Eastminster history timeline 30:60 anniversary 2017

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History of Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1957 to 2017 The history of Eastminster Presbyterian Church serves as a testimony to the grace of God and the powerful effect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1954 First United Presbyterian Church (later renamed to Bethany United Presbyterian Church), located on East First Street near Old Town in Wichita, alerts their governing Board that the east side of Wichita will be experiencing tremendous growth. The Board of American Mission of the United Presbyterian Church of North America purchases five acres at 9th and Armour for $25,000 from Robert J. Lawrence. Eastminster is chartered as a mission church plant, a “daughter” of First United Presbyterian Church. 1955 December - Manse at 1018 N. Armour completed, cost of $19,940. 1956 July- Reverend James G. McConnell of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is appointed by the Board of American Mission as the first pastor. 1957 January - Reverend James and Francis McConnell and their three children arrive in Wichita. Rev. James McConnell called as organizing pastor. His prayer: “God establish a witness for Himself at corner of 9th and Armour.” March 17 - First worship service held in auditorium of Kos Harris Elementary School; 38 present, 12 in nursery, offering $81.10. July 14 - First service held in the completed church, 142 present; fifty-eight people received as charter members. November 3 - Congregation organized by a Commission established by the Arkansas Valley Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. Eastminster United Presbyterian Church is now officially chartered as a separate recognized congregation.

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1958 First Annual Congregational Meeting held January 15, preceded by a dinner “prepared by the finest cooks in Wichita.” Congregation sang the Doxology together. The parent body of the church, United Presbyterian Church of North America, (a conservative, evangelical denomination), merges with The Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A (a more liberal denomination) to form a new denomination called The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. First women’s ministry, called United Presbyterian Women (UPW), organizes with 40 members, two Circles. The Circles provide ‘Bible Study, watchful care for the congregation and support for the work of God’s kingdom around the world”. First Nurture Committee and first Christian Concerns Committee established by UPW. Eight Sunday School classes begin, 160 present. 100 children attend first Vacation Bible School (VBS). Five Senior High youth attend New Wilmington Missionary Conference in Pennsylvania, planting the early seeds of missions. Budget $14,767.50; membership 201. 1959 Music Committee is established “for the purpose of commending to Session constructive steps in improving choir attendance and performance.” UPW contributes hours of service and supplies: serves family night and other dinners, desserts and coffee fellowships, paints furniture for the nursery, provides flowers for the Sunday service, provides china, tableware, linens, wedding silver and crystal and all the initial kitchen equipment. Budget $25,782.85 1960 Eastminster becomes self-supporting, no longer dependent upon the Board of American Mission. 2 Revised 11.04.17

UPW ships 400 pounds of clothing to the Presbyterian Mountain Mission in Kentucky and 6,400 pounds of clothing to overseas missions. Bruce Dufur Memorial Fund established for the purpose of assisting youth ministry in the church. November- Rev. James McConnell resigns, accepts call for service at the First Presbyterian Church in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. Budget reaches $31,000. 1961 Reverend Lucas T. Krebs serves as Interim Minister until July. Rev. Keith Seelig accepts call as Senior Pastor/Head of Staff on April 18. Keith and Vera Seelig, from Minneapolis, Kansas, arrive in Wichita with their three children in July. Eastminster is incorporated under Kansas Law. UPW hosts church coffees, congregational dinners, Senior High banquets and wedding receptions. A decision is made to charge $15 for the first 100 guests at any wedding reception. 1962 Vera Seelig asks member to teach the Menninger Bible Study, a four year course through the Bible. This study draws up to 76 participants a year from many churches. It is offered on Tuesday mornings for 10 consecutive times (for a total of 40 years). 1964 Need for expansion of classrooms and sanctuary becomes apparent. Building Committee established.

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1965 Construction begins on new sanctuary. Membership 405. 1966 New sanctuary and Sunday School classrooms completed; “build a church and the people will come." Dedicated to the glory of God on September 11, 1966. 1967 25 Senior High youth attend New Wilmington Missionary Conference, Pennsylvania. Average worship attendance: 252. Membership reaches 505. 1970 Larry Sharpless hired as first full-time Christian Education Director. 1971 Lightning strikes church steeple, casting it to the ground. Two feet of snow falls Sunday morning while Rev. Seelig preaches, causing 12 people to stay two nights at the manse. Eleven-rank pipe organ dedicated. Eastminster cooperates to recruit World Impact to come to Wichita. 1972 Rev. Keith Seelig resigns, accepts call to Central Presbyterian Church, Huntington, Long Island, New York. Four youth retreats held High school weekly Bible study, 4 Revised 11.04.17

Summer college ministry trains 7 interns, 66 youth attend New Wilmington Missionary Conference, Pennsylvania. Library Committee established. First pictorial directory published. Financial support given to Presbyterian Lay Committee, an organization concerned for the Presbyterian Church to remain true to its historic faith. Significant support is also given to Presbyterians United for Biblical Concerns. 1973 Dr. William Strong serves as Interim Pastor until November. Rev. Frank Kik, pastor in suburban Buffalo, New York, accepts call as Senior Pastor/Head of Staff. Rev. Kik and wife Phyllis with their three children move to Wichita. Frank Kik and several Eastminster lay leaders, prominent in the business community, meet with Al Ewert at fledgling World Impact Urban ministries, resulting in World Impact’s successful launch in Wichita. Buck Oliphant hired as Director of Christian Education. 1974 Rev. James Tony, recent graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, accepts call as first Assistant Pastor. Eastminster forms its first Mission Committee and holds its first annual Missions Fair. Strong relationship begins with Sterling College for financial support, Chaplaincy program, Religious Education department and student short-term missions program. Christian Concerns Committee launches. Christian Student Aid Committee forms to aid members in full-time ministry studies. Membership 624

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1975 “Fire in Coventry” seminars held mid 1970’s. This was a 6-week intensive Bible Study based on a church in Coventry, England, focusing on commitment and prayer for fellow congregants. This was a time the congregation met in homes and became committed to pray for each other. Christian Concerns Committee aids 50 families. 1976 Session forms long-range planning committee to prayerfully consider proceeding with building plans since “we are bursting at the seams.” After many meetings, a general plan for proceeding with building plans with an expenditure of $525,000 was revealed to the congregation at a Congregational meeting. Final decision was postponed until Session could have their concluding meeting of a Session Retreat (which would take place after upcoming Missions Conference). Severe earthquake (7.9 on Richter scale) jolts country of Guatemala on February 4; 23,000 dead in 39 seconds, thousands homeless. Two weeks later, Eastminster helps sponsor a Missions Conference with theme “And Who Is My Neighbor?” from the parable of the Good Samaritan. Special meeting of congregation is called, “How can we build a Cadillac for ourselves when the people in Guatemala don’t even have a Volkswagen?” Proposal was made to reduce Eastminster building plans. “Project Light” develops; On April 4, Session and congregation vote to scale down Eastminster’s building program proposal to $180,000, and to send $120,000 to rebuild 26 Presbyterian churches and 28 manses destroyed by Guatemalan earthquake. Total capital goal for Project Light was $300,000, nearly double the total annual giving. Fully pledged and paid over three years. The name “Project Light” came from an elderly deaconess in Chinautla Village Presbyterian Church in Guatemala. Chinautla Village had been condemned by the government because of landslides and flooding danger. Many people left the area to establish a new village. This deaconess decided to remain and rebuild. When asked why she stayed in the face of danger, she responded, “If we do not stay and rebuild, who will spread the Light?” Kitchen, classroom, Fireside Room constructed at Eastminster. Budget: $54,000 6 Revised 11.04.17

1977 Budget: $65,000 1978 Rev. James Tony resigns, accepts call as Senior Pastor in Bridgeton, Missouri. Second worship service added on Sunday mornings. Budget: $94,000 1979 Rev. Douglas Pratt, recent graduate of Gordon-Conwell, accepts call as Assistant Pastor. Sunday worship attendance averages 660. 1980 Eastminster sponsors first refugee outreach for a family of eight fleeing persecution from Vietnam communist rule. Church provides home, furnishings, clothing, food and rides. Family eventually moves to Los Angeles to be with relatives, and leaves note of thanks to Eastminster: “You gave us hope when we had none; you gave us smiles when we had none; and most important, you gave us Jesus Christ who loves us very much.� First all-church family retreat at Rock Springs Ranch, Kansas Dr. R.C. Sproul, founder of Ligonier Ministries, conducts teaching on Reformed theology Budget: $134,000 1981 Rev. Doug Pratt installed as Associate Pastor. Richard Gorham, former Director of Young Life in Wichita, accepts call as Minister of Pastoral Care. Second full Sunday School added at 11:00 service. 7 Revised 11.04.17

Classrooms and parking lot in nearby Kos Harris School utilized to help relieve congestion. Third Sunday morning worship service added. Larry Yeager hired as first full-time ordained Youth Pastor. Dennis Bergin retires after 9 years as organist, Anna Jeter hired. Budget: $235,800 1982 Eastminster's 25th anniversary celebrated. Thirty acres of land on North Webb Road purchased for future Eastminster building. Christian Concerns Committee aids 141 families due to high unemployment in the area. Eastminster amends and restates its Articles of Incorporation to reject denomination PC(USA) claim of trust on church property. Attendance at Sunday School tops 600. UPW has 150 members divided into five Circles: Lydia Circle, Martha Circle, Priscilla Circle, Rebecca Circle, and Ruth Circle. They meet monthly for Bible Study, fellowship and service. 1983 Average Sunday School attendance tops 500. The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. merges with the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. to become Presbyterian Church (USA). UPW (United Presbyterian Women) becomes EPW (Eastminster Presbyterian Women) EPW forms Hannah Circle, targeted for young mothers. Circles start to become age-centered 1984 Rev. Robert Thorp, retired missionary from Guatemala, accepts call as Eastminster’s first Associate Pastor of Missions. 8 Revised 11.04.17

