Wildlife of Whitehill

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Wildlife of Whitehill


A Local Biodiversity Action Plan Foreword by Chris Packham

Acknowledgements Work is already on-going in Whitehill Parish to protect its biodiversity. This plan has been prepared by the Environment Conservation Group in consultation with its partners: British Dragonfly Society Deadwater Valley Trust East Hampshire District Council Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Herpetological Conservation Trust Hollywater Society The Botanical Society of the British Isles Walldown Preservation Society Whitehill Town Council The following organisations are also thanked for providing information: British Trust for Ornithology Environment Agency Hampshire County Council Longmoor Conservation Group (MOD) National Trust Natural England RSPB Continued support and collaboration will be required to ensure that the actions of this plan are implemented. Contact between organisations and individuals on the progress of this plan will be made possible through the Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership and the Hampshire Biodiversity Partnership. Particular recognition must go to Whitehill and Bordon Town Partnership. This has recognised the wealth of biodiversity in the parish, and the need to produce a Local Biodiversity Action Plan to ensure its continued survival at a time of considerable change with the withdrawal of the Bordon Garrison from the town. Data has been analysed for the purposes of this project, but they remain the copyright of the data providers. Photocredits Photographs kindly provided by the following, who retain their copyrights for images Alex Cruikshank Richard Ford Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Nigel Jones Phil McLean Stephen Miles Tony Mundell Natural England Chris Spilling Bill Wain Chris Wain Michael F Wearing 1

CONTENTS Page Foreword - by Chris Packham





- what’s it all about?


- why do we need it?


- the local authority’s obligation in NERC Act 2006


- 2007 consultation on Thames Basin Heaths SPA


What has created the Biodiversity in our Parish?


A Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) for Whitehill Parish


Who is the LBAP for?


How you can help


Choosing Priority Areas


Action for the Priority Areas 1. Urban Environment


2. Hogmoor Inclosure


3. The Slab


4. Bordon Inclosure


5. Hollywater


6. Oxney Farm and Meadows




Sources of Information


Appendix 1 Species in Whitehill Parish specifically protected by law


Appendix 2 Useful Contacts


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FOREWORD Raft Spider

It’s a very wide world. So wide that its too easy to feel small, to feel that we and what we feel, think and do will have no great consequence . And sadly it’s then all too easy for many people to give up and just live in the hope that somebody else will make the difference. This is the simple route to failure and it is flawed because it’s an undeniable fact that we can all make a difference if we try. Self empowerment is the key, and when a community of such people with similar objectives band together through that common interest then a real force for change is realized and there is hope. No patch of land, no bird, beast, bug or bush is worth






constructive conservation.

Chris Packham visiting the Deadwater Valley to film the Raft Spider

All of them need you . . . In Britain we have a long tradition of producing fine amateur naturalists. From Gilbert White onwards we have seen generations of men and women learn to satisfy their curiosities with regard to the natural world around them and become acknowledged experts in their fields. The societies they have formed and their collective work mean that we have perhaps the best understood flora and fauna anywhere on earth, the best mapped and measured populations of those plants and animals which stir us into lifelong action. Thus we also have a fine assortment of nature reserves which have done their job by protecting the more fragile species so we can still find them today. Okay, we’ve lost a few, but we’ve gained a few too and as my mother still says ‘there’s no point in crying over spilled milk‘. No, but times are changing fast and we must use all the new skills which our

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FOREWORD Raft Spider

science has afforded us. The 21st Century is giving us a new global agenda which we will need to heed, and fast, but we must be equally vigilant to update and revise our local levels of care. Very few of the plants and animals we know and the ecosystems they form work in time with periods of project funding , terms of political activity or even human life-length . That’s why constructive planning is a sensible strategy for sustainable progress. Developing defined objectives for even the smallest of sites is perhaps our best way of maximising that site’s potential and these days that in itself is increasingly important . That’s why the evaluation of the Parish using motivated local expertise to produce this Local Biodiversity Action Plan is such a good idea. Further, it will generate discussion, maybe even disagreement, in regard to the future hopes for the parish of Whitehill and this again is a healthy proposition. And remember that the best laid plans are not rigid, like everything else they need to retain the right to react and evolve to cope with changes of all kinds. It’s my pleasure to have been asked to draft this foreword because it’s clear that the Whitehill and Bordon Environment Conservation Group have recognised all of the above criteria and opportunities and the proof is in your hands. It is heartening that for the moment at least the Parish of Whitehill, including the Deadwater Valley LNR, has a very healthy and intelligently planned future and long may that continue.

Chris Packham, Naturalist and Broadcaster 2008

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UNIQUE ? Bell Heather

Great Crested Newt

Palmate Newt

Smooth Newt

Natterjack Toad


Slow worm

Common Toad


Commmon Frog

Viviparous Lizard Grass Snake

Sand Lizard

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Smooth Snake


WOW! Introduction Our Parish is unique! Within its environs all the 12 native reptiles and amphibians live and breed. In the British Isles the Parish of Whitehill is alone in this respect. These species have been maintained and their numbers increased by the careful management of their habitat and by continuous monitoring of their activities. The land on which they live is owned by Defence Estates and the Army manages the area in consultation with the Longmoor Conservation Group. On this heathland in the spring, there is movement around the ponds as frogs and common toads begin to lay clumps of spawn or strings of eggs. They are followed by the three species of newts, smooth, palmate and great crested. Meanwhile a stirring in the heather reveals brilliant green sand lizards, darker viviparous lizards and silver-brown slow worms coming out of hibernation and warming up in the sunshine. They are joined by adders, grass snakes and smooth snakes looking for suitable sites to lay their eggs or bear live young. Finally the natterjack toads head for the scrapes and begin to lay their single strings of eggs. Dartford Warbler

The heathland of Woolmer is also recognized by the European Union as being an extremely special habitat for three birds, the Woodlark, the Dartford Warbler and the Nightjar. As a consequence it has been designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA), part of a larger swathe of heathland, the Wealden Heaths, which are now greatly fragmented. Woodlark

Other parts of our Parish have been given special status such as Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). The designated sites, some 60% of the area of the parish, already have effective Management Plans in place. This Local Biodiversity Action Plan will therefore not include plans for these designated sites. 5 6

European Nightjar

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Statutory and Non-Statutory Sites in and around Whitehill Parish 6 7


The Parish of Whitehill also has a Local Nature Reserve (LNR), which runs alongside the built up area in the valley of the Deadwater. This contains many ancient woodland species such as primroses, bluebells, pignut and moschatel. It produces six species of orchids including the rare green-flowered helleborine. It is much used by all age groups as a recreation facility, from school groups coming to investigate nature at first hand with the Deadwater Ranger to families walking the dog on the Royal Woolmer Way from Liss to Frensham. The Deadwater Valley LNR also has a formal Management Plan and this Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) will therefore not include plans for this Local Nature Reserve.

Yarrow in the Ancient Meadow of the Deadwater Local Nature Reserve

These wonderful areas are enjoyed in our Parish by a population of around 14,000. In 2011 the Garrison in Bordon is relocating to Wales, which will release a large amount of land in the centre of the town and around the periphery in the east. This is expected to result in the addition of another 4,000 to 5,500 houses increasing the population to 25,000 or more. Hampshire County Council, as part of their Minerals and Waste Strategy, has proposed the removal of sand from these areas prior to any development. The impact on these designated areas and other undesignated parts of the Parish will be considerable. People like to live and work in a pleasant environment and the natural world surrounding them is an important part of this. Everyone values an area of open land near to them where they can go and escape from the often fast pace of life. They may enjoy walking, cycling, fishing or bird watching. So some of these spaces need to remain to provide a breathing space and to form a link between one green area and another. This document hopes to set out the ways and means by which this may be achieved. Organisations, which have an interest in maintaining and enhancing our wildlife, have joined together in a partnership to compile this plan of action to the benefit of biodiversity. Over the coming years the plan will provide the framework to guide the work of the partnership, ensuring that the most important, vulnerable and rare species and habitats that the Parish supports are protected. The plan also details the ways in which everyone can help wildlife on their doorstep or through involvement in specific projects in other areas. Some may have ideas not mentioned in these pages. This is intended to be a living document, so any input will be valued and used to keep the plan up to date. A list of helpful contacts will be found at the end of the plan. Let’s keep the WOW factor alive! 7 8

