Spring Borough News 2021 - Eastleigh Borough Council

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Bin dates are changing from 1 March We are changing our rounds to make collections more reliable

Glass will be collected fortnightly on the same day as your recycling bin

Check if your regular bin day is changing at eastleigh.gov.uk/collectiondates Sign up for a MyEastleigh account to set up email reminders to put your bin out at my.eastleigh.gov.uk



What’s happening from 1 March?

The regular bin days of thousands of Eastleigh Borough residents will be changing from 1 March to allow for fortnightly glass and battery recycling collections and more efficient collection routes. The journeys made by bin lorries every morning, up and down the Borough, will shift to a more ‘zonal’ approach. This should make the service even more reliable.

What does this mean for me? You are likely to see a change in the day your bins are collected. We are writing to residents who are affected and issuing them with a bin calendar. You can also check your new collection dates at eastleigh.gov.uk/collectiondates

Will there be any collection delays during the change over? For some residents, there will be a three-week gap between black bin collections. In this instance, there will be an extra collection alongside your recycling bin during the last week of February. This additional collection won’t appear on your calendar, online or on bin reminder emails, so make sure you set a reminder. If this applies to you, we will write to let you know. There may also be a short delay to glass and recycling collections. We kindly ask for your patience whilst the new collection service gets fully established and apologise if you have to wait longer than usual on this occasion.

What’s happening to my glass and battery collections? Fortnightly glass and battery collections, which were trialled late last year, will be extended and rolled out to every house in the Borough. From 1 March, your black glass box will be collected on the same day as your green recycling bin, but may be collected at a different time of day.

How about food waste? Food waste is still collected every week, on the same day as wheeled bin collections. Again, it is collected separately and so may be collected earlier or later in the day than your wheeled bin.

Waste and recycling top tips Number your bins - this will help stop your bins from getting mixed up with a neighbour’s. We’re sending you some stickers with your new collection dates. Turn food waste into energy - recycle your food waste with our weekly brown bin collections. Check what recycling we collect - not everything with a recycling symbol can be recycled through our green bin collections. Find out what you can and can’t recycle at eastleigh.gov.uk/recycle. Report missed collections online - if your bin has been missed, the quickest way to report this is through our website at eastleigh.gov.uk/missedbin. Please wait until after 2pm on your collection day. Never miss a collection - sign up to receive email reminders at my.eastleigh.gov.uk. Help protect us from zombie batteries - Dead batteries put into your general waste can cause fires onboard our vehicles, putting staff at risk and disrupting collections. Please leave in a clear bag with your glass recycling.

And garden waste? There will be no change to garden waste collection dates.

How can I make it easier to remember these changes? You can receive an email reminder to put your bin out. Simply sign up for a MyEastleigh account at my.eastleigh.gov.uk to keep on top of your bin collections.

52 www.eastleigh.gov.uk/recycling

52 www.eastleigh.gov.uk/recycling



The usual

suspects kitchen towels

juice cartons

yoghurt pots greasy pizza boxes

Don’t let these items contaminate your recycling Put them in your black waste bin or take Tetrapaks like juice cartons to Eastleigh Household Waste & Recycling Centre. eastleigh.gov.uk/recycle

Save time and money with our popular garden waste kerbside collection This year’s scheme starts on 1 April, so sign up now and let us dispose of your garden waste. Over 22,000 households benefit from the convenience of having their garden waste collected every fortnight from their kerbside. Whether you have a small amount of garden waste, or lots of grass cuttings, shrub prunings and weeds, the collection will save you time and make it easier for you to help the environment. The cost of a bin is only £39.50 for the year, that’s under £1.60 per collection. Cabinet Lead for the Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle, said: “This is a really popular scheme with thousands of households in the Borough as it saves so much time and is really convenient. It also helps to keep your vehicle cleaner, and all the garden waste collected is recycled.”

Benefits include: • saves you time and is more convenient

• no more mess or creepy crawlies in your vehicle

• collected fortnightly from your kerbside

• no more booking or queueing at your local tip

• wheeled bin is easy to manoeuvre around your garden

To find out how you can join our garden waste service, visit eastleigh.gov.uk/gardenwaste or call 023 8068 8440.



Recycling empty

aerosol cans

is as easy as...


this newspaper!

stick them in your green bin

BOROUGH NEWS Spring 2021


Our community rises to COVID challenge Council praises local people who have come together to support each other Over the past year, we’ve worked with our partners and a range of community organisations to fund and coordinate the Borough’s response - and staff and Councillors have been impressed by countless examples of community members rising to the challenges presented by COVID. Examples are too numerous to list fully, but include:

• the increase in donations to the

Borough’s three food banks (the Council has also provided grant funding of £84,000 to the food banks over the past year)

• local companies, college

students and sewing groups producing vital personal protective equipment for NHS staff and key workers

• organisations like Pavilion on

the Park providing Christmas dinners on wheels and gift packs to isolated residents

• volunteers and community

groups coming forward to support vulnerable people by

delivering essentials or making calls to isolated residents

• the work of Borough-based

charities, such as One Community, who have provided a wide range of support, including a shopping service for clinically vulnerable people and vaccination transport

• the many local businesses who have provided food and other help for residents

Council Leader, Cllr Keith House, said: “The past year has presented huge challenges for our communities and for the Council, and it has been inspiring to see so many local people going that extra mile to

help their neighbours and Borough residents who are struggling to cope. “The level of community spirit has been amazing. “As a Council, our first priority has always been the health and wellbeing of our residents - and protecting Borough businesses from the worst impacts of successive lockdowns. I’m very proud of the efforts of the teams who have worked so hard to deliver our services, often in very difficult circumstances – and of our Borough communities who have rallied so brilliantly. “We’ll continue to provide the essential services you need – and we hope that everyone will continue to follow the vital safety guidance that will protect us all until the vaccination programme is complete and we can emerge from this unprecedented crisis.”


Eastleigh Borough Gift Card The Eastleigh Borough Gift Card is a fantastic new way to support your local high street. Borough shops, cafe’s, bars and restaurants are signing up to be part of the new scheme allowing customers to load a card with money which can be spent in outlets that are part of the scheme.