Rev. Dr. Frank Kik visits South Korea to celebrate 100th anniversary of the Korean Presbyterian Church. Manse garage is renovated to create classrooms for youth. Donny Meeks hired as Director of College Ministries. 14 youth attend URBANA missions conference in Illinois. Sunday morning attendance averages 928. Sunday School averages 552. Budget tops $1 million for first time Missions Committee publishes Policy and Procedure manual. 22 supported missionaries visit Eastminster. ¡Church steeple damaged by lightning for second time. Visitations Committee makes 215 contacts. Christian Concerns committee, launched in 1974, responds to 403 families. 91 Thanksgiving and Christmas gift baskets distributed. 18 serve on the Deacon Board with eight standing committees. Deacons provide worship services once a month at Cherry Creek Retirement Center. Eastminster partners with World Impact Ministry. Five EPW Circles annually provide cookies for Ronald McDonald House. Prime Time Fellowship organized. Budget: $1,141,518. Actual revenue: $1,209,428 Actual missions expenditure is 45% of actual revenue Membership 1,299 with 183 new members.

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1985 Pledge drive begins for building new church on north Webb Road; estimated cost: $4.5 million. Eastminster reaffirms its commitment to the historic Reformed faith. First Missionary Pictorial Directory published. Eastminster holds a Missions Festival with 16 supported missionaries in attendance. 25 adults and youth participate in short-term missions trips to 6 foreign countries. Eastminster uses Kos Harris Elementary School for adult Sunday School classes. Stephen Ministry, a caring ministry for others, forms and trains 127 congregants as “Stephen Ministers.” Eastminster’s 500 video tape library is used by churches throughout U.S.A. Average attendance of children's Sunday School 559. VBS attendance 308; teachers and helpers 160. "Cluster Families" program forms: groups of eight older couples meeting with eight younger couples. The 5th all-church family retreat at Rock Springs Ranch, Kansas attended by 269. Nancy Fredrickson hired as Junior High youth leader (later Director of Middle School Ministries), Donny Meeks adds High School students to his responsibilities along with college students. Buck Oliphant accepts call to First Presbyterian Church in Houston. Drew Blankman hired as Director of Christian Education. Candie Blankman hired as first Director of Children’s Ministries, part-time position. 21 active home Bible study groups. Evangelism Ministry conducts a Friendship Evangelism Seminar; 150 people attend. · 10 Revised 11.04.17

Sunday Family Evening Worship Service held twice a month. Over 400 attend all-church picnic at Beech Lake Park. Worship attendance reaches 1000. 50% of total budget committed to missions. Budget: $1,243,851. Actual revenue $1,154,759 Actual missions expenditure is 50% of actual revenue Membership 1,566 with 151 new members. 1986 Rev. Doug Pratt, Associate Pastor, called as Executive Pastor. Rev. Dr. John Gerstner, retired theologian from Pittsburg Theological Seminary, begins his tenure as “theologian-in-residence” over a four-year span of time which involved extended visits teaching the essentials of Reformed Theology in SS classes and several times during the week. Ground is broken at 18th and North Webb Road for new church campus. "New Directions" program for single older adults begins. Deacon board increases from 18 to 21, then to 24. Deacons begin new program: Personal Concern Network. Christian Concerns aids 407 families. 129 families receive Thanksgiving and Christmas gift baskets.


VBS serves 385 children, 176 teachers/helpers. Nursery cares for 9,473 babies since 1957. "Kids of the Kingdom" (children's church) organized, 85 attend. 32 Eastminster members participate in short-term mission trips. 11 Revised 11.04.17

50-member choir sings at all 3 services. Athletic Committee forms soccer team for 6-8 year olds and sponsors 2 adult softball teams in the city league Softball team wins the State Church Softball Championship and plays in the national championship in North Carolina. Eastminster has 6 bell choirs. Budget: $1,319,490. Actual revenue $1,178,749. Actual missions expenditure is 47% of actual revenue Membership 1,285 with 120 new members. 1987 Eastminster sells its 9th and Armour property to Presbytery of Southern Kansas for new church plant. Eastminster moves from 9th and Armour to new building at 1958 North Webb Road. First worship service in new sanctuary on November 15th. John Knox Presbyterian Church given "birth" November 15th at 9th and Armour. Missions Ministry hosts Mission Conference and launches 4 short-term mission trips to Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Africa. Stephen Ministry Training; 45 enrolled. Resource Center developed for Children’s Ministries. VBS serves 350 children, 200 teacher/helpers. Softball team again wins State Church Softball Championship, goes to the national championship in Georgia. Eastminster hires Dr. Cecil Riney as Director of Music, succeeding Vernon Yenne. 300 attend all-church family retreat at Rock Springs Ranch in Junction City, KS. First Women’s Retreat held, speaker Judy Roberts 12 Revised 11.04.17

Missions Ministry publishes Mission Handbook. Evangelism Committee hosts seminar "Effective Prayers" with Jerry Bridges, 250 attend. Deacon Board reorganized into 4 committees: Community, Church Ministries, Church Responsibilities and Fellowship. Budget: $1,546,573. Actual revenue $1,238,468. Actual missions expenditure is 34% of actual revenue Membership 1,425 with 165 new members. 1988 January 17: New Eastminster church building dedicated “to the Glory of God”, Chuck Colson, guest speaker. Dick Gorham begins ordination process. Total giving increases 25% Eastminster Counseling Center established. Job Club formed. Single Adult Ministry forms S.A.L.T. (Single Adult Leadership Team) Stephen Ministry has 42 trained "ministers". Children’s Church established. Sunday School for Children’s Ministries averages 750; peak attendance of 789 children. 378 children attend summer VBS. Adult Sunday School offers 30 classes. Mission Conference held and 6 members from Central Presbyterian Church of Guatemala City attend. 29 active home Bible study groups. 13 Revised 11.04.17

21 Eastminster members participate in short-term mission trips to nine countries. Evangelism Committee conducts “Lifestyle Evangelism Training” seminars. Dedication ceremony and recital with new sanctuary organ. (April 12). Unique hand-made pipe organ designed and constructed by Pieter Visser (a builder originally from Holland) and associates. Sanctuary organ has three 61- note manuals (keyboards) and 32-note pedalboard with 47 ranks (2,620 pipes). Pipes range in size from ½ inch to 16 ft. Long-range planning study started. Drew and Candie Blankman resign to pursue graduate studies and seminary. Liz Shupe hired as Director of Children’s Ministries. George Granberry hired as Director of Adult Education. Counselor Associate position added, eventually leading to establishment of the Counseling Center. Position of Business Manager added. Deacon Community Ministry involved in World Impact, Prison Fellowship, Pregnancy Crisis Center, and Christian Concerns. Intramural basketball teams form with 60 participants. Total revenue increases 25% Budget: $1,639,132. Actual revenue $ 1,549,458. Actual missions expenditure is 37% of actual revenue Membership 1,605 with 217 new members. 1989 Building Committee appointed to evaluate overcrowded conditions in youth and adult education. Frances McNeil hired as first full-time Director of Children Ministries Donny Meeks resigns to attend seminary. 14 Revised 11.04.17

Bodie Weiss hired as Director of Student Ministries. Eastminster hosts Wichita’s first "Perspectives on World Christian Movement" class with 70 students. Missions Conference with theme of "Frontier Mission" focuses on Muslim world. Youth Ministry publishes monthly newsletter "Document" and quarterly publications for parents "The Bridge." International Student Ministry with WSU foreign students formed. Student aid loans granted to seven Eastminster members for seminary study. Walls removed to form choir room. Session increases from 21 to 24 members. 28 Eastminster members involved in short-term mission trips. Eastminster hosts Caleb Project Mission travel team for 2-week orientation. Over 100 attend "Walk through the Bible" seminar. Visitation Committee makes 377 personal contacts. Eastminster hosts Presbytery of Southern Kansas in celebration of 200th anniversary of Presbyterian Church (USA). Deacon prayer chain receives 80 requests. Budget: $1,762,266. Actual revenue $1,690,590. Actual missions expenditure is 33% of actual revenue Membership 1,775 with 228 new members. 1990 Rev. Dr. Doug Pratt resigns, accepts call as Senior Pastor of Memorial Park Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rev. David Bridgman accepts call as Associate Pastor of Missions: "Missions is more 15 Revised 11.04.17

than dollars; it's an attitude and a way of life." David, originally from China, was a pastor in Guatemala in 1976 at Union Church during the time of earthquake and Project Light. Union Church suffered damage and the Bridgemans were deeply involved in post-earthquake reconstruction. Rev. David Bridgman elected to Permanent Judicial Committee of the PC(USA) denomination. Youth Ministry involved in 3 missions projects: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, West Virginia. First year of ongoing tradition of presenting Bibles to 3rd graders. 63 Bibles presented. Abigail Circle forms for mothers of school-age children The Berlin Wall comes down; The Iron Curtain falls. Mission Committee launches 90 Days of Prayer for Russia. Eastminster again demonstrates a major commitment to frontier missions and unreached peoples, especially the Uzbecks and the Kurds. Mary Ann Burris hired as Director of Children’s Ministries. 60 Sunday School teachers. Over 500 children participate in children's Christmas program. Eastminster experiences financial shortfall. VBS attendance at all-time high, over 600 children, 350 teachers/ helpers. 1009 additional parking spaces established. 30 active small group Bible studies. Adult Sunday School classes average 189 with 29 elective classes. Sunday 8:15 a.m. prayer time established. 62 Eastminster members involved in 2-day and 2-evening phone prayer chains. Eastminster Presbyterian Women support 12 local and international mission projects. Eastminster holds a Mission Conference with a focus on Christian radio, 4 major Christian broadcasting ministries present. Budget: $2,355,500. Actual revenue $1,810,328. 16 Revised 11.04.17

