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Part Two – 1966 to 2016
With such a comprehensive account of the first one hundred years of De Shurland Lodge, pitching the story of the third fifty years is more difficult. Much of the background and history set out in WBro. Watkins’ excellent work need not be repeated, so I am left trying to present a story which stands both on its own and in company with the former. With that in mind, I have sought to follow a more sequential, narrative approach. In this way, I hope to lead the reader through the story, introducing some of the brethren who have had a major impact in recent years. In itself this can present challenges, as many of the brethren mentioned are still with us, and a number also continue to be very active in Lodge life. The balance has to be struck in whom to leave out, as mentioning everyone could almost lead to a transcript of fifty years’ worth of minutes. I hope, therefore, that none feel slighted by their omission, but will recognise that their contribution to what is still a very happy Lodge is implicit in everything the Lodge has achieved. Clearly, too, there have been some contentious episodes in the last fifty years, as there were in the first hundred. I do refer to these, as they also have helped to make the Lodge what it is today. However, some of the individuals involved are still around, either within or outside Masonry, and where appropriate, names have been omitted to prevent embarrassment. I must record my thanks to WBro Nick Waller for his help in turning a chronology of people and events into a structured document, and to Bro. Gerald Cox for the final proof-reading and many helpful suggestions
WBro. D. T. Wraight PM, Secretary