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Biodiversity – What’s it all about? ‘Biodiversity includes all species of plants and animals, and the complex ecosystems that sustain them’ (Hampshire Biodiversity Action Plan 1998) In 1992 an Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro to look at the global threat to biodiversity. As a result 150 countries signed an agreement called the ‘Convention on Biological Diversity’ recognising the disappearance of species and agreeing to produce a national strategy for the “conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity”. The UK Biodiversity Action Plan 1994 The UK was one of the first countries to respond to the requirements of the convention. The government produced a broad strategy for the next twenty years to protect and enhance the biodiversity of the U.K. recognising that a healthy functional ecosystem contributes to a better quality of life. The UK Biodiversity Group Representatives from all agencies with a responsibility to diversity set about producing co-ordinated targets for biodiversity under the following objectives: Garden Tiger Moth

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developing action plans with costings for key species and habitats putting systems in place to manage information and data raising awareness and involvement producing Local Biodiversity Action Plans

Hampshire Biodiversity Action Plan 1998 A plan that a partnership of local individuals and organisations would follow to conserve and enhance what is special and important in the UK and Hampshire. Biodiversity Action Plan: Whitehill Parish and its surroundings This aims to protect and enhance the biodiversity of the Parish of Whitehill. It will implement the Government objectives in Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 9 and in Regional and Local Biodiversity Action Plans by identifying key core areas for biodiversity, important buffer zones in the surrounding area and ecological corridors.

Beautiful Demoiselles

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- Why do we need it? All species are intrinsically linked in a web of life. Removal of one of the linking species upsets the balance of that web, which includes the human race. From the more common to the most threatened species, with which we share our lives, all rely on a healthy environment to ensure our survival. From our environment we take food, clothing and raw materials for industry. We need to use these resources sustainably to ensure that we pass them on undamaged to future generations. Without a stable environment we are more at risk from floods, droughts, soil erosion and pollution. The soil, rivers, air and species within them are part of a giant natural cycle, cleansing waste and absorbing the impacts of progress. We can use biodiversity to measure how well these processes are working. With the fast pace of modern living many people will spend part of their leisure time out of doors, in nature reserves, in the countryside and in local parks. This gives a sense of well being and improves the quality of life, which in turn helps to promote these places and the plants and animals that live within them. It underlines why the environment is so important. Dramatic losses have occurred in the past, particularly of the lowland heathland habitat, which is one of our special areas. The UK action plan recommended that this area should increase by 2005 to 6,000 hectares (Ha), of which 5,400 Ha should be in England. Unfortunately only 2,200 Ha were achieved in the U.K. of which 2,000 were in England. The new target for 2010 is 3,784 Ha in the U.K. and 3,050 Ha in England.

Local Authority’s Obligation in the NERC Act 2006 Local Authorities in England and Wales have a duty towards conservation of biodiversity within Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006. This states that: ‘Every public body must, in exercising its functions, have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity’ The local authority in implementing the NERC duty will show that: • biodiversity conservation and enhancement is appropriately integrated throughout all departmental policies and activities • all staff and elected members understand how biodiversity issues relate to their own decisions and actions • it provides sustained support to local biodiversity initiatives such as LBAPs and has access to professional ecological expertise • important species and habitats are protected and enhanced in line with statutory nature conservation obligations • it reports on progress towards national and local biodiversity targets 9 10

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Habitat Map of the hinterland to Whitehill Parish 10 11


The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has provided a ‘Guidance for Local Authorities on Implementing the Biodiversity Duty (2007).

2007 Consultation Document for Thames Basin Heaths SPA A Draft Interim Strategic Delivery Plan has been prepared by South East England Regional Authority (SEERA) Nov. 2007 for consultation on the protection of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA as directed by the EU and the NERC Act 2006. This is very relevant to the Whitehill Parish, which includes part of the Wealden Heaths Phase ll SPA. The suggestions for consultation are that there should be an exclusion zone within 400m linear distance of the SPA and a Zone of Influence between 400m and 5km linear distances from the SPA. Within the latter zone there would be specific measures to avoid damage to the SPA by the local provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG). This is intended to provide mitigation for the potential impact of residential development on the SPA by preventing an increase in visitor pressure on the SPA. It must be such that the SANG is more attractive to users than the SPA. The quantity of SANG would be at a rate of 8 Ha for each 1,000 additional population. At 2.4 persons per dwelling, the amount of SANG for 4,000 new dwellings, as proposed by the Whitehill Bordon Opportunity, would be 77 Ha within the Zone of Influence.

What has created the biodiversity in our Parish? After the last ice age with the slow warming of the land, many species of plants and animals moved northwards. Those that reached the British Isles before the melting ice raised sea levels to such an extent that the UK was separated from mainland Europe, became our native flora and fauna. Amongst these was man, whose actions have strongly influenced his local surroundings and other species. In the Mesolithic period, 10,000 to 6,000 years ago, heather grew in the woodland glades. The area was used by hunter-gatherers, and dating of ash from their campsites has shown hazel nuts were an important food source and these lay over the heather remains. Gradually as time advanced into the Neolithic period and man was able to make clearings in the woodland, it was possible to keep stock. When the fertility of the soil was exhausted they simply moved on to another area. Species such as the heather, which would normally have to wait for a tree to fall over in the wood, were able to take advantage of these open areas. The production of bronze tools from 4,200 years ago enabled further advances in farming, and the grazing of stock on the sandy soils of the Folkestone beds led to the start of the formation of our heathlands. Highland Cow grazing heathland

The Romans’ appearance 2,000 years ago brought many new crops and livestock to the British Isles. Some such as the Sweet Chestnut escaped into the countryside and became naturalised. More woodland was cleared for agriculture and for the development of roads for troops, trade and incidentally species to move around the country. 11 12

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The Norman invasion brought further new species to our countryside including the rabbit, Wild Rabbits on Woolmer are often black fallow deer and pheasant. This area was prized as a hunting forest because of the open areas of heathland and Edward I had a hunting lodge built at Lynchmere so that he could enjoy the chase after red deer and wild boar. The latter however were hunted to extinction by the 17th Century. The Royal Woolmer Forest lost the last of its native trees in 1578 and was then exploited for grazing and turf cutting. Woolmer was enclosed and remained as Crown land until sold in 1863 to the Ministry of Defence for military training. By this time Scots Pine, a native of Scotland was found to grow well on our sandy soil and has now spread into the heath land. The military presence in our Parish has kept these areas from development and the MOD conservation programme has enhanced the habitat required by many special species that occur in very few other places. The removal of the Garrison from Bordon means that some of the military land is now under threat from development and it is essential that wildlife corridors remain in place to connect the extremely important areas for wildlife that are left.

A Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) for Whitehill Parish The production of a local plan is an aid to ensure that the biodiversity is protected and enhanced for our own health and well-being, both now and for future generations. The plan will: • translate national, regional and county biodiversity objectives into effective action at the local level; • consider species and habitat priorities at the local level, in terms of their rarity or importance to the local community; • co-ordinate a wide partnership of individuals and organisations, to deliver action in the most cost effective way; • raise awareness with all sectors of society, including policy makers, about the importance of an area’s biodiversity; • map out and consider opportunities for the enhancement of biodiversity in the future; • provide a framework for conservation and a means by which progress can be assessed. Whitehill Parish Environment Conservation Group in consultation with its partners has created this plan to identify how our biodiversity can be protected and maintained in the future.

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Who is the LBAP for? This plan is intended to be a source of information for anyone having an interest or influence on the biodiversity of Whitehill Parish: • a policy maker or planner, who needs to know about the biodiversity value of the Parish • a statutory agency who is trying to maintain habitats in a favourable condition • a landowner who is interested in the wildlife they are helping to protect • local residents who want to know about the wildlife on their doorstep • a conservation advisor who wants to know where to concentrate efforts, in order to achieve the greatest gains for biodiversity.