Actual missions expenditure is 36% of actual revenue Membership 1,884 with 239 new members. 1991 After 18 years, Rev. Dr. Frank Kik resigns to accept Senior Pastor call in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Paul Eckel serves as Interim Pastor. Dr. R. C. Sproul visits as theologian-in-residence. Two large world maps installed in the church entrance hall with photos of 100 supported missionaries in 24 countries. Eastminster aids Andover, Kansas tornado victims. Eastminster has 105 trained Stephen Ministers. College Ministry is renamed: "One 2 One." Multipurpose Room construction completed. S.K.I. (Special Kids Indeed) developed for 4th and 5th graders; 45 attend. 54 youth participate in a New Mexico short-term mission trip. 427 children attend 9:30 and 11:00 Sunday School classes, 112 in the nursery. Presbytery of Southern Kansas approves Eastminster's resolution to defeat the PC(USA) General Assembly Special Committee Report on Human Sexuality. Library Committee catalogues all books and video tapes. Eastminster is allowed 5 elder commissioners at every Presbytery meeting. Eastminster Missions budget distributes 38% global, 26% Wichita, 22% Kansas, 13% U.S.A. Deacons serve first Easter Continental Breakfast. Visitation Committee contacts 350 households. 17 Revised 11.04.17

12 Eastminster members in full-time Christian service. Denominational Committee formed. Budget: $2,186,590. Actual revenue $1,858,707. Actual missions expenditure is 36% of actual revenue Membership 1,844. 1992 Time of transition and preparation for new pastor. Personnel Committee formed with Personnel Handbook. Worship attendance declines 11%. First Youth Sunday worship service. 10 short-term mission trips to 16 countries. Eastminster holds Mission Fair with 30 mission representatives and 400 attending. Eastminster supports 100 missionaries in 29 countries with 66 agencies. Eastminster partners with Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship in 5 year plan to plant churches in Northern India. Senior High student ministry called "His Life" grows to over 100 on Sunday nights. Senior High "Real Life" program initiated on Wednesday nights. Boy Scout Troop 524 forms, Christian-based, emphasis on mentoring and memory verses Women’s Retreat speaker Elisa Morgan Middle School Wednesday night program has 18% growth. Sexual abuse seminar held to increase awareness. First all-church Chili Christmas event. Special offering of $28,000 to aid Kurds in Northern Iraq to establish chicken farming and 18 Revised 11.04.17

cattle vaccination. Permanent Judicial Committee of General Assembly rules 12 to 1 that practicing homosexuals are not eligible for ordination in PC(USA). Renewal Ministries Committee forms in order to partner with Dr. Paul Eckel and his "Renewal Ministry" outreach. Eastminster supports Central Kansas Prison Ministry of Kansas. Visitation Committee contacts 260 families; one-third of visitors travel 8 miles or more. Budget: $2,176,300. Actual revenue $1,951,642. Actual missions expenditure is 36 % of actual revenue Membership 1,802. 1993 Rev. Robert Henley, Bel Aire, California, accepts call as Senior Pastor/Head of Staff. Rev. Dick Gorham ordained as Minister of Word and Sacrament and installed as Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care. Steve Dickie hired as Director of Family Ministries. Missions encourages congregation to observe month of prayer for unreached people in the "10/40 Window" (between 10 degree and 40 degrees north latitude). Missions contributes $30,000 to help ease world hunger in 6 countries. First marriage weekend retreat held at Wichita Hilton. $1,500 raises during VBS to sponsor 2 Russian orphanages. Big challenge for adult education committee: only 12% of adults attend Sunday School classes. Sunday night family worship time begins, meeting once a month with potluck suppers. Each EPW Circle adopts special mission projects in addition to EPW budget. Missions Committee develops and adopts Missions Policy Manual (August) 19 Revised 11.04.17

Mission Committee adopts 2 principles: encourage personal involvement and provide resources to support cross-cultural missions. Recognizing the 1,500 international students at Wichita State University, International Student Ministry forms as an effort to befriend and invite students into an American home with vision to share the Christian faith. 40 families involved 148 Thanksgiving and Christmas gift baskets distributed. 220 prayer requests submitted over the telephone prayer chain. 75 children receive Christmas gifts from Angel Tree Project of Prison Ministry Fellowship. Christian Student Aid Committee grants loans to six Eastminster members for ministry studies. Budget: $2,223,910. Actual revenue $1,965,646 Actual missions expenditure is 35% of actual revenue Membership 1,788.

1994 Session appoints task force on restructure of Eastminster for growth and development of ministry. New church photo directory published. PC(USA) holds 206th General Assembly in Wichita; Rev. David Bridgman elected commissioner. Mission giving increases 4%; 110 missionaries supported. Missions Ministry establishes Missionary Care Committee. Mission Conference "Year with Africa" with 4 African pastors present; Eastminster sends $30,000 in disaster relief for world hunger to Zaire. Church partners with Habitat for Humanity for a "Habitat Blitz." Senior High ministry represents 12 different high school campuses; college ministry 20 Revised 11.04.17

represents 15 campuses. S.H.A.P.E. Middle School Sunday School has 22% growth. Senior High students train and serve in leadership for S.K.I. (Special Kids Indeed, 4th and 5th grade). VBS raises over $1,000 for St. James Presbyterian Church in California, demolished by earthquake. Two theological forums presented; "Application of the Holy Trinity to Contemporary Life" with Dr. Charles MacKenzie, Dr. Paul Eckel, and Dr. Elizabeth Achtemeier speaking. $250,000 from mission budget given to Reformed ministries in our denomination: PC(USA), Lay Committee, Presbyterians for Renewal, Presbyterian Women in Leadership. 50 Eastminster members participate in short-term mission trips to Ecuador, Iraq, Costa Rica, Namibia. Facilities Committee forms. Eastminster purchases 2 new vans. Eastminster Chancel Choir partners with Friends University Singing Quakers and performs at Carnegie Hall, NYC to sing "Messiah." 175 Thanksgiving & Christmas gift baskets distributed. Stewardship drive results: 5% increase in dollars and 6.4% increase in total pledges. Budget: $2,261,849. Actual revenue $2,103,741. Actual missions expenditure is 35% of actual revenue Membership 1,773 with 154 new members. 1995 Session adopts new Mission Statement: “Being and making disciples.� Deacon neighborhood groups formed. First Divorce Recovery seminar held. 21 Revised 11.04.17

Student Ministries begins First Communion program. Wednesday night classes launch. New ministries formed: Married Couples, Men's Ministry, Sports Ministry·. New ministry "Options" for age 55 and older (formerly Prime Time). 8:15 a.m. Sunday School adult class added. 16 college students serve as summer interns Over 125 Eastminster volunteers help build 20 homes for families through Habitat for Humanity. Annex to library completed. Eastminster's Kid's Day Out programs begin. Preschool established with 36 students. Boys scouting program and girls scouting program offered. Three Christian leaders from Sudan and Ethiopia visit Eastminster. Missions supports 143 missionaries in 30 countries; 90 agencies. Visitation Committee makes 150 contacts. Budget: $2,258,078. Actual revenue $2,294,529. Actual missions expenditure is 35% of actual revenue Membership 1,774 with 148 new members. 1996 Growth in all ministries enhances decision to expand facilities. Missions office revises Missions Handbook as a complete guide to the Eastminster Missions vision. It is edited by David Bridgeman and includes his “A Heritage Worth Preserving” Over 350 from Eastminster volunteer services to Wichita missions and ministries. 22 Revised 11.04.17

One-half of the Mission budget is allocated to worldwide missions. Eastminster provides support for Pastor Azarel Molina to plant a Hispanic Church called “Nuevo Jerusalén” in south Wichita. VBS raises $932 in support for Mission Aviation Fellowship. Preschool enrollment 69. Boy Scout Troop 524 graduates first Eagle Scout. Kid's Day Out adds new session; 77 attending. Middle School ministry averages 65; 275 at four retreats. Children’s Ministries averages attendance of 415 at 9:30 and 11:00 worship services. Eastminster theological forum held with Stuart & Jill Briscoe. Five Eastminster students complete course work for full-time ministry. Eastminster's overture of constitutional changes to amend the Book of Order (to require fidelity in the covenant of marriage or chastity in singleness of church officers) to facilitate participation in COCU (Consultation of Church Union) is approved by General Assembly. 16 Eastminster members are in full-time mission work. 6 mission teams of Eastminster members receive half-salary support. Missions partners with 1) New Jerusalem Ministries, giving $10,000 gift to help establish Axtell Hospital in Newton, Kansas for AIDS, 2) Western Gambela Presbytery, Ethiopia, for church planting, 3) Papago United Presbyterian Church in Sells, Arizona, giving $14,000 gift to rebuild aging church, 4) Farrukhabad Presbytery, India, giving $25,000 for 5 year church plant contract for mission work among Untouchables, funding 22 Circuit Pastors, 264 congregations, girls and boys residential schools, and building of Presbyterian Center. Eastminster members travel to 7 countries on short-term mission trips. From 1996 to 1998, Bodie Weiss (Student Ministries Director) and team hold 3 teaching conferences in Ethiopia for Youth leaders. 23 Revised 11.04.17

Rev. Dr. Paul Eckel presents 9-lesson Bible study called "Prescription for Renewal - the Seven Churches of Asia." Average pledge increases 6%. 80 children of Prison Fellowship Ministry receive Christmas gifts from Angel Tree. Visitation Committee contacts 125 visitors. Budget: $2,474,946. Actual revenue $2,246,526. Actual missions expenditure is 35% of actual revenue Membership 1,704 with 127 new members.

