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Hedge End, West End & Botley Mini-forest for Berrywood Meadows

A mini-forest has been planted at Berrywood Meadows in Hedge End.


The 1,200 new native saplings and shrubs reflect the types of trees and plants found in the woods around the meadow.

It follows the mini-forest method developed Dr Akira Miyawaki, a Japanese botanist in the1970s. Tree saplings and shrubs are densely planted and the area fenced to stop deer and rabbits nibbling them. Saplings planted this way grow ten times faster, compared to traditional methods of creating woodlands.

Within 20-30 years the Berrywood mini-forest will resemble a mature woodland which would normally take around 150 years to achieve. Once the saplings and shrubs are tall enough the fencing will be removed.

Mini-forests can absorb carbon rapidly and support over 500 different plants and animals.

Boorley Park play area

Following on from a public consultation for the play area at Chancellor Park, Boorley Park, the winning design is the Russell Play Scheme.

This exciting new play area will feature rope-based play equipment with climbing frame, hammock swing, access whirl and wasps nest. The play area will be open in time for the summer holidays.

Cheltenham Gardens

Environmental improvements to the local habitat have been made at the Cheltenham Gardens balancing pond and immediate surroundings (a balancing pond eases pressure on other water courses in times of high rainfall).

The work includes control of invasive species and installation of a bench to allow residents to enjoy this peaceful area. These works have been funded by Hedge End, West End and Botley Local Area Committee.

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