How you can help. Biodiversity affects the quality of life of everyone and each of us can choose to help conservation within our gardens or the open spaces in and around our parish. There are many organisations, which can be joined, in order to support their work in this area. Alternatively, it is possible to form a community group to look after a piece of neglected land near your house. Gardening for Wildlife Gardens can produce a breathing space for a variety of wildlife by providing four essential needs – shelter, food, water and a place to breed. The planting of native trees or shrubs can provide shelter and food in the form of nuts or berries. Flowers that provide a source of nectar and pollen, even in a window box, can benefit butterflies and bees and a pile of logs or nest boxes may allow hedgehogs or birds to breed. Join a Community Group Bullfinch enjoying a seed feeder Joining a local community group provides an opportunity to voice your opinion on local conservation issues. Residents in a parish may understand the nature of their environment better than someone who is not familiar with the area. Local knowledge of a site and changes that have been observed within it can be invaluable in the formation of management plans. The ‘Discover Whitehill and Bordon’ booklet or website has information on such groups. Join in Practical Conservation Tasks ‘Green gyms’ are becoming very popular. Volunteers join in practical conservation tasks such as planting trees, clearing scrub or building revetments along river banks. In this way wildlife is seen, while gentle exercise is taken in a social environment. 13 14

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Priority Areas (1 to 6) for Whitehill LBAP 14 15


Involvement through local schools Most of the local schools have an area for conservation, which can be used as an outdoor classroom. This needs monitoring for its effectiveness and a management plan devised. If one does not exist advice may be sought on location, design and construction. Become a Business supporting the Local Environment Businesses can help the environment by recycling wherever possible and by implementing green transport plans. It is also possible to contribute by sponsoring a local conservation project or species group or by having one day a year helping with a conservation task.

Choosing Priority Areas. An audit of biodiversity has enabled the selection of priority areas and species for action within this plan. The focus is on those areas, which at the moment are important for biodiversity yet are not listed as statutory sites and which may be under threat with the withdrawal of the Bordon Garrison. Six priority areas have been identified as shown on the map opposite and in the following pages the habitats and species found in each area and why they are important in the Parish’s diversity, are described. They range from the large improved grassland area of Oxney Farm and Meadows to a small unimproved field in Liphook Road and include a great diversity of habitats from heathlands to urban habitats and from green-flowered helleborines to water voles. For each area, the main issues that affect their biodiversity are explained and detailed action by partners with a time scale is proposed to address each issue individually. The overall aim of each action plan is to enable successful protection, management, restoration and creation of priority habitats that will in turn promote the protection and enhancement of populations of priority and other species. Reference is made to the relevant Hampshire BAP Priority Habitats in each priority area action plan. Where more specific action is considered to be required for a species, an action plan has been developed and can be found in Volume 2 of the Hampshire BAP. Reference is made to notable Hampshire species in each priority area plan. Action plans covering species found in the Parish will be implemented by working groups made up of organisations that have most influence over the conservation of each particular species. Each plan is not going to be entirely comprehensive and it is hoped that as more information, advice and help becomes available, the plan will be updated accordingly. For ease of use and compatibility with the BAP for East Hampshire, the Site Action Plans are colour coded according to the following system: Action Type


Designated Sites Wider Countryside Species Education, Awareness and Involvement

Actions relevant to designated sites. Actions for areas not designated. Actions relevant to priority species. Actions engaging people with Biodiversity.

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Autumn in CondĂŠ Way

Total area - 394 Hectares Location Almost 20% of the Parish of Whitehill is urban and occupies the northern half of the civil Parish centred on British National Grid reference SU800350. This is where the residents spend most of their time living and working and so loss of biodiversity here will have a big impact on their quality of life. The increasing extent and density of development, as a result of our needs for living space and government demands, will have a major impact on biodiversity and natural resources. This plan considers the area within Whitehill Parish, where there are concentrations of people living and working, and the infrastructure and open space on which they depend. It is also applicable to the future built-up areas to be developed on the withdrawal of the Garrison.

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Description At present the urban part or town of Whitehill and Bordon has a population of around 14,000. As much of the Parish is owned by the MOD, expansion has only been possible by building on large gardens and the fields, which once separated the two villages. Further building has been by infilling back gardens and release of small parcels of MOD land. There are two industrial estates, both situated in the western portion of the town. The A325 bisects the urban area and at present there is no rail link to Bentley although one existed in the first half of the 20th Century. The bus service is extremely poor, so workers outside Bordon need to use their own motor transport. The eastern edge of the town is occupied by the valley of the river Deadwater, a thin strip of land, which was too marshy for development and which has now been designated a Local Nature Reserve. Other types of green space within the town are provided by Jubilee Park, the recreation ground, MOD playing fields, and school grounds. Hollybrook Pond is located just south of Jubilee Park. It was created by the original landowner in the first half of the 20th Century and is managed by Whitehill Town Council. The town is surrounded on the south, west and north by high quality heathland owned and mostly managed for wildlife by the MOD. Some of this land has already been sold and cleared at Viking Park for business and leisure facilities. To date after five years only one of the six plots has been developed and the SINC on the site has not been managed, which was part of the planning conditions. Within the urban environment, gardens and green spaces between developments make up a large proportion of the area available to wildlife if given the right conditions. They also provide educational opportunities for today’s children and generations to come. The U.K. Biodiversity Steering Group, 1994 said: ‘Parks and private gardens can be important for wildlife and are the main day to day contact points with wildlife for most of the population. Given the right conditions wildlife can thrive in towns. This can help to raise awareness for the natural world and a concern for its conservation.’ Jubilee Park and the playing fields are managed for informal or formal recreation. The school grounds have areas set aside for wildlife and are an important educational tool. Some fragments of original land left behind as roadside verges after development have retained some important species and as a result have been given SINC designation. Some plants and animals have adapted to become associated with urban habitats, such as swifts and house martins. Other species such as frogs, slow worms and bats are able to utilize urban habitats when their natural habitat is diminished as long as the latter still exists nearby. Blue tits and Great tit enjoy a bath in the garden

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UK BAP species Small Flowered Catchfly – Silene gallica Bullfinch – Pyrrhula pyrrhula House Sparrow – Passer domesticus Red Kite – Milvus milvus European Hedgehog – Erinaceus europaeus Hampshire BAP Priority Habitat Action Plans Standing Open Water Road Verges Notable Hampshire Species Green Flowered Helleborine – Epipactis phyllanthes Little Egret – Egretta garzetta A solitary wasp – Philanthus triangulum Current action Small Flowered Catchfly East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) has established a Whitehill Bordon Opportunity Executive Group to oversee the ‘Green Town Vision’ planning of the Parish on the withdrawal of the Garrison. This will receive local information from five Policy Advisory Groups:• Biodiversity/Environmental Issues • Housing, Community and Leisure needs • Community Infrastructure – to include Transport, Utilities, Health and Education requirements • Business, Employment and Town Centre, Skills and Training • Transition planning It is essential that wildlife organisations are well represented on all the groups. Important verges for wildlife have been notified to Hampshire County Council and so received SINC status. However the contracting out of the cutting of verges often means that the contractors do not know where the SINCs are located or the times when they should not be cut. This also applies to road works, which results in road spoil being dumped on the verges. Hollybrook Pond was dredged and invading trees removed by Whitehill Town Council (WTC) in 2006.

Proposed Action Threat 1

Lack of Information

Valuable habitat may be lost if there is a lack of information of the species utilising a site. An unmanaged site may also become unsuitable for some species, which depend on a certain management regime.

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Objective Increase knowledge of species in the area Action More surveys on the wildlife in the urban area are needed. Three road verges in the Parish have already received SINC status based on their rare flora through the efforts of local enthusiasts. A rare local solitary wasp is known to be present on a fourth verge. Monitoring of these areas is needed to ensure their correct management. Surveys will also highlight planting of suitable shrubs and trees on roadsides and in landscaping schemes. This will provide food, for example from flowers in spring and summer and berries in the autumn and roosting places for both native birds and migrants such as the waxwings. (EHDC, WTC, DVT, WPS and ECG *) Outcome Improved attractiveness and maintenance of green spaces and landscaped areas for the species present. Threat 2

Pond Management

Waxwings roosting in Woolmer Trading Estate

Hollybrook Pond is an area of open water important for both wildlife and for the enjoyment of the residents of the town. It has no structured management plan and is the responsibility of Whitehill Town Council. Objective Ensure the pond is effectively managed to maintain and enhance biodiversity Action A management plan is needed for Hollybrook Pond (WTC, DVT, ECG and WPS *) Outcome A healthy pond managed suitably and sustainably for wildlife, and an amenity for the town enhancing the well-being of the residents.

