Hr mannual 2016

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Introduction to Human Resources Induction Program

East Link Engineering Co. (Pvt) Ltd. No. 163/26, Nawala Road, Colombo 05.

Human Resource Planning Assess Trends in : External labour markets - Current employees Future organizational plans - General economic trends  Predict demand 

 Forecast internal Forecast external supply supply   Compare future demand and internal supply  Plan for short-falls or over-stafng

Purpose of Human Resource Management • Human Resource Management Involves attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Basic Responsibilities of Human Resource Management 1. Attract a quality workforce—Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection. 2. Develop a quality workforce—employee orientation, training, performance appraisal. 3. Maintain a quality workforce—retention and career development.

Terms & Conditions of Employment • Hours of work Monday to Friday EAST LINK Engineering

- 8.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m (1/2 Lunch Break)

CUBIK Engineering

- 8.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m (1/2 Lunch Break)

FUTURE COOPERATION - 8.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m (1/2 Lunch Break) ( This includes of a ½ an hour staggered lunch break ) ( Please ensure that you do not overstay at your meal break ) Please ensure that you are ready to commence work at your workstation by 8.30 a.m

• Hours of work Saturday EAST LINK Engineering

- 8.30 a.m - 1.30 p.m (No Lunch Break)

CUBIK Engineering

- 8.30 a.m - 1.30 p.m (No Lunch Break)

FUTURE COOPERATION - 8.30 a.m - 1.30 p.m (No Lunch Break)

Probation Your employment is subject to 6 months probation. The company reserves the right to extend your probation by a further period of 3 months at a time. Your conrmation in employment depends among other things: • Your work • Conduct • Aptitude • General attitude towards work The company will endeavor to conduct an interim appraisal after 3 months and the conrmation appraisal at the 5th month. In the case of new recruits, during probation, either party is entitled to terminate the contract of employment without notice and without assigning any reason for such termination.

Leave › Casual Leave Each employee is entitled to 7 days casual leave per calendar year. During the rst calendar year of employment (including the probation period), the employee is entitled to casual leave at the rate of 1/2 day for each completed month of service.

› Annual Leave After the rst calendar year of employment, employees will be entitled to take up 14 days annual leave in respect of emplyment . 01st January to 31st March is entitled to st st 01 April to 30 June is entitled to st st 01 July to 30 September is entitled to st st 01 October to 31 December is entitled to

- 14 days anuual leave - 10 days anuual leave - 07 days anuual leave - 04 days anuual leave

› Maternity Leave Female employees will be entitled to 84 working days of maternity leave for each of the rst two children, and 42 working days for the third and any child thereafter.

Transfer The company may, at its discretion, transfer you from one department to another and / or one associates / company to another. This among other things may be due to operational requirement, your aptitude for a particular job or as a career development measure.

Retirement Your age of retirement shall be 55 years and on reaching the age of 55 years, you shall ipso facto retire and cease to be employed and there shall be no obligation on the company to give you any notice of such retirement.

Resignation After probation period you may resign from the services of the company by giving notice as you agreed on EASTLINK in writing or paying one week’s salary in lieu.

• On your last working day, you will return the following; • Company mobile / sim • Laptop / PC • Keys of drawers • Any les, document etc • Any other company property

Termination The Company may terminate your service at any time without notice or payment in lieu of notice on the grounds of misconduct and or negligence and or inefď€ ciency and / or insubordination and or carelessness or inattention to your duties and or breach of any expressed or implied terms & conditions of your employment. In such event, you will not be entitled to any compensation or payments other than the salary up to the date of such termination.

Attendance An electronically controlled attendance machine is maintained at the entrance for recording arrival / departure times. The company takes a very serious view of any irregularity in recording attendance.

Late Attendance The company places a great deal of emphasis on punctuality and those who come late ( this should be under exceptional circumstances only ).

Duties Your duties will be assigned by the company from time to time and will fall within the general scope of your designation. However, the company management will be entitled to require you to carry out such other duties as may in the option of the company be within your capacity and skills.

Compensation Structure The Company’s compensation system is designed to attract, motivate and retain quality employees to support superior business performance. This system uses salary rangers or each job grade. Individual salaries are administered within the salary range for that particular job. The salary ranges will be viewed annually and adjusted if necessary in order to remain competitive in the market.