1997 Eastminster team spends five days over New Year’s reconstructing facility for Papago Presbyterian Church in Arizona. Eastminster celebrates 40-year anniversary. “Surely the Lord is in This Place,” with special guests Rev. and Mrs. Jim McConnell, Eastminster’s first called pastor. Eastminster establishes 5 core commitments: Worship, Teaching and Training, Care and Fellowship, Evangelism, Serve and Celebrate. Contemporary worship service at 11 a.m. begins. Two Biblical Forum Series with Dr. Ken Bailey and Dr. James Torrance. Eastminster participates in Franklin Graham’s Heartland Festival at Wichita Coliseum. Women’s Retreat speaker Emilie Barnes, 225 attend, topic: “More Hours In My Day” 50 day Spiritual Lenten Adventure begins: 400 participate. Wednesday night EDGE (Every Disciple Growing & Equipped) forms. Rev. Bob Henley teaches "Route 66: What the Bible is About." Crown Ministry established. Divorce Recovery Workshop established. 24 Revised 11.04.17

500 children attend VBS. Senior Ministries established. Second Sunday Missions Fellowship luncheons begin with visiting supported missionaries. 6 EPW circles, 250 women attending. ESAM (Eastminster Single Adult Ministries) forms ESAM travels to Grand Forks, ND to aid flood victims in short-term missions trip. Short term missions trips to Ethiopia, Belize, Dominican Republic, Southwest USA, Ecuador, and Central Asia. 400 volunteers from Eastminster serve in 43 Wichita mission agencies. 18 Eastminster members are in full-time missionary service. Children’s Ministries has 3 outreach programs: Preschool, Kids Day Out, Hannah Kids. S.K.I. (4th and 5th graders) attend Kids' Kamp at Rock Springs Ranch in Junction City, KS. Over 500 served at annual Chili Christmas dinner. 80 men participate in winter/spring basketball league. Budget: $2,353,040. Actual revenue $2,277,802. Actual missions expenditure is 33% of actual revenue Membership 1,741 with 107 new members. 1998 Four new classrooms (C-12 thru C-16) and eight new children's classrooms completed. New ministries established: Lay Ministry, Helping Hands, Pastoral Care, Senior Fellowship. Bell tower built New Missions office completed. 25 Revised 11.04.17

Missions supports 100 people in 35 countries and 45 different mission projects in Wichita. 18 Eastminster members in full time missionary service. Dinner added to the Family Life Wednesday Night EDGE program. Cheryl Hennigh, Director of Childrens Ministries, is hired. Rev. Dr. Steven Marsh, Sterling College, begins ministry of “Theologian in Residence” which extends for the next several years. VBS attendance 450. Middle School ministry outreach to 10 Wichita school campuses; senior high ministry outreach to 12 Wichita campuses. Children’s Ministries "Christmas in Haiti" mission project sends 650 gift bags. Counseling Center serves 78 clients. Budget: $2,539,377. Actual revenue $2,519,322 Actual missions expenditure is 34% of actual revenue Membership 1,869 with 164 new members.

1999 3.0 million dollar Millennium Project endorses 8 partnership projects: Eastminster chapel and student center; Harbin Hallelujah Church and Lay Ministry Institute in Harbin, China; Rural Pastor's College in India; Papago United Presbyterian Church, Sills, Arizona; Disaster Recovery in Guatemala and Honduras; Library Seminary Development in Ethiopia; Nehemiah Project, Newton, Kansas; The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI), Wichita, Kansas. 50% of dollars goes to campus projects; 50% to missions, including TUMI 25 Eastminster members in full time missions service. Monday Night Men’s Ministry begins. Birth of new EPW Circle called Hannah Eve. Five EPW Circles have membership of 350. Hannah Kids ministry grows to 150. 26 Revised 11.04.17

Fresh Start for Kids (divorce recovery) offered. 38 middle schoolers in Communicant Class. Kim Case, Administration/Finance Director, hired. Total giving to church increases 12% Eastminster Presbyterian Women compile cookbook called "A Pinch of Salt: Celebrating Decades of Good Food and Good Fellowship." Proceeds go to support the Millennium Project. In later years, it funds artwork for the Parlor. Adult Sunday School classes average 300. Wednesday night Family Life averages 300. Middle school, high school and college ministries average 350. 110 enrolled in Preschool. Kids Day Out increases to 3 sessions. Three new ministries form: Alzheimer’s Support Group, Glory Bees Children’s Choir (3 and 4 year olds), Cross Training (4th and 5th grade students). Children’s Ministries collects 1,000 Christmas bags for children in Haiti. Counseling Center Ministry serves 147 clients. Budget: $2,844,495. Actual revenue $2,812,283. Actual missions expenditure is 30% of actual revenue Membership 2,015.

2000 Rev. David Bridgman, Missions Pastor for 10 years, resigns; accepts call as Associate Director of Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship in Louisville, Kentucky. Rev. Thomas Edwards accepts call as Associate Pastor of Missions. New Student Ministry Center completed. 75 Thanksgiving boxes and 131 Christmas boxes distributed. “Year of Child” established with monthly events. 27 Revised 11.04.17

115 children enrolled in Eastminster Preschool. 10 Eastminster members prepare for full-time Christian ministry. Senior Ministry Fellowship has 5 social events, launches "Runway" newsletter, purchases an 18-seat van. Attendance for all children’s programs and nursery is 1,200 children per week. 18 Eastminster members serve as full-time missionaries. Mission budget serves 156 mission projects. 3 short-term mission work trips to Guatemala. Northeast parcel of church property is sold for $45,456.75. 80 attend Marriage Retreat in Overland Park, KS. Mission Millennium Project: $200,000 sent to Harbin, China for the Harbin Hallelujah Church and Lay Ministry Institute. Budget: $3,006,984. Actual revenue $2,904,757. Actual missions expenditure is 36% of actual revenue Membership 2,132 with 42 new members.

2001 Rev. Bob Henley, Senior Pastor for 7 years, resigns; accepts call as Senior Pastor in Ketchum, Idaho. Rev. Dick Gorham appointed by session to be Interim Senior Pastor/Head of Staff; serves 18 months. Grief Recovery program begins. Middle School Ministries (True Life in Christ, TLC) moves to the renovated basement of Eastminster; 32 students serve in a soup kitchen in Duluth, Minn.; 45 students in 8th grade confirmation class. Southern Kansas Presbytery defeats Amendment A (the deletion of ordination standards) 28 Revised 11.04.17

94-43. Wholeness and Healing Service established. Discovery Classes begin. Counseling Ministry moves off campus to 1861 N. Rock R¡--d-. Eastminster partners with World Impact to form Living Hope, S.E. Village, a Wichita church plant formerly known as. FELO (Funston, Edgemoor, Lincoln, Oliver). Facilities Ministry: Student Center actively used, parking lot and basement for Middle School renovated, chapel and parlor construction completed, new landscaping and new carpeting. Eastminster joins Confessing Church movement. Children’s Ministries serving 400 Sunday mornings and 150 on Wednesday nights with 160 volunteers. Adult classes of 300 on Sunday mornings and 300 on Wednesday nights Family Life Ministries offer 21 fall classes. 50-day Spiritual Adventure offered during Lent. Eastminster members construct Louis Lodge at Westminster Woods. Building framed in Eastminster parking lot, then hauled on flatbed trailer to site. 5 EPW Circles represent 350 women. Deacons distribute 178 Thanksgiving and Christmas gift boxes. Active Parish Nurse Program begins. 3 short-term mission trips: Papago Presbyterian Church in Sells, AZ; Guatemala; 32 youth to Duluth, Minnesota. Perspectives Mission class offered with Jim and Ava Kramer as coordinators. Budget: $3,187,656. Actual revenue $2,778,792. Actual missions expenditure is 34% of actual revenue Membership 2,099 with 130 new members, 30 baptisms. 29 Revised 11.04.17

