilian families to keep the group viable once the Garrison has relocated? If not, is there an alternative group which could take in the civilian portion of the scout group? 3- MoD utility services. Related to the two above, if an encroachment activity is to remain active after the Garrison's departure, is it viable for it to remain in the building it presently occupies, or will it have to relocate? To help
- 21 -
Matters for discussion
Follow-up / Actions
explain this, once a whole site has been vacated, all MoD utilities (electricity, water...) will be switched off or disconnected. It will not be viable to continue utilities to a single building just to allow an activity to remain in the building. A building that will probably be part of this will be Martinique House which has playgroups, karate club etc. This building is in the middle of the accommodation site. 4- MoD community facilities/ centre Following the departure of the Garrison, there will still be service personnel accommodated in the area. Therefore there may still be a need for MoD welfare/ community centre. The MoD is presently assessing this requirement 5- Events One-off events such as the town Jubilee celebrations and school Olympic torch, the Garrison has made the commitment to remain active and support. Annual events such as the town bonfire, Whitehill Town Council will need to think about if and how these events will continue into the future. 6- Charity functions and funds The Garrison donates finances to activities within the local community. A review of the list of support and level of funding will need to be carried out. AJ is willing to meet with the Chairmen of the Specialist Groups (SG) to discuss in more details these impacts and to determine if service is still needed and how to provide the service if there is still enough patronage after the departure of the Garrison. 6
Project team to discuss with SG
Any other business None
Date of next meeting It is suggested that these meetings take place every three months. The proposed date for the next meeting will be in early June to review progress on the Masterplan, Landowners’ Agreement and the actions identified above.
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Project team
Agenda item 7
Whitehill & Bordon Opportunity Delivery Board ______________________________________________________________ Date of meeting:
15th March 2012
Title of report:
Landowners Update
Robert Smith MoD DIO
Reference no: WBPD001-2012 ______________________________________________________________ Executive Summary:
This report has been produced to update the Delivery Board on the ongoing discussions by the three key landowners whose land availability is critical to the delivery of the Eco-town project. Following the announcement on the 18th July 2011 by the Secretary of State for Defence the principal landowners have discussed options on how the objectives are best achieved through the provision of a landowners' agreement enabling them to attract a suitable investment partner to deliver the regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon. The further work being undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) and GVA on scheme viability, phasing and key stages of development will assist the landowners in how their land can be best packaged and offered to investors. At a meeting of the key landowners on the 23rd February it was agreed that three key pieces of work were now required to make further progress and these are outlined in the report. This work will now be taken forward to support the Delivery Board programme.
Date: 24th February 2012 Version: 1
Status of Report: Public (Exempt or Public)
Purpose of report: To provide the Delivery Board with an update on the work of the principal landowners to date and identify further work to be undertaken.
Recommendations requiring Board considerations: That the Delivery Board notes the work in hand.
Consultation and comments received: Not applicable.
Community engagement proposals: Not applicable.
1 Background (reason for report) 1.1 To provide the Delivery Board with an update on the purpose of and of the actions of the Landowners’ Group since the last Delivery Board meeting on 15th December 2011. 2 Subject of report / options and considerations 2.1 The principal landowners (those required to dispose of their landholdings for development in and around the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town boundary) and those secondary landowners likely to be directly affected by the development have continued to meet since the last Delivery Board meeting on the 15th December 2011. 2.2 The attendance at the core principal landowners’ meetings have continued to be those representatives advised in the December report save that Robert Smith from DIO has now attended as part of the handover from Richard Nelson who leaves DIO at the end of March 2012. 2.3 At the meeting on the 23rd February the principal landowners agreed that further work to progress the landowners’ strategy was required in three distinct areas: K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 24 -
1. A clear understanding of the owners’ key objectives / needs and the extent / timing of land release necessary to deliver the scheme. The MoD has announced the closure and disposal of Bordon with effect from 2014/15. The work currently being undertaken with PwC and GVA will help inform the landowners in promoting their land for development. 2. Investor requirements and when in the delivery programme these can be secured. The work being undertaken by PwC and GVA will inform the landowners on the timing to support third party investment. 3. The type and model of landowners’ agreement best placed to secure third party investment in order to draft detailed heads of terms to support the preparation of draft legal agreements. Quebec Barracks 2.4 At the previous Delivery Board it was reported that work was in hand to work up plans for a further demonstration scheme as requested by Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG). The landowners are pleased to report that negotiations are at an advanced stage to transfer this asset to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA), following which it is understood that a planning application will be submitted to progress this scheme. Louisburg Barracks 2.5 Whilst currently part of the proposed planning application site within the principal landowner’s holdings, DIO advised at the Transition Group meeting on the 9th February that this site will be vacated and handed over to DIO for management shortly. Opportunities for income generation / and or early development were considered and discussed at the Transition Group meeting and the actions recorded in those minutes. 3 Risk assessment (must include consideration of the environmental, financial, health and safety and equalities impact assessment) 3.1
The principal landowners have identified the risk of financial loss if they cannot promote the availability of the development land in a format acceptable to meet both the Eco-town vision and third party investment funding.
3.2 The work now being undertaken by PwC and GVA together with the actions identified in 2.3 above will mitigate this risk. 3.3 The principal landowners are aware, however, that achieving scheme viability, investor confidence and delivery of the Eco-town vision will require strong collaboration and commitment from all parties involved. K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 25 -
4 Contributions to Delivery Board Priorities 4.1 The availability and presentation of the land to the market in the correct format is crucial to the regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon and the achievement of the Eco-town. 5 Resource implications 5.1 The resource implications are continually being assessed and reviewed. 6 Cost implications 6.1 The costs associated with bringing the land forward and preparing it for market continue to be developed in line with the tasks outlined above. 7 Conclusion 7.1 The principal landowners wish to record their thanks to Richard Nelson for his commitment and direction during his time on the project and wish him well for the future.
Agenda item 8
Whitehill & Bordon Opportunity Delivery Board ______________________________________________________________ Date of meeting:
15th March 2012
Title of report:
Recruitment of a permanent Chairman to the Delivery Board
Daphne Gardner, Project Director
Reference no: WBPD003-2012 ______________________________________________________________ Executive Summary: (Not more than 2 small paragraphs) This report proposes a process to appoint Mr John Walker as the permanent Chairman of the Delivery Board up to 30th September 2015, or the demise of the current governance structure, which ever is sooner. Mr Walker was appointed temporary Chairman of the Board in September 2010 for one year. His contract was extended last year but is coming to an end this summer. It is clearly important to have a degree of continuity and certainty over the project. This proposal would give that certainty for the next three years.
Date: 29th February 2012 Version: 1
Status of Report: Public (Exempt or Public)
Purpose of report: This report proposes a way forward to appoint Mr John Walker as a more permanent Chairman of the Delivery Board for the next three years.
Recommendations requiring Board considerations: That, subject to the agreement of satisfactory terms with the Project Director, Delivery Board members endorse the appointment of Mr John Walker as Chairman of the Delivery Board until 30th September 2015 or the demise of the current governance structure, whichever is sooner.
Consultation and comments received: This proposal has been discussed informally with Board members, all of whom were supportive.
Community engagement proposals: Not applicable.
1 Background (reason for report) 1.1
Board members will be aware that John Walker was originally appointed as interim Chairman of the Board. He was appointed in September 2010, following receipt of competitive quotes, on a contract with East Hampshire District Council (EHDC). In September 2011 that contract was extended for a maximum of a further 12 months.
1.2 John came to us with a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise. He has proved an extremely able Chairman and an enthusiastic and effective ambassador for the project. 1.3 In discussions with individual Board members, all members agree that the Board – and the Eco-town project – would benefit from some certainty and continuity of Chairman. All members also support strongly John’s continued involvement as Chairman. 2 Subject of report / options and considerations K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 28 -
2.1 In the light of Board members’ support, the Project Director has discussed with EHDC’s legal services team how to achieve John’s appointment as a more “permanent” Chairman. The lead-in time for selection of potential investment or development partners, the evolution of the governance structure and start of the major delivery of the Ecotown is likely to be in the order of two to three years so it would seem sensible to appoint the Chairman for a further three years, or the life of the existing governance structure, whichever is sooner (in the event that this comes to an end within three years). 2.2 The Project Director and legal services team are satisfied that John’s appointment along the lines discussed in this report is perfectly possible within the Council’s rules. The appointment would be reported to the Council’s Cabinet in due course, once the terms have been finalised. 2.3 As is normal practice, the Project Director, with advice from legal services, will agree the terms of the contract with John and ensure that the cost is within budget. Appropriate break clauses and notice periods will be built in. 3 Risk assessment (must include consideration of the environmental, financial, health and safety and equalities impact assessment) 3.1 The appointment of a permanent Chairman minimises the risk of a lack of continuity and uncertainty for the project. 4 Contributions to Delivery Board Priorities 4.1 John is hugely committed to the Board’s priorities and his appointment will help us considerably in their achievement. 5 Resource implications 5.1 A small amount of officer time is required to bring about this proposal, which can be managed. 6 Cost implications 6.1 The costs of the Chairman of the Board are budgeted for in the governance budget for the project. The costs will be contained within, and safeguarded in, this budget for the next three years. 7 Conclusion 7.1 It is clearly important for the Eco-town project and for the Board, to have certainty and continuity over its Chairman. This report proposes a way forward to give such continuity and certainty for the next three years. K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 29 -
Agenda item 9
Whitehill & Bordon Opportunity Delivery Board ______________________________________________________________ Date of meeting:
15th March 2012
Title of report:
Findings of the neighbourhood consultation
Lydia Forbes-Manson, Communications and marketing officer
Reference no: WBPD004-2012 ______________________________________________________________ Executive Summary: (Not more than 2 small paragraphs)
This report is for information. Extensive consultation took place from October – December 2011 about eight proposed changes to the masterplan and individual neighbourhood priorities. Ten workshops and four drop-in events took place. As well as the team being available at the Fire Station three days a week during October. A stakeholder event was also held. Approximately 480 people took part in the consultation + 56 stakeholders. The questionnaires showed support for the eight proposed changes. The overall neighbourhood priorities highlighted by the consultation are 1. Traffic and transport issues 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment 3. Leisure provision Independent facilitators ran the workshops and their report is in the appendix.
Date: 17th February 2012 Version: 1
Status of Report: Public (Exempt or Public)
Purpose of report: To update the Delivery Board about the consultation on the proposed changes to the masterplan and neighbourhood priorities.
Recommendations requiring Board considerations: This report is for information only.
Consultation and comments received:
Community engagement proposals: Not applicable
1 Background (reason for report) 1.1 The masterplan is an evolving document and since it was first published a number of technical studies have been completed. The information that these studies have provided, along with previous consultation, have led to eight proposed changes being suggested to the original masterplan. 1.2 This stage of consultation focussed on explaining the outcomes of the studies and asking for feedback on the proposed changes to the masterplan. 2 Subject of report / options and considerations 2.1
Please see the Neighbourhood Consultation report. The appendix also includes the report by the independent facilitators about the workshops.
3 Risk assessment (must include consideration of the environmental, financial, health and safety and equalities impact assessment) 3.1 An integrated impact assessment was carried out
4 Contributions to Delivery Board Priorities 4.1 The engagement will form a key element in revising and updating the framework masterplan. 4.2 It aligns with the Delivery Board’s commitment towards involving the community in the plan making process and encourages open, transparent discussion. 5 Resource implications 5.1 From central government Eco-town funding. 6 Cost implications 6.1 7 Conclusion 7.1 To make the eight proposed changes to the revised masterplan and to consider the neighbourhood priorities when the town is planned in more detail. 8 Appendix Appendix 1: Neighbourhood consultation report Appendix 2: Neighbourhood consultation report appendix – available online Appendix 3: Independent facilitators’ report – attached to this report Appendix 4: Independent facilitators’ appendix – available online Appendix 5: Consultation flyer – available online Appendix 6: Consultation questionnaire – available online
Appendix 1: Neighbourhood consultation report
Neighbourhood consultation report February 2012
Neighbourhood consultation report
Index Part one: Summary of neighbourhood consultation Page 3
Part two: Feedback received from questionnaires Page 14 Part three: Neighbourhood priorities feedback Page 20 Part four: Drop-in sessions Page 29 Part five: Independent facilitators’ report Page 30 Part six: Reaching residents Page 31 Part seven: Conclusions and recommendations Page 33 PLEASE ALSO SEE THE FOLLOWING SEPARATE DOCUMENTS Appendix 1: Neighbourhood consultation report appendix Appendix 2: Independent facilitators’ report (separate document) Appendix 3: Independent facilitators’ appendix (separate document) Appendix 4: Flyer (separate document) Appendix 5: Consultation questionnaire (separate document)
Neighbourhood consultation report
Part one: Summary of neighbourhood consultation This map on the following page shows the proposed changes to the masterplan which we were consulting on. The proposed changes are: 5. A new town park in easy reach of the new town centre 1. Reduce the housing density at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club. Retain some of the woodland and improve the existing sports club
6. Smaller energy centres dotted around the town rather than one energy centre which would provide power for the whole town
2. The small stream (known as Oxney Drain) should be moved away from the new access road and instead become a water feature that would make the town look more attractive
7. The A325 should be traffic managed rather than just left as it is and a new relief road provided
3. Additional protection for green spaces
8. The allotments should go in the development area rather than Hogmoor and Bordon Inclosure
4. An attractive town square is proposed opposite the High Street and Chalet Hill junction
Neighbourhood consultation report
Neighbourhood consultation report
Part one: Summary of neighbourhood consultation
This stage of consultation focussed on explaining the outcomes of the studies and asking for feedback on the proposed changes to the masterplan.
1.2 1.2 Background The masterplan is a framework which sets out how the town will be regenerated over the next 25 years. It was published in 2010 and was adopted as a high-level framework to guide the regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon. It is an evolving document and has been prepared in response to extensive community consultation. This has been ongoing since 2004 and the previous consultation reports are available to read online at The masterplan continues to evolve and since it was first published a number of technical studies have been completed. The information that these studies have provided, along with previous consultation, have led to eight proposed changes being suggested to the original masterplan.
Neighbourhood consultation report 37
1.3 Purpose of this consultation was to:
T h e
present the findings of the recent evidence base studies
seek comments and views on eight proposed changes to the masterplan which have been suggested in response to the studies and previous community and stakeholder consultations
identify neighbourhood priorities for the wards within the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town and the surrounding villages for consideration and potential inclusion in the next phase of the project
s d i •
to re-engage with previous consultees and introduce new ones
The studies that have been completed and inform the proposed changes to the masterplan are: • • • • • • • • • • •
Green Infrastructure Strategy Habitats Regulations Assessment Detailed Water Cycle Study Energy Feasibility Study Energy Infrastructure and Service Delivery Study Retail Impact Assessment Viking Park Design and Feasibility Study Economic Development and Employment Strategy Whitehill Bordon Transport Strategy Transport Model and Transport Assessment Rail Feasibility Study
(these are all available to read at The studies were available at all the workshops and at the Fire Station. Executive summaries were printed and these were available for residents to keep.
Neighbourhood consultation report 38
1.4 Summary of consultation •
Consultation was carried out from 03 October – 5 December 2011 10 public workshops and one stakeholder event were run during this time by independent facilitators In addition to the workshops, four drop-in sessions were held
The Eco-town team was also at the former Ministry of Defence Fire Station, in Camp Road, three days a week during October
Approximately 480 people took part in the consultation
128 detailed questionnaires were completed
Key findings findings •
Widespread support for the eight proposed changes to the masterplan
Key neighbourhood priorities identified for Whitehill & Bordon, Lindford and the surrounding villages are: 1. Traffic and transport issues (transport) 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment (green) 3. Leisure provision (new facilities) (leisure)
Neighbourhood consultation report 39
Publicising the consultation
The events were publicised via the following methods •
A large A3 size colour flyer was distributed to homes and businesses within the policy zone for the Eco-town. This invited residents to attend the events, explained the changes to the masterplan and advised where residents could get further information
Regular social media updates were used via Twitter and Facebook to further publicise the events
An e-newsletter was sent to approximately 500 people who have signed-up to receive information about the Eco-town
A total of 12,150 flyers were printed and approximately 9,673 were distributed to homes and businesses in the GU35 postcode. The remaining flyers were placed in key locations in the surrounding villages – as well as being handed out at events and available at the Fire Station
In addition, invitations were sent to 579 stakeholders and 195 residents
The consultation was publicised in meetings relating to Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town
The Eco-town team were at the Fire Station from 10th August to 27th October on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am-4pm. During August and September the team drew visitors’ attention to the upcoming consultation and during October the consultation exhibition boards were on display at the Fire Station
Originally nine workshops were planned but when residents in Standford asked for a workshop in this area the team responded to the request and organised an additional workshop
Press releases were sent to publicise the events. These were given good coverage in the local papers, internet, radio and TV
A dedicated section of the website was set up for the consultation and the boards which were at the events were available to view online – along with an online form of the questionnaire (paper copies were available at events and in the Fire Station)
Neighbourhood consultation report 40
1.6 How we consulted The aim was to talk to as many residents as possible. The method of consultation was agreed with the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board. InIn-depth understanding of the neighbourhoods Before the consultation started, members of the Eco-town team visited the different neighbourhoods with ward councillors. Seven local neighbourhood site visits took place with the elected representatives of each ward including the town, district and county councillors if available. The purpose of these was to enable councillors to show the Ecotown team their vision for the area, highlight any concerns they had about current proposals and to visit areas where potential improvements could be integrated into the next version of the masterplan. It also enabled officers to talk through previous consultation feedback and the results of the evidence base studies on site – giving councillors a deeper insight into the proposals.