Training & Development The Company is committed to train & develop you in order that you perform to your full potential and that you are well equipped to meet the changing needs of our business. The training programs will focus primarily on the following areas; 1. Managerial/Supervisory skill development 2. Excellence in Customer Service 3. Computer Literacy 4. Technical knowledge Your training needs will be identiď€ ed during the appraisal process. The Company continues to invest heavily in training and it is our endeavor to add value to the performance of every member of our staff. Please feel free to contact HR for any queries and we welcome your ideas and suggestions as to how we can best help you.

Social Activities In order to give you an opportunity to socially interact with your colleagues, the Company grants nancial assistance in organizing following social events; • Sports Day • Religious Activities • Outings or Annual Excursions • Annual get-to-gether

Promotions Promotions are normally given to an employee in the following circumstances; • When a suitable opportunity arises • When the employee shows the necessary ability as per the annual performance appraisal • If the employee is a suitable candidate for the job

Professional Qualications • For a successful career, it is necessary that you can combine practical experience with professional qualication in your respective area.

Professional Conduct • For a successful career, it is necessary that you can combine practical experience with professional qualication in your respective area. • All staff is required to display the highest standards of conduct in all dealings within and outside the company. Given below is a summary of the Code of Conduct;

Professional Conduct • For a successful career, it is necessary that you can combine practical experience with professional qualication in your respective area. • All staff is required to display the highest standards of conduct in all dealings within and outside the company. Given below is a summary of the Code of Conduct; 1. Personal Benets: You should actively discourage customers from offering personal benets of all kinds. 2. Use of Information: Privileged and condential information obtained during work must not be used for personal gain or for the benet of a third party. 3. Reporting Fraud, Theft or Illegal Activities: You should always be alert and vigilant with respect to frauds, theft or any illegal activity committed within the ofce. If any such activity comes to your attention, you should immediately bring it to the notice of the CEO and/or Manager HR

Discipline As an employee of a leading institution, your integrity and loyalty should be unquestionable. Disciplinary action need to be instituted when an employee is found to have committed an act in breach of his/her contract of employment and/or involving; Violation of Company’s rules & regulations Gross negligence Fraud Misconduct Dishonesty Criminal offences Riotous or disorderly behavior Failure to carry out instructions Absence without authority or late attendance Intoxication during ofce hours Unauthorized removal of property from the Company’s premises

Dress Please be smart and tidy in your appearance to project a very professional image.

» Female Staff: • Clothes should be clean • Sarees are always acceptable, modestly & neatly draped • Western dress should consist of a smart ,formal dress • T-shirts, baggy shirts and casual slacks/leggings e.t.c are not acceptable on weekdays. • Jewellery should be discreet and tasteful. Hairstyles should be neat. » Male Staff: • Clothes should be clean and well-tting. Trousers, long-sleeves or short sleeves shirt and a tie are acceptable business dress. • Shirts should be light- colored. Sleeves should not be rolled up during ofce hours.. • Shoes (dark) must be polished. Hairstyle should be neat and not extreme. Facial hair should be short and well trimmed. Smart casual dress to be wear in weekends by all staff members

Smoking The Ofď€ ce has been declared a non-smoking area and you are advised to refrain from smoking in the work place in consideration of health of yours and your colleagues.

Update of Personal Information Please keep HR informed of any change in your personal particulars such as address, details of family members, telephone number, marital status, birth of children, professional qualiď€ cations, persons to be contacted in an emergency etc.

Employee Suggestions As a progressive organization, we value your new ideas and you are most welcome to come up with suggestions aimed at; • Reducing cost • Improving customer service/increasing customer base • Improving existing service or suggesting new services • Improving methods and procedures • Providing better working conditions If your suggestion is accepted, you will have the satisfaction of seeing your idea in action.

Grievance Handling Should you have a work related problem which you believe the Company can help solve; • Please discuss same with your immediate superior. About 90% of grievances can be settled at this level. • If it is not resolved in three days, please speak to your Head of Department who will revert to you in three days. • If it is still not resolved, please take up this matter with the Manager Human Resources who will revert to you within ve days • If you still feel that you have not received a satisfactory reply, you may bring this to the notice of the CEO/DIRECTOR who will respond to you within ve days.

Thank You !

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