Hollybrook Pond

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Threat 3


Fragmentation of green spaces occurs as development spreads around and between them. The movement of flora and fauna across the urban area, which is often a hostile environment, leads to isolation and local species extinction may follow. Objective Ensure green spaces do not become isolated, but are connected by wildlife corridors. Action The maintenance of wildlife corridors through the town is essential for successful movement of flora and fauna. The Deadwater Valley LNR and the Bordon Inclosure on the eastern edge of the town link the SAC/SPA of Woolmer in the south to the SPA of Broxhead Common in the north of the Parish. At present a similar link exists on the western edge from the SPA and SINC south of Firgrove Road through the Hogmoor Inclosure to the SINCs of The Warren and The Slab and on through the SINC of Oak Farm Meadow to the new SINC at Oxney. This heathland corridor must be retained to ensure the biodiversity of these and surrounding areas. Further corridors through the town along the edge of the A325, could be provided by enhancing the hedgerows that already exist, and planting more native trees and shrubs where gaps are found. (WBOEG. EHDC, WTC, WBTP business group **) Outcome Green spaces throughout the town are connected by the creation of ecological networks and the potential for species retention and dispersal is increased. Threat 4


The population may rise to 25,000 on withdrawal of Bordon Garrison. The brownfield site, which this occupies, may move from a low density of dwellings to a much higher density following Government targets of 35 dwellings per hectare. At least 2,000 houses plus infrastructure are expected to be built on this site. The impact of building will be even greater on the greenfield site to the east of Bordon, in the neighbouring Parish of Headley. This area is separated from the urban part of Philanthus triangulum Bordon by an ancient woodland and the Deadwater Valley LNR. At present it is farmland, providing grazing for cattle and consequently an excellent environment for the invertebrates, which are fed on by the Annex 1 Directive birds from the nearby Wealden Heaths. Another 2,000 houses or more plus infrastructure are expected to be built here. Objective Ensure policies are in place to produce adequate green space (SANG) in an SPA environmentally sustainable town surrounded by the Wealden Heaths Phase ll. Ensure that the new development is designed to benefit wildlife and the environment.

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Action The Whitehill Bordon Opportunity Executive Group (WBOEG) in line with the ‘Green Town Vision’ must provide adequate policies and guidance for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity (PPS 9, NERC Act 2006). Where development is proposed there should be equal or greater gains for biodiversity. SINCs should be protected through the Local Development Framework. Any new developments should incorporate the principles of sustainability by providing green space, wildlife corridors and buffering sensitive habitats. There should be natural green space no more than 300m from each dwelling with managed access. The design of housing should be environmentally friendly utilising solar energy where possible and incorporating suitable spaces for wildlife such as nesting sites for house martins and swifts. It is essential to raise awareness of biodiversity and it is hoped that the publicity for the launch of this LBAP for Whitehill Parish will help to increase its profile in the town. (WBOEG, EHDC, WTC ***) Outcome A sustainable town with conserved and enhanced biodiversity in line with EHDCs ‘Green Town Vision’ Threat 5

Garden grabbing

The current trend of building on back gardens also reduces small green spaces, which are important for all wildlife, particularly birds and hedgehogs. ‘Garden grabbing’ has now reached an all time high and is a threat of future flooding to Bordon and downriver residential areas. Its detrimental impact has been recognised by James Arbuthnot, our local MP and by Jeremy Hunt MP for South West Surrey. Figures from Hansard show that the percentage of new dwellings on previously residential land now stands at 25% for other districts in Hampshire and 55% in the East Hampshire District. Objective Prevent or minimise the disappearance of back gardens Action Support our local MPs, who are pursuing this in the House of Commons. East Hampshire District Council also need to support this initiative by refusing such planning applications. Encourage individuals, community groups and local schools to realise and enhance these small areas for our flora and fauna through promotion of “Gardening for Wildlife”. This could include putting up nest boxes, feeding the birds, creating small log piles, making a garden pond, growing more nectar producing flowers or not using peat based composts. The paving over of front gardens, which in some areas reaches 30% (RSPB) is also decreasing available green space. Prevention of this needs to be a policy in the planning conditions for new housing in the ‘Green Town Vision’. (Local MPs, EHDC, WTC, HWT **) Outcome Back and front gardens provide green spaces for House Sparrow wildlife increasing biodiversity. 21 22



Threat 6


The small size of green spaces close to housing makes them vulnerable to external influences. Disturbance from continuous use by local residents can cause undue pressure on sensitive sites. Dogs and cats can also have a detrimental impact on the local wildlife, as can the dumping of general litter and garden rubbish particularly when it contains nonnative species. Objective Ensure policies are in place to reduce/abolish disturbance on the sensitive green spaces. Action If sufficient spaces between blocks of houses are included in future development, so that none is more than 300m from a green area, the amount of disturbance by overuse will be reduced. The dumping of garden and other rubbish is illegal and should be addressed by encouraging individuals, local community groups and local businesses to take action to conserve our natural resources and take responsibility for biodiversity. (WBOEG, EHDC, WTC, HWT **) Outcome Disturbance of green spaces is minimised and biodiversity is maintained. Threat 7

Pollution Air pollution and road run-off particularly around major roads, are harmful to plants and animals. More traffic from the increased population will have a detrimental effect on heathland vegetation by increasing nutrients. Roads are also the major cause of death to mammals such as hedgehogs, badgers and birds. Light and noise have also been shown to cause stress to wildlife. Badger

Objective Ensure policies are in place to support the ‘Green Town Vision’. Action When development takes place it is essential that pollution from road run-off, air pollution, light and noise pollution are recognised and minimised in the planning process. (HCC, EHDC, WBOEG, WTC **) Outcome Pollution is reduced to a minimum, particularly on heathland sites. 22 23



Eroded track on Hogmoor Inclosure

Total Area - 75 Hectares Location – centred on British National Grid reference SU790347. It is bounded on its northern edge by Station Road and its western edge by Hogmoor Road. The eastern edge is separated from the A325 by the Woolmer Trading Estate and its southern edge is bounded by housing. Description Hogmoor Inclosure is designated as a SINC. It is owned by the MOD and has been used as a military training area since the 19th Century. During the 20th Century it has been used as a tracked military vehicle training site replicating the adverse conditions present on sandy soils in many countries. The natural history value of this site relates to the dry and limited wetland areas and the many shrubby areas of the site. The bare soil areas exposed by military activities are particularly interesting. However, this interest is not in the very eroded, continually used area but in the steep vertical sandy sides to the tracks and some of the much less frequently used edges to the driver training areas. Here Ling (Calluna vulgaris) and Bell Heather (Erica cinerea) survive with a few grass species. Grayling butterflies (Hipparchia semele), a typical heathland inhabitant and a BAP species, survive on the site. The local hoverfly, Xanthandrus comptus which has only occurred in eight other 10km squares in Hampshire, was recorded here in 2007.

23 24


The structure of this site including mature Scots Pine trees also supports the large and uncommon beetle Prionus coriarius. The scattered heathland patches that survive support the typical solitary wasp and bee populations similar to those that occur at Woolmer. Only one small stream survives, feeding a single pond, which dries up in drought years such as 2006. The other wet heathy part was sadly bulldozed after it was sold by the MOD to provide an extension to the existing trading estate to its south.