Workshops Numerous events were held in various locations within and outside the town so that the detailed planning of these areas could be discussed with residents living in these locations. Ten workshops took place - which were run by independent facilitators. These were open from 5-8pm with the formal workshop at 6-7.30pm. There was an hour’s drop-in session at the start of the event (from 5-6pm) where residents could pop in and ask questions or tell us their thoughts or concerns. This was done so that residents with limited time could still take part. An additional workshop was held for key stakeholder organisations. DropDrop-in events All workshops were preceded by drop-in time for those that couldn’t make the workshop or wanted to spend limited time there. As well as these 10 workshops – a series of events within the community were arranged. This included events at Tesco, the Forest Shopping Centre and Bordon Library – as well as the team being available at the Fire Station three days a week during October.
Neighbourhood consultation report 41
Online The exhibition boards which were at the events were also available online and questionnaires could also be completed online. Participants who filled out the questionnaire were entered into a prize draw to win a ÂŁ100 Tesco gift card. The map on the next page shows where the events were held. A list of all the events can be found after this map.
Neighbourhood consultation report
10 42
Neighbourhood consultation report
11 43
Passfield DropDrop-in events
Number who signedsigned-in
Drop-in event
Drop-in event
04 October 10.30am-1pm Bordon Library 08 October 10am-1pm Forest Shopping Centre 15 October 9.30am-1pm Tesco 20 October 10.30am-1pm 1 October 10am-1pm All of October
1.7 Consultation events Area
Whitehill Deadwater Whitehill Pinewood Whitehill Chase, Walldown Lindford Whitehill, Hogmoor Blackmoor, Selborne, Oakhanger The Hangers and Forest Kingsley, Sleaford Headley Hollywater, Standford,
Event date and venue Within the policy zone Monday 03 Oct Forest Community Centre Thursday 06 Oct Pinewood Village Hall Monday 10 Oct Forest Community Centre Friday 14 Oct Lindford Village Hall Monday 17 Oct Forest Community Centre Surrounding the policy zone Tuesday 18 Oct Blackmoor Village Hall Wednesday 26 Oct Greatham Village Hall Wednesday 02 Nov The Kingsley Centre Friday 11 Nov Headley Village Hall Wednesday 23 Nov Standford Hill Methodist
Drop-in Event
13 12
Bordon Library
Deadwater Valley Wood Day Drop-in at the Fire Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during October Stakeholder event
6 20 21
Approx numbers Approx 150
Approx 140
Wednesday 16 Nov 56 Forest Community Centre In addition addition to the numerous events, an informal session with Hampshire County Council Adult Services group was arranged. arranged
Neighbourhood consultation report
12 44
1.8 Stakeholders Stakeholders were formally invited to the stakeholder workshop via email. The list of attendees at the Stakeholder Workshop held on 16th November is enclosed in the appendix.
1.7 How many people took part in the consultation? A total of 190 people signed-in at the events.
The following stakeholders submitted a formal response in addition to the participation at the workshop:
There were many people who attended the events but did not sign-in.
Highways Agency Surrey County Council Waverley Borough Council Whitehill Town Council Sports England RSPB- The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Defence Infrastructure Organisation Alice Holt Community Forum Flavia Estate submitted by Genesis Planning Countyside Ranger, Hampshire County Council
Around 140 visitors came to the Fire Station to talk about the masterplan and that there were approximately 150 visitors at the four drop-in events. In total approximately 480 people took part in the consultation – as well as 56 stakeholders.
Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town Team will be writing to the stakeholders individually, responding to the specific issues raised.
Neighbourhood consultation report
13 45
Part two: Feedback received from questionnaires The questionnaire is attached in the appendix. This was available at events and online at (the flyer and questionnaire are separate documents in the appendix). A total of 128 detailed questionnaires were completed. Participants were asked if they supported or were concerned about each of the eight proposed changes. There was also an opportunity for participants to write comments about each proposed change. The comments can be found in the appendix. The responses to the questionnaire show that there is support for the eight proposed changes to the masterplan. There was generally more support within the policy zone than in the surrounding villages – but all changes had support from the surrounding villages as well. A number of comments were received as part of the questionnaires and these are in the appendix.
Neighbourhood consultation report
Graph to show all responses to questionnaire about proposed changes 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Less dense housing at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club
New w ater feature
Neighbourhood consultation report
Protected green spaces
Public plaza
New tow n park
Pow ering the Traffic tow n management of A325
Location of allotments
Support Concerned
Graph to show responses to questionnaire within the policy zone
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Less dense housing at Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club
New w ater feature
Neighbourhood consultation report
Protected green spaces
Public plaza
New tow n park
Pow ering the Traffic tow n management of A325
Location of allotments
In the tow n Support In the tow n Concerned
Graph to show responses to questionnaire (surrounding villages)
120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Less dense housing at Bor don and Oakhanger Spor t s Club
Neighbourhood consultation report
New wat er f eat ure
Prot ect ed green
Public plaza
New t own park
Powering t he t own
Traf f ic management
Locat ion of
of A325
allot ment s
Outside the tow n Support Outside the tow n Concerned
2.4 What changes will be made to the masterplan as a result of this consultation and specific comments?
Proposed change
What happens now
Bordon and Oakhanger Sports Club (BOSC)
The revised masterplan will consider reducing the housing density, retaining some of the woodland and improving the existing sports club. The proposed area for residential development is outside the 400metre ‘Special Protection Area’ buffer zone of Shortheath Common. We note ratrunning issues across Shortheath Common. An appropriate traffic management solution will be introduced, in consultation with the stakeholders, when the development comes forward at BOSC.
New water feature
Detailed comments on accessibility and maintenance are noted. In the revised masterplan the ‘water feature’ (known as Oxney Drain) will be moved away from the inner relief road.
Protected green spaces
Additional protected green spaces are to be included in the revised masterplan as part of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) network. These include existing protected green spaces such as Alexandra Park. Including them as part of SANG network will enable additional protection, management support and future investment to maintain them. We note concerns about Standford Grange Farm. It is included in the SANG provision but detailed design is only indicative at this stage. We will ensure that farm use is retained and balanced with recreation needs. Further engagement is proposed for early 2012 to discuss this matter with the community and stakeholders. A definition of what it means to be in the SANG network will be included in the revised masterplan.
Public plaza
The new public plaza was proposed in the Green Infrastructure Strategy (July 2011). It will not replace the new town centre plaza proposed opposite Prince Philip Barracks or the plaza in the Forest Community Centre. An indicative location along the A325 will be incorporated in the revised masterplan.
New town park
The proposal for the new town park has received support. The exact size and location was not presented at this consultation and further review will be carried out about its location prior to it being included in the revised masterplan. It will be near the new town centre and will not compromise wider green space provision in the town.
Neighbourhood consultation report
Powering the town The A325
A decentralised approach (not just one energy-generating source) will be incorporated in the revised masterplan based on the support received. The detailed comments about the specific energy source are noted. Each solution will need to be tested for its impact on air quality, transport and accompanied by the required environmental assessment at the statutory planning stage. It is important at this stage to keep the future options open in accordance with the recommendations made in the Energy Feasibility Study (July 2011). Detailed comments are noted. At this stage, the masterplan will be revised to incorporate traffic management along the A325 but details will be developed through the ‘Walking and Cycling Strategy’. The idea for a bypass is deemed undeliverable. The proposed inner relief road will address some of the existing traffic congestion along the A325. The transport studies completed during 2011 consider this issue and various scenarios in detail. Further studies will be carried out at the next stage of the masterplan as required. The allotment location will be amended in the revised masterplan and re-provision of the similar area will be made without any loss. We note the lack of allotment provision for the existing residents. The Green infrastructure Strategy plans linkages between the allotments and other open spaces. Allotments are proposed to promote ‘grow your own food’ and also help support community interaction. The size and provision of private gardens will be dependent on the individual housing type and size and will be included in the site specific designs. The town’s Neighbourhood Quality Charter is currently prepared by the Housing Specialist Group and this sets out guidelines for the future character of open spaces and housing.
Neighbourhood consultation report
Part three 3.0 Neighbourhood priorities - feedback
The results from the questionnaire can be found in the appendix.
The questionnaire asked participants to list their top three priorities for their neighbourhood. This question was asked so that when we start planning the town in more detail we know what residents want. . Category Examples Leisure provision Providing new facilities e.g. retail, cinema, entertainment, restaurants Social infrastructure Health, police, education Jobs Employment Homes New homes and their design Green spaces Protecting the town’s natural environment Transport (traffic and transport Roads, rail, public transport, issues) bike routes, footpaths Miscellaneous Aspects that do not fit into these categories
Neighbourhood consultation report
The results have been analysed and the comments have been categorised according to seven broad areas (see table on left). A system was then used so that the first priorities have a higher weighting than the second and third priorities respectively. These calculations can be found in the appendix. Some neighbourhoods have priorities that have received the same score and therefore are ranked alongside each other.
3.1 Summary of neighbourhood priorities Area Conde Way Forest Shopping Centre Greatham Headley Hollywater Kingsley Lindford Oakhanger Standford Blackmoor Sleaford Non specific
Neighbourhood consultation report
First priority Social infrastructure and green
Second priority
Third priority
Leisure and transport
Leisure Green Transport Green Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport
Transport Social infrastructure Green Transport Green (and misc) Leisure Green and leisure Green Social infrastructure
Social infrastructure Leisure Leisure Social infrastructure Jobs and social infrastructure Green Misc Misc Leisure
Social infrastructure
The top three priorities overall are: 1. Traffic and transport issues (transport) 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment (green) 3. Leisure provision (leisure)
3.2 Analysis of neighbourhood priorities priorities Generally transport is the most important neighbourhood priority in the majority of the neighbourhood areas.
The top three priorities for the policy zone (Whitehill & Bordon and Lindford) are: 1. Traffic and transport issues and leisure provision 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment and providing social infrastructure 3. Homes – new homes (and larger homes)
This is particularly apparent in the villages surrounding Whitehill & Bordon (but is also true for Lindford). Green issues, leisure and social infrastructure are also some of the most important priorities for the neighbourhoods – with transport and green being consistent top three priorities in all areas.
Neighbourhood consultation report
The top three priorities for the areas surrounding the policy zone are: 1. Traffic and transport issues 2. Protecting the town’s natural environment 3. Providing social infrastructure e.g. police, health and education
Conde Way: 1st priority Social infrastructure and green The need for health facilities and for them to be retained near current centre of community. Reference was made to expanding or improving Chase Hospital and potentially an accident and emergency department at Chase Hospital. Need for a 6th form college Protection of green spaces, funding for them to be maintained Forest Shopping Centre: 1st priority Leisure More shops and businesses, activities for youngsters, better entertainment for example restaurants, more entertainment for the elderly, a focussed community centre, sports facilities Greatham: 1st priority Green Green spaces Headley: 1st priority Transport Public transport with particular mention of a regular bus route from Headley to Alton
Neighbourhood consultation report
2nd priority Leisure and transport Sports grounds are needed, places for children to play, more accessible facilities for youngsters, better shopping facilities (at the Forest Shopping centre)
3rd priority Homes Well designed houses and flats.
Better bus services and road structure, worries of worsening traffic congestion, linking the railway to Bentley.
Larger houses needed.
2nd priority Transport Better access roads needed to Whitehill & Bordon and to other towns, local buses needed, rail links (north and south),
3rd priority Social infrastructure Police, health facilities,
2nd priority Social infrastructure Health facilities
3rd priority Leisure Cinema, bowling and restaurants
2nd priority Green Retain Hogmoor Inclosure, green spaces, retain the rural environment.
3rd priority priority Leisure Retain Army football stadium
There were several requests for new houses.
Less social housing.
and Liphook, bike lanes, prevent any increase in traffic and reduce speed through Headley, traffic alleviation on B3002 and B3004, bus service, easily accessible public transport, restriction of rat-running through village roads
Particular reference made to the healthlands surrounding the town, the Slab, The Warren, Oxney, The Croft and Green areas of BOSC. Retention of Standford Grange Farm land,
Theatre, sports pitches, cinema, places for children. Shops like a post office, butchers and a supermarket – but not clothes shops. Shops not an industrial estate Better leisure amenities in all areas Specifically more facilities for youngsters
Hollywater: 1st priority Green Standford Grange Farm must stay as a farm.
2nd priority Transport Hollywater Road is a rat run
Protecting the SPA, heathland areas and Eveley Wood, Alexandra park,
Easily accessible and affordable local transport for elderly residents throughout the area
Encouraging sustainability through local produce
Speed restrictions and proper traffic management
Area for youngsters to ride quad bikes and motorbikes 3rd priority Social infrastructure Health facilities
Maintaining the rural location of Bordon and surrounding areas Natural green spaces – no parks
Neighbourhood consultation report
Kingsley: 1st priority Transport Why can’t a dual carriageway be built to join the A3 via Whitehill? Traffic management – particularly for the surrounding villages
2nd priority Green (and miscellaneous miscellaneous) ellaneous) Sensitive treatment of natural and manmade green spaces, keeping green spaces
3rd priority Jobs and social infrastructure More local jobs Build proper infrastructure before any building of homes
Eco-friendly possibilities for all aspects of this project
Railway construction Less traffic in Kingsley – not more Replace bridleway along A325 with a cycle route Lindford: Lindford: 1st priority Transport Public transport – regular local bus service
2nd priority Leisure Phoenix theatre, sports centre, sports facilities, local shops
3rd priority Green Keeping green spaces
Clear, unencumbered roads Traffic management Potential traffic problems Connecting cycle paths and footpaths with good lighting Train station Good road access to encourage
Neighbourhood consultation report
businesses Fast road links making it a good place to travel to and from Oakhanger: 1st priority Transport Transport Preventing increased traffic flow across Shortheath Common
2nd priority Green and leisure Preserve green spaces
3rd priority Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Not being able to hear the Eco-town
Amount of people using Shortheath Common
Having space
Reduce traffic Lower speed limits
Overuse of SSSI by more people
Installation of traffic humps
Retaining playing fields
Preventing increased traffic flow across Oakhanger so it doesn’t become a western bypass Hedge cut back on the A325 to make it easier to use paths Improve the roads Imaginative transport ideas Standford: 1st priority Transport Reduction of speed/traffic management
Neighbourhood consultation report
2nd priority Green Don’t take Standford land
3rd priority Misc The loss of village identity as Standford
becomes part of an urban sprawl
through Standford Improve enforcement of 30mph speed limit through Standford. Most cars speed which increases noise and pollution
Conservation of farming land – for farming
Water shortage in dry summers
Retain Standford as it is – together with Standford Grange Farm as it is at present
Increased traffic density on B3004 Increased through-traffic
Retain Standford Grange Farm as a green, wild walking space
Footpath between Passfield Stores and Headley Mill
Opposed to any change of use of Standford Grange Farm
Footpaths required to enable pedestrian access to Lindford and to Passfield Store
Retention of green spaces in Headley parish
Harm from road across Headley Mill Ford and excess traffic generation through Standford
Protect green spaces in Standford but improve pedestrian access to these areas
Bus link to Liphook Blackmoor:: 1st priority Blackmoor Transport Good public transport
2nd priority Social infrastructure Technical skills education
3rd priority Leisure Good range of local shops and restaurants
Good cycling and walking routes Sleaford: Sleaford: 1st priority Transport
2nd priority -
3rd priority -
Neighbourhood consultation report
Other areas: 1st priority Transport Public transport – cheap, regular, decent routes A good fast road clear of proposed and existing development
Neighbourhood consultation report
2nd priority Misc Investment in community plans – more engagement with youth, older people, MoD
3rd priority Social infrastructure Infrastructure
Independence and dignity
Part 4: Drop-in sessions 4.1 The purpose of the drop-in events (at Tesco, Bordon Library, Forest Shopping Centre and at the Fire Station) was to explain the proposed changes to the masterplan and what the studies were saying. The drop-in events were also an opportunity to answer questions that residents had about the masterplan and the proposed changes. The main objective was to ask people to fill out a detailed questionnaire and come to one of the workshops if possible. Residents had queries about the masterplan and how it would be delivered. When they had specific comments about the proposed changes to the masterplan or priorities for their neighbourhood they were asked to fill in a questionnaire so that their opinions could be formally logged. The Eco-town team was at the Fire Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during October (while the consultation was taking place) and the exhibition boards were on display here during the day.
Neighbourhood consultation report
Part five: Independent facilitators’ report (feedback from the workshops) Independent facilitators were appointed to run 10 workshops in the community and a stakeholder workshop. They have written a separate report (this is in Appendix 2 and 3). The report summarises the priorities discussed at the workshops and goes on to make recommendations
Neighbourhood consultation report
Part six: Reaching residents Participants who filled in detailed questionnaires about the proposed changes to the masterplan were also asked about how much information they had seen. This graph shows that most participants had seen a variety of information before stating their opinions about the proposed changes to the masterplan – so they were making informed judgements. This information shows that most people receive their information via newspapers. This means that we will continue to use this method of publicity to let people know about events. It also shows that the flyers sent to homes and businesses in the GU35 postcode and the various drop-in events were instrumental in encouraging residents to complete a questionnaire.
Neighbourhood consultation report
6.1 About you To help us measure how our equality and diversity policies are working, we asked participants to complete a short form about themselves. A total of 22 forms were filled out. The information can be found in the appendix. It is worth highlighting one aspect of the information – this is dealt with below. 6.2 Age This gave us some useful information and showed that we particularly need to target the 16-24 age group when we carry out future consultation.
Neighbourhood consultation report
Part seven: Conclusions and recommendations 1. The eight proposed changes should be made to the revised version of the masterplan 2. The neighbourhood priorities should be considered when the detailed planning of the area is taking place. The priorities which apply to the policy zone and the surrounding villages are • Tackling transport issues • Protecting the town’s natural environment • Providing leisure facilities 3. Particular effort should be made to consult with the 16-24 age group
7.1 What happens next: The masterplan will be revised and these proposed changes will be incorporated.
Thank you
The neighbourhood priorities will be considered when the town is planned in more detail.
