Summer Borough News 2022 - Eastleigh Borough Council

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BOROUGH NEWS Summer 2022



Council invests in ambitious green energy projects Our commitment to sustainable development The Council is embarking on an exciting and ambitious programme of green energy projects as it continues to support sustainable development and housing across the Borough.

maximise the opportunities for onsite sustainable generation of energy. The new projects will comprise: •

We are continuing to invest in renewable energy systems as part of our plans for the Borough to be carbon-neutral by 2030. Approval has now been given for new Council-owned green energy schemes at One Horton Heath, a development that aims to

a new large-scale ground mounted solar farm that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of electricity by around 9% for the Borough an electricity network connected to the Council’s solar farms – serving the businesses and with electric vehicle charging points for One Horton Heath

a ground source heat pump network providing heating, hot water and/or cooling from a central source serving the homes, community buildings and businesses at One Horton Heath

These schemes will be funded through income from the sale of green energy and revenue generated at One Horton Heath. This sustainable new community will provide ‘Green Living’ and will have a much lower energy demand and reduced reliance on fossil fuels.

see pages 8&9

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Our focus As a Council, we are focused on improving the quality of life of everyone living and working in the Borough, both now and in the future. The stories in this issue are themed around the key areas where we are making a positive difference to people’s lives.

Health and Wellbeing


Improving health and wellbeing, and enabling, supporting and creating sustainable communities. We want all our residents and people working in the Borough to live long, healthy and happy lives.

Green Borough 5

Maintaining and creating an attractive and sustainable environment that residents value, and which can allow residents, businesses and nature to thrive.

Housing and Development


Creating homes and communities to meet residents’ needs. To help support a buoyant housing market, it is essential that there is a sufficient supply of suitable, high-quality homes that can meet the diverse needs of residents. Building new homes and communities provides opportunities for people looking for affordable rent, or a new home to meet their changing needs.



Securing sustainable economic growth, high and stable employment and a shared prosperity for residents. It is about ensuring every one of us has a good standard of living in strong, safe, sustainable communities.

Sporting and wellbeing achievements celebrated The inspiring sporting and wellbeing achievements of talented local people were recognised at the eleventh annual Eastleigh Sports Awards, held at the Hilton at the Ageas Bowl in May. The ceremony provided the opportunity to celebrate individual excellence and team achievement, as well as recognising those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support local talent and facilitate active lifestyles across the Borough. Activities over both 2020 and 2021 were included after the 2021 awards were postponed due to the pandemic. The awards evening was organised by Eastleigh’s Sport and Physical Activity Alliance (SPAA), working in partnership with the Borough Council’s SportWorks team. Lou Gittens, Chair of the Eastleigh SPAA, and Francis Benali MBE, ex-Southampton FC defender, charity fundraiser and the Alliance’s Official Ambassador, both spoke in support of the efforts of all those nominated. BBC South Today sports journalist, Andy Moon compered throughout the evening, with surprise recorded speeches from record breaking mountaineer and Netflix sensation Nims Purja MBE, who lives locally and was recently awarded the Freedom of the Borough of Eastleigh (see page15), and Kai Widdrington, a previous Eastleigh Sports Awards winner and current Strictly Come Dancing professional. Hampshire Youth Dance Company, based at The Point Eastleigh, provided the evening’s entertainment with their social commentary piece, entitled ‘The Cabaret’.

Ten award category winners were announced throughout the night, two of which - Innovation and Health & Wellbeing - were new to the event, drawing on the amazing work achieved during the pandemic. There was also a Special Recognition Award for Lou Gittens, Olympian High Jumper and retiring Chair of Eastleigh SPAA, in appreciation of her services to developing sport in the Borough.

2022 winners (pictured left to right) Back: Outstanding Achievement: Toynbee School - Year 7 Boys Football Team School of the Year: Hiltingbury Junior School Volunteer of the Year: Carole Sayles, Baton Twirling

Lou Gittens said: “It’s great to celebrate such a wide range of local achievements. We have so many talented sports people together, with so many great volunteers, coaches and supporting schools and projects. Without them we would not be able to produce such fantastic stars in the Borough. I am proud to be amongst the award winners this year as I stand down as Chair of Eastleigh SPAA.”

Special Recognition Award (5th from left): Lou Gittens

Cabinet Lead for Health & Social Policy, Cllr Tonia Craig, said: “It was a wonderful evening of celebration and great to return to the Hilton to cheer in person. I am always staggered to hear about the number and variety of achievements by local people and the impact this has. It’s important to showcase their efforts and the on-going support for sport and wellbeing in the Borough.”

Front row:

Photos and details of winners can be found at sportsawards

Senior Sportsperson: David Smith, Boccia

Coach of the Year: Stefan Hargrave, Rugby Club of the Year: Eastleigh Walking Football Club Outstanding Achievement: Toynbee School - Year 7 Boys Football Team Health & Wellbeing Award: This VI (Visually Impaired) Girl Can, Self-Defence and Dance Service to Sport: Karen Paling, Gymnastics Junior Sportsperson: Maria Mitchell, Badminton Innovation Award: Free Bikes Hampshire UK




The Activity Buddy Scheme returns

Park Sport to get children and young people moving Summer activities for five- to 16-year-olds The popular Park Sport summer programme is returning this year offering children and young people from five to 16 years-old the opportunity to try new sports and activity sessions.

Park Sport is funded by SportWorks as well as Local Area Committees and Town/Parish Councils, and supported by a broad range of partners, such as providers and leisure venues.