Ammophila wasp

UK BAP Species Grayling Butterfly – Hipparchia semele Yellow Bird’s Nest - Monotropa hypopitys Grass Snake –Natrix natrix Adder – Vipera beris Slow Worm – Anguis fragilis Common Toad – Bufo bufo Viviparous Lizard – Lacerta vivipara Hampshire BAP Priority Habitat Action Plans Lowland Heath, Bog, Acid Grassland Standing Open Water Notable Hampshire Species Hoverfly – Xanthandrus comptus Corn Spurrey – Spergula arvensis Silver Hairgrass – Aira caryophyllea Small Cudweed – Filago minima Small Water-pepper – Persicaria minor Lesser Winter-green – Pyrola minor Current Action This is a military training area under constant use. It is not managed for its habitat or species present. Proposed Action Grayling butterfly

Threat 1


At present there is excessive vehicle disturbance of sandy areas on dry heathland. 24 25


Objective Ensure policies are in place to minimise disturbance. Action If the MOD retain the land, periodically military vehicles should be excluded from current fringe areas. This will prevent excessive erosion and disturbance of the dry soil margins and encourage plant growth in these areas. If the land is sold, the existing network of sandy paths needs to be retained. This will control access and allow already eroded areas to recover to heathland. (EHDC, LCG-MOD, EGC, WPS **) Outcome A suitable and sustainable habitat is produced. Threat 2


If the MOD withdraw from this site and the area is developed as an industrial estate or for housing, the Hogmoor Inclosure will no longer provide a wildlife corridor between the SSSI in the south and the SINCs and SPAs in the north. It has been recognised as a SINC itself, but the part next to the A325 has been developed and the SINC there has still not been established. Landscaping of the site would also destroy the steep vertical sandy cliffs, which are important for biodiversity. If this land is allocated for sand extraction there will after use, be an option to restore it all to heathland. The current National Heathland Habitat Action Plan states that “In areas that support lowland heathland there should be a presumption in favour of re-establishing heathland on derelict land or land that has been used for mineral extraction�. Objective Ensure policies are in place which acknowledge the Hogmoor Inclosure for its part in the wider ecological network and maintain it as a heathland habitat. Action Lobby WBOEG to retain the Hogmoor Inclosure as a wildlife corridor and to create a management plan, which maintains its different habitats. Its cliff-like contours on the edges of the open sandy areas are used by a variety of terrestrial invertebrates. These need to be retained and not landscaped or re-profiled. The best solution for the existing flora and fauna is that this area should be allowed to recover or restored to heathland. (WBOEG, EHDC, WTC, ECG, HWT **) Outcome A matrix of heathland, exposed sandy areas and open water restored to preserve and enhance its biodiversity. Threat 3

Lack of Management Yellow Birdsnest

The heathland is in danger from succession as Scots Pine and deciduous tree seedlings are growing amongst the heather plants. 25 26



Objective Manage the Hogmoor Inclosure so that the heather is the dominant vegetation. Action Seedling trees should be removed from amongst the heather plants to prevent the area becoming wooded. (LCG-MOD, HWT, ECG **) Outcome The site is in a favourable condition and maintained as a heathland corridor. Threat 4

Lack of Information

Information is particularly lacking on the fungi, bryophytes, terrestrial invertebrates, mammals and birds. Objective Increase knowledge of species on the site. Action Carry out further surveys to determine the full biodiversity of the site and to monitor that any actions initiated are being effective. (EHDC, WTC, HWT, ECG *) Outcome Improved maintenance for the species and habitats present to encourage biodiversity.

Heathland vegetation alongside path in Hogmoor Inclosure

26 27


Slab Common

Total Area - 62 Hectares 3 Location – centred on British National Grid reference SU780352. It is bounded on its northern edge by Oakhanger Road, on its western and southern edge by the stream which forms the Parish boundary and its eastern side abuts the housing development alongside Hogmoor Road. Description The Slab is a registered common comprising the north eastern part of a larger heathland area. This is a SINC which also contains The Warren, Southlands and Blackmoor Golf Course. The Slab is the only part within the Parish of Whitehill. It has been used as a military training area since the 19th Century and in the 20th Century as a military vehicle recovery site replicating the adverse conditions present on sandy soils in many countries. The natural history value of this site relates to the dry and wet heathland, the streams and wetland areas. The bare soil areas exposed by military activities are particularly interesting. However, this interest is not in the very eroded, continually used area, but in the Military vehicle awaiting recovery much less frequently used edges to these areas. Here common and more local plants are able to flourish and flower without being crowded out by lush grass growth. 27 28


Such plants include Small Cudweed (Filago minima), Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and various species of yellow Compositae, which are invaluable to some solitary bee species. Local species occurring here include the solitary bees Melitta leporina which visits the Lotus and is uncommon in heathland situations and the scarce species Halictus confusus and Lasioglossum brevicorne which pollinate the Compositae. This site includes a number of cuttings with sandy cliffs where the military vehicles pass through. These clifflike sites providing nesting areas for a number of the solitary wasp and bee species, that would not otherwise be present. The structure of this site and its northern roadside fringes include extensive areas of shrubs and also includes blackberry (Rubus sp). The flowers of this are important to many insects as are the stems, which, when hollowed out by some species of solitary bee or wasp, become their nest sites. The Scots Pine woods with clear areas underneath, in the east of the site, are less interesting. However, even these are home to Tawny Owls which can regularly be heard hooting from them at night. Common Wintergreen (Pyrola minor) has been found in this area in the past. To the south the heathy vegetation still contains a number of botanical rarities including Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus) and three patches of Marsh Clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata). There are some streams traversing this site and many wet areas. The former historically held Brook Lamprey (Lampetra planeri) and the open waters are good for dragonflies and damselflies, such as the Emperor (Anax imperator), Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) and Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo). Blackmoor Golf Course previously held the rare beetle (Platycis minuta), which feeds on old pine wood. Cranberry

UK BAP Species Nightjar – Caprimulgus europaeus Woodlark – Lullula arborea Marsh Clubmoss – Lycopodiella inundata Annual Knawel – Scleranthus annuus Grass Snake –Natrix natrix Adder – Vipera beris Slow Worm – Anguis fragilis Common Toad – Bufo bufo Common Lizard – Lacerta vivipara Hampshire BAP Priority Habitat Action Plans Lowland Heath, Bog, Acid grassland Notable Hampshire Species Hoary Cinquefoil – Potentilla argentea Hare’s-tail Cotton Grass – Eriophorum vaginatum Alternate Water Milfoil – Myriophyllum verticillatum White Beak-Sedge – Rhynchospora alba 28 29

Marsh Clubmoss


Hairy Birdsfoot Trefoil – Lotus subbiflorus Dodder – Cuscuta epithymum Petty Whin – Genista anglica Shepherd’s Cress – Teesdalia nudicaulis Current Action The Slab is owned by the MOD and used for training purposes. Little conservation work is carried out on it. Proposed Action Threat 1

Lack of Management

Some sensitive areas are becoming overgrown, which will degrade the habitat for the priority species. Objective Manage the common to restore a favourable habitat. Action If the MOD withdraw from the site, no re-landscaping or re-profiling of the eroded areas should take place, so that the dry sandy areas are retained. The best solution to enhance biodiversity is that this area should be allowed to revert to heathland naturally. However, occasional disturbance by All-wheel drive Club/motorcycle use should be allowed perhaps once or twice a year. (WBOEG, LCG-MOD, HWT, ECG ***) Outcome The site is in a favourable condition and biodiversity is encouraged.

Threat 2


An increase in the population will increase the usage of the site for leisure activities and consequently damage it. Objective Maintain the wildlife corridor with suitable habitats and enhance the biodiversity. Action Periodically exclude vehicles (military vehicles, All-wheel Drive Club or similar 4x4 vehicles and motorcycles) from current fringe areas, to the main usage areas to prevent excessive erosion and disturbance of the dry soil margins, to encourage plant growth in these areas. (LCG-MOD, HWT, ECG ***) Outcome Plant growth in the fringe areas is encouraged and bare soil structure maintained for burrowing invertebrates.

29 30



Threat 3

Lack of Information

More information on the species present would be beneficial to the LBAP and the planning of future actions. Objective Increase knowledge of species present. Action More surveys need to be carried out especially on the lower plants, fungi and mammals on this site. (LCG-MOD, HWT, ECG *) Outcome Improved management for species present. Threat 4


This site will probably be kept by the MOD after the removal of the Garrison. However, one plot of land on the eastern border of The Slab already has planning permission for 47 houses and more sites will undoubtedly follow. Objective Ensure policies are in place which acknowledge The Slab for its part in the wider ecological network. Action Lobby EHDC Planning to prevent such problems as garden refuse dumping on The Slab. (EHDC, WBOEG, ECG, WPS **) Outcome A sustainable habitat is maintained for The Slab.