Thank you for taking part in this consultation. We value your views and the time it has taken to talk to us. If you would like to be kept up-to-date with future consultation then please email or keep an eye on our website
Neighbourhood consultation report
Appendix 3: Independent facilitators’ report
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Neighbourhood engagement programme, autumn 2011 Independent facilitators’ report Biljana Savic, Enabling Places Caroline Fraser, Fraser Architects
24 January 2012
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town neighbourhood engagement programme Independent facilitators’ report January 2012
INTRODUCTION This report provides a summary of the responses and views gathered during eleven public and stakeholder events on the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Masterplan held in October and November 2011. The summary is based on the event notes and observations by Biljana Savic and Caroline Fraser, who provided independent facilitation and chairing of the events. The report also includes the independent facilitators’ general observations regarding this engagement programme and recommendations to the Whitehill Bordon Project Team related to future community engagement. The report should be read in conjunction with the main engagement programme report produced by the Project Team. The views expressed in this report are those of Biljana Savic and Caroline Fraser and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Whitehill Bordon Project Team / East Hampshire District Council or their project partners. Report structure This report is structured in three sections as follows: Section 1 - An introduction into the engagement programme in autumn 2011, the nature and aim of the events, and the independent facilitators’ role Section 2 - A summary of the key issues at ten community events and a stakeholder meeting, as recorded by the independent facilitators - Comments and recommendations to the Project Team and Delivery Board related to: o The next revision of the masterplan o The nature and focus of future public engagement events Section 3 – Appendices A. Standard agenda for the public engagement events B. Independent chairs’ notes of the public engagement events in the Whitehill Bordon area C. Independent chairs’ notes of the public engagement events in the villages surrounding Whitehill Bordon D. Agenda for the stakeholder event on 16 November 2011 E. Independent chairs’ notes of the stakeholder engagement event
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1.1 The Eco-town project Work to develop the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town project has been ongoing since 2008. The project is managed by East Hampshire District Council (EHDC), and is a partnership between all levels of the local government, Whitehill Town Partnership, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The project vision is for a whole town regeneration of the existing housing, improved new facilities, a new town centre, more employment and approximately 4,000 new eco-homes. In summer 2011 it was announced that the MoD garrison in Bordon would definitely close and that the MoD would vacate the town by 2015. The project aims to plan for the regeneration of Whitehill Bordon guided by the Eco-town Vision and to redress the high loss of MoD jobs by introducing new employment opportunities. Timeline The Whitehill Bordon Draft Framework Masterplan (the masterplan) was prepared by consultants AECOM in mid 2010, following a year-long process of public engagement and expert studies. It was adopted as a material consideration by EHDC in December 2010. The masterplan is a strategic framework document, which is currently evolving. The next version of the masterplan will be produced in spring 2012. Following the public consultations in 2010, the Whitehill Bordon Project Team commissioned a number of additional, specialist studies for the evidence base, including: • Green Infrastructure Strategy • Habitats Regulations Assessment • Water Cycle Study • Energy Feasibility Study • Retail Impact Assessment • Viking Park Design and Feasibility Study • Economic Development and Employment Strategy • Whitehill Bordon Transport Strategy • Transport Model and Transport Assessment • Rail Feasibility Study These studies were completed by the end of summer 2011. The next version of the masterplan is to take on board responses from the consultations in late 2010 and autumn 2011, as well as reflect the findings of the specialist studies and recent changes in planning legislation.
1.2 Neighbourhood engagement programme, autumn 2011 The Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Project Team organised a programme of events in autumn 2011 in order to involve local residents and stakeholders in the current stage of the project.
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The purpose of the events was to: - present the findings of the recent specialist studies - get comments and views on a set of changes to the masterplan proposed by the Project Team in response to the specialist studies and previous community and stakeholder consultations - identify neighbourhood priorities for the core wards within the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town, for consideration and potential inclusion in the next phase of the project Ten public and one stakeholder engagement event took place in the period from 03 October to 23 November 2011. Of the ten public events, five were held in the inner wards of the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Policy Zone, and another five in the surrounding villages, as listed in the table below. Discussion was broad across the eleven events, with participants giving their comments during the formal and informal sessions, as detailed in the following section of the report. Area name Whitehill Deadwater
Surrounding the Policy Zone
In the Policy Zone
Whitehill Pinewood Whitehill Chase, Walldown Lindford Whitehill Hogmoor Blackmoor, Selborne, Oakhanger The Hangers and Forest Kingsley, Sleaford Headley Hollywater, Standford, Passfield Stakeholder event
Event date Monday, 03 Oct 5-8 PM Thursday, 06 Oct 5-8 PM Monday, 10 Oct 5-8 PM Friday, 14 Oct 5-8 PM Monday, 17 Oct 5-8 PM Tuesday, 18 Oct 5-8 PM Wednesday, 26 Oct 5-8 PM Wednesday, 02 Nov 5-8 PM Friday, 11 Nov 5-8 PM Wednesday, 23 Nov 5-8 PM Wednesday, 16 Nov 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Venue Forest Community Centre Pinewood Village Hall
Chaired by C Fraser
Forest Community Centre Lindford Village Hall
C Fraser
Forest Community Centre Blackmoor Village Hall
C Fraser
Greatham Village hall
C Fraser
The Kingsley Centre
B Savic
Headley Village Hall
C Fraser
Standford Hill Methodist Church Forest Community Centre
C Fraser
B Savic
B Savic
B Savic
B Savic
The Project Team organised pre-meetings with each ward’s councillors to prepare for the public engagement events. The events were advertised by the Project Team using multiple channels - approximately 10,000 fliers were sent out to homes and businesses in the GU35 post code area and distributed to key buildings in surrounding villages. In addition the Team organised press releases, radio, TV and internet coverage and social media updates.
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As well as the eleven events mentioned above, the Project Team also ran two Saturday morning public drop-in exhibition events at the Tesco supermarket and the Forest Shopping Centre in Bordon. Two weekday drop-in sessions were organised at Bordon Library and the exhibition and studies were available for viewing at the Bordon Fire Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout October.
1.3 Structure of the events Public engagement events All public engagement events chaired and facilitated by Biljana Savic and Caroline Fraser took place in the early evening from 5pm to 8pm, in a variety of local community venues. The venues and the dates for the events were arranged by the Project Team, in response to the requests by the local residents and businesses, local councillors, availability and capacity of venues, as well as the desire to cover all areas within and in the immediate surroundings of Whitehill Bordon, and make it possible for the majority of local people to walk to the events. The length of the events was guided by the desire to gather as much feedback / have a dialogue with as many attendees as possible during the event whilst not imposing too much on people’s free time. The events were open to the public and not restricted to residents of a particular area. The residents were encouraged to attend the event nearest to where they live or work. There was a participatory group workshop during the event which focused on discussing facilities and ideas to improve individual local neighbourhoods. Reference copies of the masterplan and all accompanying specialist studies were available at each event. Contact details for where this information could be obtained afterwards were also provided. An exhibition summarising the results of the specialist studies and the proposed changes to the masterplan was displayed at each event, and the same information was available on the Eco-town’s website ( Each event started with an informal one hour drop-in session (5-6pm), which allowed people with limited time to come along whenever they could. This was an opportunity for attendees to view the exhibition of the current proposals for Whitehill Bordon Eco-town masterplan. They could discuss the project one to one with the facilitators and have their say on the proposed changes to the masterplan by filling in the event questionnaire. From 6pm to 6.30pm there was a formal plenary slide show presentation by the Project Team, followed by a question and answer session. The presentation included an overview of: • the previous consultations and concerns raised • the main findings of recently completed studies • the proposed amendments to the masterplan This was followed by a workshop session (6.30pm to 7.45pm). Groups of one facilitator and up to eight residents sat around tables with maps of the area, the proposed masterplan and writing and drawing equipment. The workshop was to identify important issues in each resident’s local neighbourhood - improvements they would like to see as part of the Eco-town development, and also things they might be concerned about generally and would like to be 70
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addressed. Participants were asked to focus on their priorities, and to be as specific as possible. Group work was included in the programme to give everyone, not just the most vocal participants, an opportunity to express their views. Local residents and businesses had the chance to meet each other and to discuss and prioritise their ideas and suggestions together. The aim was not only to arrive at an agreed set of priorities but to illustrate the complexity involved in balancing the needs and views of all, which is the essence of masterplanning, and in bringing the new development and improvements forward. At a number of events the group workshop started with a ten minute warm up. Each facilitator introduced their table to a couple of fictitious characters, and asked each person to imagine they were one or the other of them and to suggest one improvement to the local area that character would want as part of the new Eco-town development. These proposals were then discussed around the table. The activity broke the ice and encouraged participants to think about issues from different points of view. It also reminded participants that the Ecotown is a long term project that would not be finished for twenty or so years, and would be lived in by thousands of new residents. For the main workshop activity each person was asked to provide up to five ideas for improvements in their local area on post its. Participants referred to the maps of their local area and the post it activity ensured each person contributed their own ideas. They were then guided by their facilitator on how to group these ideas and have a discussion around the table about issues raised. The table discussions were lively, and the group facilitator made sure everyone had the chance to speak. Each table then agreed which three of the suggested improvements would be most worthwhile and reported them back to the plenary. The chair summed up the workshop findings to close the formal part of the event. There was then about 15 minutes left in the venue for attendees to have informal discussions, view the exhibition boards and fill in their event questionnaires. This extra time was well-used; attendees often stayed in their groups and continued discussing the future of their town. In four out of the ten public engagement events, no group workshop occurred due to a long list of questions that attendees put forward and/or the preference expressed by the attendees to replace the workshop with a longer plenary Q&A. See the report Appendices for the standard agenda and notes of each event. Stakeholder engagement event In addition to the ten public engagement events, a stakeholder event was held on 16 November 2011 at the Forest Community Centre. Attendees for this event included local authority officers and members, representatives of public sector national and local organisations, schools and colleges, third sector, community associations, theatre and private sector consultants. Most attendees were familiar with the work undertaken by the specialist groups and the commissioned studies in their area of expertise. The event provided a unique opportunity for a large group of stakeholders to meet each other and the Whitehill Bordon Project Team. They got a project progress update and discussed 71
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ideas, issues and next steps in groups and plenary. See the report Appendices for the agenda and notes of the stakeholder engagement event.
1.4 Recording feedback After each of the eleven events, the Whitehill Bordon Project Team typed up all the gathered feedback. This information is a detailed and valuable record of each attendee’s comments. The feedback will be fed into the next stage of the project development. The Project Team will produce a summary of the comments received, and a report will be available in early 2012.
1.5 Independent facilitators’ appointment Biljana Savic and Caroline Fraser were appointed to provide independent chairing and facilitation services for the ten public and one stakeholder event. They were commissioned to: • provide input to the engagement programme • help develop the events’ agenda and brief for the group facilitators • chair the events, making sure that: o attendees understand the relevance and purpose of events o the discussion is focused on relevant issues o events are kept to a tight time schedule • brief the group facilitators before the start of each event • provide a verbal summary of responses and key themes at the end of each event • provide a brief written report Biljana and Caroline are built environment professionals with extensive experience of working on complex architectural, urban design and spatial planning projects, as client and stakeholder advisors. They work for private, public and third sector clients. Through their past work as senior members of staff at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) they have supported many local authorities, and public design and development projects. They develop training and engagement programmes and are experienced event facilitators and chairs.
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2. SUMMARY OF KEY ISSUES FROM THE WORKSHOP SESSIONS This section of the independent facilitators’ report provides a summary of the key issues that came up at the question and answer and workshop sessions at the events they chaired. The summary is based solely on the independent facilitators’ own observations and event notes, which are available in the Appendices. Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 below list the key issues for the inner wards, the surrounding villages and the stakeholders respectively.
2.1 Public engagement events in the Whitehill Bordon area The key issues from the workshops that took place in the inner wards of the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Policy Zone are listed below. Housing 1. New build eco-homes. Support for these to be well-designed. Questions about why the cost of the Eco-house reported in the local media is so high. Concern that the project’s high eco standards may not follow through from the masterplan to the detailed design and built housing and facilities. Requests that these standards are protected and monitored throughout the project stages. 2. Eco- refurbishment of existing homes. Worries over the cost of refurbishing the existing homes to eco-homes standards. Requests that the Eco-town Project Team prioritises and facilitates this work to existing homes. 3. Density. Concerns that the Eco-town will be too dense, lack green space and that its rural character will be eroded. Town centre / retail 4. New town centre. Support for the proposed new town centre. The majority of residents were enthusiastic about new shops, services and leisure facilities, and the creation of a distinctive heart and civic presence for the town. 5. Proposed ASDA store. General agreement with the finding of the recent retail study commissioned by the Project Team about the negative impact of the proposed new ASDA store at Viking Park on the new town centre. 6. Existing retail in the town. Questions about the impact of the new town centre on the existing retail at the Forest Centre, which is generally seen as a very important local facility. Calls for a greater integration and connection between the new and existing town centres. Employment 7. New jobs. Request for more information on how the Eco-town project creates 5,500 new jobs. Request that the jobs and infrastructure are established first, before the 4,000 new homes are built. 8. Existing employment space. Concerns about the impact of the new proposed employment uses on the existing employment spaces (e.g. Lindford industrial estate) some of which already underused.
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Transport 9. Linked sustainable transport routes. Calls for effective and convenient links (walking, cycling, public transport) between the existing and new parts of the town and the surrounding area to be established, including, for example, a shuttle bus to the proposed new railway station in the Eco-town, and/or to the existing railway stations at Liphook, Farnham and Haslemere. 10. Railway station. Mixed opinions on the need for a rail station in the town itself. Concerns over the high cost involved, hence requests for an efficient shuttle bus to the existing railway station at Liphook (as in item 9 above). 11. Proposed new relief road. The relief road generally seen as a positive measure but suggestions that the alignment shown in the masterplan would split the new development in two, hence calls for it to be moved to the western edge of the Eco-town instead. 12. A325 within the town. Calls for crossing over A325 throughout the town to be improved and noise from both A325 and Station Road reduced. 13. Walking and cycling. Support for the proposed focus on walking and cycling routes in the Eco-town. Suggestions to include charging points for electric bikes. Community facilities 14. Neighbourhood facilities. Request that the project retains facilities within walking distance for existing residents, and specifically that the Forest Centre is retained and improved. Concerns that the new development will negatively affect the existing facilities and result in a ‘divided’ town. 15. Open spaces. Retain and enhance for community use all existing open spaces. 16. Education. Improve education facilities, including linking education to careers, employment and Higher Education research. 17. Children’s play facilities. New play facilities needed in existing neighbourhoods, not just in the new development. 18. Health services. Calls for a general hospital including A&E services to be provided. Water, waste, energy 19. Sewage treatment. Questions about the impact of the enlarged sewage treatment plant on the adjoining residential areas of Lindford. 20. Energy. Questions about the implementation and management of sustainable energy production. Observations that Bordon currently suffers power cuts. Town identity / character areas 21. Retention of existing buildings of merit. Calls for the retention and reuse of key garrison buildings which give the area its character. For example conversion of Louisburg Barracks buildings into residential use, not only commercial. Support for the project’s proposals to reuse Prince Philip Barracks, the focus of the new town centre. 22. The town’s green feel. Ensure the Eco-town retains its rural, green feel. 23. Neighbourhood identity. Calls to preserve and enhance the identity of existing neighbourhoods as distinctive parts of the town, particularly when new development arrives.
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The masterplan 24. Next version of the masterplan. Requests for the next version of the masterplan to be more detailed and developed urgently, in order to understand the latest changes proposed by the Project Team and generally better understand how the local people’s concerns expressed during all consultations to date have been addressed. For example to investigate in more detail housing layouts, open spaces, non-vehicular routes, streets and civic spaces. 25. Communicating the proposals through visual materials. With reference to the exhibition panels on display at the events, requests for the proposed changes to the masterplan to be communicated through drawings, not just text. Also requests for three dimensional drawings and examples/photographs of comparable existing places, e.g. related to the type, volume and density of housing.
2.2 Public engagement events in the villages surrounding Whitehill Bordon The key issues from the five events that took place in the villages surrounding the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Policy Zone are listed below. Housing 26. New population profile. Request for more information on who will live in the 4,000 new eco-homes. 27. Demand for new homes. Concerns over the slow take up of recently completed homes in the area (quoted example in Lindford) and whether there will be sufficient demand for the proposed number of new homes in the Eco-town. 28. Affordability. Questions about the affordability of new homes, particularly for young people, and whether it would be possible to build eco-houses at an affordable price, especially given the current economic crisis. 29. Self-build/commissioned housing. Suggestions to include self-build/self-commissioned housing in the masterplan, as a solution for providing more affordable homes. Employment 30. Financial incentives for businesses. Statements about the importance of attracting new businesses to the area in advance of housing and calls for financial incentives to be provided in order to do so. 31. Addressing the current unemployment level. Concerns over the high number of unemployed people in the area, hence calls for the Eco-town project to deliver even more jobs than the proposed 5,500, in order to provide jobs for the existing, not just the new population. Transport/traffic 32. Road traffic. Statements about the existing problems in the surrounding villages, mainly road congestion at peak times and speeding traffic outside of peak times. Existing narrow country roads are unable to cope with current traffic. Widespread concern that the Eco-town project would increase this problem.
