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A BEM for Reg

Kelvin Curtis of the Gravesham Lodge No.5337 writes: Reg Butcher had a special visitor at the Wombwell Care Home, Northfleet, on Thursday 25th August: the Lord Lieutenant of Kent, Lady Colgrain. She was there to present Reg with the British Empire Medal, awarded to him for services to Marine Conservation in the City of London.

Reg, a long-time President of the Kingfisher Angling and Preservation Society and twice Master of the Gravesham Lodge, was surrounded by friends and by staff members as Lady Colgrain read out the Citation.

The Kingfisher Angling and Preservation Society has long been associated with the Port of London Authority in its efforts to clean up the River Thames in the City. Reg, a former Master Butcher and a Freeman of the City of London, worked tirelessly with the Society for some fifty years and is justifiably proud of its achievements.

Pictured here is Reg with Kelvin Curtis, Peter Bearman and John Houseman – all four being Freemen of the City of London!

The obverse and reverse of Reg’s British Empire Medal

Chapter, or the Holy Royal Arch, is the logical next step once you have become a Master Mason. Sometimes it is referred to as “the fourth degree”. Some of the information you learn in the Third Degree is incomplete. Let Chapter finish the story for you. And, once you have been exalted into the Holy Royal Arch, you will find that other doors are open for you to progress further if you want.

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