If your business would like to join the growing list of venues involved visit eastleigh.gov.uk/giftcard

Sign up to

for your tailored customer account my.eastleigh.gov.uk

Details are correct at time of print. Government announcements may have changed some services by the time Borough News is delivered.



Our focus As a Council, we are focused on improving the quality of life of everyone living and working in the Borough, both now and in the future. The stories in this issue are themed around the key areas where we are making a positive difference to people’s lives.


Health and Wellbeing Improving health and wellbeing, and enabling, supporting and creating sustainable communities. We want all our residents and people working in the Borough to live long, healthy and happy lives.

Green Borough 4

Maintaining and creating an attractive and sustainable environment that residents value, and which can allow residents, businesses and nature to thrive.

Housing and Development 7

Creating homes and communities to meet residents’ needs. To help support a buoyant housing market, it is essential that there is a sufficient supply of suitable, high-quality homes that can meet the diverse needs of residents. Building new homes and communities provides opportunities for people looking for affordable rent, or a new home to meet their changing needs.

Economy 10

Securing sustainable economic growth, high and stable employment and a shared prosperity for residents. It is about ensuring every one of us has a good standard of living in strong, safe, sustainable communities.


We Are Undefeatable Eastleigh Campaign launches for those living with long-term conditions The national campaign, We Are Undefeatable, is funded by Sport England and aims to support and encourage ways to be active that work with each person’s condition, not against them. The campaign features a series of local case studies covering a range of conditions from ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) to arthritis and depression. The team plans to work with targeted local groups to support projects to get more active, later in the year. The first of our ‘Eastleigh Undefeatables’ is Rosie from Boyatt Wood. Rosie has ME, lives with depression and battles with the stigma attached to invisible conditions. The ME can make exercise difficult as symptoms include muscle and joint pain. However, Rosie has recognised how beneficial exercise can be, especially for her depression, but also for ME when her body allows. “You can’t ever fully explain the positive difference it makes to your mental health. It is so easy to say it releases endorphins and you can be sceptical, but I can say, it really does.” Rosie has found connecting with the outdoors a mental health boost and uses Pokémon Go to extend walks and make them more exciting. She has discovered home Pilates during the pandemic and enjoys the fact it can be done in as little as 10 minutes.

Rosie knows her condition is unpredictable and inconsistent, but she is determined to keep exercising due to the benefits it brings her mind and body. Read Rosie’s story in full and learn more about the campaign eastleigh.gov.uk/wau If you have a long-term health condition and would be happy to share your story as to how you have kept active during the pandemic, please get in touch sportworks@eastleigh.gov.uk Photo: Rosie (pictured above) from Boyatt Wood

Make a splash at Wildern Pool Wildern Pool in Hedge End reopened in December 2020 after the completion of a major £1.2million refurbishment funded by the Council. The project included the completion of a new roof installed with eye catching coloured opaque cladding panels to provide natural lighting into the pool area. There is also a dedicated spectator seating area together with the replacement of the pool perimeter tiles. Whilst the pool was closed, Wildern Academy Trust also took the opportunity to refurbish the changing rooms.

Chair of Hedge End West End & Botley Local Area Committee, Cllr Cynthia Garton, said: “I’m absolutely thrilled that Wildern Pool reopened. This is really great news and will provide a bit of cheer for local people after such a difficult year. I’m really looking forward to seeing this great new community facility safely welcoming our customers back.” wildernleisurecentre.co.uk Picture: Wildern swimming pool


Food banks make a big difference



Keeping healthy with Health Walks Health Walks, organised by the Borough’s HealthWorks Team, have been a social and active lifeline during the pandemic. Before lockdown, our fantastic walk leaders continued to take permitted groups of existing walkers around the Borough. Some have shared their stories about how these socially distanced meetups have kept them going. John, 72, Fair Oak, Walk Leader

£84,000 paid to food banks over the past year Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Borough’s food banks – particularly over the past year when so many more families are having a tough time due to the economic impacts and restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic. Food poverty is increasing across the country and, to help tackle the problem in Eastleigh Borough, the Council committed £84,000 of grant funding over the past year, including for children entitled to free school meals during the holidays. Working with its partners, the Council has played a key role in coordinating the response of the food banks and other support for vulnerable community members. The money has mainly been channelled to the Borough’s three food banks who provide excellent support for low-income families. The Borough’s foodbanks always welcome donations. They are located at:

• Hedge End Food Centre,

Kings Community Church, Upper Northam Road facebook/hedgeendfoodcentre;

• Hound Basics Bank, Queens View, Netley houndbasics.org.uk

• Eastleigh Basics Bank in Wells Place in Eastleigh town centre - facebook/eastleighbasicsbank.

For more information contact the Council on 023 8068 8000, or email coronavirus-support@ eastleigh.gov.uk.

Lunch Club on Wheels Eastleigh Youth & Community Trust who manage The Blackbird Café will be able to continue providing its Lunch Club on Wheels service for elderly, disabled and

self-isolating residents in the Borough during the current lockdown thanks to support from a local law firm, Dutton Gregory.

“The social aspect of the walks is a really important part of the experience and many a damp walk is made enjoyable just by chatting away happily to someone else.” Annette, Chandler’s Ford

After the success of the Christmas Day meals which were delivered to 50 residents in the Borough, the charity has recruited more volunteers to help make deliveries during this lockdown. Visit paviliononthepark.org for more information.

Community Pantry The Pantry, based at Cableworks in Eastleigh, supports people who are short of food. It helps them to move on from their current emergency by providing a weekly shop for a small donation. It also gives additional support on budgeting, wellbeing, adult learning and employment. There are no restrictions on becoming a member – simply contact rrcscommunitypantry@romsey.hants.sch.uk or call the Pantry team on 01794 522106.