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33. Traffic measures to be implemented as part of the Eco-town project. Requests for more information (including timing) on what traffic measures the Eco-town project may or may not deliver outside the Eco-town Policy Zone. 34. Construction traffic. Concerns over the amount of traffic that will be generated by construction over so many years and calls for more work to be done to plan properly for this. 35. Traffic model. Difficulties in understanding technical issues related to how the forecasts were generated using the traffic model, hence some scepticism over their validity. 36. Parking. Questions about the proposed number of cars per household in the Eco-town and whether the assumed modal shift is achievable. 37. New rail link via Bentley. Mixed views on the new rail link. Concerns over its cost, the likely frequency of service and convenience of connection to the existing mainline services. Suggestions that passengers commuting to London might prefer the existing fast and relatively frequent Portsmouth-London rail service via Liphook, rather than the proposed route via Bentley. 38. Public transport. Requests for improved bus service to Liphook station, shops in Bordon and to the local schools. Complaints that the previous school buses had recently been cancelled. 39. Walking, cycling and riding. Observations that non-vehicular transport should be encouraged in an Eco-town. Interest in where new walking, cycling and riding routes would be, and that they connect the surrounding villages. Concerns that walking, cycling and riding are already dangerous on local roads because of the speed of vehicles, and calls for action to be taken to solve this problem. Community facilities 40. Standford Grange Farm. Request for more information on options for the future of the farm. General disagreement with the Eco-town project’s current proposals for the farm to remain as a working farm, but be opened up for public access. However, mixed opinions on future use - some requests to remove it from the project altogether, others interested to get involved with an options appraisal exercise. 41. Existing village facilities. General concerns that the new development will negatively affect existing facilities. Water, waste, energy 42. Water provision and availability. Request that the Eco-town project demonstrates more fully its water provision and usage strategy. Concern as existing community already suffers occasional water shortages. 43. Sewage treatment. Request for more information on sewage treatment in the Eco-town project. Area character 44. New railway link. Requests for the visual impact of the proposed new railway link into the town to be assessed, particularly if it runs on an embankment. 45. Distinct nature of each village. Requests for the existing character of the villages to be enhanced / protected against any adverse impact of the Eco-town.
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2.3 Stakeholder engagement event The key issues from the stakeholder event are listed below. 1. Local facilities for local people. More services, shops, jobs and homes need to be provided locally, for local people – this is indicating a strong preference for self-reliance, self-sufficiency, which is a fundamental principle of an Eco-town. 2. Choice. Increase the range of shops, homes, jobs in the town. 3. Delivery. “A clear pathway” is needed for delivery, at least for the first five years. A more detailed phasing plan is needed, including an assessment of the impact of phasing on security, traffic, and maintaining the balance between jobs and housing. 4. Involvement of landowners. More intensive and proactive involvement of landowners in developing a more detailed delivery plan is important. 5. Leadership. Strong leadership is essential to make plans happen on the ground. 6. Design. It is essential to protect the high design quality and eco standards promoted by the masterplan through all stages of the project to construction. 7. The town’s identity and Unique Selling Point (USP). The Eco-town needs a distinct identity, and a fresh way to communicate that identity and its USP to the existing community and to the people and businesses interested in relocating to it.
2.4 Additional general comments from attendees at events in the Whitehill Bordon area and the surrounding villages. 1. Events publicity. Complaints about some households not receiving publicity about the events, including that none of the GU30 post code had received flyers. 2. Events timing. Complaints about the timing of the events not suitable for commuters who may not be back from work before 7pm.
2.5 Commentary and recommendations from the independent facilitators to the Whitehill Bordon Delivery Board and Project Team The independent facilitators have the following comments on the key issues raised at the events and recommendations for future work on the Eco-town project. 1. General views regarding the Eco-town proposals The events illustrated that there is broad support for the Eco-town principles within the Policy Zone. While the discussions in the Policy Zone were wide ranging and constructive, there were generally more negative comments in the surrounding villages, with people principally worried about the impact of the Eco-town on their area. Following are the independent facilitators’ views as to the potential causes of this difference and the related recommendations to the Project Team and the Delivery Board. Nature and location of events. The project team organised this round of events in local venues specifically in response to the requests from councillors and residents (as explained in section 1), so that local people could discuss improvements to their local neighbourhood that could be implemented as part of the Eco-town project. However, this approach resulted in the discussion at some of the events, particularly in the surrounding villages, being dominated by one or two local issues. There was a distinctly different tone of discussion at the events inside the Policy Zone and those outside it. It may be worth 77
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bringing together the residents of the Whitehill Bordon wards and those of the surrounding villages so that a balanced and more constructive discussion can be had at future engagement events. Communicate project scope. Much of the negativity in the surrounding villages is related to existing, particularly traffic-related, issues and an inadequate understanding of the Project Team’s remit / the masterplan’s scope. The Eco-town masterplan deals with the impact the new development might have on the surrounding area, with much effort put by the Project Team and their consultants in their recent and ongoing work into making sure the impact is minimised and addressed through mitigation measures. However, addressing many of the current problems mentioned at the events in the surrounding villages goes beyond their remit. It is therefore suggested that all the Eco-town delivery partners (principally through the Delivery Board) continue to communicate clearly the Eco-town project’s scope and the Project Team’s powers regarding the improvements outside the Policy Zone and work with those whose role is to address these concerns in order to allow the Eco-town project to move forward. For example an effective and immediate engagement by Hampshire County Council (HCC) transport team and implementation of traffic management measures in the surrounding villages would deal with the existing traffic problems and enable a more effective and constructive discussion with the villages about the Eco-town project.
2. Local involvement and ownership Neighbourhood events showed that Whitehill Bordon residents are passionate about their town and ‘revealed’ some new community champions (e.g. related to the efforts to retain the recently closed pub as a community facility in Lindford). Many local residents, particularly in the wards within the Policy Zone, came up with interesting design ideas and concepts for the next version of the masterplan. They all represent a valuable local resource. The Project Team should continue to nurture community relationships via these representatives and/or encourage them to get involved in the work of specialist groups and the development of the next version of the masterplan. It was also clear at some of the events in the Whitehill Bordon area (e.g. in the areas with low attendance at events) that engaging people more actively may require a bit of encouragement and perseverance. Once a relationship is established, people may be more inclined towards more actively participating in the development of the masterplan, as illustrated by some of the autumn 2011 events. It is important therefore that there is an effective follow up by the Project Team to the autumn 2011 events and a continuous communication and engagement strategy throughout the future phases of the project. 3. Events publicity and timing As previously mentioned there were several complaints about households not receiving events publicity (particularly in the surrounding villages) and the timing of the neighbourhood events. The Project Team aimed to achieve widespread publicity of the events using different media and supplemented evening events by weekend exhibitions and surgeries at Tesco and the Forest Centre, as well as weekday surgeries at the Fire Station, as detailed in section 1 of this report. It is suggested that even though most of the complaints by residents about these aspects of the 2011 engagement programme can not be justified, further improvements could be achieved by the Project Team by 78
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Whitehill Bordon Eco-town neighbourhood engagement programme Independent facilitators’ report January 2012
promoting any future engagement events through existing community groups, schools, posters at key shops and outside the venues, in addition to the communication methods used to date. Also the Team might consider organising a greater portion of events either during weekends or slightly later in the evening (e.g. 7-9pm).
4. Communicating the design proposals and findings of technical studies There were several comments related to the nature of the proposed development and the way the information about the design and specialist studies has been communicated, for example the nature of visual material used to show whether the Eco-town will retain a green character, what the areas of different densities will look like etc. It is suggested that these concerns can be tackled through continued engagement of local communities in the next design stage (see point 6 below) and the use of visual, particularly 3D, materials and relevant comparable examples of other places with a variety of development densities and ways of integrating green space. 5. Building on previous community engagement Several comments were made during the events about the need to urgently develop the next version of the masterplan, to show in more detail the proposed changes and clearly illustrate how the comments and ideas provided at the engagement events were addressed. It is also clear that it is very important for the results of this round of consultation to feed not only into the next version of the masterplan but any associated specialist studies too - e.g. the ongoing transport/traffic management study commissioned by HCC. 6. The nature of the design process Some of the negative comments at the public events may be related to the nature of the design process and the (perceived or actual) role the community has had in it. It is suggested that a constructive contribution by the community in the next phase of the masterplan, a greater feeling of ownership over its results and a better understanding of the interconnected, multi-disciplinary nature of the design process may be encouraged by adopting innovative approaches to design development through participatory workshops. This implies the development of design proposals during a workshop (or a series of workshops) with the direct and active engagement of communities and stakeholders in their evolution alongside the technical/design team. In this way the community and stakeholder feedback is instant, design changes visible and the process proactive, rather than reactive. 7. Ensuring delivery of design quality and eco-standards It is clear from the events that local people strongly support the high design quality and eco-standards promoted by the masterplan. However many expressed their concerns over whether these aspirations will be delivered on the ground, due mainly to costs/viability, perceived lack of strategy for safeguarding design quality and ecostandards through delivery (i.e. if and when private developers take over the delivery) and concerns over whether the public sector financial support as well as political championing and leadership (at national and local level) can be sustained. Continuing effective leadership was highlighted at the stakeholder event on 16 November as an essential ingredient of success. To address these concerns it is suggested that a clear 79
Page 14
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town neighbourhood engagement programme Independent facilitators’ report January 2012
and detailed delivery plan is developed by the project partners, including the establishment of, and funding for, design quality and eco-standards monitoring mechanisms. These may include design review, more detailed planning and design policies, development procurement briefs and selection processes.
Page 15
Agenda item 11
Whitehill & Bordon Opportunity Delivery Board ______________________________________________________________ Date of meeting:
15th March 2012
Title of report:
Whitehill & Bordon - a learning community
Peter Rabbett, Consultant to Hampshire County Council
Reference no: WBPD005-2012 ______________________________________________________________ Executive Summary: (Not more than 2 small paragraphs)
This report proposes the development of a business plan and a delivery plan for Date: the creation of a learning community atStatus the heart of Report: of the Whitehill & Bordon Eco(Exempt Public) for inward investment, town masterplan. A learning community will be or a magnet Version: raised aspirations and a sustainable economic future. The learning community will have, at its core, a ‘learning village’ - a new ‘state of the art’ facility capable of delivering 21st Century learning for all ages. The funding for this programme of work will need to be agreed by the Delivery Board in consultation with its partners. The costs involved in the preparation of the business plan and delivery plan will be £90,000. This is based on a range of similar scale projects in both public and private sector projects. The costs of a consultation programme will be £25,000. Again, this estimate is based on similar scale activities.
Date: 2nd March 2012 Version: 2
Status of Report: Public (Exempt or Public)
Purpose of report: This report proposes the development of a business plan and a delivery plan for the creation of a learning community at the heart of the Whitehill & Bordon Eco-town. The proposal sets out the components of the work required to produce both plans. The funding for this programme of work will need to be agreed by the Delivery Board in consultation with its partners.
Recommendations requiring Board considerations: The Eco-town Masterplan will benefit from a strategic plan for the delivery of learning, training and leisure through investment in a ‘Learning Village’ a campus and satellite provision providing access for all to learning and leisure. This work should produce: • a programme for engaging young people and their parents in the development of the Masterplan; • an agreed strategy for learning, training and leisure; • a site appraisal and development options together with a funding strategy; • a strategic partnership with a Higher Education provider; • an implementation programme. This programme of work will produce a business plan and delivery plan for the implementation of the scheme. This programme of work will require a project group bringing together all of the stakeholders likely to be involved in the funding and delivery of learning, training and leisure provision. This project group will be accountable to the Delivery Board.
Consultation and comments received: These proposals have been generated through detailed consultation over a period of more than two years. This has led to the agreement of an overall vision for 21st Century learning, a commitment to put learning at the heart of the community and the development of the proposals which are contained in this paper. The outcomes of the most recent consultation events are: 7th December 2011 - Bordon Local Children’s Partnership 31st January 2012 - Economic Development Specialist Group 2nd February 2012 - Infrastructure Specialist Group 1st March 2012 - Standing Conference • understanding of and commitment to the vision for 21st Century Learning; • recognition of the need for a strategic plan for education at the heart of the Eco-town proposals; • commitment to the proposal for a more detailed business plan.
Community engagement proposals: The next stage in the development of the ‘Learning Community’ is detailed consultation with children, young people and parents. It is proposed to hold a programme of consultation events from April to July 2012 to explore the concept of 21st Century learning and the options for its delivery. The purpose of the consultation is to provide a vision of education in the future for parents, children and young people and to discuss options for the different ways in which it might be delivered. The outcome of this consultation programme will underpin the scope and direction of the business and delivery plan.
1 Background (reason for report) 1.1 This report has been prepared following a programme of development and consultation over the nature of 21st Century learning and its impact on the development of the Eco-town Masterplan. Its purpose is to identify and secure the investment required to develop a business plan and delivery plan setting out the scope of the scheme, its costs and the timetable for its implementation. 2 Subject of report / options and considerations 2.1 A workshop held at the Whitehill & Bordon Standing Conference on Thursday 1st March considered the opportunities and challenges facing the town in the development of its Masterplan. The issues considered included: the vision for 21st Century learning and its impact on whole communities; options for the delivery of education, training, lifelong learning and leisure in Whitehill & Bordon; the benefits to be gained from the creation of a ‘learning community’; and, the commitment required to get best value from the investment that will come with the town’s regeneration. 2.2 There is a very clear consensus over the priority for education, learning and leisure to be prominent in the priorities of the Masterplan. The task now is to develop the detail of these proposals, to assess the options available, to consult with children, young people and their parents, and to secure the resources and investment needed to procure the site, buildings and services needed to deliver the concept. 2.3 The investment required is: • the formation of a project group, involving the key stakeholders, to develop and deliver the plans; • the design and delivery of the consultation programme with children, young people and parents; • the procurement of the expertise needed to deliver both programmes. 3 Risk assessment 3.1 There are no specific risks associated with these proposals. A detailed risk register will be required as part of the business plan and the delivery plan. 4 Contributions to Delivery Board Priorities 4.1 The development of Whitehill & Bordon as a learning community with a ‘learning village at the heart of the Town Centre will be central to the delivery of the vision and targets within the masterplan. In particular, this development will make the Town ‘a place to be’ - attracting people to a vibrant and thriving local economy. An innovative, well-designed K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 84 -
sustainable learning village - a Campus for lifelong learning, leisure, arts and creativity, will become the hub from which Whitehill & Bordon will develop as a learning village. A learning community will develop the attitudes, habits and ways of living which promote sustainability, regeneration and investment. 5 Resource implications 5.1 The work will require the support of a special project group capable of bringing together the input from all of the stakeholders - County, District and Parish Councils especially specialist officers in these organisations education and learning, finance, planning, procurement, capital strategy, leisure; current providers through the local children’s partnership; further and higher education providers; research bodies and local employers. Its work needs to be agile and efficient, reporting to the Delivery Board and Standing Conference as needed. 5.2 Consultation with children, young people and parents is best delivered in partnership with schools and children’s centres. It is proposed to secure the services of a specialist team to support this consultation. 6 Cost implications 6.1 The costs involved in the preparation of the business plan and delivery plan will be £90,000. This is based on a range of similar scale projects in both the public and private sector. 6.2 The costs of a consultation programme will be £25,000. Again, this estimate is based on similar scale activities. 7 Conclusion 7.1 As the Eco-town programme is now gathering pace it is essential to expedite the work required to ensure that Whitehill & Bordon is a learning community. The Masterplan provides the high-level framework, it is now essential to put the detail into the plan and secure the resources required for its delivery.
Agenda item 12
Whitehill & Bordon Opportunity Delivery Board ______________________________________________________________ Date of meeting:
15 March 2012
Title of report:
Outcomes from Specialist Groups and Chairman/ Vice Chairman/ Lead Officers meetings
Chris Youngs, Eco Coordinator, Whitehill Town Council
Reference no: WBPD006-2012 ______________________________________________________________ Executive Summary: All the Specialist Groups met in January/ February and this report provides information on the outcomes of those meetings. In addition a meeting of the Chairman/ Vice Chairman & Lead Officers took place and the outcomes of that meeting are also included in this report, together with comments from the Standing Conference.
Date: 2nd March 2012 Version: V2
Status of Report: (Public)
Purpose of report: To provide information on the outcomes of the Specialist Groups/ Chairman/ Vice Chairman/Lead Officers meetings and any comments from the Standing Conference. Recommendations requiring Board considerations:
To note the progress of the work of the Specialist Groups. To consider the recommendation shown in this report of the Community Facilities & Amenities Group (paragraph 2.3), but also to consider the views on this issue by the Specialist Groups/ Chairman/ Vice Chairman and Lead Officers meeting (Paragraph 2.7, 2nd bullet point). To consider the comments of the Specialist Groups/ Chairman/ Vice Chairman and Lead Officers meeting (paragraph 2.7) To consider the comments from the Standing Conference (paragraph 2.8).
Consultation and comments received: Comments received from the Standing Conference Community engagement proposals:
1 Background 1.1 This report provides the Delivery Board on the outcomes and recommendations of the meetings of the Specialist Groups, the Chairman/ Vice Chairman and Lead Officers meeting together with the comments of the Standing Conference and requires that the Delivery Board to considers the recommendations shown in the report. 2 Subject of report / options and considerations Outcomes of the Specialist Groups 2.1 All the meetings took place in January and February and the main outcomes/ recommendations are shown below. The work plans/ priorities of each of the Specialist Groups have been worked on and it was agreed at the last Delivery Board meeting that a combined single work plan be put together. Bruce Collinson agreed to coordinate this. The single draft combined work plan is appended to this report as K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 87 -
Appendix 1. In addition stakeholders involved in the project are welcome to include their work which they may want to bring to the Specialist Groups such as the Town Design Statement project etc. Sustainable Environment 2.2 Two presentations were given on local foods and two presentations were given on green space management. In addition the meeting was told that there will be a workshop held in March on managing green infrastructure. Sarah Allan, Theme Lead for Housing, informed members of the development of a Neighbourhood Quality Charter and what it entailed and a workshop took place to discuss the environmental principles. This will contribute to the development of the Charter. Community Facilities & Amenities 2.3 A workshop took place on the scope, aims and objectives of the community Facilities study and it was agreed that a small working group be formed to develop the study. Updates were given on the sports & playing pitch strategy, the heritage strategy and the arts strategy. It is recommended to the Delivery Board: • To retain the MoD’s sports and community facilities for future community use. Economic Development 2.4 Two presentations were given on the development of an education strategy which is an item on this meeting’s agenda. Infrastructure, Education & Transport 2.5 A workshop was held on car parking related to the development of the neighbourhood charter, a transport project update was given by Tim Wall and two presentations on development of the education strategy as was given to the economic development group. Housing 2.6 The main topic was a workshop on ‘Housing for All’. – Housing needs; this is the first of three housing for all workshops for the Housing Specialist Group meetings. The workshop enabled the members to gain a better understanding of the need for a mix of tenures in the Eco town and an understanding of the Council’s role and that of housing providers in setting policies providing a mix of tenure. Members in the workshops gave their views on a tenure mix for the Quebec Barracks development. An update was also given on the Exhibition House and housing projects. Comments made by the meeting of Chairmen/Vice Chairmen and Lead Officers 2.7 A meeting took place in February and the outcomes were as follows: K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 88 -
A need to consider and identify the MoD facilities that are used by the community that may be at risk when the MoD leaves the town. The recommendation of the Community Facilities & Amenities (shown above) needs more baseline work which should be considered within the community facilities study as included in the proposed draft work plan. Discussion took place on the Specialist Groups’ education presentations with regard to skills provision. This was considered at the Standing Conference and is an item on this meeting’s agenda. Avoid clashes of meetings of Standing Conference and Delivery Board with EHDC meetings. There were some mixed feelings about workshop styles of Specialist Group meetings but it was recognised that the appropriateness of using this format will be determined by the Chairmen/ Vice Chairmen and lead officers depending on the particular topic. Better communication of Specialist Group meetings should be considered. The proposed work plan was discussed and amendments have been made in line with those comments and are attached as Appendix 1. A view was expressed that Hampshire County Council parking standards may not be appropriate for the town.