Tank tracks on The Slab

30 31


Path through Hornbeam Wood

Total Area – 22 Hectares Location – centred on British National Grid reference SU803364. It is bounded on its northern edge by Lindford Road, on the east by the River Wey and in the south it is contiguous with the Deadwater Valley LNR. The western edge abuts the Trenchard and St Lucia housing estates. Description The Bordon Inclosure is owned by the MOD. None of this land has SINC recognition, but it does form a wildlife corridor from Alexandra Park SINC, part of the Deadwater Valley LNR in the south and Broxhead Common South SINC, which is contiguous with Broxhead Common SPA to the north. The north-west section of the Bordon Inclosure is the least diverse as it is a mixture of beech, hornbeam, sycamore, birch and oak. This means the canopy is dense, which prevents much in the way of ground flora, except in one small glade. However, the hornbeam woodland does contain hawfinches. The north-east section has been planted with pines or hemlock, some of which have been felled in the last few years. Ling (Calluna vulgaris) and purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea) have reappeared in places, which is indicative of heathland. Probably this area is land enclosed from a heathland common. On the north side of the track to the bridge over the River Wey there is a significantly large pollarded oak supporting many lichens. 31 32



The southern section has a wet alderwood alongside the river and broad leaved woodland on the drier high ground to the west, part of which was occupied by the Commanding Officer’s house for Quebec Barracks. This latter area contains introduced trees and shrubs such as Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). The wet alderwood contains the most interesting species botanically, with 16 being in the Ancient Woodland Vascular Plants list. The River Wey has been a suitable habitat for Water Vole and White-clawed Crayfish, but they have been ousted by wild mink and Signal Crayfish respectively. UK BAP Species Hawfinch Hampshire BAP Priority Habitat Action Plans Fen, Carr Marsh, Swamp, Reedbeds Notable Hampshire Species Large Bitter Cress – Cardamine amara White Sedge – Carex curta Hop Sedge – Carex pseudocyperus Shore Horsetail – Equisetum x litorale Current Action Hawfinch Some felling of the plantation trees by the MOD has taken place recently, opening up part of the area in the north east section. However this was not carried out for conservation reasons and there is no management of the Bordon Inclosure to maintain or enhance biodiversity. Proposed Action Threat 1

Lack of Management

There has been no management of the site since the removal of some of the plantation trees. Objective Restore river valley habitats. Action Remove invasive alien species such as Himalayan Balsam and Orange Balsam, wild mink and Signal Crayfish. (LCG-MOD, HWT, DVT, ECG***) Outcome Native species such as white-clawed crayfish re-colonise areas occupied by invaders. Threat 2

Lack of Information

More information is needed to determine the biodiversity of the site. Objective Increase knowledge of certain groups, particularly bird species. 32 33


Action Survey the site for birds and lesser known groups, such as fungi. (LCG-MOD, WTC, EHDC, HWT, DVT, ECG *) Outcome Biodiversity increased through knowledge of species present and the habitats they require. Threat 3


This area is next to the married quarters of St Lucia and Quebec barracks. With the withdrawal of the Garrison this area may be sold and developed. If this land is allocated for sand extraction there will, after use, be an option to restore it all to heathland. The current National Heathland Habitat Action Plan states that ‘In areas that support lowland heathland there should be a presumption in favour of re-establishing heathland on derelict land or land that has been used for mineral extraction’. Objective Maintain the connection on the eastern border of the Parish between the SPAs through the SINCs and the Bordon Inclosure. Action Ensure a wildlife corridor remains on the eastern border of the Parish as this includes alder carr and other suitable habitats. Obtain a Tree Protection Order on the large oak tree on the north of the track. (WBOEG, EHDC, HWT, ECG, DVT ***) Outcome Effects of fragmentation of sites are reduced. i) Potential for species’ dispersal is maintained ii) Road kill of mammals is reduced iii) Ancient oak tree plus all its associated flora and fauna is protected Disturbance The large increase in population makes green spaces vulnerable to external influences. Disturbance from continuous use by local residents can cause undue pressure on sensitive sites. Dogs and cats Roe deer can also have a detrimental impact on local wildlife. Dumping of litter, especially garden waste pollutes green spaces and introduces alien species. Threat 4

33 34



Objective Maintain the wildlife corridor with suitable habitats and enhance its biodiversity. Action i) Include in future development, green space no more than 300m from each dwelling with managed access. (WBOEG, EHDC **) ii) Control the impact of dogs on eutrophication of the land and cats on nesting birds. (EHDC, Developers of the site **) iii) Control the dumping of garden waste. (EHDC, WTC *) iv) Ensure no new paths are made through the alder carr (LCG-MOD, EHDC, WTC *) Outcome A wildlife corridor is suitable for movement of flora and fauna between SINCs and SPAs.

Pollarded Oak

34 35


Grazing Field (a SINC) with Southern Marsh Orchids

Total area – 104 Hectares

Location – centred on British National Grid reference SU806341. Description Hollywater is a small hamlet on the edge of Woolmer Forest. It is first mentioned in 1350 as ‘la Holewatre juxta Iveleybrigge’. Owing to its relatively isolated position it had, until fairly recently, remained unaltered. It originated as an assart in Woolmer Forest and still has several cottages dating back to the 16th Century. The fields are small and are mostly used for smallholding and the grazing of horses. This has led to the retention of their medieval boundaries of ditches and banks topped with oak trees. In Hollywater the Hollywater River is joined by a small stream, the Deadwater to become the River Deadwater. This flows from the south to north through the area and the water is clear, unpolluted and well oxygenated. It contains Brown Trout, Brook Lampreys and Beautiful Demoiselles (Calopteryx virgo). The fields adjoining it flood after heavy rain, and this Brown Trout occurs all year round. 35 36



The soil is lower greensand and supports Common Spotted Orchids (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) and Southern Marsh Orchids (Dactylorhiza praetermissa). Hollywater has largely escaped cultivation owing to its inclusion in Woolmer Forest and later within areas owned by the MOD and National Trust, the two latter both having SPA and SSSI status. Hollywater Farm is composed of unimproved and partially improved wet grassland with some additional elevated dry unimproved grassland areas. The westernmost meadow supports large numbers of Meadow Thistle typical of old hay meadows. All the other fields on the farm contain Common Spotted Orchids, Ladies Smock, Silverweed, Ragged Robin, some Devil’s Bit Scabious and smaller amounts of Meadow Thistle. The adjacent parish of Bramshott and Liphook contains Passfield Common and Hollywater Green owned by the National Trust. It is part of the Woolmer Forest SSSI and the Wealden Heaths Phase ll SPA. Hollywater Green is an extensive area of tussocky, tall-herb fen, lightly grazed by cattle. It contains the Wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi), Raft Spider (Dolomedes fimbriatus) and Adderstongue fern Merveille du Jour moth (Ophioglossum vulgatum). Hollywater Pond had its dam, leat and sluices reinstated by the National Trust in 1986-7. The pond is shallow with extensive beds of marginal water plants including Angelica (Angelica sylvestris) and Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga). It also contains Swan Mussels (Anodonta cygnea) UK BAP Species Nightjar – Caprimulgus europaeus Starling – Sturnus vulgaris Marsh Tit – Poecile palustris Bullfinch – Pyrrhula pyrrhula House Sparrow – Passer domesticus Song Thrush – Turdus philomelos Brown Trout – Salmo trutta Bullhead – Cottus gabio Adder – Vipera beris Grass Snake –Natrix natrix Slow Worm – Anguis fragilis Common Toad – Bufo bufo Water Vole – Arvicola terrestris Badger –Meles meles 29 BAP species of Moths including Double Line – Mythimna turca

Marsh Tit

36 37


Hampshire BAP Priority Habitat Action Plans Lowland Heath, Bog, Acid Grassland Hampshire Notables Large Bitter Cress – Cardamine amara Brook Lamprey – Lampetra planeri Current Actions The eastern portion of Hollywater in Whitehill Parish is in private ownership. Some of the area in Headley Parish is also privately owned, but Hollywater Green and Passfield Common in Bramshott and Liphook Parish are owned by the National Trust. The latter has a management plan for all their land. Proposed Action Threat 1.

Lack of Information

Only an entomological survey has been carried out on the land in private ownership. A vegetation survey has been carried out on the National Trust Land. Objective Increase knowledge of under-recorded groups especially birds. Action Survey the site for birds and lesser known groups such as fungi. (HWT, ECG *) Outcome Biodiversity protected through knowledge of new species and their habitat requirements. Threat 2.