EGNA provides fresh produce to food bank Members of the Eastleigh Gurkha Nepalese Association (EGNA) have been providing the local food bank with fresh vegetables and herbs grown at Highbridge farm near Eastleigh, as demand has risen dramatically during the coronavirus pandemic. The group have been cultivating land loaned to them by farmer Henry Russell and have grown a selection of vegetables, including potatoes, runner beans, pumpkins, tomatoes and coriander.

“Having the regular walks gave me a framework to my week which helped me mentally and enabled me to get outside. I keep myself fit with exercise classes in my living room, but I think that the benefit of fresh air and companionship is really important.” Margaret, Fair Oak “The overall benefits I received from these walks were essentially friendships and exercise, shared experiences of walking in beautiful countryside, and delicious fresh air. These walks are all quite local to home, some of which I never knew existed.” Although Health Walks have been suspended during lockdown, we aim to reinstate them as soon as restrictions allow. We can’t wait to open the walks to new members when larger groups are permitted. Read more Health Walker stories eastleigh.gov.uk/healthwalks




Four ways to burn wood more safely There have been several stories in the media recently about the harmful health effects of air pollution from wood-burners, coal fires and open fires. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the impact on your family and community: Burn less - reduce burning of solid fuel where possible, keep the use of stoves and fires to particularly cold weather and choose other heating options if suitable or available. Burn cleaner - use cleaner fuels on your stove and open fires, such as smokeless, authorised fuels or dry, wellseasoned ‘ready to burn’ wood with low moisture content. Burn better - use efficient appliances, such as Defracompliant exempt appliances or future EU Ecodesign 2022 appliances, and service and clean them regularly.

Electric charging points for Eastleigh

Burn different - if possible, switch heating source to noor low-emission fuels, such as renewable, electric or gas alternatives, which will reduce particulate pollution and can reduce carbon emissions. Find out more by visiting: environmentcentre.com/wood-burning

Eight charging points will be installed in Eastleigh car parks Eastleigh Borough Council is installing eight new electric charging points across four of its car parks. Romsey Road Car Park, Channon Retail Park (Woodside Avenue) and Chestnut Avenue Retail Park will be equipped with one new rapid charger (50kW) and one fast charger (7kW) each. Charge time depends on the vehicle type, but it will take around 30mins to take a battery from empty to 80% – perfect if you are popping into the shops. Charge times will be even lower at Places Leisure Eastleigh where a new ultra-rapid charger (150kw), one of only a handful in the South, will be installed alongside a fast charger. Electric cars have no exhaust emissions and do not contribute to local air pollution that can damage the environment and cause health issues for the local people. Cabinet Lead for Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle, said: “With the government phasing out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, more and more residents will be making the switch to electric vehicles. That will require a network of charging points spanning car parks, the roads and homes.”

We hope these new charging points will help to drive forward the transition to electric vehicles, and all the benefits that it provides for people and our planet.

Green homes grants extended The UK government has extended the green homes grant scheme - which provides vouchers towards the cost of making energy efficiency improvements, to 31 March 2022. Improvements could include insulating your home to reduce your energy use or installing low-carbon heating to lower the amount of carbon dioxide your home produces. The government will provide a voucher that covers two-thirds of the cost of qualifying energy efficiency or low carbon heating improvements to your home, up to a maximum value of £5,000 or £10,000 depending on your circumstances. Find out more at: gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-the-green-homes-grant-scheme




Make the switch to solar together Group buying scheme provides cheaper route to energy independence

To help our residents make the transition to clean energy, we’ve teamed up with other local authorities in Hampshire for Solar Together - a group solar panel buying scheme. Solar Together Hampshire is an innovative scheme, offering high-quality solar PV panels and battery storage, which brings Hampshire households together to get high-quality solar panels at a competitive price. We have ambitious targets to help the Borough reach carbon neutrality by 2030, as part of our Climate and Environmental Emergency Action Plan. Once installed, solar panels provide an ongoing, free, zero carbon source of electricity to power homes and/or heat water. The scheme is being run with independent experts in group-buying, iChoosr Ltd, who have run similar schemes across the country delivering over 1,300 installations and 28,000 tonnes of avoided lifetime carbon emissions. If you already have solar panels installed you can also register to have battery storage added to your existing solar panels to maximise the benefits of your system, simply select this option on the website when registering. Find out more by visiting eastleigh.gov.uk/solartogether or call 0800 098 8415

Thinking about solar panels but not sure where to start?

How does it work? • Householders can register online to become part of the group for free and with no obligation.

• Pre-vetted UK solar PV suppliers participate

Register for free before 23 March www.solartogether.co.uk/eastleigh

in an auction on 23 March. They can offer competitive pricing as the volume and geographic concentration will make it possible for them to realise greater efficiencies, which they pass on with lower price installations.

• After the auction, registered households will

receive a personal recommendation which is specific to the details they submitted in their registration.

• If they choose to accept their Save more as a group

Clear information

High quality installation Extended Guarantees


recommendation, the specifics of their installation will be confirmed with a technical survey, after which a date can be set for the installation.

• Telephone and email helpdesks are on-

hand throughout the whole process which, together with information sessions, will allow households to make an informed decision in a safe and hassle-free environment.




First habitat ponds take shape Work has started on the construction of the site’s northern open space landscape works bordering Allington Lane. The 13-acre informal space will see the creation of new habitat areas to include six wildlife ponds, a woodland thicket and recreational space.

Photo: New habitat ponds under construction.

Allington Lane roundabout close to completion The new roundabout, north of Fir Tree Lane, is nearing completion following overnight works in January to tie-in the new sections to the existing road. These works are a major milestone in delivering the northern access route into the development and form part of the first phase of infrastructure on an important new link road.