The 2022 programme will run for four weeks over August and will include fun, free activities such as the SkateJams and swimming at multiple locations across the Borough.

Full details of the Park Sport programme and how to book will become available in June with bookings released in waves from early July.

Introductory sessions enable young people to try something new, with the option to continue should they wish to, provided by a range of local sports clubs and activity providers.

Find out more:

HealthWorks Scheme taking on new referrals Our HealthWorks referral scheme is for residents living with a long-term health condition which would be improved by physical activity. The scheme can be an option for individuals that live a sedentary/ physically inactive lifestyle or those that may be at risk of developing coronary heart disease. People referred onto the HealthWorks scheme will have access to the gym and swimming at Places Leisure Eastleigh and Wildern Leisure Centre at a reduced cost for 12 weeks initially, extending to a further year after follow-up reviews with a member of the team. A HealthWorks advisor will also be able to put together

a tailored gym programme and review this at regular intervals, setting personalised goals along the way. You can either self-refer or be referred by your GP or healthcare professional. Acceptance on the scheme will depend on your reason for referral and health status. The team also run specific weekly group sessions including Steady and Strong (falls prevention), low level circuits and Neurofit exercise classes.

To find out more, please call 023 8068 4813 or email

HealthWorks’ Activity Buddy Scheme returns to Places Leisure Eastleigh to provide support for those who find exercise sessions challenging. Scheme members with a physical or learning disability, a long-term illness or other challenges that stop them from participating in physical activity are paired with an Activity Buddy to help them. The local volunteers play a crucial role in providing a friendly, fun and safe atmosphere to improve the experience and help members achieve their goals. Our new Activity Buddy Coordinator will manage volunteer recruitment and match members with volunteers. Matching is based on availability and activity preference. Volunteers are required to make a commitment to accompany their matched buddy during their active sessions for one hour a week. For every session they volunteer, they will be offered a gym or swim voucher to use at Places Leisure Eastleigh. All volunteers must complete a two-hour induction session, which includes an introduction to the scheme, disability awareness training, a tour of the leisure centre and DBS check. They will not be expected to perform the role of a personal assistant/carer or a fitness instructor.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or a member visit, or enquire by email or call 023 8068 4813



Could you be a Volunteer Walk Leader? Walking groups benefit residents

Mums get active across the Borough Over 100 local mums, and their babies, took part in specially tailored sessions to get active in a safe, fun and comfortable setting this spring, as part of Active Mums This Girl Can Eastleigh. They attended a wellbeing festival at the new community centre in North Stoneham, YMCA Eastleigh, with support from Places Leisure Eastleigh and VIVID Homes. Free taster sessions were held for postnatal health, baby care, and safe and supported physical activity for mum and baby. Pay-as-you-go Mum and Baby Sessions also took place in North Stoneham, Boyatt Wood, Netley and Hedge End. Activities included: Legs, Bums and Tums; Fitness Yoga, Buggy Workout and Aerial Hoop. The Council funded postnatal training for three personal trainers to ensure mums were correctly supported whilst they got their hearts pumping. These sessions serve as a partnership outreach project for Places Leisure Eastleigh’s Mums and Baby Programme, so will continue after spring and can be booked through the leisure centre. ‘Meet the Mums’ interviews have been released featuring women being open

and honest about both the challenges and benefits of being a mum and being active. The women had already attended mum and baby sessions at Places Leisure Eastleigh, so are great advocates for the outreach sessions. Visit to read about our latest This Girl Can Eastleigh tribe member, Sharon (pictured above right) who kindly shared her journey back to exercise after divorce and challenges of childcare affected her mental health. She is currently our Aerial Hoop provider! A further This Girl Can wave is planned for autumn focusing on women over 50.

Do you think your story would inspire others? Join the tribe and share how you got active, email thisgirlcan@eastleigh. or call 023 8068 8000. Join the conversation: #ThisGirlCanEastleigh Find out more: Picture above: Laura and baby Luna with Aerial Hoop instructor Sharon

The Council’s free HealthWorks Health Walks and Country Parks Walk and Talks are available for residents across the Borough each week. Could you be a Volunteer Walk Leader?

Walk and Talks are led by members of the Country Parks team and focus on nature and wellbeing in the beautiful settings of Itchen Valley, Lakeside, Bursledon, Hamble and Hound.

Health Walks are led by a team of dedicated volunteers. They are currently on the lookout for new volunteers who can either lead a regular walk or help out as cover. Training will be provided, with ongoing support from a Health Walks coordinator.

Roy, a regular Walk and Talker, says: “I have been really struggling with my mental health and found myself socially isolating, which was not helpful at all. In January, I discovered the Eastleigh Country Park Walk & Talk groups. I eventually found the courage to step outside and join one of these walks. Since then, I have been a regular participant and have met many lovely and interesting people from all walks of life. These groups have provided me with regular exercise, improved social skills and a noticeable improvement to my mental wellbeing. I would recommend these walks to anyone so give it a go, it really does work.”

Volunteer Walk Leader John says: “It’s lovely to introduce new people to our group and friends are quickly made when you are sharing such an enjoyable pursuit. It’s a way of introducing them to the open spaces and woods nearby and just occasionally we’ll come across a deer feeding in the woods and stand and gaze at each other for a few seconds before it bounds off into the undergrowth.” Visit to view the timetable. Please call 023 8068 4813 or email healthworks@ if you’re interested in becoming a Walk Leader.