2002 Rev. Dr. Philip Keevil accepts call as Senior Pastor/Head of Staff. New Chapel construction completed; dedicated November 17, 2002. Chapel organ installed and dedicated November 17th. Designed and built by Pieter Visser and Associates, this hand-made pipe organ is called a “mechanical (or tracker) organ”. It is very unique in the world as organist actually opens and closes the valves mechanically to make them speak, similar to the instrument on which Bach composed. The chapel organ has two 56 –note manuals and 30-note pedalboard with 15 ranks (776 pipes). Millennium Project Campaign is completed with $3,202,110 raised. Adult Education Ministry adopts new name: Spiritual Formation. Women’s Conference speaker Dee Brestin Session forms Prayer Committee. Focus groups, a task force and much prayer begins for further development of the ministry to women. Session approves the development of Eastminster Women’s Ministries Team (EPWM) to enhance existing ministries and offer new programs in order to equip women to serve. Bible Studies, Retreats, mentoring program, prayer times, Connections, and other events offered. EPW continues to exist with its five Circles and is now under the umbrella of EPWM. Crown Ministries offered. VBS is not offered and is replaced with a number of planned summer activities. Children’s Ministry serves 550 children weekly, 175 teachers. Eastminster designs and launches a website. 70 middle schoolers go on short-term mission trip to Canada. Forty-five 8th graders graduate from Confirmation Class. 30 Revised 11.04.17

46 seniors of Senior Fellowship Ministries enjoy three-day trip to Branson, MO and see four shows. Eastminster hosts well-attended briefing on Islam as one of on-going mission education opportunities. Connectors Ministry established including new Connections Corner in Fellowship Hall. Formation of Lay Ministries S.H.A.P.E. class (Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences). · Mission Ministry partners with 59 mission organizations and supports 87 mission coworkers; 15 Eastminster member missionaries serve in Wichita and on 4 continents. Some ongoing special projects include: an anchor church and ministry center in Tirana, Albania; a ministry center and Reformed Seminary in Sofia, Bulgaria; renovation of library for Cairo, Egypt Evangelical Seminary; more than 1,000 mini-libraries for pastors in China, radio broadcasts of the Gospel in 240 countries; publication of 40,000 copies of Book of Proverbs in Kurdish; pastor training conferences on five continents; 7 Bible translation projects. Wednesday Family night has 9 classes, 300 attending. Sunday morning offers up to 11 classes with attendance around 300. ESAM (Eastminster Single Adult Ministry) offers Bible Studies, book studies, volleyball program, Divorce Recovery Workshop, Fresh Start Ministries, Focus 20 renames to Focus as it offers small groups and events to people in their 20’s and 30’s. Co-ed volleyball and aerobic classes form. Members Phyllis and Roger Ellis are married at 9:30 service (June 30) Seventy percent of PC(USA) presbyteries defeat proposed change in ordination standards which would have allowed the ordination of homosexuals. Communion service now held the 1st Sunday of each month. Financial shortfall $28,030. Special offering: Christmas offering of $8,943 to 10th of Ramadan Church, Egypt. 31 Revised 11.04.17

Budget: $3,387,406. Actual revenue $2,977,951. Actual missions expenditure is 32 % of actual revenue Membership 2,151 with 86 new members. 2003 Nancy Fredrickson Quan, Director Middle School Ministries, retires after 24 years of service; Susan Bayer hired as Director of Middle School Ministries. Pastoral Care office moves to Counseling Center, 1861 N. Rock Road. Children’s Ministries adds M&M Club (Memorize and More) to encourage Scripture memory. Children’s Ministries adds one classroom and 3 Preschool teachers; 169 children enrolled. Kids' Day Out enrollment at 100; 28 paid staff. 35 couples receive marriage counseling at Counseling Center prior to weddings. Counseling Center serves 223 clients. 150 Eastminster volunteers involved with Living Hope, SE Village. Book Club established. Facilities saves Eastminster $70,532 in heating and air conditioning equipment. Short-term mission trips to 10 different countries. Eastminster hosts Mission Regional Recruiting Conference for the five largest mission organizations in the world seeking to reach Muslims for Christ: Frontiers, Arab World Mission, Christar, Sudan Interior Mission, OM International. Evangelism Committee forms 2 new ministries: Welcome/Information Ministry and Decision Ministry. Dr. Cecil Riney retires as Music Director after 17 years. Boy Scout Troop 524 graduates 50th Eagle Scout. 32 Revised 11.04.17

5 student ministry interns and 7 summer ministry interns. "Great Commission” (Matt. 28:19) engraved on Eastminster wall at close of Millennium Project, a reminder to continue to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Average pledge per giving unit $4,290. Special offerings: Christmas offering of $9,600 to The Evangelical Theological Seminary, Cairo, Egypt. Budget: $3,415,206. Actual revenue $3,234,324. Actual missions expenditure is 28 % of actual revenue Membership 1,992 with 97 new members. 2004 Rev. Kermit Oppriecht called as Associate Pastor Dr. Tom Wine hired as Chancel Choir Director. Special outreach event "The Passion of the Christ" movie; Eastminster sells 1,261 tickets. Children's Sunday School classes send 50 Bibles to Ethiopia VBS kids donate school supplies to Living Hope children (Eastminster’s SE Village Church plant) Preschool children give 740 pounds of food to Wichita Food Bank. Communications office produces new pictorial directory and guidebook. One-hour weekly radio program "Proclamation of the Word" launched. First S.P.A.R.K.Ministry Fair held with 35 ministries offered. Lay Ministries conducts 5 new member classes. Mission ministry hosts regional conference themed "God's Global Glory;" 33 Revised 11.04.17

"Missions Corner” is published weekly in The Window, a supplement in the Sunday Bulletin. Short term mission trips to Egypt, Brazil, Slovak Republic, Albania, and Bulgaria. Care teams organize to assist Davis family in care of newborn quadruplets. Women In Action forms, weekly Bible Study with monthly community service project. New adult Sunday School class for young marrieds, "Home Builders." "Married Again Ministry" launches for second marriages. College age ministry's new name: "242" from Acts 2:42. Counseling Center serves 254 clients. Women's Ministries forms Newcomer's Fellowship and Peace Sowers. Beneath the Wreath Market held as fundraiser for Hannah Circle Gracia Burnham, author of “In the Presence of My Enemies” (which documents being held hostage with Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group in Philippines), is guest speaker at Women’s Ministries Christmas Brunch. Topic: “The Best is Yet to Come” Stewardship Committee reports median pledge $2,400. Christmas special offering $6,750 for hurricane relief sent to Peace River Presbytery, FL Budget: $3,438,869. Actual revenue $3,181,033 Actual missions expenditure is 31% of actual revenue Membership 2,071 with 106 new members. 2005 Rev. Dr. Philip Keevil resigns; accepts call as Senior Pastor in Pennsylvania. Rev. Kermit Oppreicht appointed by Session to serve as "Temporary Chair of Staff” This lasted for 6 months, Kermit was then asked to provide staff leadership to the Missions Steering Committee. Rev. Jerry Hilton, former pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Midland Texas, called as 34 Revised 11.04.17

Interim Senior Pastor. January Women’s Retreat speaker Carol Kent. Topic: “Divine Detours.” Attendance 210. Welcome/lnformation Ministry distributes 225 gift packets. Special outreach event "The Chronicles of Narnia" movie; Eastminster sells 894 tickets. Pentecost Sunday speaker, Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor Kasr El Dobara Church, Cairo, Egypt. Spiritual Formation Ministry theme: "Building Our Life on What Matters Most." New ministries include: Technical Ministry (Steve Falke), Hospitality Service, Emergency Weekend Calls, Wednesday Night Chef. All-Church Family Retreat at Rock Springs Ranch celebrates 25th anniversary. 55 active small Bible study groups. Communicants Class for 8th graders becomes 36 week class In Student Ministries, Joel Ybarra transitions to role of Senior High Coordinator, Susan Holmgren serves as Middle School Coordinator Women's Ministries forms new evening Circle called Esther. Prayer Ministry establishes Wholeness & Healing Service, Tuesday Morning Prayer Fellowship, Civic Leader of the Month, and Military Service Personnel. Two Eastminster members join 150 men from around the world to provide temporary shelters for victims of Pakistan earthquake. Eastminster participates in Habitat for Humanity. Senior Fellowship Ministry hosts seven events. Deacons deliver 122 Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes Children’s Ministries gives shoebox Christmas gifts to children at Living Hope (Wichita church plant) and donates 800 pounds food items to Kansas Food Bank. 35 Revised 11.04.17

6 Circles under EPW draw attendance of 200 women. Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts for 75 children. Contributions: $31,226 to Katrina Hurricane relief & recovery; $24,178 to Indonesia Tsunami relief; $24,602 to Pakistan earthquake rebuilding; $8,500 to mobile medical clinic in Sudan. Gracia Burnham, guest speaker at Women’s Christmas Event speaks on “Joy in the Journey”, 250 attending Special offering: Christmas offering of $14,602 provided for earthquake relief in Packistan Budget: $3,394,385. Actual revenue $3,183,732. Actual missions expenditure is 30% of actual revenue Membership 2,136 with 104 new members. 2006 Rev. Dr. Steven Marsh called as new Senior Pastor/Head of Staff. Rev. Dick Gorham, Minister of Pastoral Care for 25 years, retires, named Pastor Emeritus. Rev. Ann Horton called as Associate Pastor of Evangelism. Bodie Weiss, Student Ministries Director, resigns. Two-day Women’s Retreat in February with speaker Kathy Troccoli, attendance 230. Gail Derreberry hired as first Women’s Ministries Director. Organist, Anna Jeter, celebrates 25th year. Eastminster organizes all ministries around the Five Core Commitments: Know God, Grow in God, Connect in God, Serve God, Glorify God. Adult Education offers 18 Sunday School classes and 12 Wednesday night classes. Helping Hands Ministry launches, a ministry helping with home repairs, shopping, yard work and transportation. 36 Revised 11.04.17