Photo: New Allington Lane roundabout

Planning update In December 2020, planning applications for the Masterplan and first new homes were submitted. You can view all plans and documents and register to become an interested party on the planning portal https://planning.eastleigh.gov.uk Rewatch the November 2020 Consultation video: onehortonheath.co.uk/news

Learn about our urban design journey View our latest video and hear from Seb Willett, our Lead Architectural and Urban Designer, as he explains the extensive design journey undertaken. onehortonheath.co.uk/news

Find out more and keep up-to-date on the development visit: onehortonheath.co.uk or email: onehortonheath@eastleigh.gov.uk Illustration of new homes at One Horton Heath

Follow us on:


One Horton Heath




Eastleigh agrees delivery plan for the ‘right kind of homes’ Our developments: • Leah Gardens at Woodside Eastleigh, delivered by the Aspect

partnership between the Borough Council and VIVID homes. It was handed over in May 2019 and is the partnership’s first development of 94 affordable and market rent homes.

• North Stoneham Park – the Council is a partner helping to deliver

over 1,100 new homes set around a beautiful parkland feature. 342 of the homes are affordable housing, available for affordable rent and shared ownership. The site includes a local centre, hosting a new primary school and pre-school nursery, community buildings, a residential care home, as well as retail and office buildings.

• A partnership between the Council and housing provider Radian, which has brought 98 new highquality homes to West End.

• 200 new homes on the former The latest stage in the Council’s ambitious programme to deliver the ‘right kind’ of high-quality homes – by working in partnership with builders, or by acting as a developer in its own right - has been given the go-ahead.

includes community and sports facilities, commercial premises, a school and public open space.

The recently unveiled housing delivery strategy, Eastleigh Homes: the Right Kind of Developer for Eastleigh, guides how the Council gets involved in the housing market by buying land and working with developers and housing providers to deliver a wide choice of excellent homes that are set in attractive and sustainable environments.

Leader of Eastleigh Borough Council, Cllr Keith House, said: “As a Council, we recognise that the built environment can positively impact people and communities and our aim is to demonstrate this through our own thoughtfully planned developments. Our vision is to demonstrate that new homes can be built doing the right thing for the right reason, in the best way possible, and to deliver infrastructure first, not as an afterthought.”

It sets out how, when developers are unable to deliver, the Council can step in and ‘unlock’ schemes to ensure they get built. The aim is to create new residential and mixed-use communities, with housing need, rather than profitability, as the main driver.

Eastleigh Borough Council is keen to hear from developers and potential partners who share these principles and want to help shape the Borough through excellent new developments. To get in touch, please email: eastleighhomes@eastleigh.gov.uk

The Council is both landowner and developer for the flagship One Horton Heath development, which will deliver 35 per cent affordable homes in a site that

Photo: North Stoneham Park, Eastleigh

Kestrel Park nears completion The Kestrel Park development on the former car boot sale site on Hamble Lane is nearing completion. It is planned that the last homes will be finished later this spring. Around 60% of the 200 homes planned for the site are already occupied including some of the 45 homes that the Council has purchased and made available for market rent. Work on the layout of the new Windhover Meadows open space is under way with landscaping taking place late spring. It is planned that the new play area will be ready in summer.

car boot sale site in Bursledon, which includes a new road to ease congestion on the adjoining Hamble Lane, a major commuting route. A new country park, to maintain the green gap with Southampton, is also included in the scheme.

• A new community at Pembers Hill Park, Fair Oak to provide 242 new quality homes with a mix of tenures.

Most homes are available for market to rent from VIVID. Visit vividhomes. co.uk/my-options/rent/homes-for-rent to see what is available

Photos: Leah Gardens (top) and The Willows, West End (bottom)

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Retirement housing scheme takes shape Summergate Lodge, a new retirement living scheme on the North Stoneham development in Eastleigh, moved one step closer to completion as the build reached its highest point.

provides another important part of the evolving community at North Stoneham. The new apartments will provide affordable homes for rent and shared ownership.”

Housing 21’s latest scheme has been developed in partnership with the Council and will provide much needed accommodation for local people over the age of 65. The development will offer 26 one and two bedroom apartments for rent and shared ownership. It has been designed to promote independent living in a community setting. As well as an on-site manager during the week, residents will benefit from a range of facilities, including communal lounge and gardens for residents and their guests to enjoy.

Summergate Lodge is set to open in Summer 2021 and the scheme’s show home will be open from the Spring. Anyone interested in buying or renting an apartment should contact newhome@housing21.org.uk or 0345 608 4021

Cabinet Lead for Social Policy, Cllr Tina Campbell, said: “I am delighted to see this new retirement housing scheme which will provide independent living for our older residents and

(Photography took place in December 2020, prior to the national lockdown) Pictured below left to right: Jon Woods – Highwood Homes, Councillor Tina Campbell – Eastleigh Borough Council, Ashley Beckett – Highwood Homes, Susan Hanwell – Housing 21, Paul Tewkesbury – Housing 21.

Opening of grass pitches complete major football hub Local footballers have been enjoying even more high-class football facilities with the recent opening of the grassed football pitches at the £8 million Stoneham Lane Football Complex. The new large football plateau provides a number of natural turf pitches. The site currently has a full size adult 11v11 pitch a junior 11v11 pitch together with two junior 9v9 pitches that complement the three full size 3G pitches at the complex. Chair of Eastleigh Local Area Committee, Cllr Tina Campbell, said: “I am pleased that the opening of the new grass pitches, that have been enjoyed by thousands of local footballers each week, completes this fantastic complex. It provides the opportunity for children and adults of all ages and abilities to play football, become more active and enjoy high quality facilities. This is another great example of our commitment to providing excellent community sporting facilities for local people to enjoy.” Stoneham Lane Football Complex was made possible thanks to grant funding from the Football Foundation, Sport England and the Premier League, together with significant funding from Eastleigh Borough Council.

GE Aviation site application - planning appeal decision welcomed

Just moved into the area?

The Council has welcomed the decision by the Planning Inspectorate to dismiss the appeal for the GE Aviation planning application on the site on Hamble Lane. The Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound Local Area Committee had refused planning permission for up to 148 residential units, new vehicle access and associated infrastructure. GE Aviation appealed the decision and a public inquiry was held in November 2020. Council Leader, Cllr Keith House, spoke at the Appeal and said: “The main reasons for the planning inspector refusing the appeal were for highways issues including an increased level of traffic on the already congested Hamble Lane together with a reduction in the quality of the cycle route and increased risk of conflict with users of Coronation Parade. The impact of the scheme on the countryside, character and appearance of the area was also cited as a reason for refusal.”