If the development boundary is altered with the growth of the town, there will be pressure for housing on the privately owned land. The area has also been identified as overlaying soft sand (the Folkestone Beds), which is included in the HCC Minerals and Waste Plans. Objective Ensure policies are in place, which recognise Hollywater as part of the wider ecological network from the Woolmer Forest SSSI, SAC and SPA to the Deadwater Valley LNR and Eveley Wood SINC, through the Bordon Inclosure to the Broxhead SINC and SPA. Action Lobby planners and owners of the land to ensure the connection between the SPA in the south and the River Deadwater LNR in the north is maintained. (Landowners, HCC, WBOEG, EHDC, ECG ***) Outcome i) Maintenance of acid grassland habitat ii) Potential for species dispersal is maintained along an eastern corridor iii) The high biodiversity of the area is retained iv) Designation of Hollywater Farm as a SINC 37 38



Sheep grazing on Oxney Meadows

Total Area – 181 Hectares

Location - centred on British National Grid reference SU790370 Oxney Farm is located in the northwest end of the Parish. It is bounded on its north western edge by the Oxney Stream and runs south eastwards through the meadows to Broxhead Warren, whose eastern boundary is the A325. Description The farm was purchased by the MOD in 1903 and used as kennels for the Aldershot Drag Hounds, while the meadows were used for Officer Training Corps camps. Today the farm is used for military training, the meadows for grazing sheep and the central wood for pheasant-rearing by the Garrison Shoot. One field, which used to be the polo ground, is kept mown for model airplane enthusiasts. To the east of the meadows there is mixed woodland, which leads onto Broxhead Warren. This has become very eroded along its tracks as it is used for military training, 4 x 4 drive clubs and motorbike scrambles. However, the eroded edges provide nest sites for solitary wasp and bee species and the disturbed ground produces many colonies of Coral Necklace (Illecebrum verticellatum). The whole area is bisected by Footpaths 5 and 6 which lead into Kingsley Parish. Whitehill Parish boundary is the Oxney Stream and the north west portion of this is surrounded by an extensive marshy area. The south eastern end of Footpath 5 crosses another stream, which flows out of Oxney Moss. This used to be dammed to form Oxney Pool and the dam has recently been replaced. The pool is reforming, but now has extensive alder growth in it. Part of the southern portion of this area was developed as a camp for troops in 38 39


World War 2 and was known as Martinique Barracks. This has since been demolished leaving the area served by tarmac covered roads and a large parade ground. In recent years this has been used by the Garrison to provide a bonfire and fireworks to celebrate the 5th November with all the community. The whole area is used regularly by the local community to enjoy the wildlife and countryside. UK BAP species Woodlark – Lullula arborea Skylark - Emberiza schoeniclus Reed Bunting - Arvicola terrestris Water Vole - Arvicola terrestris Coral Necklace – Illecebrum verticillatum Viviparous Lizard – Lacerta vivipara Adder – Vipera berus Grass Snake – Natrix natrix Hampshire BAP Priority Habitat Action Plan Lowland Heath, Bog, Acid Grassland Notable Hampshire Species Silver-washed Fritillary – Argynnis paphia Sand Sedge – Carex arenaria White Sedge – Carex curta Hoary Cinquefoil – Potentilla argentea Firecrest – Regulus ignicapillus

Water Vole

Current Action The area is owned and managed by the MOD. The Longmoor Conservation Group are able to make recommendations on the management, but the military requirements take priority. In the last ten years the meadows have been planted with mixed hedgerows providing game cover, but also wildlife corridors. Skylarks frequently sing and hold territories in the fields. The Garrison Shoot had a large pond dug in the southwest section, now called Ruffs Pond as it is near Ruffs Farm. This name originated from the gathering of Ruffs at a lek in the breeding season. The pond is frequented by water voles and supports 16 species of Dragonflies and Damselflies. The adjoining SINC at Broxhead Warren has large areas of open sand created by the movement of car and motorbike tyres. This appears to have transported Coral Necklace (Illecebrum verticillatum) to the damp bare sandy edges of the tracks from a similar site in Longmoor. There is also some relic heathland left in this area with both Bell Heather and Cross-leaved Heath (Erica cinerea and E.tetralix), being present along with Purple Moorgrass Small Red Damselfly (Molinia caerulea). 39 40



As a result of the information gathered together by the ECG and our partner HBIC for this LBAP, HCC have now designated a large portion of this area as a SINC. WOW! Proposed Action Threat 1

Pond/Steam Water Levels

The building of houses may affect the hydrology of the site with an impact on Ruffs Pond, Oxney Moss and Oxney Stream. These are important for dragonflies and spiders. Objective Maintain the present water levels Action Ensure that planners are aware of the hydrology of the area so that water levels are maintained. The marshy area next to Oxney Stream in the north west of the site needs the removal of encroaching trees to maintain open free flowing water. This is another important area for spiders (WBOEG, EHDC,LCG-MOD, ECG **) Outcome The open water level is retained Wasp Spider

Threat 2.

Loss of Breeding Ground

Ruffs Farm was named after the birds, which used the area as a lek. Objective Restore/recreate the habitat for breeding Ruffs. Action Conduct a survey to identify any restoration of the habitat, which would encourage the return of the Ruff. (LGC-MOD, ECG ***) Outcome Ruffs breeding once more at Ruffs Farm. Threat 3.


With the withdrawal of the Bordon Garrison the military land to the south of the Oxney Farm area will be sold off and possibly a large number of houses built. Objective Raise awareness of the natural history importance of the site. Action i) Encourage Natural England to designate the site for added protection as an SSSI. (ECG**) 40 41


ii) iii)

Maintain the use of the land as it is at present, under the control of the Army Training Estates. (LCG-MOD*) Raise awareness of the importance of the area for natural history with the local residents and councillors by guided walks and talks (HCC, EHDC, LCG-MOD, HWT, WPS, ECG **)

Outcome A sustainable habitat suitable for both wildlife and informal recreation. Threat 4


i) Development in the area to the south will increase the pressure on this area for recreational use causing increased disturbance. This can be detrimental to the spider population. ii) The dumping of garden refuse, especially by those houses backing onto the Oxney Farm area, will increase the possibility of alien plants being introduced. These species are often aggressive in their growth and can change the composition and character of the habitats. iii) The domestic cat can also impact adversely on adjacent habitats, because of the threat they pose to feeding birds, ground nesting birds such as the skylark, and fledglings. Objective Eliminate or minimise these threats Action i) Encourage a walkable route using the paths already present around the area to minimise off track disturbance. (LCG-MOD, ECG **) ii) At the planning stage ask for a deterrent such as a boundary wall to be placed around any new estate, so that garden rubbish is not easily dumped in the area. (WBOEG, WTC, EHDC **) iii) Place a covenant on households to control their cats by putting a bell on a cat’s collar or keeping them in first thing in the morning can help to reduce this threat. (WBOEG, Developers of the estate **) Outcome A suitable and sustainable habitat is maintained


Coral Necklace

41 42

Glossary BSBI – Botanical Society of the British Isles DEFRA – Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DVT – Deadwater Valley Trust ECG – Environment Conservation Group EHDC – East Hampshire District Council Ha - Hectares HBIC – Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre HCC – Hampshire County Council HWT – Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust LBAP – Local Biodiversity Action Plan LCG-MOD – Longmoor Conservation Group of Ministry of Defence LNR – Local Nature Reserve NERC – Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act PPS – Planning Policy Statement RSPB – Royal Society for Protection of Birds SAC – Special Area of Conservation SANG – Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace SEERA – South East England Regional Assembly SINC – Site of Importance for Nature Conservation SPA – Special Protected Area SSSI – Site of Special Scientific Interest WBOEG – Whitehill-Bordon Opportunity Executive Group WBTP – Whitehill-Bordon Town Partnership WPS – Walldown Preservation Society WTC – Whitehill Town Council

Time scale * ** ***

- Short term - Progress within two years - Mid term – Projects possible within five to ten years - Long term – These Projects may be ongoing with minor revisions to the overall aim, or may be a long term goal, which will require significant changes in local, regional or national policy in order to achieve them