Family Life Ministries launches church-wide read through the Bible "365 Day Adventure." EPWM (Eastminster Presbyterian Women’s Ministries) and EPW (Circles) reorganizes and is called Women’s Ministries. It will now include all of its ministries under one umbrella. Evangelism Ministry divides into three outreaches: new members, singles, evangelism. Eastminster participates in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox (a Samaritan’s Purse ministry) for first time, packing 332 boxes 12th year of Preschool; 139 children, 9 teachers. Kid's Day Out; 197 children, 25 teachers. Children's Ministries continues to give a children’s Bible to baptized infants, Picture Bible to kindergarteners, and NIV Bible to third graders. VBS "Fiesta Time" has 170 children. Short-term mission trips to 13 foreign countries. Eastminster hosts Mission Fair with 25 supported missionaries present. Monthly newsletter "Eastwind" redeveloped. Men's Ministry forms new program called Men's Fraternity. Pentecost Sunday speaker, Rev. David Githii, Presbyterian moderator East Africa, Kenya. 9 Eastminster couples are serving as full-time missionaries Deacon Board forms 4 core groups: greet, ushers, visit, prayer. Over 300 attend VBS with theme: "Avalanche Ranch”. Casey Casamento, Director of Student Ministries, hired Retreats: family, women's, men's, youth, 242, and singles. Average Sunday morning worship attendance averages 1,090. 37 Revised 11.04.17

Eastminster supports 70 missionaries. Session continues to withhold per capita dues to PC (USA) from 2001; monies instead sent to Westminster Woods Camp. November/December: items are collected for Pathway of Giving (Micah 6:8). Deacons gather Thanksgiving food items at narthex “living wall.” Special offerings: Christmas offering of $50,345 to 10th of Ramadan Church, Egypt, Outreach Foundation. Holy Week offering of $9,602 to Pakistan relief, Frontiers Mission. Budget: $3,947,158. Actual revenue $3,697,151. Actual missions expenditure is 26% of actual revenue Membership 2,200 with 96 new members. 2007 Eastminster's 50th Anniversary "Serve and Celebrate" Event (Jeremiah 29:7) on September 8 served 32 city of Wichita and local missions project sites, involving 1,030 Eastminster volunteers. Eastminster celebrates 50th year "Jubilee: Fifty and Forward" with 1,783 in attendance at worship service and picnic at WSU's Koch Arena on September 9. Mary Stephens appointed Director of Children’s Ministries. Joey Fink appointed as Director of Middle School Ministry. New video projection and screen technology installed in sanctuary Children’s Ministries introduces “Faith and Sacraments” for 4th and 5th graders Session focuses on “Biblical and Theological Issues and Opportunities” Adult Sunday School classes average 300, Children’s Ministries averages 200, youth ministries averages 90; 29 in Communicants class. Three summer student interns serve in youth ministries. Session calls back Rev. Dick Gorham, Pastor Emeritus, to staff; one year contract. 38 Revised 11.04.17

Comedy Concert night with Robert Lee comedian Deacon golf tournament with 120 golfers 130 Holiday food boxes delivered Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts to 80 children Military Ministry established “The Journey,” a 5-week church spiritual growth event, offered Friday Night Light, new single ministry for ages 30 -60, established Men’s Fraternity weekly Bible study begins Eastminster sponsors new Cub Scout Pack #524. Session approves the Rev. Dr. Frank N. Kik Seminary Intern Endowment; in-church training for seminary graduates. Beginning of Town Hall series: Forum on Gambling (before vote in Wichita). Second program of Town Hall series welcomes Brigitte Gabriel to speak. Woman’ Retreat, Sandy Dunbar speaker 12 staff additions and 2 staff resignations Deborah Harris hired as Bell Choir director. Pentecost Sunday speaker, Rev. Philip Prasad, Witnessing Ministries for Christ, India Habitat for Humanity home built with other Presbyterian sponsors. 70 VBS leaders with 204 kids. Short-term mission trips to 13 countries; 15 supported missionaries visited Eastminster. 24 Eastminster members travel to Slidell, LA to aid Hurricane Katrina victims. Special offerings: Christmas offering of $16,691 to Makobi Children’s Home in Kenya; 39 Revised 11.04.17

Holy Week offering of $8,328 to Dafar Mission in Sudan Budget: $4,389,491. Actual revenue $4,403,725. Actual missions expenditure is 26% of actual revenue Membership 2,259 with 99 new members,23 baptisms 2008 Rev. Gary Johnson accepts call as Associate Pastor of Community Dale Huntington, Contemporary Worship leader hired Town Hall series welcomes Rev. Dr. Don McCurry and Cal Thomas. 50 students serve on mission trip to Guatemala Short-term mission trips to 13 countries 9 Eastminster couples and 1 single adult are serving full time in missions Over 300 Thanksgiving boxes and Christmas boxes delivered to needy families Circles host 19 funeral receptions or meals. 242 Ministry grows to 120 regular attendants The survey REAL is initiated, to determine all-church spiritual growth. Deacons launch Parish Groups Comedy concert night, Tim Hawkins comedian Safety and Security Task force implemented Woman Circles donate $5,000 to circle-funded mission projects. 4 summer youth interns 7 staff additions, 3 staff resignations, 7 short-term mission trips to 9 countries Special Christmas offering of $25,000 to Bread of Life, Wichita, KS 40 Revised 11.04.17

Budget: $5,348,150. Actual revenue $4,593,468. Actual missions expenditure is 28% of actual revenue. Membership 2,245 with 92 new members, 21 baptisms, 39 weddings. 2009 Eastminster’s new core commitment: Know God, Grow in God, Connect in God, Serve God, Glorify God Rev. Gary Johnson and Rev. Ann Horton resign. Town Hall Series hosts speakers Dr. Peter Walker and Leonard Pitts Comedy Concert Night, Bob Stromberg comedian Children’s Ministries initiates “SOAR” after Isaiah 40:30,31 Preaching Theme: “Being and Making Disciples” Over 50 small groups study “The Truth Project.” Senior Single Bible Study, Route 282, Young Married SS class, “Walk through Old Testament” launch. 4 summer staff interns serve youth ministries Preschool: 10 teachers, 140 children. Kids Day out: 25 teachers, 200 children. Deacons launch Meet and Greet Sundays. Women’s Retreat: Becky Pippert, speaker Men’s Life Ministry begins Cooking Fellowship begins to provide cookies for funeral receptions and meals for shut-ins. Serve ’n Celebrate evolves into “Love Wichita” and expands to include many other churches in the city. Paul Bammel becomes first participant in the Frank N. Kik Seminary Intern Endowment Program. 41 Revised 11.04.17

2 new staff additions and 7 staff resignations. 7 Second Sunday mission fellowship luncheons with 12 missionaries attending. Ekklesia, contemporary Sunday night worship service begins. New partnership with Communities in School established. EPWM and Circles (EPW) combine into Women’s Ministries Dedication of Medical and Dental Clinic in Guatemala, Eastminster supported mission project. Mrs. Eva Nichols retires after serving nursery children for 33 years. 145 Thanksgiving boxes, no Christmas boxes. Angel Tree ministry continues. Mission short term trips to: Argentina, China, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, England, Kenya, Romania. Special Offerings: Christmas offering of $25,000 to Makobe Home in Kenya; Holy Week offering of $2,225 to Victory in the Valley, Wichita, KS. Budget: $4,650,653. Actual revenue $4,280,846. Actual missions expenditure is 28% of actual revenue. Membership 2,220 with 86 new members. 2010 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class offered with 48 students and 9 alumni, Ken Shultz serves as coordinator. Chapel on the Hill at Westminster Woods constructed. Children’s Ministries: “Pure Truth” for 5th and 6th graders Artist Mark Pendergrass commissioned to paint Children’s Ministries walls depicting Isaiah 40:30,31. Town Hall Series hosts speaker Dr. Tony Campolo Women’s Conference speaker Kelly Minter 42 Revised 11.04.17

1 short-term mission trip to Haiti 9 Second Sunday Mission Fellowship lunches with 13 missionaries attending. Special offerings: Holy Week offering of $9,206 to Hospital of Hope, Wichita, KS; Christmas offering of $17,801 to Interserve USA Budget: $2,344,030. Actual revenue $3,687,173. Actual missions expenditure is 31% of actual revenue. Membership 2,302 with 74 new members. 2011 The Rev. Dr. David G. McKechnie, retired pastor from Grace Presbyterian in Houston, called as interim Senior pastor (March 15) Matt Jaderston hired Director of Student Ministries Members of Eastminster vote to disaffiliate from PC(USA) on October 23, 2011. The motion passes by a 97% margin with 657 yes and 20 no votes. Immediately following, Members of Eastminster vote to affiliate with Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). The motion passes by a 97.9% margin with 647 yes, and 14 no votes. Eastminster accepted into Evangelical Presbyterian Church, presbytery of Mid-American as transitional member. The Reverend Paul Bammel, who grew up at Eastminster, accepts call as Associate Pastor at Eastminster after serving as the first participant in the Frank N. Kik Seminary Intern Endowment program. Session calls back Rev. Dick Gorham, Pastor Emeritus, to staff; one year contract. World Impact TUMI mission approved for Romania Pentecost Sunday speaker, Jose Pezini, Outreach Foundation 13 Second Sunday mission fellowship luncheons, 23 missionaries 4 Short-term mission trips to Joplin, Missouri for tornado relief, taking 39 backpacks of school supplies packed by Children’s Ministries. 43 Revised 11.04.17