Find out everything you need to know about living in Eastleigh Borough Visit: eastleigh.gov.uk/welcome




North Stoneham community building to open later this spring New community building, nursery and café for local families The new North Stoneham Community Centre, day nursery and cafe will form part of the local centre and will become an important part of the community. The nursery will provide 95 childcare places, whilst the community facilities will include a café, community hall, youth room, health space and meeting rooms. The centre, owned by Eastleigh Borough Council and managed and operated by YMCA Fairthorne Group, will also be offering a range of programmes and classes to engage and support the whole community. It is hoped the facility will be open this spring subject to COVID restrictions and government guidance at the time.

Chair of Eastleigh Local Area Committee, Cllr Tina Campbell, said: “It’s great to see North Stoneham evolving and becoming a thriving community with many new residents already in their new homes. I am sure that this great new facility will be very popular and I look forward to it opening soon.”

Find out more: To enquire about nursery places or to make a community booking please contact eastleigh@ymca-fg.org or call 023 8235 1520. To find out more visit ymca-fg.org/eastleigh

Post Office site application approved Plans for the former Post Office site on High Street, Eastleigh that will create commercial space and flats within two buildings – as well as public open space between them – have been approved by Eastleigh Local Area Committee, subject to outstanding issues. It aims to boost the town centre economy and will enhance links between High Street and Market Street. Residential development on the upper floors will consist of 12 onebedroom and 16 two-bedroom flats across the two buildings. All of the flats will be made available for rent, with ten of them provided for affordable rent.

Image: artist’s impression of the new public open space

Fanfare Place development progressing well Work is progressing well on the new development at Fanfare Place on Romsey Road in Eastleigh town centre.

and Age Concern. There will also be a function room that will host a range of activities including weekly meetings.

The site, owned by the Council, will see a new mixed use development that will include 49 flats with associated parking together with a ground floor charity hub. This investment in the town centre community will provide separate office accommodation for both One Community

All the flats in the residential development will be for market rent and it is planned that they will be ready for occupation in early 2022. More information about opportunities to rent a property in Fanfare Place will be available later this year.

Local Plan update In the Spring of 2020 the Inspector set out the areas where the plan needs to be modified. These modifications are being worked up in detail and the Council is currently completing the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment. The Council will consider the modifications made to its local plan at its Full council meeting at the end of May 2021. If these modifications are approved then there will be a further period of public consultation on these that is planned to take place in June and July. The Inspector will then finalise her report and modifications.

10 eastleigh.gov.uk


Pop Up Business School In December, Eastleigh Borough Council along with Test Valley Borough Council, New Forest District Council and East Hampshire District Council held a free online Pop Up Business School with well received online workshops and talks to help business owners and new entrepreneurs with their business ideas.

Skillszone is a partnership of organisations, including housing associations, Jobcentre Plus, colleges and voluntary organisations working together to support unemployed residents with training, work placements and employment. It also promotes initiatives to improve work prospects.

This unique exercise saw the councils working together to give businesses in their area access to a free service for new start-up businesses affected significantly by the pandemic. There were a total of 159 sign-ups across the four authorities.

During the pandemic people of all ages across the Borough have found themselves suddenly unemployed or on long-term furlough which has forced many of them to look at their current skillset and re-evaluate their training needs and future careers.

The Council’s Cabinet Lead for Economy, Cllr Derek Pretty, said: “We’re really pleased to have been able to support start-up businesses throughout this pandemic and still provide a form of social interaction during a time where many business owners might be feeling isolated.

Skillszone can assist people in locating and accessing courses and training opportunities that are available from providers around the Borough.

We’re glad that we were still able to effectively communicate with our business community despite not being able to physically be together. Doing it online has been a great success.”

Inspire Succeed Achieve Whether you are about to leave school, returning to education or an employer looking to upskill your workforce, we have over 500 technical and professional courses to equip you for your next step. Full time Part time Online Supported Apprenticeships HE & Access to HE Leisure & hobby

SkillsZone update

To find out an up-to-date list of courses and training prospects visit the website eastleigh.gov.uk/business/skillszone

FREE!* Wide range of accredited ONLINE COURSES to boost your knowledge and CV *subject to terms and conditions


Skills for life and work

We offer entry level, functional skills and GCSE courses in English, Maths and Communications to ensure you have the essential qualifications to progress in your chosen career path or further education.

Upcoming Online Open Events: Thursday 18 March 2021, Thursday 22 April 2021, 4:30-7:30pm

Support our Pledge

As the region looks to the future and its recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, Eastleigh College has committed to doing all it can to help learners, employers and the wider community get back on its feet with our Covid-19 Bounce Back Pledge. View our pledge on our website. If you want to work with us, be trained by us, join forces with us or simply support us, please email c19pledge@ eastleigh.ac.uk or use #c19pledge on social media.

Campus Open Event:* Thursday 20 May 2021, Thursday 10 June 2021, 4:30-7:30pm *subject to Government restrictions

Apply now at eastleigh.ac.uk or call 023 8091 1298



Talk to us about shopping safely


£4 million boost for Borough businesses During the third national lockdown the Council has distributed over £4 million in another round of vital funds to support local businesses. A total of £4,389,109 has now been released to businesses across the Borough through a range of government schemes aimed to help companies impacted by the recent lockdown.