Comments made by members of the Standing Conference 2.8 The comments by members of the Standing Conference included:
The issue was raised of the MoD facilities used by the community which were at risk and the work of the Transition Group. It was suggested that the Town Council take a lead on this which related to the work on the development of a Community Facilities audit. Concern was raised of the possible demolition of some of the historic MoD buildings that may be able to be used by the community or for private use.
3 Risk assessment 3.1 This demonstrates that the community is involved in the work streams of the Eco town project. 4 Contributions to Delivery Board Priorities 4.1 The work plans of the Specialist Groups have been developed with consideration of priorities of the Delivery Board. 5 Resource implications 5.1 The resource implications for the work plan will need a response from the Delivery Board, once they have accepted the principle of a joint work plan for all Specialist Groups K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 89 -
6 Cost implications 6.1 The cost implications for the work plan will need a response from the Delivery Board, once they have accepted the principle of a joint work plan for all Specialist Groups 7 Appendix 7.1 Appendix 1: Draft combined Specialist Group work plan.
Draft combined Specialist Group work plan
Eco-town Project Work Area
Draft Masterplan Revision
Information sharing
Lead Priority High
HRA Refresh Medium Joint Core Strategy Outline Planning Application Health needs survey for Whitehill Town-wide Strategies / Studies Bordon ( Study commissioned for the future of Chase Hospital)
Planning Lead AMEC / Medium GVA NHS
Neighbourhood Quality Charter
Economic Development
Heritage Society
Consult Specialist Groups for input to outline planning application development
Consult on GI aspects of the strategy
Town Partnership Medium / HCC / Phoenix Theatre Housing Consult on Lead energy and behaviour change Medium aspects of the strategy Housing Lead
Target completion Mar-12 Apr-12
Keep groups updated on the process of adopting the strategy
Retrofit Strategy
Infrastructure, Community Housing Transport and Facilities and Education Amenities Presentation to standing conference on document revision and feedback from the neighbourhood consultation Consult on document refresh with group
Heritage Study
Arts Strategy
Eco-town Team Environ Lead
Sustainable Environment
Jun-12 Mar-12
Consult on health needs survey findings and impact on the future of Chase Hospital Leading consultative group on this work
Leading consultative group on this work
Leading consultative group on this work
Specialist Group to undertake a building for life review and write the charter
Eco-town Project Work Area
Sustainable Environment
Transport Lead
Consult on GI aspects of the strategy
Priority Walking and Cycling Strategy Medium
Parking Strategy
Economic Development
Transport Lead
Infrastructure, Transport and Education Lead consultative group
Lead consultative group
Freight Strategy
Transport Lead
Input into strategy to determine servicing needs and to consider implementation methods
Traffic Management Strategy Travel Behaviour Monitoring Strategy Rail Study Public Transport Strategy Emerging Transport Strategy Management and Maintenance of Community Assets One Planet Living Strategy
Green Infrastructure Implementation Plan
Community Housing Facilities and Amenities Consult on destination mapping and the barriers to community facility access Provide input from the Neighbourho od Quality Charter
Lead consultative group
Transport Lead consultative Lead group Transport Lead consultative Low Lead group Transport Lead consultative Low Lead group Transport Lead consultative Medium Lead group Transport Lead consultative Medium Lead group Environ Invite stakeholders to present their approaches and views Medium Lead/Planni Inform the revision of the draft masterplan ng Lead Apply management approaches to early development sites Environ Steer / support Lead business and Medium economy campaigns Ensure new and Environ Lead consultative existing Lead group on community development and facilities are delivery of the considered plan Medium against the delivery of wider green infrastructure High
Target completion Apr-12
Apr-12 Dec-12 Apr-12 Dec-12 Sep-12 Mar-12 Mar-12 Jan-13
Eco-town Project Work Area
Sustainable Environment
Environ Lead
Lead consultative group with HRA Working Group
Priority Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace Implementation & Access Management Plan
Biodiversity Action Plan
Community Facilities and Amenities
Econ lead
Support / lead on Identify and lead priority project / projects areas e.g. sector work work areas on local produce, agri-business , wood and forestry
Steer and review research commissioning
Inward Investment and Sector Plan Medium
Eco-station & South Site
Support / lead on projects areas e.g. broadband, low carbon vehicles
Support / lead on projects areas e.g. public services hub
Input information on the profile of assets and qualities of the town
Provide updates on the refurbishment of the eco-station Provide opportunity for groups to input into the exhibition and events programme (consultation has started and will be completed March 2012) Provide updates on the design and delivery of the exhibition house, eco-terrace and greenspace
Target completion
Lead consultative group on infrastructure planning and delivery
Town Lead consultative Partnership group on refresh of Wildlife of Medium Whitehill
Economic Development and Employment Strategy
Infrastructure, Transport and Education
Ensure work reflects the aims of the Economic Development Strategy
Environ Lead
Route Map to Energy & Water Service Company
Economic Development
Eco-town Project Work Area
Lead Priority
Quebec Barracks
Econ / Housing Lead
Viking Park
Planning Medium Lead
Louisburg Barracks
Sustainable Environment
Infrastructure, Community Transport and Facilities and Education Amenities Work on guiding Work on guiding Work on promoting Work on supporting employment for non-car use and biodiversity better connectivity communities improvements for the site facilities to jobs and the site improvements, services and to consider measures such as Pinewood required to mitigate Village Hall the impact of the development
Skills Centre
Inform the access management plan and monitoring arrangements
Econ / HCC Lead
Investigate scope and develop business case for skills centre
Sports and playing pitches Strategy Action Plan
Community ServicesEHDC / WTC/ Specialist Group 94
Ensure relevant transport and infrastructure projects complement management arrangements
Develop long term town leaning plan, linking education and skills
Develop the action plan following the completion of Playing Pitches and Built Sports F iliti St d An updated
Community ServicesMedium EHDC
Community facilities needs study – Stage I - 1. commission the study and complete the baseline 2. present initial findings and recommendations
Test the principles of the charter in a design workshop. Input to / guide home working provision
Target completion
Work on guiding Consult on options employment for for the relief road alignment and the site access to the site
Environ Lead
Involve the relevant specialist group at consultation stages of the study. Also update on wider public consultation that ended in Jan 2012.
Econ Lead
Bordon Inclosure
Economic Development
baseline report of the existing facilities and demand with the future development proposals
Eco-town Project Work Area
Lead Priority
Community facilities needs study – Stage II Recommendations about its future management and delivery options. based on the agreement with the DB
Economic Development
Infrastructure, Transport and Education
Target completion
Consult on the Consult on the relevant aspects relevant aspects
HCC / Community Facilities and Amenities Specialist Group
Whitehill Town Council
Utility services and Provide for Green interim jobs and primary schools Infrastructure assets covered by flexible work spaces. the GI strategy.
Involving young people in planning the town
All Specialist Groups to identify their approach
Considering accessibility, inclusive access and involving faith groups
Community Facilities and Amenities Specialist Group
Assess impact of the transition arrangements after the MoD departure and liaise between the responsible authorities and the MoD to take ownership -management of assets.
Community Facilities and Amenities
Emergency Services- police, ambulance and fire brigade
Evaluation of Governance
Sustainable Environment
Establish their emerging plans, proposals and provision for Whitehill Bordon. Report the findings back to the Specialist Group.
Consult on the relevant aspects
Buildings will be covered in the Community Facilities Audit but assess impact on the annual events, charity function and shared amenities
Integration of Annington Homes assets into the rest of the development
Specialist Group to identify their approach
Awaiting PWC Report - information to be added
Agenda item 13
Whitehill Bordon Opportunity Delivery Board _______________________________________________________________ Date of meeting:
15th March 2012
Title of report:
Project Progress Report
Simon Beach, Project Coordinator
Reference no: WBPD007-2012 _______________________________________________________________ Executive Summary: This report provides a periodic update for the Delivery Board. It outlines progress since the last meeting. The project is progressing well. Key features of the past three months include: •
GVA Grimley and Amec information exchange meeting held in January to inform draft hybrid planning application work
Draft hybrid planning programme included in overall project programme
Delivery Board workshops held with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) to develop investor model options
Presentation and tour of the town and garrison to the Enterprise M3 LEP for Growing Places funding
Further transport projects initiated
Further sustainability projects initiated
Date: 2nd March 2012 Version: 2
Status of Report: Public
Purpose of report: This report provides a periodic update for the Delivery Board. It is produced for each Delivery Board meeting.
Recommendations requiring Board considerations: For information only.
Consultation and comments received: Any comments received at the Standing Conference will be incorporated in the Delivery Board report.
Community Engagement Proposals The projects comprising the Eco-town programme encourage and expect community engagement at all levels as appropriate. Details of engagement can be found in the associated documents accompanying this report.
1 Background 1.1 This report outlines progress of projects since the last Delivery Board meeting. 1.2 There is no overspend to report and the majority of projects are running to programme. 2 Report Governance 2.1 All elements of governance are running smoothly. Within the last quarter, all five Specialist Groups have met, and a separate report identifies their work and conclusions. In addition, the work of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) is now nearing completion. The recommendations that will be made in their report, once finalised, will assist in guiding the next steps needed in procuring an investment partner. K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 97 -
Planning and Project Team Projects 2.2 Work continues with GVA and Amec and the project team, to undertake an outline planning application for the entire site and an outline planning application for Quebec Barracks. 2.3 The team is working closely with these consultants to understand their brief and to ensure that the Eco-town vision and masterplan continues to be influential. 2.4 The overall delivery programme for the project is now well underway. GVA / Amec programme is now included in the overall project programme which is found in Appendix 3 of this report. 2.5 An Audit and Review process has been undertaken within the team to monitor and ensure project delivery. Neighbourhood Quality Charter 2.6 Since the New Year, the first draft charter principles proposed by the Housing Specialist Group have been reviewed by the Environmental Sustainability Specialist Group and the Infrastructure, Education & Transport Specialist Group (focusing on the open space and parking principles). A character workshop is being proposed for 28th February. All this material will inform further iterations of the Charter principles which will be brought to the Standing Conference and Delivery Board in the Spring. Masterplan and Core Strategy 2.7 Mandar Puranik is to present on this work to the Standing Conference and Delivery Board. Economic Development 2.8 This work has focused on: • Quebec Barracks project team meetings and activities to support the demonstration site coming forward. • Eco-grants promoted to local businesses and supporting the Town Partnership working with local retailers. • Exploring approaches to inward investment and sector development which will lead to work to understand how the town will attract businesses and generate employment. • Progressing work on skills provision through meetings with key individuals and presentation at the Specialist Group. Funding Funding success: K:\Corporate Shared Folders\Whitehill Bordon\011 Meetings\Delivery Board Partners: EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN COUNCIL, WHITEHILL TOWN PARTNERSHIP, MINISTRY of DEFENCE, HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY - 98 -
2.9 Local Energy Assessment Fund – we have been allocated £39,423 from Dept for Energy and Climate change for the purpose of working with East Hampshire Environment Network to pave the way for more energy saving improvements in the town. For home energy surveys, energy advise and thermal imaging. 2.10 National Energy Foundation E-car pilot scheme – we have been shortlisted with 8 other communities for an electric car club to be established. Results will be known after March 2012. Previous applications still in progress: 2.11 Life + Following engagement with key stakeholders, this project will focus on educating the public about the importance of the heathlands in the area and across the South Downs National Park and responsible use of these precious habitats. This application remains current. 2.12 Low Carbon Network Fund – We are developing our plans with Scottish and Southern to provide innovative energy infrastructure for development on Quebec Barracks. The team have met with LG and also have met with the Policy Institute (University of Westminster) to discuss the project. 3 Risk assessment 3.1 Risks are assessed and mitigated within the risk register and project management system. Please see separate documents. 4 Contributions to Delivery Board Priorities 4.1 These projects all contribute to Eco-town priorities. 5 Resource implications 5.1 All the projects are funded from the Department of Communities and Local Government funding received in March 2010 and March 2011. There is no change to resource implications or requirements. 6 Cost Implication 6.1 Appendix 5 – Financial Summary 6.2 We anticipate that the funding will be spent over three years. 7 Conclusion 7.1 The overall status is amber due to some projects and workstreams which have issues and risks that are being managed.
8 Appendix Appendix 1: Theme Report The Theme document is a monthly report which highlights the status of individual projects from the previous month, achievements and items to be reviewed for exception. Appendix 2: Project Programme The Overall project programme report is presented to the Delivery Board for process information purposes. The overall programme plan outlines the work required to deliver key aspects of the entire project into the future. Since the previous overall project programme was submitted in December 2011 the following amendments have been made. 1. GVA Amec Hybrid Planning programme included. 2. Further definition of the PwC investment partner programme. The timings of each element are as accurate as possible at present, but will change in line with project demands and requirements over a number of years. Appendix 3: Project Status Report The project status report is submitted for information purposes. The purpose of the report is to provide a more detailed snapshot of status for each of the projects. Three areas of information are provided on Community projects, Demonstration Projects and Studies. 1. Project Description 2. Latest progress 3. Status Appendix 4: Overall RAG Report The Overall RAG report is submitted for information purposes. The report highlights all projects and workstreams including risk and forward planned milestones for the entire project. Appendix 5: Financial Summary The financial summary is submitted for information purposes.
Appendix 1: Project Status Report
Whitehill Bordon Project Status Update March 2012
Demonstration Projects
HCC Schools and Library Improvements Project Description The Project is to improve the energy performance and reduce the dependency on fossil fuels of Hampshire County Council buildings used by the community of Whitehill Bordon. The buildings reviewed under the first phase were : Bordon Junior School, Bordon Infants School, Weyford Junior School, Weyford Infants School, Woodlea Primary School and Bordon Library. Due to efficiencies in procurement of the works it has been possible to extend the energy efficiencies initiative to other publicly used buildings in the Whitehill Bordon area.
First phase of work completed successfully. Second phase in progress
Project Progress Achievements December 2011 / January 2012 Mill Chase school lighting replacement out to tender. Holme lighting replacement out to tender. St Matthews lighting replacement out to tender
Low Carbon Communities Ecofit Project Description Establish a revolving fund for loans of up to ÂŁ10,000 for packages of the more expensive home energy conservation measures including micro generation technologies, boiler upgrades, solid wall insulation and triple-glazing. Employ an Eco-fit Advisor, on 1 year fixed term contract, to facilitate loans and behavior change measures. Deliver community engagement goals, monitoring and evaluation and shared learning as part of the Low Carbon Communities Challenge.
Project Progress
Viking Park Design and Feasibility Study Project Description This project will provide design options and a feasibility study to RIBA stage C. The feasibility assessment would be produced in enough detail to enable development and planning policy decisions to be made. The work will review existing studies, consider the needs of community through consultation. It will set a framework for the landowner to develop the proposals through series of options, carry out viability study
Project Progress The report copies were made available a in the Forest Community Centre, Bordon Library, at Whitehill Town Council offices and at East Hampshire District Council offices in In progress Petersfield for the extended deadline until 31st January. Press release was issued in the local press and further comments are being logged. The consultation period completed on 31st January 2012 and comments have been logged and will be responded to. No further decision will be made until the planning application is decided
Quebec Barracks Project Description This project will prepare a timely and commercially viable development and align project partnership objectives for the Quebec Barracks site Project Progress Draft Development Principles presented to Standing Conference and Delivery Board and consultation period closed 31 January 2012. Document being revised and will progress through Council approval stages and on to Board for approval June 2012. Draft project plan for the project Workstreams has been drawn up. Demonstration features are being agreed and defined – including housing standard of zero carbon homes and energy network Design workshop being planned for and housing discussed at the Housing Specialist Group. Initial scheme options discussed and viability tested
In progress
Firestation Refurbishment Project Description To develop both an historical museum and an exhibition of the practical matters appertaining to the proposed Eco-town, with particular reference to householders. Both the history of the area and its biodiversity will be demonstrated. For adults and children, these matters will be shown alongside an information centre. This information centre will provide meeting rooms, office space and also marketing space for the Eco Town project. The site will also include a demonstration house and other demonstration projects along with an architectural competition for 4 No. houses under separate PIDS
Project Progress Building work progressing to budget and programme Building has been stripped internally One week delay has been incurred but will be addressed in later work Completion by July 2012
In progress
Fire Station Exhibition Venue Project Description The project is to deliver a fixed exhibition and a programme of events at the Eco station site for 1 year. The aim is to demonstrate the benefits of the Eco-town and the latest technologies. The exhibition space is first and foremost for the residents of Whitehill Bordon and then to businesses and other groups. In progress Project Progress Research undertaken to advise on producing an exhibition and a programme of events Talks with Theme Leads about content of events is underway Liaise with Phoenix Theatre on collaborative working The event programme is being drafted, along with plans for a launch/opening event.