Children’s Ministries changes VBS to Family Fest for entire families to attend in evening Faith Journey events introduced for child and parent. This includes a map of faith events containing 10 tools for parents of 3 year olds to fifth graders. These tools are taught and encouraged in the Sunday School program to help equip parents in guiding their child's spiritual growth and building faith in the home. Deut. 6:5-9 and Psalms 78:4-8. Women’s Ministries Christmas Brunch, Susan Pompeo, speaker. “Is Christ invited to Christmas in Washington?” Special offerings: Holy Week offering of $6,116 to Brotherhood Community Ministry in Wichita, Kansas. Christmas offering of $6,195 to New Hope Moldova, for bibles in Romania, and $6,195 for evangelistic outreach at the 2012 London Olympics. Budget: $4,035,900. Actual revenue $3,707,853. Actual missions expenditure is 24 % of actual revenue. Membership 1,586. (membership clean-up year) 2012 Interim Pastor Dave McKechnie serves through middle of March Having decided to stay with the PC(USA), he was granted permission by the Presbytery of Southern Kansas to continue to serve as interim pastor. Pastor Paul Bammel and Pastor Kermit Oppriecht approved as transitional minister members (Teaching Elders) of the EPC Cassidy Cheray hired as contemporary worship leader. 12 second Sunday mission fellowship lunches with 17 missionaries Pentecost speakers, Jeff and Cookie Liverman of Frontiers Mission. The Rev. Bob Hopper accepts call as interim Senior pastor (May 11). In the EPC, interim pastors are not limited to a one year commitment and he is willing to stay until Eastminster calls new pastor. Children’s Ministries launches first Trunk or Treat, 400 attend Training and examination of Ruling and Teaching elders for membership in EPC Presbytery. 44 Revised 11.04.17

Eastminster accepted into full membership of EPC (November 11) and Presbytery of MidAmerica. Rev. Jeff Jeremiah, guest speaker, Stated Clerk of EPC, was guest speaker at installation service. Special offerings: Holy Week offering of $4,541 to Pregnancy Crisis Center in Wichita, KS Christmas offering of $9,240 to World Impact Morningstar Ranch. Budget: $3,830,000. Actual revenue $3,542,610. Actual missions expenditure is 28% of actual revenue. Membership 1,586, with 10 new members, 20 baptisms, 10 weddings. 2013 Associate pastor, Rev. Kermit Oppriecht resigns, accepts call to Stated Clerk of EPC Great Plains Presbytery. Ben Marquez hired as Director of Discipleship. Warren Snyder hired as Director of Membership Development. Rev. Dr. Hank Lederle, Sterling College, accepts call as Assistant Pastor, 3-year contract New Mission Statement: Glorify God, Follow Christ, Transform Lives New online format established for Daily Prayer Chain. Eastminster transferred to Great Plains Presbytery (GPP) formed by EPC 33rd General Assembly. Geographical area of GPP includes states of OK, KS, and portions of NE and N and S Dakota. Session develops 8 councils: Prayer, Worship, Discipleship, Congregational Life, World Mission, Local and US Missions, Membership, Administration. Bulletin Prayer Connect cards established for prayer requests, to help track attendance; 660 prayer requests in 2013 Deacon Parish ministry restructured into 5 ministry teams; Bereavement, Member Care, Hospital Visitation, Homebound Visitation, and Care Away From Home Prayer Council Bulletin Board displayed for sign-ups; Prayer Council develops 4 teams: Corporate Events, Education/Resources, Facilitation, Intercession. 45 Revised 11.04.17

Rev. Dr. Ken Bailey, Pentecost Sunday speaker Total 312 Middle School and senior high youth attend two retreats at Westminster Woods Hospitalization Team makes 346 visits; 118 home bound visits Marriage Retreat in Kansas City, 53 couples Senior Ministry and Senior High Youth Ministry, first fellowship brunch 37 active Boy Scouts; 10 Dad leaders Eastminster partners with Numana Missions to pack 20,000 meals for African relief, involving some 200 volunteers. 278 Thanksgiving/Christmas food boxes delivered Membership Council forms new program: “Coffee Connection.” Widows/Widowers ministry begins Jim Thorpe, founder of Christian Renewal Ministries, speaks on ‘Becoming a Prayer Warrior” Reception to honor Military participants and Veterans 171 attend Women’s Retreat; Jeanne Domiff speaker Attendance records revised and updated Children’s Ministries creates “Faith Map Flyer” to outline faith journey events. 170 children and 100 volunteers serve Children’s Ministries; Family Fest (VBS) serves 35 families; Kids Day Out, 76 children; Summer Kids Days Out, 118. Kindergarten class added to preschool program; Preschool enrollment 95, 7 teachers. 110 middle/senior high youth attend Sunday and Wednesday nights ministries. 5 Eastminster member couples serving as missionaries in Albania, Equatorial Guinea, Latin America, and Young Life International 46 Revised 11.04.17

Short-term mission trips to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Africa, Jamaica, Ecuador, and London Eastminster hosts12 Second Sunday Fellowship Luncheons with 16 supported missionaries present 120 volunteers of First Impression Team serve as ushers, greeters, and welcome desk attendants Special offerings: Holy Week offering of $2,296 to New Hope Moldova in Romania, and $2,296 to Villa Esperanza in Nicaragua. Christmas offering of $6,154 to Restoration Farm, Virginia and $6,154 to Bread of Life, Wichita, KS. Budget: $3,830,000. Actual revenue $3,899,641. Actual missions expenditure is 25% of actual revenue. Membership 1,676 with 129 new members, 20 baptisms, 10 weddings. 2014 1st meeting of Great Plains Presbytery of EPC is held at Kirk of The Hills Presbyterian Church in Tulsa, OK Rev. Dr. Stan Van Den Berg accepts call as Senior pastor, Head of Staff. Preaches first sermon March 16, installation March 30. Mike Jaderston hired as Student Ministries Associate Director. Associate Pastor Search Committee (10 Eastminster members) formed for Missions Pastor A transitional task force was formed to address re-structuring mission. The new model consists of 3 Mission Councils: World, Local and Joint World Mission Council Model up through 2014 formed 6 support teams: Operation/Administration, Networking, Events/Awareness, Short term/Missionary Care/Joint Exec; support 6 missionary Eastminster couples Easter Service 1,929 attended Pentecost Sunday speaker, Rev. Dr. Greg Livingstone, EPC World Outreach Over 100 attend Senior Ministry Fellowship Luncheon, speaker Congressman Mike Pompeo. 47 Revised 11.04.17

Prayer Room launches Don Richardson, author of “Peace Child,” speaker at Mission retreat 135 Eastminster volunteers serve at Love Wichita Family Fest (VBS) serves 35 families; 170 children/youth attend Sunday School; Kids Day out serves 116 for school year and 125 in summer; over 100 volunteers in children’s and students’ ministries. 180 middle and high school students attend summer retreat Average church weekly attendance for all 3 services is 885 Promise Project established to encourage member involvement. As a result of staff interviews and congregational surveys, Eastminster re-aligned its church structure to have 8 Councils, encompassing all the ministries of the church. Eastminster’s 8 Councils are: Prayer, Worship, Discipleship, Congregational Life, Local and US Missions, World Missions, Membership Development, and Administration. Woman’s Ministry Retreat, Karen Ehman speaker, 161 attended Youth/Student Outreach team forms new partner with Youth Horizons-mentor program Eastminster provides $20,000 seed money for World Impact TUMI to be translated into Arabic. New “Look Book” pictorial directory Marriage Retreat in Kansas City, 50 couples attend Eleven Second Sundays Mission luncheon Fellowship with 17 supported ministries attending. Membership Council formed new programs: “Discover Eastminster Luncheon” and “Uniquely You” (discover spiritual gifts.) Deacons establish 5 teams: Member Concerns, Bereavement, Hospital Visits, Homebound Visits, Care Away from Home. Eastminster now supports 100 missionaries and agencies 48 Revised 11.04.17

Purchase new bus from David Tripp Endowment Fund New Mission partner; Hope Ranch, ministry combating human trafficking 200 bulletins produced weekly for “Nuevo Jerusalén” Church 50 attended “Becoming a Contagious Christian” retreat Membership Council Connection team streamlined New Member classes into 6 sessions per class, offered 3 times per year Partnering with ministries equipping national leaders in 7 countries; partnering with 5 physicians serving in 3 countries, 33 graduates of Confirmation Class. 3 youth ministry interns 465 middle school/high school attend 3 Westminster Woods retreats 6 summer women’s Bible studies offered, 100 attended; 14 studies offered fall/winter, 180 attended. Preschool enrollment 84 Women’s Ministries hosts Fall Fiesta luncheon for 70 women. Fall studies presented, encouraging letters written to women prisoners, featured speaker Nancy Van Den Burg. 317 Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes delivered to local families Prayer service is the featured activity/program for starting the semester at first Wednesday “Equipping Night’ Short-term mission trips to Zambia, Guatemala, and the US Center World Missions in California Trunk or Treat: 35 Gospel trunks, 2000 attended Woman Christmas Brunch collects 315 Bibles for “Young Lives” (Young Life), 104 attend Chili Christmas serves 860. 49 Revised 11.04.17

Special Offerings: Holy Week $13,337 for Kasr El Dobara, in Egypt Christmas offering $28,954 to S.I.M. for Ebola relief; Budget: $3,984,000. Actual revenue $3,714,678. Actual missions expenditure is 27% of actual revenue. Membership 1,717 with 73 new members, 25 baptisms, 11weddings.