Shop Safe Shop Local



Since the beginning of the pandemic we have processed payments for businesses of all sizes across the Borough. Through discretionary grants, business rates grants, local restriction closed addendum, wet-led pubs, local restrictions support grant closed scheme and additional restrictions discretionary scheme, we have now distributed over £18 million in total. We’re encouraging businesses to apply for any of the schemes they think they might be entitled to as we want to ensure all of the available funds are allocated.

eastleigh.gov.uk/business/coronavirus-business-support/ financial-support

A new scheme has been launched to revive retail centres around Eastleigh Borough The Council is appealing for businesses, residents and shoppers across the Borough to get in touch as part of the effort to resume trading when the local economy emerges from the latest COVID restrictions. The Reopening High Streets Safely (RHSS) team would like to hear from anyone who lives, shops, visits or works in a high street within the Borough as part of the new project. Anyone who operates a business or visits shops in Hedge End, West End, Chandler’s Ford, Botley and Hamble, in addition to Eastleigh town centre, are welcome to get in touch about their experiences - including operating safely during lockdown, future innovation and local community regeneration. The team will also visit high streets to engage in a safe and socially distanced way with residents and local businesses when possible, or via online consultation, working with local partners including Town and Parish Councils and community groups. The Council has been awarded over £118,000 of government funding from the European

Regional Development Fund (RDF) to support the safe reopening of its high streets and other commercial and retail centres across the Borough. This funding also supports practical measures so businesses can re-open quickly when permitted, people can get back to work and customers can return to shops completely confident that it is safe to do so. Cabinet Lead for Economy, Cllr Derek Pretty, said: “Supporting businesses and protecting jobs is one of the Council’s key aims. The high streets in our towns and villages are at the heart of our local economy and we will do all we can to help them recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. “We have been successful in channelling funds to businesses during the successive coronavirus lockdowns and we urge Borough high street businesses to get in touch to help us to help them with this new funding”.

If you would like to get involved: Email RHSS@eastleigh.gov.uk

Book an MOT with your Council The Council’s MOT service remains open The Council’s Hedge End Depot continues to welcome customers old and new for a truly independent vehicle MOT. In line with government advice, the team have made a number of changes to continue to keep customers safe since reopening.

Book online at: eastleigh.gov.uk/motbooking

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News round up Eastleigh

Freespace repairs under way


Council seeks views on inclusion and diversity

Work is under way to repair the Freespace skate park on Chestnut Avenue after it was wrecked by vandals in November.

To help do this we have drafted a plan with some key actions the Council will take and we would welcome your views about this, and anything else that you feel the Council could do to help people who experience discrimination or exclusion.

They stole a digger from the nearby Village Hotel development and did considerable damage to the equipment, that is popular with local youngsters. Police appealed for witnesses at the time and investigations are continuing.

Cabinet Lead for Social Policy, Cllr Tina Campbell, said: “The Council has a clear responsibility to make life fairer for people in the Borough. We know that there are inequalities in society and the COVID pandemic has made this even clearer than before. We aim to do what we can to value each and every resident. I strongly encourage everyone to have a look at the survey and give us their thoughts.”

Community grants The Eastleigh Local Area Committee Community grants panel met in January to review the wide range of applications they received. The panel awarded around £9,000 to local groups, with applications ranging from Access Nature Days for young people, to providing Samsung Galaxy tablets to enable digital therapeutic support for people with learning disabilities, Autism and sight loss. Hedge End, West End & Botley

Shamblehurst Lane pedestrian crossing Works are under way to create a new pedestrian crossing and bus shelter at Shamblehurst Lane South to assist residents to safely cross the busy road to the nearby shops and bus stop.

Cheltenham Gardens balancing pond The Hedge End, West End and Botley Local Area Committee (HEWEB) will continue funding maintenance of the balancing pond at Cheltenham Gardens, including clearing vegetation. A balancing pond eases pressure on other water courses in times of high rainfall. The Environment Agency have been on hand to clear the inlet and outlet to restore the natural flow of the watercourse in what has become a local wildlife haven.

Bike trail at Telegraph Woods A project to create an exciting new bike trail through woodland at Telegraph Woods will be funded by developers’ contributions. Further details will follow soon.

Eastleigh Borough Council aims to provide inclusive services that meet the needs of our diverse communities. This means enabling everyone to access and benefit from our range of services, and encouraging equal opportunity, whether that’s having the right facilities for disabled people at our venues, supporting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities to access public services, or ensuring we provide great customer service, no matter what your background.

Town centre residents respond on local decisionmaking More than 850 householders in Eastleigh town centre and surrounding neighbourhoods have responded to a public consultation that could deliver more locally focused decision-making.

Early start for vaccinations

As part of its commitment to giving residents greater ownership and control over the services they receive, the Borough Council launched a community governance review (CGR) in December that could create one or more new parish or town councils, bringing the Eastleigh town area into line with the rest of the Borough.

In partnership with the local Clinical Commissioning Group, the Blackthorn Medical Centre, Bursledon Parish Council, the BHH Local Area Committee delivered one of the first vaccine clinics in the country in December. The clinic carried out over 900 vaccinations for residents over 80.

The results of the survey are currently being assessed but, if agreed, elections to a new council or councils would take place in 2022. A decision on whether to go ahead with the CGR will be taken by Borough Councillors on 25 February.

Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound

Visit eastleigh.gov.uk/equalitysurvey to read the draft plan and complete the survey or email equalities@ eastleigh.gov.uk. You can also request a paper copy by phoning 023 8068 8000. The consultation runs until March 15.

RESIDENTS LOVE OUR CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE TEAM The work of our Construction & Maintenance team is proving popular with local residents as we have been inundated with requests for quotes and subsequent work. Our highly skilled and experienced team can

provide a range of external construction and grounds maintenance works for your home, including: • • • •

Dropped kerbs New driveways  Fencing New paths

For more information Visit eastleigh.gov.uk/candm or for a free competitive quote simply call our dedicated Support Team on 023 8068 8384 or email us on constructionandmaintenance@eastleigh.gov.uk



Residents encouraged to apply for a postal vote early Borough residents will go to the polls on Thursday 6 May to have their say on who represents them at the Police & Crime Commissioner, Hampshire County Council, Borough & Parish Council elections - and plans are being put in place to help everyone stay safe. There are a number of ways to vote: By post If you would like to vote by post, please apply now to ensure your application is processed early so that the postal vote can be issued as quickly as possible. It’s easy to apply and you must be registered to vote. At a polling station Various social distancing and safety measures will be in place at polling stations, such as door greeters to monitor the numbers in the polling stations at any one time, polling booths regularly sanitised and staff wearing PPE. We are asking that you bring your own pen or pencil with you to cast your vote and we will provide hand sanitiser. You will also be required to wear a face covering, unless you are exempt, when entering the polling station.