Eco-terrace competition Project Description To launch a design competition for 3 zero carbon houses. The houses will be built and managed by Radian Housing Group and will be open to the pubic for a period of time and then occupied and monitored to measure the effectiveness of the designs and technology In progress Project Progress High Standard of submissions Competition winner is Ash Sakula Architects Winning competitors informed Land transfer in progress
Exhibition House Project Description To develop an exhibition house to showcase zero carbon construction techniques, water saving and rainwater harvesting and sustainable living. The house will be developed using less some more experimental techniques and their performance will be monitored Project Progress Building work progressing to budget and ahead of programme Superstructure is in place
In Progress
Firestation South Site Design and Development Brief Project Description The proposal is to prepare a draft design and development brief for the site which will enable the Council to achieve its full development potential underpinned by engaging with community and financial viability testing. The brief will be publicly consulted and include engagement with local stakeholders throughout the process. The project will allow understanding implication of wider development proposals and result in co-ordinated vision for the Fire station site
Project Progress The final report and outline costs for the proposal were submitted by CBA Final report will be available on the website by the end of February
Studies Habitats Regulations Assessment refresh Project Description To ensure that the revised Whitehill Bordon Draft Framework Masterplan considers the conclusions and recommendations of the HRA (2011) and is updated to include the most recent European Protect Sites data and site management plan information. This project will also provide additional baseline data to support the Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy for the Eco-town Project Progress Procurement process is underway to commission consultants to deliver this work with the Environmental Sustainability Theme Lead and key stakeholders. Procurement will be completed by mid-March
In Progress
Green Infrastructure Management and Maintentance Project Description To ensure the new and existing green infrastructure is managed correctly within the Ecotown Policy Zone Boundary there is a need to agree a sustainable approach to management and maintenance regimes with stakeholders at the pre-planning application stage. The Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Delivery Board, which represents all the key stakeholders in the project has confirmed that resources should be committed to examining potential options more closely to help inform the evolution of a bespoke green infrastructure management and maintenance model alongside the developing delivery structures for the Eco-town. Project Progress Consultant has been appointed to take this work forward with the Environmental Sustainability Theme Lead. Email has been circulated to all green infrastructure stakeholders to hold a date for the end of March workshop
In Progress
Transport Rail Feasibility Study Project Description The study will consider the socio-economic business case for re-establishing direct rail provision (either light or heavy rail) to the town, taking into account financial, environmental, social and operational factors. The study will be carried out in accordance with the Network Rail’s GRIP process, and will consider the outline business case for a number of potential route options identified previously in the HCC Rail Pre-Feasibility Study. Should a positive business case be established for one or more routing option, preliminary design will be carried out to GRIP level 3 for the selected option(s).
Project Progress Stage 1 Study completed and approved by HCC and the Delivery Board Results of Stage 1 Study widely presented and made publicly available Stage 2 Study Commissioned and underway
Transport Walking and Cycling Strategy Project Description To develop a phased strategy for the implementation of a comprehensive and cohesive network of pedestrian and cycle links and facilities in Whitehill Bordon (and Lindford) and linking to its local area. The study will combine specialist knowledge and experience in delivering walking and cycling improvements with local knowledge and participation to deliver a clear, concise and comprehensive Walking and Cycling Strategy, which will enable the phased delivery of improvement in, through and to Whitehill Bordon for walking and cycling. In Progress Project Progress Walking and Cycling Study Brief prepared and agreed with EHDC / HCC / IET Specialist Group Consultant procured under the IESE Framework (WSP appointed) Study commenced First Stage Consultation carried out Strategy underway
Transport Car Parking Strategy Project Description To develop a car parking strategy for the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town to provide guidance and advice on the level of parking provision to be made within the town, the nature in which that parking should be provided and the management mechanisms to be employed to manage car parking so to achieve sustainable regeneration of Whitehill Bordon without negatively reducing the ability of the town to attract the inward investment in jobs, retail and services.
Project Progress Car Parking Study Brief prepared and agreed with EHDC / HCC / IET Specialist Group Consultant procured under the IESE Framework (WSP appointed) Study commenced First Stage Consultation carried out Strategy underway
In Progress
Transport Freight Strategy Project Description Project Progress
On Hold
Transport Traffic Management Strategy Project Description To develop a strategy to bring forward local improvements to mitigate the vehicular impact of the Eco-town on local villages and communities and to identify a package of management measures to discourage the inappropriate use of local roads.
Project Progress Traffic Management Study Brief prepared and agreed with EHDC / HCC / IET Specialist Group Consultant procured under the IESE Framework (WSP appointed) Study commenced First Stage Consultation (with the villages) carried out Biodiversity and green infrastructure Energy Utility Strategy Water Cycle Study One Planet Living Transport Smarter Choices Study Habitats Regulations Assessment
In Progress Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
Community Projects Alexandra Park and Jubilee Park ecological improvements Project Description Restoration of the pond in Alexandra Park beside the pistol range and path/boardwalk to link Jubilee Park with Alexandra Park to improve the access for users of the long-distance footpath, the Royal Woolmer Way. Complete
Project Progress
Allotments Project Description Demolition of existing hall, conversion of public open space land to allotments. This meets a local demand as there are currently 38 residents on the waiting list. The allotments will provide a place to grow fresh food, will provide a green haven for wildlife in providing habitats for many species, have environmental and economic affects by reducing transportation of foods from far and wide allow gardeners to reduce their spending Complete
Project Progress
Amphibian Pond Project Description To open up the pond surrounds, dredge the pond and raise the water levels. (NOTE, the Management Plan for the Bordon Inclosure Boardwalk would include appropriate management for this pond) The project is intended to protect the vulnerable habitat and also to enhance the biodiversity of the pond (more amphibians and a greater range of species). Complete
Project Progress
Bordon Inclosure Boardwalk Project Description To create a boardwalk to protect the vulnerable habitat and provide a safe crossing of a marshy area. The five year Management Plan would safeguard the appropriate development of this area. The project is intended to protect the vulnerable habitat and also to assist the walkers using the area. The Management Plan will also serve to protect the area from inappropriate development Complete
Project Progress
Brash Pelletising Project Description To assess the potential for sustainable biomass production from local heaths within easy reach of the Eco-town for which markets could be established as the Eco-town develops and the business opportunities and models associated with this.
Project Progress In Progress Project was initiated at 12th January HRA working group meeting. GIS mapping, project area, and yield analysis is currently underway with Forest Research. Draft report due end of March 2012
Community Development Worker Project Description The project aims to engage and empower the existing community living in Whitehill/Bordon in the development of the EcoTown. The Ecotown proposal will obviously create a lot of new energy efficient homes; this project aims to get the existing community to change their behaviour to meet with the overall objective of an Ecotown. The officer will coordinate the existing community to have a voice in future development of the Ecotown. This officer will complement existing community development work. This project will engage the existing community in the EcoTown and ensure they benefit fully from the opportunities of EcoTown development Ongoing Project Progress Achievements during December 2011/January 2012 Work with Lindford Youth Group to create decorations Residents identified and supported for SA for three terraced house residents panel Working with Sarah Hobbs and HCC to identify stakeholders for walking and cycling strategy Working on Climate Week Timetable of assemblies, activities and events (local food production theme) Planning bespoke ‘eco badge’ for uniformed youth groups in Whitehill Bordon
Community WiFi Phase 1 Project Description To provide free WiFi internet access in the events space at Forest Community Centre. The wireless system will include a method for controlling the inappropriate use of the internet service. Proxy servers will be used to filter and block inappropriate access. Free internet access will be available to all residents and visitors to Whitehill/Bordon in the events space. The project benefits are aimed specifically at young people living in the town who raised this as a need for the community
Project Progress
Countryside Ranger Project Description Employment of a Countryside Ranger to promote to the public, especially schoolchildren, the importance of the Biodiversity Network and to serve as a link with HCC, MoD and EHDC for the ability to organise Biodiversity projects on their land. Increasing knowledge, awareness and involvement of schoolchildren/public in surrounding countryside Creating a change in public perception of the importance of the Biodiversity of the area Improving relationships with landowners and organising biodiversity projects Minimising impact on sensitive areas.
Ongoing Project Progress Achevements during December 2011/January 2012 05/01/12 Attended One Planet Living Meeting 10/01/12 Meet with Helen M and Tori M to discuss Climate activities for the Town and schools. 10/01/12 Attended Sustainable Environment Group Meeting 11/01/12 Attended walking/cycling strategy meeting 12/01/12 Attended HRA working group meeting Contacted all schools regarding school visits at school or in Reserve, school assemblies and using the Ranger's at their school. Planning climate week school visits and activities. Finalised work vehicle to buy later this month. Tori met with Chris Youngs to discuss way forward with possible funding of ranger beyond December 2012 DVT treasurer producing finance sheet detailing all costs as of 31/01/12 * Please note - 2 weeks of annual leave was taken during this reporting period.
Eco Pack Project Description Project Progress 2 packs produced and distributed
First Packs Completed
Green Network Enhancement of Existing Town Project Description Identify, protect, enhance and link the 56 isolated pockets of green land dotted throughout the town
Project Progress Mapping & Site Work Maps and spreadsheet have been returned to Rebecca Mundy (08/08/11). Meeting still trying to be arranged. Bruce C to obtain hardcopies of map from Rebecca M and to see if another member of EHDC contracts/Environment team can assist in approving works on each site. Rachel Gorvin from EHDC has taken on the project from Rebecca Mundy. Rachel has begun to look through project, meetings to be arranged.
In Progress
Local Biomass Supply Case Studies Project Description Prepare a detailed assessment of sustainable yield capacity from existing woodland in the area of the ecotown. This will allow the local fuel resource to be linked to potential woodfuel use within the infrastructure of the evolving ecotown.
Project Progress
Timber Fitness Trail Project Description The project is to install a timber fitness trail around the perimeter of the Town Council’s Recreation Ground. The Recreation Ground is adjacent to a secondary and primary school and the recreation ground has a play area and football pitches. There is national research that shows that youngsters are becoming obese and the provision of a trim trail will help this problem, particularly as some people do not like organised or team activities.
Project Progress
Youth Drop In Worker Project Description The aim of the Project is to provide a Youth Drop-In facility within the Bordon eco-town area of Whitehill/Bordon/Lindford which will be a safe and informal meeting place for young people aged 11 – 18 years. Whilst the obvious priority of a Drop-in will be to provide a facility where young people can relax, enjoy themselves and meet their peers in a safe environment, this will be underpinned by a clear commitment by the appointed youth worker to promote the core values of the Bordon eco-town, i.e. sustainability and environmental responsibility. Young people will therefore be encouraged to participate in constructive projects which increase awareness of the environment and ‘green’ issues but also seek to make a contribution to improving the local environment.
Project Progress Meeting with interested parties, including Community First, Community Development Worker and youth worker taken place to plan who needs to be contacted and which organisations can help the project complete all targets stated on milestone chart. A change process is in progress to support the programme of delivery and to re - allocate fundung to provide greater support to the Youth Worker
Medium Risk / in progress with issues and risks that are being managed High Risk / behind schedule
Low Risk / On Schedule
Appendix 2: Theme Report project complete
Achievement This Reporting Period
Update Date
Project Budget
Spend to date
On Target (Yes/No)
Sc op e
Next Milestone
st on es
Project Manager
Summary Status
M ile
Project Title
nc ia
Project Ref No.
Community / Demonstration Projects Amber
Fi na
Theme: Status:
Comments on Underperforming Areas
Solution / Positive Comments
1st Priority Risk and upcoming issues
Community Projects
Chris Youngs
Project complete
Project complete
Amphibian Pond
Tori Mehluish
Project complete
Project complete
Bordon Inclosure Boardwalk
Tori Mehluish
Project complete
Green Network Enhancement- Existing Town
Keep in contact with Rachel in contracts who is overseeing the maps Tori Melhuish Agree a meeting date to discuss/agree proposed work on each plot
Alexandra Park and Jubilee Park ecological improvements
Countryside Ranger
Community Development Worker
Retrofitting homes Insulation
Project complete
Meeting arranged between Bruce and Rachel in Contracts 18/1/12 to discuss the project
Take some winter/spring photos to promote walk and pond Carried out some small Tori Mehluish Path needs signposting maintenance work on footpath from Jubliee Park to encourage use
Tori Mehluish
Mike O'Mahony
Stephanie Beggs
Attended following meetings - One Planet Living, discussed Climate activities for the town and schools, Sustainable Environment Group, Walking/Cycling strategy, HRA working group Contacted all schools regarding visits, assemblies and using the Rangers Planning Climate Week school visits and activities
Another person from Major delay to the project as the contracts team have not been Environmental able to give priority to the project due to demands in their services has been Green department. Since August 2011 no input has been identified who can go forthcoming which has halted the project. through the maps
Numerous attempts have been made to contact Garrison Estates, HCC Estates Manager and EHDC Estates Manager with no response received. These managers need to be and are Green involved through Bruce Collinson and the wider biodiversity plan, projects and concerns
Milestones completed, ongoing activities
Residents identified and supported Sarah for Terraced House competition residents panel Working with Sarah Hobbs and HCC to identify stakeholders for Walking and Cycling Strategy Working on Climate week timetable of assemblies, activities and events Planning bespoke 'eco badge' for uniformed groups in Whitehill Bordon
End to sign up for the scheme for residents marketed
851 households have had insulation installed £20,000 has been transferred to USEA this month to keep up with the installation rate Marketing has started in order to widely advertise that 3rd Feb will be the last day residents can sign up to the scheme
Milestones completed, ongoing activities
EHDC (Planning or street contractor) not able to meet to discuss feasibility of each plot
Serious accident
Poor response to LCCC and other initiatives for residents and community groups
Low Uptake of initiative resulting in funds not being spent
Update Date
Project Budget
Spend to date
On Target (Yes/No)
Sc op e
Achievement This Reporting Period
st on es
Next Milestone
Project Manager
M ile
Summary Status
nc ia
Project Title
Fi na
Project Ref No.
Comments on Underperforming Areas
Solution / Positive Comments
1st Priority Risk and upcoming issues
Community Projects
Local sports & Recreation facilities strategy
Mike O'Mahony
Project complete
Project complete
Timber fitness trail & recreation ground (Complete)
Christopher Youngs
N/A Project complete
Complete - maintenance and vandalism checks ongoing
Community WIFI Phase 1
Simon Beach
Project complete
Project complete
More volunteers to be recruited
Had a meeting with interested parties including Community First, Community Development Worker and Youth Worker to plan who needs to be contacted and which organisations can help the project complete all targets
No spend this period
Depends on other projects and their possible delays
Youth Drop In Centre
Martin Dobson
Brash Pelletising
Matthew Woodcock
Local Biomass Supply Case studies
Matthew Woodcock
Eco Pack
Met with Habitats Regulation Assessment Revise PID to reflect the (HRA) group to seek steer from HRA group endorsement to 20/09/2011 and recent developments support/proceed with project which was gained Project completed
Project completed
Second Eco-pack Lydia Forbes Investigate possibility of (consultation flyer Manson third eco pack designed, writted, printed & distributed)
Flooding in winter
Lindford drop-in Have one volunteer doing a regular slot. Two other volunteers numbers have have gone through the recruitment process including CRB continued to increase checks but unable to commit to any slot as yet
Youth worker cannot recruit volunteers
Martin Dobson
Matthew Woodcock
Project was previously on hold
Matthew Woodcock
Habitats Regulations Assessment
Bruce Collinson
Project complete
Project complete
Additional costs associated with new work generated by this project
Biodiversity & Green Infrastructure
Bruce Collinson
Project complete
Project complete
Additional costs associated with new work generated by this project
Energy/Utility Strategy
Bruce Collinson
Project complete
Project complete
Delay in overall Masterplan could potentially make the current studies and surveys invalid
Water Cycle Study
Bruce Collinson
Project complete
Project complete
Defence Estates do not allow access to their land at the appropriate time
One Planet Living
Bruce Collinson
Project complete
Project complete
Additional costs associated with new work generated by this project
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Agreement of stakeholders
Transport Smarter Choices study
Transport Evidence Base Development
Tim Wall
Tim Wall
Met with HA and SCC to receive and discuss Complete final Transport comments Evidence Base Instructed AMEY to documents and publish finalise documents for end of January 2012
Project is not yet initiated
Update Date
Project Budget
Spend to date
On Target (Yes/No)
Sc op e
Achievement This Reporting Period
st on es
Next Milestone
Project Manager
M ile
Summary Status
nc ia
Project Title
Fi na
Project Ref No.