2015 Rev. Michael Goolsby accepts call as Associate Pastor of Missions Preschool closes after 20 years New Model for Missions is established and chartered by Session in order to focus on geographic regions. This Mission Geographical Region model has 5 Local Teams and 7 World Mission Regional Teams (Balkans, E. Africa, Central America, MENA, Indonesia, Legacy and U.S.) New Mission Vision adopted: to facilitate planting Gospel-centered churches, focusing on unreached and unengaged people groups, especially in Islamic areas. Eastminster partners with EPC churches of Great Plains Presbytery in “Engage 2025” initiative to plant churches among Albanian-speaking Muslims in Macedonia. 12 college students attend tri-annual Urbana conference (sponsored by Intervarsity Christian Fellowship) in St. Louis, MO Local Mission Council forms 5 support teams: Relief Ministry, Train-Equip-Send, Urban Outreach, Youth & Student Outreach, and Joint Missions Executive Team. Local Missions Council team of Train-Equip-Send has 3 training opportunities: “How to Become a Christian,” “Become Contagious Christian,” “Bridges: Christians Connecting with Muslims” Urban team collects $5,100 for “Change for Life” mission Eastminster’s Pastor Stan Van Den Berg serves as Pentecost Sunday speaker Eastminster partners with TUMI and provides $20,000 to translate TUMI curriculum into Arabic 50 Revised 11.04.17

Romania TUMI begins TUMI class in Ukraine Missions Council hosts local Missions Fair bringing in 11local outreach mission partners First Prayer retreat 29 Confirmation graduates Marriage Ministry team forms 148 volunteers serve “Love Wichita” at 7 projects 500 attend All-Church Picnic 10 Eastminster delegates attend EPC General Assembly in Orlando, Fla “Five Minute Rule” formed to create friendly welcome 2 outreach partners on WSU campus: International Students Incorporated and Navigators. Total 512 middle school and high school students attend 3 Westminster Woods retreats Eastminster offers evangelism training “Just Walk Across the Room” New ministry GriefShare begins Women’s Ministries organizes Retreat with travel to Intrust Arena for Beth Moore Simulcast “Breaking Free” as it opens nationally in Wichita on September 12. 75 usher, greeters, welcome desk attendants, serve 3 worship services Student Ministry; 7 youth disciple groups Discipleship Council supports 6 teams: Adult and Small groups, College and Young adults, Men’s Ministries, Student Ministries, Library Eastminster hosts 9 Second Sunday Mission fellowship luncheons with 12 missionaries from 7 countries. 3 youth mission trips: Nicaragua, Ecuador, Minnesota 51 Revised 11.04.17

6 short mission trips were made to Albania, Macedonia, Moldova, Indonesia, South America and to M.A.N.A in Arizona Deacons deliver 300 Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes to needy families 600 attend Chili Christmas Eastminster packs 1,004 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse). Women’s Christmas Tea with speaker and vocalist Earnest Alexander, ”Sharing the Greatest Gift” Mission outreach support for Youth Horizons Ministry. $1767 collected for Bibles and furnishing their new residences. Attendance of 140. Special Offerings: Holy Week offering of $1,981 to Global Frontiers Mission for Syrian and Iraqi refugees and $1,981 to local ministry Hope Ranch. Christmas offering of $26,734 to Yazidi women persecuted by ISIS in Iraq Budget: $3,920,113. Actual revenue $3,847,995. Actual missions expenditure is 23% of actual revenue. Membership 1,459 (membership clean-up), with 75 new members, 22 baptisms, 9 weddings.

2016 Eastminster hosts Perspectives on World Christian Movement class, 77 students, 17alumni. Eastminster RIOT (Refugee and Immigrant Outreach Team) is formed and partners with The Oaks Baptist Fellowship, a Congolese congregation in Wichita. 10 Second Sunday Mission fellowship luncheons with 17 missionaries from 7 countries attending. 35 families at Family Fest, 140 volunteers 4 Eastminster members mentor at Central KS Prison Ministry, El Dorado, KS. 58 Eastminster members/friends attend Franklin Graham Prayer Rally, Topeka, KS Live streaming via internet of Sunday service now available 429 middle school and high school students attend Westminster Woods retreats 52 Revised 11.04.17

Children’s Ministries initiate “Parent Pause” for Kids Day Out parents Boy Scout Troop 524 graduates 87th Eagle Scout Eastminster installs new roof $245,000 First Christian school in Tirana, Albania established with seed money provided by World Missions council Wichita Trinity Academy utilizes Eastminster classrooms for fall semester $793,120 given to 34 mission partners Nearly 4,000 attend Trunk or Treat event, 33 Gospel-themed trunks 140 average weekly youth groups attendees, 105 average weekly adult SS attendees, 872 average weekly church attendees Eastminster partners with Wichita churches to establish quarterly Community Prayer Project Deacons deliver 221 Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes to needy families Eastminster supports100 missionaries and agencies Eastminster partners with two missions Heaven Sent and Disciple Nations along with Trinity Academy and the local community to package 77,000 meals for North Korea 2 short term youth mission trips to Managua, Nicaragua and to Joplin, Missouri involves 23 youth and 6 adults. . 4 short term adult mission trips are sponsored and/or supported to Egypt, Lebanon, Niger, and Macedonia. .

U.S. Mission Regional team moves to Local and U.S. Council team (no longer a World mission region) 817 attend Chili Christmas Special Offering: Christmas offering of $30,596 to Westminster Woods Presbyterian Camp, Fall River, Kansas. Budget: $3,900,000. Actual revenue $4,157,306. 53 Revised 11.04.17

Actual missions expenditure is 19% of actual revenue. Membership 1,536 with 59 new members, 20 baptisms, 8 weddings. 2017 14 Eastminster members participate on Vision Committee with consultant Auxana to evaluate and determine the ministry focus of Eastminster for the next ten years. Eastminster hosts “Stand Firm: 2017 Regional Conference” in May. Three Ligonier Teaching Fellows Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Dr. Steve Nichols, and Derek Thomas were featured speakers, 727 attendees from 27 states. Eastminster partners with Heaven Sent Ministries, Trinity Academy, DiscipleNations, and the wider Wichita community packs over 114,000 meals which were shipped to the island of Barbuda in the Caribbean to assist victims of Hurricanes Maria and Irma. 6 Eastminster adult short term mission travel to Macedonia and Albania; Villa Esperanza in Nicaragua; Iraq; Nairobi, Mombasa and Kenya; Cuba; Houston. Eastminster World Mission regional teams take vision trips to Albania, Macedonia, and Kenya in order to encourage mission partners there. 2 Eastminster youth short-term mission trips to Nicaragua and to Minnesota. Eastminster hosts the Priority 15 Medical Missions Conference, with 165 in attendance from numerous states. Confirmation class graduates 32 students. M&M Club recognizes 9 children in Scripture memory Understanding and Answering Atheism conference, Ravi Zacharias and team, guest speaker Women’s Ministries forms new Martha Circle for mothers of school age children. Eastminster invests with World Impact TUMI in Albania One of the Millennium Project successes, the Hallelujah Church in Harbin, China reports that its membership has tripled, it has built a 4-year seminary of 200 full-time students and it has completed the Prayer Mountain Retreat Center Special offering in September: $25,049 for Hurricane Harvey relief given to Presbytery of 54 Revised 11.04.17

the Gulf South through the EPC November 10-12: Eastminster celebrates 60th year anniversary “From Generation to Generation” (Psalm 79:13) along with 30th year anniversary at present site, 1958 N. Webb Rd. Friday November 10: all-church dinner celebration, Rev. Dr. Doug Pratt, former Eastminster Associate Pastor and Rev. Dr. Don Davis, TUMI Executive Director, guest speakers. Saturday November 11: Eric Metaxas, author and theologian, is guest speaker at WSU Hughes Metroplex. This event includes a book-signing of his newly-published book entitled “Martin Luther: Man who Discovered God and Changed the World.” Sunday November 12: worship celebration, Eric Metaxas, guest speaker. Budget: $3,750,000. Actual revenue $ Actual missions expenditure is 24% of actual revenue. Membership 1,568 with 40 new members (as of April 2017),

baptisms, weddings.

Eastminster…”Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 1:6 Published August 2017 In His Service, With gratitude to Marilyn Gorham Eastminster 30/60 History Committee

55 Revised 11.04.17

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