1 minute read
Your Communications Team
The East Kent Province’s Communications Team, headed by Richard Wingett, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, is here to help keep you informed about activities and events in the Province and to facilitate effective communication between Lodges, Chapters and the general public.
Provincial Communications Officer Paul Gear
Website and Mailing Services Press and Media Manager Social Media Manager Provincial and Editorial Manager Photographics Manager Communications Officer for the HRA Paul Gear Phil Heath
Matt Jury John Ray Peter Floyd Chris Sanford website@ekprovince.co.uk media@ekprovince.co.uk socialmedia@ekprovince.co.uk editor@theprovincial.org pjfloyd4501@googlemail.com thesanfords@screaming.net
And finally, Brethren and Companions: a reminder that the members-only portal “Your Province” –a.k.a. YP2 – is the principal source of information for all Craft and Royal Arch Freemasons in East Kent. This secure website is full of interesting material that will support all Master Masons and Companions irrespective of experience or rank. To register, please visit the website at yourprovince.org/yp2