Comments on Underperforming Areas
Solution / Positive Comments
1st Priority Risk and upcoming issues
Community Projects
Transport Rail Feasibility study
Tim Wall
Receive draft Stage 2 study
Study work ongoing
Transport Walking & Cycling Strategy
Tim Wall
Publish draft Strategy
Carried out first stage of consultation
Car Parking Strategy
Tim Wall
Prepare draft Strategy
Carried out first stage of consultation
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Prepare draft Strategy
Carried out first stage of consultation Preparing options for local village improvements
Transport Freight Strategy
Traffic Management Strategy
Tim Wall
No positive business case identified in interim report
Andrew Wilson
Study goes overprogramme
Study goes overprogramme
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Demonstration Projects On site monitoring HCC £1.6k Design/producti on C - H Capital HCC £1k On Site K – M + monitoring Capital DCLG £10k On Site K – M + monitoring. Capital HCC £13
HCC Phase 2 School energy improvements
Ian Parker
Mill Chase and Holme lighting replacement startson site during half term St Matthews lighting replacement returned from tender
LCCC Ecofit
Stephanie Beggs
Project complete. Next steps are to establish a process for reloaning funds from loan repayments
Project complete
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Unable to create a comercially viable solution that meets sustainable ambitions (e.g. BREEAM excellent)
Delay with a complex consultant team
Delay in opening the building and launching the first exhibition
Smooth running of stage 2
Building work progressing to budget and programme
Vandalism and security
High Street Chalet Hill
Mandar Puranik
Viking Park
Quebec Barracks
Firestation Refurb
Sarah Allan
Firestation Exhibition Venue
Stephanie Beggs
Mill Chase School, Holme and St Matthews lighting replacement out to tender
Report copies were made available in the Forest Community Centre, Bordon Library, Log and respond to WTC and EHDC offices comments for the extended Prepare a lessons learnt deadline until 31st report January A press release was issued and further comments are being received
Delays in surveying and detailed design
Programme extended to make use of February half term
Susan Robbins
Phase 2 completion
Building work progressing to budget and programme
Research undertaken to advise on producing an exhibition and a
Brief for consultant to programme of events deliver fixed exhibition Talks with Theme Leads about content of events is underway
Eco-town terraced house competition
Sarah Allan
Select winning design team
Exhibition House
Sarah Allan
House completion
st on es
Solution / Positive Comments
1st Priority Risk and upcoming issues
Next Milestone
Achievement This Reporting Period
Update Date
Project Budget
Spend to date
On Target (Yes/No)
Mandar Puranik
Select a preferred option and present it to the key stakeholders
The final report and outline costs for the proposal were submitted by CBA
Project programme overlaps with the Fire Station & Exhibition House will cause delay in design development
Tim Wall
Make minor ammendments to complete the interactive map
Web pages are live
Website becomes inactive/crashes
Ben Clifton
Personalised Journey Planning Project
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Whitehill Bordon Eco-Car Club
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Eco Cycle Hire Schemes
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Tim Wall
Continue promotion and marketing
Project complete
Limited numbers sign up to Liftshare
Ben Clifton
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not
Project is not yet initiated Project is not
Project is not yet initiated Project is not
No spend this period
Authority to release options was agreed
Delay in project delivery due to public consultation
Andrew Wilson
Advertise more widely
Failure to recruit suitable candidate
M ile
Sc op e
Project Manager
nc ia
Summary Status
Project Title
Fi na
Project Ref No.
Comments on Underperforming Areas
Community Projects
Fire Station South Site
Further Transport Projects
Whitehill Bordon Travel Website
Walking and Cycling improvements Stage 1 Marketing and Promotion
Tim Wall Tim Wall
Tim Wall
Agree finalised service specification
Electric Charging Points
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Bus Stop Improvements
Tim Wall
Bus Service Improvements
Town Transport Manager
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated £175,000.00
Undertake interviews
Re-advertised position more widely
Project is not yet initiated No spend this period
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet
Delay in agreeing service options and achieving authority to release options caused a delay in milestones
Project is not yet initiated
No spend this period
Interviews were undertaken in August 2011 - no successful candidate found
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Tim Wall
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated
Daphne Gardner
Recruitment of permanent Delivery Board Chairman
PwC are continuing with developing commercial strategy and soft market testing
We may not be able to appoint an independent Chairman
Delay in project commencement
Walking and Cycling improvements Stage 2
Tim Wall
Transport Hub Phase 1
Tim Wall
Transport Improved Cycle Parking
Consultation results analysed and considered. Consultation report completed 17/01/2012 Item added to HCC Executive for decision to tender service in March 2012
Project is not yet initiated
Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated Project is not yet initiated
Other Projects
Project subject to delay Project subject to delay
Appendix 3: Overall RAG Report Whitehill Bordon Eco-town - Highlight Report
17 February 2012
This report provides an update on all Whitehill Bordon Eco-town projects. RAG status updates for individual projects are available on request from (01730 234343) Project Director - Daphne Gardner
Report Author - Simon Beach
Strategic Objectives
Last Period
Demonstration Projects Year 2
Low risk/on schedule Med risk/in progress with issues which are being managed High risk/behind schedule/ Significant issues Complete
Demonstration Projects - Year 1 and 2
Workstreams Community Projects (Each of the Masterplan and Studies WB Projects Delivery
Regeneration of Whitehill Bordon in accordance with Eco-guidelines
Implementation of Eco-town
Current RAG
Masterplan and Studies
Explanation of Status (see specific RAG reports for more detail) 2nd Phase Eco-station Refurbishment started in November 2011. Building work progressing to budget but is one week behind programme. The delay will be made up in the programme. The building has been stripped internally and completion remains on target for July 2012 Terrace House Competition winner is Ash Sakula Architects and land transfer is in progress Demonstration House Started on site November 2011. Building work progressing to budget and ahead of programme. Completion due July 2012 Quebec Barracks The Delivery Board agreed that a project team be set up to secure an exemplar, timely and commercially viable development of the Quebec Barracks site. It will do this by advising the landowners and their agents, working collaboratively to reduce delays and solve problems and facilitating community support for the proposals Completed Allotments Amphibian Pond Alexandra Park and Jubilee Park ecological improvements Bordon Inclosure Boardwalk Local Sports and Recreation Facilities strategy Timber Fitness Trail Community WiFi hotspot phase 1 Local Biomass Supply Case Studies Eco Pack phase 1 and 2 LCC Ecofit Retrofitting homes and insulation Liftshare Ongoing Youth Drop In Worker - project ongoing - updates received monthly Community Development Worker - project ongoing - updates received monthly Countryside Ranger - project ongoing - updates received monthly To Complete Green Network Enhancement Brash Pelletisation Viking Park consultation. The consultation period completed on 31st January 2012 and comments have been logged and will be responded to. No further decision will be made until the planning application is decided Two further masterplan studies are being undertaken. An HRA Refresh and Green Infrastructure Management and Maintenance. The HRA refresh will complete in March 2012 Project Delivery Programme produced and continues to be refined alongside Core strategy and outline planning programme PWC working with the Delivery Board on delivery organisation investment partner options Amec/GVA team - outline / hybrid planning work currently underway
2nd Phase of Eco-station is underway. The team is looking at other options to maintain a presence in the town while work continues Eco-terrace competition has received proposals from architects and competition is now complete EHDC, MoD and HCC working towards a land equalisation agreement EHDC, MoD, HCC working with GVA Grimley and Amec to produce an outline planning proposal. PWC is working with the project partners and Delivery Board in order to outline delivery vehicle options, 3 Workshops took place in late 2011 and February 2012 to work through these options. Owner
Workstream Reference & Description
Financial modelling doesn't align with market changes
Ian Parker
Tender process doesn't generate bid we want or provide suitable suppliers
Daphne Gardner
NEW risks, issues or changes
Key Actions (Jan-Mar)
Unable to create a commercially viable solution that meets sustainable ambitions including planning requirements.
Potential change to relevant policies
Demonstration Projects Year 2
Firestation phase 2 refurbishment Quebec Barracks development principles and design principles
Community Projects
Project closeout/lessons learned reports
Daphne Gardner
Demonstration Projects Year 2
Key Actions Masterplan and for next Studies period (April-June)
Draft Masterplan complete
Delivery G
Firestation phase 2 and exhibition venue near completion Quebec Barracks planning application
G Masterplan and Studies
Ian Parker
Solution/Mitigation/Impact (changes) 1.) Include sensitivity testing in all future viability and financial predictions (Reduction) 2.) Identify appropriate mitigation funding (Contingency) 1.) Do not accept a tender that we are not confident with i.e. minimum level of acceptance (Prevention) 2.) Research and invite suitable firms to tender after advertising had taken place (Reduction) 3.) Clear brief for tender (Prevention) 4.) Stimulate interest in market (Reduction) 5.) Explore all procurement options 1.) Manage design expectations in line with local housing prices (Reduction) 2.) Options Appraisal/ Value engineering (Reduction) 3.) Identify suitable grants to secure the Eco-town strategy (Reduction) 4.) Detailed cost plans for each development (Reduction i.e. gives an indicator) 5.) Develop funded energy strategy for the town (Reduction) 6.) Using Demonstration projects for bench marking costs 1.) Have regular meetings with planning policy team to review relevant policies and ensure consistency with Core Strategy (Acceptance) 2.) Revert to Green-Town vision principles (Acceptance)
Core Strategy EIP Reports and preparation of evidence Consideration of draft Masterplan Publication of masterplan in May Quebec development brief complete Masterplan for Quebec site in progress
Core Strategy EIP G
Next Delivery Board Meeting
Whitehill Bordon Eco-town Highlight Report
14th June 2012
Appendix 4: Project Programme Whitehill Bordon DRAFT Eco-town Programme V4 ID
Task Name
Whitehill Bordon DRAFT Eco-town Programme
1175 days?
Mon 04/07/11
Fri 01/01/16
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
MoD Vacations Withdrawal from occupied sites Withdrawal from unoccupied sites TBA Operational Transition (Dates TBA) Transition Plan EHDC Support Services Plan Community Engagement & Vision 263 days? Engage with Community & update Masterplan 120 days Neighbourhood consultation Communications and Marketing (Dates TBA) Marketing to potential investors (Dates TBA PWC) Launch of partnering opportunity (Dates TBA PWC) Core Strategy and Masterplan Completion of studies Re-state vision Public Consultation on Masterplan Update masterplan Publish Masterplan Core Strategy Pre submission Published EHDC Full Cabinet Meeting Core Strategy Submission Core Strategy EIP Core Strategy Adopted Adoption of Masterplan as SPD Evidence gathering / refresh the masterplan evidence Prepare draft SPD Statutory Consultation Representations and finalise SPD SPD Adoption (Final date to be confirmed) Masterplan Studies Completion of Current Studies (Phase 1) 0 days Completion of Rail GRIP 3 Study 138 days Evidence for Core Strategy Studies HRA Refresh Walking and Cycling Strategy Parking Strategy Additional Transport Work Dates TBA PWC Commercial Strategy Advice Stage 1 – Review Assumptions Review assumptions from GVA viability report Review and agree changes to Masterplan Obtain likely land release programme from MoD or test assumptions that we could use Stage 2 – Test Phasing Options Pre-meeting to the main technical workshop Technical workshop to test phasing options and impact of infrastructure investment on outputs
1174 days? 1 day? 1 day? 1 day? 1 day? 1 day? 195 days? 175 days? 65 days? 2 days 1 day 1 day 391 days? 216 days? 45 days? 87 days? 65 days? 0 days 31 days 0 days 5 days 10 days 21 days 213 days? 64 days? 43 days? 31 days? 22 days 0 days 241 days? 0 days 188 days? 130 days 109 days? 109 days? 109 days? 109 days? 130 days? 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 81 days 0 days 0 days
Mon 04/07/11 Thu 31/12/15 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 01/08/11 Mon 03/10/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Tue 05/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 01/08/11 Thu 01/09/11 Mon 02/01/12 Mon 30/04/12 Fri 03/02/12 Wed 30/05/12 Wed 30/05/12 Mon 06/08/12 Mon 03/12/12 Tue 04/09/12 Tue 04/09/12 Thu 01/11/12 Fri 15/02/13 Mon 01/04/13 Fri 28/06/13 Mon 30/05/11 Mon 30/05/11 Wed 01/06/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 03/01/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Wed 22/02/12 Wed 22/02/12 Thu 01/03/12
Thu 31/12/15 Thu 31/12/15 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/12/11 Tue 05/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Tue 05/07/11 Mon 31/12/12 Mon 30/04/12 Fri 30/09/11 Fri 30/12/11 Fri 30/03/12 Mon 30/04/12 Fri 16/03/12 Wed 30/05/12 Tue 05/06/12 Fri 17/08/12 Mon 31/12/12 Fri 28/06/13 Fri 30/11/12 Mon 31/12/12 Fri 29/03/13 Tue 30/04/13 Fri 28/06/13 Mon 30/04/12 Thu 28/07/11 Fri 17/02/12 Mon 30/04/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Mon 02/07/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 15/06/12 Wed 22/02/12 Thu 01/03/12
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Update on phase 2 progress to Delivery Board GVA to provide baseline position and worked up options Masterplan financials and value engineering:reprofiling and phasing of key infrastructure Sources of funding - assessing potential viability and suitability of funding sources Selection of preferred delivery option:quantitative assessment Procurement and Implementation Strategy Market testing exercise based on financial assessment of delivery options Delivery of Phase 2 report Development Partner procurement OJEU Process 474 days Outline Planning Application Mobilisation & information gathering Start up meeting Document review Identifying additional technical survey requirements Review/ agree planning strategy (PT level) Review/ update programme Agree/ prepare consultation strategy Undertake technical surveys/ work Ecological surveys Utilities survey Buildings survey Topographical Survey Transportation work Noise assessment (if required) (TBA) Contamination assessment Cultural heritage survey, landscape & visual Preliminary FRA Other Technical Surveys Summary Report Progress illustrative masterplans/ OPA plans Review AECOM framework masterplan
0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 2 days? 1174 days? 195 days 1 day 20 days 105 days 65 days 18 days 89 days 259 days? 235 days 109 days 109 days 109 days? 109 days 109 days 109 days 109 days 109 days 109 days 20 days? 219 days 22 days
Fri 16/03/12 Fri 16/03/12 Fri 13/04/12 Fri 27/04/12 Fri 01/06/12 Fri 01/06/12 Fri 15/06/12 Fri 15/06/12 Tue 15/11/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 03/10/11 Mon 03/10/11 Mon 02/01/12 Wed 01/02/12 Tue 25/10/11 Tue 01/11/11 Mon 05/12/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11 Mon 05/03/12 Tue 01/11/11 Tue 01/11/11
Fri 16/03/12 Fri 16/03/12 Fri 13/04/12 Fri 27/04/12 Fri 01/06/12 Fri 01/06/12 Fri 15/06/12 Fri 15/06/12 Wed 16/11/11 Fri 01/01/16 Fri 30/03/12 Mon 04/07/11 Fri 28/10/11 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 26/10/12 Fri 26/10/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 31/08/12 Wed 30/11/11
Project: Whitehill Bordon DRAFT EcoDate: Fri 02/03/12
Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 20 Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e M
30/04 30/05
28/06 30/05
24/02 24/02 24/02 24/02 22/02 01/03 16/03 16/03 13/04 27/04 01/06 01/06 15/06 15/06
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Rolled Up Progress
External Tasks
Group By Summary
Rolled Up Milestone
Project Summary
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Whitehill Bordon DRAFT Eco-town Programme V4 ID 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
Task Name