Sources of Information Appendix 1 to DCE10/2007 Terms of Reference for WBOEG & PAG Biodiversity Action Plan for East Hampshire 2002 (HWT) 2008 Edwards, Mike, Report of an Entomological Survey of Hollywater Farm 2007 Jones, Dick, The Meadows. ATE. Whitehill Parish Arachnological Survey 2006 Guidelines for the Creation of Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace 2007 Hall, Chris, A Botanical Survey of Bordon Inclosure 2007 Hampshire Notable Species Vascular Plant Checklist (BSBI) March 2005 HBIC a Phase 2 Survey of the MOD M1- M3 Training Areas June 2007 Local Authority Services and Biodiversity Your Statutory Obligations 2006 National Trust Biological Evaluation Passfield Common & Conford Moor 1998 Natural England Interim Briefing Note –Yorkshire & Humber Region 2007 PPS9 Biodiversity & Geological Conservation Planning Brief 2005 Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council – Unitary Development Plan 2006 Ralphs, Ian, HBIC Phase 2 Survey of MOD M1-M3 Training Areas Oxney 2007 Thames Basin Heaths SPA Draft Interim Strategic Delivery Plan Oct. 2007 The State of Hampshire’s Biodiversity Oct 2006 UK Air Pollution Information System: Overview - Eutrophication UK Plans – Action Plan for Lowland Heathland 2005 Wearing, Michael F., An Oxney Survey Dec 2007

42 43

Appendix 1 Species recorded in Whitehill Parish specifically protected by law under Schedules 1, 5 and 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and Regulation 39 Habitats Regulations 1994 (European protected animal species). Group

Common Name

Latin Name


Amphibian Amphibian Amphibian Amphibian Amphibian Amphibian Bats Beetle Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds BIrds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds BIrds Birds Butterfly Mammal Plant Reptile Reptile Reptile Reptile Reptile Reptile

Common Frog Common Toad Great Crested Newt Natterjack Toad Palmate Newt Smooth Newt All species Stag beetle Avocet Barn Owl Bittern Black Redstart Black-tailed Godwit Black Tern Brambling Cetti’s Warbler Common Scoter Crossbills Dartford Warbler Fieldfare Firecrest Garganey Green Sandpiper Greenshank Hen Harriers Honey Buzzard Hobby Kingfisher Little Gull Little Ringed Plover Merlin Osprey Peregrine Red Kite Redwing Ruff Snow Bunting Spotted Crake Whimbrel Woodlark Wood Sandpiper Silver-studded Blue Badger Bluebell Sand Lizard Viviparous Lizard Slow worm Grass Snake Smooth Snake Adder

Rana temporaria Bufo bufo Triturus cristatus Bufo calamita Triturus helveticus Triturus vulgaris Vespertilionidae Lucanus cervus Recurvirostra avosetta Tyto alba Botaurus astellaris Phoenicurus ochruros Limosa limosa Chlidonias niger Fringilla montifringilla Cettia cetti Melanitta nigra All species Sylvia undata Turdus pilaris Regulus ignicapillus Anas querquedula Tringa ochropus Tringa nebularia All species Pernis apivorus Falco subbuteo Alcedo atthis Larus minutus Charadrius dubius Falco columbarius Pandion aliaetus Falco peregrinus Milvus milvus Turdus iliacus Philomachus pugnax Plectrophenax nivalis Porzana porzana Numenius phaeopus Lullula arborea Tringa glareola Plebejus argus Meles meles Hyacinthoides non-scripta Lacerta agilis Lacerta vivipara Anguis fragilis Natrix helvetica Coronella austriaca Vipera berus

Throughout the Parish Throughout the Parish Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest/Deadwater Valley /Broxhead Woolmer Forest/Deadwater Valley/Broxhead Throughout the Parish Woolmer Forest Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest Throughout the Parish Woolmer Pond Woolmer Pond Throughout the Parish Woolmer Forest/Broxhead/Hogmoor Woolmer Forest/Oxney Meadows/Deadwater Oxney Meadows/Deadwater Valley Woolmer Pond Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest/Longmoor/Oxney Deadwater Valley/Oxney Woolmer Forest Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest/Longmoor Woolmer Forest Throughout the Parish Deadwater Valley Throughout the Parish Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest Woolmer Forest Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest/Broxhead/Longmoor Woolmer Pond Woolmer Forest/Broxhead/Longmoor Throughout the Parish Deadwater Valley Woolmer Forest/Broxhead Throughout the Parish Throughout the Parish Throughout the Parish Woolmer Forest/Longmoor Throughout the Parish

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Appendix 2; Useful Contacts Discover Whitehill and Bordon www.discoverwhitehilland bordon.org.uk

BTCV, Conservation Centre, Micheldever Wood, Micheldever, Hants SO21 3BP TEL: 01962 774714 E-MAIL: btcvhampshire@btcv.org.uk WEBSITE: www.btcv.org.uk

Natural England Natural England, 1 Southampton Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, SO43 7BU TEL: 02380 283944

Britiah Dragonfly Society 23 Bowker Way Whittlesey Peterborough PE7 1PY

Environment Agency Environment Agency, Culvedene Court, Wessex Business Park, Wessex Way, Colden Common, Nr Winchester, Hants, SO21 1WP TEL: 01962 713267

Butterfly Conservation Manor Yard, East Lulworth, near Wareham, Dorset BH20 5QP TEL: 01929 400209 www.butterfly-conservation.org

Environment Conservation Group Whitehill Town Council Pinehill Road, Bordon, Hants GU35 0BS TEL: 01420-472329

Council for the Protection of Rural England Beaconsfield House, Andover Road, Winchester, Hants SO22 6AT TEL: 01962 843655

Forestry Commission South East England Conservancy, AliceHolt, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4LF TEL: 01420 23337 E-MAIL: enquiries@forestry.gsi.gov.uk

Country Landowners Association Highclere Office, Brookfields, Westridge, Highclere, Newbury, Berks RG20 9RX TEL: 01635 255412

Friends of the Earth 64A Park Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6LG TEL: 01252 521891

Department of Environment, Food And Rural Affairs Rural Development Service, Government Offices, Coley Park, Reading Berks RG1 6DT TEL: 01189 581222, WEBSITE: www.defra.gov.uk

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Beechcroft House, Vicarage Lane, Curdridge, Hampshire, SO32 2DP. TEL: 01489 774 400 Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre Hampshire House, 84-98 Southampton Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 5PA. Tel: 023 8038 3446 or 3447

Deadwater Valley Trust Phoenix Arts Centre Station Road Bordon Hants GU35 0LR TEL: 01420-479070 44 45

Hampshire Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversity Officer, Environment Department, Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UE TEL: 01962 846802

Hampshire Ornithological Society The Membership Secretary, 36 Penhale Gardens, Fareham PO14 4NL TEL: 01489 571486, E-MAIL: hos.membership@virgin.net

Hampshire County Council Countryside Services Countryside Service, Mottisfont Court, High Street, Winchester, Hants, SO23 8ZF TEL: 01962 860948 E-MAIL: accscb@hants.gov.uk

Hampshire SINC Project Environment Department, Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UE TEL: 01962 846802 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RSPB, The Lodge, Sandy, Beds SG19 2DL TEL: 01767 680551

Hampshire Grazing Project Project Officer, Hampshire Grazing Project, Environment Group, Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester, Hants, SO23 8UE

The Woodland Trust Autumn Park Grantham Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL TEL: 01476 581111

Hampshire Heathlands Project Project Officer, Hampshire Heathland Project, Hampshire County Council, Environment Group, Planning Department, The Castle, Winchester, Hants

Walldown Preservation Society The Haywain, Hollywater Road Bordon, Hants, GU35 0AD TEL: 01420-472329

This Local Biodiversity Action Plan has been compiled by the Members of the Environment Conservation Group. Chris Wain (Chair) Adam Carew (Vice-Chair) Bill Wain (Secretary) Colin Brash Kevin Cawley Philip Drury Nick Douet Richard Ford Pam Gardner Joan Martin Geraldine Wilson Marilyn Metcalfe Bob Morgan Stephen Miles Claire Rowe Chris Webb Ex-officio Nick Rowe (HWT) ECG Š 2008 Publication of this Plan sponsored by Cllr Adam Carew with his County Councillor Discretionary Fund

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