Walk and Talks are wellattended, so please book in advance. Visit countryparkeventbookings




New electric vehicle charging points ready for use New points in Borough car parks for super-fast charging We’ve installed six new electric charging points across four of our car parks. Two chargers have been installed at Chestnut Avenue Retail Park - one new rapid charger (50kW) and one fast charger (7kW). A fast charger has also been installed at both Romsey Road Car Park and Channon Retail Park (Woodside Avenue), with rapid chargers due to be installed at both sites shortly. Charge time depends on the vehicle type, but it will take around 30 minutes to take a battery from empty to 80% – perfect if you are popping into the shops. Charge times are even lower at Places Leisure Eastleigh, where a new ultra-rapid charger (150kw) - one of only a handful in the South - has been installed alongside a fast charger. Each charging point is powered by renewable electricity.

The new charging points are part of the Council’s Climate and Environmental Emergency Action Plan and its goal is to support the Borough to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Electric cars have no exhaust emissions, so do not contribute to local air pollution that can damage the environment and cause health issues for the local people. Cabinet Lead for Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle, said: “It’s great to see these charging points operational and ready for the public to use. They provide much needed infrastructure for current and future electric vehicle drivers, as we move towards a net zero future with fewer and fewer petrol and diesel cars on the road.” Find out more:

Excess black bins to be reclaimed We will be writing to households that we believe may have too many black waste bins at their property, to make sure their allocation is correct. The number of black bins allocated to a property is based upon the occupancy of the household. This ensures that all households have a fair and proportionate number of bins for their waste. It also encourages residents to dispose of their waste sustainably, by using the weekly food waste, fortnightly recycling and glass/battery collections. When households have more black bins than they have been allocated, it reduces the efficiency of collection rounds, as bin crews must empty additional bins and drive to the waste processing facilities more often. If you believe you have more black bins than you need, you can let us know by visiting and filling in our online form.

For more tips on reducing waste visit

New ‘Tiny Forest’ for Eastleigh A new ‘Tiny Forest’ has been planted in Eastleigh’s Fleming Park by local children and members of the community.

species in its first three years. It also includes a ‘classroom area’ that the local community can use to learn, explore and play.

A Tiny Forest is a dense, fast-growing, native woodland about the size of a tennis court. Children from Nightingale Primary School and the Little Wisp Preschool helped to plant the Tiny Forest, which has been created in a joint initiative between Eastleigh Borough Council and Earthwatch Europe - the environmental charity pioneering the Tiny Forest movement in the UK. Over 40 local residents also volunteered their time to get involved in the planting.

Last year’s Mayor, Cllr Cynthia Garton, who attended the planting day said: “This Tiny Forest is a fantastic addition to Fleming Park and Eastleigh. It will provide a rich habitat for wildlife and a valuable place where people can connect with nature. It’s brilliant to see the local community get together to plant the Tiny Forest and I’m excited to see it grow and flourish over the coming months and years.”

The Tiny Forest consists of a dense mix of 600 native trees and shrubs that can attract over 500 plant and animal

Picture above: Last year’s Mayor, Cllr Cynthia Garton with children from Crescent Primary School.



Home improvement grants to help with rising energy costs Help conserve reptiles in the Borough The Borough is home to four native species of reptile: grass snakes, adders, slow-worms and common lizards. Collectively they can be found across a wide range of habitats, including our coastal heathland, grassland, woodland rides and edges, beside ponds, rivers and streams, scrubland, gardens and allotments. All our reptiles hibernate during the colder months, generally from late autumn through to March. In addition to our native reptiles, there are recent records of the introduced wall lizard in the area surrounding Eastleigh Railway Station.

You can help our understanding of where reptiles are found across Eastleigh by recording any sightings you make on Record Pool, an online recording tool which collects information on reptiles and amphibians in the UK and makes it available, locally and nationally, for conservation purposes. Record Pool is a joint project between Amphibian and Reptile Groups UK (ARG). To help you identify our reptiles the ARG have provided free downloadable identification guides and excellent material related to amphibians and reptiles. Visit

More wildflowers planted than ever before

Up to £10K worth of energy efficiency measures for those on lower incomes A new round of funding has become available to help residents on lower incomes save on their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. Residents who are on incomerelated benefits, or who have a gross household income of £30,000 a year or less, could be eligible for free home improvements worth up to £10,000. Improvements include solid and cavity wall insulation, loft and underfloor insulation, air source heat pumps and solar panels.

based on the tenant, so there needs to be a permanent tenant residing in the property who is happy to confirm their eligibility.

The funding is available through the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Phase 3 scheme. Delivered by Agility Eco, the scheme is available to properties with an energy performance certificate rating of D, E, F or G.

The previous two schemes run by Agility Eco (LAD 1A and 1B) have provided an average of £6K worth of energy saving measures per home to over 1,800 properties.

The measures are fully funded for owner-occupier properties. For private rental properties, landlords will be required to provide consent and make a contribution based on the measures required. Eligibility is

The scheme operates on a firstcome, first-served basis, so if you think you might be eligible, please apply as soon as possible by visiting or calling 0800 038 5737.

Bonfires Over 20 sites throughout the Borough have been planted up with wildflowers by the Council’s StreetScene team, covering a total of over 3,300 square metres! It represents the largest wildflower planting effort by the Council to date, as it looks to bolster biodiversity in the Borough. Wildflowers provide vital habitats for pollinators, such as bees, that we rely on for pollinating our food. They are also loved by residents who enjoy the colour they bring to the Borough. Cabinet Lead for Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle, said: “Following the popularity of

previous wildflower planting initiatives, the Council has massively scaled up its planting efforts. I’m really looking forward to seeing these sites flower as I’m sure residents and local wildlife will love them.”