Framework update Update constraints/ opportunities Review land use budget/ capacity Develop options Evaluate options Viability testing Sustainability appraisals Consult on options Identify/ progress preferred option (to support EiP - August) Obtain approvals to preferred option Draft preliminary application documents Draft Planning Performance Agreement EIA scoping Environmental Statement Energy Strategy HRA/ Appropriate Assessment Transport assessment and travel plan Flood risk assessment and SWMP*1 Water cycle strategy Socio-economic statement Other assessments e.g. retail impact/ health/ sport/ leisure impact assessments Utilities statement Planning statement Design & access statement Sustainability appraisal and statement Statement of community involvement S106 Heads of Terms/ CIL Prepare draft plans, parameters plans Consultation Agree strategy (see 7 above) Core Strategy submission consultation Core Strategy submission Masterplan options testing Statutory consultees (as required) LPA pre-application meetings LPA pre-application meetings 1 LPA pre-application meetings 2 LPA pre-application meetings 3 LPA pre-application meetings 4 LPA pre-application meetings 5 LPA pre-application meetings 6 Specialist technical groups (TBA) April May June July August September LPA/ Delivery Board 15 December 2011 14 March 2012 14 June 2012 13 September 2012 13 December 2012 Pre-application consultation Core Strategy EiP Core Strategy adoption SPD Final consultation SPD Adoption Finalise PA documentation Amend in light of comments Prepare forms/ certificates/ fee Collate/ review all documents Obtain approvals to submit Submit Application Post-submission Respond to LPA issues (4-6 months) Negotiate obligations/ affordable housing/ S278 etc (4-6 months) PA determined (01/10/2013) Detailed consents Prepare and submit (2014) Pre-commencement conditions (2014) Set up period (2015) Start on site/ early 2016 Landowners Issues Land Equalisation Agreement TBA Quebec Barracks (Dates to be approved) Preliminary/ baseline tasks:
Project: Whitehill Bordon DRAFT EcoDate: Fri 02/03/12
87 days 18 days 63 days 44 days 40 days 40 days 40 days 20 days 45 days 45 days 282 days 66 days 43 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days 21 days 130 days 41 days 501 days 84 days 33 days 4 days 22 days 1 day 216 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 382 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 261 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 43 days 23 days 16 days 20 days 23 days 85 days 40 days 40 days 21 days 22 days 1 day 131 days 110 days 110 days 1 day 804 days 543 days 152 days 154 days 0 days 1 day? 1 day? 588 days? 11 days
Start Tue 01/11/11 Wed 01/02/12 Wed 01/02/12 Mon 02/04/12 Mon 04/06/12 Mon 04/06/12 Mon 04/06/12 Mon 02/07/12 Mon 02/07/12 Mon 02/07/12 Thu 01/03/12 Thu 01/03/12 Mon 03/09/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 01/10/12 Fri 01/03/13 Mon 01/10/12 Fri 01/02/13 Mon 04/07/11 Tue 01/11/11 Wed 01/02/12 Tue 29/05/12 Mon 02/07/12 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 06/08/12 Mon 06/08/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 03/12/12 Mon 04/02/13 Mon 01/04/13 Mon 03/06/13 Thu 15/12/11 Wed 11/04/12 Wed 16/05/12 Wed 13/06/12 Wed 18/07/12 Wed 22/08/12 Wed 19/09/12 Thu 15/12/11 Thu 15/12/11 Wed 14/03/12 Thu 14/06/12 Thu 13/09/12 Thu 13/12/12 Tue 01/01/13 Wed 01/08/12 Mon 10/12/12 Fri 01/02/13 Wed 01/05/13 Mon 04/02/13 Mon 04/02/13 Mon 04/02/13 Mon 01/04/13 Wed 01/05/13 Fri 31/05/13 Mon 03/06/13 Mon 03/06/13 Mon 03/06/13 Mon 02/12/13 Mon 03/12/12 Mon 03/12/12 Mon 01/12/14 Mon 01/06/15 Fri 01/01/16 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Thu 01/09/11 Thu 01/09/11
Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 20 Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e M
Wed 29/02/12 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 27/04/12 Thu 31/05/12 Fri 27/07/12 Fri 27/07/12 Fri 27/07/12 Fri 27/07/12 Fri 31/08/12 Fri 31/08/12 Fri 29/03/13 Thu 31/05/12 Wed 31/10/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 21/12/12 Fri 29/03/13 Fri 29/03/13 Fri 29/03/13 Mon 03/06/13 Fri 24/02/12 Fri 16/03/12 Fri 01/06/12 Tue 31/07/12 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 03/06/13 Mon 06/08/12 Mon 01/10/12 Mon 03/12/12 Mon 04/02/13 Mon 01/04/13 Mon 03/06/13 Fri 31/05/13 Wed 11/04/12 Wed 16/05/12 Wed 13/06/12 Wed 18/07/12 Wed 22/08/12 Wed 19/09/12 Thu 13/12/12 Thu 15/12/11 Wed 14/03/12 Thu 14/06/12 Thu 13/09/12 Thu 13/12/12 Thu 28/02/13 Fri 31/08/12 Mon 31/12/12 Thu 28/02/13 Fri 31/05/13 Fri 31/05/13 Fri 29/03/13 Fri 29/03/13 Mon 29/04/13 Thu 30/05/13 Fri 31/05/13 Mon 02/12/13 Fri 01/11/13 Fri 01/11/13 Mon 02/12/13 Fri 01/01/16 Wed 31/12/14 Tue 30/06/15 Thu 31/12/15 Fri 01/01/16 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 02/12/13 Thu 15/09/11
11/04 16/05 13/06 18/07 22/08 19/09 15/12 14/03 14/06 13/09 13/12
Rolled Up Task
Rolled Up Progress
External Tasks
Group By Summary
Rolled Up Milestone
Project Summary
Page 2
Whitehill Bordon DRAFT Eco-town Programme V4 ID 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490
Task Name
Inception 1 day Thu 01/09/11 Collate/ review existing information 9 days Mon 05/09/11 Identify gaps 1 day Thu 15/09/11 Prepare options 98 days? Fri 16/09/11 Undertake further survey work 10 days Mon 19/09/11 Identify options 10 days Mon 26/09/11 Options workshop 1 day Tue 11/10/11 Initial assessment of options (policy compliance/ design/ viability testing/ viability assessment, access, job creation 82 days? Monetc) 10/10/11 Liaison with statutory consultees 98 days? Fri 16/09/11 Report to Project Team 74 days? Mon 17/10/11 Prepare presentation 3 days? Mon 17/10/11 Discussion and feedback 1 day Thu 20/10/11 1 day Tue 13/12/11 1 day Thu 26/01/12 Develop preferred option 115 days? Mon 24/10/11 Work up masterplan 115 days? Mon 24/10/11 Workstreams 87 days? Thu 01/12/11 Further technical work/ viability testing see ATLAS task list 95 days? Mon 24/10/11 Obtain approval to development principles 90 days? Mon 28/11/11 Delivery Board Interim Approval 2 days? Mon 28/11/11 Consultation on development principles 21 days? Tue 03/01/12 Design workshops 2 days? Thu 08/03/12 Approve development principles 1 day? Fri 30/03/12 Landowners sign off/ amends Landowners 1 day? Fri 30/03/12 Delivery Board approval 1 day? Thu 15/03/12 Prepare planning application documents 109 days? Mon 02/01/12 ES Scoping and Screening 40 days? Mon 06/02/12 ES preparation (if required) 109 days? Mon 02/01/12 Ecology/Landscape/heritage statements (if necessary) 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Planning Statement 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Design and Access Statement 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Sustainability Statement 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Energy Statement 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 SUDS Strategy 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Viability Statement 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Affordable Housing Strategy 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Flood Risk Assessment 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Transportation 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Draft S106 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Heads of Terms 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Statement of Community Involvement 66 days? Thu 01/03/12 Public Consultation 113 days? Wed 25/01/12 Consult Technical Groups (monthly) 91 days Wed 25/01/12 Consult Technical Groups (monthly) 1 1 day Wed 25/01/12 Consult Technical Groups (monthly) 2 1 day Wed 29/02/12 Consult Technical Groups (monthly) 3 1 day Wed 28/03/12 Consult Technical Groups (monthly) 4 1 day Wed 25/04/12 Consult Technical Groups (monthly) 5 1 day Wed 30/05/12 Other Consultation 3 days? Mon 27/02/12 Pre-application consultation 21 days? Fri 01/06/12 Approve final document 93 days? Mon 25/06/12 Amend documents to reflect comments 5 days? Mon 25/06/12 Obtain approvals (DIO/ HCC/ EHDC/ PT/ Delivery Board 22 days? Mon 02/07/12 Submit planning application 1 day? Tue 31/07/12 Planning consent by end Oct 1 day? Wed 31/10/12 Market land 150 days? Mon 03/09/12 Draft marketing documents 20 days? Mon 03/09/12 Market site 40 days? Mon 05/11/12 Shortlist developers 23 days? Tue 01/01/13 Obtain approvals to appoint 19 days? Mon 04/02/13 Appoint 20 days? Mon 04/03/13 Detailed planning application preparation 85 days? Mon 04/03/13 Developer led 65 days? Mon 04/03/13 Pre application consultation 20 days? Mon 03/06/13 Submission 1 day? Fri 28/06/13 Post application submission 151 days? Mon 06/05/13 Approval September 2013 20 days? Mon 02/09/13 Start on site - demolition/preparation works 20 days Mon 06/05/13 Start on site - building works - 2yrs 1 day Mon 02/12/13 Community Engagement 1171 days Wed 06/07/11 Landowners Group Meetings 220 days Thu 23/02/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Thu 23/02/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Fri 23/03/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Thu 26/04/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Thu 24/05/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Thu 28/06/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Thu 26/07/12 Landowners meeting 0 days Thu 23/08/12
Project: Whitehill Bordon DRAFT EcoDate: Fri 02/03/12
Finish Thu 01/09/11 Thu 15/09/11 Thu 15/09/11 Tue 31/01/12 Fri 30/09/11 Fri 07/10/11 Tue 11/10/11 Tue 31/01/12 Tue 31/01/12 Thu 26/01/12 Wed 19/10/11 Thu 20/10/11 Tue 13/12/11 Thu 26/01/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 02/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Tue 29/11/11 Tue 31/01/12 Fri 09/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Fri 30/03/12 Thu 15/03/12 Thu 31/05/12 Fri 30/03/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Thu 31/05/12 Fri 29/06/12 Wed 30/05/12 Wed 25/01/12 Wed 29/02/12 Wed 28/03/12 Wed 25/04/12 Wed 30/05/12 Wed 29/02/12 Fri 29/06/12 Wed 31/10/12 Fri 29/06/12 Tue 31/07/12 Tue 31/07/12 Wed 31/10/12 Fri 29/03/13 Fri 28/09/12 Fri 28/12/12 Thu 31/01/13 Thu 28/02/13 Fri 29/03/13 Fri 28/06/13 Fri 31/05/13 Fri 28/06/13 Fri 28/06/13 Mon 02/12/13 Fri 27/09/13 Fri 31/05/13 Mon 02/12/13 Wed 30/12/15 Thu 27/12/12 Thu 23/02/12 Fri 23/03/12 Thu 26/04/12 Thu 24/05/12 Thu 28/06/12 Thu 26/07/12 Thu 23/08/12
Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 20 Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e M 01/09 15/09
20/10 13/12 26/01
31/07 31/10
23/02 23/03 26/04 24/05 28/06 26/07 23/08
Rolled Up Task
Rolled Up Progress
External Tasks
Group By Summary
Rolled Up Milestone
Project Summary
Page 3
Whitehill Bordon DRAFT Eco-town Programme V4 ID 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 508 513 518 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 547 553 561 562
Task Name
Landowners meeting Landowners meeting Landowners meeting Landowners meeting Delivery Board Meetings Delivery Board Meeting Delivery Board Meeting Delivery Board Meeting Delivery Board Meeting Delivery Board Meeting Delivery Board Meeting Specialist Group Meetings Community Facilities & Amenities Infrastructure and Transport Economic Development Housing Demonstration Projects Eco-station/Eco-house Tender process Sign contract with Main Contractor Site works Phase 2- eco station Site work - eco-house Commissioning Opening Monitoring Radian Competition Prepare competition Advertise Stage 1 Stage 1 competition Announce outcome of stage 1 Stage 2 competition Planning application Planning Construction start Transport Infrastructure Rail Green Infrastructure Completion of Community & Demonstrator Projects (Ph2) 132 days Completion of Community & Demonstrator Projects (Ph3) 263 days
Project: Whitehill Bordon DRAFT EcoDate: Fri 02/03/12
0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 325 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 0 days 353 days 205 days 200 days 124 days 343 days 653 days? 563 days? 64 days? 0 days 0 days 217 days 21 days? 0 days 261 days 653 days? 1 day? 0 days 66 days? 0 days 65 days? 85 days? 132 days? 261 days? 1 day? 1 day? 1 day? 132 days? 263 days?
Start Thu 27/09/12 Thu 25/10/12 Thu 22/11/12 Thu 27/12/12 Thu 15/09/11 Thu 15/09/11 Thu 15/12/11 Thu 15/03/12 Thu 14/06/12 Thu 13/09/12 Thu 13/12/12 Mon 04/07/11 Tue 24/01/12 Thu 02/02/12 Tue 31/01/12 Mon 04/07/11 Thu 30/06/11 Tue 05/07/11 Tue 05/07/11 Fri 30/09/11 Tue 31/07/12 Mon 03/10/11 Wed 01/08/12 Mon 03/09/12 Thu 30/08/12 Thu 30/06/11 Mon 04/07/11 Thu 30/06/11 Fri 01/07/11 Fri 30/09/11 Mon 03/10/11 Tue 03/01/12 Tue 01/05/12 Tue 01/01/13 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11
Finish Thu 27/09/12 Thu 25/10/12 Thu 22/11/12 Thu 27/12/12 Thu 13/12/12 Thu 15/09/11 Thu 15/12/11 Thu 15/03/12 Thu 14/06/12 Thu 13/09/12 Thu 13/12/12 Thu 08/11/12 Tue 06/11/12 Thu 08/11/12 Mon 23/07/12 Thu 25/10/12 Tue 31/12/13 Thu 29/08/13 Fri 30/09/11 Fri 30/09/11 Tue 31/07/12 Tue 31/07/12 Wed 29/08/12 Mon 03/09/12 Thu 29/08/13 Tue 31/12/13 Mon 04/07/11 Thu 30/06/11 Fri 30/09/11 Fri 30/09/11 Fri 30/12/11 Mon 30/04/12 Wed 31/10/12 Tue 31/12/13 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Mon 04/07/11 Tue 03/01/12 Wed 04/07/12
Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 201 Qtr 2, 201 Qtr 3, 201 Qtr 4, 201 Qtr 1, 20 Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e Mar Apr a Jun Jul u e Oct o e Jan e M 27/09 25/10 22/11 27/12 15/09 15/12 15/03 14/06 13/09 13/12
30/09 31/07
30/06 30/09
Rolled Up Task
Rolled Up Progress
External Tasks
Group By Summary
Rolled Up Milestone
Project Summary
Page 4
Appendix 5: Financial Summary East Hampshire District Council DRAFT Summary for Whitehill Bordon as at 31st January 2012 Account 5505PR 5506PR 5507PR 5508PR 5509PR 5510PR 5511PR 5512PR 5513PR 5514PR 5515PR 5516PR 5517PR
5518PR 5519PR 5520PR 5521PR 5522PR 5523PR 5524PR 5525PR 5526PR 5527PR 5528PR 5529PR 5530PR
5531PR 5532PR 5533PR 5534PR 5535PR 5536PR 5537PR
5538PR 5539PR
Demonstration Projects Fire Station - Purchase and Surveys Firestation - Refurbishment Fire Station - Exhibition House Fire Station - Radian Competition Fire Station - Site Fire Station - Exhibitions Working Mens Club Morelands Viking Park Quebec Barracks Chalet Hill Initial Design Briefs Publicity and Advertising Early Wins Retrofitting homes Eco-fit Whitehill Bordon (LCCC) Retrofitting Library & Primary Schools Eco Information Packs Wi-Fi Bio Mass Supply Case Studies Community Development Workers Brash Pelletisation Potential Kick Start habitat improvement/ Biodiversity projects Green Rangers Allotments Timber Fitness Trail Drop in centre for young people Studies and Evidence Sports and recreation study Rail Study Transport Studies SPV/Governance studies Eco-studies and evidence One Planet Living funding Eco-grant Substainable finance consultant for Retro-fit New Projects Impleementing the EC Dev Strategy Skills centre & learning vision Infrastucture & business units at Louisberg Other Costs Project Management Consultancy* Whitehill Bordon - Travel - Transport Evidence Base HCC Transport Advice 2011/12 HCC Property Development and corporate advice WTC Eco Projects/pags/specialist groups co-ordinator Salaries Other Costs Unallocated Revenue Costs** Total for the Whitehill / Bordon
2009/10 Actual
2010/11 Actual
FY Budget
582,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38,450 150,491 23,558 850 0 0 0 0 43,984 0 0 49,332
0 527,129 294,766 62,400 29,336 62,000 0 0 45,979 45,000 0 20,000 25,000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 306,994 1,275,000 0 0 96 24,448 0 76,452 12,500 25,000 38,000 15,000
300,000 0 0 6,613 12,000 3,000 24,448 6,000 11,000 25,000 0 0 15,000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9,000 0 0 21,024 86,123 20
0 0 91,000 225,000 300,000 69,980 50,000
0 0
56,493 775,000
0 0 0 71,669 653,669
673,341 0 0 130,462 3,831,617
0 134,744
YTD Budget 0 439,274 245,638 52,000 24,447 51,667 0 0 38,316 37,500 0 16,667 20,833 0 250,000 0 0 5,511 10,000 2,500 20,373 5,000 9,167 20,833 0 0 12,500 0 0 0 75,833 187,500 250,000 58,317 41,667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112,287
605,724 504,770 0 0 0 0 280,295 233,579 3,271,414 2,726,178
YTD Actuals Committed
Remaining YTD Variance Budget
0 209,352 95,127 11,668 7,453 10,090 0 0 13,774 0 0 8,500 446
0 41,279 46,928 0 2,229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 188,643 103,583 40,332 14,765 41,577 0 0 24,542 37,500 0 8,167 20,387
0 276,498 152,711 50,732 19,654 51,910 0 0 32,205 45,000 0 11,500 24,554
0 527,129 294,766 62,400 9,336 62,000 0 0 45,979 45,000 0 20,000 25,000
183,086 3,889 0 2,711 2,795 3,000 0 0 11,000 25,000 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 9,229 0 0 0 0 12,500 0 0 15,000
66,914 -3,889 0 2,799 -2,024 -500 20,373 5,000 -1,833 -16,667 0 0 -2,500
116,914 -3,889 0 3,902 -24 0 24,448 6,000 0 -12,500 0 0 0
221,000 0 0 6,613 12,000 3,000 33,113 6,000 11,000 37,500 0 0 15,000
0 0 91,000 45,940 200,556 34,680 3,000
0 0 0 254 1,091 13,780 7,780
0 0 -15,167 141,306 48,353 9,857 30,887
0 0 0 178,806 98,353 21,520 39,220
0 0 91,000 225,000 300,000 69,980 50,000
653,669 3,831,617 3,203,341 4,977,674 12,666,301
2012/2013 onwards
230,053 169,076 185,750 40,000 310,000 0 0 0 2,000,000 0 60,000 15,000 20,000 159,000 0 10,000 0 0 33,113 0 0 21,000 0 7,500
90,000 250,000 65,000 60,000 50,000 37,500 50,000 50,000 50,000
0 127,157 70,936 63,137 32,000 434,308 0 0 183,786 1,874,391
0 0
0 -14,870
0 7,588
0 0 0 0 150,070
70,462 0 0 49,793 867,790
171,416 0 0 96,509 1,413,026
* - funded from separate grants ** - funded from EHDC 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 Total funding needed
CLG Grant CLG Grant April 2011 EHDC funding HCA Funding DECC funding Funding Received
9,870,687 2,025,000 399,731 60,000 310,883 12,666,301
0 134,744 70,936 63,137 32,000 532,108 0 0 197,600 3,203,341
0 386,256 70,936 31,569 13,333 512,588 4,977,674
Agenda item 14
Items for future Delivery Board meetings th
Project update report (standing item) to include: - Viking Park - Eco-station and Exhibition house update - Green Infrastructure Strategy - Habitats Regulations Assessment - Water Cycle Study - Energy Feasibility Study - Green Infrastructure work - The Board’s Programme of work Outcomes from Specialist Groups and Chairman/ Vice Chairman/ Lead Officers meetings (standing item) Landowners update report (standing item) Transition Group update (standing item) Education skills, skills centre and training Proposals for the Long term management and maintenance of Community Assets Design principles for demonstration scheme at Quebec Barracks Proposed neighbourhood charter Risk register (standing item) Amended Framework Masterplan
Transport Studies - Traffic management - Walking & cycling - Car parking - GRIP3
14 June 2012 √
13 September 2012 √
13 December 2012 √
January 2013 √
√ √
√ √ √
√ (update for DB to agree masterplan √