For more information visit eastleigh.gov.uk/informationforvoters

Everyone will benefit from Census 2021 Households across Eastleigh will be asked to take part in Census 2021 this spring. The census, run by the Office for National Statistics, is a once-ina-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales.   Understanding the needs of the nation helps plan and fund public services such as transport, education and health. Information from the census also:  • is used as evidence to allow charities and voluntary organisations get funding  • helps people and organisations do their work  • helps businesses understand their customers and decide where to open new shops  • aids research, like university students and people looking into their family history  • provides important information on population diversity, allowing organisations to know whether they are meeting their responsibilities.

Households will receive a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire online. Paper questionnaires will also be available for those who need it.   The census will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces. For over 16 year olds, there are also voluntary questions on sexual orientation and gender identity.   Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.

For more information, visit census.gov.uk.


News round up Bishopstoke, Fair Oak & Horton Heath

Cyber Watch scheme The Community Safety Action Group, in partnership with local Neighbourhood Watch groups, is lending its support to the Hampshire Cyber Watch Scheme. With cyber-crime increasing – such as email scams related to the COVID pandemic and vaccinations - Neighbourhood Watch teams, the police and local councils are alerting residents to the dangers and helping them fight back against online crime. More information can be found at hampshirecyberwatch.org.

COVID child food vouchers Bishopstoke Parish Council has used some money it had set aside for COVID-related hardship to ensure that local children have enough to eat. The Council provided a £60 supermarket voucher for each child who qualifies for free school meals at Stoke Park Infant and Junior schools.

What should I do if I find someone sleeping rough?

Streetlink is committed to ensuring that no one has to sleep rough. If you find someone sleeping rough please contact StreetLink. Any reports made are sent directly to the local authority and relevant homelessness outreach support teams to ensure that contact can be made with the individual/s as soon as possible. You do not need to approach anyone rough sleeping directly.

Visit streetlink.org.uk, download the mobile app (available for free from Apple and Google Play stores) or call 0300 500 0914. You can also contact the Council’s Housing team on 023 8068 8165 or housing@eastleigh.gov.uk

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Hamble gun emplacement The Word War Two anti-aircraft gun overlooking the beach at Hamble Point has been removed this month while the concrete emplacement that supports it is surveyed. Part of the adjoining car park is closed and fenced off to allow the works to take place. Damage caused by years of buffeting by tides and wind, and undercutting by the sea, means the original gun emplacement structure has been breaking up and there was a very real risk of collapse. The gun emplacement’s wartime role was to guard the approach to

Southampton and protect nearby oil terminals. The 40mm Bofors antiaircraft gun will be stored within the car park whilst the survey is carried out. The car park will be fully closed when the gun is shifted.

Bishopstoke, Fair Oak & Horton Heath

Tackling anti-social behaviour Sadly, there are still instances of anti-social behaviour across the local area. An attempted breakin at the Woodland Community Centre resulted in damage to the fire doors; the Parish Councils have also reported regularly finding broken glass and graffiti at New Century Park, and the Lapstone Playing fields continue to be targeted.

Cllr Tonia Craig, who chairs Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound Local Area Committee, said: “The Bofors gun at Hamble Point is an important part of the area’s wartime heritage and a real point of interest for visitors. The Local Area Committee was keen that work got under way to rescue it from damage by the tides and we are grateful to Historic England for their support.”


Due to COVID restrictions, many of our productions and events at our theatres and country parks have had to understandably be cancelled or postponed for the safety of our visitors. We hope to reinstate these soon and release new and exciting ventures. However, both Lakeside and Itchen Valley Country Park remain open for your daily exercise and breath of fresh air.

Helping the voices of young people to be heard This spring, The Point, Eastleigh will be working with local young people to enable them to share important messages of hope and support to our community. The Our Place video-based project connects young people with professional artists to use the power of creativity to allow their thoughts and opinions to be heard. Discover what they have to say through dance, theatre, textiles, spoken word and creative ways, using an interactive map

and look out for QR code posters across the Borough which you can scan and watch whilst out walking. Our Place launches on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 April and you can find out more at thepointeastleigh.co.uk

If you would like to see your creative work on the map, please contact molly.foulkes@eastleigh.gov.uk.

Interactive theatre trail this Easter Inspired by the story of Dr Seuss’ treeloving Lorax, The Point and Itchen Valley Country Park are teaming up to host a socially distanced performance trail especially for family groups of up to six people. You’ll meet quirky characters at different locations around the park and take part in interactive puzzles and activities to rescue the forest! A Forest Quest takes place Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 April, 10am to 3pm. It will last for approximately 90mins. Booking is essential to allow for socially distanced groups.

John Muir Award A well-renowned environmental award scheme based on wild places is planned to be piloted in the Borough from May. The John Muir Award is free for families with children of at least 5 years of age, and helps people connect with, enjoy, and care for wild places. The Borough’s Country Parks team will pilot the Discovery Award from this May in the hope to expand if successful. Activities will take place at Hamble Common, Hiltingbury Lakes and at Lakeside and Itchen Valley Country Parks. It’s non-competitive, inclusive and accessible and there is a commitment of 25 hours which equates to ten weekend sessions over a period of seven months, culminating in a celebration in December. The sessions will be filled with practical conservation tasks and environmental education for all the family to take part. More information will be available in due course eastleigh.gov.uk/ivcp


News round up

Plans for upgraded CCTV to these sites should help deter further incidents but we also rely on our residents as our eyes and ears. Please be vigilant - and if you see or hear any unusual activity, call the police on 101.

Crowdhill Green development Fair Oak Parish and the Borough Councils are continuing to work together to resolve outstanding issues at Crowdhill Green. Key information can be found at fairoakpc.gov.uk/communityupdates/crowdhill-green.