If you are thinking of having a bonfire, find out how you can avoid burning, burn cleaner and burn safely to protect the health of your family and community. Avoid burning: Instead of having a bonfire, compost garden waste at home or through our garden waste collections. Dispose of household waste safely through waste and recycling collections.

Sites have been selected in each of the Borough’s five local areas and you can see a full list on our website.

Burn cleaner: If you do need to have a bonfire, only burn dry, untreated wood and don’t burn household or wet garden waste, rubber tyres, plastics and wood with varnish or paint.

Keep an eye out throughout the summer to see them flower!

Burn Safely: Follow fire safety advice. Be aware of the impacts of air pollution and consider your neighbours, community and wildlife before building and lighting a fire.

Find out more:

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Kestrel Park play area A new play area at Kestrel Park, Bursledon has been opened and is being enjoyed by local children. The play area is constructed of treated wood and is aimed at children up to 14 years of age. The adventure play area offers a range of exciting play equipment that includes a climbing system jungle forest, spring mounted rocker beam, climbing station, slide and nest swing. There is also a ropes and beams trim trail with a balancing beam course, triple spring bouncing disc, sloping monkey bars, low stepping posts, stilts course, spiderweb net, balancing snake and wildlife wheelspin. This play area was funded by the developer of the nearby housing as part of the community benefits outlined in the planning requirements as agreed by the Council.

These facilities have been funded from financial contributions made by developers of nearby homes to help provide and improve community facilities in the area, and have been delivered in partnership with Hampshire County Council and the Wildern Academy Trust.

New community sports facilities for Hedge End New sports facilities in Hedge End, including the area’s first full-size floodlit 3G football pitch, will be opening later this year at Deer Park School and Berrywood Fields, located near Woodhouse Lane. As well as a full size floodlit 3G artificial football pitch, there will also be changing facilities and a multi-use activity hall at Deer Park School; and three new football pitches and public open space at the adjacent Berrywood

Fields. The facilities will be the new home for local football club Hedge End Rangers and their 38 teams from U7s to Vets, as well as being available for the wider community to hire.

Chair of Hedge End, West End & Botley Local Area Committee, Cllr Cynthia Garton said: “I’m delighted that we are delivering this scheme that provides the area’s first full-size 3G artificial pitch together with a new open space for the local community to use. The provision of these much-needed local community sports facilities will provide opportunities for local people to be more active, improve their physical and mental wellbeing, as well as encouraging greater social interaction.” Chairman of Hedge End Rangers, Marc Patch, said: “We are proud as a club to be partnering with Deer Park School and Eastleigh Borough Council to provide this tremendous facility to all our players, coaches, representatives and spectators. We applaud the efforts of those within the Council who have shared our vision from the start, and we hope this will further encourage local children to come together and be active in friendships and sport.”

The facilities will be available for community hire from September 2022.

Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036

Local Plan In April, the Borough Council formally adopted its Local Plan (2016 - 2036). The adoption of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016 - 2036) sets the overall strategy for where and how development should be delivered, and which areas should be protected. The Plan will guide development in the Borough over the next decade and beyond and meet the economic, social and environmental needs of the area. It means the Council can take forward its vision of meeting the Borough’s longterm housing needs in a strategic and sustainable way. By adopting the Local Plan (2016 2036) it has also enabled the Council to withdraw the draft Local Plan (20112029).

Find out more:



Fun for all ages this summer The Point Eastleigh, The Berry Theatre in Hedge End and Itchen Valley Country Park have something for everyone Our venues have more on offer than ever this summer, with the welcome return of outdoor events as well as a full programme of classes, workshops and community performances.

The Sounds of Summer will see local live music on The Point’s Garden Stage every Friday and Saturday evening in July as part of the audience favourite Summer Social programme. Each evening we’ll welcome a local band or acoustic singer, providing the perfect backdrop to your post-work and weekend sundowners.

11 & 12 June The Unwrapped weekend of free live pop-up surprises takes place on Saturday 11 June at Leigh Road Recreation Ground in Eastleigh and on Sunday 12 June at Greta Park in Hedge End. The packed day of festival fun includes scheduled performances of outdoor theatre, music and dance, market stalls and an enticing array of food and drink. With a firm family focus, the Unwrapped Festival will showcase high quality, hand-picked live performances, comprising acrobatics from the Farm Yard Circus, walkabout performances from Cat & Mouse Theatre and mesmerising moves from Levantes Dance Theatre. Alongside the performers there will be have-a-go creative activities for all ages.

The programme of events also includes The Social - a weekly hang out for 11-16 year olds in the outdoor social space at The Point.

Other events There will be a selection of community performances at The Point that showcase local talent including Musical Theatre Southampton’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame; Roynon Dance Woolston’s 10; Florian School of Dance’s Over the Rainbow; and Centrestage Productions Youth Theatre’s Little Shop of Horrors. See rising stars of UK comedy before they’re famous at The Point’s Comedy Network evenings, as well as stand-up as seen on TV from Chris McCausland and Mark Watson. You’ll be blown away by the next generation of dance talent from Hampshire Youth Dance Company and Rambert School. The Berry Theatre in Hedge End welcomes community performances from Roynon Performing Arts, Diva Academy and Platform School of Dance.

For further information and to book tickets visit or phone the box office on 023 8065 2333 The Point Eastleigh, Leigh Road, Eastleigh SO50 9DE

Summer holiday activities Throughout the summer holidays Itchen Valley Country Park will be hosting a range of events for the whole family to enjoy. From nature trails through the woods to meeting reptiles and falconry displays, there is lots going on at the country park during the summer months. If you are a keen young photographer, why not take part in this year’s photography competition? Simply capture some of the beauty of the country park to be in with a chance of winning a prize and have your pictures displayed around the park. Find out more about all the events taking place at

For further information and to book tickets visit or phone the box office on 023 8065 2333 The Berry Theatre, Wildern Lane, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 4EJ




Funding award for The Point’s pioneering sustainability programme The Point Eastleigh has received £9,700 in National Lottery funding from the Together for Our Planet programme for its visionary Sustainability Hub project. The Sustainability Hub will run between July and December 2022 and will be home to a series of events, training sessions, youth engagement projects and campaigns to enable community climate action in the Eastleigh area. The Leigh Road venue’s project is one of only 500 across the UK to have been awarded the funding. Cabinet Lead for Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle, said: “It is vitally important that we engage people in as many ways as possible as we tackle the climate and environmental emergency. The Point’s Sustainability Hub programme is an excellent and creative way of raising awareness and prompting action in a range of audiences – and I am sure its impact will be felt beyond the duration of the project.”

Our teams at The Point and Itchen Valley Country Park have teamed up to bring you the Anywhere: Live at he park programme as part of the Anywhere: Live at the Park programme comprising six family theatrical productions. The Princess and the Pea – 25 June, 3pm. This brilliant new production mixes Let’s All Dance’s signature crystal clear narrative, fantastic dancing, beautiful costumes and lovely music to captivate children and families. The War of the Worlds – 15 July, 7pm. The critically acclaimed Pantaloons invade the stage with this funny yet faithful new adaptation, full of musical instruments, puppetry and enthusiasm.

Paddling pool opens for summer

King Arthur – 29 July, 3pm. A fun and farcical adventure retelling of the Arthurian Legend. Entertaining, accessible and eccentric, it’s perfect for the whole family. Awful Auntie – 14 August, 4pm. Awful Auntie by David Walliams, adapted for the outdoor stage by Heartbreak Productions, is a truly thrilling tale. The Wind in the Willows – Friday 19 August, 3.30pm. Hilarious retelling of the classic woodland adventure.

The popular outdoor paddling pool at Fleming Park, Eastleigh is now open.

Much Ado About Murder – Monday 29 August, 6pm - superbly silly murder mystery.

It is free for the public to use and includes a number of water features for the children to enjoy. It is also next to a large play area and sandpit providing an ideal facility for all the family. The facility is provided by the Borough Council in partnership with Places for People (who manage Places Leisure Eastleigh) and is enjoyed by thousands of local families that flock to the pool and play area complex each summer.

To book visit or call 023 8065 2333


Itchen Valley Country Park, Allington Lane, West End, Southampton SO30 3HQ


Chair of Eastleigh Local Area Committee, Cllr Alex Bourne, said: “The paddling pool is a great local facility, is hugely popular with families with young children - and of course it’s absolutely free for everyone to use. I’m delighted that we are now able to reopen the paddling pool for local families to enjoy.”


Sunday 24 July 2022 • 11am - 6pm Leigh Road Recreation Ground AWCAEastleigh



Solent Freeport Colourful artwork installed at Fryern Arcade The Council was awarded government funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), known as The Welcome Back Fund, as part of a Covid recovery plan. The final part of this funding has now been used to brighten up the Fryern Arcade in Chandler’s Ford. Vinyl images have been installed around the glass railings outside the shops in the popular shopping area as part of a campaign to encourage people back to their local retail centres. Part of the funding, distributed by our Economy Team, has been

dedicated to making the high streets across the Borough more appealing to visitors which is why local company, Studio BAD were given the task of creating vinyl banners to put across empty shop windows and walkways around the town centres. The artworks are comprised of images taken along a route from Chandler’s Ford and down towards Netley and Hamble-le-Rice to the south to show the unique range of experiences in the Borough. Studio BAD collaborated with qualified architect and artist, Amanda Moore to create these colourful pieces of art.

Working to get young people back into employment The Youth Employment Hub is a joined-up service to unlock the potential of young people aged 16-24. Through direct bespoke support and referrals to other services, it offers a complete approach to move young people closer to their employment goals. Cabinet Lead for Economy, Cllr Derek Pretty, said: “As a Council partnership we strive to offer excellent employment and training opportunities to people choosing to live and work in our local authority areas, which is why the Youth Employment Hub is such a valuable asset. The hub provides expert advice and helps young people find their desired career path.” Find out more by emailing:

Businesses share their gratitude for the business grants All government funding made available during the Covid pandemic has now been distributed to businesses. Throughout the pandemic the Council’s Economy Team worked tirelessly to ensure that businesses in the Borough received the financial support that they were entitled to and distributed government grants to over 7,000 businesses with the final amount paid out totalling £33.3 million. Throughout the crisis they have received many messages of thanks and appreciation from the companies they helped. Business owner, Mat Playford of Earth Wind & Fire Farm, said: “We grow peppers and chilli plants and during Covid restrictions we received a lot less business than we’d have liked. The support from the Council has been an incredibly

rewarding process; it has allowed my company to become net zero in energy usage and allowed us to increase our production by 500%.” Amanda Murray, owner of Dasic, manufacturer of tank cleaning machines, said: “The business grant has helped us plan some much needed factory refurbishment to reduce our soaring energy bills and lower our carbon footprint. Without the grant it would have been impossible for us to fund the improvements.” Ainhoa Nicholl from Kidslingo said: “Having access to the business grant enabled me to continue working as I could invest in a good laptop to move my lessons online.”