Fair Oak Library Fair Oak Parish Council will be carrying out a consultation on the future of Fair Oak Library and its preferred option of taking on the freehold transfer of the building from Hampshire County Council. Further decisions will be made once this exercise has taken place.

Footpaths Hampshire County Council, who are responsible for rural footpaths and bridleways in the local area, have recently commissioned new signage to many local paths and are improving surfaces, stiles and gateways on some of the most popular. If you come across a problem with a footpath, please report it by visiting hants.gov.uk/rightsofway




Eastleigh College adapts to maximise learner success This time last year the UK was on the cusp of the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the start of what continues to be an uncertain and challenging time. Eastleigh College, one of the country’s leading FE colleges, reflects on the more positive outcomes during the last 12 months. Each year the college trains around 4,000 professionals and apprentices, as well as over 1,200 full time students from across the Solent region. With many learners needing physical access to the college for learning, assessments and exams, creating a Covid-19 secure campus was paramount and involved swiftly introducing a number of stringent measures.

digital programmes with real time monitoring of learner progress, and this was ramped up. We provided laptops, Chromebooks, SIM routers and SIM cards to all students who needed them, and solved any access issues quickly and effectively.” Following an online learning review, Ofsted reported that Eastleigh College managers and teaching staff took swift actions to ensure that learners had resources to study from home.

Eastleigh College is a regular recipient of plaudits and awards for its teaching excellence, industry standards and student support, and the college team was determined to continue delivering not just high levels of teaching, but whole learner experience.

Learners reported being confident that the college continued to deliver lessons and had done a great deal to support learners’ continued engagement. In addition, the government body fed back that students felt their learning and progress hadn’t been adversely impacted by the lockdown, across a range of levels.

As the majority of teaching moved online, Vice Principal Curriculum, Lou Gittens, explains that no learner was left behind: “Eastleigh College already ran well-embedded

Prior to lockdown, the college had the foresight to adjust the balance of theory and practical work to maximise learners’ time on campus. Lou adds: “Our learners

Have your say Local Area Committees hold public question sessions at the start of each meeting Local Area Committees (LAC) are made up from elected Ward Councillors. They take decisions and make representations relating to their area on a wide range of Council business, including determining planning applications, traffic management and environmental improvements. We are now using Microsoft Teams Live Events to hold virtual meetings which are available to watch live or a recording will be available for up to 12 months after the meeting has taken place. Public question sessions are held at the start of

Contact us:

each meeting and if you would like to speak, you must register before the meeting begins. Please email democraticservices@eastleigh.gov. uk or you can register at the meeting. Each LAC has a Local Area Manager who works with the Councillors to set the strategic direction of the Committee’s work. Bishopstoke, Fair Oak & Horton Heath (7pm) 10 March visit eastleigh.gov.uk/bifohh or contact andrew. thompson@eastleigh.gov.uk / 023 8068 8357

Eastleigh Borough Council, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh SO50 9YN 023 8068 8000 @EastleighBC

have shown real resilience, creativity and tenacity, such as our Event Management students running a successful virtual charity event in place of one originally planned in person. “Our young people’s ability to adapt and think outside the box is marvellous to see.” For more information Details about Eastleigh College’s courses and apprenticeships, as well as links to register for a forthcoming open event, can be found on its website - eastleigh.ac.uk Photo: Learners continue to thrive at Eastleigh College, despite impact of Covid-19

Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound (6pm) 24 March visit eastleigh.gov.uk/bhh or contact ross.mcclean@eastleigh.gov.uk / 023 8068 3367 Chandler’s Ford & Hiltingbury (7pm) 23 March visit eastleigh.gov.uk/cfh or contact ross.mcclean@eastleigh.gov.uk / 023 8068 3367 Eastleigh (7pm) 22 March visit eastleigh.gov.uk/elac or contact guy.riddoch@eastleigh.gov.uk / 023 8068 3369 Hedge End, West End & Botley (7pm) 8 March visit eastleigh.gov.uk/heweb or contact siobhan.strand@eastleigh.gov.uk / 07787 271 854

For more information about the virtual meetings please visit eastleigh.gov.uk/virtualmeetings

Distribution period We try to ensure that the dates featured or listed in the Borough News fall after the last copy is delivered. However, some events may occur during the delivery period. We try to avoid this, but we are keen that events get as much publicity as possible.

eastleigh.gov.uk • my.eastleigh.gov.uk Sign up to receive updates from us at: eastleigh.gov.uk/weeklynews

Eastleigh Borough Council makes no representations, endorsements, warranties or guarantees, and is not liable for any loss or damage, in relation to any advertisements placed in the Borough News.

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#Ever yonesCorner Keep nominating your

local heroes We’re still looking for nominations to help us celebrate individuals, groups and voluntary organisations in the Borough who have given their time to help others in their local community during the pandemic, if someone you know has been a ‘Local Hero’ during this time we want to hear about it.

Have you got a lockdown story? Every corner has a story and we would like to share yours to help others. Everyone’s Corner is a safe space to share how the pandemic has challenged you – you could be home-schooling, missing a loved one, shielding or living alone - your story counts. Please get in touch eastleigh.gov.uk/everyonescorner Contact communications@eastleigh.gov.uk

Since launching our ‘Local Heroes’ campaign we have received over 70 nominations and have loved hearing about the amazing things people in the Borough have done to help others. One of the stories celebrated the generous efforts of six-year-old Harry Stagg who in just over a month raised over £450 by drawing pictures for people. He donated the money to a Christmas food shop for people struggling

to provide food for their families over the festive period. Through his fundraising he hoped to also raise awareness about his local foodbank, Eastleigh Basics Bank, and help the people affected by the pandemic in the Borough. We will be recognising everyone who is nominated as a local hero and would love to hear from you if you know someone who deserves acknowledgment for their efforts.

For more information eastleigh.gov.uk/localheroes


Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser regularly.

Keeping you safe

You must wear a face covering in shops and some other public areas, unless you are exempt.

Try to stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you do not live with (or anyone not in your support bubble.)


To find out about financial support available to residents visit www.eastleigh.gov.uk/coronavirus-financial-support

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