The Solent area has a rare chance to be just one of eight or nine locations in the UK that is granted Freeport status. The tax and customs advantages available at these sites act as powerful incentives to lure the brightest and best of businesses from all over the world, creating jobs, prosperity and visibility for the areas around them. An estimated £1.6bn of private investment could be generated for the Solent region if our bid is successful. Eastleigh, with enviable transport connectivity, has been chosen as one of three tax sites in the Solent Freeport – specifically the area comprising the Airport, Network Rail land and Eastleigh Railway works, known collectively as Navigator Quarter. At this site alone, it is estimated that 3,200 direct jobs could be created with a further 3,300 arising from the knock-on effects of this new activity. Priority will be given to businesses from innovative green sectors including alternative fuels such as hydrogen and ultra-low sulphur diesel. If you are a business and interested in the opportunities the Freeport will open up, please register with Solent Freeport. solent-freeport

Give something different this Father’s Day Instead of the usual socks and chocolates this Father’s Day, give a Borough Gift Card and let them choose their own gift. Over 60 businesses in the Borough have now signed up to the scheme which provides shops, restaurants, and other businesses across the Borough with a slick solution to offering gift vouchers for their merchandise, hospitality or experiences. A gift card is a great alternative if you are struggling to buy for a loved one, with the ever-growing list of shops, retail and leisure venues giving them the freedom to choose where to spend their gift card. The card can be loaded with any amount of money and can be spent in a range of places across the Borough including restaurants, pubs, beauticians and shops. Find out more:




News round up Eastleigh

Swift work by Newtown residents The Newtown Residents Association in the town centre has spearheaded a project to boost swift numbers in the area.

New cycle routes to connect One Horton Heath and surrounding areas Two new cycle routes are being created as part of the One Horton Heath development, giving residents better cycling connectivity through the area.

scenic route through the east side of the development connecting at the top and bottom of the new link road.

The routes will offer cyclists new ways to travel from the north of Hedge End, through Horton Heath, to the south of Fair Oak.

In addition to the two new north to south routes, two east to west routes for cyclists and pedestrians will be created from downgraded sections of Fir Tree Lane and Chalcroft Lane.

A wide shared cycleway and footpath will follow the new 1.8km link road from the south end of the development, at the Burnetts Lane and Chalcroft Way connection to the new roundabout at the top of Allington Lane. As well as being more direct, this wide shared cycleway will be a more relaxing ride than the current route along Burnetts Lane and Fir Tree Lane - two narrow country lanes. The first part along Chalcroft Way opened last September and has now become a regular route for cyclists.

One Horton Heath will be one of the most sustainable developments in the country. It presents an incredible opportunity to not only promote cycling and walking within the development but also to connect the surrounding areas for cyclists and pedestrians. As well as reducing the emissions associated with driving, this new cycling network will open up cycling to people of all abilities, empowering them to enjoy active, healthy, outdoor lives.

As future parts of the development are constructed, an innovative new cycle greenway - designed solely for walkers and cyclists will offer a more recreational,

To find out more about the benefits of cycling and advice on how to get back on your bike, visit

Wildlife wood carvings at One Horton Heath Local people using the public rights of way around the One Horton Heath site can enjoy ten new wildlife wood carvings currently being crafted by Hampshire-based sculptor Chris Bain (Pictured left). Commissioned by the One Horton Heath team the carvings, which include an owl, an otter and a ‘bug hotel’ provide visitors with points of interest and celebrate some of the local animal populations being protected and nurtured throughout the development and beyond.

Find out more and keep up-to-date on the development visit: or email: Follow us on: onehortonheath One Horton Heath

Eastleigh is lucky to support a swift population but it is declining and has recently been red-listed. These iconic birds grace our skies for three months of the summer when they come here from West Africa to breed. Their decline is caused by the loss of nesting opportunities in buildings where old soffits and fascias are replaced, removing gaps where they would have nested. This can be remedied by having nest boxes fitted, which is what the Newtown Residents Association have done with the installation of 25 new nest boxes to encourage more swifts to breed here.

New signage at entrance to Lakeside Country Park The signage at the entrance of Lakeside Country Park, along Wide Lane, has received an upgrade. The old, faded signs have been removed and the new signs, featuring up-to-date branding, make the park look more appealing to potential visitors. Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound

Pilands Wood Community Spring Clean A scheme to improve health and wellbeing, environmental and recycling knowledge in Pilands Wood, Bursledon, was made possible with funding from the Bursledon, Hamblele-Rice and Hound Local Area Committee. Project Spring Clean was a community litter-pick, with our Direct Services team collecting tonnes of bulky waste that might otherwise have been fly-tipped. Residents were given information on recycling - and on how to save money and reduce waste by growing their own vegetables: part of the project funded vegetable growbags and seeds for residents’ own gardens.


News round up Chandler’s Ford & Hiltingbury

Hiltingbury Car Park improved Work on the car park between The Hilt and Hiltingbury Junior School is now complete. A new tarmac surface and painted lines were installed and a new path across the adjoining recreation ground has been laid. Eastleigh

Lawn Road hoops The major refurbishment of the Lawn Road play area was completed earlier this year – and new basketball hoops have recently been installed. The improvements are part of a wider £1 million plus programme to deliver new and improved play areas around the Borough. Hedge End, West End & Botley

Council wins £90k for Changing Places facilities The Council has won £90,000 from the government for Changing Places toilet facilities at Itchen Valley Country Park and Manor Farm (on behalf of Hampshire County Council). We have been working with the architects to ensure that a Changing Places facility could be included in the planned improvements to Itchen Valley Country Park. Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound


Council, Government and charity support TOTAL

Council Support Home and housing Explore Council Tax discounts and exemptions – there are a range of eligibilities that apply and many are unclaimed.

Debt assistance

Beyond that is Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit and Discretionary Housing Payment.

Explore the National Debt Line - or call 0808 808 4000

Homelessness and housing advice, or support for applying for affordable housing and the Hampshire Home Choice Register.

Citizens Advice Eastleigh offer free, independent, confidential, and impartial advice to help people navigate and resolve their legal, employment and financial challenges. or call 0808 278 7862

Financial signposting

Loan sharks and loans

Support for specific groups, people in financial hardship, utility and heating support and other support services and discounts.

Always check that a loan will be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) before entering into one. If you’re not sure, speak to Citizens Advice – they will be able to recommend the best safe loan options available to you.

Alternatively, call Customer Services on 023 8068 8000 for more information.

If you think you have entered a contract with a loan shark (i.e. not authorised by the FCA), you can speak in confidence to the Illegal Money Lending Hotline on 0300 555 2222

Enhancing Sydney Avenue Work is under way to make an area of grassland in Sydney Avenue, Hamble more wildlifefriendly and visually appealing by providing food and cover for a variety of wildlife. Native trees and shrubs are being planted to complement the three existing, mature trees, and grass and wildflowers will be introduced to improve biodiversity. Men in Sheds are kindly providing a bug hotel.




Government support General information Visit or call the specific Government offices for information: Universal Credit: 0800 328 5644 Pension Service: 0800 731 0469 Child Benefit: 0300 200 3100 Working Tax Credit: 0345 300 3900 Disability Benefit: 0800 121 4433


News round up

State Pension age and over

Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound

Mercury Library and Community Hub raising funds

Attendance allowance If you need frequent help with personal care, or someone to supervise you, attendance allowance can help. After application, you may be asked to attend a medical examination to show what help you need. 2022/23 weekly amount: There are two rates, low at £61.85 and high at £92.40. or call 0345 605 6055

Pension credit Help with your living and housing costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. If you get Pension Credit you can also get other help, such as: • Housing Benefit if you rent the property you live in • support for mortgage interest if you own the property you live in • Council Tax Reduction • a free TV licence if you’re aged 75 or over • help with NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments

Cutting energy costs For assistance and support with paying your utility bills and help to keep you home warm, visit

ECO4 Government grants If you own/rent a property that is heated with electricity and receive income-related benefits you are very likely to qualify for a government grant to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

• help with your heating costs.

• You are a Homeowner, Landlord or a Private Tenant or all 0800 731 0469

• You receive income-related benefits • You have Electric Storage Heaters Soon to be launched after a recent consultation, visit for updates

Parental support Tax-Free Childcare You can get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year).

Are you a new parent or pregnant and on benefits? If you’re pregnant or have a baby under six months-old, and you or your partner are on certain benefits, you may qualify for a one-off £500 maternity grant. This doesn’t have to be repaid. You may get more if you’re having twins or triplets.

Check if your child qualifies for free school meals and the ‘pupil premium’ If you’re on means-tested benefits and on a low income, your child may qualify for free school meals. Search all on


The volunteers at the Mercury Library and Community Hub in Hamble continue to do great work, offering various group activities, community events and so much more. Most recently, the volunteers hosted a charity coffee morning, raising £290 for Hamble Good Neighbours Group. The next coffee morning will be on 24 June to raise money for the Hamble Pan Disability Football Teams. Follow the group on Facebook /MercuryHamble

Council objects to Hamble Airfield mineral extraction Borough Councillors have objected to an application by Cemex to extract minerals from Hamble Airfield. Members of the Cabinet also asked Hampshire County Council (HCC) to refuse permission, as part of the Borough Council’s response to HCC’s consultation. They also formally requested that HCC removes the Hamble Airfield as an allocated site for minerals extraction from the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan.

New public art trail

Financial education and budgeting There are plenty of free resources and courses to explore online, which apply to different ages and life stages on The Open University online Get started with the budgeting apps and tools to get a grip on your incomings and outgoings and see what can be cut or reduced. Search Citizens Advice website for their budgeting advice.

Residents of Bursledon, Hamble and Hound got involved in an exciting public art project, commissioned by the Council. The South Western Railway partfunded project will see the creation of the History and Heritage Wayfinding Trail which will improve walking and cycling access to and from Bursledon, Hamble and Netley railway stations.

Hamble benches replaced After more than 30 years the concrete bench seats on Southern Quay, Hamble have been replaced, thanks to funding allocated to Hamble Parish Council from developer contributions. Raised beds have also been planted, with shrubs, trees and 600 bulbs.


News round up


Eastleigh welcomes new Mayor

Hedge End, West End & Botley

Cllr Adam Manning is the new Mayor of Eastleigh following the Mayor Making ceremony on 19 May.

Tree marks Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Adam represents the Hamble & Netley Ward and has been a Councillor since 2018. He also became a Councillor on Hound Parish Council in the same year.

Children from the Little Owls Pre-School at Itchen Valley Country Park helped the Mayor to plant a whitebeam tree for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Adam grew up in Netley and attended Netley Infant and Junior Schools, followed by Hamble Comprehensive School. He has a Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Southampton and is now an Associate and Senior Solicitor with a well-established law firm.

The National Association of Civic Officers urged as many civic leaders as possible to plant a tree on the 70th day of the year - 11 March - to mark the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne.

He met his wife Alison in Southampton, married in 2000 and had their first child, a daughter called Felix, in 2007, followed by a son, Ben, in 2009. Both Felix and Ben attended Netley Infants and Junior School, just like their dad. Tragically, Ben lost his life earlier this year. Though this was devastating, Alison and Adam know that he received the very best care from our wonderful NHS. Adam’s interests include space exploration and he is the Chairman of the Friends of Weston Shore. He is also a keen member of the British Interplanetary Society.

It is thought that the nationwide initiative could be one of the world’s biggest simultaneous tree-plantings.

Adam said, “I’m really excited about my mayoral year, especially the opportunity to meet so many local people and celebrate all the great things that happen in the communities throughout our beautiful Borough.”

Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound

Youth Options help tackle anti-social behaviour

Adam has chosen the Royal British Legion and Ronald McDonald House serving Southampton Children’s Hospital and Princess Anne Hospital, as his two charities for the year.

Due to a recent increase in anti-social behaviour at Royal Victoria County Park, Netley, measures are being put in place to raise awareness of the Youth Options team. This gives young people someone to talk to; it also reassures the local community that the behaviour is being tackled by building trusted relationships with the young people and offering support and guidance.

Cllr Nick Couldrey, who represents Fair Oak & Horton Heath, was invested as Deputy Mayor for the year.

Outdoor learning sessions during holiday periods, where young people can experience new activities and work on their personal development, are among the recent successes delivered by this approach.

Bursledon Station car park improved The old railway sleepers around Bursledon Station car park have been replaced. The new ones look very smart and are a great way of edging the flower beds surrounding the car park. Along with the new height barrier, the car park looks much improved now these projects have been completed.

Town bids to be home of Great British Railways A bid, to bring the national headquarters for the new public body in charge of the country’s train services to Eastleigh, has been submitted by the Borough Council. Eastleigh is one of a number of towns and cities nationally to put themselves forward as the potential home for Great British Railways (GBR), which will be responsible for running and planning Britain’s rail network. In making its case, the Council emphasised Eastleigh’s excellent communications as a major transport hub, together with a ready supply of skilled labour, relatively affordable housing, a desirable location and the Council’s commitment to regeneration, which would be enhanced by a successful bid and would fit the Government’s Levelling Up agenda. The Council bid also outlines how Eastleigh’s heritage is founded in the development of the railways, with trainbuilding and operating a mainstay of the local economy for much of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Picture: Mayor of Eastleigh meets the new councillors

New Councillors Following Borough Council elections on 5 May, the political make up of the Council is now Liberal Democrat 34 seats, Independent Group - 4 seats; Conservative - 1 seat. We’re pleased to welcome seven new Lib Dem Councillors (pictured left to right):

Leigh Hadaway, Maud Attrill, Stephen Beer, Liz Jarvis, Cameron Spencer, Jane Welsh and Nick Couldrey. Parish Council elections also took place on 5 May. The full results are available at




Nims awarded Freedom of the Borough Legendary mountaineer, Nirmal ‘Nims’ Purja MBE, met Councillors and staff recently when he was presented with the Freedom of the Borough of Eastleigh by last year’s Mayor, Cllr Cynthia Garton. Nims was away and unable to collect the award at a Special Council Meeting in May, so a video was recorded beforehand and played at the event. Nims is a former Gurkha and a member of Eastleigh Borough’s Nepalese community. One of the world’s greatest high-altitude mountaineers, Nims is a legend within the extreme climbing community, having conquered all 14 of the world’s 8,000-metre-plus peaks in six months and six days, smashing the previous record of just under eight years. His achievements are the subject of a recent documentary on Netflix. His charitable foundation supports young talent, regardless of race, culture or religion. Picture left: Past Mayor, Cllr Cynthia Garton presents Nims with his Freedom of the Borough earlier this year

Have your say Local Area Committees hold public question sessions at the start of each meeting Local Area Committees (LACs) are made up of elected Ward Councillors. They take decisions and make representations relating to their area on a wide range of Council business, including determining planning applications, traffic management and environmental improvements. Public question sessions are held at the start of each meeting and if you would like to speak, you must register before the meeting begins. Please email or you can register at the meeting. Each LAC has a Local Area Manager who works with the Councillors to set the strategic direction of the committee’s work.

Contact us:

Eastleigh Borough Council, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh SO50 9YN 023 8068 8000 @EastleighBC • Sign up to receive updates from us at:

Bishopstoke, Fair Oak & Horton Heath (7pm) 29 June • 28 September Visit or contact 023 8068 8357

Eastleigh (7pm) 7 June • 13 September Visit or contact 023 8068 3369

Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound (6pm) 16 June • 22 September Visit or contact 023 8068 3367

Hedge End, West End & Botley (7pm) 13 June • 19 September Visit or contact

Chandler’s Ford & Hiltingbury (7pm) 15 June • 20 September Visit or contact 023 8068 3367

Details are correct at time of print. Distribution period - We try to ensure that the dates featured or listed in the Borough News fall after the last copy is delivered. However, some events may occur during the delivery period. We try to avoid this, but we are keen that events get as much publicity as possible.

Eastleigh Borough Council makes no representations, endorsements, warranties or guarantees, and is not liable for any loss or damage, in relation to any advertisements placed in the Borough News.



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